THE. OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY- MORNING, .AUGUST 10, 1919. HOTTSEHOt, GOODS FOB SALE 6i ;' -T AUGUST - HJEHIIUfffi SALE KEEPING FURNITURE PRICES DOWN Bffy yBf born famishing now at a great saving. While price are advancing rapidly we an in a position t offer you ' bnr aa In anything to complete the bow; our 4 story bulletins la loaded fuU of choice furnishings, 'bought prior to several advance, but we are not taking advan taae of the public ' It will pay 70a to come in and see for yourself what you can cave here. Second band good would not interest ' you one eeod when you hare compared with our price. Every ' article la tm entire building marked at a big reduction. W cannot mention every article here aa there are thousands of other big specials we have to offer yoo. Make year selection now, with a email deposit, we will reserve your ood' and ; deliver .them when you are ready. We aim accept Liberty bonds. 1 a Massive 2 -poet steel beds, all finishes and sizes t 11-05 16 Massive 2 -post steel beds . 8.95 IIS Guaranteed cotton felt mat- . tresses 11.85 J 8. 60 Guarantee steel springs. . 6.63 $36.60 Finest -quality 85 lb. silk floss mattresses . . . .. ;23.5 $28 Ivory dressers and chiffo niers . 19-85 $22.50 Solid oak round dining tables . .. '18.95 35 Round eah dining tables. . . 23.95 $ 6. 50 Genuine leather seat dining chaiM . . 4 20 $18.50 9x12 wool fibre rngs .. 12.95 15 9x12 grass ruga " 9.95 $18 9x12 Congoleum nigs .... 14.75 $31.50 9x12 seamless tapestry , Brassels rug 21.60 148.50 9x13 Axminstai rugs 37.83 $145 Charter Oak combination " gas. coal and wood ranges.... 127.50 $210 All bio enameled Bridge Beach gas. coal and wood combi nation ranges . ..1 lOfr.BO 90s New process linoleum, the yd. .59 9 5 o Cold Seal congoleum. the yd. .65 $5.50 3 -burner 'ess plates 3.85 $1.95 Inlaid Hnolelum, the yd... 1.37 $2.85 Heaviest A grade inlaid linoleum, the yd. . 2.15 $1.35 Extra quality print lino 'leum, the yd. .98 $59.50 Dufold Davenport beds.. 43.65 $79.60 Davenport beds 62.75 Only five of these gas ranges left, while they laxt, 8 -burner, while trimmed, Alacazar eas ranges, regular price is $32.60 22.50 SHADES I SHADES 1 SHADES! Regular $2 Duplex oil window shades, green and cream and green and white, 36 in. wide, 7 ft. long 95 All special size shades at cost $30 Overstuffed rockers -M9.85 $10.50 -Leather auto seat rockers 11.85 $9.60 Solid oak. large arm rock ers 6.65 $36 Beautiful royal push button Morris chairs 27.85 $135 Overstuffed tapestry Daven- purts ... 98.50 $230 Beautiful brown mahogany bedroom suite, dresser, chiffonier, dressing table and .chair, bed, William and Alary period ..... 189.50 Feldstein Furniture. Gonijany 174 FIRST STREET CO.IL TAMHILL - PHONE MAIN 4633 AUGUST CLEARANCE . SALE SligMIy Used ... Firaitire aid - Discraoieeci samples WE QADSBY & SONS First and -Washington YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD "A BETTER PLACE TO TRADE" Good Brussels Rug, Oriental design. T)"!) e?Oi Size 9x12. Value $39.60, now. . P-SS.4JJ Slightly used Axminster Bug. 9x12. fSTn) ?f fine condition. Value $55.00. now Pi&WVU' Solid Oak, Pedestal Base, Bound fl Tg Exten. Dkiing Table. VaL $28.56- ?.Jl.75 Library Table, golden wax finish, ffi 4D 7S good as new. Value $18.50, now. . i5 Solid oak frame Duof old Davenport, ClJ "JS Uph. in Craftsman lea. Val. $07.60 3i5a5 J a5 If all Seat and Mirror, slightly 1 Q p used. Value $45.00. now .- JilCJ3 Adjustable ends Gondola Divan T g Ciracti, uph. in Plush. Val. $27.50 t J Good easy Reed Rocker, refinished C A and same as new. Value $13.50 3' rJ3 Couch, up'.xol. in Mulberry Plush, ffi fl - ?g in fine condition. Value 526.J0' tj 11 c3 A Fine selection of Dining Boom ffi tl hairs; eorne as ow as. ....... . "J II It r Massive Gclden Oak Finish Ride- Rte ng board, with beveled mirror back. . M.S Splendid Hardwood Foltiipg Bed; g fl A efh good as new. Value $35.00, now P U .-SU Foldiutt 'Steel Constructed Sani- d fll tary Bed. Value S 1.1. on. now. . 3 IjeSVI Larce rssortmcnt" of good ar new "CJ A trCk Steel Ranges, as low as .''.5sU Good assortment of Iron BerUteails, Springs end Mattresses at Tery low pricss. It will be to yntir advantage, to look over our Exel ange Department before buying your fur rltvret YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WM. QADSBY & SONS First and Wasfainsrton You Reap the Benefit ' of This SENSATIONAL, OFFER We purchased a elrwed-out stock of brand new selnct Windsor steel range at a price which enable us to pass them cat to you at less then wholesale prices. These range will answer the purpose to your utmo"t satisfaction ; body is made of smooth, hammered steei, lined with asbestos; eix in. lids well ven tilated firebox, with duplex grated and extra heavy lining; 20 in. oven, guar anteed to bake perfectly; a neat, plain, yet attractive Tango at the. astonishing price of $39.75. and remember, they are brand new. Come while they last. F.A8T TERMS. -Mish Furniture Co. 1S8-190 First st . FOB eAU;, St-?rime wood and cual range; good : 2 HOLE Duplex f ireieas cooker; 3 Tine panel door, 2-8x6-8.. Phone Woodlawn 21. Md dining room table. Wdln. 511 HOrSEKOLP GOODM Ton BAIE S WE REPEAT THIS SENSATIONAL OFFER FOR ONE MORE WEEK 4 Rooms furnished com plete with the following articles; for $199.50. Every one brand new. We sold a lot of these outfits last week. If yen see them, you'll want one, too. 6-Hole Windsor Steel Range with or without reservoir, large firebox with duplex grate, 18 inch oven and high closet. Folding Kitchen Table round oak dining table in wax finish with solid oak chairs to match. 9x12 Art Congoleum Carpet 3Piece Fumed Oak Bring room suite, comprising library table with large arm chair and rocker to match, seats upholstered in brown ciiase leather. 9x12 Kobe Rug 2 Inch Continuous Post 0ed with heavy fillers, any finish, coil supported spring and roll edge combination mattress. 1 9x12 Japanese bedroom rug. ALL FOR either weekly or monthly payment Mish Furniture Co. 188190 First st. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOB LESS Slightly damaged, paint scratched, two inch continuous post beds, prices greatly reduced to $9.85. A large assortment of new and used rockers from $1.60 and up. 6 dining chairs at $1.73 each. A large selection of solid oak library tables from $8.50. Coal and wood ranee with water coils, nicely nickel trimmed. $17.60. A large selection of used rugs from $8, in fiber grass, Brussels and Axminster. Steel coil bed springs from $4.50. Papco floor covering 65o per yard; different patterns to pick from and as many yards as you need. Hundreds of other bargains that you can save money on. OWL FURNITURE CO. 166-168 FIRST, ST. Near Morrison. FUBNITURE AT REASONABLE PRICES If you intend furnishing your home or need any special piece of furniture, it would pay you to call at cur' store and look over our immense stock of new and nsed furniture, ranges, rugs, etc We have 60.000 sq. ft. of space devoted entirely ta new and slightly used furni ture. Competent salesman and estimates cheer-' fully given, easy terms and no interest charged. For this week we offer two big specials 12 brand new Standard Rotary sewing ma chines that some stores ask $85.00: our price this week, on special-easy terms, for $50.00. $18.50 2 inch continuous post beds, slightly scratched in transit, $10.75. Hundreds of other bargains for the entire house too numerous to mention. Easy terms. We charge no interest. Gevurtz Furniture Co., Agents for Buch Stoves and Ranges. Agents Pa the Phonograph. 1185 First St. Sear Yamhill Public Market. FOB PEOPLE WHO WANT THE BEST A very high grade ivory chiffb dresser with genuine mahogany top and knobs and triplicate mirrors, three large and three 'small drawers, cane psnels under mirrors and a handsomely deco rated bed to match. ' Chiffo-dresser alone was $75. Ton may hsve both for $79 or chiffo dresser only for $49.50. Easy terms. Mish .Furniture Co. 188-100 FIBST STREET 3 JtST LIKE NEW CHINA CLOSETS 2 in golden wax, 1 in early English, finish; bent glass sides and door; either one would cost $65 new; your choice, $35; easy terms. . Mish Furniture Co. 185-190 FIRST STREET OWL FCUNITL'US CO. SELLS FOR I.ES Iron beds $1.75 and up Springs $1.00 and up Mattresses ................. $1.50 and up Chairs ,1.1.... $ .75 and up Dining tables $3.00 and up vrnier isoies . io ana up Cook stoves (9.0U Rockers , SI. 50 OWL FURNITURE CO.. 166-1CS 1st st. OWL FURNITURECOT SELLS FOR LESS ' Drop head Singer sewing machine with at tachment guaranteed in perfect order: looks like i new: special price. $18.50; others,from $12.50, arrT nee as. OWL FURNITURE CO. 166-108 FIRST ST. XEAB MORRISON. FOR SALE SCNNYSIDE FURNITURE SHOP Tabor 8515. 992-994 Belmont st. 1 bedroom carpet, body' Brussells, 14x17 ft, 3B. ' . 1'-' solid walnut table. $32.50. 1 Chinese rpvtnd table, pearl inlaid. $40. Alo new and second hand furniture at rea sonable prices. - Wonderful Bargain Near Laurelhurst, full lot. nearly new 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace and furnace 1 blk. car; would cost $3500 to build house. Foe quick sale offering at $2850. S. P. Os burn. 610 McKay bldg.. Sri end Stark. $165- DINING SUITE ' FOR $87.50 GnMen oak dining suite, comprising 48 inch round table, with very massiTe pedestal nd 10 foot extension. 5 dining chairs and two careers, upholstered in real leather: also, an elegan buffet with swell front and fine French plate mirror; cost $165, for $87.50; easy terms. Mish Furniture Co. .188-199 FIRST STREET OWL. FURNITURE CO. ' Sells for lkss; Orer-stuffed genuine leather rocker; never been Used; damaged in transit. This is a regular $35 taint for enly $19.50. - 166-168 FIRST ST..'- Near Morrison. FOR SALE- Late cut malleable steel ranee, need about 6 months, , $60.- Sell. -2922. 785 Kenilworth. - ... ' . , rmtXlTCRBor iaW i room houee; rent rea onable; gnod garden: 80 chickens. We are leaving so will sell cheap. Hum, Linnton, Or. HotSEHoin ooons ron salt; es ,V FURNITURE SPECIALS . FOB, Tins WEEK . " STEEL BAXGE3 r Monarch Range, earry Dew, with eoBa. . $67.50 Soma Bend Malleable, la fin condition . . X B-VOO Acorn Malleable, guaranteed $55.00 Quick Meal Malleable, large size ....... $42.50 Majestic-, will be ready tot delivery in few days ....... ...... . ,$50.00 Home Comfort ..,.$47.50 Superior Bridge tt Beach. Na. 268-1$. .. $40.00 Stewart, with gas attachment. ........ ..$37. 90 Buck's Eureka $37.50 Ajax. In good condition. ..... ........ $3 5.00 Home Peninsula .................... $87.50" ropumr universal, large sine..... $47. so Monitor, old sty)., but good. $20.00 Peerless eook stove. ...... .....4.,... $12. 50 Acorn cook stove. t . ; . . .$18.00 Kitchen cook, for garbage or laundry use, $10.00 Jewel gaa range, with upper oven ..... $22. 5t Reliable gas range, side oven. ... 1 .... . $25.00 AU our stove and ranteaa strictly guaranteed. You do- not take any chances when you buy a range or stove from us. $5 good standard ranges to select iron. Kitchen Treaanx. $3.50 ; Cyclone Washing Machine. $S.OO; Box (Wardrobe) Cowch. S12.60- eak cMut Folding tied, cost $45.00. for $18.00; two bedroom salts, hardwood, old style, but good, $20.00 each; black walnut Dresser, large size, old type, in good condition, $22. 50; seven ptec dining room suite, round Extension Table and 6 Chairs, $19.00; solid oak square Extension Table, a good one, for $12.00; Sideboard to match, $15.00; 35 yards Velvet Carpet for $20.00; Bruaula Carpet, 11x14.6. for $12.50; Body Brussels Carpet, 11.6x16.6, $1.25 per yard; this one in fine condition; 9x12 wool and fiber Rug, $9.00; 28 yards all-wool ingrain carpet, 35c yard; 11 yards Brussels Stair Carpet, 35e yard. We furnish house complete with new or fine used furniture, and we sell on the installment plan. too. Free delivery in the city. For out of town customers we pack and ship free of charge to any of the depot ot wharves. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., Corner 17th and Washington St. (Don't Mistake the Address.) Phone Broadway 2691. ELEGANT HIGH CLASS FITRN1TUBK FROM PRIVATE HOME If you have been reading the announce ments of Portland' largest store about the scarcity and high prices that they say will prevail soon it will pay you to investigate the following list of furniture that w were fortu nate enough to secure from two elegant private homes. Remember, these goods are about half the regular price, and used less than 3 months 1 tapestry overstuffed davenport with spring arms and back, spring edge and loose action, covered entirely wtth bisrh grade tapestry and wonderful construction. We doubt if it can be duplicated today for $300. Our price $175. Big overstuffed, winged tapestry chair and rocker in1 nice design and workmsnsBip ; a trifle worn; cost $150. Our price $70 for the pair. Genuine mahogany library table with cane inserted, William and Mary design. This is a very high class piece and a wonderful buy for $65. Solid mahogany, winged cane back rocker to match library table. A snap for $27.50 . 3 piece mahogany parlor set, upholstered in blue leather, an unusual bargain for the set. $135 We also have the " complete furnishings of these homes such as dining table and chairs, rugs, lamps, etc.. that we will sell this week to wise buyers at reasonable prices. Terms if desired. Qevurtz Furniture Co., LARGEST DEALEBS OF OUB KIND ON THE COAST IBB First St. Near Tamil ill and market. Note: Please remember we have 100 feet of show windows and no branch store. SAVE $150 TO $100 11 VV V) IPUKl Ji About the high cost of furnishing your home. Come to our low rent store SflScSOft" "pecU1 $13.50 $18.50 ...."tV $13.50 $14.50 Sprine" $0. $22.00 $17.00 Leather Sest Beck ers SPECIAL THIS WEEK Beautiful Charter Oak Range in- ffiKjJ stalled in your bom, includ e coils aPUjr. ? c50 su KUB $16,00 TRT US ONCE We will make you one of our many regular customers. Your old furniture taken in on new. WIQHTMAN JOHNSON FURNITURE CO., 88-90 GRAND AVE. SOMETHING NEW TO IS WEEK A 62-inch dining room'' table, known ai thi famous William and Mary style, Jacobean pat tern, with tt chairs to match, good as new. origi nal cost $145, for the suite, our price $87.50. Overstuffed davenport. 3 loose cushion, in good order, this week $39.50. Many otiien to select from. i Sections bookcases, all styles and makes, at exceedingly low prices. Big reduction on camp outfits. Get yours while the special sale ii on. Fruit jars, all kinds, ai low a 50 dozen. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 FRONT ST. MAJESTIC range with hot water coil, set up in your home for $45. 100 other guaranteed used ranges from $25 up; eas ranges fmm $15 up. Cook stoves from $10 up to select from. Reasonable terms with rio interest. Qevurts Furniture Co., 1185 First St., . NEAR YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET The largest and best equipped firm of its kind in th city. We have only one large store and positively no branches. BEAUTIFUL white enameled bed room set, consisting of two-inch continuous bedpost bed, dresser and chiffonier with lsrge French plate mirrors. Special price for set $50. wnrth double. STAR FURNITURE CO., THE STORE OF BARGAINS 201 FIRST ST. MAIN 5064 S FT. DOUBLE STANDING DESK at a barvain. only $20. Terms. .Mish Furniture Co. 188-190 First et SPANISH leather couch, as good as new. Spe cial price $9.85. STAR FURNITURE CO., THE STORE OF BARGAINS 204 FTR.ST ST. MAIN 5064 DUNTLEY electric vacuum cleaner, cost $100, for $20.5 ; ra?v trm. MISU FURNITURE COMPANY 188-190 First st. FIVE large used rugs. Bis value at $7.50 each. , STAR FURNITURE CO., THE STOKE OF BARGAINS 204 'FIRST ST. MAIN 5064 GOOD substantial oak furniture for4 rooms --for . salr. Gas range and. tank, heater in cluded. House can be rented. Inquire 945 E. Salmon st. SET of King Craft dining chairs, including one carver, genuine leather seat, excellent condi- rion, $35.- 825 Tilleraoofc st. - Eat 8524. BARGAIN HUNTERS: Furniture of 4 room bungalow at sacripre. -WtTT rske best offer by Wednesday. Phone Tabor 6486. DINING room and bedroom furniture for sale; no dealers. Call Broadway 1327 after 9 o'clock. , . FOR SALE 1 golden oak combination book ease and- writing. A good one for $32.50. Phone East 2276. FOR SALE! 1 O. P. ranjie in first class eondi- tton $27.50. Can at 6435 83d at. S. E Mt Bcott car to Grays Crossing.- LADY'S oak desk and chair, wax finish This is a bargain. $20. Call Monday, 148 K. 3d N., apt 53. --- MUST sail my furniture ; at a aaeiifice. Call Monday. 142 Union ave. N. - PIAN( $10 takes it; also writing deskTTPr Call morning or evenings. 435 E. 38th S. .WANTED Sanitary conch. goal conditioni with or. without pad. Tbo 6143. t HOTTSKHOLT GOODS TOR BLALK $ MAHOGANY BEDROOM SET ' Her is rhanoe to save some real money. Thi set cofwiats of a genuine mahogany colonial r! leaser, triple- mirror dressing table, both with French plat mirror. Extra heavy bras bed with a fine all steel spring and a genuine Oster moot mattress. . This set is jus sa good as tuw and w. wilt sell now for $139 00. ; YOCM C REDIT IS GOOD . Qevurts Furniture Co., . j tB5 First St. ' 1 Near Yamhill Publie Market MACHINERY M ONE DONKEY ENGINE COMPLETE $265 '. 10 TONS or ALL SIZES . 1 10 TONS ! FLAT IRON ALL SIZES Will Sell at Y2 Price 300 STEEL PLATE PULLEYS BAGS OF ALL KINDS ALBERT & FRAGER i JUNK CO., j 200 FRONT ST. CORNER OF TAYLOR. STEAM enirin'e. 15 II. P.. upright: has been U3ad for road work. Equipment $150. H. W. Sharp Co-i lt snd Oak FOIl SALE MISCEIXATTEOTS 19 COMPLETE LINE OF 8 TORE FIXTURES BUYER'S WEEK SPECIAL. Cash registers, adding machines, safee, show cases, wall cases, soda fountains, chairs,' tables, bar fixtures; we also csrry a line of confc tioneryj. cigars, tobaccos, and smokers' article at discount. HOCHFELD BROS.. 43 1st ST. NEAR ASH WE SAVE you monmr. Hons wiring. Ugnting fixture, electrical repair lngr supplies.' Third St Klectric Store. 224 H Sd t., near ealxnoo 6055. REPAIR ANYTHING, ELEC TRICAL quickly and ef ficiently at small cost Work done by licensed man. Work railed for and delivered I'hone East 4285, er Woodlawn 3791. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold for lea; no agent employed. Oemplet hue of parts tor ait make. Machine repaired and rented. Main 9431. Ski WING MACHINE EMPORIUM 1 d, near Taylor t . IP IAMIESI; 1C. senoesBee ana fort Orford cedar, copper trimmed: latest designs; factory price. Factory W telisan. bet 76th and 76th. Tabor 808. Eilectric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Bura side, corner 10th. Broadway 5674. S. fl rfhffii TEN drophead sewing mac tubes 4? ii h)liJ with attachments, all ar in very good Vendition. bewutg machine rented at $3 per month. Phone East 2359, or iJ 3307. si. U. ttteen, 164 Grand ai... near Bias moot SAFES Fir and burglar proof safe, new and second hand, at ntut prices, bought, sold and exchanged. KORRIS SAFE AND LOCK CO . 105 2d st ' Phone Main 201$. Boilers, Engines NEvV and second hand, boeght and sold. G. A R. Machinery Co.. 603 Gerlinger building. Phone Main 8201. BARTLETT PEARS FOR SALE Pick at 3c lb. ; recreation., reduce cost of living, fine pears and ripe; 40 trees. Courtney Station on river road at Box 78; turn through irou gate down lane. R. It Mayfield. TAME aud wild blackberries, apples, peas, beans; pick them yourself. Kale and cab bage plants cheap. Rsbbit. Corner 89th and East Stark. Mt. Tabor (Mt 88th) car to end. tour blocks north, cne east. 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriter." and "Houseiiold (foods' sre separate classifi cations. All advertisements of these , goods ar published under their respective claaailicatwtu. LOOK THEM OVER. .. SflT) KiPTa " V ' CSEl aOPHEAD" JlAoS'ii' iuO SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed We Rent and Repair. 172 3d St., near YamhilL Main 1845. A-1818. Malt, Hops, Crown Caps Corks, patent bottle stoppers, hand and power cappers, filter bags, thermometer. 91 Grand ava. l'tR mle very chea:. almost new wood and coal polished top steel range, full nickel trimmed; al-c wood heater. Call 1C7 3 Wabash ave.. 4 hUk north e1 Lombard. LIBERTY BONDS WANTED Remember, .we allow full price on your Liberty bonds. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO. , 350 Alder. SMALL cash register for sale, meat slicer, com puting scales, showcases, copper kettle ..and candy tools; America account register; must' sell this week. 230 Washington st . BAFESFrLINGSAFE3-DIEBOLD AGENTS Expert work done. Prices right PACIFIC SCALJS SUPPLI COMPANY. 46 Front st Broadway 1966. EIGHT dozen Economy fruit jaras clamps and new lids, 2 dozen half-gallon Mason jars with lids. $1 per dozen; will deliver. Elliott, cor. 82d end Division. Tabor 2261. AUTOMOBILES, MOTOHOTCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are sepaiate classifications. A fcxrg listing c3 be round under these ditfereat csaaai fication. COT FREIGHT BATES , on honnehotd goods shipped East and 8011th. Man ning Warehouse & Transfer Co.. 9th and tioyt P hone Broadway 703. A-1 7 93 WOODS AW for sale, $2757 Be your own boss. Season Just starting. Call at grocery store, 53 Union aTe. X. Phone East 1257. 7-DRAWER SirgeT sewing machine, good as new; cost $75. will sell for $35. -506 Boselawn. SIX hole Peninsular range, gas plate on end; water.' coils; stove good as new; $40. ' 4ii0 East Pine. . ', HOT wster tanks, all sizes. In good, serviceable condition. 30 gal.. $7; 40 gat. $9. 201 Adams st East end Steel bridge. East 8516. PRINTING' FOOU LESS 5000 duality envel opes $13 50, 5000 cardi $9, 5000 bond let- terbesd $12.50 Smith. Printers. 204 Stark. 1 HAVE several diamonds which I am seflirag on commission at a big bargain now. Bekling, the Jeweler, 245 Alder st. Main 1692. GOING East or South! Household goods shipped t reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 403 Hoyt st Bdwy. -703. SUITS pressed, 35 cenis. French dry cleaned. $1. Why pay mora? Unique Tailoring Co., 104 4th st ; GRAVENSTF.TN apples for sale, 3 cents, per pound. 69th and Division. 'Phone Tabor 8830. GRAVEN STEIN and Astrkran apples, 60o a box up. S. Iles, 60th and Killingsworth, near 57th. Call after Sunday. MALT, hops, caps, cappers, eider, pur fruit punches and f yrnps for parties. danc etc J, H. DeLacey. 2 3 Yamhill t. VERY fine lot in Multnomah cemetery; room for 6 graves, best location. $75. Tabor 2261. - EUGENIC baby developer and bathtub. , : 506 Boselawn ave. WL or A car. COMBINATION wood and coal range for aale. 2H7 H Clay st. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your home, 35c a rug. Call Eat 1 508. FOR SALE One Hamilton Beach mixer, 1 small electric fan. Main 8728. 16-IN. CEDAR wood $1 and $1.50 a load at mill. 1350 Macadam st. FOR SALE -Colonial wood and ccal range like new. Tabor 7569. DOUBLE copper coil ga water heater $12. 769 E. Broadway. FOR BENT Vacuum cleaners." 24 hour day, $1. denveTed- anywhere. Wdln. 1250. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prioaa. StarJt Davu Co., 212 84 at Mais 797. RAG rug a specialty. Bag rugs and rag car 'pets woven is) all' sixes. Sellwood 8211. - FOR SALE Pearl neck lac. L Mai re opera . glasses. Tabor-138. UNCALLED tor tailor-mad suit. $12.60 an. -Taylor, the Tailor, 289H Hums! da at.: $00 BUSINESS cards, $1.00: 600 linen ' cards. $2 25 Liberty Print ry, 266 hi Alder. ; VACUUM cleaner old, repaired. Tented. x . changed, bought Bentley Co-, East 7060. FIR SALE FOB SALE MISCEtLATT.OTJS i BIG FIRE SALE We have secured the re mainder of the stock slightly damaged , by fire and water from the Beebe Co. andare readj to close out same at great sacrifices. ; The stock eoaaist mostlv of manila, and cotton, from 4 to 2 inches: also a large stock of twine of all kinds and alxe; paint, bruahea. magneto, chain, life preservers; btnterm of all kinds; galvanised pails and fire buckets; all kind of rubber packing; 1-6 bone power gasoline engine in. fiist-eias con dition, and alt other kind of ship and marine supplies, Be sure to come and by at the big rush sale ALASKA JUNK CO., 201 Front (treet Mais 4116. PLUMBING SUPPLIES If yon need any plumbing supplie ea the Northwestern frpe Co., before you let your con tract, and we will save you money. I Estimate given free. Northwestern Pipe Co. 187 Front st Between Ysmhill and Taylor, -trhone Main 5631. PIPE PIPE Complete line of pipe from K-inch to 8 inch. PLUMBING SUPPLIES Our line of plumbing tuppke is complete. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY we have a special price en bath tubs,, toilet, lara toriea, nmka and basin. LEATHER BELTING W. have a few pieces of loathe! belting that w will sell at cost N. B. MESHEB PIPH CO. Mate B277. 229 Frost St WE offer for sale the following bouse moving tool and equipment: 23 dump screw. 23 dump caps; 30 dump blocks, 4 wrenches, 8 jack screws, 2 pinch bars, 1 double wood block, 2 sledges, 35 wood rollers, between S0O and 400 feet of cable. 1 capstan. 25 bouse cribs. 1 trust header, 3 grub hoc. 8 house moving 2- wheel trucks. ADJUSTMENT BUREAU. 641 Pittoek block. PIPE PD?E PIPE Black and galvanized econd hand and new, from to 12 inch, from 1 to 10.000 feet: 1 inch pipe. 74o per foot. 1M inch, 12c per foot: 2 inch, 15c per foot: 3H inch, 25c per foot Plumbing supplies of all kinds, lees 6 per cent of wholesale pnee. POBTLAND PIPE SHOP, 269 271 Front st. Main 6325. LATEST PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Come to us for your Victor, Columbia or Edi son records. Competent, courteous salespeople. Plenty of demonstrating rooms. Records cheer fully played. HYATT TALKING M ACHIN E CO., 850 Alder. SINGERS WHITES --rEV HOMES All kinds, in the latest dropheads. from $10 to $25. Singers rented. Expert repairing on ail machines. FOURTH STREET SINGER STORE Main 6S33. 193 4th St. WEBSTER PIANO SNAP Beantifnl trenuin. Wc.hnt.ev diaim Mihiwin case. Cost, new, $400. Price $225. Terms to suit. HYATT TALK INGM ACH IN ECO. , 350 Alder. Have few ready cut new government heme bs x-s&iu 11., .iw sumnwk, uooia, rooting, etc., complete. Ship anywhere. Cheap for cash this week. 600 Spalding. TWO salmon- rods, reels and lines, 1 lineman's belt safety strap and pair spurs, 1 32-40 Winchester rifle, 1st and 2d years stu dent' lsw textbooks, also 1 set Lord's Oregon laws. Call 325 E. 42d st. S., city. EDISON CYLINDER BKCORDS If you have an Edison cylinder machine re memler we carry a full line of indestructible records. Send for catalogue. HYATT JTALK1NG MACHINE CO., 350 Aider. PARLOR ORGAN Fine parlor1 organ, exceptionally fine tone. Cort new, $150. Price $42.50. $5 down, $5 monthly. HYATT TALKING MACHINES CO.. 350 Alder. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA Now is the time to get your Grafoflola. Just received large shipment Special terms HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO., 350 Alder WANT to sen crop of peaches cheap; hare to leave. Tber is money in this. Call 4 to 8 p. m. Sunday, Hotel Congress. Ask for Mt. Rawson. FINE chance to buy clean bedding, furniture ana range reasonable. See for yourself. 633 Goodnongh bldg., 5th and YamhilL Phone Main 6125. ARB YOU GOING CAMPING f Make the pleasure complete with a smalt porta hie vtctrola or Graronnl. Easy terms, HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 350 Aider. $80 CASH buys $95 Victrola with gas worth records. 4410.70th ave. S. E. Take Wood stock car to 44th st and Woodstock avenue, 10 blocks south. . THREE black leather bags, drummers' samples. Bargain. Wallets for carrying soldiers', dis charge papers. Portland Leather Co., 228 Wash- incrton kt. FOR SALE Ice cream sandwich cabinet, good as new, at a nargain. Answer T-053, Journal or phene Main 2133. CH010EGravenistein apples, 3c per lb. Bring your baskets. A. J. Callahan, 1 ?4 miles east 01 ajiiwaume on Ukt road. FOR SALE, 16x24 tent and fly, wall and floor, eleefne lights, telephone, gaa and water, pat- enc tonet. reasonspie, jau laoor 75X8. FOR SALE Light blond switch, 32 inches, and 3 separate strands. 2198 E. Morrison. Mt Tabor-8 8th st car. $120 practically new Edison disc. - 195. gilt down. $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine t.o., adv anier. BOYS' all wool suit, size 14, dark brown; for iuk-k aaie, o; only worn a lew times. Ta bor 8490. SMALL child's new wool bathing suit child's bed, fruit jars, household good. 04 5 H Thurmsn st. apt. A. EDISON cylinder phonograph, with about 40 records, $10. 1342 Omaha ave., Wdln. 1890. St 1 ohns car. EABLY-APPLES, 85o and 55o per box. Bring your boxes. Phone after. 6 p. in. or before 7 a. m Tabor 1620. THE place to have your clock repaired. Port land Clock Co., 17th and Wash. We mak a specialty 01 repairing, can Broadway 1561. CANDY jars and baby cart for sale- Woodlawn 2979. tffS ESTATE gas range, used one laonth, $15, Woodlawn 6307. CHOICE 20 oz. apples, good cookers, lass Farm, M mile south Troutdale. Doug- 6-HOLE wood and coal range, with, hot water coil. Prce $26. 408 E. 33d N. East 60 7b. FOR SALE 500 ft of new sealing. 350 ft. 3x8. Cheap. 1536 Boston ave., Kenton. FOR SAXE A good used electric washing ma chine. Priee reasonable. Tabor 2342. FOB SALE: Two folding baby buggies, on $3. one iiz. ao St. aiar. oat. FOUR doxen Mason fruit jars, 60c per doz. Marshall 1537. DRAG SAW 4 b. p.. good a s.w. 6356. 6404 46th are. 8. E. Tabor ARMY tent for rale. 16x16, almost new, $25. Phone East 535. ONE good steamer trunk or one size 36. 746 Roosevelt t FOR SALE I. O. O. F. uniform. 2884 Kua sell st ONE 1 kjn., 2 1 H in. hydranli rams cheap. H. Trnscott, 295 Hawthorne. 69 GOOD grain sack for sal at 770 Macadam st, city. - - BEAUTIFUL watdrobe trunk and Kodak cam- era worth $30. for , $17. 47 K. 24th N. BXED baby carriage, used very little. Will sell for $25. Tabor 320. - 2 METRONOMES. French ("Maelxel ") mak. For sale cheap. V-858. Journal. FOR SALE 17, in. electric fan and doll boggy. CB 286 Eugene ft ONE doz. Quart trait jars, 60c; 1 xiae tub, 30c 4624 62d st 8. E. ' PLUMBING, - repairing water coils,' fu fitting. : East 287. GRAVENSTELS APPLES. Bellwood 1336. "FOR SAXE TrtlSCEI-XAKEOtrS It SAC IS " FOR' SALE IN : GRAIN SACKS ... POTATO SACKS SUGAR ' SACKS : ALBERT ,'FRAQER v JUNK CO., '." 200 FRONT ST. corner. Taylor. SPECIAL PRI0E r on 1-in. pipe, 7 cent ft tot this week enly. Guaranteed as good a new. ' Pip from M. te 1 ' iacbe at reasonable prices. . . S. ZIDELL & CO., 208 FRONT ST. Plumbing Supplies . BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE AT SPECIAL LOW P&1CES BATHTUBS. LOWIKWN TOILETS " CORNER OR FLAT BACK BASINS (complete). PIPE AND FITTINGS. Get our price before you let yon contract. W also bav some slight ly damaged good. A. L. Howard 208 FOURTH ST., bet Taylor and Salmon st. FINEST astern barley, pure malt syrup, ebaio et hops, crown caps, capping machine (hand and power), corking machines, patent bottle stoppers, rubber syphon hose, bottle (larg and small) , hardwood keg and barrels, filtering bags, and all other article necessary. W keep t&e beat at lowest 'price. t UAH, ORDERS SOLICITED. Malt-Syrup & Supply Co. 203 Third t Main 1106. Portland. Or. PICTURE SUPPLIES ; Agent for Lalley 1000-watt generator for in dependent lighting and moving pictures. Com plete lecturer' equipment on works ot Christ and Joseph, also comic. Write lot particulars. GENERAL SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. 21 4th St. Neat Salmon. Main 2B1P. ROLLTOP desk and chair. ' 6472 26th st FTJBKITTJRE WASTED T4 ; WAHTEB . ; W want your used furniture, rngs, carpets, toves and all household good and will pay the highest cash price. . Our Three Large Stores cnabl a to dispose of these good at" once, and therefore we can pay the Top Market Prices - lVe alee bny and sell hardware, tools, port ing good, tents, bicycles, typewriter, adding machines and office aul store furniture. When you bare anything to bny, cell er trad Call Main 9072 Levin Hdw. &'Furn. Col 221-8-5 FRONT ST. : WE WILL BUY :: FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSEHOLD , FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING US T YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE OUB VALUATION 1 HIGHER THAN THH OTHEK FELLOWS THERE'S A REA SON: BECAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. PHONE PHONE Marshall -5981 185 FIRST ST. Gevurtz Furniture Co MARSHALL Before You Sell Your -. Furniture, See Us : We sre in need of all kinds of nsed furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves, ' ranges, all kindsif old gas stoves and office furniture, and we pay abso lutely ton prices foT same. Call Marshall 587 nd our buyer win eal! at once with the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE 205 and 207 First St. Bet. Taylor and Salmon st. SELL US v Tour Odd PJeees or Complete Furnishing, We Pay Top Cash Prices CaD TJ for Prompt, Courteous Service. PORTLAND FUENITUBE EXCHANGE 20fe FIRST ST. Main 7729. BEFORE disposinc of your used furniture eU us up; we are in need of mca carpets, stoves and office furniture. Will bujr any qvantity. We pay top price. For prompt and eaurteon treatment phone Main 6064. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 204 1st ct. Mxln 60S4 Owl Furniture -Go. mobhisosi We want your nsed furniture, rtores, carpets nu pisnoe; we pay tue mgucst c.po. ynce. . 166 snd 168 1st st Call Main 462T. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if doing east of to California. We can save jnu money on your freight in our through car. Fireproof storage. C. M. Olten Transfer A Storage Co., 248 Pine. WKSHTMAN-aOHNSON FURNITURE CO. . 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Highest price paid for used furniture, ear aeta, stoves, ranges, etc. We call promptly. C ACH paid for furniture, toves. range, r&Ji U carpets, mm. dreaser. ete. 1'boDe Mar. 2675. Hartsell FurnRure Co.. 841 1st ft- WANT HOUSETToLD FURNITUBE WILL PAY CASH. Phone Mem 3332. " ATTENTION W pay csh for everything .in the line of second hand furniture in- any nantity. Call Main 738. PHONE East 7815 when yoo want to sell your furniture; we will com at once and pay yo CASH. M. R. 8KATEH, "a0 Hswthorw. ave, FTJRNITUBB WANTED Will pay all that it is worth. Pbone Main 3249. Pacific Furniture Co.. 140-142 1st t I AM hi the market for furniture from private parties only. 409 4 Jackson st - CALL MAIN 21 IT. SWAP S3 15 ACRES on Colombia highway. t Wyrth. or. uoa is rougta. But good tor park or cenio home. Want good second hand track or what' Address Mrs. Hnmfieet Berkenfcld. Or. EXCHANGE 3-year-old gelding for good sec md hand wagon and double breeching har ness or good milch cow and yearling heifer. MX-886. Journal. . CLARIONET, gasoline plant, baby buggy and Srhebler for 30x3 non-skid tires or what? 1458 "Fern t- LITTLE roadster. 191 $ model. $200. or trade for piano. Grocery. 205 E 34th. Tabor 161 T. . - - IWILLlcliang a" $250 nice beach lot for motorbeat or what have you f . L. .Hansen, S. JB. S. A. I WILL pay $50 for a diamond; will buy hot ...water neater for tank. V-859. JonrrhtL PRINTING for furniture or anything useful. Main 7838. 8WAP Delivery waaea, for grafonola er what? Tabor 661. WILL trad 5 -pas, late model car for horse and cow. Phone Sell 717. ' MUSIC lessons given in exchange for sewing or r fancy .work. Main 3618. . - - TWO cylinder motorcycle, belt drive. What hate yotif Z-629. Journal ' LARGE size Regiua, 11 record. Want drefceer, violin or what have youl East 6046. 8 AP Camera and good speedometer, rabbit, or what! Tabor 4090 . "WAWTEriMTSCELfcAinEOTJS ' ' ' WANTED '"' ' '- ' 5 MARINE ENGINES HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, TNO. "07 Hawthorne Avenue. v , East 806S. WANTED People ef PvrUaad to kmow that I - pay the highest eaah prkeae foe eond head household geeds. No amount tea tatge tee aaaU. Prvmpt attention. . , - . - N. U. 6EATEB " Phone East 229S. 148 Ifssell V WANTED-JUNK; p!p. Batch in ery, toolji. fvrnltuto, doUiiBl at mm . 7 tg-v, - wBin ha ii. f r ivtit. $8 TO $15 FOR SECOND HAND SUITS IlEYER,- the tailor, pay snoet fol clothing nd aheee. We rail day or evening. UarabaU 1229 or 238 Madison. . : JUNK WANTED Fan value paldt rags, metat tools, old etota- Ing. furniture, ete, 291 Vs 1st (t Main T34. WAN'fED Car cedar fane poeuT 40 small piling, aoaie dimension and barn "Wing, 4.0, 600 cedar shinties. Thomassea, Portland Y. at. u. A. WANTEl Machine shop equipment including drill press, hub, ebaper, puncn prese and bench rices. 710 Taurman at. Phone Broad- way 1X27. ' , . GOING east eg aeutbf HmueboM good, shipped -at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pa ettie Coast Forwarding Go., 40$ Hoyt at. Broad way 70S. WANTED Pressure tank for water supply sys tem : also gasoline encine and Pump lack. Stat what price, and six. J. V. Blak. Cardan nome. yTr S7.50 for. 2d Hand Suits Top price for furniture end trunks. Mar. 1639, WANTED Ued lath. bottt 8 foot bed: state price. Address. Gag at Cheney, stars tilielu. Or. 663 S. Broadway. ... THE place, to have your clock repaired, Portland - t wet rf.j nut -an wasn. w mat- a specialty .of repairing. Call Broadway 189 1. WANTED Second-hand hardware, mechanic1 tool and btrrrles. Will pay highest priee. 21$ Front at, Biuman Hdw. Co. Main 8611. WANTED Rifles, shotgun, cameras, trnsea, Hochfield. 88 3d st Phone Main $581. WANTED Te bny stamp and stamp collection. - M 825, Journal. WOULD like to buy a regular aiaed trunk, td- K , Jii. Ji I'm, c . . st. triiy. WANTED Second band eefe. StaU sis. aad - price and where at T-918, yoemat. WANTED- A Greenhouse and hotbed sash. State price. 3. V. Blake, Garden Home, .Or. MATTRESS wanted for camping; 4 ai. thin. cheap. T-I54, jonreat. - WANTED An incubator. Tabor 9893. WE DRILL wells. Call Main 1846. PFRSOTTATi WHAT 18 VIT-O-NET ' The VIT-O-NET 1 a magnetics health garment which ha over 10.500 fee ot magnetio wire so placed that there is a definite magnetio field created. When a ick. pain-racked body I placed in this magnetio field every cell in th body i (timulatid and -NEW LIFE take place. -The poison and rio aeida ar neutral ized and -they are Quickly eliminated through the natural drainage channels. The result- w give through tliia NEW and wonderful method are almost unbe lievable. This treatment will reach your case in a most pleasing manner. ' (Kindly bring this adv. with yon aad get one FREE treatment) '" Phone Broadway 8204. ? 327 PITTOCK BLOCK ion cnrROPRACTto system Tr IfrViW Maclea bid.. Portland. Or. a past-amateur, a chiropractor et wide experi ence, a 100 "par cent chlropraotte speeialiat with highest testimonial from patient front Eastern state familiar ' with best adjust ments: also front Western and local patients having unfortunately had l.a than 100 per cent chirnpractie elsewhere, with, of conne. corres ponding disappointment in delayed renet. Men sul . full, satisfied with mV 100 chiropractic pbilcaophy, and superior skill demonstrated in comulution. examination, adjustments, rate and. finally, result Tenth year la thl city.. Phon. cH ex write. 31 "treaU" $15. - -' - 4th AND WASHINGTON NEW HOME. 64 7 E. SALMOfT ST. WANTED A good, respectable couple to adopt an 8 -year-old boy, an orphan. Home In the country preferred. Aluo a good home for two girls cf 5 and 7 years of ase. Suburb -f erred. Board -cnu't not exneed for the two $40 a month. Apply W. G. Maelaren, IBS Burn side. Broadway 1665 and A-72V JOHNSON'S MINERAL 8PBINGSat LafsyeUe, Or., now open-to the public This mineral water . la different frnra all other mineral waters and is most helpful In atoms oh. kidnoy, rheumatism and akin trouble. Only 86 miles from Portland. - Undr new management. V S54, Journal. - - - SEE RUBEN8TEIN - Dr. George Hubenstein. optician.' returned from war service.. He make good eye glass at reasonable price. Satisfaction gurntC 226 MORRISON ST. NEAR BECOND DR. POLLJf AN, druglea specialist of chronic disease, disease of the stomach, kidney, heart, lungs, -bowels,, bladder, disease of the eye and ears. Many sworn testimonials. Consultation free. Drugtess Institute. 823 Washington bUg. ' ' - rt , . n u T.- u .mm a a , vtvVt 1 solicit your pstronag. on th best of capable service. Thousand ' ,- of saasfied patron. cntrie vt. Goodman, optometriat. 209 Morrlsoa st COME IN nrf get both your feet fixed up good for $1 by Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIHT that doesn't hurt you; 6 years in Portland; exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg., 11th and Wash. Bdy 2824. CLEAN cut in vesttxatTon work" don "Toy PAO. INVESTIGATION BUREAU, IN3 225-20 Oregon Bldg., 5th and Oak. Broadway 3605. MY WIFE,- Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, left my bed and board on the 3d of April. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. John A. Mitchell. ' SPIRITUALISM, Bev. My A. Priee. Cha. G. Ohlson,. circles -Tuesday 2, Sunday and .Wednesday 8. Beading daily. 134U Divlaioa st ,M t tarTabor88 10. GRADUATE chiropodist manicurist, face,' scalp shampooing. Ladles, gentlemen. . 610 Bush Lane, Broadway Jnd Alder. ' WANT ' averybody to know that M. W. In tin, dentist, has moved to 186 V Washington st. over the Bo-ton Kentists. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs, for diseases of women. 844 E. 23d t Bell. 2213. Thone mornings. . THEplace to hay your clock renaired. Port land Clock Co., 17 th and Wash. We make specialty ot repairing. Call Broadway 1561. CUTthia out for luck, seed birth data and 10 for wonderful horoscope of your entire Hfe. Prof. Raphael, 94 Grand Central st. New York. IHi. ELNA SO KEN SON $ 8 Panama bldg Druglcs phy. ; stomach, kidneys, yheumatinn, contiiatin. female trouble. Main 5086. gUPERFLCOUi . HAIR, moles, warta, ramovwl by lO-needle method: trial free, Joeie FmJey. 14 Bush at Leae bMg. Ceil Mate wags. GOITRE, enlarxed glands, peopse cur. them selves permanently. , A. It Htrachaa. ILiia- boro. Or.. Route 5. MRS Mi U LAMAR, 235 5TH ST. Spiritual adviser, instruction is tb theory e health, success nd harmony. DR. KIMMELL, chiropodist oru, bunions. in grown tiaila.- 207 . Alisky bldg , 3d and Mor rison. . '-' - - DR. M. K. HAX.L has niaved te Selling build ing. Tel. 4249. Be. Tel. East 4858. OPALINE remedies for female trouble; positive ' relief, Mrs. Juncr,med$Ji8 Lincoln. ' LADY ' BARBERS -Face msesege, 85c; scalp tree tment a specialty. 325 Gliaaa. coy. 6 tb. CLEANING, pressing, dying, alterations. W call and deliver. The Cabinet Mam 1828. FACE masses, itching cip. dandruff relieved, mole, warts removed. 230 Fliedrter bldg. Lit WILKINSON mutes cern in S nibut. 106 N. 6th. Hour 10 to S. V -.sstsrhn- ConjuJtaOoa FREE, AU case. JLeaWycr B1 suiling bldg Main 499. BIDS for th erection of the proposed women's a building lor the University of Oregon will be received by the building committee of tbe board of regent of tb. University , ef Orege. natit. 2 p. ns. en Tuesday. August 12, 1919, t - th administration- building. University of Orexoa. Plan and specifications may be se cured by applying at the office ef the archi tect.. Lawrence A Holford, 1021 Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. Bids are desired for (he . general contract only. The building committee reserves the right to reject say or all bids. Successful bidders will be required te furnish bond fcr th faithful performance of tb contract. " L. H. JOHNSON. Secretary ; Board ef . Bagenta, Univarsity . ef ' Oregon. ; ; . ' "- Uniformed night pauoi ervic giv strong protection. All bonded men. PAC INVESTIGATION ' BUREAU. tN0 225-26 vpreon Bid., 6th and Oak. : Broadway 3605. 1 WILL not be rspenaible for bill eon- traeted by Mr. J. W. Boberts afUr Ana. A. 7. W. Roberta, . .. ... 19 NOTICE TO COTRTCTl u i -i Sealed - ni-ODOMla. adilrsssMl ts 1 1. Brartl ef County Corajniaaioners ef Multnomah eotimy. uregon, and eauoraed "Prepeiaal for Improving the following road In Multnomah county. Ore gon, to-wit; Hospital road No. 938. from Ter- wiuiger boulevard to the county hospital site ea Marquam fclll, or such of the above rtd er seotien a th contractor may elect te bid npem." will be received by the Board of County vwmwwimtn au aauiteomaa county until 11 aa , aiimosy, auguat 3. 1919, and lint thereafter and at that time, at room 201. court house. Portland, Or. will be publicly epeuwt and reed. Specif loatlon therefor may be al the office ef the county clerk er clerk of the county court. The improvement of said road on which such bid will be received eeniU of the clearing, grubbing and grading of said read snd the construction th.relu of U necessary ewlrene, Ited August 6, 1919. BOARD OF COUNTY COMM1HSIONEBS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY. OUEGON B. W. HOYT. Chairman. RUFUS V. HOLM AN. County Comm1alonr. A. A. MIIfK, County Commissioner. W. A. EATCHEU Uoadmaater. JOSEPH W. BKVERIDGK. County Clerk. "SPECIAL NOTICE i TO ?TIiE PUBLIC If you want to bare np-to-dt cloth., we are taller far particular Mopla, Ws mak clothe aa good clothe could b. made. V baolutely guarante yoa that w mak th bsit cloth la the city and for leae nianney. COME IN AND GIVE US A TRIAL '; M. WEINSTEIN, Tailor to Men snd Women SATISFACTION GUABANTEET 410 Stark, bet 10th and 11 lbs Portland, Oregon. tXiof.ESIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ANTIQUtS ANTIQUE and ALL' KINDS OF FUBNITUBU. Stern Hlvag tip.. 683 Washington st LEWIS 8TENUEB Barbers' Supply Co., loci nd Morrison str..te. The place to buy barbara r ha Ira and tupplie. Stock of furniture always on hand at right price. BEAUTY $tt0latl$T 8LTEWH OL'H hair dutroysid forever by mul tiple needle method. 504 Swetland bldg. BLOWK IOOK MUKIM DAVIS et HOLMAN, INC., 109 2d at., blani Book Manufacturer. A-3183. Main 183. OSRCT OLKSNINO , Fluff Rugs From ; , Carpets Rag Rugs, AU Sixes Mall Ord.r Prompt, 8end for Booklet 9x12 Rugs Steam or Dry Cleaned, $1.89. FLUFF BUG CO. 84-88 Union ave. N. Fast 6516, B 1478. CHI BO-PR a. OTO R DH. ItURA E. DOWNING, Broadway bllgs Druglea physician; 10 year' experience ehlru praotlc. electricity, vibratory masses and diet DR. McMAHON, 100 per cent iljuaUnent mail easy, carefully, permanent Phone, 81 $15, HELENA W. COMSTOck Chiropractor, iil 14th st Chronio trouble. - Main 660, OOSL WHO WOOD . WE SELL IN LABGE OH SMALL 0.U ANHTat H.vy Country Slab, flak and Cordwnod Star Wood & Coal Co. S48 8d t. Mala 013 1TOUR foct country slabwood, partly dried, $3723 cord. National Fuel Co., F.ast 2041. ' COWTIOTOH I'NION BUILDING CONTRACTING CO.. build eottagii, bnngalows; repair and paintings 0 Altsky bldg. Main 2815. - OOP AND CAT HQ9vMT.L Dit G. 11. HUT11MAN hmpiUl. 415 E. 7th st corner Grant East 1847. B-1962. W clltf bos and horse. . OUOATIONAI. DANOIrta KINGLSvH'S DANCLVG ACADEMY If you want to danr or learn to dance, why net go to the largest and best st-hool in th city where the advantage are greater? You mast more good dancer and can practice with many different expert professional teacher. Separate ball for beginner and backward pupils. ' Our inuinea i dancing. W know bow. Informal very evening. Class summr rstee now, l4is $3; gents. $5. 14th at Washington. Bdwy. $380, A-8831 tCATilERINB M. BH5" WN guarantee to teach all latest dances In 12 private lessons; 12 les son $3, 4 lesson i. 60. tilers bids., btw 4th and Bth on Waablnston at Main 6004. MISS IUELANX) TEN LE8SONS $5 B09 Deknm bldg. Personal attention. . 1 0 to f, ks7 FLECK S ACADEMt, T6t 2d st Ball roora and stage dsnelng; cla Tuesday snd Friday evenings. Main 2100. Private leasons. MOONLIGHT danee, boat Sean, every WidT Hat night Main 4741, Ft of Jefferson st FRENCH leon by a pariaiaa lady. 1'Uou Broadway 2672. IWUSIO ICHOOU Tl aCHtWt OREGON Conservatory inu. voice, violin, barp, etc., for bet-inner, inter mediate sad diploma graduate. Special summer term. 1U5H 4th at Morrison. WE polish ' piano properly. Plioo Main- 1121" Ellers Muaio Bldg., 2d floor; n trance 287 Washington t below Bth. - C CARROLL DAY, Piano, vocal jeaaona, wiih praetic piano, 1 hour day, $S mo, Bdy. 2 ."455. PlfoiV T. K. LAWSClN. 20 ,y.r' xperii"nee, I'lano bson at your bom, 766. Tbor 7206. FUR THE FURSHOP IS NOW OPEN New order, remodeling In th latent style 606 Swetland bldg,, 5th nd Washington. MAIL AOVCBTItlNa CRANE LETTER CO., 512 Royal bldg. Mulut graphlng, mtroeoerapblng, Marshall 62J. OPFICsT Utlgl IIIBBARD ' STATIONERY A I'HINTI.NG CO., "Better Servlc." 851 Oak t Bdwy. 239-'. PAINTiajQ, TlKTISia, PARC RH AMOINO J. 1L CLIFTON, paTnUns, tintln. papering. iTl !. I7tli st Bdwy. 4414. woodlawn Z1ZH. IF YOU want a sood painter call East 8351 Painting in all Its branch.. 854 Hawthome. ' sH YilOIAWS j DB. H. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg. Biieu matirm, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kid ney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female, disor ders, skin a'fection. high blood pressure. PRiNTiMa, tnnnvma, biwoiwo Dn4. Imt F- w- UALTK3 et CO.. 1st Jrnni-ing; ,d 0 .u. m. is, a-hs. SALTED AND SMOKED FISH ALASKA UKHUING tt IMPORT IN G iAJ., d tributurs - of salted and aiook.d fish. 2-1 riamhiil st. Portland, Or. TINNERS JACOB LOl.I Tin. SbetUron sad , Kof Work 810 1st st. Phone Main 1424. TIRE RERAIRIRO THE FINCH VUIAJAMZING CO. s 40 Alder st, t 17th ,Lt L's Jleplr Your Tire W Sell Miller Tires and Rebuilt Tire. HAVE sow rent; guaranteed tii repairing. IQtl 4 N. 8d n-lt meet bridge, ' BTORABB' " CUT-I'HICE ctotsge, packing, .'c LJesius fnrnitBr Cc Main 1927. A-V29. towr 5th and Oak. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. EsUbUshed 170 S Transfer and Foreafllng Aim's STORAGE FREE TRACKAGE Office and Storage 474 CJIran 13th and Glisan. Broadway 12 is , A-U6, ;': ... WilSanaStte Valley , Transfer Co. General Transfer and Forwarding Arnt TRACKAGE, STORAGE AND TRANS! KR 124 NORTH BTH ST. BROADWAY 454. ALWAYS- PICK THE BEiST HOL' GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packing, ship pig and moving. Hone end auto vans, Spa tial rate to all points. C. O. PICK. TRANSFER V STORAGE CO. 2d and Pine. Broadway 598, A-16H6. Storage- and Transff Clay S. Morse, Inc. 428 FLAN 1)1" HS STREET. PACKINti MOVLVti SIOKAt.E SECURITY STORAGE As THAN I KE it CO. 105 Park at Main $10 5jAl Oil. WE mov and ahip piano proerlv. l'hon. i 1123, Eiiers Muaie. bldg., -d floor; cntranc 287 Waahuwtun t below Stu. JCOTICF!" i.