THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY. AUGUST: 1. 1919. if) AUTOMOBILES AS1 ACCKOlfiT. t IF YOU a re ta th market for good I car, don't fail to ses our stock. . THE REASONS WHY - 1. We art the ONLY firm In Portland gie- h written guarantee' with our csrs. '-... II. Nothing irat cart that ar la bet of sondition an aorevtd by us. ' lit ?Ouf eari AM eboaen from many yean of etperieace with .Portlands oldest antomobila farms. t ; . . ;., . ' TV. Befor wa offr a car for aala It I -. placed In oaf own shops, inspected, tasted And V given a complete ovcrhsuling. . Our Bert advertising la from out aatUfied 1 customer. - '"-. ' Iiere are a fw wa can honestly reeomraend: Chandler, 1911, cord tir. all repainted and overhauled. A dandy buy. i - Overland chummy roaster. Thi U a dandy. In firh) shspand will be painted to suit Dnr chaser. .:.'",,." feu climb like a aquirrelf -lota of pep -and looka good, new Una -en rear.. Ford, 19TS, overhauled and i repainted; a dandy at tit price. - ". ford sedan, elf itsrter, electrio light; cheap. Pair roadater. special Body, clasay looking; a car to be proud of. Stvdebaker four, a vary food car; looka food, . st the right price. Many other to select from.'' Easy tennt if wanted. Open Sunday. . - Repair shop, where only skilled mechanic! Era employed. Giv us a trial. SIMONTON. MOTOR" ' CAR CO. .. Phone Bdy. 121. - S3 N.14th St, Cor. Couch. PRICES ON USED TRUCKS A '... THAT MiaE SOU LISTEN " fll'tfiK 1-tos"' speed wagon lAo K'RD 1-tM truck SoO I'OHD t-turi,' pneumatic tiree ......... 600 NEW f JlEVROLET delivery . . SOO CHEVROLET deliver, overhauled. A-l erudition . . . . . 480 AT I'DKBAKER, 2-ton attachment 600 HUDSON hotel bus . . ., . . . . . 800 : , TEBMS - ' . "-, OLDSMOBTLE CO. OF OREGON Prosdway at Couch. Broadway, $270. REAL BARGAINS "Overland' touringf new paint; nisi like new; ban in: 800, easy trims. ltflt, Buiek touring: new paint, nsw tire, bumper snd- spotlight; 80 per cent new; (1130, term. v 101 Ford roadster look! and run like new; shock absotbers; (450, $180 dowu.$27 month. - .Maxwell; top, upholstering: and tires good; ex- cellentnieehanical condition;, 9433. OftEGON- AUTO TOP COMPANY, OPEN EVENINGS. 14fh and Conch st. proadway 40. WHKC YOU WRECK 'EM, AND BEND 'EM, 8EB ft. a. GEKBER, -THE RADIATOR HAW" builds bodies, repairs ra diators, bodies, lenders and ail auto sbeet metal parts, . NEW LOCATION. I1TH AND DAVI OPP. THE ARMOHT. . BBOADWAT 18J. " -BUG: Rut, $$50, 4 Bear Cat speed wagon, racing motor,' 6 speeds, Bosch msgneto, 3 or 4-passen-ger; .teal oar at Ford price. Pleased to show .you. - 50 FRO.Vf ST. 'IT FORD TOURING This ear has been refinlshed and outjoolcs new oni, low price, long easy terms and $160 down, balance) monthly. . 6J 5 Alder at. . A.-1J Auto Work-" "' ; .. L- , 1917 BUlCK light . Just the car you have been looking for. Them cars are very scarce, and yen must act cruickly to get this one. An A-l mechanical condition. , , AUTO SALES CO. 1 Ninth and Coach. k- , MEW .TIRES What brand of new'tirea do yon pnfart Wa Dave- tueni, ail maaea ana eises; aao w snake the Itowut O-f-O Double Tread (sawed; tires and uir ii uuintiet oi tire repairing; Oregon Vulcanising Co., 833-835 Burnauie neat airuad- . . ... . - ; llt "SAXON SIX. ' This ia'cne of those just nshk. V - ft;, at 00 . THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, i,it.i ud w srtungtuu ots. 191$ MAXWELL touring car, oord tires, new CiRTf, 523 Aer. Broadway 2492. ' OVERLAND. -CHUMMT GAift?'t2Z Aide at. : ;: VV- mV 'v-.-, V ' ROADSTER. good Bdwy. 3492. MACVELL- touring, reflnialied and runs fine, low price; ternts, or take locd in trade, bzi Aider . A-l Auto Co. - 1 'VKW H1KROPN. I rl Valve-In heaI ran tor .- U4U,nuu mil abunt 170U jutles. JIUiU. Li yuu visnt a.' o Lfa.-.; car better tttau tiie : averaae sea these. HarUwick. Broadway 2393; eveninsa 0LDSM00ILE light six, luta new; cord tires; bargain. CARX. 822 Alder. Broadway 2492. ; FOH SALE By owner, 1918. Dodga roadster; eaetuteut couuitlun, six good tires, two hump. ' era iiunt and rear. Weed -cliain, new ijutterie.i, fuil equipment; Immediate delivery. Price. IUUU cash. M-lU, Journal. ,, - ilAXWELL, k91ormodel. just as good as-new. . Cost $ lit 90 a real bargain at $15. No. 1 condition. oo4 tires, "spot. . lights, bansperi," 'etc. Emit Gehring. 720 Mtlwaukie at. Mtii: irlxl. 1917 BTJICK light 8. This car is beHf 4i than -: the rest. Aiust selLon account of leaving town. $9uujtaaea jt awa. K. 6681.' , 5. s. . ItEAJU . BARGAIN '$750. If you want a m - drum weiglit car tome and buy uiy 5 jas kengtr HttdVun . six; tin couditiou. 1201 Di jVihiwU st. 'labor 1-23 1. ' s ' . - Three ford touring cars - : : CABX 2a AWlt. BtoadWay 42, ! V ----."' . ' j A DEAD storage 'apace for rent. : We have roonSf for a mer ear at rsasonable rates. - Apply 804 Hoyt St., pear 6th st.' N.- - . , 810U BIGGEST anapt in Portland bug'; good mechanical condition; high tension- mag. ' liol- livtar. 8BO Everett st,- ' - ' MAXWELL, bug. new bodyiA fine Jnechanicfl condition; will sacrifice at A400 with terms. 30 -Grand ae. north; -near Bumside. . lOKD touring car; good -tires and extras. $350. .t - FIELDS MOTOR CAR COi .' 14th ana Aider. - nroaaway Z4th ORD roadster, lota of extras, in best- of condi Uon; a bargain at .$475, some term. 30 Grand ave, north, near Burnside.. CHALMERS touring eight "6"; very good con dition; $950; easy terms. Call Tabor 4969 : evenings. HUDSON Super-six, fu best of condition, used privtttly will sacrifice at $2000 and sit terms. - 80 Grand ave.- north, near Burnside. .1918 CHEVROLET, in A-l condition. $693, "". .. B.W1JU AUXU CO., -.' '-... Park and Couch. WAN T ED Ca rpenter work in, exchange for autoniopu. fnono tiroaaway Jtaua or Alar shall 978. - CHEVROLET touring car $425. FIELI MOTOR CAR CO. ' . 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. FoRD touring. 1918, in best of condition, good tires; a bargain at $550 with, terms. .30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. l TWO 1919 Chevrolet tor sale cheap. Owner - going away.' 366 2d St.. car Mill fit. Ga rage, aresn bj.ij. , FOR SALE Bug; 4325; half cash ,or bug - ana TiuamooK oeaca Mt tor M Ford tour ing. E-80, JonrnaL , - FORD BUG. Just overhauled, like new. 2 new tires snd top; bargain. aiarn 8965. ' -,1914 HUPMOBILE, $W. .-,,:..., 4 - ; ' , 404 DAVIS ST. . , ft m wrirr- ArTOMOBILEJg AUtlt ACCESSORIES tt . C8t ACtOMOBILES .. TEJU1S GIVEN - V wftt Uks yoof Lfberfy bondi at fkea value. 191 T Mitchell, f paa. S t : 117 MitcbeHi Vmm., eyL, 1017 Mitchell, 7 pass.. 8 cyU 1014 White, S pass.. 4 eyl. Itl7 KaUonSl. 7 pass., 12 cyL 11 Pi tie. 5 ptv. cjL ll(WHrlind. pass.. eyh 1017 OkUmohkie. 7 pan.. 8 eyL 1017 Uitcheil roadster, 3 pass.. cyL 11 Cnsndler, 7 pass.. eyL 1910 Orerlatad, $ pass., 4-eyi 1018 Hollier, 5 pass., & cyL 1018 Chevrolet, 6 paaa. '1014 Hayne, .eV pass., 4 eyL 1912 lliteheU, 7 pas.. eyL . Host of tts aboT cars bare been rebuilt and painted. VI will taks yoar old oar as part psyment an sobm of Ut above cars. TSED car isepartment; Est Firt and Morrison. B-1210 Phones East 772 WEST SIDE SALESROOM. BBOADWAT AT OAK Pbonea Broadway 615. A-8343. MITCHELL, LEWIS STATER CO. 118 MITCHELL, . excellent mechanical condi tion; two rear tires brand nsw. two good front tire and.spare. $1100.' Terms. Dodge, in first class mechanical condition; genuine leatiter upholstering; tires good condi tion, 1 spare; original paint; looka like new. $830 Model 83 Orerland. 1816 Ford. 1914 Packard, will make dandy stage car. $850. Oneysplendld cootie buc - . BUTLER & WOOD "Sellins Caed Cars" 367 East BurTiside. Kast 321. MID SEASON CLEARANCE SALE Every one worth the money and exactly as represented. Our motto, ."iry purchaser a booster." - . -1018 Chalmers Hot Spot, 7 -pass. ; a Port land car driven 6500 m'4a. , 1918 Velie 7 -pass.;' also a wrtnderful buy. 1918 Veiie, new tire, thoreugbly overhauled. 1018 Peerlesa 8, 7-psws.; bis reduction. 1018 Overland ; 5-pass.. $750. 1917 VeBe, brand new tires. j- .. S-cyL S-pass, Franklin, ' ;rant 6 only $675. Velie 5-pa., $400. ' . - Velie 6-pass., 300. ' Cadillac, 8200. - , i We sell, on- a very easy payment plan. Open, evenings and Sundays. i D. a WARREN MOTOR CAB CO.. 68 N. 23d St. . . Mai 78fr. Special price during July and August Fords enameled, 815.00; Chevrolet $20.60. Other ear m propertlo. Autos Oppelised, .0. These prices tnclfide wsehtna. AUTO ENAMELING WORKS.. TB Pnion ave. N. Phone WdlnV 4397. ' CLEARANCE SALE OF UWl5A"RS 1 Light Bnick 6 , J300 1 Overland t'lub?rodter $790 1 Stuilebaker 6. 1917..-. i H00 J ;rmii Six. . .... $0. and S70 . . . . . .$450 to ."50 i,.$HOO to 525 . $50 to--a50 ....... .$600 to $300 . . . . v. . . . .V $1550 aV 8ILVA, , 3 Overlsnds' . 5 Pord .5...... lO cars . .T 2 1-ton trucks . , . . 1 3-ton White . . ,, LONU -482 -Hawtliorne. Why trust your BorU repair work to would be mechanics When we can sire you good, honest work at fair prices and guarantee ail work. 'ord magneto re?liarged by experts. Ford . Repair Shop. KHO ront st. l 5,000 esrrlwl tft j-toer. Our springs sold with a written guarantee. VVt giv yon service. 84. N. 15th M. iiil I v liKiifc ueiiverj in line ion pe and good tire'. Price $500. Tcrma. S2U0 cash, balance $30 pes month. . P. B. DUNN, lt.52 E. ISth Sellwocd 1893. MODEL 75 Overland 4. This is the small model and some car; rises yon Wonderful' mileage on gas ana tires; tires like .new. Original paint. AUTO SALES CO. 9th and Couch streets. - -., - y DODGE madster. in good k1'jji. $773. THK USED CAR EXCHANGE, lSth and Washington Sts. Ford louring, $45.0, -some snafi: needs little work oa looks, but mechanically O. K. ; -good tiree; wil guarantee -tlii ear. -20 Front . MUST SELL MT 1918 MAXWELL, TOTRINrt .IT once. Call eas e 1962. this car IT AS BEEN OVERHAULED ': AND HE-4A-1NTEIV - .-SERVICE STATION located . st s Ninth SfioH Ererett mfn. Brnedwav 114: LAH Dsid" Tor old cars, condition no object: tarts for all make of ears. Oregon Auto Ex-th-.g. 123 town-dale at 1 6 tl and Washington. I'bo-.e Broadway 2668. . -1017 FORD touring ear. $75 worth of . 'extra.. $S5. FIELfiS MOTOR CAR COf 14th and Alder. . Broadway 240. 1 ESSEX 1919 touring, only run two. thousand miles, $100 wot.h of -eTttraa; leaving town; will sacrifice St $1-575 nd give terms. 30 Grand ave. 'north, near Burnside. . WILLT8 SIX - 7 pass., good as new. I apt compelled to- sell : need money for business ; .S extra tires; will sell cheap. Owner, 1061 E. 31st St. N. I CftEVROLET .1918 .tonrihg, lota of rxtias; used 'privately: good tires, in fine conditibri; will r sell as. i o - wiui . iruia. ov vrraiiu ave. north, near Burnside: . . FOR SALE 191 8S Ford ,fn A-l condition. , iHc $826: term easli. Take par to Jaggy road. Vancouver, vvssd. m. m;. wapiess. JO'lY1 BL'ICK roadster, 5 cord Urea, a doctor' car; kept in ilarndy' shape. , M.tXWEIL touting, 1918. in "-best of eondi tkrn, good tire; will sacrifice, $775, with terms. 80. -Grand ave. nqrtti, near xiumside. I;TO TIRES We-vsv you money on new and TMd jttres-f- vu!ean!ng- and retreading. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41 Grsnd a-Ve. Phone East 4896. 1917 BUlCK light 4. good tires, perfect mt- 1 ; i-" . .ju;..' u- J 'A via. est. jCHEVROLET tourink, 1 9 1 tT in fine eoncUtion, goodttirest a oargam at aoa witn terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. GtYtffCair Panted '" i Auen At rrrt nmsinm , i J ., BRINGING UP FATHER I'LL. N6ak" OUT TiErORa- K"sJC4iitt.w TrXU,, THE NVy DLJTUER rOT TO t-c i nts. OUT- ' ' ' - y , , - I -"--. . . ' - . - " v , ' - ' ' ' ''" ' - " ' 'I . ' f- "" " '--'--. ; .." ' ' - ' -:. . -" - x-"-- " . ." ' ' ' - ' ? ' - v- T - : - - ' ' " -' .:.x --v- 'v ' v ... " f. ' v ' "'' 1- ' ' ' ' -' " ""- ' - ' - - . " z . V '., ,v ' - . - - : ' " . . . -s,- "-' . ' ; : ' -". r " " -: - : " "i :' . -""-.:: : -:- . V- -i v.r- ;- t - ... .- . : . - - - - r - - . - ' . -r . - . . . . - v1 l- ?J : c--. '. ... ;: -.-. - - r. --- ' . .... 5 ., -. c .. " - ' z. x 1 - . ----'V- "-- - -'- -- ." . - : " . . ..' ' .. .. . : - -x ...-: - ..... .- . .-' v -."' i:.':. '."-. . .- Pi-: .-"",.. ;- f..;' - "".'.. .." '- --- . .;"....-. : ; :!: -'yv.'.v W': f'-l.;';-; " Viv- r-, s., ".:-;. i. f.-'.i i. .-.,".":.:-- ;!,;.--.-"...'. "-..'rv.-.-.'"- -, - .;,.'.' : . V - vs.- --...," . v .'.'.-,".- '-" ..v i ---::,..-- y .- ATJTOMOBtLES -AW ACCESSORIES 41 n LOOKING FOR A SIX? CHASDLEB SEC - S HCPSON 8UPEB BCICK LIGHT SIX OA8XAXD, orerbesd Talr WtttTS St I ELGIN SEDAN GRANT EEC 'SAXON SEX MITCHELL JUNIOR rBTS AND WA3Hlf4Vr3K 1917 7-PA88. ft-eyl Orertaiid. repainted, oras. hauled, cord tire and bumper. 19.17 7-pass, S-eyL OldsnaobQe. new tire. oserbauled. 1917 5-pss., C-eyl Oakland, a good boy. 1918 5-pass. Briscoe, new tires. 2 extras. mechanically perfect. 1-ton Ford worm-drive truck, almost new. AH of the above cars win be sold cheap and on easy teams. Call us up for demonstration. uvea sunaay ana evenings. The C. H. S . o. nifitTibufora of DIXIE FLYER AND MOON CARS; 65 N. 23d st. Marshall 1428. AttentSon, Ford Owners! FORDS TESTED- FREE Does your car start easily? Do your lights burn brightly t Does your engine hit evenly and give you good power r u not Don't waste money buying batteries. Loctre service -will "put yoa right" without layioa up your car. We guarantee complete satisfaction or no charge. AUTHORIZED USCTRO SERVICE BTATION 304 Iloyt St, near 6th St. N. ' -r Plione .Broadway 124 BUICKr LIGHT SIX THK USED CAR E jgl CHANflE Some buy. Buick light ix at $950. See H 0t - THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, . , 16th atid Washington Sts. .J QARAOES " w I 6 tdtt an aao an Ready Cut Houses -1 . UlblJUAVB T ' rnvBTSlirTlA COMPANY i 1601 Union Ave. N. ,Woodlawn 2418 OVERLAND $375 TKl. im ft, er.tMonAe car. npft ton. new Iaint. self-atarter and runs good. We will test it for you: the price is very low and $150 down, balance monthly will let yoa .own it. Call 625 Alder at: A-l Auto orss e l aiming b. USED 7AR SNAPS 1918 Maxwell tires. $750. ! .1-911 Overland touring model 83. $500. 1918 ldnniobile touring, -cynder, uau. 917 Oldsaiobile, -cylinder, ,i OLDSMOBILE t'O. Or' OttiO.. Broadway at Couch. , . , Bdwy. 2370. 19 1 4 CADILLAC touring. 5: tires in good shape; new paint jbo. In fact this car looka like new. Must b seen to be appreciated. . "AUTO SALES CO., 9 th and Couch. OVERLAND TOURING -Car.nawly painted; seat 5 cover; easy terms. CART, $22 Alder st. - . Bdwy. 249 v, rTAn O riaarinei VSfief : BY Its? BBTgt wKck all uRs oi ar- Ana sen xn-eir pith t half price. Uct-na uoaes to., nana nroaa wst and Flanders. TRUCKS ANI TRACT STERLING 2 H -ton. Sterling, run less than 10,000 enllea. thoroughly overhauled and equipped with ' new tires;, same guarantee as new truck; pric right; seme terms. - KOEHRING MACHINE CO. N. W. 254 Hawthorne iw East 6482, ; WHY LOOK FURTHER T ' Hers is s wo ton Gary, platform, body, nearly new ,' tires; a real buy for $2300. . , E L. CRAMBLITT 71 'Broadway. , Phono Broadway 2182. -K PACKARD BARGAIN -4 -ton worm-driva Packard, equipped with power hoist and dump body. Truck just over- hauled -and equipped with new tire; sold on terms; hauling contract goes wttn truck. .oen- ring Maetilne Co., ,v. n.,. rtawxuonie ave. East 6482. , " . : HERE IS A GOOD ONE Two" ton Gary, almost new, only been driven a few hundred miles; take this one for $2800. E. L. CHAMBL1TT 71 Broadway. . Broadway 2182. : DUMP TRUCK 3H-ton Kissel truck equipped with hoist and dump- body, also good stake body; truck has Just een overhauled and equipped- with new rear tires. . KOEHRTNG MACHINE CO. N. W, 254 Hawthorne ave, East 6482. A SNAP AT $700 4 ton- CMC, in the best of shape, bas de livery body, top and nearly new tires. GARY fc!OAST AGENCY. 71 Brosdway. Broadway 2.162. . . , - FOR SALE :i918 Ford truck, first class con dition; will sell at a bargain. Call Bdwy. 1234. Ask for Moore. 11th and Everett. tj H. P. HOLT caterpillar tractor for sale; good condition. For price and terms call or see C. P. Wade. Alex, Of. r FOR SALE 3 ton Denby truck.' sood condition. A bargain; look this over. L. G. Fuller, S Flanders at. FORD truck. 1918 irwina running condition. a banrain st $050, with- terms. 30 Grand ave. north, near Bnrnslae. k uHU delivery, panel "body axxd tires: will aell at $5 best of condition. 0 with terms. 3ti Grand ave. N., near Burnside FORD 1 ton truck; mechanically perfect; $5?S. 4 04. Davis. , . ONE G. M. C, truck in best of condition. 420 Belmont. j East 1575. OUT - HERE HE COMES mmm ' I t I J II " r-VJTV 4 I . ' V w 1: ' J I --jr-. 1 - wv... 1 I f 7 1 " " 7 w w -s, . . . , l . . ; I tW 1 v f U I ! ' VCavTaV I - - VV . I J Ti I ? L NF. 1-1 s-rr. r I ! - . 1 1 OVERLAND TRUCKS 2 ton Denby, all worked ever; at s bargain price . . ton Repoblic, 117; thoroughly overhauled, fin mechanical shape; excellent tires. 1818 Overland delivery, beat of condition. electric starter, in the New 1919 Ford 1 ton at a bargain. If yon have need for a truck of one of these types, you can't do better. MANLEY AUTO CO. 11th and Oak, at Bornside. Bdwy. 217. .CO VEY. MOTORCAR CO We have' the following light trucks and de liveries ob hand, which will be found exactly as represented. Wa will grvo tarma or considaT taking small cars In exchange: 1818 DODGE, with 1-ton Grabain at tachment; baa been run very littl and is is aa good shape as when new; price ; $1400 1912 CADILLAC, with 2 Vx -ton Graham attachment, platform ' body; newly Price .$1400 11T STTJDEBAEER, screen body. Just the ear for light delivery work. Price. .$ 560 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS COVEY ; MOTO R CAR CO Washington St. st 21st. Mais 8244. MAXWELL truck, 1 ton Stewart WRIGHT V PERKINS 855 Burnside at 8th at truck. AUTOMOBILES WATrTED 7$ WANTED- LIGHT CARS IN GOOD CONDI TION. WE HAVE A LONG WAITING LIST FOB CARS THAT ARE IN GOOD CONDITION, IF YOUR PRICE LI RIGHT. COME AND SEE US AND GET THE CASH. IX) BUSI NESS WITH A RELIABLE FIRM. AUTO SALES CO. NINTH AND COUCH. WE ARE ALWAYS in the market to buy eari of any kind in the late models. Will pay cash then and there and not give you a line of talk about having the money tomorrow. If yoa, want money in your hand for your car, bring it to 523 Aider at, A-l Auto Works and Paining Co. WE PAY CASH for used ears. Be sun to see as before selling your ear. BUTLER WOOD "SELLING USED - CARS" 867 E. Bnmslde, at approach o Bcrnside brtdge. IF YOU have a car for a"e and want quick re sults bring it toHrs. lye will either sell it for you. charging a nominal commission, or pay you spot cash for "it- We have a4 list of buyers for light late mode) cars. Himonton Motor Cat Co., 14th and ConrSh. Phone Broadway 121. DONT SACRIFICE TOUR CAR Conley's Used Car Center sell tbesa on tune racelv cash. Sfsl27 LOWNSDALB Southwest corner 16th and Washington. ? LONG A SYLVA Auto wreekero. W'e wreck car and ave you 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorn ave. - WE PAY CASH FOR LATE MODEL CARS USED CAR EXCHANGE 527 WASHINGTON Phone 3roadwy 1882 '' . WANTED TO BUY gcod used cars. Will give you spot jftrat car. , Sew Mr. Mountain. MANLEY AUTO CO. 11 th and Burnside. for NOTICE ' tte bay. trade and sell autoa on easy terms. Open evenings.' Oregon Auto Top Co.. 14th j. and txmcn. Bdwy. 44U8. WMJi trade some good young work horses and some fresh t-cows for a light automobile or truck. Gall at 8'JU I'owell Valley road. Wood etock'car. SEE US for quick results and fair prices. We have customers waiting for almost' any make of car. 4t4 Oans st. x ( WANT to buy 1918 or 1919 Ford touring; would consider later model if in good condi tion. Can Kast oua. IF your car will run, I have a customer for it. Bring it to us and go sway happy. 404 Davis st. NEW or old light cars bought for cash. The Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder St. Drive her In. , See Jake or Kelly. WILL trade my equity in house E. 17th st SeUwood 2379. Tor ear. 1614 WL can sell all the Dodges you bring us. 404 DAVIS WK have a customer for 191C Franklin or later. 404 DAVIS HIGHEST prices paid for auoinobttlea. condition , no object. 151 N. 3d St. Broadway 2629. WANTED Oldmobile roadster for ca-h. Call Rich at Broadway 2270. 37 N. Broadway. "?4 BLK. at So. -Newport and cash for light car. Will give "good trade. M-ll, Journal. SPOT! cash paid for uaed cars, Cgr Clearing Houso, Grand ave. Dealers Used and E. Stark. Fo jl bn dy wanted. Phone Kast 2901. AUTOS FOR HIRE 68 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New Model Cars Reasonable Rate FEARING & ROBNETT CITY GABAGE 86 10th at, near StaeJ. Broadway 840. . 7 EAST SIDE AUTO CO SEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS COLUMBIA HIGHWAY GARAGE 42d and Belmont Tabor 7274. Tabor 6801. Main 7320. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS , OVERLANDS HUD80NS LOWNSDALE GARAGE BDWY. 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS THOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE L. I. SULLIVAN, FASHION GARAGE. MARSHALL 233. 10th at YAMHILL. A-1288. NEW autos without drivers for hire. Mill St. Garage, 366 2d It Msin 6352. MOTORCTCUES. BICTCLES 65 1918 LEADING standard, complete with gener ator, spot light, speedometer and tandem ; cheap if taken at once. Phone SeUwood 2897. 1017 II. D. 3 Speed, fully equipped, for sale cheap. Phone Marshall 5984. 1918 LIGHTWEIGHT twin Indian, P. Sullivan, 985 Concord si. $100. TRUCKS AXV TRACTORS Copyright. 1919. by International Featur Serrica. Inc.) TT utrJ.L H inKlN OTTO TTTTT" II ir l BUT-YOOLEFT i -tV-t I ir t KIN HEY-N. W DJNTTi J I v. ii ai Kl DiNTTT? liEFOrE JXllt- ' I t U n YOUR WATCH AND rH ft- .vo. flru. POT -THE mrd TOOleL ON YOUR . iM-rLl POT THE. AN A OM HIM- JSV 1' , I CiKNC QTH HIM - I I 1 PADMrAM t 1. i I I " l DDPCfeFD " I . . -1 1 MOTORCTCIiES, BICTCtES S A C B I 1"C E" Eselsl-r spmt .191A nv . eJcctvie eouipped motoreyeto and sidecar. iwasMteaUy new, fee aale, $350 cash. Call Hunday from 8-12. A. Teeetiler, 4t9 Bnmride at. Fhono Bdwy. T20. FOR.! BALK 191$ Indian ' Power Phn. P'reato lite. 2 tandems and aneiednmeter. $125 cash. Call between 4 and a p. m. X E. Hayward, 85 H t'liiiton st. DATTOJ motoreyde. Preetoiite tank, speedome ter; nearly new tires, tandem: in good me ebanieai condition. Call Tabor 997 Or 382$, E- 63d st. S. ONE INDIAN t ONE HENDERSON WITH SIDE CAR 420 Belmont. East 1575. LACK CUES A7TD BOATS $4 ON ACCOUNT ef sickness will raerifire a fully . oanipped new $7x10 foot troller with 20 p. Standard engine. OaH Columbia 89. A BARGAIN Houseboat, 4 room and bath. Modern eonvenieneea. eomnWtelv fnmishjMl ! rbone Setlwood 79. jFOR'SAlJE 2"hottfebots. woodshed. 1 launehT Z towbosta. 9 cords wood. 8450 cash. Fulton irar tv Vermont et,.. white Iwinebost near river. CANOE for sal. Woodrawn 685. FI 4.3T OS. OROA5V MUSICAL ISSTRITME1TT! . St A- BBAUTlk Cl. oak eaao, . genuine bungalow mwiwiw, mm tisa moaet, togetner with 48 mnsle rolls and cntnbinsirion ttench. all in every way lika new. Will be sacrificed to raise money- for formerly well-to-do family., which met with severe reveraeo; no reasonable offer re fused. but most have at hut S20O in eh or Liberty bond. Bring this ad with you or f. lor' Lr- Sturgeon at Eilers, upstairs. 287 Waaftington st. lor Mrs. i. P. B.'s piano. Phone Hen 1128. PHOTOGRAPHS AND RECORDS MUSIC ROLLS. PLVNOS, ORGANS BRASS AND STRING INSTRUMENTS Bought, Sold and Exchanged. NEWMAN S EXCHANGE. 128 1st. Main 4495. RETURNED from war camit -community aerv- fee; to bo sold for cash or Liberty bonds; 1 Kimball upright. $105; 1 Pease upright. These instruments have seen hard nsaae hut are Lwnrtb almost three times price asked. See Ore gon cners music Mouse, Zd ttoor, entrance and elevator 287 Washington st. it EC O D EX CHANGE Phono, graphs Bought. Sold, Rented, Re nairad. 142 2d. 1st Vi&eSr near Alder, npatatra. Main 7244. FAMILY moving away has left for us to sell a eery fine genuine Emenon piano, rich mahogany case; cost new $465 cash; will take leas than half actual value cash, or will sell n nnunti llfi month. CU 23 .floor EilelS bldg. , entrance 287 Washington St., below 6th. PIANO BARGAIN Come (a. See our used piano bargains. You can save money. Terras given. seioeruBg-x.ucas Music Co., 125 4 tb st. ACC U M ULA TION8 of used talking machine, guaranteed in first-claa .condition, from $5 up- . ' . COL.L JlfHA (iKAro.vuiJi onur 4 2!1 Washington St. FINK uwruneBt of new grafonuia and victor talking machines, suitable tor vacation trips, $25 and $35. mahogany and oak. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA SHOP 429 Washington 8t. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new victroia ana reeoras. unr proposition is tbo best. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co..,lD 4tn st. aiam a. CO V C. B. flit and A cornet, high and low pitch, complete in case, almost like "new, for $40, Worth double. See it at Eilers, 287 Washington st. between 5th and 4th sts , PIANO WANTED Vim pay cash. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 85S6. FINE mahogany piano. $193. slightly . used, terms. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA SHOP 429 Washington St. A VERY fin toned Estey organ, cost when new $150. Will be sold for 32. Perfect condition. Call or telephone Eilers. entrance 287 Washington gt. Main: 1123. NEARLY new mahogany phonograph, with rec ords: $40. terras. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA SHOP 4 29 Washington St. PLAYER PIANO PEERLESS electric player piano at a bargain, good tian. Will give term. Seiberling-Lucas Coj. 123 4tb st. condi. Mimic RiNT a piano, most reasonable terms in Port land ;"o squares or thump boxes., Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. FINE Richtcr rtther. Munchen made. No. 1 condition, including case. EM II. GEHRIXG. 720 Milwankle st. Sell. 3227. BRUNSWICK phonographs, latest models; 4 rnt'i free trial in your home; get my stli inealan. N. Ardrey. Rel'woo.1 3155. BIG BARGAIN Standard make phonograph. 40 Blue Amberole records, nted few months, $35. Leaving city. 213 W. Park. COLUMBIA disk phonograph Just line for picnics. with records. $10. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St. j PIANO, only used few months; latest style, at about H price. See it. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 1 -54tlj9t- . PIANO, npriglit Grand; a bargain. No dealers. East 5723 evenings. STROHBU piano: plain new. Seibtrling-Lucas roshg. case, nearly Music Co.. 125 4th. BRUNSWICK for sale; assortment of records. latest model : a ' good Phone East 3505. FOR -SALE Mahogany piano; $150. POOH Thurroan st. beautiful tone; PlANO Willard. little used, $300 value, today for $225. Tabor 4677. 4 re. 3ttth at. BRlJNSWIt'K phonograph cheap for cash. wood 3155. PIANO for sale, cheap for cash. walnut finish. Tabor 0560. good make. VICTROLA. with records, $60; not a scratch on It.. Sefberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4tb. TYPEWH ITERS 77 GUAHANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "ail makes." cold on monthly payments. Send for pric liet. The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. ntail eept.. 331 Washington at. ALL makes of typewriters rented, repaired an4 sold on montbly poyrccnt plan. Oregon Tyu. writer Co., 94 6th St. TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired, exchanged. Typewriter supplies. '"- REM1NUTON TYPE WRIT ICR CO.. nn Broarlw-y "UNTiERWOOD typewriter, before Sunday. 5529 No. 5. $25 0tb ave. S. if taken E. $10 5 UNDERWOOD typewriter used 6 weeks. $65; terms. Less for cash. Call East 437R HOtSEHOin GOODS FOR SALF, i $350 Value for $224.73 'A very m&5,:iv and high grade - 3 piece tapestry iiuite, very slightly used, ' comprising davenport, 7 feet in length, j arm chair and. rocker to match, all up- j bolstered in excellent grade ta pet try of ; anch. wonderful ft- colors and a pat- ; tern so delightfully pretty that it will instantly appeal to your goxd tast; . it has Marshall spring cushions and is as comfortable as a "feather bed; new ' pVice $365. nenv $248.75. Ea. y terms! If more convenient. MISH FURNITURE CO. 1SS-190 ITRST ST. A GOOD lot of used gas ranges from $10 to $15. Reliable Furniture Co., 208 Salmon St., bet. Front ana .1st. , 4 HOLE wood or coal range. $10, or trad for gas water-coil or anything can use. 8928 E. 4 2d st. SACRIFICE for cafh, fnrnitnro of 5 rooms, com plete with piano. $325: house for rent. Phone Sc'iwood 1341 mornings. .IT T)T BEFORE, 11 . TIOrSEHOLTJ COOPS FOR SAtg f FURNITURE almost new; must sell this week; ivory bexL chair, dresser, oak. dining table. 6 chairs, library ta ble, 2 rockers, rug and oaueh. 6435 Toott at. tL E-, rear bouse on fcOth at.. near 65 th svo - v FOR SALE- On 12 -ft. oak dining Uble, one oak bedroom set and one , oak settee. . Call Tabor 1789. , 4 -PIECE . parlor eet, leather npholstered. same as new, eost $75, for $43. Reliable Furn nrtnro Co., 208 Salmon St.. bet. Front and lt SANITARY couch with pad, $6.50; hall ch., $9; good sewing machine, $3. 1336 E. 17th st. S. ; Phone KellWbod3,4. - MVCHUXERT' 81 FOB KALE Woqd cutting outfit, eompleU, in cluding 4 h. p. Vaughaa drag saw with two 6 foot saws. 8 foot falling saw. hammers,- axes, wedges, peevies, bar, etc., in A-l condition. Cost new $230; price if sold soon $165. Address P. O. Box 185. Vancouver. Wash. yOB SALE MISCFLLATCEOU It WE SAVE yon tiauaa wiring, . lighting fixture, ejectrmal rrpair ingr sapphee. Third St. Electric Store. 324 Vk 8d St., Br Balmon. Main 5055. SEWING MACHINES, new and scood band, sold for lea ; no - agents employed. Jomplet nae of part tor alt make. Machines r pal red and rented. Wain 9481. 8EWLNG MACHINE EMPORIUM 1U 3d, near Taylor st. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Work. 418 Bnrn ade, corner 10th. Broadway 5674. QtiffTl ITtM TEN drophead sewing machines 9liy.W with attachments, all an in very good condition. Sewing machine rented at $3 per month. Phone East 2869. or B 3307. L U- Steen. 153 Grand are., near Bes mosrt. FOR SALE OR RENT Chiropractic doctor's outfit elec. cabinet, stretching machine. I shower bath, carpets, stove, etc, complete. $5. $10 per month. 2 room. .Call week. days, 337 Lulou ave. r. i SAFES Pirs and Uorglar proof atea, new and second uand. at right price, bought, sold and ieiciianged. ' NORRIS SAFE AND LOCK CO.. 105 2d t- Phone Main 2016. Boilers. Engines NEvV and aecond band, nongnt and sold. U. ax R. Machinery Co.' 603 Gerlinger building. Phone Main 8301. tnu Kir I-1, or TRADE for diamond. Vln- h..t.r niimn. 12 uuii trap gun and I1- Jood aa new: also 22 apeel!-, like new. Bargains. Phone East 4217. or call .687 Union ave. N. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." -Typewriters," and ' House bold Good" aro separate claaaJi eation. AU advertisements of these good an Dubliahed under their respective ciaasuicatiou. LOOK THEM OVER, v $I2.i50 to $1 5 EEswE52clS Guaranteed We Rent asrf Repair. ' 172 3d St.. near YamhilL Main 1845. A-1818. FOR SALE A Movler fireproof sate, combi nation lock, height 3 feet 7 inches wMth ! feet 7 inches, depth 2 feet 2 inches, weight 1700 lbs. Phone Wocdlawn 829. - Malt, Hops, Crown Caps Corks, patsot bottle stoppers, band and power cappers, filter bags, thermometers, 91 Gran ave. SAFES- FILING SAFES DIEBOLD AGENTS Expert work done. Prices right. PACIFIC SCALE SUPPLY COMPANY. 46 Front t- Broadway 1966. aCtoMoBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES n, hnata ar senaiate classifications. A large listing c3 b round under the different fications. ' CUT FREIGHT RATES on household goods shipped East and South. Man ning Warehouse ex Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyti Phone Broadway 703. A-1793. FINE White Mountain refrigerator, sectional hnnkruu- ether household goods. 189 Laurel- hurst ave. HOT water tanks, all sixes. In good, serviceable condition. SO gal.. $7; 40 gal . Adams st East end Steel bridge. East 8516. NICE young chickens, alive or dressed, 60c to 80c each. 690 E. 73Ut cor. Klickitat. Tabor 2177. - FOE SALE Hartman wardrobe trunk nearly new and 1 el-rtric viftratbr. cheap. Apply after 6 p. m. 4 7 E. 2-4 th st. N. PRINTING POOR LE.SS-5000 quality envel opes $13.50. 500 card $0. 5000 bond let terheads $12.50, Smith. Printer!. 204 Htarb. GOING East or South I Household goods shipped"' at reduced rates: moving and packing. Pacifio Coast Forwarding Co.. 403 Hoyt St. Bdwy. 703. "GRAVENSTE1N apples 2o and 4c per lb. S. Hess. Kulingswortn. sve,, uoti uil.ii. call Sunday. MAKE AN OKFEH PIR CHOICE OIL, PAINTINGS Owner widow needing money. TCbor 8101. fiF fjTVAT, cream aeuarator. practically new, cost $125: Will take $50 cash. Phone Main 255. Evenings. Marshall 5464. ALMOST new Pacific dragsaw with two saws 6x5 ft: lias only sawed ISA cords; $135, Boring Wood Co., 50th and Division sts. si ALT. Eons. caps, cappers, cider, pur frutt ounehes and syrups for parties., dance, etc J. 11. uei.acey. jj samimt ,i. RAG rugs a specialty. Bag rugi and ng car pets woven in sll slsea. Sellwopd 3211. , A WHITE Rotaty sewing machine and 2-burner arj Ivis w gas piste. tst 3236. ALMOST new ahle tent, port day; a bargain at $13 50. $214 East used 1 2 1165. TGRACCO and cigar store and cdnfecUonery for sale. Call it 1 7 1 79 V, Madison st. FOR SAI.K oetrade. new electric grill and oven ette. Call before 6 :8Q eveninas. lfain 9160. PEACHES, 35c for 25 lb. - Good apples, $1 per box. box, medium size. 151 Front t. GBAVENTEIN apples, peach plums. Plione Sellw.ood 1335. UNCALLED for tanor-mad suits, $12.60 up. Tarlor. the Tailor. 289 V4 Burnside at. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaner. i24- hour day. $1. delivered anywhere. Wdln. 1259. fwhere. TSf2 OAT -he for sale Thorbunv ave. Tabor 0033.. Mt. Tabor rar. PLUMBING supplies, whole! price. Stark- lari Co.. 212 8d st. Main 797. ann BI-IT.SS cards. II DO 500 UrW-n cards, 82 23 Liberty Printery. 266 H Aide.- VACUUM cleaners changed, bought. old. repaired. Tented, ex Bentley Co., East 7060. K" HAND stump puller, or will trade foi fresh cow and calf, etc. V-839, Journal Plumbing repair expert, reasonable. Slwd. 112 MIMEOGRAPH. Edison Rotry. East 280." FURNITURE WAJfTED T4 WItfHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Highest prices paid for used furniture, car pets, stoves, ranges, etc. We call promptly. f A tub paid for furniture, attoves. range. Phon 1st at. carpets, rugs, dressers, etc. Hartzell Furniture Co., $41 Mar. 2678. WANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WILL PAY CASH Phone Main 8332. PHONE East 781 S when you wnt to sell your furniture; we will come at once and pay yoa, CASH. M. R. BEATER. Q HawthovrM. ave. ATTENTION We pay cash for everything in the line of second hand furniture in any guantity. "all Main 738. " 1 AM in the market for furniture from private parties only. 409 Jackson st. . CALL MAIN 2117. FURNITURE WANTED Will pay all that it la worth, l'hrne Main 3249. Pacific Furniture CoJ. 140-14-2 1st t. sip J4 lOHJSEHOLB G00BS " - WANTED -' We want your used furniture, rugs, carpets. stoves and all household goods and will pay tb highest cash prices, . . Our Three Large Stores enable us to dispose of these goods st one. snd therefore we can pay -the Top Market Prices W also buv and sell hardware, tools, sport ing goods, tent, bicycles, typewriters. sdding machines and office and store furniture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade . : , -Call Main 9072 c Levin Hdw. & Furn. Co. 221-3-5 FRONT ST. ' WE WILL BUY ' FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSEHOLD . FUR N I TK R E FOR ANY AMOCNT. A. PHONE CALL WILL BHrNG US Tt -YOUR DOOR. NO CH4RGE OUR . VALUATION IS HICtFEH THAN THK OTHER FELLOWS. THERE'S A REA- , SON f BECAUSE WE SELL TODAY . WHAT WE BOUOBT YESTERDAY, : " PHOXFT PHONE 'Marshall 59S I. 185 FIRST "ST. . Gevurtz Furniture Co. IISIALL 5981 seil my. Tour "Md PlerM ot Complete Fiitfchhits. -' We Pay Top Cash -Prices ! Call Us for Prompt. Courteouv Service. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 201? FIRST ST Main TT23. BEFORS disposing of your ed fumitun call ua up; we an in need of mis. carpet, stove and office furniture. Will buy any quantity. W pay top prices. Frr prompt sua courteous treatment phone Main 5064. STAR FURNITURE CO,. 204 1st st. Main 6064, Owl Furniture Co. ajoRRtsoN Wo want your used furniture, stoves, esrnets snd pianos; w pay the highest cash prices. 166 and 168 1st at Call Main 4627. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east of to California We can sae you money on your f night in our through cars. Fireproof storage. u. Ata-uiaea Transfer fe atoms Co., 248 Pine. . - SWAPS tt EXCHANGE New Edison phonograph, with large selection of beautiful records and some cah. for -Overland anto. Cll Tabor 7830.1 ..." WANTED MISCELLANEOUS S WANTED People of Portland to know that I'j par the highest cash ortcea for second hand household goods. No amount too large or - to smalL Prompt attention. N. M. S EATER Phon East 2203. : 143 Rrjsserl st CASH REGISTERS. feIiOWCA8F.S7"SclLT Tools, not guns, nues, Typewriter, furniture akd everything Bought. old and exchanged. " Newman's Exchange. 128 1st t. Main 449$ WANTEDJUNK". p'p. machinery, tool", furniture,, clothing, met sl. etc. Main .5277. 229 Front. ' $ TO $15 FOR SECOND HAND SUITS MEYER th .tailor, pays moat for clothing and shee. W call day ovtaaing. 1229 or 253 Madison. Marshall - JUNK WANTED Pnil vain paid; rag, metal, tools, old cloth ing, furniture, etc zui 1st at. Main 784. I WANT used clcthing. W pay from $10 up for men's used suit and overcoat. Call ns and you will get the right rash pric for your goods 1 07 1st st. nr Morrison. Main 738. GOING east or south 1 Household goods shipped1 at reduced rates ; moving and packing. Pa cific Coast Forwarding Co., 403 Hoyt st. Broad way 703. I' - for 2d Hand 'Suits Top- prieeafor furniture and trunks. Mar. 1630. WANTED Rifles, sbotsnna, cameras, lenses, Hochfield. 89 8d ft. Plione Main 8681 WANTED Whole or half of dressmaking out fit and button machine- Call Esst 6349. ' WANTED SeeondJian1 safetStatT-sixe and price and where at T-B18, Journal. WE DRILL well.. Call Main 1846. PERSONAL If MONEY We come into thfa worW wttlinn4 "If . And we leave "it" when we dlI S' We have to work to earn "it"' , " And we need "if when' we buy; ,"lt" goes for booae; "ICVgoes for slioesj ' "It", goes to nay tBSr(-iit; , "It" goes to pay the interest On the money tliat waa spent. ' 'if " " '.' "It" goes -for breach of promise; "It", goes for railroad fare; .. "It" goes to pay th grocer ' -- And for the clothe you jer. : "It" goes s great deal farther.-' At you vill save much more. On each SUIT. COAT, DRESS and,. WAIST At the, PETERSON UPSTA tte) -STORE SBCONP FI.OOR PITTOCK BI4JCK. OLASSES AT A SAVING I tollcit your pstronig oa th baid nf caps bit service. Thrm&tnd- of satisfied patrons. Charles V. Goodman, cpfotnetrist, 209 Morrison st. -. SPIRlTUALIS'f carop meeting at Ce,lr-ille park, Linneman Junction, Oregon,. July 27 to August 81. 'Three w-rvices .daily. Physical gnd mental rnedinms. Taks Grcahara, Estacads and Bull Run cars. - . ; THE best cliiropody work guaranteed, stating fact, experience, skill, modernism, rellahlltty. prcraptnem, msniclirfc-t. face. cah treatment; superfluous hair permanently removed, ladies, gentlerhen., 810 Bnh-Lane hide., Brodway-AMer. SEE JtUBENSi'ElS Dr. George Rubcnatein, optician, rt turned from . war service. He make good eye glasses st reasonable prices. Satisfaction guiranteed. 226 MORRISON ST. NEAR SECOND . COME IN and get both your teet fixed un aood for $1 by Dr. Eaton, tli CHIROPODIST that doesn t hurt you; o years tn PortUnd; exam. free. rGlobe Theatre bldg., ll'th and Wash. Bdy 2824. DETECTIVE: United Service, Detctibirau, private commercial matter investigated by skilled operative. 607 Stock- Exchange bldg. Main 3tug. . . - MRS. hi. U LAMAR. 235 5TaST; Spiritual adarser, instructions lo th tbsory of neaitn. success ana -narmony. BU'PERFLfcOUijnHHi7"moiea. warts, removed by 10-needl method; trial fre. Jooi FixUey, 614 Bua jusn piag. iau Main . DR. KIUUKLL. cbirooodist. corn. innkina. in growing naus, liuf Alisky bldg.. 3d sad Morrison. 1VFRSON Poison Oak Cure; relieves st one. C1L Woodlswn 104 5. DfiTWfCK IN SON-remove corn In 8 minatea. 106 N. th. Hour 10. to 8 FACE snaaMgs, itching scalp, dandruff relieved. moles, warts removed. 280 J"lieJner bldg. . II r.l,rof ConanltatlotT FREE. All rases. jUSlWyer 512 Selling bldg Main 4093, VACUUM cleanen for rent. $1 per dy. d- 11 -ercd realms hie distance. ' 11 n 7675 LADY BABBEB8 8hve, 20o; bslrent. 36s; face masrsge. 86e. 825 Glisan, near 6th. CLEANING, pressing, dyeing. lUrstinns. Ws call and deliver. Th CWrrt Main 1826, By George McManus FURXITURE WA5TEH S3 SPECIAL NOT1CR TO THK'rUBf lf. IP YOU WANT TO HAVE L 11 o- DATE ULOTHES. WE AHK TAI1--OH H FOR PARTICULAR TKOI'lE. V K . WILL MAKE TOU THE !UCT SLIT IN THE CIIt' WR LESS MONEY. . WE . HAVE A-GOOD VA1UKTV tK WOOLENS . 1HAT YOU CAN SELECT KBQM, ... v M. WKINSTEIN TAILORS TO MEN AND WOMEN. SATISFACTION' tlllAKANTEEO. 410 STARK, BETWEEN 10T1I tV 11TH. " -z: : - . ' 8PRTTUATJK3aTTrTTlty A." rcT'TalTi?. Ohlsson. circles Tuesday 2, Sunday and -Wednesday 8. ... Readinr dally. 1840 Dlviaiun St.. Mt, Seott car. Tabor .8810. . ', '- - ' -NOTtCES tt BIDS for the erection of the proposed women's building lor tb University of Oregon will be received by the building committee of th board of regents of th University of Oregon, until 2 p. m. on TuesdRy, August 12, 1919, at- tli ' sdmlnlstrafion bnilding. University of Oregon. . Plans - and apejclficat ions may b se cured by applying at the offices of th archl tectn. Lawrence t Holford. 1021 Chamler cf Uoromerc building. Portland, Bidi ar desired for th. general contract only. The building committee reserves the right to reject any or alt bid. Successful bidder will b requlrad to furnish bonds for th faithful performance of the -contrast. ' L. IL JOHNSON, : Secretary Board- of Regent. Unlvaraity of Oregon, POcti5510NAL; AND 3USiNSS PIPECTORYI ARCH SUPPORTS FALLING ARCHES For achtns limb, weak feat or flat feet west flexible, featherweight arch supports, which w make ; to ordvr only, from cast of th tout in , cor Bee ted position. ' Many eontinu to suffer : from foot trouble through trying , such make shifts aa ready mad arch aupport or o-called eomctlv tboea, wpich cannot lit property tn vastly different Shapes of feet May s well wear ready-triad eyeglassas 'or fab teeth. Off i- hours s:30 to 7 p. as. cU Bauwood w. or 85U Milwauki st. naar Cor. Take SeU wood car. - . WTiquis , ANTigLE snd ALL KINDS OF FURNITU. ntra Salvage Co., Waahlngton st. iiMirtr wupplibs LEWIS STENGKR Barbers' Supply Co.. 10th ana ktnvruoa streets, Tb piano to buy barbers chairs and np .lea Stock of furniture aiway ron - nni at rigm prwe. KAUTV SPCOIALICT CPEitFLCoCi nair ilroyd toresaf er saair tipl asedii roethrxl 04 Swetiaod bldg. BLANK BOOK MAKCvRS DAVIS UtlLMAN. iAU, 1U9 -Jd .. blai book manufacturer. A-81II. Mam 138. oabpct oLaANina Fluff Rugs From Old ; Carpets - . '. f ' Ban nng. All Si sea Mall Order Prompt Send for Booklet, til Knts Steam or Dry Clnd. $1.8. FLL'i'f BUU CO., 4-esl7nlon av. ... East 0618. 8-147$. DR. LAURA-"E DOWNING .RrWdway hldsT pvaetic, lctrtcity. vibratory maa and dwt TSBTHcItAilON. iOO per cent adjuimnUjnadj - oajry, criniiy, psnaiirfni, riiuw. si .TfiCLENlTW. CoMSTOCKT-h.ropraetor, $li 14th et Cbronto troubles. . Main 6608. COAL AND tWOOO . WE sell in large or small quantity Heavy country aiao, oat ana coruwooa. ' Star Wood Coal' Co. d t.r 1 -;;' ' ' ,j Main e 013, "FIRST : growth cordwodr$8T50 cord. PhOB. Wood)awiay341. Corouierciar I Qel A Lo ging company. . , w "' FOU Rfot country slabwood, Vartly dried, cord. National Fuel Co., Kiist 2041.- CONTRACTORS tit ION MLILMNO CO.NTUACT1NG CO. build "cottage, bungalows; . n pairs and painting. 209 Aliskv bldg.. Main 2315.. -' " DOO AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. U. H. llUTHMTN hospital. 4f6 E. 7th ..' oor. Grant. Eaal 1847; B-196J. We cits dor nd horse. . - - EDUCATIONAL, OANOINO KINGLKItS l)ANt;I.Nt ACAuEMY If you want to dance or learn to dance, why ot go to tb largest and best school In th city where th advantage are greater! Yon ntt more good dancer and can practice with, many different ' expert professional teacher. Hepurat ball for beginner and backward pupil. Out buoinesa I dancing. Wa know how. Informal evary evening. Cist nisuuf rata now, ladies, $2; gents, $3: 6 Irae. coure 14 th t W'Hfagtoa. Bdwy 3180, A-33B1. KATUERLNR M, BROWN giuMsnUen to lescil , all latest dances in 12 private lessons; 12 les son $5. 4 lej-sons $2. 803 Eiler bldg., be tween 4tli and 5 til on Wash, st Malm 6004. " " " ' " MISS TRET. AND i TEN LESSONS $8 $09 Pektim bldg. Personal aUeotion. 1 to , MRS.' rifiCK'S ACADEMTTlOO 24 tTBK room and stag dancing- class Tuesday a4 Friday evening. Main 2l6o. PrtvaU on. UOONLlGHT dance, boat' Swan," every Wed 7 Sat night Meln 4748. Ft of Jetfersoa et. - MU8IO 8CHOOLS AND TIACHIA8 1 CARROLL DAY, piano, vocal leon. erits practice plans, 1 hour day $5 mo. Bdy. 2 5 As. PTT 0ITtr ETlA WSON772riiarr"p.iien5i: fiaon leeson tt your horn, 71 Tabnr 7206. FURNITUAC NCPAIRINa tVlT.L' call and repair your furniture: first claa work done. 1312 E. 15th SU N. Phon. Woodlswn 1811." FOBS THK FUR SHOP lSNOV OPEN" New enaerft, reidolitling in the latent styles, 601 H wet lend bldx., 5h and Washington, v WAItVOVSrVTlglNft - - - f tBANEnLETTEl CO.7 12" Royal blrig. WhTSyT graphing, mimeogra phlng. Harahall 5822 OPFICK 8UffLIES tURBARD STATIONERY PUINT1NO 'Better Berrtc. " 861 Oak t. Bdwy. 2391. PAINTINO. TINTINOr PAPCRHANOINa IF YOU want a. gwid painter call" East" 33 T, - Palming in all iu branches. .8-5 .Hawthorns sve.-.'-' - ; . ' '- FRK'lf "Sc" AtX"E.N7inetr liwisaliiting, tint ing and d-otktlng. - Materiel and woikman Ship guaranteed. Tabor 414 1 , - "- J. JL CLfsTON. painting, Unting. papering. 1S N. 17th t.--Pdwy. 44 1 4. Woadlwa 3 fj. ' latent Attorney - GOLDBERG, 620 Worcester hldg 'Main 2B2T. PHV6IOIANS Lit R. A. rHlLCil'S. Broadway bids. B matiam. tomac,' sowai. lung, Uvr, y. ntaooar, rental. proeratM, imai dsn, akin affection, high blood prar. PRINTIN6, KNORAVINO, "BINDING ' Printing .W. . BALTES ' C6TTTr. and Oak ta. M. 166; A-11 4. SALTED ANDMOKED PISH ALASKA UtUUiTS'tT'Av ialPcU'lLVG CO., dis tributor of salted nl wnokwl liB 'JJJi YeiBuiit, tr . Portland. Or. TINNERS JACOB UlSI.I Tin, sbeetlron snd roof work. 810 1st A. Main 1424. TINE REPAININO THE FINCH VULCANIZING CO. 640 Alder t, at l?Oi. Let U Repair Your Ifir. W Sell Miller Tire and Rebuilt Tire. iiAVE ' low rtit; guantntyed f tir rapauuig. I06H N. 3d near St--H bridge. - ' TRAN8FER AND STORASE Oregon Transfer Co. -- CsUbUahad .1870. Transfer snd Forwarding Agents. STORAUE FBEkl TKACBAGS) - . ... ofTie sad b to race 474 UUan 18th and GUsan. airoadway A-l 18m. y- Willamette Valley Transfer Co. General Trsnsfer snd Forwarding Arent. TRACKA7;K. STORAGE AND THANnyji.3 124 NOHTH DTH ST. BKOADWAY 454. ALW"lY8 PICE THK BEST UUt'HKUOLil GOODS SPECIALIST Btorag. paekms, (nip ping snd moving. iiorss and auto vsa. atp cial rat ! to all points. - C o. PICK TltAASS KH t nTortauB uvv.. Ml S IIVS'UB VJ.t JvvsMdway 6fco. A-lwi. $6 and pin. Storage and Transfer; Clay S..ivlorse, Inc. - 4tl 'FLANDERS STREET. TIckISWmoTlng STORAGE 106 Park st- MV 6196, A-liiL WCLDIN0. WANTED WELDING Movable pUnt: go anywhere; cutting, brasiug, bciler work. CU Eatt 6770, PER SOX AT,