The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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- . .. . - .
v, ; ... .. ; ' -. M bm a'B-' .- V f '. V: ' V
James Saintclair Participates in
Thrilling Adventures r During
Service in British Navy.; :
Boats Worked in Pairs, Bringing
Mines to Surface With Cables
. Vand Sinking Them With Shells
After three years ' aboard ft British
' mine sweeper along: the straits of
Dover, chasing submarines and dodging
big shells,, -with. plenty of "fun". but not
a scratch, a participant in many thril-
. Jlny adventures about which he floes
not like to talk. -Gonner James Satntclair
- returned to his borne in Portland about
1 two weeks ago. Saintclair. who came to
rortlartd from the Orkneys, on the north
coast of Britain, was formerly employed,
by the elty; directory office, before, be
left to enter the military service.
, Because of former service in the Eng-
: llsh territorial ; regiment, he first en
listed In the army, but when it was
discovered r that .tie had had experience
handling ble guns, he was transferred to
the navy as a gunner for three months.
His training was completed just In time
for the first channel raid. ; --.-'-..
T ' "Our patrol extended from North Fore--land
to Beachy Head, on the English
side,': and from the Belgian coast to
- , j6 Towtuet on the continental side,
he said. ; "Oor sweepers or; trawlers
' worked in: pairs, one boat called the
wench boat because It carried a double
"drunt donkey engine, or as we called tt
" a ""wench." and the other fitted out
with a special apparatus for KTippipg-the
: rled about 760 fathoms of 2V4 Inch steel
cable, prepared with rough, sharp, barbs
that would saw th "inooring chains of
the suljraerKd mines. This cable would
' be passed from the drums on the wench
boat across to the other boat; and fas
- len4 down with the slip. Then the boats
would spread apart about 300 fathoms,
and the cable would be borne under
the water by-a steel kite, fastened about
midway between the two boats. As the
tyoats would I move forward, dragging
the cable, mines would ; be caught . and
cut away from their moorings.
"As soon as a mine was freed and
, floated to the top, the cable was released
suddenly by tha mechanism of the slip,
snd wound: up on the ; drum by"; the
donkey engine. Then the gunners would
open up on me mine, uring uom h wem
down. SoRjetimes they exploded. ; but
usually they would sink without blowing
.up. These mines are equipped m with
horns, which must be auck in order
to ignite the .charge, and visually the
mines would be riddled with small shells
without hitting a horn, but if a, ship
:v should strike a. mine, it dould not miss
' hitting one of the horns. ;
. "On-the second Sunday after the arm
. latino, -ten were an at dinner, under deck.
when at -order came to fun over near
: Beach Head where a mine had, slipped
' mooring; and was drifting inshore.- Be
fore I could get on deck, I heard shells
' dropping all round us, and the skipper
. began the danger siren, lit the distance
1 saw a merchant vessel, off the coast
from Eastbourne, firing at something
iear the shore. We steamed! up to her,
and fonud out she was the Democracy.
" rytng -to hit a British bar mine that
- "Just as we hailed the ship, she ma
- need to hit the mine with a email shell
blowing it to atoms. Our skipper called
out to know what they were trying, to
do, and someone yelled back that they
had sunk the -object,: "never thinking
that in the operation they came near
sinking a part of the - royal ' navy as
'. well. - - .
4 ' "Several times we witnessed air raids
.-on .the English coast, and were often
. shelled from the German forts along the
Belgian shore.-.One of our duties was to
and Dover for the hospital boats, about
every eighth day. 1 Sometimes we could
hear the German subs underneath us
, at nlghC laying mines, which we would
'.vilAIn -rait- Tt Tmfr- nin tr All t.flfflii
was regulated, and - every boat had - to
- have a convoy. . ; .-
Railroad Employe
Killed in Ashland
. Ashland, July 1. Ira J. Hobart. "em
ployed tn the Southern Pacific - round
t;ouse firing engines, was killed Monday
afternoon when he was crushed between
a backing, engine, and pillar, 1 He was
rushed to a hospital where he died in a
. few minutes: He is survived by his
wi fe Kev. ElrA- A. Hobart.' pastor of the
Free Methodist 'church, and an 11 -year-old
daughter. His brother, Ed Hobart
of Idaho, is In- Portland on his Wedding
trip. -
Seaside celebrates July Fourth.-Adv.
HEED the first danger signals t Do mot let your foot troubles develop and
multiply until your bodily comfort and daily efficiency are impaired. -Tha
flaw Vont out tha location f th Bterioc tntmrmal ana. s my important
pktt of th foot tructure, proridin flexibility, toe action and sraeofalMa of carmc. - vs.- ..
Vhcn this aich weaken and one or mom of th tiny doom are dapreaMd, imih preMaie
is prodnced, tb weight is UAeTenly distributed. cuing buminc sesatioB. 3aUouna, trader
. srot. cobtrcted toe and a painful. cramp-Ilk pain known- a Martin Toe Metacanalzia,
develops, whirh. frequently extends into tha limbs. The foot widen and spread over the shoe. .
'the smad ant great- toe' Joints become inflamed and enlarged, bodily fat.ffiie and aercooonea
resale If yow .want a permanent correction and immediate relief from yoar foot trouble
ee. me at charts for examination and adnc. . , -
R03T. FISHER Fee t S-. zdvtizt
Lizard Lived in ;
Lung of :u Cow j
Latter Killed
Chehalis, Wash.. July 1. Mr. Bur
rown, a stock raiser living near Che
halis. lost a fine Jersey cow - under
peculiar circumstances. : She began
to decline In health several days ago,
and. veterinarians and others failed
to restore- hee health. .An old .timer,
suggested that perhaps she had swal
lowed a live animal while drinking.
When she was killed to f end her
misery, examination disclosld a live
lisard in one, of her -lungs. -'-v. .
Chapter! of S. A. K
-Fraternity to 1 Be;
-Installed at U. 0.
v TJnlverplty of Oregon, Eugene,. July X.
Tha U Avava dub, a men's fraternity,
recently- reorganised - from' the Avava
club, which disbanded several years ago,
has . been granted a charter by the
Sigma AlphaEpsilon national fraternity,
according to word from Guy. E. Armen--trout,
delegate from tha local club, to
the - fraternity conventldn at ' Buffalo,
N. T The pid Avava club was rf an
Ized on the university campus In 1909.
This year the club was reorganized and
a home tru furnished. - ;
Charter members of the new fraternity
are : Henry : English. Eugene ; Spencer
Collips, Eugene ; George Harris, Eugene ;
Guy Armen trout. Eugene ; Earl Powers,
Eugene ; William Hulln, Eugene j 7 CUv
Humphrey, - Eugene ; Stanley Bisman,
Portland ; William Beck, .Dallas ; Forest
Littlefield. Portland ; Chandler Harper,
Milton ; Arthur Hicks, r Canyon City :
William Sharkey, Portland ; Jay Butter..
Monmouth ; Adrian Rouslow, Astoria ;
Clarence - Hickok, -i- PorUand ; - Herman
Tlmmer. Mllwaukie ; : lAwton McDaniel,
Wallowa ; Herbert Decker. Portland ;
Harry IJndley, Enterprise i Thomas
Tuve, ' Salem; Joseph Springer, Port
land ; Car lUebe, Baker. ; ., -1
Officers are: Guy Armentrout, presi
dent ; Harry i Undley, vice ' president ;.
Stanley Eisman, treasurer , and house
manager Herbert Decker, secretary.
Buttermilk Distributed
New Orleans, July 1. (I. N. S.)
Women of New Orleans distributed but
termilk to the men of the city la Canal
street today, the first day of prohibition.
There were 10.000 cups to be given away
by night. - A great many men, however.
visited the saloons and drank beer, prac
tically all the saloons being open.
This Iowa Woman Gladly
Recommends Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills As a Tonic
"For fifteen years, relates Miss An
na Anderson, of No. SOS South First
street,- Keokuk; Iowa, "I had suffered
from extreme nervousness and' indiges
tion. Sometimes I was worse than
others, but I never felt strong and noth
ing1 seemed to do me .any good. There
were times when ? I was so unstrung;
that I couldn't talk or use my hands.
Attacks of this nature would last for
an hour at a time. X was weak and
tired and couldn't sleep well. My stom
ach was' upset and digestion was Incom
plete and often caused ' distress and
dizziness. :-'-'. .;' .-. .:
f"One day t read about Dr. Williams
Pink Pills and decided to try the rem
edy. I felt somewhat improved in a
few days and continued the treatment
I haven't had a nervous spell, since X
took the pills and feel much stronger
in every way. My digestion is good, I
sleep well and no longer have dizzy
spells.' X have recommended Dr. Wil
liams' Pink. Pills to many of my
friends. ; - . - ,
Tqur own druggist sells Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills or they will be sent by mail,
postpaid, on receipt of price, , SO cents
per box; six boxes for $2.60 by the Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, Kf.
T. Write ; today for the i free' booklet
"Diseases of the Nervous System.
Adv. ..-. '
The joy of feeling fit end
fresh reyvards those .who
heed the laws of health,
and keep the habits regu
lar WllQ
Lp glee Aay UeJMaess tke WarU,
Building Fund in
,; Eeceipt of Several
Additional Gifts
??if':i-y-?'!;'jk-' " .". ..' " . I '.: V,V.":r ? .3:,
Alumnf of the University- of Oregon
-ere told at the regular luncheon Mon
day i thaf the Woman's- Building ' fund
had been swelled : by the receipt 1 of -a
check for 11000 front the - Portland
Clearing House association.
Plans are, being continued for carry
ing on the drive throughout the summer.
A 5 series of 'dances will be : given by
college people t Seaside in July and
August, and the same plan .will be fol
lowed at other beaches. Xach under
graduate girl in the University of Ore
gon has : pledged - herselfi to earn : 5
during the summer vacation.
- Recent glftar not . before announced,
have been given by Judge Tazwell. A.
A. .Bailey, - 'Judge Gantenblen. John
Welch Jr Kenneth Fraxer, X. Y.-Lansing,
Alleen Brong, Mae Norton. Fred-'
eiick M. LiempsejvE. F. Bernard, John
F. ' Cabalut. Joseph v Norton, ..Ethel
Nichols,, Arthur Geary. Mabel Macleary
Bice, Anna McMlchen, Freida Gold
smith. From Medford gifts are reported
from Vesta Holt, Thora Smith. Mrs. E.
B. Reager, Ruth Xawrence and Mabel
Rankin From La Orande, Jtay Mur
phy. E. D, Jasper, Jeanette Wheatley,
Mae Nellt, : A. C. Hampton, Naomi
Williamson, Alice McKlnley MiUer, Mr.
and Mrs- Ernest Watkins and H. E.
Coolidge. 4 -
. The alumni will meet next Monday at
the Washington Haselwood ; committee
room at 12 o'clock. .
Motorcycle; Eidery .
Age 77, Is Killed
'-V f?-..--v-r''. -J MsSMBssajM' - g . '! s-; 'T.
Roseburg,. July L J. M. Devlne, age
77. an inmate of the Soldiers'. Home, met
death a mile east of Peel when a motor
cycle he was riding went over a steep
bank. He left early this morning; on. a
flehlnr and hunting trip - - : r
This Sale will con
tinue all (week, but
come early for a
'choice selection.
Many courteous
salespeople to give
you attention.
I I 1:1 I - I I :., tl .. 1 I "v.: .. Ill . in S 1:1 I -
OaV I " ' I ; -Cotto 5 :
tf - ' douses '
. M ' V . Refular'
t Values 4
Jit the first
of the 'Mm
rz .
. m i-.i . '. '" .. ...
' - :.L - ' " 't
Cajpes, Skirts arid Blouses
Reduced to Below Actual Wholesale Cost
to make room for new fall merchandisei vvK
daily. As we have only been established four months; it is ev
ident that every garment is new, seasonable ;goods of the
finest workmanship and materials: V . ;
Reduced tc i Below Actual Wholesale Cost . "
that forme rly
soM up" to . 935
tltat f e r sa rly .
sold - up to $50
Cl3af ance of All Silk Cloth Dresses
Silk and Cloth :
Worth to $29.50
Silk? aud Cloth
Worth to $39.50
S;;Silkarid! Clbtli; Suits
.that for mo rly
sold up to $30 .
that fermt rly
sold top to v$3&
351-355 Alder Street, Corner Perk
T'Red Ctrown" gives a
qnick, easy - start ' and
yoror car tnovea, ahead
with steady, depend
able power.
v -Red Crown is
straight distilled, all -refinery
gasoline with
the full and continuous
chain of boiling points
necessary for easystart
ingji quick and smooth
acceleration, -depend-able
. power .. . and long :
mileage. Look for the
Red Crown sign before
you fill.
. ::-. t CCalilerais)
Suits, Dresses
that f o r morfy "
. sold up to rS65 -
. capes ;;r
that t o-r
sold op
Silk and Cloth i
: Worth to $45.00 '
Silk and Cloth
..Worth to $55.00
, Sxiitsi
, that ff o r m o rly .-'
sold -to $49.50-
that f o y m rly
sold up, to $75
Holding Your Paper
boot or sewing three feet off . to
see .means an. imperative need o
ttases. : . - f;'k
' Don't; brine - on further eye
strain, which might -cause Cataract
or other - fomplications let ' me
examine your eyes by my person
alty perfected method , of ; exami
nation help you to see easily, by
wearing my Perfect Fitting Glasses.
3 Eyitt Specialist
Washington at Broadway
Cuticura Stops
ItchinJi aridl
Saves the Hah
Sasaata aeola few efOels ia. Payt. . liis?
As we have only a
limited amount of
garments, it will be
- impossible to' send
any C. O.'Di. or ap-.
provals. ; Eyer sale
must be final.
as o rly
to SIOO .,
: Georgette ;
: C Blouses
.. . j . . i .... t r: :
Beaded. ' Embroidered, and .
Many Hand-made' Blouses.
' Your choice of our entire
i " J! ';
'Buy"yoir Records in Our Convenient phonograph Department I
1 Mail Orders Carefullv Filled ? - I
. Red
'"Sorter Miss You." vocal, fey Francis A Ida. . . . .'. . .. . .It.oa
"Juanita.'? vocal, by De Gogorza; . . . .:; . . . . .". . . . t.0Q i
"Thou Flow'r Bekvd," vocal, by De Luca. M.SQ j
"Quartet tn C Major," instrumental, by Fionzaley Quartet. . .$t.5q
ii'The Quiltlne Party, vocal," by Mabei. Garrison ........ v. .$1.0(j
4"Oh; WakcJVte Not," vocal, by Martinelli. . . . x It.od j
-"When you -look in the Heart of a Rose," vocal, by Jno. ' i4
. mcvormacif .... . . .
Souyenir.7 violin solo, by ?irnbalist i M .-i ..... "., . t.oo.
: -When YoaSee Another Sweetie; Manfctne Around," by) 1
:ryA4deiRowland.i'U'-:;:iC .. . . . . ,) , Price 85c
.'Marhmy o Mine," by Adele Rowland. . ,..; . . . . ) h .
'Lullaby Blues'
4 r
s'When the Bees Make Jioney"
v'A Rose,; a Kiss and You," byjohn Steel i . . . vi) Prlc 85c S
"Girl of My Heart," by iohn Steel , .......;). , j
Brintr B-w the, Wonderful Days,' Fields . .., . .) Price 85c
i'Jazz Baby,". .Harri$::.- ..y..:, .. i:. ..'. .) '.:'" . i
Somebody's Waiting for Someone," Peerless Quartet . , ) . Price 8S
-i'The Boys-Who Won't Come Home," Henry Burr. . . . . O ! ' I
Popular 'Dance Music and I
'.. . Instrumental :
Money Musk No. i and No.i 2," Victor Military Band. ..) Vrico 8Sc
- Viririnia Reels.'; Victor Military Band. . 'i . ; ;. .t . .. . , ..);; ..:
"OK,-Susie. Behave," Van Eps Trio..V;... . ,) Price 85c
"Monte Cristo, Jr;," Van Eps Trio ) t j
''Out of the East1' Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra. .... . V. . . ) Price 65c
Ralny pay:BIucslos; C Smi11' Orchestra.. ;.;.. .,) , :
"Oh, My Dear," Smith's Orchestra. . . . ..I ;.r..-. . : ...)' 1 i i
r- Somebody's Sweetheart i and Good v- Morning. . Judue,") Price $ 1 .35
Smith's Orchestra. Ji .V . , . , . . . . . ; t . . ) , , j
i'kisi Me Ajaln," Victor Herbert's Orchestra.. . . . ;..)Price$l.C0
1 'Humore'ique.'fVictor: Herbert's (Orchestra ..)"Vy . ; . . . ) -
ose you
were d visitor
or a pTospcctire buyct cn-;
tering iyour;own bouse, ,
What would be your first
impression ? A shabby
entrance with a porch bad
ly in need of paint? Then
why not change ft?
B-H Porch Floor Paint
is prepared especially for
-this purpose. Assures an
unusually ' .durable - finish
and helps preserve .the
porch and steps by . sarin;
the wear and tear of walk
ing on. them.
jPSii'cJfo' jFJ?
Sfrowbridge Hardware & Paint Co; L
,.; - . 106-108 Grand Avenue. ' East 768 "
Distributor for D ASS-KtHTTEIl PAINT CO., San Frzzlclzzo
ev.V.BHf' 4I Jr.-4et4 a-44Sfc ..;f.l ...-; y '
T?fflii r
There it no need of endarin the
diKOmfoit that COmeS from a Skin
which itches and barns, or Is marred
uy paicucs o crupiwn. n)noiuim
raaent nsuallv relieves itchiner at. onr.
snq sraicaiy nun sc saun cicar aoa
healthy again.
- ; o.
- . t i
, ( y v"
' !
r""' I " r i
Victor Resort
NoW on Sale
Our : Phonograph Dcpti
. r -----:
. . . ... . .......... . . . . . . . . . . si.ou
.u ...i . . .y) J
106 Fifth St., Across from First National Bank
. , Victrolaa and Victor Records
Rrinrl n;
mnihinir snH tnaa Kn . .1 : ...
treatment for over twenty ve s.
yoti neea not hesitate to t;s : it c r
. ' fH-nmnttriri ! ' .
- - arucr'.
. . I
Hi WASHISTOTO.V, ret. tl and ;i
70 ' v.J
: !