THH OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1CI3. The Veiy Spring and Rbot of Honesty and Virtue Lie in the Felicityof Lighting on Good Education -Plutarch EDUCATION. VHIII REACH OF EVERY PE AI U RON Statistics Show 77 Per Cent of Students at 0. A. & Are Whol ly or Partly Self Supporting GRIT IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED l - 1 1 ! Plenty of - Determination Com bined With Sound Mind and Rodv Is "All That Is Required. .... ... : . - : ' Oregon Agricultural Collet. Corvallis, I July .-A collefts education Is within reach of any bright, amblUou young J man or woman, statistics show. It isn't necessary to be s rich man's son or I aaaehUf nowadays to get ihe klni" or I training which tits one. for serrlc and leadership In Jhia community AH that Its necessary Is sound mind and body and plenty determination. -That TT per cent of the students of ' tas Oregon jrAgricultural- college are lther . entirely t or ' partly self-supporting is shown by ftecords in the office of H. M. Tefta&t, 'registrar. fhlfty-nth per tent ar en tirely self-supporting. 11 pf eent less 5 than half, . and 2J-. per cent not at, all. ? (Students find nearly a thousand afld one ' ways of earning money to defray eol- i lege expenses- ? ' y - "V I The becessary cost of year's work 'varies sltghUy with the particular course pursued fey the student .The legitimate I cost per.' annum averages f 300, exclusive fof personal items such M carfare, ree reaUon. and laundry. - WHAT CHAKGfcft ABB .."." 1 General expenses are listed a follows : I Registration tee, $6 incidental student ree. 110; gymnasium fee, IS t laboratory fees and deposits, 14 : board and room tor eight months. fit 0 to $230 j room f rent for nine months, fat. Cost of board lis estimated for eight months only on ' account of Christmas and other vaca l Hons which most students v spend at j home. - ' By far the largest single item is that ' for board and room. - Personal expenses -such as. elothing- and laundry vary greatly with the IndividuaL The inci dental or student body fee enutles the student to the student body paper, the O. A. C. Barometer, free admission to 'the student activities such as athletic cfm tests, oratory and debate, band and ."glee club, end also free access to th. ... college health service. -r ' Personal expense is considered largely I a question of thrift, discrimination ifi - i values and established habits. Men In I the R. O, C, obutn . theW muiury S .uniforms from the government without ' .cost to themselves. , All men Are ex pected to provide themselves with gym- j nasium suits, including shoes, costing approximately' $3.75. In physical educa tion wemen -are required t provide ' themselves with gymnasium suits. " Waldo and Cauthorn halls, with large . airy parlors and halls, furnish pleasant residence for . the young women who i, come from distant homes; The bund ling are supplied with pure mountain 1 water, both hot and cold, electric lights, f steam heat, and all modern conveni- rf snces. Conditions of living In these J halls are such that the - management : considers It a distinct . advantage ftt Ith women students to live in them..' A ; wholesome, busy student atmosphere Is . Imalntainedt - Reasonable freedom is al LLL X. ' J LL L j L! . . r J. . ' ri :, JS ' t t 4 j -ma : Military Academy Portland Oregon FALL TERM OPENS September 15 Write for, Catalog RAILWAY TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE s 218 Railway Exchange Building: CORNER THIRD AND ST ARK STS. We are? conductta "an Exclusive Telefcraph .School which can qual ify you -withirt -a few months for railway. MltVKby..i NOW IS Tirk T1M TO' . . START TRAINING 'Call at wriu'jorjtft bookfct, , WHAT SCHOOL? X lot eoinpeteet help. Vtt ud Nit hi School do .- - Eursell Prirate Dualnea - School . lowed, but week nights are reserved for study. - -.- - Expense of living for each student in the dormitory id as follows! Room de posit, $$; room rent per term for single room $18, double room $ board per week, payable mohthly in advance, $4.50 ; incidentals, Uch as laundry and electric iron fees, $2. No dormitory accommodations are available for men students. - but board and room may be had in private family for from $$.50 to $7.50 per week. Good aoaommodatloiui fof self boarding or club boarding can be obtained. . -By clubbing or renting rooms and boarding themselvest the students greatly reduce the cost of living. Students are not permitted to live, however, id places hot approved by the faculty. CHAKCK TO EABJT MOXtf The student employment bureau for men, In charge of the T. M C, A and the student - employment ; bureau for women, In charge of the dean of women, register without charge ell students who apply for employment. It Is the pur pose of the bureaus to try to : supply work, regular or occasional to all whe need it i . Many opportunities for earning the whole or part of. the expenses are open to students in the lme of office and laboratory assistance, personal services of numerous kinds, management of vari ous student enterprises, and agencies for laundries. Toung women are employed in dining rooms Of residence halls, in Gleaning: these halls, la dressmaking, ana la many other ways, some of them origthaL One enterprising young lady look in -' considerable money through shining Shoes at B cents a shine. - Jk ' loan fund amounting to between 17000 and $$000, the gift of friends of the college, id available for loans to needy and worthy students, in amounts varying from $50 to $lS0. In addition to this general fundi there are two spe cial funds known respectively as the I J. Simpson scholarship loan fund, and the J. T. Appers6fl agricultural col lege educational fund. SCHOLARSHIP 10AXS " ' Th former provides five, annual Scholarship loans of $1000 each eon-tlnuihg- through the four years of the students' college course, while the latter provides for loans to , students resident in Oregon, the amounts and the number ef loans. varying with conditions. Loans draw interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. Applications for loans are made t the chairman of the student loan fund committee, after the student registers at the eollege. . 1 The Clara H. Waldo prise of $100 Is an award annually, made lh the pro portions ef $40. $80 $$0 and $10. to the woman of highest standing registered as a regular student in one of the degree courses in the senior, junior, sophomore, and freshman year. The A. J. Johnson prise of $140 is announced begtnnlng with the eollege year ; 1019-20 to be awarded in the proportions of $60, $40, 30, and 120, to - the man of highest standing registered as a ' regular stu dent in one of the degree courses m the enief, junior, sophomore and freshman classes. i , Pacific Colieg Newfeerg, Oregon The World's Need for Trained Leadership was never greater. Pacific College is doing its share to furjiish a supply of Young Men and 1 Women with Liberal Training Under the Best Chris tun Influence. COLLEGE PREPARATORY COMMERCIAL BIBLICAL WORK : SCHOOL OF MUSIC HOME-LIKE DORMITORY: For catalog and other Infor mation, addrets the President Pacific College: NEWEERC, OREGON COLUMBIA JUNIOR COLLEGE x Milton, Oregon A TrslaiBf SeHool for Otr Boys sad Girls Splendid Advantages, Uader Best' of Influences. Xederw Bafldlag Beaatiful for Site atioa, la s Lass of fralts and Flowers.' Cayert Teseker la An Department V i,-. COUB8E8 ' Academic, Commercial, Elocution, -Domestic Science, Piano, Voice, Violin, and -5 Orchestra THB SCHOOL THAT 19 ' DirFEBBIfT" We lavne Iott!atioa Seas for Gatalor - H. S iHASOLE, Frstideai. . sfc-sHsW- -.y ik'jt aeBfisp" Miss Catlm, School yOB BOAHD1XO and SAY TCttl, : Now Occupies Its New Btlfldlflg ca WESTOVEU TEBttACES , An Ideal ,' Location S&sketb&U and ; t - t Tennis Court . ' s - Prepares girls for Eastern as well as Weetrn colleges and school under a faculty - of able Eastern teachers. Number of Students in each Class limited. Primary. Intermediate add High Bchool Departments. . Special and College Preparatory courses. Music, Art. Physical Train ing and Science. . French taught- throughout' the school. -. - .. .. Boarding "department . special fea ture. Catalegee seat reqseit to . Wetetr Terraeef Portiaad. Oregon Phose Mar. $12$ SUBJECTS TAUGHT ATU.OFfl.ARE HIGHLY PRACTICAL University Has ; Taken ; Nothing From Classical Courses, but Is Prepared for Other Demands GRADUATES ARE PROSPERING Those Taking Liberal -Arts Are taming Livelihood in : Many Lines of Business, Professions. University of Oregon. Eusene, uiy 26. Occasionally; some one W still found whose idea of a university Is restricted to the old liberal-arts college, which ran heavily ; to ' Latin and Greek Afld lan guages and was light on the practical subjects which aid directly 10 making one's living. .'--.;" While- the University ' of Oregon has sought to take nothing from the strength of Its classical ; departments. It , IS In every way better prepared than ever to comply with , the growing , demand - for practical training along technical lines. The various technical .schools are show ing a constantly accelerating growth, both in training effectiveness and In numbers of students. 1 , EDUCATION HADE PHOFITABLE Direct entrance to the leading profes sions Is afforded by the courses given in the schools of law.' education, archi tecture, journalism, commerce, music, and medicine, the last named situated in Portland. The high schools of the state are, increasingly. , taught by graduates Of the ' school of education J . doctors trained in the school Of medietas take their places among the recognised young practitioners,' and in the same way "the graduates of the ether schools named are making direct and profitable Use of the training received her while at the same time they received a liberal educa tion in the arts. The faculties in all these Various schools are considered stronger than even better prepared to five thoroughly adequate preparation for A start in these Various professions. TURKflJO OUT SPECIALISTS ' Real! xlng that the strength of the state will depend, to a considerable de gree, on ' its trained experts . and pro fessional men. the university is trying, more and more, to turn out an adequate supply ef specialist. '2ot only the tech nical schools, but the various scentifiO courses, including physics, chemistry, geology, botany, bacteriology, are train ing experts who are winning- recognition In their . respective lines, v The . soeogy courses on . the campus are - considered thoroughly ' adequate for pre-medical training, after which ; the student la ready to take his medical course. GRADUATE WOfeK fcjrCOUBAGtffB Graduate work in the various sciences' IS more and more encouraged. An addi tional 5000 made available this year is beiflg devoted . to scholarships,, under which a limited number of advance stu dents may devote half their time to teaching and laboratory assisting and the other half to advanced research, re ceiving for their services enough to Carry them through. . Mors and more the University of Ore gon is seeking to bet recognized as a place where the student mar fit h tar self . for immediate entrance into a widening number of professions; Its practical value is not sacrificed for cul tural development On the ether hand, it : is the aim of faculties in all the schools and departments to develop the well rounded, efficient personalities which will, contribute the. most to the success of the individual and - the up building of the. state. ; Architect Making Plans for Women's HaU at Willamette Plass are' being prepared by Archi tect last for the Lausanne hall, which will ' accommodate v 125 young women. The building is to be the last word In cfillege .dormitories, having a reception room, parlors, shower and tub hatha built-in closets and dressers for each room, running water, sleeping, porches, tatiniry, gymnasium, modern kitchen ahd )-' large' dining rooma, -Until this . buUding IS completed the' young women will room and board In groups convenient to the campus.' More than half of the money, for this needed dor mitory is pledged. - The new catalog . outlines courses for those who are preparing for law. medi cine, engineering, chemical knd mining engineering. The work - ift a combina tion ef liberal arts and technical sub jects, Intending to afford the students a foundation t in . the tried courses as well' as speclaL. - professional prepara tion. ' 0 ' : The department of home economics MDfRAL aOMOOt Of 06MMCROIAI( DKSIONINa AND. GARTOONINa. ' Me sftd oie eeptBM ef em tine eririBsl ideas for amrtsin cofem sna1 mil advertisiBe BwteriU komld takft sdraaUce of- the Federml School ' Commrell Desisniiis and Cartooninc low loamet tuition rate. TbsM studies train you to aecure Kiitt -price tot four work,- CaU. write or psene tor eppointflMBt, . -. Wlt-t . OOorcit, Veesilensf Tralnloe. BOS Panama Bid, n Main S4. OUR GRADUATES ARE IN DEMAND Many former students are earning $1200 to more than $5000 per annum. Fall Term Opens Tuesday, Sept 2 Prepare ior the Best Positions ; - ' ENROLL NOW A. T. Link. Prine TKKTit AHi MofcKlSd Fertlaad, Oregon. Telepkenes Broadway itsa. A-tlS ST. MARY'S ACADEMY & COLLEGE Fy Olri. SBth ea, Cndetd W th niTKIM MAax. .Grad. ; aeademie and Oeiietiate ad Vomnm !ciie Det(a. Tteaideot and Da, Student. Refined. Merai ana Intellectaal t rala Jps. Wflto for annonneemenf. School rrapKa Marr AeadeSir. Portland. t . . ' aaW .sWBT1 Manufacturers of School Furniture rir and . fa Supplies Theatre and Auditorium Seating; 7 Metal Furniture Chairs, Stools and Tables Heating Sjratem for Schools ? : r ;.t Foldlnat Chairs, Etc . . Write for catalogs and estimates on . your list of riuitementSi ; ; ' . Sample Rootits, Office and Warehouse 45 Fourth St, Portland, Oregon PHON BROADWAY 36 wUl hava- three rooms in Science ball, fitted wlthr the best' appliances for dem onstration and instruction. In connec tion with the departments of chemistry and biology, this department is expected to provide good courses in textiles, dietetic sanitation. . heme management, chemistry of foods, etc. The equipment will accommodate 0 women. ST. HELENS HALL teitcepl ' ' a . "Kem., . OfdaH end ftttkrtewn IH' nfloM Id Ike Norttiw. rift-flrt canMeetlve year. Now In anlaraad balldlnx. nam i State Aeademie and tlemen tary cesrt. Muc, art, te. war HMni, rSMS IOT MM f-j, S Sii ape- tor, St. Hel-E I. r. ens Natl, 1 Stb ikd Montoamtrf lana; THE MILLER SCHOOL 'd'v-"" ' . ef . ! Mil awl tl IviBA am ats s niMSkir ar aTwBtlSi As . T'i'-'r- saAAuiaiga . i'.l - .v aes-SOe Teee aida PertJartd. . Addlnt Itatihinea " ' CaletilaUnS Maehine Bonkkeepina Machine Comntntuater Macblnaa Thlt we only eheel1laiizina in thlt work. C ahert rem tmtt te tx week only. Vllllllllltllllttllllltlflftlllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllltltllllltlltlllltltllltlllllllttflllt hi' ,t As E mm s a . I 1 . ? . A ' Motor School ' Equipped With All . of the Finest, Universally Approved Mechanical Units. Scientific Efficient Hemphill's Trade Schools, Inc. Portland, Oregon 707 Hawthorne Avenue " ' ' . EA8T 8l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiTa BE " Beib& ' ' saslWas saPBssW "A mil u4 gtrtt UUtt lifts kit akoti ramaiaisiiy dnat t lift it tttt nanoa" Ei ! An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? Oregoii A gricultural College Trains for leadership In the industries and professions as follow i UOU& ECONOMICS. ACRICOLTURE, COMMttRCtt. FORESTRY. PHARMACY. MUSIC, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. CIVIL ENGINEERING. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. INDUSTRIAL ARTS, MININO ENGINEERING, LOGGING ENGINEERING. MILITARY SCIENCE.( The CoHete trsinidg incladci-eoufscs In ErttlUh. ficonbfntes. Art,' Mathematics, Modern Languages, Physical Education, Industrial Journalism, Natural Sciences, and all essentials 6f aft education. Three regular terms Fall term begins September 22, 1919 r fi rji tr. v For College Catalog. Illustfated Dooklet Shd othr Irtformation addrear . THE REGISTRAR Oregon Agncuttur at College. CorvalhS- II ' t . . I. - .- - ......,... - .. . . . , . ... ., . Z-t This announcement is for the thousands of thinking men and women who are seriously, considering that important step in life, the entering upon a professional , career, and are somewhat undecided as to what Is best for them. Also to other. . ' - thousands who are already engaged in sonie vocation that has not proven quite as successful from a remunerative or Congenial standpoint, or both, as they would - - c desire.r ' . , .: ; . : -.i- ' ) w ,$ . To this message I trustyou will give your most thoughtful consideration, for it t tells of a new and thoroughly scientific tind'higMy dignified profession with a . field as broad as the land, full of possibilities for yourself and opportunities for service to humanity. From a financial standpoint Jt' has no equal, for social rec ognition it stands at the top, for doing good it is only limited by the desires of the practitioner to help his fellow man. . '- ' . , -:- : Ghriopractic affords the greatest opportuntiy today of any business or prof es-; ' sion for the attainment of your, highest ideals and ambitions. Be a -Doctor o CMropracfcic M i -m mm i- l j H ! j'j'iil n ft i'-.y-M I : rS7?y ,,a.e" I The i Oiiropractio profession offers the most unusual opportunities of any field In the world today. Know about its great opportunities oe fore deciding your career; or, if you are dissatisfied in your present position in life, or its earning capacity is not what you would like it to be, investigate the great opportunities offered in this t greatest of all nrafessinns TJWmOPR ACrrm mnst nti'ntil nnnnrfnnifv A tnrlv Bj- B W , s ' sr WkiSiW Chiropractic and to become a Chiropractic Physician is offered at this time by our college. Both day and niit courses. One Hundred Thousand .7, Ghirppractic physicians needed in the United States today to supply the demands of millions who have turned to this great method of heal-' v . ing uieir ms. . . . . . - Investigate! Augmented Curriculum, Able Faculty, Oinical FaciHties For Particulars address Dr. Oscar W. : Elliott President. ! - . V. o si " O.T0O .Olf 11 Main 1014 - - Park and Yamhill Streets, Portland, On ; ' j.'.-W 'V ': ' ' '..'AAA'''': 'i,. '--w..' A'. . -i -' :. You cannot learn ! any ' part of this profession through correspondence WEXT TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 10 -v. 3 ' 3 - "3 As. ew . 5 2