The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 22, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Unsigned Letters Intended to
Justify Slayer; Arrests in
Case Are Expected. '
Los .Angelei, CaU July 22. (L
N. 8.) Threatenlns letters attack
in the prosecution; In the; case of
Harry S. New, Jr., confessed slayer
M of his sweetheart, Freda Lesser, re
ceived at the office" of Deputy Dis
trict Attorney' Asa Keyes, were turned
over to the federal officers Monday
for investigation. J ' ;'
Keyes disclosed that he had received
two and three' letters daily, in which
he was bitterly arraigned for conduct
ing the . prosecution of . the slayer.
The writers, . he said, attempted to
justify ' New for having killed the girl
Snd attacked the prosecution in un
rentable terms.
While most of the letters were not
signed. the postal authorities . stated
that they had means by which to trace
them and that arrests may result from
the investigation.
"The prosecution always receives such
letters in important cases," said Keyea
"It is time, however, that such a prac
tice be stopped for once and all."
That a witness had been found who
will testify that Freda ' Lesser , declared
on the eve of the slaying that she did
not intend to be married "for a long,
long time," was disclosed today by Po
lice Detective Herman Cline, who ob
tained New's confession.
Cllne refused to make public the name
of the witness but said that the testi
mony would show that the Lesser girl
had stated positively only a. few hours
before the tragedy that she would not
marry New.
This new evidence, Cline said, sub
stantiated the police theory that New
killed the girl . because she refused to
marry him andTnot, as Tie claims, be
cause she refused to become the mother
of the child they were expecting.
Ardent love notes from her sweet
heart In Birmingham, Ala.. It is con-
' tended, caused the girl to decide not
to marry New and to postpone any plans
for marriage until she was older.
Officers at the county jail said that
i New was apparently in good spirits and
spent most of his time, - playing cards
and conferring with his mother, Mrs. Lily
M. Burger, and his attorneys.
Youth Admits Murder
When Urged by Wife
St. Louis. July 22. Wallace Archie
Short, 24 years old, who confessed Sat
urday that he shot and killed Mack Mc
Ghee, in Picher, Okla., in November,
1917, was taken to Miami. Okla., Monday
to face a charge of murder. Short lived
' in this city for 20 months with his young
wife, who urged him to make the con
fession. McGhee was a boarder In his
home, and Short said he shot him in
self defense following a quarrel.
Night of Moonshine'
Weirdly Eventful
Newport. July 22. "Moonshine was
;in evidence Saturday night, when two
fights occurred in Newport. At the skat
ing rink a man who had-overimbi bed at
tempted to state, with disastrous results.
When told to leave, he started to fight.
He tried to hit Errol Byrnes, swimming
instructor, twice with a bottle of whis
key, but failed. ; He left town in an au
tomobile. .' '
300,000 Miners Are:
On (Strike, Estimates
Pall I Mall Gazette
ryriv ; ; V' ,
London, July 22. (L N. S.) Three
hundred thousand ;: miners : have joined
the strike In the English and Welsh coal
fields, the Pall Mall Oasette estimated
today. : U,;"-.;vi ;r;' :? ,T
From too to 6000 sailors S from : the
British fleet are engaged In pumping
out mines flooded ty the strikers. Most
f these are In the North of England.
Coal Operators liii r
Combine, Is Charge
Washington. July 22. "A" nation-wide
propaganda to frighten people into buy
ing coal at present prices' is being con
ducted by the bituminous coal operators.
Representative Hildastone of Alabama
charged before the house rules commit
tee Monday. He urged a national In
vestigation of the so-called . combine.
In Water to Overcome
Fear, Girl Is Drowned
Chicago, July 22. Leona Meehan, 16
years old, recuperating near Calumet,
Mich., from a near drowning loLake
Michigan, was drowned In a smalt lake
there, friends were notified Moriday. The
girl had been advised to continue swim
ming to overcome fear of the water
engendered by her narrow escape here
two Weeks ago.
Omaha ? Man Elected
Chief 6j Woodmen
Chicago, July 22. W. A Fraser of
Omaha was elected sovereign com
mander of the Woodmen of th World
Monday. Other officers Included : Sov
ereign adviser, B. W. Jewell, Omaha;
sovereign banker, Morris Sheppard, Tex
arkana, Texas; sovereign clerk. J. T.
Yates, Omaha ; sovereign escort, S. A
Ferrell. Johnstown. Pa. '
Agricultural: Bill ;. .
; Holds Up Federal
Forest Fire Fight
; : Si
, Washington, Xuly 22. Federal action
in regard to forest i fires raging . in
Montana, Idaho and , Washington is be
ing greatly hampered because of delay
in ' passage- of the agricultural appro
prlstions bill, officials of the forest bu
reau in the department of agriculture
declared ; today.- . J ; '"; ."
They asserted, however,; that many
men were , being , rushed ' from Billings
and Great Falls to fight the fires on
the Montana border.-,- . i .
Reports to the bureau, officials said,
are that the' situation Is -very , serious"
and not much changed. '-
Although several thousand men ' al
ready, are actively engaged la combating
the conflagration, officials said the only
hope seem to be, rain. j -s ,
Ammonia as Chaser
Suggested by Judge
, Sacramento, July T22. (TJ. P.) "Do
you drink an ammonia chaser " after
ward T" asked Police -Judge Henderson
when Fred Tucker and Vifctor Harrison
admitted drinking alcohollo solution of
formaldehyde. Bottles of formaldehyde,
bearing a. poison label and advising am
monia as an antidote were found on
the men when they were arrested. They
will make good roads on the chain
gang for the next 10 days for violation
of the "work or fight" ordinance which
has been revived to clear the town of
Tacoma Foresters
Watch for Fires
Tacoma, July 22. Tacoma officials of
the ' United States Forest service have
received Instructions from ; the district
headquarters in Portland to drop all
other, "work and .center their entire ef
forts on ' fire prevention measures.
While no serious fires in this . district
had been reported today it was said
that the gravest danger exists because
of the unusual dryness of the woods.
-and at Del Monte
. Men who go to 'Del
Monte can afford just
about anything they '
want. At tne Del Monte
Hotel one of the best
selling cigarettes is
Fatimas. .
justH$h Turiuk"
No description can
C I tit U7. . Ymm
The Rainier Products Company relieves retailers and consumers of J the
necessity of paying Revenue Taxes on Rainier Beverages by paying ALL
t';r :f-taxes thereon direct to the Government. ; ; V ; I-
We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Atnciijntifig to 10c' or More--Stamp Books Redeemed on the Third Floor
Soda Fountain and Ice Gream Parlors in the Basement Shoe Shining Parlors in the : Basement Visit the Tea Room; 4th f Floor
Best Butter
Fourth Floor- No deliveries ex
cept with other purchases made,
in , the ; grocery dept. J" OA
Clenwood Butter 2 lbs. wl4iU
The Standard Store of the Northwest
rr o
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Third Floor
Woven ' Hammocks. Couch
Hammocks. Porch Swings, Set
tees, Porch Rockers. Chairs and
Grass ; Rurs. Popular prices.
r 1
With Cash Purchases Made Wednesday'
artments of the Store
All Pep
rice Store's
-Great. Basement Sale
Our BASEMENT, BUYER now in New York se
cured this lot of 200 Summer Dresses at a special
to price and directs us to close them out quick
ly hence we have marked them at a price that
should clean up the entire lot in one day. You
may take our word for it the values are the best
seen in Portland this season. Very latest mid- J
summer modelsdainty styles for beach, street.
home or outing wear. Made up m good quality mngnam
in fresh, pretty plaids and checks, in various colors and com
binations Finished with collars. and cuffs of white material.
Make it a point to see these dresses. On sale at special
Basement Sale
Girls' Tub Frocks
At $1.39
Girls Summer Dresses of
Kood quality plaid ginghams. Many at
tractive styles with fancy collars, belts,
pockets. ' Mothers-who have girls to buy
for should take quick advantage of this
special offering. Sizes 6 to 14. QQ
Various colors. ' Basement Sale DXe047
Secml $1 Yard
Beeeinent 1200 yards high-grade foulard silks in a phenomenal
underprice offering for Wednesday. Positively the lowest price
quoted in Portland this season on silks of such good quality. Beau
tiful soft foulards that make up to such good effect in dresses, skirts
and -waists. Full ,36 inches wide. Great assortment of fancy
patterns in every d e s i r a b 1 e color. On sale Wed. AA
nesday 'only Basement Special, priced at,, the yird 51Uw
Odd Lines
Tub Waists
At 79c
Basement- Only 2 of 3 of a kind
but there is.a wtfmber of good
styles to select from. White or
colored voiles and a few in" striped
materials. Waists formerly selling
at much higher, prices. ,rTQf
Wednesday your choice at s el
Coverall Aprons
At $1.39
Basment--Women's Aprons made
in the-large coverall style. Plain
color percales" also dark Hue
with neat figures. CI OQ
Basement priced, special to J-eU
Sport Hats
: $2
Basement - Rough straw sailors,
Milan Sailors with side roll brims
and white or colored bands, and
many other smart hats for sport
and outing; .wear. Base- gO flfl
ment priced special at OAeVV
Trimmed Hats
Bailment Black ' white,' -pink,
tan. blue or green; hats tastefully
trimmed with flowers, wreaths and'
ribbons milans with silk crowns
smooth : braid hats, AO
etc Priced special, at 'WrtO
Our Basement Store is headquarters for
thrifty shoppers. ' You can always depend
upon getting utmost in value for money.
Large Sheets $139
72x90-iftch Bleached Sheets
reinforced with seam down
center. Excellent aualitv
priced at $16.00 1 OQ
a' dozen each tOAeO7
size for hotel use. Full
bleached. Limit 2 dozen to
customer. Basement
Sale. dor. $1.15 ch lUt
Bed Spreads $239
Basement Honeycomb Bed
Spreads in medium size for H
bed. Plain hemmed. On
sale Wednesday 6 20 QQ
for $13.50 or each 0.07
Pillows $1
Basement 21x27-inch Bed Pil
lows, covered . with fancy fl"
ticking., Priced special,-ea.
Embroidered Day : Slips for
'Pillows on sale at. each $15
-m il re
Pillow Cases 65c
Basement Fancy 'hemstitched
Pillow Cases with initials or flor
al1 designs. Slightly
soiled. : Sale price, each DfJi
At $2.48
'Basement Broken .lines,1 but if your size
is here you will get a bargain worth com
ing for. Women's .White Canvas Pumps,
Oxfords and Strap . Sandals also a few
high canvas shoes. On J0 AQ
" sale special, the pair D.f0
- '7 : ' ' - - -
SO pairs. . Women's , and Chil
dren's canvas shoes .and slippei
small sizes only Wednes- QQA'
day priced special, the pair OC
Sale of Corsets
At $1.69
Basement Famous Royal Worcester Corsets noted
for style and service. Good quality coutil and
fancy broche back or front laced style with, low
or medium bust and long skirt. Many different
models for; women, also several for misses. Sizes
range from 18 up to 32. Extra Cjl. t(
special values for Wednesday's selling tDJLeUJ
Brassieres 65c
Basement -Women's Brassieres of excellent grade
muslin. Front closing style trimmed with (ZtZ
lace. Size range from 34 to '4 4. Sale price
Toilet Paper
Special - -18
Rolls 3)X
Basement Good quality crepe
toilet paper. Limit IS rolls to
a customer. Positively no tele
phone. C O. D. or mail orders'
filled. ,On sale Wed- Jf Aft
nesday at 18 rolls for O-LeUU
as m - k-' av
Basement W o m e n's ' and
Misses' Middy Blouses of good
quality plain w h 1 1 g material.
Sailor collar, pockets and black
tie. On sale Wed-,
nesday priced special
Men's Shirt Specials 98c
Basement Store
Several lines Men's Shirts grouped for
quick disposal. Soft or stiff cuff styles;1 also
negligee shirts with flat or military collars.
All are of excellent grade materials. QQA
Sizes 14 V to 17. Priced special at iOV
Bathing Suits
Basement Men's cotton Bath
ing Suits in one-piece style.
Black with white trim- QC
mlng. Sizes to 40. Spec'l Ji
BOYS' Cotton Bathing Suits
in one piece style. Sizes
30 and 32. Priced
taiujt gum
Men's Underwear In a ! Sale
MESH -UNION SUITS, short sleeves, broken 'sizes.
For Wednesday's selling priced at only, the suit 60c
ATHLETIC SHIRTS in broken sizes special 48c
ATHLETIC UNION SUITS, broken sizes sale '60c
MEWS FIBER HOSE Special 35c 3 pairs $1.C0
BOYS' PANTS Odd lines while, they last, pr.ADc
STRAW. HATS Odd lines, special 20c and 25c
6 for 25c
Basement Women's and chil
dren's. Handkerchiefs In a, large
assortment of patterns." neat
corner embroidered ef- Of?
fects. Special 6 for
Sale of Purs as
At $le79
Basement W o m e n's Strap
Purses in- several styles fitted
with rvanity mirror. Well made
and extra food values; Ql fTQ
at this very low price tXef &
Basement Here is a good opportunity to sup
ply your hosiery needs at a very low prie. Fine
quality cotton hose in black, white and eight
of. the leading colors. T Double sole, reinforced
heel and toe. Not -all sizes in each color.
Muslin Underwear
Envelope Chemise,
Gowns, Skirts
Basement Hundreds of ' pieces
Muslin Underwear included in
this sale. - Night Gowns.- En
velope Chemise and Skirts
made up in many dainty styles
trimmed with laces and em
broideries. Every garment is
well made and of good qual
ity material. O n Q
sale in. Basement at Aevlt
Dainty Camisoles Special 59c
Basement you will want more than one of these when you see how
i attractive they are, TIesh color material frlmmed with pretty tZQf
laces and ribbons. FulT assortment of sizes. Basement Special "wv