1JS THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY. JULY 7, 1U10. FUNERAL tHRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors ; - THIRD AND SALMON STS. . Main 607. A-1511 . V..! .-.J.-P.HNLEY&S Progressive Funeral Directors flo ' MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH A-I 800 F. S. Dunning, Inc. TUB GOLDEN BULK UNDERTAKERS 414 K. A Met St. I'fione r.K-t S; JV522S. Dunning & McEntee llroedway end Ankeny Ht Lady Assistant Phnne Rmwimt 430. A-4558. CHAMKKiU COMPANY -248 and 260 Kinmgvworth ave. neaf Willi m av. Woodlawn 33 06. C-l 1 8 3. MONUMENTS Portland; Marble Works 286 4th t. Opr. City Hall. New Bw. ftBLAESIMG GRANITE Co SON LOST A WD FOUND SI ON FHIDAY between lilimii eve. and 33d and Ijanrrllturst park, a small-mink Beck fur. Ha ward. Phone labor JO or call th Glenn apt.. 94 Hawthorn, apt. 103 FOUND Near 30th and Holgate, July 3, Me aonlo emblem watch charm. Owner can set aaraa by calling at 027 E. SOtb. at., and paying . for ad. : -- - . . ' ' L08T On road" between Timber and Hillsboro. . suite containing child's and ladies' clothing. Finder please notify Mm. J. R. Hulbert, 727 Bhrweod Drive, Portland. Rowrd. given. LOST Munch of ficya in or around Baker the- . - atre. Kinder pleaw leata aama at Journal of flee. Reward. - - - LOST Gray wire automobile wheel, between Astoria and Portland. Reward. Wdln. 2567. T10 tktnunercial at., I'm Hand. LOST July 4, on Columbia bird., a man 'a watch, nickel can. Hampton movement. Finder call Wooklawn 1993; reward. FOUND A - enw. Owner pleaae aee W. H. Glnth, 72ft Liberty at.. Woodlawn. LOST tmall white Toy fox terrier, age"6 months. Reward. ' Broadway 1145. HELP WANTED MALE I JTAVB a position open for one good truck salesman. Must be first-clsas man and understand the truck buaineaa thoroughly. No other need apply. 11-21 , Journal. LIPMAN, WOLFE CO. require the aerricea of , 2 experienced janitors. Must furnish best ref- eratiee at time of application. - Apply snperin ; teadent'a office between 9 and 10:30 Tuesday morning. " . . WANTE1 A cook. $100 a month, erery aft ernoon off; im of family car n Sunday. Call Majestic Theatre, and aee Mr. and Mrs. Carter ' le Haven. ' WANTED Man with light automobile to check , up distributor. One who ia pretty well ac ' tjuainted with - atreeta of the city. . Apply at ' jantt a nore. aui ana wean. fcALEH.MAN of good appearance and well recoan mended to solicit atock auMcnptiona lor a co operative proposition of merit. For appointment phone Tabor 9202 or addreaa C-40, Journal. HVANTED Motorcar repairman: must be famil iar, with all standard cam; good trouble ahooter, able o fit and acraie bearing; ateady work and good pay; . Fred Ihindee. Broadway and Flandera. WASTED 2 first claaa lronmoldera, out of town, open shop, $7, 8 hours. Phone Broad- way BH8. Sat, or Mon. - - PAINTER First claaa auto painter wanted; best wagea paid. Apply paint shop foreman, 4th floor. Northwest Auto 'o.. Alder at 18th. WANTED Watchmaker for country town; per manent position. A-l, JournaL - - TEN mentodiatribute rireularsTuesdy, 7 30 a. tn. Kelly )Co., 88 First at. WANTED Experienced , grocery delivery man. Call 918 Union ave. N. . Tv A N T E I! Y oung man carpenter. Call 1006 - Mississippi - - - . , HELP WANTED MISC 4 Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and all ether modern business course. Day and night ' school Ali ay hide.. Sd and Morrison. Main 324. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS FIVE DATS' TRIAL FREE PAT TUITION WHN SATISFIED We teach auto, tractor, gaa engine and ante ' electrical work. BIG 100-PAOE CATALOQ - FKEK : Address Adcoz Auto and Tractor school. Dept. J, Union are. and Wasco al. Portland. Or. Phone East 1446. - WANTED Fifty men, at once, to. learn to re pair automobile and gas engines. Apply at Hemphill' Trade School. .707 ' Hawthorne ave.. corner 20th. - Hawthorne Auto School 463 HAWTHORNE AVE. ' A utomobilea, trucks, tractors, machinist trade, exy-aeetylene welding, vulcanising and retreading. Brecial summer rates. Day and evening elsssea. ' POSITIONS AStiCRED EVERT ORADUATE OF BKHNKE-WALKEB BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND : Enroll any time: Telegraphy, stenography. banking, bookkeeping.' aecretarial. Fre catalog. 8TULy LAW Al HOME Uhtvenity Extension Method. Degree LI B. conferred. We guarantee ; to pasa yon on the bar examination - in any state. For fall per titulars apply room 447, Morgan bjdg. i('RSEl,L PRIVATE BUSlXKSa SCHOOL ndividual mst ructions, right method. Lum beimem bidg . fith and Stark.; Broadway 3464. Miss F. Bursell. principaL - DAT SCHOOL. MOHT SCHOOL. . i LEARN TELEGRAPH? Toting men and women wanted." Call SI 8 Railway Exchange bide, i Splendid opportunity to. learn a well-paid profession. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute. feOIKU Bl or South 1 Household goods ahipped . at reduced rates; moving and packing. Psci'ie Coast Forwarding Co., 403 Hoyt St. Bdwy. 708. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL . Miss Regin . Buckel a private school; Individ , tial irwtrogticn. 122 H f)rand ave. Kart 427. KO'KT MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCT Fvank K. Welles, n-mt state rapt., mat J W. Bank blag. Teachers plaeed promptly. .TEACHER, Couch school, win accept few pupil - for tutoring. R-189, Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE At Standard Factory " Noi;2- : 1 GRAND AVE. and 'E. TAYOR 8T. Power Machine Operators -, TO LEARN ON . v Shirts and. Overalls ' - Mackinaws and Overcoats V: - ;f;-t0 PER WEEK WHILE LEARNING 4 4 -HO PR WEEK Saturday Half . Holiday EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ARK EARNING FROM 815 TOt $2 WEEKLY - -GIRLS to work In laundry and girl for serving pantry. Good Samaritan Hospital, 23d and Marshall.:' ' - -'.. WANTED Maker and! trimmer for millinery store. Call at tf 87 Mississippi ave., after 6 p. m. - WANTED Working housekeeper for rooming r: house, age about 83 or 40; must have experi- r-Tm-wi. niwitMi para, o-owi, jonnuu. GIRL for general housework, no washing; prefer " t u goon plain eooxine, 2sa rargo at. km e(. WANTED An unstaiss nM with r.f... witttn -to help wait on table; - English or ; Bcotch preferred. Apply 2Q1 6th st. Miu 888. WANTED, general laundry help, awod wagea to start s Apply Monday A. M. Portland Laun- alwat tasvk .J J .. . . jl EXPERIENCED helper wanted in dreesmaiing WANTED Middle sTmtn to car. for 2 mmmU chiWrmu Beliwtxd 82i7. - " iiOD ocm fot rsnmll boartlitic ' Ivhim aootl TTgw. .. eJl lOUl SIL. Her avay tvviuiinili KXPERIENCED cloak aalemlady wanted in Aa tone; state exoerienca. sf M ihn i- EXPERIENCED girl for candy atore. Call J.37S e Miorite ave., or can Tenor 1599. fiEWING machine operators. 167 First t. up . stairs. . - HELP WiSTED-TFHAIB YOUNG WOMEN .-"";' " j WANTED "J , Permanent, and temporary position open for young women as telephone operators, with or without previous xperience. Applications will be received during the pres ent atrike at any central office in Portland and at room 601, Telephone building, sixth floor. Telephone Broadway 12000. . TIIB PACIFIC TELEPHONE Y TELEGRAPH t COMPANT WANTED Girl for flat work end hand ironera. American Laundry, 140 E. Sd. N. AN' excellent opening for lady of large acquaint ance for lucrative employment aoliciting for a high class . proposition of merit . For appoint ment phone Tabor 8292 or addreaa C-S9. Jour nal. . . ' - - WANTED A Cook. $100 a, month, eyary aft ernoon off; e of family car on Sunday. Call Majestic Theatre, and aee Mr. and Air. Carter D Haven. i ' . HELP WANTED MALE AND - ? FEMALE - S MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pan yon while learning; gives yon set of toe Is , position secured. Write - for catalogue. 834 Fuiwtne rt... or rnone Broaaway nil PICKERS for raspberries. Phone Tabor 2638, or call stall 14. Central . market, 4th and Yamhill street, -i KN.! WOMEN. Jearn barber trade; wages, w bile i : . i.i I M nn m.. m' experience. Oregon Barber Ilfe. Madiwm. POUTXAND BARBER COLLEGE teaehea trade- in 8 weeks; pay while learning; position guar enteed. 234 Couch st, WANTED AGENTS AGENTS Twiee ebipyard pay. for active sales men ; most desirable work, prompt pay. 8pe risky Fouidry Wirkt. 8. K. eornsr E. 7tb and Belmont. ' ? AGENTS WANTED To sell our complete line of nursery stock:; ' cash weekly. ' ' Addreaa Capital City Nursery Co.. alem. Or. SITUATIONS MALE CARPENTER Contracts, new or old work. plana- and figures cheerfully given; can save you money. House raising and concrete. Phone Mar. 1226 or A-l 679. 238 11th st. GOOD MILKER, single, la looking for employ ment in a dairy. Broadway 1494. Butte hotel. . - PAINTING and kahoraining by the hour or eon tract; neat and clean work. Phone Sellwood 2810 and Main 4107. . CONTRACTOR and builder; repair or new work in et out of city. Tabor 7882. UMBRELLAS repaired" at your home. Phone Woodlawn 4823. UMBRELLAS repaired at your home. Woodlawn 4925. Phone MARRIED man want ranch work. H-620, Journal, CARPENTER and repair work of all kinds; screens made. Tabor 4370. WANT any kind of carpenter work. A- Bursoa, Broadway 8319. PAINTING outside, lead and oil only; also tint ing. papering. Benson,Eaat998. BOOKKEEPER with lumber experience is open for position. C-8G0, Journal. WANTED Permanent position by competent reliable truck driver.Phone Woodlawn 2386. GAS tractor man" wants position; large six pre ferred. A-919. Journal. - - ' SITUA TIONB-FEMALE 4 WANTED Position aa stenographer ; can handle books; by competent, experienced girl. - Bef erencea furnished. Tabor 9408. WOMAN with ' experience wishes position aa manager of apartment house for apertment and some salary. Main 488, room 403. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE IS MAN and wife wants position, cooking for small crew. H-621. JournaL ' DRESSMAKING 49 ALTERATIONS, refitting and mixing of ladiea' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed, J. Reubin. Ladiea' Tailor. 408 Bush c Lane Bldg. - - ' PLAIN sewing; work guaranteed. Keovm. 187 E. 66th st. N. " Mrs. M. Mc- DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. 21st. Main 608.. -s 62 H N. NUBSE8 EXPERIENCED nurse will care for aick, invalid, convalescent or -elderly. Main 3134. FURNISHED ROOMS NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington Street. Right in center of Portland' activities. ' Let ns show you our accommodation. Rate 83 per weex up. HART APARTMENTS AND LAUREl. HOTEL Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and aleep Ing rooms. 62.60 and op. Second and Yamhill HOTEL HARGENT, Hawthorne and Oraad. Starting point special ear for Vancouver. FURNISHED ROOMS PKIYATK FAMILY ' 7$ FURNISHED room, private family, close to 2 car lines, or welkins distance. 31 E. 11th St. N. . -- - NEWLY furnished room, close to car; walking distance. Phone Eat 4073. FURNISHED rooma for rent- 321 6th. cor ner of Clay.' - - r - - . TWO furniahed rooma for rent cheap. 852 Fre mont at. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent; private family; near Broadway bridge. 850 Benton st. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 THE HAZEL "Sit like tn other." comfort; home cooking. 1 885 8d at. b.vry THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 loth, fot busTnese eirU and . students. Marshall 1251 WANTED ROOMS AND BOABD M WANT a home tor boy T years old, with mother's cere. F-832. Journal. v - housekeeping rooms 8 JEtLbihV35LJ?5fJEished 2 AND 3 ROOM furnished H. K. apartment; walking dints ore to principal business section. owe 7 rt. nnnHiiae Ft. TRUNKS DELIVERED IN DOWN TOWN EASTT64sZ 9S CKSTS- PHONE 2 H - K. ; Suites, close n; reonbls7" 561 Irving. . . - . TWO large front rooms, sleeping porch room. '?. oao i lanacrs. 2 ROOMS furnfahed for housekeeping, $lT. 1717 Portsmouth ave.. St. John car. FURNISHe5D housekeeping rooma. " 233 14 Washington at., cor. Third. - 'MKeT' naa' - aV'aiLHi181' o3 00 S rooms, - wwwv nwg,, eM-11 $1.3U per: week. 844 , Front. HOUSEKEEPING IiOOMS 73 I FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 3 HOUKEKELPUWU ROOMS, unfurnished, pri- HOUSEKEEPLNG room, sleeping, room. $5 to i JPL M.iWw' Alcorn.. ClV li 22 THfiEE krte furaishssd n roemw. -. 542 ' B. 27tK. , Richmond car to Gibbs? 7 Tef,"We-1 Apply Z52 IkkHk"?I:or' W month; atppt '51:; AibiB 807 ; MiaahV DESIRABLE furnishedhotisekaerjn?'"; : walking diaunce; rriereneT'MsOlS TWO furnished HTtrroomaThri.;ia W ii" M"-r et, - tor aurtrur the rt . uk ' " ' " THREE nily " f urtTiiX vTrr: nr . - ' ground floor. 88 sn-T-w J!'" room- : f ront st, J. race ught H. E rooria7o05ad-;t: 803 H Sd su FOE RENT HOUSES US L KJS 1SHJSD LEASE Furniebed or - mlnrnished, . elegan eandera. . eomoact. 8-room. - aleemna . nnrrh $100 per month; build garage. 43l Z- 26th N.. cor. TulamooK. Broadway car. ' FOR RENT 4 room plastered house, newly tinted. $10.50 per month. Call 1643 Mia- WHEN TOG MOVE. USE NOUTH- WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SEKVICK ' Tenth; and Wanhtrgton. . Broadway 68 SHIPYARD . district cottagea, housekeeping apartments; -lurnunea, uniurnunea; reason able. Apply zo2 utbna. MAIN 1261 Local and long distance A-7261 Let onr auto truck move yon.-, Ureen Transfer Co., 202 H Alder at. ; - y WEST SIDE,, 6 room. 32 19th. Waauinc ton. - FURNISHED housekeeping rooma. 827 HaU aC FURNIRHK l HOrV: 8$ BEAUTIFUL, new 8 room furnished.' 2 aleep- strictly . modern; references required. : Would leaae one year;-fine yard; $43. .710 E. Madi son, near 2Uta. ROSE CITT PARK T room furnished banealow. atrictlv modern will leaae for one year; rent $4 3 per month. See owner. - Addreaa Yt xlawtnorne ave. MOVE in today. 6-room house, garden; will aeQ ' furniture; $330, cash or term. Close in. 237 Curry st. - ' - ''' T-ROOM furnished house, adult. 1547 Bl- siont Call Tabor 1041. ' " . FOR RENT FLATS . M FOR RENT 6 room unfurnished upper Hat, 741 H is. line. cor. a2d, price ia. 4 -ROOM upper flat, close in, east aide. $12 month. Hellwood 128. ' - - $20--T room flat. 305 E. 11th. 4 FURNISHED FLATS t S-ROOM furnished flat, price reasonable. 393 Bth at. $82.50 & rocen upper; light and water; adults. f.ast saiu. FOR RENT Dun ford apt.. 2-3 furnished apta. 872 E. Clay. TeL East 2296. APARTMENTS ' 4 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE STAN FIELD' , 204 Porter St. - Shipyards, 2 room spa. , completely furnished, reasonable, Phone Main 7392. 2, 4 AND 5 ROOM, unfurnished apartments, 810 to 815. 1840 E. OUsan, 72d St.. Monta aUla car. Free rent for landlady. Tabor 4007. FINE OAK furniture for aale; 8 room apt., close ji, modern; rent reasonable, - Marshall 6388 mornings, after a evening. 3-ROOM furnished apartment; private bath and phone, by week or month. 188 1. 22d. MarshaU 2262. 2 &OUM apt. and 1 single sleeping room; fin place for working girt. 293 H Weidler St. FURNISHED 2 room apt., $11 and $10 mo. If 17 Portsmouth ave., St. Johns car. FURNISHED 4 room apt., steam heat, private i .i . i it - . . i r. . , . : t n rt THREE room apartment, with bath. 1145 Al- bin ave. - KEW YORK apt., E. Belmont and 7th. Phone East 238. SUMMER RESORTS 56 LIGHT housekeeping. Ocean Crest apartmenta. 1 block from beach; rates reasonable, Rock- aws Beach, FURNISHED honae, modern, $30- for July, Sea- side. Phone' Main 14)86. SEASIDE 3 room furnished cottage, - Broad way 1762." WANTED TO RENT WISH TO LEASE OR RENT Modern 6 or 6 room unfurnished bungalow or house with garage; would like personal in terview with owner; highest refeieacee fur nished. E. H. McCune. re, phone Tabor 2857. Office Broadway 232. 634 Pittock blk. . DESIRE TO I EASE 5 OR 6 HOOM UNFUR NISHED HOUSE, BUNGALOW TTPE. WITH GARAGE OR SPACE TO ERECT GAR AGE. WEST SIDE. LAURELHURST OR IRVINGTON PREFERRED. L P. WINTERS. MARSHALL 1241. WANTED to rent. Young couple without chil dren want 4 or 5 room modern bungalow with garage. Furnished house preferred. Leaae for year is satisfactory. Call Tabor, 848 or write T-823, Journal. WANT to rent atore aui table for grocery ; Sunny side district preferred. R. J.- McGuire, 645 Union ave. N. I WANT to rent 4-5 room house, with bath. basement and chicken house; to " middle aged couple: no children. Call Woodlawn 8988. WANTED 5 or 6 room bouse or flat, unfur nished. Woodlawn 994 WANTED to rent or buy a 8 or 7 room house near achooL A 921. Journal. WANTED to rent modern 5 or 6 room house unfurnished, close in. R-187. Journal. WANTED to rent, furnished apartment, about . 6 rooms, on east aide. Phone East 8597. WANTED To rent unfurnished honae, 5 or 6 rooms; 3 adult, reference. B-5, journal. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 HOTEL 3 story, 29 rooms, 2 store rooma, full - basement, furnace, full lot, improvements paid. Located In one of our beat valley town. $2300, $400 cash. Call Main 2558. Sletten. Long time on balance. FOR SALE Nicely located building site, 5 Ox 100, cor. Failing and Patton ave.. Overlook; a bargain. For information write C J. Gordion, Tb Dallea. Or. FOB BALE HOUSES 1 Bungalow Snap47th St. ' $2900 $2900 $2900 Five large rooms, almost new, furnace, bu.il t ius, large lot, block car, fruit: terms. - Q. C. GOLDENBERG 215 Abtngtoa Bldg. "35 Tear in Portland." ? ROSE CITT PARK ' . ' 8 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH, $3800 - Here is a real attractive bungalow with hard wood floor in every room: fireplace, furnace, etc Owner leaving city and must sell at once. . A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark st. near 3rd. Main 3092. Main 3516 f Branch- Office. 60th and Sandy. $1950 rACHIFICE $1950 $500 Cash ami $26 Monthly 5 room modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases, full basement, electricity and gaa; lot 50x100. Woodlawn or Alberta car; worth $2500, sell for $1950. See owner. A. H. AKERSON. 420 Henry Bldg. Mar. 407. ; .. NEW PIEDMONT BUNGALOW-v ' FOR. BALE BT OWNER Corner lot, 8 rooms, old ivory finish, hard wood floors, fireplace, builtina, extra large living room, large plate glass windows, full basement, furnace tnha. nr. lnw.lv Vi1a tru. ... lines. $5300. 12LS Mallory ave. . 4 -ROOM bungalow near ML Tabor ear. . Al j. most new. A dandy at $1750. . Also 6-room house near Mt. Scott car on 40xlO0 lot. A snap at $1200. Good terras on these. . , . . . . ROGERS. ' 212 Lumbermen bldg. Broadway 1612. S E750Mt. : Scott$ 1750 ; 4 room bungalow.; comfortable rooms, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, fine bath - good hast wvM., nrb ov.AAU. BJCe gSTUB. - 1 eTTOH. GEO. TEMPORE CO. 1007 Teon bldg. MODERN 5 rooma and den, fireplace, corner lot. garage, near Gliean House in A-l con dition; u $2850. $850 caah, long time on bal ance. , Sletten cV Jones. 248 Stark St. Main 2568. -- ' . - . . MODERN 5 rooma, furnace, 4 large lots on 7 2d t.; large chicken houses, modem, near car. Ideal. $4008; $1900 cash, term to suit on balance. 81etten A Jones, 248 Stark at. Main 2aas. FOR SALE, by owner, 6 roomed modern bunga- ' low, ga, electricity, full basement, good lo cation; fuir aised corner lot;- 1166 East 12th north..: Highland Park addition, phone Wdln. 4903. - ' - ... ' - - - :j' ' WHY-NOT BUILD 7 .-. Get an artistic borne by an established archi tectural firm at low cost. We build anything; xrinieh the money if desired. C B. Bailey Vm. Iaew. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. NEARLY new. double constructed house, six rorgns bath. gaa. electricity ; full lot. near Peninsula school, block north of eat line. Owner. $2800, some term.- - , 438 W. Russett St. Woodlawn 1017. 8 ROOM, modern, near Steel bridge, - walking distance house in A-l condition, fun lot, all improvement paid. - $4250, easy term. , Call Main 2558. Sletten. 1 :- - $800 WITH equity and 8 room house end. 5 " lota on St.- Johns carline. W ill eell cheap or trad for light ear or " anything - of the value. Have no as for it. ? Phone Sell. 717. E1VE room cottage, lot 75x100, fruit trees, ! chicken house; 1 600, terms. 209 Oregon bulg. Broadway 1658. -' ' ' v A FINK home for sale, cheap; corner lot; fruit, gaa, city water, electric light.- lnqvur at B'Uy Werta' barber shop. Beaverton. Dr. Mt'DERN & room house - for sale by owner; large lot. plenty of fruit, flowers and acme garden; best of term. ' Colombia 827. , -" FtUR mom shack. 60x100 ; 8500. easy term. - 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1458. FOR SALE Just completed. 5-room house, 62d ave. and 72d St. Phone Bdwy. 2295. FOR SALE Two room cottage, close to-Rose City Park car; easy terms. 725 E, 75th N. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 61 FOR SALE The following propertiea and other to dose an estate: ...,. 4 room cottage. 5427 8th at. S. E., $1000.00 T room strictly modent bouse. 1197 ' Division at. .... i , ........ , 3606.00 C room bungalow. 45T E.. 4 let at, . . ,2000.00 9 acre en Johnson creek, south of Lenta, good building sad orchard. 4000.00 a lota on 58th ave.. J blk. W. 'Mt. Soot carl real bargain. . Any or all lots N W. Cor.. 42nd. Division St at bend of Division street. Real bargain. --.Real bargain.-;--. .. xr- NASH Executor. ! v 1046 Hawthorn Ave. Phone. Tabor 4298 v IRVINGTON . ; COIX)NIAL BUNGALOW $5750 Hurry, folks. Here ia a new bungalow Inst being completed. And it's a dream, too. An Immense living room, extending the width of house, with two exceptionally large plate glass window, big dining room with attractive buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove, two bed rooma and bath on first floor; hardwood floors w every room. You couldn't imagine a more beautiful, more attractive home than thai one. Two small rooms finished upstair. You would never dream it possible to buy sueh a home for leas than 36500 or 37000. It will be a downright pleasure to ahow you. ... , .. A, G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark at. near Jrd. Main 092. Main 8516 Branch Office. 80th and Sandy, ' - $5250 -. MteTabor Bungalow .TMe i eay of the most beautiful home on the weat slope of ML . Tabor, a commanding view of mountains and city; large rooma and sleeping porch, den, large living room with fire place, hardwood floors, extra large buffet, built in. beautiful big Dutch kitchen. . 8 large, light airy bedrooms, fine bath, full cement basement, bot water heat, laundry tray. 60x100 lot, gar age, paved at, block Mt Tabor ear. If jou want real home ask to aee this. Term. - Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon VM. i r. MTTST JtWi nt.r WW TVvrTYOTCmisr $2230 -" BUNGALOW BARGAIN $2250 EAST OF PIEDMONT : Very attractive 5 room modern bungalow, full lot. Just repainted light French gray and retinted . throughout. Just- like new, 6 piece plumbing set. elect and gas, good basement laundry trays, vacant immediate possession; you'll aay thia is a real bargain; easy down pay ment entire balance only $25 per month; no mnrreaxra ne at Hmii mm., .r . ... ut call at your home for yon. See x iv Ijl. at liuiKE' ? To Buy Your Home -Abington bldg. . Main 1068, Main 8156 A FEW GOOD ONES Let ns show you these extra good bargain in Portland 'a bhoicest residence districts: $8250 Rose City Park bungalow $3600 Beautiful Sunnyside bungalow. $350O Hawthorne bungalow, 6 rooma, garage. $3673 Irvington. 6 rooms. Corner. be$?25 Trootn. Mt Tabor, garage, hot water If, you are In the market for a home, yen should investigate. Our autoa at your service. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 100T Teon bldg. BARGAIN $500 DOWN-r-BOSE CITT, PARK 6 rooms, sleeping porch and attic; 2 story bouse, and a good one; hardwood floors in living and dining rooms and hall; full cement - base ment, furnace and laundry trays; located on the Alameda drive, near 52d at, in the moat beau tiful part of Rose City Park. Balance of pay- trutnta nn a. i Ka. . "iiui-j uonirici. j. jl. HABTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Cob- viue., tui ana oiara. main SUB. The McGUIRE SYSTEM make homebuying easy. Ton can coma to this office and see over 600 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts. Every one ha been appraised. Ten automobile st your serv ice. Some wonderful bargains. That Is why w sold over 10 homes in May. - SEE -FRANK L. McGNIRR -TO BUI YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068, Main 6156. viiiire sjpen a renin rs and Sunday. ; SEE THIS TODAY Nifty 5 rm. Sunnyside .' bungalow. ' reception hall km Kn.. i , paneled dining room, light, airy bedrooms, with bath between; lovely light kitchen, full cement basement; laundry trays; very pretty lot. paved st, 1 block from S S. car, close in. Full price $3600. $1080 eash. bat- monthly, . ' - Evenings. Geo. T. Moore Co., - 1007 Teon bide. V. AST lit T X 1 111 V . nr.TT-ri.t ... ..... . .1-...... a ij xsi , . BUNGALOW BARGAIN $8830. TTsafab tralw is as rlnseM-J.l. I i ar Urge roams, with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, writing desk, .Dutch kitchen, cement basement furnace, 2 large plate claaa vrinilnn. hM.,,.i..l A.1IUI -i.t - Ji . w " wvvw vusaer. Vlul all aiWtai paid. ; Large cash payment necessary. , 264 Stark st. near 3rd. Main 3092. Main 8516 Branch Office. 50th and Sandy sson r!isTr j uoaa T nMm nuwlmi ,infc.l. .m.. t , . . a i l . . wwiv wuauunet ijouse. on """wui ave., ouxiuu jot; plenty of fruit. u uu wani .mis. HAROLD S. PALET 270 Stark at i Mam 8052. $3160 ROSE CITY PARK Park at $3150 are scarcer We have a nice . V. V t pnoe. it. naa rireptace. all bvult-in features, the lot is especially beautiful. sTfesssnsMsa sbBw4-m 4k at IK h 1- tt V in . . ""T" """" oiui. oaiance uae rent. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. Main 4522? IS 4.1. . T, 1 . , n , .... ; ptmro m rmae Drag. - , trvnTV mt rnTKico ment-bath, laundry trays, all in fin condition, on lot 40x90. street improved and paid, close in on Knott st near Vancouver ave.. walking dis tance; price $3000, reasonable terms. uru$si&; Bennett 3 1! Board of i Trade Bid-. M"i 7452. TTEllTc ia luM,t. -. e.'AKn. , . : :' it- rm etwow; come ana mog at , thia, Mr. Renter: Lot 100x100, 8 room houae. furnished. 12 bearing fruit tree, big gar d"v.fad . "rri-, chicken bouse and chicken. .awuiia. jl iiia piece will max yon a living when yon are out of work.- Terms. HjjvasBan sTSw-w mw aR3 8 r 17 . saAa- . TTbor 9274. ' V" 'aoa ALBERTA 6 ROOM HOUSE $2250 llnml It Mmm Vnn... S It .1 , . . . . o wui-uvms: Mia, elec tricity, gas. basement garage: lot 40x100. with . 11 w 1!.. n, . E" oo . . ? . tt Aioeixa. race 32250. $300 cash, 20 per month. Extra, lot if . desired. - ' GRUSSI A BENNETT 318 Board of Trade "bldg. Main 7452 DOUBLE flat near 41st street 2 lota, improve ment, paid, hot water heat full basement 2 small one 6 room flat, will net 20 per cent on investment $4750. $2009 cash, long time on balance. - Main 2558. SLETTEN JONES. 248 Stark CLOSE IN, ON EAST SIDE - ' v A modern 6 room hnnae, in nrtmt (jj. full lot: price $4500. with term. Mr. Brown! 270 8tark st. Main 1700; evening Tabor 69. $1600 -BUYS 5 room semi-modern hens on .1 Ath m . u-. ln, . KA.1AA , .. lot of fruit; $200 cash, balance, like rent If Vntt 1i,n mwM,m J--. .... tl . . . . . l - - w -caw .eejii or exenange, aee John Brown. 824 Railway Exchange- bldg. 8100 CASH $15 MONTHLY $1250 Ma - Hull Tin, m , . Xt . i . ' . ctt. uj n on aiue. Hurry I Former price: $2000. s. aaoitiui, aui wileox - bldg. ' GOOD INVESTMENT" ! efl. - sTsMTY TrHliU Sll ll l . au.wa.I.. '..' al come $1260. Price $10,600. See this. . ; Phono East 8877. ' ifls Russell t " - - ' ar a. H. K T ROOM modern bunaalow. 828 Raae tfT corner East SOth at. 82 tusr- iAA tm-I $8700. Easy term. T PARRISH. WATKINS 4k CO., V Phono Main 1644. - , , - ' -106 2d at FOR SALE Lot in central AJbina, small house, r street, water and aewer paid - for; $1650. Address W. G. McDowell, route 2, box 127. Salem. Or. - , .. -. .-, FOR SALE 2 acres with bungalow and bath, ' 6 ' miles from Portland, on a hard surface road. $2000.. For full information call Main 6464.' -.. . FOR SALE 5 room modern house, good eon - ditto n, fall lot, 1220 Mis, are., near Pied mont car barns; $22.50, 1-8 cash. bal. terms. owner, nu aiaryiana ave. FOR SALE 8 -room bungalow, furnished; bath and garaae. beautifaj corner, 68x100; nrnst sell at once: tearing tavwn. 858 "E. 7th i. nose Kny ear. ' . WlTJj " sell this week . ragardle' of price, a i.rviiy jnoaern ? room bungalow, worth $4600, Any offer - above $3700 - ronsidered. Inquire 214 Abington bldg. Main 4141. , - OWNER gone on ranch, will sell 5 room motjP rn cottage, now - vacant -at 183 Baxteroft ave.. west vie aontn. low price; sow trwner, Tabor 872L- 218Q Eugea K. FOR r SALE 4 ; room house, 9 bearing , fruit trees, variety of berries: will sacrifice for $1000. A. Winters, 4821 88.th it 8, E. 1 - THREE room houae. some furniture, good tr- oen. lor wvt isu Mi. oetn ave., vvooa ivere, Mt Scott FOR SALE By owner. 6 room modern bun galow, near Lents station. 6622 92nd st S. E. Price $2250, . . - , . REAL ESTATE - FOR SALE HOUSES 61 YOUR ANSWER Now or Never V Continue paying rent and remain forever horn leas or at once . investigate Walnut Park'a plan and own av home of YOUR OWN. Many others are building in Wal nut Park, WHY NOT YOU Extra hv dueecaenta offered. Save oommisaton by dealing with the owner. i - FIVE MORE HOMES THIS WEEK ' W. M. KILLINGSWORTH ' V ' ' Office ,1149 Union ave. .' ' , - - s Officw Hours 10 to 12 a. m. - Ffaone Appointment : ' Woodlawn 8304 or Woodlawn 951. ; REMEMBER r REMEMBERS 1 I INVESTIGATE II! I . . Walnut Park lot are 60x160 feet, with alleys, giving great convenience to home life. Served by 5 carlines; Jefferson high school , and library located on Walnut Park property, i. i ... Extra Inducement " , f or Free Mere Homes in Walnut Park. Many others are buildmg. why not yon' one of the lucky five; Save com mission by buying direct from the owner. - Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m. Phone Appointment : Woodlawn 8804 or Woodlawn 951. j Office, 1149 Union ave. . W. M. JULLISGSWOiRTH I ' IMPORTANT NOTTTE TO ALT. PAYING KENT . - I intend to sell 5 more homes this week. -'- commencing Monday, 10 a. m. EXTRA, INDUCEMENT Yon 'may be one of the lucky five to own a home ia Walnut Perk.' No finer location the best residence district in Portland. Save com mission by dealing with the owner. Office' 1149 Union ave. ' Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m. Phone Appointments : I Woodlawn 8304 or Woodlawn 951. " i . 4 W. M. KHUNGSWOBTH "I PAID $3624, -; . ' 8FIJ. FOB tinilil" t Come to our office and read letter from ont-ef-town owner of thia home. On WiUameUe boulevard, beautiful view of river and mountain, 6 room bnnam low-style home with fireplace, fur nace. 60x125 corner lot garage, - street paving paid. There are 11 fruit trees in fuU bearing, shrubbery and rosea. Including street work. una piaoa cost 8UU. . owner ia New York offer it for $4000 and ask onlv 8500 down. Yon should see thia. It ia one of the few good oargains on we market COK A. McKENNA A CO.. Main 4522. 82 4th st Board of Trade bldg. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Now is the time to own a borne in beau tiful Walnut Park. - Extra inducement. Many others are - building exactly what they want WHY NOT TO0f INVESTIGATE OUR PLAN Save Commission by, Dealing With Owner. Office 1149 Union av. Office Honrs 10 to 12 a. m. Appointments Phone Woodlawn 8304 or Woodlawn 051. : W. M. KILLINGS WORTH. FURNISHED BUNGALOW SNAP - ". 6 large rooms, fnll basement mnHan1 n;i.t. lights and bath; big fine lot. 58x152 ft, witli fruit flower, berries and garden spot Cement siuewuae, earning, nanny to cars and school; walking distance to Franklin hfarh anrf RMrf .l lege; nicely furnished ; ready for immediate pos- "". iqt au. a.uou; avou easn. bal ance like rent House is newly painted and is in good - condition, and is surrounded by good homes., It is a anap for the price. K. W Hughes, 507 Journal bldg. Main 2858. 14 ROSE CITY PARK HOMES Vie have 14 Rose City Park house and bun- Jalow to show yon. The price range $3150. 3500. $3650. $4000 to $5000. The tern $400, $500. $650 to $1500 cash, the balance on monuuy payments. Among these ar some particularly beautiful bunaalowa. We will be glad to take yon out any time daring the day or evening. J COB A. McKENNA Jb CO.. Main 4522. 82 4th st Board of Trade bldg. i ' 5-ROOM BUNGALOW FURNISHED"""" 5 nice light rooms, hardwood floor in Br ing room and dining? room, fireplace, all built in ccanplete, full cement basement nice tree and rosea, chicken house and chickens. . Fur nished complete with new furniture. (On Mt Tabor car. A sacrifice at $3000. See'' thia quick. It won't last Good terms. i ROGERS. j 212 Lumbermen bldg. Broadway 1612. ' $2930 BOSE CITY PARK.. 5 room new bungalow: $408 caah will handle it You can move in in a few days. On paved street and sewer; bonded assessments only $117. You will have to act Quick. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, T Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sta. Main 208. FOR SALE LOTS 18 CHEAP DIRT A lino 75x100 corner on Union ave.. near school, good growing district, 6o fare to Van couver. Build on aide street and- aav front tor business purposes. Clear title. City liens paid to date. $1250. Owner, Wdln. 4788. . LOT FOR SALE . 60x100. inside lot. on E. Morrison st' near 44th; will pay street improvements. If you are looking foe a lot to build on don't miss this bar gain. Price $725. Phone Main 6797. $400 LOT 50x100. cement walk; 17th and Ainsworth; term. $276 Irvington Park; lot 50x100. $958 Laurelhumt; 50x108. A. 1L AKERSON. 4 20 HENRY BLDG. 50X100 r-. LAURELHURST - $900 With street improvements all paid; beautifully located; nice houses on each side. ; A. W. LAMBERT 4t SON 1 120 .Grand ave., corner of East Aider st LOTS None over 800 feet from paved street, ..bearing fruit and grapeV beat suburban dis trict $450. $25 caah, $10 per month. Ma chine will call and ahow you. Hamlet, 6667 82d at, Tabor 4883. ROSE CITY. PARK lot E. 41st st N.. Thompson; paved street; east front;! 1 block from car; cheap. Lueddemenn Co.. 913 Cham ber of v-ommerce. Phone Main 6967 2 LOTS. St, Johns car, and $100 cash for beet Ford ear, value to 4300. . Inquire 870 Rnssett t $600; FOR beautiful building lot 'east front. lot' 6. block 6. on 50th . near Broadway. Owner. F. J. Hamback, Tigard, Or. 100x270 RESIDENCE site unequalled for Urge home. Reasonable price.- Family reaaona for selling. . T-825. JournaL ... - - ; 10 LOTS, about one" third acre; dandy for chicken, ranch; cheap for cash. J5 15 Henry building. JfJMJ EAST front corner lot lot 4, block 68, 4 blocks from new medical college. Owner. F. J. Hamback, Tigard, Or. I WILL sell number of 40x100 lot at $5 per month. Price $225. Call at 4022 80th (t 8. E. Tabor 82. j $375 FINE lot, Clinton, near 43d; rash o Liberty bonds. Phone Tabor 5361, evening. ACREAGE $7 406 ' ACRES $4800 This . tract adjoins large orchards in Klickitat county. Wash. ; located 4 H mile from oodnow station. ; on the North Bank railway; will consider good Portland property in trade, bavon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bldg. FSV'E ACRES WITH ft ROOM PCASTERED HOUSE. 8 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE In Multnomah county, 8 block from Greaham ear; plenty ' fruit, 8 chicken houses. pump bouse 14x14. well 189 ft deep; all fenced and cleared, practically all cultivated ; 200 chick ens. Acreage- sells here for agout $ 1200. This place can be bad from owner ' for $4004) on easy terms. - For information, C-8 8 B. Joarnal. . -4 ROOM HOUSE 2 1-5 ACRES " Say, -bar ia a mighty good - bargain, near Clackamas., close to school and station ; nearly new- 4 room house; in fin condition; big wood shed, chick enhouse. 12 fruit trees, good well. The price! only $1100, on easy payments with $250 down. : Onr auto will take yen out. ' , ; COE A, McKENNA A CO., Main 4522. 82 4th st. - Board of Trade bldg. HAVE SH acrea. cleared ana m good oat aid -i potatoes, fine crop, close to good road.' no buildings, all fenced. If sold at one will let crop go in at $175 put acre. Adjoining bind t being held for twice this amount . About 1 mile from Clacktma station., Would trad for good auto or equity tn Mouse and lot in town, 17 Beaver bldg..- Oregon City. . ' DARNEY PARK For reantiftil borne site, on Columbia River bigb. way. ' See us. Dabney Inveeliatnt Co., mom 1. w-rr sster pKig. FOR SALE 44 acre good land easily cleared, well watered.- i $600 if taken at once. This is a bargain. O-l 96. Journal. , 15 ACRES all cleared, very beat ' of soil, ad ' Joining Cottxeil station; $250O. terma. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1668. - : : , 2,- 8 AND 5 acre tract at Ores ham. -GUlile and : ' Pleasant ' Home, under market prices, easy terms. -209 Oregon bldg. " Broadway H5&. . CHOICE ACREAGE FOR 8 ALE CHEAP " -See it before purchasing elsewhere. Amanda riv, ltwser, ibpu j JiTTsion. WANT 2 or 3 A. with good house bet I'ort- lend arid Oak Grove, wrth option to buy if soiuble. 0-195. Journal. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 67 ".CHEAP - ACREAGE - 6 acres $260. 618 down. S per month, buy 6 acr rt land between Portland and Centralla. on the main line of three railroads, 1 to, 8 H mile -of good, tittle town; aawmiila and - logging camp tn immediate! vicinity : some of thia land ia partly cleared: -running stream, mum -bottom land, some bench. - This acreage priced from $25- to 75 per sere, Can give you any kind cf -place ycu want' . .. . i CHARLES DELFEL : - - ' 318 Railway Exchanre bldg." - 40 ACRES for sale in Clackamaa Go. Inquire at 6741 58th ave.. Portland. SUBURBAN ACBfclOE 78 Thriving Little Farm in Tualatin Valley -If you are looking for 10 acre near Port buul that-wiU make a living for a family from the .start, investigate this. Fifteen mils 'out, close, to highway. mile from Southern Ia eifie Electric station. 1 mile from Oregon Elec tric at Tualatin; 6 acre total in cultivation, 8 acre of gram and clover. 1 acre berriea, 4 acres pasture Some bearing f rait trees, barn and chicken, bouses, etc House fa unpreten tirna, but haa 4 room and- closets and is comfortable.-,. When you see crops thst are being raised you will realize something about th soil. Ha been cultivated and developed to make a li.Hig. and would not be sold now except for unforeseen circumetances. Price $375 per acre, half rath, balance tj-rm. Son owner. Sayre. 416 Spakling bldg.. 3d and Washington, and them aee the place itself. FOR SALE 1 acre,, crop, fruit, house and fur niture. 8800 cash ; terms. By owner, John Brown. Gresham, R. A, box ,12. . SURUR BAN HOMES , 7 ONE and half acres, close to- station, Oregon Electric. 12e commutation fare, also eood ante road, all under cultivation, garden, orchard, nice grounoa, line soil, no gravel, 0 room rastic log bungalow, large rooms, fireplace, large porches, beam ceiling, gnorl chicken house and runways, price 82300, 61000 caah, personally inspected. John Ferguson, tijerlinger bldg. Open evenings. BETWEEN 821) AND"URESHAM -665 acres, 400 cleared, balance rough pasture land. 2 good houses, spring water. 8 barns.- hog and chicken house, silo and fascn improvements, an abundance of fruit Will sen all or part i uoiib jaoor iiiii. ivjii uregon at, NEW 4 room bungalow with M. acre, gas, wster, lights. 61900. . $200 down, $20 per month. Capitol HilL A-8, JonrnaL f POT SALE FARMS 17 WORTH TOUR WHILE TO INVESTIGATE 48 H acres. 41 acre In cultivation. T room house, good barn and other outbuildings, large ailo full of en silage; family, orchard. 11 cows, 8 heifers, 4- horses, harnesses, farm im- plements and tools of every kind and ' description.- Located in tlie - most beautiful farming district in the state. I on good road, 2 milea from Oregon City. This year' crop included. Price , " "... only. $11,000. good term. 80 acres, the best income dairy of its aiae and price. Uood 7 room plastered and - newly painted house, very good barn with patent stanchions, large ailo Just filled with the best kind of ensilage, cream house, cellar and other outbuildings; 80 cows, 1 bull, 2 horses, harness, all kind of farm implements and . tools. Last month's cream check was over $500. Located 8 milea from Oregon City. A. complete dairy in every respect and a money maker from the start This year's crop included for the price of $14,000. Good terms. - For Improved farms, ranches, acre age and dairies, it is to your advantage to call on us before buying elsewhere. SAVON LAND CO.. 935 N. W. Bank, Bldg. YAMHUjL COUNTY BARGAIN STOCK AND DAIRY FARM 160 acre bill farm. 7 miles frccn McMinnrQle 40 acres in . cultivation. 90 acres in seeded paature. 80 acres fine big fir timber ; 8 good springs, water piped to nous and barn; 40 acres can be irrigated: good family orchard, variety small fruits, berries, grapes and walnuts; 7 room house, bam and outbuilding; on R. F. IX and telephone line, in Just 8 few yards from scbooL Price for a few days only, $7600. Reason - for selling, - not a " farmer and ether business. Immediate pesetas ion. Hay ready and harvested, Addreaa Owner. Box 128, Mc Minnville. Or. ' - - -- - 20 ACRES, ail alder land, about 10 in cultiva tion and most all fine clover; rest ala&hed and tillable when cleared ; -orchard, small fruit; two apnngs; good painted o room Bouse with large scree ned-in porch ; barn, etc ; daily mail and telephone line past door; neighbors; close .' to grade and nlaa school: 8 mile from town. R. R. and Columbia river; 12 'daily passenger trains and boats; 1 boors from Portland. Price $1600. Can buy 25 aeree alder nasture land Joining, mostly slashed, for $16 per acre. Place would carry I or t eows, ov sfieep, tew nog, a bone and fine for poultry.' - Box 101, Castle- rock, wsirr FOR SALE, cheap, good stock ranch; 200 acres; near Portland: unlimited range: e room bouse. large barn and outbuildings, fine orchard, good well and running water; crop, stock, farm imple ments and nonsenoui goods included. Will ac cept good Portland bungalow aa part payment Can give-, possession immediately. A bargain. Forr particular call at 129 Grand av., room A. or phone East 5913, room 9, between 6:80 and 9 pl - m. FIVE ACRES WITH 8 ROOM PLASTERED , . HOUSE. 8 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE In Multnomah county, 6 block from Greshm car; plenty fruit 8 chicken houses, pump house 14x14, well 186 ft deep; all fenced and cleared, practically all cultivated; 200 chickens. Acreage sella here for about $1200. Thia place can be bad from -owner for- $4000 on easy terms. For Information. C-835. Journal. Canadian Farm Lands - Cheap land. Remarkably easy terms. Land seekers' excursian party leavea Portland for Cal gary. Alberta, Saturday. July 12th; reduced rates. For further particular see Canadian Pacific Rail way company, 208 Railway Exchange bldg., L. P. i nsraion, aiairicv representative. .160 ACRES MOLALLA DISTRICT Good house and barn, outbuildinzs. farm Im plements, household goods, stock, including 6 head of fat steers, 12 a. in bay. plenty of out range, svn ueai atock rancn ; gsooo takes It Inquire , ' 472 HAWTHORNE AVE. 6 1-8 ACRES IMPROVED On 8 reek road, 42 mile from Portland; growing crop, complete set of buildings: ' sacri fice:; will take Ford cut as part payment, ' sIL H. REALTY CO.. 'j ' 618 Swetland Bldg. - ' 8 ACRES $100 cash, balance terms; good water and garden, some fruit three room bouse, outbuildings; or would rent house fur nished, one or two years. Apply . Mary Stout. ncappoose, or, THIS IS A GOOD BUT T 52, acres, 35 in cultivation; good buildings, good road, 11 milea to Oregon City, . mile to school, best water; call owner. Tabor 4647. Price $5200, ----- -- 3" 286 ACRES- land situated about 5 miles 8. IB. of Harrisbura,, Lane Co., suitable for dairy and all purpcee farm and belonging to an estate.. Inquire-rif fX P. Coehow, executor, Roseburg, Or. SO ACRES 3 MILES OF THE CnTLlMffS" ALL CLEARED: RUNNING WATER: THE EST HOt RANCH IN , OREGON., INQUIRE AT 1606 DIVISION ST.. CITY, TOH bargains In dairy farms along the Roosevelt ignway. in Tillamook county, come to IN ea rner valley ileal instate .agency, uioveroaie, or, u. x. uuioca, Hi nr. FOR SALE Prune lands and diversified farms. Address, Box 8,' Brockway. Douglas county. .jregon.' . " FRUIT LANDS FOR SALE 4$ f 5 - NO OTHER SUCH OFFER W , I . -r-OREGON -:; .145 acre orchard of ' apple and : pears, 5-room house, new barn 40x : 70 with shades on both aide, an old . I barn, granary, chicken house, welt. etc. . ' Ijoeated in one of the best fruit sec , tiens in the state, only about 8 miles ' from Rosebnre on rood auto road. - A. : r season ' ordinary, yield ought to more . than pay Hs price, which is only $16,- - i 88. t - New, Mr. Bayer, here is your chance -that cannot-be duplicated. - The fruit harvesting time near at band; Don't delay, .bat 'investigate thia offer ' at once. , SAVON LAND' COMPANT. -, ;- 935 N. W. Bank bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 WANTED Homestead reiinquishniefit in Eaat ' . era Oregon. Otto Herviing, Criterion. Or. TIMBER S8 WANTED Income property from $23,000 up ward for choice yellow fir handy to rail and water. Will gladly show timber to responsible parties. ' T'' ' ' F. S NOLAND, , ' ' EUGENE. OREGON. " REAL ESTATE TIMBER NOTICE of. sale of government Umber Ueaeral land oriice. Washington. IV U., Mar - 16. 1919. Notice' la hereby aivea that. subject to- the conditions end hmuiMS l the act of June 8. 1918 (89 Biat. 218, aas th Instruct ion .f the secretary of the Inte rior of September 15, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold July 16, 1919, at 10:30 o'clock a. .. at publie auction at the United States land office at Portland. Or., to the highest bidder at not lea than the ap praised value as shown by this notice. -sale to be subject to the approval of th secretary of the interior. The purcheae price, wtth an ad ditional suns of one fifth of on per cent thereof being commission allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, . money to be returned if aale i not approved ; otherwise . patent will issue . for the . timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from eitiaena of the .United States, association of such citiaena and corporationa , organised under the law of th United SUtea or any state, territory or district- thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the ' timber on any legal sub division will .be offered separate!; before being ssaiwn ti "J oner os larger unit; T. I 8.. K. 8 K.,, Section 29. 8WU SWV; red fir. 1900 M., not to be sold for lea than 1.60 per M. T. 8 8 . R. 6 E.. Seo. 31. 8WK SW14, red fir. 660 M.. not to aokj for lam than $1:6 per M. - CLAY TAfXMAN. ; Commissioner, General Land Office. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE t 1XR SALE OR TRADE 7 R. and aleepini ' porch. 60x100 lot with fruft, 1 block to car 4 5 minute to Madison bridge, fine locaUon! near high- and graded school; price $8500; wtii accept good auto .or improved acreage; deal with owner and save commission. H-253. Journal. FOR sale or will exchange 8 room house in fine , residential district Portland. Or., for bunga low in, Oakland or Berkeley. CaL; the house baa hardwood floors, fireplace and full cement baae ,T"'!iu . ' rnce ; 1 block from street ear; new, p"j mvu jjwr roonm. x-e 12,4 ournaL WILL, TRADE Bungalow, story and a half, 6 - rooma; A-l condition, for clear lot. Small "-jS"" b1nc terms. Owner. 693 Hherritt ave. . -- . . . . . TO TRADE 8 lota for modern 6-room bunga- low; will pay caah difference to $3500. A-2. JournaL --- ......,;..-. .. ' STOCK ranch,' Including- stock, buildings and crops. 35 miles from Portland, for sal or ' nsr s-oiTianq. j-hb, Journat EQl'ITT in 3 room house for lot: improv. ftitnf. . miiMi : h. i sus w ae.u ... , . , " , ' - v - . ... hdw ave, Wood mere. Mt Scott. - TWO. 40 acre farma to exchange for city prop- " V m av 1 1 ejv V. WANTED HEAL ESTATE SI NOTICE To buy or sell a suburban or. acreage home rt merit aee Geo. P. Henry with Frank L. Mc Guire, open Sunday and venings. . Abington fiu. WANTED AT ONCE Th beat small home that $150 cash ., will buy. Good - monthly pay ments. . ' " C. MARSTERS. 201 WILCOX BLDG. MA1.-N 017. HAVE buyer waiting fot Irvington home to $8000; also several buyer for bungalow; no dely. See II. 8. Pley, Croatdey-Vigars Co.. 270 Stark t. Main 8052. . WAN TED Two' to' flv , crs near Southeast Portland. Give price and how to reach by auto. D. R. George. 65 th st and Foster road. city. - DON'T WORRY Can aell or trade anything anywhere. Layman, 147 Park st 4 OR 5 ROOM house.- Have 2 "kits a part pay ment; balance will be cash; must be reason able. Owner. E. F. Grunert, 462 Iarrabee st G. U. GOLDEN BERG can sell your home, "86 Tears in Portland Abington Tiljf . ROOMING HOUSES St FOR SALE By owner, eight rooms, close .in on west aide; well furnished; rent. $25. Price $650. 214 -Abington bldr. Main 4141. FURNITURE of 14 rooms to be sacrificed. Leav ing city.. Good location. Cheap l?ent 607 Clay st - - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES St EXTRA SPECIAL- ..:-. f CHAS. C. FAGEN CO:. INC.. . Distributors Pierre-Arrow Mctor Trucks 28d and Washington. ,- ' Main 4698 - Will consider application for the pur ' chase of - a 6 ton Pieroe-Arrow truck equipped with 4 en, yd. dump body to - cover a gravel hauling contract requiring the delivery in place of approximately . 10,006 cu. yds. gravel. Average haul anoroximatelv 2 milea Time lim,l 108 'day., Roadbea ewod and SMneralhr leveL 1 - Quick loading and .quick dumping. Gross earnings of truck on this contract, 100 days, 2 shifts daily, approximate $7300. In our estimation, the beat hauling propo sition submitted us thia season. Appli cants must shew ability to hit the ball 4 and not afraid of work. Dreamers, wind -jammers and curiosity seekers- please do not waste your own and onr time. After July 10 in our new location. 9th at Burnaide. : NEW ERA FLOUR ' MILLS . FOR SALE REASONABLE. Tear around waterpower, 25 barrels, 8 stands, double roll and good machinery with 60 inch diameter millstone and one two pair roil chopper; outbuilding and 20 acres land and orchard, on main highway and railroad and Willamette river with excellent wheat country, more than the mill can handle; a good location for profitable business; poor health reason for selling. Own- ers wevicg jros., ws fc-ra. Or. WANTED Experienced vulcaniser with $500 to taxe nail interest in vulcanlzlne anno In largest garage In Portland. If not first class workman do not apply. , Call at 467 Mont gomery, Between and 1 1 a. m. A, GILT EDGED manufacturing business requires a partner with from 8260O to 8S0OO ' V. tn- tional returns on Investment snared. Investor must be honest and above board. Other need not Interest tliemselves. C-859. Journal. . GARAGE and repair shop in prosperous dairy - ing section of Oregon. Whole or half interest good terms, to right party; ock and fixture will invoice around 810UO. This Is worth In vestigating. - J. B. Campbell, Myrtle Point. Or, Sales Manager Wanted Manufacturing company requires competent sales manager who can Invest $2000 in company. wooq opening ror rignt, party, n-i, journal. DESIRE to- meet. I- or 2 parties able to invest - up to $10,000 in first class poultry business that will pay better., than 8 per cent C-87, journal-' FOR SALlfi Bicycles and general repair shop, only shop In town of about 4000 r want to quit on account of poor health. - O. , Craft, Mo- Minnviii. or. , - FOR SALE Millinery store in town about 1800; good locality. For information address. Bog 178, woodbnrn, or. iDAXDT'"flttle store, living rooms, worth $300 be on hand Monday and take it; $878. 190 U1MS St. - ; ... - , - -. OLD. established Watkln route. For particulars write v stains man, Kicnrieki, wash FOR SALE Grocery doing good business. $72 E. Couch.- PACIFIC bakery and lunch for rent Front and market, tuny equipped. WANTED Loyal partner In ' rooming house. H-622. Journal. - A DANDY little store. Bring rooms, worth $300; be on hand and take it, $375. 190 Gibb t WILL sacrifice - my grocery store, good location - ana goon business. - H-, Journal. ; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Tii wanted : WANTED 30 year old, 10 years' retail buai neaa experlenc. honest capable, married; want to move to Portland In September, . looking for business opening of merit where 8 few hundred dollars t and service will make a,- good living with- a splendid future ; most . be buslnea of nnqnestionable merit and above board. Write in detail to H. R. Kleekaism. P. O. Box 116. La Porte, bid., raftrenoes requirest and given. : MONET. TO LOAN REAL ESTATE S7 CASH paid fof mortgage and seller'- contract on real estate tn Washington of Oregon.. H.. 14. Noble, 816 Lumbermen bldg. . - $3t0, $400, $500, $600,. $766 and up. low est rates, quick action. ' Gordon Inveataoeut Co.. 631 Ch. of Com, Mara oo. CLIENT . has $500 to $S00& to lean., local, quick- action. - J-. A. Mean, attorney. -926 sjnamoer ox sjommerce SONET TO LOAN on real estate security on ' coin rate of interest Otto aV Haiason Roalty Co., 4 IS Chamber of Comaeree. ; ? - - -- - - BUILDING loan on city or suburban, property. money t advanced a work t.racr W. ti. Peek, 215 snd 216 Fslllng bM. Main 6467. MONEY to loan in aaxsounte of 8180 to 98088 ; on city property. . . - 1 W A. H. BELL. Room 16-ti. Mnltey V , $300. $400,.- $508, $750, $1000 and up at loweet rates: quick- action. . Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6446. $200 to fgOOO. no eomraissiow. Main 1166. F. H. PES HON, 61 5 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY for mortgage loans, $500 to $6000, 6 and 7. Fred S. William. 92 H let st SEE OREGON INV. 4t MORTGAGE CO., 232 Chamber of Commerce - 4h and Start. $600 TO $1200 to loan at 7 per cent; no conv mission eherged. Phono Tabor 2899. MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7. Louis Salomon Co.. 408 Bellini bid. .. " . OUR installment plan i the best auJ surt ..- method of paying a loan. f 5? 2 Pr 'or 86 months or $21.34 for 60 month; or 816.17 fur 96 month, pay $1000 loan and interest. Other mounts In proportion. : We loan on improved city property. Or tor building purpose. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 243 Stark St., Portland. Or. 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE vloans on city or suburban bouaes; iv commission ; quick c tton. $500 to $1500. Wsrd. attora.y: 40 fpeldlng bldg. - MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. j Pbono Broadway 810. ' - i , 894 Stark Street near 10th. i , - -.- ;- - Tesns on diamonds, watches, Vlctrolss. pisnn. kodak, shotguns, furniture, musical iustrumeut and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BT THE PKOPLW OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and country warrant cashed for face value...: , . ' CARRIE MYERS UEltRMAN. 1 Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY' Loans made on nutoraobnea. diamonds, pianos, household goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your possession. ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. It your payment to other loan eompanlea or on furniture or automobile contracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them up. advance yon more money if necessary, and you can repay na tn amall monthly payments to gait your con Veniencew - ' LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. BTJ8INESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed) 808-807 Dekum Bidg, - s ' Marshall 8286. Salary LOANS WB LOAN MONET Chattel On short notice to salaried or working men en their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly' payment. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO IN 1HJE0H.11. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We alea loan on household furniture, pteuoa, ate., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Failing Bldg. ' aiONET to lose on dls moods, . Jewelry; legal rates; all articles held a year: estabUsUed aince 1686. .Dan Marx. 288 Wathington. GEORGE HAKVfeY loan money on hoiueliold" goods; legsl rates. Tabor 8806. ' ' LOANS 'WANTED - FIRST mortgagee tor aale. $500 tip. F. llT Deahon. 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BEE OREGON INV aMORTGGlorr2i" - Chamber of Commerce. 4h end Btark. FINANCIAL $1 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If-yonjktust sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sail to us. If you can buy more liberty or Vic tory bonds, buy from ns. Ws buy snd sell Lib erty and .Victory bonds at the market YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY Do WORSE. - -We ar today payinb the following price for United States government Liberty and Vutory bands, which are the closing New York nirke prices, plus the accrued interest; t '-" N. Y. Market Interest Tutsi. SHl $99. 8 $0.21 inn.MI 1st 4s...: 94.i0 .24 H5.I4 2d 4s .......... 93. R2 .68 94.40 1st 4 K ...... 95.04 .28 r. Hit 2d 4 14 8... 94.28 .61 04.67 3d 4 95.10 1.32 96.42 4th 4(41 ....... 94.30 .97 96.27 Victory 8 4s ... .100.02 .49 looftl Victory 4 ... . 99.98 .62 100.60 - In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 37e on a $!VO bond and- $2.60 on a $1000 bond. In selling lAberty and Victory bonds w charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest noi'T - THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN. The Premier Municipal Bond Houae Burglar and- fireproof safe deposit boxes. for rent '- MORRIS BROTHERS. INC., Morris bldg.. 809-811 Stark St. bet 5th snd th. Telephone Broadway 2161. Est over 25 years. LIBERTT BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANT ISSUE OF BONDS. . FULL MARKET PRICE. . LOANS ON LIBERTY BONDS. . TOD CAN RORROW CASH OF t'H ON BONDS. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. OR TO FINISH PAYING FOB VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT, PRESIDENT, OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE . 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR) , . a CORNER 6TH AND ALDER BTS. 1 WILL BUT ANT LIBERTT BOND C at . .-PERCENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (AH du coupon interest laelnded.) t. H. KEATING. 61 T BOARD OF TRAPS!. BONDS BOUGHT . SPOT CASH SPOT CASH ' MARKET PRICH CASH for RECEIPTS. We win LOAN ynu money on BONDS. W. 8. 8., or to make PAY MENTS on BONDS, 7 tier cent 725 Gssco bldg.. Fifth and Alder. - CELLARS-MURTON t O. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC 18 2400 lb. TEAM in good condition, good har ness,' S 4 inch Mllburn fsrm wsgon in good order, $175. 632 N. 27th. Take Broadway car to Siskiyou, $ blocks east . to tent bouses. GOOD yeung mare, 6 years oldT weight "1400 lbs. i must be sold at once aa I hate lost her mate and bav no place to keep her. 248 Front at, U. S. Stable. FOR SALE Team, harneet and wagon; or trade for cord wood, Kalk Bros. Wood Yard, 1008 Division. Phone SelL 84 3. $225 BUYS good team of farm horse. wTTJfit 2900 lbs.; harnea and wagon go with them. Call Sellwood 717. ' - 2300 LB. black team. 10 yssrs old, harness. 'Take 8. P. car to Oswego, on road to Oregon City. J. M. Lyfces. MUST sell team of work mules 22S0 lb., wTili good heavy harness, $100. 6838 82d st 8. E. ' $105 Small team, barnesa and wagon, alo 1400 lb. horse, $73: all guaranteed. Wood yard, 827 Front st. FOR SALE A home. Wood banking job wanted. . 252 E. 80th st N., Portland, Ot. t;s ll evenings. 8400 LB. span geldings, 5 and 6 years, br,,l to work; cheap or trade for fresh cow, ore gon City; cross bridge, follow signs. Owner. DEAD horse snd animals hsuled away frr. Call Woodlawn 26. Portland Rendering Co. IIOIiKE nd wagon, $1.60 per day: 2 hones snd wagon, 3. j. ohen, n yront. sisin Z2im, 1200 Ptit'ND mr. sound, for sale cheap. Fashion Ruble, East 11th snd Plsmler st. LIVESTOCK JERSEY Guernsey heifer. rt It milker. 2 V. sals.. 2 Mi rears old: $80. 682 N. 27th. Take Broadway ear to Siskiyou. 8 blocks cast to a tent houae. THREE extra floe Jersey for sale, 666 Har vard t; take St Johns car to Fiske, walk 7 block toward Columbia university. Phone Cohimbie 091, criming fresh, for ! or trad for beef cattle, J'bone East 471o, Take WillUm car to Pas street two hivjj west 491 Flint street . TWO fresh cows. 4 to 6 gallons. tak V7- eouver ear to Columbia boulevard station, so one block north. j&EGISTEKED Jersey bull for sale cheap or trade for ear or horses. 898 - Powell St.. Woodstock ear. THREE young, fresbTTiiifh-grai Jeres with their first calves; 2 otiier ynod milch tows for sal cheap. Cell Sellwood 717. 2 COWS, extra good, heavy milkers, with c)ea by sides: on 6. one 6 year out: sell rea sonable. 875 E. 28th rt, 8. FOR SALE Cow, good tniiker; Oregfm Lieo- trio to Roiand station: first boua from sta tion. 6 YEAR OLD horse, harnea snd wsgon, $75: also voun Holstein eow. aivin nlentv of rich milk. 8647 66th 8. E., Woodstock car. DANDY Swis Jersey family cow for sale. Call Weodlswn 8748, Woodlawn car. to end cf tine. 1899E.25thN. . , " YOUNf;"jrey"Durhani:o-, fresn, $60. 134 ic 7tn n. !. Montsviiis-oepot car. jEEAL'TIFCL beifer calf from 6 Vs gallun gwias Jersey cow. Weodlswn 3381, 2-QtAfi family. Jersey cow, tuberculosis tei: C 6618 94th at 8. K. itlltSH COW. first eeii; 4 gal. .Not t,u,I Woodyard, '327 Front St. GOOD fresh cowTfor aale. if 7fi vision. 117- tbome av rar. (Continued on 1 ononis j "j"j.i