The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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- "
J. L Edwards, William McMurray
Inspect Section; Seeking
- Land for Settlers... '
; " The Dalles, i July 18. J. L. Ed
; wards, manager of the agricultural
section of the United tates railroad
administration:; William McMurray,
. general passenger agent of the Union
Pacific system, and their: party, ar
rived In The Dalles Thursday for- a
tour of inspection of this section of
the state. -
Edwards deals with agricultural work
in 'this district and is looking' for the
best place j for .settlers. - ",
The - party arrived here from Hood
River, where they made a tour of the
apple orchard region in the morning.
While here they inspected the plants of
LIbby, McNeil & Llbby and Wittenberg
'King. In the afternoon they were taken
"to Dufur, where they viewed the hold
lngs of the Dufur Orchard company.
Thursday evening banquet was given
- in Hotel Dalles, by the Chamber of Com
, merce. From here Edwards will pro
ceed to points In Idaho, where he will
spend two day.
;-3 mmmmmmmmaam-mfmmmmmMtmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmM -'
Cable Censorship
' To End July' 23
a Washington, July IS. U. P.) Cable
censorship by the United States will end
at C p. m. July 2J, the state department
announced late Thursday. All restrictions
heretofore Imposed by - the censorship
will be removed at that time. The re
moval of the press censorship was an
nounced some time ago.
Lyle Water System
; Is to Be Improved
i'Juyle, Wash., July 17. Property own
ers of Dle have approved the turning
over to ID. E. Witt of the local water
system, ' Witt plans to make improve
ments costing several thousand dollars.
Including laying of larger mains. Oper
ation of the plant by the Townsite com
pany has caused much dissatisfaction.
I z. ."'ai' is tj ;:
I : 'ill.
: I t- I" '
j - If:
Ti - i - r Til '"" i i -ii ii i - 'I r.t i" . i:.': i i T- r -i 1 - i inuwiil J
Officials of the department of Justice who are directing the intensive round-up of dangerous radicals in thij
country. ! The photo shows, left to : right: John T. Creighlon, , assistant chief of the bureau of investiga
tion, department of .Justice; A. ltitehell Palmer, attorney general; Francis P. Garvan, alien property custo
dian, and William J. Flynn, head of the bureau-of lavestigat Ion. -
Wilson Is Asked to .
Speak in Pendleton
Pendleton; July IS. President Wilson
has been asked to stop for a speech In
Pendleton while, on his trip through
the country- In support of his - ratifica
tion of the peace treaty. - Messages ask
ing the (resident to include Pendleton
In bis, itinerary have been , forwarded
by Mayor J. I. Vaughan, In behalf of
the city.
A vkv A OTsieh sTYsi f t si r si t
Pendleton, July H. The Pendleton
city council has ordered the purchase of
new automobile street flusher and
sprinkler; . to replace the present horse-driven-
equipment in use. . The truck is
expected to be delivered-in about six
weeks. . ' : . .
portant changes in the house bin.' Sen
ator Sterling, chairman of the senate Ju
diciary: subcommittee, declared after
announcing all hearings closed. -
"The definition of alcoholic liquors
fixed at a maximum of of 1 per
cent will stand as far as we are con
cerned." . ;
Hearings Are Closed:
Prohibition Measure
To Be Little Changed
- ;
Washington, July IS. With all evi
dence from both sides submitted, little
hope was held out Thursday that the
senate would modify the strict provisions
of the house prohibition bill.
'"We do not expect, to make any im-
Gladys Brockwell
"Sues for Divorce
Los Angeles. July IS. U. P.) Gladys
Brockwell, motion picture actress, who
off the stage is Gladys Edwards, Thurs
day filed suit for annulment' of her mar
riage to Harry. J. EC war as, motion pic
ture ' director- -. ) -. .
The complaint revealed that she mar
ried Edwards in Seattle July 1. 191S, and
they were separated three days later.
Mrs. Edwards asks annulment on the
grounds that she had not secured ber
final decree of divorce from Robert B.
Broadwell, ber first husband, when she
married Edwards in Seattle, although at
that time she thought her marriage was
legal., , ' . . . ; '
Stork Idea Didn't 'Work
Chicago, .July . 18. 'There's one baby
who won't be named for Judge John
Stelk of the speeders' court. Ed Flan
nagan said he was excited " over the
babe's arrival, hence drove rapidly.
"Thirteen dollars," said the court.
Call Sent Out by
Ashland Club for
Chautauqua Tents
. . ss-eBejsseaiBee . f
Ashland. i, J uly IS. The Chautauqua
Park club has sent - out . an urgent call
for tents, as all tents on . hand have
been reserved. Community Sing Leader
Walter Jenkins is coaching a big chorus
for the Chautauqua. Among the speak
ers will . be Mrs. Lee Davenport of
Portland. .
B. Smith and
Portland are visiting Ashland
V Portlanders 'Are
Ashland. July IS. J.
family "of
Contract Is Let for
McKenzie Eoad Work
Bend, July 18. The first section of the
McKensie highway to be. graded will be
the 15tt miles in Deschutes county be
tween Sisters and the lava beds, the con
tract for which, has been let to Siema.
Carlson St Co. of Spokane, according to
reports received here. The contract- price
was $128,000. Another section on which
bids will be called within two weeks la
the 15 miles stretch in Lane county
between-Blue river and Belknap Springs.
e fee leair A
Oe tee PresMemf Plea
Out and out opponents of the League of Nations Covenant are not" converted byJPresi-V '
dent Wilson's plea that it is 'a practical necessity," ."the only hope -for mankind, and; that tdVv'
reject it would be to "break the heart of the world." -The leadinp-urttrtA- in thp j itprajrv 4
"Dj9?Tfor thI? week July i 9th give. a country-wide survey" of ; the press and interviews
5 ' - -Wjt? United States Senators, enabling readers to gain a very definite idea of , what the nation thinks -; - 1
-: of the President's Senate speech for a Leagne of Nations. "
:" , , While the Minneapolis Journal (Rep.) urges us "to be very sure that the Covenant does - '
not permit the European camel to et its head inside mir tpnt " fh Nw Vn'rV Tt. entire i:
dominant note in public opinion when it. declares, that Vthe President's address -compels ratifica- v'. '
ton; it is an irresistible; force which the Senate can not withstand."' : ... ; . , ..
Other important news articles in this week's DIGEST arer ' - : --rI-- -
Why Oiina, Witi Its ! Teng Millions, Refused To Si ;
ThU Article Comprises Tramlation From the Chinese and Japanese Press, and Makes Clear to
Bvy ixuen me rue r eeimg or tne reo pie of China Toward the League of Nations
How Equality Is Safeguarded in
The Future of Transatlantic Flight
What "North Dakotaism" Means
William Hohenzollern to the Bar "
Spain Asks French Trade Invasion
A South-American Declaration of
How We'll Help Watch the Rhine
How Wounded Soldiers Are Cured by
.Music f
Are-Milk-Drivers Worth More Wages
.Than Professors? v;
Should Everybody Be Finger-Printed?
That "Entangling-Alliance" With
France and England
Born a Dope Fiend
Millions .Bequeathed for Music
Belgium to Get Back Her Stolen Pic
tures " '
The Value of "Dazile-Painting" V
The Work-Cure" for Crippled Sol
diers ':
Catholics Deny a Catholic "Peril" in
the League
Religion of the Returning Soldier
Personal Glimpses of Men and Events
Best of the Current Poetry
News of Finance and Commerce
Many Striking Illustrations, Including the Best cf the Humorous Cartoons
Keep "Up-to-date" By Reading The Digest
u "iwc everr man ana woman in
these days t, of momentous happenings and . world
wide, change than to be able to follow intelligently,
all that is. taking place, both rat home and abroad,
and to .take part in any' discussion upon topics of
general interest with confidence and authority. To
fit oneself to do this in any real sense would seem
ingly involve an impossible "amount of readine of
" v iwuivois oi au sorts, ior which few,
deed, of us would have theime. -But this difficulty
is merely apparent. You, will find a solution for it
on -: every, news-stand in the shape of THE LIT
ERARY. DIGEST, the world's greatest news-magazine,
.which gives , you all sides of all the vital,
questions of the cay, from week to week in a com
pact and readily assimilable form. If you -want '.to
be properly informed on all current issues read THE-
! this week and every week.
July 19th Number on Sale fo-day All News-derlO 'Cents
FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishen c?the Fataota NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YOIUt
Sword ot Honor :
Seals Eelations, ; ; :
; ;:: Says Pershing
-London. Jvly 'VL lJ N. a) "Th
honor you have bestowed upon me, lnv
ilr to that whicb 7011 onc conferred
npon. former President Roosevelt, ia of
special ; alfnlflcance. " tor ; that great
American was ever the friend f Oreat
Britain and her people." declared Gen
eral John J. Perahinc today when the
freedom of the city was presented to-
bim at Guild Hail. ' This ; occasion.
he added, "is significant testimony - of
the sincerity of the sentiment yon hear
US. i 3? ' , i - i " i v:7' ' .
Referring to the rword of honor which
was presented to him General .Pershins
said : - ...
"This seals the inUmate relations that
will bind us together. 1 v
- - Among those present were Colonel
Winston & Churchill, secretary of state
for war ; Field Marshal Hair, the arch
bishop of Canterbury. Major Scott, com
mander Df the R-34. and General Malt
land. .1
We must by all means prevent future
wars." said General Pershing Thursday,
la addressing, the military committee of
the - British parliament. The American
commander In chief asserted such pre
vention must be based upon the -vnlon
of sentiment and heart of the Anglo
Saxon races.
He said British cfficlals, -including
Field Marshal Sir, Douglas Haig. ap
proved the .formation of separate Amer
ican armies. . ' . ..
Prosecutor Calls
; Germ Duel Murder ,
However Scientific
St. Paul, July U. P.)r-Ieath re
sulting from Injection of disease germs
in th body, whether expeiiuientaliy or
otherwise, would be murder. ; .
This was the opinion Thursday of
Harry Peterson,: assisting prosecuting at
torney, . regarding the I'threat" of two
physicians to Inoculate each other with
disease and use different methods of at
tempting to cure themselves.
Dr. H. W.t Hill, who challenged Dr.
John B Kraser of Toronto to the test,
said he - had, heard no more from Dr.
Fraser. In the meantime Dr. H. A.
Zeetel of St. . Paul offered to take up
Dr. Fraser's hand In the argument but
was refused by Dr. Hill. . .
Boy Gleaning Gun Is
Shot .Through Heart
Marshfield, July 18. Wallace Holmes,
aged 12, who resided ! at the John
Yoakum home in the Coqullle valley, ac
cidentally shot himself Wednesday night.
The boy was on the porch of the house,
cleaning a rifle. His body was found
by the family with a bullet through his
heart. The accident was not witnessed
by anyone, but evidently the gun had
discharged while -the boy was . cleaning
lt' The father now resides in Portland,
but for many; years was a resident of
Coos hay, engaged in the butcher busi
ness. .1 ' 1 : -
I. W. W. Organizers
Visiting Orchards
Yakima, July 18.i: W. W. organ
izers are - riding in the Yakima valley
in their own automobiles; " according to
W. P Sawyer, Yakima county legislator.
Under the guise of looking for work they
stop for a day or two, join some orchard
crew i and take advantage of the . op
portunity to spread the; propaganda.
Cherry Fair Being
Celebrated by Cove
Cove, July l. Miss Kuth Pulp was
queen of Cove cherry fair here Thurs
day. She was chosen with 9700 votes.
Miss Fay Puckett was second with 92000
votes and Miss Cecil Ayres third with
600 votes. Clyde Bloom was king of the
pageant. The crowning of the king and
queen took place at noon-
Wife Faints as Man
Shoots, Kills Self
Salinas. Cak. July. 18. (TJ. P.) As
Otto Hlnton fired four shots at his wife,
she fell in a faint. Thinking her dead.
Hinton sent a bullet through his own
brain. . Refusal of the wife to drop a
divora on caused the shooting.
Truck Overturns;
Nehalem Man Killed
Itfehalemv July 18. Charles Adams, an
employe of the -Brighton. Lumber , com
pany, injured by the overturning- of a i
i truck of lumber, died a few hours' later.
u was working as a jitney anver. He
was a member of the Wheeler lodge 240.
I.. O. O. F.. about 24 ! years 'old, and
leaves a wife and two children."
Astoria School Gets
; Accredited Bating
- Astoria, . July M8. According to in
formation received here by County
School Superintendent Byland. the Holy
Names academy of 1 this .city has met
with all the requirements, prescribed
by the state board of education for a
standard high school and is accredited
Eecord Peach Qrop
In Idaho Predicted
Salt Lake City. July 18-ldaho this
year will have the heaviest 'peach crop
in its history,; according to estimates
by the bureau of crop estimates. The
production for that state this year is
A estimated at 2.958,000 boxes, as against
ao.vvu 4n year. ,r- -. i . ; ,
f 1 ' Thirty Year War
1 Chicago. Jujy IS. Ernest Beal told
Judge Fry he deserved a war decoration.
"It's been a battle for 0 years." said
Ernest, ; asking separation - from ' Mrs.
i . . T. Save Ihe Workers
i Dallas. Texas, July 18 If they didnt
wear enr over there; ihey will oyer here.
Sewtr repairmen have been voted gas
masks. . , .. ,t
- Welters Get Chance" j
- Chicago, July 18. -Exit the big, burly
policemen. , City commissioners have re
duced tho weight minimum to 140 pounds
and the beisnt-to h feet 6 incites. -
HE urate
V W 1
'Mr ?? '- T I bv W a
.11 M
ars,(of Lovi
j&inaama Bit
Utist Another Good Man
Gone Vron-- FoxrTro t
' combination, which also plays ;the coup-j
r ''Or r? ng "Yelping Hound lilues," another,
Wr mSSN JP irresistible fox-trot. ' A-2742 C5s
1 &s$m&
Jver-OneStirl) If
'Tears (of Love),' Introducing vt V
"I'm Glad I Can ; Make You Cry" ')
and "Pahjamah," woa'c make you
cry, put aance. "lama lama Blues
will make you dance some more.
' A-2741 S5c
. JV fit.. ..mi: " f
Mammy's iAilkibyte
v IX f '7 W
h n,
;The Happy Sir plays this per
fect waltz, and the Waldorf-'
Astoria Dance Orchestra this
famous fox-trot from the music
e s p e cially c o m p ose d fov
NazimbvaV great new motion ,
picture, "The Red Lantern."
6S Splexidid Selectioiu? l?layed by
"F?i11rtviri-nrf Great OrcTani-zatioiia
CohmWa8aiophoBeSexUtt Borbees lass Oreksittm . Vers) Osnuuili Bisj Or
Colombia Orcbeatra . Tdasdy's OrshestrS S bftra
Cotembia Baad Memphis yasEpaTVfo. ..J
Jeckera Brotbms Prine'a OrdMBtn si areoni SrethefS Assor
Wilbur C.SwatttUuVsOrIgt . m.ion - r-t.-
sal iia Baad . : Jeekera Daaee Orebaatra - FUtre and Gala's Deiro
M art mbaphoa. Band LwialasaflTJaaaOrliMU Aeeerdloa
arl Puller'a Rector Novatty Tee Happy Sis BUtnior. KaialehJ Hawaiian
OrebMtra - Kayal MaHraba Baad Orbrfra
vValderf'Asterls Dance Or- Kopp and Baou ( Oram sod Bin aed White ifsrunba
cheatra V Piaaot Baad '
Terlna Jasarinba Orchestra Loaiea. Pcrera A Creeoas lluaieipal Band of Seasos
jaaepfe C Sraitb'a trebatrs
Oriciaal Dixieiaad Jaas Baad
(Hawaiian Trio)
Doa Richardson Orchestra
Hm Ceamftfo Rmrdm mm SaU tkm JOth mmdlOUk mi Emvnt Mfomtlr
Ltmsmm ss
QyJ Col
Graf onolas' and Record
Are Sold by the Following Dealers :
Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.
435 Washington St., Corner 12th
Hyatt Talking Machine Co.
350 Alder . ;(
-( :' " "-" i--.'"' .
iWm. Gadsliy & Sons
. Corner Second anil Morrison v
' ' VJ J The Record SKop -
189 Broadway . - i . .X.t
' j j . ' " - - . ." f
'': ' Piedmont Fur ni hire Ca
142 Killingsworth Ave.
- Columbia Graf onola Shop
429 Washington, BeL 11th and 12th
V" - ' " - , - . ' ."' ' ' ' '' '' "
Oregon Eilers Music House
287 Washington, Below Fifth
Schwan Piano Co.
111 Fourth, St. at Washington
1 Vern L. Wenjxer
142Vi Second St.
S.& D. Phonograph Shop
172 Third Street .