12 THE-OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, P ORTLAND, MONDAY, JULY 21. , 1919. 49 ARE YOU A,MBITIOU8T . Do you wish to iwm.K your earning capacity Of ere yon sstlxlied with the rat too in inf Leant r to - operate ..-and repair gutomobiles, anto trocfc Six! tractor. Th nae ( Kis rl the demand for men Is create! than th supply : In thia. field , Ton ean qualify yourself through a abort course . ot . practical instruction under espexu sr - HEMPHILL! TRADE SCHOOLS 707 HAWTHORNE AVE. AT E. 20TH V I Bnacti Of firs 124 !. 6th St '-' ' Near Union Depot "' approved by' aLL'baWers And busi u ness mkn of the citt ;.. . ..Calculating Machines. r Adding Machine . Bookkeeping Machine v - (tomntrrmeter 'Machine ' This ta th only school specialising on thia wort. Courses ara short, from 4 to S weeks only, Graduates secure bast positions in th Business worm. THE MILLER SCHOOL. . . Calculating ami Bookkeeping Machines. ' ' 03-f04 Imn Bldg. ! HElIPHnX'S TO A OK SCHOOLS. INC. hvs earned the undispated right of being termed . the meat practical Automobile School on th. Pacific Coast. 707 - Hawthorne eve. Take Haw thorn or Mt. Scott car at 2d and Aider to 20th St., or writ for Information. y Typewriting, eomptometer, bookkeeping and an other modern business courses. Day and night ehooL -Aiisky bide, 3d and Morrison. Main 24. , , LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS -- FIVE DATS' 'TRIAL FREE VAX TUITION WHEN .SATISFIED W teach auto, tractor, gss engin and ante electrical work. BIO 100-PAGE CATALOG FREE. Addresa Adccx A Tito and Tractor school. Dept. J, Union are. and Wasco attest, Portland. Or. Foots East 744. WANTED Fifty awn at once, to lean to re - pair automobile and f as engines. , Apply at Hemphill's Trade School. 707 Hawthorne evs., -eoriwr 20th. RAILWAY mall clerks. Hundreds wanted. 31 100-$! 500. Aire. 18-85. Experience on necessary. .Examination everywhere August 23. For free particular write John Leonard (for mer government examiner), 1008 Equitable hui ' Washington. Hawthorne Auto School - 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Automobiles, tracks, tractors, machinist trade, ezy-acetyien welding, vulcanising and retreading. Special summer rates. Day and evening classes, LEARN TELEGRAPH! " Toting men and women wanted. Call 31S Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a - well-paid profession. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHN HE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, Banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog. "UlSiV MATTINGLY'S shorthand, typewriting - school, day and evening, 2fl 14th, near Jef ferson. 1 n month. Main 3S93. HELP WANTED FkMAlE t At Standard Factory n-- ; f No. 2 - - GRAND AVE. and E. TATOR St. Power Machine Operators : TO LEARN ON . Shirts and Overalls Mack inlaws and , Overcoats 310 PER WEEK WHILE LEARNING " 44-HOrR WEEK Saturday Half Holiday fcXPERTCNTED OPERATORS ARE EARNING FROM SIS TO 20 WEEKLY UPMAN, WOLFE k. CO. require tha serrices of an experienced and first clam bakery saleswoman; permanent position, good salary to atari. Apply anperintendent'a office between 0 and 10:30 Tuesday morning. V)" ANTED Markers and distributors, feeders and folder, and ironers; also Inexperienced girls wanted. .National Laundry Co., E. 8th and Clay. WANTED A competent stenographer and book keeper to work afternoons or S days a week. Call at 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. Monday brjween 9 and 10 a. to. ANTED-y-A girl for light housework, good wages; references required. 328 Jackson at. 1'bone Main 742. THE Florence Crittenton Home is ready to Help, any girl in distress? 955 E. Glisan. M. V, car. East 81. WANTED Housekeeping by woman, good caretaker, having 2 young children-; city or country. Phone Tabor 8463. M.-803. JournaL W'ANTED Young lady assistant, plain house work. 1133 Nehalem, EetacadaV carline. Get off at Berkley. WANTED Girl for general housework, pleaa- ant home. East .8922. i WILI give -music lessons for few hours' light houfeworit. Main 8018. ' WANTED Body ironer; good wages and lunch, r Multnomah hotel laundry. WANTED -Experienced millinery maker.- Tiffes Hat .Shop, 128 10th at. . GiniJi wanted. Portland Paper Box Co.. 92 Front at. ' WANTED Feeder and folder for mangier; also body ironer. Union Laundry, 2d and Columbia. WANTED Girl or woman for general houae work. Three adults in family. Eat 2888. WOMAN for light housekeeping and sua. phone. 817 Russell. E. 2H72. HELP WANTED MALE A7D FEMALE HOLER BARBER COLLEGE" paiys yon while learning; gives yon set of tools; positions secured. - Write for catalogue. 234 Bnrnside at. or phone Broadway 1731. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade; wages while learning, position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 yra. experience. Oregon Bsrber College. 233 Madison. RASPBERRY pickers wanted, wm meet them at BOth and Division. 7:30 a. m., Tuesday. Take Hawthorne car. Portland barber college teaches trad rn 8 weeks: pay while learning; position guar anteed. 234 Conch at. WANT a man and wife; give rooms free for making up rooms. Broadway 4811. WANTED AOEJTTS DISCHARGED SOLDIERS w ora ror your own interests. Our 1 year extra pay .makes H easy for you to make 310 per day in any city in the United States taking ; subscriptions to the only bona-fide soldier's news paper in the country. Write to the 8oldiers-Sailora-Marinea National Weekly News. Waahing ti ti. D. C. .' AGENTS WANTED To seU our complete line of nursery stock: cash, weeklx.. Address, Oapi . tal City Nursery. Salem, Or. --TT SALESMEN WANTED 'ti8 MEN OR WOMEN WANTED " I p to $100 per week readily made : many xoak more: no competition : a brand new prop osition: sells to merchants; all, need it: chance for rapid promotion and a percentage increase 011 your sales. Bonafid offer; paying you splendid returns for honest effort; open evenings. B02-3 Spalding bldg. WANTED Local end traveling salesmen throughout Oregon and Washington. When answering stats experience, salary and eommia- sion required. R-470. Journal. SITUATIONS MALE DISCHARGED oversees soldier wants position where good work will secure. promotion. Have had road experience and am a good salesman. I am single,' age 25. not a dead one. and will take interest in work. Let me have a talk with yon.- G-61. Journal. LAN with experience as general office manager f -cost aeoonntant, paymaster and credit and eol'ection manager wants position. C-60, Jour--wat - - AUTO repairing and wiring work done in your own private garage. E. 5104. 843 Wa. liams sve. - AN ex-traveling man, with beet references and i Fordj- wiabe to drive l or 2 aaJesmea. Main ELDERLY MAN. neat, capable, wan U home. : city, or -country, to do light work, email oar TVHIS. Journal. w' . TJM B K ELLAS repaired at Phone Wood lawn 23. PAPKRIXG. painting, calcimining sad floor fin .' ishing. Tabor 5258. CARPENTER sod repair work of all kinds: screens made. Tabor 4870. WANT any. kind ot earcenter swk. A. Bur- : son.-. Broadway 8810. - SHINGLE RS for reahingling by contract or thouy sand. 'Marshall 1078. : MAN want . work.., auto mechanic some experience; city, mr, - , , r,. 1 - 1 75ST "frWH,J 01 ntt. JUat 7058. J. A. Buthet A s-w. vranw. HEI-P WANTED MISC. SITUATIONS-MALE BOOKKEEPER with - general experience in lumber and plamng mill line- is , open for position. ' ii-HOl, Journal, .'- " DRESSMAKTNO 44) ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladies' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed. J. Benbin. Ladles' Tailor, 408 Bush a Lane Bldg. -, - - - - - DRESSMAKER wishes work oot in fsmilies by the day. - Mantua 245 or Main 4344. 2CTJB.SE S EXPERIENCED nurse, beat of references; terntty case preferred. Phone East 3668.- FrRJTISHED BOOMS NEW FEREIN8 HOTEL Fifth and Washington Street; Right in center of PortlandV actiritlea. Let oa aliow you our acrammodationa. Bates S3 per week up. -. 75e AND 1 A DAY. 82.73 s week and up; tare outside.-enenf ortable. : clean rooms: bstha free; water always hot. Hotel Cadillac. 3d sear Jefferson. " HART APARTMENTS AND LAUREL " HOTEL Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and sleep ing rooms. $2.50 up. Second and Yamhill. BOOM and board, home cooking. Special rate to couples. Transient meals. 261 lam st. FURNISHED sleeping room, 0 min. walk from town. Main 1036. HOTEL SaSGENT Hawthorn and Grand. Starting point special ear for Vancouver. FURNISHED ROOMS PBIV ATE FAMILY ?0 A" FURNISHED front bedroom with home privilege, bath and phone. Call Eaat 8604. 752 E. Burnside near 22d. MODERN large room, walking distance; prefer a man In business, pnone Mam 1121. CLEAN furnished room, 54 N. 16th. near W ashington ; gentleman. . - CLEAN, comfortable furnished rooms; gentlemen prefered. BJ1 Broadway. BOOM-MATE wanted, downtown, $2.50 per week. X-87, JournaL - THREE clean furnished housekeeping rooms. 627 Tburman St. Marshall 1082. NEWLY furnished room, close to car; .walking distance. 347 (rand are. ROOMS AND BOARD IB THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 10th. for business girls and students. Mars nail 1231. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 78 LADY wants children, from 8 to 12 years, to board, room and car for; good bom and fin play ground. 1504 E. Taylor at. WANTED Tiny baby to care for. Wdln. 8130. HOrSEKEEPING ROOMB 8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED $2.50 PER WEEK UP; comfortably furnished housekeeping rooms, every convenience, hot water at all hours; suites, $4 up; save carfare. The Cadillac, 8d near Jefferson. $18 TW(J large, furnished housekeeping rooms, 542 K. 27th. Take Richmond car to 27th, orw block south. TWO pleasant and convenient H. K. rooms on second floor, clean and well furnished; suit- able for 3; close in. 63 N. 20th st. SHIPYARD district, cottages, housekeeping. furnished, unfurnished, reasonable. Apply 252 Gibbs. TWO rooms, first floor, single rooms, sleeping porch; hot water always. 665 Flanders. FOUR furnished H. K. rooms, first floor; 2 blocks from Albina shiparda. 507 Mississippi. FURN ISHED H." K. "sod ' sleeping rooms. 874 Yamhill. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $10 and $16. near shipyards, walking distance. 54 5 1st HOUSEKEEPING rooms', completely 'furnished. hot water; close in. 828 Main st ROOMS AND housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week. 88 V4 Grand ave. TBUNKS DELIVERED IN DOWNTOWN DIS TRICT FOR 25 CENTS. PHONE E. 6434. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 7t FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY FOR RENT 3 rooms, furnished, second floor, facing north and east residence corner. Lot close in east aid Bear Ankeny and Grand sve. Phone E. 2037. ; ; " ONE furnished H. K. room, electric lights. phone and bath, reasonable. 66 E. 8th near Stark. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, private family. E. 4810. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 11 BEFORE moving get our price; 10 days free storage. Eas Burnside Transfer Co. Daily trips to St. Johns and Montavilla. Phone East 5670, residence Columbia 944. WHEN YOU MOVE. USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and Washington. Broadway 580. SHIPYARD district, elegantly furnished house. fruit, high elevation, reasonable. Apply 252 Gibbs. MAIN 1261 Local and long distance A-7281. Let our auto trucks move you. Green Transfer Co.. 202 H Alder st 7 ROOMS and bath, at 6003 88th ave. S. E.. or will sell reasonable on easy terms. Sundsy to 4 p. m. Any time other days. , WE RENT HOUSES COLE RENTAL AGCY,. 215 Lumbermen bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 MODERN house for rent; furniture for sale rea sonable; rooms sub-let for more than rent 816 E. Broadway. FURNISHED HOUSES 33 5 ROOM furnished cottage with garage and sleeping porch, $40 per month; no children. Sell wood 128. 5 ROOM furnished house. $27.50. liams ave. Wood lawn 410. 763 Wii- FLATB TO RENT, UNFURNISHED IS 5 ROOMS, electric lights, gas, bath, screens; upper flat $15.50 per month; water free. 1205 Corbett st, Fulton car. West side; lit minutes out FOR RENT B roomed flat No - children. 704 Vs First st $20 A good, clean 6 room flat walking dis tance. Eaat 2409. VERY desirable ft room flat for rent, furniture for sale. Phone East 465. FURNISHED FLATS SO FOR RENT Modern furnished flat 1200 K. Main at APARTMENTS FOR RENT 43 TAYLOR GRAND APTS. Under new management clean and aarfrtary, furnished housekeeping rooms, single and in suite. All outside rooms with electricity and bath, close in. at 192 Grand ave. 8. BOYCREST APT. Corner 12th and Yamhill. Under new : management Clean, desirable 1-room housekeeping apartments, reasonable rats. nuun sxa atnn, luruisnea apartment, -r-s private bath $30. Cottel Drug Co.. Main I 702. THREE furnished rooms', bath and telephone, by week or month. 186 N. 22d. Marshall 2250. SEPT. 1 -4-room furnished apt on Portland Heights; ha. rd wood loora. piano. Phone Main 2 8 15. Apt 1 ,5 If Vista, ave. ' COMFORTABLE 8 room apt; lights, gas. fuel o93 Johnson. TWO room furnished apt. Harrison Court 884 6th at . NEW YORK apU.. E. Belmont and 7th. Phone East 238. SUMMER RESORTS (8 CAMP site now available at Columbia beach, rate from $7 to $12 per month including elee trio light and wood. Se Mr. Holmes at th Beach. - HOT SPRINGS HOTEL for sal by located along th North Bank highway and Columbia -river; terms. Phone or writ S. Samson, Stevenson, Wash. . BEACH CENTER. WASH, s room furnished - house; also 2 room furnished house, fog month of August Call Sellwood 646. LIGHT housekeeping. Ocean Crest apartments. 1 block from beach; rates reasonable. Rock- away Beach. - - - - r WANTED TO RENT Wej Want! to List HOUSES, FLATS AND APARTMENTS. IP TOU HAVE ANY VACANCIES, PHONE HEAVE TOGETHER, CARE OF NORTHWEST STEEL CO.. MAIN 1193. , . I HAVE several clients who want to rent farms for cash or aha res. Send ai- your listing; "WATCH OUR ADS - WE GET RESULTS? ' A. O. BENDER - . . i BTTTER, LOWE CO. i 201-8-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. ; WOULD like to lease 4 --or 5 room bungalow, with garage if possible: would consider sub urban home. Tabor 5025. - - RELIABLE couple would like to leas three or four room flat or cottage, partly fnrniahed preferred. Tabor 5925. ( OR 6 room house, with from 1 to 10 acres; will lease from 1 -'to 3 years. Box 44-A. Konte '5. Oregrvn dty. - . (- :.. v , , itrmre . t rrs WANTED A wart side; si steam-heated flat by 2 adults. Steady tenants. C-601 Journal. ( REAL ESTATE B E A CH PROPE BTT . 43 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaakl. Or.', at baa tiful - Canwrignt . trr,- at reduced prices: $25 to $700; easy tnstsllments. 6 par cent: sooa to b connected by all-pa red highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, wsU make Cartwrigbt Park of th most attractive spots oa Paeif ie 00 L Whit-mer-KeUy Co.. 1 414 Pittoc block. Portland. Mragon, or inquire r. as, cioia. , agssit, - niosawsy, sjaaaiii. Oregon. , ; , v t ;- " BUSINESS PROPERTY f - M GOOD business property in, city of Molalla; irmme ouuaing guxau, -two- stories. 7 rooms npsUirs, ' city water, lights; built 1014. . Box 15. Molalla. Or. s -.. '- -' b ; . ,; STORE building and lot for sale. . Lot 50x124 feet. Corner 44th and Belmont sts. Tabor 7sV GE N E RA I, RE AL E ST A TE I 32 TO TRADE 6 room house in St. Johns, gar den and fruit, for place oa East Side. 1010 South Princeton at. - FOB SALE HOUSES I ROSE CITY PARK . 6 ROOMS $5850 . i Here is on of those real nifty bungalows; great big living and dining rooms, fire place, buffet. Lmtch kitchen with breakfast alcove, cement basement, wash trays, large attic; street paving paid;' $500 ; cash , will handle. Hurry. - . - A. TEEPE CO., r , 264 Stark st,. near 8L Main 8316. - Main 8002. Branch office. 50th A Sandy. (Open Sun.) 6 ROOMS FURNISHED, $2750 : Her is a 6 room house, sewing room, dining room, kitchen, bath and bedroom down -and -2 bedrooms up ; good basement. All furniture, rugs, gms range, hot water heater, heating stove, kitchen utensils, all goes at $2750.: Pay $500 down and- move right in. Fhone for auto to take yeu out. . - COB A. McKENNA A CO. .Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trad bldg. .Open Evenings. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW BARGAIN $3650 This beautiful 5-room bungalow with unexcelled - view must . be sold this week. '; It is priced at : bargain and has every modern convenience. Let us show - you thia today. Tomorrow will be too late.-" J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Excb, bMg. Main 1004. LOOK $150 CASH $160. CASH Puts you in possession of a 4 r. mod. buns.. fireplace, built-lna. near Westmoreland, on Sell, car, imp. paid, newly painted and tinted. $150 aown, dsj. gzs.oa, including int. st. 6. $2000 $2000 $2000 $2000 Q. C. QOLDENBERQ Main 4803. 215 Abington bldg. TWO MODERN 6 ROOM RESIDENCES IN LAURELHURST Both located in desirable section . of TanM- hnrst tract. Price $5500 each, including every thing. Either of these houses could nut be built under present building price for $5000, to say nothing of cost of lot and street improve ments. Mr. Brown. 270 Vt Stark st. Main 1700. Evenings. Tabor 60. CLOSE IN MONEY MAKER $4000 9 large rooms with den ; and sleeping porcn, o urge Bedrooms : walking dis tance ; just the place to keep room ers; lots of cherries and peaches, lot 60x100; $500 will handle, balance like rent Make offer. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. ROSE CITY PARK 6 room bunsaloW. enve nelline h.rwrwvl floors, high grade plumbing, newly tinted, built in kitchen, conveniently arranged enoa nn atreet hard surfaced and paid. Can give imme- aiaw possession. rnce $3050, $600 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. MSN. W. Bank bldg. 6 ROOM COTTAGE. $200 CASH Nice 5 room cottage, electricity, bath, cement basement In first class condition. Oa Mtnne- ?2",. 200' QRUSSI & BENNETT ' 318 Board of Trad bldg. Main 7452. ALBERTA 6-ROOM HOUSE $2250 Good 6-room house, 8 bedrooms, bath, elec tricity, gas, basement gangs, lot 40x100 with alley; liens paid; on E. 82L, near Alberta. Price $2250; $500 cash. $20 per month. Extra lot if "desired. GRUSSI A BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. VIEW OF BP7ER and mounUins; adjoins city park and playgrounds, 5 rooms, bath, electric lights, gas, all fine condition: neigh borhood fine American homes; 2 blocks to car and school; west side; 10 minutes out Price $1950: $200 cash. $15 per month. 8outh Portland car to Bancroft, 1 - block east 096 Kelly street; Tabor 854, forenoons. VACANT moveT: RfGHTTN $2750 Buys a nice 5-room bungalow near Jefferson high, near Wms, ave., St Johns snd Miss. ave. csrs. A bargain that will go today. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 By. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. NEAR Jefferson high school, good 4 room cot tage, sewer, water, light gas. bath, toilet hard surfaced street paid, trees, shrubbery, basement H block to car, lot 50x100; price only $2300, $500 cash, balance to suit JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. A REAL BUY 4 room house, furnished, gas, water. lot S Ox 140. berry and tree fruit, garage, wood -house, cellar. Price $1500; $300 cash. $15 per month and 6 interest Williams Realty Co.. Grays Crossing. Tabor 4934. $150 FIRST payment buys partially finished home in Irvington Park; very choice lot 60x 100, 2 blocks to car; has east front choice shrub bery, roses, frees, etc; price $800 for imme diate sale. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 683 N. W. Bank , bldg. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, nrepiaee, beam ceiling, Dutch kitchen, in white; big attic, basement, laundry trays, garage, paved street, all paid for; splendid car service: plea-sant surroundings, 28 minutes oat; $2650. $300 cash. $20 month, 2090 E. Glisan st Tabor 854 forenoons. FINE 7 room house, electricity, bath, fireplace, full basement lot 50x100, near Mississippi ave., 10 min. from Broadway bridge. lrice $3250 less than .cost of house) . $500 cash, balance $25 per month. See owner st 416 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 3270 FOR SALE 4 room furnished hous. full ee ment basement attic, bedroom, wash trays, gas, electricity, hardwood, floors, -Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet and bookcase. Price. $8200. easy terms. 667 Sumner st, cor. 18th. 1 block north Alberta, st. THREE houses, five, six and seven rooms, $1900. $2300 and $2700. Two hundred dollars down and balance easy terms. Be Alexander, owner, st 724 Chamber of- Com merce bldg. HOME AND INCOME Acre, good -5-room house, gas, electricity, 65 bearing fruit trees, close in. Might take light car or small place. Fruit nearly keep family. Owner, 721 E. 40th st, near Powell. CHEAP : Modern 8 room house,' In splendid condition. Desirable location, block from . Richmond car. inquire 040 k. setn st. 6-JtOUM House, wtiile enamel plumbing, bear ing fruit and nut trees, 50x100 lot. 1 block west of Union ave. 010 Garfield av.; $24 0O, $1000 down, baL $30 per month at 7 per cent interest - r ST. JOHNS ' . : Modem new bungalow. (2375. See owner at 1004 S. Leonard near Buchanan.' 1 blk. N. of Lombard; $235 down. $35 a month. Stop pay ing rent. r ROSE CITY PARK 6 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, cement basement built-in features, finished in ivory and white. Cheap. $3750. Terms. Owner, 641 E. 49th N. Tabor 4705. 3 SEVEN room house, garage. Alberta, near school and car. newly tinted.- painted, vacant; must seU this week at any. price; leaving city. Call Sunday and evenings. 993 E. 1 Ul N. $1750 ROSE CITT PARK DI8TRICT - Modern 8 room bungalow, full plumbing, elec tricity, good basement, laundry trays.- niee lot, terms. Res) bargain. Call Tabor 8375. IRVINGTON Modem 8 room furnished house, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors. 437 E. 15th at K. East 8748. , JUST completed, modem 8 room bungalow and garage, near Laurelburat perk. 1179 E. Ankeny. Phone East 7358. FIVE room modem bungalow, - all built-ins. fireplace,- china closet. Dutch kitchen, ' buffet $2250. Terms. Deal with owner. Main 8270. $50 DOWN, balance monthly. 6 rooms, large lot fine garden in. 6 cent carfare. Phoee East 6660. Ask for Geo. Blair. NEW 8 room cottage, $1450; terms. 1088 83d st near Alberta, ear. : Owner on the ground today. - ' - - FOR SALE Two modem 4 room houses, either sold separately or together. Price 33100. or 8150O and $1600. Call Woodlawn 2700. 7 ROOM brick house, furnished or unfurnished. lot 60x100, near Jefferson high; will , trad for smaller honsev Woodlawn 692. ' 8-ROOM MODERN bouse end bam. nd14 ere of ground. Call Sellwood 1450. - - - 5 ROOM modem house; everything complete; cheap, 82600; good locality. 81 WinchcIL $ 1 050 SEMI-MODERN A room house, modern toilet sank, gas, fine sawn. Tabor 8876. - - FINE 7 room home, rightly priced and .some terms. 1195 Delaware ave. ; , ,:s : :. LARGE modern house, Hawthorne district close ' to car and Franklin high school. Tabor 2082. EQUITY for trade or will aelL , , 6823 45th ave. S. E. Kern Park. - , : FOB SALE acre and 6 room house. . 433. REAL ESTATE FOR HALE HOUSES 61 $2230 THE BIG BARGAIN $2230 - OUT OF OCR BOO HOMES 6 room. - unusually pfoaging bungalow lines; Inst like new; very substantially built; living room extends across -the -entire trout; large fireplace, bookcases, built-in buffet full white Dutch kitchen, good cement basement,; 2 light airy bedrooms and sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing, , electric lights and gss. On account of extreme circumstance property is offered at this - neat sacrifice Dries. Vacant Term. Have you ever bees in our office and seen our display rooms with over - 600 - photograph of appraised homes for salsf ' Arranged in districts with price, terms and . location under each house. Come In and look, them over. Our offices are open every evening. Ten salesmen with automobiles to show you Home. 8EE . . ;i . V- FRANK L. McGUIRE. TQ BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Maiu 1068. Msin 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. OWING ta the death of the owner, the widow desires to disimse, of her home as a, great sacrifice. r fullv furnished, exesmt tuwMtae; Mr- den tools, winter fuel in basement, garden pianxea, irutt -on trees, Just ready to set in end take possessions bona -was fenflt tn veara urn and consists of 4 rooms, garret and full ce- meni oasement; large eBlcken house, roses and berries: . 2 lots n with It enter. - earn and phone on atreet Anyone wishing more land the owner has & acre adjoining the orchard she wishes to - dispose of. Place is 2 omcw rrom county rosvd on S5tn ave. and 6 1st St ' S. E. . Tha nlMnm U 1mti hctwnn 2 earlines. Take Mount Scott car to Tr mont station or Woodstock ear to end of line. 3250 down, easy terms thereafter. Inquire 6303 62d ave. & E. phone Tabor 7428. Henry ROSE CITY PARK S BOOMS. SLEEPING PORCH, SUN - PARLOR 85500. Am you io the market for a real high elsas bungalow? Then let us show you this remarkable bungalow home. This truly expresses the very senith of th builders' srt A better, classier. more artistic home you could not hope for. Fhrl-rwd in old ivory and white throughout Price Includes street paving. We know this will sell quickly, so please hurry. It will be A downright pleasure to show 'you, AO. TEEPE CO., - Tie Stark st. near ' 8L Main 8516. Main 3082. Branch office. 60th A Sandy. (Open Bun.) 83950 IDEAL, RrXCAIlW MflSA Owner in California authorized tn nffr for sale his very attractive 6-room bungalow, has very artistic lines, on Royal avenue, en a wonderful sightly location, surrounded by beau tiful fir trees: large front porch, - reception hall, living room with fireplace; built-in writing desk and bookcases; solid paneled dining room with Plate rail, artistic buffet; white Dutch kitchen, 2 light, airy bedrooms with Lane clnaeta. aton ing porch, full cement basement, laundry trays sou lurnace; close 10 Mount Tabor car. Can arrange terms. No mortgage or atreet liens to assume. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Bin Ynnr Home. Abington bldg. Main 5150. Main 1068. omce open Evening and Sundays. $3150 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3150 Modern 5 room, in A-l condition: double con structed; built-ins; Dutch kitchen; full cement casement ; lumace; 1 full lot; 3 large cherry trees; berries; paved and paid. Owner has no time to care for property, hence is sacrificing. Thia property is worth much more. 250 ALBERTA BARGAIN $2650 Owner going East wants to disnnse nf hrnnc- 5 r. bungalow on full lot. 1 blk. to .car on 2 2d " . Has garage, fruit and berries; house newly tinted; terms. Q. C. Main 4803. 215 Abington bldg. LA URELHURST 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch H5550 . Here is .one of those real good-looking super-sttractive Laurelhurst homes, and it's in perfect condition, too. Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, foil cement basement, furnace. Not an old house: finished in old ivory and white throughout You would expect to pay over $600tt for a home like this. ' Let ns show yon. v A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark t. near 3d. Main 3516. Main 8092. Branch office, 50th A Sandy. (Open Sun.) AN UNBEATABLE-BARGAIN Take the time to see thia Dlace: vou'U sav it's the biggest bargain you ever saw; near Parts mouth school and St Johns car; a 10 room house, in fine shape, with bath, fireplace and 2 basements; there are 6 rooms and bath on lower and 4 rooms on tipper floor; the house to Ar ranged for 2 families and is now rented for $40 monthly. You couldn't duplicate the house now lor S40OO. Owner has Cut price to $3400, and wants only $600 down. COB A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4522. 82 4th at. Board of Trade bldg. Open Evenings. . HAWTHORNE $3800 5 Rooms Garage Assts. Paid Folks, here is a real bargain. Fire nice rooms, with exceptionally large living room, furnace, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, fruit room, garage that just cost the owner over $250. Beautifully located on corner lot with all assts. paid. This is very close in. Owner needs larger house. Now hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3516. 'Main 3092. Branch office, 50th A Sandy, (Open Sun.) 14 BOSE CITY PARK HOMES We have 14 Rose City Park houses and bungalows to show you. The prices . range 33150. $3500. $3650, $4000 to $5000. The terms. $400. $500, $650. to $1500 cash, the balance on monthly payments. Among these are some particularly beautiful bungalows. Do not buy in Rose City Park until you have seen these. . We win be glad to take you out any time during the day or evening. Open evenings. COE A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. $30 DownOn!y 3fl8i5Q 5 room bungalow, cement basement built-in kitchen, white enameled, fine plumbing, newly, tinted and in good condition. Edward A. Brown Co. 303 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 2693. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK $6000 Completely furnished, modern, 7 rooms and den, 4 bedrooms, furnace, fire place and all built-ins: garage, lot 63x 100 with lots of fruit; corner lot; Imps, in and paid. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, bath, fireplace, beam ceiling. Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, large attic, basement, gas and electric, beautiful loca tion. $2400. including street and sewer im provements; my equity $750 or $250 cash. $25 per month. .30 mi. car ride. 2080 E. Glisan. mi RAA xauur 11 vol $2500 FOB a 5 room; lot 40x100. with gar- age. paveu nnna, v DtocK rram car; $500 cash, baL terms. - Phone Marshall 829. F.:L. BLANCH ARB, Div-zu rtauway ex. $2750 BUYS a modem S room bungalow at 1110 E. Stephen st. in the Hawthorne dis trict; hss furnace, fireplace, wash- trays; all built ins: garage, paved- st. snd all paid for. Go look. THEN SEE W. A. WRIGHT. 417 Abington bid. Res. Sellwood 1355. Office Main 5988. A DANDY furnished 3 room home, 1 block to car, on 60x100 lot including garden on ad joining lot; 100 chicks, bath. toilet, laundry trays, basement. Price $1500, H cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., : 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 6 ROOM house, bath and toilet 2 lots 50x100 - fruit for large family, street improvements in end paid, 1 block from Piedmont car barn. 3&000; must be seen to be appreciated. Phon Woodlawn 1276. T WHY NOT BUILDT T TT Get an srtistic bom by an established srchV- tecxnral firm at low cost - We build anything; frrnish the money if desired. L. R. Bailey (Jet. Ite.. contracting architects. 24 N. ; W. Bankv TWO MODERN homes in Irvington; one of $10,000; the other $7500; best of terms can b had on either. I will be pleased to give you full data upon application. L, K. Moore. 817 Board of Trade. -'i Tr" $4000 Modem 5 room bungalow, fireplace and furnace, built-in convenience, lot - 76x100 sll clear. $1000 cash, balance terms to suit Woodlawn 8229. , u . 31950 SNAP $150T " ' 8 room bouse, comer- tot, near Union ave. and KilHngsworth. - Easy terms. - A, H. Aker- sow, neary Diag. , saar. U7, mn 811.x N! ittm i,n.. i.k ..... foot lot: nice garden: house just refinished inside; all for $1650. Phone Wdln. 8004 or call at 87 Blandena st' and see owner. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, finished np- stairs; full cement basement fireplace, Dutch kitchen, strictly modem, H block from ear 1 block from schooL -1085 E. 23d N., Alberta car. STRICTLY modem, newly tinted 4 room . bun- galow for sale, cheap.- Tabor 8819. -. FOB 8ALlvy,OTS LEAVING THE CITY ? L0si t boulevard for $450 cash. Hard surface in and paid for Lot worth $1000. Phone Wdln. 258. BY OWNER Corner lot less than 4 blocks from Rose City car. at assessed value: terms if desired. Call at 809 Oregon st after 620 p. m, ! . .... - - SNAP $250 ' ; 50x100 on 78th gtv. R-O car.l Imp. paid. Mar. 4078. 7 1X5Z,.iD' oteDo, Idaho, to trade for grsodcar! (TnTM' FOR SALE Three 60x100 lot m tw.K, good price to cash buyer or will trade for modem bungalow and assume, X-3. Journal FOR SALE Several half acre lots with or - without improvements. Will sacrifice Doughty, owner. 868 JLOth at, ffiSsboro. ot REAL EstTATR FOB SALE LOTS 16 JC8T WHAT you are looking for, 4 level lota, just outside eity limits; gas, elect, telephone at hand, bo eitv assessments can be levied on these lots, 2 blocks" from car; small payment dowsv baL terms. Will trad for good 5-paas. woeaiawn szs IBVINGTON PARK a U xlou, $17 (cost " $400) ; $SO cash. "Among the firs." -8 blocks to Alberta oar. East Sid. 3 1st st 268 feet : north of Holms st ; Tabor 854 fors- SAOKIFICE -Choice building kt , Rose City Park, 47th st N. between Stanton and Siski you; all improvements in and paid;, $476. Owner needs money. A-610. JournaL ACREAGE tl 5 . ACRES. 10 miles from Portlsnd. on Base Lin road, all - in cultivation:' good 8-room house, bam, chicken houses that will hold 1000 . chickens, and runs; good water, 1000 gallon tank and gas -engine; family orchard, berries, etc.; 2 5-gaL cows, 400 chickens, 100 ducks. Will sett on term. Csil 933 Pittock bldg. 40 ACRES near Middletoa snd Capitol high - -way. 26 acres cultivated, fine soil, bearing fruit trees, small buildings. . grand - view; right price snd terms- --: , ' -.5 52 acres, eo acres, loo -acres, Bherwooa Ols trict. ail good bargains.- - - L G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BENT 15 acres at Cornelius, . Apply Will It lier. 21 E. 79th st N Portland, Ta bor 3410. ;,. '.. .. ..- . CHOICE ACREAGE FOR SALE CHEAP See it "before rmrchasing elsewhere.., Amanda B.'Dwir, 1860 Division. : - f '" ; T SUBURBAN" HOMES ; Tt PALATIN-HILL Beautifully situated, 2 mflas ' from Portland by electric line of asphalt high way. 1-15 acres. 6 room house, chicken house. large chicken runs, full-grown orchard: 83000. Pbone B-3U3I or J. aw. Cole. Underwood Type writer Co A 0 ACRE home, a dandy, adjoining eity lim its, for sale or trade for city; all equipped; a money maker. Call Tabor 2574. FOR SALE FARMS IT 20 ACRES AD in crop, 8 room 1 house, bam and out buildings, spring piped to house, family orchard, near school and church, 4 miles to.electris line, some farm implements; . prio $3500, 1 $2000 ca&h, balance terms. . 148 ACRES 75 in cultivation, balance in timber and pas ture; 3 living streams, good soil, 1 mile to rcl-ool, 8 miles to Lebanon, 4 room house, good barn, family orchard; price 860 pet acre. . 8. O. DILLMAN ' 8th and Mstn Sts. - Oregon City. Or. 60' ACRES on bank of beautiful river; no over flow or washing: just outside city limits of good town; S B, B, and-boat tending; 2 hours Portland and 3 to T acorns; on third bottom land ; part ' bearer dam ; most all place prac tically level, tillable land; slopes slightly to river; no rock or -gravel; H in cultivation, balance seeded to pasture, and much of tt easy to clear; fenced In 8 fields, with water in each; family orchard: small fruit; daily mail; telephone in house; 7 room house; fireplsce; spring water piped: garden; crop and farm machinery; 86500, 81500 eash. balance 10 rears. Box 101. Cas tle rock. Wash, 23 ACRES for . sale on the Nehalem river at Batterson station, all in cultivation, ' 10 room house, with spring water, large bearing orchard. Wilt exchange for Port land property. H. M. Kisbet B'way 546. FARM of 40 acres. 35 under cultivation, rest easily cleared; 4 room house, big bam and outbuildings: land is fenced and cross-fenced; 2 'j miles from live town and railroad. Price 82ii00. J. Berger. 700 Sandy bird. 288 ACRES land situated about 0 mile S. E of Harrisburg. Lane Co.. suitable for dairy a4 all purpose farm and belonging to an estate. In- onire or oy. tosnow. executor. Koseburg, Or. FOB SALE Small dairy ranch by owner, run ning water. 20 miles south of Portland. $1500 will handle, 6 for the rest For particulars Phone Main 1721. FOR bargains in dairy farms along the Roosevelt highwsy, in Tillamook county, come to Nat ucca Valley "Heal Estate Agency, doverdsie. Or. B. Y. Blalock. Mgr. - ' 20 ACRES $600 1 fare Portland; $200 cash down. BO ACRES. PRICE $1600 CLAUDE COLE. 215 Lnmbermena bldg. j 17 ACRES right at Groveland station, ail - in cultivation,- fair buildings, well; $200 sere, il. M, Hoord. H. I, Hillsboro, Or, 70-ACRE ranch, 18 miles out near car line. limner cut ovuo coros wood; $7000. on terms. Y-20, JonmaL FRUIT LANDS FOR SALE 4J FIVE acres .prunes,; fair "crop, near carline, $1500! terms. . 16 acres prunes, good' house, dryer, barn, fine voter on -iort road. 3 miles from Vancouver, $10,500; $6500 cash, " balance time at 6 per cent J. B. ATKINSON, 112 West v6th St.. Vancouver. Wash. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 8 I WANT from 40 to 160 acres, improved, and sufficient amount of cattle, horses and ma chinery: preferably , dairy ranch. 732 Patton road. Portland. Or. WANT small improved acreage, near city; would trade bouse and lot and 40 unimproved acres, value $3000, as first payment; no liens against either: might divide. J-35. Journal. 'HOMESTEADS 47 316.7 -ACRE homestead, ssgebrush. So. Idaho. Want good clear vacant lot for relinquishment HOCCK. 110 10th st T TIMBER NOTICE -of sale of government timber; general land office, Washington, , D. C . June 27. 1919 Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June . 1916 (89 Stat, 218), and the in structions of the secretary of the interior of September 15. 1917, the timber on the fol lowing lands will be sold Annua) 20. 1919. st 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land office at Portland. Oregon, to the. highest bidder at not less then the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be. subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price. ,with an ad ditional aum of one-fifth of on per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must b deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sal is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which most be removed within 10 yean. Bids will be received from " citixen of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organised under the haws of th ' United State or any sts to. territory or district .thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchase, the timber 00 any legal sub division win be offered separately before being included m any offer of a larger unit T. 2 N.. R. 8 W.. Sec 11. NW, 8W. red fir ' 510 m.. cedar 55 m.. 8V sV 4 . red fir 740 M.. none of the . red fir or cedar to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. T. 9 8., R. 2 E., Sec 6, NK'i NEK, fir lu M.. hemlock zto m., is w 4 NEV. fir 880 M., hemlock 150 M 8E14 NE'A. fir 1770 M., hemlock 260 M.. BW Vi NEK. fir 2390 M.. hemlock 200 M., NK14 KWli, fir 630. M-, hemlock . 180 M.. NV'H NW14, fir 1760 M,, NEA .BE fir 1170 M.. hemlock 120 M.. SWH HE,, fir 13( M., hemlock SO U, SE 4 SE54. fir 1190 M.. hemlock 80 M.. gWii SEK, fir 790 M.. NEK SW. fir 1950 M.. NW 8W . fir 2 100 M., SE 8WK. fir 1650 M., SWti 8W , fir 1250 m., none of the fir to be sold for lens thaa 81.60 per M-. and none of th hsmlock to b sold for leas than 75 cents per M. t. 8 . R. 8 E., See. 25. SW hi NWK. red fir 800 M.. 8Ei4 NEK. red fir 850 M,, SWH NEK, red fir 500 M.. none of the red fir to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. -CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner, General Land Office. BIGGEST SACRIFICE IN OREGON .:.;,: 18 to 20 million ft red fir. 723 acres of land that can bo -cultivated when cleared, an for $16 per acre; good roads; good school; never was such a bargain offered be'ore; only 12 miles from Agricultural College. Will sell for cash, balance 8 years. Address, M. , H. Griffin, Gen. DeL, CorvalUs, Or, ;- - TIMBER LANDS. , ' NOW IS THE TIME TO -BUT. ' TIMBER. - - " 10.000,000 - feet, $8500. Bear railroad. 8,000,000 feet, $5000, near railroad. - 60.000.000 feet, $30,000, near ssilroad. Firrt-ciass timber. 1 D. A. DONELSON. 447 Sherlook bldg.. Portlsnd Or. 70-ACRE ranch. 18 miles oat near car line, timber 'cut 6000 cords wood;- $7000 00 terms. T-29-.' Journal. - - -TIMBER land for sale. Douglas Co. East 483. FOB. SALE OR EXCHANGE, -. ( - - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or trade for suburban acreage or - eity property, ISO acres - near ' Gotdendsl. Wash.; 40 acre in cultivation, 40 acre slashed. 80 acres fin timber, large commercial orchard, good building. Phono Tabor 1887, or owner at 2158 E. Stark st - - ' ' ' -- EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE t as ir.REH DOUGLAS CO, vain f 480. wortn SIOOO. - Kxea. for Portland, or what have yottf A. H. son. Henry -bldg. BUSINESS or residence lot. 50x100. Would consider Ford ear,. CaB oa or address owner. 614 Paftama bMg 40 ACRE farm. . exchange for eity property. . Wolfstein. room 1. 112 1st v . .. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 84 ' -EXCIANGE . '","" ''' 80 ACRES ' " 40 -in euKivation. balance timber and pas ture. Oa good road. 8 miles -from Oregon City. 7 room plastered house, hot and cold water; large . bam, milk - house, outbuildings, spring water piped to boos and bun; 28 cows, bull, team r good machinery. Place has income of 8509 per month, milk taken at the door. Price $16,500.- Will take 8500O In Portland home. Some cash, balance tiras. r.'- - S. O. DILLMAN. Hf';,'-' Sth and Main eta.. Oregon City. Or. ' 'ACRES divided "In acre tracts, only 6 - mile out on Base Line, good house with concrete basement - barn. garage and milk house: berries, currants, a 00 lea and Dears.- Will take a 5 room house and lot in trade; prefer Hawthorne district - Value $6000. Sals or trade. Phone Marshall 829. F.:L. BLANCHARD 20 ACHES timber, a splendid wood proposition. - close to Portland and a down hill haul : also good land, lie fin to farm when cleared. Worth $3000 ; timber- will a great deal more than pay for it if rightly handled; it's for exchange for other property. Will give or Uke difference according- to . values. What can, you offer cm son roruanq, or. INE RANCH. 14 miles from center of Port- - tana: Stock and aauhmwRt ma nrirMi miUft tags, a dandy; price $30,000. WiU consider Portland property t $20,000. L, K, Moore, 817 Board of Trade. WANTED Five room bungalow; besides some - money. I have a lot 50x100 on 45th bet. Hawthorne and Division, all improvement la and paid for. . What have youf Give your aaaresa, , x-ov, journal. HARDWARE. FURNITURE and Dressed brick . building in good Idaho town; doing fin busi ness; price $80,000. Consider income prop erty, or well improved valley farm, to equal value, it. K, Moore. 317 Board or Trade. A NICE home at Sunnyside, 5 rooms, modem, to exchange for hoas at South Portland nrrth - of Marquam gulch. What hav your Tsbot 812. 2 FINE LOTS in Jonmmore. to exchange as first payment for small improved farm, not over 10 miles from Portland. Herman Peper, OQ7- woenanaw bldg.. stain S176, 80 ACRES 15 miles from Vancouver,- Wash. , unimproved pmne land, trade for 2 to 6 ere near Portland ; well improved, clear for clear.' What have you? - Owner, Main 7592. EXCHANBE what you have for what you want Graham, 826 Ry. Ex. bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE SI I HAVE buyers waiting for houses, what have you? Each and every listing given proper attention. - WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS O. A. WARRINEK " HITTER, LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ARE TOC PROPERTY POOR f Do you want to. make your property work? I can show you how to keep your property, not expend a dollar and still make money. . I CAN PROVE IT. 1 A-624, JournsL " NOTICE ' To buy or sell a suburban or acreage heme of merit see Geo. P. Henry with Frank L. Mo- uutre, open eunaay and - evenings. Abington bldg. WE HAVE buyers for 4 to 8 room houses, all parts city and suburban. 8300 to 31 000 first payment- Some cash buyers. Main 6127. E. -O Magoon. 481 Cham, of Com. bldg. DON'T WORRY ' Can seTt or trade anything anywhere. Layman, 147 Park st WANTED To buy 6 room modem liuse. Pay ment 8100 per month, i-43t. Journal. VACANT lot - wanted in Laurelhurst Oregon, ' Alameda Park. Write Gladstone, Box 411 SO. 'PORTLAND' suburban. 4-5 room cottage; bath. B-247. JonmaL G C. GOLDENBERO can sell your boms. "85 Tars in- Portleod " Abington Bldg. ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE SJ HOTEL AND, ROOMING HOUSES 75 rooms, cor,, brick bldg., clearing $700. a month. Price $7600. 30- rooms, on 0th st. rent only $100. Price $2000. 28 rooms on Stark st, rent $185. Price $3000. 45 rooms on 2d st, rent $200, price $6500. 25 .rooms on 6th st. rent $100. Price $220(T. . rooms, good location, rent $20; price $850. 60, rooms on 84, rent $200. Price $8700, 15 rooms on West Psrk. rent $70. Price $1200. 4.1 rooms on- Morrison. Price $3600. 14 rooms on 6th, rent only $35. Price $1800. ' The above are but part of our attractive listings. If yon are considering buying a rooming house or apartment we will gladly put at your disposal one of our ma chines and a salesman. Come and se us before yon buy. BUSINESS SERVICE, 817 Henry bldg. Main 6797. ROOMING HOUSE in Vancouver. Wash., brick building, in best location and doing good buis- nees; lease, wtttt low rent. - P. M. ELWELL 808 Main St. Yanoonver. $850 BUYS 13 rooms; terms, Psrk st Msin 4933. Owner. 240 14 ROOMS and restanrant. Bargain. Money maker, 017 Henry bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SO SAWMILL FOR SACE" 20,000 to 25.000 capacity sawmill, on rail road.. 70 h. p. boiler, 60 h. p. engine, two 34-incn bottom saws, one s-inen top saw, s edger; 4-8 planer, tram equipment for pole track, 8 to 6 million feet of timber K to K mile of mill, red fir, fine quality. Price very reasonable. 'TUCKER & SHRECK " . - - 602 Spalding bMg. , FOR SALE. RESTAURANT MEN NOTICE, A first-class Ozonator, : with fan and motor complete. all ana see. GEORGE V. HAMILTON Boom 812 Journal bldg. BY owner, . restaurant and 9 furnished rooms: the restaurant is' doing business and is well furnished, good show eases, etc. See owner, U. 8. A Restaurant. 3d slid Market st., Van couver, Wash. $2300 will handle an excellent proposition and secure you a position as treasurer with a Portland corporation. Do not answer this unless yon' hav the cash. No agents. B-208, JournaL FOB SALE A grocery store, stock and part of fixtures, furniture of 4 living rooms, with garage rent all for $25 per mo. . Phone Tabor oea, or caji ova E. 77tH,N, PARTNER wantedL.in good going garage to sail gss, accessories, etc; have 60 cars steady storage; good repair business ; $1600. Phone East 8236. POPCORN wagon. Columbia beach, for sale; making $75 Sundays, $10-$15 week days. $09 Jefferson st Msin 6360. FOR SALE Good going delicatessen and light groceries, lunch room , in connection ; close in. Jan preferred, terms if necessary, stsln 70oa. A GARAGE to-be erected corner 88th snd . Hawthorn av., to lease. Fairish A Watkins, IDS 2d- st MILLINERY stock and futures; must sell to set tie an- estate ; will sell part stock and fixtures or alL 618 Williams ave. Phone East 8440. FOR. SALE, by owner, 2 greenhouses snd 4 lots situsted 79th and 45th eve. te. E. Call evenings. Tabor 7329. , SHOE SHOP This la a bargain. Champion stitcher. Progressive finisher. . 110 South Jersey st. St Johns. A MAN would like to have a partner to start a chicken ranch. Call 40 8d st Worth, grocery. 61000 SECURES jobbing business, soft drink; A will pay 3 60O0 per year, C-72. JonmaL LADY finance . and equip my - large Mexican ranch. J-16. JournaL - ' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 81 OUR installment plan is the beat and surest method of paying loan. t -- $32.26 per month for 36 months;, or 82L34 for 6O months; or 616.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest . Other amounts tn prciortioo. We loan oa improved city property." ' ' Or for building purposes. , No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st, Portland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN oa real estate security oa going rate of interest Otto A Harksoa Realty Co., 418 Chamber of Commerce. ' BUILDING loans oa city or suburban property, - money advanced as work progresses. - W. G. Beck. 218 and 2141 Failing Mag. Msin 8407. MONEY to loan m amount of $100 to $5009 eity property. A. H. BELL, r 16-li. Money bldg. : $300. $400, $500, $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber ' of CemnMres. Main 6446. CASH paid for asortgagea and sellers' contracts - on real estate in. Wsahigtoa or Oregon. H. r. isqpis, .11 ijBmprrsiwa pig. MONEY for mortgage loans,- 8S0O to 66000, 6 and 7. Fred S. Williams, 92 K 1st st SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commeiee. 4th and Stark. -$500, $1000. $1506. $2500. $8000 aad up. : V. . H. DESH0N, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE It $300. -$400. $500. $600. $730 snd np. low eat rate, onick action. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6446. CLIENT ha $500 to 3l00 to loan. locaL quick action. J. A. " Hears, attorney. 826 Chamber of Commerce. . ' -. ' - MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 snd 7 per cent Louis Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. - Phone Broadway 8)10. 894 Stark Street near 10th. Loans oa diamonds, watch, Victrotas. pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments snd anything ef Vasssv , ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OP PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER, - City and eountry warrants cashed for faoe value.'. ": ." -' CARRDS MYCRS-RERRMAN. - Managr. ,.. DO YOU NEED MONEY Loans mad on automobiles, diamonds, pianos, household goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your possession. 1 ALSO to 8AL AKIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your psymrnts to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you ean make, we will pay them up, advance you more money if necessary, and yon can repay as in small monthly payments to suit your eon venience, . 'J . LEGAL RATES DO DELAY - BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ' PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY : (.Licensed) 806-807 Dekura bldg, Marshall 6286. V Salary - v LOANS Chattel WB LOAN MONEY ' On short notice to salaried or working-men en their own note. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. "Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY NO 8ECCRITY , : We also loan oa household fumttnre, pianos, etc, without removal. oa i.i, and investigate Columbia Discount company (licensed) . 218 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; all articles held a year; established sine 1888. Dan Marx. 288 Washington at LOANS WANTED t SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 282 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL SI LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON LIBEBTT BONDS. YOTJ CAN BORROW CASH OF CS ON BONDS AND 8AVINOB STAMPS. OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT, PRESIDENT, ' OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR), ' CORNER 6TH AND ALDEIl STS. .1 WILL UVt ANY LIBERTY BOND ' 99 IR CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (AH due coupon Interest included.) 3. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. W win LOAN you money on BONDS, W. S. 8.. or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS, 7 per cent ' 725 Gsseo bldg.. Fifth and Alder. CEI.UK8-HDKTO.V tU. MONEY to loan on Liberty bonds or real estate mortgages: lowest rates snd easy. terms. LIBERTY BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 620 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 ONES SPAN OF MAEES, 8100 lbs.; good work ers snd gentle; ft or 8 head of horses from 1000 to 1200 lbs. each: buggies, wagon and harness, double and aingle, to be . sold cheap. Woodyard Stables, E. Vth and liawihoms, or phon East 6106. BLACK team, fat and sound. 3300 lbs.; bar- seal snd e-ood Job. $0 per day: $425. , Bay mare and gray horse, $125. - U. B, BTAJ)LK,-X4S rKOKT 2400 LB. team, 7 and v year old, good bar ness and wagon, $175. Broadway ear to Stan ton st, 3 , blocks east and 1 block north, 632 27th st ' - ' FOR SALE Matched pair of mares. 6 and 8 years old, 2600 lb, and sound ; also 1 pair or 4-year-ow muies. bhh iTonin, ONE bay team weighing 2600 lbs. Team is fat; for sale very cheap. Inquire 5228 ,72d st B. E-. Mt Scott car. . $65 TAKES good driving mare, buggy and harness. 430 Hawthorne -ave. DEAD horse and animals hauled away tree. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering tJe, H0L6E and wagon, $1.50 per day; 2 horses and wsgon. 88. J. Cohen. 646 Front Main 2208; 1 2 00-LB. -mare, young, sound, gentl and good worker. 837 Front at - ' TEAM harness,' wagon; -pay In work oa ranch. 288 H Russell st LIVESTOCK REGISTERED HOL8TEIN8 $S AT PUBLIC AUCTION , MONDAY. JULY 28, 1919 -, 60 hesd of registered Holateins of th finest quality and highest production, will b. sold at th Maplewood farm, lower . Columbia highway, 2 miles south of Scappoose. Sale beginning at 11 a. m. - Bus leaves St Charles hotel at 10 a. m., passing farm. For catalogue address C. D. Min ton, sales manager. 702 Spalding bldg. Phon Main 1116. GUE A HUGHES, Auctioneers. FIVE extra good large dairy cows, all Just fresh, some good Jersey fsmllr cows; will sell or trade for beef cows. 1160 Macadam st. South Portland car to end of line, 3 blocks south to Richardson ave., 1 block east, in pasture. FOUR good cows, from 8 K tit T gallon, 2 - fresh. 1 calf beeide her. bottles and buckets. Am selling out Will sell my farm machinery cheap, 2 gas engines, woedsaw. Woodlawn car 22d. 2 blocks south. 729 Liberty at REGISTERED Duroe Jersey sows and registered boar. Route A or Bass Lin road Boa 620: 1 K miles east of Montavilla. Phon Tabor 4888. FOR SALE 3 young cows, fresh . 8 months, ranging from $80 to $60 apiece. Take Eata- eada car to Luther station, walk 160 feet north. SeejG. IL Winters. "- FOR SALE -Thoroughbred New Zealand and Angora rabbits cheap; good stock. R. Du Kette, Gervais. or. 7 FRESH cows... for sal or trad' for beef cattle. . Tak -Vancouver ear to Columbia blvd. station, go 1 block north. MILCH GOATS 8 fresh milch goats 1 with young kids, Arthur st 191 FOR SALE Good work bone, weight 1250: will pay difference on fresh cow. Bdwy. 8574. TWO fresh dairy cows, Phon Tabor 2499. MILK eow for sal. Sellwood 1198, WANTED A fresh milk eow. Sell. 1188. A BEEF cow tor sale. Sellwood 1198. POULTRY AND BABBITS 87 WE sold over 800.000 Whit Leghorn baby ehlx to satisfied customers since January 1. Buy ehix bow, and aell fail and winter broilers at fancy - prices. Pullet will make fine early spring layers. . Price per 100: July, $14; August, $15.' Ssfe arrival of fuTt count live ehix guaranteed. ' THE PIONEER HATCHERY, 405 SIXTH STREET, PETALCMA. CAU . W'HITEEGHORN BREEDERS W want to plae 1000 W. L. hen at $1.75 and 82.00 ach. , with partis that will agra to supply ns with eggs for hatching fas Decem ber, January, February, March, April, 1920, at 8 ceatai each,: The Luhr Farm, R. 8, Bog 268. Lenta, Or. :: - -- ,- .-'!-. - STOP! LOOK! LISTEN ! ' Chickens, dressed or ; ttndreaaed. while you wait We are still in the ring,, hoping yea will never forget the number. 800 E, Morrison st , CA 8H PRODUCE CO. " vTHlTE ' LEGHORN-PtTLLETS WANTED " W caa place your W. 1W pullets, March, knril and May hatch, at a good price, aeeording to strain and . condition. Order waiting. Writ up what yoa have. No lot too small, none too large. The Luhr Farm, R, 3, Bos 258, Lents, Or. RABBITS for sal cheap, or trade for chickens. Georg H. Close, 8018 63d sve. 8. M, S. ear. . FULL pedigreed new Zcalsnd Reds, Americsa Blues and Himalayan English Lstps, 1127 E. 25th st North, WoodUwa 1724. FOUR Whit Kock hens sad rooster. 200 feet of wire fencina. for library tabs, or aas water heater of anything can use. 808 Crosby at. BARRED ROCK AND WHITE LEGHORN baby ehicksoa band. J. R, Msguire, 787 Oregon st,Est 1805. " - -.- 100 YOUNG Leghorn hens. 6348 $4 tk st o. K. Tsbor v480. RHODE ISLAND RED baby chicks with mother for sale,- Woodlawn 8057. 1286 E. 13th N. FOR SALE Friers, dressed to order; delivered Hatnrnars. phone Tsbor neie. W. L. ILELN'S. $1 eachCoLS09. ' ' , "-" 7 100 WHITE LKGHOUS pullets, 1 year iil, 1.35 each! llu SO R. I Hmi nnlleU. 1 rear oM. $1.45 each. These chickens are free of alt vtimin and good - egg-proihicers. Address M. sen, niiisoaie. sir., n. r. 11. o. l DOGS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 48 DOGS boarded at . the Bungalow Kennels! Great Dane puppies tor sale. Box 61. Mnlt- noman, ur. oaain sins. THOROUGH broken English pointer, female. 1 K years; also 5 months pup. Speedway Kennels. Tabor 6088. CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Bird Shop. Singers guaranteed. 11 8 1 E. 2Mth No. C-2217. YELLOW-HEAD parrot and pvt monkey lor sale. East 1602. CANARY BIRDS for ile. beautiful singers, Phon Tsbor 84 411. 6823 41st ave. 8. E. BLOODED Scotch collie pup fur sal. Ca3 Mar. 2152. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 "HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST." IS AN OLD HAYING, AND TRUE. YOU WILL LOSE IF YOU DO NOT IN SPECT OUR STOCK OF USED CARS BEFORE YOU BUY. EVERY ONE IN BEST OF CONDI TION AND PRICED RIGHT. . TWO FORD ROADSTERS. ONE FORD TOURING, TBUCKH. - THREB FORD DELIVERIES. ONE FEDERAL TRUCK. " THREE ONE TON TRUCKS. . ONE 8000 LB. TRUCK. Rushlight Penney. Inc AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS 868 East, Broadway, City. Phone East 803. East 8367. A-1661. USED CARS We have decided to clean up our used rar stock. ' First come first serve,!. . Motto, "Every purchaser a booater. 1918 Peerless 8. 7-)., beautiful cherry red, cord tires, rar like new, at big reduction. 1918 Velle 7-pasa. This car alriioat new. ' 1918 Vclie, thoroughly overhauled, new tires. 1917 Velle, also brand new tires. i 1014 Velie. snap at $400. 1918 Velie. cheap at $825. 6-pasa. Hudson no junk cheap, 1016 Mitchell, a dandy. 8573. Series 6 Franklin, overhauled, $850. Oakland touring. 6 tires. $2."i0. ! - 1910 Cadillac, delivery body, $200. Open Evenings and Sundays D. C. WARREN MOTOR t)AH CO., 58 North 23d. Main 780. BUICK LIGHT SIX. GOOD CONDITION, PRICK $MUO. SEE BEAVER, CAKE ALDER HOTEL. MARSHALL 2290. 1 ' 1912 CADILLAC Touring, in good shape, AUTO SALES CO., - Oth and Couch. FIERCE-ARROW 6-pasanger touring ear, good tires, CARY. 522 Alder st ' Broadway 2482. AUTO TRIMMING A CPHOLSTERLNO CO. All kind tops and uphol stering bib. and Couch, ud. stairs. Broadway 2017. S&ck Used Cars HO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. " COLUMBIA VULCANIZING WORKS WE REBUILD, HIRBEIi. RETREAD nrt RECAP. WITH PURE RUBBER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 82tt COUCH ST. A-I128 $30( BUYS GOOD FORD TOURING CAR, HE FINISHED AND GOOD TIRES. SEE EP PLE. 50 N. 20TH ST.. WEST SIDE, NEAR WASHINGTON. VlM TRUCKTTs -ton.-In fins mechanical oondit tlon, good body and top, 1U17 model, will sell at $650 with terms, 80 Grand av N. pear Burnside. SERVICE STATION located at Ninth and Everett sts. Brosdwsy 1142. FOR SALE Buick light 6. Al merha nlcal con dition; all new tiras. Pric $1000. Call Meat Market, 21st and Powell, week dsyv, Sell. 141. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, ); w wreck all makes of cars and sell t?Wir part ' t half price. David Hodrs .Co., North Broad way and Klandcr. . MITCHELL 1918 touring, in perfect-, coridiUon good tires, a bargain at $1250 Jith terms, consider smaller car in trad. 80Ursnd a,. N. near Burnside. f WILL SELL MY 1918 HOT-SPOT CIIAl MER8 TOURING CAR. CASH Olt TEHSCS, $1850; GOOD TIRES AND REPAINTED. CAM TABOR 630. NEARLY NEW WILLYS SIX. 7 PASS., OH IGINAL FINISH: 5 NEW TIRES; A-l ME CHANICAL SHAPE. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN TODAY. ' CALL TABOR 30. DUBRL'ILLE TOP COMPANY 9th at Oak. Brosdwsy 1664. WIN TON 6 roadster; a classy looking car, with lot of power and speed, electric lights; $850. Piedmont Oarage, Alpine sve. near riiiniigaworrn. MAXWELL roadster, 1917, id fine condition; will sell at $675, with terms. SO Grand ave. N near Burnside. MAXWELL BUG, new body, good tires, ms- chanically guaranteed, a bargain at $523 with terms. 80 Grand ave. N. wear Burnside. FOR BALK Brand new 'Ford track, worm drive, with body; ran 150 miles; can be seen at 786 Hood atreeL good tines; will eonaidef Ford part payment; 7n5. Tabor 68 4 3, . . CHE'VROLET, 1919, in perfect condition, only - run 270O miles, must sell, a bargain st $775 - with terms, 80 Grand ave, N. near Burnside. FbRDTDELlVERY, 19177 Mnel body, good tires, best of condition, will sscrlflce st $550 with terms. 80 Grand gve. NneirBurnalde. 1918MAXWELLtouring. looks like new, good tires, will sell at 8775 with terms. 80 Grand ave, N. near Burnside.- - 1918' CHEVROLET touring, in best of eon dition, good tires, will sacrifice, at 8700 with terms. 80 Grand av. N. near Burnside. CIlEVROLET touring, 1918. in fine condition; - good Tire; must sell; a bargain at $725, with terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Bnrnside. FTtCS'KLlN BUG $300. four cylinder lightr! good running condition. Call East 8021. iVH Eugene at. FOR" SALE 1014 Ford, in best of condition. good tires, will demonstrate. Call 023 Lin a ve. Sat -afternoon or Sunday. SeU, 1776. $2050 BUYS 1918 Hudson Speedster, cord tires, repainted and guaranteed for 90 diys, same as factory guarantee. Csli Adams. Mar, fed 7. MAXWELL roadster, in fine eondition7I i f model, a bargain at $675 with terms. 30 Grand av. N. near Burnsid. 1918 CHEVROLET, in perfect condition, must sell at once. Reason for selling, want larger car. Call Tabor 2416, - - CHALMERS roadster in Al condition, good Ores, a. bargain at $073 with terms. SO Grand ave. t. near Bnrnside. $450 BUYS MY HUDSON SIX 7-PASHEN-GER TOURING, - CORD TIRES, CALL E1PLE, MAIN 20S,AFTKB6 PM. " FORD BUG. torpedo body; newly rintedT a - classy ear, ' will' aserif Ice at $500 and give term. SO Grand eve. N. near Burnside. BUJ BUG 1 ' IS 3 DANDY. If 13 YOURS FOR 8225. 893 OAK ST. GAhOLINE 22 CENTS A GACLON, OILS AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO., 186 1ST, 8IDWA TOP AND BODY WORKS ' ; 347 Bumside sti nrwtaira. Broadway 2495. LATE model Chavroiet. first class oonditionl cheap. Call eve.. 1 062 F, 13th N. BUG I BUG I Mf:t It' a dandy. $225. 898 Oak St. CHEVROLET touring car, 1916 mudsl. $15o. Iltl W tU -. ,-.H ; ... u ,w s ail e.s-iiiiiKA. AM Wavingeity. Must amy "lSSolallJi Cd. J-a. M m, t 1 aiaan , nsvjjiisr lor cmmti; svooat, (TnrnRl. C$iAH Pv-vid tot tac-sd cr. I,ibrty Auto CoTI uiau f sA glBIU ULB. , TinrnnTtr, DEAD atorag.- fireorocf . earaa-e. is , .-. POULTRY AND RABBITS aioer. Bdwy. 1723. BUG. , in good ondiUon. Must seU. liione East 7BU4, or 27 Grand ave. (Con tin ed on Following- Page) '