The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 17, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Koted Writer Has Decided Views
- on Domestic Service Problem
. French Women Lauded.
Miss Ida M. Tarbell, fresh from at
tending the peace conference at
Paris, arrived at the Portland hotel
this morning and is trying to rest up
today from a hard Journey, so she
can speak at the Gladstone Chautau
qua tonight on the League of Na
tions. '
Miss Tarbell was disinclined to dis
cuss the. subject Informally because of
her meeUng tonight, but she exprensed
the belief that after the usual debate
' Is ended it will be found that the treaty.
"with the leagued Ma left intact, will
have been fully ratified by. the senate.
Miss Tarbell won her first renown
many years ago by her articles in Mc
Clure's nkagasins exposing the methods
f , the Standard Oil .company. Since
then her 1 writings .- bae appeared in
many periodicals and her Investigations
into social and economic conditions nave
made ber much sought after as a lec
turer." Among the avenues of investiga
tion that she has long followed are
housing conditions, domestic service and
juvenile delinquency, , - r
"The average woman employer is
very ignorant of the social and economic
question and her duty as to employ
ment." declared Miss Tarbell, "and un
til she is sufficiently educated inhat
side of it, she - is going to handle the
domestic service question in an Ignorant,
selfish and vulgar fashion. " '' ,.
"She has yet, to learn, to appreciate
that employes, are human, beings ; with
whom she associates.' She regards them
ss servants te whom she is entitled be
cause shs can pay for them. She has
got to get upon a basis of intelligent,
"cooperative service. r'- v '-.'-
"I hope women are going to have
enough intelligence and r realisation of
the problem and enough' consciousness
of their social sand economic obligation
, to put the domestic' service problem on
, a professional basis: ' The trouble now
is that worn, employing domestics in
their households do not treat that work
as a trade, It Is Irregular. There are
no standards of service as .to employ
ment or hours and conditions. There is
that ' social - stigma that regards the
employe as a mental. - ' ,
"It is jup to the women ihemselves to
solve the problem. Housework must be
treated as". -a? high grade trade r with
recognised hours and conditions. ' When
we get it on k high grade trade basis
and people j are trained for it. and ' the
women who employs recognises her obli
gation Just as any other employer does,
and' when, she recognizes that she has
got to be a skilled manager just as men.
in factory and store, we will get it on a
basis for which there shall be some hope;
But we 'will not have any success until
we do this. ' ':...:.,'.' '.V'
"The solution, of this problem is a re
sponsibility the woman employer has no
right to shirk. Women have shirked it
in a perfectly shocking way. They shirk
it because they have not been trained to
see. ' They are .slaves to an ignorant
lot of old traditions and prejudices., .
"The employes must be better trained".
They must learn to erijoy their - work..
The character of the employe herself
presents another one of the big prob-
Jems. - She is . often impudent, she de
spises her work, she is unskilled, and
.18 IBS.
A. M. Erskine Relieved of Rheu
matism Other Treatments
Had Failed.
"I have not only ; been completely
relieved of a bad case of rheumatism
by taking the Tanlac treatment, but
have also gained 18 pounds in weight, so
you may- know by that what I think
of the medicine," said A. M. Erskine, of
6130 84th street, southeast, Portland, Or.,
to a Tanlac representative recently,
Mr. Erskine is employed by the North-
: west Steel and Shipbuilding" company.
"I "began to suffer with rheumatism
about ten months ago." continued Mr.
Erskine. I was in Vancouver at the
time,, helping tor build the Standlfer
Shipbuilding plant, and X first noticed it
In my left knee. . The pain felt
more like neuralgia V than, anything
else, hut it kept getting worse all the
. time and "finally shifted from my knee
to my:, hip and at times -1 would have
- it-In my. back and then in the muscles
of the calf of my leg. That part of my
leg seemed to be troubled the most, and
the muscles just felt all the time like
the skin had been torn and like a hot
mustard piaster had been put on the
spot. ' At times, I also suffered with
sharpC shooting " pains - that would run
. up and down my legs and I just couldn't
walk any 'distance without, my leg giv-
.. ing out entirely. When .this would hap
pen I would just have to stop and rest
, and sometimes the pain would be so
-awfully bad it looked like it would cut
off my breath. Sometimes about the only
. . wgy X could get any rest at nights would
be to use hot applications and I . suf
fered such agony for eight months and
. got In such bad shape that X fell off
in weight ' from ; H5 pounds down : to
ISO pounds, and "while I kept at work.
- T vu ftafnlv: In m. tukA mrv aiul wauM
feel all : fagged out when I would get
-home in the evenings. I took different
. treatments and medicines but I might
Just as well have taken so much drink
ing water for all tho relief, I got.
1 had been reading so much about
Tanlac and what it was doing for others.
that I decided .to try it and I hadn't
been taxing tne Taniae treatment long
until I commenced to feel better, so I
: kept it up and the treatment,. relieved
me of my rheumatism entirely. I not
. only got rid of the rheumatism but got
back all the weight" I had lost and three
fine every da noand never have that
wabm jui' : ss sW faalinv - - a-.
trouble e. iam certainly glad to give
this statement for the sake of others
that are suffering with rheumatism, be
cause I know what Tanlac .has done In
my case. ' ' s
Tanlac is sold In Portland by the Owl
Drug Co. Adv. . ,
you are not going to get any-response
out of people who despise their work, : ,
Previous to her work at the peace con
ference Miss Tarbell made an Intensive
study ef reconstruction work in France
for the lied Cross magazines She speaks
highly of ; the way the French women
are .taking hold of the . reconstruction
of the devastated war areas with undi
minished courage 'and cheerfulness. . :f
"Women of all classes. totn peasant
and aristocracy, those who were nurses
and established hospitals and have
done all kinds of the hardest kind of
service, are turning to reconstruction
tasks in the devastated" regions and
working night and day under conditions
almost as bad as those of the war,
she said. '"Everything Is stripped and
there is nothing to do with. , '
"The women of the " aristocracy are
living In huts. - I found one woman liv
ing in a quarry, a woman with a title
who owned f many ? large - estates. - . She
was trying to help ; the people ; In the
village who had always worked on her
estate. Her own chateau was entirely
gone and everything in it. She had
fitted up this big hole in the rock with
the greatest cheerfulness and spent her
time ;( helping' to : get people started
again. ; . . . ; v ;'-'-,
- "This thing ! found all ap and down
Prance women of all classes taking up
me oig iaesoi
men are equalV busy
their .Industries.'
with rebuilding
Poultry Culling to
Be Demonstrated
Xtesebarg, July 17. -A poultry culling
demonstration win. be conducted in Hap
py Valley Friday by Professor Brew
ster of the 0, XJ C poultry extension
department ! County Agent. C. J. Hurd
will assist ': with the ; demonstration,
which will be held n the Telford. Em
mons and Carlson farms, which are be
ing operated under the direction of the
O. A. C. poultry department. , ',
Two Deliver Themselves to Jus
tice and Pay' Fines to Exon
erate Innocent Assistant. .
League of Nations ;
. Praised by Minister
. -.J -v v.. - . .. . , - -fz : 'i -
Vancouver, B. C, July If Sir-Joseph
Ward, New Zealand's mlnlsteif of finance,
who is here en route to the- Antipodes,
from the Paris, peace conference, warm
ly . praised the . League of Nations to
day.' The German blockade, the min
ister said, was one of the convincing
means with which the league will bring
reluctant nations Into line. -.:
. Honor, among , game poachers prom
ises to sMmlnate all the dally dangers
thrown In with the job of game war-,
den in the southern part of the state if
the sudden outcropping of this sort of
honor continues In the manner1 In which
it smarted this week In Jefferson county.
According to a report received by the
fish and game commission Wednesday
afternoon violators of the state game
laws In - that section of the state no
longer need watching. Unlike the pro
verbial horse,, game violators are , now
walking; up. to the; waters :f "Justice
and drinking without any help. .
Lee C Port, forest ranger of the Star
ranger station, near Med ford, has filed
the most unusual " report of the year,
according to officials- of the commission.
Mr. Port, says that last week, while
going to investigate the scene of a for
est yt Ire reported In Sturgis fork, he
happened to meet T. R. Rock of Jack
sonville coming down the trail with twe
deer slung over the saddle of .his horse..
, - While questioning the man. two ranch
ers of Thompson' creek. J. W. Xfingham
and J. R.; Hoffman., appeared on? the
scsne. absolved Mr, ' - Xlock from any
blame and decided to plead guilty . to
the charge. -
The .forest ranger had to continue on
his urgent call to the. fire, but en his
return to Jacksonville he found a very
much surprised Justice of the peace, who
bad listened to the - men plead guilty,
turn the deer over to the state and then
dutifully pay their : fines of 825 each.
, , " .... .. - " ,
U .New Garage Planned '
' Bend. July 171 The Deschutes Garage
company will construct a modern ga
rage 100 by 140 feet. The cost is to be
$14,000. '
i . i "... " ,
" An inventor has patented a two-armed
garden cultivator that' can be adjusted
for "width - or the -arms straightened at
right angles so it serves as a rake.
Friendly Aliens Do ;
Not Need Permits :
'. To Leave Country
. Friendly aliens in the tfnited . States
no longer need permits, to ' depart . for
their home lands, according to Informa
tion received this morning by Dorsey B.
Smith. - of The Journal Travel Bureau
from the ; Scandinavian-American X4ne
offices m New.Tork. , '
The message said that all aliens are
Embarrassing Hairs ,
Can Be Quickly Removed
(Beauty Culture)
Hairs can be easily banished from the
skin by this quick, painless method : Mix
Into a stiff paste some powdered dela
tone and water, spread on hairy surface
andxto 2 or S minutes rub' off. wash the
skin ami it will be free from hair or
blemish. Excepting In very stubborn
growths, r one application is sufficient.
To avoid disappointment, buy the dela
tona in an original package. Adv.
now permitted to leave the United States
except subjects . of - Germany,- Austria
Hungary. Bulgaria and Turkey. t with
out the usual permit Issued by the state
department. : - - i
. All - passengers must contl.i
ever, to have passports i.-' .. !
state department or by the r
consulates and approved by the
menu . '
fTHE Urj est $tockln Ihe city
A t0 select fromand every;
watch in the stock is a reliable
timekeeper, w "'.'
, - r Turn In your old watch on
t new one you can et a fine
up-to-date watch with a small
expenditure. . -?
You will be agreeably sur
prised at the. liberal : allow
ance we will make on your
old watch.- .Let us give an .
STAPLES The JevcIer-Opticfc;
- 266 Morrison Street, Between Third and Fourth
Portland Agency for Coolmor Forch ShadesWind-Proof and Self-HangingWidths 4 to 10 Feet Dcpt Third Floorjs
We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases A mounting to 10 Cents or More -Take Advantage of This Cash SavingFilled Stamp Books Redeemed at. S & H. Office, 3d FL
City and Out-of-Town M ail Orders Filled by Experienced Shoppers and Forwarded Same Day as Received Automobile Delivery ta Vancouver, Wash., Every Wednesday and Saturday
i -
- TiON , . ;
cleaner irr:
, 3D FLOOR -
The Coolest
.. . Store!. .
You will note this v the- minute
jrou v step i n s f d e the doors.
Perfect ventilation, broad ' spa
cious aisles. courteous v service.
The, Standard Store of the Northwest
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
11 TO 2 P. M.
For the Best
' Lunch
in Portland come to the Tea
Room on the Fourth Floor. AH
foods prepared in our own spot
less kitchens. - Prompt . service.
Half -Price S
Tub Waists
At $1.59
At the Center
.Circle, First
Floor, Friday We
-shall feature a
. great vom - day
sale of , women's
7dalnty 'new. tub
waists , at a spe
cial .;' low price.
Many dainty
styles.' in voiles.
lawn;. batistes.
a n d organdies.
Collar less or square neck effects.
Plain ; white a n d colors, " also
fancy stripes' Friday . KQ
specially priced only vfJLOU
O)tton Petticoats $.125
Center Circle . F i t s t' Floor
Women's .Wash .Petticoats 1 of
good i quality gingham in neat
Stripe's . Ruffled; tor.:: scalloped
styles. ' Regular and fc"f OK
extra sires.. Sale price XeAit
$57.50 Capes $28.75
$150: Gapes $75.00
Second Floor The time has come for auick" clear
away of the garment stocks, so promptly at 9 o'clock
Friday morning we will have ready for our customers
a large assortmentVof high-grade Capes and Dolmans
marked to sell at Just half regular prices. The sea
son's most desirable styles -all of h em are repre
sented in this sale. Dolmans and Capes of tricoletfe,
1 silk - poplin, - satins," taffeta. moirM-Poiret twill and
serge many ; are' lined with figured, silks. Styles
.that are appropriate- for ' street or evening wear.
Capies and Dolmans
; . At y2 Price
'$57.50 Capos and Dolmans priced special $28.75
$58.50 Cspes end Dolmans priced special $29.25
-$67.50 Capes and Dolmans, priced special $33.75
$69.75 Capes and Dolmans priced special $34.88
-$75.00 Capes and Dolmans priced special $37.50
$85.00 Capes and Dolmans priced special $42.50
4$95.00 Capes and Dolmans priced special $47.50
$110.00 Capes and Dolmans priced special $55.00
$125.00 Capes and Dolmans priced special $62.50
$150.00 Capes and Dolmans priced special $75.00
's Snits9:Capes9 DolmaB
$49.50 Suits $24.75
$140 Suits at $70.00
Second Floor We know of many women who will
welcome this -splendid opportunity to select a beauti
ful suit at half price and they will be here. bright and
early Friday morning,;' too. Over ISO; suits in this
half-price sale. High grade garments from the best of
makers. ' Materials are gabardines,- whipcords,? faille
silk, tricotine, : wool veiour and fine serge.; Many
novelty styles some of which are richly embroidered
and have fancy-yestee fronts. Others in neat tailored
styles trimmed with braids.. Good range of colors.
Women s Suits
! At y2 Price
Women's ;
$110.00 Suits Priced Special at
Priced Special
Priced. Special
Priced Special
Priced Special
Priced Special
Priced Special
Women's $125.00 Suits Priced Special at
at $
ft $
at $
at $
at $
at S4
Women's $135.00 Suits Priced Special at 67 .RO
Women's $140.00 Suits Priced Special at $70.00
$1 Neclcwear
Only 49c
Main Floe r
.d dd, I I n e s
women's h 1 g h-
' class , Neckwear
underprjeed for
Friday's selling.
Collars. Sets
and Vestees in
many 'smart and
dainty styles. Of
organdie,, pique,
Jace. Georgette,
satin materials.
This season's
'm o s t desirable
Some are trimmed with
lace others are tucked, plaited,
ruffled and hemstitched or
with f a n c y colored borders.
Neckwear from lines selling
heretofore at 65c to It. yfQs
Your, choice Friday at VC
Men's $6 and $6.50 Shoes
Special $47
-Step in and see
these shoes
you will
black or
Main Flooi
whether you need a pair or not
find them surprising values. Of
tan calf leather with Neolin. or
leather soles. English last 'with
rather pointed toe. f Reg-; Ov
ular $6-6.50 grades, pair
Oxfords $35
Men's Gunmetal Oxfords with
neolin soles. English last with
blind eyelets. ' Priced 1Q QT
special Friday, a pair eBOetl
r Oiildren's Barefoot Sandals, Special, IJahy $1.69
.Main Floor These are made of good quality white leather and have
flexible soles. Especially adapted : for beach and outing wear as
they keep the feet cool ? and comfortable. Misses' Jf CO
and children's sizes. Specially priced for Friday's selling DXeU7
Wash Goods Remnants
lL "55
-THE AISLE OF COTTONS: will hold its Annua! Mid-Season Clearing Sale of
n... i . j. . J t - . . . r . .. , . . . a j .
P rriaay sna.daiuruay.j i uis event never xaus to oring oui nunareas 01
T thrifty shoppers who buy liberally knowing they are saving a full half 'on their
purchases.' Thousands of Remnants in ihe sale plain and novelty voiles
. white goods of practically all kinds beautiful silk and cotton mixtures ging-
hams percales fancy batistes organdies and many other weaves for summer
dresses, skirts, waists, etc. Good lengths. AH wash goods Remnants at HALF.
See Display i on Bargain . Tables, Main Floor
Girls' Summer
Second Floor Mothers are cordially invited
to pay a visit to our Girls' Shop and see the
many delightful styles in cool summer frocks
for. children 2 to 14 years. For Friday'!
selling, prices range from $2.98 to $17.50
Children's Coats
Special $5
Second Floor Odd lot of Girls'. Coats at a
.sacrifice price for quick selling, .Good styles
for general wear. Shepherd .checks QfT
and plain serges. While .theyiat only OeJ
Crepe Bloomers 79c 1
Second Floor Gifts' Bloomers of fTQ
pink or white crepe. Sizes 2 to 12 at i
Night Gowns,, $1.49 ,
Girls' Night Gowns in dainty Of AQ
styles nainsook. Ages' 4-1 4 special PXeK
m Boys'
Straw Hats
At 34 Off
Main Floor Beginning Friday
morning our entire stock of Boys'
Straw Hats will go on sale at H 1
off regular prices. : AH the pop
ular styles .shown black, light
. colored straws - and , combinations.
;: Sale Prices J
75 Straw Hats': now at 57c
$1.00 Straw HaU now at 75c
' $15 Straw' HsU new at 94c
$1.50 Straw Hats now at $1.13
Z.OO Straw Hats now at $1.50
Friday Specials for Men
$1.75 Union Suits Special $139
$2.00 Muslin -Nightshirts at $1.69 .
Main Floor Men's P. Q. A: Union
Suits in light weight Just what
you jieed for summer wear. These
are of excellent quality and - are
cut to fit 'properly Nearly all
sizes. Regular 1.75 QQ
Union Suits priced at D--eOe7
Main Floor Men's Night Shirts
of good grade muslin. 2f ?Q
Re. $2 grade. Special OJLJV
Men's Athletic Union Suits in
all grades at $1.50 up to $5.00
" Men's and Young Men's Bath
ing Suits from $1.50 to $7.50
Men's Ties Special 89c
Main Floor You have paid St;2S and 1.35 for ties not one whit better
than these. q excellent materials in great assortment of patterns QQA
Special wv
stripes.checks, Jacquards, etc,
Wide or medium style.
Regular 40 c
Special 30c
At this special low price Friday only!
Vacationists should take advantage of
this opportunity and lay fn a good sup
ply. Ouri famous "Northwood" cor
reipondence paper, put up. 62 -sheets
to the '. package regular 40c Qfl
rn4 nrirA tnriil t tn!v
2 packages for
special at only
.'."..".'"IT. 25c
Embroidery Flbuncings
At 98c pn At $l;49
40 Inch Voile
' Flouncings
Mala Floor D a 1 n t y
sheer voile flouncings 40
inches wide. , These . are
in all-white and there are
a great many beautiful
patterns. Also 27-inch
organdie dress flouncings
An beautiful patterns. To
1.50 values. Fri- QQp
day priced at onlyeVOI
40 Inch Dress
, Flouncings
Main Floor White and
colored embroidery
flouncings on good qual
ity voile. , Very suitable
for dresses and skirts" to
be worn with the. sport
sweater. Large assort
ment patterns. CI yfQ
Values to 2.25 3Xefa7
Motor Hats
Main Floor Women's Hats and
Caps ; tor motoring and outing
wear. Checks and washable ma
terials In . light color combina
tions. Neat,, attractive AQn
styles. : On sale Friday ttLVU
! Chiffon Veils
Special 98c
Main Floor Women's motor or
street Veils of good quality chif
fon. Formerly priced to
11.75 priced special
-f f ' -V. f -----
At $11.85
Main Floor Some of the suits in this sale
have two- pairs o pants. Lines from our
-r ... rflri,lr .t-,1r ..: HnniMRnnt mf A
. , cheviots in light and dark colojs, summer
f V weights.;- Broken assortment of sizes 9
'7A'J ' Mind 20.00 Suits : priced at D JLXeOeJ
tvjf's'Xfr mull Blue serge, homespuns and novelty
'','' l t If mixtures. FuU cut and lined thronrh-
puti ; izes lor voys 7 to, 18 yir$ of gc
Boys': Pants $3.50 to $5.00
Ranges are as near perfection
as years of experience and inven
tive f genius can make them; For,
economy, durability - and adapta
bility ' to every - kitchen need
they are absolutely unequalled.
Jewel ' Special
This : Illustration shows the fa- i
endorsed by cooking experts to
be the most practical family range
ever put upon the market. r It is a
range of the cabinet type built so
Ranges Bake Better
"They Bake Better
ppj v;-j--
cooking and baking is -done- in
the natural and easy way without
stooping. It has a score of other
good points that will appeal to you
the moment you hear them ex
t plained.' Step in and ; see it
it yon r very first opportunity.
A Range for
Every flome
Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges are
"made in a great variety of sizes
and styles from 'the small com
pact model lor limited space to
the sizes for the largest homes.
Any Jewel range may be. pur
chased on our Easy Pay v Plan.
"They Bake Better"
Sale of Fine Glassware
Dept Third Floor
The . Glassware Section' di-
rects your ' attention' to ; some
very unusual bargains in high.'
grade stemware and : tumblers
that will go on sate. Friday and
Saturday priced at 15c 20c
25c 35c and 50c each.
In tlve assortment " are a. ;
great ' many different -styles ,and
sizes In plain or with dainty designs." Make your selection early!
, Plain Water Tumblers 5c Each
Third Floor Get your share of - these for they are excepti6nal
values. " Excellent quality plain dear' glass tumblers in reg
ulation . size. Specially - priced for Friday's selling at, each Ols
Coffee . Sale! Ji-irB: -":oi-) Dependable Coffee 3-lb. Cans, Special $1.6