THD OREGON. DAILY -JOURNAL, PORTLAND, .FRIDAY, JULY ? 13, 191D. TOWN TOPICS ' m aH natnta at tfea United States or broad bmld take advantage C siwftened te- f creation sad serrtca ottered UirougB to trte : sb Journal TreTeU Bumo, is petaoes charge f Demy B. Ssuth. ItDmt Octet sad luf hip bookings arranged. Foreign exchange imM. laforasuoa cfraa wording passport. prtland sad Vicinity Toirlgb fair: 8tu- WEATHE& COXDITIOHS j High pnrnn oreriUe the Ie werton, OM TsTley and Atlantic siooe. aad the Berth Pacifie lope. The hlctuat readings are. ass the eoeat et British Columbia and Alaska, v Orer the re mainder of Uia country the pressure la to, the kmeet readings being apparently In ortfcere ' Heakatehewaa. " Precipitation baa aecorrad .h. a.... t un 4b Artaonar MOB tana and Alberta. The weather t "J"1? trm Northern tfavede ortheestwer4 to Worth Ie kete. The tampers tare ta below normal oe tba '..greater part of tha eoentry, bat the deficiency te generally slight. EDWABU l WELL. OBSEEVATIOJfS TEMP. b STATIONS i i Baker, Or. Boise, Idaho ........... . . Boston. .Mas. .............. . Chicago, m. .............. Kureae Cel. Fresno,. Csl .............. Helena. Moat. ............ Kanaae City, Mo. .......... Ie Angelas; Cel Marshfield, Or. . kUdford Or. .ri. ....... Ueaphia, 'Tenn, ............ . Missoula, Moot. ............ New Orleans, ka. ........ . , New Tork, K. Y. .......... North Heed, WaA ... T4 84 T 80 0 43 60 TO 7i 60 72 62 68 8 44 70 82 78 88 80 04 68 80 8 62 62 48 60 60 66 72 46 o 0 o 0 e o 0 o 0 - 0 o .13 o 0 o o . e o o o -e 10 78 88 84 88 00 84 74 94 78 08 73 80 74 2 88 74 68 64 80 78 83 Portland, Or. ....... Kosebnrg, or. . Salt Lake City, Cut. Baa IMeco. tjat ... Aaa Francisco, Cel. Seattle, Wub. . . . . . . . . ... Bpoaane. wn, ........... Teeonta, Wash. ............ Tatooab Island, Wash. ..... Walla Walla, Wash. ........ Washington, T. C ......... Takime, Wh', i ........ . ' Aitersooa report af preceding day. THKITT STAMPS and VfXBk SAVINGS STAMPS . Oa Bala at Bnrlnaw OfUoa, Tba JoamaL BuIlBa oa Faitpomemcati ZerAl u4 traffic dapavrtments of the railroad can tarlne In Portland hava been notified by R. H. Alahton, regional director of the Northweet, that la accordance with an advice' recently forwarded to Mm from the division of law of the railroad administration. requests for postpone ments of hearlng-s before the interstate - commerce commission must in the future , be made through the general counsel of :th railroad administration to avoid as much as possible disturbing- the Itinerary - of examiners. Mr. Aishton says that It Is expected that such applications will be made only in exceptional cases. Hack Flan Endi -The Huck Finn ad ventures of four boys - were suddenly brought to a close Thursday when Pa trolman , C. A. Gell "swooped" down UW. ..W lli Ul. WWW J ! V. v& the Kolman Fuel company at Sast eighth and Taggart streets. Ed Born, foreman of the yard, complained to the police Tuesday that boys were loitering- about the yards at night, smoking ' cigarettes and stealing- milk from houses tn the neighborhood. The officer re . ports finding evidences , of Mr. Born's statements this morning. The boys ar rested were turned over to the juvenile - court. Several; Warrasts Insad Warrants iwere Issued Thursday by Municipal JLudge Bossman 16r the arrest of Carl Prltser and Qeorge Ropp of 764 Garfield - avenue ' upon complaints sworn to by 1. . VCl. rthsju. rhsiwln ti -nn witH nn. ''.awfully slaughtering within the city Urn-1 were issued for the arrest of William Aulback of 10 North Third street and N. Kagawa of 7 North First street, charging- the men with conducting- a food establishment without a license. In spector J. B. Nye signed the latter com- plaints. v: . v .:: Alleged Thief Held for is Ft E. "1 Motley waived examination In the mu- niclpal court . Thursday on a charge of burglary and was held to the grand jury under a 12000 bond. Motley and H-yearld Paul Welter , were arrested by Officers Ray Klnr, Rockwell and Wright at 29 North Sixth street after they had broken through the door lead ing to the room of Dave Stein. Police who searched Motley's room later say they found old coins and jewelry said to have been stolen from other rooms throughout the city. The boy : was turned over to the juvenile court. Bey Held as Aste Thief J. F. Brack ets ll. alleged automobile thief, was turned over to the juvenile court Thurs day by order of Judge Rossman. At tempting to steal an automobile belong" ing to Mrs. Emma Iloyle. It la alleged, Brackett was arrested tn front of the Majestic theatre Wednesday night, fol lowing an Investigation , by Frank J. Lacey. manager of the theatre., who saw the boy tinkering- with the machine. The boy claimed the , machine belonged to his aunt. . : vW- . , . Many Auto Tags t Fosed A large number of automobile license tags have been found by citlsens and police of- fleers in various parts ; of the city, which, are how in the offtoe of the safety commissioner, room 348. police headquar ters. , Recently this office has become a WE MEASURE UP to tha demands of ear customers. - Mem wit a .earn to as for clothea soada ttt meaaBra want taa beat as a ff.nerml rale that ia . why thmr bara their tarmac ts made to or - der. .- And we satisfy tbesa. or we couldn't stay in bosineea. - Therefore, before ordering year next suit, yon should in rest lasts what wa can offer. Always a goodly assortment af new fabric and designs far your in spection. -,-..-..... . Suits Tailored to Order ' , $50 to $7S Suit m Ready Made ! $25 to $50 OItN SATURDAY UNTIL S St. M. ' .Clothiers Haberdashers V Custom Tailors - 112 SIXTH ST. 3Sf "clearing house? for lost tags. Owners of automobiles or motorcycles who have lost their, tags recently, may possibly find them" at the police station. Others who notice tags lying alone the road may do someone else a favor by delivering- them to the license bureau. a- Saekf of Coffee Betsraed Through newspaper publicity the 25 pound sack of coffee lost last Saturday at First and Morrison streets was returned to Clar ence lckman of 67 Hoyt street em ploye of Lang: Ac Co., Inspectors Golti and Howell announced today. - While makinff deliveries Saturday 3Ickman lost the sack.; Two men were seen to walk out into the street, pick up the sack, carry it to the curb and later haul It away la an auto truck. When the po lice found they had no clue to the men they appealed to the newspapers, resulting- in the return ef the coffee to the de livery boy. It Celts Tea He t afar to ascertain whether you are free from pyorrhea, the tooth scourge which means almost cer tain loss of teeth, and which afflicts the majority of men and women. . If your gums bleed or are puffy or are receding;, you may have pyorrhea. The Smith-Long dentists, on the third floor of the Bush-Lane building, Broadway and Alder, will make a free examina tion and tell you the facts. They spe cialise in treating- pyorrhea, and teach you how t prevent It- Adv. -- Fire at Carters A5 small fire caused by a short circuit broke out In the Sa vier carbarns of the P. PL, L. As P. com pany. Twenty-fourth and Savier streets, about 11 n5 o'clock Thursday night. The fjre was between the celling; and the roof. The department arrived In time to extinguish the blase before much damage was done. ,f ; Syaagogse Services Tonight Services will be held at Congregation Ahavai Shoiom, Park and Clay streets, tonight, at S o'clock. Rabbi Samuel Cohn of Chicago, t will deliver- a-, lecture, the theme jot which is taken from the twenty-third Psalm. Tomorrow morn ing; services will be at S :30 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abrahamson will officiate. - - Jsdge Releases Actor Otto S. Moen. 19. an actor, who was arrested at Nine teenth and Washington streets Wednes day night by Special Officer I Therkel son, oe a charge of attempted larceny, was released by Judge Rossman in the municipal court Thursday, when no com plaint was filed against the lad. FrealbltloB ;' Violator Fined Alfred Swekatx, . arrested , at Broadway and Washington ! streets by Officer Wilson several days ago waa fined SlOO'in the municipal court Thursday when found eruilty of violating the prohibition law. Tacatloa Hasards-Be sure to take an accident policy with you on your sum mer outing. Let us tell you about it. W. R. McDonald Ac Co.. insurance that in sures, Marshall 2391, Yeon building. Adv. Boy Breaks Xeg John Ross, 9 years old, of. 6212 Fiftieth avenue S. E., broke his leg Thursday while alighting . from an automobile on Pleasant avenue. He is at St- Vincents hospital. Moatroas Park Jfow'Open, Ringler's new highway resort. Big. dance Satur day and Sunday, bathing', picnic, amuse ment. Columbia highway, two miles be yond Troutdale. Adv. t ' Shepard As to Ba Ilses St. Helens. Hood River, Bridal Veil. Cascade Locka and all way points. Leave St. Charles hotel on schedule time. For informs mation call Marshall 43 8 1 Main 930, A 3611. Adv. 'f f:i-4y Tlr Does J Small Damage A fire caused Jy sparks on the roof did about 975 damage to the home of Mrs. Jacob Isensteln, 308 Jackson, street, Thursday afternoon.- ; j . . , ' Better Baked Beaas, in jugs, for your Sunday breakfast or picnic. Perfection, that's alL Price's Better Bake "Bean com pany. Pacific market, corner Fourth and Yamhill , streets. Adv. i , -: :h , . y r ' Steamer Jetsie Harklas for Camas, Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday, leave- Alder street dock at 2 p. m. Adv. - . Errla Arnold Held Ervin Arnold, 20, endeavored to pawn a revolver late Thursday night In a pawnshop while In- Double Stamps Saturday and Monday 'Open Saturday Evening Until 9P.M. Never were we able to of fer such excellent values as now. '. You must come and see' the goods to realize the splendid savings that are possible to make in buy ing at our ; Saturday and Monday Sales TABLE DAMASK 'J'C-m.; , . -! .... . ' asK, a gooa cial, a'yard ask, a good variety of patterns, $1.25 value, spe-fQC? SHEETS 72x90 ; size Sheets, made of ' good Or4 OK qualityj linen-finish sheeting. Special, each. . . V-i-wawO CORSET SPECIAL- A good quality cou til Corset of a reliable make, in medium .and low bust models, (T - " $1.50 quality, special at ; . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . V X X cl GIRLS' UNION SUITS ' Fine Jersey ribbed summer Union Suits for misses and children, in sleeveless A and high neck and short sleeves, 60c values, special s rrO C FRUIT JARS i-Buy them here now and save money. Ball Ikfason Jars, pint size, special,' a dozen. . . .89 Ball Mason Jars,. quart size, special, a dozen. . .08 r Ball Mason Jars, y2 gal. size, special, a dozen S1.33 ' ' ' ' . s " ; ALUMINUM WARE ye are showing a very large as sortment of the celebrated QUALITY BRAND ALUMI NUM WARE, every piece of which is guaranteed to wear 20 years. You will find here nearly everything used in the cooking, utensil line. Now is the time to buy. We can save you money. ' i . " , s- . PLAY. SUITS for boys and girls, ; made of good1 quality romper .cloth in dark colors, $1.25 values, special at, QKarv the suit j . . . .... OC SUITCASES You need, a new one for your vacation trip. 24-inch matting Suitcases, steel frame, leather-bound cor ners," heavy leather handles, reg. $3 val., special (0 "I CT at only . . . ...tPdLD Corner Union Ave. VAOATIOIf Oft SUMMER SUBSeRIBCRS - When coins away for tba snmssea, or a ywec WMetiOB, hae -Tba JonrBal (oilow you at tba regular rata of 16a per week, or tba following agents win gnpply yea at regular eity tatea. . .- , ..- v Barriew, (ta Eva E. Daridsno. Bay City. Or. Mrs. T. A. tiiUaa. , Cannon Beach Eeola, Or. H. I Harria. Carson, Wacay Carl 0. fimita, also fibip oerd'a Springs. . . Garibaldi, Off Wra. S. MeMOlaaV' - . Gearhsrt, Or. Jasoa McCuno. Iog Beach. Wash. ttalpb Prtg. ; .t atanbatua Baaeh Mrs. G. L Hostaa. JManxamta Baaeh tmil O. KsrdelL Neab-Kab-Nia. Or. A. C. Aadenoa. Nehalem. Or- Nehaletn Drag Oompaay. ' Netarta. Or. lira M. F. Cross. .... Newport, Or. U. B. Hunt. - Ocean Park, Wash. W. A. Parent.' - Kockaway Baaeh, Or. F. P. Uillar. Seaside, Or. Jasoa HcCnna. Lewia Prog Store. " .., . - r - , 4 Searlew. Wash.- Ttalpb Piss. ' " ' .Ten Una Lake -Loois St. DcBaks . Tfllamook, )r. John Plasker. Twin Bocks. Or. D. J. Van Seyee. xWUhoit Springs IT. W. MeLaiaa. spector Frank Snow was in the place. Knowins that a revolver of similar de scription was m Using, Snow arrested the young: man. He is now being held by the police for investigation. The revolver is said to have been stolen from a Mr. Jeffries on April 24. , ' ? f , , to. A. & Entertained Owen Summer camp. Sons of Veterans, entertained members of the Grand Army of the Re public and their families with a musical and literary program at the courthouse Thursday evening-. Refreshments were served and an enjoyable social hour followed the regualr program. Win Have Oattag Wallulah chapter No. 2 J, Ladies' Auxiliary of the Boiler makers, will have an outing- at Crystal Lake Park Sunday. All Boilermakers andthelr families are Invited. Tables will be: reserved at 1 o'clock. All are Invited to bring- hampers, and baskets and enjoy their dinner in the park. - Salem -Mm City - Stage leaves Mill City 6:50 a. m.. arrives Salem 9 a. m.; leaves Salem 4 30 p. nw arrives Mill City 7. p. m. C. O. Aikers. Mgr. Adv. Steamer Iralda for St- Helens and Rainier, daily at 2 :30 p. m., foot of Alder street. Sunday, St, Helens only, 1 :30 p. m. Adv. i :t i". - :- -.j. MeCarger,' Bates A Uvely Fire, life, casualty and automobile Insurance. Yeon building. Telephone Main 18. Adv. Uaaganeie and Oeaeo Rasors, special. 12. Portland Cutlery As Barber Supply Co 86 Sixth, near Stark. Adv. r Hadley Silver, tailors, make depend able clothes. 100 Sixth street, corner Stark. Adv.; . v., . '. '-i l Milk Diet Treataieat1 The Moore Sanitarium. Phones, Main 6101, Cast 47. Boxwood, Siabwood, Cordwood, Mult nomah Fuel Co.Maln 5540. A-2116. Adv. Hslrenttlsg That It Bight. The Market barber shop, 187 Fourth, at Yamhill. Ad. Dr. C F. Browa, Eye,' Ear. Mohawk building. Adv. . For Safety Boxes go to 284 Oak. Adv. Man Released on : Technicality to Be Jailed Again Henry Martin, released by federal authorities when a technicality I was discovered in the complaint - which held him for the alleged 1 operation of a still in ; the Brentwood district, will be rearrested under a state warrant secured V today j by Deputy Sheriff George Hurlburt- Martin -was caught at the still in a midnight raid conducted by Tom Word, department' of . justice operative, and Deputy Sheriff Hurlburt. and much evi dence is said to, be held against him. United States Commissioner Drake re leased Martin. H. W. Miller and Joe Mlelka, all caught as a result of the raid on Martin's home last Friday night, ; because . 'the complaint against them failed to state ; that they had not secured a federal distillery license. ; Butterick " . Patterns and Publications highly mercerized Table Dam- - " and East Morrison St. M..i.-ii fy ODDS AND ENDS IN THE NEWS 1 ,C " - OF TRAVELERS AND HOMEFOLK ' Danes Hake Valley Wosperous Danes .are "clearing S244.0OO annually on the .sale of their wool ai one from sheep valued' at $600,000 in Beaverhead county, Montana,, asserts C T. Magnus of Dillon, who has been in Portland at tending the meeting- of life insurance men, The valley, is extremely prosper ous.- and. irrigated, as it Am from the snowcapped peaks surrounding- it, does not suffer from dry weather as does the surrounding' country. . Two crops of al falfa are raised annually. The .valley is especially adapted for stock raisins, although some of the stock men farther out will have to ship their cattle out for pasture this summer. Beaverhead county has a population of 7000, says Mr. Mag nus. . of which 6000 reside in ' Dillon, where' is located the Montana State Nor mal school. One bank alone has more than $3,000,000 subject to checking ac count and the total bank deposits ex ceed $5,000,000. Mr. Magnus, while be spends most of his time at life insurance, has a ranch with a herd of 3600 sheep en which he makes a neat Income. Mr. Magnus is staying at the Multnomah.. Thinks Travel Is Slow j Z don't see how you stand for such slow travel" here in the west. says F. .C. Smith, inspector from Washing ton. D. C.. who is in the city on the refrlg-erator rate case investigation. "I am an old .railroad m&n myself and I cannot understand how the : Western people will allow such ; delays. I can leave , Detroit at noon and - be : in Washington in time for breakfast, but here none of the trains go more than 24 miles an hour; and they ? stop at every station and wait until time i to move, out." Mr. Smith stays at the Seward. .. . Says Calgary Wheat Is Bad . Mr. and Mrs. A. A. HaUiday of Cross field are visiting- at the Multnomah. Crossfleld is located near Calgary and never were conditions so bad in the wheat line as they are this year, says Mr. HaUiday. "There are places in the southern part of Canada where you can dig- 20 feet without striking- any mois ture," said Mr. HaWday. Tt is a little better In the northern part, near Edmon ton. .There is no teed at all and the government will have to provide relief measures.' Life Insurance Men Pleased-' The life Insurance men are well pleased with Portland, says F. G. Dexter, son of the vice president of the Mutual Life Insurance company, and many are remaining to spend their va cations here. Mr. Dexter has been in charge of most of the arrangements for the convention. He visits Portland about every six months. He is staying- at the Multnomah. - - : :-.jg. Hsyor Entertains . Visitors Mr. and Mrs. John - D- McGllvray, Mrs. James Brown and Mr. and : Mrs M. G. Savage arrived ; in PorUand this morning- from San Francisco The party took breakfast at the Benson with Mayor Baker and were later taken for an automobile ride by the city's chief executive. - i FxpecU to Capture . Prize J. G. Losey of Seattle declares he is going to win the grand championship in the rabbit show this year on : his big buck which measures 27 Inches . long Mr. Losey sells varnish for a living and raises fancy rabbits for pleasure. He is staying: -at the Seward. - U 9I1IB For Men You Get the Benefit of Econ omy and Efficiency by Our : Specializing in Wonder Glothbs ; Our splendid showing oSpring Clothes gives men ' an unlimited selection. The prices go from $25, to $40 ; and they are worth every dollar of the price. -No lessening of quality. . No break-away from our standard of guaranteed r Clothes. .' No relaxation from the strict hand-tailoring that has always put .WONDER CLOTHES: on such a high plane. . . y . . . '' . r r.rr.rt j--1 ? '. r-i,'--. -:' V! ; V ;.s.'l ' Union Store- We Close at 8 P. M. Saturdays ; fh i tr 'd and Alder imiiiiiiiiiiiiiniH ) - - At any place where soft beverages are sold. , . ' 'f(i 'li " ' Bottlad la 3 atzas. - , V! i THE HENRY WELNHARD PLANT j Bottler and Distributors, PORTLAND, OREGON tj SMam ( SMBMBB)BBSssmeMSaw ' l gd) JYf . ; TJntoo Drugfffst Here . f . X. A. Wright, who for 2 years has conducted a drug store at Union and as a ' side line has looked after Repub lican politics -in his vicinity, is reg istered at, the Imperial.' r. Mr. Wright is also an - active ; supporter of : the Union Stock Show.! - Mr. Wright i re ports' that there are rumors , in the air . of : the immediate construction of the railroad up Catherine creek. This proposed road has been under consid eration for years and1 will, .when -completed, tap a rich timber belt and mineral section as well as open up a considerable area of ' agricultural land. . : Hade Lona Trip. Bird r. Lewis, a retired commercial printer of La Grande, is a Portland visitor today.- Mr.. Xwls has devoted much of hla time the past few years to engineerins an automobile over? the country and says that life on the road is the only life for. him. Last year, accompanied by Mrs.- Lewis, he drove to New Tork and . return, . This - sea son he covered many of the 'Northwest states and is now contemplating' i a trip into Mexico. Heisnot very com plimentary regarding; the road , through the Blue mountains and the , Eastern Oregon wheat belt, but says be was able to make the trip in hours running i time. ,;-H, says that the trip over the Columbia j highway is suffi cient compensaUon ifor the hardships encountered on the Test o,f the trip. ; K-if-. Hot Lake J Arrivals -. . Hot Lake. July 11 Arrivals at Hot Lake sanitarium Tuesday were : J. J. Adams. Pendleton, J. Flora. Portland : Dr. Fred F. Thompson. The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. C. K. DeNeffe. - Baker : Mrs. M. Phillips, La Grande ; B C Cook and EL A. Bell, Portland; James Swan. Walla Walla : A. S. Rosenthal, Port land'. Ilr. and Mrs. H. W. Bale and eon and Mr. scfld Mrs. R. E. Dowdy, Hoquiam. Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. R. Wi Butcher, La Grande ; Mrs. J. W. Beyner,: Heppner. a ... . . South Dakota Crops Good . With the exception of wheat, crops are good in South Dakota, this year, says I s W. Fitch f Sioux City, Iowa, who is stayinr at the Multnomah with Mrsi Fitch. -The Fitches are spending a month in the West and have come to Portland from California. Mr. Fitch is in .business in Sioux City, which draws upon the fertile South Dakota prairie farms for much of its prosperity. The corn crop Is especially good this year, back in Iowa, Tie says, and the banks are showing a prosperous ten dency. The Fitches are highly pleased with Portland.' -- i ' Flynn Leaves Railroads W. J; Flynn, former chief of the secret service and police section of the railroad administration, has resigned his position., with the railroads to accept service with the department of justice and his former position will be filled by R. B. Mitchell, according- to advice received ' from Director General Walker D. Hlnes by local railroads. v -- ' 9 ';'-":-'',',''; Ifotoring Throagh' Oregon W.-F. Schacht and family from Bur lington, Wash, - are motoring through Oregon. They are staying- at ' tne Im perial while in Portland. : Back From . Overseas Service - Major and ; Mrs. j W. H." Curran of Seattle have arrived at the Portland for a few days. Major Curran la Just back after two years' overseas service. - - - At the Ilotels m A. H. Brawner, head of the W. P. Fuller company of New Tork, has ar rived at the Benson, accompanied by a party of friends. F. N. Whitman, proprietor of the Weinhardt hotel In Astoria, is visiting at the Imperial. - . - . . - . Clifford Harold, of Vick Brothers of Albany, and J. R. Wallis, of the same city, are registered at the - Seward, - William Jennings Bryan has e turned to the Portland hotel to fill his return Chautauqua engagement - Joe Coughlln. the enterprising bell hop at the Multnomah, who .declines re wards for finding; watches and diamonds, has resigned to go to California with his brother Olck. , ' Mr.' and Mrs. F. . Mudgett of Sao Francisco are guests at the Nortonla. Mr. Mudgett is traveling- auditor for the United States Shipping; board. ; - '. ' Mr. and Mra. Fred A. Mats of Medford are registered at the Carlton. W. Z Thompson, jew vice president of the First National bank, and H. W. Col lins, president of the Round-Up, are Pen dleton", visitors at" .the Benson. . v , Judge and Mrs. A. S. Bennett of Sa lem are staying at the Imperial. -, J. C tt Reynolds of the ' Employers association of Spokane is registered at the PorUand. Three tourist parties from the Collver Miller Touring company are scheduled, to arrive at the Multnomah within 'a few days. One party contains 18 mem bers, another 24 and the third, which la due July 24,' contains 65 members. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Carry of Ogden, Utah, are staying- at the Nortonla. . . - Dr. J. C M. Ironside of Seavlew, Wash.. Is" a guest at the Carlton. C. S. . Hamilton of Salem. - who ' is ' in the , furniture business and also one of the prominent stockholders In the Marian hotel, is visiting at the Imperial. . . ' F. M. : Warner, - for the last several months assistant manager of the Mult nomah, has resigned his position. ' Mr. Warner has made no arrangements for the future. , 1? . Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gibson of Seattle Sepyright, 1919, A. & KirKhbaum Ceftpaoy, , . K . Jeature Values For Men And Young 'Men All-Wool "SUITS Tailored By The Kirschbaum Shops f 25, 30, 35 d 40 ' .- , - - TpNf a suit from the Kirschbaum .1L' shops, you may count on this : tyle of the very latest type m single and idpuble- breasted models. Woolens com . looms knovn for reliable stand- ards. Tailoring, down to the last stitjsldllfuly and honestly done. Values that returning soldiers and sailors will appreciate. - ' Phegley 8C Cor. FOURTH FUN E Boavtirul tray or " black adult casket,- hearse, box 2 antes, embalming and refined service for ......... . , , . " ' Funerals if desired fer 12. S40. see.' Higner priced funerals in proportion. W snaaufaotore caskets. - . ' . Lady Assistant Beautiful Funeral Chapel MIL. LER TRACEY llala zf1, Isdepeadeat Feaeral Dlreetera A7Ss WasblBttea at Ella Bt, Batweaa th mmi lt Bts Welt Bias - f'TTir - Oar SJS Fsaeral alee taelades special embalmitg for saipmeat (If I. J I iUZ. desired) to aay part ef the Uslted states. are staying s at the Imperial, Mr. Gib son is an automobile battery man and was formerly proprietor of the Gibson Electric company. ..Car ef Thaaks We wish' to thank the many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym pathy, extended during the illnens and death of our beloved mother. We also wish to express our thanks for the many beauUful floral pieces. Peter Vender mur. Bertha Vandermur, - Frances Gurnee. We wish to thank - the kind friends who contributed to the care of our mother during- her last Illness : also for flowers, the singers and pastor. B. J. Rath .and Family. Mrs. Lillian Allendale and family. .. . i.--k- -"sssssaassssasssj aaassssssssSeswssssBsMsasnssssssssBHaSassa . -':. '. Hill ' Military academy, only private military school in Oregon. Adv.) Forget the , Heat in Cool Clothes ;CHERRY CHAT QHERRVS is showing some . - remarkably fine summer apparel for men - light, YVawU-rw aVgf rm a f a tttf vela . vja ' aata . j ud aii sti ,f of these warm summer days? i The" values, too, .are jnvjting - and you may se ' cbre terms practically to suit yourself. Come in and outfit your self in summer -style 4ook well and feel well en the hottest day. Cherry's, 389-391 Washington Pittock 4Iock. Adv. Cavender 6C ALDER STS. M A IL TSACCT I The Mcl ; REASONADLE PRICED TAILCnG IN THE CITY TOU .'Will. SAVT3 MOSET IP TOU HAVE TO lit . SUET ' MASK TO TOT7B WmviDrAt , MEASUKE BT THE ' a - ' S UNION TAILORS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OK - HIGH-GRADE WOOIF.N H rOK TOU TO SELECT HIO.U. COMS IN NOW FIFTH STREET BTWCtN MORRISOt AND SLCI3 Oaan UnUI a f. M. Saturday. ANNOVMOSMKNTo-THK ORIENTAL CAFE Yh lamest ane) flixest Popular-s,H(-.d ari" JAZZ S J will alar trvm 12 ti VtSO, S t 7:30, AM ito U 1t:s4, Why aot tpmnd yrm Soon boar lure sal njny ear esnntit aerrica aad (uuinsf 1( yoa don't eara ta dsBoe, you rear est your anondsy a a a I Midst pleasaat t roundlnfs and aniif our nnezesUed i.'t re asst. a. SPEOIAL PgltV ' LUNCH it a, m. to r. it.. SOe, too, 40a a ng t s Inrlndlng anep, tables, drlns.. d- t witai any sasst SPf. OIAL SUN. OAV ' ONIOKKN er TOR HI V OINNKH 7Se HOURS 11 A. M. ta S p. m. A mar lea a ana) OMnase Olstise Any Time Oar ar Nlaht. Alt Kings af Soft OHnks. COR. OROADWAV ami WASH. U-Ulrs) . . gntrance S4S'. Washiniten it, Reliable Denti: We guarantee ear sror for 1 S rears. Wa vrtU asasalaa your teeta free and tall ytm iurt wbst toss require aad what it arm cost. - Oeld rnilnaa...,,. S1-O0 and V, r Belg orowns. . . . . . ,8.eo-a.oe Parealaln Orawns. . .SS.aO-t4.00 I 'ull set af Teeth fee. .. ...$. 00 Painless Extraction... ..t . . .So. Uas Pllilnas .......... , 1 gla su aeraeasi ettaaue ta v alt stork, Cr. t. XJS. H. V. HZWTOS. rrop. '...;--. -.Opea IraBlugg CoUl je. ' 1 Boston P&inless Dcr-t; aateraan 4th end SUi en Washmr.o I coiydiiiiEi'!;; BiY'SKl'Oilu On Head. Cross and Fretful. r Hair Fell Out. - WbentnybabywasthreerneKt i eld her bead broke out in little r I pimples and then in a week it trt ' s out in rlnfvrorms. The rirjwcr . j were very large and there wr-s several on her head, and her :,' would bleed. She was very crc r and fretful at times, and her I . x wss falline; out. MZ used Cuticura Soap and Ci: t ment, and after I had used one cals of Cuticura Soap and two boxes c f Cuticura Ointment she was heslei." (Signed Mrs. Lelah Sargent, XCarj pa, Idaho. Feb. 24, 1919. . . Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment sr. j Talcum for all toilet purposes. 3aejr2$e. Oistmest 25 see ESe.Ta! - 2Se. Sold throughout the world, t r sample eacH free sddreaa : "C"tKs Ls -... Dax. H. Mskiea. -." -"Catisssra . etoas-aa wi..t r-- ..