The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1919, Page 1, Image 1

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Tonight fair'; Sat
-ITS .ALL I1EKK Ar . ,
and . Sw,9
Toxxock ?J.
. F nmQM V - 'tiMay fair ' and
urday ? fair ' &
warmer ; north
Jy "winds.
- I ' - - - ' LUIIWi'
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VOL: XVIII. - NO. : 113 gg
, Republican Senators to Discuss
Plan td Speed 'Ratification.
Administration; Adherents , Give
I . No Objection if Efforts Are
v Not-Made to -Strip Covenant.
,Bjr. J-Bart Campbell ,
. Washington. July I. (I. N, S.)
. Republican" senators who were to dls
a cuss the peace treaty with the presi-
f 6 ent at; the White Housa today, as
well as those who conferred with him
there yesterday, "expressed the opin
ion today that the seyatc'8 ratlflca-J
tion of the document might be expe
. dited by an agreement that senators
be permitted to Interpret the senate
acceptance of certain, of the disputed
provisions in a resolution of ratiflca-
tion. '. ,
. . Administration senators stated that if
th senate's- proposed interpretations
i were confined to explanatory ones
and could In no way be construed, tech
nically or otherwise, as actually mend
ln or "reserving the text ot the treaty
: tUey could ee no objection to them
If Ihey were confined , to the Monroe
doetrine the constitutional rleM f con
gress to Involve the United States 1n
war. IminlKratlori. the tariff and. other
. demestio questions. -
i l Senator McCuMfcer of .North Dakota,
- a RepuMiean advocate of the League of
Nations, who saw the president yester
day, but said be regarded h la confer
ence with the president as too confi
dential to discuss admitted that he was
Ult ef the' opinion1 that the president's
3dere to havo the treaty speedily ratl
: fled by the senate might be realised if
' those senator opposed td it In ita pres-
- ent form were allowed to record expla
; nations of how-they regarded the leasue
' covenant, the .Shantung , settlement and
,'otfiere of it provisions. wnich they have
" assailed.'- "'w
. It, was learned that the president had
Informed Senator McCumber, as well as
. Senators Colt of Rhode Island and Nel--aon
ef Minnesota, the other Republican
ieenator hi eaw yesterday, that he was
s unqualifiedly opposed to . any sort f
- j textual amendments or .reservations his
j antagonists Slight: attempt toibrlnr up
'In- the senate or In the senate foreign
' relations committee, as the adoption 'of
. a single tnaterlal change in the text of
, . the treaty would again throw ft open to
, ' the Jl nations whose r peace i commls-
.- n " .I i .I . ii, , i . . i . ii
- (ConelttdM ion Pmc Two, Colnmn your)
f,;.. , -. V- '
W. C.Culvertson of Missoula
Purchaser at Price Announced .
as Upwards of $50,000.
. With .Various rumors circulating
.; concerning the .purchase of various
hotel properties in Portland, it was
announced this morning that the Ho
' tel Cornelius, at Park 1 an d Alder
streets, has been sold to W. C. Cul
"Vertion of Missoula, Mont., for a con
sideration of over SO, 000. : :''X
. Mr.'Calvertson has been interested in
hotel property in various parts of the
West for .a number of years, having
first -'owned property in Kansas City
ad later at Mlnsoula. The Florence
hotel vatv Missoula Is owned by Mr.
Culvert son .- ' . .
, f- Stock in the Hotel Cornelius, named
after the 'Cornelius family, who ; were
the founders of the hotel. . was owned
:by Messrs. Paris and Marin, real estate
.'dealers of Vancouver. The hotel is a
'seven . story structure and is apeciaUy
i known tcr visitor from the . Willamette
I valley and Southern Oregon., v -s
; Mr. Culvert son said this morning that
, he , planned : to renovate .the building
i throughout, bringing It up to the stand
ard f his other note! in Montana, which
he intends .to dispose ot shortly. Con
stderable Improvement' will be made on
r the first floor and new furniture will
be 'placed in a . majority of the rooms.
' 'it Is the" intention of Vthesiiew; owner
t tk have the hotel- ready for the many
guests expected to be In Portland, dur-
- ng Victory Buyers week.
I AS a stranger ; in this city and a fu
. ture permanent- resident and hotel pro
, moter, Mr.S Culverston expressed : the
-'wish, this morning that he might meet
5 various business . men of .the : city and
..' get a better understanding' of progres-
- iv hotel management? as it is under
i. stood la Portland. .
. Besert Land Board ,
Wants Segregation
Salem, July 1S The state desert land
! beard has asked" the secretary, of the
interior for temporary segregation of
17,000 acres of public land in Malheur
" county under' the Jordan Valley project.
This land Is intermingled with , the hold-
- tags of the Jordan" Valley Land & . Wa
ter company, and it is desired to de
termine Just what part ; of ; it should
- rightfully come - within - the irrigation
' project before U'la thrown open to set'
tlemenC. " J ,
TPTASHINGTOX, : Jnljr ': 18 (1.
V N. . S.)PrcsMent WOaon
this afternooo nrgwd oonsrees to
confer thof permanent tnk of
jBencral; on . John - Pershta,
commander ? In cblef of the
American expeditionary . forces,
and Chief of Staff . Peyton CT
March; and the permanent rank
of admiral on Admirals William
S. Benson, chief of naval opera
tions, and William S. Sims, who
was in command during the war
of American, nftval forces in Eu
ropean waters.
' The president's message fol
lows; ;. .. ! - V -.'
"I take the liberty of calling
your attention to a matter which
I am sure Is at the heart of the
whole country, and which I have
had very much in mind, through
out "all' these month's when we
were trying to arrange a peace
that j would.: be ? worthy " of the
spirit and achievements of the
men who. won the victory in the
field and on the sea After ma-
Ltnre reflection, , I - earnestly rec
ommend that you give The per
manent rank of general to John
J. PerBhina;-and Peyton ' C.
March,, expressing the law in
such is way as to give precedenco
to General Pershing aiid that
you give .the permanent rank of
admiral to Wnilam , S. Benson
and WUUam S. Sims. 1 take It
for 'granted that T am only an
ticipating your own ; thoughts In
proposing these honors for the
men upon whom the principal
responsibilities) -' devolved for
achieving ? the creat results
which . our i unconquerable navy
and army .accomplished.
.; ,y'r V .
Pojilanrf: WonlaAtNirrild ICClst
ox- i Marriage ; Contractor Says
-She;Repulsed HisLbve.; g
The o)4,pldatoy,of an .elderly
man pursulnr a ?y6uh; wanwuti wh
could, only repulse his attentions was
related today by Mrs. Edna. Polndex
ier, attractive) young Portland widow;
in telling about the way her name
came to- be i-cbnnected with that of
Charles W-tWard, weal thy and elder
ly San Fanclscan''
Wsrd's letters to Mrs.:Polndexter have
been made public incident to the arrest
of Mrs, !Alic.e Wilson. of Sin Francisco
at the Instance of the 62-year-old man
for an alleged illeral operation on her
daughter. Alice5 Wilson, said to be i-n-der
contract of ymarriage to Wsrd.
" 'Mrs.' PoIndexters husband was
drowned- in a r Central Oregon lake In
company. -with Vernon" A.. Forbes, a
Bend lawyer, about a year ago. i
"1 met Charles W. Ward while I was
staying at -. the ' Benson hotels in Port
land engaged in settling up the estate
of my husband." said Mrs. Polndexter.
"He pursued me with his 'attentions.
He made repeated proposals of mar
riage. ' I : did not know that he . was
divorced. '" He would have given "me
everything he? had, judging by his
statements. ' I repulsed - his , attentions
from the beginning . and accepted from
him - only the: most incidental favors
such as - flowers and . small i presents.
I have 'been taught to treat old age
with respect and I tried to treat htm
with respect, j But he quickly showed
that he was Jnofc worthy-of ; it. He
wrote me a number, of - letters, some
times ; f our or" " five before- J, would
answer him, snd In my answers stat
ing that I did not care for him and
that r I did i not - desire . his attentions.
If those who- are unearthing dopies
of the : letters : he wrote ' to ' me will - be
fair; enough to produce also the let
ters ' wrote to him, I &m wire I will
be completely;. exonerated, 'i Th state
ment that he paid my way to Califor
nia is absolutely false. . I paid my
own way and I was . with friends on
my way to the East. 1 met him one
day ; on the street In San ; Francisco,
by - accident so f ar as ; I , , was ; con
cerned. I; did not want fc to see him,
either i; then ? or later when i he called
on me. . '.1.'-v'; 'Xv '-k-r'.-' V
i.Vhm ; statement.' ithat I accepted
1100,000 from him is another falsehood.
He sent me at one time $200,000 in
nursery aAck and I returned them to
him immediately, because I could not
and would ' not : receive such . presents
from him. - - . - .
. "Anyx other woman in ! ray . position
would have been exposed to such at
tentions, and I did the only thing that
a woman could properly do. I . main
tained my self respect and repulsed his
attentions.;; - r - i '
Chicago Btiilding
Contmctors Lock ,
Out 100,000 Men
Chicago. July 18. -i; N.v S. Ap
proximately 100,000 workmen affiliated
with, building trades unions. In Chicago
were locked out by building contractors
today and millions of dollars worth of
construction work -was halted.-
. The lockout" followed refusal of the
workmen to respond to an ul tunatum
from - the ' contractors that unless the
men called off strikes that' have been
in progress for several weeks all con
struction work would - be stopped. The
ultimatum was issued - by officials of
i the., BuildlBg i . Construction .Kmployera
1 association.; -. ; . ... . -
Columbia Basin Case Opening
Next Monday Attacked Arti
ficial Freight Rate : System.
People of Columbia Ports and
Interior. Urged to Act To
gether to Win. Great Struggled
"Think-together" la the appeal to
all the people of the Columbia basin
and ports of the Columbia as the
hearing of the. Columbia basin rate
case draws near. ; , ' .
Thinking - together: - - presupposes
working tdrether unified thinking
and working by : the people ! of 'com
petitor cities have lifted the grain of
the Inland Empire almost mile high
over the mountains to Puget Sound,
made of Seattle a "$500,000,000
port.' and: "have transformed the
handicaps of the northern ports Into
advantages. ... , ;?.
Thinking together precedes fight
ings together , for . justice and right,
and" unified thinking and fighting
will win for the Inland Empire and
ports of the Columbia the benefit of
God-given natural advantages. :
' Transportation j costs affect ; the
cost of everythlng.iused, v eat.en- or
worn r by every man, woman and
child, and unjust Vat e discrimination
against the ; Columbia water grade
hurts the Interests of every person in
the Columbia basin. j
Mountains -of evidence will.- confront
Interstate Commerce Commissioners
Hall, Xanlels and Eutman in Portland
nexi Aionaav. v . . v s - - i - i -
Proof ;that . the Columbia water grade
should have . a lower rate' - than the
mountain -rooteW .to .puget ' sound wtll
r0 Sixtem." Coltnea Two)
Henry S. Graves Discusses Need
' for Appropriation j To Ad-
dress Chamber Monday. ;
Tnless immediate action is taken
in. passing the appropriation bill at
Washington,.. C; thp forestry serv
ice In the Pacific Northwest will find
itself in an embarrassing position. :
. Such " is - the declaration of ' Henry ' S.
Graves, chief of the forestry: service of
the United States, who arrived in Port
land this morning." The present forest
fires' in .Idaho are the most serious of
the : season, . declared, the distinguished
visitor. .While here he will make an In
vestigation of the situation. ,! J'
"Our funds are far too low to be of
any assistance in these strenuous times,"
said '.Mr. Graves, "and unless the law
makers speed " up we will find it dlfft
cult to pay our fir fighters. It Is lm
possible to hire the men when we cannot
see-our way clear , to pay them.
"Che : hot ; dry Weather is worklnr a
hardship on our forces in other parts of
the Northwest but we are hoping that
nothing serious wilt occur in Oregon."
iTnrEBARt; 6pi visitor '
Mr. .Graves has arranged his itinerary
so that be will be in Tacoma and Seattle
some time next week. Monday, noon he
will .be one of the principal speakers' at
the Portland Chamber of Commerce, He
has planned to remain in he Pacific
Js'orthweet - for 10 days or two i Weeks
before returning to San Francisco.- after
which he will journey . Bast. While in
this territory he ' expects ' to, hold .con
ferences with the various employes of
the forest service, as well as with pri
vate owners of timber. -T-
The trip (from Sacramento,' Cal., to
Grants 'Pass, Or was made over the
Pacific highway by automobile, ; After
arriving In the; Southern Oregon town,
Mr, Graves left- the party and. came to
Portland by rail. The giant redwood
trees along the highway created quite a
sensation among, the members of the
official party, and Mr. Graves says that
every i effort will . be made to secure
ownership of them for national, forest
reserves; Ii;;i'teK:;-i'i"'Sj
- The" highway without the redwoods
would be nothing more, than an ordinary
road. he said) "and we are going to do
alUn our power to see that the 100mi!e
stretch of giants are taken from private
ownership.' California is thinking very
seriously of purchasing them as a fitting
memorial to the Native Sobs who died
while In the service of their country.
Those. who -made the trip from Sac
ramento to t Grants ' pass were Secre
tary, of Agriculture and Mrs. David H.
Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Miller,
of the' federal reserve board, Washing
ton. D. G. ; Roland Boyden of the food
administration ; Austin ; BV Fletcher,
state ; highway engineer of;. Calif orp la ;
C Du Bols, district forester for Califor
nia, and -Mrr Graves.' r The Houston
party left tor Sacramento -after coming
north and will spend a few days at
Lake Tahoe. later going - to Salt Lake
City, where Mr. Houston will address .a
Catherine ti HveetiwW . mm 'nm .Iily 21,
YkNE year" ago today 3Iarsbal
Foch launched the great of
fenslve that, drove the Germans;
out of tho Chateau-Thierry saU
cnt, the first of the series of ag
gressive operations that brought'
the enemy to his knees,,;. Three"
American divisions attacked on
the opening day and nine Amer
ican divisions had partlclnated
when the salient was wiped out.
The veteran First and Second
American divisions, with the
famous Moroccan division be
tween them, bore the brunt of
the attack through the eastern
edge of the forest of Beta, They
jumped off at 5:35 a. After
only an hour's artillery prepara
tion, , and ; moved with ."- such
strides that the Second advanced
five miles in four iiours. . ;
The . Twenty-sixth division
(New England National Guard)
attacked northwest of Chateau
Thierry, captured Torcy, ; BeI-;
Icau and T reached Bouresches
village. . ; .tW-Ji.Ji ;;;
- The Third - division, east of
Chateau-Thierry, on the south
bank ofj the Marne, f merely
marked time on the opening day,
joining the attack three days
later, when the Germans evacu
ated Chateau-Thierry on'r the
north bank of the Marne. , ; ! : i
; BNsaMSSsssM - . C .
New Ship - for ; Portland-Orient
Service Will Be Assigned for
. ;FalI Sailing. J ;
. Through the .united efforts of the
Pacific ' Steamship company, the
Chamber of Commerce -.and' C.'D.
Kennedy, chief of the (dlvlslon of op
erations, .United States j shipping
board - In 4 Portlan d, the - third ' vessel
for the Portland-Orient 'run has been
released by the shipping board, ao-
eording to anttounoement made this
morning bjr the Pacific; Steamship
Th new . steamer, which will , be a
slaned ; for Seotember sailing t on the
rsame run with the West Munhfcm. noW
in ' the : Orient,- and the CoaxeU: -. about
ready: to leave this port for the other
side of the Pacific .is the Wawalona,,a
9500 ton- new steel - steamer now being
completed by , the G, M. Standlf er Con
struction vorporalion ; at .Vancouver.,. j
v Frank O'Conner, -manager of -the Pa
wflc Steamship Company says that the
Wawaiona will- be ready fon sailing be
tween September 14 . and -28, ahd the
company will now be -able to 'operate
the l Orientat service on a six weeks
sailing schedule from Portland.
"Announcement of the assignment of
the third vessel for. this run came as a
relief to a new situation confronting us."
says R. W. Bruce, manager ..of; the for
eign freight department of the Pacific
company. -"Over 3000. tons of cargo had
been-offered us - for September export,
but we were on the verge of turning it
down because no new ship was In sight
for that time. . . - Al? ; - ?
"Now we will be prepared to handle
this trade and make a campaign .for the
additional cargo, which will be easily ob
tained. .The steamship company already
has a full cargo awaiting the, August
sailing of the West Munham from" this
port,? says Mr.: Bruce. "In addition, we
have: a full cargo promised the Coaxet
In the orient for retrun to Portland."
Case of Alleged ?
. Neglect to. Report
'Accident Put Over
The charges of failing, to report an
accident filed against C. E. Rogers and
of violating ; the i prohibition' law filed
against Jess BTecht; were " set ever in
municipal court today until July 22 for
trial. Bogers vdrove- 'the wagon Into
which Ralph. Beden's motorcycle crashed
early s Tuesday; morning, - when Mrs.
Ethel Hughes was killed. Brecht is ac
cused 1 of -- selling Intoxicating liquor to
Benden and LeRoy Massey.
.- For slaughtering.: animals within the
city limits, Carl -Fritrer was fined $15
and George Ropp. $20. Rote Davis was
sentenced . to serve a- 60-day sentence
on a drunk charge. Howard Crytzer snd
Charles Mlllhollen. arrested at the same
time were fined' $10 each and given one
day in JalL , ,
" Traffic violators were fined, as fol
lows : ; J. J. Jorgenson, $5 ; E. Hewitt.
$17.50! L. Davenport, $5 ; H. M. Austin,
$10 : f W. Rameg. $10 ; Cart McFadden,
$4. and W. F. Byers, $10. 1 , ,
Bela Eun,; Soviet : . ; ;:
Leader in Hungary,
Refuses to Resign
-' - - -- -' -4- ' sssBawBssssst ' .J-.-v -
tondon, - July l$.i-L N.8.V BeU
Kun, : the red dictator of . Germany, has
refused to resign in favor of the Social
ists, in order to avoid military interven
tion by the allies, ' said an Exchange
Telegraph dispatch from Zurich today,
quoting the Frankfurter Zeitung. , . -
Karolvi Coming to U. S.; :
Copenhagen, July "18. (I. N. 8.) .
Count Michael ..: Karolyi. famous, "Hun
garian statesman, has left for 'America.-,
the- German .newspaper Kreus Zei
tung learns. . Bela Kun is reported to
Tave allowed the count to retain his fortune,-;..
- '. j " . " " -
Charge Made at Freight Hearing
of Effort to Saddle, Oefidts
on Prosperous Coast Industry.
: - .- . . . .
Percentage Increase in Rates Is
Fought on Ground Northwest
- Would Be at Big Disadvantage
An alleged effort ' to saddle upon
the Northwestern ,frult in dustry . in a
season- of ' abnormal ; prosperity the
deficits : amassed by ; Eastern and
Southern railroads; .while the North
western,, roads fairly roll8, in; 'wealth,
was the chief object of attack at the
morning session - of . - the interstate
commerce , commission hearing on
perishable freight tariffs today.; , .,
' Growers ! and shippers of i. Oregon.
Washington and Idaho - played - their
first 'Inning m the contest against the
application of i th "new and ' severe
tariffs 'covering icing, heating, Switch
ing and actual hauling charges proposed
for Northwesem fruit , by. the railroad
administration, when Leonard Way, rate
expert of the public i utilities commission
of Idaho, was called: to the- witness
stand, -i Way - was the first witness "for
the fruit industry against the rail iad
mlnistratioh, the Pacific Fruit Express
and like agencies. - ! i " ; s -
Way presented a: bulky collection of
exhibits and spent most of the morning
illustrating the statistics complied Iy
the Idaho commission to show-why the
radical rises in- tariffs should : not be
allowed by the national cemmlasion. " He
based much ef his testimony upon his
showing -that railroads are making a
greater profit per gross ton-mile on green
fruit shipments than they are on such
commodities as livestock and potatoes.
An effort to- establish: the theory that
as -mileage '(increases in freight-haulage
the Charge Jof- suciv nauiage snouia, pre-,
OaMehietd oS Tar fit Celuam Three
...... ......... . r- , . . (. ....
Editorial Which " Brought ' About
-$W0O,oqO LibeL Suit Is
,:Read in Court-,
i By Harry? Reutllnger '
Mt., Clemens, Mich.. July 18. -(L
N". S, For the first time since the
trial began 10 weeks: ago, the heart
of the Henry Ford-Chicago .Tribune
fibel suit was reached today, when
the editorial entitled; "Ford Is an
Anarchist," was read In court, Ford,
who thinks the publication ,f the
edltoriaf did' him $1,000,000 damage.
was on the stand and listened quietly1
to the reading. " ':' 11 ''".
. In connection with the reading of the
editorial he asserted i his reading of
newspapers seldom took -him : beyond
headlines, but declared his belief that a
headline should accurately represent the
contents of the story. ,. f ;
Introduction of the editorial came sud
denly! when Attorney Elliott Stevenson
asked':..'' '.,'''"'."'.!-- :---:s.; ; : -
-Are you familiar with the editorial
captioned. "Ford Is an i Anarchist 7 '
- Well. I've heard it 80 or 40 times,'
Ford answered.::
Stevenson then read the editorial and
asked : !-:--.
' "Is there anything in that about throw.
Jng bsmbif referring: to Ford's defini
tion of an anarchist as a man who would
throw bombs.
Ford's counsel objected to the question
ana Stevenson said: M 'r
'This .man says his feelings have been
Injured and we want him ' to point out
where." ' . ' . :; : ....
"They printed an editorial captioned,
'Ford Is an Anarchist,' but the story
following the title does not bear it out."
Concluded on Ps Sixteen Column One)
Demurrer Is Filed i
To Holmes Complaint
Salem. July It. A demurrer has been
filed by Assistant Attorney General Van
Winkle' In behalf of Secretary of State
Olcott and State Treasurer Hoff against
the' suit filed 'by H. . Ai Holmes, . who
ieeks . to enjoin - the state from- making
payment on the Reddish farm in Linn
county, which is being acquired as a
game farm, for : the t propagation of
pheasants. The . demurrer contends
that Holmes has no legal right in the
matter. A hearing -On , the- demurrer
will be held before Judge Bingham of
the state circuit court in Marlon county
this afternoon . ..
Raynhairi Gives JIp;
f Flight Over Ocean
St. Johns. N. F, July IS. -I .'&)
Captain Frederick P.. Raynham, whose
second attempt late yesterday to' "hop
Off on a flight to the British isles
ended disastrously, , said today , that he
probably . wilt hi his damaged . Mur
tynside ' plane home ' cn . the liner Oram
plan; leaving id a few days, and return
to Finland himself,, VI I .
MRS. ' LIly , BURGER is loyally, standingly, her 'son,
Harry S..; Ncw'Jr.j accused of t slaying- his-": sweetheart,
-Freda Lesser of I-os 'Angeles. " Mrs. Burger was photo
graphed by International Film Service as she embraced her son
in .his cell, , .; , , : " ' ; h
J ., - , . f , v . '
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ArrghmentiHeld, Pefore Crowd
, Is Set for October 27. ,
Ias :Angels, Calv July li.(t7lt.
S. While lafge crowd,- mostly
women and girls,. 'filled" the; court
room Sind struggled tor Admission 'to
the : corridor outsids, Harry S.. New,
Jr., confessed, slayer of his sweet
heart. Freda 4 Lesser, 4 pleaded Iriot
gullty t the grand jury : indictment
charging him with ; murder in the
first degree before Superior. Judge
Gavin W, Craig today. -v-
The crowd, that sought 'to "catch- a
glimpse of tho slayer . was the largest
that has ever assembled in a courtroom
In Ixs Angeles. For an hour t before
New was taken into court every seat in
the spectators section was occupied and
a dense throng- surged 'at the ' court
room doors. ' . :.. ' r ' -New
was the first of the prisoners due
for arraignment -to be called before the
judge He was neatly arrayed in a
dark blue suit, white linen collar-and a
silk shirt. . When he was asked to plead
to the indictment - he showed no sign
of nervousness and answered in a low
but audible voice; "Not guilty.-
By the mutual agreement of the "attor
neys in the case, October 27 was set - as
the date for New's trial. " ." -'' 1 '
- TheJ defense " interposed demurrer to
the indictment on. technical grounds and
it was overruled by - the court - without
argument. - ' : I "
A relative of .United,- States Seifhtor
Ilarry S. New of Indiana has stated ; In
Los Angeles that- the senator has pot
provided, any funds for. the defense. of
the slayer, who claims to . be his . son.
The ' money for New' defense,, it was
stlted was raised by. his mother and her
friends.-'i'.vii-vv-H.-V '.'. "'.'.;-. ;'i.yHr--'--?,?:-,4
A fair . slsed. contribution . to the de
fense fund, it was stated, was made, by
the son of a fortnerelrcult - court. Judge,
in Indiana, who left an estate of- several
millions. 'This man is, said to have known
New's mother when she was Lily Scii ri
der, one of the most beautiful women in
Indiana, ' 'v ' -
i While he ha not helped In the fight
to save New front death. Senator New
will not make any move to prevent his
name from being brought into the case.
It was stated,: because of a doubt a to
the paternity .of the slayer, -
New's mother, It was pointed out; has
s comfortable fortune which has permit
ted her to travel a great dear and -to
llv welU , ' - - ' - - .
.: J 'T; 1 1 inn.- i
Minnesota rioods :
' Destroy, 50 Homes
St- Paul. July 18. (U. P.)-State of
ficials rushed aid to Thief .' Lake and
Mini Lake townships near Holt, Minn.,
today where 60 families were -reported
homeless as a. result of floods. 'Heavy
rains-have inundated an area 25 by ,30
miles there. Governor Burntiulst was ad
vised.' Money, , tenia and cots - were
rushed to Holt- Damage to crops in the
district was 'estimated at J 100, 000. '
Airplane ;Mail to v; ; :
Take Regular Rate
Washington. July 1 L N. 8.) Air
plane mall was reduced to a price basis
same as all other first class mail by
order of Postmaster , General Burleson
this afternoon. The rate formerly was
s, cents an ounces with 10, cents extra
for special delivery. Under; the new
rate it will be 2 .cents an ounce, with
10 cents tra for, special dell very.,
v j " f
Location ; Between ' Chwoweth
vreek and Jhe,; Dalles Accords,
With His Views.
" The location of the Columbia river
highway between Chenowith creek
and The Dalles,1 which has been the
cause of some' discord, has been def
initely.' settled' and' all ,'isinow; har
mony "in the" state highway commis
sion. -t , ! " . '
The route selected runs across the
flat.mear the. railroad -track; and is
practically direct: It will involve the
construction of a new' grade approx
iniatelyjtwc miles-long. " ' '
Some weeks ago the commission by the
votes of Commissioners Thompson and
Booth , adopted the present county road
which follows the contour of the hills
and Is approximately half a mile longer
than the direct " route.: Commissioner
Benson opposed the' selection and - re
fused to sign the contract which was let
for the paving. Vv:'- ? i'-f y..;.-
It has not been determined what dis
position will be made of this paving-con
tract. There has been a suggestion that
it may be taken over- by Wasco county.
which was to have cooperated with the
state to the extent of 215,000. ( ; ;-
According to an early estimate it will
cost approximately. $75,000 for the state
to make a: new grade. By adopting the
new -route Commissioner Benson claims
that a saving of 925,000. will be made in
construction cost besides three quarters
of a mile In distance.; . . v -:t
Steel Company Asks
ForLower Rates to
; , . Nor thwes t points
Requesting a reduction In .rates on
Iron fand steel articles i shipped ' from
Mldvale, Utah, to Pacific coast points,
tho Utah Iron and Steel company has
submitted tentative set rates to 'par
ticular points in place of - higher 'class
and ' commodity rates to the Portland
district freight traffic committee for ap
proval.- A hearing, is scheduled on the
matter for August':? ;:;"-;;;: Xj:':.'
The rates asked by-the steel company
on 'the 100 pound basis are as follows:
Spokane,- Wenatehee, Rltsville, Ellena
burg. North TaVima, - Astoria, Eugene,
Couer D'Alene -and Burke, SO cents ;
Baker, 40 cents ; Heppner. CO cents i
Vancouver," B. C. lt cents ; Pendleton,
45 cents; Tillamook. 69 cents ; Marshr
field, 78 cents and Bend, -70 cents.. -
The - Portland traffic committee has
proposed .a lower rate on creosote.
pitch and tar from Salt Lake City . to
Portland ' and Seattle and will hear all
interested in the case at a hearing in
the J:-nlttee rooms August , 1. -
Government Puts ; :
Embargo Against .
; Atlantic. .-Freight
New .Tork;! jhPisZCv: pty--An
embargo against all freight for gov
ernment control in the eoastwise ves
sels was ordered this' afternoon by
ther- railroad administration. - This
action was precipitated by the. con
tinued failure, of both ' sides in : the
seamen's? strike to reach an agree
ment, t, The order affects freight des
tined ft 'all Atlantic , and gut f s, ports
for. trans-shipment. J .- --' - ' - ' ''
Several Towns Are jn Path cf
r Flames; Much Timber, Many
..Ranches Reported Destroyed.
Strong Wind$( Increase Danger;
; Forest Service Is Recruiting
. Fighters Wherever ' Possible.
, Spokane, Wash.; July 18. (U. P.)
Nineteen forest fires are sweeping
portions of .Western Montana and
Northern Idaho early today, menac
ing several towns, numerous-ranches
and millions of feet of timber. For
est service officials are recruiting
every available , man for fighters,
fearing a little headway will result la
fires as serious as those of 1 D 10.
, St. Ilegls and Alberton. Mont., are In
dire danger. Forest service reports are
that the flames got beyond control and
the , towns are threatened from , three
sides. Strong winds are rapidly increas
ing thedanger and a number of ranches
thought safe yesterday sre now almost
certain of destruction. A heavy live
stock loss is reported.
Scarcity of available men to fight the
flames Is a serious handicap. The ad
visability, of asking soldiers to assist in
the work is being considered,
r About 0,000 acres of forest have been
reduced to smoldering ashes and several
ranches have .been burned out within a
radius' of CO miles of Spokane.
' A change in the wind late Thursday
saved thousands of acres by backfiring
a' score of biases, . according to fort-ft
rangers and supervisors.. The cold nt?ht
also helped check the spread of the
flames to some extent, '
The Big Creek and North Fork fires,
covering about 6000 acres in the Kellot
district,, are moving slowly today, due
toth -shift in the wind. The wind
Thursday night backfired blazes In many
places,' according to Ranker Rowe of v--i
KeJlorg distrlet. Today a slight wlmi In
blowing against the fh-ee. retarding their
' Both . the state and Pend d'Orielie
Protective association are fighting the
Blue lake fire, which is lapping up 4v0
acres east of Priest river. v
"Out, of control. Fifty men gone in
to -".'fight fit," was Forest Bupervlaor
Flinrs report from Newport on the Blue
lake fire. in thia section the wind had
stopped the flames of other fires, Flint
said. ,'. -
- Valuable' Timber Thrratrned
Aberdeen, Wash., .July II. A Ion?
dry spell Is threatening much valuable
timber, as it is at time for dangerous
fires, and extra precautions are belnir
taken. 'No rain has fallen practically
for a month. Two Pelson company
logging camps near- Humptullps have
bean pulled out of danger by employes,
who have been fighting a fire for two
days.- Ho far the flames have been con
fined to the slashings and no damage
has been 'done to green timber or log
ging equipment.
Boise, Idaho, July 18. (U P,) In
answer to the appeal from federal and
stale officials, crews of men were load
ed into big "army automobile trucks and
started for the scene of the raging for
est fires in the yellow pine. district in
West. Centrals Idaho. It Is hoped 100
additional fire fighters will reach the
burning sone during today. The cam
paign will be to keep the fire out of
valuable timber in the forest reserves.
At present it is confined to public lands
not within 'the' reserves.
- It. E. Huffman, field agent with the
general land office, left Cascade for the
sone of the fire. Other parties are head
ing into the Thunder, mountain country
from .several directions. This fire 13
burning on a 13-mile front, 10 miles wide.
An area SO miles long and 15 miles wide
has' been burned over during the past
(wo weeka A new fire has started in
the Yellow Jacket section and looks dan
gerous. The state Is furnishing the equipment
to the army fire fighters.
. Fear is expressed that. Idaho may see
another duplication of the disastrous
fires in 1910 which started from numer
ous small fires and caused $22,000,000
loss to timber and cost the government
a million: dollars in, control work ex
pense, j-:-" - - : ;,'--.-. '- -
Governor Davis was able to ret
prompt relief from Secretary Lane, who
set aside f 40,000 to be used to equip fire
fighters and send ihen to the burning
area. He leaves for Washington today
to urge - the government to put fortti
every effort to meet the forest fire situ
ation In this state. , v
Police Asked to 7
Aid "in Hunt for
; Escaped Convict
Four, men escaped from the Idaho
penitentiary at Boise this morning, 'Ac
cording to a wire received today ty the
local police, : who were asked to aiUt
In apprehending them.
The description of the men as given
by Warden W. I Cuddy follows Fr- i
Morgan, IJ years old, weight 1&0 pour, i.
6 .feet inches tall, tatooed on r! t
forearm snake swallowing a frog t l
five tattoes on right wrisc William ::.
Nelson, 28. 150 pounds. S feet 10 !n !
tall,: left .middle finger broken, soar i i
the palmjaf his rlirht hand.- Joe Mar:
S6, 160 pounds, tall and slender: brow -t
birthmark on right arm. , Jumet 1 -wards,
negro. It, 120 ixwrnls, 6 f
tall, bum scar on left rr.ole on ;
of head. scar below kt eye.