THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL IS SATURDAY, JULY 19. 1919. PORTLAND, OREGON holiness sodation to ?old 3ts i Sltiriiilai regoh Camp PROMINENT'" MEN PLAN TO ATTEND The Rev. ; C.H. Babcock of Los Angeles and the Rev. T. C. L Henderson of Columbia to Talk THE REV. BEERS IN CHARGE Pastor of Alberta Free Methodist . nhne.p.n -Mflnacp.r nf Carrm Meet to Be Held on East Side The 'fifteenth annual camp meet-' In? of, the Oregon Holiness associa tion (Interdenominational) will be held at East Thirty-third and Ma eon streets, . July 24 to' August 3. Prominent holiness preachers throughout the country plan to at tend the meeting and preach. Two of the men who, have" places on the" program are , the Rev. C. H. Babcock Of . Los Angeles, who has attended the camp meeting for the past three years, and the Rev.,T. C. Henderson of Columbus, Ohio, who comes high ly recommended to the camp meet ing for the first time. The. Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor of the Alberta Free Methodist church, has been elected manager of the camp. The music will be in chanre of the Bev, Frank Blackman, and the grounds and tents in charge of-N. C," Davis and ' S. E. Sorenson- v Thursday, July 31, has been set aside as missionary day, the principal speak ers being the Rev. and Airs. Woodford Taylor, superintendent of the National Holiness mission In China. The location, surroundings and con veniences of the camp grounds-are Ideal for being so close to a large city; The grounds are reached by the Broadway car. . ' ' - Miss Louise Pinnel will again ' have charge of the children's services. Special young people's meetings will also be held, but their leader has not been chosen. The dining room will be run on the cafeteria plan, special rates being made fjor ministers' families. Small tents. 8x10, are to be furnished free to camp ers, a charge being made for larger tents, cots and mattresses. Anyone de siring further information about the meetings should communicate with the president, Mrs. Edith Whitesldes of 680 Qulmby street, or with the secretary, Mrs. Catherine 1 Dickey of 298 "East Thirty-fourth street B. S. Cook Is treas urer of the association. . The annual business session will be ' 11,1 Tii.bH a xr . mnrnltiff. -Tulip 90 t S o'clock, the preaching service for that morning being dispensed with. - Igl Special Series of Sermons to Begin s Rev. Albert C. Crier of Spokane will begin Sunday morning a series Of ad dresses at the Realization rooms over the Womans Exchange, 186 Fifth street. His dates and subjects are as follows : Sunday, It a. m., "Consciousness, the Big Word in Truth" ; 8 p. m.. "God's World and Man's World.". Monday, 10 a. m., "The Allness of God": 8 p. m., The Spiritual Nature of the Universe." Tuesday, 2:30 p. m.., 'The Allness of God" ; S p. m., "Man's Relation; to the Universe." Wednesday. 2 :30 p. ; ; m., The Nature and Goodness of Prayer" i t p. m., 'The Goal, of Life." On Thurs day a picnic will be held at Peninsula park.' afternoon and evening, for all who are interested in these lectures. ' Pastor Back In Pulpit - " The pastor of the Central Methodist church, the Bev. Alexander R. ' Maclean, will occupy his pulpit at both Sunday services after having been absent several Sundays on his vacation. S. H. Green Stamps for cash. Hoi man Fuel Co., Main 353. A-3353. Block- wood, short slabwood. . Rock Springs and Utah coal; sawdust. Adv. YetBeenFought CAN THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS CHANGE BIBLE PROPHECY? i, EVANGELIST L. K. DICKSOJT GREAT OPENING ": : - SERMON J To Be Delivered by ETAS GEH8T L; K. DICKSON :! LARGE TENT PAVILION v COB. 1STH AJTD SIORB.ISOX STS. SUNDAY NIGHT, JULY 20 : AT 7t O'CLOCK. . ' r Special Musks Directed by J- 1 PEOF. L C. COICOB0 Penile lavlted " . The Test Is Cool 8EBTICES EtTEBT WIGHT ' COMING MEETING HastheLastWar baptist Sre planning to ,Hrv tker Illrrangement Baptist young people of the state win try a. new arrangement - this year i tor their annual meeting. - Instead of hav ing a one-day business session, as has been their custom In the past, they will hold a - three-day conference at 'the Gladstone 'Chautauqua - park, - August 30 to September 1. . II. E. Cross, owner of the Chautauqua grounds, has offered the use of the grounds gratis to the young ' people. Harley K. Hallgren, state president, said: "We highly ap preciate Mr. Cross gift to us. It will permit us to have a most enjoyable con ference." :'. j The dates chosen will enable many to attend, as the first day Is a Satur day, which is a half holiday to many; the second day is Sunday, and the third day, Monday, Is Labor day. As Monday will be a" holiday the business sessions will be reserved until that day, in order that all might attend. Assisting Mr. Hallgren are A. 1. Bosserman of Port land, president of the Willamette asso ciation ; George Holt of Salem, presi dent: of the Salem; district, and D. A. Vincent of -McMlnnville, president of the West Willamette association. Services Continue Throughout Summer The regular cfturc'h services of the East Side Baptist church i will be con tinued throughout the summer months. Dr. W. B. ! Hinson expecting to occupy the pulpit 'during the vacation period. The prayer services on Wednesday even ings have been well attended, and. peo ple are reported to be evidencing a de sire to follow Christ. Seven were re ceived last Wednesday evening. 1 The women s society will .meet Thursday at 10, o'clock for its, weekly all day indus trial work. Thfls will be the last Meet ing' until the first Thursday in Septem ber. During the past week Dr. Hinson has delivered 11 lectures at the Glad stone Chautauqua. Nyssa Pastor Will Preach at Central Rev. O. B. Pershing, pastor of Central Presbyterian church, , and family, are spending their vacation at Twin Rocks, on the Tillamook beach, during July; Next Sunday Rev, Weston F. Shields, pastor of the : First Presbyterian church, Nyssa, Or., will preach at both morning and evening, services. Ralph F. Barnes will conduct a general meet ing of all the Sunday school classes next Sunday In place of the regular Sunday school program, the individual classes having been suspended during toe vacation season. - Summer Services Are Well Attended The summer services of the First Friends church. East Thirty-fifth and Main streets, are . being well attended through the summer months, says the Rev. Homer Cox. -: The midweek prayer meeting under the leadership of the various Sunday school classes is increas ing in attendance. Last - week . there were 77 present, of whom 30 were men. The pastor will preach Sunday morn ing on "God's Covenants" and in the evening on "An Old Testament Bargain sale." Tne public is invited, v Endeavor Excursion Takes Place Aug. 4 The annual moonlight excursion of the Multnomah County Christian Endeavor union will be held on the "Swan" on Monday; August 4, The boat will leave the foot of Jefferson street at 7 :30 p. m. Frank Forrester has been chosen chair man of the committee In charge. The publicity is being handled by Floyd Oilman,, who announced Friday that he was going to have a band aboard the boat A program is being arranged by Vernon Duncan, j Refreshments will be served.: j . ; ' . ' . Lincoln's lense of Right to Be Subject "Under the Stars'? is the title of a stirring photoplay, depicting the private ana public ure of Abraham Lincoln and revealing the martyred . president's ' un deleting purpose of right, truth and justice, which will be used Sunday even ing by the Rev. J. J. Sjtaub. pastor of the Sunnyside Congregational church,' In his sermon! He will also preach Sunday mornings : : . v -. "VKere Are Our Soldier Dead?" A message full of comfort and hope! to those sorrowing for relatives and friends lost in war, i The Bible teaching con cerning the state of the dead not that of the creeds. PUBLIC LECTURE BY;Ni W. LEWTON CHRISTENSEN'S HALL 11TH ATCB TAX HILL SUNDAY; JULY 20 IKTEB5T ATIOXAL BIBLE 8TCDEXTS Seats Free : , . 3fe CollecUoa RILEY LECTURES WON PASTOR OVER : Dr. McElveen , Had Decided Not to Visit Portland .Until He , . -.Heard, Portfander Speak. Dr. TV. T., McElveen, the New York preacher. Who la occupying the pul pit of the , First Congregational church of Portland, Is one of . the feathers , in" Frank Branch 'Riley'a cap, ' The Portland Congregational church ;: Invited Dr. McElveen to preach in .its pulpit during July. Like all provincial Nefl? Yorkers, Dr. McElveen "h esltated, suggesting that Portland' was 4000 miles from New York. 't -:l ' I '-: ' '" But n the evening of the -day when he hesitated he dropped in and heard Frank Branch Riley's illustrated lecture at the City club of New York. He took a seat near the door.- This arranged a way of escape If the wild and. woolly lec ture proved a bore. He , came- to scoff but he remained to praise. The New ? York preacher was' captl vated not only by the Riley pictures but by the Riley talk, and immediately tele graphed liis acceptance of the Portland invitation. He declares the Riley pic tures are excellent, but that words failed to describe the realities which- the pic tures portray. . l ' f(. ' On Sunday morning :Dr. ' MeElveen preaches on "Reading Aright the , Signs of the Times," and on Sunday evening on, "How to Get There." ' Special Sermons Are Attracting Attention The special' series of "sermons being preached on "The Greatest Verse in the Bible John 3:16" .at the Glencoe Bap tist church.' by the Rev. ; F. C. Laslette, are r attracting" considerable ; attention. Sunday night he will deliver the sixth in the series,, which is to last through July and August. The chorus choir will sing and Maurice Mariweather will read, . "Jesus Paid the Fare." " ft' ' ' :' 5 United t Brethren Services -1 The : sacrament of the' : Lord's supper wilt be served . Sunday, morning at the Fourth . United Brethren church . by the Rev.V ,C; P. - Blanchard. : Regular morn ing and evening services will i be held Sunday in the four United - Brethren churches of the city, all paetors preach ing in their own pulpits. Will Speak in Blorning The - Rev. S. M.s Connor' will preach Sunday morning at the Rodney Avenue Christian church, the 'church being at present without a pastor. - The evening service will be dismissed on account of the Chautauqua, j ' - ;; ; i : h...- .. . .. DIRECTORY Fifth Sunday After Trinity Uniform Sunday School Lesson "The . Lord's Supper." Matt. 26:26-80: 1 Cot. 11:23-26. - ' . , Goldra Text: "For a often at ye est thto bread, sad drink I this up. y proclaim the Lord's death till h coma" 1 0r. 11:26. : Young People's Topics Baptint Cnloa: ; "CmMdias Asslnst Intem perance." - Epb. -6:1 0-20. - Chriadaa End em Tor: Cnjsadins Asainat In temperance." Eph. 6:10-20. Epworth League: ' "Introducing Jesus to Out Frienda." Luke 5:27-32. Bspttt s Flrt White Temple. 12th and Taylor Re. William A. Waldo. 11. "Steadfastneea. S Prime Vlrti"f H. "A fltartlina Qneation." Eaet Bide E. 20th and Salmon Re. W. B. Hlnjoiu BeT. H. T. Olah.' aaaociate. 11. Four Cheerln Facta": 8. "What lou Must Do and What Tow Ought to Do." Third VaneottTer and Knott " K. weoiej I. BeaTen. 11, "Thia Generation What Doea Jesus Think of Itt"; T:30 "The Guarding of the Soul." Arleta Her. Owen T. Day. '11, -The Chttrch'a Empbaaia in Reconstruction"; 8, preaching bjr Rev.- J. Frantlln Day. Calvary E. Sth and Grant Bee. 3. H. Thomas. 11 "The Goodness of God" j 8, "The Wrath of God." Glencoe- K. 4Sth and Main Ke. r. U. Lsatette. - 11. "The Supreme Ideal": 7:45. "A GoTernment Bond and s Great Guarantee." Sftlwvxl Bethany Be T. i. BroomneW. 11, T:80. .. ' ? . ' Grace E. TSUt and Aah. kt. Frea Berry. act ma istor, .11. "The Holy Spirit": 8, evaa- gcltsuc aerricea with baptlcm. UniTeratty fark iter. a. i.wrence eiaeg. 11. S. - ' SvHili 1 Kth and Hort Be. T. G. Slolar- der. 10 SO. T:80. St.' Jobna Be. Edkar Burton. .11,7 :SO. Highland E. 6th and Alberta Dt. W. T. MUikan. 11. - -.'f---. ? -'; St. . Bvteri Lenta ' Be. P. Betttgea 8. 10:80; 7:80. - : Pro-Cathedral 15th mnC Davis Be. K. T. OUara. 6. 7:15. 8:80. 8:4ft. IL. T:4S. St. Lawrence Sd and Snenaan Be. 3. O. Hnghea. 6, 8:80, 16:80. 7:80. - Bt. Francis E. lzts and Fine Re. 3. H. Bkw. 6. 8. , 10:80, 7:80. Immaculate Heart of Mary Will lame aad Stanton Be. W. A. Daly. 6, 8. ,H, 7:80. Hsty Boaary E. sa ana Glackamas Be. , K. 8. UUon. 6. 7. 8. . 11. 7 JO. . St. Boas E. ssd ana Alameda Be. - J. OTarrea 8.. 10 JO. 4. St. Andrew E. utn and AlserU Be. J. Kiernan. 8, 10;30. 7:8at Tbm Madeleine K Z4tn ana Siaklyoa Be. George V. Thompaon. , '7 :80, S. 1 1. Aaeenaton E. 7 out ana xamiuu Frandscu rgtbera. 8. 10:80. -7:80. . V Bicseed Sacrament Mtrytana and ElaDdena Be. F. W. Black. 8. 100. 7:30. Holy CTeea T T iwwooin Her. u. Baymoad. 8. 10:S. 7:8. '-r St. Ignarhis 3220 484 at. S. B JewA Fatten. S:80. 8. 10:80. 4. - j t - Bt Stephen E. 4 2d and Taylc: Re. Way. res A. WaitU , 8:30. 10:80. 7:80. Holy Redeemer Portland bled, and Vincoo r ae Be. UUam J. ein. 6. 8. 1040, 7:80. - , SV Phmip Kelt (PanUet Fatuers) BL 10th aad Hickory Re. . W. J. Cartwright 7 40. . 10:30.- 7:80. - St Clement S. Smith s, and ffewtoa Berbite Fathera. .. 6. 8. 10:80. 7:80. ' Saered Heart E. 11th and Center Be. G. Bob. S. 1U:80. 7:89. ' - Bt Agatha E. 1 5th and Miller Be. 1. Comminaky. 8. 10:30. 7:30. - St Stsaialaaa (Ponab) Maryland sad Fail ing Be. . Maonew. s. is: su. 330. Bt - Joeepn iuerma ao aad Be. B. Dnrrer. S, 10:SO. 7:30. St Michael (Italian) 4th aad Mill Re. It Belestra. 8:80, 10 :80, 7 :8. . ' , 8tl COana Capitol Hill Father H-ftn. O. F. M. ; o. 10:10. , . - . St Charles E. 33d sad Alberta Be. J. P. O'Flnn. 9. 10:80. , : - . , AU Sainta IB. ath and Gliaaa Re. Father William Cronia. S. 10:80. ' St Patricks 18th and Sevier Bev. Charles U. Smith. Maaaes :su. s. 140, 7:4. First lark and Columbia Rev. ; Harold B G riffle. 11, . A Program of : Preparedneea": 7 :43. "Tb Reality of the Creaa la Human Es- EaM"fiide-E. 12th and Taykw Ben at? B. Sawyer. - 11. 8. ,; ' ' - Rodney Avenue Bodaey - aad . Knott -1 1, communion and preaching by Bev. 8. If. Connor. MonUvtlla E. 78th and". Gliaaa Be. Her- ttmrt K Rvrlar. - 11. 1:80. . - - Weodlawn E. 7th and Liberty Rev. Joseph U. aon. li, s. . Vernon E. 18th aaA Wygaat Bev. & Tibba Mazay. : , 11. iat; i , : ; t elp toxgo to College to ?3e: !5iven r? St , n t . . n Cpworth Jlleague 3s ?3acH of lan - The central , office of the Epworth Leafue at Chicago is undertaking the task of organizing all the high .school boys and girls of 14 to 16 years of age whV are planning to go to college. " The organization is known as the League College dub. The object of the club Is to promote t college interest, create a college ideal and make Methodist young folk acquainted with Methodist colleges. Any boy or girt of the proper age who is a high school "pupil and who expects some day to attend. .college may join.' J The "benefits- of membership as r plained by the central dffice are; - "Rec ognition by .the local -college and church board of education ; special reading mat ter from the board of education of the church and : an organisation within the league where the college ,splri may be fostered." . - . i-4 .- .-;-,; x -The savings division of - the- United States treasury department Is backing up this movement : because : the church has proposed that they save Thrift Stamps or War Savings Stamps in order to secure funds: with which to attend college. Every member has been urged to start a college fund this summer by means of the War Savings Stamps. .. Both the board of education' and the government officers indorse the college plan. The board 1b to become custodian of: the stamps and invest them for the owners where this is desire. . Christian Science. Meetings Are Moved Beginning with the prayer service last .Wednesday evening the meetings -of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, were transferred from- - the church - to-the Scottish Rite cathedral;' Sixteenth and Morrison streets,-where they Will be con ducted until the church building Is com pletely renovated. Throughout the summer t months - the Sunday- evening service-will "be dispensed. with, only the Sunday morning i and Wednesday eve ning services , being " held. A joint Christian Science ; reading room has been -opened at 268 Burnside street, be tween Third and Fourth streets. It is open to- the public daily from 11. a. m. until 6 :30 p. rn. and on Sundays' from 3. tO S P.m.;' ' i Doxee Arrives for j Work at University '-: Oregon Agricultural 'College, .Corval4 Us, JUlyi'19. -K. D. Doxsee, head of. the animal husbandry department at i the California Polytechnic school at San Louis Obispo, has arrived at the col lege to. become ah instructor In -agricultural education "and have charge of the department of - vocational agricul ture in the Corvallis high school.- He was graduated from O. A-'-C In 1015. OF CHURCH Ohrtst'an Science Lesaott Subject: "Life." , 1 First 10th and Eerett ISerrioea tempor arfly held in Scottish , Bite Cathedral. 16th and Morrison.) 11. Hwnid E. Sth and HaMaday - H, S. Third E. 12th and Salmon. II. Fourth Vanoourer are. and Emerson. 11. ? Flftl-2d end 4 2d arc d. K. 11. , Suitli Maoonie Temple, 368 Tamhill. 11. 8. , Saeatb Halbrook block. St John. 1L -All cburobea Wednesday. 8 p. ts. , ,.r , CongragaUonal First Par and Madison. Preaching by Dr. W. T. McElveen. 11, "Reading Aright the Signs of the Timea": 7:45, "How to Get There." r Sunnyaide E. 33d ana Taylor Be." J. '4 J. Staub. 11. "The Mainsprinc of the Chrfctlaa Life"; 11. "Ufea Strange Mixture of Bitter and 8weet"-' Atkinson Memorial ri. 20th and Everett Re. E., E. Flint 11, "Christian CooperaUon"; S. " Murder a Pomilar Pastlne.'.' ! ' f Highland E. Sth and i'reacxtt Re. Edward Constant 11. "The Gospel for a Disordered World".: 8. summer vesper "The Voice in the Garden." - . 1 . - - Waverley Heizhts E. 83d and 'Woodward Re. OBtet P. Aver. 11. "The Danaera of Abundance": 8. "Our Dependence on God.". : ' aareiweud 46tlf eve. and 5tl at ts. lira. Alk iL Uandaaker. IL . Pilgrim Ufckouri and Shaver. Be. Bobert Murray Pratt 11, 7:4 5. c tnni.,h ilisslon 107 Skidmore Be. Sam uel Neva la. S. 7 :80. - DniTersity Park Haven .end tHnbard Bev. C H. Johnston. 1S:4S. union serrica of church and Sunday school; 8.- CL. Jotns ti. Iranhoe and Richmond Be. i. T. MerrtlL - 11. 7:80. , Danisb-Norwegian E. 23d ' and Snmner Bev. Ole Torgessen. T 11. 7 .80.- First Gernua E. 7 th and Stantoa Be. George Zocber. ; 11, 7:80. Second German E. 8 th and Skidmora Be. Henry Hagelgena. 11, 7:80. . Eton German E. 0th and Fremnnt Be. 1. H. Hop p. 11.. 7:30. t-rruju Rut. P. D. Holfmaa "11. 7:80. Ounkard -. : '. Chnreh ' of the Brethren Ttnrthwiirk . asul Brainard Be. George C. CarL , II, 8. , SSiacoasi , . Pro-Cathedral of St. Steobea the Martyr ISUt and Clay Kt. Be. W. T. Sumner. bUboo. Very Be. T. T. Hicks, dean. Serricea in charge of Ke. Bobert S. GilL 11, 7:49. . Trinity lUth ad frenu Imi. A. A. Mor rison. 8. II, "Bebgioa Now": 8, "Tbinfa tn- St Darida E. 12th aad Belmoat Be. Thomas Jenkins,, rector. - 7:30; 0:30.. 11, Catchers of Men": S "Three Rich Men." ' St Mark- ttl t. and- Marhaii Hit. 3.- a. Hattoa. 7:30. :4S, 11, 8. SU Andrews Hereford : at, Portuaoatb sVrcuueaeoo Chambers in charge. S. 11, 7:80. Urtw Aiemoriai E. nia ua Weidiex lie. Oswald W. lsylor. - S, 11. . - . , . Good Shepherd Veneouver aad Orahesa Bev. John Dawson. 11, 8. ' j St Michaels aad All Angela E. 488 and Broadway Bay.- X. i F. Bowea, iear. (,..: 10, 11. . '-.- ' ' - Church of Our Savior 60th ava. aad 41t at S. EL Be. E. H. Clartv vicar. -T:SO. 11. ' -Bishop ' Morris Aieaaoria.1 Mood Saaaarttaa hospital Be. Frederick K. Howard.- T. .SO. at Paula Wooumere Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor. . 4.- ' - ' ' - All Saints 25th and Barter Baa, . Frederie K HowutL 10. 11. - : t . - . St .vohas Meaaonar k E. 1 Sth aad Haraey. ' Sellwewd. Bev. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:80. . St .Mathews Corbett ead Baacraft Bev. W. A. M. Brack. icay. 10. IL - Cvsnsaltsat - - Fim C. 6th and Market Rev.' E. D. Bora aehuch. .11, 7:80. (Uummi iKiguid 0th and Hume Rev. 8. M. fc-Wuei. ll:SU. 1I:8M. V Clay Street 10th aad Clay. Rev. Jacob Stacker. ' 1 0 :4 3 ' (German ) , "The Tranrtf iguea tioa of Christ "; 8 (Engltsb). "Wbat Think la of Christf " -' - - .' y Central E. 63tn aad Flanders Tte. E. L Harrington. 11, 7 -80. , First E. 9b aad Mill Be. S. H. Cpton. 11. 7:30.-- - -.-j-- - - .. Alberta E. 80th and Wygant Be. Alex 3eera-i 11 7:80 k - . St Johns East Richmond and Hudson Re. B. !.' Btackaaan. 11, 7 r80.-' - -.. -., . Lenta R. S. Cpton, acting pastor. ; First E. 35th and Main Re Bomer L-. Cox. 11, "Uod a covenant-; 7 :4 a. "Aa Old TaaUaaent -Bargain Sale." :.-S- s'- t. -ft---.-' -eewaSi :'"S i '..ti' ti:?5 Congregation Beth Hrael 1 2th and Main Rabbi Jonah; B. Wieev- Reform -synagogue. Services, Friday 8 P. m.. Saturday t0:8 a at. . Cst&gregatioii Ahevia buviem fara aad Clay eta. Rabbi R. Atrahaavsua. Fraday, a, as. Saturday, s:8 a. as. . - , Gongregatioei Nevah Zedeck Trlmud T-rrah i Sth .and Hall t-Ht. Abraham L - Jbtoaencraata. Friday. 8 p. m.i aararday, a. lev: Suaday. 10 s sa., religiooa achooi - --,,.,. . In' a letter to all members of the Junior Epworth League. - Harold Brad dock,, director- of ; the ,-savings division of the treasury department, "says : -The savings .division of the United States treasury department. Is glad to com mend the plan i whereby members of every . Epworth League shall savo , and invest in War Savings Stamps in order to secure a.j personal - fund for higher education or some other, practical start In .Uti-&-vjr, "America expects everyone to do his best; -We can do our best "only, when we have secured all the general educa tion - possible and in ' addition : special training for a vocation or a profession. Therefore, - resolve to finish your ele mentary and high school course and let all who can plan to secure special train ing! in a college, technical school, nor mal ' school, professional school . or university.- ,t r'. Such " an - - education -; costs money,- but the regular saving of money will open the . way for any boy or girl of determination. , "As soon as you save 25 cents, put It at once into a Thrift : Stamp, where it will be safe. Turn Thrift Stamps into War Savings ' Stamps as ' soon as . pos sible. "The savings . division bids Godspeed to '. every boy and girl in the Epworth League who plans to save, for an edu cation and, for , the start, in life. ; Dr. Pence Is ; Taking Vacation at Newport Unable to 'get the artistic Wents cot tage at Neahkahnie which he occupied last - year. Rev. E. H. Pence, pastor of the Westminster .Presbyterian church, has decided to spend his vacation In the vicinity of Newport, Ori, this year. - He wUl leave the city the last of this month, preaching his last sermon, .till September,: jon July. . 27. s - The sermon then will be a sequel of the one an nounced for. this Sunday morning. Sun day's topic i Is "What Is the Gospel V Next Sunday morning he will preach on Where Is Christ to Be Found r - Dr. Pence; after- untiring efforts in drives, Liberty loan work; Y. M. C A. endeav ors and church activities, has found that he is greatly, in peed of a vacation and is planning long hikes, fishing trips arid surf bathing to. his. heart's content for one month. .:-, Special Musical Service At "8 o'clock Sunday evening a special musical service will be held at the Uni versity Park Methodist church. The pastor. Dr. J. T.- Abbett. will give a 10 minute talk. He. will -also preach in the morning. The Epworth league service will be led by Miss Er ma Oris wold. I ' : Will "Adminster, Baptism - At 10 :30 o'clock Sunday morning the Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector ; of St. David's Episcopal church, will admin ister baptism to children. He will preach at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The eucbarlst is celebrated at 7:30 and 11 a. m. The church ' is open -daily. SERVICES IN : Latter Oat Sslnte : rhureb of Jeu t!hrb.i of letter Day Saints E. 25th and Madion; Heber C. Iverson, macion president: .10, 7:80. St Jewaea W. . Park i and Jefftrsoa . Bev. Wm. E. Briakmaa. 11.7:80. St . Paula E. : 12th ' sad Clinton Bev. A. Xtsaaa. 8:30, 10:80. ' . Onr Saviors B. lOtlt nd Grant Ra. IL A Christenaea ' ll (Norwegiae). "Fishers of Men." .. Trinity- WUl Urns and Graham Be. 4. A. Beinbech. S IS. 1S:S0. 7:80. Bethlehem Norweoian 14th sad Davis . Be. WRhelm Petteraen. 11. 8. Grace. English liasoa aad AThlna. Be. C. IT. Rernhard. 8'45. 11. Bethel Norwedaa (Free) Wysaat sad Bod aey. - Bethany Danfeh Evangelical Onion and Mor ris Rev L.i!. a toiler. 11. BL "4 i- St Johns Peninsula sad Kilpatrlek Be. L. Lttawi. lo:43. 7:30. . ; Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th' and CUsaa Be, G. J.' I-edin. 11, "her'a of Men"; 7:80, "Setan In the Light of the Bible." Swediah.: Aagustana -Stanton, and . Rodney Re. V. G. Ogren. 10:46. 7:4 8b Immanuel 18th aad Irving Rev. A. V. An derson. - 11, 8. ,- Trinity : t Norwegian) lively aad Fortune Be. 8. A. Stenettu 10:80. j MaUtodlst Eplacsaaj - . Centenary E. Sth and Pine Re J. O. RoUina. 11, "A- Timely - Warning"; 8. "Ancient and Modern Prof it era." - Central Vancouver and Serge Be. A. R. Uacleaa 11, 8. i Clinton Kelly E. 40t8 sod Powell Be, lohn Patron. 11.; 7:80. - Epworth 26th and Saier i Rev 3 Stanford Moore. -11.1' "The Inner Circle f the Lord's Table'; 8, "Introducing Men to Christ," Ulus tratMl sermon. - First 1 2th aad Taylor Be. -Joshua 8 tana field. 10:30. 8. First Norwegian Uanish 18th . and Hoyt Brv. Klias 11. 8. Garden Home Rev. A. B. Calder. 10:30, 7:4R. . - - i -" Laurelwood E. 63d aad Foster Bev. A. O. Brsoi'nbarv.i 11, 7:80. - Lents Loeien B. Jones. - 11, 7:80. 'Lincoln & 828 end .Lincoln. , Re. F. A einn. 11.' MonUviHa E. 80th and Fine Rev. Hiram Gould. - ll.i ,- :- -) Mt Tabor E. Slat and Stark Rev. E. OUa Eld ridge. . 11, program and addraea by laymen Otitbs church: 8. "Christian Patriotism." - Base City Park Bev. U. Lester Fields. 11. 7:80. ,.F'': '. :-- - . .- - V . Sellwood Re. W; S. Gordon. ' 1 1". 7 :SO. ' ' ' ' Sunnytide- -E. 8 Sth and Tamhill Rev. W, F. 11, 7:43. - f St Jobna VT. Leavitt and Sjiauum Ttev. 3, H. Irrine. 11. 8. fc . BwedUh Beech aad Burthwick Be, Abel Eklund.---11J8. -:.-.----.. BrdveraUy Park Flake artdt T .omHard Rev J. - T. Abbott 11, "The Model Hearer"; 8. musical service. -:. .Vancouver A vetrae Norwegian Danish Skid mora sad Vancouver. Be. C J. - Rysaiag. 11. 8. -- -' .. y-j- i. - Westmoreland Be. F. A. Gina.' 8. - Wilbur Multnomah hotel Re. Francis Bur gatte Short. -10:30. . .-sv-b -- - ;i Woodstock E. 4 4th and Woedstoek Bar, L C. -Poor.. 11. preaching by Rev. Henry Blake: 8, no evening service. Dsrtriet superintendent. Rev.' WlHiam Waltay Tanngson. IX 1JL. 681 E. 62d at N. Taboi 2780. i."- - M. Sautll - Flrat tTnloa and Multnomali Re. James T. French. 11. "The Fact That BafOea"; 8. A iuu tjonvicnon. r First E, 10th aad Weidler u. C. Bow aid lv. II. 7:3w Seilwood E. 8th aad Spokane- -Rev. Weave W. Heee. 11. 7:80. . , - - Brentwood 65th ave and 67tb st Be. a V. Fowler. 11. 7:80. - j - Highland Park E. 14th and KHlIngsworth Be. W. P. Xeeeaogb, llS. -Soaadiaavtaa Re.; J : BriagedahL IL. l'rtfiiz-v e"J 'Si - 'm. - - -'-:i.;ici sBtaaaBasBateaAaBBBBi ahaas First 12th and Alder 1610, preaching by Dr. Edgar P. Hill New York: 7 .44.-preaeb-tag by Dr.'W. B. King of.SW Loaia. ' ' Waituitniter .. East 17t and Hrhuriar Re. Edward tt. Paaca, 10:80, ."What Is the Gospel r" a--' - .- ;v -- -K-..' "i- Central E 13th sad Pise. ' Bar. Orlando B. PeTfthins. t Preaching by - Be. Weston V. Shield of Krwe. or.- H, 8. - - ; , -: CoJary 11th and Clay. 16:80. 7:48. - ' . Mt Tabor. E. ,86th aad Beuaonc Itec Werd Uaclienry " 11. ' .'-. ? , Veraoa 18ta aad Wygaat Be. 3, a l-mts -borough. 11,; 7 i&0r - v - , " . Piedsaoat Cleveland and Jarrett Re. A. L. Batrhinooa. 11.. S. . , - . Fjnnh Flrt snd Gfbba. ' Re Monrne ft. G..- Everett. 10:30. addresa by Judge E. ' C llV ' f''n? :JoP"i atereoptlcaa lectnra by Arthur Til tea. , i Eenaworth E. S4ta and Gladstone R i Paul E. Bevtach, - 11; 8. - ' BISHOP VISITING COOS AND CURRY The Rt. RevvW. T: Sumner Con firming' Classes and Filling Other -Engagements : . Bishop Walter T. Sumntr of the Episcopal church Is spending - two week's making visitations in Coos and Curry counties. He has visited the churches at Marshfield,- North Bend, and Gardiner; confirmed ; several classes of candidates, and filled vari- our other engagements. He expects to visit Port Oxford and Gold Beach, returning for services at Bandon and Coquille Sunday. 1 A meeting of the central convocation of the Episcopal church in Oregon will be held at Newport, beginning Sunday, July ' 27. Services will be held .at St Stephen's church, and an open-air meet ing on Nye beach is alsto planned. Bishop Sumner, the Yen. IL D- Chambers and the Rev. John Dj Rice, general mission ary. will attend from Portland and de liver .addresses. The clergy , will be the guests of the Rev. H. E.. Bush and his congregation at Newport, , The Rev, E. T. Simpson of Corvallis is dean of the convocation and the Rev. F. G. Jennings of Eusene secretary. :, P r? A t The Revi Robert S. Gill is conducting the Sunday services at St. - Stephen's pro-cathedraU In the absence of the .Very Rev. R. T. T. Kicks, whp is spending the mouth of July at Seaside. League and War to Be Theme of Pastor 5-. "'"4: 1 1 ' " 'i " "Has the Last War Been Fought Can the League of Nations Change Bible Prophecy r la to be the opening subject of a series of Bible .sermons to be given. beginning Sunday, night at 7:45 o'clock, by Evangelist L. K- Dick son in a large tent pavilion which has been erected on the eorner of Thirteenth and Morrison streets. These meetings are for the public and are held under the auspices of the Western Oregon conference of Seventh-day ASventlsts. Professor J. i C Colcord, who is also well known In Portland as a success ful leader, will direct the song service each eventng. The. large canvas taber nacle affords a cool and refreshing place to spend the warm summer eve nings. Services will continue through out the week each evening. - . Will Combine Services . .. . A combination Sunday school and church service will be held Sunday morning at 10:45. o'clock at. the Uni versity-. Park Congregational ., church. Parents are especially invited to this service, which will be. held in the main auditorium of. the church. . PORTLAND Hope E. 78th and Everett. 11. 7:80. - Baaa City Dr. Bobert H. Milligan. 11, 8 Fnrbe.4 irabm and Gantenbein Re. Ward WUlia Long. 11. 8. Trinity Virginia and Tvebraeka Re. Tbeo Don P. 8ntn. II, 8. - Aaabel 11. K. Millard Avenue Rev W. Lea Gray.. 11. 8. Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Bev. A. t. Hanna. .. 1 1.. Mtepah E. 10th and DirUion. Preaching by Be. T. W. Hughes. . . Sevanth Day Advenru Bote Regular servicee of this daaomlaatloa are held on Saturday. - - Central EV. 11th a lid Everett L. K. Dick-, son. pastor. 10. 11:18. - Tabernacle 6th and Uontgnmery E. VL EmmeTaon, minister. 11. Montavula E. ,80th and Everett Elder J. Ju Gerbart 10. ll. Lents 04tb at and 68th a. Elder W. D. Huntington: ,10, IL- St. JohnsCentral , ave. and Charleston . Elder A. B. Folkenberg. 10. IL . Albina Sk'invre and Mallary Elder A. A Meyer. 16. 11. Scandinavian 030 Alberta Elder O. 8. Lee. 10. IL . . . ', : . 8alatlon Army - Corps Vo. 1248 Aah at Adjutant Frank Genge. 11. 8:14, . , . ' Corps Ko. 4 128 H let. AdjuUnt Joseph Harrison. Temporarily closed on account cf fire. - Swedenborglan New Church Society S3 1 .--ffer-"" P- William B. Beeee. Servicee " discontinued . ua Ul September 14. . 1 Unttsrisa? ' Churrb of Onr Father Broadway and Yam hill. Rev. G. Eliot Jr. 11, "Nature and the Poet' ' - UnKad Brethren ?' Conference superintendent Bev. U. E. Me Donaki. - " .- ' First t 11th sn4 Uorrlson Be. - Byraa J. Clark. II. "The Scheckinah." ; 8. "The Cause and Cure of Infidelity." Second E, 27 th and Swraner. Be. Ira Hauler. 11, "livrng Or Dead, the Kingdom la Benefited": 8, "Mnrraurings and Duputinga Are Not Part of the Christian Religion. " Third 6Tth at and 32d ave. 8. E. Re. B. O. Shepherd. . 11. "What Do Tou. LackT"; 7.43. "The Master'a kteasage." . r'oieli'rrsnt- ?.. Blan-hard. ll..Tba Heart's Sacred Places ";. 8, "Uncon scioos Loss of Life." ; ... . St Johns (old constitution ) i 4 6 Jessup Rev. Walter ReyBolda. 10. 7. .8. . -; - . UnHad CvanoelKal - Fi-'t F : 6tb and Poplar Be. J. A Goode. 11. 8. ., - . Ockley Greer Willamette blvd. and Gsv Be. H. H. Farnliam.- 11. 7:80. - St Johns Rev. A. P. Laytoa. - 1 lr. 7 ;45. i . United Preebytartan - : ' i : rH 7t HawtiwAe n. H. F Given. 10:80, "Efficient Faith How Can It Ba CultiTatedf'j 7:30. "The Cheerful Life.' , rur-A -t tb- rr i'r-- ir-fu "' Vk ro Be.t 8. Earl Da Boia. 10:80. "Bombing of American Homes"; 8. "The Boring of thenar." K'nb n i'.'M . ,Wrr . Loaabara Bar.. .George H. Taylor. 11, 7:48. ' rhrHtian and Missions ry Alliance E. 6th aiMl Clav Be. John E. Fee. 10. 11: Tueadar. 7:45: Friday, 2:30. ... RealiaatioB League 1 86 Sth Ke. H, -Edward Mills. 11, "CotBctoosneas, the Big Word ha Truth": 8. "Cod's World end Man "a World." Cbrwtedelpbhin 621 E. Washington. 10:80 ' Church of God 363 Failiag. . Harry NeaL 11 7:80. -'Gospel BaB E. 29th and Stark. - Meu's Rort 4tb and Boraside Be. Levi Johnson. ' superintendent 8. - , Divine Scieoce Ttlford bunding Re T. U Minard. partor. Meeting at 128 II th st n L'nrvenal Mesxianic SIS Abingtos building. 11. 8. "Spiritual Healing." fenteeoatai First and Wasblngtoa Be. Will C. Trotter. Servicee et Camp ground, East Tifty-aeound street and Powell valley road, 11 8 7'SO.- : W 5 " GUd Tidings (Peatecostal Mission) 34 6 H 1st 2, 8. 7:30 week day azoept Moaday and Saturday.' 8 p. at ' , ' - ' Pentecostal church E 20tb and Ankeny A.' W. Smith..- 11.- 3. 8.- - ". - Volunteers of America Mission 224 B unsaid Meeting every evening except Moaday at 6 'clock, aad Sunday. 8 p. at . First Spiritualist E. 7th and Hisialo Dev. A. Scott Bledsoe.. 8, 7:45. Second ovritualit Alisky Hall . Be. Mas Hoffman. 3. S. Calvary ' Temple E. 34th and Broadway Be. lsoai MaeCulloaaTh. 10:30,3:30. . Portland Ecelema , iC'hristadelphUn.) 187 Balmont Tilling, secretary. - 11. - PenieJ Mianon 268 First 3. 8.- Servioas wael'- night at 8. - - .- - Church of Chricfc E. 78th aad GKaaa. 10, "The Two Covenants," by Ira S. Buchanan ; 30 - - - - ' ' . ' '- - - . - .'spiritual Church of Eternal Light 1340 Di vision Be. May A. Price. 8 p. St, Cliristian iGDliurclis ?3it 1 e ckool lans to ffiect 3Tts ledc Ths Rev. Harold It Grifflg will oc cupy the pulpit -of. the First Christian church - Sunday morning: and ejvenlns. The morning messac will b one, of in struction in bow to' meet ; the ' trreat crises, ofllfe. At the svenlna hour the church quartet will render a carefully arranged program of, anthems, duets and solos, after which' the pastor will preach. - The Bible school is perfecting plans to meet its pledge of 8650 recently made to the relief of the stricken A r menlanS and to be paid by the end of tne year. :--:-;: -, , - On Saturday . the -Loyal Daufcrhters class will hold a lawn fete at the home of Mr. and Mra F. A. Douty. 1441 Bel mont street, both for social purposes and in the Interests of the Armenian fund. . This class alone has subscribed 1100 to this work of relief.- ORGANIZATIONS MEETS BULL MOOSE TACTICS - "a- "T, One Faction Bolts Convention as v Association Refuses to Join Federation. - St. Louis, Mo.. July 10. With a pro posed .mercer of the newly formed Na tional .Federation of Business and Pro fessional "Women's clubs and the. Wom en's Association of Commerce apparent ly abandoned, delegates' to the two or ganisations continued separate sessions here today and made plans for future work. --O - -i' v: - M:. - . , Del ear a. tan to th SHnelillnn nnvn lion from Michigan, Indiana "and Mis souri who bolted whea the association refused ; to so . Into the .federation late yesterday, were ? presejnt as visitors at the ' federation meetlngr ; today.- They have stated they will submit the ques tion of secession front the association and" Joining: the federation to. their state orerahlzations. ,; x.,. , 't The association of commerce closed its general sessions last night and the ex ecutlvo committee met ; today to elect officers and 'plan its .work, r The com mittee decided to extend its activities to the formation of . an International or ganization -and , temporary officers were chosen to take charge of the work. The f question - of a- merger will be taken up next year, -It . is said, - ' Miss Florence King of .Chicago was reelected president of the association to day. Dr. Irene Behnks of Chicago was chosen t first vies ; president : Mrs. Ora ZJghtner. Tulsa. ,. Okla.. aecond vice president: Miss Emma Mayes, Indianap olis, treasurer; Miss Snlta Batsman, Co lumbus. Ohio, auditor. ' Home-Made Fireless Cooker to Be Given Showing to Women Ridgefield. Jwash., Jul 18-Mrs. H. D. Stowe, county demonstrator, will, ad dress th women of Rldfflld And vi cinity at the Commercial ; club rooms July 26 -and will demonstrate the use of the home-made fireless cooker, the home-made frultdryer and ' a : dress form.'. ' ' ' ? City Marshal Plans Tour nidgefleld. Wash., July 19. City Marshal George P.s Funkhouser. Mra Funkhouser and their daughter. Myrtle, will leave by. automobile Sunday morn ing for a six weeks' trip through. Ore gon and California. Kenneth Short will assume the duties of city marshal. Weds Beaverton Girt ' X ' Ridgefield. Wash.. July 19. Billy Carty of Ridgefield Thursday went to Beaverton. Or-, where he was married to Miss Fltspatrick. of that.plsce. - Fire Destroys Home ' Centralla, Wash July .18. Firs of unknown origin Frlday 'dsstroyed the home of Isaac Pollock In the South Hannaford valley., northeast ., of this city. Some valuable; papers were loat. Pollock was working In a field when the fire occurred.;; .V- FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL. CHURCH TWELFTH Aim TATIOE 8T8. Rev. Joshua Stansfield, -"".'. ' D D ;- . . - PASTOR . Ititt A. M 9EBMOH "PROFITABLENESS OF GODLINESS" IStlS P. M-STJ5DAT SCHOOL ' 8 P. M-EKMOIC "A STRANGE BIBLE STORY" - ALL ABE IXVITED First Congregational Church: i pistX KVD MABIS03T T8. Rev-Wm.T. McElveen - of JTsw Tort ' 11 A-H. "Rea!dihg Aright the Sigh of the Times" Jl4i P. M. How to. Get There It . Come 'and worship with us.' '.- You will enjoy both of . these services.,- Don't miss this opportunity to hear a great preacher. . ; . . MERG ER OF WOMEN'S DC EDGAR P. HILL- TO FILL PULPIT OF 1ST PRESBYTEK General Secretary of Board cf Education Was for Many Years Pastor of Church in Portland. OTHER .VISITORS TO SPEAK Clergymen Attending Synod in : Eugene to Be Heard in Port land at Presbyterian Churches. Visiting clergymen attending tlfe annual; session of the Oregon Pres byterian synod will fill the pulpits of various ' Presbyterian , churches Sunday. Dr. Edgar P. Hill of New York, general Secretary of the fojrd of education of the Presbyterian church' of the United States, will preach Sunday morning at th First Presbyterian church. Dr.. HJU was pastor" of ' the" " First church from 1895. to 1906;- He is" making a tour of the - Pacific, coast and Inspecting denominational schools. f During the past week he attended the business sessions of the synod.. " ' , The evening sermon at 7 :i5, o'clock wlli be delivered by the Rev. W. TL King, D. D., .of. St.' Louis, associate sec retary of the board of home missions. ' Sunday school services will be held as usual at 12 :1S, at which lantern slides depicting many interesting scenes in foreign lands will be shown. In this senior depsrtment the superintendent, James F. Ewing, will lecture on "The Changing China;" Illustrating his talk with modern views of .-that great empire In which Christianity Is fast ob taining a foothold. In the primary de partment Miss Kllzabeth Carothers will present to the little ones in an Interest ing manner descriptions of life in Slam, showing many pictures of people and places In that - little known . Asiatic kingdom. . .. f , : Sunday the . Rev. Monroe O. '. Everett, pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian church, w HI be at Eugene attending the synod session, so the pulpit will be filled In the morning by Judge K. C. iironaugh ami In the evening a Hpeclal song service will be conducted, followed by Arthur TlltOn's Illustrated lecture entitled, "Life of Joseph." Mra Georss IL Street will have charge of the music Equal Opportunity Sought by Woman TP ' s - m v juawyer via uiuD3 SL Louis, Mo.. July 19. (I. N. S.) Miss Oall Laughltn, a lawyer of ry.n Francisco, and new president of the Na tional Federation of Business and Pro fessional Women's clubs, has two lead ing ambitions for the new organization. ' These are equal opportunity which men have in the business and professional world and equal pay. Miss Laughlln expects the organiza tion of the federation to be pe'rfecred to such an extent next year that it will reach Into every locality in every state of the union and be the factor in bring ing business women together. ; - - Cows to Be Tested Cathlamet, Wash., July 19. The cows of Deep River, Orsys River and Crooked Creek will" be tested by Dr. James C, Mitten during the coming week. The tbuerculin teat In the eaat end of the county will be conducted In. September. First Presbyterian Church Twalflf snd Alder Simla, monmna sirvick ioiso REV. EDGAR P. HILL, D, D. (Pastor of tbia Cssreb 1895- Ssv-retary of the General Board of KdueaUon of Free. byterlan Church. KVtPHNa 88RVIOg 74S REV. W. R. KING, D.D. Associate Brrstarv of the Board of Home Missions from St. Loula. Rev Morris O. Evn:: . D, PH. D. Masaglsg Editor of the International - Htasdsrd Bible Eseyclopedis, - V A KaUve of Wales, ' : will preach In CALVARY . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH f TOMOEEOW MORNING AT 19:33. 'WHAT 1MANNER OF.hlANVr THE SUBJECT AT WILBUR METHODIST CHURCH SC5DAT JiORIXG, 13:S3 Die C C7 . ? , e''rf, k,J( . Mric uv riAi.; ' :