Y - THE OrGOir DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY." JULY 1, 1919, DAMAGE TO VESSEL PROBABLY SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS Diver Investigates Condition of Bottoi of West Harlan, Which Struck Rock in the? Columbia. LARGE SIZED HOLE FOUND Wheat CarffO Not Damaged, Due "a n tit- ' j i j j, rC tO Bulkheads; ACCldent First tO a UOVernnient Ship jn niVer.haa struck a sTibmerg-ed rock, prtfbably ' Damage which will amount to several thousand dollar. Is believed to have J been sustained by - the new steel ship Cf,Mfuiiy for several days, the task was - West Harlan, which struck a rock' in given up.j ; Each day the water if ell so the lower Columbia river when proceed- rapidly that the; Neepelem, a. 'er "f in, to sea with a-wheat cargo last SSTTSX ween. ... - ' stranded vessel relief.: 1- ' - Monday a diver was sent down to in- By Saturday the water ha4.one so ,- vestigate the condition of the ship's Aw that it was iinposaible to float the bottom; It is reported that a number orahamona without taking out her car- ': of plates were found to be . damaged. , whjcf, consisted of a full hold of t the impact having ripped a good sized flour jana grain. Work of ; unloading . hole in the ship's bow. The water thfr frgo began immediately, and the poured into the vessel's forepealc but. passengers .were, placed 'on a train for v this compartment ! beinK i divided from Portland, which waa flagged for them - the cargo bold by a bulkhead, the wheat by the' crew. . ' : stored in the ship was not damaged, j The: jGraharoona was In charge of A meeting of representatives of the Captain Arthur Rigga, and to both him - department of construction and repairs ona the members of the crew go the of the Emergency Fleet -corporation, Wfliata 0f the passengers. - ' , Frank O'Connor of the Pacific Steam- M"a'a i .- a.-.! .twvww-.w.a wra! AnAe-ataaa tKa .'' 0la VVItllMtlJ t 1IMUM WSjs-a twmw s V and a representative of the underwriters - in tta-uSTlt'win be necessary, it is believed, to remove the cargo and place the ship on the ?- Port of Portland drydock. It is likely that when the extent of the damage is determined bids will tie asked for the work. . J The acciaent to me west iarian is the first of the kind to befall any of the shipping board vessels on leaving the local harbor. The -delay resulting from the mishap is borne by the grain cor- poration of the food administration un- der whose auspices the wheat was being snipped. 1 rXKbl uhuws iuu.l f ... ' , j . ' Portland Shipping Firm to Take Over , ..r . c. j new, r- , (' ' Anothev steel 'ship will be added to the fleet operated by the; Columbia i j-acuic amppms wnijHtuy WI '"r I wnen -.tne new - vessel- nwi nunw -formally taken over from the division of .operations today In the temporary ab- I sence from the city of -Ju C. Stubbe. 'general manager, of the firm,JV A. Cart wright. ksslstant to Mr." Stubbe. is at tending to the details of th turnover. The West Nosska will load flour for which have beset the new motorshlp Mil the Atlantic coast, the probable final 1 died, built by the Columbia Engineering destination being Europe. 1 i Charles A. Watts is master and E. D. I , Oesch is Chief engineer of the ship, i "' -Three of theviiew wooden steamers recentlv assia-ned 'to the local rttrm- to . carry tien and lumber to the east, coast A ujd the United Kingdom are no wr loaded expected that the work of putting baV-!:'.-and . are a Astoria . near fy ready: taHuti m board tb Mildred will be cora- nroceed to sea. They are the BenzonlaH Boykln and,, Kankakee.-.Thef- wooden steamer Fort Sill is to depart soon. and I h Mahanna iii. now loadine- at Orav's Harbor, while the' Fprt;Scotti,Is 'takinir THAHSPORTATIOH I can heteftee set the bmi - -. aiiasw tpsoe en as tfc r f any tfnm. ;. We have STEAMSHIP TICKETS In Our Office fee the Following Uasn Directs .. Mensaolan Amarleaa Line Scandinavian Amarlean Line Sw4Mt American Line Via Kngtanoi . ... Ounard SUamthlp Cempany White star Line .: . . It yen an iaterntcd In tolas ot tbera. as .- briaaiBS aaroaa from there, eall npoa ' ' DOStSKV . SMITH, MANaaKN. OREOOM JOURNAL TRAWSl. RURKAU . The 4nsnal Bios, ' ' Pertlans, Orsse , : TatstMiena Marhall 1 S7S. ; JXaADMIRAl, UNB. . 88. "OITV OP TOPtK.- alia at P. M.. July . V Tor Coon 1 Bar, Knnka. Ban Francisco, ens aectlas with rtumrn to Los Aaselae and Saa Dleso. Tickets sold to all these poiBU, sad tascasa cscckad. torouga. - , 's-a'i".- - Alaska Steamers1 every week, for all prlnelpa ports in . Alaska, Travel la heavy: make reserva tions aarty. Meat Staamsr te Nome and.SL Mtenael 10H. July Z. '.---Tlot Oftioe 101 Thtrd Street. Main 4488 ASSS I .- Lacal Prslofit Office KM 4311 ' , 7 FAOIFIO BTEAMSH1S1 COMPANT. ERICAN DCMMawK Mnnufi v siucata United Statae.iluly Z2 l .oweee it . . , , awa. 2 j HellhJ Olav.. . .Aug. 9 1 ' - . - W,,, . . A . i . urn i, w ntn. s , The Chilberf Agency 1702 td A, Seattle, (Wn er Leeaf Agent. . WIW ZKALAMD AND SOUTH SKA Via Tahiti ana) Raratonga. atafl ens) Pasaanur 6errh.e frem Ban Praneisoa every XS . Days I UNION SS. CO. OP NSW ZEALAND .l . ' tso Calif erale L, San franclese ? I Or Local Steamship awe Rallrooa Aeaoctaa. STEAMERS The Dallee and Way PeinU Sailings- "-Tuesdays, Thuradaya . and Saturdays. 10 P. M. DALLES COLUMBIA LINE Sfc Dock. - Broadway 3454 , ICcwACB.tCix8AuTA.rsAnA7rn;!.'E fcl j . Cxpreee Peetal Service 1 ' MCW YORK PR AN OS! WICRLY DIMRTUart : ; - Pugszl Bros., Pacific Coast Agents. 109 Cherry TV V OR WAY ? ; SWEDEN AND DENMARK aU J IC IQCAriQl , v o,m. r any Mesa agenb- on' cargo - at the : Peninsula Imber company mill and will finish at Rainier. CIUUVMONA STILL STRANDED' Afte Futile Attempt ,to Repair Hirer StcTSmer,- Passengers Sent by Train... , Passing-era of the river ateamer tlra fcamona'.. which was- beached last Tues day near the mouth of the Snafce fiver on -the second trip- of 1U new rim from Lewistpn to Portland, came to Portland Sunday! evenineioy train.- when, lit waa found impossible' to tret the ateamer re paired and back IntoNdeep water. AU troug-ht atorlea of praise for ther treat ment they received during; their en forced btay up the river. v K - One ;of the ? passengers aboard the Graharnona. which is a Graham Trans portation -vessel. waa Mr. J. Katnoun, raotherl of Lou Rathbun, deputy came waclani r AnrM I UnL'JUthbllll UV8 9rfJl iooue Tiver m tier rctui ! day morning- when the vessel suddenly i. , . m a i i ...Jin. tfm. bars. i The tUler w immediately thrown over and the carrier waa run on the srravel beds before ah could M-ought aawn by ine ice ox ijuhiwuiw 'l All - passengers were taken dtf and (made comfortable s at a; nearby .town. P NEW WORKING . BASIS ; r ,. . Changes ia Department ol Emcrgcnry , Fleet Corporation ' Effective .Today, Effective today, the department of construcUon and repairs of the Kmer- gency Fleet corporation is on a new workinr basis for all sections of the pacific coast, the purpose of the change being to standardize the worto Tne ae- partnient, which is in connection with the division ' of operations, of which r n ir.nnMv is chief. Jxandles the construction and repairs of all steel and wooden ships, with special reference to fitness of the ships for operation &fti! thev have been deltverea. a -ti Vfiint rf Seattle-is chief of the department and his assistant is rrea Smith of Portland. Smith was for- merly port engineer. Mr. Huntis in Portland today to launch the work here. The Port-engineer is W. H. Robet and Pi Bartlett is port captain. . nersonnel of Kennedy's office is unchanged. FINANCIAL TANGLE OVER Putting of Ballast on siotorship Mil dred Expected to Start Wednesday; . Adjustment of the financial troubles works of fclnnton on private accoum, ere tn nroirrees. Claims for materials furnished the vessel have been presented and a libel action was started against ti iraft irk the; federal court. With the financial tangle over. It is menced Wednesday and. that the vessel wUl then be ready to receive her lumber cargo; under the t terms .of the charter .held bv the Pacifki Export Lumber cora- ipany. The motorship is capable of car- i rying' some vuu.uuu zeet. - one -.win no liver the lumber lo a port in ooum America. : -. ; ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT - 1 ..." ; f " "r. . v.- V'' - - 1 'Ts Vowafrtivndibr for the dlvisiatt of operations of the Emergency FleeW wno nas been senousiy ui, visueu hfs office Monday, but will not resume his regular work until next week. He recently returned to lua nome irom me St.i Vincent hospital. . J. Fred Larserw representative Of -the Favcifie international company, a jrori land concern, affiliated with the Colum bla Shipping company, is eapected to vetnrn home from a trlD moad this week. ifr. Xirsen visited the Scandi navian countries in the interests of In terchange of cargoes, and it is reported by A. C Callan, head of the exporting and importing ; firm, that good results hv hMin orttaineif rram uie urin. fTViM 7nrt of Portland commission has named uus u. Mioser legal aaviser xx tne commission on a retainer or sz&o 1 Havinar nassed Inspection by the fed eral officers, the river steamer' Hassalo ol the o-w. k. xm. line win leave Portland this evening for Astoria to re main in service during the summer sea son. Tne .Hassalo win run Detween As toria and Megler.: connecting with the railroad brancn ; una wmcn taps iNortn , Ptarh no! ntn. :-i is . .. . i A. C StubbeV general manager of the Columbia racinc snipping company, s in Seattle conferring with W. C. Daw- : iiams. Diamond & Co., operators of ships on tne treignt run between iaciiic coast borts and Doints in Europe direct. The Columbia Pacific firm is Portland agents xor the operators, and It is expected that the first cargo will leave Portland on tne foreign run some time tnis months News of the Port Arrived July 1 W. F. llerrin. Aatericaa ateamer. from Gariota. Oil. . ..-!... ' ' - - Deoartesl July 1 Fort Sill. American ateamer. from St Helens. for Cnited. Kingdom, lumber. : MARINE ALSf A17AC . . v Weather at River iHewth North Head, July J. CondiUous at the month of .the river at noon: Rea, smooth; wind, north west. 18 miles; weather cloudy; humidity, 60 Tides at Astoria Wednesday - Hish Water: Ixw Water: l 4:82 a. m... ; .7.8 feet 1 11 :2 a. to. . . .0.0 foot 6:38 p. m....8.0 feet f 0:01 p. m..,.2.1 feet - DAILY BITER BKASI508 & .; 2 " e9 B '' STATIONS XS SE : ? I It ill m ImstUU 2S 114. M).l 0.00 Eugene ........... lO 2.6 -0.2 0.00 A.any ,,...;. 2 Z.S -O.l O.00 5awm ........... . 20 -O.l -O.l .O.OO Oiegon City ....... 12 8.2 -1.1 O.0O PertUnd ......... y IS 18.8 0 10.00 . Falling. -; - . . . i ' BIVEB FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland will fall STEEL ' STRUCTURAL SHAPSS . PLATES ' BARS "' RIVETS - BOLTS ' UPSET RODS , FABRICATED MATERIAL ' - - BRIDGES BUILDINQS " TANKS . TOWERS SHIPS NORTHWEST BRIDGE & iron co. ; PORTLAND, OREOON" P. O. Bea SSS. ; Main 11 8S mm !!' IS ilORIIIG RAFTER IN FRISCO Swelled Heads on the Cold and Greyof Dawnmg Prohibition . Bemoan Their Fate and Aches. CORKS POP LAST GOOD-BYE .'Wet' Funeral Processions Are . Participated in toy Rich and Poor, Partners in Lament. : San Francisco, July 1.- 0. P.) The Bacchanalian population, of the West is leaving San Francisco today with large heads and filled suitcases after rthat last big bust," In' which they, drank booze tiil it or they took the count. They have one consolation 'It will never happen again." and they are through, for while 2.75 per cent beer and wine may or may not be permitted. these are described as "'distressing. rather than exhilarating," producing the effect of loading up on -so much water. ' ? Calif drnSia, with ; 1 12,000.000 worth of wine grapes this year. would not be helped by such a ruling1 said Secretary Stoll of the Grape Protective associa tion. "There is no wine of 2.75 per cent contents produced here, so no re lief is afforded. Breweries are hope ful., however, that the public, may learn io i me near oeer. ; Store your liquor :with . us.'; or bring it here for service with your dinner." is the invitation a number of cafes tender through the morning papers, cit ing legal opinions that there is no law against these. A "corkage" fee will be charged for 4 servmg one with one's liquor. The farewell last night and early to day met all expectations. . It was whole-souled,? to say the least, r It was everywhere marked " hy .the carefree gayety 'that has always marked ram pant Bohemianism here. In : the' cafes the extra dry corks popped; in, the Barbary Coast they drank 'bust-head" whiskey and even beer, but throughout was the same spirit of "merriment, impromptu- funeral processions through the streets brought together the mil lionaire and day laborer as temporary boose companions. ' ' ',- , NEW YORK PASSES DEMOX IN ONE GRAND FAREWELL New York. July 1. fX N. &)It was "goodbye, whiskey hello, beer" in the nation's metropolis today. About half of New York's 7000 saloons MAMnMl Am. naufll: at fi n V"lrtlc this morning after a hilarious night in whieh hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers and out-of-towners drank farewell high balls, eocktaila and rickeys in Broadway bars, restaurants and roof gardens. But under instructions from the police the vast majority today were selling only 2.75 per cent beer and wines that were considered too light to be intoxicating, Few places defied the law to the ex tent of continuing the sale of whiskey and "hard" liquors and those that did said TMjthmg1 about t. '. - "" ' - CBOWDS STAY XAT It was way after 1 o'clock this morn ing when limousines, taxis, subways. elevateds and street cars carried home the last of tbe gay crowd that, had been making the most of the last night on earth for King Booze. From midnight on. every train was bulging. The scenes in the restaurants recalled memories of some old-time New Years Eves; except that the New iYears Eve formula of . "champagne only" was . not enforced. . :.--,'?'. Whiskey being the parting guest. It was the general sentiment that whiskey was the proper thing to drink, and prob ably never before in the history of Man hattanhas so much Juice of the . corn been consumed. In many Broadway res taurants the arrival of midnight brought the gueets to their feet' to drink solemn toasts in whiskey. . Practically . all the restaurants ceased serving hard liquors at midnight. Super celebrants provided against i this emer gency by parking a dozen or." more drinks wooai their- tables before .the . midnight hour At least one big cafe defied the Law 'and continued to serve drinks with a kick until 1 a. m. Bars at the Knick erbocker and other big"; hotels early In the evening refused to waste - time - ynix ing drinks and rushed straight Whiskey and highballs - over the mahogany at breakneck speed. , ' President-elect Pessoa of Brazil headed one party that saw John Barley jorn pass out at one of the White Light dis trict roof ; gardens. Mayor Hyian nao a party t the 1 Waldorf-Astoria and there were other groups of state ' and city notables in ' nearly every big res taurant. slowly daring the next two or three days. AT NEIGHBORING PORTS Atnris JnW 1. Arrived at S a-vm.. roar Her- calea, from Baa Franelaco. Arrived at 3 and left up at 4 a. m., ufaaaer W. P. Hemn, from Ga- vints. - - . " - ' - : - 8aa Francisco, Jans 80. Arrived, - ateamer Wapama, from Portland, Sailed at noon, ateamer City of Topeka, lor . roruana, na a.ureaa sou iii.ru lira, Id IWtna at 1:43 P. m. atamMp vhuu. frana Hsn Franciseo. Armed down at 10 a. m.. Wallace Blotigh log raft, for San Diego. Alec (r, steamer, sailed at fi :Stt P. m. lor trial trip at sea. - . t San tYancisco, July 1 .Sailed at 8 a. m. steamer Klsniath.' for Portland. ' - : Tacoma. July Arrived yestarday. steamer Glyndon, from Poruand, for Honoiuin. Haa, Pedro, , July 1. Arrived yesterday. ateamer Tiverton, from Columbia nver. ' New York, July 1.-Arrived yesterday, steam er West Quechee, from Portia od. 28 days out Saa Praadrco. July 1. 1L N. S.) Ar- i-crl Ftnmhfiklt- fmm Ijcsi Ancelea. It 1 I. a Hr-rece X. Baxter, from Loa Angelea, at 1:80 a. m : la Brea. from Port San Lass, a a. m-1 Tjikembdng, - from New - Tork, na Balboa, at 6:20 a. m.; -steam whalers Hawk and Fori Saun ders, from New Found land. Salina Crac. at 1 1 a. m. sailed, gas schooner Stockton City, for Shelter Cove, at I t. a; Klamath, for Port land, at 7:80 a. m.; barge FuUerton, la tow of tug Fearless, for Port San Lais, at 0 a. mv - San Francisco. July 1 ( I. ST.. 8.1 Ar rived, Jane SO., Oomforvnavy hcnpital ahip. from New Tork. st 1:16 p. avi Wapama, from As toria, at 1:30 p. m.t Ajmncioti, from El Segando, at 8:1ft P. m. ; liotonhip Lawn," from Lee An i.alea. at 10:30 r, m. : Admiral Farragat. from la Angeles, at 0 :SS p. m.; Japaneae ateamer Taiya Mara, frcm Kobe, at -7:5 p. nv; Hart wood, tram to Anreles. at 7:8S p. at.--' Sailed, June SO, t ity of Topeka, tor roruana, n s. .: Sbinve kfara. for Honrkonc. at 1:40 p. m . tug Sea Eagle .with barge Simla, for Port San Lai, at 2:35 p. sa.: Lakme, foe Caspar, ai 2:50 p. m.: Spokane, for ts Angeles. St 4:30 P m. Waahinaton. for Eureka, at tV:ft D. Ihoenix. for Marshfield. at 10:35 P. m.; Sea Foam, for Meqdocino, at 10:SO p. sau; bnnic w-ud. for Monterey, at 7:50 p. m.; C. A. Smith; frr Uarsbfieid. at 7:40 p. m.; Homer, lor nanta Barbara, at T J2U p. so.; Hartwood. lor Aberdeea, at 11:30 p. sa. . , . ' k Employment Office Colsed " Sklem, July 1.- Salem's branch fed eral employment bureau closed Monday because of lack of funds. -r . , Rather Chilly V , - Cleveland. Ohio., July I. "Thirty degrees cooler inside," read the sign in front of a movie. Outside it was 71. CRY OF Germans Threaten ;-Reprisals on Poles 'Berlin. June 30. (L !N. &V (Via. Ion don, July 1.) Mathlas Erxberfceii head of the German armisticertjTnlssion, today sent: a - note to GeneraB'upont protesting against the alleged internment of Germen men and women over .1T years of age in Poiand... In reprisal the Germans threaten to latent ail or tne Poles in Prussia unless, Poland "gives satisfaction" within threat days. Bryan iRicies'Camel pyan jRic In Di. UBlebration ' Columbus, - O., I. If. S.- Biding a came illiamN J. Bryan headed the pan oon at the Methodist centenary, king the cele- bration of the hn' Barley corn, "l always -"aid,- reaoj uie sign on the camel. An elephant bore the inscription. I had to," and a donkey carried "Me. too." . Americans Purchase Krupp Plant, Report ' London. July 1. (U. P.) A News Agency : dispatch from Berlin, reported trulav. that the KruDD munitions works at Munich has been . purchased ; oy American interests.. - NEW STEAMER FOR RUN Coaxit Will Be Placed in Service Be tween Portland and the Orient Another unit in the new Portland Oriental freight - line of the Pacific Steamship company' is expected to be added today or Wednesday, when the new 9500-ton steel steamer Coaxit will be released to . her operators by the .division of operations of the. Emergency Fleet -: -corporation.' . Frank O'Connor, general agent for the Portland branch of th Pacific Steamship company,; hopes to start to load the freight' on: the Coaxit the first of next week, r For several weeks the cargo for the ahip has been coming in to the muni cipal pier at St. Johns. The Coaxit, like the West Munham, the first of the new fleet put in operation by the Ad miral line, will sail from Portland di rect for ports of the Far East. The Munham will soon be homeward bound with- a cargo from the Orient. The Admiral line now has a fleet of 29 of the new government ships Operat ing with cargoes. Scandinavian Service Resumed ' San Francisco, July '1. (L N. S. ) W. R. Grace & Co. yesterday announced the return of the Johnson Line and a monthly service ta Scandinavian ports. ARE TALKING ABOUT CHANGE Mrs. Worden Had Sought Relief for Forty Years and Failed Until She Took Tanlac. "I tried for 40 long: years to firfd a medicine or treatment that would over come my troubles," but I never got any relief until I commenced taking Tanlac," said Sirs. Sarah Worden, who lives, at North '716 Jefferson street, Spokane, while talking to a Tanlac represents, tive the other day. ' 5 , ' "I had - been bothered with stomach trouble ever since I was a young girl,' continued Mrs. Worden, "and when I began taking Tanlac I was almost , a nervous and physical wreck. My food always soured, . and I would have the worst sort of cramping pains in the pit of my stomach every time I ate any thing. I- was so nervous that I would often lie awake all night long. I suf fered a great deal with catarrh in ray head, too, and often had severe head aches. Was. badly constipated all the time and would often have such bad. dizzy spells that I would have to lie down until it passed " away. These troubles Just kept pulling me down ntil I got so weak, and run-down that I just had to give up and go to bed. , "Then J read about Tanlac and the good it was doing so many people and made up my mind to give it a trial. I Just want to say right here, that Tan lac is the only medicine I found during all those 43 -years that does what they say it will do. Before I had finished my first bottle I knew that I had found the very ; medicine I had been needing all the time. I have taken five bottles bo far, and my stomach troubles have been so completely - overcome that I can eat tust anything I' want ana I never sur fer a particle afterwards. I don't, have those headaches now, and (he . dizzy spells have left me entirely. I am, no longer bothered with constipation, and the catarrh in my head never gives me any trouble. I don't have that tired feeling like I did, and am so well and strong that I can do all my work with out the least trouble. My friends-are all talking about my wonderful improve ment, and I always tell them that Tan lac ta responsible for, it.". - Tanlac Ja sold in Portland by- The Owl Drug Co. AdV. v.... : SEW TOTIA1" Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Bags and Tf oolea CSotalag. Tfs Hake BerersIMev Haad-Wrrsa Fluff Rugs ; They Wear Wke Irea. - -; ' ' " . Bag Bags Waves An Sizes. - Mall Orders Sead far BeokleL ''' '-'-'. j '' " .' " s j Cajrpet Cleaning IxU Bags. SUass Cleaned, IUI WESTEBT ' FI17FF BUG CO. -,. 44 TJalea-Ava, If. - East Sels-.pfeeaes--.B-im - ' Parrish Vatkins & Co. - . ; Est. 1867. . Frank E. Watldna, Manager Member Portland ; Realty v Board, Real Estate, .Rental, Loan and . I- , - Fire and Automobile , . Insurance Agents Correspondence; Solicited.. 106 Second St. Phone t Main 1644 dfe thikafterti . tnitr emise 01 o HER FRIENDS Attempt to Repeal . . Zone System ,to; Be 1 Made After Fourth Washington,' J oly 1.U. P.) An at tempt to push through congress legisla tion for the . repeal of the eon system of : newspaper - and tnagasine postage rates win be 'made soon after the Fourth of -.July holidays, Republican Leader Mondell said today. That F.e9ublvns will support the re peal is indicated by the fact that Mon dell introduced 'the renealing bill; and will personally urge action on it before the - house ways and means corhmittee. -With the return; of prar postage rates on first class matter - todayV we believe that: the objectionable zone Sys tem for second class matter should also be 'discarded," Mondell said. i -,- -ACCTTOK gAly:s TOMOHBOW f -- AT' W1LBU.N1H Auction House. J11-1JS 2d st Hals a 10 a. as. 1. " EAST Gate Lodaa Ko. 13S. A. F. tad A. it, have bean invited to The DaUaa to Day a fraternal visit to Wasco Ijodce No. 15. A. K. and A M. The U. M. decree will be eonferred Batarday. July S. Thay have extended a special invitation to- all 'members of Portland lodges to accompany ns on thia oc casion. Train vri'l leave Cnion depot. O-W. K. N. Co., at S:30 p. m.. arrivinc ' at The Dalles 8:35 p. m. Fare round trip 83.40, plus war tax it cents. - We. the undersicaed. cordisi- ly iavitet all members vho csn make It con venient ta accompany ns., Wasco lod-: No. IS woold b (lsid to know jnst how many ta expect. Please call the nndrnicned so that we , may notify them at an early date. - " E. P. 1IEBTZ. W. at.' CHABLES F. yETJgQy. See y. ' i AXL O I VrPFELI A) W S and their families and friend are invited to attend tne Baker theatre. Tuesday. July 1. and enjoy a pleasant evenins with-- Mia j Vera Feiton in "Merely Mary Ann." Admission 25e and 60c; ander anspices of Canton Portland No. 1. assisted by alultaomah' .auxiliary No. 2. afajor . Weertendyka, clerk. 107. : CAM P meets every - Wed nesday evenine ta W. O. TT. Temple, 12S 11th at. i AD members requested te 1 1 . i4 e w,... . im.i ii ni JSTlAND CAMP Ol W. 1IOWRET, C OL HERMAN SCHAOE. Clerk. HAVfTkORNE LODtiE No. 111. Ai F. and A. U. Bla. ted com-: maaic&tisn thia (Toesday) eve. niac; at S o'clock. Social, fellow.. Ins I bnsinesa session. . Viaitiog brethren welcome. - C. E. MILLER, BecreUry. PALESTINE LODGE. Ko. 141. Ai P. and A M. Stated com mnalcation, '; Wednesday, .July. 2. 7:30. I Imoortant business. II. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Arleta. station. Mount Scott ear. W. S. TOWN SEND, Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE, Xft 40. A. F. sV A. M. Stated com munication tomorrow Wednesday evening, 7:30. East 8th and Burnside, Business meeting 'only. Visitors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. ALBERT I'l&K LODGE No. 162. A. F. and A. M. Special com- mani cation Wednesday. July Z. afternoon, 2 o'clock, and evening. M. M. degree Visiting brethren welcome. G. W. COOK. Sec OBEGON ELECTRIC Council, Royal Arcanum, will meet thia Tuesday) evening at 8 at Masonio Temple. All . members invited.' O. O. Bail, secre tary, ACS E. 10th street tlTBLEM JEWELS T a apectalty ; button, plae. caarma. Jaeger ro iii-m ia as. maivigts.pirt$s: Death DEATHS AS: FTJirrRAI, ; S DIED Mrs. Amanda M. Decker. 5S1 tBelmont . . . . n . r .. St.. Jroruano. vc, ass o jci,, , huwk S ri. vs. Hhe is survived by one brother. Mr. Oscar Hart of - Kelso, Wash.; one son. C. L. L. TWker. St. Helena Or. : three daughters, lira. Nellie L. Martin. Vancoaver, Wash., Maude lus Decker and Mrs. Fearl 1. Miles, oota ot r-orrt land nr.. . fnnr srrandchildren and one great eraaulchild.r - Funeral services will b held Tbues- day at 1 o'clock from Miller and Ttacey Cnder- tatang 1'srtora. iHWrVIJ. At residence. 15S East FlfteeBUS street. Ella Manning, aged 49 years: wife Of Henry E. Manning and mother of Cyril E. and Arthur JU. Manning and sister ex Miss Heary.voa tiHniwald and Mm. -Eliza Greene. Friends are retpeetfntly! invited to attend the funeral services aJ MeEntee A Eilers parlors, at Sixteenth and Jivtrett, Wednesday. July 2, at 3, P. m. tntee- meni at lUvervlew cemetery. ROEHTt In thia city at her late residence. S44 V. 28th st. 8 June 30. Carrie Looise Roehr. aged 54 years, wife of Frank Roehr, mother nf (am n.. Frank G. and Gertrude Mary Roehr. The funeral - services will be held Wednesday, iulv 2. at 2:30 o'clock p. m . at Finley's, MooU bemery at Rth. Friends invited. Interment at Lone Fir cemetery. - JOHNSON In thia city. June SO. G. H. John son, aged 44 .years, late of Geneva, ur., son of Mrs. Sarah Porter. The remains will be forwarded this f Tuesday) evening by J. P; Finler A Son to Redmond, Or., Where services -will be held and Interment made. " LANG LET- In thia city, June 30. James Tar- nv r,mneiav. asvd as veara. ausoana a n Louise A. Xangley of 683 Commercial St. No tice ot ' funeral hereafter. Arrangementa In charge of J. P. Frnley at Bon. f FT.ORTSTS florists. SS4 Waah asAav as TUAor.j , , lnetoa. Main 269. A-12 Flowera for an ni-raunm Satis Oca Llv arrangeo. n.iPlfRnnfl Csarista. Morriaoa sc. bet. 4tS aad 5th. Phone Mala A-1805. Ftee Cow- era end floral desians. No branch stores. - LIBERT! MARKET FLORIST, ftth aad Tass- bitt eta Vmt flowers, piaaa ana aessnsa. set od greeohwnse 4 Nehalem are. 8eU.lS2. LALANK Floral deaiana. decorsoooa. 'Opposite Hossnfficc ' Ftiorie ssain o. ; : iRTLAND'S Floral and jfird Bbop. Deslgas' end aoooraoona. Stan ia f mw. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 24S Alder.- De- sisBS end- decors tioas. Pheae Maraoali SS3S. SWISS FLORAL COT FLOWERS AND PLANTS. MAX M. SMITH. Qorist. 141 Vk tb sC ftjAkbal DIBKCTOBS J. Pi HNLEY-&-'S Progressive Funeral iFil!; Directors- Main fsMontgmnery tfr- Srh A-1BSS 7 Wilsori-k& Ross; KAST TTH AND M CLTONOMAH ' Funeral Directors "East 84 - i -"-,. i. C-31S8 . - F. S. Dunning,: Inc. -. -THSJ cmrE3l RULE rjat'IiERTAKERS 414 K. Alder 8t Prie Eet S2. B-S2SS Dunning MeEntee jradvn aad ' Ankenv Sta - Lad Asrlsfsat. Phovjev Breadwav 481." A-4SSS Ai jf' Kenworthyi & Co. '.SSOSSSna 2d SL S B..- Lents ' rVmv Tsbne BgST: - . Home Phone P-Sl Fast ,731 H-188S O I I a Mrs. Lerch sr aw. a-rwi wa - Asststaot VNDERTArfKRS B. Tlth aad Hawthorae MeENTFE FILERS, funeral parlor., wl'.h su tae pnvaey eg ansae, lata aad Eestt gas. FrnTies yTwMiw- sins. Home A2las , - , ,KAMHERS COM PANT 141 isd 110 Kilingnrorth eve., near WuDaars aw-. - Woodlawn ssos, c-l 1 ss MILLER, A- TRACK1T, independent s-tmeral IH- reetorv vr as low at 2e, 40. -os Wl'MlirtlW H WW. "HtlS .Zlllll. A-7WW. Wilson&Wiisoh " ' II ST Kerr ytr-et. tV-iTfn. 4 0 f O. . . , .- H. W. GABLE A CO.. " grMicessors, to W. H. HamitJoa. e-itss 1TS E. GHsan. Phone Tabee '4SIS. GILronrtKl CNDEBTAKINO CO. M. 4182, t wrier M end rn.v. Breeze & SnookriT"'.'! rs- 1258, B-2S48 men Ai ; R. ;-Ze!!er : Co. B8 ? SToVJ Ericson Cndertakine parlors. 44 5 slor- rwoa t- Bmiwtf zoa It T HYKNt.S new redenee .labii-hmc Ot WUiams eve., Woodiawn 220. C-1U43. FtTJfERAT. TtlrCT08 Holnian UndcrtakingCo. . Funeral Directors ". . , 1 . If' 'BV: ' : ' . J Third and Halmaa Straata s. j , '.- j , , Mais 807. A-tSlt t . Portland Marble Works V3 4?h Bt. Opnowits City Hall. !es Bros. ftBUCSIMQ GRAMITE Co " 27-3RO-ST. AT MAOHOH ' MST AXP FOPlfP ty TUB 1X)L1XW1.VU articles have baea found oa the cars of the Punland Bailway. Ucht A rtrwsr Co.: Juna 28-rl purse. 1 ksufe, 1 pair scHaora, S pair (loves 1 (love. T plekasea, 1 UtO, 2 lunch boxea, 1 roll paper. 3 auit casea, 1 tmvaUns bsc. 1 baa. lO nmbrcUaai Jane 29 1 pia, 1 pair (loves, S cloves, II nam tas, S rackaeas. 1 htncli box. J-basket, f hat. S eoata, 1 sutt case. 1 saaajle ease. 2 tiiHows. 1 , Ura. Owner may obtain property at l'irst and alder w reeta station. x Lt'ST WUita Eneliih Bull Terrier, south of " Main st. Sunday evenine afUr waa all white, white lone tail.? small black spot on one ear and one' waa notched, blask nose with pink akin, had on a black collar with brass trimming and locked on; face waa bitten up soma from tishtins. A reward to find him. or if found noury. Phone Tabor 33flS. tb RKffiRU for information Ui recovery of a foa rmripy. white body, part block head, whits streak ea face and ears, Ions tail. 3 small biack spot on bacfcC party holding ama will h.- proicnted ; name, Seook. BellwocMl 3073. LOST Purse containing money, on ilisoiniippi ! rve. car, on corner of Broadway and Alder stf. 'Saturday. lender - call Woodlawn 1483. reward. . .- .- - '-- . , . XST or atolen. black and white small aiae JVf eey Holsteia cow Saturday night : reward for information. C. L Keuy. Watson station. Tabor 56. --.-. .4. LOST Beaver , far at Sunset theatre at 1 1 o'clock Saturday: night liberal reward. 606 Belmont. East 27T7. lG'JT Sunday, robin egg bine woman's wool t bathing sntit. 'between Columbia Beach and Jesaup. st Phone Woodlawn 8989. reward. - WILL'- the man who picked up package from lnoa'a. oa. the comer of SOth and Emerson stx. Satarday. please call at the store. LOST Monday. 9:15 a. m.. on 8. Side of Tin Ktll ..... A Ann t " i . ' . A..a mui. kirmt iin. ,jw ouis. neuirn xo J.UD Stevens bkJr., W. Park and Wash. Main 8844, MK8. C. Lk McNEAL. loot pane in picture show. sa ana Mormon sta.. fnene Tabor 8S98 lor reward as we need tne money very bad. - LOST Unfinished child'a. sweater, dark green. on XJnaton. road; return to Dr. E. i. Labbe, si t voroect Diag. LOST Fishing- rod at Alameda Patk8iindsy ' morning. Finder please call Weodlawa 6840. Reward. -..- LOST Dark gray fog fur; lost between Rhodo : dendron Inn and Greeuam. Finder please call Main 4818. eontainina valuable oaoem and mpney. Finder please leava-at Journal office ana receive reward. - LOST Overcoat on highway - Sunday. Please can narsnair jshiss. .- , AUOT Irom 140 EL 76th st. N. , Reward. "hone Tabor 281 T. OST Bunch of keys, Sunday, at Council Cresi inrne auto pare. Fnone seuwood iso. . HELP, WANTED KALE A CONTRACTOR to hg and put aboard ears from 6.000,000 te 80.000,000 feet of fir, timber, one mile from railroad, with own equipment. Phoae or see W. U. Matt. Bank ml Gommarce. Saleaav Ot. WANTED A boy IS years old to make himself ceneralhr useful. 208 atcKsy bids., 3d and Stark sta. ' WANTED Porter will guarantee 818 per week. Apply Journal barber shop. Journal hldg. REAL estate sslesmaa with auto wanted. Call at 270 Stark St.. or Main 3032. Thomas Tigars. ' ' -, MAN TO BUILD cesspool or aeptio-tank, in seiiwood. lau Parser, Broaaway S7w. WANTED Apprentice in printing plant Ap ply in pemon. 'Zizs em st. A GOOD repair man . wanted. Mar. 2469. HELP VTAWTED-OIISC ; 4t Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and ail ether modern buiaaas eoursea. Day and night school AhVky bldg.. Sd and Morrison. Main 834. LEARN ADTOS AND TRACTORS FIVE DATS' TRIAL FREE . PAT TUITION WHEN SATISFIED We teach auto, tractor, gas engine end ante electrical Work. BIG 100 PAGE CATALOG FREE. Address Adcox Auto and Tractor school. Dept. J. Union sve. aad Wasoo St.. Pertlaad, Or. .pnooe isa Hts, WANTED Fifty men, at once,' to 'learn to re. - neir antnnrobile and ass engines. Anolr at Hemphill's Trade Scuool. 107 Uawthorae sve.i corner ZOUt. , I ItltAAl liawtliorne Auto School 463 HAWTHORNE AVE. . Antomebilea. tracks, tractors, machinist trade. esy-aeetylene welding, vulcanizing and retreading. Breclar snmmer rates. iy ana evennsg classes. - POSITIOXS AMSnRF.Tt EVERT GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Enroll snv time. , Telegraphy, stenography. banking, bookkeeping. secreUrtal Free -cstslog. STUDT LAW AT HOME UnirerHity . EzWnsioa Method. Degree LLv B.' eonferred. We guarantee to pass yoa oa -. the bar examinatxta in any etate. .. For toll par tlcnlars apply roony 447. Morgan bldg. BTTRSELL PRIVATE BTTMNESS SCHOOL ladiridual Instroctions, right methods. . Laes bermena bldg..; 6tlr and Stark. Broadway 3464. MHa F. Bnrsell. principal, sA auilUOU NIGHT SCHOOL. " - - - ! LEARN TELEGRAPHY Tonng men and women - wanted. Call 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to leant a well-paid profession. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Institnta , - ' . - ' . GOING East or South f Household goods shipped at reduced rates: moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt at. Bdwy. 706. EAST S1DB COMMERCIAL SCHOOL . Miss Retina Bucket's private school ; tndivtdV aal instruction. -122 H Grand eve. Eart 427. BOCKT . MOUNTAIN TEACHERS'- AGENCT Frank K. Wsllss, ea-assL state supt.. mgt M W. Bank bldg. - Teachers plaeed promptly. HELP WANTED FEMALE AT STANDARD FACTORY NO. 2 CB A ND A VE. ANIT E. ! TATLOR ST, POWER MACHINE : OPERATORS TO LEARJf OW Shirts and Overalls Mnckinawsand Overcoats 810 PER WEEK WHIT.B LEARNIXO FOKTT-FOLB HUUU Wtbk Saturdays Half Holiday EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ARB EARN ING FROM 616 to 820 WEEKLY. WA irrT.rwWOMEN AVr GIRLS.- STEADY POSITIONS. GOOD CHANCE FOR RAPID ADVANCEMENT. GOOD : PAY- TO ! START WITH. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSAliT, EASY TO LEARN. APPLT IN PERSON. TAKE ROSE CITY OR -MONTA VILLA CAB TO E. I0TH ST. WALK 2 BIJXKS JOT"TH TO E. 10TH AND PINE. TROT LAUNDRY CO. A GERMAN lad wanted for housekeeper with 1 er X children, at 3SS Baldwin st. Take St. John. . ear.--.. Near Peninsula? school: - get i oft Emerald st.. walk 2 blocks north to Baldwin, A LADT wante aa elderly lady to stay for com- panv; good home. Ura. E. Rhodes, Canby, Or.'. Bo 262. WANTED Sales ladies for the Odorless Cooker; bet household article oa the market.. Apply at 633 Washington et. . ' Pi'HLtC atesoaranher can act free office ren and some salary, apiendld office, mala floor. 270 Stark St. Call fee Thomas yigars. v WANTED Experienced feeder. ... end . folders; steady poartioa. good pay: mast apply in per son Troy Laundry Co., East 10th and Pine. FIRST class head trosteg. i hotel laundry.s V at ooce. -Multaomak Experienced gu-i for eaody ' store. SSI ' 1378 Hawthorne ave. V ANTED Awren lice ia priming plant, Ap tfh person. S12H 4th at. . , '- WANTED A nurse.. permn-ni position. . lliut ondertrl owtetries. T-S84. Jonrnsl. HOUSEKEEPEB on smaU farm. 4 children, .- agea 2 to 7 Haas Niel.en, Reaverton. Or. M'A.VTED Jook Tsbov 480S. for plain cooking.- Phone it WLk'G macuioar operators, lti 7 1st, uplairs. HKtP WAltTfft-FKMAlK ft- rgKMAKKNT IHIBrrtONS FOB TOCNU WOMEN. Oae to tne approscfains eooaohdation of - tbe ' Suaual. ard aateaaaUe ,; . . telephone srstsaa. - j , . -ssnnaaaatpoa1tloea are' - -I ' soen ta tne epereUas : aepartsmeat. . v . konns arasaea eenaMerhms smplorment aaonld call apea tne Kmpmyasent Supervisor, Hoom SOI. rJUtta klo Telephone bnildms. - Park and Uak st rests. . :, TBS PAClf lO TE1JCFHONS as TKLXOBAPB VANTED Oompetent womsn to cook on rancb llit miW from RadmiMid., Or.: 840 per month, write isaw. . wuiisms. roweu pmw. i Oregon. 1 U'.fTUl'uu 1V1KTVII in en nut with charge Of I ""trThotoU,gowasca HELP W15TBD-M1JJ8 A FEMALE - -' - . - it MOLER BARBER COLLEGE . , . . 1 learning; gives yea set of tools ; I id. Write fo csUlogua. 34 ( phew. Broadway 1T81. nay yon wane je noardona secured nnnnlil. Kt a, nHetli tHE Rit-Y pickers wanted, soldiera preferred; bring buckata. Douglas farm. . te mile sooth of Troutdale. MEtf. WOMEN learn barber trade; wages wuiU lesrnlng; position- guaranteea. Mgr. years experience. Oregon Berber College. 233 jladnon. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaebea trade in o weeks ; pay wnue ssarmnsi posfuao sw anteed. 284 Ccaeb st. - -- - WAKTED AOE5TTS AG ENTs -Twloe rtupyars-pay. tot aeUv. aaim. men i most Ceairabla work, prompt pay. spe- I eialty Foundry W-iks. aV.sL -eoraet lu 7tb aad I Belmcnt. ' - - - i ini-uiva 'wivernj -ri - 11 .tiHnii.l.t. Ura of curse rv stock: cash weekly. Aooreas I CapiUl City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. - 8ITTJATION MALE ' S EX-SOLD1EU wants work evsnings; S to 10. ta vii i.. n.in ahan - or - aesrsae.. Can - make re- linen, boots and prepare sections and retreads for mold, or could take ears of sales of and oil. H-828. Journal. EPERIENCED laute mechaal?. and etiaultsur J arsnis wsfwiTirm sss BXay.rga.iiBS or uiituib 11 ava wa private ear. Write or call evenings. 884 E. 10th st. N.. city.- . .- . - - - - EXPERIENCED salesman; with eity references; r married, wishes to connect with firm that will appreciate honesty and good service. C-48, Journal. - '" ' ' ' ' "' PAINTING and jamming by the bout r on- tract: eat and cleaa work. Jrhooe ellwood 1 .pjv ana -siain e,vi. - - . pnvTTvn ivn TIXTixo I tLlwfn.Tn" rsU'nn? MauTaSSa'0 4 . s Vfa ,l P'- ir. A-l CARPENTER wUJ repair or remodel your house or build saw. Day or contract; reason- able. Woodlawn 40Q6. HUQ East Russett. t ...,.-, . : ..k 4. a?. iij.anr.u .4. m. . .vj..c ins private car or trues, or wiu wore m pair shop; 8 years' eiperienca C-853, Journat MAN with team wants ioKJiauling cordwood or tiea. Write to R. L. 1ULL, Uil smas.- Wash, er IWmnin V. D. No. li ROOFS RESHINLK1 AND 4JUTTERS PyT IN. PHONB MARSITALL 70S. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cost - acTiounfc- - am open ivr iir.jnuii. - ,. CONTftAfcTOIt and builder; repTlr or saw work lm na out nf lw. Tabor 7882. ant ooert for poeltlon. O-sae, journal. PRACTICAL painter wanto work; by day eft Job. T-4 18, Journal. - ' - " - - (JEM EN T contractor, first class work, . repair - ot new, anywhere. ' -East 8614.' - ; UMBRELLAS' repaired at jour home. Phone . Woodlawn 4023. JANITOR, for office or apartment hoax.; under nana on ourner. s-nen. t.. no.. SALSOMINING, painting, plaster patching, yea- eonable. Main ottO 7rrnvuivD mTZa - Ar- ell kinds t aAn. ... y ... mv .. . . made. Tabor 4870. 8ITPATI0H8 FEMALE ui'Tenlniliiaa u stenuaraDhar: ean han dle books: wanted by a competent, experienced girl, references furnlsriett. Ttiwr HSITION s cashier. Phone Main 8726. . DKESSM AKIKTO V fitfc-tj rtik.-n Mflttine. mnA mskinc of ladlf esnnents. resaonable prices; work guaranteed. e pne allor. J. Reubin, Ladies' Ti 408 Bush 'A Laae Bldg. DRESSMAKING sna plain sewing: prices rea sonable. 8 M N. 21st. Msia 8608. z ? NU - --' . CBSES 6 specialty. NURSING at eontipemeni caeea a Ixwig experience. . an wnm. PRACTICAL nurse desires confinement 060 Reynolds at. uau neuwooa us. FTJBTTI8HEO BOOMS 83.00 WEEK-up. large, outtide, eomfortebly r.,rar.KH i-lna rooms.' Baths free, water al- waya U hot Right downtown. Hotel Cadillac, 3d fhQjlX"TAPARTMENTS i AND LAUREL ' awlv furnished, medera housekeeping and sleep- in a rooms. 62.60 and ap.- Second and Tarn but THE GEM HOTEL . . Transient and housekeeping room 2 Be a day and up: 81.80 pet week ana up. weea rent free to start. 665 '1st, r HOTEL SARGENT,' Hawthorns and . Grand. Starting point special ear or vssmggve.. KKWLY furnished modern room, all conveniences, reasonable. . 866 uroaaway yieav win. FTJBJTI8HED "BOOMSFBIVATB - " FAMILY ' SLEEPING room, well furnished; -modern con-r- venieoDesr- walking; distaacev 7 . Phoae East 4007. 881 Hassalo St. NEWLY furnnbed room, close, to car J. walking distance. Phone East 4073. k COOL bedroom, Bleeping porch, private bath. 615 Bsontn. ass tirana- sve. n. ROOMln apart meat bouse; private family.- LCaU Marshall 1187. DON'T SKAIU'H Two bright 'corner .vootna. e lectrjci ti,gsiragecoal lej zi), auy t n . 810 PER MONTH, furnienea sleeping room for gentlemen; wsiaine niitw.- " -.. BOOMS A1TP BOABP IB THE HAZEL ''Ns hlte toe oUwra.'' comfort: borne eookins. 885 Bo st. "IHE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 80 10th. fcg btpiTnsea cirr. and atudenta. MarahaH 1161.; BOOMS AKJ BOABB PJCtlFATE RCOM and board for 1 or 2 ; walking distance: noma privileges, slain obi.- ouu- Son St. ' : "'. fannu mttA hoard- all modern conveniences : hot and cold water; oioc 01 ears, m.u man aad wife. 71T Rodney ave. East 8882. L-iIY alone wisbea congenial lady, to -ahar. bouse: worwins rgm. preierrea. , x-noue m-mm after S:8Q ---- - " J -- - l' ' nan iii'v''ct m.- -- WANTED Room and board for widower with a bar years, girt a. T week; ennoren aieep in same room, with me; care taJtea a them while I work. :. State price lor ssme. close in. o-vst, Jonmal. HOTJ8EKEEPTHO BOOMS ! FPByiSHEP A1TP. UlgFPBlflSHEP 2 ROOMS and bath furnisbed inclnding light and water at 1628 hi E Glisan. M-V ear. phone Tabor 0878. ' ' ' '" -. ' ' TWO nice bouaekeepins rooms. 2 blocks from Albino shipyards, 312 per month. 60T Mia- eiaainoi ave. . - . MODERN and IL JAV roqma, ' , 6a Vs X Grand eve. 32.60. CLEAN., neat honjekeeping. room, eery reasoa- - tPl- ?h Jefietmon. 1.'. FURN18HED housekeeping rooms. 327 Hail st. S"'""' 1 ' FUB51SH E D AWO UirFCKXIHFl raif aic jrALjiaai 2 LARGE well fornikhed rooms with kitchenette, IS LMng aooiuow, -v t.at uvvt. ; - s5AT rili tie H. K. room, suitable for one, 3Z..C0 per week. 206 Igta St. - - -- i 9, . NICE rooms for housekeeping; walking! iis- Unce: reasonable. 854 Roes st. NEAT SINGLE IL K. room, 2.S0 per week. ' 206 - 13th. near Taylor. - - LIGHT bomekening rom for rent, . 6J N. --21st." Phone Msin 8S0. - fei.NuLK hourkeiilj. i. o i C 1st N.,Lsat tSTtf. worKKrFPi i ' rcESisii k i"A3 it' jt f f . PlUVATK'AMILt afafUONlSHESlOc, rooms, eroii"...ri. t; :n uutanoe: front and ba-k ,nirnn: '. " t lichl, bath included., . I'hone t.t 13-o; i i I i-. S I t Kf lSHKM Tl. Jwrooms, hath. Iiaht, and fihnna TnminIiLHl.1 2K M VOtli mm t .! BroaJway SISS. ' FOtt BENT -Two nice largo liglit lioWneiT ia( roojDM with kltclienetta; nlr neighborhood, close in. mi K. Tsylor St. s ft. 17. Ildtj S K K F.EP I.N(i roomi, sleeping room. $3 to - lit per an, CulUrcn waloome. Close in. OS Knott st. ' ' VERT", pretty housekeeping suits. S Vs li north of Waahineton. 1.VS3 ner vtek. -" - I thing included. 7U N. 14th. Broadway 8 21. 1 pRSIRABLB II. K. room, waiving rli.tance. C H. preferred. Keferenrea. Main 3' 1 s. 3-UOOU. furnied flat, tn nriiu fmil ; cheap. t 8 it tjat 10th N. tVoodlswn ri.-. TWO room suite, 1 single roomrraasonabisriiOl' Clay at FOB KKIfT HOITRKS U!r'lBMNHEl) 12 BEAUTIFUL 6 room lever flati sery coneu ienee; oak floors, piste glsss. windows, (ire place, furaaoe, ete.talso 8 ronm Hat, nnwi-m cx-nvenienees. Inquire at 80 E. lota st. bu tween Washington and K. rfark. f XU RENT 8 rooms. beauOfunoiiM, f..r summer: 1 room leaeVled fe tmin, m.n. $50 a month and 5) with garage; aduiu. Tabor 1041. IFO IVTR K N-T 1 IT 5 0 , B room modern bura low. elertricrty and gas. E. 82d and Mat-ie sis., nsar Kendall station. T-421, Journal. wren yon smvK. i;sb mihth- western Ei.Etrrnic Liuur skuvicpt Tenth and Washlngtmn. HmiHvir ftS ErrrBgviov: ' i.'.... " .i-.r:rriT.:1;.-' , block from M.V .r- IJ n.. M.otli rh. 79118 .Lfrar. i r,m h.t 1. aliip; era: wul be vacant Jul ath: SIS. See this. 840 Hecond etreet. fORTRENT Suitable r' 2 families k.AU a . a HVU-W, VV, '. - - V. "fJJ , " 128- Donald Woodward. M.14an. room houM, 2& a uiunUi. 0 ROOM eottage.i nicely paperid and Tainted. 1088 -Maeadssa at Phone Msrhall 4 4 81. FCfR RENT Modern 8-routa house. S & 4 L. eth. ' , k . I-1TE room eottsge. ; T108 Vsrnop st FTTRNfaiHRII HOimVV, eg ST. JtillNH ' Wllrf . i. i , ."....., ,i m iiu.iiu . ii,n puniwmw, 83060. or will sell without furniture; ruuntiiiy Jaymenta,j like rent. Owner 1004 S. 1-eon.r.l. ."1 m.J .Vivi0"114 c'; ' 7rrYT7---zr.-Ti - t..l rSarnl.liad booae. Wu'e 1 to r,j.t. . ." .uuim, sfc.sapo.oi. vu parry, ni, journat. enmisnea a room nouae piano: adttlu only: eaU Woodlawn .1898 from S a. re. to 6; 1076 East Loth st. N. $9 SMALL bungalow, 1 room and kitchauru.-. gaa, electricity ami water ipcluded; no tlnl dreu. Phone Womllawn 200. 8 0 Ha'trht ae. 4 ROOMS, bath, water, light, garage, porvht. gardens snd plenty of -music; B0. Phone .-oaniriau 2941. bos Jetfersnn St. FURNISHED, enmplet. clean, modern 7 rmna house, at 088 Hawthorne art.: adults only: long leaser referenres evehsnyedj 860. FURNISHED 1 -4 room bungalow, aarags arnj piano 6 blocks vseat Evergreen u varat Evararaen sta . I. It. 1 Adults preferred; reksonsbla rent. Walter lluey. "FLHMaiTEOThous. orTMonUTilla' car Una, Last 438. mT,,, furtllK.d outU(( to ttnu drcn East 1602. . No cliii- - Pus saw. sev aes a. -"ODER PPrr 5 room Xl.rwiih alcove, We.t e. wilklas dUtance. Key 803 141 list- ,haii 128. . v ' , - ' ' , m - alt Wrtl-- ... af i 'if , u. I r "1 -n.rt'",T. per flat: 816. lnoludins i water. - izvo i -orDets sc. FIVE ' room lower flat. 616.60, 40 bUbtuii. East 1868. room garage. I n ion are., Pesr . Krwwll.- Adults only. Esst 2195, FURWIHHED FLATS 60 $36 4 ROOM lower flat, light, water, phone. piano, jii k, snarl. Kaat-8810; sdulM. IV VfT' . ; -i . - -r FIVE, room '"rnjjisAjlgt I . . -. . "Tabor 128". i APAftTMETVTl 11 'FTJKy18HEl AWI USFPRVIsnK D 4 ROOMS-with bath, partly tumisiied. Adulu only. Cor. B. 27th and .Nelson. 1 t blotk south of Sandy bird. . . , I it ROOM apts., fumMiet; rent reasotisble; Ughia, water; outside rooms, 8u8 Front aU 1'bone Msin 1 HgQ. '- - - - HALS E T APARTMENTS KurnUhed 2 and X rooms, 620 to 622. Walking distance. Ke 8278. I "Tirs il-riwin r, 204 Porter si shltirsni: ..... m .,.-.. i room aprs. ; completely turnlaiied; reasonsbis. Plione Main 7802. . - ' . . ' 1 AND 2 nicely furnishel apartmtnU, under n .-nanagement; reasonable rent, 173 H 21t rt. ..- - , -. - FiNE'oAK furniture for aale;' 2 room apt., rl - in, modern; rent reasonable. Marshall tiHJ mornings, after 6 evenings. .- KING .ALBERT APT8. " - Two and three room furnished hnuaekeeping apts., strictly modern. 1 1th ami Montsom.rr, . TI1B DUNEFORD APTS. -2. Srooni spu furnished. 372 E. Clay, Union are. . I'tiune East 2296. r . Til REE .furnished1 rooms, private lsth and tele. phone, by week or -month. 186 N. 2 2d. Marshall 2262. , , Sf-R M5M ED furnished apartment for Sent, 8 T 0 . S12 month. ' 1T1T PMtnuntk at. Johns car. . 3 LOOM apt. and 1 single sleeping room; fine place lor working girl. 208 hi Weidler st. LIGHT, sanitary, close-in, single room, il per month. Mar. -2MB. 886 lth at. S. ' ; LEW YORK apts,, E. Belmont and lUt. t-buue - Ksn z s s. ftUJIMEK REIOTlT f. JOYOUnVACAflONT By tenting in beautiful Ocean Grove. Every convenience. Rates vary -treasonable. Partirta. lavs, 212 Lumbermen, bldg. Brosawsy iQt. LIGHT housekeeping. Ocean Creet anartmentt, . 1 block from beach; rates reasonable, liock' sway Beach. - j ' . 4 ROOMED cottage. Long Beach, Wash. llsln Z3S4. 0ft RENT Furnl.tiwl cabin at Cannon train. Call Broadway 668. I FOR' RENT Rockaway bach. Tl Lisoie cottages, i'non. jgast 6276., WATVTFD TO BK7TT WISn TO BENT BUNGALOW Oy- will lease for one year, modern 8 or I room anfurnisbed bungalow or "' bowse, with garage. Wmild like to meet owner personally. Highest refer ences furnished. Married couple and i diughter. who will take excellent car. of property, E. If. Mr.Cune, midrm-m : phone Tabor 2857: offu 6R4 Pit-, teck . bijg, phoue Broadway 232, , .. WANTED 3 clean rooms snd hsth looaiiori tween East Stark and Hawthorne and 'i',f 1 and 40th. Tabet 6707,- J046 E, Aider st. after 6:80 p. m. : WANTTCD Te rent Rei.l. I, 7-8 rooie i..-..-. . furnish ad or unfomisliea, preierably on w-.e aide, for 1 year er longer. J. Lanener, Ores... Journal, ' Mala 7178. WANTED 6. or S rm. atricUy jriLKir.i ui.ior- niahed home, prefsrsbly East bide, ileitt r-1 to exceed 640. Ref. Phone - East 771 S. S OR. S room, bungalow type pr.feri S, " a garage or srce to ereat garage, L. jU. . .-- Marsnall lzf 1. - HEAL ESTATE Bt'SINENH PHOPKRTI 1 - inn.Kin j Oa Cnion sve. end Stark st. the ideal lota- 1 . uie advantaa. : foe a rt,r I taudl ,a BMm.nt. . end a party wall that 1 83O00 Paid for. Purchase price is 8-0,- 000. Henry F. Cover, 64 t'mon ave. WEST, aide factory site on waterfront, trs,-.s?e and paved street, vwner, iiji xsuruieenei a Bank building. TO LEASn SHIPYARD DISTRICT 11-20 ro furnisbed, reasonable, appir Zji FOB HALE HOUSE" FOR SALE by owner. 4 reoms sml . , : Krrch, partly fnmiabed; lot 60xlOU, fru.l a 1 j bet nee. 65 K. 26th st. . MODERN 3 room house, lot 67 Vs lu f paved st-, for sale by owner, i gsi. 22 E. 47th. " - wuTif 0 roomaoodetn. -r. 1 yan. journal. fijiXLL 4 room cottage, rise owner s't 1 , , leaving the city, woouavocg car, 111 a 1 I worth and Miat Ii..'.fl -. TKk'A Good 4-toon hue. condition. 6323 71st St., nesr Msin 43. ' ' SIX room nwlrn rtniu.iow. '"'h,w i. view, Pitwooa 2)t . Tf -' - .J - A('l'ft.-i frotn Osks. Lmuire li'. I -foot of" Mi's ft. i