20 THE OREGON DAILY: JOURNAL, V P ORTLAND,';"', FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1013. SITUATIONS MAIK JitOKKEEPEB with general office experience m lumper ouuieas m . cipen lor position. K-oz, jontmu . CARPENTER and repair work of .ail kinds; KTf maae. isoor 37V. SITUATIONS FEMALE . WANTED To care for baby from 1 to - years; respectable borne,. OUT : Woodstock I'f., eotb at. HOUSEKEEPER, capable of taking f ulV chare of refined home. B-248. Journal. UNINCUMBERED, nut, middieeged lady, alooe. ' " wishes position as housekeeper. -SI, Journal. FIRST' CLASS pautry woman: refsnnc. - y 29. JonrasL ' - -'-; DREMMAxnra ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladTss garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed. J. Reubin, La4iea' Tailor, 408 Bush as Lane .EXPERIENCED nurse, beat of references; ra - temity ease preferred. Phone East 8668. PRACTICAL nura. mm hospital training, ready ! for ease; confinement preferred. Mrt jaaa. ' FUK5ISHED BOOMS 7Bo 1KI) 61 A DAT. 82.73 a week and up . lane nuteide. comfortable, clean rooms: baths , fr; water always hot. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. HART APARTMENTS AND LAUREL ' ... HOTEL - Newly furnished,' modern housekeeping and sleep ing rooms, S2.SO up. Second and - Tsmnui. BOOM ami board, home cooking. '.. Special ratea to ermples. - Trswdent meal. -26118UI st HOTEL SARGENT, Hawthorne snd Grand. , r Starting point pedal car for "Vancouver. - EUBNISHED BOOMS PBIVATE' FAMILY - 70 PHONE EAST 8880 to see nice room, with break fait privileges for X or 3 la die; 6 min ute oat and reasonable. - - - "r - UOOEB.X. la rare room, walking distance; a man In business. Phone Main 1721. prefer "A NICE Urge fronjt roon, suitable for cither 1 or 2 persons; men preferred. Main 8741. NEAT furnished room in private1 family; veny ' reasonable. Phone) Broadway 1560. ' ICELY furnished room, raall family; lady preferred. 1008 Clinton t Sellwood 42. NEWLY furnished room, cloas to car; walking distance. 847 Grand are. BOOMS ANP BOABP 16 THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 10th. for business girl and students. Marhall 1851. THE HAZEL Excellent (able, apecial ratea to .. oonplee, itd and Montgomery. - BOOMS AND BOABP PRIVATE FAMILY 78 , LADT wants children, front 8 to 12 years, to board, roora and car for; good home and fin 1 play ground. 1804 K. Taylor at. , BOOM and' board, just like homo and mother. Phone KatZ4 FRIVATK home for children. 805 Halsey at., near Union art. Phone East 2446. - HOrSKKEEPIJfO BOOMS 8 FTJRNISHEPANP IJNFUBNISHEP NEAT. clean H. K. rooms, with everything fur- " niahed; 812.60 per month: sensible working 'man preferred; close in -on west side and easy walking distance. Del Monte. 187 Stout at., near 20th and Wash. - - 83.80 PER WEEK UP; comfortably , famished housekeeping room, every convenience, hot water at ill hours; suites, 84 op; cars carfare. The Cadillac. 8d near Jefferson. .8 FURNISHED "housekeeping rooms 3 IS. Call Woodlawn 2062. S FURNISHED H. K. room 4, 88; single rooms, complete, 82 no. 372 H Hswthoroc are, TRUNKS DELIVERED IN POWNTUWN DIS TRICT FOR 25 CENTS. PHONE E. 6484. , HOUSEKEEmO ROOMS 78 FTJRSISHEPANP UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY ' 820 THREE clean housekeeping rooms; 1st floor; private entrance, porches, lights, store, gas, nicely located ; yard ; adults. Also fnrnisbed hoasekeeping room on 2d floor, suitable for man or woman; walking distance. 564 K. 6th at. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, light and gas. Call after 5 p.- m. 508 tt Hawthorne. Phone , East 6834. ' ' - . 3 ROOMS, well furnished for housekeeping, in eluding light, phone, gaa, 815 per month. 682 E. Taylor. . i A. "SUITE of 2 room, with gas range; comfort ably furnished. Phone Marshall 8704. ', HOUSEKEEPING , room. 1 or 2 people, em ployed; home priTileges, 62 W. 21st st. TWO front noma, also single rooms and sleep . ing porch room. 655 Flanders. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, large yard and tree, half baement. Tall East B097. TWO furnished It. ,K. rooms, 36S Halsey it. .FOR BE NY HOUSES - UNFURNISHED IS f 1 ROOM bouse, strictly modern; will lease for 1 . year or longer Bee cwner from 1 p. m. to 4 P. ra. Address 525 47th at. N., take Rose 1 City car; near Sandy; rent 183 per month. : BEFORE' moving get our pricej 10 days free storage. - East - Burnside Transfer Co. - Daily trips to St. Johns and Monta villa. Phone East 5870, residence Columbia 944 - $35 6-ROOM house, g, electricity, furnace, 2 toilets, wash trays; east side, close in; no boys wader 16. Inquire 880 Kerby. - . WHEN YOU MOVE, USE NORTH WESTERN ELECT RIO LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and Washington. - Broadway 680, FOR BALE Furniture of 5 room, modern house, , in good Condition ; house rents , reasonable. sas Knott at. MAIN 121 Local and loiat dutanee A-7261T Let our auto trucks sura s-:u. Green Transft Co.!262 H Alder st. FOR RENT 8 -room modern bouse. ' Call 287 E. Second at. N. - ; 8 ROOM house. 6 -minutes' walk east Lents , J one t ion. Atkochnnas' place. - S-RQOJI house. 5 minutes' walk east . Lents junction. - At Koehunas place. 6 -ROOM modem bungalow. 825 monthly; adults . only. Tabor 8964, after 7 p. m. , ? FOR RENT Clean 4 room cottage. Just right inr g or a persons.- -eoa n. irant et. ROOMING house, with stores; 7 room house. 4 mom, with sanitary ham. East 5222. tec dfvp unrora COLB RENTAL AOCY.. 218 Lnmbermens bldg. I i HOUSES FOB RENT FJJBITITUBE FOB SALE g : FOR SALE Furniture of 5 rooms, JTSO; ' ..rent paid to 9th of Aug. 15 W. Colfax St., Mississippi car to Ainsworth. near Ockley Green achooL ' - - .. - . . FUBNISHEB HOUSES 86 FURNISHED 4 room flat, close in, $20 per month, light included. Hall. 211 Wash, st. : HOUSE for rent, furnished; some garden. 442 K.' Sherman corner 7th. -Sellwood 1088. FLATS TO BENT, UNFUBNISHEP 18 EXTRA LARGE FLAT of three rooms and bath; new, light and slry; 325. lou will have to see It to. appreciate it. at 1528 H East Chsan. Phone Tabor 8878. FIRST CI ASS 6 room .flat, 654 E. Alder st.; ' - rent nd water 325.60 a month. Phone East 8116 -be i inquire ot A.. Tlrarlow, with Powers INirulture Co.. 3d' and Yamhill sts. ROOMS, bath, gas. electric . lights, screens; upper flat; on Fulton earline. west side, 12 , minutes' out; 816 r water free. 1295 Oorbett. kODERN 5 room lower fist, furnace, fireplace; , Dutch kitchen, etc East 19th and Davis, .East 3883. - THREE unfurnished rooms for rent, near .US'. Phone East 4989. FPBNISHEP FLATS 69 3 ROOMS and private bath rent 323.50; 2 , rrmrn. and private bath 820 net month, near Woodlawn and Vancouver ears. Phone East 4267 - mornings. -s,ak stupvards, 4-room convenient flat, com plete, including gas for cooking. 822.50 per M.M,.K fli, A U. . MAM SMALL furnished flat with bath. . as srTd . Vleetricity; very pleasant, on cariine. AdttlU eonlr.--6141 48th eve. B, g. ,. .,. 4 ROOM upper flat on cut side, 312 per mo. Sell. 128. - . -APARTMENTS FOB BENT 48 "THE STANFIELD' f -' 204 Porter St. - Shipyards. 2 room apt., completely furnished. mmiinum- riionv nam covi. KlCELY furnished 2 room apartment. 828 per monui; no extra charge far private phone and lights. Main 1377. Lincoln Apt.. 4th and Lin eolu sts. . - "' - ONE,-two arid three room furnished apartments: no-objection te children; rent, 318. 316 and 820. repctivrly. 2 Htll it' "room" and 2 room, apt. on west side. Sell- ' wood 128. " - - ... , , COMFORTABLE 3 room apt,- lights, gaa. fuelT nwajftrnwR. -NEW TORK apt, E. Belmuut and 7th. Phone East 238. . s" SUMMER RESORTS t - BEACH CENTER. WASH.: 0 room furnished house; also 2 mora furnished house, for month of Angust.. Call -Seltwood 648. ' L1,HT heuwkeeping. Ocean Crest apartment 1 block from eb: rates reasonable. Rock awa Beach. 86 LONG BEACH NORTH BEACH INS Dfraetly fusing Ocean. Surf bathing. - Large hady grounds. Rooms 81-50 day and "P- ircve: UAtrava ,tt Ka - sm. land. Mar. 2S09. Box 11, Long Beach. Wash? CAMP sites sow aeaOabl at Colombia beach. " ratea from 87 to 612 per month including elec tric light and wood. 8e Mr. Holmes at the Beach. HOT fiPRrXGS HOTEL for aala b owner located along the North Bank highway - and Columbia -near;' terms. Phone or writ Is. Bamson, Sterenson, Wash. ' 1TAWTKP TO RKJfT We Want to List. nOTJSES. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. TP TOU ' HAVH - ANT VACANCIES, vwutsk, HEATH TOGETHER. CARE OJ" NORTHWEST STEEL CO.. MAIN 1193. . HAVH several client who want to rent farms for cash or shares. Bend ua your listing. "WATCH OUB ADS - WE GET RESULTS" A. O. BENDER t , RITTER. LOWE CO. - 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED to rent, -4 to 6 , room unfurnished flat or house on or before September 15, near Hill military academy, L. GuUlot, 638 E. Broadway WANTED to' rent by reliable party,' 3 in family. 4 or 5 room modern cottage, near earline. Please state rent and location when answering. B-250. Journal . .. -- - , WANTED To lease 6 or 7 room modern un . furnished ' house, in good neighborhood, at not more than 850. Call Main 60. WANT to rant a small tent for about 2 weeks. Call Tabor 8484. ' REAL ESTATE BEA CH PBOPEBTY ' 48 A BEACH HOME, now at Seaside, Or., at bean ttful "Cartwrigbt Park." at reduced prices; 825 to 8700; easy matallmenta, 6 per cent; soon to be connected by all-paved highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000 foot pier, will' make "Cartwright Park" one of the most attractive spots on Pacific) coast. Whit-sner-KeUy Co., 414 Pittock block, Portland. Oregon, or Inquire T. M. v Cole, agent. 423 Broadway, Seaside, Oregon. ' FOR SALE Small bungalow; lights, fireplace, water; close to beach and station;. Saltair, Tillamook beach. Jazz Bungalow, . Saltair, or 405 Gnpdnoogh bMg. - - CHOICE beach lot.- claaoio ridge beach. 876. Phone East 6t61. BUSINESS PBOPEBTY 66 STORE building and lot for sale, Lot 60x124 feet. Corner 44th and Belmont ats. Tabor -76. FOB SALE HOUSES 61 HAWTHORNE 33800 5 Booms Garage -Assts. Paid Folks, here is a real bargain. Five nice rooms with exceptionally' large - living '.room; furnace, fireplace. - bnlfet. 'cement . basement. fruit room, garage that just coat the owner over 8250.- Beautifully located on corner lot with all assts. paid. - This is -very close in. Owner needs larger house. Now hurry.; A. Qi tTEEPE CO. 264 SUrk st near Sd. Main 8092, Main 8516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. NEAR BENSON POLYTECHNIC ' 83000. COMPLETELY FURNISHED Beautiful . comer lot, nice lawn, fruit trees. garden and shrubbery; paved st. in and paid; good 6 room house, all snod oak furniture, in cluding fine piano; immediate possession can be bad; 5VQ cash, balance to suit. This U a big snap lor someone. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WAKRINER, RITTER, LOWE CO. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK 84000 A dandy new bungalow, nearly ready tor oceupancy; a room and beautiful breakfast room and large floored at tic : 2 beautiful built-inS, fireplace, . hdwd. , floors, nement basement . and ' double : constructed throughout. You . will be surprised bow easy you can buy this new home. J. A. WICKMAN CO., i 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. - Main 1094. PUT YOUR RENT MONEY In a new home instead of buying a handle of rent, reoelnts. llmh MniumutMl. ft imiM anit sleeping porcn, fireptace. hardwood floors, full casement, rumace. ouxiuu, magnincent view. ait street Improvements in. Westmoreland. 1447 E. 19th ei. " See owner and nhotneranha 82 nenry omg. , rne ssauo, liberal discount for CBMl, ROSE CITY PARK kungalow 8350 casn,T20 a month, 6Vs per cent;. 5 fine rooms, attic, full cement basement,-, laundry trays, fireplace, house- finished in egg-shell ivory throughout; paved street; all paid. This ia a genuine bar- asan. n-w. eormr on a ana Broadway. Owner, j soot torenoons. - ROSE CITT PARE . 8 ROOM BUNGALOW 33800 Attractive, welt built bungalow home: hard- wooa i toois tnrougnout; iirepiace, furnace, etc; reasonable terms. Let tn show you. A. G. TEEPE tO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 8092. Mala S516. Branch Office, 80th tnd Sandy. DO YOU WANT A SEVEN ROOM COMMODIOUS -MODERN BUNGALOW IN ' LAURELHURSTT Bas a very Urge living room. 1 See Mr. Brown at Laurelhurst Tract Office, East 89th and Glisan sts.. and get key for inspection. Ta bor 3433. Evenings Tabor 59. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN I ' " 82750 buys a dandy bungalow, near Jefferson high; convenient to Williams are., St. . Johns and Mise, ave. curs. If you want good buy in this district, look this over; easy terms. J. A. WICKMAN. CO., " , 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. 8300 ALBERTA 33150. 7 -room bungalow on paved street, facing east: full cement basement; modem plumbing; gas, electricity; rgnall ; -buffet paneled dining room; 2 blocks frfrni car; now vacant. EDWARD A. BRwWN CO. 808 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 2698. COUNCIL CRRRT HOME at boa, 3800 cash, 616- moinhly buys strictly modern 8-room house In this beautiful part of Portland, house ia double constructed ; , garsxe. fruit and berries. - Some snap, Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce - bldg. Open evenings. Sundays. - 82650 MODERN 8 ROOM BUNGALOW Sleeping porch, big attic, Dutch kitchen, fire place, builx-ins, good full basement, lowered with drain, laundry trays; furnace, garage; sewer in; no city liens; built for home; must have 81850 cash. Phone Tabor 2984. : BIG SNAP ..... LAURELHURST HOME 10 rooms finest location 4 years old. Cost 88500. Price- for quick, sale 56800. - By appt. only, 81000 cash. Mr. Delahunty, Main imv, evenings mk zvsg. ,ka t j r . . . J J White enamel bath, electric and gas; can move in a home for , 3500 cash. Sickness compels me to sell at once. See . W. A. WRIGHT. 417 Abington bldg. Sellwood 1855. Man 6988. 4-ROOM AND BATH, 32000 lOOxlOOT-" 17 bearing fmit trees, fine; garden; owner going east. A real bonvL- Pay $20 per month on balance.' Cement walk; close in; near ear. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. , 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6782. FOR1 SALE Neat 4 room bungalow; gas! water and Bghta. good garden, near river, 3 blocks - south and one west of Island station, Oregon City cariine. S 100. all or part cash. Mrs. N. Lilly, Milwaukie. Or $700. Terms. $200 Down 312.50 PER MONTH. INCLUDING- INTEREST 8 ROOM HOUSE OSCAR ALDERTON. 1963 E. YAMHILL 8T. - - WHY NOT BUILD T - Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost. We build anything; tvraiah the money if desired, L. R. Bailey Co Is.e.. contracting architects. 924 N. W.-Banfc. GREAT bargain. 9 room modem house, 85x100 kjmw m, uaimfw suee, miwu, garaen, fruit; fine for large family, boarders er room ers. See owner at 422 Fremont street. 2 blocks WW US DORJn KTei S.VOAU w 1 I i . ' v wwua.Kww,. ,wi,inireu. nni w aaiage; beautiful comer. 5xl 00 r look - st this if you want a real bargain. 858 East 79th. st. N. Rose Ctty car. :' . -i .x-.: , -, ,-.:,: SUNNTSIDE 8 room bungalow, fireplare, . cement basement, wash trays, attic.' brick pillars. , terms.. 1111 E. Yamhill st. - v i . Wi . FOR SALE A nice 4 room bouse, bath, toi let and levator-.. Furnished if desired. Will rent August 1 if not , sold. J. J. Fisher. 417 A GOOD 4 room cottage, bath, toilet, base- .? ,r toJm' I corner; siaewaia in. street traded; all kinds of fruit and lowers. 8100 cash, balance 6 per cent-; Bouck. 110 10th st. 81600 8 ROOOM PLASTEREDHOUSE - Half block from GUsan, st f: aood basement, bath., toilet; sewer in et. ; no city- -Kens; must oe sora qnwtiy; snoo cash.- - Phone Tabor 2934 ltKAL bargain, S room tuodern, Rawthome di- FOR SALE 3 room bunealow, furnished; near Washington high and Recksuti schools. : 29 w. - j none ban 14S,- ..-.V-' . ' .. ""1. : : ; FINELY boat 7 -roots' brick -boose,'' furnished or tmfurnished: 50x100 loti near Jefferson high scliool; no agents. Woodlawn 692. 8-ROOM MODERN house and "bam. and5" acre of ground. ; Caii Sellwood 1450. 5 ROOM modern house; everything complete; cheap, 32600? good locality. Sl WincbeU. ROSE CITT PARK Fine 5 room bungalow at a. bargain. East 2838. v - . . j... SUMMER RESORTS REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 61 .$2950; $550 CASH ROSE CITY BUNGALOW time home, 5 room and sleeptag porch ; hard wood floors, fireplace, full, cement basement; In excellent shape; 60x100 lot. on E. 68th at., 2 blocks . from J Sandy bled; ; - Opportunity ts knocking nt your door. , ' , . -;' SEE WM. O. MURPHY. J , s; 1 1814 SANDY BLVD. - 5 i f . . THE PRETTIEST HOSfE ; L ROSE CITY PARK YouH ay this is the - handeomest bungalow you're eeen in Rose. City. ark Big riving room, extending clear across the'! front, dining room with solid mahogany buffet, oak floors, Dutch kitchen, furnace heat, splendid, fireplace, mahogany plate 'rail in dining- room, sU doors paneled In mahogany. French windows, old ivory finish throughout; bungalow garage to match. The price of this lovely. borne as 84200. with 81000 cash. COB A. McKENNA V CO., MAIN 4522. 82 . 4th St., Board of Trade bldg. Open evenings. . - 6 ROOM HOMBw LIKE NEW ' HERE IS A REAL GOOD BARGAIN -ONLY 8300 CASH 82450 ' WALKING DISTaANCE Near 10th and Beacon. . Has white enamel plumbing, full basement, laundry trays, electric and gas fixtures, paved streets and aewer paid, among chain homes, block Sellwood ear and scbooL Balance 316 monthly, 0 per cent interest. Main 4808. ' Q. C. O0LDENBERQ '. Abington BMg. 85 Years fa Portland. ALBERTA HOME BUY - - " '.-" . - 630OO 3600 CASH, s - - ' Seven rooms and recep. hall.?' 1 ledroom. toilet and lavatory down, 8 bedrooms, bath and toilet tip; fireplace, buffet, furnace, fall cement basement-, wash trays and wood lift: double constructed throughout and in perfect condition 50x100 lot, 1' block to Alberts, ear. only $500 cash required,' balance rent - terms of -839 month, including interest - . CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 6782. " ' ' LAURELHURST - 6 Booms and Sleeping PtTch $5250 f ,' Here, is one - of those real good looking super- attractive lAurelhtin-t homes, and it's in perfect condition. - too. . Hardwood floors. fl replace, bookcases, full cement , basement furnace; not an old house; finished in old ivory and white throughout-; : You would expect to pay over 36000. for is home like tht. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. - -264 SUrk at near Sd. Main 8092, Main 8516. Branch Office. 50th and Bandy. y BEAUTIFUL HAWT iTORNE HOME This is nice home, has oak floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, Dutch kitchen, furnace heat big living room. It has 7 -rooms and is built on the bungalow : style. --The price ia 84200, with 8800 down. We have found nothing better for this - prior : in the Hawthorne dis trict - CaB for auto, to show you. - Open .eve nings. - : A . . COS A. McKENNA A. CO., MAIN 4522. 62 4th st.. Board of Trad bldg. . . ' " , ROSE ffrfPARK . ' 5 ROOMS 38850 --. . .. Here is one of those 'real nifty bungalows; great big living room with hardwood floors 'in, living and dining rooms, fireplace,, buffet' Dutob kitchen with breakfast aloove. - cement "base ment, wash trays, large attic; street paving paid; 3500 cash will handle. Hurry! , i. v A- G. TEEPE CO.. : - T. 264 Stark st near 3d. Main 8092, Mala 8818. Branch Office, '60th and Bandy. - beautifui7"riverview .... v - LARGE, GROUND WEST SIDE Ground 100x150 and 10 room house, abund ance of fruit and shrubbery. Now vacant Price 33500. 3500 , cash will handle, balance easy monthly payments. C. A. WARRINEH. RITTER. LOWK eV CO. ' - 201-8-5-7 Board of Trad. bldg. BOSE ClTYTPARK $500 CASH We are anxious to a how you . this tvro-atory home of T rooms, big living room with fireplace, dining' room with buffet. Imtch. kitchen, full cement basement furnace, brick - fruit room, street paving pail . The price is 84000;' pay 3500 down and move right in. . Open evenings. COE A. McKENNA, CO.. MAIN 4522. 82 4th st. Board : of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY"-DISTRICT" BEAUTY Nifty 6 room bungalov! -hard wood floors, fire place, . built-in bookcases and buffet full cement basement, east front, full lot., garage. - nice lawn and shrubbery, 1 block from Sandy bird. Price I32i D. asy term a. let us shew you this, .t: C. A. .WARRINEH, - -RITTER. LOWE Y CO. - - 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg, " 81800 8500 cash and 820 per mo.. 8 room house; 75x100 corner lot; close to school and ear. mis is a rare saryaln. ' 82600-v Modem 5 room.- corner lot: a snap. "32500 cash for 33000 modem 5 room bun galow. . ? ; I " i .-i-i.'-' 82185 Modern 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Yon can make a profit off any of these buys. E. O. MAGOON. ,431 Cham, of Com. Bldg. 81850 BRAND NEW 81850 j .MOVE RIGHT IN ' "- Living room,, dining room, kitchen, bathroom and enclosed back porch, good basement comer lot Here is a little rdfty and -earv term. Take a look at The comer of lltn and JSmersoa. . : - C. A. WARRINEB, . '-BITTER, LOWE V CO. 201-8-5-7 Board oT Trade bldg. - $2000 100x100 FRUIT. GARDEN, ETC. 4 rooms, bath And toilet. 17 bearing trees, berries, fine garden. - r - - A REAL HOME - f - ' - Has ehickenhouse and large tent ' on place, cement walk, close In, 4 blks.. to Car;" 3400 cash, -pal. 820 per mo. s CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Exch, Bldg. -Main 6752. ,MT. TABOR BUNGALOW 33650 When you are sweltering with the beat -let -us shew you .this wonderfully cool bungalow of 6 rooms and bath. There - ia everything modem in the-- way . of - conveniences no improvements to as sume. Call us at once. r, J.'A. WICKMAN CO .. r ' ' - 204 By. Exch. Bldg. ' Main 1094. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. T j ROOMS, DUTCH KITCHEN. WOOD LIFT, FULL. CE MENT BASEMENT. ALSO ONE 234 -STORY HOUSE. ANYBODY - LOOKING FOR A BEAUTIFUL HOME '".WILL PROSPER BY CALLING WOODLAWN 2741. AS THE OWN ER MUST SELL AT SACRIFICE TO CLEAR SIUK't'UAUiS. WORKINGMAN'S HOME West side! large bouse, plastered. 4 rooms first floor, 3 rooms can be arranged on second floor, fun- lot, can get use of adjoining lots. House needs repairs. - Price 31100. 8200 cash. 315 per month; SLETTEN iS; JONES . ' Main 2558. 248 Stark St - MUST SELL; -- Small bouse on large corner lot 62 HxlOO feet; best location and neighborhood; not mod em. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price $1300. Will give some terms. Liberal dis count for cash. Owner, 6943 45th ave. S. E. Mt Scott car to 70th st, walk noTth 3 blocks. GOOD modem bungalow, 6 rooms down - stairs; large lioorea attic, large enough, for a rooms; full cement basement 2 fireplaces: lot 60x100; garage and fruit ; 10O feet from , streetcar. Price 930OO. terms. Call at 116 . 84th at. N. Take Mont villa-Depot car. - -? BUNGALOW 5 rooms, fireplace, beam ceiling, - Dutch kitchen, in while: big attic basement. laundry trays, garage, paved street all paid, for; PKDBia cac service; pteasaR surrounaings. 2V minute out; gzuov, ssoo easb, 820 month. 2090 E. Olisan st Tabor 854 forenoons. JUST,RIOHT.FORiTWO - A homey little cottage. 2 rooma and - attic, completely - furnished; has sewer connections, light, and gas; on paved stf only 81300, 8300 cash, baL like rent See it at 845 E. Stark st 4 FORCED SALE " Neat 8 room modem bungalow. Alberta, lot 50x100 ft, nice shade trees, near car. 81500, $250 cash, 320 mo.. 6 per cent v This is a real bargain; must be sold at once. ... B. M. QATEWOOP ex CO.,- 165 4th st v - PIEDMONT . , .. 83606 for 8 room house with fnmtce. fruit trees and garage.- Phono Woodlawn 6220 or see owner at 999 Borthwick before bouse, is rented again, about July 20. Terms. ' BY OWNER. 'r . , ... , . . 1 $500 . down and Tnonthl. nam.nt. , , 6 room bouse.- lot 60x1 0O, aU kind of fmit trees, - rose bushes and ahniblenr" in lltluin. addition. Phone Tabor 85S. - - - - -,- - - MODERN 5 room house, aleepinar norch. fire place,-beam ceilings. Dutch kitchen, full ne ment basement, wash trays. E. 79th at blocks to M-V ear; $2000.-3500 cash. Phone - $ 1 90SN AP $ 1 950 - i , Five room bungalow,' comer lot. ineaf Union to,' and Killingsworth: terms.' . . : i ! A. H. ACKERSON. HKNRY BLTJQ..' Mar. 4079 KeiltUal " 3-4 mnai bnnnln. 4mA MMMnl.. bargain, 246 Kilpatrick, 2H blocks west, of Kenton bank. - Owner- on ground. - -. - - 6 ROOOM mod m houJe, fruit. .rrie and fiwe garden. 60x200 lot half block to cariine. Will well cheap on account of poor bealih. , 713 FOR an investment': 60x100 lot improved with - 2 modem house. 6 and 4 rooms, respectively; cement garage, all S rented. No agents. Wood-' lawn 82600 SPLENDIDLY built 'bungalow atpl. T room hmn., v-fln : L.ttA. ,, . . n.... elL '-East H015. ' 81600 EASY terms, buy new 4 room plas- rerea nouse ana line acre at aletzgec. Phone REAL ESTATE FOB KALE HOUSES IT . LARGE SALMON STT-HOMJE v . ; 64200.00 - - '.. T rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, built in eoov. lull cement basement furnace, laundry trays, woodlift. etc; lot 122 4s feet deep, gar aare, bardsurfaee ata. in and paid; now vacant you cast move right in: term. -. . . - C A. WARRINEB. BITTER. LOWE as CO. '" " '- 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade blfc -FOB SALE LOTS ' "16 SACBIFICE Choice building lot ' Bosb City - - Park. 47th at N. between Stanton and Siski you;, all improvement in and paid; . 847S. 4rwner needs money. - A-610. Journal. -'- - ' - - - .' ' .' 3250 ' CASH .r-'-v-,' Takes 60x100 on 78th st, 1 otk, K-C. ear. Improvements - all pd., ,A.. H. Akersoo, Henry BMg. Mar. 4978. ' . ' '. LOT in Pooatello, Idaho, to trade for good car, win pay some cash. N. G. Nutt. Estacada. ur., u. o. o. - - ., . . ACREAGE ST 81850 8 ACRES BUNGALOW - Near Aloha, station. - 3 blocks to highway more than 8 seres, all ia cultivation, 4 loom bmgalow not completed, screened perches, con crete ' basement 1 barn, chicken House. l4xso fenced, ' concrete ' well, fine water. 4 - blocks to school. . If you eavn pay $800 down see this a once; yon will seercn xor monuis . to , nna bargain Uke it COB A. McKENNA CO. Main 4522. ' 82 4th at, - Board of Trade bldg. OPEN EVENINGS. . 2 ACRES BUNGALOW 82800 A modem 6 . room bungalow ' with fireplace. Dutch kitchen. ' screened perch, -garage, wood shed, 2 chickenhouses, force pump 1 . acre in berries- and fmit balance in clover; gas for lighting and cooking. Location near uuber sta tion. Terms 31000 cash. S20- and- interest If you - want a pretty , country home at a low price see this quick. . . , ' , , COE A. McKENNA V CO.. Main 4522. , i , 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. ' - OPEN EVENINGS. - Croo and Machinery 15 acre. 'located 19 milek' from Vancouver, Wash 9 -acres in 'crop. 8 acres, pasture, all the land can be cultivated - Oood fences, 4 room hatue. barn, ehickennouse :. spring : . mile to school. H mile to boat landing.- Price 82100, 81100 cash. See - Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gernnger bMg. - ' READ THIS 5 -acres, all in culUvatiou: blocks to station, . 2 . blocks to Oregon City naved . roadr fruit, nernes. gooo tire-room l (;me. good barn, chicken bouse, woodshed, price 86000: -S10OO cash, building - alone - worm the money. ,Th is only one of the mgny bar- gaina we nave tor sale nee our iut neiore ray ing. n. ec n. Realty Vo.. Bi Bwetiana mat LOGGED OFF LANDS Tract 6 acres up. located witln 80 mllea of Portland, on railroad; good sou,; no rocs, plenty of wster, work nearby; buy on your own terms. LUEDDEMANN CO.. 918 Chamber of Commerce. 23 MINUTES walk from Main st. Oregon City 2 Vt acres, small plastered bouse, full cement basement small bam, good well, plenty fruit trees, also smau iruit: wui sell or traae. wast have your Charles Sinclair, 774. Harney ave., Qi-txanq. 20 ACRES, ' 1 hi mile from Extaoada. 6 acres . under cuetivstion. 4 acres pasture, balance timber. 4-rocan house, barn and other outbuild ings. 'See John Brown,. 824 Ry. Ex. .bldg. -, 20 ACRES; paved highway, good spring; fine ,. , view; 40Q. term.- Owner, C-869.' Joumsi. K V ' BUBtTBBAir HOMES 79 - a- ATTRACTIVE LOG BUNGAIXJW Locfted ' close to electric line, 12o com--' mutation fare; nice grounds, 1 H acres of land, orchard,, garden, - shade trees, elec , trie lights, chicken bouse .and woven wire . runways; personally inspected, t ' Price - 3220O $1000. cash. John Ferguson. Ger , linger bldg, . ., 8320O - WORTH MORE 8320O , ttt acres, 10 miles out by Pacific highway, 4 blocks from electric station, school and stores: 5 room house, bam, root house, good well, 1 0 fruit trees, a fine-family cow. 60 White Leghorn pullets, enough hay for year. See this. MrMt sell on account of going away; 81000 down. balance to suit - Owner. J. H. Hid well. Aloha, Or. A 9 ACRE home, a dandy.' adioinlna citv rim its. for sale or trade for city; all equipped; a money maker,- Call Tabor 2574. .. T FOB SALE FARMS 17 60 ACRES n bank of beautiful river; no over- flo or washing; yoat outside city limits of good town: 8 R. R. and boat landing ; 2 hours Portland and 8 to Tscoms; on third bottom land; part beaver dam;' most all place prac tically level, tillable land: slopes slightly to river: no rock, or . gravel; H in cultivation, balance seeded to pasture, and much ot it easy to elasT fenced in 6 field, wish water iu each ; family ore tiara; small iron: oauy. mail; teiepnon in house; 7 room house; fireplace; spring water piped: garden; crop and farm machinery; 6650V. 31500 cash, balance 10 years.' Box 101. Cas- tlerock. W ash. . . - 90 Vm ACRES. 20 aoree in crops, fine garden, 7 room house, larce bsn-n. wacon shed and chick- enhouse ; . all . farm implements and tools, large bearing orchard, well, springs and creek, fine prune country; on county -road; school i mile. Win sell or -trade for part property. -1. P. Mil lion. Route- 2 Estacada. Phone. 16- ACRES, 8 in cultivation young orchard, some fruit this year; lots of berries of all kinds; - wheat oats, : timothy, clover, shrike; springs on place; all - fenced and - cross fenced; barn, chicken bouse and chicken yard fenced; good auto road, fhone wpocuawn 1482. 286 ACRES land situated about 8 miles 8. E - of Harriabura. Lane Co.. suitable for dafn asst all purpose farm and belonging to an estate. In quire of .l.vwhow,eTrcutoT. Roseburg, Or. 40 ACRES. STOCK. IMPLEMENTS. CROP- " 40 acres in high atate of. cultivation, good nouse, bara, assortment iruit. -oousenotd goods R. P. D-, telephone; everything goea for 34850. 1230 down. - DRAPER . CALWAY. 626 Cham, of Com. bdg. 130 ACRES timber and farm land; . creek. - county roaa, l mile scnoot- ciarxe county. 320 per acre. 1 1296 East Salmon, y Tabor 8621. . i . 5 s - - FOR SALE Small dairy ranch by -owner, rnn- - mng water. 20 miles south of Portland. 81500 will handle, 6 ' for the rest - For particulars Phone Main 1721. - FOR SALE Two fine dairy propositions with - stock; also ' 160 acres - unimproved hind in Tillamook county. . W. A. Church. TUla- oot, or. i FOR bargains in dairy farms along tn Rooaev.lt highway, in Tillamook county, come to Nea- lucca vauey neaj nsiaie Agency, uoverasja, vnr. ML. I. BlalOCK, Mgr. SMALL farm. of 16 acres, 4 room bouse, barn. large emcsen nonse, close to Oregon xHectnc; 10 -acres clear.-- ,E. Krattiger. Bellevue betel. ss zamntu sag - 80 ACRES in Washington county, .cert timber, part farm land, 61600. half cash. Call owner Woodlawn. 2972. William St.-Thomas, 913 Gan- tenbem ave. - 160 ACRES rough land, good soil, in .Wash- nsum. - s. lot uom. iu sroruano -urs. Cunningham. 735 Hoyt street . FARMS WASTED RENT OR BUY 88 WANT small improved acreage, near city: would trade bouse and lot and 49 unimproved acre. value 63O0O, aa first payment ; no hens sgainat either; mignt oime. j-no, journal. WANT - improved acreage, near car;, can pay cssn. - alain 3558. Hletten k Jones. - 248 Stark st' - TIMBER ' 88 NOTICE of eel. "of government timber, general land of fioe, Washington. D. C, June 27. 1819 Notice ia hereby given that subject - to the condition -and limitations of the act of June 9, 1816 (39 SUt.. 218). and the in structions of the secretary of the interior' of September' 15, 1917. the timber on the fol lowing lands - will-be sold Ancust 2n. 1919, et 10 o'clock a. .m., at public auction at the United States land office at Portland. Oreeoa. to- the highest - bidder at not seas- then the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with, an ad ditional um of one-fifth of one peg cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of aale,- money- to be returned, if sale is not approved, . otherwise - patent will issue for the. timber, which must be removed . within - 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations -of such citizens and,' corporatkma organized under th. laws of the United States j or ana stabt. territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchase, the timber oa any legal sub division will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit I -JV - W See.' 11, NW4 Sw4. red- fir MO ea.. nxiar tl siv . sw u. red fir 740 kl.. non. of the red fir or cedar to -be sold for leas than 81.50 per'M. - - 'T. -9 S.. B 2 E. R- I. NMJi wu!u n. 1690" U.i hemlock 270' M.," KWV' NEli, fir ; m., seouocs jdv -at., BIS , IV . fir 1770 M.. hemlock 250' U, "W 14' NE fir 2390 M. hemlock 2UO U NMU'Mwu Vi. 680 M.. hemlock 180 M-. NW4 "NW14. fir i oy ... itr iiiu St.. Hemlock 120 M., NWH. SB 4. fir 1 M.. hemlock M IL'SB "A SEil. fir 11.A U' 30 M . 8W!4 SK4. fir 790 M-, REti gWli, r 105O M.. NW4 SWH. Or 2100 M. Bk SWK. fir 1459 M.. SWH 8W 44 . fir 1250 m.. none of the fir to be sold for' lea than 81.60 per JL. and none of the 'hemlock to ha sold for less than 73 cent, oer M. ' . - Jf -S ki. Sec. 25. BWa HWH.tsJ fir 600 M.. SE14 KE. red fir J50 8L; SWM NE4. red fir nun M ,i J fix to be sold for leas than 82.00 per M. . lhI TALLktAJ. . -Commissioner. General Land Office. Vt ANTED r.000,000 to 10.000,000 ft bez; pay as cut 245 E, 60tJh st REAL ESTATE HOMESTEADS 47 81S.7-ACLE' homestead, sagebrush. So. Idaho! - Want food clear vacant lot for reiinqnialimen t ' HOUCK, 11 -10th- at -.- - - THREE b emestead-reUaquishmenta, for isal. Call - at 1806 Northwestern Bank building. - FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or trade, 80 acres, 12 under cul- tivation: 2 hi acres of prune, also apples, pears and cherries, 8 room bouse, bam. prune dryer,, chicken house, well essi apting; timber cruised ever BVk' million: half saOsr from H. R. Owner 3236 62d st. 8. E. Phone Tabor 6507. J iron a. m. to Z:go p. m. - FOR SALE or trade for suburban acreage or - '-eity property, 160 acres near- Gosdendale. Waah.; 40 acre in cultivation. 46 acres slashed. 80 acres fine timber, large cnsBmeroial orchard, good- buildings. - Phone Tabor 1887, or see owner at 2153 E. Stark at- f. V . EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE, brick store building. - 25 foot en hard surface atsetr -bast meat -nil ahw of buildinst; , modem ' flat , upstairs, cost of building 84300; cash price . $3500. ' WjfTld reade for 5 or 8 room' bouse, J or 3 V.ts n-r city Hm ts, 6 or 10 acres well improved with some fruit There is on 'the above property a mortgage of $1000. " Address owner, 623 is Co lumbia bHdStJIohns. - ' FOR SALE or trade for dairy or stock farm; - 820 acre farm; 90 acres cultivated, more easy broken; small house, tshlea. granary, wall. 4 H miles to town. 1 mile to school. 330 pec sere. v. W. ..Trommershaasen. Minbum. Alberta, Canada,-- --.'- - i.r:. LATE model B-paas. Regal, in best mechanical - condition; 4 new tires; lots of extras; also A fine lot in Mt -Scott sell or trade for small house. Call 890 Powell .Valley road. Wood stock estvt --"- -' ' WANT good ear or smaller place as first payment ' on 118 acres; $55 per acre; long time on bal ance.- w. Beetle, tire ham. or. APARTMENT house, furnished, good location. lot 45x145. good income; trade fos farm or suburban heme about $850. Hall, 211 Wash. WILL trade , beautiful buil dinar site. 100x100 for a good bouse at the beach. - Address, fctX 260, JoumaL - 4 LOTS. Minneapolis-; also 3 lots Walla Walla, Waah.. 'for Portland property or auto. 8 W. Webster. ..- FOR SALE OR TRADE 8-room house. Al bny. Or., for Portland -. property. ; Tabor e. zw. lsast D 1st at. - WANTEP-REAL ESTATE SI EX-SOLDIER, aalaried,. wants small cottage or bungalow with ground enough for chick en or rabbits and garden. -. Would consider suburban property near car. , Must , bo eheap ana uttie casn. K-o3, Journal. I WANT at once, modem 4 or 8 room bungalow; . must be on improved street, .in goo district garage or room for one. I will pay all cash for good buy and quick deal Stale- price and ex act location, ao agents. Journsi.- - .-. . NOTICE To buy or sell a suburban nr aemaea bmna of merit sea Geo. P. Henry with Frank I Mc- uuire, open - eunuay ana . evenings. Abington DUg. - WANTED To buy a modem cottage in Mount Tabor district 2 lots, fmit street improve- meius; ;ou csan, price not over - 82oOQ. x-ho. journal. DON'T WORRY t t, can sell er trade anything anywhere. ;: iAyman. 147 Park st . - WANT modem A er 7 room house. Soaw rHtv Alameda or Laurelhurst; can make substan tial cash payment Call Sletten. Main 2558. G. C. GOLDENBERG can sell your bom. "88 Year in Portland " Abington BMg. ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENTS - ANP HOTELS FOR SALE SS WANTED 12 to 20 rooma from owner for cash. X-4 15, -JoumaL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 26 TWO OF A KINIT l. Soft drinks, cigars and confectionery Dig oauy sales ; rent lo. uniy aooo. 2. The only restaurant in a good valley town seats 40; rent 816 mo. Only $480, or will take gooo, ciear iota. Inquire 214 Abington bldg. -Main 4141 FURNITURE and lease 40 - room apartment nouse, one ot finest locations In the city; 10 minutes--waix irons. Broadway and Washington clearing. 8250 per month; furnished complete 8400ff or 80 rooms furnished 83000. 638 Everett st. cor. 20th. Fhone Broadway 3055. ;,5f FOR SALE. RESTAURANT MEN NOTICE. ,'A first-class Ozonator, with fan and motor complete, t-an ana see. -. , , GEORGE' V. HAMILTON. - i Room 812 Journal bldg. AN excellent opportunity for gome blacksmith - and hosseahoer;- shop, tools gad stock for sale; doinaf a. good buainees: only shop in town will sell A interest: one third down, balance in monthly payment. Address Box 25, Cornelius, Or. PARTNER wanted in good going garage to sell gas. accessories, etc; have 50 cars steady storage; good repair business; 81800. .'. Phone East 8286. '---. -' HAVE for sale one vulcanising shop and fixture - one lianc . delivery bod v for ford: una n.. 1-ton attachment for Ford: for sal. cheao: one or au. oof wiuiamt ave. 1750 PENNY weighing machines. 60 all work ' ing paying big; machines alone worth 850 eacn; must sell on account of other business. A-ica. journal. - - THRESHER and clover huller for sale, over 40 oayi run in sight LL Hieaenthaler. 29 Hnaver et Phone WoodUwn 8670. 1 - FOR SALE Good going delicatessen and light - groceries, rancn room in connection ; close In. Uafch preferred, term, if nece ary. Mam 7063 SHOE repair - machinery and. fixtures for sale cheap;- must sell at, once. Bee Alice Land, i Knott st ' - GROCERY and confectionery: good location rent 315 oer month. SSOO cash, bonds or col lateral. 594 Alberta st. today, MILLINERY stock and fixtures; must sell to set- - tie an estate: will sell part stock and fixtures or aa 519 Williams ave. Phone East 8440. FOR SALE Small machine shop; good location, cheap rent' H. Truseott 29 uswtnome. WANT party to take earo ol local office. 617 Henry bldg. Investigate. - - ; MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR installment plan is the : best and surest method of paying a loan. -$82.26 per month for 86 months;- er 821.84 for 60 months: or 815.17 for 96 months, pars 81000 loan and interest. - -. - Other amodnts In proportion, -f - - W loan oa improved city property. - v ' Or for building purposes. ,. .t No commission charred. ": -'' ' -- - '" EQUITABLE SAVINGS sk LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 SUrk st. Portland, Or. $300, 6400. 8500, $600, 8750 and up, low est rates. . quick action. uoruon Mortgage (A, ol Chamber of Commerce. -Main 6445. CLIENT haa 3600 to 63000 to loan, local. quick action. J. A. Mean, attorney.- - 928 Chamber of Commerce. - MONEY-TO LOAN on real estate security on gome rate of interest' Otto V Harkson Restty oo.. 41 a unamber or tjommerce. BUILDEVQ loans on city or suburban property. money aavaneea as worn progresses; w. Beck. - 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Mate -3167, MONEY to loan tn amounts of 6100 to $5000 ok city property. . " -- A. H. BELL, rooms' 10-11. Mulkey bMg. 3300., 8400., 8500. 8750. , 81000 and up at lowest rates: quick action. Fred W-' German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce, Main 8445. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts ' on real estate in - Washinirton or Oregon, - IL E. Noble, gift AumpeTmens bldg. $399 to 83000. no commission. Main 1166. ry H. -Peshon, 615 Chamber of Ccmmerce. MONEY " for mortgage loans, 8500 , to 86000, 6 and 7. Fred S. Williams. I2H 1st st SEE OREGON INV. Js MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce, thand Btark. - MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon t., 4W cmng 'piag. , HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, v . , SALARIES : ,- 87 DO f YOU NEED MONEY Loans made ea sutomnbiles. diamonds, piano. household goods or anything of value. - Security nsnally left m your possession. AIJJO Is bAL ABIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan com pa ales or oa furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you eaa make, we will pay them up. advance you mora money if necessary, and yon eaa repay us in . small monthly payments to suit your oon- venieace. s .-. v. -- i- -" eS ,.:,,- ; - ' LEfSAL RATES IW DKLAT " '! , - BUSINESS - STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. . PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY i Licensed) , ; 808-807 Pekum .bldg. - ; ; t'-W ifarshaU' 8286. ' t- Salary LOAN'S . Chattel Oa short notice - to salaried er wuralngmea ea their own notes. . Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. - NO INDORSES. . ABSOLUTELY WO ; BEtaJ KIT g- ,. . f We aba, loan on household furniture.: piaaoa. etc. without removal , - t SJA1.I, AU li v r,n i sia i c, .. , i - COLUMBIA- VIRCOrST COMPANY " (LICENSED) ... , - . '218 Ftiling bldg. " .. . ' HATHAWAY loan on pianos, furniture and other securities: km! rate. Boom sun waan- Ingtow bMg. - -' ' ' - MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rate: an arrinlea held - a year; estaoiianeq since 1888. Den. Marx. 283 Washington at MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS.' SALARIES 67 POBTLAND BEMXDUL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 910. K ; 894 Stark Street near 10th. - T Loans on diamonds, watch, Vkrtrola. ptanoa, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, muzical intrumnts and anything of value. .;--,i.j-,-,iti i;-';" ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE Of PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City7 and bountry .warrauts rashed for face vwlnsv . - -t . T ; CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. LOANS WANTEP 89 SEE OREGON LNV. MORTGAGE CO., 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. FIRST mortgagee for sale. 3500 up. F. H. Deshob, 616 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - FSNANCIAL 61 LIBERTY ; AND YICT0BY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY TSSTXS OF BONDS' . FULL MARKET PRICE. . LOANS ON LIBERTY BONDS, v YOU . CAN BORROW CASH OB US ' ON BONDS. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. - SEE E. BuBKTTT, PRESIDENT. x ' OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDG. 2D FLOOR), V - CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. 1 WILL HUY ANY LIBERTY BOND ' 99 Per cent OF FULL, CASH VALUE f All due coupon interest Included. J. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OP TRADE. - BONDS BOUGHT SPOT aCA 811 SPOT CASH v MARKET - PRICE CASH' for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN yon money on BONDS. W. S. 8., or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS. T per cent 725 Cms bldg.' Fifth and Aldsr. - ' CELLARS-ifURTON CO. MONEY to loan oa Liberty bonds or real estate -mortgages: lowest rates and easy terms. LIBERTY BOND V MORTGAGE CO. ' 620 Corbett bldg.. Portland. Or. HORSES, YEHICLES. ETC. 18 ALL KINDS OF HORSES FOR SALE - right off the Job. from 1150 lbs up; can be seen working on wheelers and Slip, scrapers; few IVi Mitchell wagons, as good as new. r PLOWS HARROWS - WAGONS, BUGGIES - AND HARNESS OF ALL KINDS HORSES TO H1BB By the day. week or month. . CROWN STABLES. 285 Front st ' PHIL 8UETTER. - ONE SPAN OF MARES. 8100 lb.; good work er and gentle; 6 or 6 bead ot'bomea from 1000 to 1200 lbs. each; buxgie. waxons and harness, double and single, to be sold cheap. Woodyard Stables, E. 8th and Hawthorne, . or phone East 6106- - ' . DAPPLE gray horse years old.- weighs 900 - lbs., plenty of life and good wqriter, hsraesa and buggy cheap; also a dandy milk goat fresh, with two kids. 896 Powell st. Woodstock car. FOR SALE One . team, well - matched, horse - and mare. ' weighing 2800 lb. . - One " team of horsea, well matched, weighing: 2500 ; lb. 226 Russell at - , FOR SALE: Matched pair of - mares, 6 and 6 year old, 2800 lbs. and sound; also 1 pair of 4 -year-old mules. 880 Front at - - r" $125. GOOD - 2300 lb. team and harness: guaranteed good, .workers. Woodyard. 327 Front st - 375 BUYS a dandy outfit for camping; good. light spring wagon with good top, nice, young, fat mare and harness. - 865 Union sve. A DANDY pair of very small mules; just the thing for cs roping trip. 802 Front st DkiAD bones snd animals hauled away tree.-- Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. - FOR SALE Pair heavy work Dorse. .. wagon . and lis mesa. 1492 E. Oak st. Tabor 8727. ALL -kind of wagons, horses and harness,., 302 front st '-" GOOD saddle pony, -a single footer. $25. Woolsy st - - - 1954 MARE. 1200 Ibv, chunky built, 7 Woodvsrd, 827 Front street old. tlOliSE and wagon, 31.60 per day; 2 horses snd wagon. 33. J. Cohen. 646 Front Msln 2Z0S. LTVESTOCK 86 JUST received shioment -of fresh cows from Wsshingtnn state consisting of Jerseys. Hoi- stein and Durham. Price 875 to-6125 each. These cows are now being tuberculin tested. Health certificate - goes- with each cow.- They are very .heavy, milker. O. K. HowUt, Union Stockyard bams. Norm Portland. JUST fresh, good milk goat and doe kid.- large teats, 340. Also big hornless chocolate puck. s months Ola. resay for breeding out: a , lb. mother, official record. 330 M. Montchalin. t arson, wasn. - - - HAVE" 6 stood milch eows. some lust fresh. 8 "to 7 rears -of axe. from S60 to 899 each, all gentle and high testing and this to all the cows I have- so I am not selling to speculate, but am selling out Kirk Hoover, Hherwooq.- or. 2 FRESH cows, one 'Jersey and one Guernsey, . mila-ina- ta a-allnn nee da- .Ima S beavy springers; will sell , cheap. : 8 96 Powell at. Woodstock car. - - - j--' - - FOB SALE Thoroughbred - New Zealand and Anxora rabbit cheap:., good stock. , R. Lru uette. uervaia, or. IrlAVF a number of fine gentle Shetland ponies lor aale, cneap. J. It. oordon, stetsger. or. FOUR quart - Toggenburg milk goat Arthur street. South Portland ear. 191 FINE young-cow, coon to be fresh; will take hnre in exchange. 4J02 Front st. FINE cow, rich milker. -at a sacrifice. 1343 ulenn ave. N. Alberta car. FRESH cowa and calves for sale reasonable. Across the creek from Lents Junction. GOOD family or dairy caw at reasonable price. o gai. oow. isio rosier -vs; woooin ivio. 365 JERSEY cow and calf. 375. Holsteia and calf, gss Union ave. - FOR SALE No. 1 family cow. 880 Front st POULTRY AND BABBITS 1 $7 WE sold over 800.000 White Lechora baby chii to satisfied customers sine January 1. Buy ehix Bow. and sell fall and winter broilers at fancy prices. . Pullets will ' make fin early spring layer.. Price per 100:- July, 814; August 813. Safe- arrival of full count live ehix gusrsntaed. THE PIONEER HATCHERY. 405 blATil KTKKlSr. fCTALtllA, tJAXfc- WHITE LEGHORN BREEDERS We want to mace 100O W. L. kens at 81.75 and 32.00 each, with narties that will agree to sunoiv us . with ecas for bstching.ln leeem ber. January, February. March, April, 1920, at O ceau each. The Lunr karm, it. . box b8. LenU, Or. STOP! LOOK! vLISTENI Chick enf, dressed or undreesed, .while - you wait We are still ia the ring, hoping yo will never forget the number, 3 (HI K. klorrison t ('ASH Ktl;CIS A.t, vTHITE LEGHORN PULLETS WANTED We can place your W. L. pullets. March, kmil aad May hatch, at a good price, according to strain and condition. Order waiting. Write up what yoa have. No lot too smsil, none too large. The Luhr rarm, K. . uox Lnts, or. BABYCHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS 825. per 10O1 Whit or Drawn xvegborn cnicas. S20 per 1U. - - - -- J. A. MAGUIRE, 787 Oregon st; East 1805 FULL pisdisreed New Zealand . Reds, America ,n Enalish Lao. 1127 xtiues sad Himalayan r-ngiisn E. 25th st North.. WoodUwa 172. YOUNG White Leghorn bens, now bying. $1.60 each. 787 Oregon st East 1805. - . 100 YOUNG"Ceghom bensTTesVS 84th st . is. isbor u. - RTlODE ISLAND red pullets, 1-yesr-old. - Fine breeder, and layers, 32 each, - 787 Oregon st. FOR SALE Friers, dressed to order; delivered Saturdays. Pbone Tabor e74.- . - POOS, BIBTJS, PETS, ETC. 46 FOR- SALE 8 Belgiau rabbit mothers snd. 4 weeks' old babies: slso some weeks' ora, au is fine condition. . Call 760 Vsncourer eve. er phone C-1885. - "' - ' - -' - " RABBITS for sale cheap, or trad for chickens. oeorge xi- (issse, KOlb aaa are. n. x. at. o. ear. - - . .-- -; - '--- ;- SPEEDWAY KENNELS . Boards your dog. New, clean, airy. 'Airedale Colli at tod Tabor 6088. - .-. CHOICE canaries at "Th Canary Bird Shop." Singers guaranteed. 1161 E. 28th No. C-2217. BIRDS for sale. Tsbor 7320. PE1UGREED English bull pops. 807 Emerson. AUTOMOBILES ANP ACCESSORIES 44 SITWA TOP AND BODY WORKS 847 Burmnde St., wpstalrs. Broadway 2498. 918 HUPM0BILE, fine shape, $1150. Smith ' Auto Co.. Park arid Couch, SAXON ruadftter, 8275; A-l condition. City garage. 86 10th at lt16 OLDS MO B I LK "4" m A-l condition. Bt Woodlawn 69H6. thr fm a barcam. K-Kl) IN GOOD shape. Must sell; cash. - 453 case kiay. ATJTOMO PILES ANP ACCESSOBTES 14 SECOND-HAND FORDS - j . ,-. . ... ' 'AT'REaAS0NABLB;3':-' PRICES ' vrsrr oub tjsko cab department. We Have a Classy Bug Haa aelf-etarter, lighting system aad special equipment throughowU - i v WILL GXYE TEEMS TO SUIT. ' . Jt : , , f . ' .' ' - . ... . - ' - SPECIALS FOB TODAY. 6-pess. Overlsnd, A-l condition ; bargain for ' cash, . ... - T 1917 Chevrolet touring; terms. i Ford truck, like new, drive very little. And Other Good Buys '- . " see" ps. : ; PALACE GARAGE CO.' ' , ' AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. . - . - 2TH AND STAB a? STS." Broadway 1522. ' ' A-2442. Classy Bug Bodies rr . ,7 Prices 888 and Lp Burness & Martin 16th and AkJ-v ats. . 1918 FORD . ., . - . ...... . Looks fine, runs fine. - Price 8485. Terms 8200 cash.. Balance 685- per month. " P. H. DUNN, , - ' 1633 ' E. : 13th st (Sellwood carlioe) Phone Sellwood 1893. (SEMES Portable and Permanent Prices on Application. MODERN . CONSTRUCTION CO.. 818 E. 11th t. Esst5114. MUST aaorlfte for quick, sal: have 2 ears. 1917 Chandler erRi 1818 Max well, both, in excellent shape. Will sell either car. ' Phone Broadway 1270. room 424. :' v : 1915 BUICK TOURING. A . DANDY. . . AUTO SALES CO., Ninth and Couch.. - - - OVERLAND Inclosed . ear, good tire and paint 3700. CART. 622 Alder. Broadway 2492. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do yon prefer f W. bsve them, all makea end ises; also w tnak th famous O-V-O Doubl Tread (cawed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., $38-839 Barn id nsr Broad way. - . - .- -- CADILLAC 8,' 7-passenger, good tires, . - .1917 Grant 6, A-l condition. .1918 Chevrolet, good as new. ' 1911 Cadillac; 810O will handle, 1914 Overland. 6 -passenger: $100 will handle. f See WHITE at STEVENS, 421 Burnside. -- . , Broadway 821. National Auto Repair ; : - Company ' - We speeiallz tn Fords and Chevrolet; aD work guaranteed ; 16 years' experience. 608 Bnrnsid Phone Broadway 8680. 1918 OLDSMOBILE I 8 roadster., like AUTO' SALES CO., 8th and . Couch. dHEVROIET touring, newly finished and runs fine. Low price of 3500 aad 8200 down, balance monthly let you drive it home. Balance can be paid in bonds. Call and try it out 625 Aider-street A-1 Auto Works. - CHALMERS touring, in A No. 1 oonaUUon, - ased ' privately, looks like new, will sacrifice at 31450 and give terms, or consider trade on smaller ear, balance terms. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnstoe. - - 1917 FORD Perfect condition, $150 flown, $28.80 per morn. a. uregoa Auto - Top.. I4ta , and Couch. xtroaoway eeun. . 1917 MAXWELL It is newly refinished all if you are in the market for light car. Terms ana low prices always at the A-l Auto Works, a23 Aider st MITCHELL 1918 touring, in perfect condition, good tires, 4 bargain at 81250 with terms. conaraer Bnuuer - car in, xfaoe. IV Unn4 ave w. aear uurnsiae. LASH paid tor old cars, condition no object; parts jor au mass of cars. Oregon Ante kx change, 129 Lewnadale at 15th and Washington. Phone Broadway 2668. YIM TRUCK, -ton. ia fine mechanical condi- uon, good body and top, 1917 modal, will seu as .oou wiib terms. 00 urana are ti, Bear Burnside. . . SERVICE STATION Now located at Ninth and Everett sts. Brosdwsy 1142. MUST SELL MY MAXWELL TOURING AT ONCE.- CALL MARSHALL 1960, APT. 42. THIS CAR HAS BEEN OVERHAULED AND REPAINTED. - FORD touring, 1916; in fig condition; looks like new, and extras; a snap; leaving town. Call W. L., 3042 848 Garfield ave. Call after o p. m. , - WOULD you give 8760 for a 6 passenger Hud son Six. in first class condition T Then see me at 601 B. 87th st, or phone Tsbor 1281 for .r.lMlHlMMll - TRUCK. Ford motor.' in goad running , condi- lion; must sell: a bargain at 8500. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. MAXWfLL roadster, in fin condition; . good Ores, a bargain at $675: gome terms. SO f.and ave. Ti.. aear Burnside,' 1 DM T?nnT 1.. .. -i . , ., iJ new - tires, eenometer; 8425 cash. 8450 term, - 728 K. Z2d N. Phone Kast 7154. $376 CASH or term buys dandy 1917 Maxwell tounns car. overhauled and renaintad.- 1 .11 East isz. - - -. ' FORD roadster. 1917. In best of condition: good tiree. will sell at 8525. with terms. 89 Grand av. worth, near Burnside. - i SPCrT? CASH FOR ; FORDl CHEVROLET. DODGE.. MAXWELL OB , BUICK. CALL EPPLE. MAIN 206. - -HALMERS roadster, 1917, In good mechanical condition; will sacrifice at 8978. .with terms. 80 Grand ave, N., near Burnside. PUBRUILLK : TOP COMPANY 9th at Oak. Broadway 1664. FORD . AND MAXWELL SPECIALIST Bring me your troubles. 767 Division. - SeUwood 8755. FORD touring.' 1915, best of condition, good tires, will ecU at 8875, some terms. SO Grand ave, N. near Burmnde. kAXWELL BCG, new body, good tires, me- chanically ' guamnseed, - a bargain at 8124 wfth terms. 80 Grand ave; N. Dear Burnside. WILL erect a- gSrage corner 881 h and Haw thorne ave to lease. Parrwk watz in, tea 2d st - " : - : - FORD, touring. .1914, ia fine condition, will sell at 83.)0, with terms. . 80 uraad arc. aorta, near Burnside. ' v CHEVROLET, 1919. ia perfect eonditioo, only run Z790 miles, must seu. a bargain 1 1 3 with terms. 80 Grsnd ave. N. near Burnside. OPENING" for bus ling to awunaUnf. Informa tion Colombia 91. BAROAIN -lte aaodet 6 -pas, car; best of eoa- ditlnn. j7 K.- sotn m. 1K SALE by owner, a good Ford, at 1208 LHviston st rhsns labor snw, ijoip casn. GAcOl.INE 22 CENTS A GALIAJN, OHJS AND GREASES, PIOJtKEK FAl.T t;o.. tee ibt. AM leaving city. Must sell my 1920 Hudson Speedster foe casn. u-auz, journal. CASH paid for cars. Liberty Auto Co.. Third and Main sts., Vancouver, : MAKMION bug in good condiUoa, two new cord tires.' 927 Front st 1918 6-passenger Dodge. 8600 cash. By owner. 938 K- 6th W. - v . DEAD storage, firrpruof garage, 3 3, per ma. 642 Aides, Bdwx, 1728. '"iil" AU TOM OB ILF S AND A CCE V " ) " I 11 "HE WHO HESITATES IS JOST." s.X tPD ATIN1. AND TRUE. , 1 OU W1U. LOSE IK Yoa 1X1 NOT IV- . . ' ... i .KIETON,l5 W REST OF CONDI , TIUN AND PRICED RIGHT. TWO FORD ROADSTFTtS. f O.NE ORD TOURLVG. TRUCKS. - THREE FORD DELIVERIES. ONE- FEDERAL TRUCK THREE ONH TON TRUCKS. ONE 8000 LB. TRUCK. Rushlight & Penney. Inc AUTIIOUIZED FORD DEALERS 868 East Broadway, City. Phones East 803. East SJ67, A-l 5 CI. USED CARS Trad your old car tn on a better one, bal ance easy terms:. 1918 Veils, 5-pesa. . 1914 Vehe. a good rac - 1918 Peerless. S-cyl.. T-wvse. . . 1917 Peerkwa. 6-eyt. T-fstM , 1918 Chalmers UoUpot 7-psai miles Snap I ; driven 6500 . 1918 Overland, 6-cyl.. 6-pass.: cheap. 1919 Overland. 6-cyl.. 6-pass. 1 driven 1800 miles a new car at a big discount - 1916 MitrheU, 4-cyL, 5-psm. ..Jf1 Uuiloa. 4-cyL, 6-pass., elec equipped, $475, , "1910 Cadillac delivery body, $200. 1918 Oakland. 6-pass., 6 tires, 8250. 1914 Frsnklln. series 6. first rlaaa, 3850. 1917 Velie, A-l. fine tires, gluriit ..Our Motto, "KT.ry Pnrchasec a Booster. " D. t WiKHKS MOTOH CAR CO Open Evenings and Sundays. 88 N. 28d at Main 780. .WHEN YOU WRECK 'KM, AND REND 'EM. SEK G. O. OERRER, "THE RADIATOR MAN" build bodies, repairs ra diator, bodies, fenders and all auto sheet metsl parta. is NEW IXiCATlOV, 11TH AND IAVI OPP. THE ARMORY. BROADWAY 1873. 1916 DODGE ROADSTER Good as new. Runs fin, t'iree and paint In excellent condition. Saturday only. WATTS. 622 Alder st Bdwy. 249! B- AUTO sMRJNO- CDr 16,000 carried in stock. Onr springs Sold with a written guarantM. W. glv. you service. 84 N. 1 fith st. 1917' OAKLAND w paint lob: good tires, AUTO SALES CO., Ninth snd Couch. 1918 OAKLAND, good.' tires and m (ins me chanics condition at a snap price, AUTO SALES CO.. fith 'and Couch. BARGAINS in .Brunswick tires, 82x4, 33i4, S4x4tt, 35x4 86x4H. 87x5; Smooth, Depression and B. B. C. treads: for S. S. and Q. D. rims: at les than wholessl price. PORTLAND RETREAD A VULCANIZING WORKS - 429 Btark st. Portland, Or. LIBERTY six, newly painted; will guarantee this ear; 81600. CARY, 522 Alder st Broadway 2492. VELIE SIX IJKe new; a bargain. CARY. 622 Alder St Broadway 2492. BIG Used Cars NO MISREPRESENTATION PRICKS BIGHT STOCK Covey Motor Car Co. - FORD TOURING. This ear is in good runnina condition. Look like new. 8125 down, bslsnce monthly let you drive It home. 629 Alder st, 'A-l Auto Works. STUTZ 7 pa., first class mechanics! condition n1 an pesrsnoe, 1917 model, new bsttery, etc Phone Main 6080 or call 1009 Wilcox bldg. WISE-WHEEL roadster. This is a classy job that will suit you; ready for delivery now. Long 'terms, low price, .little down, balance monthly. 623 Alder ft, A-l Auto Work Psinting Co. COLUMBL. VULCANIZING WORKS WB lIKBI'ILTr RIHBKI), BETIIKAII Oft RECAP. WITH PURE RUBBER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. . 1828 COUCH ST. A-112S. r -119117 BUICK SIX Good rubber and perfect condition. See Hus before you buy. Oregon Auto Top, 14th and Couch. Broadway 4408. BARGAIN in a Hudson Super Six touring ear... overhauled and repainted, guaranteed for 90 days; will take light car as first psWrneBt; good cord tires all around. A-94 8, Journal, 1918 8TUDEBAKER, first class mechanically. new pantaaot top, plate glas windows, new paint No difference between this snd new car, 8875. Smith Auto Co.,' Park snd Couch. 1916 8TUDERAKER, first-clsss mechanically. new nantastote top, plate glass windows, new paint, o N7n. Snrtth Awto Co., I'srk and 4'oucb. Will take any uood small car as PART PAYMENT ON MT HUI'HON SEDAN- OR RTDDEHAKER SIX. SEE EPPLE. 60-63 NORTH 20th ST.. WEST SIDE. CAN USE YOUR FORD, MAXWFLLOH CHEVROLET AS FART PATMLNT OX 1920 MAXWELL TOURING , CAR. CALL TABOR 630. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck an make nf ran and sell their parts at half price. Dsvid Ilodes Co., North Brosd wsy and r landers. . ONE 1917 Studebeker Six. in the very bt of mechanical condition and aiipearano, will be sold st a big bargain. Can be seen st Auto Rest gsrage, 10th and Salmon- sts. 1918 CHEVROLET touring. in best 'of con- dition. good tires, will sacrifice st 8700 with terms. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. ONE VERY FINE American roadter for saie. , ehesp. Csn be seen at Auto Rest garage. 10th and Salmon st.s. CHEVROLET touring, '181 8, in fine corvl.u.'n; good tire; must seu; a bargain at 8 7 2 5, with terms. 89 flrand ave. near rlarnii. ONE late Cadillac roadster; looks and runs like new. For sale -at a big bargain. Csn be seen at the Auto Itc-t gsrage, 10th and Salmon. ANTED your repair work and overhauling ' work guaranteed - I will ear you money. 185 Holladay ave. Kast 7741. 1916 CHEVROLET, overhauled; new al-ora. battery; good tire: $900 cash; 8-0. terras or trade. 725 K. 22d N. Phone East 7lf4. MAXWELL roadster, in fine condition. 18 ft model, a barcain at 8676 with term. 30 Grand ave. N, near Burnside. -l'ASSENGER Maiwell, line condition, new tires; no junk; easy terms. Bond at face vsltiea. 664 Linn sve. Sell. 1818. CHALMERS1 rosditer, in Al condition, " o'i tires, a bargain st 3976 with terms. , 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. ONK 1918 Buick; special job including 0 wre wheels snd 1 extra tire. Can be seen at the Auto Rest eersg., eorner 10th snd Salmon stjt. i-OUD DELIVER 1917, panel body. ,d tires, best of condition, win sacrifice st $0.10 with terms. SO Grsad ave. N. near Bnrnside. 18ifMAXWELLtouring, look like new, good tire, will sell at 8773 with terms. 30 Grand sv. N. near Bumsid. ' 1918 FORD; in very best of eonditiun. with lots of extra. Will be sold at a heroin. Csn be seen at Anto Rest gsrsi. 10th snd Salmon. 1917 FORD touring car;. lot of extras; in fine condition: 8440 cash. Call befota 2 n. m. 14 K. 28d t. N. SPEEDf Studebaker bug, good eonditioo. m bsrgain st $300 cssh. - RX-471. Journal CHEVROLET" touring car, a dsrwly, cheap fur casn. iwwj, 1912.- air. wics. 1918 FORD touring; easy terms. Phone Vi ood- lawn 14Z7. - BITO for sale. 480 William ave. Puone 1...1 2 88. aTPASS" Overland. A-l condition: will l., 1. for cash. Bdwy, 1672. Mr. Wlrk. 917 PAIGE $850, eai.li or terms. it. owner, fhone East 603.- 1918 lil'lMOBILE, fine shsie. tlloj. Anto Co., I'rk sn-1 lymch. aswJ-AnC iCvfttiitasd ea i'o'i'.Vwi S3