.1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 20 THURSDAY, JULY' 31, 1910. PORTLAND, OREGON? AUTOS MAY STAND OH STREETS FOR THIRTY-MINUTES Amended Traffic Ordinance Per mits Parking of Cars Along . Several Down Town Streets. yTKe'SelectefJ Records on the August Victor List Are on Sale at This Stores-Sixth Floors ' l&SSTH FBIDAT SURPRISE To $3.50 Slipper Buckles 95c Slipper buckles in a num ber of styles and sizes Set with brilliants. Plain and fancy. (5 per cent war tax.) . Meier Sc. Frank's : Main Floor. , 1M9TH FBIDAT SUBFBISE - Sale 9-Inch Pie Dishes $2.98 v ' Also 7-inch casseroles spe cial at 1.98. 1 Earthenware linings. Silver plated frames. Limited number. Good values. Mler & Frank's : Main Floor. liSSTH FBIDAT SURPRISE : Sale of Women . Neckwear 15c ;. Collar -and cuff set of Venise lace. Collars are in round neck" style. Novelties, Friday, each 15c or 2 for 25c Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. 1MSTH FEIDAT SURPRISE- Our $1.75 Table Cloths $1.25 Mercerized table' cloths hemmed ready for use. In two sizes.' 5 8x5 S and 64x64 inches. Limited, number. Meier & Frank's : Second Floor. 1H8TK FRIDAY SURPRISE 75c Dresser X Scarfs 50c , Good quality dresser sCirfs with ; lace - edges -and; Inser tions..: Size 17x48 Inches.. Regularly 75c. "now 50c. Meier & Frank's : Second Floor. 1SS8TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Special Sale of Curtains 59c ' Voile and Nottingham cur tains in discontinued patterns. Only 84 pairs in the lot at this special : price pair V9c. Meter 4k Frank's : Seventh Floor. J IV" The- QUAunr'STow or Portland i -A TomorrowCO-OPERATIVE SALES AU Over the Store "'.' j r , -v .... ,;, SAFETY ZONES DESIGNATED Vehicles Prohibited From Pass - ing on Either Side of Street cars While Taking Passengers. 4W 4 ' and 5 Friaay " . Or A An 'amended traffic ordinance granting a '30-minute parking "privr liege- to automobiles throughout the congested district of the city was passed to third reading by the city council Wednesday afternoon. : The new ordinance-permits stops in Washington Alder, West Park and other streets, formerly prohibited. Safety, zones are to be established in certain places tn the congested district, ' however. In which machines cannot park. These zones are Intended to allow free passage of pedestrians from and to streetcars, and will be located near cor ners where cars receive and discharge passengers and at bridge approaches. Tarkmg will also be proUlbVted In front of fuel Intakes, basement elevators, and stairways; for a period longer than suf ficient to receive or discharge passen gers or load or unload merchandise, provided suitable signs are placed on the : premises. Uniform signs will be prepared by the police department and sold at a minimum price. Lieutenant Lewis of the" traffic department, ex- plains. ' . Vehicles are prohibited from passing streetcars on either side when the cars are receiving or discharging passengers. Under the old ordinance vehicles could pass to the left Outside the congested district. . All vehicles, including streetcars, must come to an immediate stop on approach of fire apparatus. No obstruction, how-, ever, will be permitted of street inter sections. ' Emergency ambulances are exempted from compliance with the traffic regulations outside the congested section. . , ' , , A new system of hand signals, sim ilar to those In vogue in California cities, will be incorporated into the Portland ordinance. , , Safety zones will be established in the following places; ' Washington street, between Second and Tenth, streets: Alder street, between Second and Third streets ; Morrison, street, between Front and Tenth streets; YamhUl street, between Second and Third streets ; Salmon street, between Second and Sixth streets ; First street, setween Washington and Yamhill streets ; Second street, between Stark and Yamhill streets; Third street, be--(Mn stark and Yamhill streets: Fifth street, between Stark and Yamhill streets ; Broadway, between Oak and Yamhill streets; Broadway, between Jloyt and Flanders streets, and Gliean street, between Sixth and Ninth streets. After Discussion In Court Lecturer Departs From City Portland's municipal court turned it self into a Highbrow society for two "hours on, Wednesday afternoon. Home rtule ' In Ireland, the Soviets of Russia, de Valera. ; Socialism, primitive com munism. Eugene V. Debs, the settle ment of Jamestown, citizenship, the 11 points. Henry Ward Beecher. and slav ery were some of the topics threshed out In place of the usual arguments as to who" struck whom and what con- . stitutes bootlfgging. .-'.-' As a result of the discussion, James Fisher, lecturer for one big union., sped during the tiight on train for Seattle. ' Ho will not lecture in Portland any more. . : - -' Fisher was ; arrested Tuesday night as he began speaking in the Plaza blocks. When he began to talk com. munlsm in 'the municipal court, 'Judge Romroan argued that communism had failed at Jamestown in 1807. , He said . the settlers there went , back to tn divldualism to keep from starving. , Fisher, an English subject, came here from Butte, Mont. He studied at Edin borough university, he- told -the court. He was asked to lecture here by the Socialists and Workers' council. . Man Hears It Is Hilly Here, Bo-He'-Seeks His Father Because he thinks Portland is "moun tainous and hilly1," H. C. Fry. adopted son of F. F. Fry of Winnipeg. Manitoba, 'believes ho may be able to find his real father here. . " . ;Fry"a father's name is Joe Wood. His own - name originally was. Alfred E. Wood. Two or three years - ago; he -heard that his father was in Portland. Lately someone from the northwest told him that Portland was a "mountainous and hilly" city. - s"Ill bet my father is living' there." said Fry." rSo he wrote a letter' to the chief of police of Portland, asking him to find . his ; father. "He is a scenic artist, ' specializing on wall work for churches. t bars, halls, etc," he wrote, "and as your city, I understand. Is Tather mountain- : ous or hilly, I would judge the surround ings of such a place would be an in- spiraUon for him in his work." The police have not been able to find the father as yet. . ." . ShipWorKer Injured C Conley. 270 Fourth - street. lies " in Good Samaritan hospital painfully but not seriously injured as a result of a .i fall from, a scaffolding at the Northwest Steel company plant last night. .His - back is injured. ., Resfs,Befrcshes,Soe1hes, Strong and Healfhv Tf I thvTir Smart- Tfc mtr s-vCvor &urru Sore, irrW . ulated, use Murine often, Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Frea Eye Book. Marine Eye Bemedy Co., CUct" ' MEIER A FRANK'S J5J8TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES 75 Afternoon and Street Dresses A clear aw ay $19,85 We. shall dispose of. this fine group tomorrow regardless of former prices. ; All arc', this season's models (one setched), offering a large latitude of individual choice they are mostly One of a Kind '.' it .. , . a. . . 4 Georgette and taffeta in navy, brown, black and. handsome figured designs, a few lovely evening shades. ; Meier A Frank's Co-operative Sales : Fourth Floor. l.SSTH FRIDAY SURPRISE . Women's Silk Hose Seconds of Regular $2.0042.50 Grades $1.39 . These silk stockings at $1.39 pair are classed as "seconds," tut the Imperfections are in most cases so trivial as to be dis cernible and certainly nothing to impair the wearing qualities. Full fashioned stockings" with wide garter welts and durable lisle soles 'and toes..:. White and the popular shoe shades. .Sizes Vi to to. Two pairs $2.75. : Meier 8l Frank's i Main Floor. 1S38TH FRIDAY. SURPRISE Sale $1.50-$4.00 Hair Brushes 9&C A special sale" of hair brushes with pure bristles set in genuine ebony or rosewood backsguar anteeed to stay in. High grade brushes regularly priced at 11.50 .to $4. on sale tomorrow at 98c. . Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. , MEIER A FRANK'S 15S8TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES 3000 Yards of NEW $3.50 All-Silk Colored Dress Satin $2.79 With satin securely enthroned in' fashion's favor for fall, extraordi nary interest will attach" to this Co-operative Surprise Sale of 40-inch all-silk dress satins all new perfect goods. : : $3.50 a yard for this material would be a conservative valuation at any time, but with silk prices continuing to soar $3.50 will soon be well below the .market judge how wonderful is the value at $2.79. Among the modish colors are copen Belgian, ciel and navy blues, nickel gray, taupe, beaver, brown, rose, Burgundy, plum, Russian and reseda green and maize. Anticipate your dress requirements tomorrow at $2. 79 yard. . i , Meier & Frank's Co-operative Sales : Second Floor. IS38TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Needlework Surprises Stamped; n e e d 1 e work. three exceptional groups for our Co-operative Surprise Sales : 39c Corset covers, baby pillows, baby jackets, hats, centerpieces, pillow tops, etc.. 59c Women's waists, fudge aprons, baby carriage robes, pillow tops, scarfs, etc. 79c Women's combination suits, tea clothes, children's dresses, lunch sets, scarfs, etc. Meier & Frank's : Second Floor. A 2-Days' Sale for Men $2.50 - $3 -- $3-50 -- $4 Shirts $H .98 A The finest assortment of ncgligeeibirts a man.if11 ws" to see is offered in this Friday and Satordaysale whil lryjCfilJxAin i at the lowest price a man could hope for. All an first-quality shirts, full cut, exhibiting .workmanship and finish, of a superior order note, for instance, the 'perfect-matching of collar and body stripes. . v . ,' Fabrics arc highly mercerized silk mulls and silk ' striped madrases in plain white and in a multitude of handsome striped colorings. All sizes in the lot. 1 . 300 Men's Ties at 29c lis group some are LESS THAN To 75c values included in th HALF. Broken . lines, odd lots of ties accumtriated during the busy summer selling. Good looking patterns in stripes, figures, dots, etc. a wide variety of colorings. Many of these ties have " slip-easy bands. , Bathing Suits $1.49 Worth 92.50. Short style bathing suits witli skirt.: Choice of navy, light and dark oxford, combination stripes. Sizes 3GL" to 44. Only 300 garments. rHE tales of men's , straw hats, sum mer underwear and hosiery, continue to morrow with wonder ful savings, Meier & Frank's Co-operative Sales: Main Floor. Groceries Krinkle Corn Flakes, doz. $1.15. package 10c Coffee. At & F. Special, lb. 45c Sliced Pineapple, Preferred Stock. .No. 2 -cans, dozen. S3. 10. three, cans 80c. can.-27c i Sliced Peaches, No. 1 cans, case $7.25, doz. $1.85, can 16c Asparagus, Del Monte, large white. No. 2 cans, dozen $3.90i three cans $1 , can - 35c - Loganberry Juice, phez brand, concentrated, 8-oz. bottles, dozen $3.35. three bottles 85c, bottle 30c ' Macaroni or Spaghetti, Golden Aee.-2 packages 15c Meier Frank's : Ninth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) 1SS8TH FRIDAY SURPRISE A Great Sale of Women's Kid Gloves" $1.09 This price takes no account of cost, for mer, selling price or present worth of j the gloves. Odds and ends of fine quality kid gloves with embroidered and self-stitched backs, real kid, French lambskin and doe skin gloves in P. K. and overseam sewn styles. Broken colors and sizes. Silk Gloves Pair 63c. Another wonderful value in women's elqves 'for our Co-operative Surprise Sales. Famous make long and short silk gloves. Perfect quality. Broken sizes. - , " .,:-." Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. 1&8STH FRIDAY SURPRISE Bargain Square Sale hampl Gurtain . Were $1.75 Up to $10.00 NOW,88c UP TO $5 These curtains are all: NEW,, having re cently been received in an extraordinary special purchase. T , 500 pairs of SAMPLE curtains from the coun try's foremost makes of fine lace curtains. All FIRST. OUAUTY curtains; Including marquisettes, nets and scrims. Peguiar widths and lengths. Mostly one, two or three 'pairs of a kind. ' Come early for best selection. - Meier ik Frank's : Main Floor. MEIER A FEAKK'S IS38TH FRIDAY SURPRISE ALES Friday Surprise Specials For "Downstairs"; Shoppers i Here are fourteen out-of,-the-ordinary surprise bargains for patrons who shop in; the Downstairs Store tomorrow. The same SERVICE here as in our Up stairs store.; Profit by these and other savings i ' , i ' Men's Hose, Pair 1 0c ' Men's good quality lisle finished - cotton sox in black only. Sizes 9'A to 11. Slightly Imperfect. , -. ; ' , ; ' Men's Union Suits 69c i - Serviceable' poros mesh union, suits in sleeveless ankle length style. . Sizes 34 and 36 only. Seconds.; ' " ' : j ", Bathing Suits at $1 , Men's and women's bathine suits in black with' white trimmine. All sizes 36 to 44. Limited number. I Women's Vests at 10c' ' Women's rood cotton knit Swiss ribbed vests in low neck, sleeveless, style. All reg ular sizes. Seconds. j Boys' Union Suits 49c i Boys', serviceable poros mesh union suits in short sleeves, knee length style. Sizes 6 to ,10. Ecru. Seconds. . ' Vests and Pants 14c i i Children's wests in low neck, sleeveless style and 'pants in lace trimmed knee style. All sizes. Seconds. . i . Child's Dresses 98c "'Gingham, percale, linene land chambray. Plenty ; of plaids and plain colors. Good styles. Sizes 6 to 14. Meier ' Standard Percales 17c .36 inches wide. -Standard quality per-" calesfn light and dark patterns. Mill lengths. Limited quantity. . Bedspreads for $1.69 Full . sUe. f Medium weight bedspreads in attractive 'patterns". 4 Seconds of the 2.50 and 53.00 qualities., . Towels, Special at 15c 600 huck and Turkish" towels, also a few linen weft huck towels. - Seconds of the regular 25c and 35c grades..1 4 Wash Cloths, Each 5c Good size Terry -wash cloths. Limited number. Very specially priced in this; Friday' sale at, each 5c. .. ' . - Women's Purses 49c . r Women's serviceable purses in back-strap styles. -Also handbags at this price. - Ex cellent values.- r h 100 Napkins at 12c "Rose" brand paper " napklas in - standard size. Excellent values for this Friday Sur prise Sale at 100 for 12c. - 7 Rolls Wax Paper 25c ; This paper is regularly priced at 5c rolL Wax lunch paper in size 12x18 inches; : 15 sheets in rackaee. ; - - : -ranit : xxwer f rice store, Baeement Balcony. 1S38TU F KID AT STJXFBISE Kerchiefs 11c Men's and boys' 'medium sheer, soft-finish lawn handkerchiefs in full regulation size. Neatly made, well finished handkerchiefs with VS-inch hem stitched hems. About half price in this sale at, each lie of 6 for 55c. Handkerchiefs 12c Women's fine - hand-loom embroidered lawn handkerchiefs in one-corner and initial styles. Many patterns. . White and. colors. Hemstitched hems. 6 for 65c . Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. 1SS8TH TEIDAT StJEPHISE Dainty White Voile Waists 98c Regularly priced at $1.50. Serv iceable quality white voile waists in new styles. Square neck models, some rolling collar and vestee effects. A few tailored striped dimity waists included. All sizes. v Meier Frank'a : FourUi Floor. USSTH FaiDAT scbprise Laces Yd. 10c 3000 yards of excellent quality wash laces, In. eluding Filet, Cluny. Shadow. Piatt , VaL and Point At Paris edges and bands for undermuslins and art work. Widths range from 1. to S Inches. ' Yard very special at toe. Organdies $1.89 These fine quality organdies are regularly, priced at 12.50. Pleated organdies in blue. pink, yellow, rose, green and white. 40 inches wide. .500 yards at, yard 1.89. , ' .. Meier It Frenk'ei Main Floor. MEIER A FBASK'8 liS8TH FBIDAT 8UBPBIE SALES Sale Gas Ovens 4.95 . Just 40 , of f these polished steel two burner gas ovens, (illustrated). Three glass panels in blue enameled door. Two baking shelves. ' Size 12x13 inches side. . Very specially priced at $4.05 in- Meier Sc. Frank Co-operative Sales : Sixth Floor. XEIEB A FRANK'S 1438 TH FBIDAT SUBFBISE SALES $1.50 Sprustex" OU Mop and Polish The regular $1.00 size "Sprustex" oil rhop in the popular triangular shape and the 50c size 13-oz, bottle of f'Sprustex" oil $1.00 value Jor 87c. Complete with 3V-foot wood handle, j i , , Meier & Frank' Co-operative Salea : Basement. 1S38TH. FBIDAT SUBFBISE SALES Stand Picture Frames 59c Several patterns in f these good . stand . picture frames complete- with glass and back. Antique gold and two-tone effects. A big range of sizes cabinet, 5x7, 5x8, 6x8, 6x9, 7x9, 7x10, 8x10. Bring pictures with you." f Wall Frames 35c - Another good special. Antique gold wall frames complete with glass and back. Sizes include cabi net. 5x7, 6x8. 7x9 and x10. ', - Meier & Frank'a : Co-operative Sales; Fifth Floor. ril MEIER A FBAVK'S ItSSTH FBIDAT SUBFBISE SALES r- , -i Robes $5.45 A limited number of assorted plaid wool mixed auto robes in this Co-ope r itive Surprise - Sale at $5.45. Closely voven fringed robes suitable for auto, camping,' sleeping porch, canoe and all outtdoor uses. While anv remain $".45v . Meier tt Frana'a : Co-operative Sal ea : Sixth Floor.