THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 6," 1919. r ' PEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 . . , ... INDUSTRIAL CENTER Nw Boulevard to Broadway Bridge . - v tbortens Distance One Mile BUNGALOWS ' . .. $300011 lot, room house, -fine fruit 500 Lot 46x130. 6 room modern; paved street .--,. ' 33100- 50x100. 6 Teoa etrietly modem. ?" 82800 00x100. 5 room strictly modern; new. 130007 room modern house, near Willamette,, nouievaru. - , , . $23507 room modern. 30)O 5 room strictly modern, slaeplng 'porch.' ; $ 2 100 -0 room modern, near Kenton. - $3700 9 toon modern bnngalow, lot 116x109. in tin condition; near Willamette boulevard. ' HOUSES $16004 room. 75x100; world of fruit. $13003 rooms, 75x100; world of frnit. v. ': $14504 room. 78ilOO; worlds of fruit.. - 3140O 5 roomi. 75x100; world of frurt . $17008 room. 125x100; world of frnit. i-$1250 5 . rooms 50x100; world of fruit. $18005 rooms, patent tollat, gag; neat and - cheap. $15503 room and sleeping porch; paved ' street I160O 4 room, frnit Aid tardea. Fiv 4 room bouses, from $750 to $1000 each. My terme era essiest In tha' Htv and nricna . right.. Take St. John car to 296 Lombard it., I A. CMcDonald. agent Woodhxsvn 627$. J vmice uwn nunaay ana evening. .- FOR SALE - . Tha following properties and other to doe a aetate; . - 4 room cottage, 6427 68th at B. E.. $1000.00 :7 room itrtrtly modern houaai 1197 Division at. S500.00 8 room bungalow. 437 E. 4 lit at... 2000.00 acre on Johnson creek, south of . : Lent. ood buildings and orchard.. 4000.00 8 lot on BSth :. 1 blk. Wt lit. Scott ear. .: a, . real bargain. - . - - . Any or n lot N. W. .Cor.. 42nd. Dirlstoa St. at bend of DivUion street. Heal bargain. Heal barzain. a,. w- Z WASH Executor. 1046 Hawthorn At. . Phone. Tabor 4299 BARGAIN HOUSES - m PENINSULA DISTRICT . room. 2 loU. (1700. , 7 rooma, lota, fruit. walnuU. $3000. rooms. 2 lota, 31200.; 5 rooms, 2 lots, $1700. rooms, 3 lots, $2000. Small payment down, balance easy teams. Take Ford runabout, as first payment on aayon ,of henses. . Machine will run. yon ont by appointment. CARTER. Otfie 685 tt Peninsula . . Phone Wdln. 502. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL. FATING RENT I Intend to Mil 5 mora home this week. commencing Monday, 10 a. ra. EXTRA IN DUCEMKN T Too may be one of the lucky fiv to own a home la Walnut Park. No finer location Jthe beat residence district in Portland. Save com mission by dealing with tha owner. Office 1149 Union are. Office Hour 10 to 12 a. ra. Phone Appointments: Woodlawn 8804 - or Woodlawn 951. W. M. KILLING8WOBTH For Sale by Owner At eost Going East Bead this ad. A new house, never been occupied. S or 7 rnoms. bath breakfast room, hall, oak floors, fireplace, all kinds of convenienses, full six basement eement floor. laundry trays, double waU and floor, nice fixtures, window shades, larg attic; 60x100 lot 1 block to ear, hard surface street in and paid, f on Will Jintsh 2 rooms and hsU in attic, build garage at cost fee thU houiie at 1187 Ivon' st,or see owner in same blocs at 1208. Division, or take Rich mond car to 41st, go 1 block north. V block drive toowner"-evening.- Tabor 6180. . RQSE- 'CITY' BARGAIN '"J? ,tnngalw. Urge rooms, good floored J tie. firepiao. buUt-in bookcases and buffet. Jiardwoed floors. Dutrh kitchen, linoleum, range and gas pUt Included in price; foil cement ,,?ne":.n'ry trays, 50x100 lot: berries and ?.J,,ock oar. olose to school. Pjice $3350; $1000 cash, balance mo. This pric fufcw day only. --Open Evenings. . m, QEO. T. MOOltk CO.. 1007 TEOV BLDfl. ' A WONDERFUL- BUY7 " ; ' $2850 .'' ::. . $25.00 per month -with a small payment down will buy an absolutely new 6 -room bunga low right on a car line. Has never been occu pied. - btreet improvements "in and paid for. Tbis buniralow is in the $5500 class and them . is not anothe one like it in Portland offered t the price. a KA1IKH INVESTMEVT mVPlXT Uarshall 240. 1212 Gaseo bids. J , HAWTHORNE PISTBICT i ' " LOT 60x100 I Bangs low, 6 moms, tapestry brick, beautiful buffet aoross end of dining room, metal glass v doors, cream brick fireplace, bookcases eitjier side plate glass Alton, hardwood floors living and dining room, which are-in old ivory finish, with - beautiful tapestry paper, electric fixtures, full , line of plumbing, full cement basement and floor. ; Terms -to suit responsible person. 1 Phone Mar shall 2983. v.- t - $3675 , Irvington Residence ' The best buy In the city; located close in . Irvlngton; 6-roora 2-tory well-built homo on a beautiful 50x100 corner. The lot alone haa been - appraised at $2500'; this is easily a $5000 prop erty, llon't delay if.youwant a big bargain. Open Evenings. CEO. TMOORE CO.., 1007 TEOK BLDO. ; NICE LITTLE BWGAiXWTr2800'" $500 cash, $35 monthly buys dandy little bungalow, donble constructed, den and glassed in .: sleeping porch; 10 or 12 assorted fruit trees; elegant berries, currants, grapes; inlaid linoleum , in kitchen and bath; glass .frames for front . . porch. This is a complete MttleThom and we ask that yon call at office and see photo. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Com. Open eve, and Sundays. . , NEW PIEDMONT BnidiLOW1 , , v. - ' - FOR HALE BT OWNER Corner lot. ft rooms, old ivory finish, hard wood floors, fireplace, bulltina. extra large living room, large plat glass windows, full basement, furnace, tub, garage, lovely shad trees, two csr lines. $3800. 1218 Mallory are. - $6000 TERMS UT DESIRED " -7 large rooms and attic, lot 00x100. This houa has . all modern conveniences and cm forts; "very beautiful grounds and shrubbery. -Was- built by owner for a home. - 974 Schuyler Bt. ..- , East 297. bUXNTSlDE sacrifice sale JS000. W rVT- owner leeving citys Tory good, extra well built :,: 4 room nouse, en finest corner . in Biinnystae, kfl.init - intm fiF nLu : both carllnea. , This is a chsuce to W, and muM.go quicx. - 11. ft. etauo, ttelmout. ek phone. Tabor 219. -- ' " ' room"bCnoaLow ' 60x100. gas, electric, bath, cement base ment, sidewalks, nice yard, SO minutes ride, - 4 blocks to car. Price cat to $2500; worth tS00O. Easy terms.- F. E. Seachrest, 8 For v S room bunRalow witii fireplac, grst bic lot nr Albert car? Owner wants $350 cash, bftlanc lik rout. Ton 11 like tbia pretty horn. Bttr hurry. Co A. Hc'Kenn fc Co., "ait J 5 h rt a- s l . A m txn. PJ 7 I H 11.., IWfU V A fU6 HlUg. JJ.atn 10e3. MAGMkiCENT LAUUELHUltST HOME Hanilsom new 8 room' nous- with buiitin garage, overlooking park. .Exquisite decoration sua iixturos. a mm you can not duplicate lor 5 15.000. Get pric and terms from owner. - J 1 4 1 Northwestern Bank Bldg. , $750 CASH or teriiis, 3 room house, semti modeni. between 27th and 28th on Alberta at car line; paved at; improvement paid; good Dnsinee location. and snap. 869 Alberts at uu Deiore o p. m t - V. ..... , Get an srtlstio horn by n established archi tectural firm at low coat We build anything: : M.;tl- ,1. i jt ; . . i. n j. m. juwuv u ummi. - j. jn. xuey uo, ' ..' Contracting architects. 824 N. W. Bank, - NEARLY naw, double constructed house, Sx rocanv bath, gss. electricity; full lot near . Peninsula school, block north of car line. Owner. $20O.- some terms, 488 W. Russett St Woodlawa 1017. KENTON BnSRiLOW 8-4 room nlaatered : - iimt ennnW vw cheap; $1450. . 845. Kllpstrick st, hk blocks weee oi xktnion oana. lernu. 7-ROOM HOUSE, garage, in Alberu, close to school's ear. Newly tinted and painted. Vacant Must sell at any price: leaving the FOR SALE Lot In central Albina, small house. -. sueev waier ana sewer . psia . tor; 81550. Addres Wr G. McDowell, rouu 2. Vox 12T. Bslem, Or. .- ; -'- - - modem t-reon' coitus for - large lot, fruit trees and -garden, newly, -tinted na pamteq tnroognout; terms. ' tl. Both N. THREE room house, some fumitnre, good gar- - oen, tor souu. ii oatn are., wooa- were, Mt, Bcott FOR- HALE By owner, 6 room modern' bun- - K in , .17. , ijiuu luuvn, .us. f cwi St. (3. Ju. Price 82260. --i- - - --. . -; : '. 6HOOM modern bungalow, gss, electric lights, cement walks, close to car: ail built Ipa. $2250. Woodlawa61T9. FOR SALE Two room cottage, clrwo to Roe City lJaxk car; easy terms, 723 E. 75th JN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES t 800 SMALL store buOding, lot 50x100. en Dean tr near 67th 8. K., Brentwood; - terms 6250 cashc T $1600 Five room house en E. 84th at, lot 60x100; terms $250 cash. ' Richmond District . $3200 Modern 8 room bungalow, N. J720 . .. E. 4 3d near Clinton, bow vaoant ready to move in, $8800 Modem 7 room residence, earner lot 60x100, fruit trees, improved streets all paid, for good furnace) and garage; easy tenna, monthly payment. I flATB A FEW CHOICE' LOTS POB SALE ON EAST TERMS AND BONDS TAKEN AT PAR .IN THE FOLT)WlNO LOCATIONS: HAWTHORNS . . : ROSE CITT ROSSMERB Li, a " HOLLADAT ' WAVERLT, RICHMOND, StTNNTSnTB BELLECRE8T, TREMONT. WELLESLET Vacant Lots in AH Parts of CHy Will Fur ... . nisb Money for Building. 080 Fin lot. 43x100. situated on B. Madi son bet 88th and 8th. improvementj all - In nd paid for. i William Q. Beck Rl Estate Loans and Fir Iristtrano. 216-318 FAILING BLDO. 8. E. Cor. 3d and Washington St. REMEMBER l REMEMBER It INVESTIGATE! I !! Walnut Park lots are 60x109 feet, with aneys, giving great conveniene to bom life. Served by 5 carlines: Jefferson high school and library- located on r Walnut Fafk property. ' Extra, laduoement . , ' - " for' - - Fir More Home In Walnut Park. ' Many other are building, why not yon one of the lucky five? fiave commission by buying direct from the owner, - Office Hours 10 to 12 . m. Phone Appointments: Woodlawn 8304 or Woodlawa 951. Offic. 1148 Union ave. -W. M. KILLING 8 WORTH j '$2SO0-West - SideS2S00 ihurnished Bungalow This 1 an exceptionally good home, full ce ment basement whit enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas; Al ondition, quick possession; screens, hades, fruit and flowers; $500 cash; balanc easy terms. . Be FRANK L. MAOTJTRE . I, ' TO BUT TOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1088. Main 6166. Offic Open Evening nd Sundays. Burtgalow,'I00xI05 'Lot 6 rooms, esleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood noon, built-in buffet rdo bath, Dutoh kUchen, cement basement furnace, laundry trays, ,24 fruit trees, all kinds berries and. mail fruits, fine plo for cow or chickens, 2 blocks Mt Tabor oar, 24 minute out la restricted district Se thU at once. . Term. Open Evening. CEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 TEON BLDO. IF TOD WANT TOUR MONET'S WORTH" - LOOK AT THIS Modern 6 room house, except fnrnae: has sleeping porch, garage on alley, fuU eement basement; sidewalk all in and paid. Ton can live in the downstair part and rent the up stair for enough to keep op payments. Pric $2350, $1000 cash and balance $15 per month sod Interest Ton can see for yourself what bargain this U. Let us show you. HTWU IDT A. w.frrw 818 Northwestern Bank BMg. Hawthorne Bungalow Vyisryntnf- w m nw m n. On of the best built 5 room bungalow In j . we very nest pan ot tno district Ha fireplace, furnace- and aQ bullt- ?.!tnTTZ-llAr ce paid in full. Price faOO; $500 cash. n RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 OAK BT. a BROADWAY. 4188. 82000 ALBERTA Bnisin s mva sosoa .On E. 10th, near Alberta, is a modern 8 room bxmgalow with a 72xJ00 lot Tory attractive Jinej. Term. We hsrtKOO other home for sale a. w. ruuwsnua us ncA us oixice; om wonderful bargains. Autos t yoor servioe. fie FRANK L. McOTJIRE ; TO BUT TOUR HOME Abington Bldg. f Main 1068. Main 0158. vubi. vpvn wmuis unci ououays ONLT $3500 for a 7 room? up-to-date house, fuQ cement basement, hardwood floor, sleeping porch, 2 sets of plumbing, furnace, fin fix- - - . , 1. 1. l . i i . , B. . v . wwwa mm one en uie oess in Din at Division t; the owner is offering this splen- . m m numu. on accoaoi ox ieaving; eall at the office and learn what a great bar cain you can get in the purchase of this pisce- Down. S 16 Month ' 0 room, double constructed home; full, base ment laundry trays, gas, electricity; block .to mr; 15 minute out; $2000. Edward A. Brown Co. 808 Railway Rxcb. Mdg. Main 2898. DO TOO want this for $4500! A big IS room house, 2 separate flats, cspsble of bringing In 375 xer month, rhrht in th. -t ,k. city, in Columbia, at near 14th;, there ia a lot which this house stand on 40x100 ft. which M worth mora tha tha pric asked for bouse -- . uwa is uHie caan to Duy thi place. M. J. Cloiiessy. Abington bids. $1960 SACRIFICE $1950 vuvu dua uni fo atontniy t .,OOB modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, buffet bookcases, full basement electricity and gas; lot 50x100. Woodlawn or Alberta car; "OI?,h fop ee owner. A. II. AKEBHOX. 43Q Henry Bldg. Mar. 4079. HOMESEEKERS nuiin, ueuiuteiy modem; all rooms exceptionally large; beautiful . V . "oi uv uupiicatea loaay snort of $8600; leaving tat and will sell for $4850; terms. 1096 Knott at, cor. 38th. Tabor 6610. DOUBLE flat near 41st street 2 Iot7'improv menta paid., hot waten heat full basement 3 small 080,0 room flat will net 20 per cent on Investment 34750. 82000 cash, long time on balanc. .-.-,., Main 2868. SLETTEN et JONES. 248 Stark. OWNER LEAVING QUICK '" SALE Modern, highly improved home, Tillamook st near 86th, 5 rooms, basement,- attic, fireplace, paneled dining room, fruit eh nibs, paved street' 83J0O, term.. TrL Main 1150. ' iOB sale by owner, 8 room cottage, full base ment i gpod condition, lot 50x112. paved streets, close to school and Suxmyside car; most he eold by July 10; a bargain at 82700, $200 S ROOM nnri.n. M "fcl . ' H.1. -V" w Am se uiontii. nntir n e n 1?nWvErt i80t,, U 82 W 100 feet Pric $3(00. Easy terms. . ffKRlSH.-WATKWS CO., Phone Main 1844. io 2d l MODERN 0 rooms and den. fireplace. "oorKer lot. garage, near Glisan. House in A-l con diUon; $2850. $850 cash, long time on bal IIT mtXe Jonos, 24 S Stat U Main MbbiiRN 8 rooms,' fumaoe, 4 large lots on 72d Ideal. $4000: S100O csjkW. terma to m,it --- . . .... i. . aivii.ii., nitwra, near car, balanc. ae. gletten 4t Jones. 248 Stark st Sain 2568. FOR SALE, by owner, 3 roomed modern bungs low. gas. electricity, full basement good lo caUon; full siaed corner lot: lltt iUt 12th north. Highland Park addition. Phone Wdln. 4908.-: '--.',.. IRVLN'GTON home.1 ground 75x150, 8 large rooms, mjo sewing room, sleeping poren; ust painted inid and ont; no more select location m city, rnc 10.000. Se U K. Moore. 817 FOR SALE 8 room' modern house, good eon dUfon. full lot 1220 Miss. ave.. near PW-f.aJ"i.!M0'".i- term. VILL sell this week regardless of prU. ' ..1.tft, "odern 7 room- bungalow, worth -v. . "'I . . rmwwW anotVW VKMUtCrSJO. 8 aaMaae& - v a A ax 1. i a Xw 1 j . - ..w.w -. pmgwq piug.- aasnx X X OWNER goo on ranch, win sell 6 room mocf - em eottag. now vacant at 188 Bancroft vwi aiu sou so, iow pnee; - som terms. Owner. Tabor 8721. 2190 Eugen t $1400 8 ROOM ALBERTA $1400r House 1 very neat and ha bath, cas. tee tric A nice little horn for very little money. eun-iiauoax,tt uw.. BllPUa EX. ROOM modern, near Bteel bridge, walking distance: house in A-l esnelition. in II W all fmprovcraents paid. $4230, easy Urms. Call wn .flue, eiecxen. 'Jt, FINE home for sale. chesD: corner lot: fruit ga. city water, electric lights. Inauif at xmy werov oaroer mop, neaverton, Jr, 82600 6 ROOM Sannvaida Mitiu im A 1 B.endition. J081 E. 8simoa t Owner, Tabor FINE home, in Irvington. 60x100 corner; good rase, unn( room, uxaw, jf nrepisoes naro wood floors: in elegant eondition. Price $7600, pct m-a ak. fliowv. ox t ooani or iTane. WILL TRADE Irvinctoa home for small aen. age. improved ; 6 room bouse, dose is. r casu; par gain. - bio nenry Dmg. 61250, $250 CASH, buys emsll ' house. "Vesl Side, walking distance. XL E. Lee, 50a .Nil 1800, 8250 CASH, balance "$T per month. - jiiAjm men nungaiew. west MM. At JS. Lee. 605,Corbett bldg. MX'DEifN 6 room houao for sale by owner; lA.rxe lot rjlentv of fniit. fTnrnrvn niMf 1 garden; best of terms. Columbia 827. HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOC8ES 61 ; SMALL, HOUSES- EASYTER?l;-;-3 PHOTOS Or THESE AND MANT OTHERS - - at oua ornci - II AT) (fy H erej. 8 house; on GObart : 9 JlsJ'aSlP.-fc, Lmsta; 3200 cash. . .. I fl (Ml 2 nw hotts. 60x100; EU S9ta f 9 Jt iWiSfv, near Aiosworth; $100 cash, in elude furniture. - - : Cfl K)(BNto eottag. elect, bath. E efl5'l'U'25au eor. Emerson. 3300 cash. 6 r. cottage, lot 46x191; 414.' Feesesden at near Gilbert St i - John; $250 eaah. 5flTBrfH 'n tv eottag. fnlt sot 1081 : &IJ&V . K. Syraense, 8 1 Johns; terma. t , $ 1 80022.,- Utt&"? : SaOa5(fB SM - bniigalowi 60x100. 9y&9 , 73d nr. Sandy. $$0O enab.-. STlfHiniffn B nie oottag. bath, elect. 9miU fun basement: 1246 Minnesota: v. jxesr AiiMWorth; $200 cash. -l. QJt'tWll nou, 80x100. Portland; Paw 11 W bird, near Denver t.j term. r ItTTSfS6" fnngalow, 60x100. E. JO. 9XsJsJr Taboc on Delano st, $500 eaan. S (Thfn Fin 6 - room bouse, modem, tni., ipAfiAiiWiy Blxopaow nx. Minnesota, $200 eaan.; hotue. gang, ate.; K 83d nr. ipAtJiW Alberta: 8600 eaah. CTTefh eottag and aleeping porch, ,. i&AfiJm&'ififoTiiB nr. Union; term. Syfl ifftfTh 6 ts fin bungalow, garage. E. I 5X4Wntli V. near Alberta; tors 1 e-TAfniffb 8 - tag. 8 lota. 160x100. i&AdJVlV) Portsmontb ; 3500 caan. tS'JsyeiniS r. house. 100x100 ground, eor.? P-3U' E. 18th Beech: snap; $50O cash.- QRUSSI & BENNETT & . 818 Board of Trade. Main 7452. YOUR ANSWER ; Now or Never Con tin u paying rent and remain forrver homeless or at. one lnveatigat Walnut Park' plan ' mad own ft bom of TOUR OWN, Many others are building in Wal nut Park. WHT NOT TOUt Extra ln duoemente offered. Bavs eomaviseion by dealing with the owner. . FIVE MORB HOMES THIS WEEK W, M. KILLING 8 WORTH Offic 1149 L'nion ftse, Office Hour 10 to 12 a. m. Phone Appointments : Woodlawn 9804 or Woodlawn 861. ONLY $2250 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - 2826 E. 49th st, near Clinton. 1 block to car, big 6 room bungalow, full attic, full base ment fin location; 60-foot kt paved street and everything in end paid but 6147, making total pric of $2897. Nothing Kk it before, but owner instruct us to act Thi pric include furnitnse, or will make allowance, if not desired. Now vacant " Look it ever today. $1259 cash will handl. ' KASER 8s BAINET, 828-6 Oasco Bldg. Marshall 8128. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Now is the time to own a home in beau . tiful Walnut Pavrlu Extra' inducements. Many - other are building exactly : what they want WHT NOT TOTJt INVESTIGATE OCR PLAN Save Commission by Dealing With Owner. Office 1149 Union ave. Offic Hours 10 to 12 a. m. Appointments Phone Woodlawn 8304 or Woodlawn 951. ) W. M. KILLXNGSWORTH. 6NLT $3250; in Kearney at. on the west side, close in, near 21st st, ia a good 7- room house with a full eement basement and you people who are looking for s clou in home, where you don't have to pay carfare, in a Brood district of the city.' what's th matter with buying thi on th spot! Ton cannot build th house alone lor th price asked, and th lot is a pretty lot 40x50 ft; thi ia buying a horn on th west aid, eloae in to th tmatnaes canter. for about 60o - $1. M. J. Clobessy. Abing ton bldg. .f- - V $3325 ... DISTINCTIVE' HOME-' " 13835 6 room colenial type bungalow, buiitin eon reniences, hardwood floors, fl replace. . aleeping porch, full cement basement whit enamel plumbing-. Paved st all paid. E. 40th at, near Haw thorne. Over 600 photographs in our office -ot ether home for sale. Autos will call for yon. - Be FRANK L. MoGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Main 8168. Off ioe. open evenings and Sundays . Price $2000200 Cash , Near Alameda Park 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW on border or park; 40x100 lot and alley In rer; aiso goon garage. iliie I certainly bargain. Hurry if you want it RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 809 OAK ST. BROADWAT41S8. ' ! COMPLETE! YFTJRNISHED . - CL08K IN EAST SIDE ' Good 8 room house and corner lot With good bearing fruit trees, berries, shrubbery and nie lawn; paved at In and paid; fine oak furniture and $600 piano inclnded: immediate jtoeeession can be had. Pric 33000 ; $600 cash, balanc easy monthly payments. C. A. WARRINER. BITTER. LOWE CO., 201-8-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN ' ' $2500 Make an offer as to terms. Five rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, full basement with laundry room, newly painted and tinted throughout double constructed and a very good buy. Sunday call East 2544. Tabor 6881. J. A. WICKMAN CO. ' 204 Ry. Exchange Bldg."- Main 1094. $2900ROSE CITY CAR 7 room, well built tights, gas. water. 4 bedrooms, nice bath, full basement 60x100 lot chicken house and run, 80 chicken, 6 bearing 't trees, garden to, 4 block, K. C. car; located 675 E. 82d st Open "Evenings, ' - CEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 TEON BLDO. Brand New-$500 Cash- 6 room "strlektly" (modern bungalow, full ce ment basement laundry trays, hardwood floor, fireplace, buffet, bookcases. $3300; vacant cd ward A. fcSrown Co. Railway Exchange bldg. Msin 2608. I MI TST1 lT w m a i w -r a . nr JUS4U ; r Jnpertiv to raise money en short notice. Will sscriice $400 on my $3000 bnngalow, 8 rooms, basement and attie; modem, con venient and la choice location. ' i $2600 for quick sale: half eaah, balanc on mortgage. Owner at Tabor 2618. Wonderful, Bargain Near Lauralhurst full lot nearly new T-reora and aleeping porch, fireplace and furnace. 1 blk oar, would coat 63300 to build bouse, for quick sale offering at 82850. 8. P. Osburn, 610 Mc Kay bldg., Sd and Stark. 2200 CLOSE tH $2200 ' " ' 8 room, modern house, double constructed, stationary .tubs, close to 8 splendid ear lines; 315 down, bat 816 per month and interest No mortgags. For information call at 905 Teon building. . $4300 8 ROOM house in Bos City, on payed ' street, improvement all paid, with hardwood floors, built in buffet, Dutch kitchen and aleep ing porch; lot 60x100. This House could not be built for 85300. . Ton get the lot and ira provement for nothing. Call Woodlawn 2755. k4v nwitre-'D en ok a v - nav . 5 room' modern bungalow, located 1068 Lambert place. Improvements in and pafcl; 8850 cash, bat $22.58 per month, including iutarset. Open 2 to 6 Sunday. Owner, SeU- WQWWBl A OVU. $800 Dowrtf, "baIAncE ' lIke ren a iUWTHOlUig KOOil BL.NOALOW and sleeping porch, can't be duplicated for the price and term. ...v,v .: fi BMlTrt- AUONEK - CO., STOCK EX. $1550 for good 4 -room house on the ' Hawthorn ave. earhne; with thi pises' goes aQ of the furniture for the price; $300 in cash with $15 per month will handle it ; M. J. Clobessy; Abington bldg. - PRETTIEST arranged and -beet finished 8 room bungalow in Lanrelhtimt: garage," large eomer; ft very beautiful place. Price 67500. See L K. Moore. 817 Board of Trad. ; - - t . i PRICE $1200 PEIC8?" - "" 4 room, double constructed house, doe in, block to ear; $300 down, baL easy terms. . For Information cap at 906 x eon bldg. 8 100 WITH -equity and 6 room house and 8 lot en nt. jonn earan. - w ui ill sell heaus as vrwxe xor j ugov car or asiyxning or vim valtte- nave no ns lor it. - rnone eeu. tit. 5 ROOM bungauow, one block to ear. famace frnit chicken boose and run. Stewart Mt BS9U earr caan, zoo. VmU iSma T7 W ACRE. furnished bungalow, chicken. uL e it e isre. icoaon, w jrtatt oiag. 84x100 LOT,' 8 room house, furnished; Nub H ill r for sale, terms. - 6 1 5 Henry bldg, $9004 BOOM house, bar i lot 40x100. 1004 oiena ave. n.i tax Aioerta car. Term. GOOD T 'room house' and 1 lots, Stewart Star : tiow. -11 It t ' " . . . FOR" SALE JukT" completed, 5 -room housed 2d av. and 72d St. Phon Bdwy. 2293. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 61 , - - V - "SPECIAL " r 2250; KENTON; PENINSULA DIST.; 82250 6 room very substantial modern bungalow; attractive Bne; ha, concrete columns , with porch extending across entire front of boo; whit enamel plumbing': built-in aonrenUnnn; electric bghts and gaa. On Minnesota, ave., atenr Morgan, 2 blocs to "I." ear. Very easy pay Bwekta. W havs ever nOO pbotograph in onr office of nouses for sale. Com in today asd look them .eeer. SEE . -s FRANK L. MeGTJIRE TO BUY TOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1088. Main 6168. Offioe Open Evenings snd Sundays. - choice MODERN HOME Leek this up at once if yon want real home at reasonable price. Vary- attractive ersai-bungalow - type, largo- living psora, flns plaoe, bookcases, hardwood floor, 8 delight ful bedrooms, large aleeping porch, concrete baremant - furnace, ate., beautiful- ground, paved street select residence section, walking dirtsne to high sohooi. Owner leaving; your chance to get a real buy. : Tee. it's well built nut a cheaply ermstructed shell. Come. , Have photo. A. K. ' HID, 214 Lambermen bklg. nraeavij tzi Hose cttt pasit uAmv. Thi b strictly modern 6 room home, with pleasing line In ft bangaiow type of house, ordx. five year old; ha larg front rear snd aleeping porch: larc living room, with mantel, fireplace and built-in bookcase; dining room has built-in buffet and china closet, Dutch kitchen, whit enameled, 8 bedrooms, larg closet, bathroom, hardwood floor, golden oas finished woodwork; lot 50x100; 1H blocks to carline. Price 84250; 61230 down. bai. $50 per month, in cluding interest SMITH-WAiJONER CO., STOCK EXCH. 31400 ALBERTA BARGAIN 81400 Just think of a 6 room neat bungalow with 6 piece set white enamel plumbing, white Dutch kitchen, electrio light gas available. 4 Ox 100 lot. with garage. On 11 28th near Presoott close to Broadway ear. W have 600 photoarapha of homes for eale. - Com in and leek at our list before buying. SEE . FRANK L. McGQIRE Te Buy Your Home. - f Abington bldg. Main 1068, Main 6186. $3500 HAWTHORNE HOME" $8609 On E. Main, near 80th, 1 a 7 room modern home of very pleasing lines. Newly painted,- full cement basement furnace, full plumbing, elect, and gas, aleeping porch. Over 500 photographs of other home for sal In our office. Terms. Be . v FRANK I McGriRE TO BUT TOUR HOME Abington Bldg. v Main 1068. Main 6156. Office open evening and 8undays SEE THIS .TODsAY Nifty 6-room Sonnyaid bungalow. . reception halt large-, living room, Oreplaoe, beautiful paneled dining room, light airy bedrooms, with bath between, lovely light kitchen, full eement basement, laundry trays, very pretty lot, paved street, 1 block from car, close In. Full price, $3600; $1000 cash, balance monthly. . Open Evening. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 TEON BLDO. ROSE CITT PARK BUNGALOW $4000 buy a, dandy, new, strictly modern bun galow with 6 room, breakfast room and attic; all nioa, large, airy rooma, doable constructed snd well built; massive buffet Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, linen closet; an attractive- horn insld and out Let us show yon this. Sunday. call East 2544. Tabor 6b81: . 3. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. THE MOGUIRE 8TSTEM makes bom buying easy. Tou can com to thi offic and se over 600 photograph of home for sale, arranged in districts ; every one ha been appraised; 10 automobile at your eervice ; som wonderful bargain. That 1 why w. sold over 100 home rn May. ' BEJB . FRANK L. M'GCTRE. v TO BOY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 8188 vritce Open grcnings and Bunasyav $2150 ROSE CITT DISTRICT $2 82UV VUWK - Her I a 6-room plastered house on a fall lot; white enamel plumbing; electric light and gas; 3 blocks from th ear. Unusual bargain. SEE FRANK L. MeOtriRE TO BUT TOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 6156, Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday. LOOK AT 182 SKIDMORH BUT DON'T DISTURB THE TENANT! $3000 buys beautiful 5 room horn in fin condition, full cement basement wash trays, furnace, nice large bedrooms, plenty of closets, street improvements all in and paia. loos tni over, then see us. J. A. - WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main 1094 SOME HOUSE. THIS ROSE CITY PARS ' Five rooms, with sleeping porch, fireplae. boilt-ins, larg lot fruit and shrubbery. Jf you rave 8750 to 31000 cash, 1 can aava yon $200 $600. Pric 8320O. - -' I also have an artistic 4 room bungalow, lug lot, fruit and, garden, garage; pric 32250, venus. CALTj EAST 8778 $1500 STJB8TAN TIAL HOME $1600 '"" On E. 63 st. close te the Mt Scott car. is a comfortable 5 room bungalow cottage: whit enamel plumbing; electric light and Caa; fruit and flower. Very easy terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME, Abington bldg. Main '5156. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 3 Rooms and Sleeping v PorchPHce SI 500- Aandy 8 room modern house and aleeping iiw ouxxvu lot; cement walk ana euros su paia, ouu catm, bal. to suit RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 809 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4188 ONLY 3100" CASH Good 4 rooms and bath, full eement base ment A-l plumbing with -ewe and eas. elcn. trie lights, close in, near East 22d. Balance snuo. payable 6V..0V mentbly including in terest at 6 per cent. LATHROP. 510 Abington Bldg. 5 R6biT130TTAlriErr$120f) 40x100, electricity, basement, cement walks, beautiful shade, 2 blocks to car; small cash pay ment balance like rent MODERN 7 ROOMS, $3150 Lot 100x10. fin garden, berries and fruit; 3 blocks to M-T ear; $500 cash. bai. like rent . MITCHELL A RIPPEY. 829 Henry Bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS $3150 Five rooms and aleeping porch, hard wood noon, rumaee, fireplace, street im provements all in and paid; 3800 eaah. Sunday call Tabor 6881, East 2544. . J. A. WICKMAN CO. 304 Ry. Exchange BMg. Main 1094. 4 2D STREET K A rtCZ. A TV 8 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW Very -nicely arranged, has electric lights, gas, stationary tuba, furnace; 100x100 lot. 2 blocks from carline; $2500, 3500 eaah. baL term to suit. v SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. COUNCIL CREST, 33008 - A 6 room home with lot 60x113, iwerly new; house csnnot be built less than $8000. '. U1 conveniences; well built; 31000 cash will han dle. J, C. CGRBIN CO.r 805-6-7-8 Lewi.Bldc. ONLY $2000 for a good 6 room house, close In to the business center and close to the North west shipbuilding plant; this place 1 located In Cerrutbers st between Front and Water st. ; $500 cash will handle : it M. J. Clohcasy, A Weto Md". - sjooo BARGAIN $2850 For aale by owner, large new house, full ce ment basement modern, eomer lot 100x120, all fenced, plenty of fruit 80 minuted ont; $li50 cash. Thi is ft bargain. No agents. rso -77. Arletft. . ALBERTA BARGAIN 5 large rooms, enamel bedruoma and Dutch kitchen, modern plumbinc. laundrr travs in base ment garage. 2 lota ia garden, 6 cord of wood, 50 chickens, all for $2260. $500 cash. By owner, iuzo k. zeth st. n. bNLY $1630 for ft good 4 room boose, base- ment, witn au et tn eity con reniences ; there is . full lot with loU of fruit in full bearine: this 1 located ia 96th st; 8300 in cash and gz per montn will Handle mis. M, J. Clo- nn&7 - aviuxwn DIUI. T ROOM HOUSE 13500 (ray this, 2 blocks to carline ; all mod. era conveniences.' electric lights, gas. fnrnae. etc; 40 frnit trees, various kinds, berrie ana rosea: exvuu casn, nai. Term to suit, SMITH-WAGONER CO., JSTOCK EXCH. FOB SALE By owner. 1 horn with furnace! iirepiac. nsruwooa - uoors, aumoie con st ruction; lleht fresh air sleeping room and sleeping porch. ' Improvement all paid. 955 Clinton st, corner 32nd. Phone SeUwoed 63. Main 6762. " & ROOM ALBERTA BUNGALOW . : ot 80x100. water, sewer, gas, electric, some fruit . - A home worth the money. 61890. Terma, 3250 down and 320 month. Must be cold. -SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. .wv. " 4S-k-A-'4.A, kW - - ituuu. - afiiaci a i ' 8 wen baQt modern bungalowa. Gross Ja. com 31Z00. Prie 310.800. Be this. ;':. L. T. PEEBYa Phone East 8377. 2l3 Russen t IDEAL Lanrelhurst home: must aell BubAss lease for 1 rear: 8 room and sleeping Borea. Tl built-in features, fruit in be ring See owner Sunday nlg, from 1? te 0 p. m., 121V E. Flanders pear 41st - 1 OK male by- searr. 8 room house, vacant, on - awl eras or cuamp iec cwu. - mo9 ivuai near Union. Call East 6475 evattfnga -or feua- qsye. weexaays Main i UVE room cottage, lot 75x100. . fruit tree. chicken bouse; f 1 600, ' terma. 209 Oregon rmir. nroaowsy inta FIVE room bungalow with breakfast room: would accept lot in Hawthorne district ai part -payment Tabor 8173. - FOUR room shack, 50x100; $500. easy terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1689. LOOK: House and furniture, 2oT"E52d st near Pac Car Foundry Co. $2650, term. - REAL ESTATE FOH atALE HOUSES 61 $3650 . . AT LAST . $8650 Here i the bungalow yen have been looking for The Ideal ef Year Tlreen" A very at tractive, modern typical bungalow, very pleasing line, painted French gray; every convenience; living fovea with, fireplace, paneled dining room with bwttet Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors; erhite enamel plumbing, 2 light, airy bedrooms; full eesaent bailment; furnace; paved atraet; beautiful shad iree. Terms. Autos at your arnoav Very pleased to show thi and other home at your convenience. SEE" ..: ,,v .i , FRANK L. McGUIRB i Te Buy Yowr Home, '': abington bldg. Main 1068. Main 6156. BEAUTIFUL CORNER HOME ' ', , SEMI-BUNGALOW ' ' 8 rooma end aleeping porch, modern to the alnnto, hardwood floor, buiitin book and buffet fireplace, full cement basement farnao; all paved t in and paid; close to car. chool and store; now vacant; gas range. aQ connected up, and linoleum en bath, kitchen and pas pantry floor, and wood and coal in basement; tl go with placa; $1800 cash take possfiilna. Frio 88500. - O. A. WARRINER, " i BITTER, LOWE ex CO., 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE in on one of the best streets fax the city fa) 8 good 11 room bona for bora ot to hay for n profitable investment Its like t hard in find, being located on 6th st Juet south of Harrison, on th west aidat walking distance to the big etorea. All improvement tn ad paid for. Jf inside property in Portland is worth anything, thi place should sell for iO, 000. . The owner ha moved away and offer it for $6000, with n amaJl payment of $1004 cash down arid th balance you can-hat a tone as ym want at 6 per cent interest M. t CLOHBBST. ABINGTON BLDG. $2400 . - j Modern Bungalow - Move rich intav thi )un UttU tmnamlnav. 6 rooms, larg attic Areolae, buiitin buffet. Dutch kitchen, good basement, laaxtdrx trara, full o , xuw xoeauty ana new of mountain; block MontftviUft car; $300 cash, balanc like rent Us onr auto. . i - Opn Evenings, ' GEO. MnosK m lariT vtrnv wT.nn LATJRELHURST BOMB RfJT , A beautiful modern 7 room noma, finished In eld Ivory, modern in every detail and in perfect eondition; th street assessment are all paid; looted in th heart of Laurelhurst Thi horn to worth $6500. W can deliver it for $5200, with reasonable cash payment This 1 an ab solute snap. , One ef the few remaining pre-war buy. . . . ' fT.FTVErA VD-TTKNT)ieR lVOV oar. ' t 212 Railway Exohang Bldg. - Main 6752. J $8260 WEST 01 LAURELHURST $3258 On large lot on E. 80th, near Ankeny, ia ft very substantial 7 rm. home. Massrv fireplace, buffet full Dutch kitchen, white enamel pfnmb ing, sleeping perch. Owner leaving city. Terms. We have over 500 other photograph of home to elect from. . See - i " FRANK U" McGUIRB ; i . TO BUY-YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Main. 8168. iiriee open evenings n Sundays ROOMT ALftr.R.TA" hnKAirnw " -7 room and sleeping porch, fireplace, built-in hnnkrsa and buff at full cement basement. A-l furnace, fin large bring room, chicken house, nice lwn, frnit tree and choice flower; bont 150 feet from paved st and carline; qnlck pos session can be had. Frio 58700; or will aell all furnished for $4000; terms, t CI. A. WARRINEB. i BITTER, LOWE 4s CO.. ' i. 201-3.-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. a BOSET ctttTdistrict s V 1 88278 NEAT BUNGALOW $8278 t , Here is a nifty, cozy little home, 5 room, all la dandy shape ; hardwood floors, fireplace, built in bookcases and buffet, full feement basement full kH, east front nic garage and runway. Thi 1 very attractive, well-built plac; $600 caso, pftianc almost ng rent C. A. WARRINEB, BITTER, LOWE gc CO:; 201-8-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. THIS IS FIRST CLASS 8 room and den, finished throughout in eld Ivory, beautiful hardwood-floors, all built-in con veniences, fireplace, full cement basement, fur-, nsce, garage, attractive yard, hard surface (ts. in and paid; restricted district; quick possession can oe nao. y AS. A. WARRINEB. olTTV u T ail' f M- rr i 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade ftldg. $2800-South -Mt. -Tabor 5 room bungalow, floored attic, pleasant living and dining , room, Urg bedrooms, . beautiful bath, lot 80x100: 16 bearing frnit tree, berries snd grapes; garden planted, garage, chicken bouse and run, 'near grade snd Franklin H. H. An ideal horn, only 8800 cash: balance monthly. Open Evenings. ' GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON BLDO. DO yea want a modern 8 room bungalow, 5 rooms down. 8 specious bedrooms oa second finer? Then go look at 1101 Clinton st near 87th. It ha fumaoe, ffrepiao. hardwood flocrs, bookcasea, artistic buffet, Outcb kitchen : 2 . nice, light corner bedrooms downstairs, 8 bedioom up; , It haa ft garage and full 60x100 lot Open for your inspection Sunday. . Must be. sold in the next few day. Reasonable term. Immediate possession. ' 32150 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW-32 1 50 On full tot iust north of th Montavilkt ear, ia an attractive 5 room bungalow; large living . room with fireplace, 2 light, airy bed rooms, whit anamei plumbing, Dutch kitchen, brsskfast alcove. Terms. SEE FRANK L. M'GUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME, Abington Building. Main 1088, Main 6158 ". S W71 - 9 Ai i TsNap by owners 5-room bungalow, all impreemnts. double eonsiructea. a rooms estra can be made; lot 60x90. Must be seen to be appreciated. Deal with the owner and sftv agent's commission; 28 minutes' wslk to P.i O.. located in the best Hawthorne district Price 83760, and some terms. Tsbor 8761 orl T-407. Journal. N6W f AClNT LARGE SALMON ST. HOME'' 7 rooms and larg aleeping porch, built-in Buffet, fireplace, full cement basement furnace, good gsrsge. fruit trees, bard surface ia and paid. This horn at a sacrifice of $4200; terms. C. A. WARRINER. i. I STMV T llV l.- a. m - 201-6-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ! PRETTY 6 ROOMS AND BATH T $300 CASH Move right Into thi modern, complete horn; white anamei plumbing end kitchen, fireplace, eement basement, corner lot with sewer.' every thing. Balance of $24501 payable; $36 aonthfer. including Interest -J N UTHBOr, 616 Abington Bldg. f . BRA ZEE ST. BUT Fin location,, 6 rooms and aleeping porch, fireplace snd furnace. 1 block from ear; paved sts. in and paid; beautiful lawn and ahrubbery. Pric 84600; terras. . ' C. A. WARRINER, 201-8-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. - $4600 BUNGALOW bargain, Irvington; 550 K. 7th north; 8 room,' 3 rooms hardwood : 2 bedroom, -closet in. each room; completely furnished ready to move Hi; house, lot and tnr nitare east $6500; walking distance, 8. ear tine. Key, 409 Dekum bldg. Can be bought on tcrmy ' . ." . TBOSiTHOt'SE, $2500 J, 60x100 lot several fruit trees and on block from ear; nous ha modern conveniences and is a bargain. Can accept 8200 cash payment and 830 monthly. See E. M. Brown, with .. NEILAN eV PARKHILL. j 219 Lambermen Bldg.. 6th and Stark St. $1250 .'ROOM BUNGALOW ! 60x190 ON MICHIGAN AVE. -r Right at streetcar -bsra. Only $50 down and 310 per month. Jt yon . mm it yon will buy it "'" . ' '': SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. ; ' 6MlYT'$367S for 2HEeu6ful fuH aised lota, one of them corner in Lexington avet . t 15Ux t. in Sellwood; there is good 7 room house, paved street, sewer and cement sidewalks; $1000 in csah will handiest : M. J. Clobessy, Abington bldg. :..- :' j ONLY $3500 for ft good 6 room eottag on Market st The lot a km i worth more than th price asked. This house i .modern enough anvhodv and a vers close-in location en the kyrest sKie; 31000 is wh bands it , M. i J. i;iAfnt.BOl . APingxow puis, ' ' ONLY 81750 for good 6 room house' with 2 bi8 lots, very nicely improved, frnit and chicken nouses; thi place is located 1 block from the station st Evergreen; 6460 csah will handle it M. J. Clobessy, Abington - Mag. FORCED SALE Five room ' cottage,- ground - floor. 8 roomed flat .upstairs, rented 32a month, corner, 75x75, paved street close in, east side, fruit, shada garden; dandy boat. U-l 8,jorrjai. $1660 BUYS 5 room semr-modera liouee on - 19ta-t east lot eoxlVO, com xurnitare, lota of fruit 1 S200 cash, balance hk swnt 1 If yen- haee anything toaront aell or exchange,' Jinn Brown. B34 wauway fjenange bwg. ? FOR SALE Furnished 8 room house, largo battirooat, gas and wasa trays, besement and large- poultry run, 60x100, 1 block from Al bert car; pric $1300. term. Phoa Wod bwn 8144. ( - - 1- $2700 BUYS ft dandy 8 room tings?W peer vaaceaver no suanaena. Liec n snow you. Sunday eall Tabot 8881. E. 2544. J. A. WICKMAN CO. - , 204 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main 1 104. GOOD 8 room houae. arrant' naavl ehti-V.n house. Jot ef fruit 6 cord of wood; for aale or-vvnw, liive; ew nown aan s v a month wnn per een uueresu t i ja. cut tt N- WoodlawB 8496. ' 8 ROOM bouse, extra ' larg, airy, eoaafortabl rooms; ground 100x100. WCI trad for va cant lot and tftk nut for v starter; 87000. G-82 5. Journal - w; - ..... 635004 BOOM bnngalow, modern plumbing! electricity, gas, . large lawn, bearing fruit trees. berries.Toses, larg concrete garage. 248 E.S 1st at. near Main. ; Owner. Tabor 2586. 8CNNT SIDE. 81550. with S40A cash down: "4 mom eottag. lot 80x109; hard surface sts.. z CIS. Beiraont rl. H. bmub. 1027 .Belmont Week phone. Tabor 219. - , HEAL KSTATK FOB lALK HOUSES 61 :--.-:r:a$52S0 : - Mount Tabor Bungalow Tbia I eae of th , mav beauutul noma eat the west slop of Mt Tsbor; a - ecen msnding view of mountains and city.-- 6 larsw rooms ad sleeping poroh: den; larg Using room with fireplace, hardwood floors, extra, large buffet built in; beautiful big Dutch kitchen, 2 larg light airy bedroom, fin bath, full cement has ment hot wster heat laundry, tram, 60x100 lot, gars, pared at. H block Mt Tabor car. It you want real home ask to sea thi. T --Open Evening. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 TEON BLDCt REAL BARGAINS Heat -8 room plastered eottag. with garage; let 60x169; 6 bearing fruit trees, berries, gar den, etc: good location. Pric 31160; 8168 cash, balanc to suit - . . 5 room bangalow ia Hawthorne district - en pared street; well built and a bargain at $2309. Easy terma, ' : : 6 mom bungalow and siesta ng noreB; eery Beat and ftttracti; close to ear; wilL sell en very easy terms. Pric 32660. 3 room rnoaern bungalow, near Piedmont sna Cnioa ftvenn: well built and a sood lookin place. Price $8000; terms. at If. GATEWOOD CO., 165 H 4tft 8t ' . VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN $8680 beys beentiful bnngalow en eor lot, improvemeat U in and paid, beautiful larg bvuag room and dinia roesa with 1 hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, book eases, wrifing desk. Dutch kitohea. two bedrooms, beta, full cement basement '. wash trays, fumaoe. In A-l eondition. - Owner want cash for this Hollsday Park home. . Sunday, call Tabor , 8o81-.'Tiast J: A. ' WlCKMAlf CO. 204 By. Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. ONLT . 68250 Th bank offer this. : Yon cannot build this new ! house alone for less than . $3600. There are 7 rooms, with .full cement basement walls. It is modern and very substantial. There si full lot. Tha prop erty is close in on K. 12th st between Failing and Shaver. No person will estimate this prop erty at a lea price than 86000. The bank of fer It with paved streets eement sidewalks and ewer bj.. everything paid for. for lees than it claim; $8260 la th full purchase pric. 3608 In cash, with monthly payment on th balance. M. j. t-lAJMKSaT. ABINGTON BLDG. $18 00 UN PARALLELED KENTON BARGAIN Bight in the heart of .Kenton district, 3 blocks west of bank, on a 75x100 irtjtly Vocation, with abundance ef fruit berrie and flowers a ft very substantial, attractive modern bungalow; 8 bed room and aleepina poroh. 6 piece eet of plumb ing, electric light, cove ceilings, terma. Tbia is your opportunity. SEE - FRANK I MoGTJIBS ? ' ,-' ' T BW "f Home. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Main 6156. Offic Open Evenings and Bands ys. si00. ; HTWTHOBNE HOME ' T 33u"0 On Glenn are., H block to car. 1 a very attractive modern home lik new. lust repainted inside and out White enamel plumbing, dec. and gaa. Full eement basement Psved st al paid. Vacant, Easy terma. W have 600 other home for sale. Photograph ef every house in office. See FRANK L. MoGUIRE , - TO BUT YOUR HOME Abington Bid. Main IO68, Main 6168,' Office open evening and Sunday GLISAN CAR BUNGALOW SOUU 3500 CASH 8 room and recep. hall, oak floors, buffet bookcase, fireplace, furnae, full eement base ment; lot 50x110, with all kind of bearing fruit . This beautiful littl horn t in perfect condition, ready to move in; located 2 blocks from ear. ... . - CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6762. NICE HOME, 36000 , Hons and garage would cost a much or mora than th pric to build; 8 room, modem, fur nace, two fireplaces, bath and two toilets, gat and electric lights. Property I ia fin condition and- well located. No. 606 East Main at be tween B. 16th and E. 16th; 81800 cash, bal anc easy terms. See E. M. Brown, with i NEILAN dr. PARKHILL, 219 Lnmbermens Bldg., 6th and Stark St. 0 Xf STEEiSHtPW6BKESn Dandy brand new five room bungalow with best whit enamel plumbing, flreplaoe, 'cement basement sewer, everything paid. No mort gage on th property. 147 Gibb st, Bear Corbatt st Price 88150. Pay- 5500 down, 338 monthly Including interest LATHROP, 616 Abington Bldg. . $1100'HtPATBENT t $1100 On a 65x117 foot lot en E. 73d at. on th Mt Scott ear, I comfortable 4 roam cottage, partly furnished. Can arrange essy terms. No mortgage or street liens. SEE . - , . .- FRANK L. M'GUIRE, - - - TO BUY YOUR HOME, Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 8188 Office Opea Evening and Sundays. 'pORTliNDBEtGHTSHOME'88500 - 1 ' Large 7 room modern dwelL, fur. .2 toilets, tare aaat. ' frt tree, in paved st,. looated at 731 Montgomery drive. 1 blk from oar. This house haa no gingerbead effect but ia all bouse and hi well worth th money. 5000 caan. nu ance easy monthly payment. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. Open evening and Sundays. ! ft atnmr bungalow. 88600 All modern nod good as new; corner let, front ing on paved street ana carline, snout o min utes' ride from center of downtown business dis trict;; $1000 cash, balanc monthly. Be E. M. Brown. w"hNEitAW TAnKHTLU 219 Lumbermen Bldg., 6th and Statli Bta, HOUSB"F')R,BALB . . , : .. . , - ' - $38308500 CASH 5 room and aleeping porch; upstairs plas tered and floored, room for on or two mere rooms; hardwood floors, fireplace, built ia con veniences, fine basement ; now vacant to mors In. Be today, 1332 Division t, near 47th, between 10 and 4. k. unnvr tiT-vhiTJTtv IS IrtO ' Corner lot, and pared street euae to Missis sippi svenus csrUns ana jaiieraon nign cnooi; $509 cash, balance sy term. pee E. M. Brown, with . . . nxbxxjAiv av a-AiD.ux..u, . . 219 Lnmbermens Bldg.. 6th and Stork Bt. O3rLT3880 corn lot with ft good store building on it; this , place is an income producer and it ia located, ia on 01 tne nest see. tions of th city for grocery or drug store, being in E. Glieon at. close in; the price should sell this without question; easy term will be given. M. J. Ctohessy. Abington bldg. "sAall MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE Bath, electrio and gaa. fireplace, chin closet, bookcase, basement Also ehicksn house. 81960, easy terma, Albert district Good furniture. Why par rent? - SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. fTVE BOOM BUNGALOW - - Located 4 blocks south Hawthorn car. 68 th street; full eement basement snd floor; good plumbing; nice grounds. 40x100, walk paid;' no mortgage. Pric 32000. $500 essh John Ferguson. Gerilnger bldg. IN BELMONT at 26th st I ft room house nritti n fnii int.! the boose is mcdern and it ts la aVspleBdid location ; 38750 will buy this place and all-yen need ia $500 in oash. M. i. Clohessy. Abington bldg. ' ' .i 1JNIVERSITT PARK . ft vnnm eatiaa?e. 48x100 lot free of debt. only $1900. $300 down, bai. small monthly payment. Wilbur . jouno, av xxenry om. kit if. a Iwu... Inn I.. .11, -In. in kitjKnn,. bof- fet in dining room, fireplace, bookcases in Uving rocm, all modern, with heat 1080 E, 19tb N. Owner 'there all day Sunday. - ACREAGE 87 CHEAP PIRT A - tin 75x100 corner on Union, avcnear school, good groermg district 8e Jar to Van couver. Build on side street and aave front for butanes purpose. Clear title. City lien paid to date $1250. Owner, Wdln. 4788. Knicinn TATTRKLHURST 8900 With street improvements all paid; beautifully located; nice bouse MmrHHa. JL VT . ilAWDDl A 3 87V 129 Grand yp corner of Bat AtdT nvtit. a. " vrrsvnu ,tvj. vr s w -w - $400 LOT 60x100, cement walk; 17th and auhvotui; seriua. -. . t 8278-r-Irvington Park: lot 60x100. 3950 -lurelhurst; 60x100. A. H- AKERSON. 42Q HENBT BLTJQ iAr rus BUaxB 50x100 Insld lot jon East siorrlaou st near a 4Tjt ;-will pay- hisji mwnnraimw. a. i ar looking for ft lot to build on don't mis this bargain. Price 3723. Main 6797. LOTS None over 300 feet from paved street bearing fruit and grapes : best suburban dis- - . n.nn ana . -w lift ,i ' : u.. chine wiU call and ahow ywa, HanUet, 663,7 OA mt - hW iSlli .. -i;.- . ... BEFORE buying your lot see Irrington. - W hive ever 200 to pick from, ; the choicest rseixtontLal section ef tne eiry. . ; RITTER. LOWE V CO.. ' ; T gftt-8-8-7 Board of Trade Mdy. BOSS - CITY PARK lot K. 41st N . Bear Thompson, paved street east front. 1 block from ear: eneap. MuoaeswiB vv la vain- ef t ommeree, hub ooi. 2 LOTS. St John car, and $100 cash for best Ford ear, Talue to $800. , Inaulr 870 Bussetx Sw 6600 FOB beautiful building lot, east front "ot 6. block 6, en 60th near Broadway. Owner. F. J. Hambach, Tigard. Or. - - 10 LOTS,' about one third acre; dandy'. for DUiming. FOR SALE 1 acr. crop, fruit hous ad fur- nitare, 33QO cash? terms. Mr owner. John rtravs, uwanaai, av. ja, gw a, y 100x270 RESIDENCE1 site Unequalled for Urge selling. x-B-tf, wrM. : mm . t 8650 EAST front corner lot lot 4. block 68, bmcks iroBS new mmioai eouege, i. Owner, r j. nam pac ,, or, .. WILL sell number of 40x100 lot at $5 per month. Pric 8228. Call at 4022 80th tt 8. E. Tabor 82.- 3375 PINE lot, Clintow, near 43d; cash or Liberty bonds. Phone Tabor 6361, eveninga, BEA IrE STATS FOB BALE LOTS 16 CAESAR PARK ArMetlon of moderate priced hoaaee, elos 1 se Alberta, w 00a lawn, Vancouver ana union avenue earliB.- We have limited nam her ef residence lota la thi tract ft follew: . East 11th near Emerson, $ft00, 8100 down, KillingawoBth near E. 18th, 3650; 60x188; erne?B. 18th and KOUngsworth. 60x100. t : ridiculoasly - low figure. No rsstrictiens. Yen i can build temporary hous and -v Vent, ' r.-,,.:: - t ,V RITTKR, LOWS e CO.. . ' 201-8-5.7 Board ef Trade Bldg. LOTS LOTS LOTS - W have several hundred lot in all part ef the eity; com on -payment of $10 cash and $8 monthly. .:-' -- -. $250 Brentwood, $5 monthly. $400 Franklin high. $16 monthly. " $600 48th and Division; term. . 6700 Ro4 City Prk. 8100 ch, ' -' ' $400 Sail wood; terms. . - Com in nod look over onr Bat, COB A. McKENNA eV CO.. M. 4823. 82 4th st Eeud of Trad bldg. " 6600 -Jf DANDY CORNER Glenn and Jsrntt 60x100. nice shad trees. Bear Ksnnedy cbooi, good car servica; $100 8own, . ; ,, . ' ' . BITTER. LOWE A CO.. ,1 ' 201-8-8-7 Board ef Trade Bldg. XF YOU ever expect to live ia Irvinstoo yon should secure your lot now. - We are aeBlng the remaining portion st low prices and at tractive terms. Ot 200 to pick fro. - AA A A An An- -Is VVa 201-8-5-7 Board of Trad bldg. mj itwit n j xar a. .aw a vs a WANT a good residence lot! Go to Crampton sr.. second street soutn or noigate, uurd lot west ef Sellwood earhne, facing south. , Fine home around it All improvements la and paid. If lookin for a anan. ann this iat. then call tiell. wood 2352, fVeningSj, ' . . 1UV1NUXUN. If yon are going to bay ft future homesit let n ahow yen Irvington.. W hare over 200 lota te pick fror. . R11TE.K. X.LrWB1 UU, . 201-8-3-7 .Board ef Trade bldg. $100 DOWN" - 316 MONTH ' . ' Nice bnfldlng lot on Killlitawnith arenm aear E. JOth street. Price $660. Kii'icji, lAjwa as w., ..-201-3-8-7 Board ef Trad Bldg. HAWTHORNE LOT SNAP - 60x100 near. Hawthorne are. and 83d .. facing east t Improvement ia and paid. This is verv desirable tmildin lot: will ascriftee for bout tt of real value for quick d-at Owner, x r;. Maaxsen. mom i aoor its i o IRVINGTON is th location for your home, W have over 200 lot to pick, from. Beautiful had trees and fin4 homes. . i- Alll&lK. lna mm kjv... - 201-8-5-7 Board of Trad bldg. oil.. i. ' t, , Aiir. m. LEA VINO city, will sell ehoie lot, Wstmor. land, reason ablw. Tabor 690, weekday!. ACREAGE 17 44 Acres-S5S00-44 Acres i --.... .. . - t 4 nails from HlTtsboro, eooaty seat of Wasbingtea county, 20 siUst ; to Portland, hard reads; 16 acre ia crop, -6 era in paa tur. balanc brush and timber; house, barn and outbuildings, everlasting well, , family or chard. Pride enly 6126 par acre, small pay ment down, balance good time.. In ft wall settled community. TUCKER & SHRJBCK , 502 Spalding Bldg. 4 400 ACRES $4000 v i This tract adjoin larg ordisrd in Klickitat county. Wash.; located 4 ts miles from Good now station, on the North Bank railway; wiU ooasidet Krd Portland property In trade, ron Lstid Co.. 888 ff. W. Bldf. ; , " . ' t ' ' i ACRES-ilfltfTSo-Wir " Fronting on rocked road, short distene to 8 2d -st, paving, 23 minutes by maebin from 4th and Wash. - Near excellent car servioe, 25 gninutes ear , time, very sightly, best nf soil, light elsaring, equal to pearly 83 eity lot. 51600. Easy payment. Cannot be' equalled East or West Side. Juste thins for poultry ad gardening. - v st. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-6-Tr Xsn bldg. fiRElab'ctTY" fist! - 8 and a fraction acre located near Court ney station: all under cultivation except chicken park; fenced with woven wire; tote of fruiter and borriss; garden, com, ' potatoes, beans, everytliimg. County road, hard surfaced. ' both tide; 6 room house, barn, good well. Price 34600 : easy terms. Personally Inspected, v John Ferguson Oerlinger cms. '' IH ftcre 4 blocks from HuW tnon,' on S. P. lctrict 15o commutation far, and state highway; all under cultivation, fin aou. nee ring orchard, all kind of berries, good garden I 6 room plastered . cotes ge, sleeping poroh, eity water, ga ugnia. gooa psnt ana exueasu nonss, Prto 31950; , eaah.. E. G. SchaefM. Iiubr, ur. FIVE ' ACRES WITH 8 BOOM PLASTERED HOUSE, 8 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE la Multnomah county, 8 block from Gresbsm ear; plenty fruit, 8 chicken bouses, pump boas 14x14, well 185 ft deep; I1 fenced and cleared, practically all cultivated 200 chickens. Acreage sails hr for about 31200; This place can be had from owner for $4000 on . . . - f. aid vMn.l HAVE 8 tt acres, cleared and in good oats and - potatoes, fine crop, close to good read, no buildings, all fenced. H sold st once wilt let crop go in at $175 per aere. Adjoining land i being held for twice thi amount About 1 mil from Clackamas station. Would trade for good auto or equity in house and lot in town. 17 Weaver Mdg.. Oregon Hty . 1 ACRE AND 3 ROOM HOUSE This is located elos to 6e carline and paved road, fair bow and good acr ef land; some fruit trees, creek across back end: an ideal plac lor cnxcxens, j-ne oiy iiuvv, fuvv bL to uit st 8 per cent - . 0. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY ' 918 Chamber of Commerce." $2 ACRES next to Sherwood, on- two good county road and near vapitoi rug nway. gin none and bargain. 22 H acres between' Portland and Oregon City. All cultivated. Fine bargain. - , L G. DAVIDSON, 816 Chamber of Commerce. SMALL farms a specialty. ifTooking tor ft malj farm ay acre near x-oruano, come ana in me ahow yon som bargains. Hav soma higritr improved places from 2 to 16 acres'; no better bavgatna on the market , Nal Brown, 207 Pan- 6 lag. x v w . ..! w. owner, aishtlv location. 8 miles east of Portland. Kectio Lin road ; hard-surface pavement from Portland to place: 8 young fruit trees ana rsneea, n scre uj cul tivation, 4 acre in timber; $4500. tt cash, rent on suitable terms. T-428. Journal CLOSE-IN ACREAGE If oa want one of th sweTi-t homes round the City of Portland, se VIEW ACRES before buying elsewhere. Only 3400 per acr and up. Roheri. 212 Lumberman bldg. 8 " ACRES," located tt mil from Tigard, all - good land, macadamised read close to Capi tol highway: garden, berries; 4 room painted bangalow; good welt Price $1650; persons 11 y inspected. ' John Ferguson. -( GerUnger bldg. Open evening. ; Tracts 8 acre up. located witl'n 30 mile of Portland. 'on railroad; good, soil, no rock, plenty 44 water, wort nearby;-nay on- yoor own xsTxne. LUEDDEMANN CO.. - 918 Chamber of Commerce.' CIVU. lo or 20 acres, unimproved: good land. asy clearing; located outh of Huber station. Red Electrics county road; good community. Price $75 per acre, on third cash. John Fer ynson, cerllnger biag- - ' .'. ' DARNET PARC For pesntifnl home site, on Columbia River high way. See na. Dabney lnvestmsnt Co.. room .1. ,W -reenter bidat. )0 ACRE, part braver-dam. house barn, etc; running water; 18 mile from Portland on main road. Can be bought cheap-from owner, H-689. Journal, j ONE . acre, Oregon City line; Jennings Ledge, 1 block to ear; good soil. Price 9600. 660 rash,ear terms en balance at 6 pel cent John yen men, Gerunger meg. 40 ACRES good level land 15 mile from my ' effic. no hills, good roads, plenty pasture and cord weed timber; bargain, 640 per acre. J. R. Wolff. 226 Henry bldg. - -: .'--- - - " : HALF A'CBE"Ttraete, Jennings Lodse, 4 block from ear. . Price 3478. each, $20 esah, bal nee t $6 per month. John Ferguson, Gr linger bldg. 20 'ACRES $600 - 61- fare Portland. 8200 cash, down. Claud Cole, 215 iJamherrnenebldg, FOB SALE 40 acre good land easily cleared". well wsteesd. 3600 if token at once. : Thi I a bargain. O-l 93, Journal. : If ACRES aU el-ared. very beet of aoil. sT- jotniag twttreii stsuea; zsuu, tent, . XV9 Oregon w - urosowsy toon. 2, 8 AND 6 acre tract at Grvaham, GLUils and Pluiant Horn, nnder msrket prices, easy teima, aw vregovs pm. wwainy loon. ' CHOICE ACREAGE FOB SALE CHEAP- - Bee tt before purelwstng elsewher. B. lrwter, lBo tnvwimt. WANT 2 or 2 A. with good bouse bet Fort. - Ln .n rk.b lnnnn ...i- . 1 mm n.A. n tm . nvin . mh . V land isi Oak Grave, erith cnriMi tn bun if guitabi. . -198, Journal. - POUR acre near car line, eaty term; or wiU trad for housintown. 0-197, Journal, EElCTlFUtriJ scrsa, rlnaT"rood ro4;"build- . ings. xrxiita. Muiroai m, iionaay., v Ji itr- xor ssie in ( lactams v.o..s lao,uir -av a ISA usm tit., roruxiia. r REAL ESTATE ACREAGE-"" If Beautiful Country .-Tract Columbia Highway Thirty seven acre, wen wooded with pine. firs and oaks,- beautifully situated along tl.e Columbia Rivet bighwsy and tbe Columbia river, adjacent to th town of Hood River. Abundance of apriug water. Pmperty excellently - locatt for summer resort hotel or would lend iielf for ubdivhubo for country homes. Inquiries tovtted by out of town owner. TUCKER & SHRECIC - 801-603 Spalding BMg. CHEAP ACREAGE ' 8 acre $260. $10 down. $3 eer month, bnv 6 seres rf -land between Portland and Centra a, on the main line ef three railroads. 1 tt to 8 H miles at good littl town; sawmill snd logging bp In immediate vicinity i some of this land ia partly eleared; running stream; soma bottom hind, some bench. This .seres priced from 826 te 876 per acre. Van aiv yon any kind of ft plac yen want UiiKLEB DEUXL -. v 818 lUilwsy Exchsnre. bldg. YAMHILL COUNT YllAN ClT 7""" 80 acres, north of Sheridan and R. R.. rich bad. very near level; apring, part in eultivstinn; som fin tl timber, county road, R. F. D. ; sacrifice $50 per acr; tak aom trade, or cut in half. 70 acre clot to Amity, bona, barn.enrert, running water: about 80 acres in cultivstioni orchard; $5000; take .som trade. 70 acre north of WiUsmina. running water, part cultivation, fine rich soil; $2500; can aell 20. 80 r 40 acre, and tsk some trade, 8 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. BEST BUY IN OREGON ' - i On Paved Road 13 acre of the finest land In Oregon and U in cultivation. Part of this in fine, heavy bearing cherry orchard. About 10 mllea front th center of city. Tou cannot beat this. PRICE ONLY $3800. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 806 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. 4 BOOM HOUSE 2 1-5 ACRES Bay, here is mighty good bargain, near Clackamas, close to sohooi; good 4 room hmme in fin condition, big woodshed, chicken boue. 12 fruit trees, berries, good well; more than an acre cleared. Tbe price is only 81100. Psy .3260 down and move right la. . Let us show you. COB A. McKENNA aY CO . Main 4822. 83 4th st Board of Trade bldg. 7tt ACRES -' Of first clst farm and garden land near town, 6 room house, garage and woodshed, good wall, good young orchard in bearing, ber ries, . etc JUST LIKE LIVING IN TOWN. Price 38A00, en good terma, -TUCKER & SHRECK- 603 Spalding Bldg. ' 23 ACRES, ltt mile Ridgefleld. Wash.; smalt hous, barn; 2 acre clear, bat good eordwooi timberi fruit trees and berries; free of incum brance; price $2000; term. J. MAthisen, 4407 67th st B. R. f - ' BUBrRBAW ACBEAOE 7$ GARDEN trxnT weet side, city water snd gas; price 8360, 828 cash, balance $6 per ntonUi. M. K. Into. 805 CorbeU bldg. BTJBtJBBArT HOMES 19 ONLT 1460 per acre on pavej'hlghwsy with 600 feet of river front Ther are 89 acre of land in thi plaoe. This is perhaps th matt valuable and prettiest suburban sod river front plac outside of tbe eity. It is cloee to Uie Oregon City carline a well, just being south of Maldrum station on th river road. There is no land between it snd the city which earl he bought for lea price than 81000 per acr and there i no land within this dlstaac lust is so uvotaoiy situated as tills. If you wsnt a river home ami pved road front, this is tbe place. It re nearly all in- cultivation, There sr buildings on the place which we throw in at the price of the land and do not ask a cent for them; bmides, we are offering tha -fend for sal for less than half it price.. From speculative point of view this is the greatest ever offered on th river road be tween thi city and Gladstone. A a valuable suburban bom nothing Approaches it About half easn will convince us that tne inquirer meaus business. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington bldg. ONLY 82900 It will east at least this pric . to build the house alone. , Now then, this i what w ar talking about: A corner on the pared highway for the full length of more thsn 4 of an acre. On the river road,. 2 blocks from the carline and station, 1 block from the hi shoot 4 blocks from the river is a pretty white 6 room house with a stone basement There are electrio- lights and gaa and water in tbe bouae; ther are a gang and a tine variety of fruit Remember that this is more than ot an acr of land nicely improved with an of fruit and chicken house. You- go direct to It on a paved street to the gate from the hiisineo -eeuter of th city. If you ever heard of anything to eoual thi for $1000 mor than we ek, go and buy it W will take as low down as $.100 cash, M. J. , CLOHESHY. Abington bid. ON THE" Ba UneTroad, all oFthlaHrotf geTTr $5000. This is what we are talking about: 6 big acre of land, all of it in full bearing frulu of the -very best vsneties. This ia berry farm, as wall a larger fruit in commercial qtiantrty. Do you know what ft berry, farm means the- daysl Are you aware thsttfrom now s this class ef fruit will command Uie highest pnetta , ever before dreamed of All right, this place Is loaded down with It. Should yon want S scree for $e!200 without the buildings we will sell it to you. . This location U only seven mil-m from tbe business center. It enjoys sll of tii city convenience tuob a gas, electric light snd city wster in th street About $2000 in ca.U Will handle it M. J. CLOHKbbY. Abington blrlg. ONTTY $5750 for west aid suburbsn hmu... practically on the Capitol highway and only blocks from the stetina with be carfare, llor , Is a most modem, up-to-date 7 room bous wiu , full cement baaemeut hot water besting plant, , hardwood floors, fireplace; in fact thi i oua of , fit most complete and beautiful kurae outside of ( th city limite. Ther is larg piec of ground which goe with it in high stele of cultivation. - Shrubbery and flowers of all kinds, fruit for family us.. It It In i high claa suburbsn dis trict snd haa all of th eity conveniences. 7 nis ' location is where property will not depreciate. The view hi unexcelled. Halt ca.ti wUl iiasol it, At J. CLOHESSY, Abington bklg, OK'LY $1100, on th Oregon City carline, clone to the station, is en , big acre of land ail In ultivaUon, with ft nest four-room' bung- , law, including aleeping poroh. There is iioe chicken house, woodshed. . water on-the !'!. This is en a good road and if you want subur ban home for almost nothing buy this. About $600 in cash will handl this. M. J. ClohcMy, Abington Building. ONE snd half acres, cbie to station, Oreca Electric, Ilia eommutetiua fare, also good uto road,, all nnder cuitivalit-n. gsrdeo, orchard, uie grounds, fine soil, n. gravel, 0 room ruatii l" bungalow, hug rooms, fireplace, large porch., beam ceiling, good chicken house, and runway., price $250O, $1000 cash personally inspected. John Ferguson, GerUnger bldg, Oi-ea evenfiici, . ONTTV2300 for 2 T-3 acr- of land, only 3 blocks from tbe carline at Ryan station wlMi 6 carfare. Tbia place ia located on the Capitol highway and, enjoy all of Uie city conveniences: City water, gaa, electric lights, snd close to. city school Half cash will handl. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington bldg. iFYOU want ft river horn. on either aide of (he nver, highly improved, wuli modern bunga low, from half to on ftcre of land, on psved and tterdeurfaed street, call at Uie office sui w will UA pleasure in giving yrxl a It, of such pis oei for your inspection. U. J, CLO HESSY, Abington bldg. BETWEEN 82D AND (lUElUU f 666 aores, 400' cleared, balance rough pastor land, 2 goed houses, spring water, 3, barns, hog and chicken hous, sll and faun impruwements, sn ftbundsne of fruit Will sell 11 Ot iatx. phone Tabor 2240. 1033 Oregon st, . JttACBESI, 72Tst 7"E.f 10 minutes' walk From Trrmont station. Mt 8vtt line; 6 r'nia houae. good barn. 8 chicAea houses, 40 fruit bearing trees, shrubbery; 68500; $d00 eat, balance to suK buyer. Tsbor '6394. FOR SALE lof tlisn 1-3 rr and 6 mS bungaiew at OaJrXirove, 30 mln. ride, Oregno City line. Psved roed. gsa, lectrieity. Leaving eity. . For quick sate 81600 cash. Pbon Wouo- lawn loav. STSfSOOMKD house, plaatered, in good, condi tion, almost 4 seres, family orchard, located on west side, 8 miles from town,' half a nuj from ear. prir $6500, term. Pbon Marshall 648 n, or tl-H 22. Joomsl. . TI REE-BOOM " houae and bt at ietininrt t Lodge; aa snd electric light: price 4 7 5 en terms or $460 cash, Phon Manhall pr L-204. Journal. . 10"ACBE"rneh tMlddltnn, near bl-vay, 4 acres in cnlt., 8 a. beaverdam, 6 room hou, to.; snap, $2350 some terma. J. ,R, WoLi. 223 Henry bldg. 8 ACKE efilcken ranch, 4 -mil from O. tZ , st., sll in cult, 9 mora houae, outbuilrUncs ndvorehard ; for sale cheap to close an ertt, 82600. terms. J. R. Wolff, 228 Henry bldg. VERY pretty place. 2tt acre with comfort- abl residenre on the main street at ,rcn Home, (all Main 6 4s 0 before 12 ft. m. today, Sunday, for sppolnUnent 8'TCR'E'8MILES oyTTIE CITT C"liflt: ALL CLEARED; BUNKING WATER; 1!i BEST HOfl'KA.NCH IN OltKGON. ISUVini AT 1606 pryiglUN ST., CITY. KEW4 room bungs low" with sre, . .-, lights. 81 WOO. $00, down, $20 per moti ii.. Cawitoi HHt Ajjl.Jcnmsl. $i00'T5OVNt 8 room bouee snd I "s.-ie nl ' Tigard; $ii0, restmonthly. M-14, Journal. SUBURBAN home for le. $1 100;' lt CO froi ,', 150 beck, f ail slur-nail JiCI. far-..;ur.'. ' -. . -