TllH OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,, TUESDAY,: JULY 1, 1019.. 'VMM AUTOMOBILES A1CD ACCESSORIES 44 " ARE1. YOU "IN THE;' MARKET FOR A QOOD USED CAR? ' -? If so you look over this list and convince -yourself that we have - - -. . ' 'THE BEST AND LARG , EST ASSORTMENT - OF .USED CARS : IN THE CITY f riesd "runt, . Convenient umt if desired, , . 1 1919- Col 3. un typ. 4 pass., wit t eorJ tire. X 191 Big 6 Stndsbaker. 7 paea.. with card vi. ,- -- tire. .- 1 1919 -cyL Stadebaker, f rjesethgex. 1919 Kins. 8 cylinder. 1 1 1 1918 Jordan. 7 pas., wir wheels, 8 tires. . ,' 1 91 8 Jordan, 5 peas.. Sport Marltfct Modal, 1918 HupmobU - 1918 Chandler. . 191ft Boh roadster. - ' . 1918 Ford roadster. V 1917 Oakland sedan. 1917 Oldsmobll. chummy roadster. 1 1 1917 Willys Overlsnd. 7 pass. . ; 1 isiT ttaynes cniuuiny rosasier. 1917 Maxwell. - 1917 HupmoblM Big-4.-?- , 1917 HadaoD Super-Six.; 191T Buick. 6 passenger. 1917 Cole 8, 7 passenger. 1917 Buick roadster. 1916 Btuta roadster. 1918 Saxon roadster. 1918 Saxon. Model 68 Overland, 1914 Hi A Buick. 1 H1HI1III. r X I 1918 Mitchell Bi 6. . 1 1915 Overland Model 30. 1913 Mitchell. 1915-Buick deliver. . . . , . j . Chalmers, Model 28. v J14 enuueosser, eyiinasr. i 1914 Overland.; Model 79. 1914 Buick. I .. - I Ford 1 Baa bus. -1 White bug. . Atao hsre late model Dodges. Oakland and Cnet relets en the wsy. which, ought to be bar moat an day. . , Tftc ijcwls E Obyc t- V Motors Co. j ' ...... . - ' I :. Broadway and Ouch, -Broadway 3827. USED AUIOMOBU.ES TERMS GIVEN W. will Uka your Liberty bonds at lace value. 191 8 Mitchell. R pass.. 6 cyl 1017 Mitchell, 5 paa., 8 eyl... ... 1917 Mitchell. 7 paaa., cyL . . . . . 1914 White, S paaa., 4 eyU. . . . ... 1917 National, 7 paaa.. 12 CyL.i.. 1917 National. 7 paaa., 8 cyL..., J 91 8 Overland, ft paaa., 4 cyt . . . 1918 Oakland. B pan.. 6 ryL . , . , . 1917 Oldamobne, 7 paaa.. 8 cyl.... 1918 Chandler, 7 pa-ta.. 8 cyl. I It 16 Orerland, 8 paaa., 4 ryi..,..l 1416 Holber, 5 paaa., 8 cyl....,,. 81250 .,..81030 ,.81200 ..,,81400 ... 31400 ,.,,81250 ,,.$ 850 ,.,.6 T5 ..,.$1880 ....8 f50 ..,.8 600 ,.-.8 800 828 km iiaynea, o pan., ryu ...... : 1913 Mitoticll, 7 paaa., 0 cyl...,,, 9 000 . It A l-vpa d ion iruca ............... . , . ..-alV . Moat of lb aboTe cars bare been' rebuilt m4 : ratnted. .. .... - : We wilt take ycror eld ear as part payment Cn aonia of the above car. "V'SKD CAIl DEPARTMENT , Eaat First at Morriaon . Tbonea: East TST2, B-1218. , WEST R11)B SALESROOM ; ! Broadway .at Oak. rbonea: Broadway S15, A-S343. - Mii'crHKr.r; tJKWisi utaveb ca Classy Bug Bodies Burness Martin - lfttb and- AaJ ata,. -;- ' 1 OUT Ford. C naaaencer , ......IS75 1917 Ford, roadster .. i 8400 1916 MitcheU "V V. , .............. .1700 1917 (irant "6" $650 1918 t'befrolet touring ,...$'.00 1817 Maxwell "" ...,...-......,...$530 BUTLER &,WOOD . "Senrnc Vaed Cars" 887 E. Burn aide, at approach to Burnaida Bridge U8K1 CAR BARGAINS. Tight Buick ....$1180 Buick 6. No. 55 ............. i 1100 Dodge, 1918 .... ........i. 1O00 800 Overlanda .. . . ......,$400 to Orartt ;0 ....................... TonU' ...... ........ .8250 to Cbevroleta ..8850 to 550 650 650 450 380 .Keren! car $100 to 2 earn, each 50 6 trucka . . . 8B0O to 1VU 462 Hawthorne. ltT ' T 'PASS. J0RDAW It is wrauticaUr wi aaa a wnaela. aord urea.- asat light, bumper and ' lot ' of eg . UMi 8kaV.. .CU Caat 733&V - 18.600 earrted to atock. Cae4 anrtnga old with a writiea guarantee. . We ajTa you aar ice. 14 N. 16th atreet. ..""Special .Bargains ..'17 Maxwell touring, rewalntad ,.;.....$ 575 1 6 Maxwell touring, repainted ........ . 760 18 Ferd touring, repainted ........... 400 '18 MitcneU Hula aix 1050 . 7'paaaangex Hudaon 6-84 . . , 609 . :,f- Baa EPFTJC. BO-52 K. SOth at., Waat Bide, near Washington. FORD : A-t ahane, price 8S75. 15 down,' balance J2J.50 pa aaontn. Hea Keilr or Jake, at The Oregon, Auto Xop Co... N. W. cor.. 14th aud Couch. Bdwy. 4408. - ' - T0CR choice f three eara, Hndaea, Bnpnio bile or Chandler, all -overhauled, renatated. wseellent -eondition. - real amines, t tlllO, terma to auit. If Intereated call Bdwy. -1276. room 423,. for owner, and leave phono number or addreea. j. . . Z DORT TOIRIXQ ' -1 Hare'y ' ear that you will enjoy; prioe la tight, ouly 8875. TJS ,V8EI CAR aTXCHAJJQE 527 Washington rt. CHAIAIEBS 1917, touting; Ik fine. osndlUon, newly painted, good Urea. - A - bargain -t tl450, with terms. . 80 Grand tvn, North, near : ournauw at. ill" LATE model 'Maxwell, look like brand uw, rune smooth and quietly. A ear you could be proud of. A anap at 677S. WU1 give aoote terma. 128 E 68d at. W. Tabor 8650, ' -CHETESlET touring. 1918, newly painted. brewster green, fine mechanical condition, good Urea. WiU aeU at $750; aonto Urmg. $0 trend are; North, near Burnaido at. 1917 CHEVBOLKT, good ahape. with new. tire . bua arouno, ' tvui aacri'ica tor aoav. Looenu terms. Fnvato owner. . hjut 6203, 661 avt . Mornaon. 1917 TOKO truck. ' chain drive, la oast "of ' . condition, -with good Urea. Terms. East 5852. - ' - SPOT CASH FOR FORD, CHEVBOIXT: rK)DGK, MAXWELL OB BUICK. . CALL EPPI.K. MAIN 200. 1918 FORD. $300 caah; excellent aondiUoa, all new tin. 2 extra, extra wheel, glee, lights ana ipnuoineicc. - .Jl zil nine. . BARGAIN LV ;191S BHISt'OE: RUN't LOOKS LIKE NEW: 5 OOOU TLSE3. CALL Rf AnnflALli IV3V,.Arr.' II. tiA.OLI E 22 CENTS A GALLON, 'OILS AND GEEAStS. JTIUNEEB PAJST CO., Jgtt 1ST, -"""rricea $84 and AUTOMOBILE , AXB ACCT0niTS 44 Will the V Find You Without an I AUTOMOBILE? You should ; have acar this year and we have the car you want. : ' For rnUBee, ma have a, 1917 Buick at; with new top and in alegant ooadition, s which yon should bob, ' ; .. . 'ALSO ' 1 ' - ; .' i Hudaon eupor! ix, ; wire wheel and newly painted. Tbta-cag ta n anan. He it' today. We can j also i show you an assortment of Stude bakers.' : the" premier of all medium-weight cars. EASY 'PAYMENTS . A litt!e ; down and- the rest while you ride THE PORTLAND USED - P CAR STORE The Biggest and Busiest Corner, on Broadway f a ; .at iBurnside Phone Broadway 616 i Open Evenings -MUST-VACATE j' i yir Cxt is: SACRIFICE SALE Aero typo Cola 8, like new; Firestone cord Urea .$2300 Liberty 0, newly painted; will guarantee this: ear .... .'. .'..:. . , ..." 1500 Orerland with winter" top, good tires and - paint. A. bargain 700 Light Six chummy roadster with wire - wneels V nmy roadster for 11 50 Olds 8, chummy 100 Two Cbevrolets, new tires and extras $435 and 5G0 ' !- ' . i ' . 1917 Font touring car 475 W Ii.lWallingfford Co, ' TV5 522 AI.DER ST. Ask for Cary. Broadway 29a and Broadway 2191. BARGAINS IN USED CARS You need a good car for the holiday. Do not deny ymrrelf the pleasure or an auto. THE FOLLOW INO ABE BIO SNAPS: t pf7 MAX WET Ji ROADSTER $ .550 1917 pah;k TOPRINU. lOOO 1917 FORI TOUKIXU. 475 1914 OVKRIjAND TOURING.. 375 1014 CADILLAC TOURING. . 875 "lAIJTOiSALES'COo I- ATJB0RS DISTRIBUTORS - ' ' NINTH AND tlOUCH ' -- " i ' - - ' ,; f A 1919 COI.B 8 ; 4 "PASSENGER, AERO TTPB LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW i Equipped with 6 . cord tires, spot tight; bumper front and rear arid a lot of other- extras. Priced right. Will give reasonable terma. Call Eaat 7S3S. .1 ' FOR 8AT.K CHEAP Ono light 6-paaaangei Chataiera, electric light and Htarter. One: light a-iaasenger . Overland, electric lights and starter. , Theae.favrs nuist b sold by July 1 at jtoar own prioe and terms. Hemphill Trade School, 797 Hawthorne are., cor. 20th. , GARAGES $38. 849.50. 859.66 Beady Cut Hnasas MTLLMADB CON 8 TR UCTIOaT COMPANZ : 1601 Union Ave. . Woodlawn 84 18, IJST give you our es timet of exactly what it wilt coat yon to ham your oar overhauled; 1I work-fnaranteed. ... . ... Hemphill Trade School. v 70T Hwtiorn Cot. 20th. . l; ;t OVERLAND - -1918 modal,, card tires, new paint, car in wonderful shape. i Price $660, J25 down. oat u mentm. oea jaka or Kelly, Bdwy i i vreaon aid op to., w. W. .pgr. sua vwjra mreeiv t; t,tc. uauJSTBa - 'This i one of the- real ones, . baa leather top. plate glass in year, two extra tires mounted, and looks as good a new; terms, or will tak light ear in- trade. ' - 2 ALOER ST., A1ATJTO WORKS. '1 I III II M lit - - I CHEVROLET. A Ute 1917 model, all new Ore. ' ytnrt like a i ear; eery easy terms. See this at the Oregon Auto Top Co, N. ; Vf. cor. 14th and Ouch.; Sao Jake or Keny. Bdwy. 4408. ' FORD delivery, fin condition, good tires. Must aelLt A bargain at 8985. with terms. $0 Grand iave. North. aar Baranes. - ' ; VAN4TED-FJrst-clai auto' painter, also ' helper - with soma painting experience. 164 tyion are. BRINGING UP sFaItHER TO fLrTTr "fru l fr v-a ruc , Pggncrtr- tr& a Tavq ATTTOJI OKILES AITTJ ACCKSS0EXES 44 If You Are Looking for a . Good Used , Car step - over to No. 12 Grand ' ave., near Burnside. Out of the high rent - -district.-; v.::;;: ' Whet we nro able" to show vott the ' best aeanrtment of late aaodel used - cars that son wti: find ta too city. . ..- t , - v A few of which are Uited Iwlow: A PACKARD TWIJf SIX 3 COLE 8i 1 BIO SIX 19T9 STCDEBAKES ' 3 1018 MTU1EBAKER8 , - 1 1918 BUICK BOAII8TKR - v 1 1916 8TUTZ KOADMTER 1)916 SAXON KOADSTEtt : , -'-' Abo a number of MAXWELL", DODOES, OVERLAP US, CHEVROLETS 1 ' v . and " " FORDS - . - Beaaonablo terms to tboa who desir them: UBERTT BONDS TAKEX AT FACE TALTJE. DealersV Used Car , -Clearing House ; -" 1? Grand ' Art, . -:i ; i Open , Evenings and ' Sundays, .: .; ' Phone Xaet 846. , ' THE ran' in th following list will be on display fax our used car department andfWiU bo found as represented i ,1916 Model Cadillac. A-l mechanical i conditicn, good tirea, special color, good upholstery. $1760. 19 14 model Cadillae, ood mcehanioal - condition. .Prioa $550. 1 1911 CadiiJno,' tornado body. S pass., good mechanical condition. - Price- $250. 1918 Winton 6, aevan passenger, .wary-1', good tires, good, sneahanieal conditio a. : A great stage ear.' Price 50O. 1019 National, 7 pass., first class me. chanjeal condition, run leaa than 6000 miles, good tire, witb extra; a good buy.' Prieo $1600. s 1916 Oldrmobfle, S pats., sedan, in beautitnl oonditiosi throughont. good tires, ' look. 00 per cent new. Price $1409. 1917 Mitchell. 7 pass., la first class condition; good Urea. Price $1100., 1912 Mitchell roadster t make a fin. high power bug. Price $250. ' 1913 Studebaer. 5 pass., aedan; good condition. Price 63SO. 1913 fttudebeker, 4 cyl.. 5 pass., good mechanical condition. Price 8350. .1916 model Overland, 5 pass.;, good mechanical condition, newly painted good tires. Price $550. COYEY MOTOR CAR CO. WASHINGTON ST. AT 218T. MAIN 6244. IF IT'S good used eay CONLEYv HAS IT 1917 Hndson Super.Nn th. best of shape, only $1469. nupmobile. You know what a Hup is.' $1050. OverUnd touring.. Just painted. It's good ono for $625. 1018 Chevrolet touring. Buns fine. $075. 1918 Chevrolet roadster. Nearly new, j fitudebsker Four. - This ear is fnll of serv. ice. Think of itr only $400, j '-, . ' CONLET'S USED CAR CENTER. S. W, Cor. 16 th and Washington sta. WHEN Ton WRECK '1UM, AND BEND 'EM. SEE a. Q. GERHEB "THE RADIATOR MAN" build bodies, repairs ra diator, bodie. fenders and all anto Mteet metal rnrta. . NEW 'LOCATION 11TH AND DAVIS. BROADWAT 1873 KOKDM- LA T K MODELS " Ford touring with wire wheela. on. extra; electrio starter ' and lightsy - one - man top, speedometer and drop steering wheeL Come up and take a look at a regular Ford. Prioe $500, and only $150 down, balance monthly. : One lata '17 touring, has demountable rims and oventiso tires; run like new. Low price, and $100 down lets you own it, balance monthly. 525 ALPKR ST, At ABTO WORKS AND PAINTlNtJ CO. GARAGES Portable and Permanent Price on Application, MODERN M.u.tTiniitf fin 816 E- llth at.' East 5114. OAKLAND 8 cylinder, 7 passenger. 2 taps; a real buy. - Twin Six 7. passenger; 6 cord tires. A ear like this only comes once in a lifetime at th. price. - - t - z ' 1918 Chevrolet 6 passenger, tin -condition; 2 Cadillacs. 8 pass.; $100 will ban'dla. , 6ES WHITE k STEVENS Bdwy. tim 421 Bumsida. DODGB sedan, 1918. nearly" new i only run 8000 miles;' wire wheela, an. extra. ; Will consider smaller car . in trade, - Balance terms. 80 Grand ave. North, nsr Burnside. MAXWELL. 1917. completely overhauled, new , paint, new rubber; absolutely first clasa con dition. 3600. Call Mondays A, M. Rash. 415 K. Morrison St. OREGON TAN BELT MFG. CO. PAR PLCS BRAND OF LEATHER BELTS FOR ALL AUTOS AND TRUCKS. 14214 2D ST. MAIN418. BQ ' Z Wir wheels, paint and upholstering matcrieai Into model, jind low price and term to suit you. 525 ALDER ST., Al AUTO. WORKS. TRUCKS AlfD TBACTOB.S SS ONE ton Ford Smith $400. 1 ton MoreUnd. 1 ton Rogers Bros, trailer, new. - 1 ton Ford, Lee attachment, chain ftriTe. ' !, BUTLER & WOOD. "Selling Used Care," ' 367 E, Burnside at approach of Burnaida bride. 2 TON truck" for sale, or trad. Call 6Q0 Powen st. after B p. ra. 1917 FORD, chain drire; good condition; $425. 'Tiapman Repair Col, 1 88 Chapmen. V'TON' O.!. C. " truck "ft VxreUent oondltionT - cord tires, good body, 420 Belmont st. I s . w affair. mm 7 I !i:coV - WElufcsrALi. I II ! ill 1 1 " h T) IFimOrlY WAV- WH23I5, TRUCKS AJri TRACTORS M FOUR BARGAINS 2-TON ' CART, esmnfetely hauled and in A-t shape; tires p recti, cally new, quipped with eap. presto-lit) and platform body. This truck is an ex cellent buy fog $23Q0 ttbsral term to Kliabl psrUsav 2-TON GABT, wraotJeany new. ' ThH track has not been driven over 500 miles, and Is the bast buy In town at 3800, . , 2-TON REO, good condition, equipped with delivery body, top . curtain nd Preeto lighta. $700. . C , 4 -TON O, M. C good condition, equipped with .'t brand new tires, delivery . body, top and I'resto lights. 700, , ' . OABT COAST AGEXCT 71 Broadvgty phono-Bdwy. 2162, PortUnd, Ox, .COMMERCIAL CARS 1918 Dodge Graham trunk, A-l me- -ehanioal condition. Urge body and top vary easy terms, Prioo $1400. 1913 CsdiUan 2 ton Graham truck, . newly painted; stake body; very, easy terms. Price 9140O. 1 SI T Ford delivery, panel. body. ppso tically new tires. 6400. - 1916 Ford delivery, panel body, good meclianical condition; good tires. $300,. h 1917 Overland- delivery, pane) body, " good tire: good mechanical condition. . Pile. $600. 1917 Overland delivery, panel body,-v good tirest good meehanical condition. V Priea $475. .. - r 1914 Overland' delivery, good condi tion. Price $800. 1917 Studabaker delivery, good me chanical condition; good tirea. Prtca $500. . .. . Covey Motor Car Co. ; WASHINGTON 8T. AT 2 1ST. MAIN 6244. Ons 1917 Gsrford I -ton. fully . equipped, with express body and top, in fine condition. $1500. -1918 Maxwell l ion, with new orenUa. tires, cab and body; all ready to run, $750. Roberts Motor Car Co. Fsrk snd Everett. Bdwy. 1369. WORM DRIVE FORD Wiir trade my 1 H -ton -Federal for a worm drive Ford truck. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCB - I R-628. Jeurnsl '' 1018 FORD. 1 ton, worm drire. in xeellent condition, svpross body, . top and side cur tain. 8700. . - . i- ' . '.'-. Roberts Motor Car Co. PARK AND EVERETT. BROADWAY I860. GOOD TJ3ED TRUCKS TERMS 8EB WHTTK OR STEVENS. 421 BURNglDE. BlWX. 63L, AUTOMOBILES Vaht ED 78 WE PAT CASH for sed ears. B. sura to sc. us error seiung before selling your car. BUTLER & WOOD "SELLING TJHED ' C!iM" 367 E. Burnside, at approach of Burnside bridge. PAINTING TOUR CAR WILL INCREASE ITS SELLING VALUE. FORDS ENAMELED FOR $16. r AUTO ENAMEL1NO WORKS 76 TIN ION AVE. N. v WOODLAWN 4897, WANTED .Light anto a first payment' on S room house. - II yoo nr anything to rent, sell or etchang seo John Brown, 824 Ryy t j i . jyivxsf, WE BUT and sell used gars. Bring H to ts raeuia Awto fJo.. I4tn and coneb ana got ts cash, or pbon Broaflway 4408. wri t. taV fisrr irnfi vnmi vnin rvnrwio" MAXWELI, OR BUICK AUTO CALL Ki'PLrj; stAiw json, WANTED 1917 model MaxweU L top, com - nieta with aide mirtsins. Must bs A-l ma. ition. Box. 418, R B. Hamilton, Dauas', Or. FORD WANTED I mnot 'a-! dealer;"oJ U your price is right, I bar the cash. C-81, 4vanw. WANTED Fnrd: hue: write Kine Art Ca.. 886 E. Morrison, root) 6. Stat terms or casET Ko dealers. ' - - BIGHKST Dee paid for qtoesobiias. eMidltwn no .Meet, HI y. d at Breedway 2689. SPOT cash paid for need eara. Dealers' Used Car Peering H"oa. Orsnd gv. snd E. Sk.. ATJTObV FOR hire it ATTTOS RENTED WTTHOBT DRIVERS - New Model Cera . Reasonable Bates FEARING At ROBNETT CITT GARAGE 88 10th st near Stark. '- ; Broadway 640. EAST SIDE AUTO CO. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. COLUMBIA HIGH WAT OARAGE, 43d and Bewnont. Tabor T274. Tabor 6801, Main 7820. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLANDS HUDSON'S LOWNSDALE GARAGE . niJwx, ?U8. . 1 oin Aivij wsrx. AUTOS WItHOUT Dflrt'ERS FOR HIRE T. .1 SI'TXIVAN. FASHION OABAG MARSHALL 382. 10TH at TAMHILL. A-I28S. tERICE ear and ante) sjnbulanoe, night or day. wmwi et. Maraga, Mrsatungton and 1st tree. NEW autaa without driren for hire. MiU St. Garage, 866, Second sf Main 636S. KlTW CA RS without driver for hire. kin Street Garage, 2d and Mill st., Win 852. WDSrT SUPER-iLt tor hire. "Wain isi! ' MOTQRCTCLK8, B1CTCLE8 65 TWIN INDIAN, 2 speed, kick start, food con dition. $85,. 273 Columbia St. - - .-- . (Copyright, 191 - MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES At FOB UOTORCTCLE. bicycie and general : ru pairing paR Main Ttlt?: We carry ' tho fiasnoUB Hariey Dandsosi bseydea, also seven second hand nsotorcycleaaxHt need parts fee all max. " Bicyele Supply Ca 809 4th st. ' FOR SALE 1 919 new Hariey-Davidson. ' 16 h. p.. 8-speed, electrical, with 2-paenger Tide ear, winaimewi ana top; n oaiy .490 Bon 66, junction City. Or. - - fcaUos. LATE -1916 Pnwerpms Indian : mttss!L a: leaving city; 296 caslt. i'hon Tabor 4691. it K. oaa sr. ' - - r POWERPLCS . INDIAN,- been ued vT Kttio. GIm ma an efter, 434 K, 8U and Wilson eta., west vide. r l LAUTCHES A5D BOATS 64 KEW nentippabie canoe, bargain for, cash or art cash snd trad for Graphaphon. or aVhat. pave yoor, Phone Woodiswn 693 Sunday, s See rt Mondsy. 62T Stark, FOR SALE ,Tt H. "P. marine "engine. 2 evl- inder. has Bosch- magneto, muffler and tank snap lOT-oasn, r. , x-ierre, aw vu r. 14' SOU WAN T ' a aweu looking motorboat ( ran- about) : at a small figure, - Nwbrgr ft tn rortlaiMI Uoxerboaf club. toil iALK 1 T "worn ' houseboat with row- .boat, a bargain, $155. Inquire at housa Ne. 6'J. Portland Motor Boat Club. WANTED -Houbot, 8 or 4 rooms. Must - be in s good .1 condition ; and - reasonable. . U- BS9, Jonrrtet MODERN 3-room housaboat. . Iumisbd ' or ' un furnisbed.. . 31 . WilUmstt. mootag. Sli- woeo .(27. ( : ROOM t up ; to dU houseboat, o.. ' Willametta. moorage. - Seilwood 1485. ATTRACTIVE 4 K. rvmin. Owner leaving city Pbon. East 6244. ; WULSOS, ORGASS, HUSlCAb INSTRUMENTS I J'-ti"!.--- - 1 ' " ' - - -. T WE HAVE ' NUMBER OF , Used plsanocrsphs and talking machines that w are -closing out. Every one is in first class condition and guarsntotd fog one rear' . ONE $125 MAHVi MACHINE..... $100 ONB $90 OAK MACHINE. .... .$ TO ONE $S2.5a MAH. IVacatlon mod- !' - sr i -." ' a J 2S ONE, 640 IfAH. MACHINE. . . . .1 20 ONE 676 MAH. (horn maohine) ,.815 ONE $25 OAK ..... i .8 17 ONE 620 OAK . . ,. .812.50 - These are not tho old style cylinder maohine but' play the latest disc records. ALSO THREE PIANO BARGAINS CHASE k. BAKER. MAH., 68 NOTE ; PLATER PIANO. WITH BENCH AND MUSIC ROLLS .....1483 MAH. KIMBALL, LABGlTIZE.., 8260 GILBERT LATE DESIGN. MAH. . $210 SOLD FOR CASH OR PATMEST8 , 1 . g COIUllBIA GRAFONOLA SHOP R 8. J, McCORMICK MGR. . I . 49 WsehiPfton at, . " ctosisa-buf THi4 wtEs: , tl 00 'Cornish parier organ, caah .$ 23 125 Chicago Cottage organ,-cash ...... 35 ,273 Small upright piancn. $85 and T5 860 KraBrson upright pianos, cash. ..... 96 825 A rin it upnglrt piano,' sash ..... ... . 1'40 600 Weber upright pianos, cash. ....... 310 4T5 New stored npriabt pisnes, caah ... 290 6 SO New stored player pianos ........ 895 Pianos stored, bought snd sold, for cash -only. Security Storage Co., 1 07 4th St. . VICTB0LA.. ioid as pew, (ins tone, "with "a cotnirtiriul almost full of big bunch (96)-, latent laelecttons, including Red Heal, beautiftii MeCormaok. Kauder. etc Oricinallr cost 8140. but owner will sacrifice- $32 for quick cash or nearly jll cash sal. Call or telephone 3d floor. uregpa Eiier aiusie House, 287 Washington st, l)tlow 6tlu J'hon Main 1123. - . A VEIty altraastelnway, magnificent tone, rpua. bo -sold at once to aettla diumte be- 2 heirs: will go .fer $118 in cash or part Liberty bonds, or for $6 additional will arrange nuasonable terms: also .very fin specially made oencn. gas,'' uregent r.iier . Slusus : ilous. Wmbipcton $k, below Bth. - E OO RD EX CHANGE. Phono graph Bought Sold, Rented. Re paired. 142 H 2d neer Alder, upstair. Main 7344. SAVE -your, money, get something good.. Herss one of the -very f inert Iters A pond uprights es-pr seen, reduced $180 taken immediately; mmVbav. at least $10O Liberty bonds or" cash. Pk this liutrumjfnt no t Oregon EUers Mustc tionw, .At iTaMipgii. BKST Marshall Wendell fint quarterawed , oak t piano cott pew $423. If sold at one. owner wiU let go f or ; about half pnot. but must Wat least $100 cash or liberty bond. See it at Oregon Eileri Music House, Washing. 1VH, OCIOW ..It. Trc.uvi! .mi li.i. the beat, s-enuine vu UP- to-dte Vietrom. Must be sold at one.- No rmfonsble offer, cash or . Liberty bond, refused. 27 very fine records inciuaea. . on jwwmi er.ioon, Sd floor. Eilsrt Musiq building, en tre -28 7 Washington st. . . - ' $13 OR $25 eas. then $8 or $16 monthly, 1 buy new improved pianos, and $5 or $10 in records purchased - sends, new- improved $20, t32.50 $50, $80, $90 or $115 phonograph to your home row the Schww Piano Co., 111 Fnorth St ' - ""PlANO WANTED - - Highest cash paid for used pianos. Get our bid. SeinerUrig.LucM Mssio C-o.. 125 4th at. Main 8586. ' . TRADE YOUR PIANO m ormn on new Victrola and wconii. Oar fTpo-.tfn wilt Veue otl. Beitolis-LiicM Af i S IOI ilU -s " sVUBJI . uS8P. a W 1 -eg yaw. OWiANS ORGANS ' W. have severs l f cod used orsans, Beibetv Ung Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st BAILKT upright piano at a bargain. Neat style. . mahogany ease. Saibcrling-Lucas Musio Co., XOCB. piano or! organ" taken In full or part pay. .- ment for 1919 type of phonograph. Schwas) PUner Co..' 1 1 1 Fourth St. KOEHLKR piano, celopial style, nearly new, fine snahoesny .caae, at the biggsst bargain ! of. fcrrd. 8eiberlmg-Is Musie Co.. 126 4th C PIANO WANTED : Cash if bargain. . Dealer don't answer. Maxv ahall 1517. 1 ' PIANO WANTED for open air dance halL Musi be cheap. Pay cash or bonds. A-928. Journal. $100 CAStt'or more" paid1 for your pprigfal putnng at security pvorago to.. ia rwrra sc. PIANO in excellent condition, beautiful . tone, bargain. - Eat 8244. - ' -:. TYPEWRITERS 71 GUARANTEED 'factory rebuilt typewriter, "all makes," sold : on monthly payments, Send foe price list. Thei VVboleaai. Typewriter Co., retail sutpt.. SI vvaanineum k. ALL' nukes of typewrUars rented, repaired and aeid on monthly payment Plan, Oregon. Typav writer Co.. 94 6tb t. TyPEWBITEES " ranted, repaired, avebaaged, Typewriter supplies. " 1 REMINGTON TTPEWRITKR.tXI., 88 Broadw-y HOTJ8KHOLU UOODS FOR SALE Ai Ml ST sell m nearly new S room furniture, complete, al onp, - . uwnef leaving town, fargain for eash, , Owner, . 620 , .Northrup. roadwsy 3162 -FURNITURE of room house; solid oak sad : real leather, apheistered chairs; everything xoeiig ris tor $226; must sag quick 6827 vwniimsn avenue, fit, seoa. FUMED OAKi library, -'dining room tables and chairs. Mason fruit jar. IBP frargo FURNITURE. 5 rooms, for sala. 622 Delay ax,, j- orria. - - . - - - . - WAXED eak""dinmg table, S chairs and chin closet, Uka pew: eu. labor 0345. FTTRNITURK for sale or trade. ' lis Killirarswerrai avenue. iMr. While, FURNITURE, cheap. For particulars ceil "gTI j. Rosa st. Pkong East 898. 1 9, by InternatiooU Frslure - Serrio. Inc.! I I - HOUSEHOLD HOOPS FOB SALE 48 j OWL : FUKNITL'KE CO. SELLS FOR LESS Iron r . t. .'i.i',,,4 .,4, $1.76 and up ! Springp .,.;.. ..,.....,,,, 81.00 and up t. m ... gi.ou ana up Drssmes ; . , .. K. . t $7.50 and up Chairs ( ; . . , . . .... ..... $ .75 and up Pining teblaa 43.00 and up Center table ................ $. 78 and p Cook stoves - v. . i. . . -$9.0U aiockers 1 . , ... ; . . t , . ....... $1.60. l 1, S CH.MTL KK tfc, ia-l 1st St. MLST "saeriUo. my pew furniture; everything ready to keep bouse and house can b. rented, v will sell it by tha piaccv Com quicki it must go. 1806 WeoUey st, blocks from St. Johns ruB BALK Wood or coal Stewsrt tsose, with watee eoU ; .good : oondiUen, , , Call , evening. Sao orris SI. BOUSE furniture for' eaiav cost $30(1 ;' wIS take $173. Alberta ant. 1026 NT SOtn, . , -1 ' ' M"A CHINE R Y -X--'-.. 1 1 CONTRATOR'S portsbl saw rig. gas engine Paso, a labor and material saver, just the thing i to take on tha iob, $85: 1 lvinch blower No. 3, aoeommodates . 7-igea pipe, ' Com plete, $25, Call 88 1st st Open Sunday . FOR SALE Good second hand' 8 H W Indiana truck; wiU accept or 3 ten as part pay ment.. ; Apply at 103 East Water tt.: PortUnd. uiiALL sswmUI for ssl. " For parUculan write E- R. Leaf, Sandy, Oregon. fOB WALE M1HCELLANEOCS 18 . Tents' '. Tents ; Tents I- ' Contrsetors. dealer, hop grower. ' ar pin grower and berry pickers, wo atilI " hay. a fw hundred tenu that we srli.. eU t cut pric.. lor this wosk ptily, . ; W. Ua hava u few pieces ot leather baiting from 1 In. to 18 in, . 1 -i FCU.MNE OF PIPES AND ! PLUMBING SUPPLIES, i N. B. Mesher PlpeiCo. 229. Front st, , Main 277. TICTROLA, good as ; new, fine toue. with a ' .compartment almost full of big bunch (081 latest 1 selections, including Red Seal, beautiful McCormacJr, Lauder, etc; Originally cost 8140, but owner Will sacrifice! 833 for quick cash or nearly, all caah sale. Cell orelephone. 3d floor, Oregon Filers Musio Hons., 267 Washington St., bsaow 6th. - Phone Main 112$. TOUR CHOICE OF, S3 f . . I . - , Drop head Machines. -J -Many Like New. from ; - H "'..- .$16 TO 828 ' . -, - " . New machines rented by week or month, i i,'4TH ST. 4SIN0E STORE. s Mam 6938. ? - -- ,; 193 4tk St. SEWING MACHINES, new and second -hand, eoid for least no agents emptoyedT-.- Complete line of parts for ail makes. Machines vepaired and rented. Main 9481. UiWUIQ. MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 3d, pay Taylor or ty LADIES. ORIGINAL APPAREL EXCHANGS IN LAURELHUR8T HAS FOR SALE SUITS, DISTINCTIVE GOWNS. DANCINfJ FROCKS, 8LIGHTLT USED, LATE MODELS, OB TAINED FROM WEALTH V LADIES. OPEN 0 A. -M. TO 9 P. M. TABOR 2825. -' . f Electric :Mqtors ; Bought, sold., rented and repaired. Walker Elecrio Work. 418 Burn side, corner 10th. Broadway .6674. TEN drephead aewtng machines with sttsebnents. all are In very good eamdiUou. Sewing machines rented at 88 pet month. phone East 2369. or B 8307, E. K. Steea. 163 Grand ae., nam? Bei- mont.' "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." j "Typewrtters " and "Household Goods" r separate clssstrl eation' All advertisements of these pood nro published under their respective claaaificatioasv LOOK THEM OVER -' Boilers; Engines NEW and swooad hand, bought ana aokL U. es K. Machinery Co., 668 OerUnger building. Phone Main 620 L CH ER RIESTUTO AN BE RRIES. ... RA SPBER RIES Have Pick them youreetf, . or I will pick; cabbage, tomatoe. kale plants :; rabbits. Comer of 89th u4 E. htsrk. Mt. Tabor (M.T. 68th) ear to end, bike, ortht t east. iOR SALE Pooo. 6x7plato came'r,' leatlier carrying case, color screen, ponrau i Price $15: a ho $6 worth Savgge-SOf ammu nition for $4. 046 E. 6d t H. Puon jaoor as. SAFEST Fire and burglar "proof ssfefl, new and second hand, at right prices, bought, sold gad exchsnaied.' .- s NORBIS SAFE AND TxyCK CO.. 106 2d st. Phone Main 2018. $12.50 to $13 SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed---Wa Rent and Repair. 172 8d at., near TamhiU. ' Main 184,6. A-1816. Malt,! Hops, Crown Caps Corks, , patent bottle steppam, band and power cappers, filter bags, thermometer. 91 Grand svsv lAFEfFn,rNGFESlEB0Eb AGESTI Ekperf work done. Prices rieriC PACIFIC SCALB as SUPPLY COM PANT. ' 46 Front at. -: '- Breedway 1966. I CD' FREIGHT BATBS on howsnUd goods shipped East and South. Man ning War hens it Transfer ' '.. . 9th gad Hoy. Pbon. Broadway 703. A-l 798. FOR SALE A beautjfnl silk Jersey suit: worn a time; cost 835.- Wfil fit bust measure 88 U 42; al-o two nice. rugs;. ail for $15. .Phone Marshall : 3 845. . . - ' ' - . , SIX-HOLE steel 7 range, nearly new; "Reed baby hnvrr . All.verv reasonable. - 451 A. SRIh . S C. WoWocg otr to HoJgte. walk S blocks nasi to 9 oin. FrRKWOftKff for sale. 1 Take "Portland Heights car; get off K stewiti iHtuon, warsuaii B2iu. HOT water tanks. Hiee, In good, serviceable condition. SO get, 87; 40 gat., $9. 901 A sams sr. rast enq niaei orinx. jcaat 8516. GOIN G East or South I Household goods shipped at reduced rates: moving, snd packing. Pacifio yoast yorwaroing jo.. sua Jioyt si. Mdwy. 703; ONE white enamelod A. B, sanitary gas rangs, garbage burners, inclnding bot water coil; library table. TsboV 469t. Call 820 K. 49th VACUUM cleaners sold. " repaired, rented, ex- - .nangeu. Pougnt. nentley Uo., -East 7050. FOR SALE -Beuli(ul KentSa psim- 442n n 1 111a il fNCAHJED for Ullor-mad suits, $12.59 no Taylor, the Tailor, 269 H Burnside at. jPLUMBCG supiJiea, wholesale price. SXark mm yiov, ia i . msia 191. CASH ' regisUrs, irhow esse, sogjes, ' safes, ' eleo- . : , m, u at. , , ... naw . -j t, umwiiu w aaam eez; FOB SALE-No."I '"woed and coal rsrue, with rgsgrTOir, rnons v. inn, iggg. - ROTALANNK cherries for sale. ' 1074 Holgat street. -1 ' - - . BUTCHER box and block 8100. Call at 415 B. Morrison st, Phone East 31 13, FOR SALE Dining table. . washing" maehineT 66. Woodlawn 2928. p' f, ' FOR SALE Gas range in ' perfect ' ' condition. Ml .tat street. TABLE, and seed potstoee for sale. 8731 100th si.. S. E. Call evenings or Snndsy. -FOR flALE A ilartman steamer, trunk, used on three , trip only. Phone . East 8186. FOR SALE Cheap, Alaska- refrjgerttor. 11 C4 E. 18th W. Woodlawn. 4245. BABY 8 reed . crriae." Lloydi "Princes "sty lev t ery nswmwiDie. wain, f (Z. li H. P. Stover engine, ip A-l condStion. Can - be eeen at Both Brot., Trotttdale. Or. FOTB 32x9 ft krey inner tubes,, in fair shspe, 81 each. 904 E. liOth st. N. SlIOTGUN'and rerolrer, resMonsbie. Mar. 7X? mornings, after 6 evening GOOD Fulton eollapsihie baby buggy, with storm cortaine. 85. - Tabor 6424. - - &OTAL ANNES. lOo per lbTTcScHeoLd 1J3". FORI SALE MISCELLANEOUS It 4 PEERLESS . HIGH GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES " PLUMBING tlUPPMrc ""1 -' - HOUSE HEATING MATERIALS. r ' ' IRON PIPE PFJERLE8S H1H GHADE, TOILETS S - "SILENT .KMUHT" COMBINATIONS . . - -f - - - ; : , -' ,"-. ' - .-. GsnrraJ Distributors' ' ' WM, POWELL HIGH GRADE . VALVE AND STEAM ' ; - - SPECIALTIES -. BOSTON BELTING CO.'S " , MFCHANICAL RUBBER OOf)DS The Peerless Pacific Co. Buewreon anq naiewonm. w-(-n srsni av, 1: 2 " Portland. Oregon, ' - , . WB SAVB wen Hens, wiring, bghtlng futures, electrical repair ing, supplies. , Third St JUeetrto Store. 334 19 3d st., nsar nalinoa, 6058. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boat are separate olasaifteationa. A largo listing can b. found oodsr thasu dliUrant iaasi. fictions.. 11 .1 - FTJRXITTJRR VvATEI) 4 YAI01B; W. wsnt your nssd fumltur. rugs, csrpets. Stores and all household good and will pay the highest B"h prices, r ; . Our 3 Large Stores . easbl u is dlspoea of these goods at one. ttd therefant we can Pty ths i?' ' ' 1 ' Top Market Prices - - W alsn buy and sell kardwsr. tools, snort ing good, tent. - blrrcle. tyrwwritors. - adding machine and office- and store f nmitMrsv . Whan you have anything to bar, sell sr trad,. '-. - Call' Main W'v, Levin Hdw.Tt Furn.'Co. ' - v 23-1-8-6 -FRONT XT. ' "'-' -' i V' --!'. We Will Buy ft.: TOW aiPOT CASH TOUR HOI'SFWOLO - .FI'llNITURE' FOrt ANT AMOUNT, A fflONE OAlw WT1.L BR1NO-CS. TO TOUR .DOOR, NO CHARGE, OUR VALUATION IS H1GHE H THAN THB ' OTHER FWT.LOW'S THERE'S A REA- SON: BKCAI'RE WE SKLL TOPAT " rWlUT-WE BOUGHT TE8TEBDAT. s rno.NS VhonsJ ' iHarshall 5981 ' Oevurtz Furniture Co. its rmst st. A Before You' Sell Your Furniture,1; See Us " We are In need of aH kinds of used furniture, rugs, carpets, "tyres, ranges, all hinds of old gss stoves and office furniture, and wo pay- ebo. Intely top prices for ssine.v CALL MARSHALL ' 587 and onr bnyrwill 'call at one with tb. cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE :205-and '207:.: First St. Bet. Tsriorand Salmon Btl. - We 'Pav More-; ' POWTCANT FUWXITrRE FWCWAWGB -208 FIRST STREET. MAIM 7728. Will -buy yon odd rAactw a your oe no pi eta furniahine at .. ..- - i- . - i - , Ton '.Cash 'Prices -1: - t CaB us for prompt, courteous serviea, - Owl Furniture Co'morbion W want ymir used furriWurSi stoves, ' carpet and pianos: w- pay th higlunt ea prises -166 end 1$ tt st - Call Msn 42T. WIGHTtf AN-JOHV8DN FtTRNTTUytB CO. 88-90 Orsnd ave. East- 7766. ' Highest price paid for " used furniture, g) yets, stoves, rsnges, ete , . W, oan promptly. CASH pBiI M furpitur, stove,, ranges, " srretsr- rugs, dressers, ptavy. Phone Mv. 2"TW. TTrln Firnlture Co , 641 V w riRNlTURB WAlTET .WIU pa g" thai H j : wnrrn. mgin ., rscuif s-urnisurt Co., 140-1 4 2 lt t - - Y-AM in th. msrket for furniture lions privu . parties ouly 409 H Jscksoo st,,. ... CALL MAIN 1 It. , PHONH Ess 784 6"whn "yon" want la ' aeTl your : fnmitnre; w. win mm. at on, and pay you CASH. M. R. S EATER, 880 nswthome ave. . ' , WANT"HOnHEWIjr FURNITURE -- f-WILL PAT CASH. - Phono Main 8383. r T: - ! HW A T tTOLtTMll - A3 4-HOLE fss ' rsngs to iradg, for -a'" gW wster neater, smssi siiu, :- 6-PARS. Ford , touring car to trade for a heavy duty Ford truck. . East 8110. VfAWTKn wiwrFM.ANrorw i WSWt ED PeopU oHPort'-' rdTto gnow BYat I pay the highest cash pries to second hand household goods. No amount ton largo oT too amalL Prompt attention. ' :' i r N. M ABATES. ' "' Phone Esst 12208. I - 148 Russell es. CASH . PA !T FOR Al l. KINDS OF STOVES WWrMtU, 198 FTwar MATN 4408. 88 TO 313 FOR SECONDHAND SClTST" Meyer, the tailor, pays most for clothing snd gnoss. hi can day erentueV Msrsnsu 14W or goo sasmson, near P sx. GOOD PHICK paid anr sewed carpet sag. .Rag rugs woven te oraer. rnons neiiwooq s-la. Kustyle Rngo.EaH tlst st and Teninn. 1 . V FARMER s7"ATTFNTTON . " V . J. , - POTATOES WANTED J'- :V, ' J. I. BeMen. 230 Ash st. Phone Bdwy. 3489. $7ifor 2dhHand Suits Top price for fnrnltur. and trunks.'- Bdwy 866. FIFTT MEN WANTED TODAY Good haircut,! 25c; shsve. 18c 113ft 2d. St. between Wsihington and Stark. ' ( BART earrisgee 1 re-tiri. Work galled for and ueuverea. wcyeie supply Co., 309. 4tH- st Phone, Main 7716. : ' - - ' ". .- i WANTED A duck lake to shoot next fall Z- 39. Journal, - j ... ' . . . U JUNK '.. plumbing supplies, pipe, hardware end machinery bought, sold. 929 Front. Main 6277. WANTED-t-Kiflmi, shotguns, cameras, lenae. HochfeM. 6 3d vt i -Phon Main 8581, -".; -f '',K'''.FERSOIf AL - ft jt'ST "RECEfVED s carload "of Etrndrgon Orecw' will relieve immediately, $3 prepaid. wi u , rpnenaj or. Mitel 1 xf i. l iiim -aas itu ut '. - Spiritual! advfwr. iatructionj In th theory of nriHs, eaorewe gnq newnony.- - 1 atvrvovOim'Utioa riii.E. AU c s-wy '1 8 Sellmg jbldg Main 4998 CLEANING, pressing, dyeing, ? rious,"" W? csll and deliver. Tha Cabinet Main 1 62S 5b." WTTJCrVSON remove corns in n)lnute 166 N. 6th. Honrs 10 to " LA DT"B ARB riffs Shsve. lllc; haircut. 25c; fare massage. 85a. 825 Gltaan, near 6th. ALEX" SUifJAS. Rn FrsncTe. plea's write to - GsJbrisl Gskwsy, HUlsdglg, Ot., stout X. By George McManus S3 The woman who knows Buys per suits. - coats, dresses, wsiats god -patUonsts at Peterson's Upstairs . v ' ' STORE " 2T FT. DOR, PITTOCK BTX5CK High Grsds Women1, Appsrri at Lees Than tho Street fel Pr4ce. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN. THE OPTICIAN returned ' from the aervtctv ' lie is an axpert eye-fitter, and hi chsiga ar, . very reasonable. Sstisfactioa -gusrsnteed. 226 -Morrison St M. 291 DR. POLLMAN, drnglem srjrcUlist of chronlo diseases, paralysis, nervous, mental and blood dixeueff, diseases of the stomach, kidney, faesrt,. lungs, bowels, blsddsr. diaeaxe of th rye snd r. Msny sworn testimonisls, Consultstion frsw. : Dmeleas Instlhlt. 828 Wshlngton bldgt DETECTIVE United Het-v-ce DeterUvs Bs? 4u. Private and i commercial matters Inves tigated by skilled exoerienced onerstives. ronti. deatiaL 607 Stuck Eschsng. bldg. Msin 8812, Htr. : ' - ' . OUMES AT A UTISd - I solicit ynnt.-patrons r on tha bails of -caps bis service. Thousand of satisfied natrons Chsrlrs W. r:onqmu, ortornrtrrt, go MorrHnn street. C)MK IN snd get botli yiiur feet MiH nn good for $f by Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST that deesn't hurt yon; Q yearn In Portland; event, free. Gth Theatre bldg.. lh nd Wah. Rdy 1H24. O'-'ll I1K, enlarged gltinds, twuils rare H.era , selves permanently i A. It btrachart, Hill-, bom. Or . R 5 I - GRXnUATE chlrepedisl. manicurist, face, salo apeciallst 610 'Hnh-Lan, bldg., Broadway ana Aioer. trpen nundsys. irTEnFrTDTSLATllAill. moles."' ws'rtv rvmoved; by 10 needle method; trial free. Josle Finley. 614 Bosh A I .ana bldg. Cell Main 6846. yOTlCF.W 6- WANTED Ry July i ITlida 'f,or"i61T tons of ' ' coal and- 40 cords of fir wood, to be delivered by September 1 . at jOdd f Fellow Hum,. 2nd anq iioiRSte. AITEU" this date. June 80, 191U, I will not be responsiDie tor any debts contracted hy my sor, Glenn Jiirgews. j , l.KWIH JUBGKNH. IVILL " noV longer ' n re4n.nibl, for bills ton-, trscted by Mrs,' Bi It. Roach, my wife. 8-80-1919.' f AV R. ROACH.' BUSINESS DIRECTORY! ANTIQUE and aUTKIN DS"WTCITeSi7 Slam Halvsge Co.; 683 Washing.. St. wssstwy supptus LEWISlfcTtNGER Bsrbew' Supply " Co.."l6T5 . sndMorrison st-ets. Tb Plsc Ho bay barbers' cusir and ni v .lea stock of furalturs lwsys on hand st rigbi price. ' atSUTV 6P80IALI9T nsir ttesMyed torever by oiuie ' .' tiPle needle method.' frog Swetisad bids. , t-AWsl BOOM MARCH jiAvtsy7iiMmrisrcr!fi ';: biaW book anufantuT.ra. A-8 168, Main 18$. OARPKT OLKANINO Fluff Rugs From Old-:, - s Carpets - Rag Rugs, All Sis. Mali Ordtrg Prompt,; '.!.':,' Sooklet VS IS Rugg Stesm or Dry Clsaaad. 1.34V .. . "LUFF BUJ Ot K-'u Pnlon ave. M.-. East 6816. B-14T6, I ; OMIftOPRA'OTON Pari:ft,R IHJWN1NG;. Bwsdwsrbl" Druglsss physicians 10 yaarsipsrience chiro pvactie, electricity, vibratory massage an diet. bRrMcifAH6N."l6a per cenl gdjustments mad,' aay,rfully. prmnnt. pbon. $1 616 HELENA W. COMSTOCK ChlropreorT"S8T 14th et Chronic trouble. Main 6Q8. . OPAL AND WOOD ut i'fitr.-i-.ik- - - - - Dusunuvil - Very nice dry 4 foot sUh fir, ,38 per ord this week. 'al Pellwood 1780. - OUDEll from BVran. 11 rim. aud aaja 80 iwi cent. Msin 45V. IfATmNAL'FIC'rAT euripoia'ni$725'ps cord. East 2041.1 fioNTSiarnss TflV UtTrf TIT vi " Afi w r) T7-r v n 11 CC uijds eottsges, bungalows: retslrs and paint- ""''in. awwAiisay Plug- uusin Ills, nnA asfn asw usasivn Tr""gT'hT 'huthma'n ho;Piui,'4i8 IfitViC cor. Grant East 647l B-1W4X Ws clip dag and her, : EDUCATIONAL - OAajQiwo - - "'BINGLHa'S DlNCLVti .ACAbKMY " " : If you wsnt to dnnr or lesm to dance, why pot go to-the large-t and bent srljtxd in the eity where tb. advanugesi are greater! Yon meet mor, good daneer arid ran-practice with many different eiMrt professional batchers, -Heimrste ball for .beginners and-, backward pupils. mr eWnese is dsncing. W know how. Inform. U every evening. CIsmi auinmer rates now, ladles, $2: gents, 69; H leasuiw t-oiirse. 14tli at Walilngt.n. j Rdwy. 3880, A-88K1. ' " "? fcXTIIERlNlT'Sl!fTQyV J ' GusrstJless to tssoh nil dines in 12 private lew sons; 13 lessons 65; 4 esons $2. 803 Filers bldg.. bet. 4th and 6th, on Wash, st Main 6004. .., " j . MISS fRET.ANir"" TEN LEHSONS $8 -609 Pehm bldg. Personal attsntioa. 16 to 9, 3ws7TfLECK;a ACdlEMT7l092aniir"Blli: . room and stag, dancing: class Tuesday gad Friday svnln. Msin 21f)0. Privat, essona. "aiTiONLIGHt dance. "Uat." wanT very Wd.r Sat, night Main 4748. TTt. of Jeffernon st. . IWU8IO SCMOOtS ANQ TKAOHtS 6 LESSONS im piano hsrmony'and vwelet"64 tSchofleld -st, Kenton. K. Rutlirulf, pupil of V. Bajohr, lfptig oonservatory. - TTC A R RmCAf r piinorocinBa7wi t kT practice piano. 1 hour day $5 aao. Bdy. 2B. f6FT"irirS. 'LAiv'SOK, 20 y7.rTeiiyieSe. Piano lessons at yoor home 75. Taker 7iou. . , PUBS - , TO ORDER, remodeUngT elssnlng. '""ppsTalrs prices. Th Vur hoop,- 606 Swetlsnd bulg. " ' M06PITAtS OREGON SurgualfcwpitilirMsJor-miBor sar. ' gery, special treatments, nervous diseaee and dlseas pf woman. Women and children-aclinic. Tuesday and Saturdays bet 9 and 11 n. -ra- Special facilities for pitienu desiring manipulative and bydrtberapeutio Uealssesu. I'atienu In our par. will receive evary ethical attention. Main l$9. cnivD v vwvtf . ., ; . . - ..,. a.n v.. , ii (tnyu BlOg. . graphinay. mimeographing. Marshall tkJ2. orriot sufpttts M1BBARD STATION EH Y "A 'PRINT INGf:C "Better Service." 651 Osk St. Bdwy. 28. PAINTIMA, TJNTINO. PAPKRHANaiNQ C"tt'CLlFT0N, Painting.'UDUpg. peiMring. 1 56 N. tUh st Bdwy. 4414. 3 U Z PATKWT ATTORNKV (iOLDBERti, '2WoToeteT'bIdgr" I:. " PHV6I0IAN6 liB-. R. A. PBIlXtPS, Breedway Hcj. matlsm, atomaen. bowei, rung,- lirer, 1-4-ney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, ltm 'C Mr decs, akin affectluns, blgii t-ivod preaaui. PRIWTIWO, KBOWAWIWO, BINOIft Ppinf Inr Fr VvTsaLTe aw.7T1 rin-ingn4 Oak ,u. M. 13. A ll - SAtTIO'AWB 8 WOK ID PI M aCA8KA lRbING ' ATlMPOKTLV jCW.. tntiutors ot salted and amoked fish. 8444 Yamhill stress. Portland. Or. TINNtRS IA(X)Uro7T Tin, sbeetlrmf.' sod roof work. 910 1st st. i " Mils 14?. ra Am 6P WWk m o tropic Oregon .Transfer - Co. Established 1T0. -Trantfor and Forwarding Agents. . STORAGE THACkAG J , Office and Storase 474 Giisan. -' tSth and Glwen. Breadwty 121, A-1l9. - Willamette". Valley Transfer Co. ; .- ' rTaneral Transfer and Forwarding A"' TRACKAGE, HiORAGU AM' liil - .1 124 UK1H STU HI. BROADWAY ,-, ALWAYS PICK THE BtT lioC GOODS SPECIALIST Sterags. pacxi. s ping and moving, Uers. and guto i... t . gisi rstes to ail points. O, O. PICK 7BAERA STOftACS C . 2d and Pine. rwwadwar 6. A-i. Storage and Tranricr Clay S. Morse, Inc. . 428 FLANDERS. STREET. T Packing moving top -secuRixr storage & tkanct 4 c 106 Park at Man6isi. A-i Fireproof Stsrar CL C OLSON TRANSFK"! M. v ".otsiai PERSO"YAI TRY the Korthoett A-. r We'ding sil kr"i o' mcl. lr 'I , fog s ' , Cj !. ..l A..iil Hill, - - O - - - - . J , ' t , -i -