THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL-, PORTLAND,- SATURDAY, JULY 5, mo.. i AUTOMOBILES AUD ACCEBSORI8S 44 ' ' ' - ' GOOD NEWS FOR ALL USED CAR BUYERS ' .And right at tb most opportune flaw of the "YACATIOX TIME, The Ban hut returned, from WT extensive and mioeeesfui trip buying used car, w""" ' US that ha purchased svproilrnately 100 good " ' cam at prices that will permit US to resell them . ' tar below their actual values. . It to as acknowledged fast that we have been eelling can at a much lowe figure than any oi c-nr competitor, and bow, time when : there la a pronounced shortage of new ears, and f; UHd ear prscee have corn sky high, wa ere going to aaU bieh grade lata modal slightly . Pries that will no doubt esus. the ever auspicious fallow to think thay probably obtained nuietly at night without any argument with thair foixaar owners concerning price or dee UUe. . - " Remember, folks, wa ara on tha East Side, wot of tha high rent district- . ' ' Liberty bonds taken at faca yah and aaay terms given on any car you purchaaa, II fc m no convenient for you to pay cash. Read this lit orr vary carefully and than "feaat tt for' No. 12 Grand are. North and pick nut a ood one. They won't be hara long at theM pricea. . Taka a tip. Get busy. . Hare are a fW of them: 1919 " 1918 1918 AtnAchaksv Rl A. T najwenrer. all cord fe tn.. . 4 'handler Deans te n. ft wlra wheele, 6 oord onry zivv ura. tire. Thia car ia hut like new, . Jordan, tt ia manger. 5 wira wheels, a eora tire. . This ia a beauty. -Jordan. 4 peaseager. ft wira wheele. S oord" tirea. Can't beat JL . . Packard Twin 0: run only 1100 milee. Looks and run, like a new ear- i Colo 8, Aero type, ft cord tire,; beautiful paint Job. Thia ia tha prettier car in town. Hudson Super 6. 6 wira wbaala, 8 cord tiraa. . - ;., Hudson Super 6. a ttraa. Oakland e. paa. Perfect conditio Ioda Touring. Almoat new tlrea. Maxwell Touring. The economy tiraa. Maxwell Touring. Fine ahape. Vf . w.ll . K mod til ml I 191T llfj 1917 1916 117 1916 1917 101 ; 1918 ltl -1918" IBIS : 1916 1 3916 " 1917 1916 " 1017 117 Keo, 4 cylinder. MitcheU 6. ft hauled. MitcheU 6. 7 hauled. - 5 paaa. som iun w. uomptcwy r- Gompletely Packard 6. 7 Cord Urea. . A real buy. Studebaker 6. 7 fituta floeedater. A aacnfica.' , Chandler, 8 cylinder. 7 paaa. Cherrolat Touring. Beat coaara. ThnM Chummr Boadatar. New cord Uaynaa, cylinder, ft paaa. Wa hare over 100 other to aelact from. ( Opes Xraninga and Sunday. Lewis E. Obye Motor Co. tJSEO CAB CEPAETMENT 13 Orand Ara. North, near Bamaide 8J. : MUST VACATE -. .- BT JTTJI.T 15. ;: SACRIFICE SALE r ; Liberty ;6, newly paintadj will guarantoa thia ear, .,..:.".......-.... 1500 Overland wttbi wfartar to. good tiraa and . paint. . A bargain ....... "" Olda 8, chummy roadater for. . .v., .... 1100 Two' Chevroleta. new tirea and axtraa 425 and SCO 47S 1017 Ford touring car ........ .-.v.. . . -It. -- VUa Six, like new. .v. ...... . ........ A Bargain 12 cylinder Baynea, good cord tirea and wire wheels A-l ahapa. W. H.i Wallingford Co. r 622 ALDER BT. Aak for Cary. ' Broadway 243 and Bkoadway 249L BARGAINS IN. USED. I . CARS' Ton need a goqd car for the holiday. la not deny ymirMlf the pleuure of an auto. THE FOIiOWLNG ABE Bid SNAPS; 1917 MAXWELL" BOADSTER $ 550 117 PAII5B TOCHING 1000 10t7 FOKD TOUBlM 476 1 14 OVERLAND TOURING.. 87ft 1914 CADILLAC TOURING.. 875 AirrOSMJES'OD). ' -AOBIJRW DtSTBTBCTORS NINTH AND COtTCH CHAS. C. FAGAN CO. 3d and Waahiagton. Phone Main 489S. Diatr&ratOTa "; Plarca-Arrow Trucks and , Motor 'Packard. 8 paaaenger ............... . f 750 Ikodaa (Sedan. 1917 ............ . .. . J 2 50 Pierce, 4 paaaenger, 88 ............. 1050 Pierre. 4 paaaenger 38 ............. 1750 Pathfinder Twin Six, 7 paaaenger ...... 1 750 Pierce, 48 Limouaine. ............... 2850 Pierce, ft paaaenger 48 ............. 3000 Pierce, 7 paaaenger 48 demonstrator. . . , 8000 rieroe. 7 paaaenger. demonstrator...... 6500 Pierre-Arrow : atandarda of value and repra aentatinh uaaintained ia sale of our naed cars. After July 10. in our new location. Ninth and Burnaide. -Broadway 4698. CADILLAC 8. 7 paaa.. first claas condition. ItiS. Cborrolet, first claas condition. 110 Chevrolet. 00 per cent new. Overland 1 paaa.. 8101 will handle. Two 1911 CadBlaca: a. snap. .1918 Nash, ft pass., 6 cord tires. SEE WHITE & STEVEN. . 421 Burnaide. : Broadway 521. " ATTENTION ,! ? -: r - If you ara bavirnt dtfficulty with . your car. we ' will locate the causa - . " without charge and aire you an pert aaUmata of the cost to repair or adjust. All work ' guaranteed. . Hemphill Trade School - ' 707 Hawthorne Ave., Cor. 20th. - Special Bargains 17 Maxwell touring., repainted S7S '1 8 Maxwell touring, repainted ....... 750 '18 Kord touring, repainted ......... 400 18 Mitchell little six .............. 1050 7 -passenger Hudson 6-54 ............ 600 See EPPLE, 50 52 N. 20th at. West Side, near Washington. $200 BUG ' This little machine ia a dandy, tirea very good. , motor perfect. Come tee it. N W. cor. 14th and Couch. Pacific Auto Co. PAIGE touring: new. paint, wire wheals, Kelly tirea and a new top; some ear and a buy at 81150. j. . SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Conch. LIGHT Studebaker roadater, electric lights; high - tenaioa magneto, good tiraa. 8300. 898 Montana are. BPOT CASH FOR FORD. CHEVROLET. lAJiifi, aa,niMi' Vtk - xivlUlk.' t.ALXt 1917 4 CTL! Studebaker. in good condition, . paint aa good, aa new. at a bargain. ; 8750. Main dv. SUTCHELL. 1914. B-mm. self ' atarter. elee. trio light, fine condition. 850 'or trade for rora. wooustocg ava. Taoor TlM truck. -ton. in good- awchanical eondP tion. Win sell at 8850 and give terms, so Grand are. N., near Burneide. H17PMOBILE. in good condition. Inquire of cwner. r ailing t., after p. ra, " 1918 OLDSMOBILE A car of real clai SMITH ABTO CO.. Park and Couch 1517 MAXWELL toe . sale reasonable: . eonri condition, good tirea. 8S8 Haigiit are. TRUCKS A5D TRACTORS St J lu' truck for sale, or trade. Powell it. After 6 p. m. 600 82 FOUR BARGAINS 2-TOw CART, eomnletely hauled and -in A-l-ahapei tirea practi cally new, equipped with cap, presto-ntaa -sod platform body. ' Thia truck ia atx ex cellent bay tor 72300; hucrai terms to rcUabl partica. . ... v . 2-TQX GABY,' praetfcatly aew. Thia truck has not been driven over 600 miles, and ia tha best buy la tows at - ' - 3-TON REO. good coeidltlon. equipped with delivery body., top , curtains and Presto lights, 8700. . 4 -TON O. M. C., good eondHloa.. equipped with brand new Uree. deUvary -t body, top and Presto lights, 8700. , " ' . " CART COAST AGENCY - ' 71 Broadway Phone Bdwy. 2182. , Portland. Oi. I '. One 1917 Garford lH-ton, fully equipped, with express body and, top, in fine condition. 81500. 1918 Maxwell 1-ton, with new ore raise tires, cab and body, all ready to run. 8750. Roberts Motor Car Co. Park and Everett. Bdwy. j68. WORM DRIVE FORD. Will trade my 1 Vi -too Federal for a worm drive Ford truck. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN ' ' :' AT ONCE " . B-A28, Journal 1918 FORD, 1 ton, worm drive, tn excellent condition, . avpiaaa body, top and aide- cur tains, 700. Roberts Motor Car Co. PARK AND EVERETT. . BROADWAY I860. FOR SALE by owner, .rebuilt track. ton, vary cheap for quick sala. 170 KUlingsworth ave.. cor. Kirby. - . FOR SALE Good second hand 8 H ton Indiana truck; will accept 1 H or 2 ton aa part pay ment Apply at 108 East Water St.. Portland. AUTOMOBILES "WANTED 78 WANT to buy Dodge touring ear; must be in first claiw condition; will pay cash. 6810 2d ave. 8. E. ? WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR FORD, DODGE. trfLK, MAIN ZOO. WANTED to buy 1918 Chevrolet, tn' good condition; will pay spot cash. Call Broadway 118Q. morning 10 to 12. WANT1 Ford ear for cash. Dealers need not apply. Bdwy. 2594. WANT cheap Ford to make bug; pay cash. I'none larjor toTS. II1GHE8T vnces paid for automobiles, eondttma no object. 191 N. 8d at. Broadway 2829. SPOT cash paid for ased csra. iealerk' Used Car Clearing Houa.. Grand ay. end E. Rterk. AUTOMOBILES WA3TTED 78 WANTED , , i Automobile With" "r Owner-Driver For about 750rmila trip middle of July. Win be able to make expenses for self and car, but no profits. Splendid chance for vacation and oppor tunity to. se soma of Northwest's most scenio bighwaya.' Good roads all the way. Write at once, giving make of ear. size and carrying capacity, and atata your experience aa driver. Address 0-87 9. Journal. WE PAY CASH for used cars. Be sure to see us before selling your car. BUTLER & WOOD 887 E. Bnrn.iide, at approach of Burnaide bridge. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR lFTfTsI LATE MODEL. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, i 527 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE BROADWAY 1682 WANTED Light auto as first payment on 5 room houne. It you have- anything to rent, sell or exchange see John Brown. 824. By. WANT to buy 1917 or 1918 Ford in good con dition; will pay castu East 78. after 4 p. m. 11 East 1 2th st north. WANTED A good automobile, must be in A-l condition (hare all cash). 5 Call at 6111 4 2d ava., S. E. WE- BUY and sell need csra. Bring tt to toe Psdfie Ant. Co.. 14th and Couch sad gag the cash, or phon. Broadway 4408. ATJTOS FOR HIRE 51 . AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DBTVEBS New Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING ek - BOBNETT CITY GARAGE 86 10th at., near Stark. Broadway 840. EAST SIDE AUTO CO. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY GARAGE. 42d and Beknont. . Tabor 7274. Tabor 6801. Main 7820. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLANDS i HUDSON S LOWNSDALE GARAGE BPWY. 9408.' 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOtlT DRIVKRS I'OK HIKE ... L 1 SCLTIVAN. FASHION GARAGR MARSHALL 232. 10TH at YAMHILL. A-1288. NEW auto, without' drivers for hire. Mill St. Garage, 868 Second st Main 6352. NEW CARS without driren for htm. Mill grreet uarsge. Sd and Mill sta.. Main 8352, MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 55 FOR KIT 1 rTUIn. rMtMMWAlA iftii Mir Whst hsv. you.. Address 198 Watts at, Ken ton. Paul MHler. ; - THREE speed Indian motorcycle, fully equipped'; - a.J, an 11 I - akU At 4 A 1 .A -v wsarsr. 72 .U Bl. I WILL pay 1 100 cash for 191.6 Indian or Har ley, most be Twin Indian and in A-l condi tion. Phone Sellwood 2217. - FOR SALS Cleveland motorcycle, nearly new; very much. Woodlawn hae not been 8238. WANTED, for cash, Cleveland motorcycle. An swer fill) MrbmUn 4m v Journal. " :'OR SALE Bicycle ia good condition,- S2S. snap.. Phono Tabor 5699. TSCCKS AK1J TRACTORS BRINGING UP FATHER WHILE MAIE. lt TrtlN OUT POH AWHILE.- I ' I : j , 4 LAUNCH BARGAIN - 2 ft : foot, fine, spMdy motor boat and boat. bouse; worth $500; going away, will taka 9300 for quick deal. Foot of Miles st. Msrah. 6761. FOR SALE FurniAhed 8-idosb houseboat with (owboat, bargain. 8165. . Inquito at house No. 62, Portland Motor Beat ehib. .: i MODERN -room hoUHeboet, funiinhed or un - furnished. 8 1 , WillameUa ' moorage. Bear wood 8727. CLASS Y motorboat. 2 eycla Gar engine, ele trie light, storage battery, spotlight, etc.; 22 feet. All for 6275. CaH 7 First at-, room 8. CANOE and tent. 0x12. 4 fU wait CaU 227 la' Front st, Sunday. 8 until 12.' jriAJTOS. OROAKB. MtrSICAX INSTRUMENTS 84 . CLOSING OUT THIS WEEK , 810O Cornish parlor organ.-cash 25 -125 Chicago Cottage organ, cash ...... 85 275 Small npright pianos, 86ft and .... 73 850 Emerson npright pianos, cash 95 82ft Arioa npright pianos, oaah ...140 S0O Weber upright pUnos, cash....... 210 475 New stored upright pianoa. cash... 290 -860 New stored plsyer pianoa ........ 395 Pianoa stored, bought and sold, for cash only. U, WI tUl W. A PLEASANT RESOR 1 EmO Gehringa store, with comfortable,-coot large demonstration rooms, will be open until 10 .'clock these eummer evenings, and you will enjoy a visit listening to the new Columbia Rec ord, or any of the old favorites.- Plenty of room for parking your automobiles. -The vaca tion model Talking Machine will please . you, and the prices are Tight. " -; i EMH GEHRING. 720 MUwaukie St. ft B C O BD KX miNRgj Mmi. . n h a lWi, h ntn Sohi. Beated. Be l!rjaired. 1424 2d nrtr Alder, qpitsirs. Main 7Z44. 616 OR - 825 cash, then 88 or 610 nionthly. ' bwya new improved pianos, and 86 or 810 in records purchased sends new improved 820. 832.60. 3&0. 860. 89O or. 6115 pbonograph to your home from th. Schwaa Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st. ' PIANO WANTED Highest cash paid for Used pianos. Get ant bid. &Fiberting-Luca Musio Col. 126 4th st Msin B5o6. HIGHEST cash prices paid for used Pwoe, phonographs. records, -plsyer pianoa. 'Repair ing, tuning, rebuilding : exchange of musical to struments. Some bargain psanoa and organs lor sale. 254 Market st- - TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Yictroka and records. Our proposition will pleas, you- Seibezling-Lacas Musio Co., 125 4th at. ORGANS ORGANS We have several good ased organs, 8ibar-ling-Lucas Music Co.. 128 4th st. JU8T Arrived car of new pianos, including Sho rn era. made since the wsr. Avoid war made pianos by trading here. HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 884 Yamhill at . ; ; BAILEY npright piano at bargain. Neat Style, mahogany esse. Seiberiing-Lacas Musio Co.. 125 4th st. ' - - ' YOUR piano or organ taken ia full or part pay ment for 1919 type of phonograph. Schwaa Piano Co.. Ill Fourth a. KOEHLER piano, colonial style, nearly aew, fins mahogany ease, at the biggest bargain of fered. Seiberhng-Lucea Musio Co.. 125 4th St. PIANO WANTED Cash If bargain. Dealers don't answer. Mar- shall 181. ... PEERLESS electric orchestra with slot box. for aaie. 254 Market.. Electric . Piano Repair shop. 3225 8TARCK upright gr condition, for sals. 254 grand, oak, excellent Market at. Take Liberty bonds. ' - - - FOR RENT Piano, grafonola with records and Underwood typewriter. : Empire Transfer Co., Phon Broad wav 155. WANTED Plsyer . piano or piano cash. C-838. Journal. SACRIFICE phonograph. 60 records. 315; worth 550. It JB. ixw au, near mornson. PIANO WANTED for open air dance hall. Mast be cheap. Pay cash r bonds. A-928, Journal. $100 CASH or more paid for your upright pianoa at Security Storage Co.. 100 Fourth at. HIGH CLASS guitor. beat American make, guaranteed perfect scale. East 1502. TYPEWRITERS 77 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewrit era. "all makes. sold on monthly payments. Bead for price list. The Wholeesto Typewriter Co.. retail dept.. 821 Washington st. ALL makes of typewriters rentod, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co.. 04 6th at. TYPEWRITERS rented, . repaired. , axchangedT Typewriter errpplies. " F ' REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 88 Brosdw'y HOTJSEHOLrt WOODS FOB SALE 65 SHIPYARD w oner's furniture for aale. A-l new birdseye- maple bedroom . set, solid oak dining room set, sewing machine, lots of other tulngs. Cheap. Leaving city July 9. See at 1540 Mtenesota ava. - Kenton car. FURNITURE .for sale at a bargain: 1 daven port, l library table, 1 brass bed. 1 Vtatber a sated arm chair. 1 leather-seated rocker, 1.9x12 Ax minster rug,- 1 small rug, 7x9. Call Main 7492 before noon. - FOR SALE- Furniture, g beater in A-l condition. near Failing street. range and wood 807 Mallory ave.. FURNITURE for aale: Steel range and New Home sewing machine, ail good aa new. , a 1 23 E. 1 1th South. NEARLY new 8 hole steel range; excellent baker, $25. Before noon or after ft p. u- 2T5 N. 21, St.. corner Overton. FOR SALE Four rooms new furniture: leaving city. 078 H Commercial st. MACHTTNERT 1 SMALI, sawmill for sale. For partknihua write K. R. Leaf. Ssndy. Oregon. FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 Tents Tents Tents Contractors, dealers, bop growers. ap pie growers and berry pickers, we a tin have a few hundred tents that we will eell at cut price for thia week : only. We also have a few pieces of leather belting from 1 in. to 1 8 in. FCIL TiTNE OF PIPES AND PLI'MBLNG SCPPUES. N. B.'Mesher Pipe Co. . 229 . Front st Main 6277. WE SATB Howss wiring. Bghtmg fixtnrea. electricai - rapair tag. auppttea. Third Bt Kiectrio Stera. S24m Sd at. a 6036. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold for less; ao agents employed. . Complete Una of parts tor sll snakea. Maehinea repaired and rented. Main f4SI. fsEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM : : j. IPO d. near Taylor at - ladies, original apparel e5chang5 in laubelhcrst has for sale 8uits, distinctive gowns. dancing frocks. 8 LIGHTLY TJ8ED. LATE MODELS, OB TAINED FROM WEALTHY LADIES. , OPEN 9 AM. TO 9 P. M. TABOR 2825. - Swat: the H igh Cost New potatoes, 5c; rhubarb. 4c; letture, 6e; beeta, 5c ; peas, 8c ' . . 109 Columbia bird.. Bear Albina ava,: rCRE-rt.CiV: BABY MOST J1VE ON CLE Hl-b HAT- . LATJWCHE ATT BOATS' I N IAKZ -HATJ - FOB - SALE SIISCELLAITEOTJS 1 - FUMNACES -'' Boynton & ; Richardson and Boynton Furnaces 3 'Are the best furnaces. ;- - , . They are economical in fuel. We install them scientifically. ' Wa have the best system of pmeleaB furnaces. We install them for 8160.00. Why ay mora to a deiiartment store when, you can get one .Made in Oregon J. C. Bayer Furnace Co. Pbon. Main 461. . 204 Market at. PEERLESS , HIGH GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES ' PLUMBING SUPPLIES HOUSE HEATING MATERIA! -IRON PIPE ? PEERTJBSS HIGH GRADE TOILETS "SILENT , KNIGHT" COMBINATIONS . . . . . .....' General Distributors WM. POWELL HIGH GRADE VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES ' BOSTON BELTING CO.'S ' MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS The Peerless Pacific Co. Bocwroom and Salesroom. 88-70-72 ' Front St. ' Portland. Oregon. CHESTS Tennessee - sad - Port ttrfard trimmed; latest deal sua; factory prices. Factory ai. oman, net ith and 70th.- Tabor sos. Electric Motors BflWaSllwi,' WlsstS, sMBtaSt) gattfS TJp9ia?q8tS. Walket Eleerio Works. 413 Bara aide, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. TEN drophesd aewlng macrilnes - with attaebmaata. - all .- are to eoodltloa. Sewing machines , rented, at 88 per month. Pbooe aSast 3369. or av 8307. SS. R. StMa. 162 Grand ave aes it YOCB choice of 83 Drophead Maehinea. Many like new." from 810 to 825. New machines rented by week or month. 4TH ST. SINGER 8TOBE. llain 6833. 193 4th at. 100 SACKS of Improved Burbanka. 100 Sacks Pride of Multnomah. 100 sacks American Wonders, suitable for seed purposes, at balf price.. - BOGGESS, 151 Front St ! SPLIT RED CEDAR FENCE POSTS We are ia tba market for several carloads 18 in. to 21 in. circumferenoe. 7 feet long. Name best cash price f. o. b. cars your station. If yon have aizee other thaa above, give eixe and state price. We pay -cash. T-408, Journal. CHERRIES, loganbernes, raapberriea. Save. Pick them yourself or I will pick. Cabbage, kale, to mato plants, cheap. Rabbit?. Corner 89th and E. Stark. Mr, Tabor (M, T. 8Sth) car to end. 4 blocks north,- 1 east "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." ' "TypewrlteTe." and "Household Goods" are aeparato claaaift cations. All advertiaementa of these roods are under their respectiv. rlsssiftrsthmi LOOK THEM OVER Boilers, Engines sw a ii. g &. Maehtoer Co.. 508 Gerlineer building. Phono Main 821. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and second hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. - - NORBIS SAFE AND LOCK CfL. 105 2d st Phone Main 2015. $12.50 to $15 SEWING MACHINES - - Qosranteed We Rent aad Repair. ITS Bd et. near" Tain hill. Mate 1846. A-1S1S. THRB large rooms, newly papered, city water, -gas, 815; garage, 85; barn, 65. Fruit Cor. 89tii and E. Stark. Mt. Tabor M. T. 88th) car to end. 4 blocks north, 1 east DRIVE OUT TO THE RANCH AND GET RASPBERRIES FOR CANNING At wholesale prices. Powell Valley road to Gates road, SO rods south, F. 8. Starberd. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate eissaificatkma. A la res listing can ba found under these different classi fications. Malt, Hops.Crown Caps Oorka. patent bottle etoppera, hand aad power cappers, filter bags, thermometers. 61 Grand ava. SAFES FILING SAFES DIEBOLD AGENTS f Expert work" done. Priees ritht PACIFIO SCALE SUPPLY COMPANY. 46 Front ' - Broadway 1966. , CUT FREIGHT BATES at Tarrasehld goods shipped East aad South. Mssk aing Warafaous. A Transfer Co.. 9tb and Hort Phono Broadway 703. A-l 793. HOT water tonka, an sites, la good, aenloaabl. condition. SO gat. 87: 40 gat. 69. 201 Adama st East end Steel bridge. East 8616. GOING Esst or South T Household goods shipped at reduced rates: moving and packing. Pari fie Coast Forwarding Co., 403 Hoyt at Bdwy. 703. BRAND new I -A autographic Eastman- kodak Junior. F. F. anseticmstio lens, leather ease. 315; 2x tt: cost 626. B-l 00. Journal. 5N CALLED for tatsor-mada " suits. 1 ia . m-j . iMnr, ow avurnaux. at PLUMBING auppUes. whoaessle prices. Btad4 ROYAL and Black-Republic cherries for sale! 62 E. 47th at N. CASH registers, show cases, scale,, safea, ' eleo- Uvejtoa. 2484 Second at Main 342. FACTUM cleaners sold, repaired, ranted. ." wmr mmr. fMsucr uov sasc TUOO GENTS genuine seal-walrua hsodhag. 317: cost 845. Sis 18. T-887. JournaT ' CHERRY PICKERS, bring basket. Douglassi r.iiu, ii.ii juuo buuiu jirouvasie. CHICAGO, a ticket from'Porthuid ' to, wanted. O-l 99. Journat - ROYAL ANNE cherries. 10e lb. 4907 Oth at FTJRfriTTTRE WATiTETl ' We Pay More" 7f0RTLANT FTJTRNTTTTRB EXCHANGE 208 FIRST STREET. MAIN 7728. . will bay your odd pieces mt your complete furaishiag, at Top Cash Prices Call for prompt, 'courteous gerflea. Owl Furniture Co., NEAR MORRISON We want your used furniture, stoves, carpets and pianos: we pay th. highest cash prioes. 166 and 18 1st sfc Call Main 4627. WIGHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNfTtTRE CO. " 88-90 Grand ava. East 7766. - Highest prices paid for naed furniture, car pets, stoves, ranees, etc We call promptly. CASH fu iunutuie.. stove, ranges, - 3 carpets, rugs, dressers, etc. Phone Mar. 2678. Hartell Furniture Co,, 841 lut at FURNITURE WANTED Will pay all that it i, worth. Main 3249. - Pacific Furniture Co.. 140-142 1st rt ' ' . NOTICE Party would like . use of furniture for storase in new bungalow, by owner. A-922. JournaL 1 AM in the market for furniture from private partiee only. 409H Jeckaoa st UAl,b MAIN 2117. FH0NB East 7815 whew you want to acQ your furniture ; wa win coma st one. and pay yoa CASH. M. B. BEATER, 880 Hawthorne ava, v WANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE t: WILL PAX CASH. - " Phon. Main 3832. WE ARE "TN a position to pay highest prices for used furniture of any kind, Maia 6084 CE1M (Copyright, 1919. by International Feature -.: :' Service. Inc.) . ... 1 1 1 1 ' -i . I 1 1 ti ' i i i n i ii ' i sMsasssmsm WX1 XOOX.L WAKE op xoor: aunt MAitEi T , FTJRNITfJBE WAITET S We want your nsed runlture, stove .ad all household . goods . carpets. wi4 . pay Ui. highest esmi pneea. Our 3 Large Stores enable .as to disposa of thee, goods at onoe, and therefor, we can pay Uia Top Market Prices Wa also buy and seR harTware, tools, srmrt fng goods. tenU, bieyelea. typewriters, adding anaehsnea and efnea and store furniture, Wbea you bar. anything to buy. sell et trade. ; Call Main 9072 ' Levin fid w. & Furn. Co. 1 1 -221-8-6 FRONT T. ,. We Will Buy 'Frft SPOT CAfffT YOTTt HOnarrOt,v . FTRNTTURF FOR ' ANY AMOUNT, A ' J-WIVE, CALL WTTX. PRIVO US TO . ; YOUR DOOR. . NO CHABGH. OUR VALUATION IS HIGHER THAN THI OTHER m.TlW'8. THERE'S A REA SON: BECAUSE WE SELL TODAY ? WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. PHONE , "' PHONE Marshall 5981 Gevurtz Furniture Co, 189 FIRST ST. - . Before You ;Sell Your Furniture. See'Us W. tare fa need of aR kiads'of naed furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves, ranges, all kinds of old gaa stoves snd office furniture, and wo pay abso lutely top prices for asms. . : , j CALL MARSH ALL 87 and our borer win eaTI at one with the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE w'- STORE 'l-J-Z'-J: 205 and -'207 First St. ' ' "! - Bet. Taylor and Salmon Sta. SWAP COLTJWF fi FIRST-CLASSdenUl work for housecleaning, dressmaking and plain .owing. M-16. JournaV WANTED IWISCE L L A NFOr 1 v WANTED : Automobile With j OwnerDriver i For about 750-mile trip middle of July. Will be able to make expeneea for self and ear, but no profits. Splendid chance for vacation and oppor tunity to see- some of North nut's most scenio highways. Good roads all the way. Write at once, i giving make of ' car, , sir and carrying capacity, and atata your experience aa driver. Address Q-879. Jpairnal. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay tba highest cash prices foe second head household goods. No amount too large or to. small. Prompt attention. ; N. -M. S EATER. : - -' Phona East 2208. 248 Bnsssfl st 88 TO 815 FOR SECOND HAND BUTTS. Meyer, the tailor, pays moat for clothing end Mt We eaU day or evenina. 19:ia of 253 Madison, near 3d st fcOOD PRICE paid for sewed carpet rags. Rag rugs woven to' order. Pnone SHlwood 8211. Knetyl. Rug C. Eaet 21st at and Ten i no. FARMERS. ATTTTN-TTOM POTATOES WANTED ' L SeMen. 280 Ash st Phone Bdwy. 2480. $7.50 for 2d Hand Suits Top ,prieee for fnmlrrlre and trunks. Bdwy 668. JTJNX phnnbtng . supplies, ptp.. hsrdwars and Miecnijery rowm, sola. STMK. aura 6377. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras, lenaea. Ilochfield. 85 3d st Phone Maia 8581. FERSOI7AL n t WANTED 1 Automobile With OwnerDriver . Tor about 750-mile trip middle of July. Will rLf-vJ a ? Pen for self aad ear. but a wrofita. Splendid chance ror vacation and oppor tunity to see some of Northwest's most scenic highways. Good, roads all the way. Write at once, giving mak. of. car. si aad carrying SSiJ'J? "t -T rxenc as driver. Address Q-byH, Journal. ( . The woman who knows xwtitaS UltV . wabta and Peterson's Upstairs STORE tr. w P XyR- PrfTOCK BLOCK High Grada Women's Apparel at Lest Thaa tha fltreet Level Prlcea. AITOMOBILE ACCIDENT, March 27. S p. m , East Saady boutovaiti aad 80th st aS 2LhS2f fr"ir"-to J1" who lifted the machine off or anyone who witnessed the aori defit Addrm. K. E. Vixn. GEORGE RUBEN STEIN, TBI OPTICIAN retnrned from the aerrioe. He fa aa expert "-fitter, and his chargea ara vary Teaaouahto Satisfaction guaranteed, . " 226 Morrison St. M. 291 dark eyaa . freckled fae. and arms, has no recV !" Kindly Phone Sell. 789 or addrtws 834. JournaL - - SI'K" 'reo SchooJ o Etemu Light - 1" SanJd7 n Wednesday. 8; Tuesday f H l aTn tv-"" M"y" . . May A. TibS 810. . "T ".: c Phon. DETECTIVE United Service Detectira fii t.gated bj skilled experienced operatives. coorV dentiaL 607 Stock Exchange bwT Maia 3812; . GtABSES .AT A SAYINO " " I aohctt yoor patronag. on the Cooatnan. optomerrf. MonSSTT W" ... .V"n "?. botn Tour feet axed op eood . J- Eaton, the CHIROPODIST iSS JT?1 tJjart TO": - years ia Portland; exam. fl Globe Theatre bldg.. 11th and W.Jv BdyTiSzT. MRS. M. L. Mmir oat Ttt Spiritual adviser, instructions in the theory of health, roceess and harmony. weory pi SCPERFLCOCS HAIR. bv lO needle .S-fw".. tJemowd 814 Bush A'l-rw bMt Can M.I? GRADUATE ehlropodist. miilcnriii ,- racialist. 610 Buih-Lar. bkIL' B and Alder. Open anrtmvi Wdg... I, , -" M U. LADY MillBEHS -Rh... .n-. v-' - - face masge. a5e.-xik G "' 6-eWjrcrsi2 Selling bldg. Mmt," 499? CLEANING, pressing, dyeing, alterations! pf caa and de&ver. The CablBlf. t e DR. WTLKTNSON remnve. coma to M 10 N. Uu Hours lO to aaiautaa, c v ' 1 I . HERE A NICE I - 4 a-a 1 . , I PttOf tSSlQH AL AND! BUSINESS DiPECTORYl ftirrtouEs "- w ANTIQUE aad ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE,' Stem Saivag. Co.. 633 Washtogtoa at LeWIS-STENGEE Barbara' Supply Co.. 10th . and Morruoa streets. . .. The place - to buy barbers chairs and sup Jan. Stock at furniture always aa head st right prices. SrJPEBFLCO'CsT hair learryed torever by tlple aeedie aMfhed. 6U Swetlaad Wdt, LANK SOOK MAK ARM UATIS A HOLM AN. LNO. 109 lid at. blaak book maanfaetarera, A-3188. Mala 183. - CARPKT GLI4NIMO Fluff Rugs From Old " ' Carpets : Sag Baga, All Slxea MaU Orders Prompt, Send for Booklet 9x13 Bags Stesm or Dry Cleaned. 81.66V m. . " FLUFF BUU CO, -64-88 Union ave. N. ; East 8618, B-1478. CHIROPRAOTORS DR. LAURA K. -DOWNING. Broadway bldg. Drughwe physieiaa; 1 0 years' experience chin. pracoc, eiecmcity. vibratory xaasssge and tuet Vl U.UltlAj AA ' - . . . . . ' ' ,nr n . jw, pmW eras aajHmaseata aui aaay. carefully, permanent v Phono 8 1 616 HELENA , W. COMSTOCX-lRrpraitorT" Mi 14th at; Chronic troubles. Maia 6608. CO At - AND WOOD 5 -; .'V SLABWOOD : ' it : Very nice dry 4 foot slab fir.. $6 per cord iib weea. vail Bellwooci 17 0. ORDER , from , Beraa . Bros, aad ssrs 30 pet cent Main 4529 KATTONAL Fuel Co. A-l oordwood. 68.25 per oord. Bast 2041. - COajTRAOTORO Wi6T BCILDINQ CONTRAfmNrt ' ne builds cottar es. bungalows: renairs and naina. tag. 209 Ahsky bldg. - Maia 2316. - - ppq AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. G. H. HUTHMAN hospital. 415 E. 7th stT cor. Great East 1847; B-196X We clip dogs and faorsea. - - KDUOATIORNL OANOINa RIXGLERB DANCING ACADEMY It you want to dance or learn to dance, why not to to the largest aad best school tn tha city where the advantages i are greater t . You meet more good dancers and can practice with many different expert professional teachers.- Separate hall for beginnera and backward pupil. Our business fa dancing. W. know bow. Informal, every evening. Class summer rates bow, Jadiee, 82; gents, 68: tt lesson course. . V 14th at Wahington. Bdwy. 3380. A-81jl, ' EATHERIN8 M. ROWN Guarantosa to teach all dances in 12 private 1ee sons; 12 lessons 85: 4 feasor 62. 60S Rllers bldg.. bet 4th and 8th. on Waslk st Msin 60O4. MISS IRELAND ' l . TEN LESSONS 85 -809 PeTrnm bldg. Personal attention. " 10 to 9. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMYTl0B2d"at ' BalU room and stage dancing: claas Tuesday and fmoay avetungs- mam S1UU. Private unnvr T,-tj a . ia n Sat night Main 4748. Ft of Jeffervoa at MUSK) SCHOOLS AND TKAOHCStS L. CARROLL DAY, piano, vocal lessons, with practic paaao. 1 hoar day 38 mo. Bdy. 356A PROF. ,T. K. LAWS0N720 years' experienee, Piaao lemons at your home. 75e Tabor 7206. FWHS fo ORDER, rensodenaau claantaa. nntilra prices. The Fur Shop. 606 SweUaad bldg. HOSPITAL OREGON Surgical Hospital Major-minor sur. gery. special treatments, nervous diseases and diseases of women. Women's and children' clinic. Tuesdaya and Saturdaja bet 0 and 11 a. an.' Special facilities for patienta desiring manipnlativ. and hjlro-therapeutic treatments. Patienta to onr car. will receive . every ethical attention. I Main 1688. "r . ! MAIL ADVfeWTISINO CRANE LETTER CO.. 612, Royal bid." aTuEJ.' graphing, mimeographlag. Marshall 5822. OPPIOE SUPFLICS H2BBARD STATIONERY A PRINTING tX "Better Service." . 361 Oak at Bdwy. 2893. PAINT! WO. TINTINO. FAFKRHANQINtt J. H. CLDTTON. painting, tinting, papering. ilTi ' N. 17th et Bdwy. 4414. Woodlawn 2126. . j PATENT. ATTOItNKY'-"-' :"-r-' GOLDBEBG7820 Woreeetev bldg. Main 252d! SHVIIOIIS, DR. R. A. PHILLlpa. Broadway bids. mstism,' stomach, bowel, long, liver. Bey. bladder, rectal, pvortatio, femal. dars, skin aifeetioaa, high hteod pressure. sid- PRIWTINO, EWQBAFIHO, EINDIN8) Get Yoisr- Car j ' fmta Specisl prices' during July and August Forda enameled, 315.00; Chevroleta, 320.00. - - Other cars in proportion. i Autos Oppelixad. 36. OO. These price, include washing. " ' " ' - AUTO ENAMELING- WORKS. IS Union are. N. ... Pbon. Wdln ' 43 Printing AtTED AND 8MOKKD FISH ALASKA HERRING A IMPORTING CO- dhe" trihatora of salted aad amokad faU. 2236 Yamhill s trees. Portland. Or. - TINNKRS , JACOB LOSLi ' Tin. abeetlroa aad swof worit . W 1H V. Mala 1424. TRANSFER AND fsTORAOR Oregon Transfer Co. Eatohliabed 1870. Transfer aad Forwarding Areata. -8TORAGE FREE TRACKAGE ' Office aad Storage 474 GUaaa. I3tb and Glisan. Broadway 1281, A-l 169. Willamette Valley ' i Transfer Co. General Transfer aad Forwarding Agenta. TRACKAGE. STORAGE AND TRANSFER . 124 NORTH 5TH ST. BROADWAY 464. ALWAYSTPICK THBTESTrTHOUSEHoLS' UOODS SPECIALIST Storage, r . ping aad moving. Horse mod auto vans. Ham cial rate, to ail points. """ C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO." ' 2d and Ptoe. Bveadway 690. A-199. Storage and Transfer .' Clay S. Morse, Inc. 428 FLANDERS STREET, PACKING MOVING STORAGE S ECU KITS' STORAGE A TRANSFAUt CO.. 106 Park at Main 6196. A-ltiL 'r Fi reproof Storage C M- OLSON TRANSFER OO 248 PTNTa. WEtDINO TRY the Northwest Welding A Supply Co. for welding all kinds of metal mil Una of weld jng supplies. Our auto -will ealL 83 1st at Main 6410 WOOD SAW WOOD SAW PHONE BROADWAY 2227. Attractive Farm and Acreat Offerings and Exchanges 'acreXge 67 400 ACRES 34000 . . : ' This tract adjoins large orchards til Klickitat county, Wash.; located 4 V4 mitaa from Goodnow statioa. est the North Bank railway; will consider . good Portland pronertv in trade, baron Land Co.. 93, N. W. Bldff. f HATE 8 H acres, cleared apd ia good oats and potatoes, fine crop, close to good road, no buildings, all fenced. It sold at once will let crop, go In at 8178 par acre. Adjoining land ia being held for twio. thia. amount About 1 mil. from Clackamas station. Would trad, for good auto or equity Jn houto and lot in tea a. 17 Beaver bldg., Oregon City. - CLOSE-IN ACREAGE It you- want one of the swelleat homes around the City of Portland, see YIKW ACRES before baying elsewhere.'- Only 8400 par acre and up. Rohers, 212 Lumberman, bldg. . CHOICE aore, 2 blocks Metager station. New 4 room plastered houe. also other desirable property on reasonable term. Celebrate the -4th in MeUger Park. Johnson. Mala 6295. , , FOB SALE 16 acre track, farming or gard ening land, H mile from Coquille, oounty saat of Coos county; xamlly orchard. Will sell at a bargain or exchange for Portland property or vicinity. A-920, JournaL " . DABNEY PARK . - ' . For beautiful bom. ait., on Columbia Elver high way. Sea wa, Dabnty Investmsot Co.. room 1, Wreeatr bldg. FOR SALE 9 ' acres on -KlUingvworth ave., modern 6 . room bouse, city water, phone, 2 chicken houses bam and feed shed, pig boose, 8 year aid fruit trees and mall berries for fam ily use. - Pric 83800. - 82000 cash, bal oa your own terms. Phoae Woodlawn 8995. Owner, 8CBTJBBAW HOMES' 58 83000 FIVE acres, all in cultivation and crop, fruit: 8 room b ansa low: furnished; dose to red electrie; 6100O cash. A bargain. . Marshall b to 9 a. m., a'X for Prentiss. NEW 4- room bungalow with acre, gas, water, lights. 81900. 3200 down. 820 per month. Capitol Hill. A-3. JournaL FOR SALE FAKMS 17 WORTH T0UB WHILE TO INYESTI0ATE 48 H acres. 41 acre, in cultivation. .. 7 room boosa, - good barn aad other a outbuildings. large silo full of en- : " siUge. family ? orchard, IX eows, S heifers. 4 horses, harnesses, farm Im . . plemenU aad tools at every kind and 4 . description. - Loeated in tha most r' , beautiful farming district ia the state. . i - on good road, 2 miles from Oregon ' i City, . This year's crop included. Price :' . only 311,000. good terms. . 80 'acres, the best hi corns dairy of -Ra else and prica. Good 7 room ' .", plastered- and newly painted bouse, . t very good barn with patent atanohiona. . - Urge silo iust filled with tha beat f . kind of ensilage, cream house, cellar ' -and other - outbuildings: 80 cows. I V' : , bull. 2 boresa, harnasssa, all kinds of , . , farm implements and tools. - Last month's cream check was aver 8500. ' Located 4 miles from Oregon City. A ; eompleta dairy ia - every respect and -. a money soaker from the 'start - This .. . year's crop included for tha price of 814.000. Good terma. . For improved farms, ranches,' acre age and dairies, it ta to your advantage - to call oa us before baying elsewhere, BATON LAND. 00.,3S N. W." Bank Bldg, A FEW OF OUB MANY FARM LISTINGS 290 acres. mi. from Aurora; good houses, 2 fin. iarga barna, large hoghimse, 2 chicken bouses and many other oatbuildinas: 80 to 100 acre, fine crops. 80 in heavy timber, large pas- wn, i nun cmwa, seam, nam eta ana Wacom, Kl nH. taMM, k 11 tf.M,. , - - - l . , , X Sr -acre; about one third cash, baiaooe easy rma, .. 81 acres. IH m. to Mlddleton atotton, good 8 rm. house, bath, fireplace, large barai 37 acres good crops, young prune orchard, 8 acres old or- ' "aiu, wnt Drain ana wofxis ; trout stream. fine spring fesw be piped to buildingt), red shot soil. A bargain at 67000. - sou. a aargaia at 7vuv. . . . . 61 seres. 7 mikta to Tare hill, ta Mo good .buildings, good springs 25 M 10 in timber, balaac. paatnre; faml oores valleys ralli ration. faaailv . Areherfi. vnuy. a-iuw. - .- . 89 H acres, 2 miles wevt of Sherwood, H - wtL off highway, good buildings; 87 acres ta ting crops, young prune orchard Just coming tn bear ine: good old orchard, f list-class land swntlr voll4 aii sanaa oeauaiui vssw in county i. . WIUK implements included. A bargain at 5VOOO, Ml I (. iir.Llj as JtlPPSTic 8a9 U Henry Bldg. MEXICAN FARM: 0. &k .land mmm Hav. 8000 acre, ant of 1 2,000 aoM Oregon farmers Bring there. Two crops annually. Won derfully productive anil, California climate. Oa main line Southern Pscifio. Title to land per fect ' Prices' very low. Small investment to start farming oa big acala. . Write or call for full Information. ANDERSON A MeCLELLAN. -800 Chamber of Commerce bldg. STOCK: AND EQUIPMENT " 184 acres, located on the Mt Hood highway, 12 miles east of Sandy. Afl -the sand eaa be cultivated. 25 acres under cultivation and ia crop, 100 acres pasture, lota at oat range, orchard and berries, some timber, highway by place. good buildings, blacksmith shop, 16 bead of eattle. 9 milch eows, hm sea, large baa of machinery, ereaga separator, chlckene aad furni ture; personally imgwoted. Price $6000, 12600 cash. 8n Brooks, with - . - . JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bUg. Opea evenings. CHEAP ACREAQE . 5 seres 8250, 810 down, 83 per month, buys E acres -t land between Portland and Centra: la, on the main ltne of threw railroads. 1 H to 3 H miles at good little town; sawmills and logging earn pa ia immediate vicinity : soma f thia land f. partly cleared; ranniag stress,; some bottom land, some bench. This acreage priced from 325 to 876 per acre. Caa give you any kind bl a place yon want ' rumrva Ttmrrf. v 818 Railway Exchange bldg.' 20 ACRES, aU alder mad, about 10 in cultiva tion and moet all fin. clover; rest slashed and. tillable when ales red; orchard, email frnit; two springs: good painted 5 room house with large screened-in porch; barn, etc; daily mail and telephon lin. past door; neighbors; close ; to grade and high school; 6 miles from town. R. R. aad Colombia river; 12 daily paaaenger train, and boats: 1 hours from Portland. Price 81000. - Oaa buy 25 acres alder pastor land Joining, mostly slashed, for 810 per acre, Place would carry 8 or 4 oowa, 60 sheep, few hogs, a borne and flap for Poultry. Bog 101. CasOe rock. Wash. : . - "'. '' f 15 ACRES on Pacific highway, about 20 mUa out; 8 acres bearing prunes; some applea, cherries and all kinds of small fruit; good house, barn and otiier buildings. A beautiful su bar ban home wfth an .Income, priced for quick sale, HESQARD REALTY COMPANY. Main 6980. - . . 614 Swetlaad bldg. By George McManus If . ERY SPECIAL - 244 -iCBES 70 tinder cultivation, running " -, ' -. water and spring to th. house, t.xi - , " road and near high school. Clue. . - to Molalla. ITice 812.500. 30 v ACRES All under cultiraUon, fenced. - . good spring, family orchard, goo-i bouse. Ram 86x86. l'our sure, -in potatoes, 8 in oats, 4 in wheat, . H aore in garden, H acre ia corn and besna, 1 acre in. pa . : , - tore. Inoluding all, price only 68500. 68 . . ACRES 20 under : cultivation. 8-rwm house. W ell and spring. 1'noe only 88300. 2 15.100 ACRES Near Oregon City rtr . . .. - line, 4 -room bouse, spring. Price 88000. 13 ACRES Spring. Only 2 mass from a Is . City, A bargain. 11100. 8. O. D1LLMAN. 8th 'and Mailt stA, : Oregon City, Orernn. 40 acres, sll in eultlvation (except little oak grov.) ; has 12 acres 4 and S ysar old grafted walnuts; part has applea for fillers: nearly ,1 in crop; good house, large new barn, drilled well, tower and tank; on rocked road; It V. 1 . tele phone; close to school and church; only 6 miles ua from city -of Newberg. Sea ma at one. about thl, if you want a bergain. HE8GARD REALTY OOMPANY. Mala 0980.' - 614 Swetland bldg. 200-ACRE' FARM .-7 got thia farm under foreclosure of a mort gage; the time of redempttoa having expired, I am entitled to a deed any day I call for it Sr. my friend at 610 C. of C bldg.) be can UU you all particulars. B. Flynn, Anlsuf, Or. " " 166 ACEE810LAf.LA"t)rsfEIC "" Good houa. and barn, outbuiltllugs, farm lm ptemsnta, household goods, stock, including 6 hMKl of fat steers, 12 a. in iiay, plenty of out range. An. kleal stock ranch; $3000 takes it Inquire ; - . , 472 HAWTHORNE AVE. . I k " ACbES-i-ii00cash7 'balanc te rma ; g ood water and garden, aome fruit thrs. room nous., outbuildings ; or would reat house fur nished, one or two years. Apply Mary Stout. Seappoose, Or. , 288 ACRES land si tasted about ntHes S. F. of Hsrrisburg. Lane Co., suitable for dairy and all purpose farm and belonging to an eetate. In Quire of O. P. Qonbow. exeeutor. Roeebura. Or. BAL'E"TjirTRAfiE " - 181 acres la Alberta, Canada, clear t!"s, aome Improvamenta, for small traut near Portland. Addreaa 1684 28d if H. E.. or phone fasu.ool 2488. FOR bargains in dairy farms along the LoMeT aignway, in TUismoog oounry,. come to jx tuora Valley Real Estate Agsnuy, , Cluverdaie. Or. It. T. BlshC, Mgr. FOR SALE Prune land, and direr. Addreaa. Bog 8, Brockway, Douglas oouui. jregoa. FOR SALE, cheap, 40 sorss. good hotw., l.r,i and other improvements. Write owner, Anna Stilta, La Center, Waah. - FARMS WAITED RE XT OTt TITTY f WILL PRfLL and prospect lor oil. Isrgaat s re" age offered, with Real E.tste Exchange, 83 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland. FBTTIT tAITDS FOR. SALTS. 4 . NO OTHER SUCH OFFER X3 . OREGON 148 aero orchard of annle and pears, 5 -room bouse,' new barn 40c 70 with shades on both aids,, sa old. ban, granary, chicken houa., well, .to. Loeated in one of the beat fruit amo tions in th. state, only about 8 miles from Roseburg on good auto road. A season's ordinary yield ought to more thaa pay its price, which ia only $ltf,- 00. Now. Mr. Buyer, here h ytrar ehsnn. that cannot be duplicated. The fruit harvesting tiro, la near at hand; Don't delay, but investigate thia oiler t once, . i SAVON LAND COMPANY, v 9ft H. W. Bank bids. TIMBER ft NOTICE of sale of .government tuiiucr General lAnd Oftiee. Waahinetoo. D. I' . May 1 ft, 1910. Notice ia bersbr aivea that, subject to the eosidltloas and limiuttraa ef tha act of June . I916(8l SUt. 2la. ant th. instructions of the secretary of tlis inio rior of September 13, 1917. th, timber on t s following lands Will be sold July 16. lllf. at -10:80 o'clock a. ta.. at publlo aiMitioa at the United States land office at Portland. Or., to -the - highest bidder at not less than the si praisad vain, aa shown, by this notice, sale tt be subject to the approval of the secretary i f tba interior. Tha purr has. price, with so a-J- MfiiAnal mm eg nna fifth rt mi, mi Mfit li,r,n' - k.i nm. time of sale, money to b. returned if sei is not approved; otherwise patent will ine frr tha timber, which mast be removed witbia ID years.. Bid will be received from citisvn, it the United States, associations of snch ciosene and eerporations organised nader the laws of th. United States or any atata, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, th.- timber on soy legal su division will be offered separately 'before being included in Any offer of a mrger unit: -'. a a.. . a au., sMeuoa sa, wa bv-. I fir. 190O M.. not ta be sold for leas than 1.60 per M. T. 6 8.. R. 6 E., Sen. si, W BWU, red fir, 660 hi., not to b, so.i leas thaa 61.23 per M. fo CLAY TALLMAN. - Commbwloner, -General I.nd Office. FOR HALE Optim on 57600 000 feet t g . Ixmglaa ftr. Linn ' county, , Foundation tor mill built, plenty of water, timber easily han dled, good road - Price- and terms reiunatt. F-. J. Gllxan, Stewart hotel, 14714 Broadway. Phona Broadway 3442. 4Sro"o3",06o ft of yellow fir tifrtler iu e.' SO and 82. T. 18, 1 west River 4 M"". R. R. IV, miles. Owner, E.. SchUiar, bZl Henry blilg., city. ' HOMESTEAD 47 reiinouiahment la Ijtt- ern Oregon. Otto Herrltng, Criterion, Or. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE it EXCHANGF.7 80 acres, '40 under cultivation; .balance ie pasture; good water piped to houa. and barn; 7 .room house, plsetered; oa good rosd snd on v 8 miles from Oregoa Ciry. lnclnding au. implements and crops, 814,500. ' .ood mom i ly income. Will teke Portland residence in et change not over 83000. Give us a call to b convinced, VJ.--' - - S. O. PILLMAN. t Oregon Cjty.Or. 8th and Main n. FOB' sale or will exchange 8 room houa. in fine residential distrirt. Portland. Or., for bum low to Oakland or Berkeley, Cel. : the botie h hardwood floors, flreplse. and fall cement bt men t, with fitrnsce; 1 block Iran street ear; new, rented for 350 per month. T-412. Joornal. tfTlKX"IiTNGB' -" Country - bom. in Orenco, 3 room bon good barn, ground 150x100. 3l fruit tr-. at) kinds of berries, for city property er autuwo btle. T-401, Joumsl. Two beautiful view lota in HiTIrrest, rlr of iaCumbrsDce; for sale on easy terma or w;i exchange for Portland improved. Address bwnera, 606 Eaet Everett.- Portland. TO TRADE 3 lota foe modern 6-rm bum :- low; will pay a.b diXfareoc to tiiOO. A Journal. - i reaideoc. to trade for a E'mxI t - linuaisriment or a tuck. Rldgafield, Wwii, i-U 2, Box- 133A. STOCK ranch, including stock, boiiln ant crops, 86 miles from Portland, for sal. or trad, for ae rears near Portland. C-M), Joure.i. - ' yVAyTEH BEAT, ESTATE tl WANT 1 to 20 acre Improved suburban We are ia touch with real lire cash buyrr. A listing with aa places at your duroal t; very - beat sen ices obtainable for hauiiiug tins olasa of proierty, i PROMPT REL1AOT.E ErFICIENT A. K. HILL CO.. 214 I.tinibermens bldg. ' 6th sn1 frv WANTED 3 or 4 room faoue, ,w.'.ti.e Suanyrdo district? must b-e rh.r for cash. Give location and price first inter; r . eonvider close-in Mount Scott dictrict; do at . Arhirww, T-404, Journal. NOTICE 1 To buy or mtl a sntmrban of acres gs h' of merit see Geo. P. Henry with t rans I :--Guire. opea Sundsy and evsnuiga. Abiii bug. WANTED Two to five acre, near t, Portland. - Give price, and how to r auto. D. i M. George 65th st and road, cfty. ' SPOT cash and quick deal for mouom 4 r ' room bungalow ia good di'trl--. ,t 1 i Wo moan busmesa. See A sw liul, 214 Lin bermens bldg. - " - DON'T WGia.T J Caa sell or trade snythmg anywlntie. - Urni, 17 Psrk t, . FOB fSALE FARM WANTED From owner, IGOilv , bard st between XVnrer snt ; location snd price i r;e '. -f' . O. GOLijfci--caa --i i "Zi Years sa Ior.t4." -