TIIC Or.ZCOIJDAILV JOURUAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY. JULY 17, 1919. n n ii mn TO ANTIPODES TO TAKE PLACE HERE Chamber of Commerce to Provide Cargo; Necessary to Secure Establishment of Line. GOOD SHOWING DESIRED New Zealand-Australian Interests Have Exhibited Interest inOre- gon Over Other Parts of Coast. : Portland is going to have a month ly sailing, of ; freight vessels out of this port to, Australia and New Zea land. The city, through the Chamber- 6f Commerce, has been offered euch a Jin e, providing 2000 to 3000 tons of cargo each way can be ob tained for each sailing, and Secretary "W. D. B. Dodson say that the cham ber will make this possible.., ;: One of the strong . companies now op erating from the Pacific coast to ; the South seas, has received additional cargo carriers and the Increased activity In shipping circles In Portland has at tracted their attention to this port- The officials of the steamship company have requested information on the pos sibilities of this port as a port of call, placing the .minimum, cargo for the es tablishment Of the run at 2000 tons each way per month. The Chamber of Commerce is cover ing the cargo situation in this district and , appealing to , every merchant in the city to make a report on cargo ob tainable either here or In the South seas. The chamber particularly desires to make a good showing on direct in bound anu outbound shipments. VAs far as the prospects for this amount of cargo are concerned," says Mr. podaon, "'the service to the South seas should he assured, but it will be necessary to Impress on the mlida of manufacturers and merchants here the necessity of reporting their possibilities to the chamber so a positive report can be filed with the steamsbtp company." .Jtfew . Zealand and Australian inter ests have exhibited an Interest in Ore gen over and above the interest shown In other pacific coast cities, according; to the commerce officials and with a line once established . they , believe that a good service could be developed here that should result In more extensive op erations. " 1 . " ELLSBECK ASSIGNED HERE Colombia-Pacific Company Gets Steel Steam - Now lJeina Completed. . Announcement has been made by the Columbia-Pacific! . Steamship- " company that the 'new steamer Eil shock has been assigned to it to be placed on the Colum bia river and Puget sound to London run. The EUsbeck Is a steel steamer and Is now , being; completed on Puget sound. The operators expect to have her in the local harbor for leading about the middle "of August after completing the taking on of half her .cargo . at Puget sound.'., ,..":,'". . ',. '.. A. . C. Btubbe, general manager of the Columbia-Pacific company. Is making; an effort to have her destination changed to Northern - European points to take care of the trade which is being brought to Portland by the Scandinavian trade Interests. DEAN OF SKIPPERS MASTER Captain Jessen. to Take Steel Steamer ' Merlden on Trial Trip. - When the 3800 ton steel steamer Merl den. built by- the Alpina Engine ft Ma chine works;, goes on her trial trip today, she .will, take as - her ' master the dean f skippers on .the Pacific eoast,. Captain .. M. Jessen. For 60 years Captain Jessen has operated on the Pacific coast, .having come to this region early in the 'AO's. - ; . Captain Jessen is the oldest skipper on the Pacific coast both, in age and years of service, being 79 years of age. He holds an unlimited license. . The Meriden will be' operated on the triangular run between San Francisco, the Hawaiian islands and Seattle and will probably be delivered by the ship ping board during the latter part of the week. .. . - SmPWORKERS RETURN Strikers Do Not Indicate Action if - Not Given Raise by 10 Days. ' Ship liners who ceased work Wednes day noon aboard the . steamer Deer lodge, alleging dissatisfaction over the employment of house carpenters. in lin ing the steamer West lslay at Astoria, returned to work on the steamer this morning.. The 10 day limit set by the liners and ship riggers for the employers to meet their demands of 87H cents an hour an Increase of 12 V cents an hour over, present wages expires : this ' eve ning and it Is not Indicated what action will be taken by the members of the union following the comjsletlon of the nrniiTiit if IE) Helps Make Strong, Sturdy Men arid Beautiful; Healthy Women 3,000,000 People Use It Annually As a Tonic, Strength and Blood-Builder POSTOFFICE TROUBLE GETS ATTENTION OF NATIONAL CHAMBER Portland Investigation Asked, but Necessity for One Here Not Seen Locally. Whether an 'attempt U being made In the larger cities of the country to em barrass officials of the postof f ice de partment through local differences or whether something ; radically wrong with the service n Various cities is be ing investigated ; by the" United, States Chamber of Commerce. It has request ed the Portland chamber to appoint a committee to conduct a local investiga tion. . The United Btates chamber has de cided to have Investigating committees appointed in the 60 larger cities of the United States, ' Reports of i the" various committees will be filed and compared In an effort to get to the. seat of the trouble, Di rectors of the national chapter express the belief that the entire muddle in the department la a result of various local disorders. ? ..' The Portland chamber Wednesday aft ernoon agreed that, although no diffi culties were evident in the Portland of fice, further Inquiries will be made of the national chamber, selection of a committee being deferred jneajrwhtle; "" " ' ". 1 " -' If -1-11 1' .. TI'T 'I'fl'T' lining In the Deer Lodge. Both the Deer Lodge and West Jslay are being operated by the Pacific Steamship com pany and -are loading flour .and grain for Europe. ; COOS BAY COMMERCE GROWS Freight Receipts ' for Day Greatest Since Pre-War Times. Marshf ield, July , 17. The importance of Coos Bay to " Portland and com1 meree waa illustrated Wednesday ' when the ' steamer City of : Topeka of the Pacific Steamship company, arrived here with 700 tons of general freight for' this port. ' .More than 100 pas sengers, bound for San - Francisco. disembarked here. The steamer Admi ral VValnwriKht at the same dock was discharging; a cargo of freight from San Francisco, which the. Topeka was not able to handle on the last trip from the south. Te Aurella arrived Wednesday night and ." the Clearwater and the Q. C. Lindauer are unloading at North Bend. Passengers bound for Coos Bay were given special accommo dations, certain sections of the vessel being set aside for them. : The freight receipts at this port Wednesday exceeded any day since pre' war times. The Admiral Walnwright will load a million feet of lumber for Cuba. BUREAU RECEIVES , REPORT Information That Ships Are Tied Up In Eastern : Harbors Sent Bureau. . Reports have been received by the sea service bureau of the shipping board In this city from New York saying that all merchant rnarine ships, totalling about 400. are tied up in Nw Torx nar bor aa a result of the failure of union leaders and i representatives of the American Steamship association to reach an agreement on the strike among engineer, firemen and seamen. Lieutenant Harold C Jones of the Portland bureau says that the trouble Is not expected to effect the Pacific coast and although the merchant marine serv' Ice has abandoned all attempts to move the vessels on the Atlantic coast, the movement will continue unaffected here. A close agreement now - exists between the various unions and the sea service department here and -they are working in the closest cooperation. -X li Ji UH-J mil, if S ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT The Scandinavian trade envoys have again returned to Portland from Hood Haver ana Astoria trips ana are meet Ins with Portland manufacturers and wholesalers concerning supplies to be shipped t Northern Europe by way of the. newly established Williams & Dia mond company line from the Pacific coast to Europe. Recently including Portland In Its coast Itinerary, the steamer Mayfair of the Charles Nelson line arrived at Al bers dock from San Francisco Wednes day with general consignments. She will take lumber on her return trip. Cancellation of all 'bunker rules and regulations made by the government during the war were announced to Col lector of Customs Moore In a message from ' the war trade board. Cancella tion became effective July 14. -- Work of widening the channel at the upper end of Swan' island opposite the Portland Flouring mills was started Wednesday by the dredge Willamette. Fort Seward Loads - Ties . Aberdeen. Wash., July 17. -The steamer Fort Seward, built by the emergency fleet corporation, Is. loading 1,-00,000 feet? of ties for England at the Wilson Brothers mill In this city, and . the Grays . Harbor Commercial company's mill at - Cosmopolis. - No Word Vet Although President J, R. . Bowles ef the 'Northwest Steel company wae to have had a conference with officials of the United States shipping t board at Washington Wednesday afternoon con- U '" 1 ccrnJog the reinstatement ' of .. several contracts.' for steel steamers, cancelled several months ago, no word has been received In Portland yet concerning the results of his conference, i When Mr. Bowles went East he said that pros pects seemed reasonably bright for the building ef a few more larger vessels for the government. '.. Oleum Is " Delivered ' Delivering the tanker Oleum to the Union Oil company Wednesday after Installing three Scotch marine boilers and completing extensive overhauling of the engine room at a total cost of about 1150,000. the Willamette Iron A Steel company . announced the closing ef a contract with the Todd Shipbuilding company for nine Scotch marine boilers and four additional boilers for the Foun dation company plant at Victoria. The Willamette plant .' had just completed an order of nine boilers for the Todd company and was . working on an orig inal order of 20 boilers for the Founda tion yard. - , , Launching to Be Held 1 Launching of another 8800-ton steel steamer from the ways of the Columbia River Shipbuilding corporation will take place at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. This vessel is hull No. 2 and will be christened the West Harts.- ? A Sponsor will be announced later. With the launching of this vessel there will only be four hulls left under construction at the Columbia River plant, ' . News of the Port Arrival July TS Willamette-, American steamer, tram San Fran mca, pHmgrn, (mnL Mayfelr, American steamer, from Kan Fran- euce, general. , ,w4 America- steamer, from Ban FraBcieoo, ail. ; - ' Deserted. July IT ' . ArsrQ.. Amerioen steamer, for Saa Fraaciaco, DAILT RIVER READtHGg 1 1 1 i ' STATIOM J g lj, UrnaHUe ......... ,i 2ft 11 . T "" 0 O.OO Albas? , 20 1.4 0.1 0.00 saieia ao -i.o o.a o.oo Omcon Oftr 12 6.1 -0.4 0.00 portJamf . . . . . . . . . is e.s -e.4 e.oo aliainc." FalUneT filTSR FORECA8T The Willamette rite at Portland will fell wowigr aunns uie next two or uuee aay. MARISTE ALMAWAC WaeWiar et Stiver's Mmtth North Heed. July 17. Condition at the sioaut ef toe river al noon t Sea, smooth ; pertly cloudy; wind, northwert, IS mtlea; humidity. 8. Tidea st gatorU Fries ' BiihWiUr: Low Water: :49 a. .... 7. 2 feet I 11:28 a. as.. .,0.0 feat 6:38 p. HL...S.2 fee :80 p. at.. . .1.5 (eet AT TTEIGHBORlIfO PORTS - aatoria. July 17. ArrlTed at 2 a. m., tteamer Vaanrod, from uray Harbor. Baa Fraaciaco. July 1 T. Arrtred at T. a. m.. staanar AUaa from Portland. Com Bey. July 10 flailed at 14:20 a. ex. teamcr Aurelia, from San Kranciaeo, via Eureka, for Portland. Arrived et 12:45 p. m-, aleamer cuy or Topeka, Iron i'orUand. for tiaa aiaa cieeo. vie Eurvka. Aston. Jnly 1 5.- Hailtd at 9 & m.. ateamev AUaa, for Saa Franctaco. Arrived at 2 and Ml up at S p, m. . ateamer F. H. Ixop, from Baa Ii'ranciisee. Arrived et 10 p. m., steames Willam ette. from Baa Franctaeo. - Seattle, July 16. Arrived, to Lilliee sad barse No. SO. from Portland. Norfolk, July 1 8. Arrived, steamer Oity ef Rnreka im Cascade, from Portland, beta far Ee sepev San Frandaee, July 15. Arrived, tteamer Klamath,' from Portland. Newport News, July I B. Arrived, ttaaratr City of Eureka, from Portland, for Europe. Gaviote. July 1 -Sailed, ateamer W. F, Herrln, for Portland. Tiea Tela, July 11. Arrived, from Portland, ateamer Soinpo Mara. Balboa. July IS. Arrived, ateamer Wat Cele- 'Ba Dleco. July 15. Arrived, tnc Haronlea and lor raft, from Columbia river. San Francisco, July IT. (I. ST. 8.) 'Ar- 1 T..1.. , O TT t . IX .1 Yokoaama and Honolulu, at S a; m. t Japanese ateamer Feme Mara, from Honckonc and Yoko hama, at 0:30 a. in. ; Paaadena, from Albion, at t:su a. m.; sea jroam, from Mendocino, at s a. m., Queen, from Seattle, at 7:56 a. m. ; Frank I. Stoat, from Loa Aagelea. at 7 a. m.; Santa Kite, from Fieaiue, at 7 a. m. S Caapar, from vaapar. t a a. m. ; u. B. iMatroyer vnauaoey, front San Dieco, at 9 a. in. Bailed, July 10, . aauDcion, ior bureaa, at iu:so a. m. , . Seattle, July 10. (L N. 8.) .Arrived, July 16, S. 8. City of Seattle, from Southeastern Alaska, at 6 a. m. Arrived. July IS. U, . Silver Shell, from Saa Franciaco, at 7 v. m. s JUdondo, from Southeaatem Alaaka, 0 :?0 p. m.; Fulton, from Powell River, at S p. m, ; Ad miral Watioa, from Boutbeastern Alaska, at 1 p. m. Sailed. July 10. Jefferson, for South- eaatarn Alaska, at 0 a. ra.; Ekimore, for Yoko hama, at 10 a. m. ; Admiral Rodman, for South eaatern Alaaka, at 10 a. m. Sailed, July. 15. S. 8. President, for Vancouver ; M. S. H. O. Han aeo. for Victoria, in tow of tu Daniel Kern.: . KathikM, J.il. IK If M Ml aHmA . 1'rincese Mary, eolith bound, at 0:30 a. m. Vancouver. July 16.- (I. N. S. ) -Arrived. S. S. Kmpreas of Japan, from ltonskone. ... ror j-ownneaa, juiy is. u. i Paaaed out, S. 8. Brookaide, for Swaaaea, at O p. m. Everett. July IS. (I. N. 8.) Sailed. 8. S. Ataeoaan Maru, for Portland, at a a., ra. c Port Ludlow. Julr 16. 1L N ft.) Arrived. aeheoDer Helena, from Honolulu, in tow of tas atoneer. . MukUtee. Jula- IS. (1. N. fLl -Arrived. schooner Oceania, Vance, from Seattle, towing. laoome. juiy io. (L n, B.J arrived, 8, 8. Kyota. from Belliasnam; Admiral Wataon, from Seattle. Sailed, schooner Robert R. Hind, from Honolulu. . HeatUe, July IS. n. N. .) Arrived, tn Lillico No. SO. from rortland, at a. m. Ar rived, July 14. 8. S. Wahkee:. from Saa Fraa eisoo, at noon ; Jefferson, from . Southeastern Alaaka, it f (, ai Konsosaa Mara, from Yo kohama, at S:30 p. m.; 8. 8. President, from Han Pedro via San Franoieco end . Victoria, at 8:80 a. m. .Sailed. Julv IS. H. 8 Admirml LKvana, for Soutlieaatera Alaska, at It a. m. ; vspiaa r. a, lAcaa, tor Ban Pedro, at 8:16 a. m.i Admiral Tewey, for Ban Ihojo. via San rmanisee and Son Pedro, at l a. m. ; l.vroan Stewart, for Oleum, at 7 a. m. : yacht Dclaura. for Southeastern Alaska, eruiee. at 8 a. m. Cordova. July 14. (L N. S. ) Sailed, S. 8. Alameda, aonthboand. at 2 p. m. Ketelukan, July 14. (t N. S.) Sailed, S. 8.- Prineesk Anne, northbound, at S p. m. ; City ef Seattle. -eouthboond. at 1:80 a. m. Sailed. July 13, S. B. Worth weetern, north betind. at 10 p."m. ' i- . Yokohama. July S. tt, N. 8.) Arrived, & S, Suw Mara, from Beadle. t Wverpool. uly llv (I X. 8.) Arrived, M. 8. Brisk, from Seattle. V ; . , ..Palboe, July 1. (I. N. S.J Arrived. B. S. West Iielnidte, from Seattle. . Arrived, July 14, S. S. Urayson. from Tacoma. - iJhrhvtobal. July 11. (I. n. 8,) Balled. B. BFort Russell, for London. m Talcahtieiro, July 8. LvN. 8,) Sailed, 8. S. West ginaloa, far Wert Coaet. . New York, July 12 !. K. 8.1 Arrived. 8. S. Remus, from Taeoma via Seattle. Honolulu. July 11. (L N. S.) - Arrived, achooner Robert Lewera. from Pert Gamble. - Shanghai. July ,(J. H. B.) Sailed, ft S, Justin, fee Seattle.- . .Farallona, July 14 (I. N. 8.) Paased. S. S. Canadian. Volunteer, for Genoa. July 18. 8. 8. Idaho, for Vancouver, it II p. a. San Pedro. JiiW 14 (I M aiini B. S. JJultnomaU, from SeaUle via, JtclUnghaja an4 Saa Franciaco; Governor Ferhes, from Wast Coast. Arrived, July 18. S. S. IK G. SeefUld, from SeaUle. Sailed, July 14. S. S. Admiral Schley, for Seattle, via Saa Franeiaeo. ' j Victoriev July la. d. N. a.) Peaaed out, 8. S. El Lobe, for West Coast vie Saa Pedro. at s a. m. Arrived, mpreaa ef Japan, from Vancouver, at 10 a, m. Passed oat. July 14. B. S. Cor lie, for port Has tela. ' - Vansver JulyiJ tL N. S.) Arrived. as, a. -vv tnuner. irom oma STanetaea. BeUinsbam, Jely 15 (L N. & Arrived. S. 8. H. B. Loeeiov. fro as Seattle. .. T Pert Townaend;' Jaly 1 4. (I. J." 8.)-Ar. jtved. acheoner Mary B. Foster, from Honolulu, fa tow ef tas LilHoo Nev 20. !B ,rf0C4f!O' 3lllTl1--ll. X. S.) Ar. nred. 16th -Steamer Aeava t..-. 11:45; tas See Kins. bare E. M. Phelpa, Port . wp. m. i i os law Mam, iHoaskons. 1:45 p, ra.: VV. A- Porter, BvsreU. Admiral cM7 Urn An.ele,, 8 ilOp. m. ; 0i r"-- 'V'yy't. w. m,j Jjeroe . Has on, weaiuuii, e:os p. m. ; Lord Temsletowa " ""f,. Mara, Honrkona. 5 v " tempi, unnee Ivlns casUe. 1:11 a, m.r fM Uuneh Ledy May. Loa Anfelea p. m.; Ilartwood. Ursya Harbor, B :30 Helen P. Drew, Greenwood,, 7 ;t3 p. m. 1- 'A aey ferrule for crotcbes, wooden less or canes is tipped with rubber and contains p. conea spring, inside of tubing so it r evolves. well a.s belns resilient. IB HER..1AN CREOC FIRE IS QUIET, BUT FORCE OF FIGHTERS ON JOB Blaze at Ames, Which Spread Over 45 Acres, Is Said to Be , Under Control. The Herman creek forest fire ia quiet, sUt&eufffc none of the lire fighters ha been laid off, said Forest Supervisor T. Hl Sherrard . this roornlnr- An ex tensive patrol will be maintained .until the fire Is extingmishedL It is believed the fire will burn Itself out ia about two more days. Favorable weather conditions are preventing- other fires 1 from spreading-. While the fire at Ames increased from an eight to a 45 acre area. It is con fined within certain limits and under complete control, C. B. Chapman, - sec retary of the Orei-ron,. Forest Fire as sociation, said1 this morning. Several small fires in logging camp slashings are burning in Columbia 'and Clatsop county but no damage has occurred ex cept for the expenee of putting them out. Several hundred acres - of logging slashes and one of the railroad trestles of the Nehalem Logging A Timber com pany have been burned In the lire near Scappoose but this Is now under, eon troL Small fires have also been re ported at Hammond and the two Chris tensen logging cam pa on the Kerry road, and at the Larken Green Logging com pany at Blind Slough. - None of the logging jslash fires have reached green timber, said Mr. Chapman and are easily being kept under control. Revolt Breaks Out In Bela Kun's Aririy Paris. July 17. (I. K. S." A revolt has broken out in the Hungarian Red army at Budapest, according; to . con fidential reports reaching here from Budapest today. Disorders are reported In the Hungarian ' capital.' Troops are said to be streaming Into the cfty. .The counter uprising has necessitated a post ponement ef Bela Kun'a offensive against the Roumanians. THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME I ...MminM.i.aW!WseamgewP! .".'J'..'-..'JMU . ntmmr-wmmmrmmH i . mmmmmm-!rmi I - " -' --" II , I .MaMlgswAaUawagMa BUY FROM OWNER. Selling: on account of change In business. Strictly modern, 9 rooms, 9x20 glassed-in sleeping porch, hot-water heat.hardwood , floors, full basement, beautiful grounds ; in fact, an, Idsal home. Will sell ' at very low price if sold at once. See It at $3.8 38th et, North, on corner of Stanton. Inquire at premises or phone residence. Tabor 6174 or Mala 7270.. Read about Lady 'hfdndiely?S''- ' taiasawaswBgafSnTa 1 debut in the daring "Beauty Spot" scene. How the dash ing wife of the handsome Lord George outshone Mile. Floryythe Parisienne star. The Sunday Journal Magazine Next Sunday Seattle : Woman - Wins $2000 and Decides to Give It, to Red Cross Ktw TorW, July U.tX. X. .&) The 20M that Mrs. John M. Franklin of Seattle, Washn. , won by ! proving . she could make her way from Seattle to New York on less than a third of the coat of traveling by train, will go to the Red Cress, she announced today. , Mrs. Franklin; who is tt years old,, and a -graduate nurse, says she Started, from Seattle on June IS and made her way here oft 'foot by working for rides tn automobiles, on i horseback and even covered the distance from Chicago to Valparaiso. Jnd., by. airplane. She arrived. ; Wednesday afternoon after spending exactly S23.32 en route. The trip was the result of a wager with two Seattle men. BtJILDIKO PERMITS Mrs. Io. repaJr realeeaee. 018 Broadway drive, builder, B. E. Sbahaa. 50. t t. G. H. Ooktateuo, repair teaidenee, 70 van eouver between Cook and" . builder. , Ilarry H"i?ed pfvta. repair dwtUliif. 910 .st between 37th and, 40U area,. builder. A. Hebwaak, f SO. ., . . .' Oaorae Kbelins, erect sarase. 387 La reh be tween Mulberry and llaxrisan. builder. Modern ComtrUetiea tin., T0. . -- S. M. Cohn repair office and bank, II 5ft at. between Stark and Oak. builder. Yasderhoof n. ava j U X Jflabetaoej. repair atom 241.8-5 K. 21rt If. between Maitnreaan aae a-aeuw. vuue, Chester CrialinakL ereet ' sarace, 81 85 tb aee. H. JO. between i seta ana vota. puuuer . Koebbueker, $80. i . .. - ' B, Ai. Green, repair reeidenee. 1080 X. Mr ridoa between K. TSta and H9th. builder same. $209.1 ' . ' N. between SchuyJr and Hancock, iaatalleri Portland, Uaa A Coke Co.. $o0. -- j U. E Becker, mstalf furnace, $9 MuUaomah, Kudorph C jlecfe, install furnaee, 1144 E. Balmoo between K. eeta ana eaw su, uhsuh, I'nrtl.nil rise A flake (!a.. $100. Charlea K. Thomson, install furnaee. 1495 K. Sherman between 6414 and B0U), insiaiier, rorv land Gas aV Ceke fa, $400. J 11 Wsaooee. repair ateresi and noma. XI O N. 1 6th between Lovejoy and KearneyK.builee. N, bh.ri.u aana , U. Kercan, repair residence, 1)55 Cleveland St., between rreeooU a. uou$ iuM puijaer, .-, V. Simoaaes, $86. . A Willises S. Toelau reoair dwelline. 1111 E. .Washinctea. tMtweea K. $ftta and 8SUi St.. feared' Vierich, repair reeidenee. 488 K. Pine comer 10th, builder, A. V. Moodie. ITS. . Hosier D. Angvll, erect dwtllinc. 70$ Upper drive, Ureesweie MonXfonery arm, puuaer, B. T; Allyn", $8000. i : (. B. P. Bert, erect residetioe, S88 Jeseop be twees, Mallanr and Garfield, builder, Allvn S4SOO. ..a ' i ' Mrs,- i. A. Deaa. evert woodshed. 10140 8th ave. between lOiat and 10M eta., builder same. Bill ': .. I . 'i Joe Gannlni, repair reaidenoe. 638 B. tiaeola I! FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN! between . lltb and & 12th. builder aame, JC IV SouJe. renair teaidenee.1094 E. 54 IB at N. between Webster end meiaon. buildet came, $200. K. . Neils, erect dweUln. 1489 Vincent be tween Bryant and Moreaa. builder same, $500. H.. Weinbard &itatav , repair .cold ttorasa boUdine. ' 4T4 Couch between iSth and 18U ata.. builder. J. W. Tbnrman. $!M0. - M.- M. Hertzberj, erect arage. SSS B. 4Sd W. between Braaee and Knott, balkier. Modern Construction Co.. $80. rrank snnmitt us, ereet enea, isi K. sui between Taylor and YamnilL builder. Caesar Kll- fore. $60. A P. Tyler. TfpaJr reaidenoe, SS2S SIM St. 8. K. between 63d and S4th ata.. builder aame, $150. Tony Fetrasm, repair reeidenee, 4207 48th are. between 4 2d and 4 3d. builder came, $400. Mr. M. II. Wilkrson, repair residence, 820 K. Carta between K. SOU and Slat, builder sum, $100. ' . a 3. Holt, repair dwelling. 6000 flOtfc at, 8. E.. builder aame, $13. I. A, Eaton, erect sarase, 71 K. 18th be tween fUark and Oak, builder aame, $175. Oregon Hotel Co.; repair betel. 65 Broadway between Oak and Stark, builder, McHollaad Bros., $900. . - Barbara Neber. erect sarace,: 3187 K. tVash tnrtan between 80th and 82d. builder same, $90. H. Cbristman. erect office, 1150 Hawthorne between ' U. Sola and SttU ata,, builder aame, $250. - Mrs. C. E. fitimpaon, erect tarace, : 788 K. Tamhiil between 20th and SSd, builder, Modern Construction Co., 880. ,. George H. Killeta. repair reeidenee. 5820 4 2d are. between 58th and - 6$U. - builder, K. S. Uarkman. $150. - , Caroline A. Kamm, repair stores, 204 8th be tween Kront and Jefferson, builder, V. It. May. nard. $800. - Victor Williams, erect garage. 128 Morgan between Brandon and Derby, builder aame. $76. T. Waters, erect garag, 6S4 E. Stb between Taggart and Denver, builder aame, i. It H. tMchel, erect garage, '65 5 Morlhrup be twem 17th and 18th, builder game, $75. . M. Koyeich. erect garage, 1186 By bee be tween K. S9th and 4 lb, builder same, $76. The Sealdins Co., repair atere and hotel, 289 Washington between 4th and 5 Ui, builder, il. J. Keavea Ce., $750. Railway Investment Co., repair store. 108 3d it. between Wwblngtoa and Stark, builder, M. J. Beevee Co.. loOO. W. It. Small, repair raidcaee, 8880 62d ave. between 6SUi and tfOth, t builder same. Captain IV W. Ifosford, repair store, 407 Grand ave. between E. Morrison and . Alder, builder. Stokes and Zeller. $50. v Shope Walker, repair reeidenee, 1084 E. 18th H.. bnllder ' A. J. 8alea. $100. B. J. B laser, 'repair residence, 140$ Orand STBU0TUN6L SHAPE8 PLATES BARS RIVETS BOLT ... UPSKT RODS RID0KS f BUILDINGS , TANKS TOWERS 6HIM .- NORTHWEST BRIDGE & IRON CO. PORTLAND, ORCOON P. O. Boa 08$. Main 1183 -TRAXSPORTATIOiV TTV (JTEAHTHIP - JXetADMIRAL UNS. . 99, OITY Or TOf." . Sails at P. m., July $4 For Cooa Bar. Knreka. Saa lYaneiseo. eeav aeetins with steamers to Loe Angelea and San Diego. Ttafcata sold to all these point, end baggage checked tbrongb- ALASK8 Ptetreers everj week for aD prlnefpai petti In Alaska Travel ia heavy: make reserve tiona early. Ntit Steamer te Nome and St. Michael 10 A. f., Juls)t7. neVet Office 401 TMrd Street, tain ieee a-ssss Lsssl rrelsM Office Can 4881 rAOIFIO 8T8AI88HIR COMPANY. V LASKA If res are tntereated IS a trie te Alaska taia summer, reserve. dona should be spoken for very eea, as- taere are te be fewer boeu taaa last season, ead de swsd k alraadr bearr. Let aa osier voa ayeee es tts . Alaska Steamatils Oa , V . OanaSlan Paclfts Ocean Servloae. ' .. Paertie Stagmenls Oa. ORKSON JOURNAL TRAVKL Bi;'RRAV OORSKV 8). SMITH. MANASIR. " me JewnM Sulldlne - Pertiene. Ore gee Telephone Warvhan 1678 SanFrancisco S. S. ROSE CITY DEPARTS H WOOJT Sunday, July 27 Frefh Alnsworth Beek fare Isclades Berth sad Bleats CUr Ticket Of flee, $d and Waahlaftea Pbeae Mala $$$ freight of flee, Ainswerth Dock f hene Urosdwsr t!8 8as Fraaelsee A rortland S. 8. X,taes SS. Stavangerfjord 18,809 D. IT. Tone Jfefrett, FstUit sad Most Modern Steamer to ScaadlaaTla. AII.TKOS FROM HEW TOBK ETEBT TUBEE WEEKS A$st, Portland! Costal Blellssd, Coatel Tald. Lldeil, The Josraal Trarel Bareaa, Dergey B. Smith. SV J3 I j CCKPACSf ItKtiXU 7gAJ(SA7UX7I7-! II gjseeaa Feetal Serrtc PROPOSED DEPARTURE'S , ' - Subieet te Change Without Notiee NEW, YORK HAVRE LA TOURAIKE ......, JULY 8$ ROOHAMBEAU ................. dULV SO LA LORRAINS JULV 81 LA SAVOIC ..,......., AUO. PRANCa U, IS NEW YORK BORDEAUX OHICAOO . AUO 8 NIAOARA i ........ . i AUO. '18 Fugaxi 8reg., Pacrfle Oeest Agenu, ICS Ulterrv St SeeUle, er any Leeal A tent. .- JWAVIAT4 teirroieAiM vJL OENMARK NORWAY SWVKOCN s Oaeae II..,,. Aug. 8 ' Xsrtllg Olev.. . .Aug. 8 -eedsMk VIII Aug. $1 Unites State.. Sept. 4 !The Chllbere Aeeoey 70S 8S AeV Seattle, STEAMERS - The Dalles and War Points Sailings Tuesdays, Tbnrsa'sys, and Saturdays, 10 P. M. $ DALLES COLUMBIA LINE STEEI lieu yyj nm-' WiWr J til Ash- tv Deck - Broadway 3434 See. N. between Deknia - sad Portland bird., builder aame, $100. O. fcdwajds, erect garage. 1111 X. $00 st. N. between Ashley and Hoi man, builder. Met tun Co.. $3S0. Catherine Quay, repair residence. 1$08 Ar mour between Midway and. Oregon laa, buDder, U. W. Granger, $375. John Fulton, repair residence. 1151 Garfield ave.. builder, r. ts. Ifeletretn. $75. G. A. Joeosu, repair reeidenee, 1818 Mult nomah between 62d and 68d eta,, builder tame, $100. VV. It. Finn, construct fence, 402 Marguerite ave. bet ween Harrison and A mold, builder, K. Campbell, $35. C B. Olmsted, repair reeidenee. 1179 Alblne ave. between Killings worth and Jeasup, builder, Mr. White, $220. v W, J. Neil, repair reeidenee, 490 Kraersoa between 8th and 9th, builder aame, $75. Paeifie Building t'o. erect dwelling, 1089 Ore gon between . 33d and Feerleas 1'laee, feuildar aame. 84500. Hittock Block, Trie., repaie stores end fftce, 885 Washington between W. Park and 10th. builder aame, $400. AIMna fuel Co.. repair coal shed. 892 Broadway bef.ween K. SSd tad $0Ui, builder, A V. Velguthf $880, 'James t Gilchrist, ' erect garage, 250 E. 58d between. aladisoa and Main, builder aame, $125 O. E. Velde. repair ehleken house, 8916 71 at st. 8. IS. between 40th and 89th, builder aame. $25. J, 1", Robinson, repair residence, 1888 Stan ton between 74th and 75th, builder aama, $400,. ., K. Praaeo, ereot garage, 6804 62d are. builder aame, 1 850. . A. Nelson, reiiair residence. $62 B. 8ls N. between Klickitat and Miskiyou, builder aame, $50. Cbarlea Reeea, repair reside nee, 945 Franklin between JSd and 84th, builder. M. J. Wallace, $800. K.', L Davies. erect garage. 4452 K. 4Tth J. between Thompson and Tillamook, builder, M. J. Wallace. $260. liartmas Thomiaon, conn tract laws walk, 1810 Koyat. builder. M. J. WaUaee. $76. T01AT Send Us Your Old Carpets , Old Bc9 OSS Weelea Clethtsf, We Mate Bereralble, aaad'YTeTea Fluff Rugs Ther Wear Like Irem. - ' Bar Kara rret All Slses. Mall Orders Bead far BeekleV Carpet Cleaning Bar; 8team CIsaBSd. 9148 tTXstbbk ptrFF bvo oa - - '64 TTalee Ave. If. JBaat $618 Pheaea B.1476 . Parrish Watkins & Co. . Est. l$67. -". Frank E. Watkins, Mansfer Member" Portland Realty, Board. Real Estate,- Rental, Loan, and . Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. 100 Second Su Phone i Main 1644 ' "AtTCTlOlf 8ALKS TOHORSOW - AT yyil.tUN H Auotiua lioaee. 16U-1T8 " 8a sr. -agia it 10 t ra. MEBTITTO 1COTICF.S 41 ujiypHAn oamp no. - yL - w- eets t fta ball, B eth and B. Alder, every FrUaj - tvenlng at 8 e'eloek. - . VtalUng aalgbbon alwars wesgoase, i. O. WlXsOJf, Clets, WEBrOOT flalfP Mn es eUrht to W. 6. W. Tempte. 128 11th at. M.mh.r. eueatsd to be present. VMtora weieona . u JBarbor. Clerk. COLUMBU IAJVGB HQ. 114. A. F. ANU A. M. special communication tonight (Thurs day), at T.se o'clock. Work In V. V. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. By order W. M, FRKD U OLSON. Sec . com m unicatinn Lenta Ldee No. 16. A. F. and A. . M... this' Thursday) evening, T:S0 . o'clock; E. A. degree, prder W. a. S. OOSBTj-RT. See, KENTON' vop5Tirfirtts7T V. AND A. M. SUted com. munieation - this : . ( Xbnrsday I eve ning, T :80 o clock. Vteitorg ' wel come. - ' ' R. r. CEIST. See. M'f.' ii6'i 'j6fiU S 0l"sf. A. V. ' ANp A. M. Bneelal eommnnicatien . Uimorrow Hn day) evening at T 80. , Work in 1'. C. degree. Visitor" welcome. Order W. M. ' Fl ,'. fHrk, "SLBERt i'lKK LOIXJE SIO. 16a. A. F. AKU A. M. Bpeeial eommunieatton Friday . evening, JiUy 18, at 7 'clock.' F. J degree. Visiting , brethren wel come. O. W. wwva. ALBANY PtSMC from a v. m. sum mutni. . ia Albany bring your Juiieh and Iriendg and . . ... . . : V, n ' . liwJt Have a general reunion. . EMBf.EM JEWKLHY a epeclaltyj. bnttona, piaa. -i . ,i,i.iaitk ...... fiftaftafistics ; mirlagts. Dlrtbs. Deaf fix MARRIAGE XICF.NKKf Frank B. fade, legal, Healtle, Wash., and Lerena Aopoerle, legal. 1834 Diviaion. 0. E. Hchoenfeld, 81, Maltnoroab hotel, sad Norma Wilbarn. 36, MaltnomaA hotel. Holland Keeee Jokard. 28, Ulsbee, Aria., and Radio WiUier, 31, Benson botet, Artbur Howard Marsh, legal,: Looking Olasa, Aria., and liaxel Harriet Smith, legal, 680 Fat ton avenue. ' - "."""'."'"'."'..'" '. . Thomas William Johnson, legal. 768 East Oak street, and Ruth Hortoa . Olauted. Jgai, Jf3 Tenth street. . . -r . - 4dward Jamea Grelg. 28, Cumberland, B. C, and Mary Ua belle BUlesee. 33, 867 et Tarn bill. Carl F, Harrig. legal, 31 Fifty-eighth street southeast, and Mary JS. HolUater, legal, 1678 Vortieth aeatheaat. 1, atbee K. A dame. 61. 784 Nehalem, and Mrs. Matildie Wbttsell, 6V, 784 Nehalem. Herbert V. Coneannee, 24, 604 Thtjrmas, and Kiul Ione!ea, 22, 804 Thurmsa. .dward Woholaen, 24, 881 Kast Forty-ninth atreet, and Eve Jeogul. 88, 881 East Forty niaah atreet. '. Myer Perk el. 22. 288 Sheridas, and Bertha Isreal. 21, 6 Mala. iJaniel L Kelleher, legal, 467 Rodney averrae, and Mary .Lillian MarUn, legal, 4a Rodney averrae. ..!:.. Irving Pewey fmttb, $0, BeTlingham, Wash., and Cell Kelta rhrkey. 2J. Imperial hotel, ' . BinTft LUNSIWAV To Mr. and Mr. ElUlie Duoal way. 607 Gantenbefn. June 80, a son. PETZTe Mr, end Mrs. WilUam C. Dels, 4S8 Margnerlte. Jang 17, a aos, . - KELSON To Mr. end Mrs, A R. Nelson. 828 , Mill, Jaly 7, a daoghUr. i l CARET To Mr. and Mra. C. 1 Carey, 204 E. 69th, Jnly 8. s eon. '''.;-. BA BON To Mr. and Mfg. J. C. Baron, SSO Colonial. Jnly St. a eon. ; BOLOGH To Mr. and Mm Joaepb ' Bologh, 661 K. MnrrUoii, July 8. a eon. DOOLFY To Mr. and Mra. R. K, Dooley, Lit tle Roek, Wash., Jaly 14, a son, 8FIKGF.K-To Mr. and Mrs. P, Spleger, TVS K. IS. July 18, a vm. JEN8EM To Mr. end Mn. Cbarlea N. Jensen, .sttcktetna. Waah.. JoJv 14. a dauehtev. GAHDNEK To Mr. and Mm, L, F. Gardner. IMtr i.ianei, trr., raj i. s eon. GCSTAFSOM To Mr. and Mra. P. A. Gsstaf- aon. lOtfl Palton, July S. a daughter, HOiO To Mr. and Mrs. O. U Uogg, 8828 6 Int. July 7. a daughter. BTOTT To Mr. and Mra. T. M. gtoU, 1205 CjommertM. July 18. e daughter, FOX To Mr. and Mra. p. S- ivx, 8228 8 2d, June i, a dangbier. 8TKWABT To Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Stewart. 164 to Orand ave., July 14. daughter. SAN FORD To Mr. end Mra, Gerald Sa&ford, 3 is are. ana esut at., aiy 1. a aea, i BIBTU8 LOWN Te Mr. an(lMr. N. S. - ftth, July 13, a daughter AtXJf.S To lit, and lies. 8V"i, AHen. SiJ - lilt, July 9, e eon. - " FRANK To Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Fraua. 1ST I K. AKlef. Julv 9. a dsntUUr, , GRAIL Te Mr. and Mr, if. 3rail ir: KUckitet. July 10, a . . DU KSON To Mr. and "Mr. f. 'K.., IHckson, i.- dedendenee. Or., July 1, a on, -WOUOAHl To r. gad Mm. II. C Wowlar l, S K. Osk. July 0, a dsiglir. QL- T. Mr, end Mr. K, Ulasa. 609 Brook lyn. July ll, a daughter. ABAS I'M A--To Mr. and If ra.- R. Asaauma, StH N. Od, July 9, a son. FCMAN To Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Fuman, S3 i'lay. July 18, a eon. REKVKS To Mr. and Jfrs. rariil Reeves, 634 Jv. 8te, July 14. a son. ' HEATHS AS!) HSKfflU ? ANDKKASKKN July li. si Uie family r.-7- denee. SUS Going st., tlimon Andraaswn. a" 61 yeara, beloved buband of Josephine AlitlrBa- . en fetber of Mr. Edith Oilman. Harry m, 1 Ncrtnan Andreaseenj, brother oi Andrew Au raaassn.. 4Hiarhiston, Wash. Joseph Andtva--.., s anu Mrs. Hannah Mowry, botb of Brush I'rairif. Kah.; Mrs. Ida Latlimp, residing in the sute of Ida bo. Funerel service UI be uoirfwi! Friday, Jnly 18, 1 p. m., at Pearson a iimler taking parlnrs. Kuaaell el. at Union ave.. Fri mi Incited. Interment family plut, Rtne City i ais remetery. lll'1'lu.At bar residence, ltftltt Klereii'h street north. July Id, Mary J. luf. ael IV yeerst wife of Miles. 1. lhff and nattier uf 1 ' -lei 8., Ambrose and Monica, Ihiff and Mrs. Joln Mc Adams. Funeral will he held from the isle reshtenee Frfatay, July . 1 8, at M:30 a. m . thence to Holy Redeemer- church, rortlantl boulevard and Vam-omer ae. at a. in., where requiem maa will be offered, fe'rteads in vited. Interment at Mount Calvary cemetery. MeKnto. ek Bileee directors. VOOl.tti tliie eity, July !. CuTrk V. Wo-.J. aged 68 years, -late of Vancouver, Va.--h. ; beloved husband of Mra. Carrie A, Wood ant rather of Rosa H., Lrah Jl. Wood, Mrs. UrHe Turner and Un. Hulh 8cl)latUr. runeral ser vices will be held from A. K. Keller eomimny's parlors tomorrow (Friday), July IS, at 3 p. in. Friend invited. '- Interment gt Lone Fir ornie tery. --, - r ,; -- - ait) Hill (4-. In !tlns city, at his 'late revidoaiue, ' Fifth street. July l. Jordan A. Morrin. agwl 88 years, hut-bund of Mrs. Ktlier Morrta, brother of Frank J, Morris of Klmliumt, Cal., and Ague it. Daniels of McMinnville. Or. The funeral ser vice wUl be held Friday at 10:80 a. m.. at n ii ley's, Montgomery at Fifth, uoder the auniilcee of the Moose lodg. Friends invited. inter ment at Yamhill, r. i WKlLES At the family raeidctjc., OlTTst John W. Wellea. beloved father of Frank K. Welle,' farmer taaittant state superintendent f puhlio construction, and 'Mrs, Helen L. Waxlmm of Loa Anngeloa, Oal. The remains will be tor warded today to Hslam, Or. by the A. I). Ken worthy Co., 0 802-e, 0d st. 8. E.. in LentM.' where services will be held under the auHpicee of G. A, R. Interment will be made i Orand Army cemetery. - . "'' RANLICR In thia oity, July IT. Albert Leu- -. .S eS A r,t ilium t? 11,1 rt. of tioble. Or., father of ly Hander. son of Ir. Katie Render, t)it oity, brotJisr of aire. Annie Konko, Mrs. llu'de 8imcn, Mrs lna lowIr of thia elty, UK Kintly Hurke. Mm. Hilda Iturke of Kalamg, Wtah., gnd Owar Render of Alaska' The remain are t Fiiiley'f, Munffomery at Fifth. -- . ; -- ;' ' , MII.1.KH In Oil city, at his laU nee. i Twelfth street, July 17, Benjamin F. Miller, aged 64 yearn: limband f Mrs. Kniuia I. Miller, brother of Milton A., Oharle i, William A. Miller and Mrs. C. f. Montague of tliix city, and Mrs. Nona Jennings of New Merlin. The re main are at Finley'a, Montgomery at Fifth,', No tice of funeral later. ' ,, ,. DH,IET In thU city. Wednesday, July 10. Kenneth George DiUey, age 8 year, belovi son ef Mr. andeAIrs. George DUley of Vo I Fifty-third avenue aoutljeast. Funeral aervlises will be held tomorrow (Friday). July 18. at 2.80 p. m. at funeral rmrlora of A. D, Ken worthy eV Co., 5BU2-04 8Ud at. 8. In Lenta. Interment in Mount Scott cemetery. UOTtslMlX IrTthig city, at Ills lai rl'let" e. 116 FMt Rlghty-second atreet north, July 11, Jdkepb Marion Houiwman, aged 68 years, bun band ' of Mr. Margaret Houseman, - father of Jnsrnh V, Houseman of Chicago, HI., and Cary W. Hooeeman of this elty. . The remains are at Finley'a. Montgomery at . Fifth. Notioe of funeral later. ' -a; " ' t 1 - ' MEI.ENDT At Feach Grove, near Oregon City. Or,, July IS, Margaret Melendy, age 11 yean, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Melendy, sister of Dorothy. Ruth, Robert, Fred end Rupert Melendy. Funeral notice later. Re maina are at the residential parlor of Miller a Treeev' '- KUTKtt -In thi city, at hU late reeMviice, "I'-' Fast Slxtiefb atreet-north, July 1. Ruther ford L. Kilter, aged 41 yearn; lm.nsnd of Hr. Jnlia KuUr. ; The remains are at Finley a. Mont gomery atFifth. Notice of funeral IstJtr. HARRIS -The funeral aervleea of 'tit, late A'.l.ait Harris "will be held today Tlmrd, July 17), at 4 p. m, at the eliapel of Miller Ac Tracer. Interment Multnomah I'srk cemetery. MITCnKffTn' tliui"cUy,"July"l. jiilluTMihaC age 86. Funeral services wUl be bald Friday. July IS, at 10 a. m.. at the chapel of MiUer es Tracey. Interment tRos. tyity cemeterr. SANDERSO"N Da virf C. Banderson, Yire.on, hotel. July 10, 62 yeri mitral insuffiolewty, SUTTLKFnuiee fluttl. Good Bsmarltan hu- plUI, July 16, 62 years; embolism. SCHMIDT John Schmidt, I'acifio hotel, July 14, 64 yesrs; dilation of heart, HtJGHF.fl Ethel Ornnt Hughes, cor, Tmbarrt end Greeley JulT 15. 21 year fracture of UA aalS Myrtle ITarrU, 417, Bristol, July 14, SO yrsnM gunshot wound. ; ' . SCHtlK'FTE - William , SehneUe, Alnsworth building, July 14, 83 years; crushing injurl. O'lMJNSBLL Martin James OTiomiell, 871'k W. Htbr-Jnla. M, -Ss yean; tubereujoei. WLISOX-r-Chrlee. 1 WH", W4 llalgtit. July 14, 64 rears 1 endocarditis. ' Mcl)N'AL,D Ahsgander- McLhnld, 480 0U, July 10, 77 year, valvular heart di-ase. jAt'KiSON Helen Jackson, 621 4Lh, July 16,. i year,, ekrranmna. ' ' ., FRAZfKll Kmma R. Fraaler, ISO E. 680i, July 14. 6 years, L ca,m(noei. WIUJAMt Wlnefred M. WUIiama. Berkely er-.' Jwby 1. H er, swat. g"trtls. Mc;iJS Lydi K AJcCune, Good h.tasriUn 'hoapttst, Joly 18, 46 years, bemorrha.e. KEUNAN-p-TliomM , I ; Keman, uS't M. Wll- ' hvmette, July 14. 2 yearn, bronuho iii"'imott!a, O'liALI KRY William O Mallery, PL Vincent . ' liwiital, Jnly ,18. 87 years, jareoiua. s VaN pr.HUr.H Fan"le Van Lvrmrr, 711 Vsn- ciermtllt. uiy 1, O J jmm. -mreinom,. CONHKH8 J, Cennerk, 90S" Couch. Jutr 1. 78 ' years, grtnrw sclerosis. , , , BLFlT--Tbomaa W, Bleu. 14 B. 60Ui, July 10. .r J. aVsagt .-sv6 aei tvmov-er1a ra. JTTAT-aJeaevtove'F. Hyatt, Oood ftamarltaa ' noepnari jmy- ia, w years, rracuim m sui . MfiUy-H. Moll, .Good riamariUll hospital, m mtm 4al - WTSKOurV-UsM . Wvaaoop, 170 Cbapmao, July 18, 89 years, neri. PERHONH Willi, m Vrnrm. od SamariUn luwoltsl. JuIt 11, 6 yearn, Siabetio onma. PAkhlKK IeHov , W. rarker. 4W Kirby. July , II, 77 year, obstruction of b"'l. . ErLET'. R. Kpley, 618 L. 4W, July 12, 6 mowtna, pyem nepnnus. FLORISTS itiM 'itBOS.,' fioriu7'l.'urrl,fi at. bet, 4 ad Stb. Fhone Main A-1606. Fine, flow era and floral deigta. No branch store. , XlMK-r. MARKET ilJMi8f, 6th and lim" hiU rts. Cut 'lowers, plants end de.tna. wood GreMheese 646 Nclialem s.s. Sell. lft . WAKT1N A FOHBK8 CO., fHriU, 84 Wi, lagtea Mala Sot. A-I390. Flower log afl oeeaskme arttrtlcally arranged. , - , SWISS FLORA!. COMPANY , ''' FI.WKrH Alp PfjtNTS IJiLASK k lore I desiana, dworaUuna, Opposite po-faifficej. ' Phone Main 6646 ' f'OKTLAMiS iloral and Bird eil'op. i"'s . arnl decorstione. Main 4876. Mnrrto, FLOPLFS F!J)BAL SHOP, 24 S Aider. I s,ne anl oortion. rtion msimii MAX M sWlfll. flort. FI7NKRAL THRFCTOR F. S. Dunning, Inc. TUB COIrF.Jf BULK ONOEBTAatrn) 414 K. Alder t, - phone g-t BJ. rt ag. Dunning z McEntes t Itrosdway and Ankeny Kt, Ladv AaUUo6 Phones Brosdws 460. A-4SBg, A. D. Kenworthy, Cz Co.- 6p2-6604 62D ST, 8 V... I.KNTS plwrne Tsbov 6267.' ' - - Home I'h-ne fi at. Fat 781 O f fuwrht Un- Lm B-1888 a"-Sre a.t-lTfc.ia Aselttart FN OTRTAICKaS j B llth end Wawtlwrne MiKNTEE A FILLKS, funeral psriors with ) the privacy ef a home. 16th and Pveretl at ... , . I . . 1 nun nTnu,o rioinv M' l at. iilLLKH A TKACSV. Indefwndenl fiineral ritl Men. Pri'e aa hw a f 20. 4o, 480, Washington et Kila Main 2681, A-T6 6. tOWNiNG" A""MNlM"iHrurc-wor. toVfH A Rose. Moltson-w- at . 7 to. Ixvlogtos twe tftot. k 64. e R. VI. GARLK Co; - Sncoeeeor te W. 11. Hamilton. IS7SJB. ;ilan. Fhone Tsbof 431. I. a e Ul V " a-e-1 tabliahoient. Vul Wiltlama eve, Woodlawn 220, CUAMHEitS COMPANY. 248 and 250 Killingsworth ave. near Ws!!ir eve. '-Wend lawn 8H0. '0-1188. Breeze & Snook 'i'A KB . 41. 4 t tCvaU-aed ea Id. ni