The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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tiic oxygon -daily journal, Portland, Tuesday, julv-i, i:id.
0. Laurgaarcf, J. C; Strong,' E. G.
HopsorhJand , Fred : D. Weber
Are Portland Experts Selected.
. . . - 7 '" '"r'"-
R, R. Barrett, G. A. CoveH, W..B.
Dennis! . Frank . S. . Bailee Are
Other Members of Commission
Salem, July 1- The members ot, the
i slate ' board of engineering examiners,
created under act of the last legislature,
were announced by Governor Olcott r on
" Monday. Under this act the board la to
be composed 'of nine members, two of
whom must -he ctvll engineers,-two me-
chantcal - engineers, two i mining engl
neers. two hydraulic engineers, and
one electrical engineer. Three of the
members ..are - appointed or - a two
year-term, three for a four-year term
and three for a six-year term, from July
1, 1919. The members of the board, to-
gether with the date on wmcn tneir
- t tirnn Ami rm im fit fnllnws ? .
Ci vi f engineers R, -R. Bartlett, As
" toria,-. l21;" O. -Xaurgaard, Portland
1623. '.-.- '
.-. Mechanical engineers O. A. , CovelL
CorVallls, 1925; J. C. Strong. Portland.
, 192L - -
Mining engineers W. B. Dermis, Carl
S". ton, . 1915 ; Frank S. BaiUee, Baker,
h, 1023. "--v-:':;: -
Hydraulic engineers E. 3. Hopson,
it, Portland, -1$25 ; John II Lewis, Vale,
' 1523. s.
ti Electrical engineer Fred DJ" Weber,
I" Portland, 1921. . -. v
i : The members of this board serve with-
out compensation other than traveling
and other necessary expenses.. The
'!''board shall appoint a .secretary, who
shall not be a member Ql the- board, at
a salary of $1200 per year.
The law creating this board provides
that they shall conduct examinations for
Hi persons desiring, to practice professional
hi engineering' within the state, and that
;;j after-January 1. 1921. no person shall
' practice without first having obtained a
. " certificate. .;
, Salem. Jufy 1. An increase lri salary
' ' of $600 per year was granted to State
1U Veterinarian W. H. Lytle by the state
livestock sanitary board here 'Saturday,
; Dr. Lytle was reelected secretary. Witfl
- this increase he will receive 93000 per
f years Increases of $200 per year from
'. )i' $1600 to $1800 were also granted to the
- ; two deputy veterinarians, CM. Gardner
ii of Portland and Julius Sorenson of Hills-
' ! boro. Sorenson, who' had filed his rea
- !!' Hmatlon. was persuaded to remain on
the strength of the' increase. The board
To Have Perfect Skid i .
:'. Throughout the Summer
ii This IS. the season, when sbA who would
J'; have a lily:, white complexion should
,,. turn her thoughts' tomercolUed wax, the
tt firm friend of 'the summer. girl. Nothing
in' so effectu lly overcomes the soiling f-
fects . of sun,' wind, dust and dirt. The
' wax Uta rally absorbs the scorched, dis
!n colored,', withered -.or coarsened scarf
in skin, bringing forth' a brand new skin,
clear, soft and girlishly- beautiful. It
also unclogs the pores,- removing black
, heads and increasing the Skin's breath
Hi lng capacity.' '.-.
i An ounce of mereolised wax. obtain
" able at any drug fetore, applied nightly
like cold cream -and - washed off morn
w ings. will gradually Improve even the
' worst' complexion.. There is nothing bet
' tet- for the removal of tan. freckles or
" blotches. Adv. . - -
, . .
authorised the " publication of a state
dairf "owners' ; directory siroila to -the
sheets-owners' directory already out.
Walter K.- Taylor of Corvaiiia was re :
elected president of the state board and
W. - B. Barrett-.. Of Heppner vice-president,
for the ensuing two years. Other
members of the board In attendance at
the meeting were J. N. Burgess of Pen
dleton, Frank Rogers of Marshfleld and
Harry west of Hcappoose. -STATE
Salem, July 1. The state board of ex
aminers, which passes upon the manu
scripts - of applicants for ' teachers, cer
tificates, is in ftssWra here' this week,
grading ithe papers In tb recent annual
test. " Memoers of the board here are:
Miss Arrtlla. Beckwith. La Grande;
Miss' Margaret J. Cosper. Salem t Miss
Bertha ' Byrd, Salsm W. L Beynolds,
Buena Vista s Mrs. Anna Read, Port
land ; Miss Grace Davis, Portland ; Miss
Clayton; Burrows; Edna i bterung.
Salem ; U. S.' Cotson, saim; uuve
Chenault, "PortUnd : Mrs. Marie Shir
ley. Salem ; Mrs. Bertha Hen sen, Til
lamook; Helena, Wlllett. Salem: -Mrs.
F. H. Morrison. EaUaS; Miss Cornelia
Spencer, Portland. ' 1
Salem. July L Three state officials
appointed by Governor Olcott within the
past month -assume their new ounes xo
day. ;These ar J. W. Ferguson and
Will T. Kirk, newly appointed members
of he state industrial accident commis
sion, and Louis H. Compton, who sue
ceeds Joseph IL Keller as state parole
officer. Ferguson came from Portland
Monday night and Kirk has been with
the commission as claim agent for the
past-two months. Compton resigned as
general secretary of the Salem x. m. J.
A to accept the state appointment,
' Many to Enter Horae Show -
Salem,-July l.-The horse show will
be the society event of the state xair
this year, "according to Secretary A, H.
Lea. Already the-Vancouver, Portland,
San Francisco and Victoria, B. C, Rid
ing clubs have signified their Intention
of entering the show, and other entrants
.are expected.
Aiierican Products .
Are Still Touring
Across to Europe
1 1 SWMM
Washington. July' 1. Millions of
pounds- of products of American packing
houses are still being sent' overseas to
feed hungry Europe, according' to t fig
ures made public today by- the depart
ment of commerce, showing the exports
of meat products during May.
Great Britain was the heaviest buyer.
Shipments. to that country during May
included 4,267,185 pounds of fresh beef.
22,500,000 pounds Of bacon, 30,500,000
hams andshoulders, 16,600.000 pounds of
lard, together with large quantities of
canned beef, pickled beef, oleomargarine
oil, pickled pork and lard compounds.
Cooks and Waiters
Strike in, Astoria
" ;t ;
- Astoria, July ,1 One hundred and
fifty cooks and waiters are scheduled
to strike here' today because
proprietors, of eating houses refused to
meet their demands for higher wages
and shorter hours. Hotels and restau
rants would not agree to sign a ton
tract with the union, embodying tn It
the demands Of the workers.
Boxing Measure Vetoed
"Springfield. III.. July I.-MU. P.) Illi
nois' 10 roiind -boxing bin. passed by
both houses of the state legislature,
was dead today. Governor Lowden
vetoed the measure last night because.
he said, he believed it unconstitutional.
McCormicks Who Own Harvester
Company" , Do Not -. Control
. Paper, Patterson Testifies.;
By Harry Restllater ,
Mount Clemens, Mich- July L L
N. S.) Captain Joseph Medill patter-
son, associate editor and publisher of
the ; Chicago Tribune, was placed on
the stand in the Ford-Tribune : $1,000,-
000 libel suit today and emphatically
denied that the Tribune's advocacy of
Intervention was actuated by private
considerations. - - '
Captain Patterson also, denied that
any of the- McCormicks, who controlled
the - International Harvester company,
owned any stock in the Tribune," or had
a 'word to say concerning the editorial
policy of the paper. He declared his
policy. Tor intervention in Mexico orig
inated while he was at Vera .Crua as a
newspaperman. -
"I saw men who had been established
ir. Mexico for 20 years make a hurried
exit with only the) clothes left on their
backs and everything they owned lost,'
said Captain Patterson.
The witness,; In tracing his newspa
per and political career, admitted that
he had been a Socialist for , three or
four years, but that his views changed
when he realize 1 its impracticability..
- On ' cross-examination. Captain Pat
terson denied knowledge of the editorial
on which the Ford suit ; Is based, and
said that he did not hear of the Ford
$1,000,000 suit until some time after It
as Instituted. '
Captain Patterson testified ; he had
gone to Germany in 1916 as a newspa
ptrmtn in search of information, and
denied , that he sought Germany's side
of the controversy. He admitted being
arrested in Antwerp on a charge of pe-
it'K pro-German, but said he waa re
leased " two days later, after he had
appealed to Lord Northdif (e. 1
Booze Dispute Causes Shooting
New York. July' l-tL" N. S.) A dis
puts over the purchase of "just cne
more last, drink" resulted in the shoot
Jng of Joseph Deanbro, 20, early- today.
He was shot in the back .and seriously
wounded. ; .
i -
' H
' ,
i New. Records 1
From July . List " r
These are particularly good-,
be ture and hear them
. 10-Inch Double-Face Record 85c
Jaz z Baby"-Sung by M arion Harris .
Reverse: "Bring Back Those Wonderful Days"
; 10-Inch Double-Face Record 85c
"Mamffty o Mine':: Sanjf by Ad Rowland
" Reverse: "When yo See" Another Sweetie v
: lft-Inch Double-Face Recced -S5a '. ,
'Ohif Susie, jBehaVe'-Iedley One Step
"Morite Crtsto Jr.' Medley Fox Trot
;v . Both JPJayed by Van Epi Trio -
; i?-Inch Double-Face Record-iS1.3o "
: "Oh, My Dear" Medley FoTrot " "
Medley - One Step from ; ."SomeBody'
Sweetheart" and "Good Morning, Judge"
: Both Played by Joseph C Smith's Orchestra ,
: .Victrolas $25 to $400
Convenient Payment Terms f ,
-" Sixth and Morrison Streets, ' Portland
. T- (Opposite) Postoffic '
Seattle Tacoma Spokane
Onlnlona "varied 'widely as to what
constituted - - complete demobiUzatton.
drys asserting it would not be complete
Untile the navy and army were both
down to a -peace rooting, wnjen wouia
carry war time prohibition right tnto
iinitntiAnit mmuiMnt - isrohibition
next January.. "We.ts believed it would
Come tn-time toxgive tne nation ww
more drinking weeks before liquor .be
comes unconstitutional,' ; , , .
War time prohibition was voted by
congress as a rider to the agricultural
appropriation dm or .tats. w m
foodstuffs 'which
were going into the manufacture of
drink. , . Representative Berkley, -Ken
tucky, Introduced the rider. - . '
According to figures gathered by the
Anti-Saloon league and other interested
agencies, 125.000 saloons failed to open
their doors today, or opened only, for the
sale of beer and light wine a ,
Attack on Yanks ;
.By Japanese Not
"Washington. July 1. (L N. S.) The
situation growing out - ef the attack of
Japanese soldiers upon American troops
in the French concession at Tien Tsln.
China, last March, is not yet a closed
book. r
Although refusing4 to discuss ' a pub
lished report, emanating from the Ori
ental press, staUng' that the Japanese
authorities had . apologised to : Consul
fContlnaed From Pa On ! .
and we are presuming that is what is
meant in the wartime prohibition act as
passed by congress."
Palmer said, however, that It is not
his intention to order wholesale arrests
at -present.",' ,'i . .
"We are endeavoring to get arf Im
mediate authoritative court decision as
to what constitutes intoxicating beer in
a case being tried today In Baltimore,
ha said. -
"In the meantime, - district attorneys
have not been authorised to ignore-the
sale of beer, nor.- have they been in
structed,, to make arrests. My statement
of ; last night is the only,, instructions
that have gone out. ' - -
r.When congress clearly defines what
constitutes Intoxicating" beer, our course
will be clear, m t - . .
"The first test case the department
had In New Yorkxtae lost. It was held
by the court that the question of what
constitutes an intoxicant was a question
of fact -in each instance.-
"It would mean that if we- arrested
thousands over the country. In the light
of the present court rulings we would
have to make a Jury case of each arrest.
"in tha meantime we contend that the
sale of beer is in violation of the law.
If a 'court decision is delayed or con
gress is slow in passing- enforcement
laws, we may find It necessary to make
wholesale, arrests throughout the coun
try. , , , . .
Regarding, the sale of whiskey. Fal-
roer saia. ?
"But with respect to whiskey brandy
and other . distilled spirits, wines ' and
beer containing more than 2.7$ per cent
alcohol and other - intoxicating malt or
vinous liquors, the prohibition is beyond
controversy and but one course Is open
to tne department of justice. All per
sons found selling such liquors must be
arrested and prosecuted." The district
attorneys will cause warrants to be is
sued for. all offenders as to 'whom evl
dence - is . furnished by the bureau of
Investigation, the bureau of internal
revenue, the bureau of .the treasury de
pertinent, or others, and the marshals
and their deputies will promptly serve
sucn warrants.- t .
Beer. ,nd i In some Instances light
wines, were still being sold in many
cities, according ttMreports received here.
These advices, indicated there was much
confusion as to what -Attorney .' General
fanner would do about enforcing the
law with. regard to beer eontainlng 2.75
per cent alcohoL t
.Palmer's official statement was inter
preted generally as meaning; that deal
ers could continue to sell such beer at
their-own risk, and many took the risk.
A Reminder!
Your Suit Pressed
Only. 45c t I
V -Your Suit !
French Dry or Steam
Gleaned $L2S
"Well pressed is
. . ;' . well dressed
Unique Tailoring Go.
Bet. Washington and 'Stark
that dont mush down
in milk or cream
that dont crtimble '
m the package
.... . ..
Rich Bakes. Crisp
Meaty Rakes, with a
' r -. f . V-.;; .:;,,.. :
No wonder the ' ;
American people
are literally 7;
"eating them up
Fastest sellind corn
flakes on the ; market -T
July Victor Records
on Sale Today
' . - - . - POPTJI-AB SOVGS J- Ay.w;.--
lStf-A feose; a-Ktss and Tou.....r.John 8teel
. Girl of My .Heart John Steel j!
18113 Lullaby Blues (In the Evening).. ...
TT- i.-.Jtmerican Quartet
- When the Bees Make Honey. . . . . . . ......
" Irving and Jack Kaufman
" lStMSomebody's WaiUng for Someone. i
- Peerless Quartet ;
The Boys Who Won't Come. Home ; :
Henry Burr
l 1856 Bring Back Those Wonderful Days... ji !
' . ........................ Arthur fields--
' Jass Baby. .Marlon Harris :i
ISSta When You See Another Sweetie Hang- i
ing Around .............Adele Rowland
Mammy Mine. ....... . . Adele Rowland
I86k Oh; Susie. Behave Medley One-Step.. ...
4 i. ........ ................ .Van Eps Trio
' Monte Cristo, Jr. Medley Fox-Trot....
............Van Eps Trio--
. 18M1 Out'of the East Fox-Trot........
. , .Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra ,
. Rainy Day Blues Fox-Trot-. i., ........ t
., .'Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
34te Oh, My Dear 1 Medley Fox-Trot ( -.
. ' ............Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
Somebody's Sweetheart and Good Morn-
(3S 4
Ing Judge One-Step
. . , josepn v.
Smith's Orchestra
4.H5 Kiss Me Again v...: .,
...Victor Herbert's Orchestra ;
Humoresque... Victor Herbert's Orchestra .
I$eSI Rainbow Division March
...Arthur -Pryor's Band
Spirit of Independence March 1
, Conway's Band t
ma Sorter Hiss Ton............Fraaoea ialda V
481Juanlta.... ......... ...EmUlo do Gogoraa
: J46l La Favorita A- Tanto Amor (Thou
- FloWr Bekved4 ......! Lnca l-
?4t(S Koctume In D Flat.... ...Mlscha El man
-74its Quartet in C Major. ...Fionzaley Quartet
,: 47M Werther Pourquoi Me- ReveUler
(Oh, Wake Me Not). ....... ...MartlaeU!
4814 Whea Tea Look la tie efatraeH f hrdaa
481 When You Look In the Heart of a Rose .
......... ...... John McCormaek
(481S Souvenir. ........ ... Ef rem SUmballst
147149 60i, Bet. AUer anel Morrison
Victrolaa Records Pianos A.'
v-aeaoy rnoaograpfts ;
f -,i.. ;r. . s . .,-
I i
rf Wh you re hot art thirstyscy -, ,
l any rJacowhasbevm,,
, EottUt mo DUti Cuiaswi, P03,TLANZ. OXEGO! - t FX
General T. Stewart Ilelntslertan, act
ing Secretary of -Btatf Phillips today
said :
"The affair has hot been satisfactor
ily settled as yet."
. It is understood that apologies have
been made" to the consul general for the
violence .of the Japanese., but that the
state Vrttnent will not r -. r l
matter V.c f cd until there has. been
apology to the state department
.ndviintll there have been definite
surahoes that steps have been tk
prevent a recurrence of the
"Seaside celebrates July "Fourth. A 1 v.
Hundreds Will Discover uKrauseV Marshmallpws
rT'HERE,$ unique ' goodness? in those-famous Kfause Marsh
; A mallows they're so big and tender and fresh! This week
you'll see these tempting white morsels in the familiar blue tins
everywhere. Take some home to the whole family; all of you will
find them a delightful treat; for i l7f::;&;;7 "; -j
their wholesome fresh sweetness -tempts
the sweet-tooth of yoiing
sters; and grownups alike. -, Ys, ;
they are . ' , , " v . ,
Oh Everybody's Tongue
Because Krause's Marshmaliows ;
are a bit better than niarshmal- ;
lows have heretofore been made.
Insist on KRAUSE'S, for picnics,
motor trips and to toast 'round
thecampfire. 4 ; '
: Tcn .Dclidotu
Recipes With
Each Tin
. Colman Drug C0 Orand ave.jfld E. Burnslde.
Braken h Swan. 10th and K. liurnside. '
Elltaon A Co., 18th and K. Burnslde.
. J, C Clark Co.. t8th and K. Burnslde. -n
tiowell oj Co., 28th and E. Ankeny. , - , :
. Soott's Pharmaev, t2d and E. Gllsan. .
-Hugh Osbom. 1674 E. Qllsan.
W. EL Fowler, 80th and E. Ollsan.
X It. Schults. 67th and Sandy blvd.
' R. D. Raymond.' 1409 Sandy blvd.
A. M. Sawyer, 1406 Sandy blvd.- - - :"
: Playfalrs Pharmacy. 1116 Sandy bld. .
. K. W. Daniels. 1001 R. Broadway.
T. J. Hawn, 610 E. Broadway.
Suar Bowl, 19th and E. Broadway. ' 1
Wascher Bros., 16th and E. Broadway. ,
, Schafer A Vinton. 624 E. 16th at. N. . '
A. M. Anderson, 90 Russell st :
v' Simmons A Hepnner. 128 Russell st
Carman Sylva. 276 Russell at.'
Mattbieu Drug Co.; WllllarM and RusselL -
M. A. Erw. lll Union ave . -. -,: .
Hlrhiand Pharmaey, 1000 Union ave. r
-Killingswerth Drug Co., 181 Kllllngsworth av,v
- Colonial Candy Co., 126 Killlngaworth a. ' :
Kenton rharmacy, Kenton. ' "
Dickson Drug Co., 78d and B. 10th.-
- Orav's Pharmacy. 4Sth and Belmont.,
: A. H. Walker. 1811 Belmont. ., .
-. W. K. Marton. 1010 E. Sd st.
. Myers Bros., K. Morrison and Grand.
Jenckie Drug Co., Hawthorne and Grand.
C. Walker 4k 8onj Hawthorne and Grand. ' '
Wj W. Wood, 690 Hawthorne ave.
Brandon's Pharmacy, 701 Hawthorn av. ,
V R. B. Jacka 1090 Hawthorne ave.
Ienta Pharmaev. 92d and Foster read. - '
- r. F. Coulter. 6980 92d st.
Armstrong Drug Co 68th ava and 5 Id st
' Manlewood Pharmacy. 41st and Hoi rata
V. B. C. Iileuallen. 6244 Foster read. ,
Waverly Pharmacy, 28th and Clinton.
Brooklyn Pharmacy, 694 Mllwaukie.
J. 8. Chybke, 1621 E. 13th st. ' V
Sellwood Sweet Shop. 1661 E. 11th St.
Ella Besner. 1561 E. 18th st.
Arbor Tdge Pharmacy. 1274 Greeley.
Chaa llolmberg, J04Ixmbard.
University Drug Co., 684 Lombard.
Portsmouth Drug Co.. Lombard.
'Look for ths
,. ;!-.'"-'r".i .17' v.-'."-"-.-;. ."''V -V.
: tutder tBe auspices of ; '
I ... - r ,
X - 1
Rejpresentatives of the Telephone." Girls .
the Meat Cutters -and "others ,
' y y
an j,
rre. .
us- .
. v