The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 12, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1919.
Sunday Schools
The Rev. Dr. Boyd Will Bring to
I End Influential Pastorate That
Has Lasted for Past 8Years.
i'' - f
First Presbyterian; Minister Will
Leave Thursday to Take Chair
1 of j Homiletics at : McCormick.
V Sunday' morning and evening Dr.
John XX. Boyd, of the First Presby
terian - church. one " of ' Portland's
; most beloved clerarymen. will preach
his farewell sermons as pastor of the
church, thus closing one of the most
successful pastorates In the history
of the Pacific Northwest. , Hr.
Boyd's eight-year ministry In . Port
land! has been one of , exceptional
powV an influence, the latter be
ing felt, far outside the walls of his
own church,: even farther than the
limits of the city of Portland. Dur
ing the time that Dr. Boyd has min
istered i to the" Portland ; church his
reputation" has spread until be is re
garded as -"one , of the strongest
preachers on the coast.
It Is with feelings of deepest regret
that the members of the church granted
their pastor his request and allowed hhn
to resign In order that he might accept
the professorship of homiletics at Mc
Cormick Theological seminary in Chl
cego. :
The services tomorrow will mark the
close of an active ministry of S3 years
for Dr. Boyd. ;" He left the Princeton
Theological seminary October 8, 1888,
after passing a three-day examination
before several of the most brilliant men
of the denomination. His first circuit
was In Mississippi, where he served the
little churches at Durant and Winona,
SO miles apart. - He preached In one
church in the morning" and at the Other
In the evening. Since that time Dr.
Boyd has served In but, four charges,
the first betng at Charlotte, N. C, the
next at Evanston, HU thence to Detroit.
Mich., and-for the past eight years in
Portland. Dr. Boyd was born 58 -years
ago In the state of Mississippi. He was
educated at Clarksville university In
rn - -I... .in. ' . Tann , nil . at Princeton
WWMTUret " ", , - - . -
seminary, ' '
Two outstanding features have marked
his work In Portland and . it may be
said that it is on account of these quali
ties -that he has been elected to the
"chair of homiletics In McCormick Theo
logical seminary.
HAS Accua rListte b sn;u - ,
.- These are a remarkable ability as a
preacher and prophet and with this out
standing ability as a . sermonlser he
combines great ability as an organiser.
His Is one of the outstanding names In
thei country for his work as pastor of a
city church and In recent years a down
town church. This ability as a preacher
has "drawn to his audiences a. great
number of men because of his aaneness
and breadth of view. Some of the out
standing features of his work In the
First -Presbyterian church of this city
In the last eight-years are:
The construction of an 880,000 church
hbuse which has. been paid for, leaving
the church free from debt, r,
The ' increase of the membership ' of
the church from 1485 to 2382. -
in. mcreue in ine enroiiraeni oi vn
Sunday school from 998 to 1771. . v
During the eight years that Dr. Boyd
has - been with . the First - Presbyterian
church, 2082 persons have united with
the congregation, -773 on profession and
. 1310 on certificate. The accessions to
. the church year by year follow : In
1912, 78 by profession, 70. by letter ; in
1913. ' 165 and 282 ; in 1914, 22 and 73 ;
in 1915. 71 and 164: in 1918, 81 and 95;
In 1917. -109 -and 181: in 1918,195 'and
264 r In 1919. 123 and : 191.
Throughout the - war the church has
been prominent in many war activities
such, as the Red Cross work, sphagnum
moss picking, entertainment of soldiers,
etc. -i, -- - - -;
Accompanied by his children. Miss
Louise, MIbs Elisabeth and John H. Jr.,
Dr. Boyd will probably leave Portland
next Thursday for his flew field of la
bor. The trip will be made by auto
mobile by wy of Tellowatone National
parte. Salt Lake City and Denver. At
. least six weeks ;wlll be taken for the
Journey. Members of the , Rotary club,
of which Dr. Bovd has been . an entlva
member, will accompany him as far as
. Eagle Creek, forming- a guard, of honor
. along the Columbia highway.- ; ... . . . .
, The pulpit supplies for the summer
are : July 20, Rev. Edgar P. Hill, D. D.
.cation Of the Presbyterian church and
pastor of the First1- Presbyterian from
,1896 to 1908 : July 27, Rev. 611as Evans,
D.. D.. president of Occidental ; college,
Iios Angeles ; August 3. no provision as
yet; August 19 and 17. Rev. Hugh K.
Walker, D. D.. pastor of the First. Pres.
- byterian church, Los Angeles ; f August
24, 31, September 7 and 14. Re vj George
2. Robin on, D. IX, professor In Mc
Cormick Theological seminary, Chicago.
Dr. Milligan Will .
i ;Visit Paget Sound
4- Next Sunday will be Dr. Milllgan's
; lair, oeiore going on nia vacation, which
ne will spend' on Fuget Sound. During
. uw tiuwr a aiweiice uie Dunaay evening
- service will be omitted. 'The pulpit will
be adequately supplied for the morninr
service. Walter Hardwlck of the War
uamp community service Is directing the
singing" In place of Walter Jenkins while
we latter la taxing vacation,. -
' " . ' ! "
magazine .article 6
Dr. Morrison's Topic
A-sermon will ha delivererl hv Tir.
.TA. Morrison Sunday morning in. Trinity
. Episcopal ; church based- upon a recent
article in a prominent4 magazine by A.
iClutton-Brock. under the title "Religion
Now." He will also preach in the eve-
ming. "
prominent pastor
VLo IleaVe ortlani
C0n i5cxt Thursday
' Dr. John H.' Boyd
Rev. 'Alexander Beers
In His NewPastorate
The Rev. . Alexander Beers, recently
appointed pastor of he Alberta Free
Methodist church; has Just ' returned
from attending the general; conference
of his denomination at Xlreenville. - III.,
and will : preach his first sermon In
his new pastorate Sunday morning. i;Jn
his ; mornings sermon the pastor . will
point out what he believes to be the
church's ; course during , the .period ' of
reconstruction. Mra Beers accompanied
Mr. Beers to the. conference, but went
on to New York to spend a month visit
ing w'th her sister. The Rev. Mr; Beei s
was formerly pastor of the First Free
Methodist church of, this city, where
he served the time limit allowed by his
denomination. '''A.': '" ' -:;
Forbes Presbyterian
YY in uan minister
Following the morning preaching on
Sunday the members of the Forbes Pres
byterian church will meet In a regular
congregational- meeting' for the purpose
of catling a permanent pastor and for
transacting ' any other business-which
may. be necessary. The . Rev. Boudinot
Seeley, superintendent of home missions
In - Oregon, will be , moderator.- A.. E.
Kllnk Is clerk of the session. : It is gen
erally understood that the congregation
will call the Rev. Ward Willis Long of
Akron. Ohio, who has been supplying
the. pulpit for about two months. Mr,
Long has not signified whether or not
he will accept. He will preach twice
on Sunday.
B. Y.-P. U.Workers
ToiMeet on Sunday
State'B. T. P. V. workers will meet' at
the White Temple Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock to hold a conference, "when
plans for the immediate future will be
discussed. The young people desire to
reestablish their work, which was so se
riously Interfered with when many of
the young men - answered the. call , to
service. This meeting will not be a rally,
but a conference of leaders. It will be
an open meeting. . Workers from out of
the city are expected to attend. -
Trizefighters' to
'Be Rectors Subject
TMzefighters" will be the subject of
the Sunday morning sermon of the Rev.
Thomas Jenkins at St.; David's Episcopal
church. At 8 p. m. he will discuss peo
ple iWho .are prone -t to criticize. Holy
communion will be; celebrated, at 7 :30
and 9:30 a.' the school also meeting
at the later hour. A speciaj school for
the little ones is held at the, same hour
at the morning; service. .The church; is
open -daily. - The rector . invites all to
Last Service of A
; Summer Js Sunday
The Portland' Society - of the New
Christian church will ; hold . Its closingw
wrrree xor me i summer Sunday when
the : Bev, William R.- Reece will apeak
upon the. subject ."Where God Is, and
now to .xjome xear to Him. The morn
ing aervice k will" be followed ' by the
Lord's supper. In the evenlne Rev.
Reece will speak to the Ballston Kew
Church i society. - Fall . service . will be
resumed September 14.
Christian Life Is :
Safest and Soundest
tr.- Joshua Stansfield ' Of the ; First
Methodist church in his sermon .Sunday
morning will endeavor to show that the
Christian path and philosophy of life .Is
the, soundest, safest and best. The eve
ning sermon will be a consideration and
study of -one of the fascinating stories
Of the - early Old Testament scriptures.
Mrs. Miles D. Warren will be the soloist
for the day. ",
. , Srnfccs on Sunday
VThe First" Divine Science churchwill
hold services In the t Woodmen , temple,
12& Eleventh street, three - times- Sun
day, i -At -10 :46 - a.- m.,i the Rev. T. ' M.
Mlnard ; and the Rev. - Thomas - Parker
Boyd wilt speak. At 1 p. nw-Mr. Boyd
and the Rev. A, C.' Grier of Spokane
wiu preach.; The evenings service will
be at &. p. m. The Rev.-Mr. Grier -will
P"ch at the Realisation League, llt
Fifth street, at 11 a. m.
- " - T ' ' i3t 1 -rt- y- " ' '
' " Orricers Are . Elected ; ,t : J
At the last meeting of the, state ex
ecuUve committee of the Oregon Sunday
School association' the following persona
were elected as a board of trustees:
Charles A. Rice, chairman ; Miss GeorgU
Parker, Dr. J. Earl Else. Rev. Ward
w. juacHenry, R. n. Parks; G. Col
ton. ,Aj A Morse, EUton Shaw; Charles
A. Staver and. Harold F. Humbert. This
Doara'wm be the 'business" committee
of the association. '
inaugurate . :;3iikily lacatioii
Dr VV Ti McEIve6n ofManKat
tan Congregational) to S peak
Sunday at 1st Congregational.' :
i Dr.' W.- T. McElveen, pastor of the
Manhattan Congregational church of
New York " city, will 'preach twice
Sunday ' at the First Congregational
church here.' Dr. McElveen will dis
cuss the subject of patience in his
morning - address. Before entering
the ministry' Dr. 'MTcElveen'; was' ?a
newspaper ' man,- having spent ' sev
eral years as a reporter and space
writer on the 'New .York 'Herald. ':
He has held two , pastorates In New
York 'city,; each 20 years? apart. "After
graduating from the University Of New
York and. the1 Union -Theological semin
ary, he stayed at the latter Institution
until a more suitable building was con
structed, after'whlch' he '-''was 'asked by
leaders of the denomination to combine
two Congregational churches In- Brook
lyn. This United Congregational church
was the church, from, which Dr. Luther
R. Dyott came to Portland, t -
Hs was next called to the pastorate of
the Shawmut church In Boston. At the
time he assumed ? this pastorate . the
church ' was accustomed to dose two
months each summer but. he Insisted
that it should always be open, ' so it
came to be an everyday church. Dr.
McElveen stayed In Boston 10 years. He
was the teacher of the teachers training
class.1' which had an average attendance
of 900 every Sunday afternoon. '
Dr McElveen next responded to a call
from 'Evanston; III.. : where he built up
a. -church of, 1000 members. ' There, he
was president of the board of education,
president - of , the Congregational School
for Women.' and president of the Congre
gational State conference of Illinois.
Two years ago he went to the Manhat
tan church. -i This ' church has the dis
tinction of having, the largest and most
successful sailors' and '.soldiers, - club
In the state. - In tthe - first year, of .its
llfe'lt" ministered 'to over 60,000 service
men: It bathed them; and - canteened
them,", furnished rooms f for; 100 every
night, held ? two. dances t a week - and
maintained .classes in-'-French, first-aid
and European, history.) Dr. MoElveen
also, conducted a weekly, current events
class In which the soldiers and sailors
were Instructed as to gthe significance
of contemporaneous events. - ,
i . Judoe Derr , to Speak
Judge W. S. T. ; Demof Vancouver
will address the Congregation of Our
Savior's Lutheran church at 11 o'clock
Sunday. Mr. Derr.bas . fort years been
prominent in .Sunday school and church
work In Lutheran circles He Is presi
dent of the Associated Luther league and
secretary of the Clarke County Lutheran
Fourth Sunday "KFter Trinity.
Uniform Sunday Seboot JLesson
- "Bptim." Matt. 28:l-20i Acta. 8:4-4o.
Oolden Text: "For M nuny at rpe , wr
twptlxed into Chrirt did mt on ChrUt- OaL
S-JS7. :'; . ,
Younn People Topic
Baptist TTnkm: "Our Tnomlntlonal HhrtofJ
and ltteelplen." Pa 44:1-8. f - . -
Chrboaa Ends tot: "Our Denominatiowal
HLitorr and Principle. Pi. 44 :l-8. Ma be led
b,pwrth Lcasue: 1 'The ' CnrinHan sad 'His
RMivatioD." Matt. -10; John 2:1-11;
21:1-14. .;- . " - -
Flret White Tempi, 12t and Taylor Be.
William A.. Waldo. 11. "Thm Chriatiaa Shrina";
8, "The Seaaiae Followera." f ; - '
Eat- Bid fC 20th and SaWJoo Brr. W.
B. Huvon. Bv. II. T. Cut UMoUta 11.
'Doa- ntth End AnfJ 8., "Haw I Should
L&e to.Pi.." r
. Third yaneouver and Knott Kt. Webtoy.
3. wn. 11, "The nndtaeooraeeable God J
7:80. "The Aim of Ood's- Callins." . ii
ArleU Be. Owea.T. Day. 11,. ' -
CalTarr "to and Grant R l. E.
Thornaa. 11. The Gopl of Chrixt: What It
U; What It Can Dt"; 8. 'Getttnc Bid of God."
-i Glencoe E. 48th and Meln Re. F. C
LasletU. Hi acnnoii by Dr. A. M. Petty; T:46.
"Tho All Ineloaion lift V' i J ,1
Sellwmd Betnaay HeT. T. J. Broomfield.
ii. T:80. ; . .;.-;.
Grace E. IStn ana asn. . mt. ma mmnr.
actinc paMor. - 11. "What Doee It Mean to it
a Real Christian f: 8 "The Ufa Sised Flctaro
of a Happy Man." , " -
linnri)ty raw ? nwr o-- y .
11 8. ' ' i" V -i i : ! t- :
Swedtob 18th sod Boyt Bat. T. O. SJolsr-
dr. - 10:80. T:S0. ..f- l v .y' :
St. Jobna Bar. E4r nanon.
HiahUnd E- 6th end Albert T. W. T.
MQikaa. 11. ."By Product oa Ufo'a Hishway,"
by Ker. F. C Laalette. . . : ....
8t Peten -testi Bev. P. Butc f t.
10:30. f :0. - ' - - ' ' V -
- rre-Catbedral 15th and Davb Bev. : B. T.
CTHara. S. T:1S. 8:8. 8:48. 11. Tt4S.
- 8t. Law ramie 1 8d and BlMtimm, Ker. J. O.
Bucbav . S. S:0. le SO. 7:SO.. I
St. yraneia B. iztn arm run nav. j. u,
Bl!lu i 6. 8. 9. 10 JO. 70. ,. ?
Immtculat Heart of Mary WtOiarae sad
Stanton Berj W. A. Daly, . 8, , 11, T:10.
Hnly- Boaary E. Sd and Ctapaamaa Bev. X.
S. Obon. - S. 7. 8. 11. 7:S0. i ,
Bit. Bo E SSd and a limed Bn. J.
O'FarrelL- S. 10:SO. 4. - t v
BC . Aodmra fs. tn ana AitMrta Ha. 4.
Sienian. 8. lJ0.7:a . , ,
The. Madeleine EL 24th and Slskiyoa Rn.
Ceorse V- Thompson. 7:80, S. 11.
AiceaatoB B. T8th and XamaiU Franebcaa
gatber. 8. 10:SO. 7-.S0. .
Blened Baerameat aaaryiana and iJiandena
Be. K. W. Black.; S. 10 40. 7:8ft. .
Holy Croes 7T4 Bowdoln Bt. C Barsioad.
B. 10:80. 7:80.
L ; St., Uaathn 8220 .48d at. 8. E. Jesnft
ITathera. o:su. o, iv.av. a.
St. etepbena K. 4 2d and Tayld Bev. War
ren A. Waitt. S. 8 :80. 10 :80. 7 JO.
- Holy Bedenw Portland nlvd. and Vanena,
tt are. Bev. 'UUam X Devise. a. leO.
U Phfllip Nerl 'fPaalit raUien) C'r ltk
sad Hickory Bey.: W. J. Cartwricbt, .-. T:0.
. 100. 7:30.
Bt .Clement- SV. Smith aa, and Kenton
Serbrt rather.' 8. 10:SO. 7:80.
Baered Heart K. 1 1U and Ceettae BT. .
Bob. 8. 10:SO. 7;S0.
8t " Atatba B. 15th and Miller Ber. J.
Comjatrtftky. 8. 10 7:80. . , , . .
. St. Staalslaoi ( Poliab ) Maryland and- raO
Int Be, r. Matthew. S. IS: 80, 7 '10.
8t - Jeaepa. lUerman) lBth 'and rawili '
Be. B. Dnrrer. , 8. . 10 :80. 7 40. :
. SU Michael (Italian) (th and Mill Bar.
Ii Baleaua. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80. -
BU Clares Capitol Mill i ather Capiatraa.
a u.: s. iO:io. .
8L Chart K.V SSd end Alberta Be. J.
(. U'riyna. 9. lb:80.
- Ail Sainta Bs. atb and GUaan He, rather
William Ctonia. 8. 10:80. 1
- St. Patrick lth and 8 Tier Re. Charlea
M. Smith. -( H 8-30. 8. 8:15. 10:80. 1:48.
.. ' - -. enrteuan 1
' Firrt Paitf and Columtn Rr. 'BaroM H.
Griff ia. -11. aennoa by Frederiek W. Burnham
of Cincinnati; 7:46, "The gee mine Unreality of
the - Spiritual Life, ' i '
- E Aid t l2th and Taylor Be. B. B.
Sawyers -' 11-8. 'X;; ' h ; , -.
Rodney AfenneRodaey and Knott. 11, 8.
tontaHla H. 70th and bltnn Key. Bn
bert B. ttyder. ll. 13V
. , Waadlawn E. 7 th and Liberty Be. Jeeepb
D.-Byd. 11. 8. . - .
Vernon 15th anj . Wycant Be. B.
Tibba Maxty. 11. 730. , f
Christ "an Scleoee ' t
i Lesson. Subject: - VcameJlt,,. , ' , .
in Portland August 111 to 22. when the Multnomah County Sunday
School association, in conjunction with the state association, opfns
-. the dally vacation Bible school.. The definite meeting place has not
been announced, but the school will .probably be held in a church fn the St,
Johns, district, Charles A. Staver, president! of thd county Association, .an
nounced. -The St. Johns Sunday school workers have pledged to see that
a good daily attendance is secured, so
; jThe plan has' proven a success , in ,
other" states,. an4 if. it proves the same
here, next summer will see several of
these , schools In " dregon. " Charles A.
Rice , of x the school -board is intensely
Interested1 in . this - summer educational
plan, and it" Is through his efforts .that
the present - school is being r organised.
For -several years Mr. Rice has , been
prominently" - connected v with Sunday
school work; and -In - this capacity - he
realized the need for a Bilbe school out
side of the regular-Sunday morning
classes.- Should the newly organized
Portland Federation of 'Churches be In.
good working order, by -next summer, the
Sunday School association may. ask, them
to cooperate in the work so .that, several
schools might be established in various
parts of the City. " 1? i ;-'";
"The daily vacation' Bible school will
be a r summer school of religious i in
struction." said Harold F. Humbert, sec
retary of the state-association. "Ses
sions aVe to be held from' a. m.-until
neon.' the; five school days of the week.
Graded Bible instruction will be given,
emphasis being laid t on expressional
work such as sand, work. Chorus . sing
ing dramatization of . Bible stories nd
recreational features." .
.vlir.. Humbert haa been chosen prin
cipal of the first school. ..The Instructors
who are to, assist: him are : Miss Violet
Johnson. Miss Georgia Parker, Miss Bere
nice Adams and. Miss Vera Fuller.' Rev.
A." P Layton, pastor :of the-St James
United - Evangelical -church, is chairman
of the local committee. , " .
Realizing the, importance f education
in the' life of Its young people at the
time the. vacation Bible school -was first
discussed, the Oregon Sunday school de
cided to form an educational - policy,
which ; was adopted ' at' one of their re
Summer Vespers to :
' - '- "" ' '
'During July a series of summer ves
pers Is being.- condacted at the High
land Congregational ' church by the pas
tor, the Rev.. Edward Constant. f The
purpose is to provide a short service at
the close of the summer day wblcb will
Firat lth and EVerett. 11. .
- Itveond B. th and Hntfaday. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. - 11. ,
- Fourth Vanoonrer are. and Eraeraon. 11. .
nrthr-2d and 4 2d are . . 11.
Sixth Maaonie Temph. 888 Yamhill. 11. 8.
Serentb Holbrook block. St. John. 11. -All
eharehee Wedneaday, 8 B. no.
" - ' Oowsrtlenel -i: -;'; :
firat Park and Madiaon. Preaehins by Dr.
W. T.-MeEUeeo. ' 11.- Th PerfecUn Power
of Patience"; 7:45. ''KaowincGod and Doins
Exphaita"- ; - -'. : ; - i. ,; - - ' , v
' - Snnnyaida E. ' 3 2d and ' Taylor Re, i. J.
Staob. 11. "Tho Fnllnea of Cbriat Our Aaanr
aaoe": 8. "The World's Great Liberator"; mo
tion picture. , t . . r
' Atkinaon Memonal tS. 80th and Everett,
fie.' E. Ei. Flint. " 11, "Tho ConrerMon, of
Creeds"; S, "Th Bish Coat of' Lirinc and th
Miuer Cot of Dying." . - - . .... -
- - Highland E. 6th and Pieaewtt ' R.'- Edward
Conatent. 11. "A CaU for Counts"; 8. aum
mer apem. "A .MirTor of God-'V -
- Wanrley. Heisnta & ,88d and Woodward
Rev.-OUer P. Avery. 11. "Th .Tritunphaat
ircu-; 8. Th Biht to Baeom.' V .
Aaorelwood 40th. ava. and aU at. S, E
Ura Alio It. Handmker. - 1L
- - filsrim Mieeeuri and Sbavee. , Be.: Robert
Murray Pratt. 11, "Where There la lfo Viaioo,
th Peopl Perish.'' by Be. William H. Meyer;
7:48, meetins for men,, with movies and music
tlnahih. Mnmon 107 eaidmor Be. Bara
acl Nevahv i 0. 7:80. V " ;.--
- Cnlvenity Park Haven sod Lombard Bev.
C H.-Johaton.. 11. 8. - -:---.
- .St John S. Ivaaho and BlchmoBd Bev.
J, T. Merrill. 11. 7:80. . , : . -
Daaab-Norweaian K. ZSd and Sumner
Be. On Tort en. lVTM. - - -
First -German E.'r Tth and Stantoa Bv.
Geors Zocher. IX. 730.
Second- Germaa E. - Htli end akldmor Itev.
Henry Uacclsana, : 11. 730.
' Zioa German E. 9U - and Fremoat Bv.
J.. H. Hoppi -11, 7:80.. Vi ,:'...,-.. , -:....
rarareee Me. xyjJt tlolTman. Jl,
'.'..-..f,-1 ; -.-,v--'K' :- .-; ttunkard' --
' Church ' of the ' Brethren -orth wick - and
Brainaxd Be v. -Gor C Carl. - 11, 8. - ,
; .'' tsiatopM
- Pro-Cathedral I lit, Stephen the Martyr
IStaand Clay Bt. He v. W. T.- Sumner, biibop.
Very Bv. T. T. Hick, dean. 11. 7:45.
'trinity lUi awl Aivcreta K. A. a. If op
rison. - . 11. "Bliioii Mow";; 8.."Thina ya-
St. Da vida E. 12th and Belmont -J- Be.
Thornaa Jeoklni, "rector. 7:80, communion; 9:80,
Khool; 11, "Prix shtera'' j 8, "x-eopl Who
Criticise."- -- -.v ; .
St. Mark 31t and Marbah Be. J. O.
Hatton. 730. :4. ,11, a.
St- - Andrew UoreforU at. Portamoath ,
ArehdeaoDa Chamben ia charsa 8. 11, 730.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Bev.
Oswalt W. Taylor. 8, 11. ; ----A
Good Bhephero Vancouver and , Graham
Bev. John ltawaoa. llr, 8; - - -
St. Michael and All , Ahaeie E. "48d and
Broadway Her. , T. F. - Bo wen, - vicar. 8, -1 0,
11. 5. ; ' - - " . ' - -
Church' f Our Savior- 80th ava. and diet
at, -8. 1C He. -E. H. ' Clark., vicar. ."7:80.- 11.
Biahos Mania Memorial trood : - Samaritan
hospital Be. Frederick K. 'Howard. 7. 8 :80.
b al Woodiawre Be. .wJ4 W. Tay-
AU saints zaut ana B.vter Re. Frederie
K Howard, f lO. 11. - J - s -
SU John Memorial E. lith and Barney,
BeUwood. Bev.. H. Clark m chart. 11, 730.
St. Mathewa Corbctt sad Bahcroit Kat.
tf. A. M.. Brack, vicar. 10. 1. -..
-? avanfllcei ' .
FbwkE. 8h and Market Bey. gt jx Bonv
achach. 11. 730.-. -
Careoe iieiebu Bth and Bam Bev. F. M.
Ftober. , 10:0. 11:80. -- i .--:.
- Clay . Street 10th -and lClay Bev. Jacob
Stacker. - 10:45 "(German), "The Christian in
th World but Not of the World; 8 ttngllah),
"The Church of God." - ........
.. ' " ' ' "Fre 'MetKotffat '" '"
Central E. afith -and Flandera Bev." E.' L
Barrincton. 11. 7 30. . . . - - .
Firat E.' 8th and Mill B. .8.-H. IJptoa.
11. 7 30.- " -- . .
.- Alberta E. 80th and Wyaant Re. -Alex
Bm. 11, "Th World Criaia and th Cburcb a
Mhnana": 730..
St. John East Richmond and Hudson Kav.
E. U. Blackmaa. 11.7:80. '
Lenta Be. 8. -. H. Uptoa, actinc pmtiot.
1 Fkrat E.1 SStb. and lasin Bv. Home I
Cox. 11. 8. , t .
4.-f'fe: - '.)- -' S-' :
;! Cfcncreeatioa Beth Israel 12th and Main
Bahbi .Jonah .B. -Wia Befona aynaasea.
guvioea. Friday 8 p. m., Saturday 1038 a aa
i Concreeation Abavta bhoiem taxh aad Clay
em. Rahot B.- Atrahamaon. Friday. 8 ya. xmVf
Saturday. 3 a..nv-
Coacresatioa Isavah ' Zadeek Talmud Torab
8th and HU Be. Abraham I Boaeneraata,
Friday. 8 p. m.; Saturday. a. aa.; Sunday, is
a.- m., raUsiOus arhooL - .-
L...-.- Oaf Selnte
. Church of J ruaChriat of Latter 'Day Salata
ailv: : n
they will be given the first school.
cent business meetings, ; The state policy
follows:-- ' -- . v - 4
i XI) Public school "credits for . Sunday
school; work ? measuring up to the re
Quired ; educational " standards of . the
state course and Bible study. ;?' ; , t
t (2) Teacher training courses for" pres-'
ent teachers and for those preparing to
teach. We strongly recommend thatsev
ery Sunday school worker take his own
denominational teacher , training course.
(3) Missionary education in the Sun
day school promoted - by a- missionary
superintendent and r committee, giving
systematlo graded instruction, and. pre
senting : definite Opportunities for . mis
sionary activities, all to be In accord
ance with ' any denominational ' plan ;
also, .cooperation with the entire church
in establishment of a" church school of
missions. . L '.,
1 (4) Vital temperance matters present
ed? particularly, during this period of
ratification -of the--prohibition amend
ment ; to the constitution ;. also, promo
tion of the anti-cigarette campaign, asH
well, as general sane and healthful man
ners of living. -
5) Community training schools to
train: county and district' officers,- as
well -. as leaders of teacher .training
classes, and to give courses for workers
from individual - schools. ; - ; -
(6) Schools of Sunday- i school princi
ples and methods In Important centers
through- the state. , - . . " - . .
' (j7) Promotion of the use of workers'
libraries: (a) Development of a refer
ence library at . association headquar
ters ; (b) Cooperation with the Orgeon
state library in-sending . out library seta.
' (8 Promotion of a reading course,
which shall entitle the one who com
pletes it to : a training for leadership
certnlcate. .... -;
(9) Establishment of dally vacation
Bible .schools. : ;:-.
be quieting and refreshing and which
appeals to. the worshipful Instinct. '
, db ,
Will Speak at Highland : v
The Rev. F. C. Laslette, pastor of the
Glencoe Baptist' church, will occupy the
pulpit of the Highland Baptist church
Sunday morning, - returning to his .own
church for the . evening service. The
morning service aK the Glencoe church
will be In charge of Dr. A. M. Petty.
E. ' 2Bth and Madison r Heber C ' Ivenoa,
mavion preaidentr lO. 7 :se.
St Jamee ' ff. - Park and Jafferaoa Baa.
Wm. E. Brlnkman. 11, 730.. . s
-. St. , Paula K 13th and Clinton Bav A
Kreua. 0:80. 10:80. '
- Oar Savior K. 10th and Grant B. ML
A. Chriatenseo. XX. addraaa Iry Jodf W. T.
Den- of Vancouver. .
Trinity Willia ma and Grahanv B. A
Betobnea.. 0:18. 10:80. 730.
Bethlehem Nnrweaian lath and Da via Be.
Wllhelm Pettenwn. U. S. ..-.-.
Grace. EngUih Maaon sad AlMna. Bev. C
H. Bernhard., 9-45. 11. l
Bethel Nonreklaa (Free) Wyaant sad Bod-
Bethany Danish EvaneaBeal Crdon aad Mor
ris Be-v. t P. -KiolleT. 11, 8. .-
St JohtM Peninsula and kflpatrtek Be. Xs,
Lodwis. 10:40. 730. . -
Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th aad Gliaaa
B. C. 3. Ledln. 11; 8:80, 7 30. .
s. Swedish Aucustana Stanton and ' TTodney
Rev. V. G. Osren. !Ov45. 7:48. ,
Im manual 19 th aad Irvine Bev. A. T. An
derson, ' -
r Trinity (Norwegian) Lovely and Fortune
Be.' 8. A. SUnaeth. 103O. .
)j WeUiadlat Kpaea
CestenarT E. Oth and Pin Be. 3. O.
BoUin. -1 1. "Worth Wail Attainments"; 8.
"A State-wide Proeram." -- v
Central VaacouTer and Fargo n Be. A. B.
Maeleaa 11. 8., -'. -
.CHnton Kelly E. 4 Oth and Pown . Be,
lohn Paraona. 11. 7:80.
Epworth 2 Ota sad Sevier Be. J. Btaafenf
Mopt. lit 8-.,,- --
First 1 2th and Taylor Re. Joshua Starts-
field. .1030.-"What I Tour LiM"; 8. "Th
Traeedy of th Stron." ,
First Norwegian jjantoh 18th and Hoyt
B. Kliaa r.erdinx. 11, .,,.' .
Garden Home Kav. A. B. Calder. 10:80.
7:45. ' - - i- -r :-.-;,;
Laurelwood 8L ,88d and Foot B. A. O.
Bmekentoary. 1 1, 7 :SO. i
- Lents Laden B., Jones. "-""It, T3.
Lincoln E. 6 2d and Llnoola. Bev. F. A
Gten. 11. : - " -:"- -
: MonUviU B. 80th and Pine Be. Blrasi
Gonld. 11. 8. .
Mt. Tabor E. lt and gurk. - Be. K. Oha
Eldridce. 11. "Friendshsp. That Abide"; 8,
-Th Power ot Beauty.-- - - , -
Rose City Park Bar. Bv Lester Ftelaa,
11. 7:80. . v . .,
SeUwood Bv, Tf. g. Gordon. 11. T:0.
: Sancrsids E. 85th and lamhill Bev. . W.
F. Ineson." 11. t:48. -
St- John W. Leavitt and Syracu te. A
H. Irvine. . - 11, 8.
- SwedUh Beech and Borthwlck Be. Abel
Ekrand. ' 11. 8. - :. - .
TJnlverelty Park Flak and Lombard Bev.
J. T. Abbott.' 11. "Th SlfPuncaBC ef the
Crnae'j S, -eacred coneert.
-- - Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid
more . and Vancouver. . - Bev. C 3. Byaninc
llv 8.. ; ""- -- . . y'
- Westmoreland Be. F. A. Glnn. 8.
Wilbur Mnrtnomah hotel Bev. Francis Bar-
geUe Short.. 10:80. .
Woodtcck K. 84th and " Woodstock Rev.
U O. Poor. 11. 8. (- v" - '
District euperintendent. Re.- wtniaaa-Wallae
Toancaoa, D. D.. 6S1 K, 2d at. N. Tabor 2780.
..--". '. ' M. B. South
" First TJnion and Multnomah- Be. Jam T.
French. 11. Sunday School Day; 8. "Ged'a Es
Umata.of Man," . ,
"--..-.."'- Haaareee . ; ; .
First E. " 1 0th and . v7ldlr iate. G.
rd Davis. 11. 730. - -
SeUwood E.'th and Spokane -Bev. "tVi
W. Heaa,- 11. ?:SO. ...
Brentwood Bth . and 8 7th at. Bv.
C U. Fowler. 11. 730. '--
Hlshland Park E. 14th and Btninayworth
Be, V"- I- Kawbanah. 11.. .: - , . . .. .
- Scandinavian Kc. ' . BindahL. 11.
T30. ,,., ,
.. , . tresaytr-ae i
First 12th and Alder Bev.' Joba H. Boyd.
Farewell aermona by th paster at 1030 and
Weetminster East 17th and' Bchuyle-r Be.
Edward H. Pence. 11, 8. i -
- Cwntrat E. Jtlkaat Fin,; Be. Ormad B.
Fvfvliinsj. . -'11, S. .
OalvarT-- 11th and Clay. 1030. 7:45.
praachinc by Bev. ' Warren H, Landon, D. D.,
of an Aaeelin. CaL ,
Mt. - Tabor B. ,65th aad Behsaont Be. Ward
MacHenry.. . 11. : - .
Vernon IStb and Wrsant Be. J. B Lands
barouah. - 11. 730. - - .
- Piedmont Cleveland and Jarre's Tie. A. It,
Hutchinson. 11.' 8 - - ' -
Fourth First and Gtbba Bev. Monro QV
rfanTwo-rth-B3' s", aad .GMdatoa Bay.
othBvwrwrt. 11.738.
- How, Viir lr. itobevt H Muhaaa. 11.
"Beat"; 8. "Joseph and Jacob.'
Forbes Graham and Oanunbeln Bev. Ward
Willi Lone. ll.'Treading Out the Corn"; 8.
"Persuadias Mett. . t . .i t .. .:.
BfsssMSesexsssBfBBasfSMBJSSJSJ hb -' ' '--
1 - -
President, Frederick W.t Burnham
of Cincinnati Will Occupy Pul
pit of First Christian Church.
Frederick ,W: 'Burnham ct Cincin
nati; Ohio, president of the American
Christian - Missionary ' society, '- the
home missionary board of the Dis
ciples of Christ, : will occupy the pul
pit, at-the First .Christian church on
Sunday, morning, at 11 o'clock. -
Mir. Burnham Is passing through Port
land on a tour f special state and dis
trict church' conventions in the .United
States , and Canada. A gifted speaker
as well as a , successful organizer, this
national officer and distinguished relig
ious leaaer wiu nave a; message mat
man disciples of the city will want to
hear. r r v-." ; -':U'i-Vv -; '-'-''"
At ; the same service the pastor,; the
Rev. i Harold H." Griff Is.; will announce
the . new subscriptions ' to the building
fun J received, by. the official canvassers
during the past i week. At SI :45 p. , m.
a special musical program will be ren
dered by the church quartette, .with a
short discourse' by the Rev. Mr. Griffls
on "The Seeming Unreality of the Spirit
ual Life." ' , . ,
- . k. - '. "
Former Pastor of ; :
Qalyary to Speak
', -Rev Warren H. IAndon, D. D., presi
dent -of the San Francisco -Theological
seminary . at -- San Ansellno. will, oocupy
his former pulpit at Calvary Presbyter
Ian church on- Sunday preaching both
morning and evening. His former par-.
Ishoners: and - friends are Invited to at
tend the services of the church, v -
. . - . . .-. SKt -- . -.-r-i .:
Bible School Will
. Be Held on Sunday
' '- '- -'; j ' --.;;;' f5" S-
v The Rodney-Avenue Christian' church
wlU bold Bible; school at 10 o'cldck Sun
day .morning," followed i by 1 sermon on
sacred music by Dr. Maude Bryan Mtx
ey at 1L o'clock.; Special music by. the
choir. No service In the evening on ac
count, of .Willamette Valley.. Chautau-
" Sunday School ;in Charge : -
. The Sunday school of-the First Meth
odist church. South; has a, well prepared
program which they will present at the
hour of the Sunday morning service in
the main 1 auditorium of ' the -- church.
Dr. James T. French, . pastor, - has given
way to the young folks. He will, preach
in the ' evening . on "Qod's Estimate of
Man." -t:;;::: - r-r'r. r'--
Trinity Virainia and Webraska . Tbea-
Dore P. . Rm'th. 11. 8. , ... - .
Anabal 11. 8. '
- - MiUard Avcnne Bet v7. Le Gray.' 11.
ln 1 Eint'i Absence"; 8. community tint in
Mount Seott Park, led by Professor J. A: Hol
Uncawarth.i . Patriotio add rex by tho partor.
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Bv. A.
J. Hanna. 11. . , . - -, " ..i- -,
Mhtpah E. 19th and Division. 11, 8. .
' venth Day ftevema -
Not Reraiar service of this don nmlna tins
ar held on Saturday. -
Central E. 11th and Ewrett L B. Wek
Son. paator.-- 10. Ilsl5. v
Tabernacle 6th end Montgomery E. . H.
Emmeraon. minister. ' 11.
- M on ta villa E. 80th sad Everett Elder J.
A. Gerbart. 10. 11. - -
Lenta 04th at., aad 88th ava. Elder W. XX
Huntington. .10. 11. i - .
- St. Johns Contml - are. and ' Charleston
Elder A. B. Folkenberg. 10,11.'
Aibtaa Hfcwtsaer and maiiery saner A, a.
Vmr In .11
ScandiaaTiasi 050 Alberta Elder O. S. Lee.
iff, 11. - - ' -
- Corps No., 1248 Ash at. Adjutant Frank
Urns. 11. -8:lS,8.
Corpe No.- 4 138 H ; 1st-
Iiarriaon. Temporarily -closed
din taut . Joseph
m - aceount .- ol
nra. ,-: ' -..:-,; . ; . . - ..
t TgmnmmmfssmsfSBBBs
' Krnt Chureh Moc&mtv Sal Jmttmcm R-rf,
WniiAm Riwml 10:49. "Whtft Ood Is, Horn
A - In . g V aA 1t.a Ula Vnlaa
W 8As's'IVByMrvU gum, AlfW t, Vw ar-ws
, . Unltenea. - -Chhmh
af Onv' Father Broadway and Tam-
hm. -Be. G. Eliot Jr. ll.'"Th ConUgton of
Faith." . ;
VrHt) aTMwUtrati
'' Copferanc anpeclntsnoenV' Be. O. X. M"
Donakl.. . .,
sTjeaS r 1 Sth aas If nsrlsoaa B. BvToa J.
Clark. '11 "Th Drpartar of th Church";
8. "Esctp for Thy Ue." ,
Second B. ' 27 th and Sumner. Bev. Irs
Hawley. .11. "Good Deads Ar Always Reward
ed ; Jewaa Said So": 8, "Th B No Afraid'
From th Lord I Sufficient. '! '
. Third -e Tth t and S2d ava 8. XL Bev. Ts.
O Shepherd. 11, "Tb Fbllomsth College Fhr-
smrrl (Jaapajgiur ' Vf . v, i nnnuosry.
7:45. "Seek. I Shall Find." --
Fourth Tremont Be. C. P. ' Blanjhatd.
11. ''Th Preacher to th Bib! Who Took a
Vacation''; 7:8. "Th FhUomath Ooileaw Foe-
wart Campaign," ny ev. t. i . vr oiiutr, . -
. St. Johns 148 Jeasup Be.( Walter B
aold; . 11. 8. : . , ' . .. .. .
: '". Unit Csseeallcal -'-
lvrst W. 18th and Poplar Bev. J. , A
Good. 11, 8. ; 1 '
- Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Be. H. IL,Farnham.. 11. 730.
St. Johns Bev. A. P. Layton. 11,. 7:45.
r- - ; UnKed rVaabylarieM
f Fnvtat,87th and Hawthorne Bay. H. TT.
Given. 10:80. 7 30. ' - - -
Cimreh-at th Stranger Grand and Waaeo
Rt. S. Eari Da Bote. - 1030. "For My Sakav"
a communion mediation; 8. "Th Cuarm, of
Kenton 124 ' Wast Lombard Err. George
W. Taylor. . 11 "Th Coming Together -f Dry
Bona"; 7:40, "A Countryman Sound th Key.
rut Speech."
Christian ' and Missionary Alliance B.
and CI
-Be. John av ra.
10. 11; Tuesday.
7-4R- frrida- 2 :SV -
BaVlSaUon sUagno 188 8th Be. H. Ed-
ward V'" .- 11. "FOOdamaatAm Of US TBto,"
by Be. A. C. .".'-' ;, ' . i '
Chriatedelphian 421 E. Waahlngton. 1030.
Church of God 8, Fallln . -Harry KaaL
11 730.-- " - - - t'r- - - - rf-. - r -
Gospel Hall B. 20th and Stark.
liea'a JUaort 4th and Barnawla Bay. Lovl
'iSvS; SSSSord bendinr-Ber. TJ M.
U'juJ!lti A.h -uOdias.
II. 8. "Secret f IJemotsstrarion."
rautauuetal Firsf arrd Waahington Bev.
Will C Trotter. . - Sriees at Camp ground.
East Fifty ascend street end Powell sjay road.
"ihi Tk?Uig IPentacoatal Mission ) 240 U '
let. 2. 8. 7 30 weak days except Monday and
Saturday. 8 n. a.
Fenteoostal cburell IS. 20th sad Ankeny m
A' W. Smith,- 11, 8, 8. -
Totantser of America Mttsdoa -224 Bornsid
Meeting-every evenias except Monday at 8
ecloek. and Sunday. 8 p. m. ' i .
First Spirttualiaa E. 7th aad Hasealo Bev.
A, Seott Bledso. I. 7:45. , -
Second bpuitoalist . AXUky HH ; Bar.
Max Hoffman. 8. 8. , - -
Calvary Temple BL 4tb .and Broadway
B.Dawsoa MaoCaDonsh. 1030. 230. .. -
-orUand Lccieata (Chrlstedelyhians) 1S7
Belmont George H. Tilling. aeeveUry, 11. -
Panic! Mission 288 First. -8. 8. - Servicea
each night il I. - - -
.r-hnrrh of ChrastW-E. 7frth and Glisatu .
"Tho Two Covenants." by Ira . 8., .Buchanan;
T-ao - ' - -
'spiritual Church of Eternal Light-1840 Di
visionlie. .May Am tncc . p. nt.
J&o Conduct Course
3J3ibTe eStudy
1- : .' S
V-t-i-tt an--aB
-! ur. Miss Evans -
- - - . i
One of the leading- figures during- the
lecture hours of the annual Oregon
Presbyterian synod to be held at Eugene
Airing the next week .is the Rev. Silas
Evans. D. D., ' president of Occidental
college. " Los Angeiea Dr. Evans will
have charge of the morning Bible study
classes which meet from t :30 to 10 :15 a.
m.. during the nine-day - session of the
synod, from July 15 to 23. He Is con
sidered ' an expert in this branch - of
church work.
Other- prominent churchmen who are
to beon the. program are the noted
evangelist. "Billy" Sunday, Dr. Edgar
P. HUl, general secretary of the board
of education of. the Presbyterian church ;
the- Rev. W R, King, secreUry of the
western office , of the home : mission
board ; he Rev. W..H. Landon, presi
dent of San Francisco Theological semi
nary i the .Rev,, W.;E.i Ftnley- of New
York: of the country, life department of
the home mission board; the Rev. W. T.
Johnson of San Francisco, coast repre
sentative of the foreign- mission' board ;
the Jtev, a.lC Fracker of r Kansas City,
member of the Sunday school board of
the. church, and the Rev. James H.
Speer.of San Francisco, coast secretary
of the New Era movement
Short business sessions will' be held
each afternoon at. 130. followed by a
two-hour period of recreation. The lec
ture classes of the church will be held
In connection with the.summer schodt of
the- University f Oregon.' ... . -
Abbetts Will Give
Concert on Sunday
' -' eaamawasaa-emawsnaaspwassa ' " '
The "Abbetts' will give a sacred concert-
Sunday evening at the - University
Park Methodist church.-Dr. J. T. Abbett
being pastor of the church. Vocal and
Instrumental numbers will be siren by
the following persons: .Mr.. and Mrs. J.
C. Abbett, Ht. Earl R. Abbott. Sergeant
Ferris W. Abbett, Drv and AMrs. W. C
Adams 'and .little MUs EH xabeth Hor-
nung. The pastor will . preach at 11
a.,m. . ' - - ;-. ..- .I-.
Pastor WUl Take . ;
: Vacation in August
" At the Church of Our Father, Broad
way at Tamhiil. this Sunday, at-. It iA.
m.. Rev. William O. Eliot Jr will speak
on 'The Contagion of Faith.? -The eve
ning forum and Sunday school are Intermitted.--
. Mr. Eliot' expects - to be
away In August; when his pulpit will be
supplied by others. - . . , ;
James E. Swing Will
Lecture Tomorrow
' k - ' ,
At the . First ' Presbyterian Sunday
school tomorrow there will be an Illus
trated lecture given by James F. Ewlng
on . mission.; work - In Slam. These lectures-are
arousing -Interest In missions
among the mem bare .of the school. Vis
itors are welcome. v
First Congregational
vCHttrch , .
" - TAVK ! Alf D 3ffjLDISO?f STS
Rev; Wm.T. McErvcei.
of yewTrt
lllOO A. St.
Ttte Perfecting .Power of
, . ta.
7i48 F. 8f.
'-Knowing God and Doing
' : Exploit :, ;.v. ,.- .
If yea did sot hear Dr. McElveen last -
Sunday yon will take advaaUf t
"' ttaia opportunity to do aa, . ;
Stranear In th tty ere aaeslally lavHW I
Wrrtls With Us. - Soi nst ay eraanlat
. and euartM at bt aervloe. , ., -
' Rev. Joshua Stansfield,
D.D. . "
, . 8T0Tu.
r ? 1888 A. M. SEKMOK OX
j LIFE?"
. 8 T. X SEUSIOjr OX
the special feoloist ef the Hay.,
- '' mmmmmmmMmmmammmmmmmmmmm
Half Million Dollars Necessary to
Cdmplete Amount Which- De
nomination Set Out to Raise.
Necessity for Obtaining Full
Amount Is to Secure Gift of
$2,000,000 From Rockefeller.
. A final effort to raise $500,000."'
the. balance needed to make the ru- :
tlonal' $6,QOO,000 Victory, compaign
oomplete. will be made Sunday in
the Baptist- churches of the nation. V
Oregon's share In tnis final drive Is
about 15000 of which Portland Is to
raise one-half.
The reason the denomination is so
determined to reach the $6,000,009
figure is that John p. Rockefeller
has" stipulated that he will give the
church $1,000,000 for foreign mission
work and a similar amount for home
mission work If they can collect th
fund in cash by the end pf this
year. T- -.. - - :.. v ; '
: Mr, Rockefeller made this announce
ment during the recent session of the
Northwest Baptist convention. The 35
representatives from Oregon agreed to
assume responsibility for the raising of
$5000 additional. The national quota
figures that 40 cents per member. State j
Director Harley llallgren said. -
The same committee which directed'
the drive In March will direct this cam
paign. The Rev. F. C. Laslette, pastor.
ot the Glencoe Baptist church, is direct-
or of the Willamette association, which
Includes Portland. Mrs. 4. W. Camp- j
bell of McMlnnville is director of the '
West Willamette association, and II. K. !
Hewitt of Salem of thwCentral associa
tion....:-. -
The drive was presented to the White
Temple last Sunday by Dr. William A.
Waldo, when $450 was pledged, this 1-e-ing
$50 more than was asked of the
church. Mr. Hallgren also received a
check for $184 from the little church at
Carlton. ! The committee has other
pledges on hand which will bring the
total to over $1000.
. I
Famous Incident in
Lincoln's Life Shown
: Under the tremendous . impreanlon
made upon Lincoln when for the firat
time he witnessed the horrors of a slave
auction, he was heard to exclaim : "If
ever 1 get a chance to bit slavery. Il
hit It hard. His chance came at th
time of the Civil war and his blow put
It out of existence forever. This famous
Incident will be shown In an Inspiring
motion picture 8unday evening at the
8unnystde - Congregational church. lr.
J. J. Staub will deliver an appropriate
sermon. .
; I
Dr. Hinson Finds
Interest Unabated
' In spite of he hot weather Dr. W. B.
Hinson reports that there ,1s no slacken
ing ef Interest In .the engagements of
his church, the spiritual .seal being
maintained ' at Its former level. Dr.
Hinson will preach at both .services
Sunday at the East Side Baptist church.
He .will also preach at 1 ;30 p. m. at the
Gladstone Chautauqua, and from 10 to
11 a. m. each day during the comini
week. ' . - :.-'
First Presbyterian Ckrcli
1 - rfAUABO a.T8r Aft
A W SS av.
18il8 AKI Ixii
D. D.
Illustrated lrars
la Sunday Sctaool
at 12:15
Rev. Warren H.
Landon, D.D.
San Francisco
. Seminary
'--:-''- -.
Calvary Prccb:
terin CI:::r
erricei 13::i A. ?r. an. I ",iV, V,
i r