The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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i, - 11 1
Steel Steamer Eelbert ' to Sail
Under Management of Colum
bia Pacific Shipping Co.
Assignment of Other Vessels to
Portland Depends on Support
- Given Pioneer Ship.
Portland's participation In Euro
pean maritime trade direct, the first
of the kind in the port's history., will
become an actuality with the sailing
on August 20 of the steel steamer
Eelbeck, tinder management of the
Columbia Pacific . Shipping company
for the Williams, Diamond & Co.,
large Paclflo coast operators.
To make a success of the Initial sail
ing the local managers urge shippers
to make reservations for space without
HbwFat Folks
. To" be bverstout is humiliating. Style
and fat folks are strangers. Therefore,
people who are carrying around a bur
den of unhealthy and unsightly fat will
be glad to know how they may reduce
their weight without starvation diet or
tiresome exercises.
If you want to get rid of superfluous
fat in a simple, safe and reliable way
here Is a test worth trying. Spend some
time in the open air, practice deep
. breathing and get from any good drug
cist a box of oil of korein capsules ; take
one after each meal and one before re
tiring at night ; also follow the other
aimpla directions that come with the box.
Weigh yourself once a week so as to
know . Just how fast you are losing
weight and don't leave off the treatment
or even skip a single doae until you are
down to normal weight, sj that you feel
and look wonderfully younger and
Every person who it too fat should
give this treatment a trlaU You will
probably find It is just what you need.
Amaze your frjenasi Adv.
Try Jt.!MakathlIemon lotion
to Whiten, your tanned op ,--s
freckled akin- '
Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into
a bottle containing three ' ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best freckle, sun
burn and tan lotion and complexion
whltener at very, very small cost.
Tour grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of orchard white for a few
cents. Massage this . sweetly fragrant
lotion Into the face, neck, arms and
hands and. see how quickly the freckles,
sunburn, windburn and tan disappear
and how clear, soft and white the skin
becomes. Tea I It Is harmless. Adv.
Stomach Went Back on Him
Gains Fifteen Pounds
Taki ng Tan lac.
I have gained' 15 pounds since I
V commenced taking Teniae, and -am en
joying as good health in every way as
1 ever did in my life." said Carl Beck
man, a well known employe of the West
Knd Cooperage company, and who lives
- at 15 Thornton street, Portland, the
other day.
"My stomach went back on me about
five months ago," continued Mr Beck
man," and ever since that time I have
been going down hill atfout as fast as
St man eould go. I lost my appetite,
and when I: went to the table at meal
time I would eat a few bites and . e
. aatlsfied. Kven the, little X ate would
our and X would be so nauseated that
I could not retain It more than half
the time. Then there .were times when
X would have severe cramping pains
In the pit of my stomach. I was con-
i stipated all the time, and would often
become so dizzy that-X could hardly
stand on my feet, i I just seemed t
lose all my energy, and cnaily got so
weak and run down that X was hardly
able to keep going. -
Thea I heard about Tanlac, and it
was-so . well recommended by people
who bad tried it that I made up my
. mind, to see : if ' it would do me any
. good. Well, X have taken three bottles
of Teniae eo "far and I am a sound.
hearty man again, . My appetite has
come back, and you wont find a man
anywhere that can eat threa bigger
meals every day than I do. what i
eat agrees with me, too, and. X never
have a sign of tndtgestion or stomach
. trouble of any, kind. Those awful
' .cramping spelts I used to have are a
thing of the past, and I am never con-
stipated the least bit In fact, my
- health has been completely restored and
X am in aa good condition in every way
as I ever-was in my life. Tanlac is
one medicine that deserves all tne prats
that is given U. for it is a real medicine
, and does. Just what they say it will do."
1 : Tanlac Is sold in Portland at the Owl
Drug Co- -
further delay. " According to Major Cart-
wright, assistant ' manager of the Co
lumbia Pacific Shipping -company, the
Eelbeck will . accommodate as high as
1000 tens of general- freight It 1
hoped to be able t obtain this tonnage.
"The people of Portland should take
advantage of this chance to ship direct
to London and Liverpool. It should be
Portland's aim to send this pioneer
merchant ship loaded to capacity with
the goods and ; materials which will
fairly represent the industries and the
productiveness ' of the Oregon district.
The more general - the nature of the
cargo on the first sailing, the more will
the diversified nature, of our resources
be impressed upon the foreign buyers,'
said Major Cartwright
It is expected that the steamer will
arrive In the local harbor from Puget
sound by next Thursday. The ship will
berth at Municipal dock No. 1. and
freight will be received up to 6 p. m.,
August 19, the day previous to the sail
ing. ? j ' t -FIRST
The Eelbeck U one of the new ship
ping board vessels, which have been as
signed to the Williams Diamond com
pany for operation on the regular run
between Pacific Cpaat ports and Euro
pean ports direct. Other ships are ex
pected to be assigned for similar service
out of, Portland, the continuance of the
hew venture depending upon the degree
of support received at home.
Schedule of freight rates which have
been announced by the shipping board
authorities are designed to enable Port
land to compete successfully with other
Pacific Coast ports seeking trade witn
the European countries.
Admiral Line Fulfills Promise of
Boat to Orient Every 28 Cays.
Schedule of sailings, of the Portland-
Oriental service of the Pacific Steam
ship company for the remainder of the
present year have been announced by
Frank O'Connor, general agent pr the
company In Portland.
The sailings follow: West Munham
Loading date, September 10; sailing,
September 20. , Montague -Loading, Oc
tober ; sailing, October 18. Coaxet
Loading, November 5; sailing, Novem
ber 15. Waban Loading, December l ;
sailing, December is.
The steamer Wawalona, which was
previously assigned for this service, leas
been withdrawn and the Montague sub
stituted. All of the vessels of the Ad
miral line are of 9500 tons deadweight
with the exception of the West Mun
ham, which is 8800 tons.
According to information from the
Merchants Exchange,; the West Munham
will return to Portland on her first
round trip to . the Far East about the
end of the present month with a full
cargo of freight.
In developing Its trade with the ori
ental ports the Admiral line has estab
lished agencies as follows: Manila, 57
Escolata street ; Shanghai, 63 Ssechuen
road ; Hongkong, fifth floor Hotel Man
sion building; Kobe. 40 Akasl Machi;
Yokohama, Cornea A Co.; Singapore,
Symes tt Co.'; Vladivostok. Bryner A
Co. An agency has also been located
at Calcutta. India.
A. F. Haines of Seattle, vice presi
dent and general manager of the Ad
miral line, is keeping bis promise to
furnish a regular service with a sailing
every 28 days out of Portland, accord
ing to the schedule or sailings which
has been prepared.
Shipping Board Promises San Fran-
Cisco Enough Vessels for Trade.
San : Francisco, Aug. I2.-Elght ship
ping board steamers have been allotted
to local agents since the recent meetings
of shipping men, which were followed by
a.prornis that sufficient bottoms wpuld
be allocated to thi coast to take care
Of all the business. 'These are :
. San Francisco : West Cactus. 8800
tons; Struthere & Dixon, - general
cargo, to the. Orient early September
loading ; .West Inakip, 8800 tons. Pacific
Mall. Orient, middle September; West
.Caddoa, 8800 tons. S truth ers & Dixon.
Orient early October.
Puget Sound loading : West Islip,
8800 tons', Struthers & Dixon, Orient
early September ; Icontum. 9400 tons. Pa
cific Steamship company. Orient late
August; Stanley, $600 tons, Struthers &
Dixon, Orient, late August; Seattle
Spirit,-8800 tons, Pacific Steamship com
pany. Orient late September ; West
Hepburn, 8800 tons, Robert Dollar com
pany, lumber to Shanghai.
Salmon 'Pack of Portland-Alaska As
sociation Reported iBelow Normal.
Owing ' to the small salmon pack In
Alaska waters this season, an early
return of the fishing fleet of the Alaska-
Portland Packers' association is predict
ed. According to the local office of the
packers, the season's pack is but 30
per cent of the normal figure. The as
sociation now has on the fishing grounds
in the Nushagak river its two Balm on
ships, the Berlin and Levi Burgess,
f .-"5 1
TA Million Babies -and
States" he said, "at this minute there are many thousands of babies
keeping well and strong on Nestle's. AU ver the world it's the
same way and that will give you some idea of how many babies;
have kept well on Nestle s Food during the past fifty years."
lAnd yet it wasn't all those
millions of babies that convinced
me. It was the pink cheeks of
my own baby. '
Nestle's Milk Food is made
out of pure milk, to which has
been added Just the right amount
of cereal and of pure sugar.
This is made into a white fluffy
powder, which makes the curds
of the milk easy to digest. You
just add cold water, boil,
Neatla'a It sure anHIt ia aovder form that it already saaalflte! and 4oe set
iusrathafurtacradaitioaof tnilk. Alwayi furearW safe, alwaya aaiforaa,
and free from the aaBrerf af heme moaifkatioa. Nestle', has stood the test e
three fenerations aad Aai tdy tit Urpm imk fJ llyf4t tit xnrld.
FREE! Enough Nestle's for
12 feedings. . Send the coupon!
NMUet Food Oomsany. Inc.
214 Oall BU,, Saa, Franctsoa. Cat.
Pleaaa acad aw lre rw keak aad trial aaeaaca.
which are soon expected to set sail for
home .with the season's pack.
The fleet of flshiner vessels wmcn op
erates out of San Francisco has already
started for home, according to ; report.
board, the new steel steamer Doylee-
. v...n ft- k. HKlna TCnrine Jc
Machine Works, left her dock early thli
a m mt t i I m mmm en w a r
morning ior ner oiijchu rivw .v.yii
six hours. The occasion is of special
ft V HuilHftki hMUUl of
the fact that the steamers la the last
or tne steei snips to pe conouuticu
government account. - 1 ,
Members of the public dock coramis-
i m, ..(-.I etna wnsf-ffsll tal"e
minal at St. Johns to Inspect the work
now going vn there. '; The dock pora-
iniaoiuu nets av wv" www -
tha new grain elevator, and contractors
are busy completing new piers and veg
etable oil tanks. Plana are also being
railroad to connect the terminal . witn
the P., B. L. & P. Co. at .St. Johns. t
Nine hulls launched at two wood ehip
yards on Coos Bay may be removed to
San Francisco to be held for further
rVnm nrahflelrl. The
ships were built for the-government by
(.11 Q jxrum GK. J ew v "
Bay Shipbuilding company-
X II picci Bkeauici v v ..&
completed part of her flour cargo at
Astoria, is flnlahlng at Portland today.
under tne oirecuon o w. n.
Co., operators for the shipping board.
the Corvafils, but by the Peninsula
Shipbuilding company, and the -Butte, a
product oi tne k. -, jxu oiuuh:i vjv.
structlon company, ; are to take place
Li 1 1 wcca.
The Grays Harbor Motorahip corpora-
count at th yard In Aberdeen, has laid
the keel for the fifth ship will be put
sown wiiain " a. -
The Ocean- Mall Steamship company,
recently formed to carry passengers and
Mexican and Central American ports.
has announcea us kihuuu o. j." -ralson
and the Florence Olson will sail
from San Francisco every 15 to 18
Tw'or three additional ships of 2000
tons win ee ouin oy m w-
1. . 1 C? A. . U .i.n it ttl Hf a t f'.Cl .
m - .i . i . navft - DM!l
dropped from the payroll of the Todd
reducUon being in line with the firm a
policy ox reirencnmeiii. i.
News of the Port
m A ..... W 4 9
Room City. Americas umr. from Baa Fima
CUKrneteilMeyr, Amtricsa turner, from Baa
Francisco, general.
Taklok. American steamer, for Karepe, wheat
Kl Huundo. American ataamor, tor Sas JTraa-
-ico. ballast. t Q ' .
Ban no. . amenoao, iur "
ballait, in tow ia aetunoo.
North Head. Aeg. 12. -Condition! at the
Btoath of the nnt at noon: w, -.
aoUtheaat, 2 nilm; weathar cloudy; tumidity.
T4 at Astoria WMneair ut..u, Tiw water '
2:S2 a. m...:8 fet J :0 a. 0.6 fe
na n m 1 feet I 0 :80 P. m. . 1-0 feet
a t v v y - '
t'metilla . . ,
Albany . . . ',
Balam . . . . ,
Oregon City
PorUasd . .
1-0. 1
Tha Willamette rier at Portland will re
main nearly ataUonary durins tba next two
or three days except aa anectea ny in uae.
a iinri, An. 1 2. Ijft un at 1 a. m.. steam
er Emert H. Meyer, from Baa Praneiaeo. Ar-
rirad at l a. B., taamcr pawy rrore bib mo.
cieco. Out&id 4 tnilee. at 1143 p. .. yacbt
Wisdom, from rort Townaena. , .
tmAw ft it i.l.MMAnlMe at a n. 1
fcnmar ftantjk Barbara. Irom Columbia rtrer.
ArrlTed at T p. m., taraera Bantiam and Tier-
ton. from Columbia nar.
Han Fmncwm. Anc 1 2- -Railed it 11 I. B
rfum.f Klam&th. for Portland. Arrired at 11
and wiled at Soon, tteamer Willamette, from
Portland, for Saa Pedro.' Sailed at soon, steam
er City of Topeaa, for Portland. ia Eureka and
Cooe Bay. . . . .
Aberdeen. An. 11. Arrifed, steamer Cabnra,
from Portland. .
Point Rctm. Anc 11. Paaaed at 11 a. m
steamer .Wahkaaaa,' Iron Portland, for Baa
San Francisco. A UK. 12. (I. N. 8.) Ar
rived. British steamer Vncaa. from Shanghai, it
12:30 a. m. : liriino. from Honolulu, at a a.
m. : Homer, from Santa Barbara via ports, at
3:4 0. m.; South Coant. from Crescent City, at
0:30 a, m.j Seafoam, from Mendocino, at 8:50
a. m.; steamer Yosemite. from Port Gamble, at
10:30 a m. .- French motorshlD Fionyn, from
Papeto. at 11 a. rn. : steamer Caspar, from Cas
par, at 11 a. m. : Whittier, from Port San Luis,
at 11 a. m. ; steamer KaUwrlae, from Kareka. at
11 p. m. : yestwrday ; caa aehooaer Stockton City,
from Shelter Core, at 7 a, am. today.
Saa Francisco. Au. 13, (L N. S.) Ar
rired, Anc 1 1 Bndoo, Jjem Anceles, 2:8S
p. nv; Admiral Fanacut. Lot Anselaa, 3:55
p. m. : IiOja Ancelea. 6 p. m. ,
Sailed, Ana. 11 Willamette. Ixje Aatalea,
12 noon: City of .Topeaa. Portland. 11:38
a. m. : tne Sea Kin, bars Erskina M. Phelps,
Port Saa loiis, 1:40 p. m.; Carael. WUlapa.
1:60 p. m.; Atalon, Wiilapa, 2:10 p. m.;
Spokane, I-os Anielee, 4:20 p. m. ; Ariyll. Se
attle. 4-20 p. m.
SeaUIe. Aue". 18. I. N. 8.) Arrived, S.
S. Preeideat, from Saa Pedro, via Saa Francfeeo
and Victoria, at 1 a. ra. Sailed. 8. ' 8. Admiral
Dewey, for Saa Ditto via San Francisco aad Saa
Pedro, at 11 a. at. Arrived. Autcust 11, 8. 8.
Chicago Mam. via Kobe and Yokohama, at 1
p. ra. ; Admiral Watsoa. from Soetheaatera
One Riir of Rnk Cheelts
WHEN my doctor told me to give my
baby Nestl's Food because I couldn't
nurse him, I said, "Have many babies been
brought up on it?" -
He miled. "Right here in the United
your baby has the! food nearest
to mother's milk -free from the
germs of raw cow's milksafe,
clean almost sure to bring him
pink cheeks and a sturdy
dimpled little body. -
I found "that ths Ntatlt Com
pany likas to sava babisa and ktcp
them well. They ssnt msfraasnougV
Nestle's for 12 feedings and a very
interesting and valuabla Mother's
Book about how to ' take cars of .
babies. All you have to do is to fill
out the coupon below. " .
1 MIK.
v a
dv ma inn imi
Ul IflnJUii L
Commander of Western Division
Shows Faith in Corps by En
rolling Three Sons. i.
Major Edward R Rutledge Lowndes.
commander of the' Western recruiting
division of the marine corps, inspected
the Portland office today. He left, this
afternoon for San Francisco, his head
Quarters, where he -will assist in we!
coming the new Pacific fleet, t
For six years Major Lowndes has
commanded the Western division, com'
priains 11 states, and in that time has
become thoroughly acquainted with his
territory. So firmly does he believe in
the marine corps, h la three sons, he
says, will, enter Annapolis. One of
them is now a member of the class of
Major Ixwndes -in the senior of all
army and marine corps majors. He
has been in service more than 35 years.
He graduated from Annapolis.
Congressional reduction of the marine
corps necessitated discharge and re
tirement 'of many valuable and active
officers and men. the major said. The
new law says the marine ' corps shall
average 27,400 men this year, and be
cause the service had 75.000 men during-
the war, far fewer than 27,400 men must
be the maximum until that figure Is
reached as average for the present finca.1
year. ine major ueueves me law
should have stipulated that the marine
corps should have a strength of 27,400
and not an average at the end of the
fiscal year.
More Money for .:
Schools Asked of
Centralia Voters
Centralis Wash.. Aug. 12. Holding
that the 10 mill levy permitted by layv
is insufficient for tha coming school
year, the local school board has called
a special school election for August 23,
asking the voters to approve a levy of
13 mills. The budget proposed totals
156,765.03, compared with 948,831.2a Jtor
instruction last year.
Centralia, Wash., Aug. 12. A delega
tion of local business men will demand
of George Walker; secretary of the
Southwest Washington fair, recognition
of the Centralia band at the 1919 fair,
which opens Monday. A contract for
furnishing music fair week -has been
awarded to the Chehalis band, but the
local chamber contends that the Cen
tralia organisation is entitled to play
part of the week, especially in view of
the boosting that Centralia is giving the
Centralia, Wash-, Aug. 12. A threat
ened strike of men employed on street
improvements was averted Monday when
th demands of the men were mt by the
contractors, including an increase in
wages and recognition of the union. The
only refusal of the contractors was an
increase of 50 cents a day for wheelers,
which, they claimed, were In the same
class aa common laborers. ' The new
scale is effective Saturday. -
Vader Girl Wins Scholarship
Centralia. Wash., Ang. 12. A schol
arship offered by the Centralia Academy
of Music to the Lewis county pupil out
side Centralia and Chehalis making the
highest average in the recent eighth
grade examinations was won by Gladys
Humphrey, a 12-year-old Vader girt
In the examinations she made 854 cred
its out of a possible 900.
Slashing Fire Costly
Centralia. Wash., Aug. 12. Fire that
was started by sparks from .a slashing
on- neighboring property Friday de
stroyed the residence of Gus Salzer In
the Hannaford valley, northeast of this
city. The loss was 12500, partly cov
ered by insurance.
Alaska, at 8 a. ra.; Victoria, from Noma and St,
Michael , via Seward and Coraoea, at B p. ra. ;
t-jwer acbooner usmo, from xacoma. at :3W p.
oa. Sailed. August U 8- 8- Redopdo, (or South
aaefajrn Alaska, via ladyamlth, B. C, at I p. m.
CordoTa. Aur. 10. (I. N. 8.) Sailed. 8. S.
Northwestern, southbound, at 9 p. m.
Saa Diego, Aug. 11. (1. N. 8.) Arrived.
8, S. Admiral Wcelcy. from Seattle, via Saa
mrancueo and San Pedro, at S p. in.
Aberdeen. Aug. 11. (L N. 8. ) ArrlTed.
8. S. Sewickley. Iron Seattle.
Tacoma. Aug. 11. Arrired. 8. S. Anyox,
towing barge Henry Villard, from Ellamar; Prin
cess, Louise, (rasa tfrtuau Columbia ports, at 11
p. m. Arrired, August 12. S. S. Jarary, irom
BeUinahara, Aug. 10. tt N. S.) Arrired.
8. S. Nurwood. from Southeastern Alaska, at 8
p. nv. Sailed, S. S. Mndea, for Honolulu.
Coast Business Men
Clamor for Improved
Service With Orient
Ban Francisco, Aoe. 12, (TJ. P.)-
"The operation was a succcess ; but the
patient died."
William H. Hammer, president of the
Foreign Trade ciub aad shipping man.
today offered that Quotation to describe
the position of exporters of the coast
who have been promised better cable
facilities to the Orient.
"Wo will get better facilities from the
government through radio and from
private concerns through cable, no
doubts- he said, "but meanwhile our
business is dying.
Hammer announced plans to finance a
radio -corporation to build a big station
here and others in Hawaii and at
Manila, -. . ..
- Mflbia Fennoyer Arrested
Special Officer Whltesldes, his sensi
bilities quickened by a shot in the side
several months ago while patrolinr his
beat, arrested Melbin Penaoyer. 21, at
.Para ana . sl. Clair streets about 11
o'clock Monday night with a revolver.
Pennoyer is charged with carrying con
cealed ' weapons. . Acting Municipal
Judge Deteh heard the evidence this
morning, but reserved sentence.
Auxiliaries to Meet i
Members of the war auxiliaries' can
tral committee have, been called to at
tend a meeting at the City Hall at 10
o'clock .Wednesday morning to - enter a
protest - against - the proposed deslgna
tion of the aviation field -aa . "Klepper
field." - .
Pershing ta Leave Europe Soon
Paris, Aug. 12, (CP.)- General
Pershing will leave for Italy next Sat
urday. visiting Rom and the battle
fields. - He - will start for the United
States the first week la September.
E." W. Van Valkentrurtv alter store. 925 "In-;
terstaU- between ftkidiuora and rrwoott, builder,
A. V. ruber. 8100. -
af. V. Crawford, reoeir rasidanoa. S704
67th at. between 27th and 89th. area., builder
same, ; 875.
W. U. Clinton, erect trarace, BSS E. 1 9th 21.
between Siskiyou and Klickitat, builder same.
saoo. . .; .
. Mrs. B. J. Bechan. repair rasjdenrw. 800 try
between Williams and Union, builder same.
8100. :
Crjatal lee A Storaca Co.. erect tarac and
bars, 840 E. Main between E. 8th aad IS.
7th eta., bulkier aame, S10.OOO.
Chartea McAfee, met amrare. 878 Cleve
land are.' between Coins and Wysaat, builder
same, 8195, ,
Mra. saa tiaenien. erect anar.a. n. r,. or.
Hartman between Cruikshank aad Charleston.
builder. Mr. Zimmemaa. 8800.
G. O. Smith, erect rwrfdenee, 1888 Boatnn
ate. between Portland bird, and Deknm, build
er aama. a 1200.
Western Structural Steel A Task Co.. erect
foundry, 1 6 SO UalseT between ii. SSd and Mi.
Sth. Imilder name. tSOOO. '
- William Black, renair reddeaca. '83 East
S4th t. between Waahiagtoa and Stark, builder
Harry Pat. are 'taraaw, Hannau ae
tvMn 20th and 2 let. builder same. 880. .
Harry Park, erect tarace, 804 Marshall be
tween 20th and 21st, builder same, to. -
I Harrr Park, erect tarace. 270 21t at N,
between fJorthrop and Orerton, r builder aame,
: Harry Park, erect ran re. 268 21st at. K.
between Northrop and urerton. nuiioer aame,
isn. ...
A. DeuTalL renair dwelling, 157 Julia
Tt, between Macadam and Corbet t, builder,
j a nam,n aann.
Good Samaritan hospital, repair names'
home. 783 Mrnhall between 22d and 23d,
j, J. XI. Hayes, repair residence, 1134 Glenn
ave. between Emerson and Holman. builder,
Georre W. roreman. 8160.
A. TL Vtt alter ehickenhouse. 1385 Curtis
between Portland bWd. and Liberty, builder
H. Kruee-er. repair rwrideaee. 1008 East
Yamhill between East 83d and East 34 th,
builder same. 825. " .
W. B. Cobb, repair residence, 428 East 88th
between rrtiiskra and Lincoln, builder same,
a?.m. -
A. W. Johnson, repair residence. 47 East
53d at. between Stark and Gluan. buUder aame,
C. V. Boart. repair store. SO Second be
tween1; raTis and Ererett. builder. E. Hender
(i. Suneaeni, repair residence. 867 E. 15th
between Prrshfnr and Hair, builder aame, 8100.
t w JL- ' v. Raker, erwet msidenca. 7S
Terry- between Minnesota and Mississippi, build'
era, A. C. Miller A Baker. 8300. "
A. J. Bruce, erect rarace. 697 E. 8th be
tween McLaughlin and Hair, builder. Arrow
Cement A Tray Co., Siou.
Martin J. Malone, repair residence, 188
Blandena between Oongreaa and Commercial,
: A. C. Smith, erect dweDinr. 1010 E. 83d
north between Freecott and uons, pauaer same,
t v T Unrri araet earace. 830 Minne-
anta between Prescott and Skidmore, builder
. a inn
James A. KHne. repair- residence, 494 Sum
ner between 9th and 10th. builder same. 340.
f..rf v.ta araet office and stock rooms.
SIS 4th between Columbia and Clay, builders
Hopkins & Andrews, 610.OUU. , , ,
Phil Metsrhan, repair stores and hotel. 829
Waahinrton between run ana uroauwaj, uuuam,
a I i'..n,rKall X3TB.
A. C Smith, erect garae. 1010 E. 83d be
tween Prescott and Goinr. builder same, 380.
W. A. FUnn, erect r a rare. 607 E. Tioaa be
tween Hudson and Smith are., builder aama
a" TV r.mU. renair residence. 1009 AHe-
t-heny between Bank and Swift, builder same,
H. B. Nndelman, erect carare. 684 E. 10th
between Knott and Stanton, buuaer same, i i o.
v n i:r. install ' furnace. 1129 Cumber
land read between Culpepper and Shenandoah,
Instaijer, i-oriiauu u . v ...
R Wajsbinsrton Between nroaaway ana in
1 . 1. V IT TtnnAfM BUS.
uu,us.. ;. . -Z axn u .
.nm.n ttHt hetween Elm and St. Helena
Court. Oulioer, in Anacnon, iv.
. ... . i m i rs n
U. ; 1 ' Aseaa, repair mut, v viwwi
tween Housday and Viaeaamas, duuoot aame
tiia . -
n.Tftm vrfofe renair aterea. 147 4U be
tween Alder and Morrison, builders Vanderhoof
Brothers. 8200. . '
SS. "CITT OF TOPE K A" satis gt tl.
M. August 15th, for Cooa Bay. Eureka. San
Francisco, connecting with steamer to- Los
Angeles and Ban Diego.
fares include Meals and Berth.
an Francisco SSO. 00
Los Angelea 55-52
Saa Diego f 08.00
Jtrneau .. . .S72.00 Sitka . ...$ 80.00
Skagway ..,$80.00 Seward ..,1122.00
Anchorage .$143.00
MAIN 1460 A-3832
II X . l svw wraTai'a rr
MV UbniunlUV
Va eae her yaw set the
aeaiiaoia apace an any
ar or any line.
In Our Office far the Following. Usage
Direct: 0
Norweelan American Line
Seandlnavlan American Line
Swaetah American Line
Via tnelandi -
- Ourtard Staamihlp Company
White Star Line . '
U yoa are interested ia tola ereer there, at
bringing anyone floss there, sail apoa
The Journal Rldg, F-ertland, Oregon
Telashpra Marshall 170.
Thursday, August 14
From Alsgwortk. Pock
Fare Includes Berth aad Meas -.
City Ticket Office, Id aad Wash.
Phone Uala SSS0 '
Freight Office. Aiss worth Boek
. Phone Broadway 863
Saa Fraarlgeo A Portland S. 8. Ilset
tdoeaga rwtai semes
Bubieet to Change Without Notice
PRANCE ...aUO.ft
LA TOURRAINE ............. AUO. SO .
NIAGARA .... AUQ. 10
Fugazl Braa., Paoifie Coast Agents. 10O Cherry
EL, SaatUa, ar say Lacal AaanL
The Dallea and Way Points
Sailings Tuesdays, Thurgdsys. and
. Saturdays, 7 A.M.
Ash St, Dock t Broadway 3434
Via Tahiti and Raratonga. MaH.eng Paaaanaar
arviea Pram Ean ; Prsneitee Every EE Days
ESO Csuifenla EL. Saw Franelaaa
Or Lacal Steamship and Rallread A gene lea. v
This splendid "82-acre ranch, ahout
40 of which are In cultivation. House
Is plastered and contains eight larger
airy rooms; has fireplace, concrete
foundation and basement : five acres
of commercial apple orchard, besides
assorted family orchard. Barn 60x60
and other outbuildings. Improve
ments alone cost over $5000. Total
price $7800. $4300 cash. Located, six
miles from Beaver creek in Clacka
mas county In the Clark's district.
- This Is a real snap. Photos at' office.
Cham, of Com. Bldg.
Open Evenings and. .Sundays.
Send Us Your Old Carpets
Old Bar? aad Woolen Clotkiaf.
We Make BevertiMe. SEBd.YToveE
Fluff Rugs
They Wear like Iron.
Bar Bofs. Woven AU Sizes.
Matt Orders Sead for Booklet.
Carpet Cleaning
xl9 Birs, steam Cleaned, Hit
4tTaloB Ave. Jf.
East HE Phoaes B-M!
AT WlUiUN'8 AaeUoa House. lSU-lia Ed
st Bala at 10 a. aa. ' -
Public Dance on Swan
Tonight ' (Tuesday), August
12. Boat lea t as foot of Jef
ferson at 8:80. dance until
11.45. Giren by Anchor
council No. 748. K. - and U
sf S. Uandy laza hand, ra
freshnents, games and every
one guaranteed a good oroe.
come and get acquainted.
Boat sails, rain or shine.
I07 "J CAMT saeets vrery Wed-
r i . . aeeday evening la W. O.
hWl XT. Temple. 12S 11th St.
MP il v i AD members reanested tn
Oil) A ' attand. Visitors weteoaaa
, SPECIAL oommunicatlon East
1' : Mm Na. 165. A. F. A
A. M-, Thursday evening, August
14, 7:80 p. m.. East 80th and
---t. ISInvb 4a af. M.
X' i.i, in. hmlhftl RordiallV.
um . - - , -
inrited to attend. U. V. jseiaoa, eecy.
Merti. W. M.
ruw7t't InrK:k'. 'fin 1 0B. A.
K. gnd X. M. Special commun
eation Tuesday evening, August
12. at 8 o'eloek. MUwaukle, r.
Work in the M. at. degree. Visit
ers welcome,
; J. M. SNTI'ER, jsecretary.
EafBLEM JEWELRT a eneelslty; buttons, pins,
eharros. Jaeger Bros.. 18t-H Sth
Xljtal $tc3iistics
Walter If, Kline. 82. Corrallis, Or,, and Ada
Wv Sexton, S7, WheeWon annex.
Otner MUls, legal, Selby, 8, D., and Helen
W Mi-I'mkir. Irnil. 240 North Nineteenth.
Erik O. Johnson, 2, 50 North Sixth, and
Elba Bergman, 20. Rainier Hotel.
John C. Holcemb, 3tt, 411 Jessun, and Iyda
V. B. Kenuhip, 4S, 10 Kast enwrntn.
Win. J. Webb. 28. 431 East Taylor, and
Carolyn M. Bapa, 2. 431 East Taylor.
Albert C. Burroughs, 23, 747 Clinton, aad
Rl.nrh. Uilav. 21. 4fiS Eaat A ah.
Daniel Birkmeier, 2S, Milwaukie, Ore., aad
Evelyn Walker. 19. 34 Multnoman.-
filtir-To Wr.' and ' Mrs. J. R- Hill, 542
81st st. 8. Aug. . daughter.
HA SLOP Tp Mr. and Mr. J. E. Hasten. 202$
E, vouch, Aug. 10. a oaugnier.
TEMPLJN To Air. and Mrs. J. W. Templis,
361 . Fremont st, July 28, a eon.
NASH To Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Nash, 174 13th
st., Aug. 2. a daughter.
NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Nelson, 1119
K. Grant st. Aug. 1. a son.
CBOFT To Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Croft, 888
Market St.. Ang. 1. a daughter.
NELSON To Mr. aud Mrs. S. ,W. Nelson.
185 K. Buffalo at.. Aug. 6. a daughter.
KIIOLL To Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Kroll. 1470
K. Oak, Aug. 7, a son.
KAISER To Mr, and Mrs. William T. Kaiser,
1118 K. 20th U N., Aug. 1. daughter.
Shanahan To Mr. and Mr. J. 1. Bhanahan,
864 H E. Morrison. July SB. a son.
PARISI To Mr. and Mrs. a. P. Parisl, 868
Michigan st, Aug. 4, a daughter, -
WHBATLEY To Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wheat
ley, 700 Liberty. Aug. ,, a son.
BAHN To Mr. and Mr. Fred Hahs. 387
Knott st. Aug. 8, a son. . ...
WHrPKHEAD To Mr. and Mrs. J. N. White
head. 39 Everett aU. Aug. 4, a son.
HIJBBARD To Mr. and Mrs. ,, V. Hubbard.
Yamliill. Or.. Aug. 8, a on.
SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. R. A, 5tttiUj, I-inn-
ton. Or,, Aug. 8, daughter.
GAINES To Mr. and Mrs. B. r Gaines. 68th
' st, and 67th ave.. B. E.. Ang. 4. a son.
HEATHS Ayp-FC51!8A18 7
OT? BERGEN-iT 8U Vincent's hospital,
August 8, 1919, John Von Bergen,' aged 4S
years, 10 -months, 1 1 day. Deceased is sur
vived by one son and two daughter, John
Bergen, age 17 J ears: Maria, 18. an Heles, 18,
Also two sisters and four brother. Mrs. Mar
guerite Keller of New Jersey and Lena Leuthold
of this city, Casper V. Bergen, Jacob and Henry
Leuthold of this city and Andrew Leuthold of
California. Funeral service will ha held tor
morrow, Wednesday, at . 2 P. m.. fssun tb
chapel of the Skews -Undertaking ' company,
coroar Third and Clay, nnder the auspice of the
Portland Orutli Verein. of which he was a
member. Friends tnvfted to attend. Interment
in family lot, Multnomah cemetery.
MiLLER At "tU awily' rcaidsnce.' Ul Wesl
Portland boulevard. Albert C. MUler. age 78
year, beloved ' husband . of Elhtabeth Miller.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow fWednea
day). August IS. at 2 p. m., from the funeral
parlors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co... 8882 and
5804 Ninety-second street 8. E ia Lents... la
terment Mouut Bcott eemetery. ' -
KJHODES-In this city. August 11. Hiram
Rbodfa, ' aged 78 years, - hut band af Mrs.
Mary E. Rhodes of 867 Princeton street, brother
af Abraham Rhodes, Mrs. Ilcbacca Gordon. Mr
Adeline Fulkersoa and H. E. Ilhede of New
eastl. Pa.. The funeral eerviee will he held
Tnursday, August 14. at 2 :80 o'eWwk p. ra.
at Fiaiey'a, Uontgomery at Fifth. ' Friend in
vited, v Interment as Jtiverviw cemeicry.
SINGER At the residence, ' 281 East ' 86th
street south. Aaguat 11. Frances 1. Singer,
saod il yean, beloved mother of W. B. Hinges
and Mabel Caswell, both of this city. - Funeral
service will be held Wednesday, August 18,
at 10 a. m., at the' Portland crematorium.
Arrangements In care of Miller A Tracey.
NASH In this city. August 1 6TTrvuglaa Naah,
aged 60 years, beloved broths of Mnu Joha
Falconer ot thi city. Funeral service will ba
s i . . . , a , . . , . . , .A .ft
field weuneausjr, jsusudv v ft- vv &u., v
the chapel of Miller A Tracey. . Incineration at
the " Bortland Crematorium.
t5ATEln'thlclt " Ims'If John'W:' IfflX
ged 56 years, lata of Helena,' Mont husband
of Mrs. Antoinette Hall, father of Cleveland Halt
of Havre, Mont, and Doris Hall of Helena, Mont,
The remains aro at, Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth.
EETTEBTb funeral J aarvicea . of the . lata
Petar Settat ! waa held v today, Tuesday, at
2 p. an., from the eonserritory chapel of tha
F. 8. Dnnnina, Inc.. 414 Eaat Aider. Ioter
ment. Mount Scott Park eemetery. ' "
gfc'C5NfClCin - thla cily august 12, Joseph
Buconich, aged 67 years, lata of 627 Fourth
tiwet. - Tha remains ara at Finiey'a, Montgomery
at t irth. Nouce of runarai nereaiter.
BLVGIlXil At the reatdence. 203 Stanton
atreet, Augnet 11, Amanda Jaaa Bingham,
aed 38 years. Funeral notico later. Ar
rangenient in care of Miller A yriscey. - -
f ENS5N it SeaUIe, WahTAnguat"l lTteona
' V. Benson. The remains ara at Finiey'a, Mont
gomery at VU Us, Notice of funeral hereafter. -
FASCIIING Mart C. Faachiug. Portland Sanl-
" uriuni, Ang. 8, 62 years. Carcinoma. .
SCH.EIDE-.Martha Schneider. 8t Vincent's
hospital. Ant. 8; It years, pneumonia.,
WE 18 Nick Wei. Willamette river, found Ang.
10. 87 years, drowning. ": - ;
TAN TAS8ELL Baby VsQTaascll. 8 1. Vincent's
- hospital. Aug. 11, 3 days, oedema lungs..
BERGEN John Von Bergen. 8U Vincent hos
pital. Aug. 0, 42 years, carcinoma. .
STOWElXr George Stowell, Portland sanator
ium, Aug. 10, 80 yean, chronic nephritis.
CABCICH Paul Csrrira. East 11th aad Spa.
kana st., Aug. "9. 23 yeara, , fractured skull
In accident. -
8ETTEB Peter Setter, Good Samaritan hospital.
ang. in, g i years, perooaraitia.
CLARE BROS . florMsTMorrUon' St. bet. 4th
and 6th. Phone Main A-1805. Fine flow.
re and tlersl designs. No branch stores.
hiU ata. -Cut lowers, plants and designs. Sell
wood Greenhouse. 648 Nehalesn ave. 8i. 1520,
MARTIN rFORBE8CO..florista, 85 Waal
ington. Main 260. A-12S0. Flower for
all occaaidns artistically arranged. - 1 :
signs and decorations; Phone' Marshall 6022,
MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 V 6th TT
Holman Undertaking Co.
Funeral -Directors -'
- Main -60T. A-1511.
progressive Funeral-'
f ' Directors
. Dunning-&' McEntee ;
Broadway and Ankeny ata, ' Lady Assistant,
rnone Uroadway 4B0, -A-4B58.
A. D. i Ken worthy . & Co,
5803-5804 -fSD ST. H. K., LENTS
rhowe Tsbor B867. Heme Phone D-61.
.F. S. Dunning, Inc. - -
414 E.- Alder St. Phona East 62. B-6225.
east 781 a a swaa swvi vt
a Assistant
E. 11th and Hawthorne.
McENTEB A EtLERS, funeral parlors with all
u privacy or a noma, joui ana Everett ste.
Phone Broadway 9188, Home, A-2188.
MILLER, A TRACET. independent funeral di-
rwsioia. t-ruje a low aa aaui aev. few,
tshington at Ella. Main 2681,! A 785.
DOWNING A MoNEMAR.- suceaasors to Wilson
. A Bosa. Multnomah' at , E. 7 th, Irvington uia-
K: W. GABLE A CO.. ' " '
- Successors ta W. H. Hamilton.
1878 B. Gliean. Phone Tabor 4818.
TTi T' inTW Ti "KT jnC New residence
.. A 8 8.lTltiv Ubllshmaat. 801
William ave. Woodltwn 220.
Breeze&Snook 72BeenS
A.R.ZeiIer Co. riolTcrxoV.:
"Ericson ZVWuS::, ISft
Portland . Marble Works
266 4th St.. Opt. City Hslt - Wen Brca.
bi 2ST"3P( ST AT MAOiyOllAj
t nKT a tstti vnTrvn - , , ft
THE FOLLOWING articles hav been found on
cars of the rortiaod Railway, Light A power
Co. : August. 9 2 purses, bank honk, pair
glasses, fountain, pen. key, camera, 8 glove. 8
4- . MnA kn.k a,.lr aa.
1 suit esse, 1 lunch bos. 1 ' umbrella. August
Ay -l urac, Dana Does, iiTf, a"".
paeaages, gun. m'la can, paaaet, dm, pui .
2 -umbrellaa Owners may obtain property at
tiu Tl 1 . ..k. t ,1.. - ,..11.. .nn t . In trt mr.
rency, check, papers and-Chamber of Conv
merca membership card for identification. Finder
please phono Broadway 8721, receive liberal re-
KOT Tellow natural muley Jersey cow; left
. ear cropped; right, undercut; Bar O P brand
on ngos Uip:.liV n(ftn iw a. it.u
lenqing to recovery w v,
ON AUG. - tt. plain gold band ring, valued as
keepsake; initials inside; on mad to Oswego.
Finder please notify Oswego pos toffies and recviv
LOST -At Hippidrovne Sunday vcning. 8 rinas;
3 gold, one diamond. 85 reward if re
turned to Mia Beasia Winer. 728 H First
LOST Ladi's'dUmond pin. in " Barkhurst
dressing room ; no . oueation . asked. Ueward.
Call Broadway B7S7.
t nTlinnHi. a.ftnina at Rraadwa and Evsr
ett. child's dark blue cos.. Reward, : 604
Mtin ave. t-none penwooa hip
LOST Black fox fur; Pacific higbway, Seattle
- Portland, August 8, Finder notify Mia Gar
land. 1212 Howe St., Vancouver, t. v.
LOST In vicinity f Helng theatre a ailver
' otgaretta raper ease. Monogram - jb. u. u.
Phona Mrl ill 2Bg; rewara.
LOSTBiaci book coo tain teg cheek 180.66 and
gzo 1 aurrency; rewaru. ; mow pnaaww
11 WO. roctn bob. ' ' ' '
our light brindle froal Boston Bulldog. Call
LOST Purse-. Sunday, on Sunnrside
tainmg about 820. Tabor 0064, r
ear, eon-
LOST At Columbia Beach, diamond bar pin
. . witha, emerald. Reward. Marshall 882.
LOST -Maaonlo watch charm; reward. WUllsan
K. Brunt, court nonag.
ployatent to right asaa. Living expense
very moderate. jnnepenaeno usnsv e mm
china Shou. i;i.te-iudenoe. Or.
M EN wanted ' to c -"y" briiuet from trurk to
. basement: 8 IiowW wage from 84.2a to
84.75, Apply north weat corner 2d and i landers
sta... PorUand Gas UM im.
utnn.i!iS aalaa manaaer tor work extend
ing all over the country: salary 8200 a month
to start; quick prnmottoa If competent. Westaia
Preaa, -20 lloor, svunam ptatiopery.
CSlNfT'rUjit alone in 6 cyllndst touring car,
weU equipped. la Salt laka and Denver.
Will take one or mora parti. Bam a train
far. -7, Joumai,
v.VPICRtENCEt hardware salesman wanted; goon
wagea, steady poslUon fpr the right party I iwn
, .i. Tt . win. . Viimluira Co.. 221 Front St.
FOREMAN lnisber to take charge ot th. fin
ishing department in chair factory: steady po
sition: must be an experienced finisher . Apply
at, ORC, Mreaon viiair uy.. ii.. J
ffv mrr ir-rrrifia MMtwl for fira. automobile.
accident and manna insurance. Sorley A Co.,
Board of Trade faldg.
EffT solicitors wanted for fire, automobile, a-
irfnt and marina nsuraaoa,
Sealer A Co.,
Boara OI ft raue
WANTED Eape"ri"ence4 seltlng machine man for
rilf ill wo ra. - nPHftwi ft w, .... m.m.
1348 Maeadam Boad.
LABORERS wante.1', concrete work, at 84.60 foe
8 hours., E. 44th and Broadway. Jtoaa City
nAfllWTT "lfti",i .
keeper.' Answer giving Mptmaoei wfsraws
and salary expecteq. i trvn, "":
WANTtrv Toung. men ar boy ovf tltU
v work Saturday ntgnu to paaemvnt. jiny
oalatioa DepartmCTUTaa Journal efftca.
W'ANTEIV M older helper atth Comasereial
T HO" i ,
WANfEDEaperieaoed. grocery clerk. Conaoll-
t ron worae.
.Ndated Merrannw esmpsnr, nam a"f, "
MAN wlthFord car.- 638 Washington.
Hawthorne Auto School
Antoenobtles. trucks, tractors, machinist trade.
eay-aoetyrnt wekHng. Tniesvnlaing and vwtreadina.
Speeial summer rates. Day and evening classes.
" Enroll "any time. Telegraphy, stenography.
banking, oookkeetnng, secretarial, rrea catalog.
Learn telegrapht
mm and woman .wanted. Call 218
Railway Eachange bldg. Splendid opportunity
to tears) a well-paid jrof essoin, rrta pootiat,
Mailwa Telecranh Inatitut.-
FaSE3BBiMEN--Ji56-i26 monthly
experience) nnneceasary. Write Railway a,
awciatiow. TX-6 66, JenmaL - - -KC655T""M0eNTAlN
Frank K. Welles, ea-assi. uu anpt., mgr.
K. W. Bank bldg. Taacner placed- prampuy.
GOING East or South t Household good shipped
at reduced rataa; moving and packing. Pacific
Coait iorwaraing ua., Oi atoyt at. Jdwy lita.
Wa are bow rady to receive anpllcation for
enrollment in our automobile, ga trarior, s'a
tionary and marine, operating and repairing
aourses. Our Portland school has ut t"-n.
remodeled and Is bow ready for Inspectina. New
machinery has bean installed ia every dpart
ment. visitors are. wslconted. New riiwr",
day and Bight, , begin August 19. Btudenu r
eeive practical training both in the day arvi
night classes. For full lnformtli)n call et
Hawthorne avenue. Tske'MC Hoott or Haw
thorne ear at 2d sad. Alder aw. ta East 20th st.
Typewriting, comptometer, hookkteping and all '
athce modern businetw courses. Ia v and nsht
school, Aiisky bldg.. 8d and Morrison. Msta $1.
.Wa teach auto, tractor, gas engine and an In
electrical work. BIO 100-PAUK CATALOO
FREE. Address Adcog Auto and Traotnr acaeol.
Dept. J, Union ave. snd "Wasco street, Portia ad.
Or. Phooe Eaat 7446.
Miaa Regina Bwkel a private school: Individ
ual Instruction. 122 4 Grand ave. East 43T.
GIRL wsnted for -second work, 9 In family. Ap
ply 732 Flandorrt St.. bet, 82d and ia st.
LADIES experienced selling neekwar gad Vsll-
tng. ( Apply superintenrlent onlre,
Between 8 and 10:80 in the morning.
BOOKKEKrER-STENOGB irilffi for perma-
nam. desirable position; state . gs. experi
ence, salary expected and references; make ap
plication in own handwriting. B 287, Jourwa,.
MIDDLE aged bachelor wants lady cook on
rancbr one that can do chores when nems
sary ; wage reasonable. It. 2. Box 8, CrabUee,
WANffD-Ejperiancsd girl for general house-a1 "
work, three tn family, no children, no Sunday
dlnnar, every evening off, good wages. 105
savior kt. Phone Mais 6282.
WANTED Lady waitre. 886.60 and board;
1 lady dishwasher, 870 and board. Call th'e
afternoon. Delaaey Employment Bsrrioe, 15
N MAni4 mt.
OPENINGS for lew tewing machine operator.
biso apprentice. upon wages, vuuty uip
raent Co., 167 1st st. -
THj! Florcnee Crittenton Home u ready t
help any girl In distress. 855 R, Gllaaa. U.
V. ear. East 816. .
JXTEriATION woman to work on ladies' "gar
meRt. Apply st once. Levitt' store, cor.
er 4 th' and Washington,
WANTED 'Experienced girl to inaaa button-
holes in vasts : best wage.
8d U. ,
room is.
WANfED-Good cook, for large family. ouJv
cooking and kitchen work; only etperienctd
woman need apply. 1'hone Tsbor 64 78.
Have" aoroetliing worth InrasiJgatlng for a flrt
class sourltor. pnont Seilwooa 209 T. 4.3j
atn ave.. m. K.
GIRLS to fold circulars, v.ry light work. Apply
at one at Levitt' stofe, corner 4th and Watli
Ington. WAN TED Girl for soft drink and cigar stsni.
t an up 102 V North Bixtrt street.
WANTED Eapsrieuced aucoixl girl: good sal
ary; large family. I'hono Tsbor B470.
GIRL cashier, mu't ba eapananoed. Apply
n'nti Biort, stn nn wasnington.
W"AK'ElBght''girl, to'aniwir trT eTihone ant
no iignt wors in oiticn, rnona Tahor 8IU0.
HOP PICKERS wanted tor our yard (across
river irom independence, ur.) Picking be
gin about Sept. 1 and our hops are very best.
We pay 60e per bos and will be- profitable ta
you both in healthful outing and earning some
money oesinee. we lumian wood, running
.. wwh. w, vw.,i, imuivw lull no, tin,
straw, electric light all free of charge. Store
on yara ior your accommodation ana supplies
at lowest prices. . Finest camping grounds with
shady trees. Fsres About 48.75 round trip,
children on bslf. F ml lie preferred, ss they
prefer. Writ or eU soon to rrgtster and got
your railroad ticket. Office orn day od BlgUU
808 First t. " Portland, Or.
ilOPI'lCKERS wanted In theMTtoma a rd, about
8 Vk mile, northeast of Indepcndsnee, Or.;
114 acres of the very bent hops in ttregon, and
will pay 80c per boa. Nice clean oemp grounds,
with store and water. We will furnish tents,
benches aad tables, clean straw for beddings. Mr,
B. 8 tu lawman will register Dickers at Room 416
Commonwealth Building. 6U and Burnsida SU.,
agrsn j, ta ana is,
Itivsrside Hop fsrm, near Nawberg, oa Wii
lamett river. Pickers' house and all usual'
accommodation furnished free. Good water,
store on farm, excellent picking. W prslsr
fsmillas. Kegiatar now. Main H42.
8g6 8 her kirk Bldg.
BISHOP BROS.' yard, near Salem and Inde
pendence, S7T acres ot fine hups. ' AU usual
accommodation famished. Pay 81.20 pet 100
tha, W pink up youf baggage st yout home
and - deliver it to ranch free o( charge both
way. Hegiator at 134 N. 8th st.. Willamette
Valley Transfer f'n. Phone Broadway 4 54.
P68ITlONS ar now open for page work after
school and evenings for girls over 18 or boy
aver 16 year of age; also 2 full time position
for boy or girls who bav finished th eighth
grsqe. apply mnno Library.
pay you whil laarnlns ; gives yon set mt tavlai
positions secured. Writ for estalogn. 286
Burnsld. st, or phone Broadway 1711,
MEN, WOME'NTleara barber trsde: wages weil
learning, position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 yr.
agpertence. Oregon Barber College, 28 Madlsoa.
la 8 weeks; pay whil learning; position goss
an teed. 884 Couch st
WXn'TED 'Boys and girl tt mak hsakel.
Gate Basket A Dinalr Co., 1486 Macadam rd.
Start an of our specialty candy fsotnrle In
your Jiotn. email room, anywhere. W. tall haw
aad furnish svsrythln. Grand opportunity.
1 818 Wsnstesd st, PlillsdarpM a. Pa.
AGENTS wanted In every city in the atateVef
Oregon and Waahiagtoa to handle our Eu
reka Auto Top Dressing. Agent snaking big
money everywhere. Wsrranted to b abaoiuUIr
waterproof and non-crckM. Fastest seller on
th market. 480 Aider. Pboa Broadway 2171.
ACCIDENT and hearth almea win ted In
Oregon, Wsvt.rn Washington and Southern
Idaho, part or whole time: beat policies aad b-t
eommiaslons: brokerage solicited. Mass, Bond
ing A lusurano Co., 818 Lumbermen bldg.,
Portlsnd. Or.
Let me pat ' your records In conditio to
meet with th new federal tax laws. Now
hav facilities to eupervis several mora seta of
book at a raaaonabl fee. which loolodaa reg
ular reports, suggestion, logo me tag aemce, ale
M-2. Journal.
TEAMS wanted to haul cwrdwood,- to mil,
dowa hill haul; good road and docks; 33 milt
from Portland. Jumbo Wood Co. Tahor 1044.
WANTED Job aa night watch, or watchmsa",
" by a man that ia competent sad trustworthy. .
E-Il, Journal. '
BKEK, first class, all arwnnd, special on Fr'h
bread and. rolls; staady worker. 841 E. 88tb.
Phone SMIwnod 1161.
blffAiiiiKh'BOT.UlK'tl. 88. deal km poaltJonTf
bookkeeper and ateaogragber. Ilaa good ex pa
ri erica and offers beet reference. 1V642. Jonraal.
CTRPENfXRworawant pjooa8ellood
VTA NTETw Work for too truck. Phona SeUwesd
UOtSKKEEl'ER, reliable, neat and well bred.
with daughter 14, wishes position in home or
rooming ho us. aoywaer. , Write hog J 4, SUtis-
yjll. Mich.
ailDDIl aged lady wishes housekeeping, full
charge. Address Mr. S. V., Room 14. 8 V t.
eta at.
ELDERLT lady with reference wiU care fr
children : afternoon er e van ing; Teaaoeable
ratea. - Slam auf).
GOOD LACNDRESS wanU waahiug. " Call ere-
nings only. at 7741.
EJH'EWLNCEb tnog rapher deni rr jierr,,a
, nent position. Tteferencea. Call Wdln. 189'-'.
' Cbroala ailmenta, good eare. Ratea raaaaasbla
784 Hawthorne ave. East 1817.
CXpVRICNCED practical auras, bet of r'r
ennee; coafinament preferred. l'hon Lat
8663. :.