THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY. AUGUSTS 2, ; 1919. B 1 ROOMS ANT BOARD ' 11 THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 10th. for r business girts nd ttmlwliL Marshall 125L J BOOMS AND BOARDPRIVATE 4 , ; FAMILY - r - 78 CHILDREN ' to' board In . private boms. 865 Hley art. near Union eve. Plum R. 2446. "WANTEDROOMS AND BOABP t i'OL'NO MAN wUlies room end board in a pri- t (wiUr, Hell wood district preferred. V 844. Journal. ' ! housekeeping booms fubnishep anp unfurnished -v .TWO pleasant and convenient ielean end well 'furnished H. K. rooms on second floor, suit able for three? doe in. 63 North 20th st. Washington. : FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; very-eheap. The Oiman. 14 2 H 1st, FIRST Photographer Applegato leta room. ' 2 R'KSISllUI housekeeping ra.mi, 2.75 per week.28 Main st. Main 6378. HOUSEKEEPING room. bachelor and working people; cheap rent; close to. 98 Knott t. FRONT room with kttcheiett! Ml. th . eor- Clay. ' TRUNKS DELIVERED IN' DOWNTOWN DIS . TRICT FOR 25 CENTO. PHONE E. 0434. l 1VO . unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Mar shall 1731. Call at 275 Montgomery. ' HOUSR KEF. PINO ROOMS 71 FUB51SHEP A NO UNFURNISHED . PRIVATE FAMILY i- 8 CftTJRNi8HED rooms, mortem, electricity and gas, 8 blocks south of T. W. C. A. Phone Main 8744. - 8 FURNISHED -housekeeping reomi- in prirate faintly. 1176 K. Main. Phone Tahor 6016. FOR EElfT HOUSES It - UNFURNI8HEP ' 3 E.VTHA large rooms, newly papered, gas, water. $15; garage 15. barn $3; garden, . fruit. Apply corner 89th and E. Stark. ML Tabor MT 88th) car to end, 4 blocks north, 1 est. . V.. t mniJI mili'tli. gs, electricity ; 2 blocks - to laurel wood station. Mt. Scott car: 4621 62d t fall Tsbor 71 Kft. Griff King. WHEN TOD MOVE. USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and Washington. Broadway 590. MAIN J261 Local and long distance -A-7261. Let oar auto tracks mora r-u. tire en Transfer Co.. 202 H Alder st 'N1PKI.Y furnialied 5 room house, modern. Monro. t MifwiMitini car. 197 7 H'OOM house for sale or rent, 304 3d at A.w -. sail fllMti.iu FURNISHED HOUSES 3$ FOR RENT Furnished 5 room house and 4 room apt Call 14S Graham are., or 434 K. Grant st MODERN, well furnished home, desirable loca Won, 955 Clinton. Price $60. Phone Main B782, or Rellwood 53. after 6 p. m. 7 ROOM -furnished house for rent for 2 months; nice location. Call Tsbor 1591 evenings. 8 ROOM fumitihed house. 1077 E. Washington. . FTTR7J ISHED FLATS SMALL furnished flat with bath, gas. electri city; -very pleasant, on carline. Adults only 6141 45th are. S. E. FOR RENT, 5 room modern flat; walking din , tance; furniture for sale; $350. V-840, . Journal. 335 VANCOUVER are.. 4 room flat. bsth. adults. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 43 1 UOdM for rent in private family; In an apt. Phone Man-hall 1137. THE 8TANFIELD. 204 Porter st.. 2 room apta.. completely inwiiwied: reasonable. Main 7 an-'. AURORA apartments, 392 H E. Burnside, 2 and 8 room rurnwhed housekeeping apartments. NEW VORK apts.. K. Belmont and 7th. Phone East 230. SUMMER RESORTS $$ SALTAIH HOTEL, Tillamook beach. under new management; reasonable rates, by week vis. room ami meals. Address t.eo. Morse, R cksway. Or. MANHATTAN BEACH 4 room furnished cot- uge;: piaxza, tireplace, running water; near lake and mountains; $12 a week. Wdn 2657. . eventngsL CAMP sites now available at Columbia beach, rates from $7 to $12 per month including e lee- trio light and wood. See Mr. Holme at the -Beach. . STORES AND OFFICES 11 FRAME bids., cor. 14th and Pettygrove, suitable for manufacturing; storage or shop of n,ia kind. HITTER, LOWE & CO. ' S01 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. MCE corner store and 3 living rooms in Albina shipyard district; $20 per month. 164 H' itusseii st. I'hone Kast 713. "STORE, on Glian near nth st. brick bldg. RITTER. LOWK A CO. 201-3-5-7 Br.ard of Trade bldg. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 88 FOR RENT Garage, 499 E. 20th st' Phone Sellwsod 716. GARAGE for rent 13th and Alberta. 1075 E. 13th st N. Inquire WANTED TO "RENT ' We Want to List HOUSES, FLATS AND APARTMENTS. IF TOU HAVE ANY VACANCIES. -PHONE HEATH TOGETHER. CARE OF NORTHWEST STEEL CO.. MAIN 1193. , WANTED To rent fu7nihed o7wlllTeaeT Irvtngtoni Rose City Park, Iurrlhurst pre ferred ; tabout 350. phone Mr. Robinson, Main WANTED To rent furnlsrTousV;wiri lease; Irrington. Rose City Park or Laurelhurst preferred; about $50. I'hone Mr. Robinson, jisin iinu, r,agi o.-n-n. WANTED to lease building, 100x100, two floors. or location for automobile business: West Side - , j . ... . , inriiirn. Auuies c- journal. BY RESPONSIBLE iarty. 5 or room house or flat., in Piedmont or Kenton dist. Call East 40t3. ELJJERliYTady wants two or three unfurnished room or small cottage. Give description. price, locatJon. Obsfeldt Sherwood. Or. WANTED TO RENT Modern house;; funT - ished. Would like -4 rooms and sleeping porch. Suburbs or city, 3 adults. Mar. 6577. WANTED 4 or 5 room modern house-by Au gust IS. East 1418. WANTED By SepL 1, a A or 6 room house with some yard.- No fla-ta. East 6342. &-ROOM moderu house by August 15 or sooner, close in. East 2161. REAL ESTATE : BEACH PROPERTY 48 A BEAGhThOME. now at Seaside. Or., at beau Uful "Cartwrigbt Park." at reduced prices: $28 to 8700; easy Installments, 8 per cent; soon to be connected by all-paved highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, will make "Cartwright Park" one of the most attractive spots on Pacific; coast Whit-sner-Kelly Co.. 414 Pittock block, Portland. Oregon, or inquire F. M. Cole, agent 423 . Bioadwayt Seaside, Oregon. $20006 room. 6 lota. Long Beach. Wash. 517 Henry bldg. FOR SALE or trade, a Tillamook beach lot; r cheap. Phone Woodlawn 2979. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 1 1 ROOH modern house and garage, fruit: i in Kenton dist. on Lombard st. Call at 805 Stafford, owner. MODERN 6 room 'house, $600 down"; close-to Peninsula nark. Inauire 1240 Miuini Woodlawn 8524.. . BEFORE buying property or building you should have it surveyed. Nicholas Bros.. 713 Oregonian bldg. Main 9355. FOR 8 ALE 2 roomed house, furnished, gas and water, 40x100 lot; fenced. $600 cash. V-842, Journal. ' JUST newly painted, 5 room house. 1 V blocks from car. Price $1800. Tabor 6526. 5604 71st t 8. E. -FOR 5ALE By owner, at sacrifice, modem 6 - room bungalow. William are. ; terms. Tabor 6645. FOR SALE Seven room house, with furni ture, close in. $4000. 834 E. Everett cor 1 2th st " FOR SALE, by owner, H acre, 5 room modern house, 20 bearing fruit' trees, all kinds of small fruit. - Phone Tabor 1894. : FOR SALE, by owner, 6 room house, lot 5 Ox 1$0; good terms; walking distance. Call East 8069. EAST 34TH and Grant, house and lot 60x100 for sale ; bard-surfaced street 694 EL 19th. Sellwood 2227. ' FOR SALE, by owner,; 6 room modem house; paved street and paid; $2800. $400 cash. 601 McKay bldg. Phone Main 8424. FOR SALE Five rooms and sleeping potch, j- modem; $500 down. Tabor 7308, 7-ROOM house with furnace. 76x100 lot, all paiq tor, aee owner. m u an ton. 1 1 CASH. $16 monthly, modem 6 room bus . wrtb emit. Tabor 4214. owner. kr &u FOR neat 4 room bouse M on ts villa; dandy by East 1364. evenings. MCE 4 -room house and'lot 60x100 for sale; $1000; $800 down. Tabor 48: FOR SALEA new modern 5 room bunga ' . low. Albert district CaU C-308. REAL ESTATE FOR SALEHOUSES 11 Hawthorne Bungalows 13250 for a fine modern S room, - fireplace, buffet, furnace, hardwood floors, attic; facing cast. Only 31000 cash, balance terms, 33759 for aa 8 room, with hardwood floors, buffet, fireplace and 1 44 block from Hawthorne ear. -18750 for a fine S room on E. 49th. 8. of ear, with built-in buffet, white enamel kitchen and furnace. $4000 for one sot the finest 8 room, all white ivory, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, buffet, garage and $1500 cash. This is a dandy. Better see it Marsliall 829. ' F. L. BLANCfiARD 510-520 RAILWAT EXCHANGE SATE $500 I hare a 5 room cottage with 50x100 lot. io splendid neighborhood, just 100 ft' from 89th st., 4 blocks from Hawthorne are; lmpva. all in and .paid; 7 immense fruit trees, all ladened with fruit, chicken house.' This little house bas A 1 plumbing. Do your own painting and repair work and aare what I win add when finished; $1650. Hawthorne Realty Co.. 86th and Hawthorne. $4750 For a fine corner in Holladiy add., with a 7 room residence, fireplace and furnace; W of 26th on Clackamas st $1500 cash, balance terms. A fine buy and a good district Phone Marshall 829. F..L. BLANCH ARD 519-520 RAILWAY EXCHANGE $325 TERMS$325 ADJ. LAURELHURST 975 -E. EVERETPTE ST. 7 room artistic bungalow, furnace, cement basement If you want wimething good, by all means see this vtnday. It won't lt Main 4803. O. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington bldi. Irvsngton Residence $6000 for this fine 6 room; all . the rooms down stairs are hardwood, white enamel kitchen, built-in buffet, replace, furnace; all the rooms are large and airy, with garage, and only $2000 cash, balance terms. Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCHARD 519-520 RAILWAY EXCHANGE NEW BUNGALOW 4 room modem bungalow on H acre ground; has white enamel finish in Dutch kitchen; has bath, electricity, good basement, gas, etc., 4 blocks from streetcar. ThU house in just com pleted and we are authorized to affect quick sale at $2600, $500 cash, $25 per month. See GEO. P. HENRY, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington bldg. Open Sundays and evenings. $22Sd For a room on E. Madison near E. 16th. This is a very good cottage and walking dis tance. Easy terms. Phone Mar. 829. F. L. BLANCHARD 519-520 R AILWAY EXCHANGE AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS $3700 Neat well-built bungalow; splendid furnace; on paved street, $1250 cash. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open evenings. Sundays. FOR ONLY. $2500. $500 CASH ' 5 room bungalow, 60x1 0O lot, 634 Insley ave., lOO ft. from Sellwood car. has bath, toilet, lavatory, electricity, full basement. W. A. WRIGHT, 417 Abington bldg. Sellwood 1355. - Main 5988. ONLY $1750 AND TERMS Buy a neat 4 room bungalow on 72d St., just south of M-V carline, a bargain: go look at it. .No. 85 72d st N. and call toe up at 417 Abington bldg.. or Sell. 1355, W, A. Wright Main 5UK. $1500, EASY terms buys that 4 room bunga low on comer of 18th and Holman sts., Woodlawn district; bath, toilet, electricity, gas. Sickness corapells me to sell. See W A. Wright; 417 Abington bldg. Sell. 1353. Main C988. BARGAIN Close in, semi modern house, gas, electricity, lot 51x190, fruit trees, paved st., chicken house; $2500, terms; no incumbrance. Phone Sell wood 2488. 7 ROOM modern house, Va acre, good bam, bearing fruit trees and berries, shrubbery, flowers, place for chickens, cow and rabbits, $3500. terms. 6210 58th ave. S. E. ' Phone Tabor 7397. CHEAP Moderl 6 room house, in splendid condition. Desirable location; half block from Richmond car. Inquire 540 E. 36th kU HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3150 -Well built 6 room bungalow at 1194 East Lincoln fc $1200 cash, balance contract Street work all paid. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open evenings, Sundays. MAGNIFICENT 9 ROOM HUME. IRVINGTON. CHOICEST IXICATION; HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT, TWO BATH ROOMS FINE BASEMENT; LOT 60x100: GARAGE. loin IS H.K. OW.UKK. EAST 3209 11 "ROOM house near N. W. Steel works, con crete basement first class furnace; a money maker as a rooming or boarding house. Fur niture now ready for sale. A bargain. Call Main 4574. . FOR SALE, by owner, modern 5 room house., close-in on Woodstock carline, 50x100 lot 8 bearing trait trees and berries ; payed street in and paid.'gas and electric lights. Price $2400, 783 E. 28th st Phone Sellwood 81 J. 5-ROOM HOUSE, two lots, wood shed, gas and water: 6 blocks from school. Mt Scott car to 5th St.. one block south; $250 down; will be there Sat. evening and all day 8unday. Wm. P. Porter, 6303 95th st. FOR SALE; 4 room house andlot 60x150, at Kendall station 2 blocks from car line, dandy place for chickens, berries and garden; $1250. $100 down, $15 per month. Snap for some one! J. S. Reali, Woodlawn 317L WHY NOT BUILD 7 Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything; furnish the money if desired. L. R. Bsiley G. It.e.. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. irriFi hit v itT-i..; 7-,wi .... i -- - " - ' - - - - ...... . j ..i..v i I. m ii UUUKSIOW, pnrn.F lot. 1 .n iimv.iiii,.. all jn . 1 1 . i - -. i. . i in. ii.wuiunie district: take good lot T acreage in part pay ment. Owner, Z-29. Journal. FOR SALE By owner. 1 acre ground, good v ruom uuse, Hieeping porcn. Mull itun wa- ir. au, fieri rK; ngms, juyi outside city limits. A 6-ROOM house, large sleeping porch, modern in every way, lot tutixiuu, concrete garage. 431 3NUi st. north. Tabor 8944. For sale py owner. LEAVING Portland fbr Spokane. Lot. fin inn 4- room bouse, fruit. $1250. 1700 vl 2i. st, rteuwooa. 4 -ROOM house, sleeping porch, electricity, cas 2 lots, bearing -fruit trees, garage; 3 blocks or arnoot and car. 6404.81st St. S. E. FOR SALE By owner, 5 roomed bungalow, gas, electricity, full basement, corner SOrlOO terms. .1166 East 12th north. Wdln. 4903 FOR SALE LOTS 1$ $750 WILL buy this beautiful lot, 174 feet ........ - - iM'. mi umim, small orrs- ard in bearing, planted wheat, with crop, located on 65th st., 144 feet south from 65th ave., (hard surfaced ) with all rnnnniMuiM ..i, w ....- ., electricity and phone; between two carlin?,' Mt. ocott car (Tremont Sta.) or Woodstock car to end of line; $150 down, balance $-10 per month. Call at 6303 62d ave. S. E. Ta bor 7428. NICE large lot 60x125; next to 267 E. 72d n. ; - clear of incumbrances. Make offer, cash or terms. 1L LOEFLES Maple Lane, Route 3. Oregon City. Or. $760 BUYS this beautiful lot on Clackamas str hardsurfaca st, nd cement sidewalk: 44 hlmb from carline. Call East 4447 before 6 p. m. or Tvooniawn ti t alter v p. m. ROxlOO KEJiTON lot beautiful homes on all sides. 1 blocks to car. imnrovements in n,l paid; $.100. terms; owner leaving. Munson. tfvov r-oweu vaiiey roaa. TWO lots on 63d ave. and 67th st. Must nil tot $4504. CaU after 4:30 o'clock. 7224 65th ave. S. E. ALAMEDA PARK lot $550; snap; 60x105; choice location for home. Lot 16, block 80. Address P. Q. Box 13. Salem. Or. . ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS ANP HOTELS FOR' SALE t 16 ROOMS, modem, sleeping, finest location. good furniture, bargain for cash or terms. Thomson. 515 Henry bjdg. 10-ROOM modem steam heat, close in. rooms all rented. $500. E. 6382. A 14-ROOM furnished apt. Will take a car for part payment 180 17th, st, cor. YambilL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 88 CUE TORS popcorn and peanut roaster, steam motor operated, gasoline heat cost $300, A-l condition: will sell for $150. Call or write 1070 E. 8 2d N. FOR SALE At Kent. Or., the Kent hotel, with confectionery in connection. Only hotel in town. Part cash and good terms for the bal ance. Address Max K. pinemke, box 67, Kent Or. BARBER SHOP, reasonable: good reasons for selling; good business. Thomas P. King. 408 E. 2d at, The Dalle. Or. GOOD BAEERT in live town for sale. TCrite ZX-625, Journal. OLD established barber shop, cheap rent; best 2 chair shop In town. 108 N. 6th st. LADY equip my large stock ranch and reap re ward. U-487. Journal. FOR SALE 2 ton track, $12 day. steady work. Call Main 5361 after 6 p. m. t MUST acK my busy corner grocery store. If you want a anas, call Tabor 6081. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES' t FOR 8A LE One of the best filling stations and general stores in the city of Portland, doing Cow between $4000 and $5000 cash business a nmth. , No soliciting, delivery or credit, all cash. Rrasos for selling, owner bought farm and has to tcke charge shortly. This la one of the best paying businesses in Portland, located at 863 E. 11th st.. eor. Stephens m Ne trade considered. Joceiyn Grocery and FIlHng Station. FXTLLT equipped tailoring and cleaning busi- nesa, Cheroiet dehrery car, sewing machine, work table., two 20-pound electric irons. 4 press stands, ironing board, new ewjbinatfcm washer and extractor, trimmings, electric fix tures, gas pipe; will sell all or part C. H. Huss, 807 Wash, st, Taneourer. Wash. BIC'TCLE and general repair shop, . in city of 4000; only shop of kind in city; on main badness st; will invoice about $1000 or $1200. including , lathe, or will sell balance and keep lathe. Am going away and will sell as a bar- gain for cash. . O. Craft. McMinnn'lle. Or. FOR SALE Restaurant and confectionery, good faying business snd well located; must be sold to settle estate. A' snap if taken at once. Appraised at $1800. Call or write Ida L Co re 11. Admx, 417 Lyon at.. Albany. Or. I HAVE a2tt ton Denby truck, a 1 ton Ford truck and a Ford passenger car and good trans fer business in McMinnrilte, Or.; will sell or trade for city property in Portland, Mrs. Stella Jefferies. Mcilinnville, fir. A CKACKERJACK proposition and a wood haul second-hand truck, $1500: $750 cash, balance in 12 equal payments. Phone Broad way 1572. Auk for Mr. Allen. , SEW PATENT for sale. 25c article pertaining to eye glasses: excellent for mail order trade. Will, bear inspection. B. F. Undeman, 52 E 12th St.. North, Portland. FOR SALE it invoice, best location in town established cigar and confectionery store. P. O. Box 661, Bend. Or. BtiSLNESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Kg SMALL HOTEL WANTED We have two customers for a maU hotel of 40 to 60 rooms. If ytu have one for sale call Main 2035, Main 5180. or make a personal call on LEASEHOLDERS SERVICE COMPANY fi24 Morgan Building. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 57 OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 month: or $21.34 for 60 months; or $15.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 24.2 Sts.rk sr.. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 2 16 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL, rooms 10-11. Hulkey bldg. $300. .$400. $500, $750. .$1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermen bldg. $300. $40O. .$500. $600. $750 and up. low est rates, quick action. ' Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. CLIENT has $500 to $3000 to loan, local, quick action. J.. A. Mears. attorney. 926 Chamber of Commerce. $500 TO $2000. 1, some 6 ft, money. No commission. Ward, 407 Spalding bldg. MONEY for mortgage loan-., $500 to $6000. 6 and 7. Fred S. Williams, 92 H 1st st SEE OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. $500. $1000. $15061 $2500. $3000 and up. F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Salomon: A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. Louis MONEY? TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. ' Phone Broadway 810. 804 SUrk Street near 10th. Loan on diamonds, watches, Victrolaa, piano, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instrument and anythine; erf vaase ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and country warrant cashed for face value. CARRIE MYERS HERRMAN. Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pianos, household goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your possession. ALeJO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them up. advance yon more money if necessary, and you can repay us in small monthly payments to suit your con venience. - LEGAL RATES DO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed) 306-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 3286. Salary LOAvNS WE LOAN MONEY - Chattel On short notice t salaried or workingmen on their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Eah transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED) 218 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry: legal rates: all articles held a year; established since 1888. Dan Msrx. 283 Washington at LOANS WANTEP I SEE OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 232 Chamber of Commerce, 4 th and Stark. FINANCIAL 61 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If you must seQ your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy mere Lib erty or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy and sen Liberty and Victory ' bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER TOU MAY DO VVOKH We are tcday paying the following prices for Lnited States government Xjberty and victory bonds, which are the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest: N. Y. Msrket Interest Total SHi $ 99.56 $ .46 $100.02 1st 4s 94.30 .52 94.82 2d 4s 93.52 .86. 94.38 1st 4til . 94.60 .55 95.15 2d 4Ua ..i. 93.88 .91 94.79 3d 4 Ha .... 95.04 1.62 96.66 4th 4 s .... 83.86 1.26 95.12 Victory 3isi. 9. 90 .75 100.65 Victory 4 Vs.. 99.86 .95 100.81 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 87o on a $50 bond and 12. ISO on a $1000 bond. In selling uioercy ana victory nonas we cnarge t-n. iNew York market price plus the accrued interest, ASK ABOUT THE -MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposifr Boxes for Rent. MORRIS BROTHER8. INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Morris Bldg.. 309-311 Stark St. Bet 6th t and 6th. Telephone Broadway 3151. Established over 25 i Years. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS I : CASH PAID FOR ANY ISST-? OF BONDS. I FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON LIBERTY BONDS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS i AND SAVINGS STAMPS. OR TO FINISH I PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT, PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR). CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. 1 WILL HVT ANY LIBERTY BOND 1 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (Alt due coupon Interest Included.) J. H. KEATING. 1T BOARD OF TBAM. . -BONDS BOUGHT SPOT ; CASH SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE CASH J for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN yon money on BONDS, W. 8. S.. or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS, 7 per cent 725 Gaco bldg.. Fifth and Alder. ' ' ". ' CELLARS-MTJRTON CO. ; PATENTS Two new- , Inventions for sale. - Portland : Patent - Cow 014 Common wealth Bldg. Bdwy. 1629. k - HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 DEAD horses and animals hauled away tree. Call VY euOiawa 20. 4arUand .Rendering Co. HORSES, .VEHICLES. ETC. 18 FOR SALE or trade for wortf horses. 3 with colts by side; also yearlings and 2-year-olds. E. 6th and Hawthorne, - Booker. FIVE, head of mare and horses. Prices $40 up. WUltelm Transfer barn, 868 Union are. GENTLE horse, boggy and harness, $50. 430 Hawthorne are.- . . ' WA N TK D To board about IO head of ho: Sanitary Stables, 863 UnJorr ,re. nOIioE and wagon, $1.50 per day; 2 horses and wagon, $8. i. Cohen. 846 Front Main 2208. LIVESTOCK 8$ TWO extraordinary cows that will gire 3 and 6H gL; rich milken. young, gentle for lady: 15 minute on 4th it' can to Doseh station, go two blocks up the hill, ask for Sulliran; can call Broadway 881 daring day. IF you want any fresh . dairy cows of any breed, at any time, see Mr. Bruce, at the Stockyards, North Portland, Or. ' 4 ' COWS. 2 of them fresh; will sell one or all cheap. Woodstock car to 34th at.. 8 blocks south. 1040 Schiller st. A DANDY family cow. Take Estacada car to Berkeley, follow track 100 yards, first house to left: 20 minutes' ride. 3-YEAR-OLD Jersey family cow, at a bargain : also 25 white Ieghorn liens, 1 year old. $1.50 each. 1882 Siskiyou st. C-1445. '. MILK GOATS ' ' x Two fresh milk goats and young kids. 302 Front st. " BEST Jersey with young calf; also tine 6 year brown mare; weight 1150 lbs. ; good harness and new farm wagon. Call 896 Powell Vai. Kd. FOR SALE No7 1 milk cows. 3 to 4 gal. per day; price $50 to $90. Go to East 60th and Fremont. 3 blocks north. L. R. Dawson. IrFINE milch cows; will sell cheap if sold at once. Call 720 E. 33d near Powell Valley Rd. BROOD sows for sale: will farrow soon. Wdln. 3438. FIRST elass cow wanted, not less than 5 Ions. Phone Sellwood 1198. , HEIFER calves, 3928 E. 42d st. 2 months', $10 and $20. EXTRA fine cow ; rich milker, ave. N. Alberta car. v 1343 Glenn WANTED 15 brood sows, price. Z-27, Journal. State weight and r.EGlSTEUEI) Jersey cow, due fresh Aug. 15, 4 gaK, tcsttng 6.2 C butterfat. Teb 1609. FIVE fresh dairy or family cows. 1445 Milwau kie'ave.', Sellwood. A FINE large Jersey cow with ealf three weeks old for sale cheap if sold at once. Tabor 7548. THREE fresh cows, Wilhelm Transfer barn, 365 Union ave. 8 FRESH cows just arrived, sale or trade beef cattle. 491 Flint st, cor. Page and Flint HEALTHY Angora male goat (3 years $15. 715 East Flanders street, city. FRESH cow for sale" Call Col. 969. old), POULTRY AND RABBITS 87 RABBITS FOR SALE On Sunday. Aug. 3d. I" will offer for sale my entire stock of thoroughbred New Zealand rabbits;: some of the finest stock in the North west.' lit. Scott, car to Archer place, 4 blks. north, half east ( MORROW BABBITRY 6620 36th ave. S. E. PULLETS WANTED We have orders waiting and can place for you, or will buy your standard breed W. L. pullets. The Luhr Farm, R. 3, Box 258, Lents. Or. 150 YEARLING laying hens. White Leghorns. Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock: some pul lets. Price $1.55 up to $2 delivered. 1918 East Stark and 75th sts. FOR SALE 40 thoroughbred Rhode Island red. Black Minorca. White Leghorn young chickens. 3 months old: 2 Rhode Island red hens. $35. 6629 59th ave. 8 E. BABY CHICKS -Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock and White" i-eetiorn. 1 jit hatches July 26-August 6. J. K. Maguire, 787 Oregon st East 1805. 2 DOES with litters of 4 and one with litter of 6 young over 1 month old. $7.50. A. Zandberger, 4210 76th S. E.. near 45th ave. GOING away, will sell about 20 fine New Zea land rabbits at. meat prices. Does, bucks and young stock. Tabor 6993. FOR SALE Scratch feed, cackling mash. cheaper and better. Master Incubator Co., Wdln. 4344. ONE buek, 3 does. Call Tabor 2072. compartment hutches. WANTED 3000 pullats. price. Z-28, Journal. State breed, age and WILL trade furniture for hens or pigs or cash. Call after 6 p. m. Tabor 1374. WANT 500 White Leghorn pullets. 3878. Address 1645 Miss. ave. Tel. Wdln. FOR SALE Friers, dressed to order; delivered Saturdays. Phone Tabor 8874. POULTRY and rabbits for sale. Wdln. 2979. dogs; birds, pets. etc. 4 CHOICE canaries, at "The Canary Bird Shop.' - Singers guaranteed: 1151 E. 28th No. C-2217. ROLLER canaries, cages and females for saie. 781 Kelly t- Marshall 3060. CANARIES Fine singers, ave. S. E. $3.50. 6623. Till BULL DOG pup. beautifully Phone Tabor 4495. -marked, $15. BOSTON Wrier tud. Eastern Toy; fee Hamlet, Tabor 4883. $10. PERSIAN kitten for sale. Sellwood 2898. AUTOMOBILES ANP ACCESSORIES 44 OVERLAND, 5-pass., $75 down. $20 mo. (No red tape ) . WHITE. 421 BURNSIDE. CHALMERS touring light "6"; very good con dition; $950; easy terms. Call Tabor 4969 evenings. CHALMERS light 6 touring. 8 tires, perfect mechanically, for sale by owner; $1050, terms. Woodlawn 3173. 1917 SAXON roadster, 6 tires, fully equipped, - like new, $375 cash. 1652 Virginia at. Main 1 1 05. BU $300, Franklin light 4 cylinder car. good tires, good running condition. See owner. East 3021. 298 Eugene st HUDSON Super-six, in best of condition, used privately; win sacrifice at $2000 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. CHEVROLET ROADSTER $525 FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. WANTED Carpenter work in exchange for automobile. Phone Broadway 2393 or Mar shall 973. FORD tourings of all kinds. SMITH AUTO CO. Park and Couch. DEAD storage space "for rent.. We have roem for 2 more cars at reasonable rates. Apply 306 Hoyt st, near 6th st N. CHEVROLET touring car $426. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. FORD touring. 1918. in best of condition, good tires; a bargain at $550 with terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside.". TWO 1919 Chevrolet for sale cheap. Owner going away.' 366 2d st. care Mil St Ga rage. Main 6352. FOR SALE Bug; $325; half cash or bug and Tillamook beach lot for late Ford tour ing. E-30, Journal. . FORD. 1916. new top, new paint, extra hood, good rubber. $400. 244) Kulingsworth. Apt. 7. Wdln. 4984. : 116 SAXON roadster, engine rebored and new pistons; new battery, good running or der for $250. 24 Mason st mtm 'Sl i II UUXtAUU 19 TOP COMPANY I ' " - 9tn tt ok. Broadway 1664. KORD tourins. 1917. in good running condi- tion. good tires; a bargain at $550, with terms. 30 Grand ave, north, near Burnside. HAVE a dandy 1918 Oldsmobile eight; will sell at a sacrifice. Looks like new. Bdwy 1234. Ask for Moore. 1 1 th and Everett 1918 CHEVROLET touring, completely over hauled. WHITE, 421 BURNSIDE. ' 1916 SAXON 6, in dandy shape WHITE. 421 BURNSIDE. 1918 MITCHELL light 6. like new. $1100. C. G. B LEA S DALE, 530 ALDER 1913 HUDSON 'bug; first class condition. $275. 619 20th St. Phone Sellwood 634. 1917 HUPMOBILE. cord tires. $1050. C. G. BLEASDALE, 530 ALDER PAIGE roadster for sale. Call Mill Street gar age, 2d and Montgomery. FORD chassis ; build your own bug. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 ALDER FORD for sale; good as new; reasonable. 792 Belmont. FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell touring car. fir-t-class condition, $750. Call owner.- Tab. 5403. LATE Overland light 6. run only 400 miles. C. G. BLEASDALE. 630 ALDER FORD touring, overhauled, buy. 345 Williams ave. w i. res, a good CHEVROLET 1917 touring, $585: good shape, worth more. 589 Montgomery st MAXWELL, 1817. for sale reasonable; good condition: good tires. 838 Haicht ave. i18 SUPER 6 Hudson, cord tires. 622 Alder. Broadway 2492. GASOLINE 22 CENTS A GALLON. OILS AND GREASEjS. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 188 1ST. CASH paid for used cars. Liberty Ante Cn Third and Main sts.. Vancouver. FORD with Kebey body. bargain if taken at oom. , ygr"q ave. Assuror ser. 1-Larns. SNAPS, $333 for 1916 Ford, with shock ab aorbers. late iocs. etc Mar. 1692. 1917 GRANT . 5-pass.; 90 per cent saw. SEE WHITE, 421 BURNSIDE. BUG for sal. $200. Phone East 2616. AUTOMOBILES ANP ACCESSORIES 4$ REAL SALE OF USED CARS There's no use beating around the bush and taking up your time reading lot of bonk that is entirely foreign to the object yon have .in view, so we are going- to shoot right from the shoulder. We have a large stack of used cars and are going to sell - every one of them during this sale at price that will surprise you. This stock consists mostly of small 'car in good running order and any on of them yon would be proud to own. We are on the east Side, out of the high rent district and our convenient payment plan makes it possible for yon to take thaw, vacation in an automobile instead of riding in a hot stuffy railroad coach. Yon .will enjoy every minute of your trip in one of these fine Uttle cars. J We take your Liberty Bonds at face value if you wish to turn them in on a car. HERE "THEY ARE 1918 Scripps-Booth 6 cyL, 5 passenger. 1917 Dodge roadster. 1916 Dodge touring. 1916 Dodge delivery. 1917 Buick 6 touring. 1916 Rnick 6 touring. .. 1917 Briscoe touring. 1917 Studebaker 6, 7 passenger. 1917 Studebaker 4. 7 passenger. 1916 Overland roadster. -1915, Overland touring. 1814 Overland touring. 1915 Speedwell 6 cyL touring. 1918 Maxwell touring. 1917 Maxwell touring. 1916 Maxwell touring. 1917 Maxwell roadster. 1916 Ford delivery. 1917 Hupmobile. , 1916 Mitchell. 6 cyl. 1917 Chevrolet touring. 1616 Chevrolet touring. . The Dealers Used Car Clearing House East Stark and Grand ave. ) Open. Evenings and Sundays. . OVERLAND, $450 This is fine 5-pasaenger car, new top, new paint, self-starter and runs good. We will test it for you; the price is very low, and $150 down. naiance monthly, will let you own it. Call 525 Alder st. A-l Auto Works &. Painting Co. 1917 BUICK light 6. Just the car you have been looking for. These cars are very scarce, and you must act quickly to get thi one. In A-l mechanical condition. AUTO SALES CO.. 9th. and Couch. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefer T W have them, all make and staes; also we snake the famous O-V-O Double Tread (a. wed) tire, snd do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 833-836 Burnside near Broad- 1917 OVERLAND light delivery in fine shape snd good tires. Price $500. Terms. $200 cash, balance $30 per month. P. H. DUNN. 1652 E. 13th st Sellwood 1893. 1919 MAXWELL touring car, cord tires, new spare Hire. CA Y. 622 Alder, Broadway 2492. STOCK j Used' Cars ! NO MISREPRESENTATION PRICES BIGHT Covey Motor Car Co. VELIE SIX Like new; a bargain. CARY, 622 Alder st Bdwy. 2492. 1914 OVERLAND touring in good shape. $350 AUTO SALES CO.. 9th and Couch. LATE BIX CHALMERS Touring car. fine paint good tires. CARY. 622 Aider st Bdwy, 2492. s. .AUTO TRIMMING A UPHOLSTERING CO. All kinds tops and UDhot stering. 9th and Couch, us- stair Broadway 2017. THREE FORD TOURING CARS CARY. 522 Aider., Broadway 2492. MUST SELL MY 1918 MAXWELL TOURING AT ONCE. CALL EAST 1962. THI8 CAB HAS BEEN OVERHAULED AND RE PAINTED. SERVICE STATION ow located at Ninth and Everett st. Broadway 1142. FORD roadster, in fine mechanical condition; good tires, $425. SMITH AUTO CO., Park and Couch. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; rarts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change, 129 Lownsdale at 15th and Washington. rhone Broadway 2668. FOR SALF A 2 ton Reo truck with driver s cab, in first class condition. Can be bought at a bargain on terms. Apply 306 Hoyt st, near 6th st. N.. or at 1 24 N. 6th st. 1917 FORD touring car, $75 worth of extras.. $525. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their part at half price. David Hodea Co.. North Broad way and Flanders FOR KALE My 1918 MaxweU in first class condition. Including paint. Will sacrifice for quick salf. Apply 306 Hoyt St.. near 6th at N.-. or 124 N. 6th st. ESSEX 1919 tpunng, only run two thousand miles, $100 worth of extras; leaving town, will sacrifice at $1675 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. CHEVROLET 1918 touring, lota of extra; used privately; good tires, in fine condition; will sell at $775 with term. 30 Grand are. north, near Burnside. ' a 19l"7 BUICK-light 4, good tires, perfect me cbanical condition. 404 DAVIS ST. 1 FOB SALE 1916 Ford in A-l .condition, price $325; terms cash. Take car to Jaggy road, Vancouver Wash. B. C Wapless.. 1917 BUICK roadster, 5 cord tlrrs, a doctor's car; kept in dandy shape. 404 pAV18ST MAXWELL touring, 1918, in best of condi tion, good tires; will sacrifice. $775, with terms. 30 Grand ve. north , nesr Burnside. BRING us your car today and get your money tomorrow. Our name is speed. 404 DAVIS ST. ALTO TIRES We save yoaasnoney on new and ' ?ted tires; vulcanizing and retreading. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41 Grand ave. Phone East 4896. CHEVROLET touring, 1917, in fine condition. good tires: a bargain at $576 with terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. 1918 OVERLAND, first class shape, good tire and a real buy. 404 DAVIS ST. $100 BIGGEST snap in Portland: bug; good mechanical condition; high pension mag. Hoi- lister, 389 Everett st , OAKLAND "Q." & pass., brand new tires. A-l mechanically; a "humdinger." $875. 404 DAVIS ST. MAXWELL bug. new bod', in fine mechanical condition; will sacrifice at $490 with terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. FORD touring car; good tires and extras, $350. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th and Aider. Broadway 240. 1913 CHEVROLET, in A-l condition. $695. SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Conch. FORD roadster, lot of extras, in best of condi tion; a bargain at $475, some terms. SO Grand ave. north, near Burnside. 1916 FORD touring, good shape. $375. . 404 DAY 18 ST. ' 1920 MAXWELL. Owner must sacrifice, abso- hitely new. Main 1100. Can for Kehy. CADILLAC bug. classy looker, $375. 404 DAVIS 8T. . FORD roadster. Good buy for quick : sale. Phone - Brdwy. " 2488. BUICK light six. $985: in dandy shape. 404 DAVIS ST. " j FOR SALE A late model Ford touring , car. 261 East 8 1st t j j 1914 FORD, ehock-abeorber. $325? f, . 404 DAVIS ST. ' ? FOR RENT Space for car and trucks. Sani tary stables. 866 Union are. 1918 FORD, with $10 in extra. $575. v lis sr. . MAKE me an offer ; on Overland 5 pass.; fin condition; electric leqqtpraent. Woedln.4086. 1914 HUPMOBILE. $4567" ' " v 404 DA via ST. , AUTOMOBILES ANP ACCESSORIES 44 A.MESSAQE ' TO LAUTOMOBILE BUYERS I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM A BUSLNESS TRIP THAT TOOK BE TO PRACTICALLY ALL THE LEADING CITIES IN THE STATES OF OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AND I FOUND A CONDI TIO EXISTING IN ' EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE TOWNS IDENTICALLY THE SAME AS CON- -FRONTS US RIGHT HERE AT HOME. THI8 CONDITION I SPEAK OF PERTAINS TO THE- DEMAND AND SUPPLY OF AUTOMOBILES BOTH NEW AND USED. 1 TALKED WITH AT LEAST ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DEALERS ON THIS TRIP AND FOUND ONLY THREE OR FOUR WHO HAD BERN PROMISED ANY I)E-' LIVERIES ON NEW CARS BEFORE SEPTEMBER OR OCTOBER AND . THEN ONLY A CARLOAD WITH PROBABLY ANOTHER WAIT OF TWO, THREE OR FOUR MONTHS, AFTER THAT TIME BEFORE ANT MORE DELIVERIES. CtVt'LD - BE EXPECTED. THE , USED CAR SITUATION IS SEEN MORE SERI OUS THAN THE NEW. I HAVE BEEN MAKING THIS TERRITORY ABOUT ONCE A MONTH FOR. 1 THE PAST 6 OR 8 MONTHS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF BUYING ' USED CARS AND EACH TRIP I HAVE FOUND THEM GETTING SCARCER AND PRICES ADVANC ING SO RAPIDLY THAT IT IS PRACTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO GET DESIRABLE USED CARS AT ANY PRIOK. IN SEVERAL PLACES I VISITED I FOUND USED CAU BUYERS FROJI ALL OVER THE COAST GRABBING ANT KIND sOF USED CARS THEY COULD GET AND IN SEVERAL IN STANCES PAYING HIGHER PRICES FOR CARS THAN THEY ORIGINALLY" . SOLD FOR WHEN NEW! I HAVE HEARD A LOT OF TALK ABOUT THE SHORTAGE OF CARS BUT NEVER REALIZED THE SERIOUSNESS OF; THE SIT UATION UNTIL THIS RECENT' TRIP, AND I WANT TO TELL YOU RIGHT HERE. FOLKS. THERE ARE A LOT MORE OF YOU WHO HAVE BEEN CONTEMPLATING THE PURCHASE OF A CAR THAT ARE GOING TO WAKE UP WHEN IT IS TOO LATE. PRICES ARE ADVANCING RAPIDLY AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO FOR THE NEXT 2 OR 3 YEARS TO COME. NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME AND THE ONLY TIME TO BUY THAT USED' CAR. MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST AND BEST IN THE NORTHWEST AND CONVENIENT TERMS CAN BE HAD IP YOU DO NOT WISH TO PAY ALL CASH. SHAKE THAT MOS8 OFF YOUR BAOK AND GET POINTED TO WARDS 12 GRAND AVE. NORTH. THE PLACE WHERE THAT GOOD LOOKING BUNCH OF COURTEOUS SALESMEN ARE EVER WAITING i TO BE OF SERVICE TO YOU. LET'S GO 1917 Buick Light 6. 1916 Buick Light, 6. 1916 Buick Big 8. 1917 Dodge roadster. 1918 Dodge touring. 1917 Chevrolet touring. 1916 Chevrolet touring. 1916 Chevrolet Baby Grand. 1917 Elgin 6, touring. 1917 Hupmobile touring. 1918 Maxwell touring. 1917 Maxwell' touring. 1917 Maxwell roadster. 1916 Maxwell touring. 1913 Maxwell touring. 1917 Hudson Super 8. 1918 Hudson Super 6. 1917 Mitchell 8. 1916 Mitchell 6. . 1916 Saxon 6, touring. 1916 Saxon .6, rcadster. 1916 Overland, model 75. 1916 Stephens, 6 cyl.. 5 pass. 1914 Cadillac. 2 Speer rear axle. ' 1916 Oakland 6. 1914 Overland, model 79. 1017 Studebaker, 4 cl., 7 pas, t Kord bug. . f Franklin bug. Other .Too Numerous to Mention. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO. USED CAR DEPARTMENT East Burnside and. Grind ave. ' Open Evenings and Sundays. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. Cadillac. 8-Crlinder. 7-Dassencer. in fine con dition. 1917 Grants, Six, 5 -passenger ; '90 per cent new. 1918 Chevrolet $250 down,' bslsnce ! in 8 montns. Overland,-5-pass., $75 first payment 1916 Saxon 6, good mechanical shape. EEE WHITE. 421 Burnside. Broadway 821. GARAGES 0S Portable and Permanent Prices on Application. MODERN CONSTRUCTION CO., 816 E. 11th st East 6114 GARAGES $88. $49.80, $89.60 ' Keady Out House -f-S MILLMADB CON STS UCTION COMPANY 1601 Union Ave. N. Woodlawnr 2418 17 FORD TOURING This car ha been refinished and outlooks new one; low price, long, easy term and $150 down. balance monthly. 625 Alder st A-l Auto Works. 1914 CADILLAC touring. 5 tires in good shape; new paint job. - In fact this car looks like new. Must be seen to be appreciated. AUTO SALES CO., 9th and Couch. COLUMBIA VULCANIZING WORKS WE REBUILD. RIBHED. RETREAD OK RECAP, WITH PURE RUBBER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 326 COUCH 8T. A-1128. OVERLAND CHUMMY ROADSTER, good " Bdwy. 2482. sliape. CARY. 623 Alder at v xt it w itiddai:v a -! , v,.. . $1150; one ran about 1700 miles, $1050. if you want a 5 pass, car better than the average ses these. Hard wick, Broadway 2393; evenings Main 7445. FOR SALE 1919 Auburn Six, run only short distance; new cord tires all around; bumper front ' and back. Much other equip ment. See car at Jaeuy Tire Bale Co., 480 Burnside st - OLDSMOBILE light six. Ilk new; cord tires; a Darcatn. CARY, 622 Alder. Broadway 2492. FOR SALE By owner, 1918 Dodge roadster! excellent condition, six good tires, two bump ers front end rear. Weed chain, new batteries, full equipment; immediate delivery. Prion $1100 cash. M-12. Journal. OVERLAND touring ear. in first clam condition, electric' (tarter and lights, $200. SMITH AUTO CO., Park and Couch. FORD BUG Just overhauled, like new, 2 top; bargain. Main '8965. new tire and 7 -PASSENGER Hudson, ell in A-l, condition. Can give term. Bdwy. 1284. Ask for Moore. 11th and Everett HUDSON Super Six, practically new. 404- DavU t ' - CHALMERS bug good condition, bargain at 8200. 1866 East 18th St. - SelL 2929. OVERLLAND .roadster; car traveled 8009 miles. 404 Davia. . . KKD bug, snappy, top.-, windshield, fenders, new tires, fine engine. . 84 e William ave 191 0-MITCHELL, good car cheap. 404 pavus ai: FOR SALE at a sacrifice, - 7 pass. Mitchell; party leaving city. Call Tabor 8467. 1917 MAXWELL $50 cash, no trades; good condition; Master carbureter. Marshall 8705. FRANKLIN ton ring, good shape. $690. . 404 DAVIS 8T. COMPELLED to dispose of 1st 1918 Ferd roadster: private; hurry. Tabor 9168. I WHITE. 6 pass., a good car; cheap. 404 Davis AUTOMOBILES ANP ACCESSORIES 14 COVEY MOTOR CAR ' COMPANY ' 1917 CADILLAC, good mechanical 'con dition, good Ores. Price' ........ $2160 1918 CADILLAC. 7 pass., special color: (rood ' mechanical ' condition, good Urea. Price v." .....$17$0 1917 NATIONAL. 7 passenger, newly painted; good mechanical condition ; food cord tires, pnee .T. ...... .$1650 191 COLK 8. 7 . pass., good mechanical conaiuon, good tire, newly painted. Price $1260 1912 CADILLAC 5 pass., new top with plate' glass; brand hew tires and rims, good mechanical, condition, "rice .$ 700 1914 CADILLAC, good mechanical con dition. Price ............ $.660 DODGE ROADSTER 1917 MODEL, nearly new; cord tires all round, Frio ....... I960 1911 CADILLAC, good mechanical con dition. Price $ 260 1917 CADILLAC, good mechanical con- dition. good tires. Price $2160 Open. Sunday and Evenings. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY 2 lit and Washington. Main 6344. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN will take your Liberty bond We will take your Liberty bond at face vaiue. 1917 Mitchell, i m t xfonh.n 6 pas., 6 cyL 5 pass.. 8 oyL . . u. , . . U ul 1917 Mitchell, 7 pea.. cyl. wait, o pas., 4 cyl. 1917 National. 7 pas.. 12 cyL 1916 Paige. 6 pasa., 6 cyl i 1916 Overland. 6 pasa.. 4 cyL 1917 Oldsmobile, 7 pass., a cyL 1917 Mitchell roadster. 8 pasa, 6 cyL 1916 Chandler. 7 pass.. 6 cyL 1916 Overland. 6 pass.. 4-cyl. 1916 HoUier, 6 pass.. 8 cyl. ' 1916 Chevrolet, 6 pass. 1914 Haynes. 6 pas.. 4 cyL 1912 Mitchell.- 7 pass., cyL Most of th abov car have been rebuilt and painted. We will take your old car a part payment on some of the above car. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. East First and Morrison. B-1218 Phone East 7273 WEST SIDE SALESROOM " ' -BROADWAY AT. OAK Phone Broadway 616, A-8S48. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STATER CO. 1918 MITCHELL- tr.1l.nt w..h-tM1 .-Jl. tion; two rear tire brand new. two a-ond front tire and spare. $1100. Term. Dodge., in first class mechanical- condition- genuine leather upholstering; tires good condi tion. 1 spare; original paint', look like new. $8$0 Model 83 Overland. ' . ' 1916 Ford. 1914 Packard, will make dandy stag car. $850. On splendid cootie bug. .' BUTLER WOOD ' "Selling Used Car" -867 East Burnside. East 821. Attention", Ford.Ownersl FORDS TESTED FREE Doe your car start easily f . Do your lights bum brightly f Does your engine hit evenlv ass eiva inn mnnA iwwwi mi nov ' Don t waste money having batteries. Lectni service will "put you right without laying up your car. We . guarantee complete satisfaction or no cnarge. AUTHORIZED LECTRO SERVICE. STATION S06 Hoyt St, near 6th St. N. Phone Broadway 124 CLEARANCE SALE OF USED , CARS 1 Light Buick 6 . . . .6800 1 Overland Club roadster . $790 $600 $650 and $700 , . .$450 to $860 1 Studebaker 8, 1917 2 Grant Six,-.:..- 3 Overland ... . 6 Fords . . . . ; ..$300 to $526 ..$50 to $26U ..$600 to $800 1 0 er ..... 2 1-ton track 1 3-ton White .$1660 LONG A 8ILVA. 462 Hawthorne. mm eiNEis Why trust your Ford repair work to would- be mechanics when we can give you good, beneet work at fair price and guarantee all work. Ford magneto recharged by expert. Ford Repair BDop, ZSO font st. USED CAR SNAPS 1918 MaxweU touring, new tires. $760. 1916 Overland touring model 88. $600. 1916 Oldsmobile touring, 8-cylinder, $1250. 1917 OMsmomie. IJ cylinder. 0(F. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON Broadway at Couch, Broadway 2278, 16.000 carried In stock. Our spring aid with a written guarantee. W sir re service. 34 N. 16th st 1918 FORD TOURING Excellent shane. demountable rim, all mod tires. 8480; lino down, balance 3 per month. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO., 625 Alder St MODEL 75 Overland 4., Thi I the small model end some csr: gives you wonderful nj lease" on ga and tires; tire like new Original paint AUTU BAbl'B IHJ., 9th and Couch at. CABS THAT ARE GOOD Two Fords ' Three Overland Two Chevrolet Price very low. Easy term. 420 Belmont. East 1676. 1912 CADn,LAO. touring.' This ear ha good tires all around, and on that we can recom mend. AUTO BALES CO.. 9th and Couch. 7-PASSENGER Speedwell, a dandy nice car for a sts re run. You may have it t your own price within reason. Call Bdwy. . 1284 and ask for Moor. 11th and Everett DODGE 1918 sedan, just Ilk T new, beat of condition, new tire; used privately: a bargain at 81800 with term. 30 Grand ave. north. near Burnside. WILLYS KNIGHT six touring, 1917. newly painted, best of condition; a bargain at $1260 with term. 30 Grand are. north, near Bum- side. . BARGAIN in a Hudson Super Six touring oar! overhauled and repainted. . guaranteed for 90 ays: will take light ear a first payment: aoed cord tire all around. - A-948, Journal. - 918 SUPER SIX HUDSON. ) cord tire. CARY. 622 Alder st Bdwy, 2492. 1917 'BUICK light . This ear i better than th rest. Must sell on account of leaving town: $950 takes it away. E. 8681. , ON account of broken arm will sell 6-pea. Studebaker. No reasonable after refused. Sellwood 8219. - 898 Taggert st FORD touring car; ran like new; $400. . , FIELDS MOTOR CAB CO. 14th and Alder.. ' Broadway 240. MAXWELL 1917 touring, in good condition. good tires; will sell at 85&0 and gtv. tnna. 86 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. .1918 CHEVROLET touring, $650. FIELD MOTOR OAR CO. 1 4th and Alder. - Broadway 240. 1917 FORD roadster, in eery fln.Thape. I need th money and must sacrifice. East 917 SAXON 6. goodeondition. 404 DAVIS T, AUTOMOBILES ANP ACCESSORIES 44 USEP CARS OF QUALITY AT THa7 QUALITY .USED CAR STORE On) of Portland' largest vender of quality snerchandisa dropped into our salesroom th other day and after glancing over the stock of "". stepped w.r to ene of the salesmen f" kd if suggestion war in orderk upon be ing assured they were, be remarked. I am going to -nrrest .you call xhl pUc "The Quality Used Oa Store." .When asked just why he fucgesud such a name, he answered a follow: "I Uv been deeply interested in automobile and in th past three month have visited the majority of salesrooms in the Northwest, but never btfore have I ever seen such a fin lot of high grad lata model used oara grouped under on root - Now we realise that this man waa fconeet and sincere in bia -oonvictiona but it doe not take a diplomat to arrive at this conduit on at this jvjr popular corner; step in yourself and just tax one (la nee around the salesroom, you will find quality staring you in the fao bo matter which way you turn. -; - - i 1 r t These oar are not going to be her long. -a tha demand i fat greater than th upply. Our suggestion is this, come,-wi today and select one of these fin cars, if you are not quite ready t buy a email deposit will hold the one you select until you find it convenient to make a substan tial payment You may - have terms if you de air. The price of ear are rapidly traveling ' skyward. Get busy, before It become necessary to get an airplane to reach them. - WE OFFER THE . FOLLOWING 1919 Cole Aero, 4 pass.; run- leu than 1000 miles; cord tires. . 1919 Peterson Chummy demonstrator. 1919 Studebaker 6; 6 cord tires. 1918 Jordan. Sport Marin, cord tire, wira wheel. - ' " 1918 Jordan suburban, cVrd Urea, wire wheels. 1918 8tut. pass., conT tires, .wir wheels. 1918 Buick 6 cylinder roadster. i nanaier tnspatcn; cord Urea, wire wheel. IS! I Hulou Super 6; cord tires, wire wheels, JSJI a passenger; cord Urea. .12 JrriPl' Sooth, 6 pas., almost new. - 1916 Haynes. 5 pas.; fin condition. 1918 Steam 8 cyL; wire wheel. JS15 Hudson Super 6, cord tire. " 1018 Maxwell 6 passenger. I$17 Maxwell 6 passenger. 1918 Maxwell 6 passenger. 1917 Maxwell roadster. 1918 Ford touring. " 1917 Dodge roadster. ' 1916 Buick 8. touring. 1917 Velie light 6, touring.- 1918 Dodge touring. -. 1917 Cole 8. 7" passenger, cord tire. 1918 Studebaker 4 cyL; 7 passenger.' - LEWIS:E. OBYE MOTORS CO.- Broadway and Couch 1 Open . Evening and Sundays. 1917 7-PASS. 6 cyl Overland, repainted, over- . Dsuieu, com urea ana bumper. 1917 7-pi. 8-cjl Oldamobil, overhauled. 1917 6-psss., 6 cyl Oakland, a good bay. ' .i 'p" Mnsooe. mechanically perfect we " vai c, extras. . ..... 1-ton Ford worm drlv truck, almost new. All of the above ear win be sold cheap and on easy terms. Call us up for demonstration. vipen ounuay ana evenings. Tlhe C. H. S. CO. ' ' Distributor of DIXIE FLYER AND MOON CARS. 65 N. 2 3d st. Marshall 1428. MID SEASON CLEARANCE SALE Every one worth the money and exactly aa f pre-enieo. - uur motto, t.v.ry purchaser booster." - 1918 Chalmers Hot Spot. 7 -pass.; a Fort- iw.wr hi I TP II ouii; DlliS. 1918 Telle 7 -pass, l - also a wonderful bnv. 1918 Velio, new tire, thoroughly overhauled. iin fewness , 7 -pass.; big reduction. 1918 Overland 6. 6-pass., $760. 1917 Telle, brand new Urea, , ' 6-cL 6-pass. Franklin. - Grant 8 only $575. . ' . Telle 5 -pas., $400. . VeHe 5 pas.. $800. ' ' ' - Cadlllaa. $200. W sell on a very easy payment plan, ' Open evenings and Sundays. - J". a WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 68 N. 23d t - Mala 780. GelfoBrCar 'HMctal nricsui H,,ri.. J,,l. . A i,mj during July and roru enameled. $16.00; Chevrolet, $20.6tV . uinar cars in proportion. - Auto Oppcllsed. $6.00. TheM price, include washing, AUTO ENAMELING WORKS. 76 Union eve. N. Phone Wdln. 489Tj WHEN YOTJ WRECst 'EM. AND BEND 'EM, SEE ft. O. GERBER, -THE RADIATOR MAN" build bodise. repeira re : diatore, bodies, fenders and 11 uto ahett metal parte. NEW I.OCATION, 11TH AND DAVIi, V PP. THR ARMORY, BROADWAY 1678. '17 MAXWELL touring; is in fine running or der and will nlease sou. Im nrW m XAAn term, some down, balance monthly, and Ford in trade. 625 Alder st A-l Ante Works A Paint ing Co. . . . , 1818 LIBERTY SIX With spar tire and cover, motor meter, $1660. CARY, 623 Alder st Bdwy. 242. A REAL CLASSY Chummy Roadster, late model Lexington Minute Man Six; bumper,, spot light and other extras; 6 good tires, newly painted, look and run , like new, a rar ynq will be proud of. Price $960. Call Marshall 827, - - - OVERLAND TOURING ' Car newly painted: seat covers: eaav' tarma. $760. - GARY, 622 Alder at ... Bdwy. 2492. OAKLAND. TOURING - CAR. $450 -. . - O: O. BLF.ASDALK. 680. ALDKft ! 9 ! 8 MAX WfiLL Must be old at once. Will aacrtfie C. P. BLEASDALE, 680 ALDEK 1919 CHEVROLET light dell v. ry. open sides; oruy run euwu miles. ig snap lor only $660. FIELDS MOTOR OAK - CO. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. 1917 BUICK 6, good shape, cord tire. CARY, 622 Alder st. Bdwy. 2492. 8i2oO CASIx OR TERMSHSllTftTutATitf 1918 BUICK SIX. 2. COHD TIRES. BI NS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOit 680. . - . - - Maxwell. 1916 model, just a good n.W. Cost $1290; a real bargain at $760. No. 1 condition, good tiree, spot light, bumpers, etet. Emu Gehring, 720 Milwukl sU Sell. 822 7. REAL BARGAIN $760. If you want a mj" ' dium weight car come and buy my 6 nss- senger, Hudson six; fin condition. 1264 ld- tston st Tsbor JZ1. $67SCA8Hor term buys dandy 1917 MaxweTI - touring car, overhauled and repainted. CaU East 1962. TRUCKS ANP TRACTORS ft A ' STANDARD truck for sale belonging to a customer who has purchased a 1V4 ton Standard. - This is 2 ton Standard, good a new. Bee It- Only run month. . Good dis count 40 per. cent cash, balance terms. Call Bdwy. 1672. Ask for Mr. Purdy. 1918 , TON REPUBLIC . in good running order i good tires. 1 extra: $975. Lvons A Mat lack, 401 Main 'at, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE 1916. Ford "truck, first class con" ' dition; wtu sell at a bargain. Call Bdwy. 1294. Ask for Moore. 11th and Everett FOB SALE 2 ton Denby truck, goooTmechan ical condition. - . A bar fain; look thi over. L. O. Fuller, 888 Flanders st. FORD truck, 1918. in fin running eonu.uoa; a bargain at $660. with terms. SO Grand ve. north, neer Burnside. U.UJ Owivary, panel body, best of condition, sood tires: will sell at g&SO with t-.m- a Grand ve. N. near Burnstda. . ONE'O. MTC truck in besTof condition, " 420 Belmont v,t 1B75. (CatlBd oft loUowUs; Fg