112 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PO RTLAND, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1013. 49 ' MEN WANTED ' We are bow ready to receive applications for enrollment In our automobile,, gas tractor, sta tionary and marine, operating and repairing course. Our Portland school has Just been remodeled and ia now reedy for Inspection. New machinery haa . been installed ia every depart ment . Visitor ara welcomed. New classes, day and night, begin August -18. Students re ceive practical training both in the day and right clauses. - for fall information call at HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. INC., 701 Hawthorne avenue. Take Ht Scott or Haw . ooroe car at 2d and Alder ate, to East 20th st LEARN TELEGRAPHY Toanc men and women wanted. Call 218 Railway Exchange . bklg. Splendid opportunity to- learn a. well-paid proressotn. Fees booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute. HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL wanted for second work, 2 In family. Ap . ply 782 Flanderrs st, bet. 22d and 28d sta. LOCAL DEPARTMENT store has opening for several experienced niabt ianitreeset. Most be thoroughly .experienced, steady and must furbish the best of references. Hours will be from D p.' m. to 4 a. m. Salary to start will be ,.875 per month. Correspond. P. O. Box 747. "x : ' CIRL FOR FLAT WORK DEPARTMENT. AMERICAN LAUNDRY CO.. 140 E. .THIRD ST. N. BOOKKEEPER-STENOOB 4.PHER for perma nent, desirable position; stste sge, experi ence, salary expected and references; make ap plication in own handwriting. B-267. Journa,. MIDDLE aged .bachelor wants lady cook on ranch; one that can do chores when neces ssry; wages reasonable. B. 2, Box 8. Crabtree, Oregon. OPENINGS for a. few sewing machine operators, alo apprentices' ffood wages. Utility Gar ment Co.. 167 1st St. GIRLS Wanted for light factory work; good wages; steady work; advancement. Apply American Can Co.. 14th and Front sta. TIIlS Florence Crittenton Home u ready to help any girl in distress.. 955 E. Glisan. M- "T. car. East 816. ALTERATION woman to work on ladies' gar- ment. Apply at once. Levitt's store. cor ner 4 th snd Washington. G lady wanted who has had experience in marine insurance. See ley A Co., Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Middle aged lady to keep house for invalid wife and 2 children. Answer in per son. D. Adamson, Oak Grove beach. GIRL cashier, must be experienced. . Levitt's Store, 4th and Washington. Apply WANTED Girls to make buttons. Art Em broidery A Button Co., 633 Morgan bldg. WANTED Bright girIto enswerlephonT'and do light work in office. Phone Tabor 3195. MILLINERY makers wanted. West Milliner?". 368 Aider. HELP WASTED-i ALE AND FEMALE S HOPPICKEFS wanted in the Mitoma yard, about 8 14 miles northeast of Independence, Or.; 1.14 acres of the very best hops In Oregon, and will pay 60c per box. Nice clean camp grounds, with store and water. We will furnish tents, benches and tables, clean straw for beddings. Mr. B. Statesman will register pickers at .Room 413 . Commonwealth Building. 6th and Burnside Sta., August 14. 15 and 16. HOP PICKERS WANTED Riverside Hop farm, near Newberg, on Wil lamette river. Pickers' bouses and all 'usual accommodations furnished free. Good water, store on farm, excellent picking. We prefer families. Register now. Main 842. A. J. RAY A SON. 3S6 Sherlock Bldg. BISHOP BROS.' yards, near Salem and Inde pendence. 377 acres of fine hops. All usual accommodations furnished. Pay $150. uef 100 In We pick . up your baggage at your borne and deliver it to ranches free of charge both ways. ' Register at 124 N. 5th st. Willamette - slley Transfer Co. Phone Broadway 434. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays yon while learning; gives yon set of tools; positions secured. Write for catalogue. 284 Burnside st-. or phone Broadway 1781. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade: wages while learning, position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 yra. experience. ; Oregon Barber College, 283 Madison. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks: pay while learning; position guar anteed. 284 Couch st. WASTED AGENTS CANDY BIG PAY ADVERTISE MEN WOMEN Start one of our specialty candy factories In your home, small room, anywhere. We tell how and furnish everything. Grand opportunity. -CANDT HOUSE 1819 Ranstesd st. Philadelphia. Pa. SALESMEN WANTED 88 SALESMEN, WANTED ACCIDENT ami health salesmen wanted in i Oregon. Western Washington and Southern . lUaho, part or whole time; best policies and best commissions; brokerage solicited. Mass. Bond ing ft Insurance Co.. 819 Lumbermen's bldg.. Portland. Or. ; ; SITUATIONS MALE 1 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Let me put your records in condition to meet with- the new federal tax laws. . Now . have facilities to supervise several more seta of books at a reasonable fee, which includes reg ular reports, suggestion, income tax service, etc M-829. Journal. DRAFTSMAN, experienced in drafting and de . signing, factory and contracting experience. . Want steady position with chance of advance ment M-828. Journal. . RA KER. first class, all around, special on French bread snd rolls --steady worker. 941 E. 39th. rimns Sellwood 1161. .DISCHARGED SOLDIER. 25. desires position of -bookkeeper artd stenogragher. Haa good expe dience and offers best references. L-842, Journal. CARPENTER work wanted. f hone Sellwood 337. WANTED WorkVor ton truck. Phone SeUwood 337. GOOD painter and kalaominer .wishes Phone Woodlawn 6209. work. - SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 POSITION wanted as assistant bookkeeper and general office work; references furnished; salary to start $85 per month. Call Woodlawn 6840. between 9 and 5 o'clock. HOUSEKEEPER, reliable, neat and well bred. with daughter 14. wishes position in home or ' rooming house anywhere. Write box 16. Stitts vtlle, Mich. . ELDERLY lady with reference will care for children afternoon or evening; reasonable rates. Main 3096. POSITION wanted by experienced bookkeeper at $100 a month. References furnished: Call Woodlawn 5340 between 9 and 6 o'clock DRF.SSM AKINQ 4t ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladies' garments, reasonable prices: work guaranteed, 7. Reubin, Ladies' Tailor. 408 Bush & Lane IP YOU admire work well done try Mrs. Bates. 1120 Division st. for alterations, remodeling nd making of ladies garments; reasonable prices. Work guaranteed. Phone Tabor 6012. NURSES 0 w AND E SANITARIUM Chronic ailments, good care. Rates reasonable. T84 Hawthorne ave. . East 1577. FURNISHED ROOMS NEW PERKINS HOTEL " Fifth and Washington Streets. Right in center of Portland's activities. Lwt - ns show yon our accommodations. Rates $5 per week up. HART APARTMENTS AND LAUREL HOTEL Kewly furnished, modern hopaekeening and sleeo lag rooms, $2.60 up. Second and Tsmbill. (2.50 AND UP Single sleeping rooms by week or month. 293 Vi Union . City View ''hotel, 1 block south of Hawthorne. ' NICK large room with kitchenette kitchenette, $4.50 per tliis. East 25aa. Todd week, furnished. See apartments. THE' GEM 665 1ST ST " ; 1-2-3 rooms for housekeeping; also transient IUUUU, AtU KOU Up. , i ..FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen large front room, pri- veto bath, west aide, walking distance. Call Main 1816. - - : ROOM and board, home eooaing. Special rates to eouplee. Transient meals, ggi '1.3th st HOTEL- SARGENT, Hawthorne and Grand, .i Starting point special ear for Vancouver FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 70 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very pleasant: run ninr water, gas for cooking and electric light free phone. 353 11th t Phone morning and evening, Marshall 2880. LARGE front room with twin beds, suitable for 2 gentlemen: modern convenience; rent rea sonable. Broadway 3196. Ill N. 17th at FURNISHED room with home privileges ,wora" ing girl or woman: $2 . per week. Catholic preferred. Woodlawn 1763. ' SMALL room with housekeeping privileges for . ; girl who wishes tp study, music; references. Msin 8018. - . " WILL give girls, 8 to 12, a good home. Wood- : linn 6157. -: 1 -; FiCB sleeping rooms. 70 N. - - HELP WAlfTEB-MISC. FURNISHED BOOMS PEITATE FAJ1ILK 79 NICELY furnished r twins. 621. Johnson St., $2 week up. UNFURNISHED ROOMS It TWO $ room settes, one 2 room suite, just patnted and papered. 179 E. 7th, cor. lua hill. Don't call Sanday. TWO unetalra rooms, light housekeeping, $12.60. See Mrs. Frink, !) E. 10th N. BOOMS AND BOARD J THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 380 10th. for business girls and students. Marshall 1251. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE : ' FAMILY ; 73 CHILDREN to board in private bom. 80S Halsey st- Phone East -2446. r ROOM and board for 2 young men; home privi- leges. 428 Mill. Marsh. 2515. ELEGANT rooms, also breakfast; nicely located. Marshall 61 88. WANT child 8704. to board; good home. Tabor WAX TED ROOMS AND BOARD St GOOD home wanted far a refined little girl of 5. V. M. preferred. Write East 57th N. Do not phone or call. GOOD home wanted for a refined little girl of 5, C. 8. prelerrrd. or call. M-Bul, Journal. HOrSEKEEPIJO ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AXD ITS FURNISHED $19 PER month. weU furnished, 2 H. K. rooms, bath, toilet and place to wash; no objection to children-; lso breakfast quarters. 293 Union ave. CRy View hotel, 1 block south of Hawthorne. . TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms, shall 1751. Call at 273 Montgomery. Mar- 107 M FIBST rooms. -Photoerapher Applegata lets TRUNKS DELIVERED IN DOWNTOWN DIS TRICT FOR 25 CENTS. PHlNE E o434. NICE light H. tlL rooms, private entrance. 607 Clay. Phone Main 4823. $10 AND $1G, furnished H. K. rooms, walk ing distance, west side. 645 First. HOUSEKEEPING TtOOMS J FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY THREE large clean unfurnished 11. K. rooms, in good district, to couple giving good ref erence, 170 N. 18th st. Call Sunday after 3 p. m. or evenings. - THREE furnished housekeeping rooms and bath on ground floor, near car line; no cmidren. 91 E. 39th. 3 COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms with kitchenette, hot and cold water. Phone East 4045. 380 Vancouver ave. AND 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. East Stark. ;40 LARGE clean h. k. rooms, $2.50 to $4.50 week. 242 Montgomery st. v FURNISHED front H. K. rooms; suitable for two employed. 294 14th st. ONE or two nice 1L K. rooms, very cheap. Call Hroadway 321! 1. TWO front rooms, H. K. 490 Clay. Main 5367. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURM8HED 13 10 DAYS free storage; before moving get our price. Daily trips to St. Johns and Montavil la East 5670. Res. CoL 944. East Burnside Trans fer Co.. 450 East Burnside. FOR RENT Good 7-room house, close in east side, ea, electricity, paved street, garage; vacant 15th. Inquire after 2 p. m. 1142 Francis ave. FOR RENT About the 15th or 20th. a 6 . room house in fine condition ; adults only. Williams avenue near Russell street. G. W. Nelson, 288 Russell street. Phone East 2938. FOR RENT 7 room house, 1 4 acres of land ; some fruit berries and grapes. Fred G. Carpenter, Garden. Home. . WHEN YOU MOVE. USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and Washington. Broadway 680. 6 ROOM, unfurnished house, in good condition. 769 Rooeevelt at. near 23d sy Adults only. 6 ROOM house and garage. Woodlawn 3526. FURBISHED HOUSES 8$ 11 ROOM house, large concrete basement; fur nace heat: good location; rooms or boarding; furniture for sale very reasonable. Call Main 4574. MODERN 5 ROOMS and sleeping porch; gas, electricity, lawn 100x100; flowers, roses, $25 monthly. No children Woodlawn 6009. 361 Fremont st Take Union or Williams ave. car. FOR RENT Furnished 7 room house, good con dition, west side. Walking distance. Inquire 283 Lincoln st. Phone Tabor 2793. FOR RENT Partly furnished three-roomed house, end of Woodstock line, 3 blocks east. Inquire 6110 63d ave. S. E. FLATS TO BENT, UNFURNISHED IS 3 ROOMS, including kitchen; modern, electricity and gas; 3 blocks south of Heilig. Phone Main 3744. Sunday 1 to 4. call Marshall 196. 6-ROOM clean flat. 794 It st. Four large rooms, modern flat, adults. 917 H Williams ave,, after 6 p. m. 6-ROOM S, bath, electric lights, gas, 12 minutes out on Fulton carline, west side, upper flat, $13.50: water free. 1295 Corbett Tabor 854. FLAT for rent and 6 rooms furniture for sale; close in. 282 Park st Phone Main 7548. FURNISHED FLATS 50 MODERN flat, partly furnished. 53 V4 80th st, Monta villa car, $ 1 5 per month. THREE outside rooms, clean, light, airy, new furniture; adults only. East 6745. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 43 BI SHMARK. 503 M Washington st, clean, modern, outside 2-room apartments; private bath ; piano if desired. AURORA APTS 392 E. Burnside: 2 and 3 room furnished Walking distance. housekeeping apartments. FURNISHED 4 room rooms, private bath, 581 Glisan and 17th. basement apt, 2 bed ell modern; references. LEOSCE APT., 3 rooms with bath. Marshal? 2250. 188 N. 22d st. THE STANFIELD, 204 Porter st. Modern 2 room apts.. furnished, reasonable. Main 7392. STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT Elegant suite ol offices In mod ern up to date office building, downtown district, reduced rental, special reduction for month of August Call 203 Stevens bldg. Phone Main 178. j WANTED TO RE ITT 7 - We Want to List HOUSES. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. IF YOU HAVE ANY VACANCIES. PHONE. HEAVE TOGETHER, CARE OF NORTHWEST STEEL CO.. MAIN 1193. I BY small responsible family, 6 or 7 room un furnished house in good repair, modern and good location: Irvington preferred; possession1 at once or by Sept 15. L-844, Journal. WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished house or aiiertment, medium size, west side. October 1. Phone J. Langner. Mais 7173. WANTED 6 or 7 room bungalow in Walnut Park or Piedmont by Aug. 17. Call East 8457. WANTED To rent machine shop in or out of town, with or without machinery. Ad dress T-655. Journal. WANT to rent house for winter, two in family; references. Tabor 7737. WANT to rent 5 room modern house or flat Call Marshall 54 3. WXNTF.D To" rent, modern 5 room house near Vancouver ave. and Ivy st East 8069. UNFURNISHED 5-room house. East 1418. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 48 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside. Or., at bean ttful "Cartwright Park." at reduced prices; $25 to $700; easy installments. 6 per cent; soon to be connected by all-paved highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, will make "Cartwright Park" one of the moet attractive spots' on Pacific coast Whit-mer-Keily Co.. 414' Pittock Mock, Portland, Oregon, or inquire F. M. Cole., agent. 444 Bioedway. Seaside, Oregon. BUSINESS PROPERTY FACTORY site, west 'side, waterfront with track age; bargain Bank bldg. Owner, 1421 Northwestern FOR SALE HOUSES I IAVELY 6 room modern bungalow, with haru wood floors, reasonable, by owner. Call Main 4036 during week days. EIGHT room house, lot 100x1 00. fruit trees. chicken house. 1 block to ear; $2600. terms. 206- Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658 FIVE room cottage, lot 76x100, fruit trees -$1500, terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Ore- goU bldg. ; f FOR HALE 5 room modern bungalow, fruit and flowers. 3085 E. 20th N: FOR SALE Modern seven-room house, a-araae. Lanrelhurst. $5500. East 3162. kOR SALE Five rooms and sleeving Doicb. modern; 50Q down. Tabor 788 7-ROOM house with furnace, 75x100 lot. all paid for. See owner. 1143 Clinton. ' BY OWNER Completely furnished (i room bungalow. 1029 E. Broadway. No nhrwT 8 ROOM cottage, with sleeping porch, gas and cirrern; mm; nice garden. Woodlawn 8220, IF YOU want to buy home caU Tabor 6457" RE All ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES T? PENINSULA PARK $1028 3 tins.; gas, lights, water, 'white enameled Dutch kitchen, 60x100 lot. garage, 6 bear ing friut -trees, close Ockley Green school. St. Johns car; $20 cash. -foal, monthly. MONTA VILLA $2400 Vacant 6-room bungalow; fireplace, buffet, white enameled Dutch kitchen, good basement, laundry trays, full lot. 1 block car, walking distance school; $500 cash, bai. mo. ,. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS $3600 Pretty 5-room bungalow ; floored attic, sleeping porch, fireplace, built-in buffet, dandy kitchen, cement basement, furnace, beautiful lot; 4 different kinds bearing fruit trees, shrubbery; at. paved, sewer, close to car and school. Here's a dandy, folks. Some terms. HAWTHORNE 370 7-room bungalow: den, fireplace, buffet, beamed ceilings, 8 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, pretty lot, berries, fine garage, close to car and achool; at. paved, aewer; ; $1000 cash, baL mo. JONESMORE. 8 ROOMS. $4200 Here's the home for large family; lOOz 100 lot; extra large living and dining rooms, fireplace, buffet, :.- butler's pantry, Dutch kitchen, 4 light, airy bedrooms, extra size bath, full basement, furnace, laundry trays, 2 toilets, 8 bearing fruit treea. berries. You could nsit replace the house alone for $4200 today; line lawn and shrubbery; 7 blocks school, 1 block Glisan at. car; $1000 cash, bai. mo. Photos of Bouses at Office. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 YEON BLDG. The McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying' easy. Ton can come to this office and see over 700 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts; every one has been appraised; 10 automobiles at your service; some wonderful bargains. That ia why we sold over 100 homes in May. SEE Frank. L. McGuire TO BUT YOUR HOME. Abinirton Kids. Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. $1975 TERMS $1975 IN EASTMORELAND DISTRICT Just one block east of the paving on 73x 100. with fruit, -etc.. sits the most artistic Cal ifornia bungalow you could expect for a home for $1975. Has very fine lines of architecture, mod ern plumbing, full basement, attic, Dutch kit chen, electric lights, itanelinn, etc.; con v. to car, school, store and Reed college; about $400 cash, balance $19 and 7 per cent monthly. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington bldg. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. I r Vila Luxurious residence. Eight rooms and extras. Basement, attic, sleeping porch, garage, H. W. floors. Beamed ceiling. All built ins; 14 block; high, sightly grounds.. Beautiful treea. flowers and shrubbery. $14.50l. No Sunday calls, bast 344 9. FOR sale by owner. 6 room porch ; cheerful living and dining rooms bedrooms, bath, "iiall and Dutch kitchen all fin ished white enamel; full basement, stairs to large attir; 50x100 lot. eat front, hard urfa-e St.. 150 feet to car, close in. Nice lawn, abund ance garden for summer and winter use, Sellwood 1016. afternoon or evening. OWN A HOME of your-own; let us build it. We furnish easy payment loans like rent. We build according to your plans and pocket bock; sketches free; our system saves you money and avoids risks. PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION. INC 529-530 Henry bldg. Main 5199. $35GX0)E. Carruthers 5 room bungalow, modern, 45x110 lot. im provements all in. Terms. Edward A. B.rown Co. 303 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 2693. CORNER lot, 42x100. with a dandy 5-room bungalow, modern throughout; good district, 2 blocks car line, at a bargain; $2000 will handle. J. Taylor, 330 Railway Exchange bldg. Phone Marsh. 2633 before 12 a. m. and from 3 to 5 p. m. ; evenings and Sunday, East 6845 or Tabor 2797. 6 ROOMS and bath, full basement, chicken house and runs, garage; 67x128 lot; fruit, berries, roses. On pared street, $2760, terms. Rogers, . SCANDINAVIAN - AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 24 8 Stark St Main 6429. PRICE $1400 CASH $400 $20 per month including interest. 4 room house, close in, near car. Clean and. comfort able. Beats paying rent. Phuie Mr. Delahunty, Main 1700. Evenings and Sunday. East 2088. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $2000. Well built 5 room modern bungalow, large attic, lot 50x90, 7 large bearing pear and apple trees. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open evenings and Sundays. SIX ROOM MODERN HOUSE Close in. E., 26th st $2500. terms. Worth S3500. HERMAN MOELLER U25,Gavo Bide. Main 1480. $sm CASH Full lot. 6 rooms, lawn, fruit, garage, street improvements all in, close to ear, $3200, terms. EDWARD A. BROWN CO., 303 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 2693. SPLENDID 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. TILE ROOF, LOT 75x100, COR., TWO BED ROOMS AND BATH BELOW. FINE BASE MENT, BEDROOM AND DEN, SLEEPING PORCH ABOVE; THIS IS FINE. EAST 278, OWNER. NEW BUNGALOW ; Strictly modern, double constructed, 6 rooms, hardwood floors in living and dining rooms, fire place and built-in effects. Be ready In one week. For sale by owner. Come look for yourself. 655 Killingsworth ave., or call C-3098. MAGNIFICENT 7-ROOM HOME, IRVINGTON, HARDWOOD FIIORS. CHOICE LOCA TION; THIS CAN'T BE BEAT AT THE PRICE: ONE BLOCK FROM CAR; VERY ONE acre and seven-room house; gas, bath, electricity, garage, fruit, good soil, near Haw, thorne car, grammar school. Franklin high and t laoor para. .terms. zol4 67th st 8. E. Tabor 953. $1400 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Real bargain: 4 large rooms and bath, elec tricity, gas. Dutch kitchen, full plumbing, nice large comer lot, tine garden ; mut be sold quickly. J,asy terms. Leaving city. Tabor 6559. WHY NOT BUILD? Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low eoet We build anything: fvrnh the money if desired. L. R. Bailey Co. Re., contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. FOR SALE BY OWNER 5-room modern house, gas, electric lights, white enameled built-in kitchen, lot - 50x100. fruit and berries; in good location; price 82250- 10 LOTS, 7 robm house. 37 good fruit trees. Price $5000. Will trade for modern bunga low not over $2000. balance cash, on 61st andJ xsivision sis., oee owner evenings, 102 ti Divi sion st 8 ROOM bungalow. $1750; lot 50x100; house is plastered and has bath and toilet; located at 6730 Whitman ave.. Mt. Scott line; $300 cash. Fred W. German fjo.. Chamber of Com merce. Open cTenings and Sundays. CORNER lot. Alberta, $1500; car 1 blocks". box house, 4 rooms, bath, woodshed, garden; $15 down, $15 month, 6 per cent interest See Owner. 1086 11th, N. E. 4 ROOM bungalow, lot 66x145, chicken houses. fruit trees, plenty room for garden; $1650. half cash. Woodstock car. 6628 68th st 66th ave- Phone East 2094. $2850 BUYS a lovely 7 room modem bunga low, full basement, wash trays, etc. ; trees and nice lawn. Well located. 12th and Al berta. Woodlawn 8794. SUNNTSIDE SNAP 8-room house, lot 50x100. fruits snd flowers; rented for $40 per month. for a few days $2300 cash- 914 E. Yamhill at Tabor 886. IRVINGTON : Modern 8 room furnished home; fireplace and furnace, hardwood flooring. No acenta. 43 7 East 15th St. N. 'East 8748. $1 75ft TERMS R. C. PARK CAR T" Modern 5-room bungalow; full plumbing- elec tricity; good gasement; laundry trays; nice full lot A rest bargain. Tabor 4307. FJVE room house, water, toilet, gas, electricity woodshed, kit 26x120. block to car;' quicK gfe $Ma1n .ItSL 416 8tOCk ElCbUBe NlFTY ST1?10"- i. Urs n5"". n-a Alberta st.. full lot. shrubbery and fruit: $2000. easy terms. East 5779. FOR SALE- Eight-room modern bouse, nit barn, chicken house, fruit toeefc Price $4000. Inquire. 1354 K. ;ii. FIVE room house, lot 50x100. bargain; might v.s,0"," ?rd OT .P1"1- W terms. 800 Esst Salmon, or call East 1890. BEFORE buvmf - nmrnrt - ; u: should have it 'mi-vI, J?2 " w. 0O9O. ACRE. nw modern 5 room bung&low ; terms KwTSi M,"nWSh84T Wner- M'"h'U EIGHT room house, fun cement basement, wash m?"" 88250, $2000 62 Killingsworth ave. Wdln. 8649. EngMnT FO"8A'y ,bT """H Modern 5 room bungal WooTuwj y44" tor 200. part down. -iX,i- fcX. by owner, leaving the eito, small l.rt.J? JiMM- in ood condition. b8x Pardee st -near Kenuworth and Holgate et, '. ilf f'I.."1 room house. m tine condition. - corner lot 50x100. East front Call at 925 (kntK.h. ... iaoderr 8 room furnished home; .ailETa-fS furne. hardwood flooring. No agents. 487 East 16th st, N. Esst 8748. run . i . . i i n owner, modern 6 room bungalow. 3 $or"forn?.v1?! 44- E- 7tH st; i .nM i REAL,ESTATR FOB SALE HOUSES $1 Hawthorne Bungalows $2500 for 5 room, lot 40xl0l. cement base- Lment. bath, toilet, not and cold water with gat- ge. oo eesn. bai. terms. - i $$200 for a modern 5 room, hardwood doom. fireplace, furnace, streets paved; 1 block from ear. $1000 cash. $8800 for a 5 rcom. on 41st st; fine loj, modern, 8750 cash. , j $3650 for 6 rooms, on corner, with fireplace, buffet, furnace, hardwood floors, fine garage, half cash. , .,- i $4000 for a fine 8 room, all in white, with suower nam ana all modern; haa garage; $1ZUU cash. - $4200 for a fine 6 room, on one floor, all modern except furnace, fruit and shrubbery; with garage; ft caan. pnone Marshall -. F. X. BLANCH ARD B19-52Q Railway Ex. bldg. FOR SALE Or will rent on 1 ' I.. strictly modern 8 -room bungalow in Laurel- on nu For sale, 4 -room bungalow, corner of 16th and Going, improvements paid to date; must see to appreciate. ; 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, furnished complete. See "before buying. I have houses' in all parts of the city; good bargains and terms. Autos waiting to show property. Call Tayler. 330 Railway Exchanges Marsh. 2633. before 12 a. m. or between 3 and 5 p. m. Evenings East C845 or Tabor 2797. THE best new 6 room bungalow in city for the money, oj owner ana builder. Price $3700 $500 cash.- Large attic, sleeping porch, hard wood floors, lots of built-ins. latest light fix tures: Brenlin window shades; walking distance iTsnaun nigo ana neea college : restricted dis- inw. in oe mere to snow house S p. m. Sunday and 4:30 week days. 4431 47th at S. E. Take Woodstock car to 45th are., walk (W " 141 Bl. $3000 MT. TABOR CAB $3000 Open Sunday 3 to 7 p. m. ; 5 room bungalow, nearly new, double constructed, lot 50x200 deep with alley; all kinds of fruit, nice chicken house, cement walks, good basement, Dutch kitchen, all large rooms, hallway separating living, dining snd kitchen from bedrooms, large bathroom be tween bedrooms, floored attic; get off at 84th; house No. 2105 E. Yamhill. Phone Tabor 1485. No scents need apply. . KNOTT ST. COTTAGE Nice 6 room cottage, electricity., furnace base ment, bath, laundry, trays, all inline condition, on lot 40x90. street improved and paid, close-in on Knott street, near Vancouver avenue. Walk ing distance. Price $3000; reasonable terms. Grussi & Bennett I 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7482. MULTNOMAH V, ACRE AND BUNGALOW. Fine acre in fruit, garden, etc.. rood 8- ; ; , room bungalow, electric lights, 4 bedrooms, gar house, with sleeping j age. etc. at Multnomah station, on west aide. 2 I Price $3000. about liono n.h'snrf - month, 0 per cent. Ask for Mr. Carrie with GRUSSI BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS AND ATTIC. ROSE CITY PARK, BOOKCASES, FIREPLACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS. LOT 60x100. $4000: NICE PLACE. EAST 273. FOR SALE LOTS 18 - 8325 PARK ROSE LOT EASY TERMS 50x100; half block to carline, ground all clear; water and gas connections: terms $25 down, 10 month- J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and- Stark, Main 208. ? BY OWNER, 12 LOTS on 14th st, bet' Prescott and Wygant sta, at a bargain. APPLY TO WM. CLOUGH PHONE WPLN. 5727 ROSE CITY PARK district. $395, fine lot 60x 100, on 76th. near Sandy blvd., $9 down. $9 monthly. Fred W. German Co., Cham, of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. FORCED to sell at a sacrifice, two lots near Sandy boulevard, on Rose City. Park car line. Mary O'Brien, 243 Chapman st. Port land. Or. $300 $10 PER MONTH. 50 foot lot in bear ing orchard; all city conveniences; plans fur nished for a very cheap house, build home later. Owner. Tabor 5984. ACREAGE 67 FOR SALE On Cornell road. 6 mile from courthouse. 2 acres, including 3 room bunga low, well built-in conveniences, good barn and chicken bouse; $1850. $350 down. $25 month ly. Call Monday between 7 and 9 p. m at 170 N. 21M st. Main 9264. i $10 TO $35 PER'aCRE Cut over lands and old burn; 40 miles down the Columbia. Tracts from 10 to 160 acres. Running water, roads, school. Easy terms. . F. B. Holbrook, 214 Lum ber Exchsnge bldg. ' WANTED 1 acre and five-room modern house, just outside city limits, near car line. Small payment down and balance like rent .400 Rosa st. Portland, Or. FOR SALE Five acres, house, barn, orchard and other buildings; also acreage: in 5 acre tracts in TerwiUiger tract or boulevara. E. Rog ers, 488 Hawthorne ave., city. TWO acres, all cleared, good soil, no gravel, 2 blocks 'to station; $ 7 00. terms. Broadway 1 C 58 209 Oregon bldg FOR SALE 1 H acres at Huber. 4 room house, orchard, berries; gas, all garden and pota toea; $1100; terms. A. C. Chihn. Beaverton. Or CHOICE ACREAGE FOB SALECHEAP See it before purchasing elsewhere. Amanda B. Dwier. 1860 Division. . WANTED About 5 acres; small payment down. Balance like rent 1370 Macadam st FOR SALE or trade, 20 acres, near Vancouver I XT' V. T" -It! , ... w- ' ..an,,., uu f acuic mgnway. r-none rjast oU69 SUBURBAN ACREAGE -I vt MILES from Portland limits, 2 acres, all in cult, all fenced; 40 assorted bearing fruit trees; 5 blocks to station on electric line road; $1785, $100 down and $15 monthly.- Fred W. German Co., Cham, of Com. Open eve nings and Sundays. SUBURBAN HOMES' 78 IDEAL country home, 4 acres on pa'ved street. u k, mi ii.ii.li prunes; income tn 5" years -fine crops and garden; strawberries; delightful 5 room cobblestone house, just built, equipped fo poultry; mile east of Lents Junction, corner of Foster road and Lenox ave. Take Estacada car to Ramapo st. eee Bruce. WELL Improved 34 acre home; good small house and outbuildings; plenty fruit, grapes and water. Price 42200. reasonable terms, for quick sale. C. E. Apple, Glen Echo sta., Oregon City carline. Will consider Portland property roi well improved 8 acre home. Price $3500. FOR 8ALE Six room house suburban home in Oak Grove, near Oak Grove station 1 acre, all under cultivation; modern, garage, hen house and stable. F. Haywood, Oak Grate, on Oregon Electric line. Liberal terms. HOUSE, not less than 6 rooms, with 1 to 10 acres, close to school, within 10 miles of Portland. Address L M. Verley. Oregon City Route 5. FOR SALE FARMS 17 A Dairy Farm .Bargain CASH Owner going to Switzerland, must sell 1100 acres, leased to March. 1924, at $150 month; 62 good cows, 16 heifers, bull, 2 good teams, harness, pony, hog. new Case tractor, bottom plows, manure spreader, drill, disc, 2 harrows, kale planter, corn .planter, potato planter, culti vator, new wagon, gas engine, steam boiler,, sep arator, small tools, some hay, kale and corn. Roth Bros., Troutdale. Ore. t YAMHILL' COUNTY FARM 160 acres in foothills, 7 miles from McMinn riile: 40 acres in cultivation, 90 acres seeded pasture, 30 acres fine big fit timber, 6 good springs, water piped tp house and barn, good family orchanl, variety small fruit: good out buildings: 7 room bouse, fair barn. 2 stock sheds and barn' full of hay; on R. F. D. and telephone lines. Price $37.50 per acre. Will sell hay, stock and implements also if wanted. Immediate possession. Good garden goes with place. Schoolhouse on place. Address, McMinn Tille. Or. FOR SALE 95 7-10 acres. 40 acres in culti vation; large- family orchard. 7 room house hard finished ; one 2 room house, one - large barn and fine large chicken house; all cultivated fields, cross fenced; 3 cows, 8 heifers, 1 roan Durham bull, 1 team horses, 4 hogs and lot of chickens. All tools, wagons and harness. One mile riverfront, 50 tons hay and field of potatoes and garden. Price $8500. Half cash, balance on time- C E. Blum. Reno, Wash. 60- ACRES; 40 acres in cultivation; good 7 room house, with water piped into house, good barn, wagonahod. and silo, all necessary implements; 8 cows, . 4 heifers, 2 horses, crops, bearing orchard: on good road 9 miles from city limits. Will sell all or part' Call Tabor 1878; address Mrs. H. Paulson. Port land. Or., R. 3. ; Want6 or 8 Berry Men to buy 40 acres of land, each at $30 per acre. $3 per acre of which goes into a jelly and jam factory on the Columbia river, 65 miles from Portland. Have 2 buyers," need 8 more to raise mfg. and Tell the output. For- full informa tion address L-845, Journal. I" HAVE client wanting to rent large stock ranch V - in atastern. intrai or souuiern uregonr will pay cash for rent and purchase stock and Im plements. Write me for quick actum. " . A. G. BENDER. - " RITTER. LOWE A fl - 201-8-5-1 Board of Trade bldW If 20 ACRES " NICE HOME - AH level land. IS acres in cultivation, the bal ance ia a fine grove of timber, about 200 cords of wood on it. and H is so located on the far end of the place that ft makes the farming land all ia a body on the place; a good new e room house., fine barn with bay fork, all painted, good hog house, new and all painted; good wood house and workshop and cellar, alt painted: all of the buildings are new and clean; good well at the house and barn with spring water in the pasture; some crops and tools go with the place: we sold this place to the present owners for $5500; they have left the place; , have been called East; must sell it at once; will tske $500O for quick sale; part cash; there is an electric line and ststion a little over-, mile from the place; 1 anile to good store and trading point and V4 mile to good school snd 5 miles of Oregon City, on good rock road; yon can more in this place the day you buy it if you want to and for a home yon can't beat it any place; it is all new up to snuff and sure will make some one a fine home: good location; not a lonesome place; welt settled. : E. P. ELLIOTT SON. 7th and Main, sta.. Oregon City. FINE 80-ACRE FARM FOR SALE House, barn, nearly filled with hay; large wood- anea. cnicsentiouse, nognouse. and family or chard, containing 10U trees on place; creek running through place; fine large spring by house; all stock, implements, tools and' crops to go with place as owner has to quit farming because of old age. Stock consists of t milch eows, 1 yearling, brood sow. 2 hogs, 2 horses ana i saddle pony; church, postoffice, stores, cheese factory, creameries 1-8 mile from place; scnooiuouse across tne road from place, rail road 4 Vi miles. Price $6300, cash $3500. uaiance on terms. JOSEPH HERZ. AMBOT. CLARKE COUNTY, WASH. LINN COUNTY DAIRY AND GRAIN FARM 160 acres located 3 miles from small tmm in Linn county. 130 acres in cultivation, prac tically all of which has been in clover the last lew years. Land lays so that ft drains well: is fairly well fenced and near railroad siding. 30 acres of timber pasture along creek. Thuie is a very good barn with granary, wagon theis, etc. Probably worth . $2000. Several go-d outbuildings, 3 room house in fair condition. Has small young orchard, ample wood on the place for family use. and is a real good farm. Price of thi place, $11,000. Can auanga terms st 6 per cent Interest For full inscrip tion write us. KINNEY & CO.. Dealers in Farm Land, Corrallis, Or. Home of O. A- C, 11 ACRES FINE HOME All in cultivation, good soil and well located, good 7 room plastered house with hot and cold water and concrete basement; about 125 fruit trees, good barn and a fine well of water; this is 2 miles of Oregon. City on main road: if you want a nice home here you are ; the house alone on this place is worth $2500; the price we are asking ia sure right; only $3800 and possession at once; $2500 down, balance time at 6 per cent; it is close to good grsded school and store. E. P. ELLIOTT A SON 7th and Main sts., Oregon City. to ACRES $1000 DOWN About 6 acres in cultivation, the balance in pasture, living spring water, neat little 8 room house, good barn and some outhouses, nice young family fruit; place all fenced; good well at the house; all of the cleared land is new soil; good Jersey cow, chickens, some hay and tools, go with the place ; locuted 2 Vj miles of Oregon City in a good community; close to good school and store; price $2600; $1000 down, balance 5 years at 6 per cent payable any time, E. P. ELLIOTT & SON 7th and Main sta., Oregon City, FOR SALE or trade, Willamette valley ranch, 55 a., improved; good land, close to school, church and town. Owner, F. M. Williams, Turner, Or. 100 ACRE farm, close in, well improved; good crops; everything goes. Call at 800 E. Sal mon; or East 1890; no agents. FOR RENT FARMS 14 I HAVE several thoroughly experienced dairy men and farmers wanting to rent up-to-date farm: will pay cash rent and purchase stock and implements to $10,000. I specialise in renting farm and selling personal property; send me full description of your place. 1 can gott you immediate action. A. J. BENDER. RTTTER. LOWE ec CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FARM FOR RENT 86 acres, 20 in cultivation, balance pasture, 'ell equipped for dairying. 7 miles from Port land, on Oregon Electric R. R. Running water. new house and barn. Address Charles Anderson, 755 Commercial st, Portland, Or. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 88 I HAVE thoroughly experienced wheat man wanting to rent an Eastern Oregon or Wash ington wheat farm. Will pay cash or rent on shares. will purchase equipment If priced right Write me if you want to rent A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER 28 NOTICE of sale of government timber, general land office. Washington. D. C. June 27. 1819 Notice is hereby given that' subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat. 218). and the in structions of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917. the timber oa the fol lowing lands will be sold August 20. 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m.. 'at public auction at the United States land office at Portland. Oregon. to tne nignost Dtaaer at not less than the appraised value aa shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of tne interior. xne pure case price, with an ad ditional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citisens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of tbe United States or any stste. territory or district uiereot only. upon application ol qualified purchase, the timber on any legal sub division will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit T. 2 N., R. 3 W.. Sec. 11, NWH SW14. red- fir 510 m., cedar 55 m., 8WV 8WV. red fir 740 M., none of the red fir or cedar to be sold for less than SI. DO per M. T. 9 S.. R. 2 E.. Sec 6. NK "i NEH.fi lu as., nemiocx zu si., hvy .p.,, tlr 880 M., hemlock 150 M.. SEtt. NE , fir 1770 U., hemlock 230 M.. 8W NE. fir 2380 M-. hemlock 200 M-. NIC NW 14. fir 30 M., hemlock 130 M., NWH NWit, lit 1760 M., NE ! BE, fir 1170 M.. hemlock 120 M.. NWA RE4. fir 1630 M.. hemlock 60 M.. BE H SEK. fir 1190 M.. hemlock SO .. 8Wli SK"4, fir 790 M., NEK SWH. nr moo niw- a w . nr zivu at.. bh;4 SWii, fir 1650 M.. SWH SWH. fir 125 m.. none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.60 per M.. and none of the hemlock to be sold for less than 75 cents rjer M. T. 9 S. R. 3 E.. Sec. 26. SWH NWH, red nr eou m., sis- xhk red fir 859 l SWH NEV. , red fir SOU XL. none of the red fir to be sold for less than $2.00- per M. CLAY TALLMAN. . Commissioner. General Land Office. GREAT bargain sale of. first class timber by widow -who wishes to sell 63.000.000 feet, principally yellow fir, in Lane county near the railroad. Price no cents caan, terms 75 cents. Here is another, so low in price that people say, "What is the matter with it," and are afraid to spend tbe carfare for fear that there is something the matter with it. The matter is this: I want to collect $1000 from the owner and must sell that timber to get the $1000. About 10,000,000 feet for $3500; a mile lrom the railroad. Cash only. D. A. Donelson, 447 Sherlock building, Portland. Or. BIGGEST SACRIFICE 80 million feet red fir, 723 acres of land that can be cultivated when cleared, all for $16 per acre: good roads, good school, never was such a bargain offered before; only 12 miles front Ag ricultural College. Will sell for naif cash, bai ance 3 years. Address. M. H. Griffin, 406 McKay bldg. - CORDWOOD timber, old growth, half mile from siding, 20 miles Portland; lot of fine, clear, large timber, good for stave stock, $400 cash required. Tabor 4 883. 6657 82d st PILING and cedar poles wanted. O. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. 'Give scale. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 HAVE $6000 modern brick-building, paying 8 per cent investment: no incumbrance; will lease for three years. Will exchange for farm of about 40 acres with good improvements. Must be stocked and equipped with about S dairy cows, near school and good roads; 5 to 25 miles oat and running water preferred. Assume difference. Address owner, 1309 E. 12th st N. ACREAGE for sale or exchange for modern home ia Portland; 80 or 160 . acres fine wheat land in Sherman Co.. on Columbia nigh way; 10 miles from Wasco; $25 per acre, or equivalent in Portland property; all in wheat this year. ; Phone Marshall. 6333, . or caU -401 Panama bldg. No agent's commissions. - . 80 BY 60 lot, 5 room house, 200 fet from Milwaukie avenue and on the Brooklyn ear line: $1800 cash, or will trade-' for ranch or acreage with improvements and near school, not to exceed $3000. C. D. Harris, 510 Brooklyn st, Portland, Or. I .HAVE two 7 room Looses. Located on Tills -mook street to sell on terms, or wilt tn. for first mortgage or larger bouse, or will take view lot in part trade. For particular. Rhone Kt 7076, or call 461 20th North between 7 and 9 evenings. I HAVE several beautiful Shetland ponies. . Want to trad nn nr all tnr A V -i ,T. L. Robinson, Carlton, Or., B, 8, FOR SALE FARMS REAL ESTATE . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 I HAVE , the following to trade for a - good- ranch SO acre orchard.-4 full bearing, ad joins the city of Twin Falls, Idaho. Cement walks right up to the tract, - Suitable for plat ting into . lota. Tea acres about a mil out. One trackage lot -right at depot. Two seven room houses in Portland. - Five acre tract near Port land, on paved road. . Two acre tract near Portland. All clear. - For particulars, phone East 7078. after 7 in the evennig. - CXcHANBfi what yon have for what you want Graham. 826 Ry. Ex. bldg. . 820 ACRES logged off. near Kelso. Wash.; ex change. Tabor 4090- - . - WANTED REAL ESTATE SI TALK IS CHBAP RESULTS IS WHAT YOU WANT 501 Homes Sold , Since January 1, 1919,' . 104 Sold One Month. 82 Sold in July. , By Frank L. McGuire'a Sales Force of 10. Experienced Real Estate Salesmen. - UNDISPUTED RECORD FOR U. 8. Naturally we need new listings more, homes to sell. We have been established since 1880. We advertise extensively, are in touch with tbe majority of buyers, have a very efficient selling orgsnization. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM gets results. Every bouse listed is personally . in. spec ted, photographed and the photograph of your house is placed on display in our show room in its respective district If you have a home for sale. LIST IT WITH US " -We will get quick and satisfactory results for you. cue; I FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO SELL YOUR HOME. Successor to H. D. McGuire Co.. Established in 1880. Abington Building. Main 1068, Main 1069. Office open evenings and Sundays. REAL ESTATE WANTED. We are having considerable inquiry for this elasa of property. If your price is right and terms reasonable, list with us. Fred W. Ger man Co., 32 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays and evenines. ACREAGE WANTED. . With some improvements and buildings. . We deal in this 'exclusively; have four autos to show it with, and can sell it for you. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. WANT small modern bungalow; must have paved street; Rose City, Sunnyside or some desir able, close-in location. Spot cash and quick deal for real buy. State location and best price.' No agents. D-404. Journal. : WANTED One or two lots in Piedmont or central East Portland, with or without build ing, not over $35000; have 8 lots, one a corner, small bouse, garage. 3 blocks from Union are,. North, free of incumbrance. Owner, B-447, Journal. PRICE must be right and very easy terms. We havo sold over 400 homes in the last year. If you want action see us. Fred W. German Co., Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays and, evenings. - " . WANTED -House and lot In Albina or Kenton'. value not less than $2000, on 120 acre farm in Washington county. Or., 22 miles from Port land. Good buildings and all implements. Fur further information write V-860, Journal. WANT to buy for cash lot In Alameda or Olm stead park, Beaumont, Irvington or other re stricted district; it must be a bargain; descrip tion and price in first letter. V-847, Journal. WANTED From owner, modern 5-room bunga low. Rose City Park, Sunnyside or Haw thorne preferred. Mrs. Owens, 465 E. 11th st. WANTED Small place, 1 to 3 acres, Oregon City car. Address only, IL C. M.. 44 4 Hawthorne ave., Portland, Or. WILL buy house and lot on improved street T-668. Journal. WANT 6 or 6 room bungalow, any good .location. direct from owner. Tabor 664 5. WANTED About 6 or lO acres, small pay ment down, balance like rent 13T0 Macadam. ROOMINO HOUSES. APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE 65 10 ROOM modern steam heat, close in; rooms all rented, $500. East 6382. - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES t9 WE BUY STOCKS LARGE OR SMALL SPOT CASH FURNITURE and General Merchandise FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 174 FIRST STREET. MAIN 4633. MOVING PICTURE SUPPLIES . Agents for Lalley 1000-watt generator for In dnnd(nt lighting and moving pictures. .Com piete lecturers' equipment on works of Christ and Joseph, also comics.. Write tor particulars. GENERAL SUPPLY St REPAIR CO. 213 4th St Near Salmon. Main 2518 OLD established grocery and market, cold stor- aa-e. doing good business, a money maker stock about $6000. with or without buildings. Willamette valley town. Market eq nipped -with sanitary cold storage, glass counters, good ice trades. Will- stand close investigation. ' jno trades. T-637. Journal. DRUGGISTS - All or part of my stock and fixtures for sale cheap. Joe worm; vv neimont. city.. FOR SALE Bakery in town of 7000 Podu lation; big payroll. An doing $2000 per month. Address Jewel L. Freemen, Bend. Or., box 526. DISABLED mining man has good proposition for right man, 736 E. 45th N. Tabor 7603. DELICATESSEN and grocery, doing $60 day apt house district. East Side. Snap for man and wife. Owner, K. 8158. SHOE repair shop for sale. If you want a good stand see this. 1 am leaving town. 473 Wil liams ave. SMALL machine shop and battery charging plant z nawtnorne. it. rruscott IF you are looking for businc Simms. 431 Chamber Com. is location call Main 6127. FOR SALE $1600, an old-established grocery business. 700 K. Star. Phone East 842 SELLING OUT at cost; confectionery and cigars and tobacco. 17914 Madison st HOSPITAL, doctor and nurse see me. 517 Henry bldg. - Bargain. SOFT drink stand, first class location, in a good business district inquire 2t l coucn st. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR installment plan ia the beat and surest . method of paying loan. $32.26 per month for 84 months; er $21.84 for 60 months: or $15.17 for months, pays $1000 loan and Interest v Other amounts m proportion. We loan oa improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION Z43 Stern- st. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans oa city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. . G. Beck. 216 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $6000 on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11. Mulkey bldg. $300. $400. $300. $750. $1000 and up at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. .Cerman Co., 7aa c hamper or jjommerce. Main 0440. CASH paid for mortgages snd sellers' contracts . on real estate ta Washington or Oregon, at. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermen, bldg. - , $300; $400. $500. $600, $760 and up. low est rates, quick action. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce Main 6445. $11,000-3 to 5 years; will divide if desired: East 6488. , - ' MONEY for mortgage loans, $500 to $6000, B and 7. Fred H. Williams, WH 1st et SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of torn merce. 4 th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Louis Buonon ee v;o. ivs selling orag. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES $7 DO YOU NEED MONEY Loans made oa automobiles, diamonds, rjianos. household goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your possession. - ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. U your payments to other loan eompaaiee or oa furniture er automobile contracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them op, advance yoa more money if necessary, and yoa can renay as la small monthly payments to salt your eoav- LEGAL RATES DO DELAY BUSINESS 8THICTLY - CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed) . S06-807 Dekum bldg. Marshall $286. Salary LOANS - Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On abort notice to salaried er workiagmea oa their own Botes. Weekly, semi-jreekly or monthly payments. Each transact I oa strictly confidential. SO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY .... , . V . . We also loan oa household farnttara. Biaauia. etc, without removal. CALL, AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED) . 218 Failing bjdx. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, ; SALARIES 7 yi PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. , Phone Broadway tlO. 8 $4 Stark Street near lOUk - Loans oa diamonds, watenes, Vietrolaa, pianos, kodaks, shot tuna, furniture, musical Instruaseau and euyuui el rajva. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE or PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and country warrants cashed for faee value. CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. . Manager. MONEY to loan' on diamond, jewelry; legal rates; all articles held a year; established 1888. Dan Marx. ZHS Washington aa. LOANS WAITED 86 WANT to borrow $100 for 80 days; will pay $10 bonus and interest and furnish good Portland real estate security. B-410. Journal. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 283 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. FINANCIAT, $1 . LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If - yon must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you carl buy . more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from ns, We buy and sell Liberty and Victory bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DE WORSE. We are today paying the following prices for United States government Liberty and Vic tory bonds, whtch Are the closing New xork market prices, plus the accrued interest: 3 V , , - L. . .-..- N. Y. Market Interest Total. 1st 4s 2d 4s .94.00 .62 .98.38 .96 94.62 94.54 10Q.S4 94 04.32 , t.62 94 67 100.70 . . ... I 3 H s 1st 4Hs ... 2d 4Hs 3d 4Hs . . . 4th 4 Hs Victory 3 4s .99.80 .64 .94.00 .66 .03.30 1.02 ..94.90 1.72 .98.30 1.37 .U9.se .84 .99.84 1.07 Victory 4 s 10091 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from tbe above prices 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $10O0 bond. In aelling liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest - - ASK ABOUT THE"- MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for , Rent MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. ; The Premier " Si unicipal Bond House. Morris' Building, 309-811 Stark st, bet 6th and 6tli. Telephone Broadway 2151. Estab lished over - 2 3 years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. . FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS, OH TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 212 SELLING BLIXi. (2D FLOOR). CORNER 6 Til AND ALDER ST8. I WILL ntTY ANY LIBERTY BOND : 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon Interest Included.) i. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADR, ' bonds bought spot Cash spot cash market price CASH for RECEIPTS. We win LOAN yoa money on BONDS. W. S. S-. or to make PAY MENT on BONDS, 7 per cent 125 Gasco bldg.. Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 6-YEAR-OLD brown mare, wt. 1200 lbs., sound, fat and beautiful; plenty of life and good worker; heavy single harness, and almost new 1 horse farm wagon; also a good fresh cow and calf. CaU for a bargain, 990 PoweU St. Wood stock csr. 4 HEAD of cheap horses, 1000 to 1400 pounds: baggies, wagons, harnesses, double and single. - Wobdyerd Stables, cor. E. 9th and Hawthorne. Phone East 6106. $75 HORSE, 1100 lbs., good buggy and har nees; also 4 year old pony, cheap. 827 Front st. TEAM work horses, 1600 lbs. each, 1 all round work horse. 1400. lbs. 689 Clinton near 20th t , Woodstock ear. ' WOULD like to keep horse for his board; excel lent care for rest of year; light work and good care. John Schacht, Boring, Or., Rt. 8, Box 145. HORSE, buggy and harness for $55; also several other horses for sale cheap. E. 6th and Haw thorne. Booker. GOOD work mare, weighs 1100. buggy and harness: all in good condition; will sell cheap or trade for milk cow. 430 Hawthorne ave, 900 LB.' gray mare, gentle, sound, good worker cheap. 1342 Omaha ave. Woodlawn 1390 FOR SALE 1 1100 lb, horse, by Thos, Streiff, 1 mile, southwest. or uouncu tjrest car line. TEAM horses, 7 and 8. 2100, $60. In pas ture: harness, wagon, 288 H Russell st FOR SALE One team, well matched; weight 230O lbs.: 1 team 2800 lbs. 22u Russell st. DORSE and wagon, $1.60 per day; 2 bones and wagon, S3. J. Cohen. 848 Front. Main zo, HORSE. 1400 lbs., $65; have no mate for him. Hawthorne at E. 6th. - ' DEAD horses and animals hauled away tree. CaU Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. 2 NICE ponies, 1000 lbs. each; good saddle horses; worg- anywhere, suz front su LIVESTOCK $5 FOR SALE 10 tons of No. 1 timothy -hay, $24 a ton. at barn. Agnes McCraw, 1 mile south of Sycamore station. Inquire at rest dence near Jenne and Foster road; also 2 fine Jersey cows, 1 fresh and one coming fresh In a few days ; also good young farm team. 8 EXTRA, good-, young cows, 2 fresh with ealf and one coming -fresh soon; also a good young dapple gray horse, weight 900 lbs.; works every where; harness and buggy reasonable lor quica sale. 990 Powell St., Woodstock car. SIX first class young bows, 4 fresh with calves by side: 1 fresh in a few daye, mostly jer seys. Woodstock car to tn sr., o o loess south, square red barn. FOR SALE or trade tor chickens, 1 milch goat. 1 thoroughbred Toggenberg billy 4 months old, cheap. Call 1165 Montana eve., BU Johns ear. 7 FRESH milk cows, 4 to 6 gal Ions, win sell or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd. station, go 1 block north. IF you want any fresh dairy cows of any breed, at any time, see Mr. Bruce, at the Stockyards, North Portland, Or. - " - 5 HEAD young fresh dairy eows, heavy milkers. also 3 genUe family cows, at $4 0 each. 761 E. Ash st. . ONE bia- Holstein cow for Bale. 4 years old iust fresh. 6 a-sllons or better a day. 204 8 Hodgi st St. Johns car to Portsmoutn statlon. ONE good . cow, ITsTChiUon Grocery Store, 40th. ave. and 73d 8. K, GENTLE S gal. cow. $76. 720 Liberty st Woodlawn car to 2 2d. ONE fcesh Toggenberg goat; 1 Saanan and Nubian, fresh Sept.- 10. 802 Front st NICE Guernsey family row. rich milk. - Sell cheap. 664 7 ,63th S. E. Woodstock ear.. POULTRY AND RABBITS 87 OFFICIAL-ANNOUNCEMENT" Patrons are hereby notified that this date "Tbe Lnhr Farm" is absorbed by the North west Poultry corporation. Write for our extra ordinary offer to purchasers of 100 W. L. breeders ; also offer" to W. L. flock owners. We solicit your orders for pulleta and grown stock of all leading breeds. THE NORTHWEST - POULTRY CORPORA- . TION. LENTS. OR. PULLETS WANTED We will ner yon the highest Possible cash price for March. April, May hatch pullets, any breed. State number and strain. Northwest Poul try Com;. Lents. Or. YOUNG White Leghorn hens, $1.60 each; Rhode Island Red Hens. $2.Z caan; excellent breed ing and laying stock; also a few pulleta. IL MAG L IRE. 787 Oregon St. East 1806. THORGUGHgRED Flemish. New ' Zeeland7Betl aian and English Jtltee rabbits lor sale : over io to choose 1 rum. bbi 'anurmaa at, . Phone Main 6133. FOR SALE: 19 Barred Rock hens, 2 rooUers 1 year old. $1.50 each. Take all. 729 Lib erty st. Woodlawn car to 22d. - - -j WANTED 600 White Leghorn pullets. Tel. Woodlawn a73. Aoreae 1040 Mine. ave. CLEAN cracked wheat, $8.76 a 100; she scratch feed; cacaung mean.- Wdln. 4 344. 10 CHOICE laying Black Minureaa. Phone Columbia 909. WHITE -Japanese silkies for sale; also Rhode Island It ens. - woodlawn. 2979. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 48 CHOICE canaries, at "Tbe Canary Bird Shop. Singers guaranteed. 1151 E. 28th No. C-221T. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 FORD Ia fine snechanical shape, $350, $126 cash, $25 per month. Dunn, Sell. 1898. 1M17 SAXON 6. good condition; a bargain. 404 DAVIS 81. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 41 A Never Failing.. Tonic If your system is the least bit perturbed over used cars CONSULT LEWIS E. OB YE The Used Car King : Yon will find Immediate relief In the following prescription 1910 Cole Aero ft. 1919 Btudebaker Big 6. 1018 Jordan Suburban. 1918 Jordan Sport Marina. 1918 Stuta 6 passe n gs r. 1918 Studebaker light four. 1918 Studebaker Big 6. 1918 Maxwell Touring. 1918 Ford touring. . 1917 Chandler Dispatch. 1917 Stephens Silent six. 1917 Cole 8 Touring. 1917 Dodge Touring. 1917 IVdce Roadster. -1917 Mitchell 6. 1917 Elgin 6 . , . 1917 Huick six. ' T 1917 Maxwell, touring. 1917 Maxwell rosdster. 1917 Veiie Light six. 1917 Hudson Super six. 1917 Hupmnbile Touring, 1916 Stearns 8 Touring. 1918 Heo Touring. 1816 Bulck Light 6. 1918 Oakland tt. 191 A Haynes Light 6. 1916 Chevrolet 1916 Maxwell. 1916 Bulck 6, t passenger. 1918 Saxon 6 Touring. t f Convenient terms to 'all, responsible parties Liberty bonds taken at - face value We Are Open, Evenings and Sundays LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO., at Couch St USED CAR BARGAINS Studebaker Studebaker 4 Studebsker 4 ................ Nhiil-K..., A .". 8'.'5 250 200 8 (lit 550 6 0O .-. 17S 6011 450 wverianu t hid It........ Overland No. 88...-.,.,. 'veriana sa. Ml. Overland No. 75.... ...... Overland No, 79. ...... ...... Fords, from $800 to Chcvrolets, No. 4 0 0 ......... f 3 B 0 to ? run.,..,,.. $ 60 to $ 20i 1 Butck ton truck $ no 1 Llppert Stewart truck $ aoi 2 Menominee 1 ton truck .... $200 and $ 2'.'5 X 8 ton White...., $1400 LONG A SILVA 402 Hawthorne. 11918 WILLYS KNIGHT 11918 OLDSMOBILE'8 1918 BUICK 6 1918 CHEVROLET 4 The above and many other cars in wonderful shspe. Right prices snd easy terms. Will make liberal allowance on your old car. PACIFIC AUTO CO., ' Cor. 16th and Alder. Broadway 8411. ATTENTION Ford Owners We recharge Ford msgnatos. also clesr short circuits without dismantling th mctor. . I'ur work guaranteed. AUTHORIZED ELECTRO SERVICE STATION 124 North Sixth St. . Telephone Broadway 124. 1914 OVERLAND touring. In good mechanical cendition; self starter. AUTO SALES CO. Ninth and Couch. OVERLAND TOURING Car newly painted; seat oovers; easy terras: $750. CART, 622 Alder. Broadway 2402. HUP. 20 bug. runs and looks like million dollars; easy terms. $206. ...... ALTO SALES CO. Ninth and Couch. 1 FORI 1 ton truck, worm drive, with eiprma body; all iu first class mechanical condition: price $575. . . FRANCIS MOfOR CAR CO. 1 8th and Hawthorne ave.. ak for Mr. fhirham. AUTO TRIMMING A UPHOLSTERING CO. AH kinds tops and uphol stering, itth and aJouch. uu. stairs. Broadway 2017. OLDSM0BILE light 0, like new; cold tires; a bargain. CARY, 622 Alder. Broadway 2492. LATE MODEL PAIGE By private owner, 4 pass., 6 cyl., ran 8300 miles; extra tire, bumper: cash and terms. Main 7961) Sunday snd evenings. MUST SELL MY 1918 MAXWELL TOfcRlNH AT ONCE. CALL EAST 1962. THIS CAR HAS BEEN OVERHAULED AND RE. PAINTED. SERVICE STATION Now located st - Ninth snd Everett sta. Broedwsy 1142. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axlaa; we wreck all makes of cars snd sail their parte at half price. David llodes Co., North Broad way and Flanders, ' BABY GRAND - A real buy at $700; easy terms. Com sea it. Pacific Auto Co,,- 16th and Alder. FORD runabout,- 1916. In best of rood 1 lion. Some extras. Good rubber. A bargain at $476, with terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. - - 'HUDSON SUPER-sTx. 1018 model, lust over hauled and painted. Will sell at $1950, with tefmi, or consider trade on smaller car, balance terms. 80 Grand, ave. N., near Humside. CADILLAC BUG, classy looker; mechanically perfect. - 404 DAVIS ST. BRING ua your car today and get your money tomorrow. Our name is sjij. 404 DAVIS ST. '18 FORD TOURING Looks and runs as good as new Mechsnically perfect A snap at $475. East 4671. 1917 OVERLAND roadster, not a scratch oa IU Loose like new car a barrain. 404 DAVIS ST. 1918 5 pass. Ford with Kclaey body 844 Mississippi ave. WH IT E "30" roadster. Inquire Monday, Hi flak st, ask for Joh nny FOR SALE Bug, A t shape. Speed and claas. A snap. Tabor 8192 Monday. FORD touring. A-1 shape. If you want a good car look this up today, 84 E. 81 at FOR HALE 1916 Msi well." Mechanically A ll l"7 90UI st. PACKARD - 4-HO, good condition. 295 liaw- thorne K. Trtuwott. ROADSTKB body. 1017 Max; new top. gas tank; . Broadway 1IOO. 481 Stark at. OVERLAND light dUivery, $495, $165 caehl $30 per month, ininn, Sellwood 1898. CASH 1 paid lor used can. Liberty Ante Co 'intra ana Main sta. Vancouver. FOR SALE 1919 Maxwell, Al condition.. 610 um at. A GOOD 19171 Chevrolet by private owner, leaving city. -21 E. 15th st HEADQUARTERS FOR FORD BUGS" Paoific Auto Co., 623 Alder st cor. leth- VrUV .WANta good car "for ITb6waha7v tt. 40 DAVIS ST. 1 I T"cilEVBOLEf 7 new tires, anotllirlit 1QIT Ford, cash or trade. CsH Sunday. 474 E. Asa. tV YOU WANT"a"car forfiOO webav7"lL 404 DAVIS ST. 1918 SUPER 6 Hudson. cord tlrt T5a Alder. Broadway 24 92. 1914 FORD, shock absorbers, good shape. " vsi ual in SI. FOB SALE 2-ton BemroHo truck, aood new; will sacrifice, 268 Front mt. FRANKLIN TOURING, good "ahai; " oodtIrTaT 404 DAVIs ST. (Coatlaaed oa Following Fagt).