, THE OREGON' SUNDATT JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 13, 1319. Studio -Teas tb Be Interesting Summer-Everits "' ' By Helen H. HateMsea : " ' "TVTO diversion could be more fitting; for fhe lummer hours of leisure than the aeries of etudlo teas which will be tnauarurated for this month and given under the auspices of the Art and Crafts society of Portland. 'The first tea will be given Tuesday and each successive : function will follow on the same day of each weeV through July at the studios of Mrs. Lee Hoffman and Mrs. Ferdin and E. Smith, (Margery Hoffman), on V Barnes road. The affair will fill the entire afternoon hours and will include ' an exhibit and sale of the handiwork of the memebrs of the society. Funds re ceived from the admission fee, which is to be placed at 60 cents and from the ' sals' of articles offered will ' go to the art education work of the society. , v Mrs. M. A M. Ashley, Mrs. E. I Harmon and Mrs. Trultt Hughes will act as hostesses for the first tea and will be assisted about the studio by a group of the younger maids who are Interested- In the work of the Arts and Crafts society. These affairs promise ' to be of more than usual Interest for the summer season, because of the In- ? formality of studio t functions: and be- ' cause of the appeal of the cause forj which they will be given. For a num ber of months the members of the society have been. busily at work-pre- - paring articles tor the sale that the society- and "Its mission may have the generous support of Fortlanders who believe ki art for art's sake and mean to carry the work forward. These functions will be open to the public and will' be given each Tuesday during the t month. . i Social events for the week have been marked by informality, motor trips and. small dinner parties at nearby re- sorts and country clubs leading the list. Saturday evening Waverley Country club was the scene of a midsummer dinner dance at which 'a ..number of prominent folk of the city entertained. : Miss Katherlne Wheeler was the guest of honor at a dinner party on this occasion for which her aunt, Mrs. Wil liam ' C Alvord. was hostess. Miss Wheeler has recently returned from at tending Miss Harker's school In Palo Alto, CaJU 7 She is spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick .O, Wheeler, who have taken a cottage - near the Waverley Country club for the summer. , Friday's program of events included an informal dance for which Miss Helen Page was hostess, at her home in Jackson street. . Guests for .the occasion Included about .-SO of the younger set. Miss ' Dorothy Sanf ord also en tertained Friday, afternoon, honoring Miss Louise Caswell with a tea at her - borne In . Lovejoy street --.a-t ' T .Mlss Katherme Laidlaw will be pre sented in an exhibition" of -aesthetic dancing at the - lovely summer home of - Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett at Dunthorpe on the- afternoon of Tuesday, . July 22. ' Miss Laldlaw- was a student for sev eral years at Denishawn school in Cali fornia and her . work is of more than usual interest. At the sametunctions. Miss Millie Schloth will present a num- :" berNf artists in swimmlnir and diving -: exhibitions. . The affair is anticipated with more than usual interest among ao clety folk.-.. .-.. . . . t w- - Mrs. Geo. S. Whiteside entertained on . Wednesday evening with an ! informal dinner : party honoring her daughter Marion who has recently returned from school in the east Seated, about the table for the occasion were Miss' Flor nce Holman, Miss Louise Llnthlcum, Miss Katherine Wheeler, Thomas and Abbott Mills, William Mackenzie and James Piatt Following the dinner party , the young people enjoyed a line party at the Heilig theater. . i;pv vj. ' .. Mrs. Joseph N. Teal and Miss Gene vieve Thompson were luncheon guests - Monday honoring Miss Elizabeth Livlng , stone Murison and her cousin, Mrs. McKean, who are guests in the city for .. a short time . from San Francisco, , where Miss Murison Is head of a fash ionable girls'- school. On Tuesday the visitors were entertained Informally by Mrs. Folger : Johnson, who asked a few friends in to meet them. L . Mr. and Mrs. Julius Loulsson were ' hosts for a motor party up Columbia . liver highway on Saturday honoring Da vid Newman of Fresno, CaL, who is a brother of Mrs. Louisson and who has , recently received his discharge from service with the Red Cross in France. The party included Mr. and Mrs. George Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund c. Giltner, Miss Ruth Catlin, Miss Getta Wasser man and Samuel C. Kohs. y-t'-.v, ':-;' ; ".j. Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson was host ess for a delightfully informal dinner at her country home at Eola, near Sa lem. Monday evening. Circling ' the table which was centered- with a bowl of pink rosea, were Judge and Mrs. George Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' A. Park, Mrs. Edward . Htrach, - Paul ' Wallace and Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson. 'yy fi-; .-. " ;.. . ' Howard C Charlton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D. Charlton, has re turned from a trip in China and Japan. He will spend, the summer months, in Portland. . Little Elisabeth Anne Sumner, daugh ter of Bishop and Mrs. Walter Taylor Mix with Milk for a v ; y Rich Sauce I If ,vee vast t we OM kMdics bcc . i 1 brht up, Mrrt paUias with Vofu I 1 - ManhOMUew Sane for dmiar . I eifht. It leek (ond. An4 taU I . so ouKk bttr Utu a loeka f Owfai k this new w& trm.' I Mule ia our apetieHljr cImb, caiu. try. umihmy kitchens frost ponat . ' .. TmlL s I I 1 1 . I III , I MRS. THOMAS KERR (Marian Smith) , who has taken a cottage, with her small daughter, Jeah Josephine, for the Rummer at Gearhart. Mrs; Kerr makes her home in Tulsa, Oklar Miss Marian Voorhies, who has recentlyreceived her discharge from service with the Red Cross at Camp Lewis, Washington.' 1 - - . , , ; It V " :' " V V - 1 ; -;- ? ; -' N : : - - v. 1 ' T ' . ' - '4 a v f" i b' -'- - -- I A y - itv-sr ht -rs,-'iii . I s. I - v .v 1 i ; ; 1 v" 'V:-' : , r; v - v -:-: v- f 1 4. MISS 4 :'A1 :.: ;-: v :.v m i Sumner, ; was christened at. an impres sive ceremony in the oratory of Bishop croft on Thursday afternoon.. .William Whitfield and Rogers MacVeagh were present as godfathers for the Uttle maid, and Miss Katherine Alnsworth acted as proxy for Miss Ruth Kellogg of Los Angeles, and Miss Ruth Jenkins acted as proxy for Mrs. Raymond Anderson of Chicago, who were named as god mothers. Only a few intimate friends were present for the ceremony. f : e Miss Mary Frances Isom will be host ess fer a dancing party for her niece. Miss Berenice Langton. at Portland Heights club on Monday evening hon oring Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Langton (Flora Miller). Guests for the occasion will include a number of the college set a ho are home for the summer months. ' -r . e ,,..: Mlss Virginia McDonough returned to Portland on Friday evening after spend ing the winter , in the East. . where she has been attending school. Accompany ing Miss McDonough was Miss Frances Brunson of Eaet Orange, Kf. J, who wiU be her house guest for a abort time. Mrs. Qustave E. Bruere will be host ess for a tea at her home in i North Twenty-fourth street on Saturday aft ernoon, honoring Miss Margaret Marvin, one of the popular young maids of the social contingent of the city. i i . M" Jd Mrs. Jhomaa Standifer left Portland the , latter part" of the week for the t Blue mountains Mrs. John Kloster, mother of Mrs. Standifer, spent the month of June in Vancouver, the guest of her son-in-law and daughter ? Mrs. Charles Wesley Erskine of Bend la a guest of her mother. Mrs. Alexander Thompson, fit the Jaeger apartments. .. .. Mrs. Charles T. Beckett, who has been (spending a year In the East, .returned to J -7 I the city on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Beckett was accompanied by Mrs. Leslie Butler Simpson of Kansas City, who will remain in Portland during the summer months. Mrs.; Beckett is mak ing her home with her son, H. B. Beck ett, at 865 Lovejoy street, i ; - Major Stanley - Bacon.V who , has been in service with the A. E. F. in France and later In the army of oceimat'on. Germany, is in Portland on leave and Is at the home of bis aunt, Mrs. -a.it Bache. in Spring street. In honor of Miss Mildred Hudson, bride-elect . of Thomas Carl Amnions. MIbs Laura Brldgham entertained Fri- Weddings.', Annduncements. At Home .Cards. Calling OrdsL Engagements. Invita- -tions. Steel Die Stamping and Embossing.! Monograms and Initials. GILL The. J. K. GUI Co. : ; Booksellers, Stationers Office Outfitters Third and Alder St 3. iairvi . . I Eigraved V. Jt - -"-o day with a .linen shower.; 'The house was decorated with ferns roses and carna tions. About 20 matrons and maids en Joyed, the event. Invitations for the wed ding; of' Miss Hudson and Mr. Ammons were sent out during the past week, and the event will occur Saturday evening at Central v; Methodist church. Miss Laura Brldgham and Miss Amy Dale of Eugene will attend the bride, and little. Maybelle- Hudson will . be flower girl. Missy Margaret Du Bois will play the wedding march, and the bridegroom wiH be attended by Eugene Shlller and Earl rni Bois.,i - Mrs. Robert E. Smith and children left Tuesday for their summer 'home at Echo Lake, where they will spend the remainder of the monthTTThey plan to be in San Francisco with Mt. Smith during August. ,y' - i Mr. and Mrs." F. C. Knspp and their daughter. Miss Florence Knapp, accom panied by her house guest. Miss Rosena Beach, from California, have returned from a tour of Eastern. Oregon by motor. Mr. and Mrs.' LeGrahd Cameron, Miss Laura Cameron, Miss Betty Cameron and LeGrand Cameron 4 Jr., of New Haven, Conn:, who are spending several months in the west, are guests at the Hotel Portland. Mr. and Mrs." Harry L. Day and their young son. Henry L. Day. are down from Wallace; Idaho, and are guests at we iotei peruana, in which Mr. Day is a stockholder. Mrs. . A, X. Charlton and Mrs. Frank Wellington' Gilbert have been visiting Mrs. Gilbert' father, C. Touhg. in Eu gene fer the past few days and are ex pected to return to Portland today. Miss' Jean Mackay Skene, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William H. Skene, has re turned from, the East where she at tended the Weatover school - and will spend , the summer in Portland. 'i i Georgette and I Crepe de Chine BLOUSES ATi-moo'i The Georgettes are lace trimmed with round and square necks and come in all popular, shades. The crepe de chine are new" stvles In tailored mnrfeU IP trimmed with tucked fronts and a C nAf ititf An . ffsf Mil... m tuxedo and high or low styles. 3 a- i nese - d nust t m nn . mm- 6 phasize our waist values. - t SOt KOSKISOK STBET Chaa. F. Berg. Vloe-Pres. and Mgr. 3 Fatalist Summer . Unilem.v for women. We are shawin 3 t this garmeat at $1.95-525 3 i t.t umi mu.mii.1 mi i Miss Caswell to Be Married on MondayEvening AN event of Interest - for the . coming week will be the marriage of Miss Louise Caswell to Dale Hlnkle of East ern Oregon, .which .will be solemnised on Monday evening at the home of the bride in Overton street. The'ce will be read in the gardens surrounding the Caswell residence by the Rev. John H. Boyd. Miss Frances Hinkle will be the maid of honor and the three brides maids will be the Misses Dorothy San ford, Elizabeth Boyd and Lenore Mc Gregor, j Mrs. Harold Sanf ord will . be matron of honor. Edwin Caswell will be the bridegroom', only attendant. The musical program of the occasion will be arranged ' bjr Harold Parsons. "; Since the announcement of their en gagement the bride-elect has been the inspiration for numerous social atten tions. On Tuesday of the past week Mrs. J, R. Coffee invited Miss Caswell and a number of her close friends to her summer home ,- on the Clackamas river I for an informal picnic 1 On Wednesday Mrs. 1 Paul Froehllck entertained for Miss Caswell at luncheon at the Benson hotel. Miss Rhoda Rum- elln waa also a luncheon hostess in her honor on Thursday, her guests number ing 12 friends of the brida-elect and on Friday Miss Dorothy Sanf ord and Mrs. Harold Sanf ord were jhoBtesses for a. delightful tea in her honor. This eve ning. Miss VOna Guthrie will preside over an Informal supper party honoring Miss Caswell and her fiance, who will Arrive from, Eastern Oregon today. -yy; : r- Mrs. Thomas H. Fdwards was hostess at a charmingly appointed luncheon at the Hotel Portland In honor of Mrs. George H. Hanoa of Los Angeles, who with her husband was1 the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. San ford Whiting for several days. Mrs. Hanna , was for merly Catherine Countiss. the well known actress, having appeared many times in Portland. Covers were placed for Mrs. Hanna, Mrs. J. P. Jaeger, Mrs. W. M. Cake. Mrs. Kate Weaver of San Francisco. Miss Virginia Edwards and the hostess. i Mr. and Mra. Thomas H. Edwards of Irvington have had as their guests dur ing the past week Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Glake Glbbs of Tray. N. Y who are returning east after a tour of Cali fornia by way of British Columbia. Mr Glbbs recently returned from service overseas. While here Mrs. H. M. Cake gave a prettily appointed luncheon at the Waverley club Xor Mrs. Glbbs and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jaeger were hosts at a dinner party given at the Hotel Portland. , ; Dr. Mae C. Cardwell was hostess at a delightful luncheon given.. Thursday ' at the Hotel Multnomah in compliment to Anne Winston, the gifted Portland act ress, who will leave early in' the week for-.. New Tork. Miss - Winston has played with great success ; in both the Baker and Alcazar Stock ; companies for the past few years and she will continue her theatrical work in New York. e j To supplement the funds 1 rained lor the Salvation Army drive umler the auspices of the Elks lodge, the women of Elks will give a large card party in the lodge rooms on Thursday -tijter-noon at 2 o'clock. Bridge and 500 w:tl be played and Mrs. Cooper will -act as hostess' for. the occasion, f The affair is open to all persona interested in the cause and for all friends ef the ladies of the Elks. ' r . - ' Mrs. Thomas Kerr (Marian -Smith) and little daughter, Jean Josephine, who have been spending a few days at the Port land hotel, left Friday - for ' Gear hart, where they will spend the summer. Mrs., Kerr makes her home in Tulsa, Okla. vMis Helen Farrell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Farrell. has returned from New r York where she has been attending - school, and will remain in the' city during the summer months. ' . Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Coghlari1 spent a few days on Mount Rainier, having made the trip by motor from 'Portland. They were accompanied by their house guest. Miss Mary Guerin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Donworth are in Portland for a month and will be at the home -of Mrs. Donworth's parents. Judge and Mrs. Charles H. Carey, on Riverside Drive. " . ' : r- ' Mr. and Mrs. Carleton ..B. Swift"' (LUa Leonard) are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a son, born on Friday. He will be called Carleton Jr. Mrs. C J. Smith was hostess fer an informal luncheon at her home In the Alameda on Wednesday," guests for the occasion' numbering 12. . . -i - ,-- " . Mr. and Mrs. Warren - Ai'Erwin' en tertained deliehtfullv at'thefr hovn in Rose City Park -gn Thursday evening 3? An Added Pleasiire Sunday Dinner at , The Hazelwood Where One Is Sure of Being Served With the Latest of the r Season's Delicacies . Plate Dinner 60c Vegetable . Dinner 35c Table d Hote Dinner U Hazelwood Special Chocolates Can now be purchased from enterprising dealers In nearly every tourn Ur Oregon. If your favorite store does not already have them, send the name to us and we will write them, i . K 1 :.:,S j - rmmitmiffiitfmntf mmntw liiii.iniiiiti.iinlituUlUiliHiiiitiiii with a bridge party of seven tables, honoring the parents of ; Mrs. " Erwln. Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Dlteman of Seattle, who' have recently, returned from the Orient. , Lovely - summer flow are were used about the rooms for the occasion, and musio was a- .feature of the eve ning's 3 entertainment" during the v re freshments, which i followed ' the game. Mrs. Erwln was assisted by Mrs. A. . Frost. Honor at - bridge fell to Mrs. Leon - H. Peters. . Mrs. J. H. Cudllpp. Frank McCrillls and A. E. Jackson. Miss Lenora' ZJttto of 117 East Forty seventh street, Portland, waa rnarrled to . Walter. T Novak, at the home of the bridegroom's parents at Capital Hill, on Thursday evening- at S o'clock, the Rev. Byron J. Clark of the First United Brethren church officiating. . - ... . - ' . Mrs. Joseph Adams of New York, ac companied s by Miss Cecelia C. Bavor and Miss Dorothy I Buckman, have ar rived - in Portland for the ' summer months. They will visit friends in the city and expect to return to New York for. the winter. :.;--; :iii.;;;:y'- . f - .- e-y.ie 2P'''iJ-S.'"-''"l'? ; Miss Kathryn Donald Was hostess for a -delightful . dancing party at her home on Portland Heights on Thursday eve ning, honoring a number of the younger dancing set. Miss Donald is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Donsld of Council Crest park. ' Mrs. . Frank W. . Rosenthal (Hannah L. Gllroy) left the latter part of this week to visit friends In Seattle. Tacoma and Olympla, Wash. ; While in ; Olym pia, she will be the Jtouse guest of Mrs. Thomas Campbell, who was formerly Miss Vera MullhoUand of this city. '-'"V .e - . , - .:'-.: - A" law A party was given at the home of Mrs. H. Ehlersi on Montana avenue recently for the benefit of the Pilgrim Congregational church aid society. Mrs. W. Lauther, Mrs. H. Ehlers and Mrs. C. Hase were hostesses for the occa sion. ; . ; e . i- Mrs. Sadie Mecham of '755 Irving' street - nas returned from a visit to California relatives, lasting nearly three months. During -; her y so Juorn ; in the South she 'visited Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose and other places. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schnabel re turned this week from a visit ot a few weeks in California, where they spent most of , the time at Del Monte, later visiting other points of Interest through out the state. - - Mr. and Mrs..; Arthur M, Brown and Miss Brown of San 'Francisco, who : are motoring through, the Northwest, are spending a week at the Hotel Portland. p ,j . - Mra, C W. Prince entertained in formally on the afternoon of June 26 In honor of her mother, who will leave Portland soon on an extended visit in Canada. Covers at luncheon were laid for 45 guests. - . Ben Butler W. R. C. entertained the post G. A. -R. with an elaborate lunch eon . in Dawley'sii hall on Thursday. There was a large number present and an enjoyable afternoon was spent. - . Mrs. M. A. Yates entertained Wednes day with a charmingly appointed lunch eon at the Hotel Portland. Covers were placed for nine at a table decorated in pink carnations -and ferns. : ? ? Expressions of i sympathy have been extended .to -Mr. iand Mrs. George D. Riley (Helen Hall) because of the death of their infant son, who had been named Jack' Stevenson Riley. -... . . - ; . . : ... ' Visitors in' the t city at the home of Mrs. M. A. M. Ashley are Mr. and Mrs. G. HNottage, who will spend s,hort time in .foruana ana utter go to beatti. - Mr. " and "Mrs. " iE. E. Larimore cele brated their wedding : anniversary Sat ui day evening : by ; entertaining a few friends at dinner at th Hotel Portland. : Miss Ruth Teal left Portland on Fri day, for Seattle where she will be a vis itor at the home of Miss Katherine Col lins for a short time. Would a pretty'ntw blouse, a dainty negligee or cor set, chosen with your individual taste in mind, from the wondrous- array in the , New York I arri lravinp for New York. Tulv 161 tq purchase new and exclusive .models for my woman's shop. I should i deem it a pleasure to execute any special orders" the women of Portland care to entrust to me. Morrison Street at West Park WH EN you return ' from your Sunday , outing, youH enjoy these supper sug gestions: ' - Toasted Cheese Sandwich 'Cracked Crab with Mayonnaise Chicken a la King 4 Fruit Salad 1 I ' I ' Watermelon - - . gai-',f ti - 388 Washington y - ...... . ' . Army Folk in Portland to Visit Friends BRIGADIER GENERAL AND MRS. ADRIAN S. FLEMING, U. S, A.. whoever former residents of, Vancou ver barracks, have . returned to Port land and are guests .for a short time 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Honeyman. Brigadier General Flem ing "i has but "recently returned fronQ service 1 overseas, ana is , in - foruana on leave. . Later during their stay here they will be guests ' at the home of Major - and Mrs. - Fred W. Lead better at their country home at Camas. Wash. Mrs. Fleming has not visited . Portland since, going to the Philippine. Islands when her . husband was ordered . there for service some years ago. -General Fleming was a visitor In Portland on his way to Washington, - D. C, about two years, ago: -v Deli Monte, CaL, July 12. Paper chases are back on the Del Monte sport schedule after being , discarded" during the course of the war. On Saturday, 25 y0 men and women riders started out from the Del Monte Lodge and engaged in an exciting paper chase over the Del Monte trails with the finish at th In dian Village, where a barbecue . was served to the winners. Eric Pedley, the polo player, led the way and set the pace of the chase. Expert horseman ship is always displayed In-these events and. there was quite a little competition with the horse races. The trail meas ured about two miles and a half and there were s, number of hazards to keep the riders alert. The paper chase is a style of sport which appeals strongly to the fashionable horseman. It Is a pretty event with the riders dressed. In riding costume and ' quite a - number - ot the Pebble . Beach . society : colony were mounted in the competition. . "Announcement is made ot- the mar riage of Margaret Luclle Fenton to Cap tain Elbrldge Gerry Watfcins, U. S. A. The event took place in April, but was not announced until recently. Mrs. Wat kins is the daughter of Dr. J. D. Fenton of this city. She 'attended St Helens ball and later was a student at the Uni versity -of Oregon. ..4 For the past year Bhe has made her home in-Seattle. 'Cap tain Watkins is a native of Georgia. He went to France with the First divi sion and since his return from overseas he has been stationed, at Camp Lewis and later at' Camp .Fremont. At pres ent he -Is associated with the commis sion of athletic activities in the North west. . Mr and Mrs. Roy A, Bush ' and son left Portland Monday for a ; month's motor tour - through Washington and British Columbia. - - ' Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Ramsay and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Perry of Mllwaykle left Tuesday on a motoring trip to. J3ritih Columbia. ; - . .Former residents of Albany will give a picnic at the Oaks on July 18. The party will assemble at the Oaks at t o'clock.- ', -' .- - j i Mrs. - W. M. Barker and daughter. Anna, have cone to California where the latter will study piano witn wager Swayne. - , - The marriage of Miss Beatrice Thurs ton . of Eugene -to Lowell Paget of this city was solemnised on Monday- at t VbeRemodelingShop ti nfforaie . tht month tit remodel Cements of erery deaeriptioa at ninM prlcwk, lo not welt until til muf 1PUOFI, wnea jaoor wui oe ecerce and' n will be 80 per cent hifher -beldt von eea set ioiag Bade now ao aucb more at- Central Building Tenth n4 Aldr. Main 8887. You Like Phone . M . 482 t - e a El t 3 c i Er-3 L 1 r i ri fc--3 r ! r! t 5 I 3 E 3 E 3 3 I 3 127 Broadway i . - . : 3 IfiHfttfitffrfiitfffitffiftfffffttfM : MiHiwimtiiitiiiiiiiitmitiMHii aw "is jv m Mr m m m m.,m mm ar o'clock at the Episcopal church in Tu gne. . The service was read by the Rev. F. O. Jennlnr. Miss Luclle Yoran sanj the bridal, hymn, accompanied on the violin by Miss Alberta Potter. Little Betty Skei. niece of the bride; was flower girl. The bride wa attended by the Misses Francos Wiles, Jean Murdock. Ann Appel of Idaho, Dorothy Lowery, Marian -Ady and ' Claire Bllssard. Al fred Skel was beet man. Ushers at the church included Jack Itappes of Salem, J. J, Dyche, E. B. Eillaon. Carleton Spencer, Charles Allen and jabex Thurs ton. FollOWlnr the rmmnnv en In. formal reception and dance was held at the Hotel Osborne. Mr. and Mra Papet will make their home In Portland follow ing their return from a brief wedding trip. Mrs. Paget Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Thurston of Eugene. She was graduated from the University of Oregon and Is a member of the Ielta Gamma. Mr. Paget is the son of inM, and Mra B. Lee Paget of Portland. ' The home of Mrs. II. Coddlngton in Powell BtrAt wae the tan rf a vtrv pretty wedding on Sunday, July 6. when ner oaugnter., tsteiia u. coaaington. was united in marriage to Arthur J. Mocller. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spauldlng, Mr. and Mra Chester Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Scott of Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. Ilk-hard ueroea ot tsan. L.uis uruspo, cai., xsirs. BigUn, Mrs. "Convoy' and Mrs. William Brenner, whose little "daughter Bernloe acted as flower girl. e Miss Ines Denlnon Ktiftln nf Pnrtlnnrl is a guest In Salem at the home of Mrs. Ruth Denlson.- During her stay she has been delightfully entertained. Tho Misses Beulah and Constance Fox of Portland,, are guests In Salem at the home of their aunt, Mrs. M. H. Shirley, for a short time. . Miss Katherine Jackson of Chlcaro, Is In Portland the guest of Mrs. IL T. Burntrager, Miss Jackson s home Is In Chicago. - ... w m m Mr. and Mra Hall Stoner Lusk are installed In their home at Rivera for the summer, months. Distinctive.'' - Shops For Women TO PERFECT YOUR COMPLEXION lMLjfcaeg3ev.eirl,,;p... aWT! P-'T- f Facial Treatments ; Blackheads, Pim ples, Tan and other unsightly conditions removed by efficient and harmless treat ment. .. ; ; "A Beaaty Aid for Every Weed" . MARIHELLO COSMETIC SHOP 20 Broadwav Bide. Phone Marshall tJOJ ANNOUNCEMENT THE PORTLAND FEATHER FEATHER , IS C of a retail f OH ST. I i 14Ui. ova WORK Announree the opening enncn stare el . 4R WASHINOTON etewen 13th and we wiu continue oar .fectnrr wboleeele end retell "tore et 614 Morrmn building. Finnut line f FeeUier : Heweiarn, UtntU enit ' Plumiw. Largeut Oitrlch f t)iir meoufectnrere on tbe ftritie :oet. Guaranteed Fatt black Feather CHAS. HILL Phone 7880. SPORTS SUITS MADE TO ORDE& " ' AT SPECIAI, PEICES Schweitzer & Eagin LADIES' TAILOBS 392 Vz Waahington St. JfEXT TO HAZELWOOD TAILORS FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Both Men and Women. All work done In our own shop by expert tailors. Very latest patterns, with hlrh grade workmanship, at a caving ot 10 pr suit. ' . WEINSTEIN & PUZISS 410 Stsrk St. WHERE STYLE IS IKEXFEIISIVE Oletk sn4 tu!t Houee. CLOSING OUT ALL Sl.f MER SUITS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 4S MORRISON STREET, Reer RroetfYrey. R.PAULCO. . DESIOJfERS OT HIGH GRADE LADIES' - TAILORING . til JJorrlton Street B. S ALL LtAOIRO URTOWN LADIES' TAILOR CU Expenc for Benefit rti III Cuetomerf MOW LOCATED AT CS OLISAN, NEAR 21 ST ST. Special Summer Priccp S Sommrr tnite and eoate to order. Don't Fall to Investigate J. K. STERN - 447 Alder St. ' rOR AN UP - TO - DATE SUIT tlZ S. WEI THE LADIES' TAILOR, 12SV, TENTH i