The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 27, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    -Tim orxcoii suijday jourmau Portland, sundav morHinq, july 27. ioi3.
This Fact Is Made Known by
- Sergeant f4uttray of This City,
Who Acted as Translator.
Treatment Which Captured Men
Received Alluded to in High
Terms in Letters Sent Home.
The German people were thankful
for the armistice. , They were dissat
isfied with the emrire.
.German prisoner of war appre
: elated the treatment they received
from their American captors.
These facte are made evident by let
ter ftent end received by Oerman. "pris
oners of war after the signing of the
"armistice and brought -back to the
- TTnUd States. In translation, by Ser
geant John F, Muttray, a Portland boy
who "was .Interpreter for the American
committee on public Information at the
peace conference, and before' that, in
rharfr of German prisoners' mail for
the prisoner of war information bureau
or the A. jo. jr. , .
.' "Mxnk nod. the war is ended at
last." writes a nflsoner to his parents.
It hat lasted long enough. Now
nuf aaaif Germany is a republic, X have
really nothing against that.
' "Only the kaiser should have ab
dtetated ion ago. Perhaps you stlU
remember, my dear father, what I wrote
i- About Verdun in 1911. I did
nttt trlah to sacrifice myself to the
ambition of the crown prince. It is
horrible that so many people were
compelled to die. our present govern-
ment.will. I -hope, strive to get for us
a. lasting peace."
- "Our enemies are exacting conditions,
; hut with iustice writes a German
mother to her on. "We have been
itftfi tn - and cheated for four and a
hair venrs. The ftullty ones have fled
and we poor people have to suffer the
consequences.", She complains or pov
ertr and disorder in Germany, but all
would be bearable' "if we may have you
back with us."
"The murder of people is at last at
an end." writes enotner prisoner
'Meh who have had nothing against
each other were compelled to slaughter
one another. An Aherucab- pastor to
dav delivered a very touching sermon
on this subject. Many a tet eye could
be seen among our comrades. If
X were not married I would go right
iwav to America."
' An amusing German -view of PresW
: dent "Wilson is shown in the following
letter to a prisoner from hie uncle in
Cheimnlts: -
"Even though I acknowledge that
Wilson is a notable man, I have but one
' great wish, and that is t write hinv-a
letter -explaining the wrong Impressions
under which he is laboring In dealing
with the actions of the German people.
This gentleman has received from his
advisors an entirely false view of Ger
'. many, her desires and intentions. Every
-German says to the other: 'My God,
hotf this man will, wonder when he
finally learns the truth.' One.
! should show this letter to him. Would
1 he read It It is told here that he never
reads foreign newspapers.' never re
ceived a letter which did not praise
- him, would not allow-any good advice
- to be given him, but always believed
. that he could do the right thing. Such
" a thing I can hardly expect of a man
of education, for in that case he would
, not be suitable as a judge. Dear-God,
aive him the light of truth."
- Hardly less interesting is an account
of the life of the German - prisoners,
-written bv on of their number:
( .''Everybody up.' is heard in a clear
- -voice on our- floor and the reveille bell
3s rung. I awake. My bed, a
wonderful wooden bunk, with a. clean
white " straw sack, as- well as . three
v - BDlendid lars-e blankets, is my pride.
. raise my blankets and look to the right
and to the left. My neighbor, A on
; year soldier from Dusseldorf, is , still
snoring in his sleep of the Just
wake him up.
"My second friend, who occupies the
- bunk above me, is still asleep. Hello.
' I call to him. and wet his eyes-with
little water. He is startled. I
shake my bed sack, arrange my blank
'ets. end wash myself. Someone is call
tng 'Line up for mess.' Oh, how the
tnessklts rattle, for the beautiful Amer
lean things are like aluminum and
make an agreeable sound. Now we go
to the kitchen where we get warm soup
"with coffee and bread. Oh, what a
' lovely smell ! "
- Sergeant Muttray, who translated all
these interesting letters, was formerly
employed in the Office of the Supple
Balliiv Shipbuilding corporation. Before
that he was clerk and stenographer in
-the office of the Port of Portland. He
came here in 1911.
, He enlisted voluntarily, in spite of
occupational exemption. . He was born
in Hamburg, his father coming to this
country while John was a boy, and
-becoming a naturalised American elti
en His mother wasEnglish.
MuttraVa reriment. the 23d encineers.
-. trained at Camp Meade for two months
and sailed for Prance, arriving Feb
" ruary 6. 1918. Muttray was soon made
- -a : sergeant and assigned to the base
. censor's office to work with the prls-
.Oners letters. His knowledge of Qer
, man dialects Is very thorough.
v His work with the . peace conference
.was interesting, He wears over his
sergeant's chevrons the brassard Of the
v . conference, bearing a pair of scales and
a sword. and entitling him to attend
ail sessions in Paris and at Versailles.
: Discharged at Camp Devens. - Mass..
! '' ' . v y -r'
J " "
, f
trict will. In due tiro, benefit by reflex
action through the hoard as a whole,
from the kick incident to the absorption
Of such a cargo of beneficial experience
as Director Thomas undoubtedly should
have taken aboard during the progress
of so . long and expertly selected aa
itinerary. They will be able to judge
In some measure. It Is to be hoped, by
the third handed potency of that kick
traveling as it must from . Director
efficiency of "his fellow member of the whether the tourist seeker after bene-
board of directors. While it was planned fictal experience found what he was
.r.,nnA carAlDK to the looking for, and If so, whether he got
and understood accoraing w v hJ)( monejr.B worth.
record, of the board aa omptted, cor. Ofi0pT G1TE:!r msT ug8()r
(Cofttiiitu-4 fne yaf Ob
rected and made definite and certain
Practical evidence of the beneficial
mi am isai mwum v ... i experience- wmcn uirector Thomas ac
the xaagum opus of Director Thomas i quired during his $514 Junket was af
absorption tour of beneficial experience
Waa to lead, him to the national con
vention of tha' Natlonal Education as
sociation to be held at Milwaukee- yet
be beat it for the East nearly a month
tn advance of that event.
T w'a, doubtless a mere coincidence
rtta Mi Thnmu. deiesated to absorb
Knrisii.i -cnrtnce for theJenefit of
ry, Mmi nder ot ttl bOara. launcneu
his trip upon the same train that bore
the Portland Shrtnera to me iuuk
tin at tbat order held at Indian-
apolM four weeita . m aavance oi um
..Mnnit mtinr of "hie school men
with whom Dr. Sommer expected him
t rih t ahoolders.' Dossibiy -with . the
tAm mihhinir is ft a. little extra bene- 1
flclal experience through the medium a,
OX roucn . uicuuib
'Anyway, it was something: like ajs
month . between the time . he made his
wila aasn, mceiy pacaea ap ""u
tor- the Rhrlncrs' special, train, as set
out in the quasi-official account of that
tour, and the time when he began the
shoulder rubbing process ot eoucauoiia
advancement at Milwaukee. During
th interim between his departure and
fci rtnrn h also visited Columbus,
Pittsburg, Clnclrmatt, LiOuisville, Chl-.-
and St. Paul, so it may be readUy
unoerstOOa Dy - me uuipajrera
Director Thomas at least had , a wide
field of territory from which to harvest
his S14 crop of beneficial experience.
Of course. It follows as a logical hope,
at least, that the taxpayers or tne ais.
forded by an incident which ' occurred
yesterday - morning. The educator has
learned the absurdity of old' fashioned
notions about courtesy to women.
Treat em rough" Is the order of the
day which has dawned with the home
coming of Director Thomas.
A young woman, a reporter on The
Journal staff, chanced to find Director
Thomas tn the office of School , Super
intendent -Grout and asked him cour
teously whether he had filed bis re
port of the expenses of his trip. - "It's
none of your business, replied Direc
tor Thomas with heat.
: Ha was ramtnded that he had stated
at the school board meeting Thursday
evening that the expense account would
be filed Friday. , "That don't make
any difference." roared Director Thorn
as, adding that he was '.'through with i
The Journal" and didn't ever want the
reporter "to ask htm anything again."
" Grasping her courage In both hands
the young woman asked whether he
did not intend to file the expense
account a promised. Jumping from
his chair Director Thomas shouted
that she was an "Infernal little liar,"
and ordered her to "get out of the
office.' He added that if she "didn't
quit coming around the office" he
would see that she "wouldn't be a rep
resentative of The Journal any longer."
School Superintendent Grout, who
was present durjsg the Interview, un
doubtedly acquired, much beneficial ex
perience which will serve to rulde him
in dealing with the women who teach
in Portland's schools.
New Records Made
: In Cherry Packing
' ,
Spokane, Wash- July 26. Miss Caro
lyn Siedel of Clarkston, Wash., .no,
longer holds the record in cherry pack
ing, ; which waa 70 boxos. Miss Qma
Wilkes packed 90 boxes last Wednes
day. Six boxes were 10 . pound boxes, .
14 boxes were 20 pound boxes. ' She
got 10 cents a box, 19 tor one day'
work. Miss .fettie. Smith packed 80
boxes on the same day. Both glrla
packed for Mr. Heidegger of Rice,
: $1 Cashes 1 WeekNo Interest
Oriental Wool and South ! Sea Tiber.' Reversible Hug in two
sixes 6.0x9.0 feet and 7.6x9.0 feet. Fourteen different designs
to select from. They're the kind that 4re firmly woven and the
quality that will Insure long wear and lasting relief to bare
floors. Blues, greens, browns, tans and mixtures in soft combinations.
-No Approval Deliveries
-No ' Patterns Reserved
(Aboa rwtrfotfon n actuary swine
te limitae number of each pattern.)
Sergeant John F.I Muttray of Portland, who acted as f translator daring
Paris meetlngr. - - "X
he returned immediately to Portland to
the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. U Arthur,
606 ast Sixty-second street noth. He
Intends to engage In a.. commercial en
terprise to establish - relations between
markets Ah Europe. - and markets In
Oregon. ,. - -
Hudspeth ?of. Texas
wants mtervenDion
In Mexico at Once
i -..
Washington, July 26. immediate mili
tary Intervention in Mexico was urged
upon congress by C. B: Hudspeth, Dem
ocrat of Texas, in a speech in the house
The United States should withdraw
its recognition of Carrartsa, Mr. Huds
peth said, and send troops into Mexico
and keen! them there until r stable
government is established.
"The time has arrived," he said, "when
we should : say to Carransa : Tou have
not measured up to our expectations;
you have not lived up to your obliga
tions to protect American ; lives and
nrooertv. so we will withdraw our rec
ornltion of your'government and put
troops into Mexico ;.to.' protect American.,
lives until a, stable government is j on-
tained." ' '
Shimmy Not I Wriggly
Enough to Justify
Divorce, Is Ruling
Oakland, .July PJ The
shimmy is shaking up public opinion but
it is not , ; sufficiently wrigfly to untie
the mipual khot,accordlng. to Superior
Judge St. , Sure. '. Today , he denied &
divorce i to B.ev. Joseph , M. Callendar,
negro evangelist; who complained ? that
his wife neglected ner nome to snimwy
in San Francisco. . ,
The Judge's decision followed a.-court
exhibition of a few twists of the- new
dance. This was jus, ; getting gooa
when the Judtfe halted the dancers,
agreed with Callender that it was shock-
mg ut tanea to see it as a grounas
for divorce. v - '
German Prisoner ;
Is Held for Murder
Vernon, B. C45 July 8.A ; . result
of a brawl between German prisoners in
the 1 internment camp here July S, and
the subsequent - death Of Leo Mueller,
one of them, Carl Wagner, a German
prisoner, was today committed for trial
on a charge of murder. Mueller's neck
was broken, but he lived,. three hours
after the ngnt.
My Special $5C and $100
Diamond Rings have no equal
An Investment
in Beauty .'
Beauty ti fleeting
in everything but dia
mends. Sot oaly do they- gratify the
harass longing for the aesthetic,
bat are the tangible basis for
reliable iSTttment. -My
diamonds are unsurpassed in
beauty and of reliable worth . ;
Credit Accbttih'odajfeas '
-without extra -charge -
Linoleum Remnants
v , 8 to 16 Td. Xengths
Greatly Reduced
Genuine Inlaid and" Print Dinoleums
with Burlap Backs, also the New Pro
cess Felt and Fibre Base Printed
Waterproof Floor Coverings. : i
All of these remnants have been sep
arated from the regular stock with the
size and price on each piece take your
During July and August 5tor
Closes at SI Saturday Evenings.
largest toiamend Dealer
, la Oregon
34 1 Washington St.'
Opposite Owl DrugCo,
; Guaranteed'
In eight lessons; - Ladles,
I2.S0. oentlemen. - 1 5.00, at
DeHoney's Beautiful
Academy, 23d .and Wash
ington. New; : a u m rn s r
classes star t . Mondav.
Tuesday and Thursday
evenings, 8 to ll.30.:. Plen
ty of desirable partners
and nractice. No embar
rassment. . Private a. les
sons all hours; ; Learn
from' Prof eselohal danc
ers. Phone .Main 7656.
fAdV.) .) i. t .
IF YOU have yielded to the lure of the
outdoors .and you- find, after a day
spent in the sun, that your skin Is sore
and tender, simply apply Santiseptic
ILotion and relief will be instant. Sun
burn, wlndbum and tan have no terrors
for the man or the woman who Uses
Santiseptic Lotion. Stay outdoors in the
hot sun as much as you please ; Santtnep
tic will give you protection and relief:
it is the secret of many an unspoiled
complexion after a season spent in, the
is equally efficacious in 'those other an
noyahces incident t the summer season 1
' oaK. or Ivy - poisoning, the bites or
stings of fleas, mosquitoes and other
insects, both as a preventative and as a
remedy. n should be-included in the
necessities carried on everv outincr triD.
Santiseptid . is - easily procured at most
not secure it, send so cents, with dealer's t
name, to the Ksbenoott Laboratories, ( 1
Portia rt-f, Oregon, for a. f uil-sise bottle, J ,
, rt 4
U Oar OfrhthineMepe add Retinoscope if of the
most scientific eye-testing Instruments fit the world.
With it .we can detect error of vision instantly.
C3 His
Q Thkt is the sd story of the man who would ;
not heed the tory of eyestrain until he was
completely: dependent upon glasses to see
withr and then broke the only pair he could
be Induced to buy. ' x
Practical Preparedness
Q Conserve your natural vision - by wearing:
' glasses as soon as they are indicated by the ,
condition 'of your eyes. When you get im
proved vision buy good glasses and ; have n
extra pair in case of emergency. There is no
, better investment for your money than for
.eye. comfort and good vision. , We can give
. you both-at a reasonable cost.
i From Edwards, This Week, Toall Get -
40 Lb. Felted Cotton Mattresses at
. $13.95
$3 Cash $1 Week Ne Interest
ers1 similar to illustration ; flower-strewn art ticks
e quality- Edges, both top and bottom, are the im-.
Built up in I
are of oepeno;
perial roll. , . - t , -
Made according to Oregon's Bedding Law,
Solid Oak
Table and Chairs
Cash SI Week He Iateres
e.iii k"4-tnch top Table, and opens to six feet. Chairs are
Tit' XU Hgid type; being securely fitted, glued and braced ,
of thte' very rigiuy ""i. . - hfi-hthess unexpected the
2 vol insVkll thlsTuite: See it youfself and decide for your.
ffis1 hare J TelJ backs instead .of 2 as lllustrated-Tabie
self, Cbalrs hare
ls quite simuar.
' HlHitrated With Tea Records (tt Selections)
Offered by tdtrards for-- . .-.
; ;$ie33.50 :i
fit CASa; $f M WEK, 2fO IHTEBEftT
Sot la Every Home Every Day of the Week All the Tear
. -.'Bossd Because
Ah artists. ALL instrumiBntal seleotions, ALL soloists, ALL
dance records.-ALL the popular songs of the day, In a word,
ALL the musle of the world, without restriction, will be at
Fumed Oak, '
Waxed Oak or
Mahogany, which?
Edwards has them all.
a m
-fJs ' .. ..
Complete lens-grinding factory On premises.
Thompson Optical Institute
f 1 J;l fortiand's Largest, Most Modem,,. Best Equipped ,
. ,t Exclusive Optical Establishment -
209-10.11 Cerbett Building, Hfth and Morri.on ,
a 5
finin- -iiTif: inr n&"npjzar
Qslte rtlmllar to the Illuitralioa Ate the White Eaameled
and Gold Finish
Safety Cribs at $12.50
' IS Cash ll. Wek Xo Interest '
such a cortsoiauon for mother to know that "baby is
jfi'danger of getting hurt when sleeping in' another room.
Unusually popular, because of else and construction.
' Has lock-drop side, helical braced, link spring.
One fall Off atv open bed may result tn a doctor's bill big
enough to pay for a'dosen cribs.
Avoid that daflgr-et a crib. Here's a dandy. You can
pay for it the Edwards way.
I iwrV warn I i ii i! mm I. I
Wash Day Need No Longer
, Mean Drudgery for You
Free yourself from the fuss, the muss
and the grind.
Discard the antiquated washtub that
injures the health.
Cl-an : Clothes Easily Banltarily--Satisfactorily
and quickly with the
1 Crystal Electric
Washer; and Wringer
May Kdward.i hot demonstrate it to
you?-8top tn any day, Just see how
convenient ii; is. ,
h Fifty-Pound Felted Cotton
$18,757 $2350 $29.50
Edward guarantees SLE EP WELL MATTRESSES not
to LUMP OR SHIFT. How can he do it? Because Sleep
WeU Mattresses are built up in layer like ao many small
Comforts. - - ...
I I I I OttlOlNAI. PATKKTED tr you'll
Stop ' in and
look It over.
Before , win
Tbis Beawttf ol 8)x.IIoI. Polished Top
Big Oretf
f i
Crovm" Steel Range
Including Water Coil and
Connection!" '
$10 Cash, $2 Week ',
No Interest
Tew, It's been tried and has proven Its
worth euch a "Lovely Brown" on the
Bread: and Boasts t "DONE" through
and through, and Juicy, too, t
Besides the six-hole polished top and big
oven, this range has a roomy firebox with
Duplex grates (for wood and coal), side
drafts tunder the firebox) to speed Up the
fire. Two-Door Warming Closet and plain
picket trimmings.
You can also have a two-burner ga" at-
shown, if desired. Hure, your old stove
will be taken as part pay.
S 4