TIID OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, JULY' 8, 1919. 1- r1 WAITED TO KENT WISH tSTEIse OR KENT Modern 6 or -6 room unfurnished bungalow or Koum with garage; would ilka personal In terview with 'owwtjk highest -references fur nished. U. IL-McCune, re, phone Tabor 2861. Oft ice BnMnr-332. vol rinr pi-. BEAT, -ESTATE i , , BUSINESS PROPERTY ,rTEST ' SIDE QUARTER BLOCK II 6.509 -On 16th st, in tha mi nufsctunng and ware Iwu district; occupied by mM old buildings from which owner get $b5, per month. Terra can : b arranged. See K. H. Brum with NE1U?I 4 FARK111LL 219 Lumbermen bldg., 5th and Start sts. ! i HOTEL S story. 29 rooms, S store rooms. fuU basement furnace, fall lot. improvements paid, , ' Located in ons of onr beat trailer town, $2300. $400 cash. Call Main 2558. Sletten. Long wm on balance. FOR SALE Nicely located building aita, 60s 100. cor. railm and I'atton ave., Owlook; .5 bargain. For information writ C J. Oordion, Tha Dalle. - Or.- ': -.:.-'" --it -. FOR SALE HOUSES CI . TltTB McGUIRB SYSTEM , Make home baying . easy. You can coma to "thia office and aea over 600 pluitographs of homes for tale, arranged in districts;- every cms : haa been appraised; 10 automobile at your ser vice; some wonderful bargain. - Thia i wby wa old Mar 100 home in May. SKH :- - r . - FRANK gV. McGUlRJS " Ta Bnjr Your Home - Abington bldg. . Stain 6158, Main 1068. - v Office Open Evening and Sunday ..... A LAURELHCKHT BUY- 97000 HOME' FOR $6500 A. modern 7 room and reception ball home, only 1 block- from Gliean t-. largo living and dining room, oak floors with inlaid border, fire . place, buffet, furnace, eta. A double constructed bouse throughout Owner baa Instructed na to ' aell on essy terms ol - $750 or mora cash; bal- anoq rent terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 2lgRilwsy Exchange bldg. ; Main 6752. ROSE CITY PARK Very attractive 6 bungalow, block from Roaa City Park clubhouse, larga attic, (nil cement baaenient and garage, large rooms, hard wood floor, faraaca and all convenience, mod ern in ewy way. 611 K. 50th at. N. Tabor 879. , ,. .,, .... GLISAN CAR BUNGALOW 83000 $500 CASH I. 8 rooma and reception hall, oak Goon, buffet, - book esses, fireplace, furnace, full cement base ment lot 50x110 with all kinds of bearing fruit. . Tbia beautiful lit tie home b in perfect condition, " ready to more in. Located 2 block from car. - CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 213 Railway Exchange bid a. - : Main 6782. " tiiSa ROSE e0ITTPARK ' Don't you know that bungalow in Rose City Park at $1)50 are acarce? We hare a nice S ,. room bungalow at thia price, It has fireplace, all . builtin features, the lot ia eiveeially beautiful. .Owner wants $650 cash, balance like rent. Open Kreninn ' COK A. McKENNA CO.. Mam 4522. ' 83 4ti at, Board of Trade Bldg. CAN YOU MATCH THW FORISOOOT A 6 ' roam modern bungalow, Sl-6 acres, ' splendid garden, 20 or more young fruit . tress, shade, good barn, 4 block to 8. P. depot, in the thriving town of Sherwood, 15 milea aouth of Portiand. gee photograph In oar of fice. , -ri- . MITCHELL RIPPKY, $20 Henry Bldg.- : . - . $2700 5-ROOM MODERN BDSGALOWi " $500 CASH ' i Ferric park, Modem plumbing, electricity and gas; full basement; $0x100 lot. Will sell , furnished. Vseant; key at office W. A. WRIGHT, 417 ABCSGTO.V BLDO. SeUwood 1$55. Main 0988. JSEW PIEDMONT BUNGALOW V FOR SALE BX OWNER - Corner lot, 6 room, old irory finish, fcsrd r wood floors, fireplace, builtin. extra large Turinf .. room, large plate glass windows. - full basement, furnace, tubs, garage, lorely shade trees, two ear- jnea, aoauv. lain saaiiory are. VACANT RAT.. DAVDT RTTNfAlOw ' ' .$2700 buys bungalow, . only 1 block from Wfl . liaio ' as. car, on Blandxna at., eon reniant to Jefferson high. No mortgage to assume.1 Iet us show you. i. A. WICKMAN CO.. . .,204 Ry. Ex. Bldg. - Main 1094. SPOKANE -PROPERTY - AkE ORITRADE ; Neat 6 room mciern home, nicely located; in residential dUtrict. Will trade for Portland or ancoorer property. Addrees 407 K. Conch st. A room -plastered house, lot 60x100. Garage, Mt "fabor. car. Reai bargain. Oscar Alderton. yiyw jc. Yamtini t, 4.ROOM 'bungalow near Mt. Tabor ear. Al- - moat new. A dandy at $1750. 'Also 6-room houas near Mt. Scott ear on 40x100 loC. A snap at $1200. Good terms A these.,.., . . --- -- - - ; f. ROGERS. 812 Lumbermen bldg. Broadway 1612. ' .. . - WIXXXAMS AVE. CLOSE IN --- $179wTERMS-$17B 'J- mt, mod. plumbing, lights, baa't.. 26x 100. no debt, bal. monthly: now vacant. " - - G.C.7 QOLDENBERQ Abington bldg. Main 4808. 1950 -SACRIFICE $1950 - w jn ana tiio montniy 6 room modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, , buffet, bookcase. fuTl basement, electricity and gas: lot 60x100, Woodlswn or Alberu car: VftrfW a 1 Ron ull .. lnut a " vaww. U.UBI. A. H. AKERSON. 420 Henry Bldg. Mar. 407. I1ATIIITV 1-. j , . . n . . . . . " wwun zmv imc iih sireck, & iota, improre ' meats paid, hot water heat, full basement. 2 . ataall one 6 room flat, will net 20 per cent on tareetment. $4750. $2000 cash, long time on balance. - ,' - i -. Main 2558. .8LBTTEN & J0NE3. 248 Stark. CLOSE IN ON . EAST BTD& A, modern 6 room house in perfect condition, ..'full, lot: price ,$450O. with term. Mr. Brown. , 270 V Stark at. Main 1700; ereniaga Tabor 59. . kODERN 6 room, furnace, 4 large lot on 72d st. j large chicken - house, modern, near ear. Ideal. $4000; $1000 cash, terms to suit on ' balance. - '; , : 8LETTEN A JONES. M-1 "H- ' - - ' - 248 Stark. CLOBINO the estate. ModernT room house, close in: east side: property ia good dis . Arict - Price $4500, cash $3500, balance) on terms to suit purchaser, -Apply to Geo. I v Rauch, 802 Yeon bldg.. attorney for the estate. Phone Main 2466. : a - MODERN 6 rooms and den. fireplace, comer lot. garage, , near Glisan, ' House in A-l con dition; $2850. -6850' cash, long time on bal- anca. ; , - SLETTRN "St: JONES. -Y Main ' 248 Stark. . If 0DERN 6 rooms, furnace, 4 large lota on 724 at. ; large Xchicken houses, modern, near ear, IdesL $4000; $1000 cash, terms to suit on balance. tUetten A Jones. 248 Stark at. Main 26. . . . .. WHY SiOT build; - Get an artiatio home by an established archi tccintal firm at low cost. We build anything; fvtnish the money if desired. L. R. Bailey Ua. lL.e.. contracting architects 024 W.- W. Bank. $ia Cash. bal.. io and int. J $2260 7-room . home, beat plnmbing, eloc- tria lights. 86x120, 3 blocks car. t, - -O. O. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. "8 lean m rorusna." Main 4S03 NEARLY new, double constructed house, six - rooms, bath. :gsw electricity; full tot. near Peninsula school, block north sf car line. Owner. , $2800, wme terms, . ' . J . 488-W. Russett St. Woodlswn 1017." il-nOOH HOUSE, lot 344x100, with lights, water, furniture, garde hose add tools; fine . garden. $900. $500 csih, balance on terms. 8717 66th. st. S. E. V ' - 'I'RobMIOUSE; close in; ererything in good . order: price reduced from $5000 to S4250 J. 3. . Fisher.- with W. A. Wright, 417 Ab ington. - Main 6988. ' 8 ROOM modern, near Steel bridge, walking dutance; house in A-l condition, full lot, all improreroents paid. . $4250. easy terms. Call Main 2558. Pletten. - - 1 - . SAiminCK my house. $500 "oash, balance - .CMO. V NIL, UVU. Ml Mull,, Fruit;. H block Woodstock ar Owner. '1219 N: W. Bank bldg. Main 164?. FOR ' SALE 2 -room bungalow, furnished: - bath, and garage, beautiful corner. 66x100; , must sell at once ; -lea nng town, 65$ E. 79th at.- H.- -Rose -. Citr -ear -:-,,,:::,.:.:,- ;---"r ILL - sell - tbia week, regardless oi price, a strictly modern 7 room bungalow, . worth $4506v - Any offer above $3700 eonatdered. Immire-214 Abington bldg. Main 4141.-. OWMKR gone on ranch, will sell 5 room mod . am cottage, now , vacant, at 183 Bancroft are., west side" south, low price r some terms. Owner, Tabor 6721. 2190 Eugena at. - HVW room cottage, lot 75x100. fruit trees, ' 'chicken house; $1600, Urms, 209 Oregon -bulg-.- Bmadway lftH.a. . : .. MODERN 0 room house for sale by owner J large lot, plenty of fruit, flowers and some asroen; near oi term. t:ommtta 827. FOrR room shack. 60x100; $500. easy terms. . 209 Oregon bWg. Broadway 1658. FOR eALE My i room modern house, with, garage., at a great sacrifice. 1019 K. 1 8th S. $1100 CASH buy a beauuiul modern 5 room " furnished hooseboat. Phone Tabor 1226. 3 ROOM modem house. 1 V acrea ground. at ciuiniey siation. . i ll! Haimotxl 14aU. . Lot mrtA nn.ll sK.k lOKA ... .1. vr .. " WV MAJ, 2558,.. Larunore. :. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES $1 FOR SALE - The following properties and other to does an estate: . 4 room cottage, 6427 68th st, 8. 'EL." $1000.00 7 Toom strictly modem bouse.' 1197 Inrlaion st. ................. . $500.00 5 room bungalow. 457 E. 41st at... 2000.00 8 acrea en Johnsrm creek, aouth of Lenta, good buildings and orchard. 4000.60 S lota en :68th are., 1 blk. W. Mt, Scott ear. real bargain. si! Ant or all lots tt. W. Cor.. 42nd. Division St. - at bend of Division street, . - Real bargain. Real bargain. -. ( - . -, . -. . .. - xa T. Mini xr -,- '. 1046 Hawthorn Ave. Phone, Tabor 4299vj portland heights sacrifice . unsurpassed . , . - view 314 Iota and one of the finest 7-room bonse in the city. The house is yust like new and very complete In every way. - Haa all of the very latest built-in features, fine - fireplace, and an exceptionally fin hot water beating plant, Ceil ing in basement 9 foot to clear. Ha an un obstructed view of the whole city. Nothing to beat it on the height anywhere. The price is $10,600 and is a gift at this price. Call na Up and arrange appointment to see the property. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 800 Oak at. Broadway 4138. ' REMEMBER! REMEMBER!! ' . INVESTIGATE!! !l Walnut Park lota are 50x100 feet, wHh alleys, giving great eonvenienoe to horn life. Served by 6 carlines; Jefferson high school and library located - en Walnut Park property. Extra Inducements . '- for . Five - More Homes in Walnut Park. Many others are building, why not- yon - one of the lucky five? Save commission by buying direct from the owner. , Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m. . Phone Appointments: Woodlawn 8304 or Wood lawn 951. Office, 1148 TJnion are. W. M. KILLINGS WORTH " $3650 - AT LAST $3650 Here is the bungalow yon have been looking for "The Ideal of Tout Dreams" ; a very pleasing attractive, modem typical bungalow, very pleasing lines,-painted French gray; every convenience; living room with fireplace, paneled dining room with buffet, Dutch kitchen, hard wood floors; white enamel plumbing, 2 light, airy bedrooms, full cement basement, furnace, paved street; beautiful shade, trees. Terms. Auto at your service. Very pleased to show this and other homes at your convenience. SEE , FRANK I MoGUIRE To Buy Tour Home - j, Abington, bldg. - Main 6166, Main 1068. ' Office Open Evenings and Sundays IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL PAYING. RENT . I intend to sell 6 more homes this week, commencing Monday, 18 a. m. EXTRA-INDUCEMENT Yon may be one of the. lucky five to own- a home in Walnut Park. No finer location the best residence district in Portland. Save oom miaaion by dealing with the owner. , Office 1149 Union ave. Office Honrs 10 to 12 a. m. Phone Appoiotmenta: Woodlawn $304 or Woodlawn 961. W, M. KILL1NGSWORTH BUNGALOW AND GARAGE ' ' 1557 E. Taylor rt. ' " BET. 57TH AND 60TH 8TS. ' -.6 rooms on first floor; living-room 18x26, big floored attic, well finished sleeping perch, fnll cement basement, furnace and wash trays, large garage with cement floor, electrio lights and ce ment driveway; all street improvements in and paid; lot 50x185 with bearing fruit trees. This home is on the beautiful west slope of Mount Tabor, 3 blocks aouth of Mount Tabor ear and is an absolute snap at $3850; $1235 cash, bal ance 5 years at 6 per eent. CLEVELAND-HENDEBSOW CO 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6762. MUST RK ROr.n BT xxnTrvurMTi -w $2250 BUNGALOW BARGAIN $2250 EAST OF PIEDMONT Vsry' attractive 5 room modem ' bungalow. - v.viHHi any ana re tinted throughout, just like new, 5 pieee plumbing set, elect, and gas. good basement. JannHrv - tjrav lKuti. . , . . .r. . ' ..m. r i- w inssHsaswa: you U say this is a real bargain; easy down pay- wui nuur wsra oniy szo per month : no fnortn,. mm mt . 11m... , ... ... ---w- . wi tKWS Will call at your home for yon. See r itana si UUISE ; Abington bldg. Main 1068. Main 51 S6 BEAUTIFUL corner and modern 6-room bungalow, hot water heating plant; in every way a home you will be proud of. Street afl pared and paid. Don't forgst this pickup at $3800. Elegantly furniahed -If yon prefer. Ton make the terms. - 284 Oak. Daring. ' " i . " CHOICE Iok this tm at one U you want a real horns st a reasonable price. Very attractive eemi bungslow type. Urge Bring room, fireplace, bookcases, hardwood floors, 3 delightful bed ror.ms, large sleeping porch, concrete basement, rimiaeeetc.. beautiful grounds, paved street, select residence section, .walking distance to high scbool. Owner leaving; your ohaaoe to get a rea buy. Yea. if well buiH. not a cheaply tEfr1?? """I1" Com-,- Hare photo. aTbJ IiU. 214 Lumbermen bldg. Broadway 421 k 5-ROOM BUNGALOW FTiRNKHETJ-1-" a Flirx Iityh4 nuMRa . u.swaw - , . - svasxc, ueniuWWU UOOCey 171 DT 1Jind J- I1"- a buat- , . i." "wawii nice trees .... . vrc, uiin.,en noose ana enickens. Fur nished complete with new furniture. On Mt, Tabor - ear. . A ... M . quick. It won't last. Good terms. . . - " ROGERS. 212 Lnmbermens bldg. Broadway 1612. w"", j """""i ouya oanay imie bungalow, double constructed, den and glassed in sleeping porch; 10 or. 12 assorted fruit trees: fn k?.thTnC,l.rTm!,U- frapes: inlaid linoleum m.i 1? bath;; glass frames for front porch. ThU is a complete little home and we ask that you call at office and see photo. - FRED W; GKRM1S ivr T32 Cham, of Cora. Open evel and Snndaea. $150 Down, Price v "-u wtuDie const, cement - basement, laundry trays, newly painted and tinted, only ear' EZZZog. T.f block Edward A.f Brown Co. ai'way Exchange Bldg. Main 2698. PARK BUNGALOW" Rinr.ire $4000 buys a nifty new modem doohUi. structed -. bungalow of 6 rooms and mom wiu atae, , hardwood floors, all built-ina, full cement base a ment, wash trsy. Let n show you. . . . ' J- A. WICKMAN CO." - ZU Ky. Exeh. Bldg. Main 1094. PVPff tm - k. . - Tr ' . " "; come ana ioos at this. Mr. Renter-. Lot 100x100. 3 room honse, furnished. 12 bearing fruit treea, big gar-n- merries. j chicken houses and chickens, rabbit hatches and rabbits. This pUee srfll make yon a living when you are out of work. Terms. TXr 9274'" 4 681 ' rbnm HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Almost new 6 room bungalow. Nice corner lot. ' AH iraprovemenU -in and paid. Furnace. fvepkce.fuU basement. An ideal HtU house Phone Tabor 3433. Evening East 2086." $1500 BUYS 6 room semi-modem house on - 13th st. .east, lot 50x100, seme' furaitare. lou of fruit: $200 cash, balance like rent. If you have anything to rent, sell or exchange, see John Brown. 324 Railway Exchange bldgT LIKE RENT WOODLAWN . " ; 100x100, berries, fruit, rosea, nic view, electricity, water, gas. cement walks. $1SOO. ? waw u- SMITH-WAGONER COl, STOCK EX. COTTAGE 4 rooms gas. electricity, lights, bath! lot 60x100, 5 minutes from downtown on good carline; 12 fruit trees, berries, garden, lo 1 ? w,nt "r for xny equity. Call Tabor 6443 after p. m. . 7 T; MODERN 5 rooma and den. fireplaeej corner - lot. farage,' near Glisan. House in A-l con dition; $2830, $850 cash, tongthna on bat ane fv Sletten k Jones, 248 Stark sr.. Main FOR SALE Lot in central Albina, small honsey Address W, G. McDowell, rout 2, box L27l OstieiBa.' Or. . x . ,2,10.BCTB .?. room 0O,i ttsge. basemenC lights, .plumbing; 2 H blka Musissipni aveT car, .on Fremont at: terms. . Inquire at 801 Minnesota ave., evenings. ' . . FOR SALE- 4, room house, , 9 bearing fruit T,rlet3r of "pri,: will sacrifice for $1000. A. Winters, 4921 88th wt. S. B STtOOM cottage on. Albina ave.. close in. all 2558TTOT"m"It 1,00 400 tmin REAL ESTATB FOR SALE HOUSES "il - YOUR ANSWER V Now or Never Con Unas paying rent and remain forever homeless or at - once investigate Walnut Park's plan . and own a. home of YOUR OWN. Many others are building in Wal nut Park, WHY NOT YOU I Extra in ducements offered. - i Save . commission by dealmg with the owner, f ' FIVE MORE HOMES THIS WEEK ' W. U. KILL1NGSWORTH , -Office 1149 Union ave. '.' , V , Office Hours 10 to 12 a. an. l Phone Appointments: , , " Woodlawn 8304 or Woodlawn 951. . $3690 WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW $360 DOWN laa PFTR MONTH 1 block from the car, on 17th St.. near Tol maa. we are authorised to offer for sale n 6 room very attractive bungalow, which was tnrttt or a some ana s nnnsualiy well built; ssrgest living room, solid naneled dinine - rnoaa with built-in buffet, beamed ceiling, very convenient cnenen, ' gooa cement basement, lanndry tny and a dandy furnace, 3 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, abundance of fruit, berries and flow- en; street, bene .all paid. Ton can buy this nonse nxe rent, " Only ssso down and the bal ance at. $35 per month, which includes the in terest... No mortgage to assume. The house lias been-rented for $40 per month. Will sell fur nituiw if desired for 8300. which includes mod substantial furniture and a $40O piano. SEE tltsAS 1 MCOIIKK c ;' .' 1 .. To Buy Your Home " ; Abington bldg. Main 6156. Main 106S.; Office Open Evenings and Sundays' ,. - - - IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW K7IIA. ' 1 Hurry, folks. Here is a new bungalow. Just being completed : and it's a dream, too., An immense living room, extending the width of a bouse with two exceptionally large plate-glass winnows, nig ainmg room WHh attractive buffet, Dutch - kitchen with breakfast alcove. 2, bed rooma and bath .on first floor; hardwood flasrs in every room : you couldn't imagine a mors beautiful, a mora attractive home than this one. Two small rooms finished unstakra. , You won Id never dream it possible to buy suoh a home for less than $6500 or $7000; it- will be a aownngnt pleasure to show you. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark SL. Near Third. Main 3092. Main 9516." Braneh Office. 60th and Stand y. OPEN FOR INSPECTION' TODAT ' GREAT HOME BARGAIN. $2500, Immediate possession, 7 room house, sll new ly decorated, 4 bedrooms, fine BOxlQO lot, asphalt street (paid), fine neighborhood, . 905 East Davie sc., near 30th, near entrasoe to Laurelhurst. The lot alone worth $1800. Own er will sacrifice for $2500. Easy terms of $559 cash, balance $30 monthly including interest). A buyer can easily make $600 or $700 on re sale. Owner. 270 Stark St. . ' 7 - $1600 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY $1600 Just east of Laurelhurst, on the west slope of Mount Tabor, surrounded by nice homes, is a very attractive, modem buungalow cottage; shines like a new dollar: just repainted throughout; it has a white enamel bath, patent toilet, hot and cold water, electric lights and gas. and a dandy sleeping porch; the green lawn, the flowers and trees give this little home an unusually home like atmosphere; close to Mount Tabor car; easy terms. SEE ' ..... FRANK L. MoGUIRE - To Buy Your Home Abington bldg. Main 5156. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays - For Sale by Owner at cost. Going Eafct. Read this ad. A house, never been occupied, o or 7 rooms, bath, breakfast room, hall, oak floors, fireplaoe, all kinds of conveniences, fullrsise basement, ce nnt floor, laundry trays, doable wall and floor, nice fixtures, window shades, large attic; SO by 1 OA tot, 1 block to car. hard-eurafoe street in and paid for. Wfll finish 2 rooms and hall in attic, build a garage at cost. See thia house at 1187 Iron st. or see owner in same block at 1208 Division, or -take Richmond car to 41st, go 1 block north, H block west o phone) to owners evening. Tabor 6180. 61000 down. YOUR ; OPPORTUNITY Now ia the time to own a borne in bean tiful Walnut Park. " Extra inducements. Msny . others are building Twiy what they want WHY NOT YOUfca, INVESTIGATE OUR FLAN 3 - Sara Commission by Dealing With Ownar." , Office 1149 Union ave. ' f Office Hour 10 to 12 a. m. Appointments Phone Woodlswn 3804 or Woodlawn 951. - ' W. M. KILLINGS WOBTH. - . ' ;1 - 6 ROOMS FURNISHED, $2750 OUWJS9 S UlUf ISXISiU, gZ7hU 1 Here is a 6-room house, sewing room, dining room, kitchen, bath and bedroom- down and 2 MarMima . . wmu ! . . i . .. . - aww ipimiiiwii, . r it iHiaiiurc, rugs, gas range, hot water heater, K-?'"r store. down and move right in. Phone for auto to take yon out. COB A. McKENNA ft CO. - Main 4522. 82 4th st, Roard of Trade fckxg. ' Open Evenings. - - ARE TOO. LOOKING" FOR" " A HOME TS IRVINGTON ' !it On 23d at. in a neighborhood of high class homes we want to show yon a 9 room house with 2 fireplaces, glassed-in sleeping porch, oak floors. This big, handsome, imposing borne is in fine condition. The price ia $7500, on terms, imme diate possession. We will be glad to show yon tomorrow. , , COE A. McKENNA St CO., Main 4522. Open Evenings. 82 Fourth SU Board of Trade Bldg. 6 ROOM COTTAGE, 2 LOTS. FRUIT. Nice 6 room cottage, S bedrooms first floor, mrge floored attic, electricity, bath, cement basement, corner 100x100. nice hedge fence. 10 full-bearing fruit trees,, walnuts, . lots of small fruit, fine garden, chtekenhouse and ran; 1 block to Woodstock car on E. 44th st. : price 88000. nlns X7S eitv turn-- linn ..k o per month. ' ' GRUSSI St BENNETT, 818 Board of Trade Bldg. - Main 7452." ' RosE crrr park ' 6 rooma and sleeping porch 83800. -Here is a real attractive bungalow with hard wood floor in every room: fireplace, furnace, eta, Owner leaving city and must aell at once. A. , TEEPE CO.. . , 264 Star st. Nesr Third, i Main 3092. . Main 8516, crancn uiiiee, ootn and Bandy. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW $300 CASH KirtA X.rnnvM tMtristalnwa - " - J kt 1 snt isW. lot 6 Ox IOO. $49 city Uen to aisume. food $1800. $300 c&sh and 920 per month,, includis interat, On K. 76tb near YnmonU - - ? :j. Qrusi;& Bennett : 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Itnu ' iikaa . Large 7 mom modem dwell., fur. 2 toilets, large east frt trees, .in paved st. aoeated at 731 Montgomery drive, 1 blk. from car. Tbis house haa no gingerbead effect but ia all honse and, is well worth the money. $500 cash, bal ance easy monthly payments. Fred! W. Ger man Co., 782 Chamber of Conxraerce. Open evenings and Sunday. -. $2JS ' MODERN BUNGALOW -Ther are 5 rooms, beskias 2 finished roomi ta attic This is a real buy, no "hot air." Lo cated on 8 2d st, convenient to high school and car. . First come, first served. Tonne, ton. ' See -- 1 --- A, K. HILL - . - 214 JTinmbermeris Bldg. Broadway '-421. DOUBLE flat near 41st st, 2 lot, improve ments paid, hot water heat," full basement, 2 small one 9 room flat, wfll net 20 per cent on investment $4750. $2000 cash, long time on balance. ."' 8LETTEN Sc. JONES, K Mam 2558. n - 248 Stark. $3000 buys a wonderfully well built home of "fi rooms and bath with furnace, full ce ment basement wash trays. Exception . ally nice bedrooms with lage close ta. Let na show you. - J. A. WICKMAN CO., ' -204 Ry. Exch. Main 1094. . GOOD INVESTMENT 4 well built modem bungalows. I Grcssf' in come $1260., Prtoe $10,500. See this. - .! T. PEERT. Phone East 3377. 285 Rnssell st 8 ROOM modern, near: Steel bridge, walking distance; house in A-l condition, full lot, an improvements paid. $4250. easy terms.': CaU Main 2568.-- ... - ..j. . -- SLETTEN St JONES. 6 ROOM modem bungalow, 920 East Hoytl corner East 80th at 82 by. 100 feet Price $3700. Kssy terms. '- .': -'--..4 : . .- t -. PARR1SH, WATKINS eV CO.,' h"A, Phone Main 1844. - t 10$ 2d at (800 WITH equity and 6 room house and S tots on St Johns Carline. Will sell cheap or trade for light ear or anything of the value. Have no nee for it. Phone Sell. 71T. FOR SALE 2 acres with bungalow and bath, 6- mile from Portland, on a hard surface road. $2000. For. full information call Main 6404. i.. ....... FOR SALE 5 room modem house, good con dition, fuU lot 1220 Miss. are., near Pied mont ear barns: $22.50, 1-3 cash.-baX terms. Owner, 1178 Maryland ave. -'.v 1H H rlB room bouse, some furniture.-good asr den, for $800. 7612 E. 68U ave...Wood- rcere, ait, ocor. FOR SALE By owner. 6 room modem bun wJ"T,,orrrirXettU toUoB 6643 "1'nd t S. E. BEAl E8TATB FOB SALE HOUSES $1 . A AN UNBEATABLE BARGAIN Read every word of thia ad: Near Portsmouth school, half blk, to ear, we have a 10 room house now rented for $40 a month that must be sold thia week for $3400. There are 6 rooms and bath -en first floor and 4 on upper floor; fire- glaee, 3 basement, laundry trays; yon couldn't uild the bouse now for less than $4600; owner asks only $500 down. You'll asy this is the big gest' bargain yon ever saw. - CaU for. auto to show you. - : - - COE A. McKENNA at CO., Main 4522. Open Evenings. 82 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. ' REAL ESTATE FOR BALE LOTS 18 LOTS None over $00 feet from paved street, . bearing fruit and grapes; best suburban dis trict 450, $25 cash, $10 per month. Ma chine will call and show yon. Hamlet, 6657 82d at Tabor 4883. - - - r ' ' A GOOD LOT in Eastmoreland ; party leav ing city; will 'sell at a sacrifice price. Lot is close to car line, ,J. J. Fisher. 417 Ab ington. Main 5988. ' F" -" e - " - -' - ' $COO FOB beaatiful- building tot east front. lot 6. block tt, on 50th near Broadway. Owner, F. J. Hamback, Tigard. Or. , - YOU'LL NOT BEAT THIS . Pretty H. O. Park lot, on paved sv; onlck action, only 625. Fhone Taper aazo $250100x108 Terms, Lot 2. block 66. Woodstock, block ear. Iron. ttnap. Bmitn Wagoner Co., Stock Ex. -- ' - - -: ' ; FOR SALE Lot in AValnut park on Cleveland are., 60x100: all improvements paid. Will take bonds. . Call Broadway 664. . - $ i 5 0 E AST front corner lot, lot 4. block 68, 4 blocks from now medical college.. Owner, F. J. Hamback. Tigard. Or. - - ' ACREAGE S7 4-ROOM HOUSE 2 1-6 ACRES. Say, here is a mighty good bargain, near Clackamas, close to school and stataoa: nearly new 4-room house, in fine condition; bit wood shed, chiokenhouse; 12 fruit trees; good well. The price is only $1100, on-easy payments with $250 down. Our antos win take you .out Open Evenings. ' . .", COE A. McKENNA Js CO.. Main 4522. B2 4 th et Board ot Trade bldg. FIVE ACRES WITH 8 ROOM PLASTERED" HOUSE. 8 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE In Multnomah county, 6 blocks from Gresham car; plenty fruit. 8 chicken, houses, pump house 14x14. well 133 ft deep; all fenced and cleared, practically all cultivated; 200 chickens. Acreage sella here for about $1200. This place can be had from owner for $4000 on easy terms, For information, C-83B, Journal. OREGON CITY LINE 8 and a fraction acres. located near Courtney station- All under cultivation, except chicken park. Fenced with woven wire. Lots of fruit trees and berries. - Garden, corn, potatoes, beans, everything. County road, hard surfaced, both sides. 5 room house, bairn. Good well. Price $4500. Easy terms. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. , - CROP AND MACHINERY : 15 acrea,' located 19 milea from Vancouver, Good soil. 9 acres in crop. 6 acres pasture. Place fenced and cross fenced. Orchard, berries. 4-room house, bam. chicken honse. Spring and 2 cisterns. mile to school, mile to boat landing. Fine crops, nice place. Price $2100, $1100 cash. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 41 ACRES EQUIPPED 82250 Located up Columbia river near Cape Horn; 10 acres in cultivation, family orchard, water piped to buildings, small house, good byn; 1 cow, 1 horse, 250 chickens, farming imple ments. Price $2250; terms $1500 -cash bal ance to suit - - " ; ; .: . , LUDDEMANN COMPANY. ' 913 Chamber of Commerce. H VIC A 14 . acres, cleared and in eood oat and . potatoes, fine crop, close to good road, no buildings, all lenced. II sou as once wui in crop go in at $175 per acre. Adjoining land is being held for twice this -amount About 1 mile from Clackamas station. Would trade for good auto or equity in house and tot in town. 1 7 Bearer bid..- Oregon Olty. $150 CASH LOCATES YOU 2 acres facing Powell Valley Toad, only 1 mile from city limits; covered with beautiful grove of trees; ideal for summer home.. Price $1500; terms $150 cash, $15 monthly. LUDDEMANN . COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES, located 11 miles from Court House. East, near electric station. 8 acres under cul tivation. AO the land can be cultivated, Or chard and berries. 6-room house, bam. chicken house, hog house. Well. Price $3500. Easy term. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 10-ACRE BARGAIN . 10 acres, only 4 miles out on Section Line road; 6 acres in clover, balance beautiful grove for building site; family orchard, bam and chicken house. - Price only $3000; easy terms. ! LUDDEMANN COMPANY. 918 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES. 4 milea from Gresham, Oregon. 7 acres under cultivation. - AH the land can be cultivated. - 8 -room plastered honse. bam. chicken house, orchard and berries. Good soU. fine place. Price $2750., $1200 cash. John' Ferguson, uemnger niog. VIVE. 10 or 20 acres unimnroved. Good land; easy clearing -Located south -of Huber station. Bed electric. County road- Good community. Price $75 per acre. one-third caah. John gmson, fJemnger OKig. TIGAItI, IT acres, near station, clear; tfledl creek;, Tine perry, some onion num.; nun buildings, frntt, 15 tons hay, $6000. 651 E Madison. Will subdivide. - ONE ACRE. JUST outside city limits, west All under cultivation and fenced. 4-room honse.. Price- $960; $350 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlin ger nldg. 200 ACRES exchange with stock. Molalla dis- trict 30 acres crop; lots pasture. - Take house to $3000; ' little cash, - balance ' time. East 1364. evenings. - ' FOR SALE 40 acres good land easily cleared, well watered. $609 if taken' at once, This is a bargain.- Q-196,-Journal. ' - ' 15 ACRES all cleared, very best of soil, sd- Joining Cottrell station; $2500, terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. " 2, 3 AND 5 acre traeta at Gresham, Gillils and Pleasant Home,: under market prices, easy terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. CHOICE ACREAGE FOR SALE CHEAP See it before purchasing elsewhere. Amsnda B Dwier. I860 Division. WANT 2- or 3 A. with good bouse bet Port land and Oak Grove, with option to buy if nitabis. o-l, journal. 40 ACRES for sale in Clackamas Co. - Inouire at 6741 58th ave.. Portland. SNAP 18 rooms, light housekeeping; central lo cation good income. Main 4379. - BEAUTIFUL acreage, at station on Southern Pacific, close in, cheap. Owner, Main 8380. SUBURBAN ACRE AGE 78 Thriving Little Farm in :':::;-Ttmlatin';yalley - - , i ' - " - .:'. If you are looking for 10 acres near Port land that will make a living for a family from tl;e start investigate this. Fifteen miles out close to . highway. - mile from .Southern Pa cific "Eleetrie station, 1 mile from. Oregon Elec tric at Tualatin; 6 acres total in cultivation. 3 acres of grain and clover, 1 acre berries, 4 acres pasture - Some bearing fruit trees, bam and chicken nooses, eto. House b unpreten tious, but has 4 rooms and closets and is com fortable. When yoa see crops that are 'being raised yoa will realize something about the soil, lias been cultivated and developed to make a liing. and would not be sold now except for unforeseen circumstance. Price $375 per acre, half xrash. - balance term. See owner. Havre. K1S Spalding bldg. .3d and Washington,, and then sen the place itself. - 5-ACRE TRACT near Vancouver, highly im- proved, $3500: some terms. T-roctm house, modern, with garage; nice location. 1 acres improved, near Zimmerman ; sale or exchange for pasture and farm land. S A. F. Zimmerman, 114 West 23d st. Vancouver, Wash. - . , HUNTING AND FISHING For sale 40 acres,, unimproved. Touches North Bank - highway and ; Washougsl . river. Splendid place for . summer camping. Write Owner, 612 West 18th st. Vancouver, Wash. SUBURBAN HOMES T9 ' " COUNTRY HOMES;" : 2 ACRES, an ' cultivated. mile from sta tion, 4-room house with attic and sleeping porch, chicken house, -etc.; 60 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of -berries and shrubbery. Price $2800; $500 cash, the balance to suit purchaser. v . . 2 ACRES. mile from station on rock road, 5-room new plastered bouse -with built-in conveniences, sightly location, well selected fam ily orchard in bearing, berries, roses and other shrubbery; garage, wobdhonse, chicken house and runs- This is a high clam beautiful home. Price $3000; terms. . , 1 ACRES. sR euRivated, S minutes walk to station, B room plastered honse, garage, chick en: bouse, fine selected young orchard in bearing, loganberries, currants, gooseberries, good garden, flowers, etc . This is a well kept and beautiful home. - Price $2200. - Terms can be had if de sired. ' 'TUCKER & SHRECK Main 881. . 602 Spalding bldg. ; - BETWEEN 82D AND GRESHAM 665 acres. -400 cleared, balance rough pasture land. 2 good houses, spring water. 3 barns, hog and chicken house, silo and fasxa improvements, an abundance of fruit. Will sell aU or part Phone Tabor 2240. 1083 Oregon st . 8-ROOM house, 1 acre of ground in good cul tivstion; formerly sold for $5006. We offer ffe -as 'in t i lm.i, i.w. w- a Main 6968.. , .-, - .. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN HOMES 79 ONE and half acres, close to station. Oregon Electric 12e commutation fare, also good ante road, all under cultivation.-garden, orchard, nice grounds, fine soil, no gravel, 6 room rustic log bungalow, large rooms, fireplace, large porches, beam ceiling., good chicken house and runway, price $2500, $10OO cash, personally tnspseted. John Ferguson. ierlinger bldg. Open evenings, NEW 4 room bungalow with K acre, gas, water, lights. $1900. $200 down. $20 jier month. Cspitol HilL A-8, JcuraeL FOR "ALE FARM IT ?9ACJpv BAIGATO 45 , acrea in cultivation, balance in timber and pasture at present time. . Fine, big .base ment bam in place, good as new. Good 8 room hause, good stone cellar, - granary, bogbouse, all kmds of fruit Good well at the house and living water ia -pasture; 4 mils to school, 3 miles of electric line and trading point. 9 aailes of Oregon City on a rock road; phon and cream route. WA are offering this place $1500 below the market price today, owing to the owner's health, so if. yon want a place, here is your chance to get a good buy. If you are ka-king for a 40 -acre place, took at this,, as yru will pay as much for 40 acres as we are asking yoa for this, and the average 40 acres cannot bs had for what w ask for this. - Price $0500, - $4000 down, balance tint at 6 per cent This place is rented till fall. - You get perseaaloa some time in September and can nave it now if you want to buy ths rentier's en-pa. We are asking you less than $85 an acre. - The buildings atone an worth half we are asking Tor .the place. Where can you g out and buy a place today tor that price? They are practically a thing of the past, so get busy if yoa want a good deal. R B. ELLIOTT SON . ; Tth and Main 86. Oregon City, Or. ; HIGHLY IMPROVED: . i, 80 ACRM FARM Located in Washington -county, less than 23 miles from center of Portland. A fin herd of dairy cows, hemes and other stork go with place, abo full line of machinery, and big crops, or will sell without personal property. Them is a-well-built modem boose, equipped with hot and cold water supplied from spring with gravity pressure, large barn. 60-ton silo, other buildings, orchard and berries. Owner accidentally crippled and therefore forced to sell at once. - If you want a first-class farm at - reasonable price. here is ycur chance. We have personally inspected this property.. Come and get complete details at once. - -; ' , A. K. HILL 1 214 Lnmbermens Bldg. - 5th and Stark St. - YAMHILL COUNTY" BARGAIN . STOCK AND DAIRY FARM . 160 acre bill farm. 7 miles from McMina villa ; 40 acres in cultivation. 90 acres in seeded pasture, SO acres fine big fir timber; S good springs, water piped to house and bam; 40 acres can be irrigated; good family orchard, variety small fruits, berries, grapes and walnuts; 7 room - bouse-, barn and outbuildings: on R. F. D. and telephone line, in just a few yards from school. . Price for a few days only, $7500. Reason for selltng. not a farmer and other business. Immediate possession. Hay ready and harvested. Address Owner, Box 128, Mo- . 40 acres, 1 seated 1, mite from Naahvffle. Or., west of Cor ra His; well feneed and cross fenced; 20 acres in corn, oate. potatoes and wheat; balance pasture; fine orchard and lots of berries; good garden: new attractive bungalow, photo at office; bam, granary, chiekenbouae. wood shed, mil, house and separator; main highway by place.' Price $4000, with team of mares, Jersey cow, 2 heifers, 2 pigs, chickens, wagon, harrow, plow, disc harrow, cultivator, hack, harness and household furniture. . $2000 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE, cheap, good stock ranch; 200 acres; near Portland; unlimited range; 8 room house, lsrge bsra and -outbuildings, fine orchard, good well and running water; crop, stock, farm imple ments and household goods included. Will ac cept good Portland bungalow aa part payment Can give possession Immediately. ' A bargain. For particulars call at 129 Grand avs room A. or phone East 6913, room 9, between 6:39 and 9 p. m. v Canadian Farm Lands Cheap land. Remarkably easy terms. Land seekers", excursian party leaves Portland for Cal gary, Alberta, Saturday, July 12th; reduced rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific Rail way' company. 208 Railway Exchange bldg., L. P. Thornton. - district representative. FOR SALE,, at a snap. Fine 290 acre stock ranch ; 80 seres to cultivation, balance in tim ber and pasture; 14 miles down the Rogue from Grants Psss. Good terms, or if a quick deal can be made, yon can get a real bargain. Ad dress, Rout 2. Box 76, C F. Card well. Grants Pass, Or. " -. : 11 25 ACRES$2850 - - 123 acres, 7 room house, 40 acres in cttltivsi tion. assortment fruit, running water; good road. Price $2850. Good terms. DRAPER St 4JALWAY. 629 Cham, of Com. Bldg. 80 ACRES, located 9 mile northwest of W il ls m in,. Yamhill county. Oregon; 40 acres can be cultivated; 4 acres has been cultivated; no improvements; watered fcsv never-failing springs. Price $9 per acre, cash, - John Fergu- erVTsa, AA6JJs- IMuii 0 1-3 ACRES IMPROVED " On a rock road. 42 miles from Portland; growing crop, complete set of buildings; sacri fice; wiU take Ford car as part payment - - - H. H. REALTY CO.. 615 8 wetland Bldg $100 DOWN. 816 MONTHLY 19 acres of rich bottom land, all in cult! ra tion, good si so shack, 1 - miles from Tsibot station, on Oregon Electric Total price $1200. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Com merce. Open evenings and Sundays. Acres Irrigated . land at Vale, in Eastern Oregon. $55 per acre; voder Warm Springs irrigation project; . barn, house. Call Marshall 1643 or writs Apt 107, 414 11th st THIf IS A GOOD BUT , 52 acres,- 8a in cuUivatiam; good buildings, good road, 1 1 miles 'to Oregon City, hi mile to school, best water; call owner. Tabor 4647. Price $5200. - - 286 ACRES land situated about 8 miles S. E. of Hsrrisburg, Lane Co.. suitable for dairy and an purpose farm and belonging to an estate. In Quire of O. P. Co-bow, exeewtor. Rosebarx. tlr. 80 ACRES 8 MILES OF THWiTT-LIMITS"; ALL CLEARED; RUNNING WATER; THE BEST HOG RANCH IN OREGON. INQUIRE AT1606 DIVISION ST.. CITY. 80-ACRES Tillamook county.; cow, team. harness and wagon, other farm implements, WiU take part in trade, $2609. 846 K. 60th N. Tabor 4896. FOR bargain in dairy farms along ths Roosevelt highwsy, in Tillamook county, come to Nes tuccs Valley Real Estate Agency, Ctovardal. Or. R Y. Blalock. Mgr. FOR SALE Prune lands and diversified farms. Address, Box 8, Brockway, Douglas county, , Jvegon. . i ' i - - HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT 80 acres, 15 miles from Corvallis. 3 miles to town and railroad, one toils) to school; road to place; good soil; some timber; fine creek; some fencing; easy to -clear; forced to sacrifice en account of sickness; price $200.. 914 Cham. of Com. Bldg. - WANTED Homestead reiinquisbmeat in Eaat- era Oregon. Otto Herrling, Criterion, Or. TIMBER NOTICE of sal ef . government Umber General Land Office, Washington. D. C Msy 16. 1919. Notice is hereby given that subject to the condition and Hmitation ef the act of Jon 9, 1916 f 89 Stat. 218). and the - instructions of the secretary . of tha inte rior of September 15. 1917,- the timber en the following lands wiU be sold Jury 16. 1919. at 10:30 -o'clock a. nv. at public" auction at the United States band of fie at Portland, Or., to the highest bidder at no las than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to th approval of the secretary : of the interior. JTbe purchase price, with an ad ditional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof being com missions allowed, sxnat be . deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if aalat is not approved; otherwise patent will issue for the timber,, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids . will be received from citisent ef the- United States, associations of such citissns and corporation ergaaised onder the law of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof 9ml. Upon application of a- quali fied purchaser, the timber en any legal sub division will be offered separately bet or being included in any offer of a larger unit: T. I 8.. R. 5 E.i Section 29. 8WV SW-4, red fir. 190O M-. pot to be sold -for lem thsa 81.80 per M. T. 3 S.. R 6 See. 81, BWii 8W . red fir. 660 kL. not to be sold for toes than $1.28 par M. CLAY TALLMAN. ? - CommisntoneT, General Land Of flee. - WANTED Income propeity from 828,000 np ward for choice yellow fir haady to rail and water. Wm gladly -show timber to responsibls parties. f ' F. HP. NOLAND. " 1 ' EUGENE. OREGON. iXR SALE By owner, 160 - acres Oregon timber mod. ; Sacrifice for - Quick sale., L 207. JonrnaU - - r.- SMALL tie mill for sale cheap, about 8 miles from Portland; plenty of timber. E. Schiller, 621 Henry bldg., city. - . FOR SALE 17 cords fir wood, $100, .1720 E. 8th st, - EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 TWO 40 acre farms to exchange for dty prop erty. 114 First ax. , ' , HRlt ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 14 MT. TABOR HOME $5000 - Well built $ ream modem dwelling with sleep ing pareh and den. steam heating plant tot 50a 160; good garage. $1000 cash; will trad for close-in suburban acreage to .vain of equity which is $3000. . Fred W. German Co.. 733 Chamber of Comm.. open evening and Sundays, FOR SALE OR TRADE TR7"and sleeping perch, 80x109 tot with frait. 1 block to csri 18 - minute to Madison bridge, fin location, near high and graded schools; prtoe $3500; will accept good auto or improved acreage; deal With owner and. save commission. S-253, Journal, FOR sals or will exchange 8 room aouse in fin - resides tisl district. Portland, ' Or., for bunga low in Oakland or Berkeley, Cat; the house has hardwood floors, fireplace and full cement base ment, with furnace: 1 block from etreet car; aw. rentea-tor ot per month. T-4 12. Journal. WILL TRADE Bungalow, story and a half, 8 rooms; A-l condition, for clear lot. Small cash dif., balance easy terms. - Owner, 693. Sherritt -ave..".-----"- . . ,rv-sr-. ...--..-.k;:': 8 4s . ACRES' -on neigbta west of city, onim proved, terms or trade, for bungalow. Owner slain S3BO STOCK ranch, including 'wtock. buildings and crops. 86 miles from Portland, .for sale , or trade for acreage near Portland. C-848, Journal, EQUITY in - 3 room luras for tot: improve ment must be in. 7612 . 68th are., Wrodmer. Mt Scott. . CHALMERS 869, No. 1 condition, for tot; will - assume. Z-83, JouraaL -' , 1 -- ' WAWTEr REAL ESTATE 81 4b0 Homes Sold . Since January 1. 1919. . . . '104 Sold One Month 13 Homes Sold Sunday and Monday, June 22-23, By Frank It McGuire' Bales Force of 10 experienced real estate salesmen. UNDISPUTED RECORD FOR U. 8. " : Naturally we need new listings more homes to sea - Wa have been established since 1 880. We advertise extensively, are in touch with the majority of buyers, have a very efficient selling organisation. THE M'GUIRE SYSTEM get re sults. . Every honse listed i personally in spected, photographed end appraiaed by an expert appraiser and the photograph of your house as placed en display in our show" room ia its respective district I If yon- have a home for sal ., - - - - LIST IT WITH US. W win get quick and satisfactory results for you. SEE FRANK L. M'GUIRE - TO SELL YOUR HOME , ' .-. -'".;.- Successor to II. D. McGuire Co. Estabnahed in 1880. : " -'-" Office Open Evenings and Sundays, i SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Prick must be- right and very easy terms. . We nave sold ever 800 house in the last year. Ii you want action, see na. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays and eremngs. SPOT cash and quick deal for modem 4 or 8 room bungalow in good location on paved street, not too far out ' No commission tor yoa to pay. See A. K. Hill. 214 Lumbermen bldg. Broadway 421. NOTICB . To buy or sell a suburban or aereage heme of merit see .Geo. P. Henry with Frank L. Mo Guire, open - Sunday and evenings... , Abington WANT improved suburban places. Have cash customers for good buy. PROMPT, RELIABLE, EFFICIENT SERVICE. a. &. mil tjo., 2i LAimoermens nuiiaing. WANTED Two to five acres near Southeast - Portland. Give price and how to reach by auto. D. R: George. 65th, st and Foster road, eRy.'- - -j DONT WORRY -; I Can sen ar trade anything anywhere. Iayman; 147 Pant st 4 OR 5 ROOM bouse. Have '2 tot a part pay ment: balance wBl be caah; most be reason able. Owner, K. F. Gronert, 462 LarrSbco st WAN TED Immediately, a 6 . room bungalow, from owner; Rose City Park prefer led. Give fnll particulars and price. M-202. Journal, - WANTED Lot Rtwe City car, for cash; cot over 8300. H-637, Journal. - - - G. C. GOLDENBEROj can seU your bom. "86 Tear in Portland " Abington Bldg. ROOMING HOUSES ss INVESTIGATE THIS OFFER - Three stories - and ' basement: original cost 86000; needs $350 repair, otherwise in excel lent condition; only hotel in Yamhill and town growing;' big proposed improvements paved nigh way passes property. Business men will aid hotel: 29 rooms. 2 storeroom in basement; turned in on mortgage owner is otherwise professionally en sured, hence we are authorized to offer it for $2200, and only $400 cash payment MITCHELL St' RIPFEY, 829 Henry bldg. Have You . I wfll put yoa into a dandy little rooming bouse on th west side - where yen ean make $65 per month besides . having good home. BRUCE GODDARD, 602 Couch Bldg. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE . And! t will quietly and comfortably show yon some of the best bays in the city. J. BRUCE UODDAKO, 0O2 (Joach Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, eight rooms, close in on west side: well furniahed; rent $25. Prtoe 8650. 214 Abington bldg. Main 4141 FURNITURE of 14 rooms to b sacrificed. Leav - lag city. Good location. Cheap rent. 607 Clay st 16 ROOMS. H- K., $650: west side: rent $35. sacruioea tnrongn wcanes. Olo Henry oiag. 20 ROOMS. H. K.. money maker; sacrifice for cash; west side. 516 Henry bldg. business oppoRTuirrrrES , so NEW ERA FLOUR MILLS FOR SALE SEASONABLE. ' : Tear around waterpower. 25 barrels, 8 stands, double rolls and good machinery with 50 inch diameter millstone and on two pair roll chopper; outbuilding and 20 acres land and orchard, on main highway and railroad and Willamette river with excellent wheat country, more .than the mill can handle; a good location for profitable business; poor health reason for selling.. Own era Sevick Bros., New JEray: Or. - . FOR SALE Confectionery . and pool hall. 3 tables, stock and fixtures will invoice $8000: ell for $2000 cash deal; ill health reason for selling. 'Only basin of kind in small bnt good payroll town. Will consider small ear up to ouu aa part- payment, 4.-8, journal. WANTED Experienced vulcanixer with $500 to take halt interest in vulcanizing shop in largest garage in Portland. If not first class workman do not apply. - Call at 467 Mont gomery, between 9 and II a, m. A GILT EDGED manufacturing business requires a partner with from $2000 to $5000. Excep tional return on investment assured. - Investor must be honest and above board. Others need not Interest themselves. C-859, Journal. FOR SALE Fine little dairy, milk " route, cows and equipment; close in. f Sickness only rea son for aeUing.- 45th st and Columbia bird. John Strom place. DESIRE to meet 1 or 2 parties able to invest up to $10,000 in first class poultry .business that will pay better than 8 per cent C-37. Journal. ,f- FOR SALE Bicycle and general repair shop, only shop in town of about 4000: want to quit on account-of poor health. O. Craft, lie Minnville. Or. A MILLING stock and fixtures; most sell to set tle an estate : will sell part stock and fixtures or alL l 9 Williams ave. Phone East 3440. GARAGE for sale; full of storage; eliesp rent; shop fntl of work. Phone fan 6291. 874 Union ave. N. - . J J FOR SALE! Concession building, at Columbia Beach, 12x24 feet; also small business in Portland, 625Q. Phono Marshall 608. A DANDY little store. Jiving rooms, worth .$500; be on band Monday and take it; $375., X90 G0be at- - -- - " ; ----- :" - FOR SALE Grocery, good , paying bnisnsss. viose in, xsx owe. x-none cast zzss. OLD, catabUsbed Watklns route. - For particulars write Wstkins man, Richfield. Wash. FOR SALE Grocery doing good business. 87? ' E. Couch. ' - . --. - WILL sacrifice my grocery store, good location and good business. B-4, Journal. MONEY TO LP AX REAL ESTATE 27 OUR installment plan is tha best and surest - xeetnoct at paying n loan, f- - -.. $32.26 per month for 86 months i or $21.84 for' 60 months; or - - $16.17 (or 66 month, pays 81000 loan and interest. . . - i ' ... - . . Other siiieiifif g in proportion, i We kan on improved city piopeity. Or for building purpose. No commission charged. - - EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St. Portland, Or. $400, $400, $500. $600,. $750 and up, low set rates, quick action. ' Gordon Investment Co.. tm (J. ot com. JMSIB C44B. CLIENT has - $50O to $8000, to loan, local, quick action. J. A. Mears. attorney.. : 926 Chamber of oommerce. kONEZ TO LOAN on real estate recurity on ' fetal rata of interest otto at xtAiksa Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce- - bVHAING toaaa on city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. O. Reck. 215 and 216 Palling bldg. Main 6407. MONEY to toan in amounts et $160 to 650W0 - on city property. -'. A. H. BELL. Room 10-11. MnTkey bK?-. $S"0, $400. $600, $750. $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick sctlon. Fred W. German C.).. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6448, - $30O to $3000, no commiasiou. . Main 1166. F. H. PES HON. 618 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY for mortgage loans, $500 to $4000. 6 and 7. 'Fred 8. Williams, 92H 1st it SEE OREGON IX V. St MORTGAGE CO.. 222 - Chamber of Commerce 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE loan. 6 and 7 ft. Loun Satosaeo A Co.. 408 Selling bldg.' MOJTET TO LOAHfcEAfr ESTATE t J 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE toan on city et suburban houses: no commission: quick c tten. $500 to $1800. . Ward, attorney. 401 Spalding bldg. :f MOHET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 87 T PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. ' . Phon Broadway 910. ,' . ... $94 Stark Street., near 10th, . , Leans en diamonds, watches. Ttotrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value., T ESTABLISHED THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and country Variants cashed for faca value. .-.:-:.-,. .-. ... 1 .-. CARRIE MYERS-HEHRMAN. " DO YOU NEED MONEY Leans mad on autemobltos. dia moods, pianos, household goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your possession. ' ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their not a without security. It your parmsnt to ether toan companies pr on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than yon can make, w will pay them np, advance yon more moos? if necessary, and yon can repay na in small - monthly payments to suit . your con venience. ' ' ' ' LEGAL RATES. NO DFLY. ' BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. - PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY lUeenssd ,. . . . . 306-307 Deknm Bads, . - - . Marshall 3866. , Salary . LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY . On short notice to salaried or workingmea en their awn notes, . Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payment Each trsn otton strictly eonfideatisl. NO MORTGAGE . - - NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. , ' We akse loan en household furniture. tc, witoout removal. - . . CALL AND.rNVESTIOATR. 4 COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. i - : 411 tr.lln M, MONEY to loan on dlssaoods. jewelry ; lecal rates: all articlee held a year: established atnee 1888. Dan Marx. 383 Washington. . LOANS WANTED 89 MORTGAGES FOR SALE. , I have a first mortgage contract of $2600, payable $100 per month and interest at 8 per cent; will discount for cash. , Also one - $800 mortgage contract Pysbl $83 per-month st 8- per cent Interest; will also discount for cash. ' . NEW YORK LAND CO. 808-8 Stock Excliang, bldg. Main 7676. WANTED $2000 on new modem bungalow, close in. 608 Cham, oi Com. Main 1983. FIRST mortgagee tor sal. .8500 up. F. H. Deshoo, 616 Ohambe of Commerce Bldg- SEE OREGON INF. A MORTGAGE CO., 282 Chamber of Commerce, 4h and Stark. FIWAWCIAI. SI ' LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. - If yon mast sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, se to ns. If yon can buy more Liberty or Vic tory bonds, bny from us. Ws buy and sell Lib erty and Victory bonds st ths market YOU CANNOT DO BETTED -YOU "MAT DO - WORSE. - - We are today paying the following, prices for United States government Liberty and Victory bonds, which are the closing New York market price, plus the accrued interest: - -- N. Y. Market Interest - Total - SHs .......$ 99.40. $ .23 $ 99.63 1st 41 ...... 94.60 .26 . 94.86 .2d 4s....... 98.72 .-.69 94.81 1st 4S .... 95.08- .27 96.35 2d 4i .... 94.84 - .63 84.97 -3d 4 Vis .... 8i.08 1.8S 96.89 4th 4 Vis .... 94.28 .98 . 95.26 " Victory 8 4 s.. 100.83 .50 ,100.62' Victory 4 s.. 99.86 .63 100.69 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds w deduct from the above prices. 37o on a $50 bond and 62.60 on a 81000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the Newf York market price plus the scented interest ASK ABOUT -THE MORRIS BROTHERS FLAN. - Burglar and fireproof, safe deposit box for lnL . ' MORRIS BROTHERS. INC., .V The Premier Municipal Bond Hons Morria bldg., 809-311 Stark St. bet 6th and 6th. Telephone Broadwsy 2181.- Est, over 2 6 ye ra. LIBEBTT BONDS. CASH PAID FOR - ANT ISSUE OF, BONDS. . FULL MARKET P&ICE. , . - LOANS ON LIBERTY BONDS. ' TOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. OB TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT. . ' OREOON BOND A MORTGAGE CO 212 SELLING BLDG. 2D FLOOR), CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STB. I WILL BUT ANT LIBERTY BOND ; : - at -' --i; - 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE - MX do conpoo teUrtsfl lhid4. 3. H7KEATTNT1. 617 BOARD OF TRADE. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH MARKET PRICE CASH for RECEIPTS. W will LOAN yon money on BONDS, W. 8. S.. ar to mak PAY MENT on BONDS. 7 per cent - - 725 Cuts bldg.. Fifth and -Alder. ' CELLARS-MURTON CO. HORSES. VEHICLES, STO. 18 JUST reoeived a carload of horses from Eastern Oregon. A span of bay horses, 4 and fl years eld, 8500 lbs.; a team of matched dappled grays, 6 and 6 years, 8200 lbs. : a pair of snow white mares. 8 years old, 2500 lbs.: a lot of other horse and mare a represented. Free trial al lowed. J. S. WUlismson, 240 E. 8th st ONE SPAN OF MARES,' 8100 lbs.: good worker and gentle; 8 or 6 head of horses from 1000 to 1200 lbs. each; buggies, wagons and heme, double And single, to be sold cheap. Woodyard Stables. E. 9th and Hawthorne, or phone East SHS. 2400 lb. TEAM in good condition, good har ness, 8 M : inch Milbura farm wagon in good order. 8175. 632 N. 27th, Teke Broadway ear -to Siskiyou, 8 blocks east to tent house. , GOOD ' young mare, ' 6 years old, weight 1405 lbs,: most be oid at once as I hare lost her mat and have no place to keep her. 248 Front st., li. b. ota Dies. 8225 BUYS 25 BUYS good team of farm horses, weight 2900 lbs: hsmeas and wagon go with' them. 11 BeHwood 717. - CaU sxAn r.n .1. u 4 A 1 t.l i, Take S. P. ear to Oswego, on road to Oregon vity. bi. x,yeaw MUST sell team of work mules, 2250 lbs., with gooa neavy osrness, a . pass 834 st $105 Small team, harness wagon, also 141W lb. hone, $76 1 ail yard. 827 Front St. - wooa- FOR SALE A horse. - W ood banking jolt .wanted. 232 E. 60th st, N., Portland, Or. v-aii ereninga. 600-tB. PONY, with dandy saddl ad bridle, $50. Pony atone, $25. ,1954 Woolscy st Evenings. - . - 3400 LB. span geldings, 5 and 6 year, broke .- to work; cheap or trad for fresh cows. Ore ton City; cross bridge, follow, signs. Owner. DEAD horses end animals hauled away f re. . Can wooaisw zo.- Forthind Rendering Co. DORSE and wagon, $1.60 per day; 2 horses and wagon, $8.- J. Cohen, 646 Front Main 2308f 1200 POUND mare, sound, . for sal cbeep. Fashion Stable, East 2 1th and Flanders st ; LIVESTOCK 68 REGISTERED Jersey bull for sale cheap or trade for car ? or . horses. ? 896 Powell at, Woodstock ctr. " : ' '":'':'. ".- '. -. THREE young, ' f rsah.' bigh-grd Jersey with - their first calves; 2 ether good, milch cows for ssle cheap. Call Selrwood 717. - , 2 COWS, extra good, heavy milkers, with calves by sides; one 6, one 6 Man old) sell re. onaoie. oin rj. xotii sr. i. FOR SALE Cow, good nrilker ; Oregon Eleo- tri to Roland stasson; first house from sta tion. - - S 6 YEAR OLD horse, harness and wagonj 876: also young Holitetn cow, .giving plenty of rich milk. 6647 65th S. E.. Woodstock ear. DANDY 6 wis Jersey family cow. for sal. CaU ' Woodlawn 8746, Woodlawn ear to sod of Una, 1899 E. 26th N, - ; , ;. - t TOUNO Jersey Durham cow',' fresh, $60. 154 E. 87th st. N. Monts villa-Depot ear. BxaUTTFUL heifer calf from 6 V gallon Swias Jersey cow. wooaiawn SBUl. 12-OUART family Jersey now, tubrealoi tested. 6618 94th t S. E. - - BROOD " SOWS for .sale, -t WUl' -Woodlawn 8488,- . -.. !- -. - . farrow soon. FBfeotI COW.ftrrt calf; 4L fob. teste.1 Woodyard. 827 Front st -.- - -" v - -- .. GOOD fresh eow for sale. 1779 Division. Ha - thorn av ear. ' ; FOULTBT. PIGEONS. FET STOCK 37 FULL pedigreed New Zealand Reds,' American Bines and Himlva Engil-t Laps. 1127 E. 25th st North. WoocCawn 1724. , FOULTBT. FIOEONS. FET S T f WE sold over 800.000 W like Leghoi n 1 - "to satisfied customers sine Jsnuarv 1- j chlx now, and sell tsll and winter bni ---s ' fancy prices, , Pullets will mak fins t spring layer. Price per ' 100 : July, tit: August- $15. Ssfe arrtrsl of full count i ehix gnaranteed. THE PIONEER lIATl .HEHl, 40IXTH STREET, PETALUMA, CAL. . PURE BRAN for rabbits and chickens, mad, from good, c!n wheat: contains no ground oat hull, oi o-'.-r mill run. Oriers for 5 sacks or mors d- i t etd within delirery district Old Fasliioa AiiU IrcT Ce.. Kst 6 76 5. . PARTRIDGE ROCKS Tha J. T. Little flock of Partridg Rocks, pris birds, offered for sale at $80 per pen, ft yearhr hen, 1- male. : The Lee bo Farm, Route a. Box 258, Inta.Or. BABY CHICKS AND EUliS FOR HATCi'iIV'1 Barred Rock and R. L Red clUcka, per 108:- White Leghorn or Brown Leghorn ehick $20 per 100. J. R. Maguire. 787 Ore- gon st ' East 18 0 5. . - W. ' L. - COCKEREIJS for aale, Tancrsd strs. T - from trap nested high record slock, tl.- " each. Phous Msrshsn 1484. WHITE LEGHORN aud Aucoue yuung Lc-n-u 6348 84th at. S. E. FOR SALE Friera, dressed to order; Ui'lirenni " Satnrday. - Plion Tabor 6RT4.-' RABBITS for sal.' 2 pedigreed M-mi.lt t.mi.t buck a. 4209 4lh at. W. , Williams. DOGS. TURPS, PETS. FTC. 4 8 BOSTON terrier at stud, Sensatlnu Pilot I C Weight 11 lbs. A. K. C KnvOJ. Few $lo. Mrs. Wa, J, Smith. Phon East 6009. CBOICK caaari at "Th, Canary Bird Phi.' Singers gus rant d. 1161 E. 2sth N. C-22 1 T. FOR SALE 3 canaries, youug buds, aniod singers. 6212 82nd 8. K. THOROUGHBRED Airedale put. $10 and $12. H. J. O'Neill. 1784 Gilbert st Col. 1007. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 41 ' . WIRE WHEEL" ROADSTER. This to certainly a beautiful car and at in a clam by itself; took fine, runs better; in t.ho test of mechanical condition. You can get tlm car for a small payment dowu and bslnncn mcnthly. 626 Aklet st A-l Auto Works A l ainting Co. IET ns give you our mtimst of exsctly what it will ' cost you to have your car ovsrUsuled ; all work guaranteed. - Hemphiil Trade School, 707 Hawthorn Ave., Cor. 20th, , MAXWELL TOURING CAR. We have two lata model touring cars, both refinished and look new; am in fine running condition and will pleas you. Low price ana sir-all payment down. Our tonne ar most lib eral in city. . 623 Alder. A-l Auto Works. WHY net save money on your repair bill and - bare your car repaired at Hemphill Trad School f All work guaranteed, 707 Hawthorn gr.. ear. 20th. 1918 OAKLAND SCC - Vry good mechanical condition; $900. , TWIN STATES MOTOR CAB CO.,' 614 -Alder. Broadway 494j -National Auto Repair - Company W specialise In Fords and Chvrolta; aU Work guaranteed; 18 years' experience. 608 Buraslde Phon Broadwsy 8850. LIBERTY KTX. newly painted; will guarantee this car; $1500. CARET, 023 Alder. ' Broadway 2402. NEW TIRES What brand ef flew tires dn yon prefer t We have them, all makes and sisea; also we mak tin. famou O-V-O Doubi Tread . (sewed) tire and de all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vul-c-niaing Co., 888-88 Burn-ids near Brosilw.v. . FRANKLIN SIX This ear has th original paint, cord tires, snrt ts in perfect mecbsnicsl condition; price $850, $340 down, balance $61 per month. H-e thU at the Pacific Auto .Co., NV W. Cor. 14th ana Couch. See Kelly or Jsks. Broadway 440. TWO Chevrolet, new tire and extras, 8423 and $550. CARET. 628 Aider. Broadway 2492. Tour choice ef three car. Hudson, Hunmo bile or Chandler, aU overhauled, repstntrd, excellent condition, real values, at $1350, term to suit If Interested eaU Bdwy. 1270. room 428, for owosr, and leave phone number or address. VELTE SET, in new; s bargain. CARET, 823 Alder. ... , - AtffO TRIMMING AT""" ; UPHOLSTERING CO. All kinds- tops and upbol- f.rin, 111, . , '....... . . ... stairs. Broadway 2017. - - stock Used Cars - Si; ' - NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. FOR SALE. 1918 Maawsll, fsetory paint, n , -cellent eondltioa. - Price $700. term to suit. CaU Bdwy.s.1270, room 423, and .leave phone number. - SERVICE STATION . Now located at Ninth , nd Ererett st. . . Broadway 1142. TWO 1917 Ford touring car. On - -delivery car. - 8426 each, t FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and' Alder. - Bdwy. 240. 1918 CHEVROLET,, a good a new; 5 tire; $650 cash. Call after 5:80 p. m., aszs Hsn st. tt. h. Tin Ht, ncott car. CHEVROLET touring. 1818, in be-t of coi. li- lion, gooa tire: wui sell at 4773 and gire. team. 30 Grand ave. N., near Bnrmids, 191$ HUPMOB1LE, just a good aa any Id in town; choose your own paint job. 'SMITH AUTQ CO., PARK AND COUCIt J MT' Mitchell light six, 6 -pass.; fine condUii,; nio arrpesrsnc; good tires; nothing wrong. pnon Mia 2U. 1917 MAXWELL touring, new condition. Tin U a nw car and old price, Wui go quick. Bee owner,- 630 Pattoa av. FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell runabout; with "dt livery box . in roar; fine condition. Snap. Party leaving town. 210 Yamhill. - 1918 FORD; just like new; gnud tires, with or without Universal fillers. . Must aeU. J'bone Marshall 8256, SPOT CASH FOR FOKD, CHE VJiiI..r, DODGE, MAXWELL OR BUIUKV CALU EPPLE, MAIN' 206. ; CI1ALMEK 8 . Roadster, in Al . condition, i - tire and ' repainted. - A bargain; terms, bee Mr. Eppl t 50. N. 20th st. DODGE- Roadster in Al condition- A bsrgainj - good tins; terma, 'See Mi, Eppl at CO S. 20thst - - - ' . - 200 DOWN BUTS " ifAXWElX To'CiilN-i CAR, A'C CONDITION AND GCXD liLU BXH. CAITl EA8f 102. - 460 DOWN BUYS 1918 CUATMfAltifl1X TOURING CAR, A-l ' CONDITION; R U.N' 4 Art U UlOkS 1. 1KB N KW, CALL KlSriUT.' BARGAIN IV 1918 BR1HCOE; BUNS AM LOOKS LIKE NEW: 6 GOOD TIRta. CALL MARSHALL 1950. APT. 4 2. GARAGE for dead storage, 15 month. Mar. " kIdwa" top and Tion'r " Vvoiika. 947 Barnsid St., upstairs. Broadwsy 2498. BARGAIN Winton six, S . passenger, $0501 Mar. 6090. - 1917 HUPMOBILE. Thi will make yon th'FujC SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH. GAFOLlNE 22 CENTS A GALLON. OILS AnT GHEABES. PIONFKB PAINT CO., la 1 s'l. ilY Super Six 7 paaseuger, a beauty, 811 W K. 9th st S.; will sacrifice. - 1917 MAXWELL: the best ever. -SMITH AUTO CO.. PAKE AND COUCIT. 1918 FOKD touring car; lust o-rbaui.d; f.ne condition. Phone Woodlawn 1427. 1916 HUPMOBILE.' perfect condition. See owner, en railing St. $1400. MUST aacrifie 1917 Pais touring like new; leaving Portland: act quick. F.ast Boat. FOR SALE Light fit passenger car, cliea for eaah or bond. , Woodlawn 58 lft. CLASSY bug for sale. 480 WUiiiH ae. Phono East 288. SORDTOUftTNa. .GOOD tires, eleoiric l.ht.. RJljftTNG.J GOf)D tires. - 8400. 63 Piortn Z3H sr. iisin 7i.i-j.-i. iOR SAI. )n Ford roa inter boar; A-l condition. 28th end Diii.i"n. 1'0 RSArE El-ctrio starter for lord e.. pile. Tabor 5247. 445Msr,iiiT!te nr. .' . 1918TUIfcBAJir'R. i't;ii -' - SMITH AUTOt', PAHK M ' (Coati-tutti utt it..,'- . -