The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1919, Page 19, Image 19

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ID, 1D10.
Chamber of Commerce Now
Turning All Attention to Lining
' Up Cargoes for Other, Lines.
One. Is to Scandinavia, Another
to. England and Third Is to
. Australia.
Questionnaires on cargo available
tor t"ie P o r 1 1 a n d-O r 1 n t al run
' have turned In such satisfactory re
plies from local merchants and ex
porting companies that the line Is
now assured full business for the re
mainder of this year, and the Cham
ber of Commerce department of-for-.
elgn trade is now turning its entire
attention to lining up sufficient car
go for. the t three . other lines which
will come to Portland if Just as ntuch
' cooperation - Is shown In arranging
cargo. ' " ,
The ' three pending lines are the
Australian-New Zealand service - which
Intends to make . Portland - a port of
call If a guarantee of 2000 or 8 000 tons
of cargo each way can be , secured
monthly; the Columbla-Pacific-Atlantla
run - to Liverpool. and London run,
the ' Northern European port of call
service being instituted for ; the - pres
ent by the same company. :
E. N. 5 Welntoaum. secretary of the
foreign trade bureau of the chamber.
says that the matter of the Northern
European cargo" rests mainly , with the
Scandinavian representatives now in
Ttl,t . Kit : thflf At1tp hfrmra
should cooperate in obtaining the 8800
tons of cargo necessary to bring the
Columbia-Pacific company's vessel, tne
West Aleta, from San Francisco to
this city. .
Little , carao is ' in sight for the
Eelbeck, the new steel steamer which
will leave : this port "early in August
for London and Liverpool. Seattle will
fill half of the vessel with cargo, and
to assure permanent . service to this
port -by this line. Portland merchants
must provide - the other .: hall or. tne
cargo for this first run.
As to the Australian-New Zealand
service a separate questionnaire will
be dispatched to business Interests in
touch with this port. According to
reports made by American Consul Gen
eral Alfred A. WJnslow of New Zea
land, that country has numerous- arti
cles which can be used In the Column
"bia river basin and it is up to the
merchants here to provide cargo , at
this end to guarantee this service.
"Portland is In the midst of one of
her most promising eras, both in ship-.
ping and industrially, and if local busi
ness men will pusn - these various lines
this port will be finally on - ner up
ward Journey . toward making s Port
land a beacon in the commercial
world, says - Secretary W.'D. " B. Dod
son of the,. Chamber of Commerce. ;
Bids Higher Than Expected and Com
missions s. Shelve Plans.
Although , a new drydock has . been
authorized by the voters and the money
' has been appropriated for its building,
members of the Port of Portland com
- mission and the publics docks commis
sion agreed unanimously at their joint
meeting Thursday afternoon, that since
mas openea tor ine construction oi ine
drydock were f ouf times higher than
' estimated, and because the port com
mission has authorized a sixth pontoon
for its drydock. that the construction
-: of a new dock should be abandoned for
the present ' , "
. The dock and port commissions were
fully represented at the meeting, and
discussion was first directed to the pro
v posed visit of the Pacifio fleet. Since
it is believed that the fleet will put into
the Columbia river about August 20, it
is absolutely essential to nave a depth
of over 28 feet at all places in the river
at that time. The commissions agreed
to cooperate In having dredges stand
by the shoaling points and dean up the.
troublesome, places arter possible fresh
ets between -new-and the data of - the
fleet's arrival. .
Vessel Leaves Inman-Ponlsen .Mill to
Take on Additional Lumber.
Having, finished loading lumber at
. the Inman-Poulsen mill Thursday eve
ning the steamer Coaxet moved to the
Clark & Wilson mill to take on addition
al cargo for the Orient this morning,
The Coaxet Is operating in the Pacifio
Steamship company's: Portland-Oriental
service. ---..'., r
Captain F. L. Harriman took the
steamer Deerlodge, loading flour for
the Atlantic coast from Municipal dock
No. I to the Portland Flouring Mills to
complete her cargo this morning, t
The steamer Willamette arrived ; up
from St. Helens this morning to take
aboard three boilers at the Columbia
Shipbuilding company. The boilers are
consigned to Southern California build
ers. " . - m
Moving down from Ttiinler this morn
lng, the wooden steamer Alector went
to St. Helens this morning to load more
ties consigned to the United Kingdom.
John Dyke is master : of the Alector
which Is operating under the Columbla-
: Pacific company - :. ryy ,- :- .
The J 8800-ton steamer; Meriden. built
, Dy me AiDina, .engine tc jaacnme worKS,
started at o'clock this morning: for
her river trial under the veteran aklp-
per, Jessen.
Operating under the Pacifio Steam
ship company, the Fort Seward, which-is
loading ties for the United : Kingdom,
sailed to Astoria this morning to com
plete her cargo. The Fort Seward, is in
cnarce ot Captain O. Johnson.
The steamer Kokomo of the Pacific
bteamsnip company service moved from
Prescott to Astoria this morning where
sne wiu ieave shortly for the United
Kingdom in charge of ' Captain 3.
West Aleta' Msy Be Diverted From
Sans Francisco to Portland.
"It has been found Impossible to re
route the new steamer Eelbeck, assigned
to tne coiumbta-pa&no steamship com
pany for Pacifio coast-European service,
to anow ner to go to Scandinavian -coun
tries on her Crst trip, but the steamer
West Aleta,' scheduled to. leave the lat
ter part of this month from San Fran
cisco to Copenhagen, can be diverted to
Portland if there is 2500 tons of cargo
v . .- v. . .. ;v ..... ar.-jfs?
Above Spauldlng avenue, where the.
Brownsville, July 18.Wllliam ' Jen
nings . Bryan addressing " a capacity
crowd in the bljp Chautauqua tent here
Wednesday evening, expressed sorrow
at the ruin and desolation occasioned by
Brownsville's recent fire. The ruins of
4 dwellings and a score of business
house, still clutter the town, but the
citizens are recovering from the cat
astrophe, j Workmen are bringing order
out of , chaos. The seemingly hopeless
Jumble of telephone 'cables and the
Chinese puzzle of severed and twisted
electric light wires is being solved,
Refugees have f now all found ' shelter
with friends or in tents. j
Plans are : being made for rebuilding
available here for '-northern European
ports." was - the report - made by A. C
Stubbe, general manager of the company.
The Kelbeck Is a 9500 ton steel steam
er now being completed on Puget sound
tor the- Columbia-Pacifio , service,' and
on her first trip across the Atlantic she
has been authorised to load half - her
cargo at Seattle and the remainder at
this port for London and Liverpool only.
Later she will include Bordeaux, Havre,
Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam. Co
penhagen. Chrlstlania and Gothenberg
on her schedule. ;i -' ,
Scandinavian interests have been con
tracting for shipments from this port,
and if a sufficient cargo Is provided the
Steamer West Aleta will be sent to this
port to accept the immediate offerings
and in this manner prevent a delay un
til the next regular sailing of the Eel
beck or until another steamer la assigned
to the Atlantic service by the shipping
board. The Eelbeck will load here early
in August.
Dock Commission En0ineer Suggests
-. Line to Atlantic Coast.
" Believing that the business men of
the city should back a Portland-owned
steamship line to the - Atlantic coast,
O. B. Hegardt, engineer of the dock
commission, suggested : at a meeting
Thursday of the dock and port commis
sioners that tne' .commissions encourage
a publicly owned line. Mr. 'Hegardt asserted-
that the ' shipping board could
easily provide the vessels through char
ter. John H.. Burgardisald he believed
it would be extremely difficult to. ob
tain vessels from - the ' government for
such a service at this time, with the
railroads, - which are operated by the
government, on a losing basis now,' as
the main competitors. -
A resolution was adopted by the com
missions .urging the county commis
sioners not to return the East Side: slip
of the Upper Alblna ferry to its former
use. since the ferry is now practically
obsolete. 1 . - ' i ,
" ' '
Lester Gore Named for Office In Sea
i ; Service Bureau.", '
" Appointment of Lester Gore. Inspector
for the sea service bureau of the ehip
plng board, was made this morning by
Lieutenant. Harold C Jones, In ebarga
of the local station. Mr. Gore, has Just
returned from . seven months" duty
aboard, the steamer Caddopeak of the
merchant marine service and his prac
tical experience will help him in taking
charge of the ; waterfront work of the
department, i .
-' G. M. Corwfn has been appointed chief
engineer aboard the steamer Tripp to
replace Chief Engineer George Wilcox,
who was reappointed to the same posi
tion aboard the West Henshaw operating
in the Seattle-Oriental service. The Tripp
will load flour for the east coast where
she will await orders for European call
and will leave Portland in . about 10
days. The Tripp will be operated by
the Columbia-Pacif to- company..- .
.'- Validity . or Bonds Up
Validity of the bonds authorised at the
special city election la. June, . will : be
passed "upon by" Storey, Thorndlka it
Dodge, Boston attorneya A mesage, re
questing an early report, was sent to
the firm yesterday by , Commissioner
Pier of the department of finance.
; Inspertor Is Transferred
Aberdeen, Waah.. July 18. Captain
Robert Ridley, chief Inspector of govern
! "
1tr: -
til', '
lit '
at '
p.- -
i L . a----1 -
- ,t '
fire started. Below Course of .the
the flames were' halted. "
and ' reestabllshment of business housea
The Lane Jewelry store has been: es
tablished, with what goods were saved,
in the public library building. Minor
Jackson, colored barber, who for 40
years has. plied.: his : tonsorial skill in
the little shop on Spalding avenue, is
now whetting his razors in a corner of
the Hotel Brownsville. ; Shoemaker
Leonard pegs -away In a tent Tha
millinery .store has found refuge Is the
Bank of Brownsville. -
Dr. Waltz, whose home, - office. , and
hospital, were rased to-the ground, has
found 'refuge in a deserted . dwelling.'
Dr. Kent has moved temporarily ' Into
the old office of Dr. Powell, and an old
drug, store now dispenses candies and
ment steamers built at the Grays Har
bor motorshlp yards for two years, has
been transferred to Olympia.
News of the
Port .
' Arrivals Jtttf '18 ,5
Daby Matthews. American .jrteaaaer, from San
Fmncisee. seneraU 1
atciia, Asaeneaa steamer, from Saa Fran
ejsco and war, Senerat
Atacoaan Mars, ' Americas ' ateasMT.- from
Everett, baUatt. , -" ; -.
a Dtsartwwi July IS
Kokoeto, Aaerioan steamer, from Presoott,
for United Bincdom, ties,
- F. 8. Loop, American steamer, 'or Baa Fran
cisco via Weatport and Wanna, lumber.
' ' MARI2TE AliSf AKAC '
' Weather s Bhrer's Btauta-
North Mead. : July 18. Conditiona at the
mouth of the river at neon, smooth; wind north
west 18 miles,' weather cloudy. -.. . ,
TWea at asborts Sstoedar -y,v '
Bifh Water - .' - Low Water
8:45 a. m....8.8 feet ' 11:03 a. m...l.2 feet
8:28 P. Bk. . .8.-8 feet - . . . , ... .... . ... ,
' . 8:00 a. Tfi.. PartVcf "Sommer" tfane.
I S8
Umatilla : ..........
Halem ........ . .
Or, sob City .......
Portland -.... . , . ..
28 11.8 f-0 3 O.00
20 1.4 J .0 0.00
20 -1.0 1 .0 O.OO
13 5.1 J .0 0.00
15 9.8 H 2 0.00
. Tha Wilamette rlrer at Portland will fall
slnwly darlnf , the next two or three days.
July IS. left up at 8:40 last sight,
steamer Anralia, from Saa SYanelsoo and n
raka and C'ooe Bay. Sailed, at 7:1 S a. as.,
steamer Haieo. for Ssn - Pedro. ArriTed, at
T-.SO a. m.. steamer Santmm, for San Pedro,
ArriTed. - and- left up, steamer Daisy Matthewa,
from Baa Francmeov .. . .j:--. g .
Oariota Jaly 1-T. afled. at 8 last sight,
tcamer J. A. Chsaslor. for Portland, , ' ; ;
' San tHego, Jnly I T. ailed. last uight tn
RemvUes, for CoUunbia liver. ' . . ' - - 4
Astoria. July 17. Sailed, at 12 -.80 a ss.,
steamer Oleum, tor San Fraaeiace. Arrived, at
2 and. left up at 3 p. m., Japanese) steamer- Ata
fosaa Mars, from Everett. Arrived, at S:45
p. m., steamer Aareha, from Baa Franoisoo via
Eureka and Coos Bay. Sailed, at 8:45 p. sx,
steamer Argyll, for Saa Francisco. ; - .
- Seattle, Jaly 17 (L N. S.) Arrived. 8.
8. Blakeley. : f rem Bellinghsm at 4 a. as. Ar
rived. 8. 8. Alaska, from Taocma, at T n, m.
Admiral Watson, from Tacoma, at 8 p. nv. ; U.
B. Xovajoy, from Bellinghasa ; OUlo, from Saa
Francisco, at 11:45 p. m.; foaette, from Olym
pia, at -5 p. m. Sailed, July 17, 8. 8. Morn.
insOStar, for Vancouver, at 11 a. m. Bailed,
July is, 8. -8. Priaoe Rupert, for Prince Ku
pert. at midnight. ,
PJrbntg. July la (t V. 8.) Passed,
8. 8. Alameda, southbound, at 2:50 p. as.
Ketchikan. July 14. (L N. S.) Balled. 8.
8. Hanta Ana. aoathbound, t 8 p. m.
MaoUa.uly 12. (L N. 8) Sailed. 8. 8.
FrotaaUus, for Seattle.
Hongkong. July 1. (T. N. 8 -rslled. 8,
8. Empress of Russia,- for Vancouver.
-Kobe. July . (I, N. 8.) Sailed, 8. 8.
Darin Mara, for Beat tie; Hexioo- ataru, for Se
attle. r . .- .,- , -. -
Tokofaama. July 8. (I N. B. Bailed. B. 8.
Amsaos Mara, for Seattle. . -
Honolulu, July 15. (t K. B.) Sailed. 8.
S. Makara. for Sydney.
Balboa, July N. 8.) Arrived, 8. 8.
Captain Finieterre, from Port Blakeley.
Baa Pedro,; July 1 . (!. N. 8.) Arrived.
S. 8. Saginaw, from fiesttle. Sailed 8. 6. D. O.
Heofield, for Seattle.- Arrived., July 18. Horace
X. Baxter, from Seattle. -: - . t- t .
Coos Bay. July IS. -It. K. S.) Arrived, 8,
8. Admiral .Wainwright, from San Vraneiaoo. .
Victoria. July IS. O. N. B.) Arrived.
8. H. C. Hansen, in tow of tug Daniel Kern at
soon. aaased out, 8. 8. Methveu, for Hsaa
kang. at 6 pl m.
Vaneeuvwr, July 17 (L W. R.) Sailed. 8.
8. Kiagaia, for Sydney, via Homrata. .Arrived,
July IS, S. 8. President, from Seattla. . -
Taootea. July 17 (t N. S. Bailed. 8, 8.
Mount -Whitney, for Swansea. Arrived. July 16,
8. 8. Redondo, from Seattle; Tosemite, from Se
attle; PUHon, from Seattle and M. S. Benowe,
from Seattle: tag Forest E. Crosby, with barge
of gyprum, it 11 t a - -
Seattle. July 17 (L 1. 8.) XUa steamer
it' " '
fire south toward the riverv where
confections' which, were saved from D al
bert Starr's confectionery store, a ;
An old building,' once the Brownsville
postofflce,' has been utilized as a feed
store,' W. R. Tripp, real esUU man,
has found Quarters in "a sector- of
Gustavson's i confectionery, the -cream
station la located in the old undertatdng
parlors. ' -.
Attorney A. A. Tussing lost" hlanome
on Averill street, his office on Spauldr
ing avenue and the building-. In which
the Haaelwood cream station was
located. - His chief Interest - was in
rescuing his law books. In his seal to
rescue his library Mr. Tussing eaved
no iota of wearing apparel from home
or office.. v i - .
WestmUnham, bound from Hongkong for' Seattle,
turned to Hongkong on July 1 s with cargo
in No. 2 bold damaged, according to advice to-
oay to tne J&erohanta'
xehange. Ho cause was
Ban Praiudaan. Jnl. 1T.T N.'allii.
rived, schooner Alnmna. from Leruka, at 1 :10
a m.: British steamer Wairuna, from Astofa
gaata and Valparaiso, at S a. m.; Atlas, from
A.uria. at 7 a. m. ; United States steamer Min
neapolis, from Ban Diego, at 8 a m.;.ahip Arapa
hoe, at 10 a. ja-i barkcntlne Oeorgiana, from
Apia, at 11:50 a. m. Sailed, ship Dunsyre, for
Sydney, at 8 a. as. - .
San Franowoo, July 18 (L !f. 8 A
rived, July 17. steamers Thomas (transport),
from Manila, at ' 12 :Vo p. m. ; Oolow
Armistead iU. 8. mine layer), from Honolulu,
at 12:15 p. m. North Fork, from Eureka,
at 0:05 P. m.; Spokane, from Los Angeles, at
8:10 p. m.: Falls of Clyde, from Honolulu, at
8:10 P. m ; tug Fearless with barge Fallerton,
from Port Saa Luis, at 8:25 p. m.; Talyn Mara
(Japanese) , from Seattle,- at 5 :35 p. ta.; Cleone,
from Knreka, at 9:29 p. m.: J. B. Stetson, from
Cnllno, at 10:fifrp. m. Sailed, July 17, W hit
tier, for Port Saa tnis. at 12:05 -p. m. ; Queen,
for Saa Diego, at 12:20 p. m. ; Nanking, for
Hongkong, at 2:05 p. m.; Tokiwa Mara (Japan
ese), for Mew Tork, at 2:15 p. m.; Admiral
Schley, for Seattle, at 2:20 p,-m.i Acme, for
Beodon, t 6-.0 pv,m.; GirMe Mahony, foe Al.
bion. at 7:05 p. m. Key West (Norwegian), for
England, it 1:10 p. m. ; Standard Arrow, for
BeanmonU Texas, at 8:15 p. nv; Sea Foam, for
Mendocino, at :2 p. to.
Sao . Francisco. Jury 18. (1r- N. 8.) Av
rived, gas schooner Stockton City, from Shelter
Cove at midnight; None City, from Port A
st-10 a. m.: Annette Eolph. in tow of
tug Belief, from Fort Angeles, at lam.:
Homer, from Santa Barbara via ports, at 2:80
a. m.; Lyman Stewart, from Seattle, at (a a:
Admiral Dewey, from Seattle, at SO a. rr
LA Smith, from Marshfield; Captain A. F. Ln-
cm, irom Boatue. at -1 :i a. m. ; Westport,
from Crescent City, at a. m.t Chahalia. from
Omys Harbor, at 9:50 a -a.; motorship Pala
wan, from Manila, at 10:88 a. m. Sailed. Colo
nel Drake, for Los Angeles, at 1 a. m.; Spo.
kane. for Lo Angeles, at 10:80 a w.
Seattle, Jnly ls. l N. 8.) Arrived:
Steamship Wlndber, from Vancouver, at 7:80 a.
m.;, Queen City, from Blubber Bay, B. C. - July
17. arrived Steamship Bedondo, from Tacoma,
7 p. m. Fulton, from Tacoma, 1:8 p. m.;
President from Vancouver, via Tacoma. . -rT '
. Sailed July 18: Steamer Admiral Watson, for
Anchorage, via aoutheastem and . Southwestern
Alaska, at 5 p. vn. ; Celilo, foe Tacoma, 11 p. m.
Ketchikan. July 17. L N. 8.) Sailed:
Steamship Alameda, south, at 4 a. m.
0rto,;- 5 1. 8.) Baaed:
Stamhtp Katori Marn, for Seattle. " '
." .'d. i? V-0- K. S.) Arrived:
Steamship Saa Diego, from Tacoma, 11 a. m.
-Astoria. July 17. (t- lr8. Arrived:
Steamship Atagosaa Mars, from Seattle, 2 p. m.
Port Townaend. July 18. (t Jt. 8.) Ar
rived during night: Schooner Robert B. Hind,
from Tacoma. July IT, arrived Steamship Ed
more, from trial trip at 10:8 a. m., and de
parted for Yokohama and Kobgst 2:50 p. m.
Multnomali Aquatic
Leave for Meet
. Accompanied by Manager O. J. Hos
ford and -Coach Jack, Codythe Mult
rwh Atnatir Athletic club- swimming
and diving team left Portland this morn
Uie for v ictoria, B. C, to take art in
the annual Pacific Northwest association
outdoor championships listed for Satur
day night. The 1918 contests were cap
tured by the winged "M" representatives
and little difficulty Is expected In an
nexing the majority, of . the points this
year. -.
. narct -: .
. . " foe-
gftioats - uiLDinas
- jarki. . towshs Ships
c IRON CO. -
. o. Bs ess.' stain ties
5Jx; i " ;v',' 11
" s ' v r "-"i 8
s v . x- f , ,' 4S
- rv xf t- x ,lx - .
' 4 -" 1 jf
'LTI&U1NQ reports received this week
X? indicate I fairly good - fishing at
nearly all points. ,
Following is a summary of reports
thU week
: Breitenbuah creek.-Detroft Good
catches of cutthroat trout being made
near Detroit Hotel at Detroit.
i North Fork. Santiam river, Detroit'
Good catches of cutthroat: and , Dolly
Varden trout made near Detroit
Pamelia. Marlon and EUe lakes, De
troit Good catches of v cutthroat trout
reported being made I at these lakes,
which -are reached by trail, and pack
horse from Detroit.. v
McKenzle river, Coburg and Eugene-
Water low and clear.. Billow, March
Brown, Hed and Blur upright flies used,
also spoon. Fairly good catches made.
One man caught 20 trout one day last
week.- Stopping places at various points
along river. , :. y .
Little Lucklamute. Black Rock Wa
ter clear; flies used ; ' several ' fair
catches made. Blackberries getOng
ripe and lots to be had from one to
two miles from Black Rock,
Santlam river, Crabtree Water clear
and tow, . Fly spinner and w arms-used.
Several fair catches reported." Hotels at
Lebanon. .. ' .
Mary's river. Summit Water clear
and low. Spoon and worms used. Good
catcnes reported, one fisherman catch
ing JJ nice ones In about an hour. Ho
tel at Summit. : : - - :
North umpqua, Roseburg . Water
clear. Fish striking fly, spinner and
bait Fishing- much better. ; Several
good catches reported from Rock creek
and above. .Hotels at Roseburg.
Fishing Bulletin. United States Forest
service. ; f - -, i - ,
sreitenbusn creek Good catches of
cut-tnroat trout are being made near
Detroit. Reached by railroad via De
North Fork, Santlam Good catches bf
cut-throat trout and Dolly yardena arej .char j sSber.. enet nr.r. B74 aL
now being made at varioua points nearTd c between , Brooklyn and. Woodward;
Ajetroii. iteacuea tr ralL
Elk TaV. T!1 at,. -,,.,,.
trout are reported at points on Elk lake.
- . .. ,i law V. .Wh k...
Reached by trail from Detrolt-
ramella and Marion: Lakea Good
ctKcbes of : cut-throat trout are being
made at various points on both these
lakes. Reached by trail from Detroit.
Wahtum Lake Fair catches of eastern
brook trout are being made from rafts
on the lake. Reached by trail via Cas
cade Locks. ?T,'s ;.-,f .'i :; ,. Ifci"
Eagle Creek Good catches of -trout
reported from points above Punch Bowl
and near four-mile post. Reached by
trail by way7of Bonneville. .......
Row RiverGood catches of trout are
being made at various points along the
stream. . Reached by auto and rail by
way of Cottage Grove.: Fish take spin
ner'' and royal coachman fly. ' --
"Sharps Creek and Layng: Creek Good
catches of trout ase reported at various
points on these streams, which may be
reached' by way of Cottage Grove, v
t ' Rogue River and Tributaries Obod
catches of, forktalls and mountain trout
are-, being, made1 at various points.
Reached by auto from Grants Pass. Fish
are taking both spinner ;and fly. ; : . f
Big Sheep "Creek Good catches of
trout are being made on upper Big Sheep
creek. Reached by auto ; by, way of
Joseph. . ' ..
Bear Creek Good catches of trout are
being made near' head - of stream.
Reached by trail by way of Miriam.
Inmaha River Good catches of trout
are "being made at - various points.
Reached by auto from Enterprise.
Olive Lake Fair catches of rainbow
trout have been made at various points
on the lake.. Reached byauto by way
of Sumpter and Granite. '
. North Powder Lakes Fair catches of
rainbow and ; eastern brook - trout are
belngi made at various points-: on the
lake. Reached by pack-trail via North
Powder and Haines. I. Fishing In these
lakes ; will not change much during the
summer season. -
Trout Lake Good catches of trout are
being made at various points along the
lake., Reached by auto ; from White
Salmon. ' There are too many fishermen
for any oneto make large catches. .
Lake Cushman Fair catches of trout
are being j made at the north end .of the
lake; also on the west side. .Reached
by auto from Olympia, Shelton'and Pot
latch, f'-'-: ly;; . i:'y ,
Lluie Quilcene : " Good catches, prin
cipally rainbow trout, are being made
at various points along the stream, be
tween its mouth and eight miles up.
i ., ,. i , . i .
' We represent all Stesmetilp
can secure evaueue
ef aay
1 STMBtwHIP TteggTS -rsli
im's eostemclatlna ' travel at
abroad, or bringing that friends ee reatUves evet
from tne as eosnny, anoeua inse eovenwss or
esperUneed InformaUoa free of harsa
- .. SMiMAU - - : .
OORSaV ,es44!-aaailaejr- ;
ar-f. , s,.lt aaslamal - - YaamammSBaeammSaa. -'
TSwfJ tySJSjSTfwawl Bl"s8Jg-,jt ..; '.-.j-- :-J-.'. - "e"8S"nBJSBBJ
. i . . st arm all 1S7S
' ; Tlte Dalles anti: Way; Points Y
Sailings 'TueaoUye, Thursdays, and
Sarurdsys, 10 P. M. ' '
Ash St. Dock Broadway 34 S4
gls TalilU and Rsrstonaa - pU ssd astena
Frni ti frangiios Kvery gg Days
S3Q Cairfeenls St, Saa' Pranclsos .
r Lecai Steamabia- an aaHreasl Agaoolaa, '
Reached by auto and Big Quilcene trail.
Dosewaulps Fair catches of rainbow
trout are being made along about eight
miles of this creek. Reached by Dose-
wallips road, via Brlnnon.
Hot Off the Bat
npHE Reds bunched hits off Al . Ma-J-
maux and ' Sherry Smith. , beating
the Dodgers easily. Daubert led In the
bitting, getting three blows. -
Washington mauled Red Faber's de
livery for 17 safeties and the White Sox
went down in defeat. Judge made four
hots. .. , -. . .
It took 17 innings for -the Browns to
defeat the Yankees after they had come
from behind, tying the score ' In the
ninth. . An error by Bodie who bobbled
Robertson's single in the ninth, enabled
St. Louis to tie the score, t-
Jess Barnes gave up only four hits
to the Cubs and kept the Giants' in first
place. ' '
Meadows and Jacobs, pitchers, ex
changed by Philadelphia and St Louis,
pitched against each other and Mead
ows won, for the Phils, shutting out his
erstwhile team mates with four hits,
Fran Viruco, alter dwaUins. 804 K. 39th
betwsea Cladntnna and Fnaei are,; builder T.
C. Ninrj ST60. - - - -Ji
William DUp. NfMir rafdsDcw. SSSS BTth
btwa teta : and tTth "sU; builder tame;
180, .,.-,v.-7 -
- V. W. Pkttfamt, ' repair ; rmidMiea 1188 K.
Fine betwaen 8Sth and 41tr bniMar tane 810A.
John E- Abbott, met ,mM. 4 . K.
Rtlnaa totwaen E. Slct ud , S24; builder
Uadtem I Gaff, enat iuu, 834 lake at.
eencr KieoUI; trallder cam; 8100.
Commercial Iron . work, repair shop, 448
Madiwm bctirae K. 7th and . 8ta; builder,
C O. MeClarae; 8500.
K. H. Bimnu, craet mrln houw, 8180 K.
87th; bonder. Mm; SB0. ' "
Bt Tatrtck Catlinlla ebnielt. Mnalr ennnth.
810 Sarler between Ittix and 20th; builder.
a. uoene; aouu.
W. Lembech. tnet niua 8827 68th fc 8.
E. between 88d and 84th area; builder, E. J.
Otto Schneider. erect chicken bmue. BS S.
B8U between Cwkeh and Darie; builder, aamei
8100. - -: .,
H. D. Moore, : repair feeidenee, 2" 8 Willi
bird. or. Peninsula; bonder, aame; 87S.
-Mi. E. Stoehr. erect residene. 802 K. 48th
n. Between Halaey and Waaoo; builder, H. a.
Williaeaa; fSBOO. ' -
Edith - IV Clemae. : tepair : residence. 8T2 K.
88th between Harrison and Lincoln: . builder.
IV. ft Banner: aao,
John- A. Trout, repair rendenee, 70 IS. 7th
t. N. between 1 Hnroside and . Eterett; , builder.
builder, same: 5100.
I -'oeepa 1. erect .raeiice. 1IBV Glens
. . I 1 . M M 111 I I I . , II. Ill k... I r,
same: 83800.
.-- 4. Kaat, -erect garage. SOS Mulberry eetween
&t i.u ana raun- atrseu; Duuaer, u. w.
Vaastone: 8525. -'
- O. P. Stockham, repair residence. 4218 85th
8. E. - between ..42d and 45th -svea; builder.
same; eoo, - , ; -
- ML Hood Valley company, repair garage. 70
10th between Davie and BveretU builder, Port
land Elevatoe company; 51275.
- Metropolitan Investment company, erect resi-
dsnce. 745 . 0th N. between Sandy bird,
and Fremont, builder. Edw. I Hvnaon: SSOOO.
-Bert Hicks, repair shoo, 850-2-4 E. Oak be
tween Zd ana Sd sta.: nallder. aame: 5760
Mrs. Ada Jones, erect garage, 40 E. 12th
Between E. lAaeols ? ana Giant , sta; builder,
samei 880. -. , . .
One Edlttnd, repair residence. 485 12th It.;
svaiiaer. ssmeT 10.
Gust Edlund, erect garage. 488 K. ltVh N.;
builder, same; 875. - ,
William and Elizabeth Wood, renalr stores.
188 2d st. H. between Yamhill and Taylor;
ounaer, vandernoof - roa. : gooo.
Hasel Turner Drake, erect garage, 1177 XL
rue; muider, Joon w. MUUer: 5250.
H. B. Gray and B. T, Praaer. erect, garsgs,
8824 K. 61st between 88th and- 8lh sta.;
ouiiuer same: Slow.
x. M, C. repair garage, 245-7 Sth st.
pecween . main ana Jaauison; .builder, A. (J.
tiuonart; sauso. , -
Send Us Your Old Carpets '
Old Bags aad WoeUa Clotalsg,
We afahe Xevtrslsle. HasWevss
Fluff Rugs
V Tfeer Wear XJxs Ire a.
Sag Ksgsrvr area All Rise.
t Veil orders Scad far Bookie..
Carpet Cleaning
- txlt Bsgs, Stesat Cltaaea, SUM
....... ' -v -i-:v-.-
t 4 TJalea Ave. N.
Xast S514 Fkeses B.1'78
PALeStT T7VIV3 tr. "V-n' 'iif
AJ P. AND A. M. - Special
communication Saturday. . July
1. 7- o'clock. F. . O. ? degree.
Vlaitor , welcomed. Arleta sta.
. tion, Mt. Scott car.' By order of
W. B. TOWN SEND, Bee. -
tortindTLoBge Na" 6bTaZ
F. AND A. M. Stated com
mnnicaUon this Friday evening, " S
o'clock. ' Masonic Temple. - . Vis
iting brethren welcome. ;.
? H. i. HOUGHTON. See.
EMBLEM. JEWELRT s specialty; buttons, pia
- charms. Jaeger Bros.. 181-185 Sth st.
Vital statistics
mir!gesh.Btrtbs. Death
Gilbert B Potwin, 28, 181 Twelfth street,
elfth ,
Grace is. Temple, so, sou Harvara street. ?'
John C. - Wallner, 87, 212 East Fifty second
street nortn. aad Anna Haag. 8, 1164 East
Bixteentit street north.
William J. Read, legal, 21d Broadway. .and
Dorris Johnston, legal, 192 Park. ' - - , 1
-Chsrlee L. Morgan, legal, 499 Lexington,
ssd N. lab Hokins, legal, 581 Bidwell.
Elmer C. Bucbansa. 19.6318 Eighty-third
sUeet. amUValma May Sager, 20, 8961 Daws
avenue.. j
rrieeeland. BgU E. S9'
aad Mrs. Charles E.
Cleveland, 589 E. 69th, July 18. S danghUr,
THORNTON To Mr. and Mrs. Gay la Thorn
ton. 1453 Lenore. Jnly IS, a eon. .
LEA BO To Mr. and Mrs. Archie Leabo, 883
RnssetL Jnly 4. a aoa. ...'
COLLLE To Mr. and Mrs. Louis 43otuv 788-4
Bukiyon. July eon.-s, - - . - - -
WARD To . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward., As
toria, Or,, July 12.' a daughter. J
WACHSML-TH To Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Wachs-
muth, 668 E. 9th, July 10. a eon.
MILLER To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller, 823
Wasee. Jnly 11, a daughter. d ;
H0F8TETTER To Mr. and Mnt A. HofstetUr,
58. 24th et. , Jnfv 14, s danght-r. "
SWINGER To Mr, and Mrs. Naif Swingsr. 210
- Mitt, July 15 a son. ' . '
rBILUPS To Mr. and Mrs. M. ' W." PhiUlpi,
. 8f5 E. Holland, July 8, a daughter. ;
ESTBKRrj To Mr. aad Mia- Axel J- Eatberg,
1280 Union, July It. a daughter. ; a
SEVIK To Mr. and sirs. Jobs Sevik. Joly 8.
14$ Kmm, esnrhte. ' . "
EVANS To -Mr. and Mrs. A. . E. Ersns. 840
Hartman, July 10, a daughter. t
tjtwis To Mr. wl Mr. JnBns Lewts, 748
Milwaukee, Jnly 13, a ana. t-- ,
GIBSON To Mr. and Mrs. C U Gibson. 1199
Matt, July T, a eon, - ' ' ,
- y HEATHS AP gtTirERAI,8 78
FLEMING At the residence, 564 Fourth
street, July 17, Mattie Eslley. beloved wife
o4 Angustns Firming, sister of Uias Margaret
aad John Keller of this city.- - Remains are at
tne parlors of MeEnta As Eilers, Bixteenta and
Everett streets, notico or raaerai later. - - -
KUTKR the funeral tervices of tha late Ruth
erford L. Knter win be field Monday, July 21,
St 2 :0 o'clock p, m.,.at iinlry's, Montgonisry
at Fifth.; Friend Invited. Services at lag Port
land crematortnm private. , .
TAYLOR At the fsmUy-reidetv:e, 150 Esst
Emenoov July. 17, Sarah Ella Taylor, age 63
yean." Bemains are at the parlors of BrseaeeV
Snook, Belmont at Thirty-fifth street. Notice of
funeral later. - . , . .-.-.-J-
ABNDT At the family residence 1208 East-
Mam street, July it, rnfant daugbter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Amdt. Remains at the parlors
of Breets A Snook Bebnoot at Thirty-fit th street.
w: m.
BANDEB la this eity. July 17. Albert Baader.
-aged 5 S years, late of Uoble. Or., father of
Ivy Bander, aoa of Mrs. Katie Bander, brother
of Mrs.' Annie Ron o. Mrs. Alulae Bunas. Mrs.
ina. Dewier of this city; Mm. Emily Barks and
Mrs. Hilda Burke at Kalama, Wash.; and Oscss
Bander of Alaska. The for
warded Saturday, July 10, to Kalama. Waah.,
by J. P. Finley at Son, 'where services will be
held and tnteqmcnt made. -
BEERS At the family residence, 1088 lUat
Taylor street. July Is. Nellie KatBerlne Beers,
aged 47 years. , Deceased leaves husband, W. 1L
iteen, and one son, Frank J. Beers. - funeral
aarricaa win be held Baturda. Jul 19. at 2
p. m.. at the chapel of Braeae At Snook. Belmont
at Thirty-fifth. Intenment Bose City cemetery.
BOAT WRIGHT In this city, at the residanoeTof
ber sister. Mrs. W. H. wailams. 20B nixty-
fourth street southeast, July 17. Mand May Boat
wright, aged SS yearn, wife of Jobn 1". Boat
wright ef Indio, CaL. daughter of Mrs. Elmira
Hob be of this oity. " The remains are at Finley'a.
Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter.
OL8EX Bobert Olaen. 'in this eity. age 58
years. 745 -Savier street. Funeral services
will be held at P. L Lerch funeral parlors, ast
Klevsnth and Clay streets. -Saturday. July 19.
at 2 p. m. Friends Invited..
BANK William Banks, Willamette river, July
10. 4S rears: accidental drowning.
WOOD Clark P. Wood; Good Bamgrltaa hoe.
Mtal. July 18. SB years: nremia.
MORRIS Jordon A. Morris, 285 6th, July 18.
65 yeara; empyema.
MITCH EL Julius Mltehet. 78 T Qnlmby, July
. IS, 85 yeara; senility. - '.
HARRIS Albert lUrruC 4l7 Briatel, July 14,
-vp yesVn UnvnfH woQamSs
GOHDON Florenos Gordon. , 8834 fiSd. July
1 14 veers? tnfiefmilnU
BEERS NeUia JC Beers. 1089 E. Taylor. July
. is, 7 years: paralysis.
DUFF Mary i. Duff, 1868 E. 11th. July 18,
19 yean: myocarditla.
WEIOJE8 John W, WeHes, 887 1st. July 18.
- 82 years; ureemie coma.
TATLOR Mamie Taylor, 788 E. Bamslde,
- July 12. 17 yean; septicaemia.
STRANGE George F. Strange. 2084 X. Sal-
men, July 15,. 2 years j nephritis. '
CXA-RK BROS., florisu, Morrison at bet 4tb
and 6tb. Phone Msin A-1805. Fine flow
era and flora 1 dooicna. No branch stores.
bill sta. Cut flowers, plants and derfgna Sell.
wood Greenhouse 54 Wehalem ava Sell. 1520.
MARTIN FORBES CO.. florists. 854 Wash:
Ington. 'Main 250. A-1258. ITowers (of
aTl onasions artirticaUy arranged.
designs, decorationa
Pbone Msin 5545.
PORTLAND 8 Floral and Bird Shop.
end deeors tions. ' Msin 4 8TS.
228 Morrison.
a-aX)PLS FLORAL SHOP, 246 Aides. De.
ttrm and decorations. Phone Martball 5022.
SMITH, flcrist 141 H 8th "st
FTJKERATj pibectors
Holt-nan Undertaking-Co.
, Funeral Directors
Main 507, A-1411 f
- Progressive Funeral
F. S.. Dunning. Inc.-
414 E. AMet St. Phone Kant 62, B-5225,
" n Dunning &' McEntee
Broadway and Ankenv-St.' ' v Lady AmistanL
. Phones Broadway 480.' A466.
A. D.v Kenworthy &Co.
5802-8804 SSD: S
mone Tabor 02 s 7.
Home Phone D-8I.
last 781 D f I A..l.:.lia Lores
B-1888 :; " -' --rw Vila r , AaeiaUnt
rxnrBTAKEBS E. llth and Hawthorns
McKNTElfc EILKRS. funeral parlors witb'ali
the privacy of a home. 18th and Kverstl sta
Phones Broadway 2158. Home A-2188.
M1LLEB aV' TRACE!, Independent fnnemi dt
rectors. Prices as - Km ' ss 880 840, 160.
Washington at Ella Main 2881. A-7S85!
Downing a McNemar,' successors to wilsoa
4osa, Multaomah at gv 7tS. Irvtagtos dia
- Sueoessora to W. 11 Hamilton
1T8 E. Glisaa Phone Tsbor 4218
residence as.
tabllshment, . 601
Williams ava
Woodlswn 220. '.' !-
245 and 250 Killingsworth a vs. seef Wniiami
avo. Woodlawn 8806. C-1188. :
Belmont st.
Williams, ava
088, C-10S".
Hrpwps cjjdertaking co. m. 4162.
-aWrt 63 A-2821. Oct. Third and Clay.
pef cefirl '''xlvrtaking Parlors, 446 Mor
" wgvarton street Broadway - 2584.
Portland Marble Works
26S 4th Btf Opp. dty Hall Nee Bros.
rjaaay-3o sr. at MAPisort 1J
THE following articles have been found on cars
, of the Portland Railway, 'Light at Power com
pany, July 16, 1919: 5 purses; 1 tie clasp;
1 film; 1 strap; lbow; 1 brief case; 9 packages;
1 plane; 9 lunch boxes; S baskets; S Umbrellas;
1 suit case. - Owners -may obtain property at
First and Alder street station. ;
L08T At Meier i Frank's, or down tows dis
trict. black leather purse, silver clasp, con
taining small amount of money, safe deposit keys
and T. W. . A. membership card. , Finder
please phone Tabor 8782. " - ,
ls8T In Pantages theatre, small fur seek
piece, Tuesday night. This was a gift and
f highly prised by owner. Please call Main
9472. Cordova hotel.
LOST Purse, between HoUiday and E. Everett,
eontalaing palace-Laundry pay ehaek, 625 In
currency, aio gold pin and red set ring.
Palace llnndry or .e4R Tale st. Reward.
Cost Sunday, a child 'a eilver bag, between
L. Cafeteria snd Broadway or Broadway and
Portland hotel. Finder return to. Ansonia hotel
and receive reward. ' . - ' -- -
LOST t-Bos to n terrier puppy," femalei light
. briadm with white markings, short-tail; lost
from eaf between Broadway and 6th St.; liberal
reward. ' Broadway 1201, , . ..
K5ST SndayrJuiiTl 8, lady's short eravenette
oat-between Nebraska St. and Sth and Madl
son, from auto. Reward. Tabor 1 5 18.
D1A1i6";D brooch, fuesdsy, Mtween Hsight areL,1
Going st. and Cleveland ave. Gift from de
ceased husband- Woodlaws 2467. Beward. ,
LOST Bsby-'s WsnketT r black-and wbfte checT,
bet. Portsmouth ave. and FUke, Wednesday
night Phone Woodlawn BUT; " -T
LOST Bay mare, about 1050 lbs., small white
spot In forehead : had halter en and shoe oa
right front foot. : F. Strader, 97 G fa nam.
LOST Psy envelope, containing 8 1580, name
, Emma Anderson. Return to Americaa Laun-
ary. urn sat. mnra.
LOST Pone with jewelry, on Uutambia bfgh-
war. betwaen Portland and Th Tlaltaa.
Tabor 8091.- Reward. - -; -
LOST- Hard rubber Aroek tire. Ford sliir
- wara. sjavenpora. assjn hp w. - - .
ESsT A.:, yellow, female" Persian eat, , laby
starvmg. ova c lexn St.
LOST Chlid't"" cape at Crystal Lake psik"
Phone East X962. Reward.
MEX; to dixtribute eirculars from home to
house. ' We want only reliable men who eaa
be . depended on. This is r permanent work for
the right- men; -88 per day to start with.- Apply
between 9 and 12 tA Mr. Comer at Levitt's
store, comer 4th -and Washington. .. .
FUR. cutter wanted, steady position " to ' rfiht
- maar state salary wanted, references and full
particslara -when answertng. R. W. Drew, ; Ta
eoena's expert farrier, llth and Broadway, . Ta
coma, VVaah. M ' " "
FIRST-CLASS Ford mechanic; must be compe
' tent to handle any kind of Ford work in the
required time. -Good per and a pleasant placs
to work. Address St. Johns Motor Co., Chi
haHs, Wash, - '- .. :
KXPEB1ENCED married fanner tor ranch;
mart he able to milk. 461 East 20th K.
1--t 7076. ,
WANTED Office' boy. . Must tx. 16 vrars of
ago or older. Apply' N. . W. Steel Co.. foot
of Khendan at. Main 1188. ,
EXPER1ENCKD bookkeeper wanU permanent
poaiflotv Beat of references as Jte character
and ability. J-21, Journal. tt
TOI NH MAN with motorcycle as collector; good.
permanent po-Hion. ' 195 8d st. -GOOD
sheet metal workers wanted. J. C Baysr
Fsrsacs Co., 204 Market at " .
WAXTED An experienced auto truck driver.
Address, T-42, Journal.
WANTED Experienced radiator snd repair
- xnaa. Rushlight A Penny, E. 5d and Broadway.
, osb .Capable or ' installi v j .
rOTODBT CO.. 218 12. BOTH ST. N.
55.T5 FOR 8 IHtUKS. W'KITE U .
A GENTLEMAN who can drive an autrmi..i ,,e
- wishing to go to San Francisco. Call 'ibi.r
5510. References required.
Do you Wish to incTeane youf earning
or are you satisfied with the rut you are in f
I .earn to operate and repait antoronui!--.
ante trucks and tractors. The rsy u big s i
the demand for men is grestet then tns '
ia this field. Ton can Qualify yourself Umi i
a short course of practical instruction uu... f
eaperu st -
Branch Office 124 N. 6th St
Near I'nlon TVpot.
' Typewriting, eomptometer. bookkeeping and at
other modern business coursea Dsy snd nu t
acbooL Aluky bldg., 8d and Mofrtmn. Main 8-4.
We teach auto, tractor, gss engine ani s"-
elrrtrical work. BIG 100-FAGK CATAI.o i
FREE. Address Adoog Auto and Tractor srliool.
Dept. J, Union ave. snd Wasco street, Poruaud.
Or. Phone Kaat 744 6.
S 1 1 11 1
HWAVTED Fifty men st ones, to learn' to re
pair automobile and fas engines. Apply at
Hemphill's Trade School, 707 Hawthorne gvs,,
cornel 20th.
Hawthorne Auto School
AutomobUsa. trucks, tractors, mschlnht tr "
esy-aoetyleae aeldlng, vulcanising and retreadm.
Special summer ratea. lsy and evening cl.
positions aTsTpiTed
evert graduate of behn ke-walke3
business collle, portland. -
Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography.
banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free esulim.
Tonus men and women wanted. Call 216
Railway Exchange bids. Splendid opportunity
to leers a well-paid prof eat-on. Ose boukieu
Railway Telegraph Institute.
WANTED Raspberry pickers, 4 cents jrr
-pound. Phone Tabor 266d or inuuire at
bf'Qth '14," Central Msrket
Frank K. Welles, ei-ssst state sunt. mr.
V. W. Bank Bldg. Tsschers plsoed prnmi i .
GOING East or South! ilousehold ids sl.ti i -t
at reduced rates; ssovtng snd packin. l-'--.
Coast Forward in Co., 408 Hoyt St. h.ij 7 0 .
East slde7ommercial e'Chooi.
Miss Rsgina Buckels privste school: indMI
ual instruction. 122 H Grand ave. Esat 42 7.
'At Standard Factory
' No. 2 ; '
-; -Power Machine
to learn on
. Shirts and Overalls'
Mackinaws and
Overcoats v
Saturday; Half. Holiday
LARGE, local rstsil store has splendid posltinn ,
for an experienced woman to taks chance rf
candy department; must have executive aniliiv
In retail candy experience; excellent sslsry to
start Commnnicate with Box 747, stating age,
experience and aalary expected.
ferred, for position with small family, Ilixxl
River valley: good wages. Inquire Mra O-orpe
Sunday, Hotel Benson, between 11:80 and 12
Saturday morning, or write flood River, Or.
GOOD reliable girl for general Iiouaeworksinuii
house and family; Hood River vslley. Inquire
Mrs. George Snnday, Hotel Hennon, b-tw-n
11:80 and 12:80 Saturday morning, or writs
Hood River. Or.
INTELLIGENT young woman for awiaUnt b--.
keeper; must be quick and accurate at ft'""-
and good penman; permanent If capable. C-SJ3,
Journal. ' .
quires tbs services of an exprienced nm.
woman for the art needlework dnpartraenu - Ap
ply superintendent's office, 9 to 10:80 a. m.
"Hand" Knitters Wanted '
Apply in pemon; work done at htcne. 146
Broadway, near Morrison.
WANTED A young girl; Unlit -ffi.e ...
Apply In own handwriting. Kama wia
expected Y-41. Journal.
tV'ANTED Housekeeper tor f smily ' of 2 fwT7"
625 month r no washing; 6 rooms. 80 l.ut
16thstN. .
NCR8E gtiTTor baby 2 years; 815 ''tnonthT74
Montgomery drive, Portland Heights. Get olf
at Pstton road.
WZNTEIWomen " and" girls over" 16 yHr,
Oregors Worsted Co., E. 27tb and C'matu.a
ava, SeUwood.
WANTED Experieneed alteration
Ton Millinery, 8d and Morrlnon,
WANTED Experienced makers. Apply at lion
Ton Millinery, 8d and Morrinon. -
OR woman for gmera! housework; guud
home and good wage. East 7607.
ioo h6ppickkhTvanxed
To pick 40 acree of as good hops as there is
In the Willamette valley; ground perfectly cup;
no weeda; all clod mashed and smooth: var 1
close to campground; as fine a campground n
there la In -the state. Three driven wrli
tlie best of water; plenty of wood, all cut in
stovwwood lengtiia; also-plenty of straw tor t- f
ding hauled to your tents; will be a store on
ground or a grocery wagon once a day, a:-
botcher wagon - daily; (rh bread dsiiy; Vj I
bstil alt pickers to aad from tram free: gn-i
hall for any kind of amnaementa; will pay fx
going price foe 'picking, no matter what it i-.
I wiir be at the Ht Charlee hotel on Tn-ir
the 22d of July, to register snd make errar. .la
ments or transportation to yard.
Phone 818. ' 417 Cornmen-lal. fl1m. Or,
pays you while learnlns: givra yon set of tn"!;
positions aeenred. - Write for catalogue. 2ii4
Bumsids st, or phone Brosdwsy 17S1.
MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade; !.,.s
learning, position gusrsnteed. Mr'. 22 w,
experience. .Oregon Bsrb-r Coll-s. 2H9 Hs'l'-cn.
in 6 weeks; psy while learning; position gunr.
n teed, 2 S4 Couch st
AGENTS with Ford to demonstrate in lia.i.
mab eonnty, best selling accewmry on tf.-s
market; no fake, but standard auaranteed e'jii !
ment Commiision 812 to 820 per day, liv
able daily. Previoos experience not nei-rr.
Call at 681 Railway Esffhange blrlg., Nit'i.1..
AGENTS Twice shipyard pay, for acuve' '-"
men; most dMlrsble work, prompt psy. hte
eislty Foundry Works, 8. E. Corner t. 7th snl
Belmont '' " - -
AGENTS ' WANTEt To sell our complete tine
of nnnery stock; cash, weekly Addreae Capi
tal City Nursery, Salem, Or.
WANTED Local and traveling ssj'!i n
throughout Oregon and Washington. l --i
answering stato esperience, salary and .com-
skm renuired. R-470, Journal.
IF IN NEED of brick layer on buiita' snd i.
ovens in) o.uv-k notice phone Maniiail a
fw . f j , ji. irate vhauileur; married
tor own car. y-4. ournai.-
FOR psTnting and tinting, call .Broadway 1
, -Good clean work, right price.
CONTRACTOR and builders r-pir or usw
la ot oat of city.- Tsh-r 79H2.
CMBREU.A8 repaired at your hums. i ,
Woodlswn 4i.
1 i.
WANTED liy mn and Kile, s ctK ia
ranp. Phone Woc-Hwn 40'jn,
GOOD milker is looking fs eiuiiiutii-.-.t,
Portia nL Btitle hotel, fi'li '.
(Coaliauetl sa luliowiuj it, ,
r as