12 Gahbe 'Time on the' Willamette-s-Photograph in Color in Next -Sunday Journal Magazine When the drink's uC why clink the cartnilcln? - e ' r . , Browning. . , - , ': : A Rechablto poor Will must live, And drtnfc of Adam's ale. i - Matthew Prior. creen anir features Stage, "Spring, Maid'' ; Arid Sung , I 7 . ' ! - Alcazar,; Players,- Oscar Figman r. efrAlj'.PresehtTunefuLOp- ; eretto Pleasingly.' - ? - By 8. B. Jr. TPHEUE is rather more fun In "The -Xgpri nr Maid, than in any other of t lie musical pieces presented to, date by the Alcasar musical comedy company at the Alcasar, and be it said to the credit of this capable company that. It, "gets ,by'', ln grand style. There are a num ber of funny things Ins trie production. ' Bomje ; of them , are . purposely . funny ; others Just happen to be so." For exam ple,: Oscar Flgman's leg. But Oscar is funny all eve and in "The Spring Maid" he makes the most of his opportunities to -'make fun. . , ? The new attraction also present more in the way of ensemble chorus work than " - - -H i ynav huM to the credit of the performers and of Mr, Bishop, the director, that results are highly satisfactory and entertaining, and -particularly so as Stage Manager X1IA kaa V.1,11. a,i.h. Koailtiflll i frSnS tor the Stage pictures. M.UMT Wilbur as the Princess' Bosena i Is seen and heard to advantage, par Itlcularly In her solo, "Day Dreams," and Jwlth Aladar (Mr..Coote) In "Two Little 'lxve Bees." the dreamy, haunUng. buszy J refrains that furnish the melody motif 4 for the story. Miss Olivetti as Anraamirl, 1 the real spring maid, whose place at the, spring -is taken, by Bosena that a Icertain , young prince (Mr. Coote) may "be taught a lesson. In love. Is Just as 'dainty and sweet as she can. be, and sings "The' Lovljig Cup" In charming i, style. Miss OUvotti Is. parUcularly . sprightly and clever this week, i - Mr. Natanson ts in particularly good form. and voice, too. 'and Lee Daley as the 'town sleuth has a new style of char acter comedy In which, he Is adept. Det- mar Popper does - a ludicrous bit, too, and is properly dignified in turn. May Wallace. Miss Desmond, Edward . their musical and comedy bits entirely Satisfactorily, and individually and en semble the cast,, principals and chorus, work together with artistic effect. . "The Spring . Maid" will continue for the week, with matinees. Wednesday and .Saturday. ; musmm . JAJ!TAGK8 BnMdway at Aldr. Hick cluil 1 n.ndTUJ sad photoplay teaturM. Aftsraooa . nd avmlos. ; PTocfsm ehasaes Mondar after. . SOBS. HIPrODSOSfE Bmsdwsr st TsBhilL ' Ack-r- nra U Harris, vsndeTille and photoplaj fas ' turea. . Afternoon and night. ' - , STOCK'' . BAKEB Broadway at MorriaoB. Baksr Stock company,- In "Merely kin Ana." Matins v 2:a0: nisbt, S-.80. . LYRIC ronrth and Stark. Lyric Musical Faros . oaHMly eompany. in "Dp in tho Air." Krery . tvenins sad aftsrnooa ozeopt TbaStday aftsr-noou..-,-... t ifitkviB ... m lr t m ' UmmI .'SV-'AAlAn ni.TV.U. Mill BWIWVH. ,v eomady stock company, la "Ths Sprint Maid."- PHOTOPtiATS . C Ot.CVBIA Sixth and Stark. OUts Thoawa. - in "Tss Girt from Paria." 11 a. m. to . 11 ft is. tlBEKTT Broadway st SUrk. Norma Tal i vsdie. ia "Tha timw atooa." 11 a. m. to 11 . kfAlKSTIO Waahincton at Park. Gsraldina Karrar. in "The Turn of tno WheL" 11 a. M. to 11 p. as. STRAND Washington between Park sad Wast Tars. VaodwyUle. pootopiaya. 11 a, a to 11 p. m- . gyLOBB Waabingtoa near E3ssnth. Kaaimora. ; - In- "An Eye far an Eye." , . . STrxSET -Waabingtos - aaar -i Broadway. "Bill" . bsrt. la "Tit Rctom of Draw Zgan.'-' 11 : a. m. to 11 p. aa. - - . CIRCLE.-. Fourth - aesr Washington. Ethel Clayton .: in "Tna Girl Whs Cams Back." 11 a. m. io 4 o'clock the next morning. , , -vPABKS AND . RESORTS ' ' COfTCII CREST Dancing eery , sraning -. eept Sunday. - Sunday afternoon concert. : fceiwgasrioas, -- i- . - J-'. OAKS AUCS3fCNT PARK Armstrong Folly ennpany ia musical xrareety. Skating, boav tag. . . . COI CMBIA BEACH Bathing, dsneing and v, Middle -Agad-S2 , Women should UVe warning from such 1 C symptoms as heat flashes, shortness of breath, . I ' excessive nervousness, irritability, and the blues which indicate the approach of the inevitable 44 Change " that comes to all women nearing middle age.' We have published vol umes of proof that Ly dia E. JPinkham's Vega table Compound is the greatest aid women can have during this trying period. - Head About These Two "Women : t Fremont, O, "I was passing through the critical period f life, being forty-six years of age aad had all the symp toms incident to that, change beat Sashes, nervousness, asd was in a general run-down condition, so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia JR. PtaKhara's Vegetable Compound wm recommended to me as the best remedy for my troubles, which it surely proved to be. I feel bet ter sad stronger in every way since takiar it, and the an aoying symptoms have disappeared." Mn. M. Gopdkk, 92S Napoleon 8t.. Frembnt, Ohio. - i Urbaoa, III." Doriag Change of life, in addition t its.aasovtng symptoms had aa atsaek of grippe which lasted all w later and left me in a weakened eoaditioo. .' I 'felt at times that 1 would never be well again. I read of Lydia S. Pinkhana's Vegetable Compound and what it did tor woman passing through the Change of Life, so X told my doctor I weald try it. I soon began to gain in strength and the annoying symptoms disappeared and your Vege table Compound has made me a well, strong woman so I do all my own hewMwork. I eaanot recommend Lydia X. Piak ham's Vegetable Compotnd too highly to women passing -through the Chang of -Life." Mrs. Fmaxs Hjwsosv 131S Soath Orchsde Street, Urbana, IU. t -: : Tfomen Everywhere Depea4 Upon i-.. TV 77 NORMA TALM AD GE visits Portland in the season of the new moon (and a dry moon at 'that), in the newest of her - photoplay-8uccesses,-'Tbe-New Moon. Miss -Talmadge is at. the Liberty. ; . . . ;... ' 4 Oregon jlnvites Moviej Star To Shows Doug, However, Says He's - Busy and Can't- Go tof Ashland Nor Pendleton. ! HOLLlTWOOD,r Cal.. July 1. If JDoug . las Fairbanks were to accept all the Invitations "which he has received - for various celebrations around the country on or -about July Fourth he would have to make the trips by wireless. v First of all be received - a letter from Mayor James Cousens of Detroit, who is also the second largest stockholder of the Ford Motor Car company asking Douglas to be guest of honor of the De troit Board of Commerce committee on the Great Lakes trip, which lasts about a week. ,on , which 600 of the Detroit manufacturers forget their troubles and remember how to play once more. -Then came an invitation from Mayor Harris of Cleveland, who - wanted Doug at its Victory pageant July 3 to 6. Ashland, Or., wired in, asking Doug to referee at: its big roundup . on July Fourth. Calgary; Canada, where ffffc big Dominion Victory celebration is . to be held tn August, promised Doug every thing except the parliament buildings in Ottawa if he would attend that expo sition and preside at the Wild West con test. . . Then along came an invitation from the Toronto exposition, asking him to spend two weeks in the metropolis of the dominion. Pendleton, Or., and Cheyenne, Wyo where two of the most famous and wid est attended Wild West shows are held r : 1,' ' 'S- : ; Ijf " . at j--e m . 1 V asseejmBask. i r . EL V V J " a-" ' ' II I ; . SW, Vi Z4-- k ; I every 'year, have' also, asked Doug to be with them later on tn the season. However, Fairbanks found it neces sary to decline " all these invitations be cause he is working day and night on his neWjilcture, which will be tthe first release of "The United Artists 'corpora tion, commonly called the -Bis Four. r NATIONAL GUARD NOTES 1 " - ". r" ' - - -i L Two battalions of the new Third Ore gon, including the second battalion of Portland, and- also -the two companies of the engineers' 'battalion, -will be in Salem under command, of Colonel W. C. North and staff July 4, and. will he' re viewed by Governor Olcott. - .All em bers of the' military organizations of the infantry and engineers are urged to be present. .. Officers of the National Guard of Ore gon are requested to meet at the armory Wednesday night ' instead ' of Thursday night in order to report on preparations to go to Salem Friday. : Every 'auto moble and truck that cajn be begged, borrowed or requlstioned is - to.be re ported on that occasion. , There is no money to pay. transportation charges and every effort is ' asked of members and friends of the organisation, to enable a proper showing to be made In Salem July 4. Captain C. E. F. Kuss is being con gratulated on "arriving': with his "kid company" and being ' mustered Into the federal service as company I. ' Captain Russ and his staff have worked hard for the past two years drilling and prepar ing the boys. Some of them were only 16 when they began. The company of 76 has only two married men in it, and most of them are under 20. .More than half the company members are high school students. .. They are considered the best drilled company in the regiment. S. H. Greet Stamps sor-cash. Hol man Fuel Co., Main 353. A-S353. ' Block wood, short slab wood. 'Rock Springs and . Utah coal ; sawdust. Adv. - i dKtJ jt obsession Of Girls' : Home :.!; ; ' .1 7TT7 . Jeanne; d'Arc Residence Hall for Young Women Informally Opened. . FDSSESSION was taken Monday of the Jeanne d'Arc residence hall for girls into i which the old Virginia Hill hotel has been converted. "The new hall will be conducted by - the Sisters of Mercy of - which Mother Agnes is the head for Oregon. Sister Regina will te In charge of the room purchasing de partment and of the dining room and kitchen and Sister Gerard will conduct the office and rooming department. They will have the assistance of more than a dosen ! other sisters. ' . Handsome stuffed chairs and couch, mahogony chairs and beautiful carpets of harmonizing tones are used ; in furnishing the reception rooms. The din ing room Is finished in oak. - The upper floors, which are devoted- .to sleep ing rooms are all covered with beauti ful carpets bf different colors and de signs and some rooms are furnished in enameled furniture, some in mahogony. some in oak and some in blrdseye maple. GIRLS MOVING IIT - Fiffeeni girls moved into the new hall Monday, J an additional 10 .will go in today aad others have made reservations for a little later. Several have Bpoken for rooms In the fall. Including several teachers ! who have pone trnt of the city for the summer. The charge made Is based on the actual cost of upkeep, as the Sisters donate their services. Accommodations . may be secured from tl.SOtoltflkDer week, according to the 8tzand location of the rooms and the number in it. A flat charge of $5 per week Is made for two meals, breakfast and dinner on week days and three meals on Sunday. The hall is open to jrirls and young; -women of all religious faiths. One: off thefront rooms on the fifth floor will be known as the Mayflower room, having: been furnished by that club of Which Mrs, Helen J. Banghart Is president. . The room is carpeted in blue and - furnished in cream colored enameled furniture. The Daughters of Isabella turned over $275 td the Sisters, the proceeds from the presentation of the operetta, "The GoIrVen "Slipper,"- and , this has " been utilized in the furnishinR of : several rooms. Jennlng & Co., -have-made a erift of a cabinet The ' Cathel'c Book store gave a statue of the Sacred Heart. Mrs. Grevelle. gave money for the furniture of two rooms. Several of the parishes are planning future gifts of furnishings. U5EJT SHOWER HELD The entrance into the new hall was marked Monday evening by a . linen shower given by friends of the institu tion and! in ctvarge or Airs. J. h- K.rait and Miss Eleanor Roe. Two large cloth.es baskets piled with beautiful and sub stantial linens were received. The gifts Including bath towelsf hand towels, bath rugs, tea cloths, bureau covers, stable cloths, pillow cases, napkins and doilies. Mrs. Nellie Cardiff added to the pleasure of the evening: by giving piano solos. Among the guests was Archbishop Christie. The formal openlne: of the new resi dence hall will be held in July and will be in the nature of a reception in the afternoon and evening. At that time it is -hoped bv !he committee in charge of the drive to finance the new institu tion, that thev will be-able to announce a total of $50,000 contributed. At this time the contributions total something over $42,000. D. J. Finn is stlM devoting much of his time to this work and Is planning for the near future a systen atic canvass of the parishes of the state outside of Portland. FRATERNAL NOTES Tillamook Knights of Pythias had the entire 'city aroused over the advent of the Dramatic Order , Knights of Khoras san and Abd-Uhl-Atef temple Saturday. More than 200 of the visitors were given the freedom of the city with a proces sion that was the wonder of the year. A class of 86 'neophytes were chained together and driven along under the guard of 40 fierce and terrible brigands. Two ministers of the gospel In Tilla mook, who are also D. O. K. K.. attract ed special attention by their remarkable "stunts", en route. One of them was not recognized even by his staid and reverend deacons and oldest parishion ers. - The "eats" were not confined to one meal or - two, but were continuous and -the tables were spread and all made welcome from 2:35 p. m. Saturday to 4 ' p. m. Sunday. It Is said that some of the visitors' partook of the hospitality every : hour because a sign said they must do so. The special train - returned Sunday evening, but some of the valiant Knights of Pythias and the D. O. K. K. remained over. Multnomah camp. Woodmen of the World, is in a peck - of trouble. It started In for a Fourth of July cele bration and barbecue on Government island on the Columbia river, two weeks ago with one steamer and one "beef .critter." Its committee was sure that wss plenty. -Then the tickets sold fast that another steamer was added, second steer was contracted for,- and thev committee rested. , Still the rush conQnued and now, after a third-steamer has beenetarted. it is found necessary to get a fourth steamer and there Is no fourth steamer .to be had. W. H. Mitchell, assistant clerk.. has been ap pointed ther "goat" on the steamer com mittee and is raking up and down the waterfront in a vain effort to find any thing larger than a gas launch that has not been chartered for that day. : And come up for tickets. The sale is restricted to members and their fam es, but -with 3400 members all want ing to go, it looks of If a United States hransport la tfaeynly hope, ' ' s The""fctip of Vuy":' Announced -1 "The Oup of Fury. novel of American life at the most critical time, in Its his tory, is to be : the . first picture to be screened by Eminent Authors Pictures. "The Cup of Fury is by Major Rupert Hughes. - This -novel .will be the first work of - the million-dollar organization of which- Rex Beach 1a the president and Samuel Goldwyn chairman of the board. Probably Not Portland Broken Blossoms." now in New Vork. and the repertoire to follow it, will only be shown in one city in the West. This hint D. W. Griffith passed before he left New York, but he didn't say which Western city was to be thus favored. rpKAT as soon as we get time we're going to write a letter and mail It for. two cents, - s.1 - i That service flags are as scarce . now as they were plentiful a few : months ago. ' . If , z :- yl . ;- "1bi; .!i if :-, That though the gardens have been, getting along pretty, well . so far on the natural moisture from the earth,7 the time has .now - come when sprinkling ia , necessary to assure' good crops. ' it That it Is- a grand relief not to have telephone bells ringing all the time. i :m . -t .. That Dan Malar key had at good , time at the theatre last1 night. . - I - - ' That a walk through f the market in Chinatown causes one to' marvel f at the diversity of tastes when it comes to a . consideration of the 'delicacies of the Season." -.:..; IBS !f -:,.' That sometimes it la quite nec essary to get to the bank before the . other fellow. 1 That Caruso, the huckster of Rose City park, ha a new truck. m les That there's no fun in "shooting" fire-crackers if a fellow has to. do it on the quiet- ;: ... Ml , That it was not like! that in the days of old. . Frank Boles Quits Roseburg Theatre; To Visit Old Home Roseburg.' July 1. The I announcement of the takintx over of the i Majestic thea tre by H. IjiTercy of thei Globe, Theatre company was.' made in this city today. The Majestic has been one of the lead ing movie theatres, of the! city under the management of .Frank Boles for the last five years. The theatre! was formerly run by F. A. Lacey; now manager of the Majestic In Portland. Mr. Boles ' was for - many years In tbe steamboat busi ness on the Commbla river, running In and o.ut of Portland. ' He wfll' make a trip to his old home In Iowa after an absence of 25 years. Dirkent Is Filmed "Dombey and Son," by Charles Dibk- ens, has been put on the photoplay screen by the Triangle company; - iibiIi!!lil!'tllt'l!lli!l!iHliil- Semi I ' J ' ' I - fVyl&gq g' . at rmmr taTerWa Kara ' S Tjt IflNflr r wl fast it tea V , iV Vsvii V l1"""- ''.'" N Won wits Sinn AT iPiaatAiMbl Silitr tssek-mtmlou Mtotknut- Fae Powder, ute aface andtbedellescyefamestwenderfnlerrttme--there' X V cream in eak ferm-a . is nothing quite so good ss SEMPRA Y Face Powder : ) ' aaoat un usual eonalex- -.' v - v A m requisite. - j , MARIETTA STANLEY CO. Q Ormnd RopidsK Mielu j ! SH0E 1 ; NV;' National Movie Board ;Has Session Social Service Department of Body Growing in Scope . -and Usefulness. INASMUCH as Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr., Dr. William T. Foster and Mrs. -Millie Trumbull of Portland are members of the national advisory committee of the national board of review of motion pic tures, whose offices are at 19 Fifth ave nue. New York, more than usual inter est locally. attaches to a report received from this organisation of its ' summer conference held ? the middle of June. This "conference," attended' by directors add review- committee.,' was for tho pur pose of reviewing the board's activities durinr the past season and of emphasis lng to its members.- who are all volun teers, the Importance of their work : as furnishing the basis for these activities. The meeting opened with the showing; of two educational films demonstrating the advantages of the screen for instruction. arter which reports were rendered, i W. . D.' McGuire, the exeauti ve secre tary, reported the extension of. the board's weekly bulletin service, in re sponse to requests from -various munici palities, so that it now covers the prin cipal cities in 38 states. tAs typical .of the relationship of the natlobal board to city officials. Mr. McGuire cited that oota lning between the board and G A. Fleming, commissioner of Spokane. Wsish., whom he quoted as saying re- cenuy: ' .. ' The utmost cooperation prevails' be tween the city, officials and local exhibi tors. ' Success In the business of exhibit ing, and success in the administration of public affairs is simply the result of correcay- reflecting the wishes; of the public who must be served. I ; do not believe such amicable - relations could possibly: exist were it not for. the valu ablei service rendered the public through the work' of review conducted by the national board. . It furnishes an anchor to tie to, and saves a world of grief and work." .1 ' . : ,- Warren - M. CovilL secretary of, the social service department, told of in quiries reaching the national board's of fice -for lists of films suitable for spe cial purposes In connection with church, school, ( community center and general recreational work on the part of social and religious agencies' throughout .the country;. Letters were read by him from film companies, end from ministers and social Workers, indicating their high estimation of the social service depart ment in furnishing lists and In bringing together, those who want particularVllms and the exchanges -which can supply them.--- - :. . r, "Huck Flnn'V'oo the Sarramenio J ' William D. . Taylor, who is directing "Huckleberry Finn" for an Artcraft re lease, has a large company at the Sacra mento river in California. Here is one of the old-time "Mark. Twain" boats, so necessary to. the, picture, and here are obtained scenes which -may easily be confounded with the Mississippi river. "Huckleberry Finn" will be . a special release. . ' i V -'-W----r .. W - - Annual : Clearance of i Wbmen, V Boots, Oxfords . and Pvtmjps , Shoes from the Jjest shoemak-: ers in w)iite, brown 'and black leathers. - . - ' ' i - , - A double saving now, as shoes will cost morei ; Our limited space requires the room for fall'stocks.' . . . i 355 ALDER ST. Bet. Croadway mod Park "WITH' AUTHOR ANDPUBLISHER Ian Hay Belth. in "The "Last Hiilion" ! (Houghton Mifflin company), tells of. a discussion between several British and American soldiers as to what they would do on the first day of peace. One young aviator, who had twice been- wounded, once brought down In, flames and sev eral times driven out of control, was asked, the question. ' T guess." he ' said at last." "I shan go along down to the alfrjrome and order out my machine and have the boys tune her up very care fully. J Then ; I .shall have her wheeled out. and . I shall climb -on . board and test aU the contacts. Then I shall run the engine for a spell and maybe take a turn around the airdrome along the ground. Then I ' shall load up with bombs. Then I shall look up tn the sky and say: 'Boys. X don't think after all I feel like Koing out today. Run her back and put her to bed'.'' - - ... , Official Eeport' ; Of Olcott'S TligM The war department authorises the publication of the following from the office of the director of air service S Mather Field, Bacrnmento. CaTu, June 1. Pilot and Commander of Bquadron Colonel Henry I Watson, with Gov ernor Olcott of Oregon ss a passenger, completed his flight from Portland lo night. ::. -;rOT'---'u-';, t: Ueutenant Earl C, Newblg had as passenger - Milton K. Klepner, president of the Aero Club of Oregon, and Lieu tenant James . B. Kurd. Ueutenant Charles Hi Sphwarts, , j From- " To Miles; Mln. Alt. Marysvllle. ? Mather Field, -42 35 200 uimdmn -nn'reietlnsr of Six Cur tiss JN 4rH planes and a De Havllahd, made one of the most successful and haxardous f lights of record except the crossing of the ocean. The airline dis tance round trip of 10 00 miles was varied to comply with request of cttlsens en route. The crossing of the Sierra Ne vada at 15,000 feet elevation and close v nt mnnv hla-h Desks. Includ ing - Mount Shasta., added an unusual thrill to the experience of the aviators and passengers. Rejoices Daughter Can Resume Studies "Everythtnr my little 12-year-old girl ate distressed her ; even a glass of water would cause her to belch , gas and -she was unable to go to school, for nearly a year. I bought her a bottle of Mayr"s Wonderful Remedy, and since taking It she is eating us out of house and home and is attending school again." It is a' simple, , harmless preparation that re moves . the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflam mation which causes practically : all stomach,- liver 'and intestinal ailments,! including appendicitis. . One . dse will convince or money refunded. Druggists everywhere.--Adv. -. t delicious OLIVE OIL "always fregh" r '--'I ' ' 1 .1 . Unurpm9)d fof Mmjaaamiam ' Stiati Dreasiiafa " y: - , Sold Everywhere 1 .r : . - .-..'" - " ' ; . -T'' '" -.' '-" - ' il , ..: ..'K; f :-r,: v ov. '?: ' 0 tt. Uaabae Cau. 1 se.' AMUSEMENTS Heilig Theatre Tuesday Evening. July 1st . TALK ON f By Judge M. F. Moran Ex-member of Lejtislature ind for nine yean U. S. Commlt sioner -who has lived In AJaska more than 20 years--will lecture on Alaska, past present and fu ture, find its yonderful oppor 'tunltles. , "-V.. - " ' The talk ill be supplemented by 6000 -feet of the celebrated B. B. Dobbs motion, pictures, fea tarinc the scenery, the fisheries, mlninc, 'hunting Eskimos and Other northern topics. - ..,-. "aSXISSIOH tlt. 7e, Ste. GO ROLLER SKATING Oaks Skating Rink Every Afternoon and . -. ' Eveninfj J vfatflet TTIghf JEvery Ventsy . Ttd:o Cars First end . Alder. 'AMUSEMENTS ? W f -- L ft " mj KNT PARK CHAT WO. 49 , ! Kew, friends, tars yosr atUntlos to Jsly It. That Is going to be a big day la the history of THK OAK 8, Portland' beastlffl amnaemest renter, If yon will help aa make It that. - . Hewl Beeasae, ea Jsly 10 we will have at THIS OAKS the moat won. derfal display of ' modern firework a we have been able to sbtala from the most noted masBlaelarers la the .world..-. . I At THE OAKS os -the Svsalsg of Jsly It, be a era the date la Impressed poa yosr mtad, we expert to cater tale St.ttt people, at least. There u where yog ess help at, Bt ose tot :ht tO.tOt. The greet psrk will acromntodat that aamber and as many mors aa are there for the big shew. Ws wan yo to see ths magalfl. rest nlghf firinr. the repllra or a great naval battle, the-beastlfnl era. atloss that are feeing, assembled for yosr entertainment, s We. feel certain that never before have Portland, people had sseh as opportunity to wltseas sack a dlsplar of splesdor. Cars at First asd Alder. Six ceat fare. , JOHirr.COBTJB.AT, " : ! ' - -: .' Manager. . ;.Mere Oaks JTews Tomorrow i CITY obdIbs RElfD KOW HFII 1C1 Broadway at TayH nClLilU Mali J A -111 -r lor -lit I NEXT IMon.. Tnei, im V 7 O Q WEEK f Wed. Eves. L l , I f Of 3 : . SpeeUI Frlee Mat. Wed. CHARLES ritOHMAir PBESEICTS OTI G nnnnrTR "the noiion OF THE EAT-HT.Y HOVt TO SKOURg TIOKKTS NOW Address) - letters, make checks and Kitofflce money ortlora peable ts W. ngle. Mar. U.Uig Theatre. - Add 10 war us te pries ticket de sired. . include self addressed stamped envelope to help Insure safe return. - grea gnllrs Iswar fleer ft. . atosey, g rows, tt.SOi 1t rewa, tl. Oallery, t ad, TBo. Wed. Mau .entire lower floor, 91, SO. alcony, rewv 1 1 It row, too. 1- XTta mat. rni. xse : Farewell Wert of Rtvk i liB t The favorite VEBNA f ELTON la MERELY MARY ANN Aa played by Bleaaor Booaoo. ' Iianaenao comedy hit. Aormented east. . ,2flo, toe. Mats. Wed., m. aC, 20o A i The Coolest Theatre Is Town, BffATIJTEE T0M0EE0W I ALGAZAR MUSICAL PLATEB8 ' . . z WHa Mabel Wllner and Oscar rlaTmaa la the Baqcf Operetta- ; The Spring Maid ' Xrea 60e. 7te, SI. Wed., gat. Mats. 2e, 60o. West "YEBY GOOD, EDDI." p ANT AGE C?v li. MAT. DAILY 2s30 w' OhaHae Andaraon Pfessnta "KHAZV KAT llgVUe." With Marraretts Anderson and a large Commnf of Comedians and fllnginc and TtonctriC BeauUesr e othkn sia Jiore e Three Perfomanoea Daily. - Ni-h Carta In at 7 and t. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY MATWEE DAILT tOo 05Lt r Uf I ft TMg A I ft. A rln-marfna sinsleat fame arlth rTTl)? and , FBANKfi and the Pretty Roennd Cborua. - A LANDtLIOS Of 401. COUNTBT tTOHI (EXTRA) TONIGHT. CIRCLE POO HTM SWaah. SHIRLEY MASON , , ana ERNEST TRUZX "GOOD-BYE BILL" Ate Mack aannatt Comedy he LIUIe Widow" - and ratso Newa. JDANCSfif: j Tle It.il Ceautlful Ball-bearing spring floor Finest . Ballroom ia West Inform a!t Every Even's y 14tk at VVasKington council, crest pari: Free plcnlo s; rounds, won- r - derful lew rides, games and other amusements now in operation.- Dsncins; evry evenlna; except Sunday. Ir rae concerts Bund ays. 1 OI .j .t aioBte Asttls rlnzi r Monte . HO? A Ce 3 ETrl I tir - v r mm 4 13