The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 12, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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l fowN-fopi6sv;
Itmbn to all points of th VnltaA State or
abroad ahoald take adrantac of azpscietMMdlD
; formation and serrioe offend through Th Ora
' mom J carnal Travel Bnrean. in personal charge
! of Doner B. Smith. Bailroad ticket and -;
ship booking arranged. iforcig ezehaBg lamed.
I Information itna recardiM passport. , .sv -
- - . ...... ... , r
Columbia River Bate Cea hearing. Court
Boue. July St.
Buyers week. Aucnst 4 to . ; - r- -
National Editorial Association. AttfMt S to
.' gtato Elks' eonrsntiun, KlamatA Faila, Atuurt
14 ta-lS. , - - 'I
Spoken Io Ursula fair. J Spokane, Wash
September 1 to . . V ' 1
Wail Walla fair. Wall WaBa. WMh, Sep
tember 8 to II. ",.. .
Yakima Btat fair, TaHma, Wash., Septem
ber 18 to 20. ''W1'- :' :
. jPandkton .Bound-Up, Pendleton. Of .Sep
tember IB to 31. , - , v
! Ninth Animal Pacifio International Uraatoek
Kipoeitioo. Portland. November 11 to 22. ;
' . KITEK fOBECAST ! . ? '
Tba Willamette Titer t PoruaM wfll.fs
lightly Sunday and ' remain Bearljr stationary
Monday and Tuesday. H t 1 , (
r" TODAY'S FORECASTS l-'':-. I .
. Portland and Vicinity To sight and Sunday,
fair; westerly winds. . j '
Oregon- Tonight and . Sunday, fair; gantlo
westerly winds.;
Washington- Tonight and Sunday." probably
showers west portion, fair east portion; moderate
southwesterly winds. 'V 1
Moderately high nr assure prevails on the At-,
Untie, roll and North Pacifio boasts. Elaewhers
the prewura 1 generally low. tha lowest readings
being in Saskatchewan. Precipitation has ee
nmd at scattered stations on the extreme Nerth
Pacific coast, in the extreme Southwest, in the
northern Rocky mountain redonv and In -the
middle Misaiasippi Taller. The weather la macn
cooler in parte- of. Idaho, Washington. Montana
and Utah, and tnoch warmer in Wyoming. The
lemperature I generally below normal on the
North Pacifio alope and in tha Eastern and South
ern states, and aboe normal la the BouthwesterO
and Middle-western states.
Baker. Or. .
. Boise, Idaho .............
Hoeton, Maaa.
t hicaga. IU.
Tea Moines, low.
Kureka, CaL
Fresno. Cal. .............
Helena, Mont. ...........
KaUspsU. Mont ..........
Kansas City,: Mo. ...
jom Angeles, Cal. .........
Marshfield. Or.
Msdford. Or
Memphis, Ten a. ..........
Modena, TJtoh .
New Tork, N. T. . ........
North Head, Wash ........
klahoma City. . Okie,. ....
Phoenix. Aria. ...........
Pittsburg. Pa. ........
Poratello. Idaho
Portland. Or.
Huaebnrg, Or.-
ItoeweU. N. M. ..........
Sacramento, CaL ..........
!St. JUrais, Mo. r. .
Ht. PanU Minn . .
Halt Iaka City. Utah. .....
Ran I Me so, Cai. .........
Han Francisco, Cal. .......
1 Heattla, Wash. - ... .........
Spokane. Wash. ..........
Tseoma, Wash. ..........
Tatoosb Island, Waah ......
Walla Walla. Wash ........
' Washington. D. C. .........
Yakima, Wash. ......... .
' P. M. report of preceding
0 .
": o -
: o
. o
' 9
.- 0
0 '
, - and
On Sal at
Business Office. The Journal.
To-rl Ttrfvai. Bootles-glnaT ChmTge
, A. A. neCKaVlX. um urnw. rw.
stand near Broadway and Waahinjrton
street, was arrested Friday evening; by
l Patrolmen Wilson and Waddell of the
'''wart emartncy on a chars
- bootleggint;. The , offlocgrs , approached
t Seekatx asking- to purchaso liquor. and
were taken to East Everett and Twenty
fifth streets, where two pint f Sunny
brook whiskey were "purchased for $17,
the officers reported. .V' 'v- f
- Dr. ", I. D. latterom, noted . authority,
says:. "The condition or disease known
as pyorrhea is amenaDie to irraunei
effecting; a cure as readily and. satis
factorily as the other lesions of the
dental onrana- Dr. Johnson's Dental
Text Book, patr 461.) With nerve
vivi. eraHat nrorrhau accordins;
. ujwnua " r .
; to methods advocated y w. rMienon.
fill, crown and extract teem wimout
ps4n. Drs. Hartley,"-Klesendahl' and
' Marshal Journal bid;. Adv." rv
, -Womaa Attenpts Salrlde While tem
porarily derangd over domestic troubles.
Helen Steward, aged 11, of the Taylor
apartments at Taylor and First streets
drank a quantity of iodine In an attempt
at suicide at :45 o'clock Friday night.
Attention was given her - at - the Emer
'gency hospital.-It was found; that -she
naa nor. uuwo emwai v
: : great harm. - : i ' ".. i ; '
Baraey Perlmaa Arrested Barney
; fenman, saia TO oe an via guemur ui
the bootlegging game.-was arrested Fri
day evening at. Fifth . and Washington
,i streets by Patrolman Abbott and is be
ing Jxeld under $600 ball on vagrancy
" .charges. He Is believed by police to be
-1 mixed up with a new bootlegging gang,
'i Kotlce to Dog Owner Owners of an
i dogs found without license tags after
this date will be arrested without fur
ther notification. City will be thor-
, oughly canvassed by our officers. Ore
gon Humane Society . Pound Master.
.; Advl ' i-i-' ; VA- '. ; f;' ' '"'
Alleged 1 Gambler la Tolls Charged
with having gambling paraphernalia In
his possession v Lee Foo,- a Chinese
merchant at 81 North Fourth street was
arrested Friday evening by Patrolman
" Stmpkins and is held under $260 ball.
Still la Hon Balded Richard Delch.
deputy city - attorney, . and Patrolmen
T ns-lat anrt Arott neimed - Six ' aralions Of
. moonshine whiskey, part of which was
bottled and more , or wmcn was in a
kMu.nuAa sttill. at the ham of R. E.
Ing of 1199 Omaha street at O'clock
Tha man with korae seaa
pipes his house for gas "
while building.
You need a sas range, a laundry
stove, an .automatic beater, a
couple of ; Radiantfires in. your
fireplaces and that greatest bless
ing of all. a gas furnace..
"All of these can. be Seen In
operation at the Gas Office, Alder;
near. 5th.' ' ' - i
Hals $i
84 I 4
72 68
7 70
84 72
88 BO
108 74
3 84
74 "82
2 78
80 64
66 40
4 74
62 60
7tt 88
0 82
8 72
0 74
74 60
92 64
6 82
78 80
6 60
82 68
82 86
4 76
72 62
62 60
62 62
86 60
62 62
64 60
88 66
78 68
jo 66
By '
When going away for the summer or on
your -vacation, hav Th Journal follow you
at th regular rato of 15o per - week, or the
following agent wiU supply ;ou at regular
city rates. I
, .Barriew, Or. -Era B. Daridson.
, Bay City, Or. Mrs. T. A.Gillen. '
Cannon Beach Ecnla, Or" H- U Harris.
" Parson. Wssh. Csrl B. Smith, also Bhip
herd's Springs 1 ' ".--'
Garibaldi, Or Mrs. 8, MeMlUan.
, Gearhsrt,. Or. iasoa, McCan.
In Beach, Wasbv Balph Prag.
- Manhattan Beach Mrs. a. L Baatoaw.
; Msnsanita Beach O. BL Nunn.
-Neab-Ksb-Nie, Or. A. C. Anderson.
. - Nehalcm, Or Nehalem Drug Company.
; Newport, Or. M. H. Hunt. -i
Ocean Park. Wash. W. A. Parent . ,
y Bockaway Baaah. Or. F. P. MUler. Or. Jason MeCune, Lewis Drug
tor..-). 'ic'
"X Saartew. Wash. Balph Prag. -
. Ten Mil Lata Louis St. Dennia,
TOJamook. Or. John Plaxker.
'i Twin. Books. Or D. Jj Van Seyoe. : . . - -WUboit
Spring P.. W.McUran.
Is said to haver had the still: in opera
tion when the policemen . entered bis
home, with a John Doe search warrant.
Long will be held .for the federal grand
Jury.- . i ' -1 . i '. . . . ' - -'
peets Brether-lB-law" t After the
coincidence of the disappearance of . dif
ferent amounts of money after each visit
of his brother-in-law. George Haines,
Matt Cahlll. 122 East Fifteenth street
norths complained to the police and re
quested an Investigation; ' This morning
Inspector Hayden arrested two men who
were arguing about the uncertain dispo
sition of a sum' of money. One of the
men ! was George ' Haines. It la re
ported that he confessed the theft of
ISO or $40 and a gold watch from' Ca
hlll. ' , i ' - ? V t :
Dally Report DiseoaUaaed Dally re
ports submitted to the United - States
bureau of markets by railroad freight
agents -throughout the country concern
ing shipments of farm products in the
various districts will be discontinued
this week and monthly reports substi
tuted, according- to information re
ceceived by freight sagents ' this morn
ing. The change to a monthly basis
was ordered by C. Ai Prouty. director
of the department of valuations under
the railroad administration.
Girl Fall From Porefc. Takes to
Hotpttal Helen Webster, aged 7 - of
East Thirty-eighth and Belmont streets
was - treated at the Good Samaritan i
hospital Friday , afternoon . for a cut lip:
which she suffered when she fell from
the front . porch of her home. After, the
wound was treated the little girl was
sent home, ; ..,--,-.
'eyrlde Ieads to Jail After a luxur
ious Joyride to Seattle- in a stolen auto
mobile, Earl Dooley, Portland for hire
chauffeur, was I returned last night by
Chief of Police Johnson and Special
Agent' Hayden r of the automobile con
ference, charged , with larceny of an
automobile belonging to Mrs. A. H.
Qillon of 2636 East Forty-eighth street.
Steamplpe Fitter Isjared Orlio Bllz
sard. 35,. 144 North Fifteenth.' street, a
steampipe fitter for the Willamette Iron
and Steel company, who was struck on
the head , by a piece of : falling pipe
about 2:30 Saturday morning, was re
ported to be resting . easy , at St. "Vin
cents hospital. t 4
- Warres Bay Iajared Warren-H. Ray,
41, of 891. Division street, an employe of
Mason, Ehrman & Co.. suffered lacera
tion and bruises on the bead when a
box of soap fell on him while be; was
unloading : a ' truck at the plant Friday
afternoon. He was .treated at St. Vln--cents
hospitaL ' -Men's
Beaort Program-Rev. Byron J.
Clark, pastor of First United , Brethren
church, will speak at the Men's resort
meeting Sunday at 4 p. m. John Long
will lead the community singing. The
Laughton 'family ' orchestra and Miss
Alice Johnson have arranged a program
Of music
Cash Register Is Bobbed Following
a report of the theft of , $50 from the
cash register, received from Christ
Brothers confectionery store, " ZS5 JNortn
Fourteenth street, an investigation will
be conducted to discover .who broke
Into the store some time Friday night.
Fear? Companies - Called Ost -Four
fire companies were called out at 6 :30
o'clock Friday afternoon In . answer to
an East - Side fire call. ' The firemen
found an awning fire at . 405 Union
avenue. Damage amounted to; $10.
Wife Caase Hsabaad's Arrest Con
rad Sitner, 1343 Olenn avenue, was ar
rested Friday , night by . Deputy Con
stable .Watkins on a warrant sworn out
by; Mrs." Conrad. ln which i she charges
non-support. 4 ' . s, , . . '
Lovtas- is ' Bisstlssed Orville Loving,
who was arrested In municipal court
Thursday for perjury In testifying; be
fore Municipal Judge Rossman, was dis
missed after being given a bearing in
the same court Friday afternoon. . -r
Shepard Aate Bss Uses St, : Helens,
Hood River, Bridal Veil. Cascade Locks
and all way points. Leave St. Charles
hotel on schedule time. For Informa
tion call Marshall 4381. Main 980, A
3611. Adv.. k , ; .- "r- ' ;
Plesie Is "Psstpesed The pksnlc
planned, by ; the ladies' auxiliary to the
Boilermakers' . union for Sunday at
Crystal Lake park has been postponed
until July 20.M . :- - r
! BetUr Baked . Beast, Boston style,
Perfection, that's all. Price's Better
Baked Bean C - Pacific Market, cor.
4th and. Yamhill , streets Adv. v
Steamer ' Jestle Harklss for Camas.
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday, leave Alder, street dock at
2 p. m. Adv.. .-, : . .
' eUeasaer Iralda - for St. Helens and
Rainier, daily at t :30 p. nv. foot of Alder
street. Sunday, St. . Helens only, 1 :30
p. m. Adv. . , ;
Willamette Flyer for Oregon City and
resorts, . Taylor - St. dock, Sunday. 8. 11,
2 and 6 p. m. Adv. "
' ' Hadley A Silver, tailors, make depend
able clothes. . 100 Sixth : street, corner
Stark. Adv. ..
. Dr. Vermaa Pae moved to 80S Ste-t
vens building., Phone Main .1525. Adv.
.Milk Dlt-Treatmeat The Moore
Sanitarium. Phones. Main 6101, East 47.
Bexweed, Slabwood, Cordwoed, Mult
nomah Fuel Co. Main 6540. A-2116.-Adv.
Halreattlsg you .will like. The Market
Barber Shop, 187 4th at YamhllL Adv.
Monument in Honor
Of Hembree Planned
-v Yakima.' -Wash.;' July 12. Curators -ot
the Washington State Historial . society
voted at Tacoma Monday to spend $200
to erect a monument In memory of Cap
tain A- J. Hembree, wno was Killed from
ambush- In the - Indian war of 1855-1856.
The site, will be about six miles .from
Toppenlsh, where Hembree was killed.
A marker will be put on the roadside
nearest the spot, but the jnonument will
do a quarter or a mne xrom the TOppen
Ish-Goldendale road. . - ' , .
i . Hot Lake Arrivals .
Hot Lake; July 1. Arrivals at Hot
Lake sanatorium Wednesday were :
William Turner,- Bruneau. Idaho : F. W.
Christopher, Baker : . Mra ' A. C. ' Davis,
Portland ; S. ; D. . Rice, . Pendleton ; - A:
Wealty, Elgin. . ; i v - - -
Card of Thanks
We desire to extend our alncere thanks
to otir many friends for their sympathy
ana, kindness shown us in our - late
Bereavement, also ror the many beautiful
floral offerings. Frank Slavin ' and
lamuy. ; Anton Donkers and family.
Adv4 v - - . -
Preparing' for Frolfe , f
H. M. Manning of Klamath Fans, who
la meeting business .'associates in Port
land, today, brings , the word that ' the
B. P. O. E. gathering soon to be held
at Klamath Falls is surely going to be
one great, and glorious meeting. "The
local lodge Is making- extensive prepara
tions and means of entertainment here
tofore unheard of have been devised and
committees are laboring day and night
working- out the, details of what-la in
tended to be the most unique' and novel
Elks convention ever held in the state,"
he say a "The lumber Industry con
tinues to thrive. Every mill in the coun
ty la working overtime and . tba ' stock
men talk in .figures so large that the
average business man wonders where all
the" money Is to come from to pay for
the cattle when selling time nomes In the
fall." Klamath .county has never -enjoyed
such universal prosperity as is evi
dent this season." y , r r. r
. . -' vV--?'i-- i ;
Good. Season .Ahead . ; 4
The Jackson county pear crop this sea
son bids fair to eclipse ail previous sea
sons. Is the word C C Tull of Medford
brings to. his Inquiring - friends. "The
Rogue river vaRey never looked better
than at present." he says. . , "The . fruit
men all -see a good season ahead.' both
as to quantity and price. The fruit busi
ness In Jackson -county is no longer a
haphazard business.. We consider afAilt
grower a professional man and -his suc
cess; depends upon his scientific knowl
edge of the business. Jackson county
conducts all of its horticultural and ag
ricultural" activities under ; the direction
of Claud Cate, a county farm agent. Our
land is far too valuable to work IS a
careless manner and. It U simply a mat
ter of good business - to see that' cur
farms are worked to capacity." s --
. , . . . t
To Raise Deer i I I -Manager
A- B. Campbell la arolnr Into
deer and pheasant raising as a side line
to - running- the Multnomah hotel, i At
Lake Washington Mr.' Campbell owns
aoout 60 acres of land which be expects
to stock with deer and pheasants as
soon as he can make arrangements. Mr.
Campbell will go to Seattle in about two
weeks to attend to the preliminaries.
With tha present quality and value of
both deer and pheasant meat, Mr.
Campbell hopes to clear up a nice little
prom from his game farm, r '.I
. I. .
Many Cars Congested '
William ' Hoy t of 'Seattle is in Port
land .- after touring- through Oregon . In
his car. Mr. Hoyt says that the, worst
roads he encountered were in the vicin
ity of Crater Lake park, where he found
100 cars . congested . - because of road
work being done there. All through
the state he never before saw such ex
tensive road construction undertaken.
Mr. Hoyt stayingat the Multnomah.
' i Seattleites Here f "
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fischmaller, Mr.
and Mra H. R. Fischmaller, Mra ' M.
Cameron and Mrs. J. M. McKeal. all of
Seattle, are staying at the Multnomah
on their way home after motoring 600
miles through the attractive parts of
Syracuse Educator I
Joins Faculty Staff
As Service Director
' 7 t.-'K i i ,' , i l j
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis.
July 12. The new dean of service de
partments at the college is Dr. M. E.
Smith, director of the summer and eve
ning; -sessions and professor pf English
at Syracuse university. He will take
the place of Dr. E. J. Kraua who re
cently resigned, having been offered
Important positions with the University
of California or the University of Wis
consin at an Increase in salary. Dean
Smith will teach ' English as well as
direct 11 service departments.
In addition to bis scholastic attain
ments Dr.- Smith baa had wide experi
ence as a teacher and Jn administra
tion work. He . has made a special
study of the fable - and has published
numerous articles in this field In such
publications as Modern' Philology and
the English Journal. , He "was gradu
ated from Syracuse nrdfersUy In 1908.
: Departments over which he will, have
charge at the college are art and archi
tecture, bacteriology, botany and plant
pathology, chemistry, English, entomo
logy, history mathematics and 'modern
languages, physics and - soology and.
physiology: I V-; :'!': -; -:. I '
Cloudburst Strikes t
i In Wasco; Orchards
And Gardens Suffer
The Dalles, July 12. The Dalles Fri
day had one of the heaviest rainfalls
of the year, which was the tall end of
the cloudburst which hit the hills about
five miles .southwest of The Dalles and
followed a course directly toward i the
City. ': -r f i-' . : - :., - - ,
The - gardens and - orchards of the
Cherry Heights', district suffered the
most damage from the water. Earth
was washed from the roots of trees and
considerable work will be necessary to
put the orchards in - condition - again. :
A " barn on r the farm of Howard
Meyers caved tn and a number of
chicken houses .and - packing houses
were wrecked by. the storm. U -
A strong wind which accompanied the
storm broke a number of fruit ' trees
down, , tearing the heavy laden limbs
from the treea .,.,;...,-.; .-.
Philomath President
Will Preach Twice
- Rev.- C. - T. Whittlesey, . president ' of
Philomath college, will preach twice
on Sunday.- At 11 a. m. he will speak at
the Third United Brethren church -and
at 8 p. m. at the Fourth-United Breth
ren church. At both services he will
talk on the college - forward campaign.
Sunday morning Rev. C- P. Blanchard
will speak at Fourth church and Sunday
evening Rev. E. O. Shepherd Srill preach
at Third church. Dr. Byron J. Clark
will conduct his regular services at First
church, as will Rev. Ira Hawley at Sec
ond. Church- ' .'
Goggles for motorists and i sportsmen
have been invented - that are suspended
from the visor of a cap without any at
tachment for - their wearers' ears or
noses. -. :rsi;; i '.;.- ''.il'K-?-.:? t:i.t-r
' B w s-
ifGrcnulatcd EVclidd
..." ' " - - -- -
i y
MM -w
Oregon. They found the roads in excel
lent, condition.
. ",'" , . .
V Hake. Trip by Auto f
Mr. and Mra George. H-. Buhl and son
and Mr. and Mrs.-Alex Powers of Leb
anon have arrived, at the Seward, after
motoring through Vancouver. Seattle
and British Columbia. They have been
gone for .two weeks. Mr. Buhl Is a
merchant at Lebanon and Mr. Powers Is
a banker. - -1 - .
' : :t v.?--.. ; . -v.. v.-s "
'- ,-z Vacation Planned - .
Judd S. Fish of The Dalles, who has
Just given up the management of The
Dalles hotel, is visiting- at the Imperial.
Mr., Fish expects to take a vacation
before "entering business elsewhere. '
'v1!? Motorists Arrive '"
' Mr. . and ' T Mrs.- ; Charles Horton of
Klamath ; Falls, and Charley Dunn of
Ashland. -motored up from Southern Ore
gon. 'They are staying at the Imperial.
At the Hotels ' ffZ ;
! Harry I- N ebergall of Albany is reg
istered at the Portland." ' '
- Mra A." E. , Woolpert, OJ Cv Woolpert
and Miss Josie ; Baret of Hood I River
motored Into Portland and are staying
at the . Imperial. , The Woolperts . are
orehardists.-.-'rviV: :--'-y
Dr. . w. L. Davis of San Francisco Is
visiting at, the Benson. :
J. A. Thornburth, banker from Forest
Grove, is a, guest ' at the, Qregon.
Dr. and . Mra A. S.. -Essen of The
Dalles are registered' at the Cornelius.
1 C ' H. Gram, labor commissioner. Is
staying at the Seward from - Salem.
' Cyril Taylor -of Los Angeles, -who Is
staying at the Multnomah., motored op
from California, making the trip in 6$
hoursv i - -..'
Mra I. W. Hart, Miss Elisabeth Hart
and Miss Harriet L. Harris of , Boise,
Idaho, are visiting at the Portland.
, J. .W. Boone, postmaster from Prlne
ville,' Is at the Imperial. . -
. A.! Ottinger, a . prominent steamship
man from -.San Francisco, Is visiting at
the Benson. -v- . i
' F.' C -Stewart, banker from. Kelso,. Is
registered at the Oregon.
Louis Guisto of Cleveland. Ohio, for
merly connected with the Portland base
ball team, who later went to Cleveland
to play. has. arrived at the Cornelius
after -receiving his discharge -from serv
ice In France.
" Judge James A. Fee of . Pendleton Is
visiting at the Seward.
H. J. . Schulderman, corporation com
missioner from Salem, is at tha Mult
nomah. , ' ; ' :
Among the tourists at the Portland
are J. H. Field, and daughters.-Pauline
and Naomi from Minneapolis, Mlrln..
Alex Thompson, president and man
ager - of . the ' Everett ' Construction 1 com
pany of - Everett, Is spending . a few
days at the Imperial. ? .- '
A Raymond Whitcomb . touring party
of $5 persons from ' New York and
Massachusetts : are registered at the
Benson.-.' -s ." ';- '-, -'"
Will Eccles . of the " family at Baker,
who own most ? of the lumber In ; the
region. Is registered at the Oregon." ,.
J. E. Crowe, proprietor of the Summit
hotel at Condon, is visiting at the Im
1 periaL . .
Search Is Started . .
For Missing Tailor
Neighbors of W. L. Brady, In whose
tailor shop at 171 Eleventh street a
light has been ' burning' behind locked
doors for. several days, fear Brady's
disappearance and a police Investigation
started by them Is ' In progress today.
Fears that Brady met with foul play In
side the store were set at rest when
Officer R. M. Tilton forced the door
open. - He found nothing, to Indicate foul
play,-nor the whereabouts of the miss
ing .tailor. . ,
- Si A H. Green Stasips for cash. - Hol
man Fuel Co. Main -863. A-S858V. Block
wood, short . slabwood. --, Rock Springs
and Utah coal ; . sawdusti Adv.
The moral Influence, at Hill Military
academy. Portland. Or. is good. (Adv.)
. ' .' ' . " ... - .. .
Out of the East Fox-Trot. . . ; .
..'..Joseph C Smith's .Orchestra
Rainy. Dav Blues Pov.Trot
--...Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
Monte Crfsto Jr. Medley. Fox
Trot. .... ..Van Eps Trio
un, uste. . uenave Medley One
Step. . . . . . ... ..... . Van Eps Trio
Canary Medlev Fox-Trot . . . :
. . .Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
- t
xne Koyai vagaoona jaeaiey
Fox-Trot ..w
. . Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
I SJa. jay Dear ! Meoiey irox-Trot
I . . .Joseph C Smith's Orchestra
i eomeooari uweeineari and
r uooa Morning, judge Med-
-' ...Joseph C Smith's Orchestra
Sometime Medley Fox-Trot.. ; :.
..Joseph c Smiths Orchestra
lar Medlev Fox-Trot i ...
. . .Joseph C Smith's Orchestra
'fGirl of My. Heart...... John Steel
A Rose, a Kiss and Tou...
- I ..................... .John Steel
' TJaxz Rahv Marion Harria
18655 Bring Back Those Wonderful
t Days. Arthur Fields
I w nen xou see Another sweetie
185SS f Hanarina A round . A itolsi Pnwlan1
I Mammy o' Mine. ..Adele Rowland
Rainbow Division March.-. . .1 . .
, , -.
- .Arthur Pryors Band
Spirit; of Independence March "
... . . ...... ..Conway's Band
f Kiss : Me Asrain
...... victor Hernert's orchestra
Humoresque ........ ...........
- ..... .Victor Herbert's Orchestra
Madame Butterfly Fantasia. ...
. .....Victor Herbert's Orchestra
A-Dream of Love. . . . . .....
..... .Victor Herbert's Orchestra
Midsummer . - c ignt's - uream
lT . .... ,
.Victor Concert Orchestra
Mtasummer .. iNignt s uream
. Intermesso . .-. . . . . . .'.
I .........Victor Concert Orchestra
Juanita ....... Gogorxa
The Quilting Party,
...... Mabel Garrison
wnen xou ixmk in tne neart of
' a Rose........ John McCormack
Home; Sweet Home.'. .. . .. ... . . .
....... . . . . AmeUta Galli-Curct
Favorita A Tanto Amor (Thou ;
Florr Beloved). .'Giuseppe de Luca
"Caprice Poetic. ...Alfred Cortot
Nocturne in D Flat.Mischa ELman
118 Sixth, Bet- Alder and Morrison.
' Pisses. risyer-Flasos Tletrolss
Billy; Sunday bBeC
f . Mee
. " . "l l ll ' 4
4 v ., j, - ,.-.-e i
Eugene. .July IX The main feature
of the Presbyterian' synod to be held
In . KllSTMl.., JulT- . 191 . .ortll . K... nt
dreejsed by . Rev. . W...A. (BUly) Sunday.
caeauiea to speaa at the local armory
July-; ; Other speakers are 'Dr. Silas
Kvans of Losf Angeles, president - of
Occidental colleger Rev. "Eagar P. H1U
of Chicago, , professor of homlletics - In
McCorratck Theological, seminary ; Dr.
ueorgegi. xnacker of Kansas .City : W.
R. Kin, newlv .iM-tiul ur.tsrv f tha
board of home missions; Dr. E,. Flnley
or .me department of 'country life.' and
W., C. Johnstone of 'the board of for
eign, misaioaa. W .-.-ij.- - "-;. ' r
The, first ; meeting of" the. synod, will
be held Tuesday, afternoon! In the ; y.
M. ,C A. , hut. on- the. University of
Oregon: 'campus. , More than 200 dele
gates' are expected.. .", :
- i? . - - .. f' - y
.Pine Leads to Another .: t
Eugene, J ufy 12. List i week J. - Mi
Stephens, 'a farmer' living 'near' Crow,
paid fine of $50: for kilUng deer'out
of season Friday ..Stephens was again
before ,tbe. court .and another fine c of
660 was levied. This time it was on
a charge of beating-- Joseph ,. Llles. - a
neighbor. - whom - the - hunter" believed .' to
have ? "snitched","' on .htm - In the deer
killing episode. JXWrty-five dollars of
the fine was , remitted . pending , good
behavior. , ' .' v '', t
z - ' '; - T ' : ;
Tn1inf3m j
In municipal .court Friday.. 29 speeders
were brought before Judge Rossman -and
14 of tiiem paid 'a total of fines amount-!
. Ing to; 6155.. . ; x v. '.j
- Offenders who--were fined for travel
big-from "28 to , 38 ; miles -an hour
133 Park
. .? .-
r !A' - TT 1
irf:''.-;EEKADWAY AND TAYLOR , ; , ;
1 ; This' lecture wilbbring, comfort' to the: sad, ;as it points, out: God's
were : ' M. B.- Ewen. $25 : L. "V. Brown
son. 85; L. A. Hamilton. J7.50. and Nel
son Thomas. $17. These were arrested
by. . Officer ! Horak. Motorcycle Officer
Van Deusen arrested the fallowing: Le
Roy Ruby, - $88 J. - A. Dressier, $15 ; M.
Babcock, $7.50; D-.Wadsworth. $10, and
B..Relnhart. $5. t
Arrests made by Officer Anderson re
sulted, in tiie following, fines :. S. Mo
Kied. $16; R. W. Moore. $10; J. Vitas.
$7.60, and A. G. NorthalL. $70. -R, Kor
suxsi was arrested by Officer Van Deu
sen for leaving the cutout open on a
Ford delivery truck:; and ; was fined f&
By Or egari Dental m
Association Here
Officers elected by the Oregon Stat
Dental association In-, convention hers
tbfii week are: President, IThvF,
Holllster i of Portland ; . vice , president.
Dry Clyde Mount of Oregon City ; sec
retary. Dr. Walter Shearer ; treasurer.
Dr. C , S. Lauderdale ; executive com
mittee, - Dr. - E. E. Robinson and Dr. A.
F. Weeks, all of Portland, -r- it;
t Many of the visiting dentists are re
maining over, to attend the three days
post graduate course to be given by the
Mortonson - Brothers of Milwaukee on
Ithe technique of gold inlay.
" -The twenty-third annual - convention
of the association which has just closed,
was one of the most successful ever held
by that-, body. Its officers report. On
account oC the presence of . the two
eminent eastern ' dental specialists, - Dr.
V.- E. Roach of Chicago" ; and Dr. Ai L.
Le Gro of Detroit, the attendance from
all sections of the state reached 250.- ;.
;i Courts Vaeation Begins -'August 1
; Salem, July 12. Members of . the su
preme court will : begin their " annual
vacation of one month on August 1.
In-order that the court may clear up
Its' calendar of pending cases before
that time. July 16, 16 and 17 have
been designated as the last dates on
which hearings will be held before va
cation 1 time, - ' -
t, ,!,;-' ............ ;. '-.i -, "v- vv',.,;v... :... "'.., . . i; J .- ,.
- 332 aslimtstoii ,
A Wonderful Bible; Lecture Dealing With ;
. " the . Perplexing ! Questions of r
. the Hoiir, by t , ; ' ;
, Successor to Pastor Russell, President of
the- International Bible Students' Asso-.
?ciation, and Noted Throughout the '
; W9rld-as a Bible Exegete ' ''
A year ago ;Mr,, Rutherford was -sentenced
to twenty years' imprisonment for
: a "wonderful , B ible commentary, i was ' held
in V prison nine months without, bail and
was released by the Appellate Court re-.
versing judgment and holding that he was
, not; fairly tried:- ; 'fr1 t
;for:the ultimate -blessing
llntertainmerits ;to ;
Be New Feature at ;
. Employment Home
i 1 S )aaaSsSaaBsasaSa v . T-i
Entertainments each Sunday, Wednes
day ' and Friday afternoon at the sol
diers', and "sailors' employment bureau
home." conducted by the National Catho-
llo War council and the Knights cf Co
lumbus at 2ti Couch street, nave been
arranged : by Joseph Little. The first
entertainment win .ake place Sunday.
These entertalnrnents will - consist
mainly of music and lectures. The first
will be a speech' by Thomas Mannlx on
"The Relation of Ireland to the Peace
Conference.'' E. L, Fredrich. basso .
Joseph little, vjollnlsv and Mra Cath
erine r Fredrich, accompanist, , will fur
nish music .
Six reels of feature film will be shown
and the reading room and other facili
ties of-the bureau will-be thrown open
to visitors ' all day. The -. employment
section Is open-from, "f a. 11. p. m,
eve dayJv-:-.;! :; v--- J...-. '-: ): i
ildiers FraS East ?
; To Stop Over. Here
, Twaritv-ritri aoJdlers left Camp Mer-
ritt, N. J, Friday; for Camp Lewis via
Portland, according to advices received
turn ta mnmini bv railroad officials.
Eighty soldiers from Newport News, on
their way ; to Camp Lewis, ara due In
Portland Sunday. No advices have been
received here as to the hour of arrival,
but It ' Is known that they - are on a
mtai Min unit ahould arrive either
at 12 :30 or 8 :30 in the afternoon at the
Union station. , , "- --' '.--'-
HorllClI 8 the r Onginal
Malted Milk Avoid
Imitations & Substitutes
' 124 Broadway
k 1 . .,
1 I
of all mankind.1 ?
. J: mmmwmnmmmm -- 7:. Vvi
r '
The Oregon Holiness Ass'n
will' oun 'the Z4th. at their 'Camp
Ground, end of Broadway car line.
Rev. C. H. Babeork and- Rt. T. C. Res
Seraoa, Kvaasellt For circular apply
to Mrs. Catherine -Uicaey. za i. san at.
I T r e a t Suc
cessfully, and,
For A. b o u t
Half the Usual
Prices.- !
Disease or Eye. Ear.
Mess and Throat
Lungs. Heart- and
aiaoeya ,Aii female
disordera ' blood and
skin dlseasea ;
and leotrlo treat
saent aiven. k'Umm.
Uoltrs and Kheuma
tlsra Ottloklr rat. .
lleved. Complete ces .
era! pracUo.
a nave all the tnoden axrairrmanc
essary to Insure you ftrst-daae maa4
and sursieal attention and. remamoar
v amw w per oani.
! . - - Pfeytletas and Per '
Bosrti II A M-te r. XZ.
OFFlCB PHOlTB...... MAnr f"1
t a " W a V
Woodard, Clarke Cz Co.
' Portland. . Orf on ; . "
Are You Rupturcil?
Do ybu Wear a Trur 3?
For oTor fifty year wWe siren skill, car
and experience to the mamifaotur anil fst
tins of every snnd deric for the relief, or
correction at bodily defects. . , .
KEEP FIT Don't risk Uf, , heaJUi . and
atrensth with a misfit. W suaranue saUs
faetion. .'-"--'
Oall f Wrlta ,'.''.- -
' ' J- " rrto List s Apeliestlen. '
WoVLsrfe BMa A Wee at West Part
' 1 1 '
Reliable Denticir
W anarasts aw' work1 fee 10
yaara, We-wtil examine your testa)
free and tsll yee Inst vhat tbsy
ulr sod wst it, will cost.
SMS rilllrtf.. .... f .OS an U
SIS Orewne.. . . i ; .SS.SOSS.OO
rrc4aln Orwns. , . SS.ftO-.0O
nil set Teeth fo......S.OO
alnlee CitraatlafU. ...... .So
UTer ritiinfl ........... ao ' -v
I sa say swnssaal attenttoa U V---
alt work. Dr. NwtS
.-. . ', . DB. F. KKWTOIf; Prop. ;
. Open Tenina Ostll la-,
Boston - Painless Dentists
' 4th and sth en Wsahlnstes at,
Thousands have been enabled to
- hear with tho
' - The tasnsft, Slaplait '
Perfect Hearing Device
Alder ii Will Park Forties d, dr.
V 1
.'aster sthei:3T1i-c::lc:
Hlps Mas
Stronf, Sturdy Men
site' Healthy, CeautlTul V.'c.n
8.000.000 er.l V ft "
Y 1 J j'w-