22 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY. JULY 13." . Finances Industry and Enterprise Edited by Joe H. Jordan FARM LOAN BANKS PROVE WORTH TO FINANCIAL WORLD System Has Now Taken Its Place as One of Greatest; Has About ; Fortieth:, of AH Farm -Loans. OLD MORTGAGES PAID OFF B ut Considerable of Money Has Been Used for Permanent Im- provements and New Machinery The federal farm loan system has during. the past-two years taken its place among the great .financial sys termsof the world. It now has on Ha books about one fortieth of all the farm loans in the United States, and because ft offers an opportunity for making loans on a differential basis giving longer time and providing for gradual, payment it has proved a valuable thing for the farmers in most parts of the country. For months during the war it offered the farmers an opportunity 'for making loans, when many of the other great farm loan agencies were not in posi tion to make loans except in a very limited way. It may be taken for granted, therefore, that it has helped -keep down interest rates, not only for the:farmers actually using it, but . to most other farmers. ADVANTAGES ARE SHOWW The question has often been-asked as to what use the farmers are making of - the money borrowed through the federal farm loan system. Most people thought that about the only use made of it was to pay; off old mortgages. Some people have said that it did not do the farmer or the country much, good merely to shift 1 mortgages over from one money loaning system to another, that not much is ac complished for the country by putting the ' federal - farm loan system in the place of the old-fashioned mortgagee. There are - many good arguments on ' the-other side. The farmer who has - been paying a high rate Of interest and carrying the load, not only of the high - rate of - interest, but the commissions - and second mortgages for commissions and at the same time facing the possi ; ble demand on him for a payment of the whole ' mortgage .In five years or any other shorter period, is. likely to think . that it helps agriculture a great deal so far as he Is concerned, when his load is made lighter and the payment of the mortgage provided for In an annual charge of 1 per cent on the loan 'with the privilege of payment in whole or In part at any time after five years. Under - such circumstances he is able to farm , with "more 'confidence, with more ease, v with -more comfort, and he can use what money- he can raise from year to year iii developing his business. The fact Is that nothing is better for the country than the refunding ot every outstanding mortgage debt on long time, easy terms sucn as are offered by the federal farm loan system. ' -IMPEOtEMEJTTS ALSO MADE 1 But, , as a matter of fact, the farmers are . not using all the money for the , payment of outstanding mortgages.. The federal farm loan bureau, has recently : made a computation covering about fUO.rtOO.OOO of the more than f212.000.000 in 'loans already made,' for. the purpose of, finding .out how much of the money borrowed ; was used in paying j off old mortgages. ' The result shows that out of very $100 borrowed through this system f 38 was used for other things than" pay ing off . old. mortgages. y In the district covered by the .Wichita bank. 947 out of every f 100 was used for the development of the farm, through ? such : things as fencing, buildings, livestock, machinery, etc, and $53 for paying off old mort gages. In the Omaha district. $54 out of every $100 was used for paying off old mortgages and' $46 for development of the farm. , ' LOCAL SECURITIES Bid. oe.po Falling in Exchange Blamed to Bankers London. July H. Explanation of the falling of the sterling 'exchange, offered by an American business man .today, wau that it is due to a ring of American bankers "manipulating from New York with extensive' blocks of British credit. A further dro In the sterling exchange Is generally looked for.: pacific Coast bask statement i... . : Portland Bank -. Clearings Thltweek. Yor Ago. Monday ...,. . 884,049.75 .$ 4.4ff2.760.ft0 Twsdsy .... 6.2O2.820.H2 4.408.47S.2W VednUj . 8.91 3.364. 7 2.821. 18.1 Thursday ,. 4,277.048.81 . 4.582,012.03 Friday ..... 4,720.030.81 2.081.30S.a3 " .' , . Tseoma Bank V':' ttsrinc Friday 1 . . . . . a . . S8S.070.00 Balance Friday ....... . 81.044.00 Spekant - Senas -' Ckaiinri Friday , l.!3.57.00 Haisnces Friday; ...... 684.841,00 Seattle Bank Clearing Friday ,....,......$ 6.811.945.00 Balances Friday ..........,.,. 1.870.880.00 San Francisco Banks Cfcrins Friday .$28,207,289.00 Lea Anseiet Bank Clearing Friday j $ 8.844,521.00 Public Utility Corporations - Korthweatem fclactric, ptd. saocs ..... Common stock .SlS- Bonds, 1st Mta- Ca. dna 19 so ..... Ore. Klectric Ky. bonds, 1st Mts-- -Ca dne 1038 u.;... 76 OO Am. P. U. ptd. stock. , 74 OO Common stock ........ ... . 73.00 - rtntinna on common stock . . S.OO Fee. P-A U. TUf Vt&- stock, ; , Bonds. 1st and ret 6a. due 1980 . . . . Port: G. . bonds afr 8a. dus 1951 port G-. A C, 7 & ptd. stock. - Bonds, 1st and ret. 6s. doe 1940 ......... . . . . . Pac. TeL v Tel..: pfd. stock. . Common stock . . 4- - - ' Bonds. 1st sad ref. Oa, 1930. P. R., U a F. common stock. . Bonds. 1st ana rei. us. 1942 . ... . .... ... . By., 1st ana ret.. Ask. $84.00 19.60 f 97.00 '- 7S.ee Z 78.0 1 76.00 1 1.00 100.00 86.00 90.00 99.ee 96.00 85.00 88.79 28.00 91.50 6.00 65. 25 100.00 200.00 . 90.00 ; 90.00 92.66 8.00 t : I r 70.00 Bonds. P. . loan Bonds. W. V. So. lt 0s. due 1930 ; . ............ ' Bonds. Urn. Elec. 1st 5. das 1935 . ..... ... . ' Pac. O. A EL &. F.J. 1st pfd. . stock - Bonds, sen. ref. 6a. due 1942 Common stock ............ Bonds. Cai, ii. A JEL ufy. 5a, IflST -"-at e . - i Bank 6hars .. Bank of CalifornU. ......... $1 89.00 70.00 ; 75.00 82.00 89.60 86.00 64.67 92.67 Citizens bank Canadian Bank ot Hibernia Bavincs ........... First National ............ Iadd it. Tilton Northwestern National . . . . , . State Bank of Portland . . . . United States National ...... Mitcel Ian sous Sacurittas Aril n Eton club bonds, 6s. duo 1934 . . . . ............. M. A. A. -C bonds. 6s. due 103O .-. ..i.s . . ". t TJnirersity ciub bonds, 6s. da 1933 Waverley C C bonds. 6s, due 1932 180.00 205.00 17 S. 00 195.0ft 300.00 185.00 176.00 800.00 65.00 91.00 60.00 95.00 " 89.75 92.75 iib'66 jf i s66!66 89.00 83.00 60.00 97.00 Atlas Powder Dividend The regular quarterly dividend of IVi per cent on preferred capital stock of the Atlas powder company has been declared payable August 1. 1919, to stockholders of ..record at the close of business on Saturday, July 19, 191t. !llill!lilliltllilllllllll!i!llllilil!l!illillllliillllllill!il Have you payments or re mittances to make abroad? Fluctuations in the Foreign Ex change market have been very great. In order that we may serve our customers to the best advantage, we make it our busi ness to keep posted by wire of the conditions of; the New York money market, on which Portland rates are based.. . - We invite inquiries as to your needs.in Foreign Exchange, and call your attention to the fact that prompt advices of a low market often mean a saving to our customer. First National Bank, Portland, Ore. Fifth and Stark--Streets lllllillilillllllli GERMAN DECLARES ONE HELP NEEDED BY HIS COUNTRY MATERIALS Raw Products, Particularly Cop per, Are Asked For; Loans ; for Credits Requested By' Carl B. Great BerUn, July IT. (Delayed.) XJ. P.) Germany wants loans for credits from America .:.".. .. Director Wasserman of the Deutsche bank made this clear' today in an in terview in which He pointed out that raw materials and food were essential if Germany was to meet the obligations of the entente and become a stable mem ber of world society. , German bankers would not make over tures to the Americans. Wasserman said, as they did not know whom to ap proach, but would wait for - American financiers to renew relations. There is only one - way Germany can be helped at this time," he said. "It she can' get i copper and . other raw materials on credit,-, then she can begin the task of building up her country and repaying ber j debts. We would . want credit for as long a time- as was re quired to produce manufactured gooda With the proceeds - from half or Ave eighth of the raw material thus manu factured. X - believe we could repay our credits." - Herr Wasserman emphasised the ad visability of the entente and America taking steps by which the value of the German mark could be .stabilised for a year-;- or two. ' v r - : Wasserman. who la one ot Germany's leading financiers, is ' also a close i fol lower of political and social affairs. I asked him. Incidentally, what he thought of the socialisation -of Germany. . . TFront-thf' political ' standpoint It is purely an internal ; questien. he an swered, "hiit from an economic course it interests foreign nationa I - believe Socialist political control ? could be ac compllsbed. but as for actual and com plete industrial socializing there is no chance at present. That will be a prci cess of evolution, r You can't force So cialism on a whole nation at one stroke. X. "I do believe that if .Germany were socialized, other countries would - not deal with her. But America and the other powers need , have no cause for iworry from that standpoint." V, . Brjan Is to Speak ; , Castlerock, Wash;. July 18. The Castlerock Chautauqua . . will be beld July 25 to 20.- W. J, Bryan Is scheduled to speak July 27. t - . f CLARK, KENDALL S CO. , INCORPORATED WITH CAPITAL: OF 5100,000 Walter ' Kendall ; Becomes Presi dent, Willis K. Clark Drop- ; . ping Out of Concern, i . Articles of incorporation have; been filed for Clark. Kendall . & Co.. Inc. dealers In government, municipal and corporation bonds, resulting from a re organization of the firm of Clark. Ken dall it Co.. hitherto operating as a co partnershlp. r The corporation will con duct its business in the. present Quar ters at Fifth and Stark streets. . The company - is - incorporated with a capital of . $100,000. fully paid. ' The di rectors are Walter Kendall. Ralph W. Wilbur, Claude D. SUrr, H. M. Dooly Jr., all of Portland, and Edgar C. Riebe, president of the Import Chemical com pany. New York city. The officers are Walter' Kendall, president :.tEdgar - C. Ritbe. vice president ; R. M. Dooly Jr., secretary and treasurer : Alan Green, assistant secretary. v -; WISH K. Clark and - Walter Kendall j formed the co-partnership of Clark. Ken dall Co. In February, 1916, with of-! flees in the Northwestern Bank building. The firm .was successful ; from : its In- cepUon and It's business grew - to - such an. extent thai it wai-necessary to have larger quarters nd In April ' of this year the business was removed to the present ground s floor location In the heart f Portland's financial district. The firm has dealt largely in the pur chase and .sale of . Oregon and Idaho municipal bonds and has also" been ac tive tn participating in Issues of securi ties .brought: out by eastern syndicate. As -correspondents of Spencer Trask A Co. of New York and Chicago it has been in a position to offer to local Investors a large variety of : attractive Industrial and corporation bonds. The firm also represents the Mortgage-Bond company of New York, and as its' agent has loaned a large amount, of money on the -best clasn of Improved Portland real estate. i WUlis K, Clark will not be identified with the - new corporation" because. .of other business connections now pending, ! "I feel certain." said Mr. Clark, "that with.' its strong financial backing and capable personnel, the men who wni di rect the affairs of Clark. Kendall &. Co., Inc will be In a position to render the sama efficient service to Us clients that our firm has always rendered, and that the new corporation succeeds the part nership with every, promise of conUnued success." - Ralph Schneeloch. who has been with Clark. Kendall ft Co. since December, 191, and a partner since August, -1917, has. with associates, crganlsed the P.alph Schneeloch. company with offices In the L,umbermens building, v The plans of the Ralph Schneeloch company contem plate ultimately a general bond business. The immediate future, however, presents such a large field in both municipal and' corporal Ion finance that It expects to devote itself at this time more- par ticularly to , that work The direction and guidance of municipalities and cor porations in connection with , their financing, and the formation of syndi cates for the underwriting of Issue, is the particular line of work with which Mr. Schneeloch has been identified and to which In the new 'organisation he will be able more largely to devote himself. i . LIBERTY BOND SALES tlbsrtr bood clod! ths- Kssr Tare Bsturdsj.'. . . Uondsy. ... . . . rtwdsr . . . . d' sdmsdsj. . . Thnrdy . ... Frldsy. .. . . . stts .S3 89.82 B8.2S 99. 2S . 09.34 99. 4 lit 4s 94 00 S8.R0 04. 00 S.00 93.94 93.00 2d 4s 0B.4S 93.40 9S.40 A3. 40 03.32 Bstsst at fellowlnt pries. -l.t4Hs td4Hs 3d 4 Us 4th 4 Us i 04 94.00 93.0S 95.0O . os.oe 03.00 04.10 S4.04 04.02 84 00 83.02 03.03 88.00 03.02 04.0S 84.0H 04.00 04.04 04.10 04 OS os.ee 03.00 08.92 88.74 - Vie tori 8 It s 4t 100.03 1O0 02 100.03 100.00 100.no 1A0.00 sees 90.BH 80. 9S 09.00 99.9 eo.ee Fourteen Points of the Bond Business No. 14 There Was a Time When it seemed necessary to go east for money as large amounts of capital were needed to develop the industries or the resources of the west. Since the incorporation of trust companies and investment banking institutions, however,' a way has been provided to finance western institutions and develop western lands with western money. Every loyal-hearted westerner should feel thankful that this Yransitipn has taken place.1 The people of the west now know that they can finance themselves, thus KEEPING MONEY AT HOME. Today the bond issues which are intrusted to local investment insti tutions for financing, work; a treble benefit: home capital is put to a useful and productive purpose, the interest as well as the principal is kept at home and the needed development of the west is brought aoout. . . Furthermore, western people know conditions in the west better . A.t t. Tm m .... uidn.anvonc eise. jnereiore thiv ar hct nu ;.,a r- and soundness of securities based upon western cities. western land, ' western 'resources. " -, , ' ' ' ' - , . . - ' " ' ' ' - Let'g .Help Ourgelves by Helping the West Lumbermens trust Company Lumbermen BuUdlng ' ' ' ,y Fifth and Stark h Half Million in Capital Hundred Thousand in Surplus Tclx Exempt in California $6,000,000 Exempt from Federal Normal Income Tax Goodly ear u7?(rJo Cumulative - U Preferred Stock Par Value of Shares $100 8b, RiuiEl&eir Califbrhii Full PakJ . Non- inem Dividends payable quarterly on January,' April, July and October 1 U i Redeemable as a whole only at 105 during firtt five years and . . thereafter at ; 1 10 and accumulated dividends. . . Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bank, Registrar; A letter from President F. A. Seiberling Dear Sirs: i ' ' ' ' - v I take pleasure in giving you the following information regarding the GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA: - ' This Company; has been incorporated under the laws of the State of California to manufacture and sell automobile; truck and motorcycle tires and tubes," tire accessories andf repair materials, aero-, nautic supplies and mechanical rubber goods. ' , The established business of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (of Akron, Ohio) in the States of California. Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana. Utah, Nevada, Wyoming; Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico and Hawaii is being turned over to it. ' ;'(, li . The sales in this territory in the year ' endingXctober 31; 1918, amounted to $1305,619.71. One new corporation, therefore, commences with a large business and a valuable good wilL y ! Capitalization ' - The Captital Stock of the Goodyear Tire a Robber Company of California will-be authorized sad out standing ss follows: . Preferred Stock, Aataris4 ww t b isrfa 7 CumuUtiTe.$ 10.000.000 $6,000,000 Common Stock... $1 0.000.000 $3,000,000 Tbs S4.aes.ftee of prefsrrsd stock rsmalalas; earn enir be issuea vnaer special resineuona Purpose of Issue of Preferred Stock The proceeds of the! $8,000,000 preferred, stockv tc Cether with $3,000,000 cuh to be pai by the Akron Company as part consideration for the $3,000.v000 par value of common stock now to be issued, will be nsed to bnild a plant at Loe Anceles for the taana factnre of tires ' and : other 'rubber products hereto fore manufactured by the Akron Company, and for working capital. j- f S- Description of Plant . The parent Interests of the corporation have pur chased approximately 00 acres of land-tn the City of Los Angeles, consisting of the Ascot : Park and adjoining terrltoryi.v Ample area; fort" factory pur poses will be conreyed to the Company and. the re mainder devoted to usee allied to Its business. The tire factory wilt have a capacity of 2000 tires a day and will employ approximately 2500 operaUvea. jS ' PatenU-,' .The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of Callfor , nla will, in Its manufacturing business, en joy the -use of the identical ; patents, -formulas, and - trade marks used by the Akron Company and nnder ths same terms and conditions as the Akron Company. lousiness That the talue of the business turned over to the California Company by the Akron Company is very great, is demonstrated by .the sales In that territory for the past nine years. . These sales were for the years ending October! 31st. as follows: 1910 .:............$ 186,700.00 1911 1912 w. 1913 1914-.....:.. 1915 19161 ; 1917 573.879.44 1.324.605.41 , 2.520.007.93 2.837.655.30 3.517.146.46 6.449,121.84 12.467.862.70 1305.619.71 1918 L ..... . " Owing to war restrictions, limiting" production, the Increase of 1918 over 1917. was much less than if conditions bad been normal. Ths above figures do not include any export business. . Earnings Pending the completion of the California plant, ths Akron Company will supply, the California Company with goods at wholesale. - The net' profit to "be de rived from the distribution of these goods by ths California Company, based on last year's sales. Is estimated to be over three times the dividend re quirements on this issue of preferred! stock. When the California plant is completed there will be added to this the manufacturing profit which now goes to the Akron Company.- ',.-::.,. Future Prospects r The California plant is being built because of the Inability of the Akron Company to keep pace with the .constantly, increasing demand in" the : territory hereafter to be served by the California Company. - Preferred Stock Safeguards By the Articlee of Incorporation the nature and extent of the preference granted the preferred stock is established as follows: ; ' - , The stock Is non-assessable. Dividends at the rate f 7 per annum are camulatrre from the aate of In the event ef dissolution of the eerporatlon- and ; the distribution of its aasota the prefsrred stook must be retired In full with cumulative dividends be fore the common stock recelvee anything. The holders of the common stock or the corporation may redeem the preferred stock In whole, but' not In part, at any time within fivo (S) years at let end ac crued dividends and at any time after, five years at 110 and accrued dlvldenda Until alt of tho prfsrred stock shall have been re deemed, said cerpoiatloa shall not have the power. without the afflrraatlve veto or written consant of. the holders of record of at least three-fourths In imoant 'of the then outstanding preferred stock. (1) to create any lln upon said corporation's 'roar or pareonal property, tncludiaa stock and aoeorltloa. or any part thereof, for the purposs of Securing. an-leeee of beads or debentures, or lUte. obligations; 2 to create eny snortgage upon eald corporation's' real property, or any part thereof, or (I) to create any unsecured In debtedness fnaturlnjr later than one year from the date of issue except that ' this third clause shall net apply to or bo deemod to include obltgatlono elves for bank credite or other forme of commercial bor rowing.1 . .-. -. -- -..-.. .. 4.- r--: The net aeeetsthat Is the total assets, lees all In debtedness, shall aot at any time be less than one and one-half timee the amoant of the par value of tho outstandlnsr preferred stock, r The $4. 000,080 par value, of the preferred stock au thorised, but not yet issued,' may be issued -at the pleasure - of the Board , ef Directors of the corpora tion, provided that at do time shall the Common Stock of the corporation outstanding, and for which the corporation haa received not leas than par In cash, be less than on share for each two eharee ef the Pre ferred issued and then to be issued. . Management ernla corporation e f firetors. tho. mi business and acnoral policy will be Identical with that .ef tho Akron Company. v:- 4 . tbs Bosra ee at present eonstltuted Includes Messrs. Harry. Chandler, President Times Publishing Co. ? J.- C. Drake, President, Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bank) H. W. Chfelveny. Attorney; Lee -Phillips, Vice-President Pacific Mutual Ltfo Insurance Co.: J. P. SartorL Presidont Security Trust and Savlnars Ban v. Application will bo made to list the prof erred stock ef the Ooodrear Tire dc Rubber Company ef Califor nia en the San Francisco Stock and Bend Exchange and the Los Anseles Stock Exchange. While the California corporation will operate under us own oosra uirtcrers. u. minsftmssl of Itl Send for circular giving further details, including comparative balance sheet and earnings statement. Price $100 per Share Cyrus Peirce & Company . E. H. Rollins & Sons . Sava Francisco, Los Angeles 411 U. S: Nafl Bank Bidff., Portland San Francisco. Los Angeles, Denver 3t1I Stetomeete herein are official or are based on f nformattea which we retard svs reliable., and while w do not guarantee them, we believe them to be corjwb ,