The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 27, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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i f - . . . . .,
Grant' Smith-Porter YarrJV From
" Which 32 Vessels Launched,
Turned Over to Government.
'ASK MR.FOSTER for ReUable Information Concerning the Details of a Trip Anywhere FREE-Sixth Flooi
See Double Page Spread v '.
. Center This Section for M ore News of Meier & Frank's ,
i ; Co-operative Sales
All Charge Purchases
, Tomorrow and Balance of Month Go on August Bills
' ' Rendered September 1
1- : ' - ' ' :
Jhc: Q.uAL.rrY' Stor or Pobtlaho'
f-y WN. 3icUVKi-1 tn lit-i mm, :-
6500 Employes Constituted a
Happy Family Which Did Most
to Help Uncle Sam Win War.
On the banks of the placid Wil-
lamette river at St; Johns during the
past week was written the closing
' chapter in the annals of Industrial
, achievement that will be filed away
In the national archive am one of the
momentous events in the history of
the great war in Europe. : f
There Was no fanfare' of trumpets, no
crash of brass bands, no silver-tongued j
oratory and no streaming banners to !
herald the passing- of a history-making
epoch.. : 'lvj- :' ' ':. ' ' - :V . ': -; .J ;
The occasion was the formal- relln-.
qulshment by the rant Smith-Porter
- Ship company of y the premier 'wooden
shipbuilding yard of the United State.
Simply, but with tlue reverence, the
acetylene torch, with ; Its war-fanned
. flame snuffed out by . the aiming of
peace, was handed by the shipbuilders to
duly accredited representatives of Uncle
Sara. . ,
Its contract with . the United States
shipping board fulfilled, its obligations
In the sanguinary battle for democracy
met. the Grant Smith-Porter Ship com.
. i pany quietly and " unostentatiously
- turned over its material assets to the
shipping authorities. , . . -
Rising high over the area where 6500
sturdy -workmen until recently tolled at
the herculean task of building a "bridge
of ships across the Atlantic" stand the
eight sheds which cover the eight ways
' from : which 32 steamships have been
built 1 and consigned to the American
merchant fleet. The ways are idle now,
and hugging the docks In front of the
plant Mill remain the last of the Mo
' hlcans the uncompleted hulls of a few
ships which, will soon Join their sister
ships on the high seas of commerce.
Without: previous training or expert
ence in building ships the founders of
the Grant Smith-Porter Ship company
tackled the Job of restoring a lost art.
Surrounding themselves with capable
help the; prodigious task was commenced,
' ways were laid, sheds were erected, and
in the, -mould loft the geniuses. Imbued
with the fighting vigor of red-blooded
Americans went to " work. " February 17,'
1918, the Wasco, -the first" ship Gen
ii structed, waa launched. With feverish
determination the workmen plodded on
and on. and February 17." .,1919."- the
. launching of the Aculeo was celebrated.
Twenty-nine hulls in 13 months was the
record established, . When the active
building activities ceased a few months
later 32 ships had been completed at
the Portland yard. -.' '
- In total output as well as individual
ship construction the yard led all other
similar plants of the country. Time and
again i the shipping board awarded the
first honors to the Portland plant.
Aside from the industrial achievement
there was the delicate' task of promoting
shop harmony. To meet the social needs
f the employes the owners threw, about
their army of workers every inducement
to make them happy and contented. A
vpaclous cafeteria and gymnasium were
built, a brass band of 35 pieces was
organised, clubhouse and, dancehall ac
commodations were provided. In short,
according to the management, nothing
was left undone to maintain that high
. degree of morale necessary for the suc
. cess of a , heterogenous organization of
toilers drawn from many quarters. The
community ,spirit drew . closer together
men of divers racial, political and me
chanical natures.; The wives and , the
. women relatives and friends of the em
ployes shared In the social pleasures af
forded. Young men of brawn and muscle
were given a chance to participate in
their favorite sports. Boxing matches
- and .baseball contests were staged.
"The Grant Smith-Porter family was
happy, says Eric V. Haiiser. vice presi
dent and general manager of the . ship
yard, "and when the last spike' was
driven and the smiles from the last fair
sponsor had faded away it ' was like
parting with life-long friends." he . said.
Ships which left their cradles In the
earlier stages of the shipbuilding pro
gram 'are now scattered ? to the seven
seas. Most of them were christened
after the carnage of blood and death
overseas had ended. To the late units
of the fleet remains the honor of help
ing to rehabilitate war-stricken Europe.
i The shipyard site will now - be used
as an assemblyintr point for materials
of the Emergency Fleet corporation.
Several Filled for
Breaking Game Law
It. V. Smith and .V. Q. Dawson, -both
of Portland, were o arrested in Tilla
mook county last .week by Deputy Game
Warden: Russell for having in their pos
session trout under six inches in-length.
They were fined S25 each." For' catching
and having in their possession a beaver,
. Wesley Whi taker and James W. Jack
son, both of Mapleton, Or., were arrested
and fined 325 last week. Whitaker and
Jackson were arrested ,by Deputy Game
Warden Dilg. W. J. Scott of Portland
was arrested in Tillamook county for
angling without a license and was also
fined 326. -
Father's Illness Calls
Dr. Dillehuht East
Dr. R. B. Dlllehunt, who returned to
"Portland earlier in the month to resume
his - practice of medicine and surgery
after two years army service, left for
.Decatur,; DL, Saturday evening, , where
he was called k by the Illness of his
: father. : -au .3'
f Idaho- Miners Killed -
Burke, . Idaho, ; July 26. Four miners
axe dead and three others are suffering
serious injuries today as a result of an
accident to the cage in which they were
ridng at the mine. The cage shot into
the sheaves instead of descending into
i ; . - . :
r Beginning Tomorrow
An Annual Event With a New Significance
we saji of
With Which Are Included Curtains, Table and Bed Linens, Riigs and Allied Lines
Congoleum, Yd. 67c
You know the desirability of ConKoleum felt-base
floor covering-; how "sanitary, how easily cleaned
and how serviceable it. !s., ' N j, ,
For our Co-operative Sales we offer excellent qual
Ity Congofeum in a variety of patterns, 6 feet wide.
at square 'yard' 67c 1'..' .:-' -'v r-i ',-
Meier &Trank's Co-operative Sales : Seventh Floor.
Flour, 'Royal Banquet 'or
Crown, 49- CO AK
lb. sack... OQeUtl
Pork and Beans, with to
' -maio ttiuce, No. 2
; cans, case S3.45,
do?.: $1.75,
- can
Matches,' good Off-
quality, 6 boxes'
Lard, Silver Leaf, iO-lbv
, net ' weight ;
Soap, Crystal' White, box
of l o o bars tZtZ
$6.25, ten bars OO t
Brooms, fancy stock, spe
cial $1.20 CI CfV
$1.40 and
Meier & Frank's Co-operative Sales : Ninth Floor.
Tiilile Cloths 82.75
72x7a inches. Good quality hemstitched or scal
loped table cloths. v Round and square. . ' "
Cloths $1.75
: 64x64 Inches. Serv
iceable round scalloped
table cloths in good pat
terns. . '
Cloths $3.93
60x60 inches. . Extra
heavy' table cloths in at
tractive designs. Special
Meier ft Frank's Co-operative Sales : Second Floor.
Muslin Sheets $1
. Good sturdy quality muslin sheets in size 54x90
Inches; Very specially priced at each $i.
Cases 25c
Finely serviceable mus
lin pillow cases"-in size
45x36 inches. Limited
Muslin 25c
36 inches wide. Good
soft finished muslin at
this low price while any
remains. . , .
Meier ft Frank's Co-operative Sales : Second Floor,
'' Introductory Showing of i,i ' i:
The "Victory" Pattern
in Alvin Plate
: Patrons are cordially invited to attend this initial
showing and sale of. the new f'Victory" pattern in
Alvin Life-long Plate which begins tomorrow. .
This new pattern Is suggestive of its name It
has Jaurel leaf and flower ornamentation, i It is
decidedly 'different from any design we have' yet
jhown and if is sure to appeal to discriminating
Complete Assortments
of the "Victory" pattern will be on display tomor
row. Come in and see it.
Meier & Frank's : Silverware Shop, Main Floor.
$4.7545.00 Suit Gases
$3.95 .
". Hoffi straw and fiber suit cases in reg
ulation size. The straw cases have bound
edges', straps all around, cloth linings,
waist f pockets and straps inside top and
bottom : (one sketched). The fiber cases'
have -fulL leather straps,, heavy corners,
cloth linings and waist or shirt folds. Size
24x614-inches. -
i i Meier ft Frank's Co-operative Sales : Sixth Floor.
Annual August Co-operative
Sale of Home Furniture
offers hundreds of pieces of thoroughly dependable furniture for
living rooms, dining rooms and bed rboms at savings of from $3.65
on a chair to more than $250 on a Jacobean oak dining suite.
-ALL OVER, the world people are fixing up "their homes. -
r' Parisian are rehahging portraits and taking out of secret hiding places ;their silver and
objects of art, which they had put away to guard. against. invasion or bombardment..
The English, too, are re-adjusting their lives opening the holies which were so long used as
hospitals welconiing their hundreds of thousands" of demobilized soldiers.
- ' - 1 - , ; r - ( -1
And America and Portland
Are Brightening Up Homes for Our Boys
. Nearly all our Portland "Yanks"are home or on
the way. The 40th, the 41st; the 91st divisions,
the 147th Field Artillery most of the Portland,
men are "out" and home and others are coming
every, day. The Great War is over.
War' cantonments are closing. War gear is
being disposed of. -The army is going back to
normal strength. - ' . .
--Now for the old sweet life of
home once more. A finer home
life thpn ever before because we
have all come to know what
HOME meant. ,
. New, furniture s needed right away. Comfortable
new chairs. - Bigger dining tables, to bear the, good"
things cooked for the boy who has come back from the
front. New furniture for his room or for the living ,
rOOm. ' V., ! - : -. '
The August Furniture Sale Opening Tomorrow
"brings our fine one-of-a-kind pieces of all sorts of good
furniture at worthwhile reductions from our standard
prices. Furniture) mostly 'copied from period styles.
Well built. Good to live with.
Read the lists printed below. Check' off the items
in which you. are interested. Come early tomorrow to
make sure of getting what you want; Please remem
ber that there is only one piece of a kind.
Co-operative Sales Bring Big Values in
Curtains, Curtaining
. People who are in quest of
curtains and- drapery fabrics
for beach; cottages, summer
homes, efc;, will do well to
profit by. these Co-operative
Sales tomorrow and .succeed
ing days;: i " . .;
; 67c
An Immense assortment of
lOOO yards fine quality ere--'
tonnes- suitable for draperies,
slip coverings, .pillows. box
coverings, etc. V ,Most are
taken, from rcrulir m-w.
where they have been priced '
as high as $t ' yard. Many
patterns and colors.
Curtain Scrims
23c, .28c, 32c
- Excellent quality curtain
scrims with fancy drawn work
borders. 56 inches wide. About
2000 yards in this sale at yard
23c, 28c and 32c.
Yd. 39c, 56c
Dotted marquisettes, in pleas
ing designs and colors. . Fine
soft - material that will make
splendid summer curtains. 2000
yards at yard 39c and 56c.
Sale of Curtains vPr. $1.95
,300 pairs of perfect quality marquisette curtains with attractive
lace edges. This price for the Co-operative Sales represents a sav
ing of a third.
T ... MeJer ft Frank'a Co-operative Sales : Seventh Floor.
Sale of Fruit Baskets
"By request" we offer a wonderful assort
ment of fruit baskets shown in ten i dif
ferent styles at tf.98. Light and dark double
bamboo baskets with 'and without handles.
One. sketched. Good values at: 2.50 and
2.75 these baskets are exceptional at 1.98.
Meier & Frank's Co-operative Sales : Fifth Floor.
I Wa
Davenport, upholstered in mulberry and .
- Sold damask, down cushions $323.00
Sofa, mahogany and cane, upholstered
with black and gold damask... ....... 255.00
- Davenport, upholstered in figured v'e-
lour, down cushions ......... . 252.00
. Chair, high back, mahogany veneer and
cane, denlra1 covered. ;..... 120.00
. Chair, i for a lady, down ; cushion, gold
: aatine covering .., M 115.00
Arm Chair, carved, Chippendale style.. . 89.75 :
Rocker, mahogany, tapestry seat . and - : .
- back'..... 44.00
: Chair to match . ......... .i...... ....... 41.20 "
1 1 Now
. mahogany, rose
Arm Chair, solid
- damask .
Love Seat, gold satlne covering........
Chair, overstuffed, rose mohair uphol
stery ..i.
Sofa, mahogany finish, Chippendale,
green denim upholstery .
Rocker. . overstuffed, rose mohair up-
- holBtery
Kasy Chair, loose spring ' cushion, raul--
. berry velour upholstery
Rocker. overstuffed, blue denim up
holstery Rocker, mahogany finish, cane ' back,
. tapestry seat
Was 1 Jfow 1
98.00 $ S4.60
. 94.00 ; 47.00 ;
, 82.60 52.50
75.00 52.50
CS.OO 49.60 '
-69.00 ; 47.60.
' 49.00 . 29.60 '
19.60 15.86
Antique Stand Frames
t " I. ' mil r J
- c
By request we offer- 300
antique stand frames for the
Co-operative Sales at 49c and
59c. Two sketched. .
Antique stand frames complete with glass and back. Several styles
of mouldings. '-Bring your pictures with you. Cabinet and 5x7
sizes 49c .The 6x8, 7x9 and 8x10 sizes S9c.
Meier ft Frank's Co-operative Sales s Fifth Floor.'
mi i TT . v t TT-lk Sk '
1 He Universal Jfinel
heats " ' every room in .the home
through one register no heat is
lost in the basement-i4t is a won
derful fuel ; saver. 'The Universal I
Pipeless Furnace is what the name
Implies a furnace without pipes. f
The advantages to be gained from
using a Universal Pipeless Furnace
are many. First of all is a cool
basement -so. . important,; for the
storing of . vegetables and : fruits:
And, next is the fact that all heat
generated must pass into : rooms
above absolutely no waste of heat
Come - in tomorrow and let us
explain to you the many other mer
its of the Universal Pipeless Fur
nace. If desired...
; Make Your Own ? i
Terms in Reason
I ft l
t E v
Meier tt Frank's : Sixth Floor. Fifth Street.
$800 Jacobean Oak Dining Room Set Complete $539
serrlag table, a china eablaet, 5 tide
II pieces, eoaslstlag of 72'lseh sideboard, 64ineh dlaing table,
chairs tsd oat arm ehalr with leather-seats asd cans backs.
"Very slntple,-well xna4e,.bestlfa farnitare for asy home.
I Was Ww f
Buffet, mahogany veneer,- William and
Mary style, no mirror.;.....!.. ,
Buffet.- mahogany veneer, Queen Anne
style .i. .......
Buffet, mahogany veneer,-Queen. Anne
style with mirror. ....................
: 65.00
I Was. .,lCow
Buffet. Cromwelllan style, no mifror, . ,
walnut finish ........ ...... ..u-.... $ 46.00
Buffet, with mirror, waxed ofck . . . , .". . . 34.50
Serving Table, mahogany veneer. Queen
' Anne style . 24.60
$ 35.76. .
27.60 ;
, 18.76 1
$701.50 Black Enameled Decorated Bedroom Set $485
1 nieces, eeasfstlar of t fell sise beds, a large dreer.
table, side ehalr, rocker aad dressing table chair. Black
able for a large home.- - , ,
chiffonier, eresshur table, desk, a bea
eaamsl, beaatlfslly decorated with roses.
I Was - 4 Ifow
Dressing Table, solid mahogany, un
usually large, made by Berkey & Gay
Dresser of ivory enamel . . . . .............
Dresser of Ivory enamel
Chest of drawers.-mahogany veneer...
Chifforobe. mahogany veneer. ..........
Chest of drawers, ivory enameled.....
Single Bed. ivory enameled......;;.,.'.
Chest of drawers, .walnut..,.,....,....
... 110.09 .
; 83.76
- 78.60,
I Was . How
.Dressing Table, walnut ......
Dresser, Ivory enamel ..... . .
Chiffonier. -mahogany veneer
Chifforobe, mahogany veneer. .
Chifforobe, mahocrany finish..
Dressing Table, mahogany veneer..
uresstng Tame, larger......
Dressing Table, Ivory enamel
Dressing Table, Ivory .v..
. . t m
' 46.60
1 42.00
' 41.00
' 31.60
Make Your Own Terms, in Reason Eighth Floor
; Special Introductory Offer
A Can of "Steri-Foam"
and a Toilet Brush
. v. Good 50c Value for
- .
'Sterl-Foam' is a magical com
pound that safeguards health by de
odorizing and dislhfecting the closet
bowls, invisible traps and connections.
It is a dry powder that will not harm
the hands, clothing, .carpet or ' any
thing upon which it may fall.
As a special introductory, offer we .
will sell a large can of "Steri-Foam" (regularly 25c) "and a "Jiffy"
bath tub or commode brush (regularly 25c) a 50c value for 25c.
"Pyrex" Ovenware Just In '
. We have Just received a large new shipment of "Pyrex" glass
oven ware in the following pieces: Round casseroles, round pud-'
ding dishes, oval baking dishes, cake dishes, . bread pans, pie
plates, custard cups, etc.
-Meier 4c Frank'a Co-operative Sales J Basement
jro snail. -