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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1919)
14 THE OHEGON DAILY JOURNAL, P OUT LAND, FMDAY, JULY. 13, 10i: "FIRST IN; QUALITY- FEATURES THE SUNDAY; JOURNAL SEE FOR YOURSELF dp Stage, Pitty Pat .Pat, , . Feminine Hearts .Bjit - It's Too' 4te; Wally Was ' in Town Only Few Hours . Between Trains. ( iTjTALljY" HEID, popular paramount vv star ana nero 01 a iiwhimiiiu jh'- tlon . picture ,-. adventures, .vlnlted with Xanager. C. S. Jensen of the Liberty between trains Wednesday night. Held was on his way to Seattle to take art In - the ' motion picture men's con vention noW: being held In that city. .The Seattle committee has arranged with Wally" to ' make a dashing entry Into Seattle f rom Tacoma following the fash Ion set by that hero .of the -"Roaring T;oad." A Stuts .Bearcat has been pro vided and Jleid promises to duplicate his famous race against time and furnish ' t hrHIs., a plenty; : The Paramount star has Just : signed " a five year, renewal , wltlt the Paramount Lasky corporation which." when i completed, will make, 14 years - association with , that company. Jtetd?ls enthusiastic about bis new director.- Jimmy Cruse, of whom tie says : '"Cruze-has the practical experience plus ' the knowledge of technique -and : neces- wAry enthusiasm, to put big things over, lie has a. player's sympathy. -an open mind. and. just radiates pep. . I believe I have picked the right chap to work .with and feel I can put forth my best CIIVIW UIIUVI Ull yiicviiuu. iff. pw .avv rushing our productions, more time and tudy is : given to ; the . making. : The XJoarlng Road,' -which proved so popu lar. . bears out the wisdom of this. The Xove Burglar" will soon be screened, we liave Just finished The Uottery Mtn' with a,nhlmmle wedding.'- On my return- to the studio we start working on 'Hawthorne of: the XT. S..A" This Jat- ler .promises to be a knockout : There iv as sonrie little competition between our company- and Douglas Fairbanks for -tills- scenario." ' Mn Held is accompanied by Carl Jes- ten, coast representative of the Motion Manager Jensen of the Liberty hopes to have . "Wally" stop over In Portland Sunday " and make a personal appear ance before Liberty audiences. . , SisSSBSBBSSW-WSMSSSSl-aMS Movie Stars Use Drug Commissioner Albany. N. Y., July 18. Oirl "movie stars'; and women' of wealth make up a ' surprisingly large share of the addicta to the drug habit. Deputy Drug Com- : missloner -Morrill said this afternoon. - The statement was made after seven . "persons from various parts of. the state had been brought before the state nar- ' cotlc drug commission for alleged -violation -of - the commission's regulations re garding the registering of drug victims. Some physicians, Morrill said, make so,, much i money catering to women of these classes that they do little else. More than 20 more physicians have been- summoned' to answer the same . charge., " . -t , . M. IExBibitors o'Seek Repeal of 1 Admission Tax ..One of the purposes of the North west motion pictures exhibitors', con vention, now In session in Seattle, is to' make plans , to participate in a nation-wide (.protest campaign '. for the repeal, of the motion picture ad mission , tax. instituted by the Motion- Pictures Exhibitors League of America. - Inc. - The league - repre sents 15,000 film theatres which cater to 16,000,000 patrons of pictures, and it is hoped by the association. to line up the. great majority of these per sons, f :--:"- -;.V -";,.., .. v .The campaign will be . prosecuted through the medium of Slides flashed upon the screen containing propa ganda . against the : tax, as : well as ths r circulation of petitions among the. patrons of the picture bouses. ' ; "- ... ! .s ill I nil I H I I mail iiiiisjimn Mill Hi mill ill i n ilpfi l.i SMW.iJIMiU - 1 TnrS- C'Tn0 Ti ll ;C rpOM MIX is the hero of The Wilderness Trail," a snow and I ! storm ; picture,' on the screen at the Strand this week. MA Stirring Romance" o the North is the film theme. ' f 3 Legislation to Put Women on Equality With Men Desired St Louis. July" 16. (U, 1 P.) Legisla tion to secure equality: for women will be the aim of, the ; prospective federa tion of business and women's clubs. The new organization, representing the Women's : Association of Commerce ot the United States, Women's business committee, Altrusa clubs and the T. W. C. A. Business women's association. will ngnt.ior new - wor King" conditions ana other laws placing women on the same basis as men. ' State laws relative to women property holders and other, discriminations ' will receive the organization's attention. Richard Harding Davis' "Soldiers of Fortune" is being given an elaborate screen production this summer. More than 1000 horses and 10,000 people: are being used in the various scenes. The govern ment is allowing the producers to use the flagship Minneapolis and bodies of cavalry, infantry, sailors, . marines and aviators for the battle scenes. D..W. Griffith, Thomas H. Ince, Mar shall Neflan, Cecil De MUle and Mack Sennett ; have been invited to contribute articles to: the- motion picture supple ment, ; which will be part of the next edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannlca. During the coming year Thomas H. Ince will present a number , of - big special productions, with "all star" casts, and . putthesef on under his personal direction in a de luxe manner. The first of these was started this week. It is "Americanism vs. Bolshevism." . "Daddy Long Legs,", at the Liberty last week ,bids .fair to become rone of the greatest money makers in the history of the motion i picture business. Up to date the gross receipts on this produc tion have been $750,000. The picture was sold to the First National Exhibitors' circuit for- $250,000. 1 r V ' ; oapp Women of today seem to listen to Terr' call of duty except the supreme one that tells them to. guard 'their health: Home duties, church; duties, war aetiyities, and the hnndred-and-one calls for charitable enterprises soon lead' women to overdo. Nervousness, headaches, backaches and female troubles are the ! inevitable result.. . . , . ft&M0 ' Hp(0)MiLdl- A . 1 Who Where .. t . : VATJDEV1LLB FANVAGES Broadway at Aider. Hib das TaudeTilla and photoplay featurss. Afternoon and eTenlns. - Procraoi changaa Monday aftor- noon. .m , .,- ,v HIPPODROME Broadway at TamhlU. Ackw ., man A Harris, TaBderill and photoplay fea tures. Afternoon and night. . :. STOCK ALCAZAR -EleTcnth and Morrison. Morical comedy stock eompaox, in "The Only Oirl." 8:20. - . - ,; - . LYRIC Fourth and Stark. Lyric Musical rare Comedy company, in "A Round of Pleasure." . Every evening and afternoon except Thursday afternoon. ' - i PHOTOPLAYS COLUMBIA 8ixth and Stark. Elliott Dexter and Lus Ue. in A Daughter of the Wolf." 11 a. m. to 11 p. ja. LlBEHTTr Broadway at Stark,- Anita Stewart, in "A Midnight Komance." 11 a. m. to 11 pi nu . . r MAJESTIC -Washington at Park. Constance TaJnudga. In "Romanc and Arabella." 11 a. to. to 11 p. m. -i STRAND Washington between Park and West Pars, VanileTille, photoplaja H ta. to GLOBE Washington near Eleventh. Douglas cairoanss, in "YMia ana wooiiy. 11 a. jb. to 11 p. m. .-. . j . CIRCLE Fourth near Washington. Mary Plck- iora, in "wags." a. m. to 4 o clock the " nexe morning. .... SUNSET Waarungton and Broadway. Charles Bay in "The Family Skeleton." a. as. to 11 p. m. .- " J - . ' PARE8 AND RESORTS COUNCIL CREST Dancing every evening ex cept Bun day. Sunday afternoon concert. Cea-eessione.- - - -.w-.-.-j-.--.. . OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK Armstrong roily company musical travesty. Skating, boating. COLUMBIA BEACH Bathing, dancing and eon . cessions. . ,, Jack Dempsey Is . - -Signed for Circus - . . . . . . -. "0 Jack Dempsey, according to report from the east, has been signed by Ed ward Arlington, owner : of the Sells Floto show, for an -Indefinite engage ment, which began July 14. at Newark, N.t J. r Jess Willard was under Arling ton's management right after he won the heavyweight title from Jack John son. , , -.' - -i -.. -. ;- "- inoss Philadelphia, Pa I was Terr weak, al-i ways tired, my back ached, and I felt sickly most of. the time. . I went to a doctor and he said I had natvous indigestion, which, added to my weak condition, kept me worrying most of the time and he said if I could not stop' that, I could not gt welLi I heard so much' about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- ' ..pound my husband wanted me to try it. I. . took it for a week and felt a litUe better. I kept' it up for three months, and I feel fine and can eat anything now without distress , or . nervousness. , , Health and happiness T Yes, I have both now. "Mrs. J.r WoaTBxnra, ' ; 2843 North Taylor Street, Philadelphia, f a. The rna jority of women novradays ' overdo, - there t, are i so many demands - upon their time and strength; the result' is i invariably; a t weakened, r1 run-down ; - nervous condition: with : headaches, back-. acne, lmtabuitjr ana depression and v soon "more - serious ailments develop, Avoid them by taking in time ' , . ' Majestic to-Get -Big Four Films Local 'Picture House to' Feature . Hart., Fairbanks and Mary Pickford. RETTJRN1NO from a six-weeks'" so journ in Los Angeles and its nearby motion picture -. colonies, J. J. Parker, owner of the Majestic theatre,' reports that while down there he did some busi ness calculated to make the. Rose City rub Its eyes;'; f;--r-'"f:-t:v-- . ' Chief of his achievements, "ays Mr. Parker, was tils signing up of contracts where the local Majestic house will have first run " showings of the productions of the United Artists corporations, the "Big' Four." the Hart.' Fairbanks. Grif fith and Pickford combination. Negoti ations leading to the closing of this con tract were carried on by wire between Los Angeles and New York Interests, with Frank Lacey, manager of the Ma jestic, handlimj the local ; end . of the deaL - a ": Mr." Parker reports further that he has also signed up for the new-Selsnlck pictures, which will feature such players as Elsie - Jan is, , Eugene O'Brien. Ollye Thomas and : Elaine Hammersteln. The first of these pictures . will be coming along, soon. The first of the "Big Four" releases will be ' a Fairbanks feature, due some time in Septembeiv . Last, but not least, -Manager Lacey reports .the arrival t of. Joe ; Terry, or ganist, recently of St. Louts and San Francisco, who " 'has - come; to -alternate shifts - with Cecil r Teague on the Ma jestic WurliUer. j It is Mr. Lacey's Idea to give his patrons, organ features at all performances, which means, practically, all day-and evening.. He will install a program devise . by which .patrons may have their favorite selections played for them. r . :: - ' It is probable that with the arrival of the big films arranged rfor, two-week runs of features, will be Inaugurated at the Majestic. . U . Seaside Rebekahs Install Officers for The -Coming Year Seaside. . July 18. On Monday eve ning, with Mrs. Clara. Miller acting aa district deputy president and . Mrs. Mary Ackerman as district deputy, marshal, the following officers of Ramona Re bekah lodge were installed for the com ing year : Noble grand, Mrs.' Harry Hansberry ; vice grand, Mrs. Maud Simpson; secretary, Gladys - Taylor: treasurer. Mrs. Lola Spaeth; conductor, Mrs. Nellie Fake ; warden, Mrs. Char lotte Barrett ; ' right ' support to noble grand, Mrs. Ellen Peeler ; left support to noble grand, Mrs. W. G. Montag : right support to vice grand Mrs. Frank Stephens ;. left support to vice grand, Hester Parker ; Inside guardian, Agnes Falconer; outside guardian, H. L. Har ris; chaplain, Anna Jobson. - Astoria Girl. Weds Seaside, July 18. "Doris Smith, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dorrance Smith of Astoria, was married -Tuesday . to '.Ed ward Halkura - of Seaside.; The bride has been employed In the Hamlet school. NATIONAL GUARD NOTES Lieutenant S. M. Williams and Lieu tenant J. A. Mears are in charge of the recruiting duties in Portland for the Third Oregon. The Headquarters com pany is now the object of their special solicitude, but a man may enlist in assy unit he desires. The office is -open in the Armory every evening with a detail of men and physicians oh duty. En quiring Is encouraged. Any questions answered. The Third Oregon is sworn In. fully organised in its companies and units 'and is expecting every - day of ficial 'notice of its acceptance by - the federal government as a part v of the great reserve force of the American peo ple. - The National Guard of Oregon will for this year consist of the Third Ore gon, the - two engineer companies, and perhaps a battery ot field artillery. Next year there will be three companies of coast artillery, a calvary troop and per haps another battery of field artillery That is the expectation .of the National Guard officers conversant with the law. The Oregon organisations will be part of the Sixteenth division and the num ber of officers and men all told can be about 4000. Arrangements -have been' made for the field and target practice at Clacka mas of as many men of the Third Ore gon commands as can be Induced to go. Free transportation by Uncle Sam's auto trucks arid a, good . sold lers dinner at Clackamas, with rifle practice, instruc tion by officers who have "been, there" in the face of the Huns wiU no doubt at tract a large attendance. : There ? was some remarkably good rifle shooting on, the range last Sunday, and there un doubtedly will be again, ? : ? V: AVITH AUTHOR ANDPUBLISI1ER Australia seems, to be buying more Americap books, and buying them direct from t the American publishers. Time was, and not long ago, when Austral asia got all of Its outside reading matter by way of England. No American bad a chance with Australasia unless Eng land had chosen to buy an edition, in cluding the selling rights' in all her colonies. By . the . time the book ' got around : to ; the colonies .- In the . South seas it was a pretty eld story. Recently, however, Australasia has .been buying direct V editions of American V; books, especially of novels, as large as England would : ordinarily take for herself and all the colonies ; and she gets the books months ahead of the-time-she can 'get them- -via: EngIand.i;---i ; -;vP.-"t-i,: Zane Grey's novel. The TJ.lP.iTrafl," won the distinction of being the best seller on the Harper list- last year. Even though it Is over 18 months since it was first published, the demand, for it has risen- higher - and higher and - a large edition h as just gone - to press for re printing. - ' , ' ' . - - - lust ' Work - -Lady Xo you want employment? Tramp Lady, yer means well, but yer can't ; make work sound any more - in vltin by uein a word of three syllables. Why Cover Up the Beautiful,' Queries This Beach Beetle Atlantic City, N. J.. July 18. (U. P.) Women's legs are beautiful. Men's legs are not. r ' i , So ; why compel women bathers to cover theirs and allow men freedom of the knees? Thus Colonel Dbnshah Ghadlall. a native of India, but an American citl sen. summed up his criticism of the AtlanUc City ordinance requiring women bathers to wear stockings. He was speaking at the convention of the National Association ot ' Drugless Pbyslcians. -' i"Vf ', " . . "Why should women ' be compelled by an unmoral. un-American and in humane law to eover theic beautiful limbs?" he asked, during a discussion of unexplained anatomy and centers of physical force in man. ' What is the difference between a woman's foot and a man's foot Why 'not make men : wear long stockings and put trousers on hortes? If At lantic City would be truly moral. It ' would tejl women to discard their clothing or don trousers." " 1 rriHAT about the best part of ' these J- midsummer days is sleeping- out on !the screen porch at night- r ftt i That-the mart who read our paper going home on the streetcar last evening probably, has a stiff neck this morning. - ' That no big city barber , shop will ever have the same appeal for us as did the little one-chair "tonsorial parlor" back home in which- the : mandolin' club used to practice after business hours. j: wa ' i ';:"-.' "i That it doesn't - pay to leave, a -dime in your vest pocket to test the honesty of the cleaners and press era, r . . .- , - t '- iat v there are some beautiful - suarsets these evenings..,- ;- m m .. That some of the back-yard gar- ' den came up where we didn't plant it. . . - . - ' ; -1 ;- ' . That shoe' dealers report people buying three and four pairs of shoes at a time in order to escape the higher prices scheduled for fall styles. . - r ' - v :. 'h m - That the wonder to us is how peo ple can get: enough money together to buy more than one pair at pres ent prices. . a ! That it takes much water to keep the lawn from turning brown. ' IbsJIB. V! . That the gardener on the big lot across from the old postoffice buys weirdly behaving automatic - sprin kiers. - . That the girl with the green eyes wears stocktpgs to match. - We Can't Believe It - "Mary Pickford in 'Rags, ' at a local theatre. A little girl,,had to write a " com position on men. ; This is it : "Men are- what ' women marry.1 - They drink and smoke and swear. ' They don't go to church like women do. Both men and women sprang from monkeys, but women sprang fur ther." .'-'- Say Them Fast A glowing gleam growing green. The black breeze blighted, the : bright blossoms. Six . thick thistle sticks. , ' . 'Speaking of signs, there's the east side store that sells ' "under ware." .; This Box V French Scotch ; . . . J& '.- Tor That Thirsty Feeling . . . Nothing1, but--, a ) cool, ' refreshing drink will do these1 days. Orangeade is - the most delicious of fruit juices, tit is the clear, icy juice of the crushed orange. ' 1 You4will surely like , ' ; Orangeade ' : ' ; : ' " . ' y. Another Popular - Fountain Drink is the Shivering Timbers You will find jjiat it lives up. to'its name.' i 1 127 Broadwar" Jimmy Coon ,' Works With Sammy ' Muskrat.- -; - " JIMMIE COON and Teddie ' Possum didn't, have a minute to themselves.. They had to get more fresh eggs for Mr. Red - Fox ' and they had to work two whole days for Sammy Muskrat because he had brought little Peter In a raft from the and bar. , Goodness men." said Jimmy Coon, "how hard we have to t work for Mr. Red. Fox and Sammy Muskrat. I never have a minute to myself." , "I don't have a minute either," sair Teddy Possum- Little Peter Rabbit sat watching them build the dock. Peter was very ; , happy .. because . everyone thought he was a great swimmer and, of course,' he was. - And now that his reputation was made, he had nothing to do but enjoy it. "My!"; said lUtle Peter to himself, "I have,, shown everyone how I can swim and now I . wont ever have to do it again. ' Ugh,- how I hate the feel . of water it is so damp. , And Peter shiv ered all over. . Bullrushes grew on the edge of the pond where Sammy Muskrat was work ing on the bank and-, the clay from his work made the water muddy every once In a. while.- Painted turtles poked their striped heads out of the water to wink at little Peter. The. sun was very warm and little Peter was very happy. , Red winged blackbirds hovered and whistled over him, and a hawk screamed In the forest.' Mr. Woodchuck climbed down from a. willow and went away into the underbrush. It was a very 'peaceful scene. But Jimmy Coon and Teddy Possum . were made to putt out roots and water reeds to make a place for the new docks and they wee tired and hot and dirty, and wet most of the time ; for when a root was hard to pull up it would come loose suddenly and then they would fall back Into the water. . r - It seemed very unfair to Jimmie Coon that he had to work so hard. And every time he looked on the bank there sat little Peter Rabbit blinking lazily in the sunlight, 1 SEMPRHY Fl(XPOWDER-ROUCEVdNlSHlNGCRkM-SEMPMirJO'VE-Sfir This!) " .is' welt provided: for a; wixnv afternoon. A breezy spot, the newest book and a box of Hazelwood Special Home-Made Candies. Master puss also seems to have his eye on the box of dainties, but you can be sure that its contents are much too valuable for even the nicest of -.-f, pussies..' . . ".':' : - of Treasures Contains Nougat Kisses . Mexican Chews Stuffed Dates. 383 Waihinston V h ft The sun was very warm, and little Peter was very happy. - After awhile Jimmy Coon got mad clear through,' ."Teddy Possum, do you see Peter Rabbit?"' ' , v "Of corse I : see Peter Rabbit what Is the matter with him?- He isn't doing anything he Is sitting perfectly stilL" Do you think ' that's right. Teddy Possum, when we really are working for him T For if . Sammy Muskrat hadn't gone for him wltn hla raft he would have been sitting on that sand bar yet." "That's so," said Teddy Possum. "But what are you going to do about itf 'Well,: I'm going to give Peter a les son., so that he will remember what we did for him." - 'What are you -going to do? I will help if you tell me." "I have a fine plan, Teddy Possum, and you can help, and then Peter won't look so happy and comfortable." . What do you ' think Jimmie Coon's plan was? But that's another story. Tomorrow What happened to Peter. Helie ofHeaidy ' ' Every matron and maid who has been rising Sem-PRAV Jo-VE-NAY (Tfte Pink Complex- . ion C&fce) will be glad to know, that there are other preparations in the Sempray line that are equally as good for the complexion. . . We refer to Sempray Face Powder, Sempray Vanishing Creme and ' Sempray Rouge. . Almost all good stores carry these popular complexion requisites. You . will always -: be glad you asked for the Sempray line. MARIETTA STANLEY CO., Grand Rapids, Michigan Cream Brazils Eden Caramels Hazelwood Special Chocolate Can now be purchased from enter-. prising dealers . ;in rrearly every ' t'jwn in. Oregon If your favorite . store does not already have them, send : us their name and we will write them. - Located "Where are the aongs of yesterday?" asked the temperamental person. "Over at my friend Dubwaites house" answered Mr. Clipping. ,. "Ehr - ,". -J.H1 ?sil't bouh' new phonograph record in five yeara" AMUSEMENTS CHAT 710. it Looking at It from every" aarle. eatroaa of THE OA KM. Portland' frealeat amssement renter, will tine he moat'eomslete pleaaare place is the weat. If sot la America. Nowhere elae has natsral hoaalT. modern Improvement and delightful entertainment bees combined In auch a thoroughly pleasant manner. . Theae facta are bringing to the big Pars eseh dsy added thonaanda who are being Initiated Into the habit f making THK OAKS their ostlng place. , -f! ,.M't." Jr nrt"i'ln acb dsy additional rlaba. societies and other groups of pleaaare seekers for their asssal gatherings. ' w arex prepsref here to care for asy thing from a -picnic to a conven tion, and we have booked many of both for this iimmir. It 1 argent, however, that organliatloss dealrlng V?JlrJ dt' ,or oHsg at THK "Alis do so as soon as ponalble so that nothing can interfere with ar rangements. KTsry eoBTSBleaee and every pleas are that time or money eaa produce Is hers for yoar club today. , AiSi5' THJE OAKS ,r and Alder every few mlnirtes. - Nix. cent rJ " at P. M. dally, ex cept Sonday and holidays. JOIIIC F. COBDRAV, Msstjrr. Read the Chats for Oaks news. ilCITYoREC'DKOWr, HEIXIG HEXT WEEK .!.rS.,.NIGHTS,JULY24,25,26 SPKOIAL PRIOK MAT., SAT., JULY f CHARLES BILLING HAM Presents a?TAoDouAV MUSICAL COMEDY "CHIN CHIN" 70 PFflPI F SUPEHB CART I U I LWILt gxusKijiu CHOBC8 ' u "ce.TleliaU Now by Mailt Addraaa letter; mak chock., potofflea I!;0.,??, Wb, to W. T.-Panels. Mr. puis- Theatra. Add 10 par cnt War Ta t Prjca Ticket Itaalrad. Include aelfd tlreaaed atampad envelope to help laaura sat return. '' rrllOgt; Evenlnsa EnUre tower floor. 13. Bal cony: 0 rowa. 1.60: IS rowa. 1J. Gallery: claj Prloe Saturday MaUnea: Moor. $1.60; Ualoony, fl; Gallery reserved, admiwlon BOo Ticket Office Sale Opens MONOAV, JULY ai. A ; . TONIOHT ' Ooeleet Thaatre In Town. ALCAZAR JIIUSIOAL PLATBRS With - Mab4 Wllbae and Oaear Flgman , In Ilenry Blosaom's snd Victor Herbert's 'THE ONLY GIRL' It's s S.RIns Circus of Uuaieal Comedy. Eva epe, T5e. $1. Wed. and Sat. Ifata. 2Se. 50a. - Net week, "The feraune TeHer.' P ANTAGE S i MAT. DAILY 2:30 -' . Alexandac PanUeea PraaanU Kiur niLD euriM (Late of Kelly Field Cantonment, Texas.) S OTHER BIO ACTS e Three Performances Dally. Might Curtain at T and . CIRCLE fOUMTH AT WASH. TOMORHOW DOROTHY CISH In "BOOTS" Also Macold Lloyd Oemady "WAT THK CROOK," and paths News. Finish Off These Hot Days at Columbia Dsacli SWIMMING, DAfidiG, FOCKI"3 Taseosver Cars Every MInste or Two TJASCE TOJTIOHT Cotillion Hall Portland's Dancing Palace, cooleit and best ventilated hall. Ball-bearing eprlng floor. wonaerrm orcnesirau y . Dancing Every Evening ( MONTROSE PAHK . J "ti Mlsates from Brosdwsy Oar Wsw Besort oa the Colsmbla High ; way g lilies fleyosd Trostdaie Now open. Picnicking, bathing, dancing. Bring your lunch and bathing suit and stay all day. Park for lease, to clubs and organisations. . GO ROLLER SKATING - ; XBB " Oaks Skating Rink Evciy Afternoon and Evening - IVadtee Wight ZTery Xeaday Talte Cars First, and ' aAldcr aatTiTnti nnrfrv ntn? 1 Free picnio grouDOS, won- derful view rides, games and other arousements now in . operation. - Dancing every 1 evening except Sunday, iree concerts Kunday s. Heats Aestla riBrt HOP A C. C. C. amu aeTReiNT- park