TIID -OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, TOETLAND, THURSDAY, JULY 10. 1C19. 'ft B0XSH00K RATE IS RECEIVED BY SHIP OPERATORS Po?Sibil!tie$ of Working Up Big Trade Jn Product With For eign Markets Are Seen Here, .NEW "line to be benefited Shipments Would Work Perma- nencV for Company Now Seek- ing Cargo for Europe, JEtales on box shocks from Portland to European points direct, which have been sought by the Columbia Pacific Shipping Co., as agent for Williams, Diamond & Co.. ship oper ators, have bn received from ths shipping board.' The quotation of ,ths freights is deemed of much lm .ertanoe tt tbs port because ef the number of Inquiries which have been made by local exporters. 'TVlth the question of rates established 'It"1 will now be in order for the local concerns 'to place large orders for ship xnents of the snooks out of this port and. atber places on the Columbia river, , It. is said. The. possibilities of working " up a lucrative trade In the shooks with the countries oversea axe foreseen here, and incidentally the assurance of such cargoes will aid in the success of the ne. steamship uns. , Thus far no shipments of this kind .have been made overseas, although .Eortland exporters have dispatched car goes, oi.snooits 10 me jttawanan isianas A. C Stubbe, manager of the Colum bia -Pacific Shipping company, stated today that be was pleased to know that the shipping board had finally an - nounced . Its rates on the shipments of shooks, and -he added that such ship- yuenta would work for the permanency ot the new . Portland-European line, .cargoes for which. are now being sought in. Portland and adjacent territory, with ,' the idea. of sending the first vessel out of port for Europe some time during tw present purain. .-; . TEWIML WORK S SPEEDED Dock Commission Jrges Uasts : to , Provide Shipping Facilities, . Thst shipping shall not be driven away from Portland for lack of facilities, the public dock commission this morning urgsd greater speed In the construction of the foaadatton for the extension of pier-No. X at the St. Johns municipal ter- satnal.' Representatives of Elliott Scog - gins, the contractors, explained that the delay is the result of inability to obtain a suxzicteBt quantity of piling. The contractors Dromised that the en- . tire' job will be finished In another 45 days. The pier Improvements are needed for , the .accommodation or off shore vessels. Qlds for the construction of the pro- pesea csieterta at. tne municipal term! nsl were opened as fellows : Roy Palm : ers7?Sf7i ; Qrier V Co., 10,es?9 : A. C- Meyer, 18091; C C White. $16,682. Tenders for the steel rails and other road equipment for pier No, X ware- re ceived frona the U. S. Steel Products com pany, A.C Callan, Seattle Equipment company and retttbone. MiiUken Co. of Chicago. .-; -u Engineer JItgardt of the dock commis sion -reported that progress If being made, in the work of oompleting the arain ele vator and units under force account, the ion navtng oeen recently taken over from Urant-Smitn Co, by the dock commla ; sion, ;. I - Hegardt wai authorized to get final es timates ea the construction of a branch narowgauge line' to connect the St. Johsjs csrline with the terminal. It has been 'estimated - that the road will cost about 33,J7. . The car company has agrsstt ftsr sappije a umlted number of car and crews. v . Hegardt was instructed" to correspond with the Port'Orford officials relative to MIIUJ.UNS. e. wrr op topss. (Mi, st f . m Jyi t Tor Com Bar. Eoiaks. Baa rmnelaoe. seettag sHtk stassMn to Lo aonles sad see Ms rtck.u old to SB tkwe poiau. asd lnn goscssq tBrooce. ? AUSK - ' gtssasfs swrr k for sO priaefpst ports la Alaska. . Trai la hrsry; miki nmtrn pass sarir. mm Stlirssr t rSHhaai 0 A. St., July ST. Tw tmtae f 1 Ti,rrd siMet. tela teas r ' a-ssss iswal PsslfM Offlet Bast SSS1 PAOiriO fTKAMSHIP OOMPSNy. - It rmt sra tntarastad la k m -' ta Aiaaka tais nnnir, fuss us v pon saoiua se spoksa (or o asssw aa last aia ts Pa fswat easts teas m sasss Is slrtsdy ssets. Ut as aUac as tse i . Alette etasmsnks cj cianssSMi rssme PaaMM) Staasaahii f "S0II OURKAI. TlUIVgt, ?Mlt ffe surael asMias .Peruasd. Orsaoa BUmflSJI 17f SS. Stavangerf jord If ,8fft 1- W. Toss Kewest, Psttetf d tet Hedern Steastsr ; . - 'v-jr'. -v ta SeaadisaTia. - , . - , sAlxres prom hew tosk. .. BTEftT THKBK WEEKS Afftstt, Pertlaadi Cossl BJenasd, Costal Tale. Lldell, The 4erssl Vrarff 9sressV Serscy B. Sstlth ". STEAMERS The DsIIes ssd Way Points 5 'Sailings . Tuesdays; - Thursdays and " Saturdays, 10 P. M. DALLES COLUMBIA LWZ , Cb. Doc!s. ' . - CroadTwty 3 4 SI M LASKA v: - tb mnstmctlftn tit a nevr drwJc at that place. , The organisation of a port dis trict at fort urrora is coniensptstea. ana xx, i- etewart ot tost eity nas urmw the dock commission for assistance in laying out the plans for the dock, which Is to cost about 925,666. GRAIN SrmraiEXT FMIS Strikers Are Firm Is) Demand for SO Ceptg m Hoqr, Inerease, of 5 Cents. Efforts to reach a settlement of the grain handlers strike failed at a Joint meeting of the dock operators ' and the union leaders - at - the Merchants Ex change today. During the meeting sharp woros were exchanged between tne op- posing factiens, the strikers beiag firm in their demands for 80 cents an hour, an increase of five cents over he pres ent wage scale. Representatives o the Seattle grain - handlers attended ... the meeting. j " ;'-t;- In their desire V have the strike set tled so that the : grain ships oeuld be leaded here without delay the dock op erators had offered to refer the whole matter to the pregon state board of con ciliation. ,..!--- The dock operators-are also firm in their demand that the Portland rates shall not be higher than those, paid on Puget sound, and, their position has the support of Max H. Houser, vice presi dent of the grain corporation of the food administration, ana president - oz tne Port of Portland. MOUNT EVANS. TO. TAKE WHEAT Iw 800 Tori (eel Stegmer to Take Csrflo From Qod ef Ves Bsrjsn, The new S800 ton steel steamer Mount Evans has been assigned by the division of operations to receive the wheat to be transferred from the hold of the steamer west Harlan, wmcn is pre paring to go on ths dryqock 'far repairs. The work of transferring the grain will require severs! days. " Immediately aft-; er the cargo has been removed the darn aged ship will be put on the drydock for repairs of the damage ' e'ustalned wosn tne steamer, arniie proceeding to sea recently, ran opto a rock bottom In te Columbia river when , the steering gear failed, causing the vesse) to sheer fewara tne wasungton snore.. -rne damage to tne steel plates is con fined to tha forefoot of the ship. ; Rose pty i fo Resume Announcement was mads this morning by the San Francisco & Portland Steam- snip company mat repairs nave prac tically been completed on the steamer Rose City and that she will resume her run between San Francisco sad this pert, leaving the southern terminus July $&. The Rose City was taken out. of service lata in June because of trouble with her pressure cylinders. The ves sel will continue te operate en a -nine- day schedule and will leave Portland for the south; July 27. News of the Port - arrivals Jai 10 Retitavar. imjrima barkanUos. (con Tsass Banu, cosirm. Argyll, ajBsriaaa ; ttsaiapt, ffofa Ss Tn l lvertua. abmhcss sua but, mm Baa rrta ebco. tnitnL . : w. 9. Usnia, asMricsn staasM. fnw &sa siaacisce pu. Osearturas Jiri Fast ftieaid. Aatarirsa ataaamac. tat Gnus AimwaiL ajaeiicaa stcaata. far finn Hr- We eVSaJeaerSab H. B. EOTrio. Aatacicaa - fef Fia- ura, a. u., aouan. . ., : sVeaUter at Rlvar't HeuU North Haad. Jala ID. Condition, at taa Bur-uw o. tarn nifi a nooa: cca aeaetma; - PAII.T miYEB" BEAUIJrOS - s IS r s?- aw gVAXJOVa 1 Hi 25 '!:! e.oo Aibsns Salfat Bracoa CHr .. . ... i- Pvrtiaad .......... se so IS IS M'.e o e l.S e.oe -J e. it. t - Fanias. . BITEB POBECAST The Willamette river s Portlsad irtll fall uqariy sunn taa next rao or toiea esja " AT VEIGBBOBXKG POSTS - 'Astoria. Jaty 16. Antead Sows at S:80 a. aa.- Steaawt Fori-Smr4. Ift ay at 'S a. in.. . MtfiaiBM sucnaTac nsiian a- m -rrStaamo Fort Seott. foe Allan tig part. ea I'aoro. jqjjr, s.' sulfa . stirs.fr atiss. for PorUsnd. - ? i Part ToBliMliiL - J! S hlU-dlMax Xilyndoo. fnna Pprtlaad for Hotjoiulu. Astoria. July . Arried at popb and left a? at 1 p. -Steamer Aisril. frDes' Baa raacbra Sailed at :0B P. ate Stasmcf t'ort Sill, for Caitiff. Arrived at 4 :0 5 and left np at 7:8 p. m. Steasw TiTertaa. from aac (nana. miN a a ana iafl as at H P. as. etaamer V. Harris, Iram gaa Praa- eiara. ' Manila. Jnlr . Hsilwl - atwamar fTast "'WW. hr rmenn Ta vT ant . Mas a gstaris Friday Xew Water, t Biah Water. f:e a. m.. . feet I T:20 s. ai. -0.6. feet f AKLAKP. July 10. (U. P- Thir XJ teen thousand today " contend ; that Willie Meehan should be given a chance at the heavyweight chess championship. In a miserable bout before the largest crowd drawn by" a fight fa this city. Meehan got the decision over Jack Thompson.' Thompson. v a huge '. negro, is today branded shady for last night's fight,-;--,:. : ;. i -. J --iiy.; ; ,: - Meehah looked white and untrained. He certainly gave no appearances last night of being In the title holders' class. Aiiie isacjc and Jimmy Afarshall trav eled four rounds to s draw in the semf windup. ' . Fials mi Women's Western Golf Today Chicago, July M.-(I N. a) Mrs. Mel- vi n jonee u uwt yts, ana ara ferry FIsk, of the Klshuakee clubv Sycamore, tit, will meet" today In the finals of the Western Women's Golf association tour nament at Beverly. Mra Jones defeated fcCiss EHiabeth Klots and Mrs. Ftsk won from Miss Tera " Gardner' In' the semi finals yesterday. - -A new -material for machinery bear ings Is composed almost wholly of lead, electrically hardened. STiE:EL rtsTrs r7 BAM SiivtTS . fH.Tff vwtwr pose - - ra Pi cats a raArggiat, far ewtoacs suiLaiae . .v. '. Ts Tsag . .sjtipf rjOIlTOWEST PIUDGE - &IJlO?iCO. POSTLAKO. OREaoSJ f. Qw fas SSS.J STais flfg j:,S p. sl. a.a tecc i:iit av. f.s feet BEMPSEY- BOOSTED BY JESS former Champiqn S?y? Jack Will Keep Title During 10 Year First - Hook Won. CpiCAQO, : July (I. ?, &)-Jtss Wlllard. prominent business man and fanner of lawreaee, Can, wH was present at the championship fight in Toledo on July 4 and saw part of the bout, gave out some interesting obser vations cones rnlng th scrap and the pew champion, Jack pempsey, aa h passed through Chicago on his way to his Kansas home. On the subject ef Jack Dempsey, Wllls.rd said: . . ' "There isn't a man m the country today who can take the championship away from Dempneytr 8eme ot the army box ers, may develop gar) best Jack when he gets ekV but for the next It years he'll keep the title. "Dempsey Is the ' hardest hitter the ring evef had. an4 1 jnclude Bob Fits simmons In (his.. He is game, don't know the meaning ot fear, and Is as fast and clever as a lightweight. ' Tbey talk about matching Pempsey and Carpenter. Pempsey will whip the jrrenenman easily.' .- - t When informed that Frank Moran was seeking a match with Dempsey, the for mer champion's only reply was a laugh. Asked if ha could give any details of the fight at Toledo, Wlllard replied! - 'Not after that first hook to the Jaw. That one knocked me silly and I don't know half of what happened after that. tnight have been knocked down 1? times instead of seven tor ail i rememoer. I was whipped, but I gave the best that was in me. I understand some folks are calling me yellow. . X did the best I could, and put all X had In those three reunos. that is yetiow l guess rm yeuosr "As for my future -Just say ' Tm through, and that I'm going far away where 4 can pe aionew - ANPY WHITE : beat Ambrose B. Scott In the finals of the president's cup golf tournament Tuesdsy on the Waverley Country ciub course, Z up and I to play. A big entry list , is expected In the mixed foursome handicap to be staged on the Portland Holt ciub links next Sunday. This Is the first mixed four some event or, tne season at rne Ksieign course. The following players will tea off in the semi-flnaj rvund ef the summer handicap o the Portland Golf club Bunagy. First flight W. Miller vs. Ted Wish- erd, fjeorge Jones vs. K wiineim. 8econd flight W. O. Zimmerman VS. W. IL Nash, pr. A. Q. Page ya George uamnut - - , v -- . Third fliirhb Fred HysfcsU vs. C A. Sharp, C. N. Bampeon vs. C. W. Cor nells Fourth flight R.- U. Bcfaaae vs. XC V. Uvejy, a.,pr WjMhbum vs. JO. & Hlg- Fifth flight W. XI. BeoU n. O. R. Atkinson, Charles ; wuiterrnute vs. Thomas Hart. , Sixth flight-r-Pr. C.t C Moore vs. Charles Schrieter, fl J. Ball ys. Harry Robinson." . : -" , . '. Seventh fllsht H. B. Williams : vs. K. S. Ervia, L. Bergstrom vs. Ceorge iscnaeres. v . - .. . it :! Over Sixty Entries Are Expected in Stqte Tennis Meet Telegraphic information as to the number of California entries to the an nuai Oregon stats tennis championships on lAufelburet courts, starting next Monday, Is. expected pome time today by Xeonard C. Wilson, chairman of the tournament committee. . several South' erners have signified - their intentions Of coming north for the title events, but their entries have not been received as yet : Chairman Wilson has announced that th entry list will doss at C o'clock tonight, after which drawings will be made. " ". ; '- The biggest delegation of players are expected to compete for the ' Iryington plub, Waverley Country club. Malt- noman Amateur Aim euc ciuo ana the Xaurelhuret club, with something like 60 entries In the men's singles. In con junction with tne competition for the Ralph W. Wilbur trophy, . emblematic of the men's singles championship, will be the borthwest boys and Juniors center contests. Ptul Neer, representa tive of the Portland center, will enter the Oregon state play as ' well. The Portland LAwn Tennis association met with the tournament committee of the Ijaurelhurst dub today noon St the Portland ' bote and final arrangements for the tourney were completed. . BU1XDI5G PERMITS O.' T. Cbaadler. erect sarace. 182 E. 47th betaeea Stark aend Aider.' bander Jlodera Con struction Cf-, 50. 5 . v ' Barter trBearWne, taetaB famar. 1189 E. Anteny, Installed f f. V f !fet: nrnaca fJo., Rnur A, Kaererav iostall fsraaee. 1191 H Ankear, lusts lleit by 3. C. Barer Parnaee Jo., O. txnria. Uutall faroac. E. 16th fi.. fasUOlea ey J, u. 7er rarnaea sua, naca so., 9 no. Tce. J47f fOta Furnace Co.. $875. u. 388 E. 51st N.. a. N. Hansen, nutU luraace, if? N., tnwtaved y J. v. saver si 1. H. Srenfe. install furnace installed ay J. C. Barer Furaaee Co.: S240. A CL Malmauist. ioatall furnace. S8S STkid- arare st, ins tailed Br J. C. Barer laraaear Co., B2SS. Hnstas K- Bserea. install faraapa. SSO Basa hHX at, installed t7 $. C Barer Fornaee' Co., t2e.- ' - : - . 5 Charles g. Stewart. InstaO farsaes. SSS Baav kM at, hajtaUed s. v. nafac fraiaacar te., -1 1. H. ' Dixon. tBstag- fornaee. 1 S9t Kaott at installed r t. C Barer ruroaca Co.. S1BS. . -Dr. John - Berciaad. taattU faraace. 1144 gaadr blra-, installed by i. C Barac ranaaee Ca.. SS2S. , Mrs. Loleta Xabearitca. foatair fnraaea, 134S Bandy Mrd-f InitslleS by f. fX' Barer Farnaea airs. Inlets T-ebovtteh, hraun farnaee, S27 js. ess. iratauaa er . u. air sumacs ia, 11 SO. - i - t Mrs. Aaffia Grable. install rarnaea. 111A Mat lory. inataUed b J. C Barer Psraaos Co., 1S. 3. Jubitx. a-reck residance. S4 N. 8th fee. vweea ornaias ana v-ouco, u. sv. as ja. tj. uo, Stoa:""'"-" - . - - - P. A rMrdlB, ereetj saraea, 1113 Btrvbim aetaatM STtb aaad Slta, braider sane. flaw. N. B. gilar, aUala, 1S9 Gay at, builder Sana. S4a. rraoanrsida latlsa Ka. 1SS. feendatles. 1153 Hawthorn between fSth send 8tb, boilder 90ft. Wniiara Drrdea. reaair raaidewea. S82A SSth era. B. . batweea SSta aad SOtb, builder aaaoa. 45. s".)"- , T. Hartt Gardaer. erect carats, SSS E. lis batweea . lath (and 14ta aia., builder &ara ConneU Jjunbex Ca.. $75. Jack Hetser. erect reMdeaea. SSS ftsatoa. ba tweea 17th sad 18th. builder P. It. Uaasea. $17,000. . .. ' . ' Mm Meyersll J r. erect store. 2fS far ba- Wetmaa av.aov. Math Uiariieb, repair raaklenca, CSS Pewall between, E., 13(j end au., baii4cf faaaa, '."'M. Laopard. repair reeJdeaee. $T Tlaa-. dera batweea 21st aad 224, builder Vf. J Baekaet. $1S0S. ' ' Eidina !, aeaet earaaa. 401 Bimoaoa) ba tweea Voioa are. aad 61A. builder, Mr. Tiaama, a a ia r . 1 --..,.. - -V - ... - ' V. Cladex. araet resfalence. TS E. ttb K. be tween Coach aad'Srerett, builder aaaia.$2A0e. 1. p. Hopfctna. erect residence, ins. KM eeta twees . Cliaaa sad fiaa, bnilear aarae, I lima Mrs. B. Ireland, atasis rwadeaea, 41$ Ta era. bttaaea 8th sad Sth, baflder aaaaa, W. M. Karats n. erect fruit horue. J22S E- AMer between 1st M 0, &iMM)V Care. $lfo. .... Ollrer Helfrlch. erect estate. 1221 Kerb ba tweea gimpeon acq Jewnp, builder aaraa. $10. , taa Hon LanwrufOt, repair store se wu fac. 2S2 Prant st between &airsoa ud Mao, builder J. A- Xarr, $1S0. -c 7th ' betweea Haaeoek sad TiHaauok.. buudat Peter Vrasniaaa, $$S. " ed H. Muber. repair swtumi eae sw ' aetwaaa glwAift sad buAloo. baildar sane. $100. - - ' aawrer wmuso, areas iinunwt SSth betweea Preaaptt ta4 sWasrs, builder same, $S700. - , ' P. 8. Turn erela, repair aTahiB. 2SS-I l$th batweea Jefferson aad Mais, builder Wu Oest Vaeto. $T. "'- " - Frank K. ntter. erect aaraa. SS4 B. .l$th betweea Pewea aad Beacoa.' builder same, tea. Frank K. TJtter.' repair dweUins. S84 K- 14th between Powell and Beaooa, builder now, S25 . A. V. Malraquiat, erect reaiaeaee, ( i ST. betweea d iftinocW builds; aaaat. " rk..W K,ifnfcar rrnair store. S8S MoOr- tana batweea Maaea and aiidiaore, buijdee aaaaa. - J. B. BattV repair raddeaee. 4S0 E 1.1th be tween Grant aad Sherman, "bnfleer.- Hawthoraa Constractioa Co., $1S. a. John Sanborn, erect resldeace. 41 McClellaad betweea Feawick and Intersute, builder same, $1500. '. 8. Moorea. renair reaSdeaee. 1714 Wabaah are. between fisBQCk aad WsUa. builder aaaie. Mrs. JL O. Vanderhoff. erect chicken house, ISaa E. Sth between UmatUls aad Haraer. builder Vaaderboof Bros., $25. . u. t u. ana s u. . ihw"i. f"T? idenee, S61S 66th are. g. K. betweea $th sod a7th. builder vsnaeroooi ores., "d lit H. B. (Sear, erect fstsse, 4 VtneoaTer are. betweea Hancock sad Tuwjaooa, oiptfi Manny Construction Co., $28. roTey aviate, rawi 01110a es'fyy 100 Sta, builder W. Caries, $200- T nr a-'l.S .Ma isui rlilatuta K.lg UlBf betweea' 7 Lh sad ith. builder same. $?70e. between g. Stark aad Oak Ms., buirder Mste, 25. n t, mr m v A. . Q 1 a S.'T Ka SI. aioore. srecs aarase, f twecn Tajrloe and Salasoa. builder .ansa, $70. 1. L. Baker, repair residence, 82$ E. 6th ba tweea paihns sad ShaTer; builder, ti V. liiakla; 4lL'Haasea. zeTtair reddeace, 1278 Boston ess. betweea Ainswerth sad JiahBtni buudar ssim; ft ' E. OTTinore- erect carase. 28$ BV 27th K. betvsea Wasco sad Multnoswh; buudtr sama: y F?TTX 'Pttteaaar. erect residence, SSI Strd st between SSrd sad saw aa.. . ; : tea iriTiiwnWl betweea Albias sad 8orthwick builder. Whtta M .MIL - BUI BUMW. " Si'lM laia. sreet sarase. 2$1 Tdth V. betwsea Pacific aad Meaatlo; Mud aaatei $60. - ... Anna Kelleadouk, rspeir 4wenine "J.,.11 SOth N. batweea Coins s4 Wisant; bufld" Bay Alexaader, erect realee-Bce, TSS Maaoa St between . Z3rd aad Stta swj auuoer 18th NY" between Host and Ima; baildar. John P, Pederses; $2. A. (1 Feyerabeaa. repair lesidaaea.. 1082 B. Uneola between $4ths4 Marsuanta; aaud- 11 Bbitrt MKenneth, erect chicken house, 15 K. Uoyt between 6 1st and 82nd; builder sarne; Henry Sehoilhom. repair resideace, 80S-11 Easern betweea Williams and Bodney; builder luJUore (i Ih. met chickea house. 4S E. S8th between fine ana oxers; pauass 1911 W. H. Morris, repair residence. TT8 Belmont Hofanaa between 17th sad Highland ; baildar a GiUis. repair iwJtdeace, S1I 8. WB- Maiette ' between Mohawk sad Tyler: builder same: Sow. - aaaa M. Driscol, repair dweUins. $28 Karby betweea Morris aad Btantoa; builder Haace dj hSL' 2r)0kra ..v h.r one VfaTlnr a. betweea " ckidmora and Mseos; : baildar m- $20. " ' " J. ' p. ' Madigaa. erect sarace. 494 EV $8tb at N. betweea Xhseapsea aad Btasce; baiidar DA- SloO. - ,i . A. Xx. Rtmn. erect nrue. TS2T SSth are. betweea TVth and 89th; builder, Mpdera Coa strucUoa Co.; $0. . ' . A. K. Ituooera. . erect prays. e waa ward betweea Sth aad Sth; builder. Modern Construction Co.; $60. ' " - VT. H. Hofaker. repair residence, SSI B. Mara between . Satb fad. E. 2U; builder aaat; T"FTaak Olam. reaair residence. 752 E. Sth between Rhone and Bash; buU4C Arrow laun dry Tray Co.; $180. Hill Military Academy, repair school. 821 Marshall between 24th and 23th at; tauldyr Vf. tv. Carey, repair residence. 4SS Killines- weeta eetweea yaioa ana eta ata.: oaHoer aaaaa; S20O. - . Au J. Rrmn. erect earaae. 1144 Tm at. be tweea E- 38th and 8tb; builder aaaie: $90. SSth st B. K: builder same: $4Q. W.rM.Haeock. alter residence, llSS'Iron between K 8th and 4 let: builder same. tfiO. Portland Flourint Mdta, erect graia bias, foot anoasora at.; aauoer, oanay-asaaoa uo-; sou, eoo. - ' : " ' Baaa Haaaa, ' repair ' storehooye, S3 SO Pester roaa Between vara ana atM sts; paiiqar. St. Uurhes; $20." 5 7 - t Walter Millar, wreck tmfldiiy. 8$1 UbIob are. bftween Maaoa sad Shsryy; $28.. J Broadway rrTfr-. between f1aaden) and Chsaa; builder earns; $300, : ' ' ' . r Foster A Kiel set Co.. erect billboard. 14S4 Diriipn between $0th nd 61st at,; buUdcr law, YEW TOP AT Send Ua Yopr Old Carpets s pid sgs aft Wsfdeg f?thtsg. fe J8S8S SeTSralhla, HasJl.lirevan. Fluff Rugs rThW'-Fesf 4ff Xresw ' Bag stags Tfevrs All Wses. VaU Orders Bead fer Boogie. - Carpet Cleanins fxt Bpg. 0teas pieaaedV ftA$ sTXSTEaiir FXTJFP BUO CO, $4 UaJos Are. K. ' ' i Bast $814 Pheses B14T$ Panrish Wtlon? & Cp. JEst 1867. Frank E. Watgias, Manager Member Pprtlind Realty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan, ' and Fire an$i AytpmolJile Insurance Agents . .f '- (Corresppnfleqce Solicited. 106 Second St. Pltonet Main 1644 ATJCTTOy 8A1.E8 TOWOBBOTT AT - W1I.SONH- Auctloa Bouse, 1SS-17S 24 st. Stht st 0 a. as. ' -- , WKBTTItO lrOTICKS $1 ALKCBT r-fiiB IXiPGE Ka, 12; A. tr uul a ir a..i j auuueanoa Friday areniaaj Jnlr ... .s cuk, . lauui oreta. ren mlron, -r- w. w. vwk, geeretary, ; STATED eommnBicatioa Lents J2?i- lAfc - ' . 1 """ay areniat. - g e'eiock. Werk fa E. A. decree. lauers welcome, trraer W. sj. a. Ubsstsi, Bee. i,1 a. a w : caHoa this Thandsyl aeesnas 1 e'clack. Work ta S. A. de cree. . Visitors always welcome. litwwt f A m.n. I. V m . will rocm 208 Aliaky bide. Tett Haines, Corra- spoadent. u a-Etone eaaia . EMBLEM JEWELRY: a sorcialty; buUoas. pins. msia T. t 111 t99 i.l. .1 bMSAIHS. SVCaSia awSgaJSSnf 4L4V"fV VAS at tween 'Sd and 4tfb btulder Erts A $t MTXTXOMAH CAMP BO. tf. W. p. .W aaarts at Ka bag. - Sta aad B. Alder, ever Trader e-raaiss st S ecloek. Vhatiaa teieibprs aiwars waleaaia, .. A ,.tLKMs, Ptask. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 5, W." O. W.. eeety Pridaf Birht ta W. O. W. Temple, lss 11th st Measbera ra ts be present tin tors H. Bstmr tara. OKEGON BOSB CAMP8 est rneetias wffl be iulr $1. ft which tuae the peat ratae-anO be Ai.nA m rJk matH tl UmtM Will BS tha maiS topic at tiie Borasl Clob aezt Friday, ul tt. at tha home of Mrs. Nelson. S2 East Irons street Boss City cat. - Oaa aaastinf is Aasast the 28U, thea casidar snetinrs asaat ainmas gestas; ber 11. - MT. HOOQ fiOPGB. VO. 197, A F. A- Spect eom- aaeTueaUoa toasorrow - (Frlday eanina. t T:SO a. m. Work fat r.! K - IL deirea. Viattors welT 'W vr. u. ' ': , AT gt Ja SJ"- J COILTaBU I01XJB Ka..y' t F. " and A." M- Special aora nuaieatioa topJsbt (Tbursday . at ,f .49 V f CW.a. vwawa . r Visa tin? bttiK wUiCOMs,, l 0rdr of W. M. FE5T I OIAOH, geerttsr. - "POBXIAb'Tl I6lX3B." s"0, J(, a-IT7 47 I Snceial eom- aaaaicaaoe This Friday ereniat S a'eloek. Maeoaia Trmrfe. Work b rM. Si. decree - Viuunc bretht ren welc-nT By order L W. A' P. AS A M Btatad enrnatanicatioB f :S f. nr. onifbt TThundarJ. - ; ; By orda W.- af- -' ------- VS3a74-aaw' WaAAXfi VTlRRT sC - JVW Wfsaa..e rw tT 'm fTianniUr) rtnmm t - A-t wTSnii.Ti siMincf. THB; bwrrSO AgTiaAS are S Vr"-A tSi firwaorksat The Oak. Starts daaciac at S ;48 S- as. f L J Uet JIJJJ. If ARBfAOE i,lCFg-SEH . 1 n . '. Wok ic.a, alv UanaU as teraii, , . atiaet aorta, sad aant Bryaa. . rV East 8t-rttW saa Michael J. uaroia, J-t.rr, " soatheast. sad Mary I. . 4M &1iBa07ll84 E .TOrtleth street aortb. sad Aaaa tfSeata. f tieth street aorta. .. .. , ... Frank BobertaoB, 82. Maiwoaiaa dim. w r PJT ' tia fatten areaue. Vlter TUL 22' HOlsdria, Or Uaaorr. 8lV Fpr-aereath 9 . , - w 4BtsI 7aiaAisaWSeUg. SLESfl La Kor ttoow-oa. rs. r-rr' or rtaraias. wi..se- .-.- - . F. U ABdwwa. ss. aaaa. -a-. 7-1 2aa- aTSt? '2S 8 BUu'Jiwst. sad Mildred A Wwnnui, s, e. ' 'TT.. "loaSlerB,. WM. 8. Hood boteU S-d White. 28. aS4S Tnomaa A. lane, jt "T ' aad Alice Loses. 80. 801 Moaroe street, aaaanew - . r. r;,sr e-.th aranna, Saiaato. CL. ss4 Edn M. fanes, 24. 49$ raee ww , -- - aaie Rirtr-fifth street sooxnesss. s .v, Lr - r - -Joseph H. osoern, if. wm-mm v,. , a-dMarS1-Sr2.r ai lra Eialra Joyce. -22. 28$ WlnetaeaUi sad Forsiae pr, r T iihI - Hush B. Jt3W,-,.-5fmSJ? wj iToreoc, A. .VV iTk e Park, aad Boas rietea . " . 7 .f .f Chester C. a-uwey, v. -- , rv,-f - aad Floreaea 1- eaau. -r T tt:t serenlh aueer.- - . ' m . .'fieSer? 87.' Va 'Four-trwM nSwaad Haary laaaloU. 2S. Seattle, . wasn-. S-4. VeT.B. StareraC 25. ffVi a.d PhalSsfattr BsVest' 27. 1 1 T g & M orftaoa. Bleach. Grabaas. fccaV 8 e$ Heieht. Terraoa. SW.aswsw r . . f-T-.T,,. . " aad aarah pusaa rvm, a. . BISTHf fOSTONA To Mr. sad Mrs." r. FoeUaa, 881 GRAHAM To Mr- aad Mrs. B- B, Pss, BliBQBTrrrTa Mr. aad Mrs. f. KOaJaXv Te Mrf aad Mrs. If. 7, Konssn. ssi ffll Inff 7 si b11. iryEsbToTV'Sar'.' sad Mrs. A. JV Ms BOGEi V?tH. Hadaaa, $$1 nAnlinTu?' ZaaCra. ' C B. Swift. SIS ntSffitUTTa Mr: To. Ha l. IV Balhser. VrtTr. MrL'lX Bfler. 8Ta Johnsoa, uty a, ARTHLH le Mr. an4 Mrs. B B. Atth Vrasaa. nae ew. a ... j. SMITH To My. sad Mrs. M- A Ssilth, Presb- . - a... faA ak alatn ss.tsa. lastiMt aa -UsTb: IV Brook. Tat Dalles. Or., July S, s eon. ROOTT To Mr- and Mrs. ja g. Bcatt. $718 MOclEBTa'Mr-aad Mra. Jas. Maarar. $78 88f, July 1, a sob. tvlTJSo uTA MraB. Xufff $18 Mohawb. MlTilVHa M P. WT 8-1 fi . a.v " a dausntar. BJIOH"io Mk'fadMra B. Barich, 881 - First, J woe xs, a rv.n (YtiiNHA To Mr, aad Mrs. K. H. Cornell, Killinsw-rn ate., July ? daasatat rTABSVTo Mr. Sad Mrs. Lv U Starr. 4St B. 1. Jnl, g. a d-UhUr. a . l&ff It Ea. el- tftUASS Bf an -a, -SSI KERN To Mr. sad Mra. A. i- Aem. 178 . lAAKA--To Mr. aad Mrs.. T. Fnaiataka, t;- "rJa. 227 E. sttn. uae aw. w---.- FBEEMAN Ta Mr. and Mra D. W- (II atraas. ."Vii - w it u HEX DU ICSJBON To Mr- sad Mrs. E. P- Bea " w s.nt June 2S. S son. WTZMlLEB--To Mr- sad. I Mia.W. It Aits )CK TM - d MxaT 8- ck. 1048 Mars-JAMTVMf- fsrats. Milwaakaa. L&ii, Mrf d Mra j. Wd. 8?$5e gth. . Aar,B.Krr an4 Mra O C, Abehes, rijmfa Mraadatn?' SAaw fT.L S7tb. Jane 80, a bob. - , C. A- Mcte- danchtet. Attlx. $48 SOS BBTO, eay f . , VIATT To M. aral ga.- HaroM J Wlstt. C46 K. 27th. Jul 4. a daater. BCHABZ Te Mr. sd Mrs. 4. F. Babsrs, 868 BelmoaU July g. son. : BlffiEiaEN To Mr, sn4 Mra. Keta f . ioran- pTii ti . Inl, ! a ana. MANS4-T. "MTad "blsv JX lMsaa, 278 JOHN BON Te Mr. sad . Mrs. J. A. Jobaaoa. Vitoo. Or-,' July . S waacnier. . nSfLAV ta Mr. aad Mra. aUesdaTJ. Fer- eet tiroea. Or J I. a swasaui. SHANAFELT To Iff. and Mrs. W. A gasaa- ia 4acaf A lt.a TnleT e at warVSi $TSrsr Mr.14 raviiw BAtSfrMV aedMr fIW Bia, Cardea Home, July B. S eoa. . TOMFKISS Je Mf. end Mrs. JAW. Tiraapkiaa, an W. - Ammm ' SB talaw" SJ SSV. J V a we aware MF.XRT-Te Mr. sad Mrs. LaBa W. Henry. 02 Vt Vaacoure are , July 8. s daaaiitet. JAByiS-T Mr. sad Mrs. F, H. Japtsv AIT BOGEIvS Tf Mr. and Mr. T. rt. Bocers. Ta. TJFWS.M e ssr. ana Mra. y. d.: w C- r-Terww. my o. a - a FEHBKB Ta Mr. and Mrs. J. Fearer, f SS K. 12tfi. Jnly . aeaantet. -COM EH Te Mr. sad Airs. H. areiaer, $$. . 1 Sub. July 4. a daachter. - - ... aOSa TaMf. and Mra Farnoa JL Boss, f S4 - E. Sth. July S. eoa, CONSER To" Mr. and Msa - B. W. Ceosef, Aaa c. ttJt T.,1. T . Kf.KMivv Ta'Mr. 'asaf Mra. Julroe Hof- 'wtana. Stabler. Vfaab.." July 4. a dasrbtef. ECwXETT Ta Mr: aad Mat B. E. liowlett. iiia -af " zi . a . Mb - BfUJrVAS -To Mr. aad Mrs.' Ii. Suffiraa,-S18 B. lU. aaiy . a aaacner . WfirTE Ta Mt- aad Mra. IT- WW. $818 BTARa To Mr. and Mrs. U. gtarr, 40$ B. 4ft. Jn'r , a djuiirttef. KFKTEIVfiK" T Mf. tM Mr. W. EretS- oss nicmana. mr a, a aaaaater. MPETnrrr jroncES COaasVe : DBAT1T9 Ami PTJirTRAia T tiIEIiTl .oEi II tie residence of her par- eats. Mr. aad lis. diaries Jecobsea. 2B DUoa street, July JO, Carrie. Petxsa Christca sea. asm SO nuL beloved wife of Andrew Christ men. slater of Mrs.A. W, few of MatcMBSofi. Miaa. -Mrs. 4. amon, at iieuwu. kich. -. Amy Jacubsen and Barlow Jseobaea of palBtn,: Mina. Funeral aemce sna ee aen Bundar. July 1$, at the First Karwesiea, fJanuh Methodist church, Elrbteenth and Uort sueeta, at S i0 p. aou laaaaratioB at the Mount bcott parg erematonnat. s.rrnmenq ps ea of Miller & Traces. --' - . MGlX-Is this eitr. July $. heakla Haaaa Moll, ace 27 years, belayed .L-,'u Moil f 870$ Foster road, mother at Lejtar, T heck la aad Vlnaa MoU. Aaushtar of Mr. this eity, Mrs. Lee Jesiem of IjOS Anceles, an. Lee St Clair of Oceaa Part, CaL. Charts Bncht. Fred Briht Sad Wipem Brisht. ail of Los Alefnw. a nf fenuiaw mim sta iuwrM oTLTd. Keaworthy A a.. S808-O4 Siucty ut i..t - la I ant ktoOoe af lunerl attar. DAVTSIa this eity at tha teaidenoa 'of her brother. Dr. B. u. uuiespie. .a u at,-Miai. A, Daria. Mad Jefferson I US tB, late os SKuee, maw. . . v.. r . -i Wm, a Unnt The faaeral eerrieee wili be held SWdey. July II. at p. as., as ewueya, r"f if 31 8 th. Frieada iarited, - laUrmeat at MC Bcott lark eosaetery. ' ' ' -' - BATUwAt tha f easily raaldeaas, 182$ aeeaae. A urate Bath, SCO fa. years, belpred other of B. 5. Bath and lAUiaa AUeadaie, saw this eity. Funeral serriceswUl be beU Vriday. July It. -at S p. aa.. tro ! . . a. saii.ua niaetr-eecwm. bcott cemetery. -- - Mwn i i thi ettr. July S, ISIS. Thomat rVo-il of DorU OaU ? Frieods turtles to at- a ride rt skins psnora ' " . iji..w.w 11. iitT r h ? intoTfu TOKK la thto eity. July S. John B Tork eced MoltsrV .ITO, T Xotffuneral hereafter ATKIXSOS Arthar Attmaon, 481 Graham, July S. 4 years, nephritis. , aJQ-rBoes Sellinc. 78$ Jaisson, Jal T, il?3Kt . .I. . .Tl 1258 Corbstt. July 1. 1 year, fracture pf stall tstraek with (k:ibett( JuU 1, ft years, heaaarrbage tsel- etdal.) . ti 111 Navaat. M'OONaELli -raaaie aw. ' July e, aa years, "- .... .- ABBoVr-Charlea P, Abbott. J88 ml. July 8, 84 years, adoearditis. KBLfiOS Mrs, 6, Kalsoa. U Vtaeents haHrital, uiy a, aa yean. ". -y ... avn. DITTEBEtANPT Anna Uittebrandt, $i rau . ...t- a a, n hMi diaaasa. JXhSE--rTb4iBias Jensen, " B. Li". DAVlhWohs B. Pari. Portland euuUriura. . . sr ma' a.m Avawa ienihlsL Veil 'Ok-MllWli WUso V-iij Oc- atrST1. warertey swiy hwh . ooema oc sua - - r , ., - - 8TKA1K'--Jack Hubert Btraia. BVATU-!sarB at. w . -... . CIBSOH Thee. iibaon. 448 J 1th, July 7, MA'lVBlfB-1 BTTFFMaN Jas. W. Bulfman, 1818 Barraga, ClESiaV fSaeeirjoO K. $01. lnl t. nvirVt K- 84. Jul, t, $ t.t;. . : 8?. . .1!? , rw BllANDT Bolf Brandt, 1 K. 87th, July 4. SS yean, tuberculosis. " - yKV-KY waiard C. Barrey, Bt Jineents 'hospital. July f, 88 years, eerobrsl , aasipr- TwiAfaka. 258 ''"-"V.",. T. " - AXU.litla. TT. IT B.I lagUb. eyssa.7 " " w- L.a. . a A fl A -wawsifaB tnlfVrukfiwa. FLORISTg . . n n ( -C lU. Ill sr.i a A.-1280 Flowers - lor SH occawope iiucii CXABK BEOS , florins. Morris, st wet 4th "ud Stb. Phone Main A-18S5. - Fine ; flow- - . 1 1 Jk . . . - SA KOTantm: MAM - - . era ana i wai ....... .- uidce" r TtimaT Sth anil Tan. bia 'ata-Taf flowers: plants and tfwrai. fen- wood greenhouse 648 Hcbslera are. BelL 1S20. ijULASE riprsldeslBns,'deratoBa. OppoaiU poToTuce. i , - POBTLAKD-8 Ftorsl aad Bird 8W. Iaigus ana oecoranotm. sssin anr Z-EOPLEB FLOBAI, SHOP; 248 Aide. Oe- siyns sad aecorsuoas. rnoae sieranan aa SWISS FLOBAT. COMPACT FLOWERS AND" FlNTg MAX M. SMITH." flortet. 141 H Stb St. Holman Undertaking Co Funeral Directors gBIBXI AN SALMO! STg. -". Mala $87, A-1811 " Progressive Funeral Directors Mate MPS TOOMEBY ' AT FTPTH 8-1 $ 88 F. S, Dunning. Inc. HE COLPEM B'TJLB OXliEBTAKKB THE COLPEM m si At ty ' a 1.1 a. u RTAKEBS fhcpf K?t S2. B-S22S, a 1 gfia. stPlgt Ot, - Dunning -k McEntee broadway sad Ankeay St. Lady 4 art stint " Phones Brwadwsy 48S, A-4e8. Aa De.Kfnworthy & Co. " ' V802-S804 S2D ST. g. K . TEXTS Plioge Tsbor S2S7. Bonn Phone O-St. test 78 -O I" I ssffrri B-18f$ -?rrf, Assistant CNOCBTAKT.BS at. 11th an8 fkwthnrne McKNTEE A ELLEBS. funeral pariots with all ' tha prfraer ol a Ions lata aad r. reretl sta, Intones- nroeaway nmnt a-siea. MlLLEB'a TBACEV-iudepeadent funeral di 'fvrtssas -.jo-, se -$M. 84e.. $40, leaaruaatwa as avua. saaia a-ii. fmwMXO A MeXEMAB. saceeeaors ta Wihna A Boas, MurtaoTasb at K- 7th, lrriastoa dia J B, W. GABLE Ar CO.". BncAeasAra ta W. M. HamiJtoa. ' 1878 E. GHsen. Pboae Tsbef 4818. R. T. BYRNES XSSTi WnUaata are. . Weodlawa 2ZS. " nilUREES COMPANT 248 sad 288 Billrncswortb are. near' VHUasM -?y -a WorJIswji $308. C-lli8. " Breeie&3nook45't! A O 7ollo-r 82 WOiiMBS tS .a SVe vvi E. 1088. O-IBSS. Pf rBftn CWM ,ftn, 88 Mot t?rCOnrtA street. Broadway 2884. av--1' UKDEBTAEDSQ OO. : M. 4182. 43KCWC3 a-2821.' Cor. " TWrd and Clay. Portland Marble Worses 2SS 4th St, Ppp. CHy HelL yea proa. I flBLAESIfiQ ORAillTE Co 1 U 2t7-3RP ST. Af MAPf9gr, . . t.ast urn TAinsT. i- ": et LOST A snilriie eoBUininc e-pr. .at men's dark blue wool, seats, else, shirts, baby clothes. Loet on the Tree riser betweea Willamraa and Hc?x-1 mam ooa roso. , a-jeaee write to rrea w ooianare. naiim, yr, LOST 4fiw0. eitiiAr on WoodlswB' car or; on - WashinctoB at. betweea a sr. ana s f" . . . a ' aiw we.. . . - 4 An bank. Finflet please souxy .., 7. Fera st. er.esll 'aodistrB 2$f Jf .J et Jbetei LOST Brews seal purse. Ssnday. betweea 1 sad t - g "a clock. ' on -rerwuncer orea.? corns ineo cocpon front rm tm snop. cau asuswa LOST Brown leather wallet conUisiac $180 is enrrency,'' rtadfr aesse esu wooaiawa eat. Siewsra. i a. ' a. A Ka'tiA Knh Xtanlr. mnit eaaa was" taken, exchanged. Will party who has mine write Jrra t-soooBso. ataaaa. jt. LOST Oa fAriaioa at. betweea 28th and 84th, . T.I 1 ...... OA aanan prven raa- uwi, ocmwv,, LOST, BHOOCB One pearl saoburst viih dia mond ettrmc- atewaru. . an MrooetawB fe LOH'f BreziiiBB opal in Tint House. All r ward. ' Mrs. Disimio. Vista House. QgT uitcaa at - Second and . Aliler ,' er as car. Tabor aaaa. ttewaro. lost AWTjrotnri TUB FOLLOWING aruciee base been found on ua cars at tha foruana Mauser.' urn et Power Oo: July 81 aaraa, book of tickets, post . eaxd, - BlbboB. foustaia aea. baadkerchief, barret te, S clores, IS packasea, 2 bamihacs. 8 baa kets. 4 tnach boxes, floor brush, baby carrisae. suit bus. . Owners asay obtain prupart? at First ana araer (itreet station. LOST Bis Shepherd doc. dark brown. The aaaa was Doida aiat, doa t feed mm; J UK set sua free sad he will return home, liis work ia worth 81' s day for me. . SS reward to tha ssaa who eivse ane inforsaatioa of his whereabouts. Aaswer SOS Canby st.. near 27th N. EU MAtaoa,:.Wa- eeriy-wooastoca car. LOST Coat, oa Chapmss and War res road aa other side of Scappooae; hsd anion card with san" sad $ddress; aha Moose lodffe' pin and fountain pen. Cell Woodlaaa T81. Steward. HELP WABTTEU MALIC VAVTED SECOND EDGEBMAW FOB TK)TJ. BLB EDGES. SS.2S PER DAT. aJOHTH- EHSf PACIFIO LCMBEB CO., FOOT OP 8HB- fUCA AVE. - . younc maa ss floormasi ex perienced la haadlias aromea'a trade, ta be yopd eppesrinc. . enaroetta aad thorouchly ra hebte. Bcfereneea. Apply at S a. m. at of- laea 9 M. Lleoes Co., 141 I Broadway, if Ah'Ttp A eook. 8180 S mouth, srery aft ernoon on; use oi ismuy car aa ouiMtr, i u Majestia Tbaatre, and aea Ma , and Mrs. Carter ta Ma Ten. MEN who wilt work, to Join colony just atart- inc in ureyoai mast care ssun to apply ea land. Writs enly the Coloar.' 808 K, Jar- iAi te work is employmecl afilce; mast bare aales ability and able ta use typewriter; $28 per week, with sood ehaesa. for adrsacessent. WASTETsTraasit sua ' and "eaelnecrs for hianwas work: aslariaa fill toTiM.- Sea C. 'A Harrinctos atloperial hotel, July 10. . WASTED SomeoDe ta saw 2000 ofBore cords - af wood. ' Phone F. X Sibley or Johnson's tore, Donald. Or. ' ' :' " WANTED Black barrel cooper; work ia Eeet arn Oreson. Anur Kim. 1221 Northwestern GENEBAL farm hsnd; must milk. CtU room U, rvasttinston biac.,' eity, or at I aria oi ( BI AsebenbrennAr, La I -enter, Waxh. THOROUUHLT eririenoed bookkeeper, com. Detent, to take full chare e of books ia whole sale house. H-6SS. Journal PLUMBER wanted ; open shop. Wdln. 4581 HELP W4TTBP-MT80 48 Typewrttiac eomptometer. bookkeepinc and all other modem . basin ess course. Day apd nicht school. AUsky bide, ss sad Morruoa. aiaus LBABN AUTOS AND - TRACTORS EtVE DATS' TRIAL 1'KEE - VAT Tr;iTIOS - WUKil SATTSFIED , ' We teach auto, tractor, saa enciae and anto electrical worj Bitt les-rAuis muimi FBEK. Addres Adooz Ante sod Tractor school, fcept . tnloa are. sad Wasco street, Portland. ur. r-aoae saas me. WAVTEIV S"ift men at ence. to Icsrn ta rw- aair antomobila and saa encines. Apply St Hemphill's Trade ScUool, 787 liaathorsa srs.. wWHCt AVIU. --. flavythprjie Auq School 402 UAWT,1UHZB alb Automobiles, trucks, tractors, machinist trade. ety-acetyleoa welding, ruicanixioc and retmdinc. Epeoial summer rates. - fay aad treruoc cia xuicTTTnifa ifiarnrn - ETERT GHADOATB OJP B K H S K E-WtLBTER 7 rBlTBlSE3S CQLLXJE,' PORTLAND. Enroll say time. Telegraphy. teuorspfar. bankiny. bookkeepinc, secretarisL Free cstsloc. lAiHtridual inarruetioas. rieht myim Iea- bernca's bldg., SU and Stark. Broadway $444. Miss t barselL principal. DAt BCHOOL, Munf avr"JwiA &AB3T:LEGetaPHT''' Teuna bus aad, aromea wasted: CaB 218 Bali ws-I Etcfaaage bMc- Sv lead id apportaaity to learn a wail-paid' prafeesioa. Bkaa booklet. Beilway felecraph Insijtiite. ; ' - WANTED By wholesaler, ' salesmen who lis re other Unas to handle ear line through coun try on commission baste. Apply XV U. Harris Co.. 8 Front at. ' ' ' ' rT ? . - - - ' ' ' '" GOING East af SoiOhJ ' Household goods shipped at reduced rates; storing and packing, psetfic Ccast Forwarding Co.. 408 HoyVst. Bdwy 70S. - east sips tUHMlK(.Ul. SUUOOL Ifiaa Bea-ina Bnckel's prifata achaol: indlrid- aal instruction. 122 4 Grand arc. East 437. BOCKX MOUNTAIN- TEACHERS' AGENCT ETank B. WeUea, es-aast. state supt. mgr. N. W. Bank Bldg. Teaohem placed prompUy. MJN and wife for raacis, tJall or write te a a .F.A OahaAA m ml J S g srjjgssg as V Las SWA. si gfgLP WAWTEP rEXALB TOUNG WOMEM . WANTED . farmtnest tnd trmtTortry poaitlpnf epta foe yonnc arefaes as tele phone operators, wits er without nraesens arpsriscara.' . Aprlcstiass srlQ b rscalTsd durins the prea- aat strike at say eentral aflice if fortlaad ssd st room . 801. Talapboae buildlnc. sUts poor. Telephone Broadway 12088. THJS PACIfTO SLEPBONg f, TELEGBAPH COMPANT At Standard Factory j ' CBAND AVE.' and K. 8ATOB t. Power Machine Operators, TO LEARN ON : Shirts and Overalls Macklnaws and . Overcoats $18 PEB WEEg" WrinjJ U1ISWO ': ' " 44-UOrB WEEK " - Saturday tf alf Holiday jatPEBIENCED OPERATORS ABB EARNING Tv.yaiai (ia TU Z atJ6,SA, WANTED One younc lady to learn to operate a Momgrarm. - nt teaea you la imr w au weeks for $90 and goarantee yea e position at iron si a to siew a monin alter yon earn now, Call at 4 :80Bailway Kichance bldg. T- r IsAFfEDT-Erperieneed ssliadl, 'ibofoughly i: reliable sad - eempetent is sellinc ' women's dresses, waists and furs. . Aoclr at S e. re. at pffme af H. Lie. eg A Co., 148-161 Blssa.wl Byaf 1 tT ANTED A girl for 'fenrrU fccTii-work! bo aM.a. tf.Al..ITA "t 'r - l :' f ' ', - - ST ISis. sr, sa.wsiMSTMis a; as s . WANTED A -girt for general housework; bo wsshiac: sood Faces. Apply LfstU'f. 4U sad Waaliington.r ' ' J r " " '; NEAT, iwined school 'iii ta aauxt in botwe- keeptne- aad care ef child; eoapla ewrraoyed. fnanira etenogiyphefc Sfk. Hotel Seward. If ANTED Competcat sirl for saoeral houie 1 work; sa washing; coed wares. - Apply 487 14th. - ' ' - WASTED- -Feeders and fctdera, sjso arjprentices wantea. huosu tawaory se,, av. its aua CIKL far- general otfice work, kaowledge type- writirc neceaaary; stats yataranoaa and aslaxy expected. M-8 Jearnai, ' ' 7 GIRL at woman to assist in care d cearaleaceng lady, na children, so washiny, CO kpmf nicht. SB per week, tea tapor t n i. r WANTE1 Girt te operata Burrougas' posting machine. Appiy Henry Y em hard riant. WANTED Good gixl to work ia store and help m ewenea. sen. sza. WANTfO 2 women, to work for eelf aad husbands' room and board., 412 N. Jth. GrRLS wanted. . fortUai Paper Bo fio.. 9 2 WA-NTfcD UliUis seed wosiaa as boueeve7 BelL 8 Z 3 1 . , EXi EME.NCED giri for ran'iy store Cul 1178 Maaihorne see., or call Tsbor 16sa. .. HELP WASTFTr: " T LJPMAN WOLF OO. require the s rv. AAVeral amari. - - ' t.l.L. i - aeonomy baaerneat stora. '1 hose wi' !i r ' aaeronaDaiae ej.tenenca preierreo. i pertntendent'4 of lice, bet 8 .sad 10 a. J 1 rk. munu w ..a. ; WAN TED A lady or sul to take care cf i. aad help lady of 74, feeela but nut bhi. U 2 in family; light work! 4Stt per morn; t , aft Cag Tabor 4058. resideace 1174 fe. 1.. .u st Norman S. Bkhards. WANTED A Cook. 8100 a month. e,i y s ' " emoon off; use of family car on Sunday. 'ail Majeatie Theatra, aad sea Mr. and Mrs. Carter Do flare n. , HELP WAWTEU MALK AND F EilA LK - J t BEHRT ickers wanted; free tnat, wik17i'- r and straw; camp luctace hauled tree fium 42 E. Day st: SO acres in loganberries an 1 raspberries; need IB more femUies. Phone Grr -am 21 for camp reserrstkms before corning out. The W. W. Cotton israi. Grlisin. Or. : ' MOLE tt BARB KB COLLE(.U pays yon while learning ; cirea you set of to"!; positions secured. Write for cstahwue. SJi burnside st. or phone Broodwsy 1731 . MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade: u 1! : learainc, poaittoa ruaranteed. 'rr. 22 yr,. experience. Orecoa Barber College, 2';;''"n PORTLAXO BARBER COLLEGE Uacii.a U . . ia 8 geeks; psy while learniny; posiuon giu. r nteed. 284 Couch st. WASTES AOETTTa AGENTS Twice slilpysrd pay, for scUs '., msn; moat desirable work, prompt psy. r?. e cialty Foundry Worts, S. . Corner E. 7 Lb aui Belmont. " , - - AGENTS waated far towns and diatricU outirfs Portland, to sell one of the beet articlr-. on (ha market. Write. N. Aaderson. 11$ tJii patrick St., Kenton, Portland. Ur. . AGENTS Mr ANTED To sell our comi.iete iiiTe of parsery stock: cash, weekly. . AdJre Cap( tal City Nursery. Sale re. Or. gITrATIOyS MALE 8 fNERGETlO ' younc maa with buiineaa -:;. j and bish school edur-aticn, wishes po-,:, ;,i Where there's plenty work. What We to aHerf Will try anyUiinc reasonable. 14-4 7. journal. .DON'T sliiuule your roof;' put oa a Letu-r, prettier and pheeper roof orr your I shingles. Call E. 6764 for samples. A. P. 1. v-o., as at. wwn. st. I'APtiaiANGEIl. t inter and painter a wore. - euuiur vnen, fvexeraucea. . a t-uue East 8183. . pAISfTDfQ sod kslsominins by ths hour or ci -tract: neat aad clean work.- l'booe SeUauuJ 281(1 and trfsin 417. - ' CONTBACTOR and builder; repair or new'sk ta at eat of city. Tsbor 7$s2. tTMBRELLAS rermiTia at Weodlawa $825. ' your boms. I Uwus CVBREIXAS repaired st your home. i Uune' Woodlswn 4826. - ELDERLY married men B sou wstchmaa's or anything elue; aetlee. A-03t, Jmirna . CARPFSTEB and repair' work of ail hiBd.; aereSua made. Tsbor 4870. WAN'S any kind of eg rpentef work. huiu.ii. proanwsy eeia. fk NT ED 1000 or pore cords of wood to cut. A. i. ainauDis, sHiiwausie. i jr. sAJNJXQ a4 tintitix reasopablcs. Wooii'iaea SITfTATroya FEMALK 4 GIRL "want work either in confectionery er candy store; Sunday off. Woodlawa PRES8MAK15Q ALTERATIONS. refitUnc and making of 1 ; " Carmentg, reasonable prices: werk ruarauLved. 3. Reubla. Ladie' Tailor, 408 Bush A Lane Bids. V- , DBES&MA KINO god plain aeainc. 82 is if. . aula eouo. 3TUB8ES tt CBACTICAL nurse, nights. 8 hours,, $T.iM". i-oone wsia .ill. FURBISHED ROOMS NEW PERKINS HOT h-tT" Pit ta and Washington Streets. ' Bight in center of Portland'a icuiilm" f et as show you ouy accoamudstiuiia, . Betas $3 pe( ' HART APARTMENTS ' ANO UlVUZL. HOTEL Newly furnished, modern hnusekeenlne anil im. Ins roams, $2.60 up. Second su4 Yimln L $2.7$ VfEEK HP. Urge, out-dfe, euu.iuiu.C e. clean rooms. Bstha free. Water alwava L:.t. Traasirnt 76a apd $1 day. Hotel Caduiac. el sear Jefferson. " - . HOTEL SARGENT. ' Hawthorne sndi (.....i! "s pouii. special ear fur t aitconvrr. VU&2IISHED BOOMS PJiiyAIli " '-' ' ' ' " FAMILT f TWO 1'L-K.MSllt.l KOOili Rent reasonable and ia aulet Pisee. 494 tvertiy sr. petween rtu-aeU and P g e. ri RSIoHKD roura end breskfaat; Walkuig ijr- 1 8 m nasaa aaaa S t.A.as . -m tail t. aj . I . , nv ewuiw-ir gisijiwgerr. t' w a g. rt uii'ii, 12 COMPUTABLE rota, . wet aiU7 NTS Hill dUtrict. Main 8486. 'L'RNISHEO sleeping rooms st 2i0 Culinul a sr.. 42 AO and per week. BOOMS AK BOARD' BOOM tod bos rd Horn, style cocking. I.t--e, are reasonabls. I rannivnt Diesis gerrl. ' Grand Are. Hotel. 814 ti rand sra.. S l.:-. . a south of Hswtiorua TH g MAkTHAVAoilX(TONi," 8 o"l nV t btnes guM and stutienta. Mar.hall 1 2M. THE HAZTEL Ksalent table. syecislrsUS ii couples, 3d and Montgomery. BOOMS AJTD BOARD FBI VAT12 FAMILY ?J THREE frjmUiied bedrouuis to are"t.l y g laen. wuh ar wiihout board. K. V..,r... aide, or East 8604. HAVE lares room with aieepiag porrh. fr employed; first class home Cooreui'tlcrt, ri eellent board, 685 per month. Plione Ks-t 4loi. WAHTED BOOMS AKD DOARO f WANT a home for boy 1 years old, wuu'sbu . I. a A aaa. .wmiwi, ' ' HOTJSE KEF PINO ROOMS 8 rtTBHISHED AKD TJJf FIRS1!!FT) 4 BOOMS, bath, including water; r. f-.r lights, ew-klDg. aomplrte. $6.60 wek.r.'2 r ) month. $4$ Second. Mais ' 1990,. bear . yaroa. $2.8o TO 88 week, completely furnjjj.ed fcou-i-keepinc rooms, absolutelr clean: erery f -- renienca; hut wtter at sit iimirs. b'iu- it. Sara carfare, HotAlJ'adfllae, 3i nesr Jef er'.'i, 8XBT"b ENT 8"u rrlixh ed housekeeiMnc rnnt. priTste family, waUing diataaee; in'-inrlea l.ii . i, beat, gas rgnge, phone and bath. . 4 01. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, 'irtclud'nc'ws'ter, electric lights, fuel sad gas for cooking. 1 bone Woodlawa 202. 2 .LARGE front rooms, sleeping porch not sun always. eoo r isnorn. f grNKg vrflVUkkn iowNTovs""r-: TBICT FOR 26 CENTS. r PHONE K f ' . pilFTY t, 2. $ and 4 room suites, furi.i-i.r-j l : nnfomlaned. na-2itd st. N. Si.r-.til 411. RifiNIoHKr bonsekeepTnc rooms, vlieM-v t. zb.h wMmnrioa. cor. jju sr. P OTJaESEEPTMii room. 48, use of pliuue . 1 Ttstn; close in. izi J Itn st. A -CUPAIA), fine ioa aleepinc 221 18th rt " - room, c.ue ta. KOl'&EKEEPINt '- rooms tor bsnh,l. 577T worklns- people. t)ne in. Rnrnf. rOttlTION by middle seed man as ii..ur or watch rasa. Bell. 87I6.J j SINGLE furnished liousekeeiang room ir r ' cheap. ' 172 ' ' Hawthorne ere. .st 1 . $14 PER MONTH; houaekeetilng r.om v t .. kitchenette. 2 fUt-mn. fVl l'n. CTEAim. aCrooma."8 Si"up. - SWi'-U- HorKKEEPi3ro ronn ?j FTJiltlSHKI AiD I'.VKCftyilllKD rrr- FHITATE FAMILY FOB BENT HouaekeetnbC u..iiui, rur,,. i water, ess lo eoossngj eiecinc r"" s .j fre phone; $.5 11th t. fir,h.ll ONE nice large front houwAee; : g r-"'. !-. e for two. Ala 2 wiigie hvkeepiin ' rot-in s. 36 riar st.. corner Brosdwsy. , BtJCSEKEEPINO rooms, e! ecu .0 J .- t. rai.f. water; employed people. 68 per v op. It. TJIRLS furawhed lnikiinc rwna t t rent, lose tn-T- 4T ' Last Pius. W.-s. ComptPO. ' CTili large furaiohed bousekeeying io"w, -' hie dwtance ; prirate entrance. 844 L. Me 'i Street nortn. Fast 1626. - . 2 TO 4 FLRSISHED It K. rooms. ' Start st. ' 1 '.'''' STTNglBxlSHZD H. K. ooms, with bsU. l i feeech st." r r . 2 H. K. ROOMS, furnished; ws.aliMI $64 Bo SC ; ; ; $ AND 6 rooms furntahed lor liw-ki.ii!j, lit and $22 rjer month. East 42. FURNISHED bousekeeping rooms,- n-.- , - 607 Clay at. ' , TWO modera ktrge front H. X. ruuu.a. ' ' , et. - TWO furnished H. K. room, e-.- ... ' for during tiis day. 8S HgiMy ft. Cot-ii Li Ei.'riNiJ r'i fur (.,.,. i thine funnelled. 1S4 N. 1-n ', IVAN C to csle lor bsby, 3 or 4 - Journal.