The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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Champion Figures He Will Beat Dempsey in Same Manner That.
- Hel Won Title From Johnson ; Challenger Plans to Force
' Milling All the Way; To Make It Speedy;
' " ., - i By Frank G. Menke. J
rpOLEDO, Ohib. JuJy 1. (I. N. S.) Any thought that Jess
I . Willard or Jack Dempsey will deviate from usual battling
. x tatties on July Fourth can be dispelled. "
.There is no more chance, of a radical shift in the time honored
warring program of either than there is of snowfall on'that festal
It is no'more possible for the fighters o change style than for
art adult to change his walk. He may attempt it and focus his
mind on doing it differently, but before you can count 100 myth
ical sheep leaping over a fence he'll be back striding along in .his
' old-fashioned way. And so it is with a fighter. ' . , :
; . Dempsey is naturally aggressive; a cyclonic performer who
hurls himself with all the power within him at an opponent with
'-. the first crash of the gong; a man who never stops until the last
'gong has' sounded pr "taps" has been chanted over a prostrate
.Form Willard, through all the years of his fistic career, has been
. . r .'' .1.' ...... i r; . jv ji- - . t r - ... . .
;, a aeiensive -warnon; a man wno
ting the other fellow to bring
done that.
' Dempsey has triumphed by Vush
. ing, and'he feels that is the only
way. Willard has achieved success
- - by standing; off and letting the other
fellow whirl In at him.. Each is con
: 'vinced that his own method is the
: " better. And when men believe that .
' . way they do not change.
' v Dempsey always . has contended
. that his beat defense is a powerful.
speedy and overwhelming attack.
Used against the blgl man. it has
- , never failed. Morris. Smith, Pelkey
all of them went down under the
- rf hurricane of Dempsey's inaugural
' blows. The Utah mauler figures
' ' that such an attack will sweep the
crown off the dome of Jess Willard.
-'. "Why should I take the aggres-;
, sive?" countered Willard. when
someone asked him if he planned
- , to make a shift and go out after
: Dempsey Instead of waiUng for
Dempsey to come m. -
"I whipped Johnson by waiting. .
- didn't I ? And I whipped all the
' others by letting them .come at me.
. . , I'll do the same thing with this far
famed sluggen I want him to rush
me. The more he rushes me, the
better I'll like it. I say he can't
hurt me; and the fight will prove it.
But when" I get him. coming In at
: me something Is going to happen to -.
" 'him;- -
- - The quesUon was put to Dempsey. .
, - Til fight the only way I know
V! how," was his answer.
.' "And that way Is to fight my man.
v - I'm not going Into the ring to do any
marathontng or to stand off and
look at dear old Jess." I mean to
drop him In the Quickest time pos
. eible. t The only way I can accom-
' pliah that is to . get -In close and
: paste him with all I've got, and keep
'it on pasUng him until he goes to sleep. ,
','":! He may think he's going to hold me
" Off. So did Fulton, ' so did Morris.
Fulton thought 'he could do it with
his long jabber, but he didn't. And
Morris figured he juld clinch and
rough it with me. He didn't..
: ' "You can bet on it that Willard -,
. woiTfhead me off. They say he's
- '" got a great punch. " If he has, it's
. something rather new. - I've -looked
' through his record and IvdonVsee
any evidence of great punching He
- couldn't flatten Morris, - Moran. : Pelr
key. Smith, McMahon anda whole
v-f lot of others.- It took him half an
; .afternoon to' knock out the all-in
Johnson. In view ot that, I wonder
' , how the champion gets the idea he -;,
can polish tne off. i -
Tou.can bet all you've, got." eon
f. eluded Dempsey, "that about one
second after ; the . first gong rings
I'll begin -operating on Willard, and
,1 won't stop unUl I have removed his
t rusty title."
Dempsey's Mother i
. Hopeful That Jack
v Will Be Champion
- ' Salt "Lake City, July 1. (U. P.
Jack Dempsey" s mother hopes he wins
1 the fight for his sake," but she wouldn't
go across the street to see it, she told
the United Press Monday. Nevertheless,
i she thinks he, will leave the Toledo arena
aa the worl4's champion. - ,
Mrs." Cecelia Dempsey, mother of the
, . challenger, Uvea in a handsome home
here, the gift of her two-fisted son.
.- Sixty-five and a fine Irish woman of
the old school, Mrs. Dempsey's Idol is
William Harrison Dempsey, known to
... the sport world as 'J ask."
"William is a good boy, and I want
-'him to win because it means so much
for htm, said Mrs. Dempsey. "I think
he will, too, because he goes after every-
thing in A' businesslike manner and will
do the same when he fights Willard, .
' -A "" '.- . : - ., : '"; ". - --.::'
;New York Tossers
; Pavor Willard in
4th Contest
Wherever men gather these days, the
subject of the coming. Wlllard-Dempsey
V fight te sure to come up for discussion,
and the Giant camp Is a center of fistic
debate. A poll of the opinions expressed
' over the probable result shows that Wil
lard Is favored to -win by the majority.
though , those who like If- Dempsey's
chances make a lot of noise for a. mis
"orityi -They - seem to think "Willard is
' too big" and clever for Jack. .
Portland vs. Los Angeles
Coraer Sita asd Vasgaa , '
July l-2-35-G-
Gasss Starts 4:SI We, Thors. as4 Trt.'
Will Be 1 0
iigures uiai nis iorie is permit
the fight to him.
He has always
tampion w orne
e : . s . n : t n
Work a in Private
By Faak Menke ,
rpOLEDO, Ohio, July 1. (L N.
J- 80 Following close, oa the
heeH ef the 1 story that Jess Wil
lard Is Mt Upplag over semetklag
a the folks Here by Indulging la
sight read work, were reports to
day that the champloa Is dolag
some boxisg, bag panching and
valley work ia private.
The night road work story seens
well ssbttaatlated, several persons
claiming to have seen Willard
sprlatlag along throagh the ' sab
section ef Toledo after dask darlag
the past few nights. If Willard Is
delag this. It Is aa admission of
l own that he Is not la the condi
tion he' claims and f nrthermore, It
wovld Indicate that the ehampioa
has changed froat oa his- earlier
attltade that road training is it
necessary for a 12-ronad fight.
These i stories would Indicate
worry oa the part of Willard over
his condition almost on the eve of
the battle have thinned still far
ther i the ranks of his eathaslasts.
It Is felt that a "worried aad brood
lag fighter Is half beaten before the
first goag rings.
Queeiisbury. Rules fto Govern
Ban Is Put on "Rabbit Punch"
By Tad
npoLiEDO, Ohio, July jl. N.
X S.)"V haven't objected to the
referee. I haven't objected to the
judges and I haven't objected to
the interpretation of the rulea., said
Jack Kearns today. "But one thing
I will insist upon and that Is' that
the referee is the sole boss in that
ring, while the fight is going on.
He must do the ordering ;, he tnust
do the breaking and, he must give
a decision in case of a f ouk ' "
. ''Can you imagine two- Judges at
different sides of the-ing- trying to
watch for a foul bjowt- Can't be ;
done? . v "
i "The referee ylfl decide f oula or
Jack Dempsey won't fight. Tou -know,
I'm not so worried over a
bum decision as I am over Willard.
1 won't . believe that ha intends to
fight until I " see him in the " ring.
He threatened to run out . on the
Johnson Hght in Havana, and he
threats erto run .out here unless
Rlc)eard refereed, but Tex made him
stick. t .
1 "Say. he threatens tor buy a ticket
- td Lawrence, Kansv every day. V
wouldn't' be surprised to hear him -sagr
any. day now that he doesn't -like
the town and take a train home..
YTa Unft an trri. rvf flcrtifinv rtaiSnrw.
. . - ' -- v w -o-- o . . ,-r .
fC " sey. : :
tt utsii tits iviis yuu wruers mai
this Is the safest thing he ever had.
he's just whistling to keep up cour
age. That's the old bunker hill
- that softest ever. , He's scared stiff
right now" --
It waa learned today that the big.
fellows are to fight straight Marquis
iof Queen8bury rules. - Of course, no
j one knows exactly what 'straight
klMarquis of Queensbury" rules are.
T. air-that A rule la a, rule, straight
or crooked. They all add to or subv
tract froVi them. The men - are .to '
protect themselves at all times,' but "
will not hit in the breaks. That is,
neither man will be allowed tv hit
1 while the other Is stepping back' out
or a clinch. : ' ;
The kidney punch is .barred, as is
the rabbit punch. This rabbit punch'
is a slam, usually delivered while
the men are at close Quarters. It'.?
I is a soak on the back of the neck '
i or the back of the head. " It is -
called the rabbit punch became a -i
blow on the back of the neck with
L a stick Is the usual procedure in
sending a rabbit Into kingdom tome. ".
j Freddie Welsh declares that it Is
i one of the most dreaded -of all
punches. .
- Packey . McFarland hit him with ;
the rabbit punch in one tf their '
batUes and Freddie .says be had to
lay off boxing -for Bine months an
, his neck would not setatraight. , i
, juuourn aayior made a great rep -Jn
. Australia "some years .. u . ha
j knocking out his opponents with the
. . rabbit i punch:.- They - hadn't heard
about It out there until sVylor came, .
j . but soon barred the blow, declaring
f it to be a foul punch. . , "
': There has been less talk of fake '
connected with qila quarrel than at '
!. any other big event that haa taken
place within the last 10 years.
...., Battling Levlnsky. who once quar .j
reled with Dempsey and found him-
to 7 Favorite : Over
- v jf : -' y 1
d MtHS!??
At Chicago First game : " R. H. E.
ClncinnaU 012900110 . 0
Chicago- .... -6 001 0 0 00 X - fi 4
Batteries Reuther and Wlngo; Doug
lass and Kllllfer. y r--' ; ' ....:.
At Chicago Second game: R. H. E.
Cincinnati 000 1 00 10 J 1
Chicago , 10 0 0 0-000 01 C
Batteries Ring and Wlngo ; Hendricks
aad O'FarrelJ.
At- Pittsburg: r R. H. E.
St. Louis ....... 000001000 1. 9 0
Pittsburg '. . ; . . . 100 0 0102 4 8 2
' Batteries May," Tuero and Snyder ;
Adams and Schmidt. ,
At Boston: ' 1 R. H. E.
New Tork .8 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 7 11 2
Boston 0 01 2 000 OF 4 16 1
Batteries Causey. Benton and Gon
zales ; Keating, Cheney and Wilson.
Champion Will Be
Favorite on Fourth
- By H. C. Hamiltoa
Toledo,'-July 1 (U. P.) There la
? not a chance that Jack Dempsey
! Will be a favorite In the betting when
ihe enter the ring With Jess Willard
; Friday., ; x;-i ' V" v '
-"Dempsey . is very', pophlar,. but it
is much. easier to find Willard sym
pathizers who are willing to back
their choice witb money than it is
to find Dempsey: mew of the. same
Ideas. Willard is the champion. The
fact cannot be denied, nor can the
trend of betting eentiment. ' ,
i Willard in Toledo ranges how fron,
10 to 6 favorite to 10 to 8. Indications .
are he will enter the battle for Ma
championship a Pf to 7 favorite over
the Utah challenger. r
Dempsey has gained supporters : In
the last week, largely because of the
fact that he has worked hard, where-t
as, big 'Jess has been content to go
along very easily.
A blind man-would have no trouble
In telling that the champion Is in
condition to fight. "Whether he Is In
condition to win Is another .question.
The champion has announced him
self ready to go through to Wednes
day afternoon .with his training.
Thursday there . will be no public
appearances, or at most a very per
functory ope. He may go fishing.
He feels that he Is ready to fight
and is positive of his assertions.
- Dempsey himself doubts It. Chances
are he will do what work he does
Thursday In private.
Willard is fit. That is the an
nouncement of Dr. Joseph Sweeney,
official physician for the Toledo box
ing commission, who gave the cham
pion a thorough examination yester
day.' -
"From examination of heart, lungs,
muscle tone and reserve power," said
Dr. Sweeney.; "Willard I, find is in
such' wonderful condition that he will
be able to go the full' 12 rounds at
whatever speed limit Jack Dempsey
sets."- -
-self kissing ; the canvas, i is found,
out to be the greatest Dempsey
booster in Toledo. Tou know, of
course, that Mr.' Levinsky came here
loaded to the guard rails with dough
to bet on Willard, don't you? He
wouldn't bet five cents against a ,
million on him now.; He has bet
' every nickel he has and all that he;
can get on Dempsey. He says he
can't see Willard at all after the
fourth round.-i'lj-.' -.;.
' BILITATE HAS AT .- : . ' .' .
BiU ' Tate.1; wh;' has been boxing "
with Dempsey over, a month, now,
says the fight .wfll go Tour rounds
and no moret ;!.-
j Ah play "a system." said Bill
yesterday. ."Ah jlay this way. For
two rounds Willard will have them
big. .fat arms of his up. there block
ing what Jack tosses ; over. Then
e'a gonna drop them to protect that
fat tummy of his, and then his chin
is going to do a little blocking.
Ah wouldn't be surprised if the gong
wouldn't find big Jess on the' floor
in the third. If he doWt. hell be
a little sick anyway, and : Just so
- soon as he is sick, he Is weak, ow
j goes' the old pay- check and the .
orowd will start backin' out"
Tennis Classic Play ;,
Begun by: Concourse
Of Famous Experts
Buffalo, S. T., July 1 (t. K. a
With nearly all of the racquet celebri
Mes of this and other countries ready
for play the focal tennis classic of the
year got "under way" at the tennis clubs
clay; courts. Monday In what should be a
most interesting series jof play. The
Oeat lakes - and Western New Tork
tennis championship tournament la the
event which haa: attracted a galaxy of
pUyers to, this -city. . .,
1 The' Preliminaries were played Satuet-1
.v. numor,or e stars entered
to this championship , event spent much
time becoming falpillar . with the
courts. 3 Among '.those who wielded the
racquet over the i Pork club's net in
preparation for today's play'werf '
National Champion R. Undley Mmv
ray of Niagara Falls, i WD Mam T. Tll-
runner uP ! R: Norrja Williams
ana otners. . -
Local AtllletesMake
Autoilrip to Tacoma
Taking -'advantage of thj, god
weather, several autompbUe loads of
Tacom Monday noon to
atl th? JublItBe eeJebratiot,
all thla Week. Manager. George W
Philbrook of the -track and ld team'
Coach -William Hayward. rJoui.'
M?n Tom lJutuu
Marvin C. Fleming and Lloyd stUl of
Pendleton Journeyed to the City of
""f 2. Btteni Idfle coast
championehipa la the; Tacoma stadhant
"if J0011- Th party doeanoj
expect to return until after the auto
mobile races on the speedway. July 4
' -- r;,: h
Preliminaries to Begin at 10 A.
M. and Continue Until Champ
Contest at 3 P. M." ! '
By H. C. Hamilton
rrtOLEDO. Ohio. . July L U. P.) Ar
X rangementa have been finally com
pleted for the world's championship bout
Friday afternoon between Jess Willard
and Jack Dempsey. . : f
The gates to the big arena, will be
thrown open to bleacher, patrona ini the
$10 section about a. m. Many hun
dreds of seats in -this section have , al
ready been "sold, but they are not re
served. Most of them will be on .sale
at the gates. ' .
At 10 o'clock the . first preliminary
will start If plans now made by the -Toledo
Athletic club are carried out. ' A
constant array of fighters J will .pass
through the ring from then oir'until
time for the main bout .to start, now
set for $ p. m.
. .c '
By Freak c Menke,
Toledo, Ohio. July 1. (I. N. &)
Jack Dempsey made his last public ap
pearance as a training camp battler
Monday afternoon. A final swirl with
Jack Malone . and i his dusky sparring
partners, then Dempsey dof fa the gloves
until time to hurl five ounces at Jess
"From now oh it's only light work for
Dempsey,". declared Jimmy De Forest,
his trainer. "He is more superbly' con
ditioned right now ' than any heavy
weight challenger in ring history." , .
But it's different with "willard. Jess
is going to do a lot more boxing before
the Fourth dawns, unless that wounded
optic, a Sunday gift from Walter Mon
ahan, balks his program. . The Injury
to the skirt above Willard's eye is
slight, but Just the -same, he Is mighty
anxious to have it heal perfectly before
battle day, even at the sacrifice of fur
ther etrenuous conditioning. An un
healed gash over the evey might be a
greater menace than a few extra pounds
of fat, for a slight, pop will start the
blood trickling Into' the eye.
- Meanwhile the: crowd is beginning to
gather here. The bulk of newcomers are
browsing around in search of wagers.
Most of them .want to plunge on Demp
sey and gladly offer even money. But
there Is not - any Willard backing loom
ing along the horizon. The very , fact
that the light-hitting Monahan waa able
to break the skin over Willard's eye
yesterday . with a 10-ounce glove and
follow it with a lip cutter when ' Jess
went out to annihilate him, has damp
ened a -little more of the early Willard
enthusiasm. And Willard's exhibition
following the blow was further dis
heartening. HADE HIM WILD .
As soon as Jess found that Monahan
had cut his eye, and he realised what
that abrasion, slight though it is. meant
so near to, fight time, the big giant
went out to polish off Monahan. When
Walter ' grasped the -fact he began to
fight back to save himself and ft is an
absolute fact that Monahan made the
lunging Willard look like little more
than a novice. - Willard hurled his
mightiest blows at Monahan, but they
never landed.-The smaller man . scam
pered all around and, made him miss
like a bush leaguer.
- Never did Willard look . worse as a
puncher than in those IVt rounds when
he1 waa out' to "pot" Monahan. He
swung with everything he had and all
his swings went .far wide of the mark.
And every time he swung he pulled
off balance and left openings for his
body: and : Jaw. Sometimes Monahan
would - pound him "there of tener he
would not Walter wasn't out to punish
Jess, he merely Wanted to save himself,
and he did that
"If Dempsey had been In there in
stead of Monhan. Jess would have been
knocked 'out a dozen times," was the
consensus1 of opinion.
- New Women's Record Set
Santa- Crux, Cat, July I. A new Pa
cific coast swimming record" for women
was broken here Sunday when Mrs.
Frances? Cowell Schroth of San Fran
cisco swam the 500 yard free style event
in seven minutes, 19 3-5 seconds, better
ing her .own previous mark by 8 4-5
seconds.7 The race was sanctioned by
the Amateur Athletic union. ;
Exclusive Kuppenheimer
House in Portland '.
- - Jr v. ftr Is
" "Lr: U A
se$ -Wlieii They
Where the Coasters
Play This .Week
i i Los Aageles at , rortlaad, saves
Saa Franelseojfc at Seattle seven
gaiae. v V
Salt Lake at Teraea. eight gaaae. , :
- Sacrwmeato at Oakland eight
Wen. Uxt.
...... 4S 34 -
...... SS
...... SS SS
...... ss as.
...... 34 : 4Z
.427 ;
iVpnoii . ,
Sa Franclaee
Salt Lata' . ...
Oakland ....
V rUane . . .
33 ,48
31 ; . 44
Mew Vara ....... SS 1S
Cincinnati ST S2
PitUburt ..........32 . 27
enicage ............. SS 29
Brooklyn ........... SS;- - 20
-M.- Louto u.......i. .. 24 33
VhiladelphW ....... 4 . 18 SS
oiton . .i . 18 SB
Slaw York .j. ............ SB 'IS
hicao ..i. .......... SS - 23
Uiand 38, 24
KHtiit SI 2B
St. Loult ........... 27 2S
StMtaa ............... 24 31
Wathlngton ........ i . . 24 - SS
.IPnilaMlpMa 18 40
.878 ;
Captures Singles Finals at Irv
rngton : Despite Big Handicap;
f Junior, Play Lags.
THREE ; straight seta were ail that
were required for Phil Keer to win
the annual spring handicap men's singles
ofj the Inrington club on the Irvlngton
courts Monday afternoon. George G.
Dewey, who has just come into promU
nence among the new racket!, wlelders,
was in the finals against Ifeejr, and he
put up a" great brand of ball .before he
was . eliminated. Neer had a.' handicap
of owe SO 3-9, which makes his victory
all the more remarkable. . . ,,
tn the mixed, doubles of. the tourna
ment Miss Stella Fording and. Kenneth
Smith defeated Miss Marriette . Johnson
.and Allen IHofmann. (-2. 6-6, while Miss
Irene Campbell and Marion Kyle won
from Mrs. J. P. Mulder and W. A. Goss.
-. 6-2, 8-8. , The schedule for today
calls for Miss Mariam Sinclair and A.
R. Manger versus Miss Stella Fording
and Kenneth Smith, with Miss Camp
bell and Kyle meeting Mrs. W. I. North
up and Percy. Liewis. at 6:30 o'clock.
. The committee in charge of the boys'
and juniors' tennis tournament for the
championship of the Portland center has
announced that all. entries must be .at
the Irvlngton club courts within 15 min
utes of the time set for their matches or
lose .by default The heavy rain of last
week- caused a wholesale postponing of
contests, , but Kenneth Smith, who . is
managing the tourney, has declared that
the championship among the bays,
girls and juniors must be settled by the
end of thla week.
The boys' and girls' finals should be
completed ( by Wednesday might and
the juniors will wind up their schedule
not later than Thursday afternoon, but
he wants It understood that the match
wfll be i played vwhen announced, unless
the contestants get to the committee
before they schedule the affair. i ,
Following i is the schedule for
day : . .
It a. m.rLouiae Jones versus Janet
Ettinger.f Bernice - Burke; versus Helen
Carmen.' j - : .. ,- :.
t p. n. Wallace Bowles versus Ed
5 P.
?. rn. Winner Jones and Ettlnger
is Gladys Horexu - '
t p. m. ueorge Jannin versus. N. C.
McCraken.1 ia wrence Tyler versus Ed
Durham, f . . .
T p. m. John Kirke versus Allen Hof
mann. , . ; -4 -..;..
7.30 pV-ra. Isadora Westerman versus
J: 1 Foresteli " v
' Harnecker, the South American tennis
champion, who, lives in Santiago de
Chile, will compete in the United States
tournament hls summer,
The New American; Figure
Life in the Service and increased participa- .
I tion fn sports has built up the physiques of
L i our young, fellcws. . The new models of ,
Kuppenheimer Clothes
anticipated this development. They drape
without a wrinkle over broadened' shoulders
4! . and narrow waist. The latest in fabrics and .
colors, of course.
$35 $40 $45 $50 and $55
tsibn Quality Suits
j usx reoetveo. . A new, model with removable belt can be
used either as a waistline
biiu iuhh, aiw noiner aavance model
introducing the stltebed belted style. In single
and' double breasted models.,, Handsome in
every aeuui. ,.
Express shipment
Crepe Shirts with sepn,:.
arate collars to match
Voung Men's Hatsad
vance, fall styles. Iri
descent, two tone Jersey
and other fine wool fab--rice
In greens and heather
in plain green,, canary.
white and pink 7-
$8.50 : ; 52.50,
Angels Willi Face Strengthened
' Lineup- of Beavers During V
Seven Game Series. .
By Qeorge Berts i
rrHE Beavers regular outfield Jack
-a. Farmer' left ; George MalaeU center,
and Frank Walker, right will be In the
line-up In the seven game series against
the Los Angeles club, . leaders : in the
Coast league 'pennant race, which opens
Wednesday afternoon. Today's con
test was postponed on account of the
long trip from Southern California.
Farmer may not be able to hit his top
stride right off the feel, as he is just
recovering from an Illness which has
kept him out of the game for over a
month. - When he regains;, his full
strength he -is expected to play better
ball than he haa tn the past '
The absence of i Farmer from the bat
ting order and Walker's failure to re
main .with the, team, coupled with the
injury to Maisel, has robbed the Beavers
of a lot ef batting strength. Maisel, ac
cording to reports, la not seriously hurt
and will be in his old ktation Wednesday.
Billy Speas. who was signed to fill an
outfield vacancy, haa been playing good
ball for McCredie. hi hitting being very
timely throughout the three - series' In
which he participated.
During the two weeks' trip on the road
the Beavers won six and lost eight
games, which is the best record they
have made abroad thin mnnnn
The need of two additional hurlers
consistent ones is becoming more urgent
each day. ;
McCredie picked up Reppyj "a young
ster who was given a tryout with Oak
land last week, and he hurled a pretty
fair game against the Vernon Tigers
Sunday. Jack Kiltllay Will also come
home , with the locals and . If Elmers'
Reiger, Jack Gilligan and a! few other
old timers get by, the former Spokane
hurier should also win a few games.
Rader's sore wrist ia still giving him
a little trouble, but there Is little likeli
hood of his being placed on the bench, in
the series, with the Angels.
"Red" KUlifer, th Angel leader, has
a strong aggregation of players this
season. In the outfield he haa Sam
Crawford and "Rube" Ellis.- two veterans
of slugging ability. The infield positions
are guarded by Jack Fournier. . Ken
worthy, Fabrique j and Niehoff. . who
were .released by Seattle, and Ray Bates,
former Portland thijrd baseman. '
In Boles and Bassler. the Angels have
a strong catching department The
pitching staff Includes Aldrldge, former
Cub; Otis Crandall. "Lefty" . Brown,
"Babe" Pertica and Paul Flttery.
The ; spurt made by, the Seattle club
during the past three weeks has been
the talk of the league fans. Clymers
men made Vernon fight hard during
their last aeries and they copped the
series from Oakland by taking six out
of seven games. .
The Seattle Chamhef of Commerce has
completed plans toglve the Rainlers a
rousing receptiQjripon their return home
Wednesday. An effort is being made to
have a' record attendance at the opening
game of the series. - .i-v
- - .r ; i .
In England last year 364 races were
decided for stakes valued at 9787,685." In
the prewar year, or 1913 a total of
12.593.365 was distributed. - In aD 2214
horses ran last year on the flat against
4055 in 1913. r -. , . -,
A Poem In One Word
If you ask. good friend of mine,
A poem in a single line.
I'll- merely ask you "Have you heard
A poem in a single word V
As mellow as the moonMght fair,
As sweet as kisses I declare,:
A poem in on a word, to-wit ..-
Just murmur "Vdgan's' that It
. .TTew, yos make a little TOG AN
Jlarle, asd bring It te t :.
For - each original jingle of at least
four-' lines we'll give a half pound
package of VOOAS'S chocolates.
6th at.Wanhlagtoa. 4th at Iferrlsos
or belted suit. Beautiful cut
South American
: , Panama, Hats,, t
$3, $3.50
. Our
New Tork. first game: R. II. E.
Boston ........... 000004000 4 6 4
New York ........00100004 7 14 1
- Batteries James and Schang, Wal
ters; Shawkey and Hannah.
Second game; .;. ' ' -' R.H. E.
Boston ........ k..O 0 001001 0 2 4 2
New Tork ..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 13 1
Batteries Pen nock. Qulnn -and
Schang; Schneider and Hannah.
' ' At 8t Louis : -m -c: R. H. E.
Detroit ... 4.... .14 00010006 11 0
St Louis .........010000000 1 5 1
- Batteries Boland and Atnsmith ; Dav
enport Koob andJSeyeried. :
" At Philadelphia i r R. H. E.
Washington .....00 0 0 3 0 0 0 03 6 3
Philadelphia .....02100000 1--4 12 2
Batteries Robertson and - Gharrity ;
Rogers and MsAvoy. - j-: : o
At Cleveland : " s i ! R. It. E.
Chicago .....010111 M)0 6 13 1
Cleveland "t . . .....0 001 0100 03 7 4
Batteries Cicotte and Hi-halk : Bag
by, PhilUps, Meyers and O'XeUl. .
All Discus Places
Taken by Yanks .
1 In Paris Contests
Pershing Stadium; Paris,; July lw
(U. P.) America made a clean sweep
in the: finals of the discus I throw here
Monday. Charles Higgins of. Cherokee,
Okla., was first with a heave of 40.IS
meters. - R. L. Byrd of Chicago was sec
ond and James Duncan of -New Tone
waa third. - . . f '. ;; -i.
Earl Eby of Chicago and T. M. Spink
of Chicago wbn their heats in the 400
meter race. - William Geay of Harrison
vllle, HoH won-a . place. .-:.'
In the standing . broad jump, trials
both "William Taylor and James Hum
phreys of Eden. Texas, were placed.'
The American team broke the .world
record In the' 600 meter relay, winning
in 1 minute 30 seconds, which was 6 1-5
seconds! faster than the world mark.
Canada .was second and Australia third.
The American team comprised: sEdward
Teschner, Lawrence, Mass. ; Charles
Paddock, tPasadena. Cal.-j Sol Butler,
nuicnmson,, ana carmen Smith,
Bay City. Mich. ,
Norman Ross of San Francisco won
the 10O meter and 1500 meter free style
swimming events. Sommer, a French
man, won the -200 meter breast stroke,
with Biersch, tAmerican, second. .
Brownsville Team
WU1 Claim Title
. . ! e ; ' .;":-ffl-vtf;'-
BrowhsvUle,' July 1. The Brownsville
Browns, as a result of Sunday's-win
f.Harrlsburg, are In a position to
clainf the championship of the upper
Willamette valley. Harrisburg who has
pronounced ' championship aspirations
wao trampled on - Sunday - by the - fast
1 mMX vrd
I -. ' . v - : .-.. V
Is growing in favor by"leaps and bounds and
will continue to do-o in the future just as fast
as our higfiway'a. are, improved and extended
and open up - to 1 accessibility innumerable!
scenic- spots for the camper to pitch his, tents
and enjoy his vacation rest and for hunting
and -fishing.
There's a charm about " camping out today
through the ' use of modern camp conven
iences : which adds much 'to; the, comfort of,
the camper that did not exist a few years ago.
MiMH Xou Expect to Go
you should : visit our store and examine our
14: display of camp conveniences in - ; ;
-"VAutb and Camp TenU -,;-i:
i Gold Medal Folding Cots, Tables,
Xhairs'and Stools. . ; v ;
''Also our Camp Stoves, Grids, .
v: Air Mattresses and Sleepinsr Bags, . J
' Camp Blankets, Canvas Covers, -f
r Dunnasre Bass, Reflector Ovens.
Cookino; Utensils, Table Cutlery, etc
The American Gasoline Camp Stove 7
i -the camper's delight; as it is easy to
operate and ready for business in a jiffy. It
will cook, a meal while one Is ordinarily hunt
ing fuel for a camp ! f ire. ' It is perfectly, safe
(i v'to'; handle and there are ho sparks, no smoke,
i no dirt, no delays. It's ' convenient in sire;
144x8x3jinches and weighs but 8;pounds.
v ; Price $8.50. ; . , , -;.
E .. . Thermos and Universal Luncheon Sets'
5 - J nicely, arranged in case form for carryinglorv
V , . ; -. the running board of-. the auto or. otherwise
S -' ' " - ' if desired and contain tall the requirements
S for a luncheon de luxe, . , ,
1 V Outing Clothing for Men and Women I ,
in Aladdin, Dux-b'ak and Kamp-it qualities.
We specialize in Women's Norfolk Jackets,
Smocks, Middies, Shirts, Walking and Rid
ing Skirts, Divided Skirts, Riding Breeches
and .Men's and Women's Army Shoes.
1 f HlgfoGrade &shing
Honeyman' Hardvdrc c- Conna
- ,: Fourth
- Portland's Largest
etween jftODec
Handsome Prizes Are Offered tor
- Shoot at Portland Gun
. J Club July 13
ONE of the biggest added bird hand I-.
cap trapshootlng tournaments of the
season Is scheduled . to be held on thei
Portland Gun club traps at Ifverdlng
park, Sunday,: July 18. . , . ,--'t-
There will be two events on the pro- '
gram. SO single targets and 25 pairs of
doublea Five trophies have been of
fered for' the five high guns In the
singles events, and .there will be one
prise hi the doubles.
Visitors are welcome to participate In
the tourney and will be eligible to win
the prises., . ' -
' Following ire the. prises:
. First Cup by V, A. Rossbach, Holly
wood. Cal. , ,
'Second Dlamond stickpin hy Fred
Teeple, Los Angeles. -; .
' Third Shirt set by Fred Teeple, Los
Angeles.: y. : '
" Fourth Gold mounted fountain pen by
Portland Gun club. .
Fifth Trophy by :J. C. Morris, -r
Prise for double event Pair xt gold
(clay bird) cuff Jinks by Homer 10."
Sargent ot Pasadena, Cat
The entrance fee In the singles Is $1.50,
which will cover ehe price of the tar
gets. -A ';;: ;
: President Frledlander of the club ex
pects 1 one . of the largest number of
shooters that ever , attended a club
handicn"p affair, -
E. H. Keller, H. B. . Newland. A. A.."-,
Hoover, Charles Lelth and Frank Tem
pleton have been appointed on the handi
cap committee.
f A number of .members of the Port
land Gun club will attend the. annual
Fourth of. July shoot at Rainier; 'A
large list of prises are offered to the
high guns In each event, with special
prises for ! women ; entrants snd long
runs. --;'--:---.- . - -
going; Bfown to the tune of 14 to
defeat Albany has been defeated to
S, Lebanon beaten. Tangent trimmed
twice,, and -, the fast "Woodburn team
bested by the score of 2 to 1. On the,
Fourth of July, the Browns will end up.
the season at Albany with a double-1
header; against the Albany team.
The ! Brownsville pitchers are going .
fine, the. staff consisting of Palmer
Roche,, Carl Warren, Robert Damon and
Harry Newland. Newland has ' juA
received his discharge from the service, .
and will strengthen the . team ap
preciably. .'-)-:,. 1
T4ckU ;Y
at Alder
Spcrtins Gocds Ctcra