THE. OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, r FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919. NORTHWEST MEN WIN Information on Mallory and Bell Cases Is Wanted The reading of the peace, treaty by Senator odge R-, Mass.). Its chair man, to the rest of Its members, con tinued to occupy the attention of the committee this afternoon. :..,. publicans, realised wholesale more than 87 cents , per pound. -This is believed to be the highest price ever recorded In the market for cherries - at this season of the yeaf Federal Officials 1 Arrest Astoria Man jFor Misusing, Majls - Edward T. Howell was arrested at Astoria Thursday on a, complaint filed by Deputy United States Attorney El ton Watkins. charging that Howell sent obscene matter through the United States ' mail to a California X woman, Howell was held for the federal grand Jury by United States Commissioner Cerney. . , , . The offense with- which Howell is charged makes him liable to a fine of $5000 and five years Imprisonment or both. - ---- - "This is a case" of the biter being bit ten. said Mr. Watkins. when Howell's arrest was reported to him. : "Howell recently, complained that Mrs. - Rosa Smith,, in California, had violated the postal laws by sending obscene matter to him. v Investigators 'Questioned the woman and she delivered to them highly seasoned letters written by Howell." Yacht 4n , Distress . ; ' Is Met by' Yaquina . Coast Guard TEpat made a trip to Masatlan, Mexico, It was sold.-. ,'. ...... ; After getting his bearings. Car. Morse hoisted sail and proceedei his way... , .. v, . , .i "''',, Parcel Post Service .To fiermany Begun " ' i .... Washington. Juy 1 8. International at parcel post service with . Germany parcel post service with Germany ws s resumed Thursday, the poslofflce de partment announced. - The limit of weight Is .11 pounds, as before the war. 51 HONORS AT Hood Eiver Cherries ; Bring Eecord Price ,. . . -.; . . Hood River, July 18. The Hood River Apple Growers association has recelv4 telegraphic information . that a : carload of cherries shipped by .the: association a. week ago had been, sold in New York at auction for $6570. A carload contains about : 17,712 f pounds i and the cherries, which were Lamberts and Black : Re Man's Eibs. Are r 1 Broken in Fall Washington. July 18. (L N S.) A resolution by Senator Hoke Smith (D., Oa.) requesting the state department to furnish the senate with information re garding the detention In Korea of Rev. E. M. Mallory on charges of harboring criminals, and Her. E, Bell,- charged with ' involuntary: homicide, was favor ably reported ; to the senate- thla after noen by the senate foreign relations committee. It was Immediately passed. Newport, July 18. Flying distress sig nals off Yaquina. bay Thursday. the pleasure . yacht Sanwan' of San Diego, eight days out of San, Francisco and en route to Seattle, was met by the Taqutna bay coast guard power JtoaU The Sanwan was In .command of Cap tain R. D. "Morse, former owner and master ' of rtHe gasollhe schooner -Ah-waneda. .which plied between Portland and Oregon coast 'harbors, , and later '' Caught in a flywheel at the Warren Construction company plant' near Rocky Butte, Henry J. Warkentin, a mechanic, living at 1287 East Fifteenth street, suf fered fracture of several ribs Thursday afternoon. - He is at St. Vincents hos pital, where bis condition was reported today to be favorable. rf Oregon and Washington Embryo Seely Named Guardian Oregon Cityj f July 18. Raymond , B. Seely. has been appointed guardian of the estate and person, of Raymond Ward Seely, a minor, who was left property, of the value of $1000 by a relative. U '.. -Officers Lead Men From " All Parts of West. HOE TRAINING CAMP SHOOT ; San Francisco, July It. College men from Oregon and Waahlnirt6n represent- ing the Oregon Agricultural college, the TJnlveraity of Washington, Washington ; State college, and "Wentworth M. A.. In the ; reserve officer training corpe summer camp at the Presidio, achieved first honors at the record rifle shooting; of units of ( the first hattalion' of "the regiment on the government rifle range at" Fort Berry last week, according to official announcement. . The Oregon-Washington collegians comprise Company C, one of the 'four companies of the first battalion," and vere In competition with R. O. T. C men from colleges throughout the entire west, emergingwith both highest coim pany and highest qualifying scores. . tne names, official ratings and homes of those men winning special honors and their official designations are a follows, the Tscores being based on a possible - 150; scores of 110 to 125 rating the men as marksmen ; scores above 12 rating them as sharpshooters: - .186 .183 .181 .180 .126 .128 .127 .127 .128 .125 124 124 123 .122 .121 .120 .110 .110 .118 .118 .118 .110 .116 .119 .114 .IIS .112 .112 .111 .111 .110 .110 .110 fihamhoote ' '.A. B. CtartstianwH. Moro. O. A. C. ... . A. 1. SchofteJd, Seattle, Waah.. V. of W. . . ). 8. Bomatead, Taeoma. U. of W.. Karl Nrahaaa. Femdala, CaL, O. A. C. . ' . H. iconmss, Bt. John. Wuh., W. 8. C. F.-" F. Hnn, CorraJlJa. t. A.' ' N. R ftkvle. Astoria. Wantworth. 1C. 1- , C. Jasper. I'nllmtn, Waah.. W. 8. O..... JUlph Culrer, HtUe. Wah.. U. of W. . . . s T i. Cooke. BelUncham, Wash. U. of W. . Harkmnan ' T. C. Ixjrrtt. Oregon City. O. A C. T. N. Daridaon. Seattle. ' Waah.. TJ. of W. Ji. B. Stewart, Seattle. U. of W.... .... . Floyd WHlert. Corrallia, O. A. a K. H. Oti; Seattle. V. of W. V. Ennls. RetU. Wwti., U. of W W. H. Jjenlimrer, Independence, O. A. C. . -Thartea Rruaell, Pendleton, O. A. C. ... . . FlUworth Waterman, CorralHa, O. A C VT. K. Belt, CorralHa, O. A. O. ' H. E. Oleawn, Port Townaand, W. .8. C c 11. U Blngler. PortUnd. 0 A. C. A. F. Allen. Corrallia. O. A- C.. ' Williaai Perry, Bt. Helena, O. A. C. V T. Inman. Rratil. O. A. C. ........ Chart ea Keyaer, Portland, U. A. C... .. B. Jenner. Seattle, II. of XV..... Waltar Lynch, Seattle, V. of W John Kretainser. Seattle. TJ. of W..,. . iinui, Seattle, U. of W. ....... . i. I. Peary. Corrallia, O.- A. O. '. . . . Unruly Prisoner Is Injured in Battle ' Roseburg, July 18. Not until he had been beaten' down with the butt of a revolver .was Joe J.uvich. a Csecho Slovack, held in connection with the "recent Scottsburg robbery; subdued when he started to clean up the county jail. He attacked 8. A. Cramer, charged with appropriating ' some of the money ' taken. . John Karis,- charged with part ' In ' the same robbery, called deputy Bheriffs to stop the fight. The offlcers were aided '. by Patrolman Finn -of the J Portland police force and State Officer j-ank Hopkins., ,,Juvlch wa.aeriously ? cut during the melee. : - Senate Confirms ; Oregon Postmasters . Washington, July . 48. U. P.) The senate nas oonrirmea me xouowmg postmasters: C. H. Stewart, Albany, ; Or. ; F. Ik Campbell, .Eugene. Or.; H. P. McLain. Marshfield. Or. ; C. W. Stewart, T acorn a. -:r . THAN ALL OTHERS PUT TOGETHER" This Is What Farmer Says of Tanlac Gains 15 Pounds HadTSuffered 25 Years. I a "Tou.may know that Tanlac is doing. mo. a. rot 01 gooa . or 1 wouldn't have come nearly 20 miles to get thesethree bottles I am buying now.'sald Samuel Bacon, ..a well knovnand prosperous farmer who lives at--fioring Or, while In the Owl Drug Store In Portland the -other dav. "I have been trying for twenty-five yeara ro una a medicine or treat ment that would overcome my troubles, ; he continued. ,"and Tanlac is the only , thing' that has ever done me any good - at all.' Dtfring all these years ; I suf fered terribly . from, rheumatism In my back, and there were times when X was In such bad condition that I couldn't turn over? In bed, and after sitting down for a, little while, I could hardly get up again. ViMy kidneys bothered " me - a great deal, i too, and I would often have to get up four or-five times during the Bight, and the pains In my back were so severe that i rarely ever got any sleep. My appetite was very poor, and what little I did force myself to, eat would give ine indigestion in the worst way. I lost a lot in weight and finally got so weak and rundown that X could hard ly walk or stand on my feet. '5 i "Then I heard about Tanlac through my daughter. who had been greatly bene fited bytaklng It. In fact, she was so pleased with -Tanlac that . she bought ; me a bottle of it and told me that- she thought It was the very thing I heeded. Well, sir, I began to feel stronger and . better in every way before I had fin ished that first bottle. X have takes . three bottles so far. and I eat so much "that, I actually get ashamed, of myself sometimes. What I eat agrees with me, too, and I never ; have a sign -of In digestion now. X hav rained 1& mimri. In weight, and feel like a different man altogether. ; The ; pains have left my : back, and my kidneys seem to be In first' class condition, and X never hava to get up during the night any more. , I am also free from rheumatism and. In . fact. I feel . better In every wayv than I have for many years. 1 tell you, this . xanaao 1a a gooa meaicme, ana has done .me mere good than all the rest of the medicine put together X'have taken dur ing the last 25 years, and I think that la saying a good deal." , - Tanlac is sold in Portland by The " Owl Drug Co. Adv. ' " v s Couch Hammocks, Lawn Seats, Porch Swing?, 'Settees, Porch Chairs, Rockers, Grass, RugDepaftment Third Floor We-Give' S. r& ' H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More A Direct Cash Saving on the Money Yoii Spend Filled Stanip Books Redeemed on 3d Floor S oda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Shoe Shining Parlors in the Basement Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlorsj Second Floor Tea Room on the Fourth Floor K6dak! Keep a record of the interest ing events and scenes of your vacation trip. Eastman - kodaks ii and cameras all styles and sizes 7 . for your choosing 4th Floor. coolmor ; PORCH SHADES WON'T FLAP IN THE WIND THEY ARE SELF HANGING ' TOO! The Standard Store of the Notfhwest a . i - -T . Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods "aMBMatBMaaaaMaiaHaBKaaBHaaBHBaaaHal Sdle Extraor dinary Womeii's I . 1 1 II f aTl S ' ,L, k waaaW PORTLAND ' I AGENCY FOR RICHARDSON'S OUALITY ' . LINENS . . it; PAYS . TO' BUY THE BEST! Linen Handkerchiefs Regular , 25c Grade at Main Floor Women's pure lin en f handkerchiefs' with colored embroidered initials and H -inch hems. Priced special at 15c 15c Tub Waists $2.98 Second Floor The most attrac tive waists we have shown this season at the price. Stripes, fig ures and plain colors in organ dies, voiles, batistes and madras. Tailored or novelty d0 QQ styles. Saturday special tD-faieeO MiddySkirt $1.49 to $2.69 Second Floor Won n's and Misses' Middy Skirts of : white galatea. Plain and plaited styles with patch - pockets. Saturday priced at $1.49. $1.69. $2.69 Middy Blouses A number of smart new models Just received. Some have yoke, others come in regulation style wit h - laced - front. Prices $2.50. $2.95. $3.25 FOR WOMEN'S AND MISSES' CAPES In a large selection of this season's most desirable styles. Garments sell--ing heretofore at 'far" higher prices. Many models some with yokes and coatee, fronts. Made up in serge, bur ella. velour. homespuns and other ma terials. Black, red. green, blue, navy, rlaids and mixtures. A few splendid coats are included in this sale. P" A Your choice Saturday at only v) lv FOR WOMEN'S CAPES AND DOL MANS This lot contains many of our finest ' garments . selling earQer in the season at 2 or 3 times the sale price. Dolmans with large full sleeves and large collars cape coats f in many smart styles, also regulation capes in many charming models trimmed with bands, braids, etc. Wool jersey, ve lour; gabardine, taffeta,- silk poplin and serge materials. Sat urday priced special Sample Vests, Collars, Sets AtHalf Main Floor A great lot of beautiful neck wear collars, sets and vests manufac turer's samples -will go on sale Saturday at lust half price. Organdie, Georgette, pique and wash materials newest styles. See these. Ruffled Vestings In Various Widths Women are using ; these for making of fancy vests. Shown in white or cream and in several different styles. Reasonable prices. Ruffled Net Flouncings 52.50 to S3.95 Ribbon Remnants at Half Price SPEaAL Children's Hair Bow Clasp 500 " of them i onsale Sat urday. '.These sell in. the' rfj-Tp ular way at 10C while they, last Jl- Main Floor Remnants of plain and fancy ribbons in a big selectior also a few made-up hairbows -on sale Saturday at Vt Price. Model Grocery , 4th Floor Experienced telephone clerks at your service 8 a. m. to 6. English, walnuts Satur-:Opr' day priced special, pouhd Ovv Soft .Shell A 1 mo n d s OtfA UtlU priced speciafca "pound Salad Fruit, very choice. Saturday special, the can 45c Preferred Stock. Toma- OtZW out; toes. Saturday 2 cans for -Mab,-the wonder clean er, Saturday special, a can 23c i :; mm 1 mm Children's Sand Pails Boys' Bicycles with. Velocipedes $3.75 esting and inexpensive Baby."; Carriages $10 to $55 Chad's Play Wagons And Beach Toys " Fourth ; Floorw Children's Cnnter Wagons priced, $4.00 to SI 1.50 Play Wagons at 50c to $1.50 Kiddie . ICars with ; or without trailers priced $2.00 to $4.00 Sandy Andey a "very interesting beach toy Saturday priced $1.50 Sand Wheels.; priced at . $1.50 t ' Child's Shovel Sets 35c to 75c ' Child's Wheelbarrows $1.50-$2 with Shovels moderately priced from! 10c to 50c best Coaster Brakes -priced, $30.00. to $45.00 to $22.50 Our Toy. Store is filled with inter things for: the children. .Visit this department- Khaki Outing iApparel The Garment Store Is ready to outfit you'.for that f summer trip to mountain or camp. Com pie t e stock of khaki apparel at poputa r prices. Oatinc Suits $6.95-$22 50 - Outing Coats S5.00 to $12 Outing Skirts $3.25 to $10 Outing Breeches - $2.95-$ 10 Outing Middies $2.25-$7.50 Outing Shirts priced $7.95 Hats and Caps 75c to. $2.25 Second Floor i Fourth Floor We ' extend a cordial -v.invitation i to mothers, to visit this department and see our . attractive showing of baby carriages, go-carts. sulkies ' and strollers. Best makes. Prices range $10.00 to $55.00 ' ' ' ' ' . ; m . .' ; -- . Tennis Racquets, . : iNets; Balls . Headquarters for Tennis needs ; Racquets. Balls , Nets. etc Also ; Baseball Gloves, Mitts - and Bats. For the Camp . . -Camp stoves, camp, chairs, cook' ing ..utensils, camp cots no mat-' .ter what you need it will pay you to get it's "at this store. Men,s$6.50Shoes Special $4 Main Floor Saturday the sale " ends. so. don't -delay t . Men's shoes of excellent quality; black or tan' calf leather. - Made on English last with pointed toe partic ularly well ; liked by the younger men Neolin or leather soles. These are from our regular stock and are standard $6.00 ; and Qf -16.50. values priced, pr. 3 $15.00 Bathing Suits Special $1 Bargain Circle Main Floor As this lot is somewhat limited we advise you to shop fas early in the day as possible. One-piece style with drop skirt. Made with V neck and arm shields. Black with red, green, blue or white trimming. M Nearly all sizes. Saturday special at - Women's Sweaters -$5.95 Bargain Circle, 1st Floor Plain f. weave knit Wool Sweaters the kind women like best for beach or camp. Made with roil or sailor collar, patch pockets and : belt that fastens in front. Shown in red. gray, turquoise;'- khaki, 1 orange, rose and purple. These. , sweaters are frora'our regular stock and areexcep- QK J tional valuesf Soecial 0fO , -.- . ; -. ..... ' -.J: . . , ,.,..,.. Come to This Store for Extraordinary Values in Men's Summer Suits A GREAT MANY MEN make it a prac tice to buy their summer clothes about now and wear them throughout the sun mer and well into the fall. We are now showing a splendid stock of light and medium weight suits in several standard makes- suits that will ' give satisfactory wear , and look well to the end. Men's and young men's suits at $25 "P to $50 Men's Union Suits Main Floor Celebrated P. 0- A. Union . .Suits in light . weight for warm weather wear. Are of excellent quality. P" QQ Regular ft. 75 garments special DJLOa ... MEN'S ATHLiTIC UNION SUITS I Vassar, . Carter, B. V, D. and other makes Saturday priced $1.50 to $5.00 Men's Neckwear! Special 89 c Main Floor Strictly high-class neckwear' beautiful - patterns stripes, checks, Jacquards. etc., in all the wanted color ings. Medium or wide end styles. CQ Hundreds to select from. Saturday Ou,i Boys' $15 to $20 Suits $11.85 Shop Early S3 II Oxfords $3.95 Mair Floor Men's Gunmetal Calf Oxfords with Neolin soles.' ' Made on - pointed toe English last with blind eyelets. Saturday QQ QC priced special, a oair WWwW af Main Floor Many of the suits in this sale have two pairs of -pants. All are made of high grade mate rials and beautifully tailored. Suits selected from our regular stock on account of ' broken t QK sizes, k Priced special tDiXaOtJ Boys'WashSuits $1.50 to $7.50 . Linen. -. repp, galatea, gingham,' chambray and various other wash materials.' A 1J styles. Sizes 2 to to. Boys' Pants . ' Blue serge," homespuns arfd nov elty mixtures. Full cut and full lined. Prices range $3.50 to $5 Gapes a ArtNeedlePackageGobds SaturdayHalf Price Dept. Second Floor Royal Society, : Artamo and Wurzburg Stamped Package Goods odd lines on sale Saturday at V regular prices. In the sale re Children's Dresses, Rompers, Pillow Tops, Scarfs, Telephone Masks. Pa am a Cases, Boudoir Gaps and Other articles. A splendid op portunity to " buy for v vacation sewings. - Shop early1 in the day. A i ,y 1 -; i Girls' Summer Frocks Second Floor Literally hundreds of them fresh, new. pretty frocks l ; styles apretljer. than, most dressmakers .would thlnK of.; ; ,Af particularly . good showing of sineham dresses on sale, now J Ages a to ,6. $1169 io $3.98 Ages t to t. 2Z.38-LZJ5I Girls' Goats -At $5 Second Floor Of . good ' quality r ; plain serge and. of shepherd : ; j checks, Excellent f .coaff" for ' utility wear. Not all fift sizes. ;Priced special at 00JU CREPE BLOOMERS sizes 2 to 12 SPECIAL AT ONLY 79c NIGHT GOWNS of fine nainsook SPECIAL AT ONLY $1.49 .MIDDY. BLOUSES white or colors SPECIAL AT .ONLY $2.39 PETTICOATS of white tub silk SPECIAL AT ONLY' $3.19 25c GIRLS GIRLS' GIRLS' GIRLS Toilet Needs and Drugs The following items will be on sale Saturday only at prices quoted and we reserve the right to limit quantity to customers. Shop Early! Ivory Soap Special 4 Cakes Ivory Soap will not ' be sold or. delivered at above price except with other purchases made in the Drug Department and not more than ''4 cakes to each customer. Packer's Tar Soap, cake 23c Woodbury's Faciaj Soap at 23c Creme Oil Soap, 4 cakes 25c Cuticura Soap, the cake 23c Drug Specials For Saturday Jergen's B. & A. Lotion at 39c Java Rice Pow'r. all colors, 45c Kolyrtos' Tooth Paste, tube 23c Liquid Arvon the bottle 98c Massatla ' Talcum Powder 19c Pebeco Tooth Paste, special 45c" Pbjllips' Milk of Magnesia 25c Pears'. Unscented Soap, 2 -35c Rubifoam for. the Teeth at 29c Sempre Giovine, special 49c Squibbs'-Paraffin. $1, 6 bots. $5 CoIgates' Shaving Cream 33c Santiseptic Lotion in plain or flesh . color Saturday special 45c Riveri'S Tal., white or flesh 35c Putnam's Dry Cleaner 25-50c Lyons' ; Tooth Powedr ' for 23c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil at 49c Mennen's Shaving Cream - 33c Silk Gloves ; Best Makes At the Center Circle, Saturday, we shall feature a special show in gof Women's Siik Gloves in Kayser; Portland Maid and other JweJU Known t makes all styles and weights,'- at 75c to $1.50 X)ir.thigCaps Main 'Floor Women's Caps and Hats "for motoring ' and outing wear. " Very newest styles, made up in 'checks and wash- A( able materials. Saturday JtOLr Women's Veils, Sp'l 65c Main Floor Shetland Mesh Drape Veils in all the most want ed colors. Plain and YIC fancy 'borders, special at UJC All $15 to $35 HATS At HALF PRICE Second Floor Unrestricted choice of any hat 6n' display In the Milli nery Salons, Saturday; marked heretofore at ft5 up to f3S at ust 'A regular selling price. This takes in all the beautiful mid-summer; pat terns and' trimmed hats of. every description. This season's most favored styles-r-crepe, leghorns, milans. etc. All f 15 to 35 Trimmed Mats at Vi Price. Shop early and get FIRST CHOICEl ' ' New Sport Hats Special $5 Second Floor Milan Sailors, Band-Trimmed Leg horn Hats. Ribbon Crowned and Ribbon Trimmed Hats some with panama. brims also, smart flow er trimmed Hats. Many 'of fhese are 'regular 110 and 12 values. Fine for sport and outing wear. About 200 In the lot. On sale Satur- AfS day at the special price of only, choice OD.U U : TIere Are the World's Very. Best Makes in Refrigerators A , good ; refrigerator . is an in vestment not a luxury it pro-' tects the health of the family and saves food that would otherwise go to' waste. ' ' . Automatic Crystal White and many . other makes here for your selection "at reasonable prices.- : -:j Ice Gream Freezers Third Floor We sell the famous Whtfe Mountain Refrigerators the triple-motion freezes - the cream quicker, smoother, ' better. All sizes-1 quart to .10 pints. A: H. HouseBrconiG '- Special 92c 'Third Floor Extra good quality Brooms--made rizht here ii Portland.; Many stores ask 1.5o for brooms of this rr?J?. Buy them here Saturday ( 1 at the low price of only ' w ,