THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PO RTLAND, SATURDAY. JULY - 23, 1919. HOGS ARE TOUCHING HIGHEST LEVEL IN PORTLAND COUNTRY POtS IN: mm FOR BUM ; BECAUSE SHORTAGE Some Creamery Sections of the WIN ' lamette f Valley Already Foreed to Purchase Here Usually They Have Surplus to Sell In Portland. Already country points are beginning to buy cubo butter In the Portland mar ., keta because of th lnabttity -of their locaf creameries to secure sufficient : stock, for their home requirements. Fact of the matter fa that the short ened production has affected all sec tions. . Usually the greatest shortage is in August, , but If - the supply then is leas : than now the trade says that a ' real famine of good quality will exist Burin of cube batter here by country eream- ? err interests to imUt new stunt, for aa a ml i the eountry to s liberal MUer of its surplus- in w Portland market;- " v-' A a nil fully .half of, the batter efciummed In Portland to secured from the country, there for tb sitoaUoa bar at the moment to a moat . There to plenty of ordinary to poor gnat batter available at this time but owing to the ', shortage of batter stuff it to aellinc high. Dairy prodoea receipts at Portland Friday: , V . - BUTTEB 'California 2B pounds Tresoa 10.140 pound Washington Total '.. California , Oregon ... Vreahiogtoo , Total . . . S.S40 pounda ............. ,13,719 pound . CHEESE , ' ...... 12 sounds ...... 88,090 pound ...... 7,725 pounda .45,827 pounda V'V'eggs Express Freight. Idaho ..,, North Dakota , . . Oraeoct ........ - Washington . . . . izi ... a so 61 78 IS ' ,6 Total .1. ...... Grand total 647 1.00 437 'BOMB APPLES MORE MODERATE Early harvest apples are coming forward from Columbia river taction and are selling around 4 81.50 a box for coed stock. Gravensteins ara also eoatins and for early offerings a bow good . quality around $1.60 1.75. - PEACH MARKET HOLDING WELL Even though thara baa racently beaa a liberal iaeraase in the volume of peaches marketed both by local points, and Jbjr California, tho de- ZZJZt L Tmi .h.t .I7il. mrm hniHin. fi. t?$eMl!.b CABBAGE ' PRICE IS VERT FIRM - - Cabbage market offeringa are increaaing but the demand to extremely good and prleea are high, galea by (rowera are abown around 2 He a pound with the a tract price at lelKe generally. ' . - - - , a r CHEESE TRADE IS IMPBOY1WQ With Southern California rtill in the market for Oregon cheese, the situaUon la ah swine eon atdarabia improvement : for the last few days despite the recant drop of 2d at Coos Bay. . , 3?OMlKAL DRESSED HEAT TRADE While no price changes are abown, only nom . lnal trading la shewn in country killed meats. e Receipts of calves are moderate with prices , maintained. Too few hogs are arriving to eatab ..' lisb a 'general price. .WHOLESALE PRICSS ITS PORTLAKD , These sre the price retailers pay wholesalers. except as otherwise noted: ..)- " ' ; Dairy Products BUTTER-Helling priee. box lota: Creamery - prima, parchment wrapped, extras, 60o par lb.; . prime firsts, 58e; tint. S6e per lb.: smaller lota at aa advance. Jobbing prices: . Cube ex. tra, 64 0 tee; prime firsts, 62 665c; cartons, le higher. - ' BCTTERFAT Portland delivery basis, 60 Se: country tation. BS960e per lb. - OLEOMARUARINB Local brands, 80 0 ' eOe lb. ; tuba, 2cj 1 lb. carton. Sue: 2 lb. cartons. S6o; Nutmargarlne. 1 lb. eartona, lie lb. ' CHEESE Selling price: Tillamook, fresh Ores on fancy foil eream - triplets, 86037e lb.; Young America, ,97 88o lb. Price to Job. 'pen, f. o. b. Tiltamoow, triplets, S3c; Young America, 14a Selline price: Brick. 88 9 4o.. Baying prie of Com and Curry triplet, ' 81 He; Young America; 3Se per lb., f. o. b. Myrtle Point. ,' EOG8 Buying price, 4T 0 BOe per do sen; selling price, 60 61c: candled, 6Sfe64c EGG Public market retail selling price, 64c per doa. : asaotiaUoo selling price to trade, 49(S)o4e per bowti. LIVE POULTBT Heavy hens. 27e per lb.: flight bene, 2net per lb.: broilers. S3 Z8c lb.; eld roosters, 1718o lb. - sqqaos, tt.00 young dutika. - 28 35c lb. ; pigeons, 1.5002.00 per doaea; turkeys, lire,' SOe pet lb.; dressed. 40c per lb.: geese, lire. l"o per lb. Freeh V eatables and fruit rBESH rRUITS Orangeav " S2.7S 6.75 Yen, 4 lbs. and over 26-28c Hens, under 4 lb. 23o2Se Broilers, lVz lbs. and up 26c Top Veal . .... .24c-2Sc Top Hogs 28c-3Qc Eggs ( rots and cracks oat), '. per dozen ...... .fiy8c ' PORTLAND PRODUCE & COMMISSION CO. 149 FRONT ST. PORTLAND, OREGON ' 'Ship Your Cream to Us For Top Market Price-, l' OM Bhlppers Are Our References . CREAM -SEPARATORS . . OX SA8T TERMS - Oar delicious lee Cream shipped -promptly for parties, etc - i or Write CorvallLt Creamery Co. CORTALLIS, OREGOJT sURst aHiPMBirra T - HI HIST PftieES PROMPT PAY POM - DAIRY . BUTTER, ORIAIR, KOQa, UVI - POULTRY Wrtte fee- Prises ccr?jurr poarrutsb, on. ... WB WASTTOU. Veal, Hogs, Poultry Eggs, Dressed Meats, Hides, Caacara Bark. Mohair. Woel, 'taj . - Write 17$ for Prices GULLICKSON & CO. Etfd lilt ' 16$ Proat SU Pertlaad. Or. I1IOES, SHEEP PELTS, MOHAIR, WOOL ALSO CASCARA BARK : WRrrii ren pmots to ' IL F. NORTON CO. . C IV. Cor, tstsi en 1 vinsen g' PsrUaad, Or, t a4m-, .!an. Improvement Is Needed i n Eggs Oregon, Stock Is Black Sheep of the Entire Pacifie Coast. - 1 By. Hrman H. Cohen ' That egg' producers and dealers of Oregon" must take instant heed of the alarming situation In 'the local trade at thia time has been the conclusion reached by the trade .generally, v : , i Losses In eggs as the result df Im proper oare and marketing have reached staggering sums in this entire terri tory. The situation instead of Improv ing is constantly growing worse. It can no longer be denied that Ore gon eggs hawe a coast wide reputation for poor quaJity., i There Is no doubting tne zact that some of the eggs marketed here, are as good as those sold in any other market, but the volume of : really good stuff, la so limited that the state has secured a reputation for poor quality on a majority of its offerings. Oregon produces, a surplus (St '. eggs during most of the season, therefore out side markets must be found. At this tinvt eggs from' this state are being quoted in outside markets about 5 8c a dozen less than from other . states, therefore there must be something radi cally wrong with the offerings to merit such a discrimination. - Those desiring special Information, re garding any market should write the market editor, enclosing stamp for reply. per box; bananas, 9 0S He per lb. ; lemons. S7.60gS.5O; Flortla arapefruit. ): Cali fornia grapefruit, S 5.75 0.00; , cantaloupes, 1 1.00 9 5.00 ; watermelons, 2 He lb. Cher ries, Bings. 12HHe: BUek liepublicsot. s lOe: Lamberts. 12 net California fixa. 11.25 1.60: Oregon anricota, $1.252.26; peaches. 70CCg si.ov.-- , BEKBIE.S Raspberries, 83.008.75; logaa btrriea. 83.50 m 2.7S; eurrants. $2.0002.26; bckberrien. $2.50 St. 00 pet crate. APPLES-p-Various TgrieUea. $1.6002.00 per DBlEft FKCITS J" -tea, Dromedariea, t i i Fard. . 1 t i per bux: rabin. tbr erown loose 'Muscatels. lOe lb. ; tint, $5.00 per box of Oil o-os. pacaagsa. . 'ONIONS Sallin snee to retailers, Oregon. $5.00 pel cwt; ssseeiation selling price, car- toao. i t. o. . eountry; garne, see; green onions, 409 per doau Imncuea; Walls Walla. $4.7!ij6.00. , POTATOKS SeUlng price. . old crop, $1.7$ 6)2.25 ewt.; buying price for fancy large sixes, $1.60: ordinary, $1.86 e 1.60 per cental; sweet, 12c per lb.: new potatoes, 8 0Sttc Pal lb. VEGETABLES Turnips. $3.50 per sack; earrots 4c per lb.; lU,-8Ho per lb.; eafe haee, Oregon, SS!ie per lb. lettuce. 500 80c per doa.; encumbers, 90ctl.50 per doa.; tomatoes, $2.00 92-25 per crate: eggplant. 12 hie lb.: eanunewet California), $2.25 pet erate: horseradiah. 15e per lb.: sninaeh. local. 8o per lb. ; asparagus, local, $1.25 01.50: beU kPep.pers. 80c per lb. : peaa, so lb. ; ' rutabasaa. ':ff: 'i"1 ,.- meaia ane) rrovismna C0CNTBT MEATS Selling price; Country bogs, 28 28 Ho lb.; best real. 24025e; ordi nary veal, 23e lb. v i . SMOKED MEATS Ham. 35 44 He; break fast bacon, S8 055e; picnic,. 27 0 SOe; cottage roll, 88o lb. ' i - , - , . LABD KetUe rendered, $7e per lb.; atssd ard. 86e; ttetse basis: compound. 29 He. Plan and aheUfish FBESB - FISH Steelhead salmon, IS 015c per lb. ; chinoek, 18 0 kOc; halibut, fresh, 18 0 14c; torn cod. 8e; sturxaoo, 18 020c; fresh her ring. 6 0 7c dressed shad. Se; shad roe, lOe lb.. SHELLFISH Crab. $2.25 0 6.00 per doa.; shrimp meat, 62e per lb. : lobster. 80c per lb. SUOAB Cube. $10.50' powdered, $10.29; fruit and berry, $9.05; D yellow. $9.05; granu lated, $0.65; beet. $$.56; extra 0. $$.26; golden C. $8.16. i HONET New, per ease, RICE Japan style, No. 2 He Nor Or leans head. 1$ 01$ He; Bhra Rose. 11 41 a 12a Bi.T uoane Ball, ground, 100. 817. OO pet ton; 60s. $18.50; table dairy. 80s. $26.60; bales, $3.16 0 S.SSl'fsney table sad .dairy, $82.50: lump rock, $23.00 per ton. BEANS Oregon Xsalae by Jobbers) : lady Waahinatoa. 7 V4 0 So per lb.; pink, 7 H e par id., umaa, ic; oayou. i it a; rea, 7c; Oregon beans, buying prices normal. CANNED MILK Carnation. $7.25 Borden, $6.83; Aster, $7.15: Eagle. $10.70: t-ibby. $7.15; Teloban, $7.05; Mount Vernon. $7.15 Haselwood, $7.15 . per case. COrFEE Boasted,-87 0 81a in sacks or drums. - - SODA CRACKERS In bulk, J7e per lb. NUTS Budded i walnuts, 81085c lb. sl asonds. 24 0 20c; , filberts, 28c in sack lota; peanuts, 16c; pecans, 25c; Brazils, 35c Repes, Paints, oils ' ROPE Steal, dark. 22c; white. 22 He DM Standard manila. 25 He. LINSEED OIL Haw, bbla.. $2.82 gal; ket tle boiled, bbls., $2.34; raw. cases. $2.84; boiled, cases. $2-44 per gat COAL OIL Water tilts, in drams or Iron bbla.. HHc tel.: ease, 24s gaL GASOLINE Iran bbla., 28 He; cases, 84c; engine distillate, tron . bbla.. 18c; eases, 28 He. WHITE Lead Ton iota, 12Ho; 60O Iba.. TUKPENTI?TE Tanks, $1.81; cases. $1.41; 1$ rase lota,' Ic lees, i WUtE NAILS Basio price. $8.1$. Hese, Weel sod Hide . - HOPS Nominal, 1918 crops; cop tracts. Ills crop. 45 050c pes lb. HIDES No. 1 salt cured hides, $0 lbs. and wp, se; no. -it aaie cure nraea, sw Iba. and up, ) ; No. 1 green bides, 80 lbs. and up, 26o: No. 1 salt cured bait bides. 80 the. and up. 24c: No. 1 areen bull hides. SO lha 17c. The price of No. 3 hides will be le per R. leas thaa No. 1. , No. 1 calfskins, up te 10 ids., ise; wo. s eautsawa, up to 15 lbs., 60c; No. 1 kipskins. 1$ tot 26 lbs., SOe; No. 2 kipsklns, 15 to 25 lbs., 25c; dry flint bides, lbs. and up. 40c; dry ealt stag or bull bides, 20c; dry euH hides, 7 lbs. and up, 24e; dry salt calf bides, unnder 7 lbs.. 60e dry flint stag or bull bide. 25c; dry salt etas or bull hides, 18c; dry hides and, skins, half price; dry horse hides, according to size sad quality, each $1.50 03.00; salt bene hides, skinnel to beef and head on. $5.00 0 8.00; horse bides with besds off, , 60c lea; dry tons wool sheep yciu. vi in., ooc; . si; mooium wool aneep pelts, per lb., 20 080c; dry shearing sheep nelta. each. 50 0 75c; salted long wool sheep palta. each. CO 0 76c; salted long, wool she' a pelts, each, $2.00 0 4.00; salted medium ol (beep palta, eaoh, $1.00 02.00; salted sb'ring aheeo pelts, each, 50 076c.) MOHAIR Long staple. 6001 Se lb.: short ateple. 40 048c per lb. " TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 taQow. 18c No. 2. 12c; o-1 grease. 10; No. 2 areaaej f HITTIM OR' CASPAR A BARK -New pseL 10c .-.'--,,-- ... .-, . WOOL, Tslley H blood Merino and Shrap. Shire. -60c; Cotswoid and Lincoln, 40 0 46c matted Cotawold, 80 086c; timber stained. 6e per lb. ' less; lambs' wool, 4e per lb. 1 - Eastern Oregon. Kastern Waauinstoa and Cal ifornia Wool Merino and Shropshire,' 85 04Oct H blood merino and Cotawold, 37 042o; Harop- ui ivamiN ana xaitooin, straight and mixed. $2 085c; borry. So per lb. tarn: iambaV 4c per lb. lea. Sine Wools Marine grades. $JO035o. . . combing aad carding Moaey-and . Exehaage --'' New York. July 28. (L N. 8.) Sterling exrhange was - weak, with buainem ia bankers' bills at 485 for demand. " Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Egg f Ship to as. We will get yoa top priess. ,- forty years la the feaslasss , PAGE & SON 120-122 Frost Street Portland Ore. Llvsftoek CosBstlsaioa Verehaais UXION : STOCK YARDS - . KORTH PORTLA1TD. OREGOS SHIP US YOUR MEAT ; r AND PRODUCE ; to arrive not later ihan Friday raorTura. WeseU your meat and produesM ,S partners without speculating on it. " - 7 BOUMm& CO. ; X!S-XS$ Frost SL, PorUaad Orcge BoDme&Clarli MILLERS ANXIOUS TO; PAY ADVANCE FOR A LIMITED HOG SUPPLY By Fort in a Market Up on Scant Of ferings st Present, Influence Values Upward for Record Breaking Stocks of Provisions, - - v PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN ;. ,. Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Saturday . ... 19 r 24 Wees aao ....... Two weeks age. . . . : Four weeks ago., . Year ago ........ Two years ago....' Three years ago. . . Pour year ago,... 188 800 49 500 , 44 80 71 255 ee '60 39 . . ' . 720 1822 60S C asf A e- . w. i 27 The extreme high record price of 23 obtained for a carload of bogs late Friday afternoon, established the high est price ever known in the North Port land yards. The rise was 25c over the previous extreme record. There were bo further arrivals cf bogs in the North, Portland alleys ever night but some beld oeer stuff was sold within the former range. Killer appear to be anxious te boost the price of hogs on the limited supply now coming for ward as tbm adds greatly to tho price of the record-breaking stocks of lower priced products that are held in the storage houses all over the nation. - s j. r General hog range: Prime mixed ................ $22.75 28.00 Medium mixed.... 22.OO0 22.SO Boucb hear .............. 22.SO023.75 Pigs 20.00020.75 Bulk ...... .4..; 22.50 Cattle Continue Steady Cattle trade, continue steady at North Port land with limited supply offering on the closing day of the week. In general no ehance was shown in the price list; sales being made at practically the same values as on Monday. . , General -cattle range:' i Good to choice steers ....... ..$10.50 0 11.50 Fair to sood stsers.. 0.00 0 10.60 7.OO0 7-0 e.oo0 7.eo 8.00 0 0.00 5.00 0 $.00 S.6O0 6.00 0.00 016.50 Common to fair steer , ........ WBM .IW .... . . ........ Good to choice cows and heifers. Medium to fair cows sod heifers, Ca nrt ................... Calves ..................... Mutton Situation Steady - ' It was a steady tone in the mutton trade, While ao fresh arrivals were shown in the North Portland alleys over Bight sales indicate that killers are still willing to pay $12.50. the former top for best quality lam be. i General abeep and lamb range: Prime lambs ..$12.00 012.50 Fair to medium lambs 0.00011.50 Tearlinga 7.000 S.00 Wethers 6.00 0 7.50 Ewes .. . , . . , . . - 0.00 0 7.60 . . Friday Afternoon Sales .. . STEERS No. Are. lbs. Price. I No. Are. Iba Price. 8.... 486 $ 7.25 f - COwS ' "' v 1.... 888 $ 6.00 , 2.... 81S $ 7.00 2 000 7.25 . - . i HOGS St... 268 $22.75 S. 29. ... 209 , 2a 5 O t 8. 7,;.', 200, 22.75 2. 1.... 320 22.50 105. 156 $22.50 194 22.75 390 182 21.00 23.00 KWES 2.... 155 S 6.00 I 8. ... 115 8 8.50 6.... 110 4.00 i YEARLINGS . 8.... 100 $ 8.00 . LAMBS 61.... 78 812.50 I T.... 110 $11.$0 67.... 100 12.60 I Saturday sfterning SoJee - . T gTEERS ''' No. . Av. lbs. Price. I No. " At. lbs. Price. 4.... 887 $ 8.25 2.... 960 $ 8.20 cows 14.... 018 $ 7.75 2..., 950 8 6.60 ' CALVES ' . 2...., 800 $11.00 I 2.... 340 $ 8.00 20. . .. 220 15.00 1 HOGS 8... 1 . . , 7... 83... 5... 6... 105 $32.50 1 . a 8 . . . $.... 820 $22.00 410 20.50 406 20.50 193 22.50 203 22.60 LAMBS 87 $12.50 40... 2.... 27.... 64 $12.50 70 0.00 68 8.00 68 10.00 64 10.00 EARLT LOSS IIT COTT03T IS GENERALLY RECOVERED New York, July 26. (L N. S) Tho cotton market opened fairly steady at a decline of 6 to 20 points, the easier ruling being influenced by further liquidation on long stuff and selling by Liverpool, promoted by bearish week-end fig ures and more favorable weather prospects. On the other band the promise of an early set tlement of the strike of the marine workers, bull ish crop advices published by the local newspa pers ' and reports that Gteat terftain would es tablish largo credits here fori the purchase of cotton, led to pronounced buying after the start which resulted in the recovery of the most initial loss. ' ' . -.:, ;- Pricee eased off again in the late dealings on renewed liquidation and selling taom foreign and southern sources. The close was steady unchanged to 25 points 'lower, i . Range furnished by Overbeck at Cooke oom neny. Board of Trade building. Month. Open. High. January ........ 3500 8517 February a....... ...... .... March. 8498 8626 M.y une . . . . ...... ..... .... August .... September ...... .... October ........ 8490 3510 December ....... . 8510. 3531 Low. Close. $484 3496 .... 3497 3485 8600 .... f 8495 .... 8486 .... 3425 . . . . 8460 8470 8488 8493 3302 BRIEF JT0TES OF PRODUCE TRADE ' New garlic aelling at 86c s pound. ,. - 4 ; . Onion market continues firm. Both old and new potatoes are firm at . un changed price. --j i'- Cantaloupe pries again lowered. . ' - -AH berry prices unchanged for the day. Good demand continues for small supplies of spricots. ;-r.i, .. .-;?.' . WEATHER KOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments during the next 86 hours against the following maximum temperatures : Going Berth, .70 de greee; north east over the Spokane, Portland A Seattle railway. SO degrees; east to Baker. 80 degrees, sad south to Ashland. 00 degrees. Max imum temperature at Portland tomorrow, about 76 degrees.. I - Saa Fraaclseo Cash Grata San Francisco, July 26. (U. P.) -Cash grain: - s . Barley Spot feed, per cental. 83.10 03.15; do shipping, $3.1$ 0 8.20, at eountry shippiag points. Oate Red feed. $3.80 02.90 per eeatal; seed, prices nominal: black, $2.76 08.00; red mUo. $3.12 H 0 3.17 H. Nsw Tork Bank Statemeat . New York. July 26. -(L N. a) Bank statement Average: Loess decreased $101, 680,000; demand deposits decreased $67,862, OOO;.. time deposits increased $11,893,000; re serves decreased $27,524,280. - . - Aetna!: Loans deereased $971054.000; de mand deposits- deereased $106,864,000; time deposits increased $14,028,000; reserves : ia ereesed $3,402,200. v - . v . Hogs and Veal ' 'DRKSSCD MOSS market still sdvaaeiBg. We sold strictly top stock at 29c The mar ket will continue te advance ss long aa prices remain Ugh in the yard. VEAL market .somewhat inactive; ' however, we received 26e for alT top. veal during week; LIOHT VSAL off -grade sold remarkably bigs, Moat sales at 22 to 23c. i J POULTST ' - ' Good demand. Meat sales at 28e On heavy bens and broilers. Light bene sold from 24 to 28c We need more poultry, aad belle fe these prices will hold during the week. - COOS 1 ' Market about steady. Current receipts sold at 48c during week.' . ' - HIDES ' - ' Msrket still advaBcing. Salt well before shipping "- (Write or -wire ua for market changes when, la' doubt.) We remit actual sales, leas le for handling. : : sherida:i!eeckley co::?a:iy - .. . M$ FR02TT STREET Keferesee; ' Hiberaia Savings Bank LSITUAIIIIS STRONGER WITH AN UPWARD TENDENCY Even Boston, Which Has Been In clined to Talk Shaded Values, Is Now Converted to the Bull Side . Some ' Sales Reported Hioheri Further increase In activity is shown la the wool trade ail over the country. Aa forecast in these reports recently, the recent alleged weakness' and slug gishness In theTXtlantlc coast trade was more of a desire on the part of cer tain buying - interests than an actual market condition. ?f 1 " Indicating that the strength in the fleece trade is real la the tact that manufacturers are scouring the entire country: for supplies - and in some in stances are paying further:, fractional advances' in price. . . ; : y--. . The improvement in the easterB ' trade has been marked during the last week and instead of the situation being bearish aa some . recent reports from Boston have indie tad, the market is sufficiently strong for some amies to be made at slightly advanced prices. Locasy the situation Is very firm and especi ally so for fine clothing stock, of which there is s confirmed shortage throughout the world. Uncertain Opening Of Chicago Grains By Joeeph P. PHtohard Chicago, July 26.- (L N. S.) Bye and bar ky led in the strength on the board of trade today, rye gaining $4e and barmy was up 406Ha. '.December corn eloaed H0He higher; Sep tersber waa BBcnanged to He higher, while the July future waa He lower. The oat market wai unchanged to H 0 He higher. ; Hog prod ucts were higher. ' . : '-'-- Chicago, July 26. (L N. S) 5om opened Bxcerteia today with pricee He tower to He higher. The weather map showed hot. dry conditions over the belt, but Its influence waa modified by the forecast for ' showers in prac tically an states ever Sunday.- On the early decline there waa buying by cash houses, which took the surplus off the market. Oat started easier with prices unchanged to He lower' on scattered selling induced by tho rams in Canada. Commission houses bought on the break and sent prices to s premium over the previous close. There waa a vary lixht trade tat lard, at the opening, but nothing doing ta the rest of the provtoions list. Prices showed little Changs from yesterday. . . Chicago range by United Press: - CORN , - Open ; High ' Low Close July ...... 105H 105 H 104H 195 September .. 193 H 105H 195; . 195H December ... lo5 111 Mi 166 H . ' ' OATS ' July 79 H - 80 H 79 79 September ... 79 H 80 H 79 H 80 H Decembei . . 82 H 88 82 H 83 : PORK ' . : ' sTnly o e .. - 5509 September . . 6180 6195 6180 - 8180 v. . lard : - Jtlly o e S m m o - . e ! September .. 8417 3450 8443 3460 RIBS July ...... .N2890 2895 2890 2895 September . . 2845 2857 2840 2850 AMERICA JT LIVESTOCK PRICES , - ,. Omaha Hog S22.40 Omaha,' July 26. (1. N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipts. 0000; 16025c lower. Bulk, $21,600 21.00: top. $22.40. . v Cattle Receipts, none ; compared " with - week ago, prime comfed steer and yearlings about steady; others. 60 0 75c lower; butcher stock, generally $1.00 01.75 lower; veaat. $2.00 0 3-00 lower; choice feeder. 25 0 50o lower. - Sheep Receipts, none; compared with week ago. mostly $1.00 lower. " ; -Kansas City Hess $23.00 Kansas City, Mo.. July 28. '(L N. S.) Cattle 800. no market. Hog 800. steady to strong.' Sales $22,50 0 23.00. - - - ., - ... . 8heep 1000. no market Ohlcaoo Hoe S2S.2S " Chicago. July 20. (L N. S.) Hogs Re ceipt 6000; steady and mostly 10 015c lower. Itulk, 321.25028.15; tops, $28.25; heary weisbt, $21.80023.20; Medium weight, $21.75 023.23; light weight. $21.65023.25; light lights, $21.00 0 22.75: heavy packing sows, smooth,. $21.26021.76: packing sows, rough, $20.00021.00 pig. 820.00 0 2 Is 60. . Cattle Receipts 1 500 : compared with week ago choice and prime beef and ah stock strong to 85e higher; medium and good corn fed, 36 0 50o lower; all grassy cattle 60c 41.00 lower; canners, 25 0 5Oo lower; calves. 600 75c lower. Sheep Receipts nominal; compared with week ago 75e0 $1.25 lower; westerns mostly 60c 011.00 tower; sheep hisber. POTATOES ALL ALOXG THE COAST - San Franelsoo Market ' Saa Francisco. July 26. (O. P.) Pota toesOld crop, Oregon Burbauks, $2.25 02.35 per cental; Washingtoa Round White, $1,76 0 2.00 ex-ice; new crop -Garnets, $2.25 02.60; river white. $1.7502.25; sweets. 6 0 7e per lb. for Imperial Valley ami 0 010c for Merced. Onions Yellow, $3.00 0 3.25 per cental on street; river .white, $3.0003.25; Australian brown, $3.00; green, $1.75 02.00 per box. ,-.;'' ? Los Angete Martst Los Angeles, July 2. (L N. S.) Potatoes Stockton Burbsnks, $2.15 02.40; new stock home grown White Rose. $1.00 01.10 lug; sacked. No. 1 grade. $2,75 0 $.00; No. 2 grade, $2.0002.60. Seattle Market Seattle. July 26 (L N. .8.) Potatoes Takim Gems. $45.00 per too; local Rose, $ H 08 He; White. 4e per lb. . , DAIRT PRODUCE OF THE COAST Saei Pranetoeo Market ' Saa Francisco, July' 28. (.U. P.) Butter Extras. 68 He; firsts, 65 He; prime firsts. 57c Eggs Extras, 67c: first. 68c; extra pullets, 48c per dosen. Cheese California flats, fancy. 84c; firsts, 82e per pound. -! - . Lee Angeles Sfarket Le Angeles, July 26. (L N. S) Butter California creamery extras, 57c Ease Fresh, extras. 61 He; .case count. SOe; pullets, 47e- .. -.'.--,...-.--','- Broonhall Grain Report f- M 2-Liverpool,-July 26. BroomhaU says: .- : . Clearances of wheat continue to be main tained sad it is interesting to note that S sub stantial portion of the shipments i - destined to the United Kingdom, and France is also re eeiving a good percentage. Aa usual, shipment of corn are of small proportion. ' The outward movement of oats la somewhat disappointing, for some improvement te the clearances of this grain ia looked for. Shipments of rye (how a decrease as compared with previoaa week, but clearances of barley have enlarged, and Holland is receivms a large ponioa oi ue loiai quantity. - St. Losls Metal Varket St. Louis, Mo..-July 26. (L N. S) higher. 6.75. " ' Slab -sine stronr, $8.03. . MlsseapoUs FUx Market .. Mirmeapolia. July St. (I K. S.) Flaxseed. $6.08 06.11; April. 86.08 06.11. Hogs 29c Veal 25c These figures are based on actual sales. Why market your meat the same way aa it waa done 20 rears ago. when you carp p.vaii yourself of the service of our . Modern Saxiitary Cold Storage Plant? We Save losses. We get better prices. Tour check is bigger. Ship to The Savinar Co., Inc. 108 FR027T ST.., ' Established 191$; YARDS BARLEY SHORTAGE IS REAL; TRADE IS JUST FINDING OUT TRUTH Previous Forecasts of The Journal Tbst Values Will Rise Sharply Are Being - Confirmed Fireworks In ' Prices Looks Likely. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Cars. ' Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Portland Sat .. 16 , 6 ... 1 Year ago .... - 19 j 1 2 ' . . . . Total thia wk. .. 67 12 v10 8 Tear age .... 88 , 22 16 , S : Seasoa to dte. 171 ' 45 - 67 . 13 Year ago .... 121 21 83 48 Tacoms, Friday . . 4 .,.,,,..... - Year ago- , , , , tf--,. . Season to dte. . . , 67 10 . . . " 25 leu ice .... (Jlv . .. -i 6 Seattle. Friday . ,. 8 ... 2 " Year - ago . 4 ',.- : ' 8 '1 Season to dte. .. 60 23. 36 27 Yea ago . ... 62 3 103 53 Hay. ., 7 18 21 82 46 106 . 2 . o 85 S 5 12 32 47 AUV WHEAT HAS GUARANTEE The trade hers at well as the XT ft. Grata Corpora Uoa was somewhat ajaased at the statement by D. A. WhIU la the Salem Josraal to the effect that i the goveraateat has aot sitablltked a yrlee for WlUasietts Taney wheat. This ; is entirely aa error, as ail American wheat has a' raaraateed price aad for valley wheat' the price will be exactly the same as for others of the same grade wbesi delivered at Portland, which is the baste point, The, report that Salem is or will be a basle polat Is f oaaded oa error, aeeordlag to officials. There promises to be one of the great est scrambles for coarse " grains .and especially barley, within the immediate future that the Pacific Northwest trade has known for many a day. ' Irrespective of the $4 a ton advance in the price of barley on the Portland Merchants' exchange on Friday, with sales at the rise, prevailing prices are considered cheap. While the advance scared some of the trade, still such a movement could have been expected in viw of the great shortage in the 1019 acreage all through the Pacific coast states. That such a movement of prices bas been forecast, is known to all read ers of The Journal. V - - v Some day the local trade is going to awaken to the fact that there ia little barley to be bad and that the demand ia somewhat greater thaa the normal. Whea that time srrivaa the scram ble will be on in earnest and there, is going to be acme fireworks display in prices. Naturally oats are feeling some effect of the strength in the berley trade. FLOUR Selling price 1 Patent $1 1.0 ; whole wheat flour. $10.60010.75; Willamette valley. $11.$$; meal straight. $11.25 011.85; bakers looaL $10.90 011.10: Montane spring wheat, patent 811.10; rye flour, $10.00; oat flour, $10.00; graham, $10.15 010.60. Priee for city delivery in five barrel lota. HAY Buying prices. hew erop: Willamette timothy fancy. $27.00; Eastera Oregon-Washing-t: fancy timothy. $$2.00: alfalfa. $36,00 0 $26.60; valey vetch. $22.00: cheat $22 OO; etraw, $8.0009.00; dover, 82.00; grain. 822. GRAIN SACKS Normal, new crop delivery, No. 1 Calcutta. 12 H 018o ia ear lots; lass amounts higher. . . . . MILLSTUFFS Hiked tua st mills, sacked, 889.00. ' ' -' '- . ROLLED OATS Per tea $58.00081.00. ROLLED BARLEY Per ton. . $59,000 82.00. '.' '.-'' -....! CORN Whole, S76.00: cracked, $78.00 tea. Msrchaats Excnsnce -bids: ". . -;.' FEED OATS - "..-".-...'.:,. July. - August September. No. 3 whits ... . . . . 6800 6800 6800 6750 eeoo . - - 7600 5500 5800 7500 6200 i BARLEY : .v No. 8 btoe-..if .. 6600 6700 Standard feed. .... .. 6400 6500 -4 CORN '. No. 8 yellow..... .. 7600 T500 - Eastern corn and oat ia bulk: Oats. No. 3 white.. 5500 5500 Oats, 38 lbs. clipped. 07OO 5750 Corn No. 3 yellow... 7525 7500 Barley No. 2 6160 6200 . " ' ' - - BOSTON COPPER MARKET Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.. Board of Trade building: - Closing Bid. A-k. Adrenture ' .. ... ... ....... Ahmeek ............... Allouea ................. Butte Bel. ,... .,,, 2H 91 60 55 844 470 20 60 H ' 3 18H 6H 75 1H 40 5 ': 2 6H 414 4H 10 OH 81 . 10H 10 .88H 66 19H 4 49 66 21 H 79 H 28 H SH 80 10 . '4 H 70 12 44 2 80 90 V 49 H 00 Calumet A Srla. 84 H C hi met A Hecla ....... J.. 465 Centennial . I . . 19 H Copper Range .....,....... 60 Daly West Kaat Butte n 18H OH 73 84 1 H 89 H 4H 1 H 6 -4H 4 0 s 80 : 10 7 .- 88 , 52 10 8H 48 H 65 H 21 78 H 22 H SH 25 OH . 3 H - : 4 -68H 11H 4H ' 2H 20H . 84 7H 11 H 15 7 2 S3 . 4 8 FrankliB Granby , Hancock , . . , .... Indiana Isle Royals ...... Kerr Lake ...... Keweenaw ....... La Salle .......... Maeon Val. ....... Mass. Cons, ....... Michigan .. Mohawk , Nipisaing .. Gas .... .. C. A J. ...,.,i cryi North Butte Ojibway Old Dom.. ......... Osceola . , , . , Pond Creek . Quincy Santa Fo .... ..... . . ... . .-. . Shannon . ... .............. . South Lake Superior .................. Sup. A Boston ............. Trinity ..... ; C. 8. Smelting ............. Utah Con. ................ Victoria ...... , . Winona .. ......... t . Woirerine . . . ... .... ; CURB LIST Chief., 4 8 Cons. C. M. Davis Daly .. . , Goldf ield Cons. t Oil . ,.. Tuolumne o a ei 11 20 .7H 214 m i 85 oi. veraes R. Uerc . H IK if-'-igt'iKtml stores Market '".".,;...., -New York, July 26. ft N. S.J Turpen tine, Bavannan, gi.zeitf new York, 81.86. Rosin. Savannah. $13.800 15.85; New York, S'n 7 orrerefl. - Consuniers to r . Get Tips Here On the Market String beaas are today a drag tra the market They are now at their best as regards ejaailty aad the vol. nme ef arriving has been so liberal recently that the trade has been foreed to damp some stock because ef the lack of adequate demaad. - - Prices are comparatively lew be ing dowa as low as Se a posed ta the wholesale trade. This Is the proper time for the cos is mer to get busy. String beaas for the ; table as well as for the cans aad Jars are timely. They will aot be ef better esallty thaa aew at any time daring the aeasoa aad -there is little likelihood that they will be lower .-v-v-:--- Comparatively - speakiag, . string beaas axe today the cheapest vege table oa the market. It is the aly prodaet ef the farm. that has daring the year gone . to i figsres that are little, if any, above the aormaL Coa samers skoald therefore get their fin and fill their sarplss caas aad jars. Now Is the time. J ffigher. Opening - .: But Slow Trade In Stock Market CLOSC IS ' STftOftS ' Hew Tort, July SaU (L H. S.l The market mal ntaleed s atront tons todsy in the sets deal Inge, many of the active Issues closing st the high point ef the day. United States Stoat oommori rose to ItSVe, Orweib reoctod samawhit, seas ping S points te wrtlle Balewtn rose wisely 4 point to 116V,. Tebaoco PredMsU sttswaw s gain of 844 at tS.v.--,:- - New York Deck was exeepuocatly active and strong, moving p to SS, a sain of esesly 18 points. Mexteaa Petreteum show ad a gain of S peinte at 188 and seed gains were mode te asms of the soaper and railrsed snuse. Pvtess: Mew Vark Oeok, SB; United States Steel, 118 Amert. can Leoeenotlva. 02; eorw.PredueU, 84 Hi Said win. 116; Tooecco Products, 1184 1 MaawaH MotorrBSVsi Anssenda. 78 Hi Sinclair. OS. New York. Jury 26. (1. N. S) WiU com paratively few exceptions opening figure) today ia the stock market showed gains, but if was noticeable that quotations came out more slowly than at any time in the week. Crucible Bteel started t points higher at 143, but reacted to 141 H. Texas .company started 1 H biaher at 267 H and gains of fractions -were established ia United Stetes Steel common, Sinclair Oil, General Cigar Stores, General Mot on. Beading, Araeonde. laspiration Copper, Central Leather, New Haven, United. Retau Stores, Cuba Cane Sugar and others. - Pan-American waa unchanged. ' Baldwia was one of the exoeption. starUng ia 4 lower st 112 H. Central Foundry rose about 2 point. The Marine issues were egain te demand. The common gained to 65 H and the preferred in.proved 1 H. Com Products sold off a fur ther fraction, after the initial price, but in s number of others further small gains were estab Ittlied. - --' .:- - : .. v- Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.,; Board oi i rage ooilcung : i'KSCBlPTlON: Alaska Gold.....'. A Ilia Chalmers ... Alloy Steel ...... Am. Beet Sugar... Am. Can, e. . . . . . Aa. Car Foundry., Am. Cotton Oil. . . Am. Hide A L.. e. Am. . Linseed, c... Am. Loco., s, . . . . Am.. Smelter, o... Am. Steel Fdy.... Am. Sugar, c..... Am. TelT A Tel... Am. Tobacco. . . ,', Am. Moolen. a . Open High Low Close 8 H 8 8" 48 47 47 63 5 65 93 H 98 03 60 69 60 120H 118H 119 64 68 64 88 86 86 77 76 IT 03 81 81 87 86 86 43 . 44 45 188 188 188 104 104 108 268 231 252 125 123 126 76 76 76 100 H 100 100 116 112 116 100 47 46 46 100 09 101 $2 82 81 29 29 29 60 49 50 163 H 163 168 114 114 114 . .v.. 60 10 10 10 40 48 46 100 100 100 28 27 27 49 49 40 52 51 61 101 100 100 05 04 04 144 140 142 eeoo B e -' ' X X --" 20 19 19 18 18 18 168 231 228 230 84 82 88 ...T. .. ... 70 40 48 49 94 94 94 47 47 46 100 100 100 144 142 144 68 67 674 141 141 141 -65 64 65 23 ,28 23 42 43 42 87 87 87 68 53 68 66 66 66 195 193 195V 81 81 snt 68 67 67 33 85 35 86- 88 i3 ..... 21 87 37 87 80 106 . 06 05 95 46 45 46 60 59 60 70 70 70 02 01 01 27 26 26 96 06 9$ -00 80 89 97 06 07 .......... 30 18 72 70 71 107 106 100 80 80 80 114 112 114 . 123 118 . 110 -24 24 24 16 16 15 371 , 267 271 A 60 J 59 113 110 118 133 133 188 87 " '83 86 3t 120 128 129 09 60 68 118 111 118 117 117- 116 06 05 05 87 85 87 12 12 12 . . . 87 68 67- 68 72 71 71 87 86 $7 111 101 110 62 61 ..... 8H 48H 65 08 H 6914 11814 SSH 86 H 76 H SI 86 45 IS6U 104 253 1254 Anaconda Mia, Co. 76 Atchison, c ...... . 100 1124 oarawtn lco.. C do. pfd. Balto. A Ohio, e Sa w da. t n 'e6H 01SPCI 0 o 100 H Brook. Rapid Traa, 82 H 29 H xtutte at superior, Cal. Petroleum, e,, Canadian Pac ... Cea. Xether, e. . . Cites, dk Ohio,.... CbL yGt West, c. ChL, MOw. m St P. Chi. N. W..... Chile Copper. . Chino Conner -. . . . 50 H 16S 114 H i64 48H too 27H 49 H 51H 10tH 93 Colo. Fuel A Iron. Consolidated Gaa. , Corn Producta, e. , Crucible Steel, o. . 143 U., 0... V o o 20 18H , oo pfd. Erie, e . . ...... Gen. Electrio Gen. : Mntora 228 H Goodrich Rubber . . SS i e e 484 94 4714 Granby Cons. . . , Gt Northern Ore.. Gt Northern By.. Greene Cananee , , IDinoU Central . . Ind. Alcohol . . . . Inspiration Copper IntMV. HartMl,, 100 H 142H 67 14 141 Int, Mer. Marine, e 65 H 28 H 4214 87H 68 H 554 Kennecott -Coper .. Lacaawanna steal . Lehigh Valley . . . Max. Motors, c. . . Mm. T.t tm , . 193 Miami Copper . , . 31 H 67 H 3614 $8 37H audvaie steel . . .. Mo. Pacific, e.... National Lead ... Nevada Con . . New Haven N. Y. Central .,, Norfolk A West- . Northern Pacific ; . Penn. Railwav 95 H 46 69 70 92 26 95 H 00 87 Pierce Arrow . . . . Pitta. Coal, e . . . . P. 8. t. ' e . . . . Ray Cons. Copper . ftr A1m1 RaffMt. . Reading, e ...... Sep. L A - 8., e Rock bland, c... Shattack Coiper ... Mom Sheffield . . . P.- Paciiie .... , So Tty.; ,,.,,,. Studebaker. c . . . Motors , . . , Ku U A San P. . Trrn. Copper ..; Texas Oil ....... Pacifie "... , . Tobacco Prod. ... t'nion Pac., e... . 70 107 S0H 112H 120 24 H 15H 28 69 111 188 H U. F. Products.. SSH 11. M HllhhH. . 128 60 U. S. Smelt A Ref U. B. Steel, e..., tin nfA . 112H 117H 5 86 12H 67'' 72 87 Virginia Chemical. wabaab ......... Western T'nion . . , . W'house Electric.-.. VTil Ifofytra - Willys Overland... . Amn. Int- Corpa,. 111 oraeiair uu . . . . 62 Total sales, stack. 1.481.SOO shares. Total sale, bond SS.S4S.Ann. - Weekly stork sales 7.4N0.80O. Weekly boad sales 388.319.000. Kew Tork Bond Varket (Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co., 217 Board of Trade .building.) - Bid. Ask. Atchison Genersl. 4s........ 70 . . 79 Bal. A Ohio Gold. 4s... 78 75 Beth. Steel Bef., 5s. ...... ," 90. 91 Cent. fscUic 1st 4s........ 77 78 C. B. A Q. CoL, 4s.,......, -95 96 St Paul Genl., 4s.....i.. 77 H . 80 Chicago N. W. GenL, 4i...,, 70 80 L. A vN4s . , ... .... 1 ..... 84 - 88 New York By.. 8s... ....... 14 16 Northers Pie. P. L 4a.'..... 70 70 Reading GenL. 4s..,....,.., ,81 83 Union Pacifie 1st 4s. ....... 85 86 U. 8. SteeL 5. ............ 100 101 Union Pec. Ist Ref. 6a...... 78 70 Southern Pac Conv. 6s. ..... . 166 ' 108 Southern Pac Conv. 4s. ...... 88 84 Penn a. Conv. 4Hs., ........ 94 : 94 Penna. let 4s... 84 85 (lies. A Ohio Conv. 5s....... 88 89 Or. Short line, 4s.......... 85 83 H Forelga Bead Market Furntthed by Overbeck A Board of Trade building. '- A. P. 8 1020.. U. K. SHs Nov. 1919...... TJ. K. 8 Ha Nov. ' 1921 ...... A. F. See. 6s Aug. 1010..., Rep. France 6s 1981.,,,,,.. Psris 6s Oct 1921..,...,.. Marseilles 6s Nov. 1910. ..... Row-Ian Extn. 6s 1921...., RossUn tea SHs 1926.... pom. 6s-Aug. 1919...,..,. Dom. 6s Apr. 1921. ........ Dom, 6s Apr. 1931.. Dom. 4S Ape 1920. ........ Argentine u May 1920...... China 6a 1010... Dom. Canada 8a 1987....... U. aV 6Ht 1937.......... Cooke ecsnpsay, ' Bid. Ask. 06 07 H 09 100 ' 98 i-i 98 99 ioe 120 185 96 97 08 99 " SO 68 - 07 108 00 ' - 100 08 ,08 . 03 93 96 96 99 99 08 100 . 06 . V.:. 07. 88 ' 98 PACIFIC COAST BA3TR STATEMENT PorUand Banks, 'i-: Clssrings This week. ' Tear. Ago. Monday .... $ 8,068.952.1$ f 8.085,883.8$ Tuesday .... 8.748.014.88 8.072.420.08 Wednesday , 6.079,410.76 . 8,752,002.66 Thursday .... 8,989.087.6$ ' 4.840.104.46 Friday 8.370.2S7.68 8.701.722.81 Saturday .... 4,01743.88 , 2.042.447.00 . . i i i ii M .I. .1. . - Week ....326.252.876.36 i $2894,641.85 - Tacoma Banks Clearinas Sdturday ... , . , . . . , $ 467,4 1 0.00 Balance Saturday ...... . . 117,708.00 Spokane Banks Clearinga Saturday ...... . ,$ 1.863,030.00 Balaocee Saturday ......... , 488.716.00 - Soattlo Bunks Clesriaga Sturday .;;,. i. . , $ 8,482,887.00 Balance Saturday ......... . 1,193.806.00 Sow Freoalseo luti Clearings . Saborday. . . . . . .824.58183.00 ' Los Aoeatos Banks Clearings Saturday .......... $ 8.141,608.00 Kew Tork Sugar aad Coffee New York ' Jnl 28. ID ' P.I TTf . Spot No. 7 Rio. 23 e: No. 4 Santos, 2814c eugur ventruugai i ss, '-"i'V - ' . . Ifew Tork.Loadoa Sliver New York. Jury 20. (L N. . Cii!m. dal bar silver waa 1 He lower at 106. liondon. July 21. II. n. H.l Bar. aUver waa unchanged at S3 1-16 A " ; FINANCE DIRECTOR - FOR ENTIRE STATE 4Ji- - - ? l - ' - J - - t" I . " ' mmm': v SSBBBS .fa 1 swm .W'" mmiir'ti''" swasssswamss i 'ssssl . 3 '" Edward Cookingham ; ;s All government financing in Oregon is to be consolidated under, the general dlrectionrfif Edward Cookingham, presi dent of Ladd & Tilton bank, according to a telegram from John U. Calkins, governor ' of the . Federal . Reserve bank of San Francisco. , Cookingham has been chairman for the organisation for the sale of certifi cates of indebtedness, and also served aa chairman of the third, fourth and fifth Liberty loans. C ' V v Marshal N. Dana, former director, of publicity for the Victory loan, has been named associate director. PORTLAND BANKERS TO MEET SEATTLE CHAMPS ON DIAMOND SUNDAY Northwestern Nationals Cleaned ; Up on Field ; of. Competitors Here and Cry for Blood. The Northwestern National bank team, pennant winners of the Bankers' league of Portland, and the National, Bank of Commerce of Seattle team, likewise, title holders of the Puget Sound : metropolis, will decide he championship of the northwest Sunday morning at the Coast league grounds, ' Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets. , C. Ia Phillips, , manager of the Be attle club.- has promised to make it at least warm for the Portland team, while June Jones., manager of . the Northwest- LIBERTY BOND SALES I - - ; .. . : .v . I ' Liberty soads closed to the Mew Tork market at following prfossi Victory - ; SHs ast4s 2d 4 lt4Hs 2d4s 3d 4 s 4th 4 S 3 s t 4 S Monday...... 04.46 08.80 08.24 04.70 . 03.66 00.90 99.88 09.98 09.98 Tuesday.,,... 99.44 98.78 93.24 94.90 93.00 04.00 98.56 99.98 99.9$ rVedneaday.,,. 0040 03.90 08.SA 04.80 93.92 . 95.02 08.80 00.08 09.94 Thursday..... 99.88 - 93.90 - 98.60 94. SO 94.02 95.10 08.96 99.96 90.96 Friday....... 90.40 ; 94.10 93.60 94.98 94.0O 90 02 08.90 99.90 99.90 Batarday 00.80 04.10 03.60 94.90 04.00 06.00 ' 03.90- 09.86 09.90 LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS IF VOU MUIT IILL VOUS LIBgHTV OR VIOTOR V BON OS. SILL TO US IF VOU OAN SUV MORE LIBKRTV OR VIOTORV SON OS, BUT PROM US Today's opening Kew Tork msrket prios. are aa given below. They are the governing prices for Liberty and Victory bond all over the world, aad the highest. We advertise . , these prices daily in order that you may always kaow the New York market sad the - . exact value of your Liberty sad Victory bonds: 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 3rd : 4th Victory Victory 8S 4s 4s 4HS 4s 4s 4S 8s 4 : Market price...., 90.60 04.10 83.60 04.00 04.06 08.10 03.02 100.00 00.90 Accrued interest. . .40 ,46 .79 .48 .84 1.66 1.19 .69 .87 -Total...... 99.90 04.56 04.30 05.88 04.00 96.68 06.11 100.60 LOO. 7 7 Whin buying w dsduet 87s on e 880 bond end 8 2. SO ee a 81000 bend. ' Ws Mil at the New Verk market Slus the seerued Jntsrsit. Burglar sn Flrspsof Safe Pepeslt Sexes fee Rent ' MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Fretnlse fMunlelpal Send Mouse? sserrte eliding, SOO-SIt Stark Street Between fifth end Sixth. Telephone Broadway 81 01 gstabllshed Over SS Tea asCosepwsvoSj- . ii ii i rOUATH 4 Prominent Feature of our service, is the friendly personal interest, which we take in the, welfare of our customers. We desire to assist you ip every possible way that is con sistent with sound banking principles, ' Checking Accounts Are Solicited "A Conservative Custodian HIBEltmSAWGS3ANK . SAVINGS - COMMERCIAL - TRUST FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS SOPEN SATURDAY J. B. Steinbach & Co. BROKERS 201 -2-3 Railway Exchange EeaOdlng Direct Private Wires Tsls-Mala Z8..IS6 ; PALACE HOTEL Cteon. euiet modern, hsmellse eod downtown, au a. ee AA kmm, SAS ISaahlnatAai St. Fsrrners end Werohsm' Keodquartera. STANDARD OIL PUTS -STOCK ON EXCHANGE FAR THF FIRST Tlf.lF I VII ' IIIWI, SSI Ilea . ..fii.'i ' f,..-'V.-' -1 't-i'-r ,.' .S Issue of $100,000,000 Cumu lative Preferred to Take Care of Refinancing Projegt. New York. July tC (TJ, P.) For the first time In history' the . Standard Oil company of New Jersey will place its stock on the New Tork stock exchange, it was announced here following publi cation of an announcement last night that $100,000,000 of cumulative preferred stock, will be Issued tn a re-flnancing project. Each holder of common stock will be. allowed tat purchase one share ot the new stock for each share of old stock he holds. It will be offered at par to conform with, the stock record as of August 1.5. " V ' Listing of the new stock on the ex change means that balance sheets will have to be offered for the publio gase, according to rules of the . exchange. This also is a new departure. The cor poration never haa published a balance sheet . ' ' ' ' . The money derived from selling the preferred stock, it is understood, will be used to carry out plans for develop ment in foreign countries. These plane, made during the war, it is understood, also wUl carry an offer to do buslnesa on the basis of 60 or 90 day credit a. Former rules of the company provided for payments in 30 days. Extension of greater credit, it was stated, will do much ' toward stabilising foreign busi ness. - Development of Rumanian fields also probably will be undertaken to a great extent The company has large hold ings there. - The first publio report of the com pany given out late yesterday shows that in 1912 the year following dissolu tion of the former "trust," nst earn ings of the company were $35,107,387. Last year the tout was $57,283,784. Common stock now Is hardly obtain able at the market price ot nearly $760 a. share. ;. -i French Chamber Workine-on Treaty Paris, July 26. L N. 8.) Ths peace treaty . will be ratified by the French chamber' of 'deputies not later than the middle of August, It was predicted to day by Marcel Hutln. famous French political writer, in the Echo De Paris. "I...'--- J erner's, intends to keep the Seattle boys "stepping. The line-up of the Seattle team will be as follows : Bums, o ; Sass nett, p ; Kead. 1st t McGulre, 2d : Moore, ss ; Courtney, 3d ; Bringolf, Overton, Hail, Harlan. Van Tinker and Love green, fielders. The Portland oirponenta will be: Ferry, c; Lavis, p; laaraner, 1st J Kline, 2d; Hubank, ss; Strack, 3d; Avery, Stacy and Read, fielders. ' The Bound bankers have, won nino games and lost one, while the local boys won seven and lost two. r WASMIMOTOM SV . EVENINGS 6TQ6 !el Steeks, Beads, Col to a. Grata, Eta. . ' 316-317 Beard ef Trade Belldlaf Overbeck&CookcCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE3 TOm EXCHATtGES ' Hssibsrs Csleage Board ef Trade ' Corresposdeats Of Xovaa rryss '.-- ... -Caleago- . ' Aew Toa