The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 09, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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3s to
eans to
Nationwide Campaign Has for Ob--ejects
i'ert6y Raising Together
. With Strengthening' of Work.
Surveys of Needs of All Branches
of Work Made Wth View of
Meeting Their Varied Needs.
',With the announcement of the
- committee that will have charge Of
' th"e forthcoming: Rpiscopal campaign
for .the diocese of Oregon, the work
- of organization in the various par
ishes of the district will be rapidly
completed. The committee named
" by Rt. Rev. Walter" Taylor Sumner,
. D. T bishop of Oregon, is as follows:
Venerable 1L D. Chamber's, Very Rey,.
'. It.'T. T. Hicks, Rev. John Dawson,
Iter. Thomas .Jenkins Rev, John D.
Rice, W. T. Slater, Rev. O. W. Taylor,
J. Li. Etheridge, Dr. H. C. Fiiett, J.
W. Gahong, C". N. Huggins and S. D.
Vincent. Portland; Rev. C. It. L.
-Chandler, Oregon' City. Rev. J. G.
Jennings, Kugene, and Rev. B. T.
- Simpson, Corvallis. t
. i :' The campaign of- the Episcopal church
'ls nation-wide ' and has for its object
ive the strengthening of church work
' and the stimulation of church effort in
furtherance of the program of other
Christian churches to make the church
adequate to meet the problems of world
reconstruction produced by the war, and
to securt through gifts and interces
.' eion the m ana whereby tha of
. - the church may he developed and broad
"... ened both in this country and abroad.
17. 8. IN fOCR AREAS
For th purposes of the campaign the
United Mates has been divided into four
. general areas, the western area including
California, Washington, Oregon, Neva
da, Utah. Arizona and Idaho. The
work in each area while nominally under
v supervision of the area Committee, is
" handled. by the diocesan and district com
, miltees. which in.,-turn have charge of
tbrgan.zlrtg the churches and their par
iJhA .
. The general committee for the western
: area, vhich is practu-aliy the territory
. W the eighth prvlnc of .the Frotest
ant Episcopal vhureir iii America, is as
follows : Ulehop George C Hunting, of
Reno; Bishop Herman Page, D. D., Spo
. fcane; Rev. George Davidson, Los An
. geles ; H. C. Wyckoff, Watsonvllle, and
- - Mrs. C. L. Mctlelsch, of Berkeley. Cal.
The sum of 120.000,000 has been set as
a goal by the Episcopalians, although
' ' the raising of the fund is secondary
- to the majori purpose of the campaign.
"This, In brief, to quote the words of
the national director of organization, Ir.
R. W. Patton of New York :
- "To bring the spiritual power of the
' church! to bear upon the church's whole
task. ' .
"To - secure and train an increased
ji timber of people, clerical and lay, for
: Christian leadership.
"Tib care for on a yearly basis for
three years, the financial needs of all
the general boards', viz : the board of
- missions ; the general board of religious
education, the social -service commission,
together with such general agencies as
the .Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Church
Temperance society; Seamen's Church
S Institute. Church Periodical club. Girls'
" Friendly society-.- Daughters of the King.
"In consultation with the proper au
thorities, to care for the financial needs
. Of all the provinces, dioceses and mis-
"ionary districts of a missionary, re
ligious, educational orsocal service na
ture." '
- As' a preliminary to the work of the
campaign, each church and mission was
asked ' to prepare a survey of its par
ticular needs. These surveys have been
jiraet'cally completed and are being for
Vafde! to New York. They give a
- - complete resume of the present status
of the Episcopal church in America,
After Death-,What?
Where Are the. Dead?
f -i
" Hear
on these great sermon subjects
" '"Will It Ever Go Oatt
Chares. Pairs, Sappers, Theatricals,
' - Baiaars, etc.
: Cor. 13th and Morrison
Rev. H. H. Griff is
To. Occupy pulpit
At First Chl&tian
- : ' ,
The Rev. Harold. H.VGrtfte , will oc
cupy the pulpit both morn inland eve
ning on Sunday at the First -Christian
church, speaking im lhe tnbrpln -at IX
and in the evening at 7:i3.,The them
of the morning worship will deal With
the Importance of having oar personal
liberty, so generally magnified these
days, circumscribed and defined by
righteous authority.
At the evening hour the pastor will
speak on the two kinds of personal inr
fluence which men exert on their as
sociates. The church .music for the
month of August will be under the di
rection of Secretary L. II. Hansen of
the Portland Y. M. C. A.
At the Bible school period at 10:30
a. m. Lieutenant John Shishmantan of
the Foreign Legion of France will ad
dress the general assembly of the school
on the Armenian situation. Lieutenant
Shlshmanlan has had two years of active
military service in Asia Minor and is
now on a short furlough to visit his
parents and other relatives in this city.
The public has a cordial invitation to
join the school In listening to this
Armenian message from one direct from
the scenes described. v
Summer Institute Will Convene
at Gladstone Park on -August
30. ; '-.
The first summer institute of the
Baptist Young Peoples' union of
Oregon held in nfany years wlll fee
held August 30 to ?eptem1ter
the Gladstone Chautauqua grounds.
Harley K. 'Hallgren, State president,
predicts that this convention camp
will be the biggefB. Y'. K U. event
of the year, the program beinjg edu
cational, devotional," inspirational
and recreational:' ' . vj
A large attendance Is., expected as
with many Saturday, the opening day,
is a half holiday, Sunday is autarch dajr
and Monday, he closing day, fa Labor
day. Addresses will , be made, by prom
inent Baptist workers. -The complete
program' will be distributed .in the
churches a week from Sunday, the com
mittee announced. ' v
Through the kindness of the owner
of the chautauqtka grounds, all facili
ties have been furnished gratis to the
young people. The executive committee
in general charge of the camp; is- com
posed of: Mr. Hallgren. Miss Hazel " H.
Todhunter of Salem, secretary treas
urer; Miss Eva Trent of McMinnvUle,
Miss Dorothea Clinton of Portland and
Miss Nina E. Burch of Portland. The
program committee is composed of Miss
Lydia Filter, Mrs. Edker Burton, Miss
V. E. Sheffler, C. A. Ordway artd Rev.
Ed C. Cofer. .
Members of the committee on ar
rangements at the grounds are . Hon.
H. E. Cross and Miss Laura "Purcell of
Gladstone. Miss Naomi Armstrong, Miss
Maude Cook and Victor Barney of Ore
gon City. Publicity committee Gordon
Clifford and C. A. PalmfpJist.
Tents will be furnished for a nominal
sum upon application to Mr. Cross.
and based upon them a systematic plan
will be outlined similar in its scope to
that recently perfected by., the Methodist
church, and which . will be- carried out
wth the aid of funds, by hat church in al
. ' i .1 . : tA
one wccks campaign uuiuis -mo muc.
nart of MaV. ' '
Sqhool Institute . ?
Sunday Afternoon
. j. "
A Sunday school institute for district
9 of the Multnomah County Sunday
School association will be held Sunday
afternoon and evening in the Fourth
(Tremont) United Brethren church' Sixty-second
avenue and Seventieth street
Southeast. The district banner will be
awarded to the school having the larg
est percentage of its regular officers
and teachers present at the institute,
the entertaining school 'being barred
from the Contest. An exhibit of rally
day materials and prograipstwill;'be con
ducted. A pot-luck luncheon will be
served at 5 :30 o'clock, the Vomen of the
entertaining Church providing' a hot
drink. ' ' lV- jv
Meet in " One Service
.The congregation ana Sunday school
of .the Atkinson Memorial Congrega
tional church will ieet together Sunday
morning In one service, when Rev. El
bert E. Flint will preac. Alt services
for the remainder, of the month will be
discontinued on account of -remodeling
the church.
Peoria Paslor to Speak
Dr. Daniel E. Williamson- of Peoria,
Jll.vwill preach Sunday morning at the
Westminster Presbyterian church. East
Seventeenth and Schuyler streets. Dr.
Williamson is pastor of the First Pres
byterian church of his homeeity, and
said to be an exceptionally able speaker.
, Dr. Youngson to Speak
Dr. W. W. Youngson, Portland district
superintendent of the Methodist church,
will have charge of the Sunday morning
service at the Rose City Park" Methodist
church. Dr. Youngson was formerly
pastor of this church. .
To students of Psychology,
"Higher Thought Metaphys
ics, Theosophy, Human Na
ture, etc.
Lecture Service
Walter Newell Weston, LL AT
of New York
Psychologist, Metaphysician, Author,
at Multnomah Hotel (Mexxanin Fl.)
' Sunday, August 10, 8:15 P. M.
Subject, "How to LW.
Music Public Invited. No Admission
3Tmmerise Cask
Convention ISiUI
Harold F. Humbert, general secretary of the Oregon Sunday School association; Miss Georgia Parker, state superintendent of children's work;
Miss Berniee Adams, Sunday school worker in the First Methodist church, ana Miss Violet Johnson, state superintendent of .education, who
will compose the Daily Vacation Bible School faculty. f-
Twenty itiillion children in the
United States and Canada are .thrown
upon the communities when school
closes during the summer months,
and are forced in part by themselves
to meet the daily temptations thrust
in front of persons with nothing to
do-" For many vacation is a happy
time with trips to the Country or
! pleasant resorts. Hundreds, however,
are left behind, many of them iff the
streets amtd dangers without num
ber." Realizing the dangers which confront
the youth of the nation during, the sum
mer months, the international Sunday
School association is now endeavoring
to provide' a wholesome substitute for
Services Sunday .
; In Tent Pavilion
Evangelist L. K. Dickson will speak
Sunday night at 7:45 o'clock iff the
big tent pavilion, Thirteenth and. Mor
rison streets, on the subject "The
Demon's Council From Seance to SuH
cide." These every-night meetings held
in the canvas tabernacle are causing a
deeper study of the Bible among many
thinking people of Portland and a grow
ing interest is being shown. The pro
gram for the week follows : Monday
night, "Modern Miracles": Tuesday
nigtit, "The Bible JHeU' What and
Where Is It?"; Wednesday, "The . Bible
Eighth Sunday After Trinity
Uniform Sunday School
"Winnlwt Otherj to Chrirt."
June 6:18 30.
AeU 1:9 16;
OoMen Text: "Te hlj b my witnee both
in Jeruulem. and in all Judaea and Samaria,
and tinta t-be uttermost part ot tha earth."
Act 1:8.
Young People Topics
Baptist rnion "Bpeeclf, wise and L'nwtse."
James 3:1-18. v
Christian KwteaTor: "Speech, Wis and Un- j
wine." James 3:1-18.
KpTrorth Ijeagiie "Our Denominational His-1
tor? and-Principles." Psa. 44:1-8. (May be
led b? tha Dastor. ) !
Hs . BaoUit
ft Pirat Whit Temple, 1 2th and Taylor He.
XVtUiaro A. Waldo. Preachinc by If. Kay of Oecien. t'lah. It. "Tha Hirer of
Uod": 7:45"The Wonder of Ood's Word." -
Kart Side E. 20th and Salmon Iter. W.
Tt Hinon. Ke. H. T. t'ash. associate. 11,
"The Stinc of Death is Sin"; . "Ths Bible."
Third Vancourer and Knott-0Ret. Wesley
J.' Bearen. 11, 7:30
Arleta Re. Owen T. Day. 11. "Tha Chal
lenge of tha Difficult"; 8, "Tha Stingiest Man
ill .Town."
Calrary E. 8th and Grant He. 3. R.
Thomas. 11, "Ropes of Lore"; 8, "What Chris
tian HaT Bight Now."
.lencoe E. 4 5th and Main Ret. 'If. C.
jr,ieue. II, "(iod a Prncram and Purpose ";
7.-4 3. "Tha Oldest Lots Story.'"
aeuwooa Bethany Ket. T. J. Broomfield.
It. 30.
'.race K 76th and A.Vi Dm Fnut -R.rrv
acting pastor. 11, "Sin ' Against the Holy
KpiHt": 8. "The Supreme Reins. '
L.niTersity Tark Her. S. Lawrence Black.
11. 8.
1 Swedish 1 anrt Tinvti T?. 1 n fiinlar-
de lOt30"-7:80. , "
St. John- Rer. Edgar Birton. 11, 7:30.
IIlghlBDd -E fith and AlKrt TW W T
Milliken, H. "Alan-Mad (:" a "'Thi
Urcatest Thin. In the World."
r. Catholic
St.- Peters- Lenta Kpi r . fi
10:3O, 7:30. - .
Pro Cathedral 1 Sfh ,M Ta, n. v v
OUara. 6, 7:15. 8:30. 8:43. n7:45. '
St. Lawrence 3d mnH Kh.rm,. t r
Hughes. 6. 8:30. 1 A :86, 7 :.., '.. '
St. Francis H -12th tH Kiu Bm.- i tr
Blak. . 8. . 10:30. 7:88. ,iW ? '
Immaculate Heart of Mare Willi. m ' mA
SUnton Re. W. A. Daly. 6. H' 9. 11. 7:30.
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. .
S. Olson. 6. 7. 8. 0, 11. 7:80. '
St. Rose K. S8d and Alameda. Re. J.
O'Fsrrcll. 8. 10:39, 4. ' .
St. Andrews E. th and Alberta Be. J.
Kiernan. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
The Madeleine E. 24th and Sbklyon Ber.
George F. Thompson. 7:80. 8, 11.
- Ascension E. 70th sod Yamhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blanden
1WT.-JS.-W. Black, 8, 10:30. 7:30.
Holy Croa 774 Bowdoin Ker. C. Raymond.
8. 1:80. 7:80.
St, Ignatius 3220 48d st. 8. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 6:80. 8. 10:30. 4.
St.-Stephens K. -42d and Taylor ReT. War
ren A. Waitt. 6, 8:30. 10:80, 7:30.
Hoy,-Redeeme1 Portland bird, and Vanerm-
er are. Rer. -William J. Derma. , 8, 10:30,
7 :3. . .
-i' St Phillfn V,ri fPmlM P,lh.n) TC. 1 T
and Hickory Rer. W. J. Cartwrigot. 7:30,
8. 10:30. 7:80. . .,v
St. dements S. Kmkh are. and Newton
Serbite Fathers. . 8, 10:30, 7 .80.
' Sacred Heart E. 1 It and Center Rer. G.
Rob.. 8. 10:30. 7:80. .
. - Bt? Agatha E. 1 5th and Miller Rer. J.
Commlnski.. -8. 10:80. 7:30.
St. autiWans - (PoHshJ- Maryland and Fail
ing ReT. F. Matthew. 8. 19 .30. 7:30.
St. Joei)h . Oermsn) 15th and Couch
Rer. K. JHirrrr. - 8. 10:38, 7:30.
Micliael (ItaHsn) 4th and 'Mill Bar.
Si. Baletra. 8:S0. 10:30, 7:30.
St. CJares -Capitol HOI Father Capistian,
" St." Charles El '- 83d, and AlbertaBer. ' 3.
P. O'Flmn. 8. 10:80. t-: -
All Saints E. 89th and Glisan Rer. Father
William Cronin. 8. 10:30.
- St, Pntrk-k 18th and Sa-rter Rer. Charles
M. Smith. Masses 6:30. 8. t:16. 10:30. 7:45
First Park and Colombia Rer. Harold If.
Oriffis. 11. "Tree Moral Freedom"; 7:45,
'The Atmosphere of Character. T
East Side E. 12th and Taylor Ren R. H.
Sawyer. 11,' 8.-' - 1 " ,i - !
Rodney Aeenoe Rodney and Knott. . Preach
ing by Rer. 8 Earl Childera. 11, 8. , r
MontarlUa E. 7th and Glisan -Ber Her
bert E. Ryder. 11, 7:80. - -
Wood lawn E. 7 th and Liberty Her. Joseph
T. Rod. . 11.. . . . ....
I Vernon K. 15 th and Wygant Rer, B,
3fs ?Being Undertaken by Snternational Association
pe ?eld in Portland Jlext WLeek to ake fatter
I f k
- , " - J:
y j
, x - . . -- !
! f -1 .-
1 " I
the unguarded lives by instituting the
Daily Vocational Bible school. The
movement gathers all children who are
willing to attend Sunday school classes,
under the supervision of thoughtful
church workers, with a view of giving
them a pleasant morning for at least
five days in the week.
Although the children of Portland are
not exposed to the dangers of many
large Eastern cities, the Oregon Sunday
School association believes- In the plan
of the international association, so the
first school in Oregon will be held
August 11 to 22 in the St. Johns Evan
gelical church.
Charles A. Rice, assistant superintend
ent of public instruction in Portland
and chairman of the executive commit
tee of the Oregon Sunday School as
sociation, has taken an active interest
'Heaven' What
Where Is
It?" ;
"Christian Baptism, Is
Necessary" ; Friday,
Gospel Church fairs,
ricals, bazaars, etc..
Financing the
suppers, theat
'ls It God's
Plan?" ; Saturday night, "False Pro
phets" ; -Sunday, "Armageddon and the
Signiflcent End of the Turk." The lat
est Gospel songs are being sung each
evening in the rousing song service un
der the direction of Professor I. ;C.
Colcord. The public is invited.
New Pastor to Speak
The. Rev. Ward Willis Long, who has
accepted the pastorate of Forbes Pres
byterian church, will preach Sunday
morning and evening in his pulpit. The
pastor reports , excellent summer In
terest in his church.
Tibbs Maiey. 11, 7:30. (
Christian Sclanea
TsoB snbject: Spirit.
First 18th and Ererett. Services tempor
arili. held in Scottish Rite Cathedral, 16th and
Morrison.) 11. '
Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11. 8.
Third E. 12th ami Salmon. 11.
Fourth Vancouver are. and Emerson. 11.
Fifth 62d anf 42d are. S. E. 11.
Sixth Masonic Temple, 368 Tamhill. 11, 8.
Seventh Holbrook block. St, Johns. It.
All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m.
First Park and Madison. Preaching by Rev.
Clement i. Clarke of Chicago. 11, "For Their
Sales"; 7:45, "Playing the Long Game."
Sunayside E. 32d and Taylor Rev. Jj J.
Stanb. 11, "The Friendship of Jesus Christ";
no evening service during August.
Atkinson Memorial E. 2th and Everett.
Rev. E. E. Flint. 1 1 , t:ion service.
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Edward
Constant. 11. . i
Waverley Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11, 8.
Laurelwood 43th ave. and 65th St. 8. E.
Mrs. Alice M. Handaaker. ,11.
Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert
Murray Pratt. 11. "The Church, tha Crisis
and the Call"; 7:45.
Finnish Minion 107 Skidmore Rev. Sam
uel Nevala. 6. 7:30.
University Park Haven and Lombard Rer.
O. H. Johnston.
St. Johns S. Ivanhoo and Richmond Rev.
J. T. Merrill. 11. 7:30.
Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner
Rev. Olo Torgessen. 11, 7:30. i.
First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev.
George Zocher. 11, 7:30.
Second German E. sth and Skidmore Rer.
Henry Hagelganz. 11, 7:30.
Zion German E. 0 th and Fremont Rev.
J. H. Hopp. 11. 7:30.
1'arsroite nev. p. I). Hoirman. 11, i:ss.
Swedish Tabernacle N.' 17th and Glisan
Rev. G. J. Ledin. 11.
Church of the Brethren Borthwick and
Brainard Rev. George C. Carl. 11, 8V
Pro-Csthedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
lth and Clay-s-Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Very Rev. T. T. Hicks, dean. Services in charge
of Rev. Robert 8. Gill. 11, 7:45.'
Trinity 19 th and Everett- Her. A. A. Mor
rison. 11, 8.
St. David E. 12th ami Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 8:30. 11, 8.
St. Marks 2 1st and Marshall Rev. J. G.
Hatton, 7:30, 8:45. 11. 8.
St. Andrews Hereford . st.. Portsmouth .
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 8, 11, 7:30.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Rev.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson, 11,8.
St. Michaels and All Angels E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. V. Bowen, vicar. 8, 10.
11. 6. v
Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st
st. 8. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:30. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 8 :80.
St. Pauls Woodmere Rev; Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4..
All Saints 23th and Savier Rer. Frederick
K. Howard.-. 10. 11. .
St. John Memorial E. 15th amd Harney,
Selhrood. - Rev. - H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:30.
8t Matthews Corbvtt and " Bancroft Rav.
W. A. M. Breck. vicar. 10, 11.
V Evangalleal
First -E. 6th and Market Rev. E. D. Hom
achoch. 11, 7:80.
Canon Heights 9th and Hams Rev. Fs M.
Fisher. Iv-JO, 11:30,
Clay Street 10th and Clay Rev. Jacob
Stocker.. 10:45, service in German; 8, English
Pre Mathodlst,
Central E. 55th and Flanders Rer. E. L
Harrington. 11, 7:30.
First E. 8th and Mill Rev.' S. H. Upton.
Alberta -E. 80th and Wrgant Rev. Alex
Been. 11. 7:80. .
. St. Johns East Richmond and Hudson Bev.
tC n nlackman. 11. 7:30.
1 Lents Bev. S. H. Upton, acting pastor. 2:30.
Si30 -
. ' Frlanea
First E. 35th and Mais Bev. Homer L.
Cox.. 11. 7:45.
f , Jewish
' Conregalioa Beth Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wis. Refoim synagoguaw
Bervioea, Friday 8 p. as., Saturday 10:3O a. as.
Congregation Ahavia Sholem -Park and Clay
st Kabbi R. Abrahamson, Friday, 8 p. nv;
Satarday. 8:38 a.' so.
Congregation .Nevah Zedeck Talmud Toraa
6tW ana Hail Rev. Abraham L Koaencrants.
'j? sr iv
1 . - -
X. t - ' -
in the work and, with the aid of Harold
F. Humbert, state secretary, , has made
the first Oregon- school a possibility.
Preparatory to opening the school
Monday morning talks will be made in
the St. Johns Evangelical, Congrega
tional, Christian, Methodist and Baptist
churches, HUnday morning at both the
Sunday school and preaching services.
A union service also will be held Sun
day night at the Evangelical church in
the interest of the school, Mr. Humbert
being the speaker. The faculty of the
school are : Harold F. Humbert, gent
eral secretary of the Oregon Sunday
School association; Miss Georgia. Park
er, state superintendent of children's
work ; Miss Berniee Adams. Sunday
school worker at the First Methodist
church, and Miss Violet Johnson, state
Los Angeles Pastor
To Occupy Pulpit
Rev. Hugh 'K. Walker, D. D., pastor
of the First Presbyterian church, Los
Angeles, Cal., will occupy the pulpit of
the First Presbyterian church of this
elty Sunday morning and evening. Dr.
Walker has long been known for his
work-in California, and as orie of the
best pulpit orators on the Pacifio coast.
Dr. Walker plans to remain a week in
Oregon and will fill this, pulpit again
next Sunday. Rev. George L. Robinson,
D. D., professor in McCorralck Theologi
cal seminary, Chicago, will spend his
vacation In Portland and will occupy
the First Presbyterian pulpit August
Friday, 8 p. m. ; Saturday, 0 a. m. ; Sunday, 10
a. m.. religious school.
Latter Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Itter Day Saints
E. 25Ui and Madison; Heber C. Iversoa,
mission president; JO, 7 :30.
- Lutheran
St. James W. Fsrk and Jefferson Rev.
Wm. E. Rrinkman. 11, 7:30.
St. Pauls E. 12th and Clinton Rev. A,
Krause. 8:30, 10:30.
Our Savior E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. A.
Chris tense n. 11.
Trinity Williams and Graham (Missouri
Syuodf Bev. J. A. Rlmbach, 8:15, 10:15
(English) ; no evening service.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14 th and Davis Rev.
Wilhelm Pettersen. 11, 8.
Grace English Msson and Albina. Rev. C.
H. Remhard. 8:4 5, 11.
Bethel Norwegian (F,ree( Wygant and Rod
ney. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor
ria Bev. L. P. KJoller. 11. 8.
St. Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrick Rev. L.
Ludwig. 10:4 5, 7:30.
Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney
Rev. V. G. Ogren, 10:45. 7:45.
Immanuel 18th and Irving Rev. A. V. An
derson. 11. 8.
Trinity (Norwegian) Lovely and Fortune
Rev. S. A. Stenseth. 10:30.
Methodist Episcopal
Centenary E. 8th and Pine Rev. I. C.
Rollins. 11, 8.
Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A. R
Maclean. 11, 8.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Bev.
John Parsons. 11, 7:30.
Epworth 26th and Saviei Rev. J. Stanford
Moore. 11. 8.
First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stans
field. 10:30, "Peaca of Christ"; 8. "Christian
First Norwegian- Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rev. Eliaa (iording. 11. 8.
Garden Home Rev. A. B. Calder. 10:30.
Laurelwood E. 68d and Foster. Rev. A. C.
Breekenbury. 11. 7:30.
Lents Lucien R. Jones. 11, 7:80.
Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A.
Ginn. 11.
MontaviUa E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram
Gould. 11. 8.
Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. OUn
Eldridge. 11.8. -
Rose City Park Rev. D. Lester, Fields. 11.
preaching by Dr. W. W. Youngson; 7:30.
- Bellwood Bev. W. S. Gordon. 11. 7:30.
Sunnyide K. 35t.h and Yamhill Rev. W.
F. Ineson. 11, 7:45;
St. Johns ffi Leavitt and Syracuse Bev. J.
II. Irvine. 11, 8. . ,
Swedish Beech and Borthwick Rev. Abel
Eklund. 11, 8:
University Park Flake and Lombard Rev.
J. T. Albert. 11; 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid
more and Vancouver. Rev. C. J. Rynning.
' . Westvnorelaixi Rev. F. - A. Ginn. 8.
iVsibur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bur
gette Short 10:80. r-
(.Woodstock 15. 44 th and Woodstock Bev.
L. C. Poor. 11. ,
Wood lawn K. 10th and Highland Rev.
Kleoter. 11, 7:45.
District superintendent. Rev. William Wallace
Youngson, D. D.. 691 E. 62d st. N. Tabor 2780.
M. E. South
First Union and Multnomah Rev. James T.
French. 11. "Wy Human Struggles?"; a.
Two visitors. ....
. - Nazarana
First E. 10th and Weidler Rv. C. How
ard Davis. 11, T:80.
Bellwood E. 8th and Spokane Fv. Weaver
W. Hess. 11. 7:30,
Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th at Bev.
C. U. Fowler. 11. 7:30.
Highland Park E. 14 th and Killings worth
Bev. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 8.
Scandinavian Rev. J. C. BringedahL 11,
First 12t.h and Alder. Preaching by Bev.
Rush K. Wallace of Los A-ngelea. 10:30. 7:80.
Westminster East 17th and Scbugler Rev.
Edward H. Fence. 10:80, sermonr by Dr. Dan
iel E. WillUmsoB of Peoria, 111.
Central B. 13th and Pine. Bev. Orlando B.
Perching. 11, 8. - .
Calvary 11th and Clay. Bev. Frank I.
Meyer. 10:30 a. m.
Mt. Tabor . 55th and Belmont Bev. Ward
MaeHenry. 11.
Vernon 18th and Wygant Rev. J. R. Lands
borough. 11, 7:30. -
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Bev. A. L.
HutchhvQn. 11, 8.
J-Hmrtli First and Olbba. Rev. Blairroe G.
O. Everett. 10:30. "Ths Appeal of the Secular
to the Sacred"; 12, illustrated lecture, "Life
and Travels of St Paul "; 8. "A Very Frank
Bible) Story-"
- Ktnfl worth X. 84th and Gladstone - Bar.
Paul E. ttataca. 11. . ,v y-
C- , J9 T
: .-,,S8i, S
v -
educational work director. Mr. Hum
bert will conduct the junior boys' classes.
Miss Adams the junior girls',,. Miss
Parker the primary classes and Miss
Johnson the beginners.
The school will open with a 30-minute
devotional period, followed by graded
instruction in Bible work for one hour
and 15 minutes. After a 20-mlnute rec
reation period another assembly will be
held, when Bible stories will be told
and music taught:
Although the; school is being conducted
in the St, Johns district, children : from
all parts of the city will be welcome
to attend. The St. Johns people asked
for the school and received it, Mr.
Humbert hopes to be able to arrange
for schools, in several parts of the state
next year.
24 and 31 and September 7 and 14.
During his stays in Portland he will also
deliver three Bible lectures, 'Thursday
evenings,. August 28. September 4 .and
IK Dr. Robinson is one of the- most
noted Chautauqua lecturers in the east.
In the Senior Sunday school the super
intendent. James F. Ewing, will give ah
illustrated "talk on "The Life of Hudson
the Apostle to Burmah." In the primary
room Miss Marguerite Templeton will
talk on "Japan," showing many interest
ing views of the people and their cus
toms. Meetings Are Continued
The Stillwell's Spiritualist meetings
will be continued at 884 Third street,
corner Stark, every evening at 8 o'clock.
There will be meetings at 3 p. m. and 8
p. m. with messages.
Jtope E. 78th and Everett. 11, 7:80.
Row City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11. 8.
Graham and Ganlenbein Rev. Ward
vXi&tt cte.uilin tor Uod"; 8'"Tj'e
dor.Tt,SmiThnfinil 8nd Nebk-R"- heo
Anabel 1 1,8.'"
Millard Avenue Rev.
W. Lea Grav. "11 a.
aiarsnau Street
J. Hanna. 11.
-1 7th and Marshall Rev. A.
Mizpah E,
19th and Divbinn 11
oevenin oay aavsntist
ZJnreTtTric ot thi denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E 11th and Everett L. K. Dick
son. pator. 10. 11:15.
Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery E. H.
fcmmerson. minister. 11. " ,
Montavilla E. 80th and Everett Elder li
A, terhart. 10. 11.
Ints-s,lth st and 68th ave. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 10. 11.
iuf"' Joi,.Dr ntrl are. and CharlestonTr
Elder A. It Folkenberg. 10, 11.
Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder A. A.
Meyer. 10, 11.
, 8c,rdinmTi,ln 850 -Alberta Elder O. S. Lee.
10, 11.
8alvatln Army
Corps No. 1 24 3 Ash at. Adjutant Prank
Genge. 11. 8:15. g.
Corpa No. 4 128 1st Adjutant Joseph
Harrison. 11. 3, 8.
rA;fw CJlarch Society 331 Jefferson Rev.
v illiam R. Reece, Services discontinued un
til September 14. .-
Church of Our Fsthei" Broadway and Tam
bAL Rev. W. tl. Eliot Jr. 11. preaching br
Bev. Earl Morse Wilbur, D. D.
United Brethren
Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc
Donald. ,
First E. 1 rfFh and Morrison Rer. Byron J.
Clark. 11. "Does Science Disprove Religion!""
8. "Facts and Fancies, Fundamentals and
Second E. 27th and 8iiinner Rev. Ira
Hawley. 11. "Conquered By Blood"; 8. "An
Unblameable and Unreproveable Presentation."
Third 87th st. and 3 2d ave. 8. E. .Rev. E.
O. Shepherd. 11, ';Winning the Victory "; 8,
"Call and Be Delivered."
Fourtli Tremont Rev. Ct P. Blanehard.
11, "In the Jury Box"; 3:30, Sunday school
institute; 5:30, lunch; 8, insUtute preaching
St. Johns, (old constitution) 448 Jessup
Bev. Walter Reynolds. 10, 7, 8.
United Evangelical
First E. 16th and I oplar Rev. j. A.
Goode. 11, 8. ,
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Bev. H. H. Farnham. 11. 7:30.'
St. Johns Rev. A. P. Layton. 11. T:45.
United Presbyterian -
First E. 87th and Hawthorne Rev. 'H. F.
Given. 10:80. 7:80.
Church of the Stranger Grand and Wasco
Rev. S. Earl Du Bols. 10:80, 8. .
Kenton 120 West Lombard Rev. George
N. Taylor. 11. 7,:45.
Christian and ' Missionary Alliance E. - 9th
and Clajf Rev. John E. Fee." 1 . 8. .
Realisation League 183 6th Rev. IL Ed
ward Mills. 11.
Chriatedelphian 821 E. Washington. 10:30,
Church of God 363, Failing Harry NeaL
11. 7:30.
Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark.
Men' Resort 4th and Burnside Rev. Levi
Johnson, superintendent. 8.
Divin Science Tilford building Bev. T. M.
Minard, pastor. Services discontinued during
Universal Messianic 818 Abingtoa building.
Pentecostal First and Washington Rev.
Will C. Trotter. Services at camp grounds.
East Fifty-second street and Powell V slier road.
11, 3, 7:30.
Glad Tidings Pentecostal Mission 246
1st. 2, 8, 7:30 week days except Monday and
Satarday, 8 p. m.
Pentecostal eburch-i E. 20th and Ankeity
A. W.-Smith. 11. .3.-8.
Volunteers of America Mission 224 Burmnd
Meeting every evening except ' Monday at 8
o'clock, and Sunday,. 3. p. m.
Calvary . Temple E. 24 th and Broadway
Rev. Dawson MaeCullongh. 10:30. 2:30.
Portland Ecclesia- Chriatedelphian. (587
Belmont George H- Tilling, secretary, 11. '
I'eniel Misaico 288 1st. 8, . 8. .-'Services
each night at 8. 'v - ,- -. '
Church of Christ E. 78th and Glisan. 11.
Spiritual Church of Eternal Light 1340 1 di
vision Kev. May A. Price. 8, messages by
Charles G. Ohlason.
FirstSpiritualist E. Tth and Hasnata Rev.
A Hrntt Bledaoe. 8. lecture and luaassna far
Mae Celeste Post, v .
Second Spiritualist Aliakjr hall - Rev,
Max Hoffman.. 3, 8.
Dr. Hinson Will ,
'"Preach Second in
Series of Sermons
''- Sunday morning at the East Side Bap
tist church Dr.. W. B. Hinson will con
tinue his exposition of I Corinthians,
15 :5 by preaching ' a second sermon
from the phrase "The Sting of Death Is
Sin." It is the intention to publish these
two sermons in booklet form in the near
future. '.- ...V:-.-;-
At night Dr. Hinson will take for his
theme "The Bible." '"Many are regarding-it
as a subject for their criticism
and speculation some condemning it
outright and .others damning it with
faint praise," ; Dr. .Hinson said. "Some
Isolate its statements, causing it to mean
other than they say it means, while still
others by their treatment of it illustrate
Shakespeare's suggestion of 'stealing the
livery of heaven to serve the Devil in.' "
On . Sunday night the endeavor will be
made by Dr. Hinson to lot the book
speak for itself apart from man's rec
ommendation or dispraise.
The young people's societies have
agreed to hold a joint meeting during
the month of August and hold their
service .in. the .lower hall of the church
at 6:45.. The Sunday school, which
shows little sign of vacation, 'meets in
the church auditorium at -9:30. Classes
are' provided for all and a hearty wel
come awaits any who wmt to this ser
vice. ER
Presbyterians Will Gather at For
est Grove for Annual
The Presbyterian summer confer
ence for youngr people of Oregon will
conyene Wednesday at Forest Grove
and continue until the -following
Tuesday. The purpose of the confer
ence ari outlined by the department of
religious education of the Presby
terian board- of publication and Sab
bath school work, the New Era
movement, board of foreign mis
sions, board of home missions and
synod of Oregon, under whose com
bined auspices the sessions are to be
held is: "An Invigorating vacation,
engrossing, class wqrk, renewed In
spiration." - .
Three conference periods, beginning at
8 :50 a. m. will e held each morning.
followed by an open parliament.. The
afternoons will be devoted to recreation
and the evenings to lectures, v
A strong faculty has been secured for
this conference; : The. names of the con
ference leaders are :
Miss Gertrude SchulU, New York city,
educational department, board of for
eign missions. -
Rev. William Ttalph Hall, Philadelphia,
Pa., young peoples' work." Presbyterian
board of publication and Sabbath school
, Mrs. Adelaide I. Aid rich. California,
woman's board of "home missions.
Rev. James IX. Speer, San Francisco,
jwestern representative of he New Era
Mrs. E. T Allen. Persia, wife of Pres
byterian young peoples' representative
on the foreign field.
H. R. Austin.' Vancouver Barracks,
specialist in Junior work.
Rev, Wallace Howe Lee, L.I D act
ing president Albany college.
Walter C. Moore. Seattle, Wash., gen
eral secretary Western Washington Sun
day School association, -
Rev. A. M. Williams, Albany, Or., pas
tor Grare Presbyterian church.
Rev. S. W. Seemann, D. D., Oregon
City, pantor First Presbyterian church.
Rev. Ralph C. McAfee. Portland, di
rector religious work, Y; M. C. A.
Rev. M. G. Everett, Portland, social
settlement worker. . i -
James F. Ewlmr, Portland, director of
education. First Presbyterian church.
New Pastor at the
and Church
A well filled auditorium greeted ,Jr,
-W. T. fi'llILiken last Sunday morning and
evening , on his Initial day in his new
pastorate at Highland Baptist church.
This church has been without a pastor
for 13 months, but has been progressing
nevertheless. With the aid of a regular
pastor the future to them Is bright. Dr.
Milliken will preach Sunday morning
and evening. Young men In the vicinity
are-asked to join the young men's class.
The Young' People's society is also re
ported aggressive. "-
"AS - -
Dr. Stansfield .
Announces Topic
Both services - Sunday at the First
Methodist church will be In charge of
Dr. Joshua Stansfield, pastor. At the
noon hour the midsummer Sunday, school
session will be held, with a special illus
trated lecture. Sunday morning Dr.
Stansfield will inquire into whether the
"peaca of hrist" is received or achieved.
In the- evening he will deal with a sub
ject touching conduct between man and
man. Walter. J. Stevenson will sing
solos at both-services.
Rev. Joshua Stansf ield, D. D.
10:80 A. M. aftMON
"The Peace of Chris?'
Is It Received or Is ft AehlevadT
. Special Illustrate Lecture
"Christian Morals"
- Conduct Bet www Ntan and Man.
Both Morning and Evening Services Will Ba
Favored by Baa Soioa by
Mr. Walter J. Stevenson
Those who have heard this singer pronounce
his voice second to none in Portland in
richness and beauty.1 '
Presbyterians in United States
. Perfecting Plans at Headquar
. ters in New York City.
Immediate Survey Will Be Made
Of Needs in Different Parts
Of Europe laid Bare By War,
Restoration of devastated V'
Anl Phllrnh.. i .
,u me w ai iune will DO '
pushed at once with vigor by the
Presbyterian church in the V. ft. A.,
according to plans Just perfected at
Presbyterian headquarters, 156 Fifth 1
avenue. New York city, said Dr. Wil
liam Hiram Foulkcs, general secre
tary of the Presbyterian New Eta
movement, in announcing complete
details.. .
; Five hundred thousand dollars will be
spent this year in this cuhc. Of (his,
about one-half Is to be' spent among
those Protestant bodies in France and
Belgium which are accredited agencies
of ; tha evanfi-ti1if'u1 rKn.i.Ma i..
countries, the money to be spnt directly
by the agencies themselves, for the sal
aries and equipmeut of pastors, for the
training and care of students for tli
Gospel ministry, for the rebuilding of
churches and manses, for the support of
schools and theological Institutions di
rectly connected with the agencies to
which funds are sent, and for approved
cooperative community activities among
the various evangelical 1'foteMant
bodies. -
About pne-fourth of the fund will !
similarly appropriated to llio proper
agency for the Waldenslan church of
Italy, including specific gifts mado di
rectly to. th Waldeneian church by in
dividual Presbyterian givers,
eatlon. None of tli funds will be
similarly spent among Protemant bodies
other than Presbyterians in the war
zone. . '
An immediate survey will le mado of
the needs of these Protestant church,
preliminary to quick action in the dis
tribution of funds, some of which have
already been pledged. Monthly remit
tances will be made to tho agencies
which it has been determined to mmImi,
and these agencies will he required to
make public full accounting- and fi-r-quent
reports. This relief work is to be
conducted with a minimum of adminin- w
trative expense, as tne chairman, treas
urer and secretary of the Presbyterian
General Assembly's committees in charge
of the work will serve without iomirn- (
nation. None of the the; funds will be
uaedtfor any members of the commltlpn
to make trips to Europe; but in case it
proves necessary for any representative
lo visit Europe, special provision will
be made for such expense.
FULX accounts uiven
I The committee voted to put at ths
disposal of the entire Presbyterian
church frequent complete -accounts of
the work, so that tho sacred IntereMts
intrusted to it may continue to receive
the intelligent, sympathetic consideration
of the church. -
Dr. .II. O. Mendenh'all of 311 West
Seventy-fifth street, New York city, was
elected permanent chairman of tho com
mittee, and Dr. Fmilkes pertnaneirt: kcc
reta'ry. Dwlght II. Day, Ireasurer of
the Presbyterian board of fareljrn mis
sions, lf6 Fifth avenue, New York cily,
was made treasurer of the committee by
the action of the Presbyterian general
The committee chose an executive com
mittee, as follows: Dr. Memlenhali. Ir,
Foulkes, Dr. Arthur J. Urown of New
York city. Dr. David O. Wylle of New
York city. Dr. Sylvester W. Beach of
Frineeton, N. .1.: W. K. Coffin . and
Colonel H. W. Hodge of New York cily.
This executive committee appointed
Dr. Foulkes, Mr. Coffin and Colonel
Hodge as a special committee to confer'
with similar committees from olher.
evangelical churches contemplating sim
ilar work In Kurope, with a view to co
operating and avoiding duplication,
Chairman Mendenhall appointed Mr.
Coffin tf make a special study of the
situation In France; Dr. Wylle and Mr.
Coffin to investigate the condition of the
Protestant churches in 'Bohemia, and
Dr. Beach for special Investigation of
the possibility of evangelical work
among the Germans. V
Dr. Foulkes was explicit In stating
that the Presbyterians plan was to re
store and build up Protestant churches
and agencies already -established, and
that the fund was not to be used .for J
proselyting purposes. .
Discontinued During August
The First Divine Science' church. Ftev.
T. ,M. Mlnare, pasto.r, has discontinued
services during Auaust. . '
The Four Horsemen
of the Apocalypse
Are They Pestilence,
War, Famine and
The Revelation of Bt. John has be
come an interesting theme for diacus
sion in ail circles, many believlnir
that these visions hold the myitcrv of
the great event of this time. What
do they mean? Who are the
Public Lecture by
N. M. Lewton
Sun., Aug. 10, 3 P. M.
W. O. W. Temple
lith St., Bet. Waahinf ton & Alder