The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 07, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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ii ' ti i in litr nft tn
' I J
Five Years Too Long to Wait for
Full- Pay, Declare Operators
Before Local Conciliation.
Money Used in Giving Added
Comforts to Strike Breakers
Is Under Incidentals, Is Said.
IMfference in wage scales developed as
the chief' controversy ' between7 the Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph company
and its- striking employes at the hear
ing before the state board of concilia
tion In 'Library hall today. W. J. Phil
lips, division commercial superintendent ;
J. H. Corcoran, division traffic superin
tendent, and W. D. Moore, division plant
superintendent, appeared for the com
pany, and Thomas Lowry testified for
the employes.
.The operators request -that the maxi
mum . scale shouU become effective at
the end of two years' service, whereas
he company is now making it effective
at the end of five years. , In the case of
the men, the maximum in any particular
grade of work is attained at, the end
of three years. The men request that
this be changed to two years.
- W. J. Phillips-testified - that service
was about 90 per cent . normals. J :H.
Corcoran placed 4ti at between 85 and
90 per cent, this being for the traffic
"WV. D. Moore, asked as to the relative
efficiency of the line and repair serv
ice, stated that the company managed
to "practically handle all trouble. J.
H. Corcoran elaborated, on, his esti
mate by stating that in a time such as
this ' all ' the loyal employes put forth
a little.: more effort, in order, to ; keep
the service up to the highest possible
state . of efficiency. . , .
' Questions -wtre, asked regarding ' the
special 'attention paid J: the operators
now on' duty to maintain service, such
as paying a bonus of 1 per day and
providing' automobiles to carry the
girls to . and . from work-! J. -K. Ftynn,
by his - questioning - of Mr. Moore.
brought out the point that the extra
expenses incurred in meeting the situ
ation were regarded as Incidentals in
much the same manner as the extra
expense incurred by meeting "an
emergency such as a ' silver thaw.
Otto Hartwig, , by his , questioning,
brought out the fact" that the local of
ficials did have ; authority to use spe
cial ; : funds for meeting the strike
emergency but did not have authority
to use' funds for making a general in
crease ;in wages. -
The. - present scale of wages, which
went Into .effect on June 16, and which
was announced Just-about the time the
sinae : was caima. . was UDnem or me
company . ornciaia as - oeing just, - ano
""all the company could pay at this time.
air. jHOorep: stated. mat it wouia com
pare favorably wlth the . wages now
''being paid, by' other public service cor-
The matter ' of ',. buying supplies
through. . the Western' ; Electric : com
pany was taken; up with Mr. Moore,
whosetestlmony may be summed v up
as follows: That all investigations by
i disinterested parties had resulted in
the conclusion that - the agreement
whereby the Western-Electric was made
the purchasing agent -for' ? the . Pacific
"ompany. was to the best Interests of
t he Pacific company ; ; that it ' enabled
this company to place Its order along
with all the companies of the Bell sys
tem, thereby . obtaining the favorable
price resulting from quantity orders ;
that this company by the agreement se
cured the benefit of the purchasing
power of the Western Electric company
and avoided the necessity of ware
house, and. supply department; - that, in
emergencies supplies . could be bought
hastily through this organization and
in any large quantity without the ne
cessity of establishing a local Organ
ization .to buy the supplies and distrib
ute them in the localities where they
were needed i and that in such emer
gencies, the cost of creating this extra
organisation : would be 25 per cent
greater than the cost at present under
the contract with the Western Electric.
In the matter of grievances, the em
ployes are asking for a grievance board
to consist of one employe., one company
official and one person chosen by the
two Mr. Moore stated that the present
system of handling grievances was by
application of the aggrieved to, the im
mediate superior: that If this brought
no satisfaction," the matter was carried
up as far as necessary by the brother
hood of flcials ; that the proposed change
would necessitate the. establishment of
boards all over the ' territory covered by
the company and that it would ; result
in a-; great jnany Imaginary, grievances
being, taken up In cases where no action
should logically be taken but would be
demanded by the employe who would
likely be hard ; to convince that his
grievance was only imaginary. ' ,
- : Strike Sentiment Opposed
San Francisco, July . 7. (TJ. P.) Con
fident that a settlement will be reached
tomorrow In the , coastwide , teleDhone
workers strike, the central strike com
mittee la today expecting .momentarily
from Washington terms-of the settle
merit as approved by the postoffice de
partment. These will ' be submitted' to
the strikers at mass meetings tomorrow
for acceptance or rejection. , -
'.' False Alarm Alarms
When a false alarm was sounded from
Front and Tamhlll streets about 1 o'clock
this t afternoon " the city ; fire depart
- ment thought Saturday night's ; disas
trous fir : had broken out anew . and
many of the west side companies and
several east side companies responded.
Fire Marshal Grenfell and his assistants
were unable to learn who turned In the
alarm.:'-' v. i:1, v,;--i:.
In eight lessons. Ladles,
12.60: gentlemen S 5.00.
at DeHoney'a Beautiful
Academy. . 23d and
Washington. "'New sum
mer classes : start Mon
day, Tuesday and Thurs
day evenings, 8 to 11:30.
. ? Plenty of desirable partners-
and practice. No embarrassment.
-Private lessons all hours. -Learn from
professional dancers. Phone -Main 7656.
f " i v
; C"Merchantnise of cMerit Onlv
Now That Summer Is. at Its Height And the Porch and Lawn
Invite One Elarly in the Day Attention Is Directed to V'
A Stock of Aprons, Apron Drsse
arid Coveralls Fortunately Situated
In Point of Assortments
In View of Present, Worth i
There are hundred of crisp, new apron caid v ,
apron dresse of every kind and description now to I
be found on our fourth floor. Some have just come .
in and are shown for the first ' time tomorrow, ;
Others were purchased under advantageous con- i
' ditions and are offered at special savings. '-' Now : .!
is the time to supply your needs. --" i
1 000 Apron Dresses
At Very Moderate Prices
July , Sales
This Year
. , No July Clearance at This Store
Instead- newer goods, wanted goods,
goods : that are bringing any price ' de
manded in the wholesale markets -
-all here at much less than replacing
cost today -
Which would you rather have older
good repriced or newer goods ; at the
prices of reduced goods ?
For the latter come to Lipman,
Wolfe & Co.
Athletic Union Suits of
Fine Materials At $1.25
Unusual values in men's union suits they
are of fine nainsook, soisettes and fancy corded
madras, and they're worth considerably more
than ft. 25! Sizes range from 34 to 46.
Sample Line of Belts Sizes
Chiefly 32-34 At 50c
Every belt 'in the lot is . worth, more than
.double, this price, and some much, much morel.
A variety of zood belts for summer wearing.
Not many of certain styles but all of them de
sirable. -
Men's Store. Just Inside Wash. St. Entrance.
Sketched f
S e v-
e r a 1
styles in plaid,
striped and plain
colored percales
-in several models
trimmed with
contrasting mate
rials. Very pretty.
d0 OCA large
WMtOO group
of mixed striped
dotted percale
a p' r on s and
dresses trimmed
with bias ands
and pjain wMte
pipings . : a -.,
, Sketched .
Q 7C For the
wfc f most
attractive "models
in striped and
checked house
garments. Solid
yokes and bands
and belts , make
pretty trimmings.
9.Jt i tvl
plaid and ' plain
colored materials
have been made
into the neatest
and most attrac
.. tive house dresses
'With white collars .
and fancy pockets. .'
i o i r
iai oaie or
Tricotex Bandeaux
Hook- Front and
Hook Back Style
Both white and flesh colored bandeaux
in the - most popular models. Hook-in-:
front and hook-in-back models-are to 'be
found in this special sale and a variety of
styles included. All sizes in the lot.
r. Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Besides these, (here ere hundreds of the. pret
tiest, new, fresh colored house dresses and aprons
of ginghams and percale in ' an, endless variety of
becoming styles that can be easily laundered. All
are moderately priced.
Clean-Up of Fine
Japanese Crepes
Imported and Offered
At Less Than Cost ;
; 2 5
Striped crepe in a good variety of pret
ty fresh colors particularly good for
children's i wear, men's shirts, house
dress s and porch Frocks. Excellent qual
ityvery special I, - - . - : . -Second
Floor. Lipman,' Wolfe & Co.
Aprons at
Sale Prices
Tables are piled high with, these
low priced aprons of excellent qual
ity. ; Better shop early for these.
Striped and checked
aprons of good quality
Scout percale in blue
and pink- and black fig
ures and combinations.
Neat styles.
1 1
em in ails
These comfortable garments for
household, outdoor, or factory work
are nere at . very special prices:
For, good; heavy blue
feminalls wilth white pin
stripes. These have elas
tic, at knee and four
large' pockets, small roll
ing collar and V neck
for comfort, i , ' .
$ 1 .45 $5.00
-For Scout percale
apron - dresses In the
prettiest style some side
front opening style, oth
ers in slipover model or
with elastic at waist.
For extra heavy blue'
overalls with sleeves and
buttoned over flap at
ankle. These have two
large waist pockets and
all around belt.
$ 1 .65 $5.95 M!
For, a- variety of the
'smartest plaid and plain
colored apron-dresses
anywhere at this price,
delightfully fresh colors
and comblnaUons.
For good weight khaki
feminalls. This model
has Xour large pockets,
deep buttoned cuff at
bottom and narrow belt.
Very practical and serv
iceable. - ,
x-r " -i. . ., .... ... ...-. 1 . . -l
-For Gash'
r Sketched
Our stocks of all sorts of working apparel for women ire.
specially complete now and prices are low. Come in and see what -we
have. - rFourth Floor,, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
G r eatest of H o s i e r y Sa
Now In Progress at This Store
sole of the most wanttd kinds of stockings for women, misses, children silk
hose, cotton stockings md fibre silks. In plain, drop ttitch, clocked, fancy and other
models tull fashioned or fashioned? All at very special prices and great savings.
Some are perfect others ."Substandards." - s
-Women's Pure Silk Hose $1.39
-Women's Thread Silk Hose SI .55 --"Onyx"
Black Silk Pure Thread
Hose $2.50 - Hose $4.50
-Full Fashioned Silk Fancy Clocked
Hose $3.00 -Hose $2.95
' : --Children's Pure Silk Hose 89c -;
--Children's Richelieu Rib Hose 50c
Children's Mercerized Lisle Hose
Women's Pure Silk Hose '$1.65
Silk' an4 Fibre Lace Hose $1.15
--Pure Silk Clocked Stockings $3.1
Drop Mitch SWi Hose $1.65
p. - .
Full S Fashioned Silk Silk and Fibre Hose ? -j- Burson White
Hose. $1.75 "- Sl.OO; . Ni ton Hose 45c
: Fibre Silk Hose,-- , Drop Stitch Lisle- Full Fashioned
" ' 85c . Hose 65c . ; i " Hose 60c
Children's Cotton Ribbed Hose, 3 for Sl.OO: .
Wearweli Lisle Stockings, 3 tor $1.00
COc .v. Street Floor. Upman. Wolfe & Co. ? , .
50 '
Merchandise of c Merit Only
Every thin
For Leca
The Expansion Sale Is
rThe prices .which are ordinarily lower than elsewhere in the.'Cash Only Economy
Basement are drastically reduced now in the Great; Expansion Sale!, Shop around
convince, yourself that you can saye considerablyby, shopping here: in .the "Cash
- Only'! way especially now with prices reduced for stock removals and readjust
ments. , . . ' . - - -
Women's Corsets
Special at 95c
GoodLporsets of coutil In me- ,
; dium low bust, made with long
hip and back.1 Neatly finished
at top with embroidery, lujhtly
t boned.
Economy Basement, '
' Lipman, Wolfe ft, Co.
... i -
Pink , Mesh Ban
deaux Sale 48c'
These are well made in hook
at back style, have elastic back,
tape shoulder strap. All slxee
are to be found at this special
.' price... - r-, - ... , v.' ......
Economy Basement,
.- Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Scotch' Curtain
Madras 53c Yd
Dainty new yard wide Scotch
Madras in ecru color and all
over design. It Is easily laun
dered and very durable. Special
at 53.
Economy Basement,
Lipman. Wolfe A Co. -
New Cretonnes
Special at 37c Yd
These yard ' wide cretonnes
j have Just come in. There are
pretty conventional and . floral .,
patterns in rose, blue, . green,
yellow, gray and brown.
.Economy Basement,
. . , Lipman,. Wolfe & Co.
Prices Are Again Lowered on
Domestics, Wash Goods
. ; Because They Are Bempr-
Moved for "Expansion"
The domestic section in the cash only Economy
Basement is now located on the Fifth and Alder
street side. This is just a temporary location, how
e'verp'and as we are anxious to reduce stacks before
they are moved again, these specials will be in
order Tuesday; . .
3500 Yards 36-Inch Outing
Flannel on Sale for , Only 35c
",v" This is a real .value .headllner. for there Is always' some
- use to which rood white yard wide outing; flannel can be
put. This is less than we can replace it for in today's
wholesale market.
Genuine Eden Cloth
At 2Sc
; This Is, too. a 'Blr' special
. for Eden , cloth is- unequaled .
. for children's wear. pajamas,
? nieht gowns, etc There is a
good assortment of stripes and
-' plain colors.
, Special 25c
Perfect quality dimity In a'
wide range of patterns neat
stripes and checks - in medium
and - large - slses especially
pretty for children's . wear, -waists
and dresses.,
: Everett Classic
Gingham 20c
This standard grade of ging- ,
- ham needs no Introduction and
', if it were not in short lengths .
5 to 15-yard lengths we
. could not sell It for this price.
Plaid, stripes, checks.
81x90 Bleached
Sheets $1.15
On sale Tuesday only at thin
special price. These are good
bleached sheets with neatly
welded seam in center. - The
right size for full beds.
1800 Huck Towels
At 19c
An v extra .special sale of
cream colored sort, bleached
huck towels, size 17x32 inches.
These are just right for hotels
and boarding house use as well
as for family.
Lace Trimmed
: - Scarfs 65c
Special purchase . brings a
large quantity ; of goods, lace
. trimmed scarfs' and squares at
this low price. It will be well
worth your while to buy them
for summer use.
Economy Basement,
Lipman. Wolfe A Co.
Cool Porch Dresses
Special at ,
Two deliehtf ullv fitted
Cq cool looking models have
If 1 lust come and are special-
fine . plaid Kinhams in
most attractive' colors anl
combinations. - s m a r tl y
ynade and neatly trimmed.
It would be difficult
for" you to make' these dreses
at home for 'such moderate
prices. All sizes. "
,s . Economy. Basement,.
Lipman;. Wolfe & Co. i '
Muslin Underwear
4 - il ,. ' . . . . . ...
At Special '
Pettleeata at QHC of
soft long cloth, tape drawn
at waist, with pretty, em
broidered ruffles. - ' t'
Petticoats at $1.15
New modesty skirts of sort
longcloth with double panel
front. Neatly scalloped
. around the bottom wKh
' elastic at waist.
Bloomers special 91. lO
Made of . liberty and
Windsor- crepe,- elastic
drawn at knee and waiat.
Karelope Ckfmtse at
OSt A. large assortment
of pretty styles at this epe-
clal price empire or
straight. V and - round
neck 11 ' daintily trimmed
with lace and Insertion.
Gown special 91. lO
Slipover gowns in many
styles with : lace and em
broidered trimming or plain
band edge. Of soft long-
; ciotn. ' -- -
Economy Basement, -Lipman, WIfe it Co.
coats at $3.19
, -
It ' will be some time before we can
hope to repeat this splendid offer of tub
silk petticoats for the wholesale price is
advancing -daily. These are Cut full and
have pretty 12-Inch flounces. -They are
In white and the most wanted shades.
-Economy Basement, - . -s
Lipman, Wolfe 4c Co. - .
Young, Mens Corduroy , Trousers
. . Special $2.98 -
These are made of splendid quality of narrowwale corduroy
with flap pockets, belt loops anl cuff bottoms. They are of
mouse color ideal for, camping and outing wear. .Sjzes 25 to
30 waist.' ' ' " ' ' 1 " "
Boys Trousers Are Here at $1.59 J
Good strong trousers for boys, sixes 7 to 'IS years. They are
made of toiedium. weight fabric in gray and tan mixtures or stripes
and are built to give excellent service. ,
' . Boys Sport Blouses at 75ci '
These are In sizes 7 to 12 years.' In tapeless style., made -of good
percale or madras. They are in the most attractive stripes and
combinations. All have large sport collars. --
t - . Economy Basement, Lipman, Wolfe A Co. -.'.'.-.
Fine Lisle Ribbed,
Union Suit
Specially Priced
Here is a bargain that Is typ
ical of the economy store ltule
union suits of extra quality at
a very special price. Thene are
In all sizes, cut fuli form f Ittinsr.
with button over crotch. In
short-sleeved, ankle length style.
Fine Mercerized
Socles 23c
- These are seconds of socks
. that; we sell ordinarily for
much more than this special
price. They are in all sizes
. and all wanted colors.
You will always find the right
kind of furnishings for men here
at lower prices.
Economy Basement,
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
A Sale of Women's, Misses' and
Children's White Canvas Marv
Jane Pumps at 98 c
i-These are' broken lines of sizes greatly , reduced' for quick : ,
clearaway. There are practically all sizes from children's 9 v .
: to women's 7 in the lot but not many of every sire.. They
have white rubber soles and heels and are . comfortable f or
outing, street and house wear. -
Economy Basement, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. - -
- (