10 - ' ' THEI OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1919. 1 SITUATIONS MALK AD WRITER. SPARE TLMB , We6 known advertising man ind uln pr .: ranter haa spar time 1 evening etc W ill aa eat you in preparing tutor, selling campaigns, , booklets, letters, catalogues, etc Charge rea sonable. 0-883, Journal. a , .i'HVSICIAN, just out of V. 8. service, with bon orabie discharge ut good : recommendation, ' would like to become associated with, corpora tion on Purine cout ', Address in. H. a. xuiey. room 244-Oregon hotel -'- K KKUVII'B nun would like permanent poai- - i jia with wholesale lumber corporation ; el ite rMncl mm retail vard manager in - Southern v-ite iii-trict: can fumtsh references. Addre i i. 4' R Bnnvteel. P. O. Boa 185, Vanconrer, Wn. IV voir l ) services of a middle-aged , business t mtlemtn, at present unemployed, wii'. si"t in home or bmin, p'lesssnt surround- tint, erwcial object, write Z-628. Journal. waxt . ah irh li!rh delivery car: els. a Job to drive a light, delivery or track. - Fhon S Woodltva 2 TGS - WATrHlllX Reliable experienced witliea position; good reference. Phono Main riaos. ----- - - - .. . - Al'T'i mechanic repair ears in your garage, it ' Price ia reasonable. East 2682. ' 'SITUATIONS FEMALE .TfiiFINED middle age lady wishes position as nntisrlieepe : Oct or reiere iktsk . lrrtlijr, genera! delivery, city. -LADY with email boy want homework ; good cook ; will go anywhere. M-l. journal. WOMAN wants work by hour or dy; reliable; references. Woodlawn 4573. y DRESMAKINO 4 ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladiea" garment, reasonable price; wcrtt guaranteed. 3. Kalibin. Ladies' Tailor. 408 Bush Lam Bldg. j FURNISHED ROOMS NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington Street. I. Right in center of Portland'! activities. Let I ha aliow ywo our sccomniodations. Hate S3 pet t. week up. ....... 4 HART APARTMENTS AND LAUREL T HOTEL Newly furninhed. raoderu housekeeping and sleep :i ing rooms. $2.60 up. Second and Yamhill. BOOM .and board, bouie eooaing. . Special rates !' In cowlcs. Tran-icut meals. 261 18th at. " llOTKL SARGENT, Hawthorne and Grand. Starting pointy special ear for Vancouver. FURNISHED ROOM S--PRlV ATE FAMILY '"' 78 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rrjom and bath, t on ground floor, on carline. 291 E. 30th K. lJTJfttnNIKMEn ROOMS 10 ON E large room, including electric light, ca. heat, water, elc. 18. l'hone Woodln 26B2. ROOMS WANTED 2 BOOTHKltS want room. 2 beda. hot water; - - west aide preferred, where no other roomers. "!-260. Journal. ' "WILL some one Join lady, employed, in renting large hmie and dividing M-7. JoumaL ROOMS ATfP BOARD It THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 10th. for busluesa girl and studenta. Marshall 1281. ' ROOM H AJU BOARD PRIVATE KAMI Lit TS WjlS'Tlft) A lady""boarder. ruoui. board $15 month. Ella M. Plnney. It. 2. Cervais. Or. CHILDIIKN to board in. private home, 865 Kalwy st. near Lnion eve. Phone E. 2446. W A 7! T K D ROOMS Ail BOARD BTyoung college girl, room and board tn re fined private borne. Z-6a7, Journal. HOl'SKKKEPINO ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED 3 nice airy rooms for house keeping, gag, electricity, water. $14 per month; Albina shipyard district. 184 Vi Russell St. Phone East TBI 8. F(;I(.MHUEI rootn. modem convenience; walk ing distance; reasonable.- I'bune East 4007. 831 Ifaualo St. ; 1; N la UED housekeeping room. bill. ' 374 Yam- nlNtil.E II. K. rom. S3; suites. $4, 80 4 I nion near E. Wash. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bachelors and working people: cheap rent: close iu;98Knottt. 4 TRT'NKS DELIVERED IN DOWNTOWN DIS TRICT FOR 25 CENT8. PHONE E. 434. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Mar- hall 1751. Call at 275 Montgomery. TRY houxekeeping rooms. 161 'A 1st HOUSE KEE PINO ROOMS S8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY ' 3 I N FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, in good district; walking distance; to couple giving good references. 170 X. 18tust. Call evenings. 8 fjN'FURNISHED rooms, modern', electricity and gas. 3 blocks south of Y. W. C. A. Phone Main 3744. ' 2. lt(M (Oil suite, first floor; walking distance. Call erenlngit, 821 Broadway. ,8 1' L' UN ISHEU housekeeping rooms in private family. 1176 E. Main. Phone Tabor 6916. FOR REIfT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 18 MEIER A FRANK'S INFORMATION AND ' . BENTAL, BUREAU Reliable, up to date lists of desirable vacant natBes. apartments and flats with definite infor mation pertaining to each. i i S liwcoroers to Portland will fiad this borsan , et areat value ia helping thasa get properly and cuifkly located. EIGHTH rLoOB WHEN TOD MOVE. USE NORTH- WESTERN EI.ECTRIU LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and Washington. Broadway 580. 'i MA IV 126i Local and loog disUnce A-t2oX s Let our auto trucks mora pra. Green Transfer Co.. 202 H Alder st , MCK -C room house, with bath, sUtionary wash tuba, fruit garage. $35 mu. 931 Knott Fast 4540. - rfVK RENT Small house near M-V. carline. Tabor 7738. $S0 0 ROOM; 1014 E. Main st HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 vVLUMTllRB of ft -room house for sale; house iur renc. vr unni ST. .- - ' FURNISHED HOUSES. St 'PIKDMONT home. 115!) Rodney ave. corner Kil-litig-morth; 4 rooms, upper j apartment, nice lawn, rose and trees, garage if preferred, porch; -wo children or dogs. . . FOR RENT Furnished 5 room house and 4 room apt 'Cell 148 Graham ave., or 434 ' E. ;rant t ")U RENT 5 room cottage, furnished; near Williams ave and Shaver st. ;- Woodln 6160. J ROOM hue. 5 furnished ; no children, refer eucea. 131 E. C9th N M. V. car. -FC'RNISHRD lower floor of-home. S25 Tabor , 7452. 885 East Madison. e. . laoor FLATS TO HKNT. UNFURNISHED 13 f'OR RENT Ijirge 4 room modern ' flat' sdulu. QlTH Williamii ave. muuern 8 ROOM flat garage. Union ave. near Rus- seii. saam only. Kat 2195. , ' FURNISHED FLATS .0 . MODERN flat. 53 H 80th st. MontaviUa car', $15 per month; mostly furnished. -833 VANCOUVER ave.. 4 room flat, bath, adultnl . ' APARTMENTS FOR RENT 43 A LADY occupying a 4 -room flat will rent nicely ' furnished room with Bleeping ari:h; every convenience: use of kitchen; graduate nurse in?"wn. ,3570f v"' id. tXitl RENT 4 room apt, west side. In and Shendaa; ateam beat and hot water. Inauire S8 3d st. 1 ROOM for rent n private family: in an ant . -; Phone Marshall 1137. - v ROOM furnished apt, 6th st. Harrison Court 394 THE STANFIELD. 204 Porter st, 2 room apta" completely fumiahed: reasonable. Main 7392. AURORA apartments, 332 E. Burnside. 2 and 3 room furnished himsekeeping apartmentn. BANNER APTS. 489 Clay st near ITtSTat Modern 2 room fumislied apt., $17. -. FEW YORK apta.. E. Belmont and 7th, Phone East 238. ' - . SUMMER RESORTS 't -M SALTAIR HOTEL Nice rooms, $1 per day; meals, BOe, or $15 per week at the Ssltair hotel. Tillamook beach. Geo. Morse, Bockaway. Or. s CAMP sitae, now available at Columbia beach. rates from $7 to $13 per month including also trio light and : wood. v tie Mr, Holmes at the Beach. . L1;HT housekeeping, Ocean Crest apartment. . - 1 block from beach: rates reasonabln. Bock vi Besch , - - FOR RENT, last 2 fweeka of August furnished cabin at Cannon Beach. Call Broadway 558. STORES AND. OFFICES 11 tlFMCE or -desk room, with desk; 325 Railway bids. . ... . , 11 F&AU bldg., cor. 14ta and PeUygrova, auitabie , lor manulactartrig, atorage of abop ol shjdc RITTEB. LOrTE V CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ,:- SIORB on Oilman near Bth at. brick bkU, BITTER. LOWE as CO. " - ' ?01-8-o-T Board of Trade bldg. YVAXTED TO RENT We Want to List HOUSES.' FLATS AND APARTMENTS. IF TOU HAVE ANY VACANCIES, PHONE HEAVE TOGETHER," CAKE. Of NORTHWEST STEEL CO.. iiALN 1193. WOULD like t rent, br resoonaible neonle. tt. 7 or H room fiat or baase: modern. . Will coosidrT buyhig furniture ; not over 0 to 12 blocks down town; direction south. Call Main 208O WAN TED By lady. 4 or S unfurnished rooms or flat, close-in; respectable and responsible. M-SB8, journal. WANTED to lea building, 100x100, (wo floors, or location for automobile business; West id preferred. Address E-25. Journal. WANTED -6 or 6-roora unfurnished bonse or flat, by August 15; responsible couple. T-634, Journat WANTED 4 or 6 room modern house by Au gust IS. East 1418. HEAL ESTATE REACH PROPERTY 49 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside. Or., at beau tiful "Cartwrignt Park, at reduced prices; 826 to $700; easy installments. C Der eeati soon to be connected by all-oavad hiehwa witb stan and aouthern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, will mag "Cartwnght Park" one af the most attractive spots on Pacific coast Wbit- mer-sve-y uo., 414 rttock block, Portland. Oregon, or inanira IT. usil ajea Broadway. Seaside, Oregoa. $2000 6 room, lots. Long Beach. Wash. 517 Jlenry bldg. 'OH SALE or trade, a Tillamook beach lot; cheap. Phone Woodlawn 2979. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 $29.10 VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME $2950. Unusually artistic Dutch colonial type home; reception hall, living room, fireplace and book cases, solid paneled diningroom with plate rail, built-in buffet, white Dutch kitchen, electric lights and OL full cement haom.nt inH laundry trays. three bedrooms, sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing. This house can be bought on practically your own terms. About $300 down. -, 00 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale, 10 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE . . TO BUT TOOB HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HAWTHORNE 881 SO " Folks, here is one of those niftv liMIe hmn. tows, witn oarawooa uoors, lirepu.ee, Bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen with canopy over range, eement basement wash trays, etc - Thoroughly duuote consuncteo. j nis is a splendid buy. 050 cash, balance easy monthly payments. nurry. ' A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, near 8L Main 8092. Main 8518. Branch office 60th and Sandy. SOMETHING YOU WANT Here is a real attractive fl room htinnlcw witn iirepiace and furnace, cement - haaement. built-in conr., and ground 100x150: abundance or xruit, berries and shrubbery, eood un. about 50 feet from paved ate.; 3 abort blks. to r, an tor $4700; termi. ' C. A, WARRINER, BITTER, LOWE eV CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3150 buys a beautiful typical California bun galow, living room across entire front, large dining - room. - Dutch kitchen, buf fet, hdwd. floors, fireplace, full cement oasement. wash trays, 60x100 lot. J imp. in and paid. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry, Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. 5 ROOM bungalow, just east of Laurelhurst, 1 oiock to car. This n a solenoid Piece of property for price asked; 6 good rooms, good plumbing, 50x100 lot; $300 to $500 will do for toe first payment balance very easy: only $2500. THE CROSSLEY VIGAHS CO. 270 Stark. Main 3052. ROSE CITY DISTRICT 5 rooms and sleeping norch. fireDlace. furnace. paved sts. in and paid; 1 block from car, price $4500; easy terms. ,'C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RICHMOND BUNGALOW 6 rooms and retention hall: hardwood floors. fireplace, buffet full cement basement "paved sts. An attractive borne. Priced to sell at $3250. Term. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Bfain 6752 -ALBERTA; BARGAHN ! ... S23i50 8 room modem .bungalow, builtiru. full base ment, wash trays, 50x100, bearing fruit trees. AKERSON. 420 Henry Bldg. Main 7248. NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE 6 rooms, full cement -basement hard surface sts.. in and paid; about 2 blks. from car; price $3600; terms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE as CO.. 201-3-5 7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONLY $300 CASH, NEW BUNGALOW $3000 for a nifty 5 room bungalow, just com pleted. : Bath, gas, electric lights, wash trays. ' No mortgage to assume. Let us show yon, J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. $2300 Four room bungalow and furniture, close to sclioot and car. You? can take possession at once. The terms are easy. E. O. MAGOON, 431 CHL OF COM. BLDG. BOSE CITY PARK, room bungalow; atrietly modern, 1 bedroom downstairs, 2 up, with sleeping porch; all good rooms; fine plumbing; 50x100 lot : THE CROSBLEY VIGARS CO. 270 Stark. Ma!n 3052. FUURNISHED IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6 ROOM HOUSE. 20TH AND E. ANKENY $3930, easy terms. Main 6436. 1011 Teon Bldg. . MAGNIFICENT ROOM HOME. IRV1NGTON, CHOICEST UKIATION: HARDWOOD Fl0ORS THROUGHOUT, TWO BATH ROOMS. FINK BASEMENT: LOT 60x100; GARAGE. THIS IS n.VE. OWNER. EAST 8209. ' , ... WAVE RLKIGH DISTRICT $3500 Strictly modern 5 room. . bungalow, with full cement basement and large attic, fine location. Phone for date to see it GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1 007 Teon bldg. FOR SALE 4 room house andlot 60x160, at Kendall station 2 blocks from oar line, dandy place for chicken, berries and garden; $1250, $100 down, $13 per month. Snap for some one. J. S. Bcall. Woodlawn 317L, WHY NOT BUILD J Get an artistio home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything; furnish the money if desired. . L. R. Bsiley G, I.e.. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. - HAWTH0RLE BUNGALOW $3700 Modern 7 room bungalow ; nice rooms, fur nace, fireplace, garage, paved street, paid; $1000 cash. ' .- OKO. T. MOOBE CO. 1 OOT Teon bMa. A SNAP Lot 50x100. on oaved street all ur lots of benies, 8 nice fruit trees, 1 walnut a good garden, choice roses, a good 4 room house, woodshed, ' storeroom, chicken house and park. Price $1400, terms or cash. Woodlawn 6059. 7 ROOM modern house, acre, good barn, bearing - fruit - trees and berries. - shrubbery, flowers, place for chickens, cow and rabbits, $3500, terms. 6210 68th ave. S. E. Phone Tabor 7397. - j CHEAP Modern 6. room house, in splendid condition. Desirable location; half block from Richmond car. Inquire 540 E. 86th st. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3150 Well built 5-rocan bungalow at 1194 East Lincoln st. $1200 cash, balance contract Street work all oaid. Fred W. German Co, 732 Cham, ef Com. Open evenings, Sundays. luu $1800 REAL BARGAIN," B, C. PARK CAR 4 large rooms and bath, full plumbing, aaa electricity,, nice corner lot Tabor 6559. A MORTGAGE FORECLOSED HOME $1850 $$50 cash,-$15 a month, full lot. 6 good plastered rooms, 8 piece baths," cement nan pasement: no city liens. Tabor 2934. $1600 -e- MOUNT TABOR , llll 7 room house, 50x100 lot; good garage, plen ty of fruit: 3 blocks to car: $300 down, balance eo pr nwjnm. Kmn laoor i4ga alter 6 p. m. FOR SALE, by owner; 5 room modern house; 601 McKay bldg. Phone Main 3424. - 4 ROOM modern bungalow, lot 50x100. - This is a snap for $1600. Term. -209 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1658. : -Zr EAST-84TH and Grant, house and lot-50x100 for sale: hard-curraced street. - 694 H lath. BeHwood 2227. FOR -SALE New modern 5-room bun alow Alberta district Call C-S09S. (OR SALE Five roonu and - sleeping poich. modern: $500 down. Tabor 7868. IF 1 TOU liave been unable to find the kind of house yew want phoneMain 3270. 7-ROOM hotne with fumaee, 75x100 loCall paid for. See owner. 1143 Clinton. $10O CASH. $15 monthly, modern room bun as low. iia xruit lateg 4Z14, awBasi - , STORES A?f D OFFICES RE AIi ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES $1600 BARE OPPORTUNITY $160 Just east of Laurelbnrst en E. 02d street on the west slope of ML - Tabor, an exclusive district, close to Ht, Tabor car; surrounded by attractive modern homes is an unusually home like little bungalow cottage, which baa just been repainted ia ivory with white trimmings; newly kalsomined: has white enamel otnmbinz. natent toilet, electric lights and gas, hot and cold water, living room, dining room, kitchen, large steeping porcn, green lawn witn rosea ana I nut. Can arrange terms. 60O photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 1 0 experienced salesmen wtto antoa at your seroca. ie -JRRANiCLs. McQUIRE TO BCT TOUR HOME. ' Abington Bldg. - -Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sundays, " $16 MONTH, INTEREST 6 LISTEN HERE. KOLK8! If vrra have $750 cash we can direct yon to tnc nest, clean-cut-- aownrtgnt nmu a modem home. i LARGE ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH ADJOINING FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL JUST BLOCK OFF CAR A BUNGALOW Fruit, lawn, place like new. Price, including Tcryimng. aarjoo. Q. C. QOLDENBERG 215-216 ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 4803 -Thirty-five Years in Portland $2600 mviNGTON pareTbunoal6w - a-ovu. . j Among the cool fir tree on E. 27th street u a very attractive B-roora ; typical bungalow on a full lot L large living room with fire place, built-in effects, 2 bedrooms, white enssnel plumbing, electric lights and aaa. rood base ment, street liens paid. We., -have many other uomee in inis aistncr. lor sale. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE 1 TO BUT YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1088. OTtice Open Evening and Sundays. BEAUTIFI7L H A wthorxk Rnvr:niw $4000 for the swellest bungalow in this dis trict at price. All wood work the very beat and very artistic 5 rooms and breakfast room. Attic, garage, imp. all in and paid hardwood floors, fireplace with artistic mantel. Heavy French plate mirror. Buffet with French plate mirror ana piate glass doors. Kntire home in : perfect condition. Requires . substantial . caan payment - No mortgage. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exeh. Bldg. Main 1004. 100x100 IN LAURELHURST MOST , SIGHTLY LOCATION CHOICEST NEIGHBORHOOD . VERY CLOSE TO PARK ' S3500 ; . ' Includes ail assessmenta EASY TERMS See Mr. Brown, E. 39th and Glisan Tabor 84 83 Evenings Tabor 89 ' MULTNOMAH ST A. . 3W Cash$II22S Three rooms and large bathroom, plastered. electricity, gas. Bull Bun water, it acre of ground, with beautiful view; house built this spring. . s , Edward A. Brown Co. P03 RY. EXCHANGE BLDG. Main 2693 LAURELHCRST HOME $4850 CLOSE TO PARK. Modern home, 6 rooms, reception ' hall and sleeping porch; exceptionally large rooms, hard wood floors throughout fireplace, furnace, tiled bathroom, all street improvement in and paid ; located in the heart of Laurelhurst about 2 blocks to the park; an attractive home and a rare buy at $4850. $1160 cash. Balance monthly. Don't ucisy on mis one. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6'752. . $3250 IRV1NGTON HOME $3250. On E. 8th street near Tillamook, on 1 paved street with all liens naiil i, . ft-ronm aubstantial home: built-in conveniences, full ce ment pasement. laundry trays, 3 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT YOUB HOME Abington Bide. slsin loss Office Open Evenings and Sundays. DIVISION STREET BITNGAliW .j7r. Here's a little dandy, 5 rooms, extra large una iiTing room witn Iirepiace. built-in buffet beautiful bath, Dutch kitchen, full basement, laundry trays, corner lot east front, nice shrnh- bery, 1 block north of Division st; hard ar ises sc. sewer; a blocks to Richmond car; close to school: $500 cash, balance $25 monthly and .mcicm, v per cent. Act quicxiy. GEO. T. MOOBE CO. 1007 Yeon bMe. TERMS- $1750 TERMS CLOSE IN WEST hiiim T rooms and bath, all in good shape, paved sis. in ana paia; 4 Die: irom car, walking dia. tance to business center. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER. i BITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY RIIMJAIJIW Modern 5 room and recention hall bunaalowr hardwood floors, buffet fireplace, furnace, plate giass windows, lull cement basement 60x100 lot; beautiful lawn and roses: paved streets. The nouse ia finely finished and extremely well built 1 rice H2UU, term. CLEVEI.AND-HENDEHSON CO. 212 Railway Exchangee bldg. Main- 6752 NEW AND VACANT . TERMS $1850 TERMS - Living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath room. and inclosed back porch, elect and gas, good basement, corner lot $500 cash takes posses sion, paiance easy. .'. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE as CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WESTMORELAND 82800 Nifty 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in buffet,. Imtah kitchen, eement basement lanndry trays, 50x100 lot with fruit. nice lawn and shrubbery, sewer connected, street pared; aauu cash, paiance $20 per month and interest. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg. VACfANT. MOVE BIGHT 1N $2750 bnys a dandy 5 room bungalow, con venient to 3 canines and Jefferson high. 242 Blendina ave. Look it over then see us. 5 J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exeh. Bldg. Main 1094. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Hawthorne Bungalow $3500 Terms 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, full cement base ment wssh trays, garage: 1 block to Hawthorne cars; convenient home and well located. . Going east, mint sell at once. 1172 E. Madison at near 89th. $400 eah and $10 rer month. 4 rmm iumu and 60x100 lot with it 3 other lots in garden truck. You can hare an acre -of ground to use without cost 1.. O. MAGOON. 431 CH. OF COM. BLDG $4000 for a dandy home of fi rooms, sleeping l rca ana - uen. Liose. m on the east ,: side.. . Buffet fireplace piped for fur nace. Only $500 cash required. J. A. WICKMAN I CO.. r 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. ' Main 1094. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW $2000 " ! Near Franklin hiih schnoi. a T-rwis xev. Waif-fa basement. 2 porches, all futures in; oversize lot; berries, flowers, garden ; a home place Tabor 7574 or 3123 55th st Make you terms in reason. $3100 MOUNT TABOR $8100 8 room bungalow, . nearly new with full has. tent, cement walks: all in fine condition, 60x 100; lota ef fruit.: rieht on carline- t.Min rfr, balance easy terms. . After 6 p. . m. call Tabor 1485. . BY OWNER Sightlv suburban V, acre, im- proved: 5 rooms, bath, storehouse west. M near Capital highway and 8. P. red car; 20 min. ride to 4th and Washington ; Bull Ron water and other, city' conveniences; $3500: terms. Phone Main 319. . ROSE CITY PARK New bungalow, Just finished ; Strictly modern,. fireDlace. fnnu,. Hardwood floors, paved streets, price $4050 Sloop down. 1983 E. Yamhill at. $200 CASH 6-r. like new, modern7cloo ' in" walking dist, oavine and newer ni kiv.' Sellwood car; price $2450. Main 4803. ; G. C. QOLDENBERG - Abington bldg. "35 Tears in Portland." AMONG THE FIBS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS mv ...... Neat well-bnllt bnnralow: ankndiil ; fn on psved street, $1250 cash. Fred W. G mas Co 732 Cham, of Com. Open evenings. Sundays. - - ALAMEDA PARK Just finished: first class- amcuy raouein oungaiow; lor sale by owner Phone Tabor 2119. . MODERN6 room house,; $600 down; close to Peninsula park. Inq.oire 1240 MishLiiuDi av. Woodlawn 5524.- . SEVEN room hoo'e. electricity, gas, full base ; ment 50x100. 3 blocks Mwinrippi ave ! bar gain at 832-tQ. $500 cash; Main 3270. S250 CASH, balance like rent 100x100; 7 - room bouse; close to 8. P.. shop. 1 block; to Sellwood car. Phone B-2241. v ; $1050 R. C. PARK. CAB $1050 " 4 room bungalow, toilet link, gas, fine lawn d shrubbery. Tabor S3 75 or Tabor 4307. FOR SALE: By owner, at sacrifice, modern ' 5 room bungalow; William ave.; terms. Tabor 6645. -r - FOR SALE, by owner, H aere, 5 room modern -. house. 20 bearing fruit trees, all . kind of small fruit. Phone Tabor 1894. - FOR SALE, by owner, room house, lot 5 Ox 150; good ternn; walkiug dutanee. Call East 8067. . ' $850 FOR neat 4 room house MoutaviUa; dandy ; smut. at J.39. Taniosw.. BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES Ti BOSE CITY PARK SWELL BUNGALOW $4000 ' Folks, her ia one of , those real, modern, nifty, Bp-ie-dat bungalows. It'a finished in old irory and white throughout with - hardwood floors- in every room. Really, it's so -downright modern and so splendidly arranged it will appeal to yon strongly. Come, let us show you. . If yon don't say this ia a good buy -well, you Just couldn't say that anyway. 1 Plan to ace it today tomorrow may be too late. - . A. G. TEEPE CO. 264. Stark; near Sd. Main 8092. Main 3316. Branch office 50th and Sandy. The McQuire System make hexne buying easy. Yon can come to t his office and see ever 600 photograph of homes for ale, arranged in districts; every one has been appraised; IO aatomobile at your service: seme wonderful bargains. This ia why we sold 104 homes . in May. 72 in June and. 77 homes ia the first 28 days in July. BEB FRANK L. McQUIRE ' , TO BUY YOUR HOME. -Abington Bldg. Main 1068, Main 5156. Office Open Evening and Sundays. - ROSE CITY PARK 1 . - " FIVE ROOMS $ 3850 V . -. . ," -- ' - . Vf Folks, now we're talking about one of those real, nifty - good-looking Koae City Park bunga lows; there is a grest big living room extend ing the width of the house, hardwood floors. iirepiace, cutlet; Initch kitchen With break' fast nook, cement, basement wash trays, etc. very liberal terms. 1et us show you- Hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 8092. Main 851S. (ranch office 60th and Sandy. BEAUTIFUL. AND COMPLETE ' This ia real class, 5 room and largo den can be need for spare bed room. - finished throughout in white enamel, hardwood floors. fireplace, all built in con v. French doors, sun porcn. rail cement basement A-l furnace. Ear- age, ia keeping with house; beautiful lawn and shrubbery, hard surface , sts. . in and paid, all lor S4auu; easy term. C. A. WARRINER,- BITTER. LOWE a; CO., ' 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldjfc 100x100 LOT BUNGALOW If you are looking for an 8 room bungalow on a big lot with all kinds of fruit and flowers, you should see this one; 4 rooms and bath, first; 3 and sleeping porch upper; fireplace, gaa radio heating system, garage. This is a regular country home, right in town, near Columbia park. 3 blocks to car. The price U $3500, $1000 cash. $35- monthly until paid. Call for auto to show you. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th St, Board of Trade Bldg. Main 4522. Open Evenings. 4 ROOM HOME. ACRE. $2500 . i In Perk rose, near car and paved street a full acre of good sou, 4 room warm bouse, small barn garage, chicken run, 1 0OO strawberry plants. The whole- acre is cleared and in garden and clover. Why pay $2500 for a house and small lot when you can buy a mil acre for the same amount 7 Owner wants $1000 down, balance like rent CUE A. McKENNA tt CO.. 82 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. Mala 4522 - ' Open Evenftags. LARGE GROUNDS AND SHACK HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Almost 1 acre of ground, about 20 good bear ing fruit trees, 3 room house, electric, -gaa and water: 1 block from Hawthorne carline; price $3250: easy terms. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER,-'' RITTER, LOWE St CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EAST 13TH ST. -NORTH. $1850 Here is a 4 room cottage with bath, big front norch. some fruit, chicken bouse. 50x1 OO lot street paved and paid for. The lot alone cost owner $1350. Good location. 2 blocks to Irving- ton car. Owner asks only $200 down. See this Quick. CUE A. MCKENNA JO-. 82 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. Main 4522 Open Evenings. . FABM IN THE CITY , - $4250 8 lota and 5-room cottage in good condition has immense fruit trees bearing this year; chicken coons and yards are old; fine garden soil and more adjoining can be rented, 3 blocks from cement walks and hard surfaced street: located north of Overlook and about the center of Portlands It u a little farm - in the city. P B. Van Nice. 246 Stark st NEW CLASSY BUNGALOW IN BEST PART OF R. C. PARK BUT FROM OWNER AND SAVE MONEY Well lighted rooms, fireplace, oak floors, attic extra large plate glass window in front,- fine built-in work; finished throughout in ivory. The Ideal Home builder, 1230 Sandy blvd. Tabor 3825. Office open evenings. - - 250 CASH $25 MONTHLY TOTAL PRICE $1960. . 5 room and bath, corner lot- near Union and Killingsworth aves. A. II. AKERSON, 420 Henry Bldg. Mar. 4079 GREAT BARGAIN Good 9 room modern home, now vacant; newly painted and decorated: like new: lot 67MX1UO only 100 feet from Hawthorne ave.; fruit ber ries and roses; assessments paid. , Sacrifice price. terms. U E. 8TETNMETZ, 6 Gerlinger Wat. Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. MISSISSIPPI CAR $1675. 2 blocks to car on Blandena St. cottage of 4 large rooms and bath, gaa and Mghta, beautiful lawn and plenty of garden space. This is a pretty little home: pay $300 down and It is yours. COE A. McKENNA ft CO., j 82 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. Maia 4522. Open Evenings. - LAURELHURST AND 1RVINGTON ,6 room bungalow, $4750 Irvington. 6 . room bungalow, $5800 - Laurelhurst Garage with both Improvement all in and paid. Good Terms Be Quick. Phone MR. DELAHCNTY. Main 1700. Evening East 2086. REAL BUY, NOW VACANT 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, good garage, ground 122 feet deep, fruit trees, hard surface sts, in and paid, E. Salmon near 26th t. Price $4200. A. WAKKLMSK, RITTER, LOWE sV CO.. 201-S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1300 TERMS $350 DOWN Five room cottage plumbing, Bath, electric light: $15 per month. OSCAR ALDERTON. 1952 E. YAMHILL ST. FOR SALE Seven room house, with furnl ture, close in, $4000. 534 E. Everett, cor. lttb st. . - - FOR SALE LOTS 18 $750 BUYS this beautiful lot on Clackamas at: bardsurfaca st and eement 'sidewalk ; H block from carline. Call East 4447 before 6 p. m. or Woodlawn 4179 after 6 p. m. 50x1 0O KENTON lot, beautiful homes on all sides. 1 M. blocks to car. improvements in and paid: $500, terms; owner leaving.' Munson, S43U I'owen vauey roao. ' TWO lot on 63d ave. and H7th at Must rtll for '$450. call after 4:30 o clock. 7224 65th ave. 8. E. ALAMEDA PABK lot. $530; snap; 50x105; choice location tor come, xjox is, Dioca aw. Address P. O. Box 13, Salem, Or. ALAMEDA PARK, full lot; all paid for; $750 cash. 1 D-403. Journal. ACREAGE 7 $12.50 DOWN $12.50 MONTHLY T 111 acres loeced-off land: well built 5-room bungalow In Klickitat Washington. Logging railroad run right through place. Volcanic ash soil, adapted particularly to fruR raising. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, ol Com. open Sundays, evenings.- - ' -- TWENTY acres, located 6 mile east of Waah ougal. Wash.. 8 acres under cultivation; all tin- land can be cultivated; good soil, no gravel or - rock; level land, good buildings, fences, county road: price $2000. $1000 cash. Per sonally Inspected. , John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. - -.- . ' -- FURNITURE -'AND EVERYTHING acre, iust outside city limits, close to 6c car fare: in garden, fruit and berries: 4 room house, -gas, electric rights, garage, barn; price $240O with tools , and complete new furniture. Ii mortally , inspected. See . Brooks, -with John Fejguon. Gerlinger bldg. . GOOD CHICKEN RANCH - Five acres, located easy walking distance of Beaverton: new 6 room abinaled .bungalow. bearing orchard and berries, good barn, chicken house and welts wire-fence; price $2550, $550 cash, easy payments on balance. Sea Davis, with John -Ferawon. Gerlina-er bide SIX .ACRES FO R $ 1 850 Good garden land near Multnomah station. only 17 minutes out: 2 -room shack, only 8300 down.'. ,'::.--- - DRAPER CALWAT. v 526 Cham, of Com, bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE 1 VL acre, located- close a . Rsynlt rtiHna jOlesoa Electric; in corn, fruit and berries ; tjt.od soil, 12c car fare, 3 room house; price JPOOv easy terms. Personally inspected. Be ns. wren jonn r ercu-on, Gerlinger bldg. 820 CASH, ts- MOVTHI.V aaxn J '" Half acre tract. lSOxlftn . hif . We. ride from - 1st and Alder sts., t Bell nation. i - oiuiwooa ana utmiL ,.waier, gas and electricity ma- h ruuf - , CARLOS MASTERS. 201-3 WH.COX BLDG. TEN acres,, located near Sherwood, -al) good land.: no srravel mr vwka . a . r. t:ation. good fences, house, chicken house. c . 5" eiecuTe nne ; price aHuo. $l-'f0 eah. Personally inspected. John e er- ni.- in. iTcmnireT tMg. NEW 4 room plastered house, on fine corner acre; z piocks to Metsger station: 10c fare. Price for amek 11 Aon - 1,1 Main 6293. " HEAT, ESTATE ACREAGE fi ACRES, all cleared: fine soil; no gravel; 1 block to station. 81700; term. Broadway 1658. 20 Oregon bldg. SUBURBAW ACREAGE 7$ . VQOOD BARGAINS Have several acre tract from 1 np to 10 acre with good house and outbuildings, close to city; good terms. See Cars tens, 924 C of C Main 48. - WUBURBAy HOMES 7t FOB SALE or trade for modern bungalow, 5 acre farm, high state of cultivation, ,8 room house, furniture, good well. 1000 gallon tank with gasoline engine, piped to coil la range; 123 fruit frees. new chicken - house 80x60 and fenced runs : barn, hay, all in, fine large garden in; 400 chickens, 11 turkeys, 1 hone, geese. 10 ducks, two 6 and 6 gallon cows, garden all piped for ungating; aome farm tooia. 03? ni tock blk. FOR SALE FARMS 17 FARMS NEAR NEWBEBG. YAMHILL CO. 28 acre fruit and dairy ranch: S acre straw. berries ; 1 14 aerea loganberries ; - applea end cherries: soring water Dined to the house: good pasture; just the place for a man. who wanta a , general purpose larm; soma personal property. 86200. $3(100 farm -2 acres of prunes ; 1 U acres berries, and family orchard : 3 acres nay ana garden; 6 room bouse, bam. straw shed and chicken house: 10 stands of bees aad other nerwinal nmiiertlr ; . anrine water. $2600 farm; new soil. 6 acres in crop, fam ily orchard, fair buildings, creek water; suuu will handle. 817. 600 160 acres and over 100 In crop: bottom land, and all could be fanned if cleared; barn for 19 head of stock; silo; 4 room house; if sold at ones all the crop goes in. Thia farm should sell for $100 an acre. Would tnaks a good dairy ranch. We examine all our farm bargains. WHITE A CO.. 703 'A 1st st.Newberg.Or. 50 ACRES Located in thickly settled com munity, 9 miles from Vancouver and 2 mile from railroad town. 1 mile from grade and high school ; 25 aerea cleared, 4 room house, large barn and other, out buildings; family orchard of assorted fruits; personal property consists of good team, wagon, harness, plow, cultivators, cream separators, 3 cows, some young stock, chickens, all small tooia . and crops. Price S650O. Thompson A Swan, 3d and Main sta Vancouver, Wash, - '. FX)RS ALE Nice home, consisting of 11 acres. all in high state of cultivation, new 7 room plastered house, basement hot and cold water, baths. All out-buildings necessary for conven ience of the farm, one and one half acres fam ily orchard. On good road 2 miles out of Ore gon City. 'A mile to school. It would cost you $2000 to build the house. Price $3800. Half cash. Balance to suit E. P. Elliott A Son, 7th and Main, Oregon City. . FOR SALE 95 7-10 acres, 40 acres in culti vation; large family orchard, 7 room house, hard finished; one 2 rom house, one large barn and fine large chicken bouse; all cultivated fields cross fenced: -8 wows. 3 heifers, 1 roan Durham bun, 1 team horses, 4 hogs and lot of chickens. All tools, wagons and harness. Price $85O0. Half cash. Balance on time. C. E Blum, Reno, Wash. - ' GOOD FARM FOB SALE , 64 acres. 1 good barn, 7 room house, water piped in house, running water through place, good soil; 8 acres g) runes, 2 acres family orchard; very good home; all fanning implements; about 30 acres in good cultivation: B. F. D. . route; phone; 1 mi. from North Bank station. H, W. Bellinger, wasliongai. wasn. 43 ACRES 33 cleared, good house, fair barn; land lays level and ia well watered; located about mile from school and 3 miles from large town; this is a real, bargain as you could not build buildings or clear the land for the purchase price of $5250. Thompson A Swan, 3d and Main sta.. Vancouver. Wash. Lincoln county stock banch 1 60 acres, located close to school, on creek, good buildings, orchard, berries, good fences, 25 acres under cultivation. 20 acres in grass; fice $30ti wth 14 head of cattle, horren. chickens; $2000 cash. Near Rose Lodge, John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. t 5 ACRES AH highly improved with house. ' barn and chicken house, has 50 prune trees ind 7 OO strawberry nlants. personal property consists of cow, chickens and tooia; price $1450. Only 3 miles from good little town and on Pacific highway. Thompson sV Swan. 3d and Main ta., Vancouver, Wash $300 DOWN, $300 yearly. Splendid 80- acre . Hill ranch. 11 miles from Eugene. 86 acres 1 miles from Eugene. 85 acres more slashed and seeded. Shsck price S700- good buy Fred l. 732 Chamber of Com. bldg. cultivation; 25 buildings: total W. German Co. Open Sundays, evenings. ion ACRES Small house, good barn and out buildinas. family orchard, 14 acres cleared. balance -of.' land logsed off and gooa pasture. place Is well watered with running stream and wul maae - an ' laeei hock vrupw inoiw k-ivg $4500. Thompson A Swan, 3d and Maia sts.. Vancouver, Wash. " : "" " 40 ACRES FOR $1050 40 acres, good 3 room house, good family or chard, on county road, a minutes wsuc to scnool; employment nearoy; aiuau. -azou aown. DRAPER & calwax, o-'Q t;nam. or Com. ?SA H'RKS wheal land. 60 acres in cultivation hat easily cleared ; water on place. . will sell with stock or without; 1 A miles to P. O. and R. It station. If Interested wnte Box 27 Rock Creek. Or. Cash or trade for valley land. 15 ACRES land. 9 aerea walnuts. Spitxen- berg and Newtown apples 8 years old; bouse. barn, I mile from It It station. Box 84, Yamhill. Or. - . 20 ACRES $600 $1 fare to Portland $200 cash. 80 Acres $1600 CLAUDE COLE, 215' Lumbermen bldg. . AT Edtacada: 3 acres in cultivation: good build inns and fruit trees.. Attractively located: z blocks from high school. J. A. Upton. Eatacada. Or. , - - FOR SALE Part or all 480 acres- in Harney f alley, open to good outside, good part la cul tivation. Call or write Henry tienner. o.o Mississippi ave.. Portland. Or. NEW 5 room house and 2 hi acres land near Beaverton. Call at 0041 63d ave. s. xs. after 5 p. m. 1 - '''' ' - FOR RENT FARMS 14 WANTED To rent near Portland. 2 to 6 acres in small fiuit: river frontage preferred; with 5 or 6 room furnished house. Will take option to buy. L.-430. jonram. - FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY" 18 WK are having considerable inquiry fcr this class of property. it your price is right and terms reasonable, list with as. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham. of. Com. Open Sundays. eienings. 1 - WANTED 10 acres, clear, unimproved, suitable for loganberries and English walnuts, not over $,2S per acre. 1240. Journal. WANTED To rent, by October 1. small farm Will lease for two years-and nay cash rent B-405, Journal. TIMBER ts NOTICE of sale of government timber, general land office, washing-ton. O. c. June 27 1919 Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the set of June 9. 1916 130 But. 818). and the in (tractions of the secretary of the interior of September 15. 1917. the timber on the fol lowing lands will be sold Anxust 20. 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at pubUo auction at the United States land office at Portland. Oregon, to . the highest bidder at not less thaa the appraised value a shown by this notice, sal to bs subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase, price, with an ad ditional sum or one-futn of one per cent thereof being commissions, allowed, mast be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if aale ia not ami roved. Atherwiae patent will issue for the timber, which moat bo removed within 10 rears. Bids wul be received Irom citizens of the United States, associstkms of aaca citizens aad corporations organised under the laws of the United States or any atate.. territory district -thereof only. . Upon application of qualified purchase, the timber on any legal sub-. division wul be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit T. R. 8 W.. Bee. 11. NW14 SW. red fir 510 nu. cedar 63 m.. SWi 8W14. red fir 740 M., none of th red fir or cedar to he sold lor less thaa ll.ou per a. T. 9 S.. a. 2 Bee. 0. SK'i NEK. ftr 1690 M.. hsmlock 270 M.. NW . KE14. fir 880 M-. hemlock ISO M.. 8E14 NEH. fir 177Q M.. bemlock 2SO M.. bw MlLhL. fir 2890 M.. hemlock 200 M.. NK S4 NW14. fir B30 al.. nemlocat iso an.. nw w 14 , iir 1760 M.. NE Vi BE, fir 117Q aL. bemlock 120 M.. NWS. RK14. fir 1630 St.- bemlock B0 M.. SE s BEX, fir 1199 M., bemlock 80 M.. SWK SEH, fir 790 M., KBV BWH, fir 1950 M., NW 4 SWH, fir 2100 M.. BE M 8W14. fir 1659 M.. 8WK 8WH. fir 1250 m.. none of the fir to be sold for lass thaa $1.50 per M-. aad none of the Item lock to be sold for less than 73 cents per M. T. 9 8., B, 3 E., Sec. 26. 8W mt. red fir C00 YL. BE NE14. red fir 350 M.. 8WH NE. red fir 500 M.. none of the red fix to be sold (or less than 82.00 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. - Commissioner. General Land Office. PILING and cedar poles wasted. - Give scale. O. V. Gamble, Coach bldg. '' ---''' - - i HOMESTEADS 47 RELINQUISHMENT, 120 aerea fine soil; cedar. ; alder, lake front; 4 miles from town; $250 ca?h or work.- Box 898 Florence. -Or. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE," REAL- ESTATE ' 85 5 ROOM bungalow ;' trade for Seattle property. "What have yon t ;-Sellwood 621. evenings. - EXCHANGE HEAL FSTATE St FLAT building, near SUrk st. MonUviila car: $190 per month income. Want farm. . Lumbermen' bldr. - ' CXcHANBE what yoa have for what yoa want. Graham. 825 Ry. .Ex. bldg. RE AT.' ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 WILL exchange. 3 modern bungalowa and 3 va cant iota, price $9000 clear, and $8000 cash for improved land near Portland on hardaur faced road. Tabor 6441. t 1 ' LIGHTY aere. Tillamook county, improvements $1500. 846 E. 60th st N., Portland. Call Trboi 4898. VTA UTEP R EAL ESTATE 31 do tou want to bell your home! we abe selling many.- " must have more. will call and inspect at once. have competent salesmen with autos. : call at 133 n. w. bank bldg. - - OR PHONE MAIN 8787. JOHN SON -IaODSON CO. f-WANT small cottage not ovea. 4 blocks from - river, not over $2000; all cash. What have youf C A. WARRINER. ' , RITTER. LOWE CO., 201-8-5-7 Beard of Trade bldg. e HACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very eay terms. We have sold over 800 borne in the last year. If yon want action,, see Fred W. Uerman Co., Cham, of Corn. Open evening and Sundays. NOTTCB To buy or aell a suburban or acreage boms o Merit so Geo. P. Henry , with Frank I Me Gnire. opea Sunday aad , evenings. Abington bldg. ' -- . -.-'--- WANTED East aide lot or acreage in or out side city limits, for rustic home; trees and term'' preferred ; must be bargain; no agents. SM126. Journal. - ' ' WANTED 5 room bungalow in fiose City Park district:- must be bargain for cash. D- 402. Journal. - - - - WASTED Acreage near Portland; also on 2 sere place with modern 5-room bungalow, on good road. Garland.-201 8d st - WANT small bouse and lot under $2000: have late model liaht six Oakland like new and cash. L-811. Journal . - WILL pay cash for a 4 or 5 room bouse in the Alberta district: must be a snap. T-816. Journal. I WANT a bargain in a fractional lot, with or without bouse, south ot Montgomery street, between 6th and-20th sts. H-73. Journal. WANT cheap acreage on Columbia liver high way near Portland. Main 8270. WANT bet bargain ill home in Portland. $300 to 85000 Main 827Q. O. C. GOLDENBERO can sell your boms. . "88 T-ar in Portland " Abington Bldg ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE it 22 rooms modern The neatest little hotel in Portland, city heat, fine rugs, carpets and beda, brick bldg., center of ' business district rent $100; can be had with $2500 casb. 65 ROOM HOTEL 53 . Brick bldg.. strictly modern, all outside rooms, best of furnishings, good lease, reason able rent. $5000 handles. . SEVERAL SMALL ROOMING HOUSES AH the way from S to 18 rooms, all parts of city. V. RIERDON. ' BITTER. LOWK & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade WigV $850 CASH 26 room boute, partly furnished. clearing about $10y.a month; down town lo cation; no lease; cheap rent Owner, M-S09, Journal. - - - . . HEADQUARTERS for rooming bouse; if you want to buy or sell see me. H. W. Curiam!, 201 3d y '' . - . - 0 ROOMS, housekeeping, rent $50, price $1000; money maker. See Myers, 323 Bail- way Exchange bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 28 BEAUTIFUL CONFECTIONERY One of the bent that $2000 can buy, doing from $75 to $100 per day. fine brick bldg., rent $25 "per month; lease.- RESTAURANT BARGAINS Some in Portland, also one in nearby good town of over 10,000 population; good opening for right man. . WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. F. RIERDON, BITTER. LOWE CO.. . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE One of the beat filling stations and general rtorea in -the city of Portland, doing row between $4000 and $5000 cash business a neat.tli. No soliciting, delivery or credit all cash. Mf"1 J aeunja;. ownarbought farm and I I take charge shortly. This U on of the be faying businesses in Portland, located at 363 1 t. cor. Stephens st N trade consider! Lrason for selling, owner bought farm and has beet le considered. Jacx-Iyn Grocery and Filling Station. FOR SALE Restaurant and confectionery, good . paying business and well located; must be old to settle estate. A snap if taken at once. Appraised at sisuv. Vail or write Ida. L Covell Admx., 417 Lyon st, Albany, Or. FOR SALE First class general repair shop and light hardware, part cash, balance easy terms. Present owner has more thaa ha can take care of. 664 Umatilla ave. WILL lease for long term for hotel, rooming house, or light mfg.. second and third, floors. brick building. 50x60; centrally located, down town, tan i3 2a sr. i. CBETORS popcorn and peanut roaster, steam motor operated, gasoline heat cost $300. A-l cnUition: will sell for $150.: Call or writs 1070 E. 82d N. IF you have the money and are interested la coal lands near Portland, call at 61A 'Swat- land Mag. H. V H. REALTY CO. BUTCHER wanted; hustler with capital and ex perience, to open meat market ; 6 months' rent free-. The business is here. W. P. McGee. Beaverton, tir. FOR SALE First class electrio shop, doing fine business. Present owner has other business nd must sell. 666 Umatilla ave. BARBER SHOP, reasonable; good reasons for selling; good business. Thomas P. King. 408 iv ua st., ioe uaiiea, ur. FOR SALE at invoice, best location in town established cigar and confectionery (tore, P. o. Box am. Bend, or. 5 LIVING - rooms upstairs and grocery stock . downstairs; $25 a month; South Portland. 160 Porter st OLD established- barber ahop, cheap rent; best 2 chair ahop in town. 103 N. 6th st LADY equip my large stock ranch and reap re ward. L-4 37, journal. FIRST class restaurant for sale; proprietor un able to look after it Broadway 8860. DO YOU want to learn the real estate business! Irdio; Journal. DANDY little restaurant for aale, $300 takes it 175 Madison st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED SMALL HOTEL WANTED We have two customers for a small hotel of 40 to 60 room. If you have one for sale call . Main 2035, Main 5180, or make a personal call on LEASEHOLDERS SERVICE COMPANY 624 Morgan Building, MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 OUR installment plan is the beat and suras method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 86 months; or 821.34 -foe 60 months: or ' $16.17 for 8 month, nays 81000 Interest Other amounts in proportion. Wo loan oa improved city property. Or for building purpose. No commission charred. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 SUrk .at. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans oa city or suburbaa property, money advanced as work progresses. W. O. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. -Main 8407. MONEY to loan la amounts of $100 to $5000 oa city property. A. H. , BELL, rooms 10-11, Molkey bldg. $300, $400, $600, ,$730, $1000 end up at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. Main 044. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate tn Washington or oregoa, u. E. Noble, 816 Lnmbermens bldg. $800. $400, $500, $600. $760 and np, low est rate,- quick . action. Gordon Mortgage Coi. 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6446. CLIENT haa $500 to $8000 to loan, local. quick action. J. A. Aicar. attorney. 9ZS Chamber of Commerce. . MONEY for mortgage loans. 8500 to S600O, 6 and T. Fred S. Williams. 92 H 1st st SEE OREGON IX V. as MORTGAGE CO.. 223 Clumber of Commerce. 4th and SUrk. (500. 81000, $1500. $2500. $3000 aad an, f. u. PESHU.n, l Chant, ot uoas, oiog. MORTGAGE LOANS. snd 7 per cent Lanst -Salomon aV Co.. 408 Helling bldg. - MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, -- SALARIES 87 Salary , LOANS WE LOAN MONET Chattel On short notice to salaried or workln sen on their own Botes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Eara transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. V NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY "'-','-. ' . -- ... 5 -' We also lean a household fumrtara. pisnoe. tc. without removal. - ' CALL, A.1U 1-VVESTHiATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY - . . -- (LICENSED) - - ' " - 218 Failing bldg. ' . MONEY to loan en diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; an arrteles held a year; established 1888. Daa aiaxx. XS WaJilastosi SC. MOSEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, , . SALARIES - C7 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. :, ' Phan Broadway 910. " , 884 Stark Street near 10th. tena on diamonds, watches. Vletrolss. pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anuus at taaas. . ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE fF PORT LAND TO PBOTECT THE BORROWER. City aad country warrants cashed for fan value. CARBJB MTERS HEBRMAN. :' alanager. . DO YOU . NEED MONEY Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pianos, household goods or anything of value. Security imislly left in your possession. ' AI.SO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE oa their note without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than yoa can make, we will pay them up, advance yoa aoors money if necessary, and you can repay as la small monthly payments to suit roar con venience. - LEGAL RATES DO DEI. AT BUSINESS : STRItiTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY tLicsnsed) 806-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall. 8286. ? . LOANS WANTED M WANT 81100 at 6 from private party; real e tate secunry. K-4tia, Journal. BEE OREGON LN'V. & MORTGAGE CO., St2 - inimiwr or commerce, 4 to and stark. FINANCIAL SI LIBERTY AND VTrrTfVll'r fulv na T" If you must aell your Liberty or Vk-tnrv bonds, sell to as. If yoa ran buy more Lib erty or v ictory oonos, ouy irom us. w buy and seO Liberty and Victory bonds at the niaraec . YOU CANNOT" DO BETTER YOU MAY . DO WORSE We are today navine the fnllnwln nrim feir L United Istates . government Liberty and Victory nonaa, wnicn are the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest: N. Y. Market Interest Total 8Hs ..,...,$ .110.56 $.45 $100. Ot , 1st 4s ..... , 04.40 .51 94.91 2d 4s ...... 113.64 .84 94.48 1st 4 4s ... . 94.80 .54 95.84 2d 4 Vis .... 04 06 j90 94.06 3d 4Vs . ... 95.16 l.t 90.77 4th 4 Hi .... 04.12 1.23 05.37 . Victory 8a., 90.08" .74 100.73 Victory 4., 99.88 . At 10O In purchasing Ubertv and Vl,-tnr Vin.wl. . deduct from the . above prices 87c on a 850 bond and S2.50 on a S10OU bond. In selling ju ny ana victory nonus we cnarge the New York market price plus the accrued interest An. AHIH'T THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar aud Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for - Kent. MORRIS BROTHERS INC. The Premier-Municipal -Bond House, Morns Bldg., 809-811 Stark Bt. Bet 5 th and 0th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Established ovsr 38 . - Yasra. LIBERTY AND VICT0BY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. r tbb MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON I.TBPHTT Ttovns: ' Yon CAN borrow cash nr r-n nw EP.?.08. -AND SAVINCS STAMPS, OR TO l-lri I-All.-Vli FOR VICTORY BONDS. e-r.rs r Bl'KKlTT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND et MOBTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR), CORNER TH AND ALDER STS. 1 WILL IjTJX ANY LIBERTY BOND 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE f An due coupon interest included.) 3 H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH '- MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. We wlU LOAN yoa money on BONDS. W. S. 8., or to make PAY- at-n s on hu.mjh, 7 per cent - -725 Gaco bldg.. Firth and Alder, CFfl.LARS-MURTON CO. r A TENTS Two new inventions rior aale. Portlsnd Patent Co.. 614 Commonwealth bios. navy. iqv. HQRSE8, VEHICLES. ETC. ' It PAIR OF BELGIAN MARES Tho very best that were ever in the tala of Oregon; 1850 lbs. each; 6 and 7 years old. viu sen cneap. CBOWN STABLER. 283 Front st PHIL SLETTER. TEAM 2200 lbs, wagon and harness, good woraers, gentle, sizu; also one span of mares, weight about 2500 lbs.1 buggy horse and har ness for $55. Several other horses, harness ana wagon, cheap, at Wood yard Stsbles. oor, c. vui ana Hawthorne. Phone East .- FOR SALE, work team, $50; 1000 lbs. each 2 seta of work harness. 1 8-inch wagon. 1 spring wagon, 1 saddle, 1 buggy. 583S 82d st S. r,. : Mount Scott car. HORSE. -9 years old. harness and wagon, new top, ramping outfit Can be sera E. Maia ar.d 1 1 th st. llt.AU horses and sriimsls hauled away free, "CaB woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. PONY, 4 years old, sound and well broke, 327 front st. FIVE lied of mares and horses. Price $40 up. Wilhelm Transfer barn, 865 Union ave. GENTLE horse, buggy and harness, $50. Hawthorne ave. "430 WANTED To board about 10 head of horses. Sanitary gtahles, 865 Union ave. and wagon, $1.60 per day; 2 horses and - wagon. 13, j. Onhen. 54 Frcnt Msin 2208, LIVESTOCK . 8t Ir - you wsnt any fresh dairy cows of any breed, at any time, see Mr. Bruce, at the Stockyards, North Portland, or. 4 COWS. 2 of them frosli; will sell one or all cheap. Woodstock car to 34 th st, 5 blocks souui. llllll ric roller sr. MILK GOATS Two fresh milk goats and young kids. 802 Front st BEST Jersey with young calf; slso fine 6 year brown mare: weight 1150 lbs.: good harness and new farm, wagon, tall 8Hi Powell Vat ltd. 2 FINE milch cows; will sell cheap If sold at once. Call 72Q M. 33d near Powell valley Rd. TOGGENBUBG billies for sale. W. J. . Stltt, oates, or. BROOD sow for sale; will farrow soon, Wdln. 8438. FIRST CIASH cow, not Lea than 6 gals. Phone Sellwood 1198. P.EG1STEBED Jersey cow, due fresh Aug. 16. 4 gaK. terting 6 2 i hatterfst Tsb. 1609. THftEE fresh cows, Wilhelm Transfer barn, 365 Union ave. . JERSEY cow, 4 years; Jersey heifer, 2 years. 6115 4th ave. S. B. . - POULTRY AND BABBITS 17 The establishment of a modern hatchery with an initial capacity of 10,000 weekly war rant ns in maamg tne following oner: To aD parties pure has ins 1 0O of noor of our selected breeders (W, L. ) we will provide on December 1, 1919, one male f of each 10 bens without cost and contract to purchase at an advsnee of $3 per ease above market price fcase count) all eggs from tills flock from IV csniber 15. 1919. to July 1, 1920. At all oU-et times of year we will pay full market price for your eggs. If you are now an owner of 100 White Leg horn henv or more, write us for specie! offer. inn HiHK FARM. R. S. Box 258, Lents, Orr PULLETS WANTED Ws have orders waiting and can place for yoa. or, will bny your standard breed W, U pullets. The Lnhr Farm, R. 3. Box 258, Lent. Or. BABY CHICKS Rhode fllanel Hrf . Itarree IIwV enel Wl.lt, Tghorn. I -ant hatehea Jtllv 96.Anenst S. 1 U Maguire. 787 Oregon at East 1805. FOB SALE Scratch feed, cackling maah. cheaper snd' better. Master Inonbatar Vt Wdln, 4844. 47 THOROUGHBRED O. A. C one-year-old Whiia Leshorn hen, 1 1 IK tt SA leet it sold this week. Tabor 4934. WHrrETTEGHORN Uying bens and pullets for aaie. utu zi west Freseott - FOR BALE Pair Srabright baoUms, 1.60: 62 lioyt st. - WANT 50O White Leghorn pullet. TeJL Wdln. 7. Addre into ii. ave. FOR HALE Friers, dressed to order; delivered nataraay. rnone xsoor ssi4. P0ULTBY and rabblU for sal. Wdln. 29f."' " BOOS, BIRDS. FETS. ETC. 4 CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Bird Shop." singer guaranteed, nm K. zstn Ney C-221 7. FBETTY female bird aad cage,-$2; other cages reaeouBDie. onnavsy WILL give 6 snonthv old female bulldog to r- Hpone-aie party. 7 on Honm rveit t. ROLLER canaries, caeca and females to sale. 78 V Kelly et. BlawhaH 8000. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 FORD Good slispe. cUeap for cash; must sell quick. East 4U63. - 1917 SAXON 8, good condition. 404 DAVIS BT. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 4 THE BEST USED CARS IN THE CITY REASONABLE TERMS IF DESIRED LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUB 1 191 Big S Studebaker. 1 191 Peterson chummy roadster demoa- strstor. 1 1914 Jordan SportMartna. 1 1918 Jordan '7 iwaa. .' .' .'- 1 1018 Chandler Tnvitcti. . I 1917 Hudson Super Six, 1 181T Cols 8. 7 PAUL 1 1917 Hayne. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS' CQ.,'. Broadway and Conch, Phono Broadway 8327. Open .Sundayi and Evening. 1917 7-PASS. 8-eyl Overland, rspalntad, evsr hauled, cord tire and bumper. 1017 T-paat. 8-cyL Oldsmoblls, . overhtuled. new tires. . i 1917 5-pas., 6-cyl Oakland, a good buy. 1918 5 -pes. Briscoe, mechanically perfect, new tires, 2 extras. 1-ton Ford worm-drive truck, almost ntw."- All of th above -oars will be sold cheep end on easy- teians. Call us up for demonstration. Open Sundays and evenings, . . : " The C. H. S. CO. ' Distributor of DIXIE FLYER AND MOON CARS. 63 N. 23d st Msrshsll 1438. REAL BARGAINS . i Overlsnd tonrina: new nalnt! runa like' new bargain:' $300, easy terms, , i ninrx touring; new paint, new tire, bumper aud spotlight; 80 per cent nw; $1150, term. .' 1918 Ford roadter; looks and runs like nswj bock absorbers; $450, $180 down. $27 mouth. Maxwell; top, upholstering nd lire good; ex cellent mechanical condition; $425. OREGON AUTO TOP COMPANY. OPEN EVENINGS. . 14th and Conch sts. Broadway 440. ' WHEN YOU WRICK EM, AND BEND EM. SEE i. O. GERBEB, "THIS RADIATOR MAN", builds bodies, repair .ra diator, bodies, finders and all auto sheet metal parts, NEW LOCATION 11TH AND DAVIS. OPP. THE-ARMORY. ' BROADWAY 1878. ' PnirnlhAirir Special pries during Jnly snd August Ford enameled, $15.00; Chevrolata, $20.0. Other ear In proportion. Auto Oppelised. $6.00. These prices include wishing. AUTO ENAMELING WORKS. 76 Union ave. N. . ; Phone Wdln. 487. Why trust your Ford repair work to would, be mechanics when we- can give you goedVboneet work at fair prices and guarantee, all work. Ford magneto recharged by experts. Ford Repair Shop, 280 Front at . . '"T- 1B.00O carried in stock. Onr sprints old with a written guarantee. We give yoa service. 84 N. J 6th st OVERLAND TOURING Car newly painted; seat covers; easy tern $750. - CART, 622 Alder t Bdwy. 2403." 1914 CADILLAC. like new and can bo bough cheap, . ' AUTO SALES CO, -!.".'-, Vtli and Couch sto. OVERLAND $S75i7 This I fins ft-naartiger car. new ton. new paint self tsrter and runs good. Wo wilt teat It for you; the price is very low and 81 AO down, balance monthly will let you own it. Call D2i Alder at. A-l Auto Works at Fainting- CW. Ford touring. $450. some snap: needs lilMa work on looks, but mechanically O. K. I good tires: will guarantee this car. 280 Front st. ' 1912 CADILLAC in very fins "shape; Just tho uimg lor service. , AUTO SALES CO. 9th and Couch sts. H'ock Used Carsl Jfij, NO M IS H EPREBENT ATIOIf . Covey Motor Car Co. ORD roadster, in fine tneclianical oooditioai good tires. $826. SMITH AUTO CO.. .. Park and Couch, BARGAIN In a Hudson Super Slg touring oar, overhauled and repainted, guaranteed for 80 days; will take light car as first payment; good cord tire all around. A-948, Journal. 1918 SUPER SIX HUDSON. 6 aorrl Uvea. - CARY. 522 Alder t Bdwy. 2492.; HUDSON SUPER SIX, compleUly overUue!; cord tires, $1250. . 4 SMITH AUTO CO.. , ,?" - Park and Couch. 101 H I 'HANDLER chummy roadster, only run 5000 miles; bargain, $1700. Call moraines aomer 24th and Harrtmn, Milwsukle.v '" . 917 BUICK ruadstor, 5 cord tires, doctor' car; kept in dandy shape. 404 DAVIS HT. CHEVROLET 1918 touring, in beat of ootid i- , tion: will aell at $700 and aire terms. AO Grand ave, N. near Bumnlde. BUICK Bear. Cat roadster, ooo of the 75 mile kind, $450. 404 ! DAVIS ST. FOR SALF 1916 Ford m A-l condition,'- price 32; terms essb. Take car to Jaaz - Toad, Vancouver, Wash. B. C. Wanlea. BllING us your r today and get your money ' tomorrow, imr name is speea, a, ' 404 DAVIS ST. i v SVTO TIKES We save yoa money oa xww aad ' ned tires; vulcanising and retreading, Vnleaa " Tire nnop. 41 rano ave. Fnone Ka"t 489a, 1918 OVERLAND, first-ciaa shape, good tires ana a Teal duv. 404 DAVIS ST. WILLYS-KNIGHT six touring. look lik new,; good tires; a bargain at $1250, with term. -8 Grand ave. N. near Barn -ode. - OAKLAND "6." 6-pasenger. brand new tires. A-l mechanically; a "humdinger," $875. , ' 404 DAVIS ST. I't-RD ehaasis. ready for bug body, overhauled. 845 "Williams ave. 1817 FORD," $i$6 "" . ' aAi w"s A TM aa-R"- - -ry-w I rs T in n I JOlt SALE 1918 Maxwell touring car, firte clas eondition. $750. Csli owner. Tab. 640 1016 MAXWELL. $4ST ' . . , , 404 DAY I.e. BT. FORD tonrlng. overhauled, -new tires, a good bny 845 Williams ave. - 1917 CHEVROLET, mechsnirsay' Perfect - '; e4 ia via f, -. -t- CHEVROLET 1917 touring. 8583; good shape. cutji more. anv aionigomery ex. BUICK light U. $08 5; ia dandy shape. , im i'aviis nr. - MAXWELL, 1917, for aale reasonable; good eondition: good tires. 838 JTslrht ave. 1918 FORD, with $I0O in extras, $375." ,..." W 1'AVin BT, 1918 FORD roadster first class condiJonT Washington garage. 714 IXIBD, shock aoMrrhers. $325. 4U4 11AV1S HT. 918 SUPER 6 Hudson, tt cord Ursa. 622 AMer. Brosdwsy 2492. - 1918 FORD touring, good stap. $375. v "" GASOLINE 22 CENTS A GALLON. OILS AND UREASES. PIONEER PAINT c6.. ! 1 T BUICK. bug, fin. alispe. cheap. 404 DAVIS ST. CA$ 4dJ,?T Liberty Auto Co- Third and Main sts., Vsncouver. CA D1LLAC bug. clsy looker, $375" ." MA hMON bug, in good ctirxlkion. 827 Front t. ajjaLAHER, AUTO SPRJNG-CD 1919 NEW Ford body- for sale. . 182 1st at, ' )