THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST ,13, 1013. T- VODDEN SHIPS TO UNDERGO 24-HOUR SEA TRIAL T Shipping Board Issues Order That Will Require Extra Serv ice on the Part of Ccews. DERTONA UNDER NEW RULE New Order Not in Any Way Re garded as Reflection on Ship - yards in Portland. Effective at once,, orders have been issued by the shipping board requiring all wooden steamers to 'undergo a 24-hour trial trip at sea, .-, loaded, according to the Columbia Tliver Shipping company of Port land, which firm is an extensive op erator of steel and wood ships for RIPS the government, Tha new order, will require extra : Service on the part of tha crews and the i 24-houi test under actual ocean condi tiona is expected to develop any possible ' . weaknesses in machinery, steering gear, .-jor hull cohstructlon. ; Hitherto the shipping board exacted a ' trial trip of 12 hours loaded. It is as sumed that the new requisite Is a result . of .minor defects' Which have been de veloped In some of the ships after they have left the Columbia river, en route to their destinations with cargo. In - two j Instances recently reports of , illfflculties'of this character have been made with, the result that the ships Tiave beeri compelled to put into the nearest port for minor repairs. According to experienced mariners, however, new ships are liable to develop some Hind of the trouble after they have been subjected to the rigorous conditions of sea and wave. That the Oregon-built ship. has made good as a whole has al ready been demonstrated scores of timet., it. is pointed out, and the fact that the shipping board has increased the condi tions 'covering the serviceability of the ' craft, is in no way a reflection upon the structural character. of the ships. It is reasoned that it isf best to make the vessels ship-shape before they depart on their long voyages which not infrequent ly take them from the Columbia river to the United KlngdoTn. . The first of tbVportland-built wooden ' ships to be subjected -to the longer sea - trial is the Dertona. a Supple-Ballln built ship, which has been assigned to the Columbia-Paciflo Shipping company : for operation as a tie carrier from Port land to the Atlantio coaet DOYLESTOWN SHOWS SPEED New Sieel Freighter Averages 11 Knots on Trial Trip. -' Keeling off an .average speed of 11 knots, the new steel steamer Doyles . town, built by the Albina Engine & Machine Works of Portland, Tuesday made one of the most satisfactory river ;trlai J;rJisu In .the history of local shipbuilding tests. The 8800 ton stAamer, in charge of Captain . Mike ; Morani left he. berth at the Albina ' shipyard t dock at 7 :30 o'clock, in the morning and returned from her six hour trip in condition most pralse i worthy, from her builders' viewpoint. according to competent judges who made the spin. The steamer was. speeded up on the measured mile course in the Columbia river -on the way' down, and the time- TRAW&POBTATIO IP MIRAI.UKB.. a. "CTTY OP-TOPEJCA" aafla at 8 P. M. August 16th, for Coos Bay. Eureka, San Franetsoo, connecting with steamers to' Los Angeles and Han Diego. - . REDUCID ROUND TRIR FARM Fares include Meals and Berth. . CALIFORNIA . Ran ' Francisco . .834.00 Los Anselea ................... . $58.00 Baa Ui ego .................... 863.00 ALASKA FROM SCATTIK Juneau ....$72.00 Sitka . ... 86.00 Sksgway ,, ,880.00 t Seward ., .8122 00 Anohorare ................... . .8146.00 TIOKIT OFFI0K 101 THIRD ST. MAIN 1400 A-3332 FREIGHT OFFIC1 EAST 4831 SanFrancisco S. S. ROSE CITY DEPABTS IS JfOQJT Thursday, August 14 '""."From AlBsworta Deck Pari Ia.Is.dss Btrth asd Meals CJty Ticket Office. 4 and trash. . f " Fboae Mala 8588 Freight Office, 'AlBiwort. Dee ,t." FJheae Broadway 868 ' Saa Fraseiteo Portias S. rises STE AM E R S :.'.'---Tli4 Dalles 'and Way Points SaiKnf 8 ' Tuasdsys, . Thurselayst . and Saturdays, 7 A, M. DALLES COLUMBIA LINE Taylor St. Dock. Main 8065 PORTLAND, FOB London and Liverpool Direct S.S. "EELBECIC" : . ' (Steel 188 A-1J : '-' SAILS AUGUST 20, 1919 Freight received at lath Street Termtsal, Mmaleipal -Does. ?f o. 1, antil 8 p. Asgwtt It, 1818. PERMITS REQUIRED. Per fall particular relative to ; rates, reaervatlQBB ete spplT to -v Columbia-Pacif ic Shipping Company. Phooest Mala 118 '.: r I- . a -Board of Trade Blading, Portland, On keepers estimated that the- speed was 12ft knots. On the return leg of the journey the speed was necessarily re duced - pn account of adverse , current conditions. . " s - J Arriving off a-, point below Kalama the ship's engines,- which had pulsated steadily since the start, were stopped and the crew threw out the anchor. The wipches used in 'lowering and rais ing' the mudhooks were found to work perfectly. - r-, ' -. .-,.. : Some 150 i people,, ittmbera : of whom are' employes of the Albina Engine A Machine Works, including President William Cornfoot, were on board the Doylestown. The guests were served a luncheon by the management. Like other units of the fleet of 17 ship turned out by the AJblna plant, the Doylestown will at once begin to load for a long ocean voyaare. The hip. which has been assigned to the Pacific Mail Steamship company, will make her Initial voyage to Bombay, India, with a cargo of , lumber. CARRIERS MADE AVAILABLE New Steel Ships to Be Assigned to Portland Lumber Trade. Much-needed relief for the tonnage needs of lumber exporters is apparently at hand with the announcement of C. D. Kennedy, Portland chief of Una division of operations of the shipping board, that recent changes in government plans make it possible to assign some- of the new steel ships for the lumber trade. The relief is due in part to the new conditions created by the arrival of tha Pacific naval fleet in Pacific ooast wa ters. To coal these vessels will require the services of sf considerable number of vessels from the Atlantic seaboard. After the coal has been delivered to the various stations on the Pacific Coast some of the ships can be made available to take on lumber cargoes. Local shipping eircles have noted for months the tendency of both wooden and steel ships to remain away from Port land after they have once left port for offshore destinations. In. many .cases the ships are kept on the Atlantic coast and diverted to trade routes which do not require their return to the Pacific coast. In other instances the govern ment has sold seme of the new vessels following their successful deliverance of cargoes from the Pacific to the Atlantic coast. Because of the shortage of American steel tonnage both the Pacific Export Lymber company and Dant & Russell, lumber exporters-, have been compelled in recent months to charter Japanese bottoms to carry lumber from Portland to China. To Load for England ' Assigned to the Williams. Diamond & Co., ship operators engaged in freight service between Pacific Coast ports and Europe direct, the steel steamer Eel beck, is scheduled to leave Puget Bound Thursday for Portland, where she will take on her Initial cargo of general freight for Liondon and Liverpool. It is expected that the work of loading the steamer will commence Monday under the direction of . the Columbia Pacific Shipping company,- the new Portland firm, which is local agent for the Wil Hams, -Diamond. A Co. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT T?t-o Portland-built ateel steamers, the West -Harts and the West Chatala, will carrv lumber -to China 'for Dant ; Rus sell, local exporters, furnishing the car- f-oes. Tiie release or me sieei vessels or the lumber cargoes comes Just after the visit to Portland of John li. Ros- seter, director of the divistons or the shipping board, who declared that it was not the policy of the board to use steel ships in the lumber trade at present. Plans are being made to move a log rart from Wallace siougn to nan uteeo by the Benson Timber company.' The company has already just delivered a loir raft to the California oort success fully. The present raft will carry si deckload of cedar piling. . wnn Z83,si4 Dusneis or wneai on board, the- steel - steamer Yaklok, dis patched under the auspices of the, grain corporation of the food administration, cleared from Portland for New York for orders. The cargo Is valued at 8709.510. During the month of July Tacoma naa 108 aeep sea arrivals. W. J. Manning has succeeded George Harding as master or the steamer Ard more. Oeorge B. Terrill has replaced A. M. Streat as master of steamer Redondo. Karl A. Rosenblad has resumed com mand of steamer Bandon, relieving C. P. Bergerson. Gustav Win sens has replaced Arthur H. Webber In comamnd of steamer Qunlnault. The TJ. . SL, shipping board steamer Fort Wright, en route from Seattle for Philadelphia, arrived in San Diego Tuesday with one of her, boilers out of commission and with a decided list to starboard "When the Fort Wright was 198 miles south , of San Diego an ex plosion occurred in the boiler tubesw ft ... ' ' Notice to Mariners The following affect the aids to narration in the Seventeenth, Lishthouae diatiict: - Oregon and Washington Columbia rirer Astoria to Harrington Point -Tha following were found extinguished and relighted en August 7 Upper Bands gas buaj, 4, Tongue Point Crowang ga buoy, 6. Harrington Point gas buoy, 12. Washington-, Juaa do t'uoa strait Minor Island light reported extinguished August 6, 1019. to be relighted as aoon a practicable, ROBEB.T WABRACK, -Lighthouse Suparintendant, News of the Port Arrivals August 18 Nobis City, American steamer from San Fran cisco, general. Arrivals Aueuat 18 Ttarel, American steamer, from San Pedro, far Stella, ballast. Departures August 18 West I&leta. American steamer, from Seattle, for United- Kingdom, flour. Slavel, American steamer, from Stella, for San Pedro, via Astoria, lumber. Astoria, Aug, 1 8. Arrived at 5:30 last night Steamer Fisvel. from 8an Pedro, for Stella. left up at 9:80 last night Steamer Noma City, from Saa Francisco. Bailed at 18:80 a. m. Steamer Yaklok. for trial trip and New York. Bailed at 0:80 a. m. Steamer EI Se gundo and barge 83, for San Francisco, San iVan oisco, Ang. 1 3. Sailed at 5 last night- Steamer La Primers, for Portland. Sailed -at 8 a. m. Steamer Iaiay Matthews, for yoiriana. .San Pedro, Aug. 18. Arrived Steamer PhjilU, from Columbia riven steamer Wahkeena, from Olumbia river; Steamer . Willamette, from Portl&nd vi Saa Francisco. Coos Bay, Aug. 1 2. Sailed at 3 T. in.- Steamer Aureha, from Portland, for Ban Fran ciaco. via Kareka. Astoria. Aug. 12.- Arrived as- 18:40 and OREGON wiled ' at 1:4. p. in. Yacht Dolenre, ' from Puget ' Sound, for 8u Fransoisoo. foiled . st S:,60 p. m..Steamer Boxhutte, from Gray Harbor, for London. ' - Eureka, A nr. 12.- Sailed et 4 p. ra.- Steem cr City of Topeka, from 69 Frnncieeo, for Portland, via Coos Bar. MAKI3TE ALMANAC Weather a lver , North Hold. AOS, IS. Condition at tha mouth of the river at noon: Dense .fas; wind 46. r i . . . Tide at Aatorta Thursday -High water Low Water 8:06 a. -. . g.l ft. 0:43 a.. Ha... -0.2 ft. 8:42 p. m... 8.4 ft. 10:18 p, m... 0.7 ft. PAILT BITER HEADINGS TATIOXi. I If t f t Umatilla 25 I T. 8 I 0 I 0.00 Albany 20 O.S -1.5 O.OO Salem ........... 20 -1.8 0 O.OO Ore iron City ...... 12 3.0 1 0 . 1 O.OO Portland.......... IS Ko.2 i 0.8 O.OO HIVEtt .FORECAST The WUlametta river at PorUaad win remain nearly stationary during tha next two or three days exeep aa af (eeted by .tha tide. : AT NEIGHBORING PORTS J San Francisco , Aug. 18. .!. !. B.) Ar rived. 12th: I. O. Scofield. SeatUe, 8:40 P. m.; Oleum, Port San Luis, 6:25 p. m. ; J, A. Moffctt, Los Angeles, 9:4 p. m. - . Sailed. 12th: Humboldt, lx Angeles, 11:10 a. m. ; Cioversor. Lo Angele. 12iS!8 p. -nu; Rarmond. Gray Harbor, 13:85 p. m,; Nippon Maru, Ilongkona. Admiral, Farragut, Seattle, a;2S p. in.-, tBiquk, West Port. 2-90 P. u.t Ventura, Sydney, 2:43 p. m. ; Washington. Eureka, 4 pro.; Pawdena. Albion. 4:45 p.m.; 1 Primera. Portland, 4:43 p. m.; Arctic, Fort Bragg, 3:15 p. m. -. Seattle. Wash.. Aug. 18. (I. N.- S.) Ar. rived City of SeatUe. from Houtheastars Alaska. 8 a. m; Gray Kagle, from Tacoma: Arrived, Aug. 12. Fulton, from Tacoma, 8 P- m.; Admiral. Sab ree from Soutlheaatern Aiajka at 0 p. tu. -. Bailed, Aug. 13. Multnomah, for Ban Fran cisco. 6 p. uj. ; Santa Ana for Southeastern Alaska, 6 p. m. ; L. 8. S. Heather, for Sound ports. Juneau, Aug. 12. Sailed North-western, south, 'i a. ia. Ketchikan. Aun. 12. Sailed, Admiral Nich olson, eonth. 11 p. m. : Jefferson, north. 11 a. m. ; Admiral ICvans. south, 6 a. tn. Aug. 11. eaiiea iJuraoao, south, lo p. m. 11 n ro ran. Aug. 1.- Sailed Shinbu Mara for seattte via porta. Manila. Aug. 3. Sailed Tyndsreua - for oeatue na ports. San Franeisoo, Aug. 18. iX. N. 8.) Ar rived Queen. Seattle. 18:40 a. m.; Hartwood. urays iiaroor, 10 :ao a. m.; Brunswick. Jte dondo. 10:80 a. m. Sailed H. B. Lovejoy, SeatUe, 2:10 a. nv; xauy oiaiuiews, urayt ilaroor, a. m. Hongkong, Aug. 7. (I, N. M.) Sailed Steamship Empress of Asia, for Vancouver. Yokohama. Aug. . t N. 8.) Arrived: Steamship "Kmnreaa of Jauan. from Vancouver- August 6. aaiied: Steamship Katori Mara, for oeaiue; Araoia aiaru, lor Seattle. Umdon. Aug. 10. (I. N. S.) Arrived: O want-nip r ort itussell, from, Seattle, via porta. -uoe. Aug. . (I- B.) Arrived; Steam shin aletvan. from Vancourer. . Port Plrrie, Aug. 7. (L N. S.) Arrived: aBrkentine Lahaina, front Tacoma. Valparaiso, A tia. 7. (I. N. S.) Sailed: tSeam&hip lAke Sanford, for Tacoma. San Wego. Aug. 13. N. M.) Arrived: Steamship Fort Wright, from BeLLingham, vriU ouiier ixouoie. Victoria. Aug. 12. IX. N. S.i aUI: Steamship Crown of Galioia, for lAverpool. via ean r ranctscov iu p. -m, Vauoouver, Aug. 1-3. (L N. 8.) Arrived: Bicaminir r resident, irem SeatUe. Port Townaend, Aug. 12, (L N. 8,)-, I'assea out: Hotiooner Minnie A. Cain In tow tug Tillacum, for Sydney. Arrived: Schooner Helena, from Port Ludlow, la tow tug Wyadda, u V. m. Bellingham. Aug. 18. (I N. S.)- Arrived: Steamship Rainier, from Sao FraQeiwo. 1 a. m. Kagle Harbor, Aug. 13. 1. N. S.)i Arrived: rower scnooner unno irom Brattle. Taooma, Aug. 12. (I. N. S.V Arrived Steamship Java Maru, from Seattle; Chicago Aiaru, irom eeatue; west Hepburn, Trora Se attle r yacht Anuito. from. Southeastern Alaska, via Seattle; Korrigan 111. from Santa Rosalia. via san franueco. SISTER OF FUGITIVE (Concluded oo Page Two, Column Two day afternoon. At that time she told Superintendent Griffith that she could not return to ner ' home without hes brother. She Is X years old. Her par- enia formerly uvea n waiiowa county, but have moved to Idaho. , Southwlck'S 14-year-old brother has been in Salem with the sister. Neither the sister nor-the brother could bey lo cated this . morning. The, possibility that the car in which the convicts fled was one stolen from State Highway En gineer JMunn Tuesday from, in ( front of the capitol. Attendants were unable to Bee whether a man or worrvan was driving the auto mobile .which. . the men entered. ... The automobile had apparently been wait ing for the men, indicating1 that the es cape had been planned beforehand. ' OTHER ESCAPE PUSNEB That the, two men had planned for some time to escape was shown by a search of their room at the hospital. Saws and files -were found - in the bed and the bed clothes were torn In strips. Evidence of attempts, to cut the bars were, found. - - Southwick was sent to-the hospital as an epileptic and Brichoux as a paranoic. richoux was convicted of the murder J or. xv. -. uouuwin, . a. v naaineur county rancher, while en route from An drews, Or., to Ontario in an automobile. Brichoux shot Goodwin, then tied a weight to the body and threw it into the Snake river at Ontario, The next morning- he forged a check for $100 in Good win's name and then went .to "Winne mucca, Nev., where he secured another 1500 in Goodwin's name. From Winne mucca 'he telegraphed to Goodwin's peo ple in the latter's name, saying that he had gone east on business.- Goodwin's Body, however, turned up in the river, revealing the murder. He is 52 years of are and has been a model prisoner during? bis three years at the state penitentiary. According to evidence brought out at the trial Brichoux had charged Good win with alienating the affections of Mrs. Brichoux. Southwick. who is 20 years of age, was indicted for the larceny of three cows from Charles Brown, a rancher living in an isolated section of Wallowa county. Following tha larceny he is said to have gone back to Brown's ranch, apparently with the intent to kill Brown in an effort to cover up the other crime. He was sentenced to a term of from one to 10 years for larceny and from five to 10 years for assault with intent ta kill. He. too, hacl a good record during Ms. stay at the prison. Army Supplies Sent From San Francisco ' To Assist Kolchak San Francisco, Aug, 13, L- N. &) Army supplies and ammunition for the Kolchak all-Russian government are be ing sent from San Francisco ; aboard transports.- declared transport officials today. The Logan, leaving this week, will carry large consignment, while or Au gust a shipment of Remington rifles went forward. Whether-, the supplies will arrive in time to help Kolchak's government, said ra press dispatches to be failing, is mere oortjecture. Officials here showed a tendency ' to minimise the importance of such ship ments, declaring they hav gone - for ward practically every week for some time. ' . ; James Xt." Laid law. formerly of Port land but now of San Francisco, is plan ning a trip to the Arctic with Captain John Barneson in the yacht- Invader, fax- fishirfj and-hunting big gam. . ' UNDER SUSPICION VOCATIONAL CLASSES TO BE ESTABLISHED IN SALEM BY BOARD i .. . . . .. .... Capital First to Meet Require ments of -Law Providing Part Time School. Salem, Aug. 13, The Salem schools are the first In the state to comply with the provisions of the recently enacted state law providing for establishment of part time classes for the teaching of voca tional , courses to employed boys and girls. The school board at its meeting Tuesday night employed Miss Sara Van Meter as instructor for the vocational classes, which will be opened the lat ter part of this month. She will de vote half her time to the vocational training classes and the other half to the teachers' training course. The new law requires that all em ployed boys and girls under the age of 18 years, who have not completed the eight grades in school, must .attend school regularly one hour each day and requires that each school district in which there are 15 or mora such pupils establish tha part time school. It is the intention of the law that the pupils attending the part time school shall be given such instruction as shall better equip them to continue in the Une of work in which they are engaged. The school Is subsidized by the state to the extent of practically one-half the pay of the teacher. A survey of the situation In Salem will be made at once to determine the exact extent to which the work is need ed here. Action was also taken by the school board accepting the offer of the war department relative to tha establish ment of a reserve officers training corps m me. nign scnooia nere. Dr. Stolf Mentioned For American Post ' - Berlin, Aug. 13. (Tj; P.) Dr. W. & soif, former, foreign secretary,' was be ing mentioned today for the Dost of Ger man ambassator to the United States Dr. Soif was foreign secretary in Presi dent Ebert'a first cabinet. He was among the liberal leaders of Germany, but strongly opposed to Bolshevik doc trines. He also Is known as ons cf German's leading pacifists. Fashionable Suburb Uncovers Mystery Chicago, Aug. 13 (I. N. S.) Chicago police arer aiding Evaneton officers to day in trying to learn the identity of a woman, believed to be Mrs. E, I Wat kins, address unknown, who was stabbed ta death in the fashionable suburb late Tuesday night by a mys terious assailant who escaped. tW TOI1 AT v.r v , 4 FARM SNAP! This splendid 82-acre ranch, about 40 of which are in cultivation. House is plastered and contains eight large, airy- rooms; has fireplace, concrete foundation and basement ; five acres of commercial apple orchard, besides assorted family orchard. Barn 60x50 and other outbuildings, -improvements alone cost over 5000. Total price 17800, 1 4S00 cash. Located six miles from Beaver creek in' Clacka mas county in the Clark's district. This Is a real snap. Photos at office. FJtBP W. GEBJfAS CO-, Cham, of Com. Bldg. Ppen Evenings and Bundaya. Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Bitr and yvaolea Clothiag. - - We Hake Bevsrslble, BaadWerea gs " Tksy TTear X,Ika Irea. . Bat Bags Wrrea All Slsts. . . - .- llall Orders Scad for Beoklat Carpet Cleaning txls Bags, 8eaBi Cleaned. tlM trXSTKBir FirFF BUO CO. : (4 Union Ave. N. East il Phones B-147 FURNACES Boynton & Richardson and Boynton Furnaces ' aiw rn. eeec rwrnaeea. Tny i an economical in foaL Wa install - tbem aeieaUfioallv. - We have the best system . ef pipeleea furnsoes. Via install them for 9180.00. Why" pay more to s oapaxuaant store wbea you can tret one mad. in Oregoat J. C. Bayer Furnace Co. rttose atsia est. - 304 Uarket St. Baleireoraa West Park and TamhlU At 10 A M. Tomorrow WEBTiyp yoTicis 41 CoUx:UmrU)DCrE-so.' i i 4 ."a." F. 4k A M. Spcial tSovnmamv eatum tomorrow ( Thursday) rw Bine at 7 AVtrwb- lf,u,nl. Tm..!, Labor 1b the E. A. degree. Viatt in. brettivn ,1imm mImm order W. If. FRKT1 1 oijiom. Re. Washington lodgb 4 6. A. F. and A. U. SpMial ma manieatioa tomorrow (Thursday) evening, 7:S0 o'clock. East Eighth and Burnatde, E. A. degrev. Vis itors welcome. Order o W. M. J. H. mCHMOND. Secretary. 6TJNNYSIDE IXPG E NOTJ 63. A- F. AND A. it. 8Uted com. nranication Thursday -. evening, J :0. Visiting brothera- welcome. By order of W. M - . .JOHN. B INKER. See. - v Fluff Ru "POKTmASD tdlKiENOTo 5. A. ' r . A. M. !eal eommnru eatioa tomorrow (TbuBKiay) after noon 12:43. Masonic Temple, to bold funeral services for oar lata brother. William A. Bants, at Portland Crematorium, 1 ;80 o'clock. . Visiting brtlirea welcome. Ujr order W. M. IL 1. HOTJGHTOJ. Sec- m SAMABITAS LODGE, Nav 2. L lgZtz. t. O. P.. will bold its usual '2w5sr meeting this Vednda jr I eveolag. S o'clock, at Odd Fellow's Temple, 226 Alder street. Initiation. A full attendance desired a we drill tonight. Visiting brothers wel come. t . ' K. A. NEALAND. T. JONES. - Nobio Grand. Beeocretarr. - - SPECIAt. communication East GaU Idge No, 165. 'A. V. A A. M , Thursday eveoiag, Angnat 14. T:80 P. m., East 80th and Gllsaa streets. Work ia M. M. degree. Visiting brothers cordially invited to- attend. C. P. Kelson, Beey. J!. p. ajsrta, W. M. loue aiivsjcr.9 ' Portland Tent No. 1 Regular review every Tbnnday evening, at ball, 49 Alder et. All members urged to J) present. VWting Sir Knigbu Iww uImiki. iifXt. 1. BAkKB. N. H. im , fjrt KUiLia meeuug hum m !awgf nesday) evening. B. tb Bd Aiaer nu. Iff N. P. OAKEBmAN. N, G.. 8. A. STARR. ISeeretary. EMBLEM JEWELKT a specialty; tmttoaa. viae, ebarma. Jaeger Broa.. 18 1-1 kg Stb et tlitel Statistics m&)rrS3ges.Blrt$5l JDzstbs. B1KTHS KUKATA To Mr. and Mrs. Jojiro Knrate. 60 K. 4th at., Aug. 1, a soo. 8CHTJBHING To Mr. gad Mrs. Anguat L. Sehubring. Hillsdale, Or., Ang. S, a danghter. w.xiUkHeN to vr, and Mrs. vreaanca: J. Henriksen, 10 Refer St., July 31, a son. ' HA NEV To Mr. and Mrs. Waal ay It. lianey, 501 Harruon. Aug. 1ft. a daughter. KOBB To Mr. and Mrs. John M. Itobb. 084 E. Everett, Aug. 1, a daughter. LEVY To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Levy, MaUtfon Park Aptg.. Aug. 5, a son. GRIMES To Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Grimes, 3 51st S. E.. AuC. 6. a sea. TAKLBKC To Mr. and Mrs. Prank Taknbec, 544 K. Tth St., Aug. S. a son. ASKENBEKG To Mr. and Mrs. A. Ajkenberg ' fibo Hoyt at. Aug. 4. m son. LEISY Tq Mr. and Mrs. E. A Leisy, B84 E. 82d St. N.. Aug. T. a son. RAZE To Mr. and Mrs. 1. T. Baza, 148S E. lstn is., Aug. 3. a eon. SHAW To Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Shaw, Council, Idaho. Aug. 5. a danshtw. MOWNES To Mr. and Mrs. A. Ifownes. S63 E. 15th at. N.. Aug. 7, a son, 'COOPER To Mr. and Mrs. O. U. Cooper, 187 W. park st, Aug. 4, a son. SCHULTZ To Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Scbultz. 2&0 12th St., Aug. 2. a son. RACK To Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Back. 600 wiM9 sr.. Aug. 3, a daugtiur. HELM To Mr. and Mrs. titejjhon Helm, 1889 Hodge, Aug. 0, a sort HERMANN To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hermann, 68T Missouri, Aug. 16, a son. EPLEY To Mr. and Mm. William Arthur Ep- ley. 4 E. 70 til et. N-, Ang. a. a son. PRE8EMA N To Mr. and Mra. WiUlam U Free man. 1045 Woodward ave.. Aug. 7. daughter. HOLTE To Mr. and Mrs. Marshall W. liolte. soo MQIer are., Aug. 3, a daughter. YUN'KEK To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yunier, Oak Groves Aug. 5, a son. , SBKRK To Mr. and Mra. Arvin U Sherk, 175 iu. latn st. Aug. T, a daughter. WACHTMAN To Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Wachjt man. 1488 E. Pine. Aus. 8. a sob. .PHILIP To Mr. and Mrs. Garden M. Philip. -1263 Omaha et.. July 30, daughter. CECCACCl To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ceccaeei, i93 willow, Aug. 7, a daughter. SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Orin 8. Smith, 103 E. 72d N.. Aug. 8. a danghter. POO BE To Mr. and Mrs. Jessie J. Poore, 240 Park st, Ang." 11, a son. STERLING To Mr. and Mra Harry Port Ster- ung, lira ml note, Ang. v, a daughter. MCKOfJZ To Mr. and Mm, Max H. Pockouz, 205 H Hooker st, Aug. . a. daughter. MEHEIMAN To Mr, and Mnirkenneth A. Mer- rfman. 205 N. 20th sr.. Aiiz. B a. daughter. TAYLOR To Mr. and Mrs. Kay G. Taylor, 829 ntuart anve, Aug. s. a son. DEATHS AiyP FTJIfEBAIiS BELBEBG August 12. at her lata residence. ' Minnesota avenue. Mrs. Ertka .Helberg, age 73 .yean; beloved mother of Mrs. Helms Lyaen, Mrs. Marie Bwanson. Mrs. Anjrusta Han sea, Bernhard C, John R., Gunard F., Julius O.. .Fred T. and U E. Selberg. Puneral services win do eonauctea Tliurxlay, August 14, at Z p. m,, from Pearaon Updertaking parlors, Kua- Interment in family plot at River-view cemetery. KUCONICfH In tfils cily," August 12, Joaiph Ruchonich, aged 87 years, late of27 Fourth street, brother of I. Rnconich of Ore gon Chy. Or., and Bartolo Buconich of this city. in. lunerai cortege will Jeav. the above residence Thursday morning, Angust 14, at 8:45 o'clock,, and proceed to St. Lawrence cnurcn,' Ttiira ana Mhartnan streets where mass wm D. celebrated at 9 o clock. Friends In vited. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. MILLEH At th. family residence. 244 Weil Portland boulevard. Albert C. Miller, age T3 years, beloved ' husband of Elisabeth Miller. Funeral rervicee will be held today (Wednes day). August 13, at 2 p. ra., from the funeral parlors of. A. D. Kenworthy Co., 5802 and 6804 Ninety-second street 8. E., in Lenta. In terment Mount Scott cemetery. BANTZ-.--lBUilBt7rAusust 1 1.. 1 9TT"WiE liam A Mantx. ag. 7 S years. Friends in vited to attend aervieM. which will be held at the Portland .crematorium at 1:30 p. m. tomor row (Thursday), Angust 14, 1919. Mr. Bants waa a member of Portland lodge No. 35, A F, and A M, and George Wright Post G. A. R. Remains at Holman's chapel. , BLA IK -In this city at the, family residence! 5335 Forty-fifUr street S. E.. August 13. Lorena C. Blair, aged 68 years, mother of Mrs. Walter Miller of SeatUe. Wah. ; Mrs. M. D. Bogart. Mrs. Thomas Leekley, R. C P. F., and 3. W. Blair, of this city The remains are at Finler'a, Montgomery at fifth. WINCHEIJ. AND WINCH ELL At th. Tesi- denoe. 304 Margaerita avenues Hiram R. Win- chell, aged 54, and Agnea Iabl Winchell, aged SB. Herrlcee will be held at tha noma on Wed nesday, August 1,1. aj 1 p. m. Interment at Monnt Scott cemetery? " MEADER In this city, August 13, 19 1 9. Olive Mauds. Meader, ag. 94 years. Be loved wife of Fred H. Meader and daughter of Mr. and Mra. George Brnrafield. Notice of funeral later. - - HHODES-Tbe funeral services of the lata Hiram Rhodes, will be held Thursday, . Angust 14, at 2:30 p. m., at Finley'a, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at River view cemetery. GIEB1SCH In this city, Angust 12. 1919. John Giebsch. as. 70 years. Remains at Holman's chapel. Notice of funeral later. RHODES -Hiram Rhodes, 'Pennsylvania Ship- buudUMr Plant. Aus. 11. 73 reaga. fractured skull; accidental fall RUCONICH Joaepb Ruconlch, St. TincenU bospital. - Aug. 12. 07 yean, fatty denra- ation of heart. MITCHELL Dorhu B. MitcheU, 440 Jefferson . ... f t ni vh. HALL JOHN II. Hall. Imperial hotel, Aug. 12, OO years, organic heart aiseas BEHBEIN William Rehbein, St. Vincent's bos pital. Ang. 9. 70 years, cancer. JACOBS Bessie B. Jacoba, 815 H 1st st, Aug. 11. S3 yean, organic heart disease. WOOLLIN Charle T. WoolUa. 8121 60th are. 8, E., Aug. lO. 78 years, apoplexy. MILLER Albert O. Miller. 244 W. Portland . bird-, Ang. 8, 78 yearn, diiitatioft of heart. ' FLORISTS CLARK BBOH , floriata, Morrlsqn St. beU 4th and 5th. Phone Main A-1805. Fin. flow- em and floral designs. No branch stores. LIBERTY MARKET FLORIST. 6th and . Tam hlU sta. Cut flowers, plants and deaitna. Bell- wood Greenhouse, 849 Kenalem ave. SelL 1520. UARTHJ k r0BBK9""0Orrinorist, 854""Wal: lngton. Mill 209 . , A-1208. Plowtra for all occasions artistically arranged. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 243 Alder. De signs ana oeeorarioBa. Phone Marshal) r23. , SWISS FLORAL COMPANT . f FLOWER8 AND PLANTS MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 Va 6th rraSBBAlV BIHF.CTOHS P. L. Lerch "U&S CNDEBTAKER8. K. 11th and Hawthorne. McENTEE A EILEB3, funeral parlors with il me privacy oi a pome, toui ana Kverett U, Phonos Broadway 2188, Home. A-21S3. MILLER 4k THACETi Independent funaral di- rwctora t-nee. as low as S2U, 840, 880. Washington at Ella.- .Main .2891. A-7SS0L - DOWNING A McNEMAH. sueeeesors to Wihwa A Rosa, Multnomah at E.7tb. Irrlsstsn dia. trict. ; E. 54. t , . , . -. ,. R. W. GABtE & CO.. T Successors to ,W. H. Hamilton. 1978 K. Glieajw - - r Paona tVbor 4ls. S T DVDMnC New realdene. X I lliLi4? tabliahmeat. 901 WiBiama ave. Wood lawn 320. Breeze&Snook SteSKl: A.R.Ze!Ier Co. A'SoToVS: Q CNDERTAKING CO. If. 415. OKCWeS A-St. Cor. Third aaj day. 13 rlrentl tnderukin J-tlon. 445 ilnrri ee vvn sou street. Tel. Broadway 2534. FrWERAL IHRKCTOlt! Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors , ' TKIBD AlfT) SAT.M0 BTS. ' Main ' SOT. A-1011. - - J. P. FIHLEY& SON -.. , Progressive Funeral Directors Hal VOSTGOMERT AT FIFTH A-fN0. Dunning & McEntee Broadway aad Ankeny ats. ' ' Lady Assistant. Pbonea Broadway 410, A-4658. A. D. Kenworthy :& Co. 505-B8f4 MP ST. R K.. TEXTS k Pnooe Tabor 53S7. Home Phone T61. F. S. Dunning Inc. THE GOLDEJT Kt'I-B D.N'OEBTAKEBS. 414 K. Alder st. Phone East 3. B-B2;S. MOITCTMEHTS Portland Marble Works 268 4th tt.. Opt. City Halt Kea Broa. ; , BLACSIMQ GRAMITE Cp aVOST 'AK FOUNl 21 THE FOLLOWING article, hav. been found on can of tbe Portland Railway. Light A Power Go. : August 1 14 pursea, key, wrist watch, camera, handkerchief, 3 gloves, book, pack ages, hat,- 2 lunch boxes. A suit eases. 2 timbre! las. Ownera may obtain property at Pint and Aiaer eowti station. LOST Black leather wallet, containing cur rency, check, oaoan and Chamber of Com merce membership card for identifies t ion. Finder pieaaa phone Broadway S721, receive liberal ra wanL LOST Yellow natural muiey Jersey cow; ear erorjcd; . right, undercut; Bar G P brand on rijht. hip; $10 reward for any information leaning to oQverr. Hos 1Q4, Hull Bun. Or. ON AL'ii. 8. ils in gold band ring. Tallied as keeuaake: initials imude: on rosd to Oswego. Finder pleas, notify Oswego po. toffies and recviv reward. I.OST At Hippidrome Sunday evening, 3 ring; z goia, on. aiamona. ga rewara u re turned to Mis Bessie Winer. 729 Pint street. LOST -Lady's diamond pin, in Barkh.r.t's aressing room; no questions askea. stawara. trail Broadway 6737 LOST Small link hexagon shape wrist watch on 10th or Washington sts. E. 2966. Mrs. Anna M. Meyer, Reward.' LOST Platinum lavallier, 3 diamonds. Find er pleas return and receive reward. Call Marshall 236. LOST Monday afternoon, two akin brown sable fur: probably' at Meier A Frank's. Liberal reward. rnona Marshall .133". . LOST Monday, child's, slipover eweabtr. K turn to Journal office. Phon. Tabor 7037. Reward, LOST- Sunday erening, at Broadwsy and Eer ett, child's dark blue coat.' Reward. ' 664 Linn ave. Phone Hellwood 18T18. LOST- Black fox fur; Pacific highway. Seattle Portland, August 8.- Finder notify Miss Gar land. 1212 Howe St., Vancouer. B. C. LOST -In vicinity of lleillg theatre, a silver . i .., r r " Phone Marshall 2454; reward. NAME price for information recovering Betty. our light brirtdle female Boston Bulldog. Call 790 Belmont. Phon. East 8040. Dr. Chandl L03T August-10, Eastern Star pin, on Council . Crest car or In park. Phono Sellwood 8168. LOST Platinum" diamond La Valiera. . Finder pieaa. calf Marshall 236 and rcc4v rewaitj HELP WAITED MALE TJ. S. MERCHANT MARINE ' Opportunity is presented" men to seem. FREE TRAINING la preparation for license examinations aa. ..DECK OFFICERS . x and ENGINEERS ' at schools of the TJ. 8. Shipping Board. FREE COURSE IN NAVIGATION, sir weeks, fits for third mate's license or higher; open to men of two yean deck experience ocean or coastwise, or equivalent in fisheries, or on lake, bay or sound. FBEE COURSE TN MARINE ENGINEER ING, one month, fits for third auitant en gineer's license, open to men of mechanical and engineering experience, including locomotive and stationary engineers, machinists on marine en gines, graduates ef technical schools and marine oilers and water tenders. Navigation schools st Seattle and Portland. Engineer's school at University of Washington, SeatUe. . Apply to W. J. Grambe. 406 Electrics building. Tth and Olive, SeatUe, Wash. WANTED Male help. Hae aaeeral poaitiona open for boys 16 to 19 yean of age who are living at home and have graduated from high school Require boy who are neat in appear ance. Quick to think, willing to work for ad vancement, and want to start in at the bottom with a large corporation. Salary S55 to start. Answers must be writbaa in. longhand. B-484. Journal. BY LOCAL DEPARTMENT STORE Superintendent of night janitor force, a of trust and ability: will he held responsible for all night work ; best of references must be fur. nuned; salary to suit right man. Write P. O. box 747 status references. 9175 PER MONTH the year amnuta. the average earnings last year of a number of ear aalesaes over 46 years. This year will be th. biggest yet No experience eoeasary; weekly cash advance, outfit furnished. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubbery and vrnaa. Yew cam do what other in experienced men have done. Washington) Mar aery Co., Toppeniah. Wash. f LEPMA.V. WOLFE A CO., require the services of a receiving clerk, also a salesman tor drea roods and silk department, apply superintend ent's office between 9 and 10:30 Thuradav morning. - WANTED -An experienced well driller with gas engine experience, to take well drill on per centage. Lota ef work engaged. Give where ex perienced and ace, single or married, and If can coma at once, and phone n amber. Address Bos - stanneiq. or. , MEN wanted to carry briquets from trucks to basement; , 8 hours, wages from 84. 2u to $4.75. Apply northwest corner 2d and Flanders ats., Portland A' as 4V Coke Co. EXPERIENCED hardware salesman wanted! good wages, steady position far the right party ; none but experienced need apply; refereneas required. Levis Hardware A Furniture Co., 221 Front at, WA.'TEi Office boy, by large manufacturing . cemnany. Good chance for bright, energetic boy. One with wheal preferred. Answer ia own handwriting. ys-B7. Journal. FOREMAN finisher to take eharge of the fin-. tahiug denertment ta chair factory : steady no- itioo ; must be an experienced finisher. - Apply at once, Oregon Chair Co., 1190 Marsdam st CITY SOLICITORS wanted for fire, automobile, accident and marina insurance. Seeley A Co.. Board of Trade bldg. . , LABORERS) wasted. coacreU work, at 34.60 for 8 noun. JS. 44ta ana 15 read way. Rose City Park. - WANTED Aa industrious , " boy about 18 to leant the machtnut trade. AddLs Irrlnctnn Machine Wks.. 375 K, 6th st. N. ELDERLY man for hotel janitor; light work. smalt say: nooeakeepuur room. 422 hk Waah- tmrtoo. - OFFICE boy, permanent position, opportunity In 1 wbojeeaj boose answer tuily. Jour- aat . WANTED Al logging camp and lumber book- keeper. Answer anvtng exPencnee: reference and salary expected. ' G-268, Journal. , WANifc- Young men or boys ever slxteai tv wotfc Saturday nights in basement. Anal dr op laUon Department, The Jonrnai office. WAN TED -4 discharged aoTdiers or aailorsT Beat moaey maker in town. . Worth ln- veatigating. 404 Speldlnf bldg, - COAT MAKER wanted apiily Ntcoli the Tailor, ivs aa st. - ... WaSiTED Experienced creamery man. Apply 4S3H T nion are. N. " WXn'TL"D Uolder belpcra at the Commercial Iron works. MAN with Ford car.: 633 Watblngtoa. T r HELP WAlfTKD ALE WANTED -Experhineed grocery clerk. Consult. dated Mercantile company. Hood River, Or. HELP WATT TED M ISC " 49 " MEN WANTED -We are new ready to receive application for enrollment in our automobile, gas - tractor, sta tionary and marine. operating; and repairing eoemes.' - Our Portland school has ,int tx-en remodeled and is bow ready for inspection! New machinery has been installed ia .very depart, menu - Visitors are welcomed. New " classes, day and night, begin August 18. . Ktindenta re ceive practical training both in tlie , day and night clasMs. For full information call st HKMPUILL'sf ' TRADE SCHOOLS. INC., 707 Hawthorne avenue. Tak ML Scott or Haw thorn car at 24 god Alder aU. to East 30U at. Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and alt other modern busiuem . course. Day and night school. Aiiaky bldg.. 3d and Morrlaon. Main' 324. - , LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS . FIVE DAYS' TRIAL FREE PAY TUITION WUK.N SATISFIED Wa teach auto, tractor, gss engine and auto electrical work., BIG 100-PAUE CATALOG FREE. Address Adcos Auto and Tractor school. Dept. J, Union ave. and Wasco street. Portland, Or. Phone East 7446. , , .Hawthorne Auto School - 463 ilAWTHORNE AVE, ' AutomcbUaa. trucks, tractors, machinist tnd., nxy-acetylene weding, vult-aniBing and retreading. Special summer. ratx. ljay and evening classes. positions ASKriiEn """T ETERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND . Vnmll - .nw 1. . f I I. .. . . banking.-bookkeeping, secretarial. - Free catalog. Tonna men and women wanton run Railway Exchange bldg. - Splendid opportunity , ,1 1 1 I.. , . :u , . . . . . . ., .... --"'"'' ymmmmuui, . g ree Booklet Hallway Telegraph Ihotltutc, , tv. a fev-TTi..,.!-. . -".,(i..f k...i j. --- -.- uj.wv uij ana rt -FelleUUBUV, ' -. r5csy irocWAisTTiucnERS'-. agency '"Bk K. Welles, ( sU slate supt., mgr. ti. W. Bank bldg. Ttschen placed promptly. GOING East orrSoutli ? " lloueholdgoodT"shipped at reduced rajtes: moving and packing. Partfio Coat Forwarding Co., 403 Hoyt sU Bdwy. 708. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL- Miss Regina! IBuckel a private school; Individ aal Instruction, i 122 M Grand in. East 427. HELP jWAKTUD-FEMALE At Standard . Factory .-No. 2 . GRAND AYE. and E. TAYT,0R ST. Power Machine rators 4- . flu LEARN ON . . Shirts and Overalis --Mackinaw and .-- - Overcoats $10 PER WEEK WHILE IARNINO . fl-liUL'Il WEEK Saturday Half 'HoHdav EXPERIENCE OPERATORS ARE EARNING rit'j.M sio -sir gaa WKkl,x CIPMAN. WOIE A CO. rwruire the services of . ei penanced sales ladies. In the following de partments: LADIES CLOAKS AND SUITS, MILiJNEKY. WKCKWHAtt AND VEII.IVii SILK, ECONOMY- BASEMENT. One young firl between Ui. age ef 16 and 18 aa apprentice ny Millinery !ept. Also 2 experienced markers. Apply Superintendent's office between b and xv;ou laursaay mormng. THE OLDS. WORTMAN 4k KING STORE re quires the jservices of experienced beauty parior operatoTs. . . Aipiy Bupenntendeot of fice, 9 to lO'.30 a. m. LADIES experienced selling neckwear and. veil ing. Apply superintendent's office, LI I'M AN, WOUE A CO., , Between 9 and 10:30 in the .xoorhlng. GIRLS FOR ktJkT WORE", DEPARTMENT, AMERKUN FLAUNDRY .iCO-. -140 E. THIRD ST, N. s . 4 i mj. suerisnireq gin' ior genera House work, three i family, no children, no Sunday dinner, every evening off, good wages. IQ'lS Savier at. Phone Main 6282, f HiC Florencer CrittepUin Home la ready te help any girl in duftress. 950 E. CUssa. U. Y. ear. East 316. -- -- - ' Xlteration I woman ' to work on ladies' gar toenU Apply at. once. Levitt's store, cot tier 4 th and Washington. WATiTED Refined" woman to keep 'bouse and care for 6-year-old gtrij family of .8. Call Tabor 1K2T evenings, '-' ' . ..-.-"-. WANTED A Woman for litfht housework ; small - wages, good psrmaneot home.' Mrs. Lowe, Main 706. i WANTED- Gopd cook, for. large family, only cooking and! kitchen work; only experienced woman, need apjily.- phone Tabor 6479. GIRLS to fold. circular, very ltght work. Aptly , at once at Levitt's store, corner 4th and Wash ington, j. WANTED Girl for soft drink and cigar stand. Call up I02i? North Sixth street. HELP iu dressmaking; - experienced and inex- penenceu. 22H Broadway. Main 8291. WANTED l-MJerieoced aeennd girl ; good sal ary; Mrge .family. Phone Tabor 64 7 S. BOOKKEEPER. Federal Mire- ' Agency."" 333 LADY Scsires I position as housekeeper," full charge, no objection to child. 107 Page st. HELP "V AKTED WALK lAU r KM ALU C9 HOPPICKERSi wanted ia the Mttoma yard, about - 3 H miles fnorthaart of Independence, Or. J 114 acres of the very best bops in Oregon, and will pay 80c per bos. Nice clean camp grounds, with store and water. ' We will tarnish tents, benches and ts ; clsca straw for beddings. Mr. B. 8 ra teaman UiH register pickers st Room 414 Commonwealth Bolldlns. ,6th and Barnslde Sta., Angust 14, 16 si. J 10, . " HOP PJCKL.RS WANTEJ RiTaraide Itep farm, near Newberg, on Wfi ktmeete river.- Pickers houses and all tunisl seoommorla tionj fu mix bad free. Uood water, store on f arnv excellent picking. We prefer famUiea. Regter bow. Main H43. A. J. RAY A SON. v I1.. 886 Sherlock Bldg. BISHOP BKOH.' yards, near Salem and Inde pendence, 877 acres of tine hops. All uxual sec on mods Uo ns furniihed. Pay 41.20 pef 100 ic. We pick up .your baggage at your home and deliver it! to ranches free ef chares both ways. Register at 124 N. Bth at.. Willamette Valley Trarwter a. Phone' Broadway 434. - Pickers -Wanted 80 acres good hope at Cbampoec. 2 5 miles from Portland, On Oregon; Electric, flood camp ing ground. Wll ray 31.23 per hundred. Apply at intuit, m uui h. MOLEHBABBER COLLEGE " Bay yo while learning'; gives yon wt ef tonlsi positions secured. Write, for catalogue. 334 JUarnsMe et. , or pnone Broadway XTS1. MEN, WOMEN, team barber trade; wages while learning, notation gnsnateeeV Mgr. 32 yrs, experience. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madjaoo. rORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade - ia a. ;eek;; pgy while lesraiof; pusiuoa goaf tnteed. 834 JCoocb st. - WANTfcD ! Boy and girl to make basket. Gates Basket A DJnaif. Co.. 1436 Macadam rd. ' WAXTEIe AOE5T3 ' ' ' ' WE WANT three cxperUnced aalesmes aocua tor&td to eoantry work, nursery experience pre ferred, with ear or ether conveyance of their own. to beglD work st once. - Good proposition to right man. Write, j giving year experience and qual ifies tiona, or call in person at the effise of Oregon Nursery Company. Orence, Or. CANDY BIG PAY ADVERT16E MEN - WOMEN - . Start one of cur specialty candy factories is your home, small room, anywhere. We tell how and furnish everything. Grand cpportunl'y. I. CANDY HOUSE 1819 Ranntead at. Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS wanted in every city in the state of Oregon and Washington to handle oar Eu reka - Auto Top- Dressing. - Agents making big money everywhere. - Warranted to be absolutely waterproof and non-crackable. . Fastest seller on the market. 430 Alder, Phone Broadway 2171. ' BALEMMKK WATEO S8 TftAijBE5rwtffii ACCIDENT and health - aeleanua ' wanted is Oregon, Western Washington and Southern Idaho, part or whole time; beat policies and beat commissions; brokerage solicited. Mass. Bond ing A Insurance Co.. 319 Lumbermen' bids., Portland. Or. ': - - - , ; : - '- ' SITUATIONS .MALE - S CARPENTER work, wanted. Pboue Sellwood 337 FOR painfing and tinting call Broadway 1441 and save Money.-, .. -," -. ITtTATIOWS JIAl.i: i'CBLIO At'CUlNTA-NT ANii AtMiuit Iet -me put y-oer reeorde in ronil;Uou In meet with the new federal tax lawn. Nu have, facilities, to superrtsie eereral more scU of books at a reasonable fee, which lnchidew reg ular reports, suggestion, income tax setucc. etc. M-H29. Journal, V TEAMi ws nted to Itaul cordwood, W io uiii-, down hill haul; good road ami ducks; 25 miles from Portland. Jumbo Wood tV. Tabor 1 W4 4. WANTED Job a night watch, or walct.nian.- by a man that is conijietciit snd trustworthy t-Ti, Jmirnal. THIS 1 the time to have your furnace cleaned and repaired; wa do tt. - J. . Bayer Furnace Co,Jl204 Market at. 1'hene Main !. bTsCllXEVi Eb"OLf)l ER. "iii, droires puaition of - bookkeeper and stenogragher. Has good sipe rlenre and offers beat references. L-842, Journal. FIRST OLASSsuto-mechanic deslrvs piiUon; i competent and steady worker. A. C. bcliros der. 8H0 3d at. Phone Main 4737. A MAN witli 8 ton trudi wants a job. "Call L-t 7H04 or CD 3 Oregon st, XTIS'f ED Work for" ton truck. Pliune SellwISoJ 837. ' MTlTATIOWPt-tFEMAL E 4 ELDEllLY lady wiTrt rwferenc. will care for children ' afternoon er evening; reasonable rate. Main; 80B0. LADY wMie day work. Tabor 307! 1 DRF.WHM A M X ft 49 ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladies' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed. 3. Beubla, Ladies' Tailor. 408 Bush A Lane .Bldg. s. - Nt'RHES - W SANITARIUM E ' Chronic ailments, good case. Rate reason able. 734 Hawthorne are. East 1577. EX I E U l EN C E 1 prscticaT iiurae, bent of xt'vt encea: confinement preferred. Phone Lt 3868. FURBISH El HOOMW T HART APARTMENTS AND LAUREL HOTEL Newly furabbed, modern housekeeping snd steep, log rooms, 83-00 up. Second snd Yamhill. 8-750 AND UP- Singl aleeiii(r"room by week or ..month. 293 H Union ave. City View hotel,- 1 block sooth of Hawthorne. THE GEM (16,1 1ST ST. 1-2-3 rooms for housekeeping ; alno transient rooms. 23o and up. ' ' ROOM and board, home cooling. H,erll rsias to couples. Trsnilent meal. 2B1-, 18th at. HOTE LTi ARGENT. llswUlorne sud Grsnd.' Starting point apeclal car for Vancouver FUHJU8HKD ROOM S nil VAT E FAN I IT 76 ROOM wanted In a private family by a young man, where could keep a small pet dng. Would be a steady ruouier. Itcferenoes if requlrtnl. X-T8. J tlOl'sLKEKl'iNt rooms, very pleasant; run nlng water, gas for cooking and elect no light; free phone. '855 11th st. Phone morning and evening. Marshall 2580,- THE OEM - 6H5 Vs FlilS'f ST. 1, 2 and 8 romn for bomekerjiing Aluo trsnaient, rof-ma 28n snl tip. n.llAH ANT aleepiug rwm for 2 yuiing men; - hrrakfaxt optional. 1'botie MsrHhall 20U, 428 Mill at. - j SMALL luusi with hoUMkaeiJHui privileges for girl who wishes to study music; reference. - Msln 8018. , u. NICELY urnlahed ruouii. 62L Joimaoii u, $2 week up, " BOOMS A5D HOAHD l THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 3 HO 10th. for buaineae girls snd students. Msrsbsll 1231. HOOJIS AJiD HOAHD -PllIVAli: ' -- - FA M 1LY ; 79 CHILDREN to birdTn private homal 03 Ilalaey at. Phone Kata4 4. ELETTa fft1 " roomsT aLa breaklaat; nicely "located. Marxhall 61 S, ItOO ManT' boa"ril"Tn private family. Just like home, 60-E. 12th N. fjiat 84fi. HOl'MEKKEPINil HDOJIH 8 PUTIN I M II K IA fi'D V S VV It N I M IIP l FSTU FIRSTPbotographsr ApplegaU lets rooms. - f-. 310'AND 416 "-Furnished IT. K. roomn, visli ing dlysnce. west side. 64 3 lt st. 283 H UNION ave., well iuriiUlimilI.K. two", 810 and 815; plenty freaU air. FOR RENT- Nic. II. K. rooms, eeafonahle, lor uiau ami wife or individual. 8U. Gliwin at. Fi'RNIKIlEI) lumsekeeplng rooms. 202 Clay st, corner of 8d. ' TTFUNKffT"Qv'EitrT IV1hw'NTI)VN li"0. TBICT FOH 25 CENTS PHON E E. 44. i ' HOlTKEKEEPI.f tl ROOMS 3 FCIl-ilsHED AMI ir.vvruibiii;i 1 PHI VAT F A M l LY JTLSINESfTlady or two can hoiukep lri inod- ern home. Adults, teacbera preferred. lrmg- ton. East 7860. L. 2 FURNISHED llglit houaekeeping roonis lor rent. 840 Poll nee nth street. FURNIHEI"iiekeiingromiia; aiwTaieepIni', roorna, 288 E. Broadway. Phone East 4jl"' Fit Axis' HljDroniritlCr5oDi auitihle lor two einployetl. 294 14h st. '0H TIKVT IIOI'MES UK FIJKNIKHED It THESE ARB VEllY CHEAP WEST -RIDE MXiATION - THI'HMAN ST. ' 3 ROOM FLATS MoliKUN tie 14 HO CHEAP. TIK BMITH-W AGON E It CO., STOCK EXCH, fcXHl RI4NT 4 room .bouse, corner 2d and tiibbs sta-i 810 per montji, including watnr; 3 room houne, 2 loP, Bertha station, 6o fare, $4 per month. See Mr. Farnxworth, The Bronj Co.. 410 lloury bldg. Phone Main 174 3. TffTiRH IV R. 'lCAIlRIKON"'etT. - GOOD fH IJGH'P HOI 'WE KEEPING Tonr runt would cost you mrthing. 333; years lease if wanted, HMTTH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX If 10 DAYS free storage; before mtwlng get our price. Dally trips to St. Johns and MontaTilla. East 6670. Ue. Col. 944. East Burnatde 'frens rv, ana h:t Hnrniide. ' 0 ROOM bouM, newly psjiered, eleotrio bglit", gat. hot water, bath, fruit, garage. U31 Knott at' I'honeEaat 4045. FOB BENTfC 7 room bouae, 1 acre of land; some Inilt berries ana grapes, Fred C. t nnter, t.artlen atoms. WHEN YOU MOVE, C8K NOTH WESTEKV ELECT K1U UUIIT SEHVlCrS Tenth snd Wsshington. .Prn?i!,!.,',; OOrrM moilern bungalow, 833 K. 40tb, ' 882.60. Woodlswn 6430. BOUSES POtt RE7TT PCUSITLIIE FOirSALE J FURNITURE for sale, btte for renU 2'H O wego St., St. Johns. . r yrB5IBHED HQ11HF.8 - 3 $40 MONTH -Nlocly "rnliied 7 room lionre : no ehildrwn. Phuna Eaet 41)8 7. Evemns and moraines. , - FOR RENT Furnished 7 room- house, goKi ron- . . , . . . i : t I n .,. .. O ITjfrn . wwi Blue, waiams ' - .",'-"- 288 Lincoln st. Phone Tsbor 1T. PLATS TO RENT, 17 .1 FURNISH F, 13 l-RWis" clean natT794 V, It st. ' ' Vemm 1. -noma, modem flat, adults. D17 4 ' Williams ave., after 6. p. m. J"; HeaCtIFCL Wwer 6 nm flat; all convenience", fireplace, furnace; adultn. Inquire 073 H, E. Waahington at. 6 LARGE rooms, upper flat, with gsraue; 4 r ia Anguvt 14. 1071 E. 23d at. N. Phone Wcodlawn 676." ; 6 IuXjU unfurnished lnwlern fiat. 14. Ham it- ton ave. "8 ear, south; sat) per montn. rnispn Pt.iTH a S IUXJU lower fiat, eleiiautly furnialiad, br mmilh Wifl k., 1 1 f,,mt,ir. nu ttv payment. 290 1 2th st. - ' - ; APAItTMKNTS FOR RKXT 4S COSY Molern apt. flat, on Ilawtborae; 3 liti light vooeov, bath, and dressing room ; rent I 4 per month to party who buys furniture, woif-i 45. will take $300. Cashier Cascade Pish market. Ysmhiil bet. 3d nd 4th. Afll6RA APTS., 39 J W" E. Biimaule; 2 and I room . furniahed : liufisekeeplntl apartment. Walking diatance. . BEAUT IFllLLY furoiahed, larts, clean If. K" room, $4.60 per week. Ladi Apu., h.. I2tn and Stark.. East 2599. fliE Jeffrey, furoinhed 2 room apt,, $15 a month, cor. of Russell and Kerby. between Mlaaisaippl and Williams arcs. Phone Et 15 4 . LA KG E, airy 8 rKm. prirato bth; walking di.- tanee, Anone 3iain zm. nn sm. THE! 6TANFIEI.D, 204 Porter at. Modem 2 room apta.. furniahed. reasonanie. tain tjd:, J KTORFK A T 0T,fEt 11 fOR RENT Elegant suite ol offices iu rood m nn ta date office bulldins. downtown district, reduced intal. special reduction f" month of Augttst Call 203 Stevens bid.. Phone Main 176. , .a FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS 3.1 i'OK RENT 100x100, upataixa, cenUal loca ties). B-433, journal. , : w a iv V. H TO KRUT ;; WANTED To rent furnished or anfuruished house or apartment, medium sire, wet sole. rk.e 1 I'hMia J I jinrner. , llain 7173. tNFI laMWHEU 6-rooro bwe, East 1 4 1 4. tVOBVlBueu oo louoemi lf