THE OREGON, SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1919. TOWN TOPICS TrtTslm to an point f the T0aitl SUtM ot abraad alweld tek. advuU. ( xpeiienead ta fonutioa and Mrrio offered throncb The Or gow Journal Tnii Burets, is paraonal ehatge f Domr B. Smith- JUilroad tickets and sUea hip bookings arrancad. Vonim aeauti tare ail. Jslaonaueai elrae ' Y THSIJT STAMPS - and WAX SAVINGS STAMPS On Sato at Bnatn Oliic. The Journal. General Employment Conditions are reported as being- very good throughout the state. Occasionally, however? there - la a man or -woman who, through cir cumstance outside their control, And their position gone and nothing Imme diately in sight to take Its place. uch people should not waste time in idle, ness while waiting: for something- to come along;, but should at once Insert a "Situations Wanted advertisement In The 'Journal Want" ads. These ool- umns are read regularly by practically very employer In Portland and Oregon and this method of finding- employment ts the Quickest and cheapest in the city. Phones are Main 7173 or A-8051. Adv. Mem of bfg- affairs who carry great re- sponsibilitles and who depend upon cof fee, tea, tobacco or drug etlroulanta to keep them going, are simply marking " time until 'the big breakdown. One more vital than another will stand the wear: and tear a little longer, but be must find some natural way to- main tain a better state of healtl or his days In big- things are numbered. The milk and rest cure as given at the Moore Sanitarium not only gives the "come back", but rids the body of its tin healthy accumulations. Office 0 Sell ing building, Main 101v Adv. 4 . Men "Don't Hare to par one penny more : than 97.60 for the best pair of work shoes they ever wore. They are neat and presentable, too not barn yard stogies. If you will call at our factory you may hava them made to order without extra charge. Or mail us the length and breadth of your foot and Instep measurement, with $7 JO, and we wiil return, you an honest pair of shoes which will give you perfect aa,tiafac Uon. " Our shoes for cruisers, mountain climbers and hunters have no superior on earth. ' Sadler's Shoe factory. Seven teenth and Marshall. Adv. Cbeaa Feel Extortionate prices are demanded for range and heating stove fuel.' Hundreds of thousands of cords of mill wood encumber vacant lots, yet prices, are conscienceless. But there is a remedy. The Izard gas burner being demonstrated in . the Moose temple. Kourth and Taylor, uses kerosene and is far If as expensive than wood or coal. Is a preventive of fires, cleanly, odor less and extremely convenient. Call and '.see' It. Izard -Qaa Heating cm- pan Aay. - Mleklgaa Society rieale The Michl gan society will hold its annual picnic at the Oaks next Saturday afternoon. Members will bring their own baskets and make up their own parties. By furnishing coffee and pot, coffee will be made free on the grounds. There is no admission charge to enter the park un til .' after ft o'clock. The management . has reserved tables for the 1 Michigan ' people, -; y Caneer. Tantort, riles, Tlitsla, Getrre -No knife and loss of blood In cancer. No plasters and pains for hours or days. Skin diseases treated by X-ray and Ultra Violet ray. Nervous diseases by Spinal Pretms1on nn.-l - Vlhratlnn. " Tfls-Tt TnTnnri I pressure ' by Autocondensatlon. Female diseases by Galvanic and Sinusoidal cur rents. Portland Physical Therapy Labo-' ratorles, 4J8 to 41T Journal bldg.Adv. Women and Janitors ; are alike Inter-" est ed In fretting the best a, the lowest prices", v "We. sell perfect mechanics'. - liquid and . cleaning soaps, metal and wood polishes, floor oil. rat, roach, moth and vermin destroyers' and minus the middleman's profits.- It surely pays to buy from us. , Coast Chemical and Gets It Soap companies. Third and Co lumbia, Main 6571. Adv. ,--, Blacksmith Is Injared Same Joseph. 48 years old, 90 Tenth street, a Syrian blacksmith, was injured at :30v o'clock Friday morning- when a steam hammed lipped out of Its socket at the Wil lamette Iron Se Steel company plant. i4 4wiui iivjk duccu xie whs UMn to Good Samaritan hospital. He will recover, i Henry Motg Injnrsd Henry Motg, 41 years old, 805 : East Seventy-fourth street, was Injured while working- with steel plates at the Pacific Car V Foun dry company, 219 East Sixtieth street . north at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. A heavy plate fell,- striking Motg in the side. He waa taken to St. Vin cents hospital. He will recover. ' Fraternal Social Evening Mt. Hood circle. Neighbors of Woodcraft, will hold Us regular social meeting on Tuesday evening in N. of W. hall. Tenth and Taylor streets, immediately following the business meeting. - There ' will be entertainment and refreshments. All members of the order and their friends are -Invited, Sergeant Beeovers Wallet Sergeant Frank Parslowr 461 Bast Thirty-seventh street, who recently lost & wallet con taining his certificate of discharge and 185, Is a happy boy again. Father An selm,' a priest of the Order of St. Bene, picked up the wallet. He read of the sergeant's loss in The Journal and returned his find to the owner. , Will Arrive Here Angnst 7 The an nual excursion of eastern tourists con ducted by the Brooklyn Eagle, is due to arrive in Portland August 7,; There Vva 195 in Va no.-,.. . sightseeing excursion about the . city, they will dine at the Hotel Portland be fore continuing their Journey south. -Dancing Saaday Evenings at Riverside Park. Pleasant; cool and refreshing. Coma. Note the- - improvement in the floor. Best music. Everybody welcome. Dancing C to 10. A. H. Dowling. man-ager.- Adv. vm- nuiu iucuinn, cnarpa An Sing-, a Chinaman, was arrested on a charge of selling cocaine at Fifth, and . Flanders streets Friday morning. He received $1 for the drug. say the police, , who are holding him for investigation. ANNOUNCEMENT ' - :' - ' ... ' i i Dr. E. C. Rossman, Expert Plate Maker . has opened offices in The Journal Building, where he will devote his time exclusively to the malting and . .fitting of artificial dentures. Latest methods of impression-taking and articulation of teeth employed : that guarantee perfect fit and comfort, The very , latest and best in artificial teeth. .Satisfaction guar anteed. N , Dr. E. C. Rossman, Denture Specialist Third Floor Journal Building Cat WeB Free Daily, 10 a. mv to 4 P tn. Evenings. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, 7 to ft, Sundays 10 to It, Thousand who have failed to get relief any other way are Invited to investigate Chiropractic which la permanently cur ing hundreds dally. The best of diagnos ticians will examine you thoroughly and direct your treatments without cost to you. Chiropractic Is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing disease. It removes the cause health returns. Pri vate treatments may also be had at the college by members of the faculty, tady or men practitioners. Pacific Chiroprac tic college. Park and Yamhill. Portland. Main 1014. Dr. Elliott, chief diagnosti cian and clinic director. Adv. Basket Fleale Anaossced The G. A. R. Veterans' association and auxiliaries will hold their annual basket picnic at the Oaks next Saturday Spanish War veterans and. auxiliaries, service men of the late war and auxiliaries are included In the invitation. Dinner at 11.30; pro gram at the auditorium 12 :30 to 2. The principal speaker will be the Rev, E. A. Smith. ; - , Shepard Aato Bsc Lines St. Helens, Hood River. Bridal Veil, Cascade Locks and all way points. ; Leave St. Charles hotel on schedule time. For informs mation call Marshall 43(1, Main 830. A-Sll.-Adv. . r Beefsteak.... lte liver. ........ its at Frank Lu Smith's 228 Alder street. Roasts of real Spring Lamb........ 15c Chotc Roast Beef and Roast Veal.. 1 So Very good cuts of Beef to poll. ,. .lZftc j . . Adv. Vacation HasaNs The dally papers are full of them. Be sure to take an ac cident policy with you on your summer outing. W. R. McDonald & Co., Marshall 23tl, Teon building. Adv. Tire Sealers 'Waa ted Have a few good openings in Oregon for Gates Half Sole Tire dealerships. For particulars address C. C. Turlay, 431 Failing bldg Portland. Adv. i .. Steamer Jessie THarktss for Camas, Waahougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday, leave Alder street dock at 2 p. m. Adv. ' Steaater I raid a for St. Helens and Rainier, dally at Z :0 p. m., foot of Alder street. - Sunday, St. Helens only, 1:30 P. m. -AdV. i .: Xesn : Tsar Valaahlea ' In . our safety vaults, out of danger of fires or burg lars. 284 Oalfc Adv. f Hadlsy A Silver, tailors, make depend able clothes. , 00, Sixth street, corner Stark. Adv.- t - Antonoblllsts If you were to buy s Ford from . the Palace Garage, what? Ask Dr. Hegcle-Adv, u MDk , Diet Treatment The Moore Sanitarium. Phones, Main 10L East 47. HalreatUnr That Is Rlgkt. The Market barber shop, 187 Fourth, at YamhllL Ad. ' We Grind Everything. Portland Cut lery Co., 88 Sixth near Stark. Adv. EVANGELICAL CHURCH BIBLE SCHOOL TO BE CONVENED TUESDAY Sessions Will Be; Held on Beach at: Jennings Lodge Large J Attendance Expected. . Oregon City., July ;26.---The Oreson conference summer Bible school of the Evangelical church will be open on the beach at Jennings Lodge Tuesday, clos ing August 7. 1 Indications point to the largest attendance in years. Rev. F. W. Launer of Salem and Rev. E. Maurer of Canby will . have . charge of the restaurant and tents. Rev. L. M. Nanlnga will be in attendance as the ac credited evangelist. George D. Reep is the soloist and also a saxaphone player. The program for the first week fol lows: ';,,: -- 4 , ' . . .";-...'-- TUESDAY 9 :00 a. m. Devotional Introduction and Salutation, Chancellor of School. 9:30 a. m. -The Work of the Godhead in the Believer's Calling and Position, H. Schuknecht. u 10:00 a. m. The Prayer for Spiritual Enlightenment, E. Maurer. 10:30 a. m. Salvation by Grace Through Faith, N. Shupp. 1:30 p. m. Devotional. A.C Matske. 2 :00 p. m. The Manifestation of God's Power Toward the Believer, Morris Heverling. 2:30 p. m Sermon. WEDKESD4T 1:00 . m. Devotional, G. F. Lien tag Jr. . 9 :3Q a. m. Jew and Gentile Made One Body in Christ, W. A. Gueffroy. 10 :00 a. m. The Church a Temple for the Habitation of God Through the Spirit, and a Mystery Hidden From Past Ages, C. I Schuster. 10:30 a. nv Thn Walk to Be Worthy the Position, E. H. Abel. . 1 :30 p. m. Devotional, F. WIevesIck.' 2:00 p. m. The Prayer for the Be liever's Inner Fullnesg and Knowledge. F. B. Culver." 2 :80 p. m. Sermon. THTJRSDAT 9 :00 a. m Devotional, J. D. Abel. 9:30 a. m. The Gifts of Christ to His Body and the Purpose of These Gifts, H. G. Hermann. 10:00 a. m. The Walk of the Believer as a New Man in .Christ Jesus, Jacob Stocker. j 10:30 a. in. The Married "Life of Be lievers as Illustrating Christ and the Church, H. R. Gall. 1 :30 p. m. Devotional, Arthur Glan ville. - .'- 2 :00 p. m. The Walk of the Believer as God's Dear Child, Peter Conkiin. 2 '40 Sermon. FRIDAY :j: i ' Wemas's KUtloaary. Society Bay - 9 :30 a. m. Song Service and Devotion al, Mrs. Nettle Myers. . Short Biography of Our Representatives in the Foreign Field. local auxiliaries. - Solo, Mrs. Una Yates. Canvass for life members. Dis cussion How to Use the Study Book.. - 1:10 m. Devotional, Mrs. E. Meau rer. Children's Hour, Mrs. ; Elisabeth Bradford. Address, Mrs. Lydia Peter son. Address, Mrs. J. E. Fee, returned missionary from China. Duet. Mrs. J. C. Emrnel, Mrs. Hagaman. Echoes of the Convention, Mrs. McCunoch. Miss Natalie . Berner. kindergartener, of ODDS AND ENDS IN THE NEWS OF TRAVELERS AND HOMEFOLK Shriners Center of Interest I Two Shriners were the center of at traction at the Imperial Saturday afternoon. 'They were Ellis Lewis Garretson of Tacotna. deputy imperial potentate of the ancient Arabic order. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America, who will, at the national Shrine meeting In Portland next sum mer, become the imperial potentate and head of the order, and James S. McCandless ot Honolulu, assistant rab ban of the Imperial Council. Mr. Gkr retson, when his Shrine duties are not occupying his time, earns his living by practicing - law. Mr. McCandless is a multi-millionaire sugar grower of Ha waii who landed at few days ago wtth twe Liberty motor machines. Fellow Shriners call McCandless "Sunny Jim." and say he VMspenses sunshine every where he goes. McCandless left early this morning1 for San Francisco. ,. ' . y -. - " , Business 'and PleAsure Combined A. C Rogers of Minneapolis,' Noble Weaver of Center, Texas, C C Crom well of Chicago, and W. A. Pickering of Kansas City, have returned to Port land after a motor trip through South am Oregon - and -Northern California. The party came to the Northwest a few weeks ago to Issue bonds for several lumber rolUa and combined pleasure with business by motoring through ' the state- before returning east. They are at the Benson. Won't Believe It Next Time "I can't swim a stroke; said J. B. Losey, who stays at the Seward, "but out at Wlndemuth they said the water wasn't more than five feet deep. - I thought the other end from the diving board would be shallow and I dived off and 'landed in 20 feet of water. I. heard the horses' hoofs go tap tap and the ambulance coming. . and . all the nurses, i before ; I was finally dragged out. The next time I am going to 1st the other fellow go In first," Chance for Argument la C A, "Deacon" Xwton, who - is a downriver witness at the rate hearing, a Hammondite or an AstoHan?- Al though he 1 Hammond's mayor, he Toklo. Japan, will speak both morning and afternoon. SATURDAY ' J 9 :00 a. m. Pevotional, Clarenee EL Parr.- - -- 9:30 a. m. The Domestic Life of Be lievers. G. F. Lianing Sr. i i ' 10:00 a. tn-The Bellever'a Warfare, F. W. Launer. i- .'- t i-a 4 a. a - ' "m. i nniiil', rnneltialon and Benediction, E. - G. liornscbudv . SUNDAY SCHOOI. PICSTIC TO i BE BIO YE3fT,0F TTJESDAY Oregon City, July 26 Children and adults from' every Sunday school 'and church in the eounty will attend the big picnic at Gladstone Park, Tuesday. The Clackamas . County Sunday School as sociation is in charge - of the- outing. The car will leave Ninth and Main streets' at 9:30 o'clock. A general program will be the morn ing feature, with athletic races and con tests In the afternoon.-. During- the day teachers and officials of the association will confer on plans to perfect the or ganization of Sunday schools, and out line work for the coming year. . "s. WORK IS PROGRESSING OTf 'v Oregon .City. July S6.-VWork im well under way on the new Union high school building-4n West - Linn; with prospects of completion in time foe the opening of the fall term.,-. j.-r -m; Thoroughly equipped throughout, ; the buIldlnsT will mrke an ideal school house. Grounds for; athletic fields are Included in the plans and. a well-furnished, mod ern gymnasium will provide indoor sport facilities. : - r One of the features of the building will be a large auditorium with a good sized stage for civic and social gather ings. - .,: fi,: i School wiU open in West Linn Sep tember 22 and, , with the exception of the manual training instructor, all the teachers have been seleoled.' J. L. Gray, recently principal of the Bandon high school, will be principal and will con tatiomery and' SPECIALS FOR THIS Stationery Specials ' Bi'i':i ?'- 5- ' -;V'-'..-: " '-"I Hainbow Tints Pink, ' Blue, Buffi ! Lavender, White.. 24 sheets and 24 envel opes to match 23c per box, 5 boxes for. SI. Wauna Linen -Tints Pink. Blue, Cray. Buff, Khaki, White. 50 sheets and So en velopes to match. 50c per box. it' -k I Photo Phil Say?:' ' Vacation ' Days are Kodak Days, and he can finish what your .Kodak began to your entire sat isfaction, not quicker than any one else but better. - . - Remember our 8x10 Black and White. Enlargement .from your favorite negative, 25c - v Let's get acquainted. : : Ladies Silk Hand Bags in Blue. Brown, Purple, Black; metal; and silk frames in very latest ap proved styles," $4 to $7.50, Mow less 1-3. Will Help Our , 'Office Expert' T7T7 spends most of his office hours In As toria, where he In affiliated with the Evening; Budget. The residence ques tion doesn't bother the "deacon," be says.' He likes both places. Politics, he says, eonldn't keep hla out of the newspaper came. He published the Lower Columbian for a time. Walla Walla Editor Dere. - Ielgh H. Irvine, managing editor -of the Walla Walla BulleUn and author of a number of books. Is in Portland today, en route to Seaside for a vaca tion. He Js accompanied by Mrs. Ir vine. The Bulletin is one of the leading newspapers of Eastern Washington. He is author of a new book, now on press, entitled, "The Masses In the Mirror." .Have Returned to Portland - - Mr. and Mrs. G. -R. Hogshlre and family have returned to Portland after an extended visit in Idaho and Corval 11s, and resumed .their home In Irving ton. .r,,V':::jt.'.-r . - . At the Hotels. Charles A. Murray, attorney for the Northern Pacific railroad. Is registered at the Portland from a, - Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Calkins of Hood River are staying at the Oregon. Mr. VCalkins is engaged in manufacturing vinegar. - .- . ' Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dickerson. Jane Dlckerson, W. M. Dickerson, Mrs. Wil bur Peck and Miss Grace Peck motored from Hood River Friday. They are at the Seward. A. W. Stone and . daughter, from Hood River, are at the Portland. Mr. Stone is a wealthy rancher. Dr. and Mrs- W. D. McNary of Pendleton are guests at the Imperial. Dr. McNary. is - superintendent of tte Eastern Oregon state hospital. - Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Vvinhelmer and daughter and Miss Leita. Bowerroan of Hood River are among the motorists at -the . Oregon.-, ".i--'.' C- :- . Roy Graves, who , owns a cannery at Sheridan, Is at the Seward. . J. J. Guheen.. prominent attorney from Pocatello. is at the Portland. , , Sixteen tourists under .the leader ship of EL C. Atkinson of Philadelphia, arrived at the Portland Saturday fught. duct the science and teachers training departments. 'W. Other instructors will be: Miss Mi nerva Geason. Puyallup, Wash., do mestic art and science; Miss Testa Lamb, Willamette, commerce and for eign, languages ; Miss Jane ' Lindsey, Springfield, Or.. English, with' Glee elub work and dramatics as special work ; Miss Doris Neace, West Unn, history and physical education for flrls. CAI-L ISStTRD FOR BIDS FOR SUff JJJIGIIJ BCHOOl. BPIXDIHa -Oregon , City, July 2. The Engle school beard is calling for hide for the construction of new school building, on land donated the district by Grant B." Dimlck, . of Oregon City. The two acres comprising the property are sit uated on the improved road through the section and are In a- central location. The sum of ' f 3000 has been allowed for the building, which is to be a one room school. .The floors are te be of hardwood. Specifications call for one of the best types of modern one-room buildings. Father of 23 Is 103 Sedalia. M0-, July 2- L N. S.) -The father of 23 children, Jacob Hunter, 102 years eld, claims the distinction of being the oldest man in Central Missouri. Six teen of Hunter's children , are living. Hunter was born April rf, 1117, and was a slave untn after the Civil war. . s Cards Cef ' Thanks - - We desire to sincerely thank our friends for their kindness and words of sympathy durinsT the Ulnesa and death of a loving wife and a dear mother, also are we deeply appreciative for the many beautiful floral offerings. August H. Ftiese, . husband : Mrs, Sophia C. Krupke, daughter; Mrs. Dora. Krug. daughter I Mrs. Minnie Wardle, daugh ter ; August F. Fries, son. Adv. We wish to thank air of our friends who helped us in our recent bereave ment, and also-for the beautiful floral tributes. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Tay lor and family. Adv. ...'-... Save Your Clothes , Chair Pads $2.00 Typewriter Shock - Absorber Pads Every Stenographer needs one to increase ber efficiency. $2 A Vertical File Complete for $2.65. - Very handy for the Desk? Ask for No. S9t. Secure What You Cannot Insure' -A Globe-Werhicke. w Underwriter's Safe Built for Protection in the Most - Severe Fire Milwaukee Chairs . For Comfort and Lasting Qualities Odds and Ends in Steei Filing Cases ; At Exceptionally Low Prices -: Mail Orders Filled Promptly The Businessman's Store 9 YOUNGEST TO SCALE 5 MT. HOOD DELIGHTED IV- fe?. .. I 'I "' it ' Edward Blssell . "Dad, are we sure going to climb next year?" , . . . , : ., With that question to emphasis the pleasure he found in climbing Mount Hood last Sunday Edward Blssell, aged 11, youngest known conqueror of the snowy slopes, took his place in the ranks of proficient mountain climbers on Sun day after his ascent of the. old mountain.-' .'""v..-- -:. ; C -:, - - ' 1 Kdward, who, "acompanied. by -his father, . George Blssell, 233 West Emer son street, and ether- Masamas, on the hasardous climb last Sunday, declares ho will be ready and waiting- for the time of the' climb next year and with a Mazama - membership badge pinned proudly to his cap he finds much pleas ure in his aecompllBhmettt. , "t$ IV1 only gone farther away from Crater rock when X climbed I'd have liked it better." Edward said. "The sulphur fumes from that point made me feel like I didn't care whether I got back down or not. But after, we'd passed the rock I felt fine and want to make the trip again...., ----w t Elijah Coalman, - veteran guide and forest service lookout at the summit ef the mountain, greeted Edwu-d when he reached the crest. The amide declared that Edward is the youngest person he ever knew to reach the top and the lad gets added pleasure from that distinc tion. ; ,, v'.-.w;.-. ':; Edward Is a pupil at the - Ockley Green school during- the school year and pays his way to a large extent from his earnings as a carrier for The Journal. He Is a - nephew of Elmer Wlckham, Journal compositor. . Geologist Sure of Oil Aberdeen, Wash.. July 26, on will unquestionably be found in the Olympic peninsula, according to Shirley B. Hill, a geologist. Whether or not it will be in Commercial quantities is a question, he eald. - The Standard Oil well at Mocllps has been sunk to a depth of 220 feet, Friday, being delayed by sand. The Wyomont company which owns land in the Monte- sano district, has purchased a drilling rig, in Chicago. . IBooEss WEEK Some Vacation Reading Take ; books with you on your vacation We suggest: ' -DANGEROUS DAYS". . .$1.60 By t Mary Roberts RinebartL This new novel, by one who is called, "America's foremost wo man novelist." is her best story and is certain of a very large sale. It is a f brilliant book and a most absorbing romance. 'IN SECRET ' . ; . $1,50 By Robert W.' Chambers A wonderful adventure story Read it and you will find it one of the very best romances and adventures yoa have had for , years. . - , , "FAMILY THE AWAKENING . OF. LADY ARDAYRE" By Elinor Flyn. . . . . . .$1.50 A startling and unique romance, of English high society. - Some what unconventional and dartng, the t lot is clever. ' and the char- , acters entertainingly drawn. ,- THE STRANGE CASE -' ' OF CAVENDISH" ...$1.50 " By Randall Parrish A strange case of murder and mystery which was solved by Stella Donovan, reporter on the Star, .Scene laid in, Bear Creek, Colorado. A tale of dash.' romance and western adventure. Photo Phil Our - Kodak Expert The J. K, GILL CO. Booksellers, Stationers, Office Outfitters Third and Alder Streets . " RESEARCH WORK WINS GROWING PROMINENCE IN LARGE INDUSTRIES Dean, Covet! of 0. A. C. Engi : neering School Expects More - in. Department Work. Oregon Arricultural Colleg-e, Corval Us. July 26. That the war haa given research work in the Industrie treat prominence was brought out at a meet Ins; in the East attended by Dean O. A. Covell of the college school of en gineering, who has , returned from an extended trip. . This is a new and prom ising field, believes Dean Covell. Many larger Industries maintain laboratories and research experts to solve problems and extend their work in new fields. "Indications point to a large en rollment of students in engineering everywhere next fall." said Dean Co veil. "Employers and so-called captains of Industry are realising as never be fore the value of systematic technical training as compared with the old fashioned haphasard plan of growing up In : the business." . COLLEGE 8TTJDEJTTB vTATTTED OK 8MALI. COUS8B Oregon Agricultural College,- CorvaJ lis,, July An effort Is being made by the war department to interest stu dents of the college in the summer school of instruction in small arms firing at the marine barracks. Mars Island. CaJ August 4 to 16. Instruc tion will be given in the dismounting, assembling .and flrlnr of the Brown ing and Lewis .machine guns. : Certifi cates of proficiency will be awarded. Rations and Quarters will be furnished at cost not to exceed CO cents a day, and the total expenditure for the two weeks, exclusive of railroad fare, will not ,exeeed . 87. "The : oourae hag ; been planned to combine recreation with Instruct ion. f BEOXHAB AKHT OryiCEKS to ; BE DETAILED FOB O. A.C. WORK Oregon Agricultural College, ; Corval Hs. July 26. Regular army ' officer will be sent to the college to take the place of temporary officers, according to a communication received from the temporary of fleers, according . to a Novelty Beads for summer wear are shown here in the favored effects; French Pearl Beads Those who know how to judge fluality in these beads have no hesitancy in saying that our selections are the best in Portland. A Wonderful Lot of Ladies Rings 'with faifcy white gold tops and yellow ; cold bands, set with steel white Diamonds. They give the impression of Jl5o value, but are unusual value at the low price of 165 The New Star Pattern Platinum Mountings Are Most Popular $50 to $125 Jaeger Bros. JewelersSilversmiths 131-133 SIXTH-STREET, Oregonian Building'1 it The Christian Sabbath The Day Which Jesifs Kept ... ., , - by - - ' s: -. Evangelist L. K. Dickson ."'-'.'i 7- Evaageliit Biekton PROF. I. C COLCORD, well-known Gospel Son leader, will conduct rousing sing preceding sermon. " COME I Meetings Will Continue Through Coming Week : HIGH CLASS we ant uef Dcnrtrrs. eoeo won kckps us busy, own wouk has km CO YSTEMAVIZCO THAT WK CAN ALWAYS OfVI VOU MOMrT gEIIVIOC. . P1.ATCS WITH rLKXIVLK SUOTIOM TTsa vary httt ud Utrrt tm aaodcra denttetry. . Ne awie faHios vlstaa . Ws extract " any rambtr of teeth withoot eanainc the llicbteat tela. . 1 enrUeuier Attention Pm4 te sietas an4 sxegerer. rVORRHKA eueeCSSVULLV ThCATEO, -rCffc. CXAMINATIOH FRKK. . Howm S:SO te S P. St. 3 vesrs in pertiane. WISE DENTAL CO. RELIABLE PAINLESS DENTISTS. ;; FAILINQ BLOa., THIRD- AMD WASHINGTON. e. e. epRNBR, en than oa on thiro street. communication received from the com mittee on education and special train ing. Washington. D. C by Colonel Joseph K. Partello. The temporary officers now etaj Uoned at the college will be discharged prior to September 10. This change In plane will make no difference in the preparations for the military work at the college next school year. . - Officer now at the. college who re main are Colonel Partello and Captain Denis Hayes, acting adjutant. Colonel W. F. Sharp has been detailed to suc ceed Major E. C, Hanford. who ! on the temporary list. 3TLAITS MADE FOR "WIDEST rSE OF "T" HTJT TJUKI2IO 2tEXT TEAR Oregon Agricultural College, Corval 11a. July . Plans are being mad by Dr. D. V. Poling, secretary of the college T. M. C A-, to make tee "I" hut even more popular than last year If possible. A hut program will be Instituted providing for entertainment of men during their spare time. Since Benton county has no Y." M. C. A. a program will be . arranged for the boys of Corvallls, who will have use of the building during cer tain hours. Portland Officer I Visitor ; Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lls. July 2. W. J Koenig.. In;rachge of the farm for delinquent boys, eon ducted In connection with the Juvenile court of Portland, was 'a recent campus visitor this week. He was graduated from the college in 1916. The military training given at Hill Military academy, Portland. Or., comes at the right time of a boy's llfe.Adv. Roosevelt's Death Due to Dental Infection ' We are told Ex-President Roosevelt's death was due primarily to dental infec tion. Pyorrhea (disease of gums and bone around teeth) attack people la all walk of life. Unless pyorrhea 1 cured loss of teeth Is sure to follow and per haps loss of health. Pain no excuse for neglect. By aid of nerve blocking we successfully treat pyorrhea, crown, fill or extract teeth without pain or dis agreeable after effects. We teach our patients how to prevent pyorrhea. ; " W so construct our crowns and bridge that they cannot Irritate gums or cause pyorrhea. No charge for ex amination. Drs. Hartley, Klesendahl and Marshall. d floor Journal bldg .AdV. :-. ,,- . The New and Novel Ideas. in Jewelry and Silverware Are Always to Be Found f Jaeger Bros. This store Is always In touch with th latest creations, and prompt In its selec tion of the popular things for both men' and women. ' ' Smart Vest Chains - Gold filled and high-grade, la the green gold and other up-to-date finishes, are among the re cent arrivals. Priced as low as 1 2, Fancy Ping Mountings ' in Platinum and White Cold At no time in the history of the jewelry business have mountings -played such a part In the embel lishment of diamonds- and other precious stones. . You'll be Interested in our splendid showing of riojc mount ings, both the elaborate and sim pler effect. See This Heavy Sterling Silver : Four-Pieee TEA SET . ;. in Colonial Pattern 7.S138 a very unusual value 99 Sunday Night,7:45 o'Clock -..,... ' ; at the big . ; TENT PAVILION Cor. 13th and Morrison Su. . (West Side) .' Public Invited : 4 Pheee tMets 2030. t Danish Brince Finds U. S. Ideal Country New York.' Jufy . Prince Aage of Denmark, after conclodlna: a month's visit to America, was to sail for home toaav arxara the Aquetanla. "America 1 Ood'i evq country, and Americana God's own people, be said. . Til, be right aclc . CUSTOTvl MEA1V8 SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER That's what we - ha ve r been doing in Portland for more than 30 yeara. Jacobs Shirt Co. Balslgk' B14g, .1ST Wasklsgtoa St , ESTABLISnCI) 196s ; CRUDE OIL IN OREGON New Invention b Portland me chanic being demonstrated at his Koene. - - Burns crude oil. 6 cents per gallon i flu any else of stoves or .ranges 425 installed. . CosU i4 cost per hour to operate. Partner and AgenU Wanted 372 CAST CLAY ST. ' EVERYBODY WELCOME ! EVERYBODY GOME I - - r TO THE v , BIG FIRST ANNUAL 4L PICNIC B03XEV1LLE, USD AT, ATJO. t Special Train From TJaloa Depot at 8iS A. M. - Round trip railroad fare and en trance to park, $l.5i Children, S to 1J, half fare. If you come by aato, admission 60 cents.-. r t ; . r Ball Gaoitn, Tssnl. Basketball u All Xlad of tiports Swings 'and Teeters for the XtddUi 4asa Uselr, Dascisg and staging Wood Hpeakers . Tleketi oa Hale at 4 I Bldg td aad Oak 8tsM at all Hawmllls, Log. glsg Camps and at Train A TVll BAT OF TV IK"- DOJTT No. S WOODSTOCK the leading fta t urea of the -lead, ing machines are a 11 r- harmoniously combined in one h a n d o m e new trouble f res writing ra a e h I n e oi the flrat qual ity in which you .will find your own favorite feature of your own f avorits typewriter, and the others be sides. THE WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER AGENCY tM OAK ST, .PORTLAND, OBEOOIV is now easily overcome by using an antiseptic oil spray which absorbs and dislodges the hard web-llke mucus membrane of throat and none. Quick relief is always obtained by using the McKensie Catarrh epray. The price complete with special ato miser - is only f 2.00. We pay the postage on this and all other (True orders. . -. ;. .-. LAUE-DAVIS DRUG , CO. : Tmss Kxpertt, Portland, Oregog SUITS Pressed, 45c Bolta Irirh Cry Cleaned , wglenCtearilUI, - Unique Tailoring Co. 104 Setmli SI Wash. en Surt. . We per yeu te ee your ewe elnns And Kaealrlns 'lenae an Playv Iim. rrUm r. rniitii lev win BA7TD AHD OBCHESTRA ilTSTBtJ.. CATARRH MEXTS PHOMOOKAPHt All work ' done in our own shop and satisf action -guaranteed. Gold and silver Plating. - SIEBERLING - LUCAS MUSIC CO., 1ft POtJBTH 8T VHOWE MAIX StSt, Pianos. Talking Machines All other If uric InHre- menU KeMirw, Polutud. i.-. i t; . t. i Very KtMombi frMef. All vt'nrk Uimrntl ULtnOryw BLDO. CntrwiM 8S7 WMtaineteM f5 SjU0iML. ft RCPA1RS-SUPPUCS RIEwlT TYFIWJUTBt CO. neo.owav 270 SO Oak . i s i '?J-!S .... ""I""" -" i e