THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PO RTLAND, SATURDAY, JULY. 19, 1919. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 "BB WHO HESITATES "IS LOST." IS AN OLD BAYING. AND TRCB. YOU WILL LOSE IF TOO IX) NOT IN- ? SPECT OUR STOCK OF L8ED CABS BEFORE TOU BUY. - ' EVERY ONE TN BEST OF CONDI TION AND PRICED RIGHT. TWO FORD ROADSTERS. ONE FORD TOURING. - - - ' TRUCKS. - ' THREE FORD DELIVERIES. ONE FEDERAL TRUCK. TURKS OXH TON TRUCKS. ' . X' ONE 8000 LB. TRUCK. Rushlight & Penney, Inc AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS 86S East Bwidway. Clti. rbooes East 803. East 6397. A-1581. OTXRLAND COUNTRY CLUB Wire wheal, good tires, cur term. Pile 795. $293 cub, balance $50 per month. Cell me up. I ll bring the car to yon. P. H. DUNK, 1652 E. 13th at (Sellwood) Sellwood 1893. TRUCK A"WTJ TRACTORS 68 . FOR SALE 119118 Ford, Smith Form V A .Truck Has original tires on and is in first ' class condi tion. - May be seen at 5 FIRST ST. - For 10 hours per day: this hauling contract is (act for the rest of the year; Grford 1 H ton required' for the work; about $900 will handle. ftm KAI.B 9 ton WTiit track. Just, overhauled and in , A-l condition. fnm gulOO. Steady work ' coca with this truck. . Teriua to , respoaaiultt parties - 1 ton Crarfont truck. Ilka new, $2700, term. - -. Ford truck - attachment, la fin condition, 8800: terms. Team of black hones, Weight 1800 lb., 7 7ar old. on steady work at $9 per day; price .. $450, half cash, balance on terms, - 95 per cent new logging trailer, bunkers, ' chains and fifth wheel; $800; terms given. . , I- A. SMITH , Gsrford Truck Agent Oregon City, Or. Phone 484-W. or 854 Bnmslrto st Bdwy. $0. WHILE THEY LAST 1 USED TBUCKS I USED TBUCKS I WE HAVE A FEW USED TRUCKS WHICH WE ARK OFFER ING AT PRICES THAT WILt. AS TONISH TOU. i--.'THE SB TRUCKS HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY -OVERHAULED AND ARE IN A-l MECHANICAL CONDITION. IF TOU ABB INTERESTED IN A " TRUCK. COMB ANO LET US SHOW TOU SOME OP THE BEST . BARGAINS IN TUB CITE. W. H. WALLING S FORD CO. t - ASK FOB BARTLETT 22 ALDER ST. BROADWAY 2492. $1250 $480 CASH ..: balance on easy terms.' buys A-l truck in fine rascbanical condition. ...-,- BARTLETT. i22 ALDER ST. Bdwy. 24 S. $50 CASH BUIOK ONE-TON TRUCK . Pneumatic timt. expmw bony, top and wind alueld. Price $1000, $500 caxh, balance on easy tarma. Can' bo seen at 822 Aide as. : Ask for BarUett. " 1-TON BUICK TRUCK - Pneumatic Tires Caiy,-622 Aider au Broadway 2492, ... TRUCK ' New model Standard truck, 2 ton, at a real sacrifice'; carries a guarantee, extra tire ; . bargain price; only on, get here first. Belmont Gar age Co., 754 E. Morrison at. at East Sd. ONE ton truck, practically new. "Will sell ; coat. ...j C. O. BLEASDALE. BB0 Alder st. ' POWERFUL 8-ton track with stake body; Just the thing for wood contract; will sell on very reasonable terms with small pawment down. Woodysrd. 78d and Bandy blvd. Price 61400. FORD deliverypanel body. $373. " O. O. BLEABDALE. 83Q Alder st. WANTED 2 ton truck to deliver by tho hour. lO North Front AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 . IP YOU WANT CASH For Your AUTOMOBEE . ' BiffiJGiETeTQ US tWE HAVE THE LARGEST LIST OF BUYERS THE BEST IjOCATIOS f LN PORTLAND! THE PORTLANB ' USED The Biggest and Busiest ' Corner on - Broadway at Burnside . Open Sundays and . Evenings .Phone B roadway 616 VFI FAY CASH tor used ears. Bo sure to see - as before selling your car. BUTLER & WOOD "SELLING USED CARS" S6T E. Vurnslde. at approach, of Burnside bridge. WANTED ' Wo have cash buyers for light Auto Top Co., .14th and Couch. earn. - Oregon LIGHT touring ear or roadster, late model; will pay cash. . . C. O. BLEASDALE.. 630 Aider st. ilOOO CORNER lot; will trade for 1918 Max well or Chevrolet. Owner, 1184 Gladstone, mwohoci car 19 0 to. C.OOD light second hand car or truck, price $300 to couw; easn oaianoo uct i. ;p. o. W I LL tnsde somo good, freeh cows and some work borsea for ught auUMnobilew 890 Tow- II XT I - 1 . . ww . mil j iuwi, ,t uwnuci ra r. SPOT, cash paid for used cars. Dealers Used isr C learing Mouaa. lratva ave. and E. Stark. WANTED Late tonring ear; bargain, for cash. No oVelers. - 8-267, Journal. HIGHEST prices paid for autoasobflaa. m4iuaa no object 121 N. $4 at, Broadway 3829. AUTOMOBILES WA5TE1) 79 WAN T light car for beautiful acre homesite at Oswego lake, clow to 8. P. electric station; value . $800. or have good house and lot contract- ,A E. N., Willamette Fattens works. E. Taylor and Water eta. Phono East 799, be tween! 1:45 and 12:30. ? DON'T SACRIFICE TOUR CAB ; Ooaley's Used Cat Cantor sell them on time you rscaiTo cash. . 12T LOWNSDALE ' Southwest comer l Bth and Washington. : WE PAT CASH FOB LATE MODEL CARS USED CAB EXCHANGE ... 627 WASHINGTON Phow 3rodway 1592 " AUTOS FOR HIRE (8 AUTOS ' RENTED WITHOUT DB ITERS - New Uodel Car Reasonable Batee FRARING BOBNETT - .CITY OARAGE 88 10th at, near Stark. - Broadway 80. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLANDS . HCDSONS LOWNSDALE OARAGE . BDWY. 8408 , J8TH- AND WASH. EAST K1DK T. A??TO CO , NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS ;' r COLUMBIA HIGHWAY GARAGE 42d and Belmont Tabor 7274, Tabor 6801. Main 7820. " AUTOS WITHOUTTdRIVERS FOBHITfE ; L. L SULLIVAN, FASHION 5 A RAGE MARSHALL 233. 10th at YAMHILL. A-128S. NEW aute without drivers for hire. Mill 6 L , Garaie, 866 2d st. Main 8852. MOTORCYCLX8. BICYCLES 85 8 OR SALK Oaytm Speed 9-hoepower De t Luxe motor, with . Prestohle and tank, rood tiree. Tou had - better hurry '- if yon want a Msh-elaas motoroycls .at a bargain. ' It - looks ane runs like new. , Only $176. C E. Green, i tj. i tn hi.. IIARLEY-DAVIDiSON electrio twin, fine eondi tion. new robber front and rear; bargain. CaU Sea 2198. DAYTON motorcycle, Tresto tank, apeedomr ter, nearly new tire - tandem. Call Tabor 099T. 2888 East 62d tt South. 1 CLYlNDElt motoreyols, very cheap for cash; goea 33 miles to the gallon. Call at 209 4th. 1918 LIGHTWEIGHT Twin Indian. $123. CaU between 12 and 3. 98 Concord t LAP.VCHK8 ANP BOATS 8t ONE OF THE finest houaeboaU on the rirer. 9 rooms, finished in white enamel and old ivory, oak and wicker furniture to match, built in settees in bedroom, hath and sliowerbath, hot and cold running -water lights, large French, doors and windows, This is an ideal home, summer or winter. . It will pay you to sea this before buying. Peterson's, Sell wood moorage, ft. of Harney aye., or call-Tabor 12 2 6. MOTORBOAT for towing or fishing, 26 feeC7 ft beam. . Will trade for motorcycle. Yictrola. Piano, auto or what hare youT . Tabof 8207. 21 FT. launch and launch house, cheap. 1010 Kelly st Main 1730. - PIANOS. OBOATfsl MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 CLOSING OUT THIS WEEK $100 C Ornish parlor organ, cash ...$ 28 129 Chicago Cottage organ, cash ...... - SS 275 Small upright pianos. $65 and ....75 850 Emerson, upright pianos, cash. ..... 95 825 Arion upright pianos, cash. ....... 140 $00 Weber upright pianos, cash. . . ... .. 210 4JB New stored upright pianos, cash,.. 290 650 New stored player pianos ...... .. 895 Piano stored, bought and sold, for cash only. Security Storage Co.. 107 4th st. . A PLEASANT RESORT Emll Ceh ring's store, with comfortable, eoo. largo demonstration rooms, will bo open until 10 o'clock these summer evenings, andiyon will enjoy a risk listening to the new Columbia Rec ords or any of the old favorites. Plenty of room for parking your automobiles. TJtie vaca tion model Talking Machine will pieaso you. and the prices are right. r - EMIL GEHRING. 720 Milwsukie' tt BEGORD KX CHANGE. Phono graphs Bought, Sold. Rented, Re-i oaired. 142 2d. near Alder, upstairs. Main T244. $15 OR $25 cash, then $S or $10 monthly. buys new improved pianos, and $5 or $10 in reeordi purchased sends new Improved $20. $82.00. $60. $00, $90 or $116 phonograph to your homo from tho Schwan Piano Co., Ill ronrtn st. PIANO BARGAINS We have a number of good used pianos. It will pay you to sea them. Terms given. BEl BERIANOjMUSIO t PQ : iSftith at. Main HIGHEST . vrice paltff cosh f or tet pianos, uliouograjjluL. records,- musical :. instrumanta exchange; expert player piano repainnc, tun ing, rebuilding. - 254 Market st - ome bargain pino and organs fc tale. Main 6 01 2 LEFT for sale by private party, large sise cab inet talking machine, records, needles, brush, etc., all for $79.38. Terms. gUhUUUlA UKAFONOLA, SHOP. ' '; ;429 Washington 6t - PIANO iWANTED Hishest casta paid for nsed pianos. Estimates gladly given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 126 4th st. Main 8580. TRADE WOURrPIANO' or organ on a ss)w Victrola and Records. Our E reposition will please you. SEIBEBLING CCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st Main 8580. NEARLY NEW $32.50 PHONOGRAPH, Mahogany finish, $25.00. Terms. COLUMBIA KAFONOLA SHOP. ' 429 Wsahington St i VST Arrived car of new plauoa. Including Sho mera, - made ainee the war. Avoid war nude piano by trading here. ; HAROLD & GILBERT. He. lamnut st- CAN'OE ANO CAMPING OUTFIT. $20.6o.' ' Used hornless phonograph, same as new, $12.80. COLUMBIA mtAPONOLA SHOP. 429 Washington St $00.00, STANDARD - MAKE Talking Machine. : : ! Guaranteed One Year, $85. COLUMBIA GRAEONOLA SHOP. I ... 429 Washington St KOHLER upright piano, just-used short time; - cannot be told' from new. Some bargain. See it SBIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 128 4th street tlSFtl i25 OO TALKINB MACBTNH Same as new, $17. SO. Guaranteed 1 year. COLUMBIA ORAFONOLA SHOP. v. " 429 Washington St ' BRUNSWICK tor sale; any reasonable offer ac cepted; latest model.' Good assortment of recoras. room nest oouo TnTTR nifinn or ortin taken in full or Dart m- meat for 1919 type of phonograph. Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourtii st - BAILEY piano, plain case, good condition; terms given. - SEIBERLLNU-LUCAS MUSIC . CO.. 123 4U1 St. CPKThT CABLE A SONS PIANO. $160. COLUMBIA OKAIPONULiA SHOP, . 429 Wasliingn St PIANO, plain oak case, not scratch on it; fino- condition. At a bargain. SE1BERLINU LUCAH MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St - GRAND piano for sale; first class condition; snap. At 1 4 S .V JO. Flanders st WANTED Piano tor cash from private family; give offer what yon have. A-BOl, Journal, PIANOS ior rent $4 up. Columbia Grafoaola Shop. 429 Wash. .... $100 CASH or mora paid for your upright pianos at Security Storage Co.. 109 Fourth st MAHOGANY upright piano, . beautiful tone, - $160. 609 H Thurnwn st near 27th. WANTED- Phonograph and records tot cash; give price and make. A-802. Journal. FOR SALE Organ; good as new. CaU 283 Benton t. Flat A. ' ORGANS, $20: in good condition. SEIBEhV IIVI,' iJ. tV sa g vv. iuiiuiuuii, ...hra, LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st ELECTRIC band organ for sale. .254 Market at. Electric Piano Repair Shop. lie il tat "'nuuBfwilSifmfl BRINGING UP FATHER jnnn iTT ' 1 I r,E-"K,N 1 0 TO 1 ( WELL- a. 1 " I I r IT'LL OH rJJ. 1 I I DEVOUT WHY L T VELLMTHOU4HT 1PYOO GA,T WTI-- 1UUU I To Mi . THM-- lT tt2J - ' 1 Sr f CON.VDEkATl.TO VELL m TiM, TO 0 r- 'IH'I. ipgy " l "111 FR IN . 'J ' " ' ' ' ' . - - A ' : ' " ' '" . - ' . i : - i . . . " ' . - - . - . ' . ,.. , - - - ...'-.,. . ' - m ' " - . . . . PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL - - - IN$T RUM ENTS j j $ $76.00 "AND $fl5.00 FOR NEW" CAINET - PHONOGRAPHS Wo have a few of these mode. la which wo are etil eelling at pre-war prices. Sao thorn today stock limited. t i s , ., COLUMBIA ORAFONOLA SHOP. 429 -Washington St :' VOSE PIANO for sale. $150. Phone Esst 313j. , . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS P . WANTED ' 84 LAI'S. 19 18 Chevrolet to exchanga for player piano, or will buy outright, Give or tax dif ference. J-29, Journal. '' TTfEffBITEKB 77 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter, "ail - maxee." sold en monthly paymenta, ' Sand for price list The Wholesale Typewriter Co retail dept., 821 wasmngtow at ALL makes of typewriters tented, repaired and - sold on monthly payment plan. Origan Trpe- nuif fjo., st out at TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired, uebaaced. Typewrite suopiira. v ' REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 BreadV-y UNDERWOOD revolving duplicator; sell -cbeapl Tabor 121. - HOUSEHOLD POOPS FOR SALE 85 RELIABLE "FURNITURE CO. Have moved to their - new store room. ' 208 Salmon st, bet. Front and First sta , LOWER RENT, LOWER PRICES. ' HOUSEHOLD furniture for sal. Call from 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. ; no dealer wanted. : Ad dress 625 47th at N.. Rose City car. ! LIBRARY table,, leather rocker, sanitary couch. . new mattress, sewing machine, like new; no dealers. ivgt . istnmu su GOOD " cook range and. second-hand . furniture iut aaie. lain? i(t. FURNITURE of '4 room, for sale; leaving city. ljoretta apartments, a HQ r reemont s 1 RANGE, sanitary couch, dining table, 6 chairs. 1 bed complete. 227 E. 36th at MACHINERY 81 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Holt caterpillar engine, 18-35 h. p.. with five bottom 14 inch Canton gang plows, all in good working condi tion. John S. Beall, Portland. Or. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS . 19 -SAVE, YOUR RUGS "Tnrko." a scientific compound, : disinfecb' sixl preserve the fibers; dissolve gam and grrAses which no smount of sweeping, beating or vacuum cleaning will remove; kills moths snd vermin and - restores the original colors. Work is Interesting and can be dene at home any time. Package sufficient for two 9x12 rugs, .with full directions, delivered by mail for $1. Once tried, always used. PHONE TABOB 4885 R E. Edwards, 1824 Sandy Blvd., Pertland, Or. we SATE you money. House wiring, Rgbting fixtures, electrical repair Ingr supplies. Third St. Electric Store, 224 to ad st, near Salmon. Main 6055. ... SEWING MACHINES, new and second band, sold for less; no Slant employed. Complete line of parte for all makes. Machines repaired and rented. Main 9481. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 $d. near Taylor st Tennessee sod Port Orford cedar, copper trimmed; la teat designs; factory prieea. Factory E. Glisan, bet 76th and 78th. Tabor 80$. Electric Motors 1 Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electrio Work. 448 Buru- side, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. TENdrophed sewing machines ,W with attecbme&te. all are in very good condition. Sewing machine rented at $3 per month. Phone East 2869. or B 6807. . E. B. Steen, 153 Grand ave., near Bel mont Boilers, Engines NEW and second band, bought itA -f,M n. A IL Mschinerv Co., 603 Gsrltoger building, pnone sum SAEES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and second hand, at right prices, bought. Sold sod exchanged. -----. . : NOBRIS SAFE ART LOCK CO-.- 105 2d st f Phone Main 8018. JjiUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." iT7pewriters.i and "Household Goods-are separate classifi cations. Ail advertisaments : of these goods are published ' under their respective clsssinrstiorrs . i , - teOOK THEM OVER, g- - - $2.5Q,toS 1 5 a nr. anrl Tt --nair 173 8d t. near Yamhill. Main 1646. A-l 818. LA JDIES FOR ONE WEEK ONLT APPAREL TIONS ON I SLIGHTLY USED SUMMER GAR- ments. tabor 2825. - Automobiles, motobcycles, launches or boata are sepaiate classif icauons. A Jarge Ii,Unc can be round under these different classi fication. Hods. Crown Caps Corks, patent ootua itoppsn, nana cappers, filter bags, thermometers, 91 Grand eve. SAFES FILINO SAFES DIEBOLD AGENTS Expert work done. Prices right . ... PACIFIO SCALE eV SUPPLY COMPANY. 48 Front at. Broadway 1984. CUT FREIGHT RATES,, on houeebold good shipped East and South. Man ning Warehouse A Transfer Co.. 8th and BoyV Phone Broadway 703. A-1793, HOT water tanks, all stsea.' ln good, serviceable condition. 80 gaL, $7j 40 gat, $9. 201 Adam st East end Bteel bridge. East 8516. GOING East or South I Household gocsbipped - at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacifio Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt st Bdwy. T08. boat wood, also a pair of hares. Call No. 82, Portland Motor Boat dub. . -' - MALT. " hops. 007" cappers, eider, pure fnut punches and syrups for- parties. , dance, , etc , XX. lffmw?t " dresses, blouses, party frock, slightly .used; cod styl and reasonable. Tabor 2828. F0BSAlil3r--At cost set Armstrong stocks and dies, with 8. W.' pipe cotter, i 14 -in. to 1-in.; both new. CaU Wdm. B9 . r jFOR- SALE Plumbers' and tinners' tools; some material. in nmoa sra. a. FOR SALE EcUpso range, 812; also cheap table .and rug. 8922 88th t S. E. - CHERRIES, . 60 a pound. S. Hess, Killings- worth eve., near ottn.- iwn i can punoaya. 8 LADIES' hand bags for" 85, worth $20. 1 none wpooiiwh v VERY good camera or sale, also wide angle tens. JX-1T, Journal. , TTN7 ATT.1CD tnr tailor-made suits. $12.50 Up. Taylor, the Tailor. 269 Bumsta st C ' L. CAVES WRECKING CO. Windows, doors, lumber, brick for sale. Main 7898. FOR SALE Cheap. 2. Vaughn drag saws, -eom- plete," In A-l -condition. 288 Front st GOOD old spuds; get our price. 450 E. Burn eldest Phone Et 66TO. PLUMBING ... supplies, wholesale prices. Stark. Davis Co., Z1X a st Mam TvT. CASH registers, show cases, scale, safes, eieo trio fans. 24$ H 8econd st Mela 842, VACUUM cleaners sold, repeired," rented, ex- changed, bought pentley Co., East 705O. SAFES for sale, one large and one email one, cheap.. '-4S, Jeuraat -"f-.---'-- Plumbing repair expert, reasonable. BIwd. 1126. LARGE dresser trunk, $8.50. Woodln 4026. BROWN switch sale. 281 N. 17th. ' - , BUOWNnair switch for sale, 231rf, 17tn. Bp 'CEIMC1BSIB1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It Boynton , & Richardson and; Boynton Furnaces ,r -Are -the best fnmaoee. - -i 'They are economical In- fuel. We Install them clentiflcally. we nav toe best yitsm of pipeiesc Turnacea. y We tnstall them for $160.00. Why pay morsyf ' to a department store when you can get one : Made in Oregon J. C. Bayer Furnace Co. Phone Main 461. 204 Market t - . PEERLESS .' HIGH GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES - PLUMBING SUPPLIES BOUSE HEATING MATERIALS IRON PIPE , , PEERLESS HIGH GRADE TOILETS : "SILENT KNIGHT" COMBINATIONS - General -'Distributors WK, POWELL HIGH GRADE . VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES -i BOSTON BELTING " CO.'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS The Peerless Pacific Co. Shcwroom and Salesroom, 68-70-73 Front st, Portland. Oregon. -FOR SALE One steel range. 324 E. 60th at Phone Tabor 1805. - ' FURNITURE WANTED 74 s We went your used furniture, rags, carpets, stoves and all household- goods and will pay tb highest cash prices. - Our Three Large Stores enable us to dispose of these coeds at 'ones, and therefore we can pay the Top Market Prices - We also buy and sen hardware, teals, sport ing goods, tents, bicycles, typewriter, adding machines and office and store furniture. When you have anything to buy. sell or trade. Call Main 9072 Levin Hdw; & Furn. Co. 221-8-6 FRONT ST. We Will Buy FOB SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A 5 PHONE CALL WILL BRING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUATION IS HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FELLOWS. THERE'S A REA SOON: BECAUSE WE SELL TODAY -WHAT WB BOUGHT YESTERDAY. PHONE PHONE ' Marshall 159811 Oevurtz Furniture Co.: - 185 FIRST ST. Before You Sell Your - Furniture,' See Us We are In need of an kinds of used furniture, ruga, carpets, stoves, ranges, all kinds of old gas stoves and office; furniture, and we pay abas lutaly top pnoee for same. CALL-MARSHALL 587 and ear bnyer will tall at once with the eash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE : tSTORB 205 and 207 First St. ' ' Bet Taylor and Salmon But SEIX US Your Odd Pieees or Complete Furnishings. We Pay Top Cash Prices Call Us for Prompt, Courteous Service. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE Swfe FIRST ST. Main 7728. (f., .11 I'...ll.--V-v NEAR JWa S. BJI fliaa-iUu C W. MORRISON We want your used furniture, stoves, carpet and pianos; we pay the highest cash prices. 168 end 168 1st st. Call Main 4627. WIGHTM A N-J OHN SON FtTRNTTUBB, Ctt 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Highest prices paid for used furniture, ear pete. stoves, ranges, etc We call promptly. PHONE East 7815 when you want to sell your furniture; we will come at once and pay you CASH. M. R. BEATER. 880 Hawthorn, ave. CA!H pl1 ,or furaiture. stoves, sange. earpete, rugs, dressers, ete. -Phone Mar. 2678. HartseTl Furniture Co.. 841 list st I AM In the market for furniture front private parties only. 409 Jackson st . CALL MAIN 2117. 1 FURNITURE WANTED Will pay all that tt is worth. Phone Main 3249. Pacifio Furniture Co., 140-142 1st st : , .,,. . , WANT , HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE v . ; will pay cash. - f v - Phone Main 8832. " WB ARE TX a position to pay highest prices for used furniture of any kind. Main 6064V SWAPS tt WILL trade pair poctiere or yellow 'woven bed rootn , rug, new, for refrigerator. ' Phone A-168T . ' 6 ACRES, near Linncnan Junction, for piano or payment on oar. - Tabor 6972, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount too large or too small. Prompt attention. " N. M. BEATER e Phone East 2208. 143 RusscTl st $8 TO $15 FOR SECOND HAND SUITS MEYER, the tailor, pay most for clothing and shoes. We call day or evening. Marshall 1229 or 298 Madison. , JUNK. WANTED Full value paid; rags, metaL toots, eld eloth- mg. inrniture. eto. svi m 1st St. Slain Ts. I WANT used clothing. W pay from $10 up ror men s usea suits ana overcoat. call Ua and you will get the right eash price for yeur good. -167 1st st near Morrison. Main 738. GOING east or south I Household goods shipped at reduced rates ; mo-ring and . packing. Pa cific Coast Forwarding Co., 403 Hoyt st Broad way 703. -- . , FARMERS ATTENTION POTATOES WANTED 3. L. Selden, 2SO Ann st Phone Bdwy. 2490. $7.50 for 2diHand.;Suits Top price for furniture and trunks. Bdwy. 356. JUNK, plumbing supplies, pipe, hardware and maenmcry oongor, sola gzo front. Main 6277 WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras, lenses. Hoehfteld. 85 3d t Phone Main 3581. WANTED To buy a secondhand safe; state sise and price.- g-46, AonrnsL PERSONAL 29 LADY BARBER Shsvs. 20c; haircut 35cj face raaseage, Sac. 325 Glisan, pear 6th. VACUUM eleanersTtor rent 8i per day, de- livered reasonable distance. : Main 7575. (Copyright, 1919. by International Fsatur Serric. 'Inc.) 28 The Woman Who Knows Boys feer suit, coats, ttre-wa. weiata and pettioats at - Peterson's Upstairs ' Store ; J - - tt FLOOR PITTOCK BLOCK L High grade weenen'a apparel at lose than street level prices. PAINLESS EXTRACTION. "" CHttOPOblS iniervor eoiropod wort will cause lrriuttioa. trouble and - rain. Provided you take in con siderstkm careful high skilled work, beet ma terials. yo -will - not - eosurtder my price ex orbitant - Open Sundays. ,, 01 0 Biub-Lan. bid. Broadway and Alder, i. - ; . - SEE RUBENSTEIN " Dr. George Rubenstein, - optician, returned from . war service. Us make good cy glasses at reasonable prices, t . Satisfaction guaranteed, 220 MORRISON ST. NRAR SECOND CLASSES AT A SAVING I solicit your patrenage on the basis of capable service,- Thousands 'i f of satisfied patrons. Charles W. tt-ooaman. optometrist 209 Morrison st SPIRITUAL Churcn and School at Eternal Uxht Meetings Sunday and Wednesday, 8 ;- Tuesday. S; readings and teeehiaw dairy. Rev. May A. Price. 1340 Division. ML Scott car. Fhoa Tabor.- 8810. - : f . . COME IN and get both your feet fixed np good for $1 by Dr. Eaton. -the CHIROPODIST that doesn't hurt you; 5 year in Portland; exam. free. Globe Theatre bid.. 11th and Wash. Bdy. 2824. MRS. M. L. LAMAR. 235 BTH ST. Spiritual adviser, instruction . in the theory of health, success and harmony. - SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts, removed sis xsuan as isas swig. - uau Slam suss. THE men, whsPhauled brick from 460 Gold smith) eaU at 494 Mississippi : and avoid treuDie. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners bv the day. Call Wiln, 1349. Delivered, and called ror. DR. KIMMELL. chiropodist, corns., bunions. Ingrowing nail a. 207 Aliaky bldg. Sd and Morrison. -: i - ADA . BERYL, to safeguard your own interest yon better write. : Address care . Western Hotel, Logic. - FACE mssssge. itching acalp, dandruff .relieved, mole, warts removed. 280 Ftiedner bid. )R, WILKINSON removes corn in 3 minutes. 166 N. 6th. Hours 10 to 8. I otmrovi Consultatioa FREE. AU cases. LjitWVcr Belling bldg. Main 499$. CLEANING, pressing, i dyeing, altera Uona. ' We call and deliver. The Cabinet Main 1825. 3TOTICES S3 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office ot the Commissioner ol Lighthouses, Washington, -ii. C, - until 2 o'clock p. m., and at the offiee of the Supt of Lighthouse, Customhouse, San Francisco. Calif., until 11 av m. on Aug. 1, 1919, and then opened, for furnishing, for a .fixed sum, the material! "and labor of all kinds, except as stated in the apeci flcations, necessary foi the construction, eoip ment completion and delivery of the ein ale screw, steel. steam-propelled lighthouse tender OA K, and of the first-clans, single-screw, steel, steam-propelled Light Vessel No. 105, both for fe&e on .the Atlantic Coast to an authorized representative of the Bureau of Lighthouses st their places of construction. Proposals from on, concern an either the tender or light ves sel, or en both vessels,: will be considered. Blank proposal end paitiouktrs may be obtained by addressing the , Commissioner ot Lighthouses, Washington, D. C. or! the Supt of Lighthouses, San Francisco. Calif. 1 NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed! administrator of the es tate of Mathilda Thomas; deceased, by the" cir cuit court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah county, and has duly roalif led. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, duly verified, with propel vouchers a required by law, at' 609 Fen ton building, Portland, Or., within six - months from the date of this notice. - -" Date of first publication July 12; 1919. Date of last publication August 9. 1919. WILLIAM P. THOMAS, ' Administrator. HARRY I RAFFETT, , Attorney, 609 Fenton building. NOTICE is hereby - given that the undersigned has been appointed i administratrix of the es tate of Charles H. Raf f oty, deceased, by the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Multr nomah county, and ha duly qualified. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present ..the came to ma, duly veri fied, with proper vouchers as required by law. at 609 Fen ton Building, Portland, Or., -within six months from the date of this notice. Date of first publication July 12, 1919: Date of last publication August 9. 1919. SARAH ALMEDA RAFFETT. , .'...'..,. ..-..-,:,' Administratrix, , HARRY L. RAFFETT. Attorney, 609 Kenton building. NOTICE is hereby given tbst the undersigned has heem sppointed adminietrator of the estate of George G. Birrel. deceased, by the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah county, and has duly 'qualified. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same to me, duly verified, with proper vouchers : as required . by lew, at 609 Fentoa building. ' Portland. Or.-, within six months from the data of this notice. Date of first publication July 12. 1919. ' Date of last publication August 9, 1919. - J. S. BIRREL, Adiuioutrator. HARRY L. RAFFETY, Attorney," 609 Fenton bnfldirig. I WILL not be responsible for any debts con - tracted. by my wife. Huth Sanders Martin, after this date.- PETES MARTIN. PHOKtSSIONAL AND 3USINESS1DIRECT0RYI ... - l JtHTIQUEB " ANTIQUE and ALL, KINDS OF FORNITCRJaT Stem Salvage Co.. 833 Washington at AUTO PalNTINCI v. et Your. Car Special prices during July and August Fords enameled, $15.00; Chevrolet, $20.00. . Other ears In proportion. ' Autos Oppelised. $6.00. . . These prices include washing. AUTO ENAMELING WORKS, 78 Union se- N. Phone Wdln. 4897. BAWSERS- SUPPLIES LEWIS-STENGER Barbers' Supply- Co.. 10U and Morrison street, ,, The place to buy barbers" eUsir and suptiiee. Stock of iurnitur always on hand at right prices. ' - BEAUTY SPKOIAtlST SUPEBFLUOUS nair 4eroyd iorevev by mu tiple needle method- 604 Swetlend blttc. UWK BOOK WUKtRs Davis a holman. lnc, ion d t. niaaa book manufacturer. : A-8188. Main IBS. OAHPST CtSAWISIS) Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Rag Rugs, AB Slse. Mail Orders Prompt, ' tend for Booklet 9x12 Rags team er Dry Cleaaedk 31.B9. FLUFF BUG CO 84-68 Union eve. N. ! - - East 6516, B-1476. OHt ROPRAereits DR.' LA ClLTEi7DOWN IN G, Broadway bid. Drugle physician; lO years' experience chiro practic, "electricity, vibratory maseag and diet DR McMAHON, 100 per cent adjustment goad - easy, carefully, permanent , PhoB.- 81 ; 813 HELEnTW. OOMSTOCK roprctor7'88f . 14th t Chronio trouble. Maia 680A. PERSONAL A TTRA CTIVE FARM AND A CREAGE OFFERINGS AND EXCHANGES ACREAGE S7 i CHEAP ACREAGE ' , acres; $250. - $10 down. $5 P" month, buys 5 acres of land 'between Portland and Centralis on the mam line of 3 railroads, 1 H ts 8 miles of good little town; sawmills and locating camps m immediate vicinity. Some of this land is partly cleared, running stream, soms bottom land, soms bench. This acreage priced from $25 to $78 per acre. .Can give you any kind ot place you want :. ; t CHARLES DELFEL " 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. : ' 8 ACRES. 10 miles from Portland, en Base Line road, all in enluvation : good 8-room house, i barn, chicken houses - that will hold 1000 chickens, and runs: good water, 1000 gallon tank, and gas engine; family orchard, berries, ete. 3 6 -gat cow. 400 chickens, 100 ducks. Will sell on term. Call 688 Pittock oiag. 38 MINUTES walk from Main st. Oregon City, 2 M acres, small plastered house, full cement basement small . bam. good well, plenty fruit trees, also small fruit: will sell or trade. - What have you? Charles Sinclair, 774 Harney av., Portland. " FOR RENT 15 acre at Cornelius. Apply Will R. Lsie. 21 E. 79th . ((., PorUand. Ta bor 8410. CHOICE ACREAGE FOR SALE CHEAP ' See it before purchasing alsewhsre. Amanda B. Dwier. 1860 Diviaion. GARDEN tracts, west side, city water and gas: price only 6380. $26 eash, balance $8 per month. M. E. Lee. A5 Corbett bldg. .20 ACRES; paved highway, good spring; fine 1 view; 3400. terms. Owner, C-889. Journal. SUBURBAN HOMES 79 33200 WfJttTH MORE $3200 8 scree. lO miles out br Pacifio highway, 4 blocks from electrio station, school and store ; 6 room house, barn, root bouse, good well, 10 fruit trees, fine family cow, 50 White Leghorn pullets, enough hay for year.' See this. Must sell on account of going away: $1000 down, balance to nit Owner, 1. H. Sidwell, Aloha, Or. A. 9 ACRE home, a dandy, adjoining city lim ite. for sale. or trade, for city; all equipped ; money maker. Call Tabor 2674. ' TIMBER 89 NOTICE nf sale of government timber, general lend office, Wsshington. D. C, June 27, 1919 -Notice is hereby given that subject to the condition and limitations of the act ef June 9. 1918 (39 But... 218). and the In structions of tb secretaryv of the interior ef September 18. 1917, the timber on the toi lowine lands will be sold Aaeuat 20. 1919, st 10 o'clock a, nv, at public auction at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, to. the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value aa shown by this notice, sale to be subject te the approval of the secretary ef the interior. The purchase price, with an ad ditional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale te not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber., h must be removed within' 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens ef the United States, association ot such dtisens and i corporations organised under . the laws of the United Statee or any state, territory er district thereof only. Upon application of a Qualified purchase, the timber 'on any legal sub. division will be offered separately before being included in any offer ef larger unit - T. 2 N., R, 8 W.. Sec 11,-NW SWH, red fir 610 nv, cedar 65 in., 8W SW H , red fir 740 M., none of the red fir or cedar to be sold for less 'than 61.50 per 14. T. 8, R. 1 Sec. 8, NK'l NE. fir 1690 M-, hemlock 270 M. NWU NE 14, fir 880, M.. hemlock 150 M.. SBH NEH. fir 1770 M hemlock S60 M.. SW NBtt. fir 2390 M.. hemlock 200 M.. N?4; NW14, fir 630 M.. hemlock 180 M.. NW4 NW14, fir 1760 M.. NE SE. fir 1170 M, hemlock 120 M., NW4 UK H, ftr lfllO M., hemlock 80 M, SB H BE . fir 1100 M., hemlock 80 M.. SW!A SB4. fir 790 M.. KBH 8W14. fir 1850 M.. NW SW, fir 2100 M., 8B14 SWH. O 165 M., SWH SWH, fir 1250 m., none of the fir to be sold (or less than 31.51 per M., and none of the hemlock to be sold for less thsn 75 cent -per M. T. 9 8.. R. 3 E.. See. 25. BWU NWU. red Lflr 600 M.. SE14 NB1. red fir 850 VL. rami vn is r . . . . ... 7 n . -Tt i.f,-, fto iir dwu- ni., none or uie reu fir to be sold for less than 32.00 per M. . CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner. General Land Office. timbeTTTands" now is the time to but. TIMBER. 10,000.000 feet. $3500; near railroad. i i 8.000,000 feet, 85Q0Q, near railroad. -. 50,000,000 feet, $30,000, near rsflreevd. First-clsss timber. , D. A. DONELSON. ' .. 447 Sherlock bldg.. PorUand Or. 70-ACRE ranch. 18 miles out near ear line, timber cut 5000 cord wood; 37000 on terms. T-29. JonmaL ' WANTED -3.66o.00O to io.oo0.6oo' ft' tlm- ber; pay as cut 246 E. 6otb st FOR SALE FARMS 17 286 ACRES land situated about 8 tulles 8. B of Harrtsburg. Lane Co.. suitable for dairy and all purpose farm and belonging to an estate. In quire of O. P. Cohow, executor. Roseburg. tr. 130 ACRES timber and ' farm J land ; ' creejT county road. 1 mile school, Clarke county $20 per acre. 1396 East Salmon. - Tabor FOB SALE Small dairy ranch by owner, run ning water, 20 mile south et Portland, $J500 svill handle, 6" for the rest. For particulars Phone Main 1721. FOR bargains in dairy farms along the Roosevelt highway, in Tillamook county, come to Nes tucca Valley Real Estate Agenoy. Cloverdala. Or. K. T. Blaiock. Mgr. SO ACRES in Washington county, pert timber, part farm land, 81600, half caah. Csll owner Woodlawn 2972. William St Thomas, 918 Gas- tenbein ave. - :" 17 H ACRES right at Grov eland tatioa, an . ia cultivation, fair buildings, , Well; , $200 acre. M. H. Iloord, R. 1. Hlllsboro, Or. 23 ACRES, west side. 'I 1 miles out. fine aoO. Price only $5500; would exchange for house la city. M. E. Lee, 60 5 Corbett bldg. 70-ACRE ' ranch, 1 8 miles out, near car line, timber cut 6000 eord wood; - $7000, oa term. T-29, Journal. Profnstonal and Business Dlreetory COAL AMD WQQ9 . . WE. ll ia large er small quantity Heavy country slab; oak and eord wood. Star Wood & Coal Co 348 3d t. v Mln 6012. ORDE R from Bevaa Brotv nd sv ' $0 per eent Main .4529. - NATION A tFuel Co, A-l wrdwoocV $8.28 per eord. East 2041.' OONTBAOTORS union building contracting co. "CONTRACTING build cottages, bungalows; repair and pia In. 809 Aliaky bldg. Main 3818. DOB) AND CAT HOBPITAL DR. G B "BUT HMAN hoapitsi. 4TIS cor. Grant East 16471 S-U-Oit dogs and bersea. KOUOATIONAt OANCINa KATHEBINE M. HOWN Guarantees to teach all dances ia 13 private les sons; 12 lessons 88: 4 lessons $3. 608 Filers bldg., bet 4th end 6tS on Wssh. t Main 8004. - MISS IRELAND . ' TEN LESSONS 38 808 Dekum bldg. Personal attaatioa. 10 te A MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 2dst BaH. nam and staee da nrina i ejas rueeoay an Friday eve nines. Maia SlAO. Private 17 " " GOOD DAIRY AND FRUIT FARM "160 seres, 60 acres la - cultivation, fenced and cross fenced, rich loam soil, watered by spring stream; 7 acres ef Italian prune In full bearing with at least $2000 worth ot prunes on tree, family orchard. 7 room bouse, large barn and usl ssssi y outbuildings. cloeewVo school; tim ber on the place for family use; on main county road, with all rural advantage; - 8 miles from Columbia river town; $60 per acre. Will ac cept modem Portia n4 residence as first pay. ment. 60 acres, 20 acres in high, state of cultiva tion, all tillable sad very best of loam soil, no rock or gravel, fair $ room house, fair barn and necessary outbuildings ; large . family orchard in full' bearing, fenced and cross fenced and In a very thickly settled community en good automo bile . road ; all rural advantage ' and only 2 miles from town and electrio earlina, 9 M miles from Vancouver. ,. Priee $4750; terms. THOMPSON, SWAN A THOMPSON, 3d and Mam st. - Vanoouvsr, Wssh. .-'20 ACRES - All la crop, 8 room house, - bsru and out buildings, spring piped to house, family orchard, near school and church, 4 miles to electric line, some farm implement; pnee , $3B0O, $2000 cash, balance terms. 143 ACRES ; ' 75 in cultivation, balance in timber and pas ture; 3 living streams, good soil.- 1 mil to aci-ool, S mile to .Lebanon. 4 room house, good barn, family orchard; price $60 per acre. ' S. O. DILLMAN Bth end Main Sts. Oregon City. Or. -- REAL FARM BARGAINS 40 acre, half In crops, half elaitied . (good pasture), living water, fair build in 19 miles south near paved road; only $6000; easy payment. 120 acres, 8 milee from Scio. 100 In cultivation; fsir : buildings, rich - river hot torn loam; $50 Per acre, 75 sores, 5 ml, from McMinnvOIe, poor house, but 8100 will' put In good repair, near . 20 in cultivation. - hill land, springs and creek; some fruit L $2000. MITCHELL A BIPPET, -. ' 828-29 Henry bldg. ' 80 ACRES on bank of beautiful river; no over flow or washing; just outside city limits of good town; 8 K, R and boat landing; 2 hours Portland and 8 to Tacoroa; on third bottom land; part beaver dam; most all "place prac tically level,' tillable land; lope slightly to river; no rock or gravel: in cultivation, balance seeded to pasture, and much of It easy, to dear; fenced la 6 fields, with water in each; family orchard; smsU fruit; daily 'mail; telephone in bouse; T room house; fireplace; spring water Piped; garden; crop and farm machinery: 86500, 81500 cash, balance 10 jeer. Box 101. Cas tlerock. Wash. ........ ..A MODERN FARM HOME of $8 acres, prsotieally an in cultiva tion: fine water system, splendid buildings, most of the crop, good farm team. 5 good cows, brood sow, 12 (boats, eJl farm im pim,1nt" "ousehold goods. 2 V mUee west of Sherwood, close to pved highway, lg. sailee from Portland. Electricity avail able. ,811.400; substantial eash payment " MITCHELL A RIPPET. -326-29 Henry bldg. ,,. ,. FINE .VALLEY FARM . .eX,'..B"rt aU ia crop. 14 acre ef grafted English walnuts, 4 and 8 year eld: some apple fillers, orop looks fine: fair 4 room J- nw larn; drilled wefl. tower and tank; '24x36 hothouse, ehickenhouse; a mail oak park; fenced; on best of - roads; use auto all gear, R. i D.. telephone, close Ao school and chcreh. i A good buy, 6 mile from city of'Newbear. - mmm HESGARD REALTY CO.. 814 Swetaod bldg. : Mala 8080. WE HAVE for sale or exchange over one hun" dred farms, rsnchss and small acreage from 3400 aeree down to 1. most of these places are Improved and soing place and eau be bought oa good terms at attractive prices,. We alo have. 2 homestead relinquishments cheap ; also some Improved close in acreage at a bar gain. If In the market for anything along this line,', .call er write. - , H. A H. REALTY CO.. Mala 7692. 8i s wetland bldg. 47 H ACRES. 1 H MILES FROM CANBT Good buildings, extra rich soil, fam ily ore ha ail, S good wells, close to fine graveled road, 42 acme fin crops, good team, 3 extra cows, pigs, poultry, imple . ments, fins , neighbors, y close to scaooL" $8600; term to suit MITCHELL A RIPPET, . k ' " 828-29 Hanry bldg. PRUNE farm, with good Buildings and S acre - bearing, only 86000. 6 to acre fruit and "truck farm, spring and oranca water, goea buildings, only gsooo. . 6 acre, 3 acre in cultivation, 1 acre orch ard, nice location; 81800. and $500 will handle. acre lartn witn B acres In crop, $2600; prune and berry soil. Whit A Co., 70S 1st St. Newberg, Or. 24 ACRE FARM ON PAVED HIGHWAY " 18 mile south of Portland: fair build. Ings, living water, young orchard, few rods to school, swell little place, $8000, rea sonable cash payment baL ion time at 6. MITCHELL A RIPPET, 828-29 Henry bldg. ... , . 147 ACRES, nearly all ia crop, and on of tha finest its the valley. Very good buildings; well: water piped to house and yard t land is a little rolling,, well drained; woven wire - fences and .oroasfeneea, good roads, sr.d priced to sell. UEbGARD REALTY . CO., 814 SweUand bldg. Main 6930. 80 H ACRES, 20 aeree ia crops, tine garden, 7 : room house, large barn, wagon shed and ehick enhouse all fsrm implements and tool, large bearing orchard, well, springs end ereek. fin prune country; oa county road: school 1 mil. Will seU or trade for part property. JU P. Mil lion. Rout 2 Estacada.- phone. - - 40 ACRES, unimproved I i roil from Sandy; good spring $1060. easy terms; have stock, chicken, hog ranch on proposed Mt Hood loop; close to school; on good roads. These place will increase in value. Write or com out George Beers, Sandy. Office Main st Professional and Business Directory OAMOirea 'RINGLERS DANCING ACADEMY V you want to danoe or tears te dance, why not go to the largest and best school in the city where the advantage ar greater! -You meet more good, dancers and can practice with many different expert professional tescher. Septrste hall for beginner and backward pupils. Our business is dancing.; W know how. Informal every evening. Clsse summer rates now, 'ladies, J2: genta, $3: 6 lesson course. 4th , at Washington, Bdwy. $$60, A-68S1. MOONUGHT dance, boat Swan, every Wed., Sat night Main 4743. - Ft of Jefferson t ' MU3I0 SCHOOLS ANO TSAOMKRS L. CARROLL DA Diana, vocal laasnns with praeoce reano. a near oay go nso. sxiy. asso. FlTOF.- T, " X. LAWfON, So years' xperlenee Piano lesson st your Borne, 7 Be Tabor 7206 TO ORDER. . ' reasedelin. cleening. n petal r prices. The Fur Shop, 606 8 wetland bldg OREGON Surgical Hoep'iteP Malor-mino ur ' eery, special treatmenu, aerveu liitoe and disesaee of womeo. Women's and children' clinic, Tuesday and Saturday bet 9 and 11 a. m. Special tacfHties lor patients desiring snanipuUtiv and hydro-therapeutic treatments, Patient ia our ear will receive every athieal attention. Main. 1666. , . j By George McManiis FOR SALE FARMS ' TOR SALE FARMS 17 r1l' Estate- near Newberg-Iliairy and ima farm, 100 acre, bouse, barn. oulbuil(iin(.", 100 acre crop, good water; bargain at !!' en acre with the rrop if taken at once. Would consider smaller farm or city residence up to $5000 or $6000, or will give poMeswion Jn-t aa it stands with tb. penonaf property for tlJj an acre. White A Co., 103 Hi 1st at., Nswberg. Or. ; - 8 ACRES, 8 in cultivstloo; young orchsrtl. some fruit this year; lots of berries of all kinds; wheat oats, timothy, clover, alsike; springs en place: all fenced and ero fenced; barn, ebicken hoae and chicken yard leucea; good auto road. Phone Woodlawn 14 82. FARMS WATfTFIW-RFWT OK BUT tH I WANT from 40 Ul 10O acres, improved, sml sufficient smount of cattle, horoes and ma chinery; preferably dairy ranch. 733 PaUon road, Portland, Or. -. WANT small improved scresgn, near eiiy; would trade house and lot and 40 unimproved acres, value $3000, as first payment no liens against either; might divide. J-33. Journsl. HOMESTEADS 47 Si 6.7 ACRE homestead, ssgebrush. So. Idaho. Want good clear vacant lot for relinquishment HOL'CK, 110 10b st - A REAL hpniestxad to the right party; no laml grabbers. Call C-1885. 748 E. 78th at N. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE FOR HALE or-trade. 80 acres, 12 under cul tivation; 2 hi acre of prunes, sUo apples, peart gnrV cherries, 3 room bouse, barn, prune dryer, chicken bouse, well and spring: timber cruised over 8V4 million; half mile from K. R. -Owner 8286 bud st 8. E. Phone Tabor 6507 from 6 a. m. to S:BO p. m. FOR SALE or trsiVi for suburban acreage or city property, 160 sera near Golitendalo, Wash.; 40 acres in cultivation. 40 acres slashed, 80 acres fine timber, luge commercial orchard, good buildings. Phone Tabor 1887, or see owner st xios rj. piiaraau TWO good 5 room renting cottage on fractional lot 5S000, g gooQ invcsuaeub ea auui insn st , EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 - LEXCiAI(EE - . 80 ACRES . 40 ia cultivation, bslsnce timber and pss ture. On good road, 3 mliea from Orecoa City. 7 room plastered house, hot and cold water; large bam, milk house, outbuildings, spring water piped to house and barn; K8 cow, bull, team: good machinery, Place baa income of $500 per month, milk taken at the' door. Price $16,500. Will taks $5000 la Portland, home. Some cash, balance time. H. O. DILLMAN, '-' 8th and Msln t., jOregoCity, Ot. FOR SaX'E OR TRADE, brick tiireoiinaiiie, 25 foot on hard surface street; bssement full slse of bulldingj modem 41st upnlairs. -eont nf Oiiilding $48O0t cash price $8600. Would tr,d for S or 6 room house, 1 or 3 I'.rs nir city lim.t. $ or 10 scree -well in.prve4 with some fruit There 1 on the shove rrorty a mertgsga of $1000. Address owner. 6Zi V Co- ... i i a.t a - tnV. AlAtnoieg nivq, oi, wunus AOiVEti ti in hear, ip.iil wotxl ft.iM- . a V JB 1 . Ji kill UOn, ckv to ronnnu, uu m iuu .. also good land, lies fine to farm when clearwl. Worth 83000: timber will a great dsal uore than pay for-it it rlghOy handled; U' for ex. change tor other property; will give or Uke difference, aapording to values. What can you otferf Box 2004, Portland, Or. WANTED Five room bungalow ; '" besidos 'some money. I have a lot 60x100 en 46th bet Hawthorn and Division, all improvement in and paid for. What bare youf Give your address. T-80, Journal. WANT good car or smsllet place as first tmt- roent on . 18 acres, $55 per acre; long tuna on balance. W. JBeegle. Greauam, Or. Pbou Oreshara 885. - n ; . fTXCRESTi-ll In cultivation, good building. H mU to Oregon Electric; trad for 3 or 3 acre near Grcshatn. J. J. Fisher, with W. A. Wright Main 6088. lPARTMENT house, furnialted. good 1.k-Uhi. lot 45x145, good Income; trad for farm or suburban home about $6800. Hall, 211 Wash. WILL trade beautiful building site, 1 051 00, for good house at the beach. Address, BX- 260. Journal. 4 LOTS. Minnespolis; also 6 loU Walla Walla. Wssh., for Portland property er auto. 8 W. Webster. . lOM .SALB OR TRADE 6-roora house, A 1 bany. Or., for Portland property. Tabor 4740. 204 East 81st t -''-; WANTED REAL ESTATE 61 WANTED !TTroomnungaiow7"nve iJrflOTToo; 14th and College t, west side; cost 84000; will take less thsn value and psy cssh dif ference for bungelow. Prefer Sounyside or Us thorne district ' ... W. A. WEIGHT, 417 Ablngtoa bid. Res. BeUwood 180a. Oftic Main 5988. WANTED frvingtoo real' estate. A7ioue. full lot, la good location, cheap; all cash; will put OB repairs If needed. - K. W. ADAMS, ' 821 Chamber of Commeree. " EX-SOLDIKU. salaried, wants small otu or, bungalow with ground enough for chick on or rabbit and garden, Would consider suburban property near ear. Must b cheap and littl cash. R-603. Journal. " " :"" ' ' NOTICE - - To buy- or Q a suburban or seres home of merit see Goo. P. Henry vrltb Frank L. Wo Guire, open Sunday and evening. Ablngtoa bldg. WANTED To buy a modern cottage in Mount Tabor district 3 lot, fruit, street lmpr"y ments; $250 cash, price . not over $2500. Y-85. Journal. - ' - . .. . DON'T WORRY . : Can sell or u-sd anything anywhere, , ; LaymA. 147 Psrk st VACANT lot wanted in " lAureiuurst. Oregon, Alameda park. Write GUdstone, Box 411. SO. PORTLAND suburban 4-8 room cotuge; bsth. B-247. Journsl. O. O. COLDENBEUG can sell your home. "88 Tears la Portland." . Abington Bldg. Profrsslonal and Buslnfus Dlrertory ' MAIL AOVSrtTI8INa 'Cran E TvMKiTV!ittrttfWV4if5 graphing, mimeographing. Marshall orrics sippus8 HXBRAED STATION ERY A PRINTING CO., "Better Service." 861 Oak st Bdwy. 23ilJ, ' PAINTIM81, TINTIN8JtPAPf BHANaiN TTH. ; CLiFTON.Plotig. tinUa; pst-rin. 1 B" N. 17th St. Bdwy. 4414. Wood,, wo 2 I.e. -- - PAT8NT ATT0WN8T GOLDBERG. 620 tVoroester bldg. " '"" "Irfai n "HiS. PHYSICIANS . ..... DR. R. A PHILLIPS. Broadway bid. " Lm' toatlsa, stomaeh, - bowsi. lung, liver, kid Bey, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female di dere, ekin affecttoae, high blood ptenre. - PBiNTINa. SWaSAVINO, RIHttlNS) ST riming and Oak sis. M. 168. A-116A -"OOF WSPAIfUNa 3. It CLKME.VTH, hinglr; old rtjof torn off ; work sniaranteed. Tabor 174. SALTED AND SMOKKO FI8H ALASKA HER EES GALi' OR f X.V G Ul-.'f w trtbutors of salted aad uieAe4 fish. - 823 Yamhill straw, Portland. OT. . TINNERS - ' .... X JACOB LOSLl ; Tin, sheetlron and - root work. 810 lit it. Mate 1424. TNANtriN AND STONASS Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Trensfer aad Forward fng A rent. STORAGE FREE TUAtiiAtiS - Office and Storas 476 Uuhs, (8th Snd Glisan. Broadway Usl. A-IIt Willamette Valley -Transfer Co. General Transfer and Forwarding Ar ,. TRACKAGE. STORAGE AND THl.Nstta 134 NOUTii BTH ST. BUOAiWAIf 46A AlTWAYS TcK TH8 " BE8Til6C'Si.OL5 GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packuig. . ping aad moving. Hera aad aute vans, ami rates to all pent. t . O. O. PICK IRAAoSER Jb STORAOB CO., 2d aad Pine. lneedway A-l Storage and Transfer. Clay S. Morse, Ins. 429 FLANDERS STREET. ' " " P'ACKlJeW MOVING It AnZ SECCRITX STORAGE A TkANStta CO., 106 Park at Mass 8196. A-iuil Fireproof Stereos n it. olson transfer oo.. i$ prrm. FOR good servio. see Jk l'ei-r...;l Transfer Co. ; moving, and stjr-.-. Bdwy. 1673.-