The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Proposal to Remove From Homes
Pacific Telephones or Demand
Half Price, to Come; Up. '
'Mayor Baker Receives Reply
. From Company Official Indi
cating Settlement May Be Near
'Preparations for a great mass
meeting of all organized labor to con
sider the telephone strike joa Satur
day evening, at 8 o'clock, in the audi
torium of Central library, are feeing
made following sanctions Thursday
night by the Central Xabor-Councrh
At the council's session the matter'Of
taking- j Pacific telephones r out of
Portland homes on, the end of the
month, if the strike - was not ended,
was supported by the adoption of a
: resolution. : "
The plans for the mass meeting Indi
cate that it will be large and well at-
. tended. Several speakers will be called
on. Including Otto Hartwig, president of
the Oregon State Federation of Labor and
secretary of the state board of con
ciliation. The meeting will be preceded
by an Impromptu band concert at vari
ous street corners to he given under
the auspices of the men's branch of the
International Brotherhood of Electrical
.. Workers.
The matter of having the- telephones
removed and of demanding that only
Over the Top and
Then Some
"I never felt better in my life than
since taking the first does of Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy. X had a bad case
of indigestion and bloating and tried all
kinds of medicine. - Mayr's Wonderful
Remedy is all and more than Is claimed
for it. On my recommendation our post
master's s wife Is using it with good re
sult!. "" It is a simple, ..harmless prep
aration that removes the catarrhal mu
cus from the intestinal tract and allays
.the inflammation which causes .prac
tically all stomach, liver and Intestinal
aUments, v including appendicitis. - One
dose will convince or money refunded.
At all druggists. Adv.
half the regular rate be charged owing
to the poo? service, was ; heartily in
dorsed, it was explained i by speakers
that it would be necessary to give the
company 41 hours- notice to get the
phone removed, and that if the company
did not send a man to the house within
that timv the Individual could take out
the telephone himself, provided he did
not damage it.
Telegrams encouraging to the strikers
were received at union headquarters
late Thursday- night. - One was from
Miss Julia O'Connor in Washington, I,
C, stating that favorable, settlements
were near. The message follows!
."Conditions here extremely favorable
for. Immediate and satisfactory - settle
ment of all vital, points. Hearing before
wire control board Friday:' I will pre
sent operators' claims for .' retroactive
pay. Wire control board also has power
and will hear me on full points, the
changes , in the ! adjustment board plan
which I believe Is necessary to protect
the organisation," ma 'rear -agreement
for both men and girls, three year wage
schedule, f return 1 of all: Strikers main
taining - full '; seniority rights already
agreed., to. f All other points in dispute
I believe can be, settled through a con
ference between our. committee and the
company.' -
The following message to T. C. Howry,
business manager of the men's local,
from Clyde E. rmnraven, representative
in San Franclseor": -'
"Conference withtFullerton this afternoon-
Conditions point to . settlement
soon.", Mr. Fullerton is one of the of
ficials in- San Francisco of the Pacific
Telephone k Telegraph company.
, Mayor Baker this morning received a
reply to his telegram of Thursday urging
official ;of' the company to - arbitrate
With representatives of the unlosv The
reply was from-O. K. McFarland, presi
dent of the company, whose offices are
in San Francisco. and reads as follows:
: "Answering, your : telegram of today,
every, effort Is being made to restore
full service'': with ' the least possible de
lay. We have at no time refused to
confer with officers of the Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers representing, our
employes. Conference being held today."
These telegrams are Interpreted by lo
cal union officials to mean that the end
of the strike is very near. If the fun
demands of the strikers are granted, the
strike may be called off as fast as tele
grams can travel. If, howevet con
cessions are made by tne sinners- rep
resentatives, then the settlements must
be put to a referendum vote which must
travel by mail to the union headquar
ters, say strikers.
Safety Director Leaves
H. J. Bell, safety director of the
Northwestern region of the railroad ad
ministration, who arrived in Portland
to confer with local committees, congrat
ulate them on the records made in this
district during "No Accident Week" and
to arrange future plans for railroad
safety work conferred Thursday with
members of the general safety commit
th, fbiiitttamt fmr-Atia linen. " met
with the O-W. R. A N. comrmttees at
the Albtna anops wis morning ana de
parted at noon far Seattle, .t where he
will continue east ttf Chicago, his head
quarters, j-
8. X. Green' Stamps for cash. 'Hoi
man Fuel Co, Main 5S, A-886S. Block
wood, short eabwood. Rock Springs
and Utah eoal ; sawdust Adv.-
More Than Two Thirds of Force
Walk Out;4 Night Chief
Operator Sticks. '
Oregon City. July 18.- More than
two thirdJLOf the operating force of
the telephone exchange of the Ore
gon City system of tne Paclf 10 Tele
bhone & Telegraph company, walked
out on strike at 6 o'clock Thursday
night,, and this morning a dozen or
more girls are picketing f the com
pany's office on Main street, adjoin
ing the First National bank. The
girls declare their action to be taken
in svmoathy with the movement in
Portland to bring about higher wage
and better working conditions in the
local exchange. '"'
rktv mr-ttnn fniinws tha visit Saturday
of two representatives from- the Portland
union, who- aaaressea an open meeung
in Labor temple and have since been
working among the local operators. They
secured membership applications of all
but five. ' . - . " - -. - ; ";
' Among those remaining on duty was
MisS Ada Bedwell of Canemah. night
chief operator, who has been with the
company IK years and-who says that she
does not expect to strike, v t
The five -electricians and linemen in
the employ of the company first went on
strike 'last week out of sympathy with
the movement in Portland and ' else
where, but a; few days ago - resumed,
work, - only to go out a second time
Thursday night along with the operators;
Salem. July: IS.- In response to a re
quest from the stats board of concilia
tion, Governor oicou unursaay appeaiea
to officials of the Paclf lc Telephone v&
Telegraph company and of the Electrical
Workers' union in an effort to set on foot
negotiations toward an Immediate re
sumption of normal teiepnone -service.
In their letter to the governor, mem
bers of the board admit their failure to
bring about an agreement and ask that
the executive use his Influence in open
ing the door - for such : negotiations as
will result in ending' the strike.
Telesrams were dispatched by the gov
ernor to O. E. McFarland, president, and
H. D. Plllibury, vice president of the
Pacific Telephone company, with head
quarters In San Francisco, and to James
Noonan, International secretary of the
E3ectrical Workers', union. t
Ace CIement! in Command
While .Xleutenant H. A.' Thatcher is
on his vacation Sergeant Ace Clement
will assume command of the war emer
gency squad, according to orders Issued
by Chief of Police Johnson today. Cle
ment was with the motorcycle squad
until he was injured in an accident.
Gompers Says It
Is Impossible to
v Make Nation Dry
London,1; July IS. (U, P.) Samuel.
Gompers, president of the American
Federation of Labor, arrived at South
ampton on the Mauretania, declared re
garding American prohibition that It
is , all Tot to think you can compel a
country to be dry. It was a physical
impossibility, ' he saldf-
Speaking of Ireland, Gompers said
America had only good will for England,
but the general feeling, was that the
Irish question should be settled because
the jLeague of Nations provided for self-
"Surely the British will satlsfythe
claims of the Irish in a manner to make
them as grateful as the dominions,
Gompers said, ..
Rose City Delegates Predominate
at the Interstate " Realty
Convention. .
- in. : ,
w 1
Breezy Style
Sunlmer Days:
There's no better place in
town to buy summer comfort
thairt Here. Put on a Mathis
suit and step right out into
the hot weather zone--you'll
look a lot more comfortable,
and feel it, too.
adds to your sura- ,
mer comfort. The
best fabrics and
makes are here,
Silk Shirts
$5 to $12
50c to $4
Light, airy Tw eed s and
Homespuns, Tropical Wor
steds and Flannels. Mathis
correctness, moderately priced
' : . ' . .- -. . - .. . . -.
$25 V30 35
and up
Palm Beach Clothes
$16i to $25
vCorberf Building, Fifth and Morrison
:' By A. S. Johnson $
Victoria, B. C July 18. The iPort
land delegation to the convention of
the. Interstate Realty Merr arrived
here Thursday morning, after having
been delayed Tuesday night at Port
Angeles. Wash., on account of high
wind. Hon.. J. W. Massie, premier of
New Zealand,' spoke at the luncheon
at the Canadian club at noon Thurs
day. -
" The convention opened on ached
ule time Thursday as follows:
Thursday, July 17, 9 a. m. to S p. m.
Registration of delegates at registration
bureau, ground floor, Belmont house, on
Humboldt street. All attending the con
vention will register at this time, receiv
ing badges and tickets of admission to
the various entertainment features. No
registration fee charged for ladies or
other members of family of delegates.
13 m. to 2 p. m. Complimentary
luncheon for the executive -committee at
the Union club, corner Gordon and Hum
boldt streets, given by C T. Cross, presi
dent of the - Victoria Real Estate ex
change. - '
' 3 p. m. Convention fiaU, Princess the
atre, 808 Tates street. Opening of the
convention. Presiding. K. S. Goodwin of
Seattle, Wash., president of the Inter
state Realty association. Welcome
Hon, John Oliver, premier of British Co
lumbia ; Robert Porter, mayor ot Vic
toria; C T. Pross, president of the Vic
toria; Reaf Estate exchange. Response
and annual report President E.
Goodwin. Annual report Secretary-
Treasurer Paul A. Cowgill, Portland. Or.
Announcement of committees. Address
Paul C Murphy, director of the "Own
Your Home" section. United States de
partment of labor. Washington, D. C-,
subject : "The National Own Tour Home
Campaign"' -. . -f-.
I p. a Five minute talk contest for
silver trophy cup donated by Joseph Mc
Carthy, Spokane, Wash., Convention
hall. Princess theatre. 0.-H. Skotheiro,
Portland, presiding. Judges of contest,
Hon. C. D. Macliean, provincial secre
tary and minister of education; Major
General R. G E. Leckie, C M. G. G. O.
a M. IX No. 11 ; Miss Helen Stewart,
city librarian.
" The evening program was Interspersed
with a number of entertainment features
including several songs hy splendid tal
ent and a three round boxing bout be
tween two highly trained kiddies. A. B.
Da vies and Jumbo. Bavies of Victoria,
sons of the manager of the aquatic exhibition,--
' ' J
Portland had the largest registration
up to Thursday night.
' C. T. Cross of Victoria won the cup
offered by F. C. Taylor of Portland for
the highest number ..of members during
the year. F. E. Pope of Spokane secured
the second prize for the same a round
trip to the convention, given kjr E. &
Goodwin, Seattle. Colonel Colyean of
Seattle secured the third price of $10,
donated by Frank Sole of Aberdeen. -
Fred W. German of Portland was
given a $15 prize donated by E. B. Arth
n&ud of Hoauitm for the larcrast nttrabar
of new, members .'secured by an indi
- An especially novel, feature was a
parody song by Lieutenant Webb "of the
Canadian fbrces,' burlesquing prominent
members of the " Interstate Realty, as
sociaUon. , -f s vi' .'. -,
DayligltEepeal ls ;
Attached: Again ! to -
Washington. July'.- 1$.(U -'f.itf-
peal of the daylight saving plan. -was
again attached as a rider to the agri
cultural appropriation bill by the house
agricultural committee- teday. : .
' This action waa taken despite the fact.
that President Wilson has already ve
toed the' bill once because of the day
light saving repeal. C i. " v.
Administration ..leaders ' are deter
mined to - force' the agricultural appro
priation measure, and the repeal , clause
through ' the ' house - and put it- before
President Wl'son again. , . , 1 . .
r The new,, bill - differs from : the ? one
already vetoed in that it exempts from
the repeal ; the standard . time' zones
which were' established ' in ' the original
daylight. saving act, , . , .
Soldier ;Land Acts. V
Advocated Jn West
Salt Lake. July Is. To eliminate o'n-
posltion by eastern states to proposed
acts of vongress pertaining to soldier
settlement, a meeting of. delegates of
several western states is to be held here
a day before the governors', conference
in August: S. A. Brady of PocaUllo,
president of the Idaho Reclamation as
sociation, today announced the plans for
the meeting. Eastern , opposition, : he
saya; is strong, because money appro
priated would be applied to the west,
where land is cheap, rather than to the
development of expensive eastern laadL
RBvedY Tv?1
Granulated Eclioq
Purchase Is Under Consideration
' by New York, Hostelry Inter- ;
ests, Says Owner. .
Relative to the rumor that negotia
tions, were pending for, the sale of the
Benson hotel for an amount approximat
ing $1,000,000,, Simon Benson said to
day: ' I -
'The hotel Is for sale, as it has been
for three years. Overtures have been
made several times to buy it, but noth
ing eame'of them.'" Recently I gave some
New York people an option until Aug
ust 1. it was merely an agreement to
sell for a certain amount, good until that
date. , They returned; to New Tork to
see about raising the! money. I under
stand that they represented practical
hotel men and If they take it over will
continue to operate it as a first class
hotel." -v - . -
The Benson cost In the neighborhood
of $1,300,000 when built. The original
operators were Wright Dickson, who
leased the property from Mr. Benson.
In 1914 he leasees gave up the property
and returned it to Mr. Benson, continu
ing, -however, :: to operate . the Oregon,
which had previously been. run as an
annex to the larger structure.
- Mr. Benson today was positive that
the rumors, which were first noised
about last Tuesday and noted exclusively
in The Journal, are so far nothing but
rumors. : Denial - was ' made that any
money .has changed hands a the ' cp
tlon is ..verbal only., r .
r Bryn to Visit Eugene :
- Eugene.v July II. William t Jennings
Bryan Monday noon will bo the guest of
the Eugene Chamber of Commerce at a
luncheon. Bryan , will lecture f at the
Chautauqua Monday night. . .
1 1 i i
H liU
It t -, X Bel
itfuaedbr over three
nuioo people annuaii y.
It wiu mcreaae the
strength of weak,
nervous, run. down
ics in two weeka
time in mae in
taaeea. Ask Tour
doctor or druseiM
O-C XJ .
We will accept orders for the style H Knabe
Baby Grand during the July piano sale, sub
ject;to fallMelivery, at the present price of
Even though the price on this style advances,
we guarantee delivery at-the present price.
Terms. ;
Every Man Has His Own Ideas
and thousands upon thousands of men have learned that their shaving wants will
be prompdy supplied at an Owl Drug Store.' The upkeep of this department has
constant and expert attention. ; The jvahts of -every man are studied and special
thought is given to service- a feature which most men appreciate.
Wlfl...,ff :
Some Prefer, Blade Razors Others Like a t?Safety"
; To supply them cLuring the war period was somewhat of a
task. However, we are now able' to supply a splendid "Made-in-.
America'' assortment at popular prices from fijoo up. You can
f - . Str6$&;. 1 : . .Hones
Prices start at 25c and range- Prices rane from 50c to'
up q 5.00. Values are jun- ' 1.25. Select from well-known
quesfionable;''- f , ' makef.
and do you know that-America provides them all? The
Dollar Leaders are always on hand. They are all splendid.
- Cent EvereaJy Enders Durham Domino
The AutoStroD - The Gillette
; is preferred by many because the original safety" has
or tne blade-stropping device. . millions of tncncU. hour styles,
; Complete outfit ?joo. , 5.00 to 10.00.
Shaving Mirrors 50c to 7.5 0 -a complete asscent v , SafetyBlade Sharpeners 15 to 5.00
Every i Lather-Making Method Has Its Friends
and. every Owl Drug Store always has a complete assortment:
Soaps : '
Wiffiami? Mug Soap;
Williams Barber Bar
Sticks v
... y Cuticura Shaving Stick
Kesinol ohavmg oticlc
Williams' 'Quick-and-Easy" , . . ; , Williams' Shaving Stick
' ;' Colgate's Cup Soap ; " ? " : Colgate's Shaving Stick f
yankee Shavinjr Soap . 1 -
havxng Coap
Shaving Mugs ;; ; ;
Providing mugs at popular prices is one of the
details that requires most careful attention The
assortment includes
1 and : some in china
: and 50c are the prices,
1 Lysol Shaving Cream
Mermen's Shaving Cream
.Williams' Shaving Cream
Colgate's Shaving Cream
J; & J. Shaving Cream y
Palmolive Shaving Cream
Krank's Lather Cream
Williams' Shaving Powder
Colgate's Shaving Powder
les opaque and clear glass mugs
and some in china that are decorated.'. 25c, 35c
Shavincr Brushes
3 The prices start at 39c and range by easy stages
ufjl all the way up to fS.50. Pracricalhr everythuig
' :M depends upon the quality of the bristles. They all
have that necessary se-rubber feature, and are
standard makes.' . .
1 -
Many Popular Lotions and Talcums
, ;. because or its rerreshire effect and charming odof. rlowever, all popular
'I A
ivorite of thousands. Others are partial to Owl Witch Hazel Cream.
Borated Bay Rum . " : ,
This is an Owl Laboratory product, the
base of which is a splendid quality Bay :
Rum. To this is added Menthol .and
Boric Acid in proper quantities to produce
9 j: mwn
i .
a coolinz effect and make the lotion thoroughly 'antiseptic.
In shaker-top bottles at 35c ana 05c
, Red Feather Talcum
Every talcum powder that the nation
knows is always in stock. Red Feather i V-vy' !
-Talcum at 15c a can is a leader because ."
jpf quality, quantity and price. Tfiree
r odors --vioiet, uuc and rose, xry tt tne next tune you buy
powder. ; t , ' , '
rtOhtuta Pnee. .
.,. :. -. i . .
' ' tV Struplere, Mgr.
For Direct Line to Prescription Dept. ' ,
, Call Marshall 192
1 '