' V y THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1919. U -4 At . s ACTOMOBILES ATfD ACCESSORIES 44 SPECIAL, BAKU A IIS S 1918 Kuiok Sis tearing eaxv ' -191T Maxwell touring car, repainted. .; 1918 Maxwell too ring ear. repainted. 1916 Ford touring, repainted, EPPLE. ' . 60-83 N. 20th at., West Side, near Wash. TRUCKS AKD TRACTORS 81 FOUR" BARGAINS 2-TON GABY, completely . - eer heated and in A-l shape; Urea praenV eally new. equipped with cap. presto-nte mad platform body; This track to an ex cellant bay far '200: liberal Ursa to reliable psrtie ; ; S-TOW OAVT, prectJesriy new. Thto track baa not been drives over 60O mi lm. and te the beat bus to town at 82800. - v. ----- :. -.r ' . ---"v.-r 8-TON REO. mod eendlrkva. equipped with delivery - body, top curtains sad Start Usbta, ST00. ' at -TON O. 1C O.. toad condition, eeuipped with !t brand new Urea, deli Terr ' bed, top and Presto bants. 9700. GARY COAST AGENCY '-" 71 Broadway Fbene Bdwy. 2162. , Portland, Or. USED '-TRUCKS' 1 Federal one-ton true ,..,..3700 1 1918 Ford truck, chain drive 700 1 track ,i .. ,,'.',.,,....... - 52 1 truck . w ;,..,...... 350 3 ford light deli verve. J trucks. ...v.. ........ t.. LOOK THEM OVER GOOD BUYS. 230 Rusfal igfot& Penney, Inc - Authorised Ford Dealers. , ' J 863 EastBroadway. City. . Phones X. SOS. East S6T. C-1B61. work fob TomtEUf ' 1 have- an A-I trucking proposition for you. Steady work the year round: 8800 will hand!. For further information see BsrUett, 823 Aider. Phone Broadway 282. i "' " QOINQ;AWAY Aa I am leaving Portland must sell 1 H -ton truck at ' one. 8500 cash, balance on easy terms. B-280, J0CRXAU KEBCHVT FEDERALS Four lf'i -ton rebuilt Federals, all in A-l ondition and priced at a figure to enable the buyer to earn a handsome profit. Easy, terms. WM. U HUGH80N CO. . 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Broadway 821. - t FEDERAL DISTRIBUTORS. 6NE-ton track, new. . Must sell at once for V of cost. - - ' ". B30 Alder St. lif FORD 1-ton truck. 3423. 254 Broadway. Main 1860. WANtEI Job for a 8 H ton new truck , a witn trailer or wiuirai 833 Mallory ave. FOR SALE 2-ton track with work, price 811 00. Phone Main6361 AUTOMOBILES "WAlTTEDr 7S IF YOU WANT' CAS Si : For Your " AUTOMOBILE '--'. BRING IT TO US WE HATB THE LARGEST UST OF BUYERS ' AND , TU S BEST LOCATION ' IN PORTLAND I IE PORTtMB ; USED S The Biggest and Busiest , Corner on Broadway, at Burnside sn Sundays and -Evenings Phone Broadway 616 ' WE PAT CASH for used ears. Be aura to see us before selling your ear. BUTLER & WOOD "SELLING USED CABS" 38T at. Burnside. at approach of Burnside bridge. - . DONT SACBIFICE TOUB CAB Conley'a Used Car Canter sella them ea time , . you receive cah. - 127 LOWNSDALE , Southwest corner 1 5th -and Washington. : - y ; WE PAY CASH FOR LATE MODEL CABS USED CAB EXCHANGE - 627 WASHINGTON '; Phone Broadway 1882 . - - WANTED Light autoaaobUe: must be in good condition and price : right for cash. 689 f Autrn, WE BT7Y and sella used eaca. I Brine it in K. Pacific Auto Co., 14th and Conch, and get xna casn or pnono nrcaaway 44wa. - BATE 60x100 lot, dear. 1 block off Union - . ave. to trad for Ford touring ear in good condition. C-44. Journal. ; : ' WILL PAY CASH FOR , DODGE. MAXWELL OB CALL EPPLE, MAIN 20. YOUR FORD. BUICK . AUTO. WILL TRAOK cleaninavnreasina and A making business ' first payment on seven-pas- senger car. a-o, eouroei. . i i M. v WAi l &I uood ---faa. car in exchange tor v inomreon piayer piano, wun. lew rolla. j-none ceiiwooa 9x10, alter a p. m PHONOGRAPH and records., value 8125. and fifv 3I50 liberty nonda aa first payment on ear, balance 825 or 380 per month. Main 0213. VANT to buy 1818 Dodge, MaxwaU or Chevro r - tet; pwnera only; wall pay-cash. Call East ;v 2271. Jack. - - , ' - tllGUKST pncea paid for aatonmhues. ennditma novobieet, 121 ft. 3d t Broadway 220 . CHEVROLET. lrl iei, " FROM , PRIVATE "WANTED Light roadster, electric quippe wun ataner; casn paia. - ovs rront st. FORD touring. Have 3500 a P. S. railroad snares. wooastocc eve. Tabor 85S2. SPOT eaah paid for osed cars. Dealers Used car Clearing Uoase, Orand ave. and E. Stark. -WILL pay cash for Ford ear. Tabor 4573." ATJTOS TOR HIRE Sfl AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS - New Model Can , Beaaonable Bates FEARING dc ROBNETT CITY GARAGE, 86 10th St.. near Stark. ;. Broadway 840. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVKRLANDS v HUDSON S . LOWNSDALE GARAGE BTJfWY. 2408. 15TH AND .WASH. EAST SIDE AUTO CO., KEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. J ' ' COLUMBIA HIGHWAY GARAGE. . 4 2d and Belmont. t , "Tabor -727. Tabor 801. Mais 7820: ' AUTOS' WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE- I L SULLIVAN. FASHION GARAGE -MARSHALL 232. 10th at YAMHILL. A-1236 - NEW autos without driven for hire. Mill St. Garage.raan Sd st- Main 6852. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES ' 63 FOR SALE Herley Davidson and sidecar, . full - eouipped, eleetrie lights, A-l condition. 14 Hmoh st.. Miiieiiippi car. - - 155 TWK, good oomiiuou; good Urea. 'olurnb'a t- 273 DAY! O.N motorcjcl". lloro, sieeinipir, new tires. GUI Jzoot t.-37, or cau -Svi Ju. 6-i b. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCIiES St 1016 E$ CELglOR motopDycle. 3 speed. Pre.t lite and-tandem; A-l condition, 3190 casta. Take Oregon : City- or, Sellwood ear, fitn and Nehalem. 8 1C0 TWIN Indiasv 2 speed, electric equipped! ood Urea. 4 i-iiU Jordan sC Phone TWIN motorcycle, good tires. Presto lite, tandem. nsrn. etc., ae. mono HarsnaU 23 B, apart ment 8. or call at 271 Broadway, at apt. 3. ' LATJXCHES A BP BOATS. M 1 BOOMS and bath, modern, up to data house boat; must sell.- first reasonable offer taken. Cash or terms. 3 Willamette Moorage. 811 I486 FOB 8ALE Furnished houseboat, cheap for - eh- No.62 Portland Motor Boat clnb. FOB SALE Columbia i rirer fiiaboat. Mar shall 200S. - -- -. . , CAXOE. goo4 condition. 816. Tabor 3857. J riAXOS. OROAW8, MUSICAL i STB USIKH T j 34 CLOSING ODT THIS WEE 3100 Cornish parlor organ, cash ........ S S 125 Chicago Cottage organ, cash ...... 85 275 Small upriebt piaaoe. $fS and .... 73 850 Emerson upright pianos, cash...... fl 555 rton rtiht pianos, cash........ 140 v 522 Weber Wright pianos, eaahV. . ... 210 215 2" torad. upright pianos, cash ... . 0 50 Kew stored player pianos .. . . .il . 85 Ptenoa stored, bought and sold, for cash only. Security 8 tors re Co.. 107 4th sCj! ., - A PLEASANT RESOBT Emfl Oehring'a store, with comfortable, cool, large demonstration rooms, will be open until 10 o'clock these summer evenings, and yon will enjoy a rait listening to the new Columbia Rec ords or any of the old favorites. . Plenty of room for parking your automobile. The vaca tion model Talking Machine trill please you. and the prices are right, 7 , EMIL OEHBING. 720 Milwsnkie at BBC O RD XX CHANGE. Phono grapha Bought. Sold. Ben ted, Ke paired. 142 Vi ltd. near Alder, upstates. Main 7S4. 815 Oft 625 cash, then 33 or 810 monthly, . buys new improved pianos, and 83 or 810 in reeorda - purchased senda new improved ,820, 882.60. 850. 880, 880 or-8115 phonoaraph to your home from .the Schwan Piano Co., Ill Vonrth st. HIGHEST prices paid for used pianos, phono grapha, records.-SExpeTt player piano tuning, repairing, rrbnildirtg. Nome bargain pianos and organs for sale. Exchange of , musical instrtt ments. 254 Market opposite) Auditorium. " ""TRADE-TOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records. Our proposiUon will please you. - SEXBUBUNU LtiOAS MCSIC CO.. 125 4th st. K0EHLERPIANO. colonial style, nearly new. fine mahogany case, at the biggest bargain offered, 8EIBEKLING-LTJCAS MC8IO CO.. 125 4th st. JUST Arrived car of new plane. Including 8 ho men, made since) the -war. Avoid war made pianos by trading bare. HAROLD 8. GILBEKT. 384 YamhUl st. SPOT CASH PAID FOR , PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WP1DU tU'B , I' piano w.vntn Highest ' cash paid for used pianos. Estimate gladly given. BEIBEBLINO-LUCA EIBEBLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. i:d atn st. stain soao. piano or organ .laken in full or part pay snent for 1919 troe of uhonoeranh. Schwaa Piano Co.. Ill Fourth at. fiiri rTTrVrrt. .wri. t... , - vw.h. w .ww.v im. class 1 shape, for sale. Eieotnc Piano Renair Shr. A AK. II. J . ' Wl PLAYER piano, high grade, beautiful tone; will be sold ; 1 see it- and make an offer; a bargain for someone. 1147 East Harrison near 89th. HK buy all the phonograph records of which ou are tired for cash now. - 264 Market t. Elect rtc Its no Kepair Shoo. ' ORGANS. - ORGANS. We have iseveral Irnod need oreaM. mrTTt 5 Liu-mm sauaiu w 129 4ta at. FIANO WANTRTi Cash if nargsin Dealers don't answer, Mar shall 1517. BAILEY upright piano at a bargain. Heat atvle: , mB"irny case. 8ED3ERLINO-LCCA3 MUSI0 UU., 125 4tn at. PIANOS for rent, 34 up. Columbia Grafonola Shop, 420 Wa-h. - X 310O CASH or mere paid for your upright Ptanoa at tfecurlty Storage Co.. 100 Fourth st. WANTED Player piano or piano, any oondi- tion, for cash, af-21. Journal MA NO WANTED for open air dance hall knit be very cheap. Pay cash. Q-821 Journal. TYPEWRITERS - . ,c UDIKANTEED factory rebuilt tniavTllm T7 makes, " sold on monthly payments. Send for price list. . The Wholesale Typewriter Co retail aept.. ail washtngton st. ..... - ALL makes of typewriters rented. renail u2 sold on monthly payment clan. Unns wrtur Co,, 04 fish st. - TYPEWRITERS rented, v repaired. achnd" Typewriter supplies. - - - .-- , . REMINGTON TYPEWBfTEB CO.. 88 Brnadwy TTOTTeii?TTr.T. ,irnTsi vnv LeAVTNO eity. win sacrifice 8450 Hobart M. Cable Piano. 3200 Victrola and reeorda. Urge oak library table and fine collection of books, in inclnding Ingeraol's and Shakesneare'a works. Woodlawn 2487. or can 1019 Height are. MOVING away, will aeu, single bed complete - "a " rooaera iv, oreaser and commode S1A.A0. ttiml ' thi eo sa Owner. 1027- E. 20th st. N. .' FLBNITUBB FOR SALE Complete) set oak furniture, like n.w .1.. whitu enamel bedroom art. HnnH )vatr .to no dealers. 4 30. Knott at., Sunday xt. m. QUARTER-SAWED oak dining table and chairs: steel ranee: 48 niece dinner sac. AOs Commercial Ft, Phone Wood Is wn 1565. - FURN ITVRE in . 5 ; room house for sale and house for rent, cheap. 27 E. 10th st. N. MACHIJTERT St FOR SALE One Akron Williams model R vnl canizer. buffing stand) and 2 H. P. motor, with entire earuipment. for . vulcanizine nlut. 380O cash.- Apply 511 Duane at. Astoria. Or. WAN?ED To buy or rent 0x11 donkey engine. FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 GOING East or South! Household goods shipped at reduced rates: moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt at. Bdwy. 703. MALT. hops, cape, - eappers. eider, pure fruit puncnes ana syrups ior pa rues, nances, etc H. DeLaoey. 29S Yamhill et. BLACK REPUBLICAN cherries for sale 8 eenta lb. ; Royal Anns 10 ami lb. 1411 E. Burn side. eor. 6 2d st. - ... CHERRIES Oregon and Black Republican. 5 cents per pound; pick them yourself. 1888 Peninsula ave. Wdln. 2350. - j FOR ' SALE 1 barber chain, mirrors, bain. hot water tank and fixtures: baxeain. S3sn Writo Bert M. Howe, Toledo, Or. ONE gasoline woodsaW:for sale or trade, 1600 nouaoay ave. t- - BLACK Republican cherries. Sc. .1706 East Btark. Phone Tab. 1T. DIAMOND karat, perfect. 3100: coat Alfio. te T-836, Journal. - , FOR SALE 16 gauge Winchester pump gun, .82 revolver. Phone East 4842. BINU cherries, 10c pound; 5, blocks east Kenton bank. Angentein place. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark- Davia-co.. riz ast. -sjsin tt. t)R SAlJl OA TRADE for fruit, 4 qt. ice 1 cream freeser. East 3252. BLACK Republicaa duttia,. 7a lb. S17 Staf ford st. - , - -- CHERRIES Extra fine, largest in city, 12e lb. Main 7100. CASH registers, show cases, scales, safes, elec tric (ans. 249 4a econa sx. Main B4Z. VACUUM cleaners sold, reiieired. rented, ex- i i. . - T, ry k... n ir n cnaageu, oousuw nwuaf w., ua ivv. BRINGING UP FATHER I'M CUAXl rvv cvjrtTi. wcjPPIH - I CAN TAXjr A OQ NAP. " LHJ FOR SALE MISCELXAlTEOr 13 ,;;FU1MCIE; Boynton & Richardson and : Boynton i Furnaces Are the best furnaces. - ? They any economical in fuel. We install Uiem scientifically. W have the beat system of pipeleaa furnacea. We Install them for 315LO0. Why pay mora to a department atone when : you can get one Made in' Oregon , v; 3. G. Bayer Furnace Co, rnone main 4SL. 1 - : 204 aiarxet st, PEERLESS HIGH GRADE PLUMBING- FIXTURES - PLUMBING SUPPLIES' - - HOUSE HEATING MATERIALS IRON PIPE PEERLESS HIGH GRADE TOILETS "SILENT KNIGHT" COMBINATIONS f ' (Seneral DMributor -r' - Wit POWELL HIGH OBADE , , f : - . VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES BOSTON BELTING CC'S MECHANICAL BUBREB GOODS , The Peerless Pacific Co. Shcwroom and Salesroom, 68-70-72 Front at, ' Portland. Oregon. - -' - Spot Cash Paid For SHOTGUNS, RIFLES. BICYCLES, - SUIT CASES, VALISES. HANDBAGS. KODAKS. ELECTRIC FANS. SHOWCASE? CASH BEG ISTER8, DESKS. FtTRNITURE BOUJJHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED . Newman's Exchange 128 First. Main 4495. Tabor 6738. A6CO Kodak No. 7, 4x5, same as sew. 310; Mcintosh No. At Faradie battery, 85; water vibrator, with all attachments, 84; fishing out fit, basket, rod, 2 reels, lines, fly nooks, spoons. 810 wood heater, Aurora, fine store. 88: lawn ear sr. same as lawn mower, for cutting Um edges of lawn, 83 1 Spray teak, air pressure, fine for roses and fruit trees, 83. 1147 East Har rison, near 89th. , - - WE SAVE yon money. House wiring., lighting fixtures, electrical repair ' ingr . supplies. Third St. ' Klectrie Store. 11 Ki. Ad st.. near Baimon. 5053. . Texmeenea and Port Orford cedar. "frianas factory prices. Factory Glisaa. bet. 75th and 76th. Tabor S03,. SEWING MACHINES, new and ; second hand, sold for less; no ' agents employed. Complete line : parts for ail makes. Machines j repaired and rented. Main 0481. f SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM l0 3d. near Taylor st. v AWES. ORIGINAL APPAREL"" EXCHANGE .,ViJUPRElJIURS'r MAS FOB SALE SUITS, DISTINCTIVE GOWNS. DANCING FROCKS. SLIGHTLY - USED, LATE f MODELS. OB TAINED FROM WEALTHY LADIES. OPEN 9 A. M. TO P. M. TABOB 2829. -"5 . Electric Motors j Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Weaker Electric Works. 413 Born aide, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. 1! (fn (f(fh TEN drop head sewing machines 9 a with attachments, all are m very good condition. ' Sewing machines : rented at 83 per month. Phone East 2350. or B- 6807. mont. E. R. Steen, 152 Oraayl ave.. near Bel- SINGERS WHITES NEW HOMES All kinds, in the latest drop beads, from 310 to 829, ail guaranteed. Now machines rented, 83 -per month. FOURTH STREET SINGER STORE Phunt Main 338. ' 108 4th at. CHERRIES, loganberriea, raapaerria. save, pick - them yourself. Cabbage, kale. Cnoa Moellier. tomato plants, cheap. Rabbita. Corner 89th and East Stark. Mt. Tabar MT 88th) car to end. four blocks north, one- east. 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. -TypevrriUrs," and "Household Goods" are separata classifi cations. .All advertisements of these goods are published under their respective classifies Uons. LOOK THEM OVER. y - Boilers, Engines KEW and second hand, bought and sold. G. aV R. Machinery Co.t 603 Oerlingei bnildingPhona Main 820L SAFES Fire and bnraiar proof safes, new and second band, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. I NOBRIS SAFE AND LOCK CO.. 105 2d at. " Pnono Main 2015. $120 to $18:N?SS$& Cuaranteed We Rent and Repair. 172 3d st. near Yamhill. Main 1845 A-l 8 18. aXtMBILES7OT0BCYCLES. LAUNCHES - or boats are sepaiate el aerifications. A largo UsUng caa be round under these different classi fications, ',- 1 'r ": Malt, Hops, Crown Caps Corks, patent bottle stopper, band and power cappers, filter bags, thermometers. 81 Grand ave. WAR DEPARTMENT'S OFFICE FUBNTTUBE Desks, flat top and typewriter, enairs and UbleZ I. C Wax. 88 First at, near Oak. phone Hain 4681. SAFES FILING SAFES DDXBOLD AOENTS Expert work done. Prices right.! PACIFIC SCALE SUPPLY COMPANY. 46 Front st. Broadway 1888. r CUT FREIGHT RATES t on household goods shipped East and Sooth. Man ning Wsrebousa eV Transfer Co.. 8th and Hoyt. Phone Broadway 708. !A-179S. r AppAREtTEXCHANGE OF LADIES' SUITS. DRESSES, 8IJGHTLY USED. 118a E. GLISAN. MONTAVILLA CAB TO 89TH ST. TABOR 2825. SEVERAL good -second-hand mschinea. 85 up. Singer Sewing Machine Co. main store, 402 Wsahington at. BARGAIN Leaving Portland, a Bound Oak - Chief, combination gas and wood range, A-l condition, only 360; 866 E. 34th. CHERRIES be a pound. S. Hess, KilUngswortb - ave. near 57 th at. Phone evenings. Wood lawn 5072. Don't call Sundays. -' -; -' CHERRIES Black Bepubltcans, 8 cents lb. on trees; 11 cents If picked; no delivery. 428 Ar lington Place. C w. Mcrnmaa. HOT water tanks, all rises, tn good, serviceable condition, so gal.. i; v gat.. set at. Jasx roa cxeet onuge. un eats, CHERRIESor aaaT7 cents per pound. Comer of K 11th and Lombard sts., at Woodlawn. Mrs. Lantis. Phone Woodlawn 867. . - SAFES for sale, one large and on one. .cheap. E-4S. Journal. CHERRIES Delicious Giant; 17o lb. Royal Anne. 10c. 364 Grand ave. N at Broadway. CHERRIES for sale, Binga and Oxharts, S and 0 cents per pound. Call Tabot06. UNCALLED f ot taOor-mada suits, 3 12. SO up. Taylor, the Tailor, 289 unrnsiae St. CHERRIES for sale. Royal Ann and Black Re pubUcan. 723 E. - 29th N. Phone C-1314. Plumbing repair expert, reasonable. Shrd. 1126. FURSITURE yAyTED 74 I AM in the market for furniture from private oerties only. 48914 Jsckson rt, ,-. i - - CALL MAIN 2117. WANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE - ', - . WILL PAY CASH. ; r" -s ; 4 ' : rf--" - ' ''- Phone Main 3332. ' ---- PHONB East 7815 when you, want to sell your furniture; we will come at once and pay yon CASH. ; M. R. SKATER. 88 Hawthorne are. "A HAtsr EJESTS OH'. OrVRN THAT. FROMT tJOOR -fir - ft JU$T A 1 OT, TO LECP - IP OiVTORftEO- N FURITITCRE WASTETI 7 HOUSEfl Wa wsnt tout need furniture, rugs, rarpata. staves and all household goods and wfil pay the highest cash prices. :. . Our Three Large Stores cnabU aa to dispose of these goods at once. and therefore we can pay toe jiereiore We can pay toe r - i Top Market Prices 1 Wa sbo bus- and sell hardware, tools, sport ing -goods, tents, bicycles, typewriters, adding machines and office and store furniture. When you have anything to bay, sell or trade. Call Main 9072., Levin fidw. & Furn. Co. 221-8-6 FRONT ST. : . . Before You Sell your Furniture, See Us . ' Wa are in need ot all kinds of used furniture, rugs, carpets, stovee, -ran gee. all kinds of old gas stoves and office furniture, and wa pay abso lutely top pncee for same. CALL MARSHALL 587 and our buyer win call at once with the casta. QEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE ' ' 205 and 207 First St. ' Bat. Taylor and Safanoa Sta, We Will Buy FOR SPOT CASH YOtOt HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A : . PHONE CALL WILL BRING- C8 TO . YOUR ; DOOR. NO CHARGE. CUB, VALUATION 19 HIGHER THAN THE V OTHER FELLOWS. THERE'S A REA- . SOON : . BECAUSE WE SELL TODAY . WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY j" PHONB PHONE Marshall 5981- ' Qevurtz Furniture Co. 185 FIRST ST. SELL US " Your Odd Piece or Complete Furnishings. We Pay Top Cash Prices Call Us for Prompt, Oourteoua Service. ' ' PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 20fc FIRST ST. Main 7728. Owl Furniture Co.- NEAR MORRISON Wa want your used fnrnttara. stoves, earpaU and pianos; we pay the highest cash prices. 168 and 168 1st st Call Main 4627. .,, WIGHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE, CO. om unn ave. n nss, - Highest prices paid for used furniture. : ear peta, stoves, ranges, etc We call promptly. C A 5 H loT furniture, stores, ranges. -vs avm a carpets, rugs, dressers, etc. Phono Mar. 2675. nartseii fornrture to., 841 1st st. FURNITURE WANTED Will pay all that it is worth. Phone Main 3248. Pacific Furniture CO.. 14Q-I43 1st St. WE ARB IN a position to pay highest prices i or usea rurmtur. of any snnd. Main 6084. SWAPS 23 SPOT CASH PAID FOR GUITAR, BANJO. VIOLIN. CORNET. -.r-i - . trombone Newman's Exchange 128 1st, near Wash. Main 4485. MARSHALL WENDLE piano and pianola at tschments. 100 rolls of music. Wsnt to trade for 6-paaa. automobile in good condition ; wiU ing to pay some cash. Call Broadway 5094. FOB SALE cheap or trade 2 20-ft. wall with slidins alaaa doors- 2 2'2-ft. rT.n rssrs Jo match; very fins -cases. 168 W. Park at. Main 8029. . WILL exchange aaw grafonola and reoords for sign painting. - .Columbia Grafonola Shop, 429 Wash, st. WILL trade Urn. terrier for bird. 1316 Omaha ave. WASTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDr-Peopl. of Portland "to know that I pay the highest cash nrieea for second band household goods. : No amount too largo or to iiu.il. ' . i uuih auaiiuun. v - . N. M. SKATER ' Phone East .2203. - , 143 Russell st. 88 TO 815 FOR SECOND HAND SUITS MEYER,: the tailor, pays meet for clothing and shoes. We call day or evening. . ' ifheH 1229 or 258 Madison. JUNK WANTED '. Full value paid; rags. saataL tools, old cloth ing, furniture, ate. 241 K 1st st Main 734. ' I WANT used clothing. . We pay from 810 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will gt the right eesh prim for your goods. 167 1st st near Morrison. Maia 738. GOOD PRICE paid for aewed carpet rags. Rag ruga Proven to order. Pnono Sellwood 321L, Knstylo Rug Co.. East 21st st. and Tenino. WILL exchange new grafonola and reeorda for sign painting. Columbia Grafonola Shop, 111 OTUU. H. FARMERS ATTENTION - . POTATOES WANTED J. L. SeMen. 280 Ab St. Phono Bdwy. 2480. $7.50 for 2d Hand Suits Top prices for furniture and trunks. Bdvrvj 55. WANT to buy gaabUne sel'-measuring pump eom plete. with large tank; must be good. F. H. Grane. Boots 8. Sherwood, Or. JUNK, plumbing supplies, pipe, hardware and machinery bought, sold. 229 Front. Main 6277. WANTED Rifle, shotguns, cameras, lenses. HochficlcL 85 3d at. Phone Main 8581. WANTED To buy a secondhand safe;', state ( sise sna price. journal. - WANTED 5 used drag saws, condition nooV Ject. 285 Front st, Ask for Roberts. WANTED to buy invalid s wheel chair Woodlawn 6307. - -WANTED .22 rifle. East 6434. ' "CaB . j-.,' :-: PERSONAL gt COME IN and get both your feet fixed np good for 81 by Dr. Eaton; the CHIROPODIST Uiat doesn't hurt yon; 8 yean in Portland; exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdy. 2834. WOMEN, why suffer? All dis esses treated: drugless methods ; Dr. Jensen, chiropractor: 10th year. Raleigh bug.. Wsahington at Sixth. Main1132. :'. .- - FOR' RENT Electric vacuum cleaner by the day. Can Wdln. 1259. . Delivered and called for. ' . . . . - DR. ' KQfMELL, enirnpodist. . corns, bunions, finger nails. 207 AUsky bldg..' 3d and Morrison.'"-. . GOING TO San Francisco by auto; want three ' joint passengers. Fine fishing and scenery. Reference; -T-l. Journal. . SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts, removed by 10 needle method; trial free Josie Finley. 614 Bush as Lane bldg. Call Main 6868. 1 Consultation FREE. All Consultation FREE7 Aea.VVJ'Pl 612 Selling bldg. Main 4993. CLEANING, pressing, dyeing, alterations. We call and deliver. The Csbinet. Mam 1825. BR- WILKINSON removes, corns in 3 minutaZ 106 N. 6th. Hmn 18 to 8. LADY i BARBERS Shave. 20c; haircut. Sac: rsc massage, fljfl. bzo jiwan. near eto. FACE aaaavage. i tclnng scalp, dsndraff relieved, asolss. warts removed 230 Fnedner jbtdg. OLD GOOBS (Copyright, 1919. by International Feature SerrlBe. tne.) ' - II. M I f .' e )l I'Utuea nn :W 1 e . . si vrvi . t-l isyai h V.M 1 it 1 1 a A -w 1 ' , I AU.' I I HAT TOJR WIFE j PACKAGE ALftQl I) - 83 The Woman Who Knows Buys her suits, coats, dresses, waists and pettioata at Peterson's: Upstairs ' . - Store - i : " SD FLOOR PITTOCK BLOCK .. Bjgb grade women's apparel at asaa than street level prices. . SEE . RUBEN STEIN -. . . jji - B Dr, George Ruheiutain, optician, ' returned war service. Ha makes good aye glasses at reasonable prices. . Satisfaction ' guaranteed. 226 MORRISON ST. NEAR SECOND 6 LASSES AT A SAVING , - . I solicit your patronage oa the basis of capable' servica, - Thousands ot- sansiiea patroni! t;aariea yv, SPIRITUAL Chnrca and School of Eternal LighT Meetings Sunday and Wednesday, 8; Tuesday. 2; readings and taarhiwg daily. Bex. May A. Price. 8348 Division, Mt. Scott ear.. Phone Tsbof 8810J MBS. M. L. LAMAR. 286 6TH ST. Spiritual adviser, instructions in the theory at health, success and harmony. WOTICES SEALED proposals for painting various schools in School District . No. 1, Multnomah county, Oregon, will be received at the office of the un dersigned, 401' Courthouse, -until 4 p. m., July 17, 1919, and will be opened at a regular meet ing of the board to be held at 8 p. m. same date. Plane and specifications may be obtained at the office of H- Giet, superintendent of construction, 803 Courthouse, for which a deposifeuat 81 is required. Certified cheek for 10 per cent of the ssfuwtnt of the 'proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, most accompany each proposal. Board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to divide the award. - R, H. THOMAS, n ' School Clerk and Business Manager, i ' Dated July lO, 1919. - NOTICE is hereby given that the tmdersigaed has been appointed administratrix of the es tate of Charles It Raffety, deceased, by the circuit court of tho state of Oregon, for Mult nomah county, and baa duly qualified. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the ame to me, duly veri fied, with proper vouchers as required by law, at 600 Fenton building, Portland, - Or., within six months from the date of this motioe. . Date of first publication July 12. 1919. Date of last publication August 9. 1919. SARAH ALMEDA RAFFETY. -' Administratrix. . HARRY L. RAFFETY. Attorney 609 Fenton building. ' NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned : has been appointed administrator of the ae tata of Mathilda Thomas, deceased,, by ths cir cuit court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah county, and has duly Qualified. ' All persona hav ing claim against a id aetata are hereby notified to present the same to me. drily verified, with proper vouchers aa required by law, .at 609 Fen ton building. Portiand, Or., within six months from the data of this notice. : Date of first publication July 12, 1919. - Data of last publication August 9. 1919. , WILLIAM P. THOMAS, ' ; Administrator. ' HARRY L, RAFFETY, 'Attorney, 6Q9 Fenton building. -- NOTICE is hereby given that the undendgned ' has been appointed administrator of tlas estate of George G. . BirreL deceased, by- the circuit court of tihe-"Uate of Oregon, for Multnomah county, and has duly qualified. All persona hav ing claims sgainht said astata are hereby noti fied to present the same to me. duly verified, with proper voucberv aa required , by law, at 609 Fenton building,. Portland. Or., within six montlu from the date of this notice. Data of first publication July 12. 4919. ; Data of last publication August 9. 1919. --- ' J. S. BIRREL, Administrator. : HARRY L. RAFFETY, . Attorney. 8Q9 Fenton building. WELLRHXiNO . Bids open eity hall, Oswego, Or., July XI. 1919, 8 p. m. Phone J. N. Webster, city ro eorder. B-6161. - ' 3USINESS DIRECTORY! AirnQUKs ANTIQUE aad ILL KIN DS Or FURNlTCaUT Stay Bahreajs Co.. 683 Waahingtesj AUTO PAINTINQ aGet foiir Car- Special prices during August Fords enameled. 316.00: Chevroleta. 820.08. Other ears la proportion. Autos Opplised. 80.00. Thee prices include waahine. " ' AUTU ENAMELING WORKS, T8 Uaion ave. N Phone Wdln. 489T. wAWBtnr 6UPt,IK i LEWI8-8TEX GEE Barbers' Supply Oo.', 10th . Moapaan streets. The place to bay barbers e-isirs and strmJea Stock of furniture always on hand st right price. . !- - - ' - B88UTV SPCOIALtrr scperfLcoCs nair dearoverf i.m,m m h,l tlpls aeedla laatwod. 4 Swetiand bang. s-asik book saaaawa i -.- DAVIS at HOLMAN. ' INC. 1W 2t sc. clssl sniactcCTwra A-8163. MatolSS. OARBa:T OL8AHIS Fluff Rugs From Old ; . v ';. .:- Carpets i"i . - Bag Rags, ATI Bums. Mstt Orders riesaut ' ' Sand for Booklet, - till Bags Steam or Dry Cleaned. SL84V 34-88 Union ava. N. Eaat"c516J B-147A VACUUM cleaners for rent, 31 per dari' . Hvered reaaonable distance. Main 76T6 OI4IROPRAOTORS V DR. LACBA nglsss pi E. noffvivn 1 mrr- fll Ililses shnMu i ll ; 19 rears nrnn, practie, electricity vibrator uui DR. McMAHON. 100 par cent sdjustsneota made' V ' . one. at gl Cnronio troabloa Mala 6608. ; 1 OQ8I. AWO WOQB ORDER from Sevan Bros. - and save cent. Main 4529. . 80 N ATIONiL-Fiiel Co. A-l cordwood, S.23 'Hi "Td. East 2041. ' OOWTWAOTOWa BUILDING NTRAlHfNO" CO. builds coUaseeV bungalows was. vw auiaay oiaa. bR. O. H. HUTHMAN bospitoX4T6S7'tth sC eor. Grant. East 1847? .B-1B62. Wa eili Gq&m sxtmS Mantissa sl KDWOATIOftML OANOINO RINGLi.R 8 DANCING ACADEMY-"" If you want to dance or learn td dance, why not go to the largest and best school in the eity where the advantages sr. greater t Yon meet more good cancers and caa practice with many different expert professional teachers. Separata hall for beginners and backward pupil. . Our business is aaacieg. W know how. Informant every evening. Class eaunmer ratee now, ladies. 82; gents. SS: 6 lesson course. " - 14th st Wa-hington. - Ttdwr. 3388. A.axxt "MISS IRELANTs ' TEN LESSONS 83 - 809 Peknm bldg. Personal attention. SIRS. FLECK'S ACADEMl rosea and eta- dancing; class Ta sails 1 mmt Friday eveniaga. Maia 210O. Private wmona MOONLIGHT daace. boat Swan, every WseC Sat. aighC Main 4748. Ft. of Jslferma M. PERSONAL ATTRACTIVE FARM1 AND ACREAGE OFFERINGS AND EXCHANGES ACREAGE S7 CHEAP ACREAGE S sores 8250, 810 down. 85 per month, buys 8 acres cf lend between Portland and Csntrs:ia, oa the main Una of three railroads. 1 tt to 8 to miles pf good littla town; sawmills and logging camps in immediate' vicinity i soma ot this land is partly cleared : running stream . some bottom land, some bench." This acreage priced from 825 to 373 per acre.-; Caa giro you any kind cf a place you wsnt. ' - V ; i CHARLES DELFEL - 318 Railway Exchange bldg. I 1F1M ACRES. Ha. miles snat of Tigaxd; i under cult.. 60 bearing fruit trees, va riety of berries, splendid soiL 2 - room house, chicken, bouse, creek on back line: 3 cows, 50 chickens; bouse furniture. Pries 83SOO. Some terms. , See Davis, with John Ferguson, 301 v.erllnger DiOg. ACRE tracts on the Oregon, Electric line be : tweeo Vineyard and Nef f atattons. Splendid building sites. Soma under eulUveUon and in eroR. Prices S60O to 81200; ona third dowrv baunaca easy terms. See Davis, with John Ferguson. 80 V Gerlinger bldg. -- NEW 4 room plastered house, ready to mov into, with choice acre of ground. 2 blocks to Metxger station: also 6 room moderns bungalow (large sleeping attic), under construction : -plenty of free wood. Phone Johnson, Main 6298. 10 ACRES Good soil, no rocks, no waste land; overlooking Tualatin river;, deniable , location for home; need the money to save my home in town. 334 E. 49th at. - , : 40 .AORES Between Yequina bay and Wald port, for $601). Also 20 acres st Siletss for 6460. Both bargains. Easy distanas of beaches, Apply616 E.. lth JJ. East 585. A f TIGARD-11 acres. ' near station, clear: tUed. creek, line perry, soma onion iana: smau buUdings. fruit, 1 5 tons hay. . 3 6000, Morrison. Will subdivide. 651 E CHOICE ACREAGE FOR SALE CHEAP Sea it before purchasing elsewhere. Amanda B. Dwier. 1860 Division. STJBTJRBAlf ACRE 4.0E 78 6-ACRE TRACT near Vancouver, highly im proved. 83500: soms terms. 7-room bouse, modern,- with garage; nice location. 10 acres improved,- near Zimmerman; sale or exchange -for pasture and farm land. A. F. Zimmerman. 114 West 28d St., Vancouver, Wash. SUBURBAN' HOMES v NOTICE Elegant country horns ' of ten acres 7 miles from courthouse, good roads, beautiful . shrub bery, fruit, berries, vmodern house, bath, toilet, etc, own water system; class to Ralph Iloyt'i beautiful country place. Price 38500; terms. ALSOi New 4 room bungalow.: , sore, at Byaa place, 5o fsrs. Prie. 82180. Before buying your suburban bom. sea Geo, P. Henry with Frank L. McGuire, Abington bldg. Open Sunday and evenings. V s DO NOT MISS THIS I have for sals naif acre place all clear and fenced up, 4 -room house just painted and pa pered, and a small barn for B or 6 bead cattle. It ia at 82d St.. 2 blocks to Kendall ststion and grocery, store; every-hour car service. Will trade it for small -fanm or orchard; may trad it for stock such as heifers, steers, dry cows or fresh. Prie 81800: will cut from the price M sold for cash or Liberty bonds. Write to owner. Stephen Psvloff. 87 N. 2d st. Portland, Or. - W BETWEEN 82D AND GBE8HAM - 665 acres, 400 cleared, balance rough pastors land. 2 good bouses, spring water. 8 barns, hog and chicken house, silo and farm improvements, an abumianee of fruit. Will sell all ot. part. Phone Tabor 8240.- 1088 Oregon sc HOUSE 24x26; plastered. 4 rooms, water, gas, phone, 100x100. in cultivation. Oft cents commutation ' fare, on O. 1C railway. v . Phone Main 2183. William Borsch. fJt, HAVE two Just completed nouses for sale at Multnoman. rooms and oath., call me up for appointment. Oilman, Mafn 8480. FOR RALE FARMS 17 FARMS Stock farm, 80 acres, ': H cleared; ' lays rood, bring watar, good barn, outbuildings; fair house, good orchard. Price $4Q0O; terms. 40 acres.' 12 acres level, balance rood pas ture; living water; close to Sandy. 81050, terms. Several small homes. 1 to if acres, with houses, suitable for chicken raising, cheap, and terms. These pisces are close to proposed all. Hood loop and will Increase in value., GEO. BEERS, office Main st. Bandy. ' - h Stock Ranch . 120 acres near Washousal. Wash.. SO crop; running water piped to house, some beaver--dam, 1 .OOO.OOO feet standing timber caa -be sold to mill; 8700O includes stock and all machinery, easy terms, will consider Portland home to S3000. - i Sletten & Jones Main 2558. ' ' ,,248 Stark St. WHEAT AND HOQS M - 488 acre wheat ranch, all stocked and equipped and crop gees; Klickitat Co.. Wash.. 1 V , mile to station and elevator: 830 per acre: 14 cash, or clear city er suburban property, clear; bsi anee long term of years. Address M-18. Journal. 286 ACRES hurituated about S mfiee 8. B. of Harrlsburg, Lane Co., suiteble for dairy and all purpose farm and belonging to an estate. In eni re of O. P. Coshow. executor. Erweburg. r. 1 60-ACRE stock rsncli, large log bona, enough . lumber for bams, running water, near coast, Sletten & Jones t? Main 2558. . 248 Stark at FOR BALE Great' bargain. 9 room bouse, 86 100 lot. etasetn; tmprovea suk, sawn, aaium, frniC Fine for large fsmily, boarders and room ers. See owner at- 422 Ffcayiont st, 2 blocks east of Union svn. - Y " ' ' ' FOR SALE 16 acres, small house and barn, on Salem una O. E-, 18 milet out. close .to station and P. O.. 8 14 cropL.5.WJi41I Leghorn chickens. Price 850. oa, or writ owner, n. reterseii, iiroqiiig, vr. FOB SALE Two- fine dairy propositions with stock: also 160- seres unimproved land in Tillamook eoanty. - W. ! A. Churcb, Tilla mook, r. " ' " FOR bargains in dalxy farms along the BSasarelt kighwsy. In TUIamook cunty. come to J4ee SBeca Valley Beal Estate Agency. Caaverdala, Or. M. Y. Blalock. Mgr. " . SMALL - form of 10 acres, 4 room bouse. barn, large chicken- bowse, close to . Oregon Electric; 10 acres clear. B. Krettlgr, BeUo vu. hotel. 248 YamhUl st. - - - Professions! wntl Bustnww Direetory : DANCINa "ntATHERINE M. ROWN Guarantees te teach all daaees tolZ Private les sons: 12 lessons S3 1 . jessons a. v &uot Wug.. bet 4th snd 6th on Wash, st. Maia 60Q4. MU8IO SCHOOLS MP TIACHtSI L. CARROLL DAY. piano, vocal hnawna, with actios ptsno, a sour osy ee sw. pEor-T7 E. LAWSON, 20 years' experlenoe. at ycur bease. 76 Tabor 7206 PUffS Y3- ORDER. , rtmedeling. cleaning, anstahr Taf nr anop. . noe swttiuw eioa MAIL AOVKSTISIelO c&AV'k kTTERCO.. 612 Roval bide. graphing, mimeogrsphiax. Marshall 6823, save ?OMr; Jkf At I HAVE SOMB.faAO isewty Auto: f IT . just a few of our farm 'bargains 290 acres, 4 mile from Aurora; 5 sets .of buildings, in splendid condition, silo, - 2 chicken- bouses, hog bouse, garage and several other outbuildings. 2 wells and ' . yfiue spring. 8O acres in fine crops, 80 "heavy timber, balance open 1 woods pasture, . 40 tons clover hay, T fine cows, team and all ImiAemenu, only 3110 per acre. 157' acres 21 miles from Aurora; v large house and new bartC half doaea outbuilding., well.'spnnga, running watery . : 60 acre. in- cultivation, balance open. woods pasture, a lot of fine cedar trees. Umoth, -wheat, oats and potatoes, big . crop; a splendid buy s 8110 per acre. , -' S3 H screes. 8 mile from Oregon City courthouse, good plastered 8 room house bath, etc.; bring water. 10 acree in cultivation. 10 acres pasture. 1000 cords of wood; large. t and mot mod-' " ern barn in county. : Very cheap at 850(V Easy terms. '" 30 acre. 7 miles south of Dsyton, all v in excellent crops; good buildings, all . - stock and implements if taken - before - f crops are harvested: 84860 gets it. some eaah and easy terms. ... 147 acres, S miles from- Sherwood or , WUsonvills; good - 0 room house, bath, ' etc.; also a A room boww.-now vacant; ' s 50 acres heavy crops, 50 acres good tun- ber, close to school and church; fine .-. neighbors, extraordinary - view: every thing in fint elsos condition, 816.000, hall oauh, balsno easy at 6 per oeuU - 50 acres, 23 in eultivstion, S room celled bouse, large barn, red , shot, roil- ' . . ing, -1 miles . from Yamhill or Carlton, only 62700; consider some' exchange. 20 acres, 4 cleared, balanoav second growth fir, 8 good springs, water piped - ' to buildings. ' 81 600, take car - as part .' payment r y MITCHELL - &.-RIPPEY ' 328-329 Henry blrig. Main 2384. AH in eultivaUon, good 8 -room house, barn, out building, family orchard, berries, etc. Spring-! pipau to nous, near scnooi, H. r . u. ana cream tout: -x Price 83500. 3160O cash, balance terms. - - 10 ACRES , . - All le cultivation, 6-room home, barn, chicken house? on good road, 8 miles from Oregon City, 82500, part cash, balance terms. ... 244 ACMES TO -In cultivation. 6-room house, larg barn. Spring piped to house. 2 H miles to Molalla, electric csrline and high school. Price 312,600, 86000 cash, balance 6 years 6 interest. 8. O. DILI .MAN, 8th and Maia sts., Oregon City, Or. 'CROP STOCK EQUIPMENT . Goes, with this, dandy 160 acre Linn county farm; 115 acres . in crop of hay, grain, com. eiover ready to harvettt; 13 eowa, mostly Hoi sts ins, 4 heifers, reg. - Uolsteln bull, 25 bogs, 2 teams, full set implemenu; stock, and imple ments worth 84500; crop easily 84000; build ings worth 85000, sad you get ISO sens of land, all in culUvatlop, fenced and cross fenced, good loam "soil, no rock or gravel, well drained, family orchard, clot to town, county road, phone, cream route, R F. IX, for, only 322 pec acre. Can you. neat ill Fries tor all is 317.000, half cash. Must act quickly to gat crop. Crop and stock will not be included after this week. - Gome at once to Lebanon, Or., see Jo C-Gibson, Bout 2, pbone i'unsr lirL A GOOD DAIRY FARM 177 acres, ht the Yakima river bottom; 80 teres of finest kind of bottom land, 50 sates of bench land, balance rirer pasture land, some tim ber. This section is as good as the Tillamook or Coos Bay section for dairying. About 40 acres in c al li v s f 1 1 iss inil a lot snore can' be by plowing. All first elaas pasture land. - Has vary good set of farm building oa the place and la wn pletely stocked snd equipped, 10 cows, 6 helfen, 13 bogs, 3 dosen chickens, launch, stump puller snd all fanning tools. . Prioe. including overr uling, 816.000. For full description of this land and other farms, ask; for a copy of Oregon atattn. - . - KINNEY ek CO." Real Estate Agents. CorvaHis, Or. Valley Farm -- 40 acres, all in eultivstion (except little oak grove) ; has 12 acres 4 and 5-year-old grafted walnuts: part baa apple for fillers: nearly all in crop: good -bouse, large new bam. drilled well, tower and tank; on rooked road; R, V, D.. tele phone; close to school and church; only 6 miles out f rota city . of New berg, j Be m at once about tilts if you want a bargain. -' H ESQ ARD REALTY CO. Main 6930. - 614 Swetiand Bldg. O EASY BUY ' 80 acres, about 9 acre under eultivaUon and. tax crop, box, bouse; fair barn, about 4 acres onion land, running water, iesm. har ass, .wagon, buggy, plow, harrow, cultivator, small tools, heifer fresh in early spring, one hoc. Price 88000. . terms 8 80 cash, balance long time at ft per cent. William Realty Co., Orsys Crossing. Tabor 4984J ' ' 1 . THIS IS A GOvJD ' BUY , .' . 62 acres, 85 in cultivation! good buildings, good road. 1 milaa to Oregoa City. mile to sobool. best water;, call owner. Tabor 4047. Price 85200. ': --' 80 ACRES Tillamook county.; S cows, tears, harness and wagon," other farm implement. WIU Uke part lit trade. 2500. 348 E. 60th N. Tabor 4896. I LINCOLN CO. With mild climate: stock, dairy, -1 fruit and Umber land, at reasonable prices; Improved and partly improved lands. Morgan, 506 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland. On FARMS WATTET RElfT OR BUT 88 WANTED, good farm from 40 to 100 acres, all in cultivation, good buildings and stocked; price must be right; clients waiting. HESQARD REALTY CO. 814 SweUand bldg. - t Portland. WANTED Equipped, producing farm, 80 acres or more, west: of Cascades in Oregon er Washington. Price and terms must be reasonable. Homestead 'relinquishment . considered. Addrus, R. Wilson, 802 Broadalbin, Albany, Or. :V-r, ,;- ,:: HOMESTEADS 4T WA NTED lioraeotesd rennaulshment in Eaat- ern Oregon. Otto Herrling, Criterion, Or, THREE homestead relinquishments for aale. Call at 1803 Nortoweetera. oena ouding. Profrsslonal and Business Directory HOSPITALS OREGON Surgical Hospital Major-minor ear' special treatments, nervous nisisssa ana ' a . ,ma. - WusmW and ehildren'a Tuesdays and Saturdays bet. 9 and IS 9. so. Special facilities for patients Oasinng manipulative . and by-lre-tberapeuUe treatments. Patients in onr car will reosive every ethical atteaUon, Maia 1866. - . OFFI0C SUPPLIES HTBBARD STATIONERY at PRINTTNO CO . -Better Servio.' 351 Oak St. Bdwy. 33 A FAHITtNO, TIWTIWO, PAPSWHAWaiW J. H, CT.ISrTON. paiatlng, Unting, papering 184 NT 17 U st. Bdwyr4414. Woodiawa S136. By George McManus STAXEO m THE HOOSE ANOTHER HOUR IX dE. Ifi THE PCiOR-HOijE. FOR HALE FARMS FRUIT lAHTtS FOR HAfF. 45 ,. ' NO OTHER SUCH OFFER IX OREGON S 313.800 4 143 acre oroliard of apple and ' pears; ft room houxe. new barn 40x70 with implement and tool sheds on both ' sxiis. an old bam, granary, chicken - house, welL etc Located In one of ' the best fruit secUons in the state, only 8 miles from Roseburg on good .. suto read, u A season' ordinary yield ought to mora than pay its price. Now, Mr, Buyer, her. is your chance 0 that cannot be duplicated. The fruit harvesting tiro ia near at hand, reap . .. the benefits of this year's crop. Don't delag but hurry to buy. SAVON LAND CO., 038 N.-W, Bank bldg. r TIMBER t N6TICE of sale of government UiKoer General land Office, Washington. D. C May 16. 1819. Notice Is hereby given that, subject , to the conditions am! limitation mi the act of June 9. 1916 189 Stat., 2181, snd the- instrucUone Of the secretary of the inte rior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold July In, 1919. st 10:30 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land office st Portland, Or., to the highest biddsr at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this noUoe, sals to be subject to the approval of the secretary ot th. Interior. The purchase price, .with an ad ditional sum of one fifth of one per rent tUersof being commissions allowed, must be deposited at Ume of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved; otherwtxe patent will issue frr the timber, which must be removed within 10 yean. Bids will be reobtved from rlUsens of. Uie United States, associstions of such citisens and corporatlona ' organised under the laws of the United States or sny state, territory or dis trict Uiereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber on any legal sub division will be offered separately bstore being included in sny offer of a larger unit: T. 1 S.VR 5 E.. Section 29. BWtt SWU. red fir. 1900 M , not to be sold for leas than 81.60 per M. T, 8 B., R 6 E See. 81. SWvfiwu. red fir. 630 U.. not to be sold for lam than 31.23 per M. CLAY TA U.MAN. Commissioner. General Land Oftloe. BIQQEST SACRIFICE IN ' OREGON .- 18 to SO million ft. red fir. 723 acres of land that can be cultivated when cleared, all for 816 per acre: good, roads i good school; never wss-such a bargain offered before; only 13 mile from Agricultural College. Will sell for V cash, balance 8 years. Addreas M-19, Journal. FOR: SALE OR TRADE -' Saw mill, operating 50,1100 capacity and 80, 000,000 feet green timber: can make car or cargo shipments. Partial payments or part trade wiU bejnsklered. JT-430. Journal. A SNAP-40 "acres land ' 8 miles from rsllroaiC in Claekamss corrfity; 1,000,000 feet standing timber; good soiL Will Uke car. Dodge or Ford; small cash payment, balance easy term. AJ dress. A. D. Smith, 180 K. 61st EXCHAWOE REAL ESTATE f 4 ARE - YOU GOING TO CALIFORNIA? Have a fine 6-rooro bungalow, overlooking bay, only few minutes' ride from center of Ssa Francisco, good car service, fine view, lots of fruit, 8 lot, garage and shrubbery; will exebangs for Portland property. See H ESQ ARD - 614 Swetiand bldg., owner. EXCHANGE 80 ACRES 40 in cultivation and emps. balanca timber and pasture: good 7-room platered honse, large .barn, alio filled, 2Vrows, bull, team, good ma chinery, good spring water piped to house snd bsra. On good road. 8 miles from Oregon City. Price 316.600; will lake 3R000 on Portland property, some cash, bslsnce time. 8. O. IHLLMAN, ' - 8th and Main sts.. Oregon Clty. Or. -160 ACRE SasktaJiewan wheat farra to trade far Oregon farm 'within a radius of 60 miles Portland, vslne 84800. Write quick. F. C Meitner. Reedsvill, Or.' WiNTBD-To trad 5, rWraroUsss. cleirrT. . SO -by 100, near college in Corvsllls, fr house in Portland. . Will pay dtffsrence. 710 Front st,, after 6 p. m. : . FOR SALE OK TRAIiE, 1 0 acres In 1'soorxliU!, Cat.; 31000. Asm I beach lot, 8200. 1'hon Tabor THt. r - , WXNTED Good lota or house efinity for B - pass., 6 cylinder Mitchell, or 40 acres tin- . fmpvoved in Wash, county. - 6 Wet Wrheter. SELL cheap or trad. 80 acres uiiimproied,-2 ' miles front R. R., Cowliu Co., Wash. Colum bia 973. FOR SALE OR TRADE Have' one' tnt on car line, will sll or trade for automobile. Ceil Esst 1791. - . HOTEL All nicely eaulpped, in ' good tows close to Portland. Will take land as pan payment. Joe Warwick. Bclo, Or. . SMALL lanch to exchange fur suburban resi dence property, er what bar you. Phone Tabor 7624. - - . ' LMY EQUITY In a 4 room house In Woodlawn f. a uoags fit tlas la na a pass, car. Wdln. 4487. WANTED REAL ESTATE SI NOTICH To boy or sell a suburban or acreage homr of merit as Ceo. P. Henry with Frank U &lo Guire, open Sunday snd evening. Abingtoa bldg. VANT to buy about 20 acres. . with some 'tm . provements, between Vancouver and 1'ioneer near the Pacific highway. Will psy cash. C b53. Journal. -. BUFORB li a.'m., Friday. tl.e iitiiS- room--and sleeping porch, convenient location, u to about 81H0A. AUy, Ssndblsst, 629 llenr bldg. Main 6199. - - IWS'T WORRY " :-' T Caa Sell or-trad snything anywhere. , layman. 147 Park . WANTED To buy a bunnal.rw'; mut be a br gain foT 82600 cah. C-H57. Journal. G C. GOLDENHERG can sell youfnome. "36 Years in Portland." Abington AiUg Professional and Buelneaa Dlrrr tor PA TBTATTOSIlV GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. Main 2S2 - ' '- PHV6IOIAW6 ' LB. H. A. PHltXiPS, Broadway bldg! HTT mattsm, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kid ney, Diaaoer. reciaa, prostatic, tsmale ar. skla affections, high blood pressure.' PRIMTIMC SBailAVIPia, 8IINOIN Printing sts. M. 166. A-l 14. - 6ALT3Q A WD 6MOKI DP 16 M ALASKA UEiUilNU A IMPOiiTLNO CO.. a tntrators of salted and mo art fish. 22sl YamhUl streee. Portland, Or. TINNERS JACOB LOJS LI Tin, . thseUron and 818 1st st. roof Wiirfc. Main 14?4 TRANSFER AND 8TOPA06 Oregon Transfer Co. EstahliKbed 18T6V' . Transfer end Forwarding Areata. 8T( iRAGK FREai TU.ACai.AOS Offic and Sloraa. 474 Oluaa. 18th and Gliasn. Broadway lal, A-1169 Willamette Valley Transfer Co. O en era Transfer and Ferwsrdlng Arnv. TRACKAGE, STORAUU AND IK Alter a. ft 124 NORTH 6TH ST. BKOAUWAlf 4S4 ALWAT8PICiirTH BEST HOCSt.iiol.l. UOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packiag. s..,r atog and moving. isursa aad uu vaaa. at eial rates to aii points. a O. PICK TBANoFER STORAGE CO , 2d and Pir.a. aveaodway 8o. A-lbP' Storage and Transfer r Clav S. Morse. Inc. 428 FLANDERS 8TBEET. PACKING MOVING 8TOHAOS SECUKITT STORAGE A THApft.it CO . 105 Park St. Ma 61.0. A-loa ' r-W:'i Fireproof Stcran3 O. M. OLSON TRANSFER CO.. PTt' ' WCLDINO IKY th Northwe.t Wsi'ilt.g A f-u u.. welding sil kinds of rnetl. t't 1.. - 1"? supt'ise. our aute -a lii0.