The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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One' sure way of keeping; your kitchen cool and comfortable dur-
ing thiM hot summer day is to do away with fires and since we
must eat food that is cooked, we recommend a domestic science fire
less cook stove. You can bake, boll, stew and steam perfectly with
a "Domestic Science." All-Bold on terms to suit.
i - , Household Efficiency Department. -
' :-l ' Eighth Floor Lipman. Wolfe k. Co. . " '
Take the work out of wash day, . No more back breaking: hours
of standing over a wash tub these hot days if you have a Maytag.
This power driven machine will be found in every fourth "home that
uses a power crashing machine because it Is the best. Let us do
a week's Washing; in your own home to prove It. Sold on easy terms
Household Efficiency Department,
Eighth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
W axed Tissue
Paper for Picnics
5c a Big Roll
Famous Victor
----- " . -. "t i t - - '. ..
Red Seal Records
Many Half Price
Merchandise of X Merit OnJy;
I- m
FOE ' Efffif 0
o 1
Eutaska' Face Powder, all
shades 75c
Miro-Dena's Milk of Violet and
Cucumber 854
Miro-Dena's Creme de Savon
Liquid Soap 4)54
Stork Castile Soap made with
pure olive oil 204 2 for
oil 204
Cream new
t 354 and 504
154 : 2 for 254
j-Dena Talcum K 1 e
Ideal and Violet 254
Salts. 1-lb. size 82. OO
a s 1 a
Bepol Shampoo 50C
Wyeth's Artificial Kissinger's
Perin'a Vanishing
Demoeant H air
C r e a m
ath Caps.
334 to S1.49
cnarny s tiox
special SO 4
p r e 1 1 y styles
Complete Stocks of
W. era glad to 'announce to the
corn of Homes who bar. bB
wattinf for Luxor toilet prepara
tions that w. can offer new ship
ments of
Face Powderi 50 n' 754
face Cream 25 504
Manicure Bqmita 254
Bath Salts 754 '
Liquid Olire Koap for toilette
and nhatnpoo 504
Talcum 4'owder 504
Too lb Past end Powder 254
Toilet Water 81.00
Rous 504
Lip .stick 254
Street Floor. Lipman, Wolfe 4c Co.
' A Very Special Saturday Sale Of
Handsome New Silk Moire
Bags Fitted Popular Shades
:. Popular Moire Bags at a price way below
usual. These are beautifully mounted on nov-
: city colored, metal or covered frames. These
are fitted with large mirror and are daintily
lined in pretty colors.; The quantity is limited,
i Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe s Co. .
f A Special Saturday Feature Of
Sport Hats and Trimmed
Hats for Immediate Wear
. ; $4.00
Summery to the highest degree are these large,
graceful, drooping brimmed hats of leghorn, lacy
straws and hemps. . Or if you prefer it. there are
smart, close-fitting shapes.' medium sized sailors
and mushrooms of ltsere. basket weaves and straw
and silk -combinations. Charming colors, delight
fully trimmed. --
Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe Co.
The Girls' and Juniors' 4th Floor Shop
" ' : Directs Your Attention to
Varieties of Wash Frocks for Girlhood of AlLAges
6 to 14 Years
Frocks for the
Junior Miss
; 2 to 6 Years
fr-g """ Frocks of gingham and
percale in fancy checks,
V'--- plain blues, greens, and
tans. A variety of pretty styles for
little folks daintily made and neatly
trimmed, some with touches of em
broidery. 2 to 6 Years $1.65
Short walsted and regulation
Waist style dresses or quaint
models old fashioned gr -f y'
?heCka.ham" d tADCy0l0O
. $1.9$.$20-$3S0'$3.95
Racks full of frocks in the most be
coming models for young folk of 2 to
6 - at these, low prices. . Japanese
crepes, crisp organdies, fresh colored
ginghams and neat percales some
hand embroidered, some with fancy
collars and cuffs.
Flappers and small women
who prefer frocks designed
for growing girls will find
choosing quite delightful in
this vast array of dainty
summer frocks from 85.95
to $14.50.
Misses1 of 16. 18 and 20
will find frocks in the new.
Belgian blue .Jack -Tar
dresses that is so popular
in straight line style at this
low price.
Ginghams and : percales rfk - g
plain or fancy striped ,X
'and plaids In a variety of Vw SxJ
styles you will have to see and try on
to appreciate. Fancy stitching and
buttons trim them.
'.'t. ' . ' -
Tub frocks f gingham in bright
piaias or p i a t n colors - made in
7 yt the popular middy
,rt.-V and waisted styles i.- with
vestee and fancy collars.
$4S5 Up to mss
Surely variety enough In price to
satisfy every purse and there is eqtial
variety in style and coloring to meet
with your approval.
- - . : . i -'.T
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Saturday LastDay of
The Great Sale of
.; .,. a.' .V? t
Hundreds of boys and younjt men of
all aifesfare eagerly taking advantage
of this remarkable sale for there are
suits for young men of all ages in
cluded.' '
Suits for ' winter, suits for
summer and suits for all year
round wearing.
While ( choosing has been most en
thusiastic and active there still re
main many excellent values in all sizes
and kinds.
i .
- -Remember, you may choose
from our entire stock of boys',
young men's and men's spring
suits at greatly reduced prices.
"Dubbelbilt" Suits Many Below Present
Cost $9.75:
Suits that' are made of-excellent fabrics every one guaranteed.
Crayenetted, with double seat, knees and elbows. A variety of styles
.and fabrics. Sizes 0 to 16.
Boys' Knicker Suits Reinforced
' - Rainproofed $11.45
VITA nwkabla special that any parent will be glad to buy because
f they look well and will wear well, : Coats and trousers both full lined. '
. Trousers have double seat and knee. -Thoroughly rainproofed.
. ' a ! .. ' '7 ." ' .-..,..'.... i ' ' -J ..?
rj Boys' Knicker Suits A Splendid Lot
r ' ' V- :. at $7.65 I '
H1tAhltJ.UpJ'oa find f suits that have been selling
" far Wkbw Prices. . They are made of materials dif f iculs-to find now
at any price, styles and tailoring are the beat. AU sizes up to 17? '
t : Special ShcTwing of Suits at $9.95
"rrM.11y!, wool and all of them are remarkable values
P? .Ji11"11 .' uy nff knicker suits in tweed, homespun,
prfc slier toS. ie-re" newest styles and patterns at this
Boys' Corduroy Suits at Less Than Whole
v ' ; ale Cost $4.65 r-r.; , ,ow8t Price at which' we have sold corduroys for a lona-
rit'.ttIJyr?1Ur.0y',wtd' wale mouse color. Belter style with TslaSS
pockets, khaki lined. Very limited number, s .-, -
:-y .-j ; ' . --T-. . i '.v. . " . : .:- .
-W V Fourth Floor, Lipman. Wolfe & Co.
Wash Satin Camisoles
Boudoir Caps Special
Tou will be delighted with
-the variety of caps you ; will
find at this special price. There
are pink, blue, lavender, rose
and maize colored caps in
scores --of. styles, -w .v ,.
A very special sale of splen
did wash satin camisoles in
bodice top style, plain tailored
or " lace trimmed. Some have
pretty, touches f embroidery.
' Flesh Colored Blcomers of Silk or ' Batiste
New arrivals in this popular item of women's intimate apparel
are here in seco silk and fine batiste In -flesh color. All have
elastic at waist and knee many are ruffle finished and some lace
trimmed. - .
t Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe Co.
Ball Bearing S
Very Special at
Kiddies will have lots of fun with these
"Brownie" ball-bearing scooters. They are
20 inches long with 25-lnch tongue and four
roller skate .wheels. Painted bright red.
Boys and girls alike will find them a joy
throughout vacation days. This is a very
special price. .
Eighth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
This Full Round
Famous Hey wood
Brand Worth
1 Much i More
These baby carriages
will cost us considerably
more tham this special
price when ! we reorder
them but i consistent to
the Lipman. sWolfe policy
we are not r raising the
price until It is absolutely
necessary to do so. :
Round reed, with seat
back and I hood, uphol
stered tn imperial cordu
roy, reversible gears, rub
ber tired wheels. ' i
. Fifth Floor. !
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Always Something Special
And Dif f erent for MEN
The men's shop is a store in itself, but even with all the good standard staple Lipman.
' Wolfe merchandise that has been brought here for your summer wear we hive time- and ' -we
know how- to find special groups of standard Lipman; Wolfe merchandise to offer
you in these, v " - -
. . ;., 4 . I . ' ' 1
Saturday Special Sales
Often the lots are small. . The manufacturer has a cancelled order or an odd lot or he takes
the reduction for some good. reason. Or we, ourselves, make the opportunity. For example
Summer WeighfNight Shirts $1.00
Shirts of exceptional quality muslin well made cut full and neatly ;
finished. All siaes 15 to, 19. Every one worth considerably more.
; . ! ': . . . - ' . . ... a
MenVBathing Suits $4.65 -$5.65
These the fine wool and pure worsted suits that will not get cold and
clammy when you are in the water. Every one la worth half as much
again as this special price. There are all sizes in the newest and most
wanted stripes and colors. ... .
Athletic Union Suits $1.15 to $1.65
These are splendid crystal cloth satin striped and corded madras as
well as self figured suits and if you have been buying athletic union
suits this summer you will know they are worth considerably more.
Well cut and well made. All sizes.' - ' - - - - :
. ...
Silk, Flannel Shirts-Cleanup $2.95, J;
A cleanup sale of fine silk, madras, fiber silk and Viyella flannel -
shirts and some atl-silk shirts. Assortments are broken and while '"
there are not all vises in each kind, all sizes will Toe found in the lot.
Many of these shirts are worth almost double the sale price!
Last Day of the
New Ties
These are In new beauti
ful colorings and patterns
designs that will please the
Sost fastidious dressers,
eautiful ombres, jacquard.
polka dot and figured effects.
Sox Special
These . are the popular
"Notaseme" box " that the
most -tender feet will find
comfortable. You'll appre
ciate them. - especially thene
warnyeummer days. AU si:
in black and colors.
Thousand of Fine "Onyx? Sox at Less Than Present Worth
Hundreds and hundreds of the'
finest grade fiber silk and silk
'lisle sox of a quality you would
never expect to find at this low
. price. Perfect quality all wanted -
colors and sizes. - . - ,
- : . .- 0 .. - -. ' '
Men's Store, Just Inside the Washington Street Entrance, , Lipman, Wolfe
High grade mercerized lisle
sox in a quality that we have
not been able to procure to sell
at at much higher price. All
sizes in the most wanted col
ors. . Perfect. .
This group offers a moat re
markable stock we have been able
to present in a long time. Think
of buying pure thread silk end
fine French lisles at this price.
All sizes. r. . c
eV Co.
C B a la Spirite Sport Corsets $1.50
Delightfully cool corsets for midsummer wearing.. They, are made
of net lightly boned, in low and medium low bust style with elastic,
at waist Vine. Hips and back are medium long. AU sizes. ". -
Bandeaux of Mesh at 65c
Bandeaux of all sizes in open front and. open back style, made of
elastic. There are 'all sizes in this group.
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe A Co.
. Officers' ' Regulation Bedding
Rolls Greatly- Reduced, $ 14.45
Waterproof canvas rolls that Include. a flexible hair mattress and
can be rolled into a small compact space are most convenient to
carry on hikes and automobUe trips. '
... These are the regulation army officers rolls and you will recog
nize them as being altogether out of the ordinary and unusual at
this special price. Very limited quantity the reason for. the sale.
. k . . . - Fifth Floor, Lipman. Wolfe & Co.
, . Pique Vests 95c
Smartly- tailored . collarless
pique vests, pin tucked and
hand embroidered.' Some hem- .
Btitched. others with white
.pearl buttons. All very spe
cial. " "
A Clearance of Neckwear at 95c ; o: i '
Included in thin group are tan collars, vestees. fichus, colored
and white organdie collars, net vestees, atln and georgette collars.
These have been selling for considerably more and are reduced be
cause assortments are broken. v V - ;
' Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe ft Co. v j - ? ' -.
Colored Neckwear 45c
' A special clean up of colored
linen and organdie collars and
some'- separate ' cuffs. - There
. are round pleated collars in
dainty shades and styles. :
the Last Day
of the Great Sale of
Utilities Be Sure and Come!
Where You Spend the Least and Get the Most for it"
1 200 Pairs Tricot Silk Gloves
''Seconds" From a Good Maker
Exceptional gloves at this very low price seconds given to us at a price con
cession by m. well known maker who will not permit his name to be used.
These are good tricot silk gloves in two-clasp style, in grey, brown, mastic,
navy and pongee. Tou will do well to Invest in several pairs because they are
extraordinary at the price.
Economy Basement. Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Newj Crepe de Chine Waists Good Weight
New Styles Special at $4.25
Tou have only to read a commercial paper giving market quota
- tions to learn the price of raw silk. Tou will find it Close to 100
, per cent higher than six months ago and stilt the price is rising.
- Tou will Instantly appreciate, under such conditions, that a sale
of crepe de chine -waists Is unusual at $4.25 especially when you
see the good firm quality of this material. '
j ' The styles are excellent the tailoring good, the colors the newest
and after this lot is exhausted the price wilt be considerally higher.
Economy Basement, Lipman, Wolfe it Co.
Fine Percale and Madras SKirts
-; Shirts of Inferior Quality to These Are
Offered . Elsewhere at 40 More :
Convince yourself that this Is an unusuat offer by shopping around on shirts.
Then you will come here and buy a half dozen, at least.
These are good quality percales and madras with soft or laundered cuffs in
patterns and colorings to suit every taste. Air sizes 14 to 17. .-;-.. ,;.
t ; - : .'. i ' I ' . " Economy Basement. Lipman. Wolfe V Co. .' '
Going Away?
Then You
Will Want
The kind of luggage that wtll
make traveling a double pleas
ure because it will add so much
to the comfort of the trip. We
have luggage of all kinds and
you will find , - - y
Mendel Dustproof
Wardrobe Trunks
here only in Portland. These
are the wardrobe trunks that
range In size from the regula
tion steamer to a large double
special trunk all of them spe
cially constructed, all of them
Luggage is here at all prices
from 1.00 to 160.
s Fifth Floor,
Lipman, Wolfe tt Co.