THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 18 SATURDAY, ' JUNE 28, 1819., PORTLAND. OREGON ethodist Church Js Celebrating Centenary of rst jlission in tates Mnited LOCAL LEADERS r IRfTIIAnlITA UriLIHUUISIS VISIT COLUMBUS ' esisssss-aBssae...saeassssa.esssssssss Pageant, Which Opened June 20 . and Will Close July 13, Said to Be Largest Ever Given. FIRST MISSION CENTENARY Event Is in Honor of Establish ment of Church in the Unit ed States in the Year 1819. I Many of. the local Methodist leaders are attending the great Centenary cele bration of the denomination now In pro gress at Columbus, Ohio. The pageant, which opened June 20 and will close July 13. Is probably the largest project ever undertaken by any religious organ ization. It has cost the denomination over $250,000 to prepare the Columbus fair grounds for the celebration, even though the grounds and a large amount of material were donated. Among those who are attending are Bishop M. St Hughes,. Dr. W. W. Youngson, Dr. T. B. Ford of the Salem district. Dr. Moore of the Eugene district. Dr. Van Poesen of the Klamath Falls district, Dr. Charles E., Bowen, executive secre tary of the drive In the Northwest; Dr. A. Lincoln Howarth, associate North west secretary: Robert Hughes,, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate : Rev. 1 C. Poor of the Woodstock Methodist church and Miss Delia Milligan, president-of the, Portland district Epworth league. Miss Milligan Is attending the convention as a guest of the national Centenary board, provision having been made before the drive was started that the expenses of every district president In the nation would be paid to the cele bration If the district went over the top In Its Centenary quota. The celebration Is being held In com memoration of the first Methodist mis sion, organized In 1819. One of the big attractions Is the 100x100 foot screen which will show life size pictures visible for three blocks. A motion picture ma chine has been built especially for this occasion. Pictures showing the advance of. mission work In the denomination are being thrown on the screen. An other attraction Is the $50,000 pipe organ and the auditorium built about it, capa ble of seating 7000 persons. Professor W. J. Kraft of Columbia university is in charge of the musical program. The Instrument is said to compare favor ably with the largest organs now in use, and is the largest organ known to have heen used for any religious gath ering. The choirs that are singing with the - . ...4 Kama nhftl, 9 100 men and women, a chorus choir of 1S00 voices and a children's choir of 1000 voices. Visiting Clergymen To Occupy Pulpits A few of the visiting members at the Oregon Summer School for Clergy will occupy various Episcopal pulpits Sun day morning. Bishop William Frederic Faber of Montana will preach at St. David s church ; the very Kev. Cecil S. Quainton. dean of Victoria, at 4he Pro Cathedral, and the Very Rev. Guy D. Christian of , Juneau, Alaska, at St. Pauls church in Oregon City. Sunday evening there will be a union mass . meeting . at the Pro-Cathedral. The speakers will be Bishop" W. T. Sumner, Bishop Faber, Dean Quainton and Dean Christian. The Very Rev. Reg inald T.. T. Hicks, dean of the Pro Cathedral, and- Mrs. Hicks, will spend the month of July at Seaside. Dean Hicks will conduct the services each Sunday at Calvary chapel. , Summer Communion Service to Be Held The summer communion service for Alt, Tabor Presbyterian church will be held Sunday morning by the Rev. W. WY Mac Henry at which time new members will also be welcomed into the church. The evening service will feature another Lincoln film, "My First Jury." The pastor will also preach. During July and August the Sunday evening service will be omitted. The annual Sunday school picnic will be held Tuesday after noon and evening In Peninsula Park. During the afternoon a baseball game, track meet and "shoe race" will be held. A picnic dinner will be served at 6 o'clock. Will Celebrate Communion 'The sacrament of holy communion will he celebrated both Sunday morning and evening at the Clay Street Evangelical church, Tenth and Clay streets. The Rev. Jacob Stocker will preach the morning sermon in German and the evening service in English. First Presbyterian Church 12TH AND ALDER STREETS HEAR KIV, JOHN H. BOYD, Tomorrow 10:30 "THt FIRST PRES BYTERIAN CHURCH . AT ITS BEST" T:4B " " "GETTING THE MOST OUT OF LIFE" - 18:1 -' Sunday School : C XUnatrated talk on "North American Indiana" . T !! V pastor ISaclc Jfrom Sessions of United presbytery Council The Rev. S. Earl DuBois, pastor ol the Church of the Stranger, has returned from the East, where he was in attend ance upon the general assembly of the United Presbyterian church. He will preach tomorrow, both morning and evening. He reports a fine meeting of the assembly. This past year the church set out to raise a war emergency fund of $326,000. and went over, the amount. All the boards of the church reported themselves out of -debt and a substantial balance in the . treasury. This unusual condition brought forth applause every time it was mentioned in the assembly. The plan of raising $10.000,000 . in five, years was heartily endorsed. Church Activities Will Be Increased Tha r-ct VrlonrlH fhurch. East Thirty-fifth and Main streets, has in stituted mid-week prayer meetings - of special Interest for the summer months. Instead of relaxing in their interest this church plans to increase its activi ties in an intensive summer campaign. The pastor plans to occupy his pulpit through the summer, and subjects of special interest and helpfulness will be considered. ' The various classes of the Bible school are made responsible for the midweek prayer meeting, each class seeking to secure the largest attendance at the particular meeting which they lead. Account will be kept of the gen eral attendance and the percentage of attendance of the classes at the close and at the close of the season the win ning class will be announced and spe cial honor will be given. ' Topics of especjal interest will be dis cussed at both the morning and evening services Sunday, by the pastor. The public is invited. New Men's Chorus To Sing on Sunday At the Sunday evening service at the First United Brethren church, the new men's chorus, under the direction of Professor W. H. Moore, will be intro duced. Dr. Byron J. Clark, the pastor. Will preach morning and evening. The evening services at Second church will be a memorial service under the auspices of the order. The Court of Honor," for Roy Cage. The Rev. Ira Hawley will give the address. Sunday morning and evening the Rev. E. O. Shepherd will preach at Third church, taking for his evening subject, "Why Does the Devil Live?" The morning service at the Fourth Church will be in charge of the Kev. C. P. Blanchard. The evening meeting will be patriotic, the main address be ing given by A. F. Flegel. Dr. Morrison Will Speak on Divorce The divorce problem from a religious point of view will be discussed 'Sunday morning by Dr. A. A. Morrison at Trin ity Episcopal church. In the evening he will speak on "Thwarted, by Unbe lief." An "at home" was given In the rectory last Tuesday afternoon, at which time over 100 of Trinity's members and friends enjoyed the hospitality of Dr. and Mrs. Morrison. The teas are. de signed to give the people an opportunity to meet and welcome strangers into the church. Attempt to Raise Budget to Be Made Sunday will be known as "every mem ber canvass day" at the Forbes Presby terian church, in an effort to raise the. budget for the church year 1919-1920. Sixteen men will canvass the congre gation from 1:30 to 4 n m nnrier th direction of the new pastor, the Rev. Ward Willis Long. The pastor hopes that the members will cooperate by be ing at home and having his weekly pledge ready. The pastor will nreach Sunday morning- and evening. Creed and Character To Be Pastor's Topic Creed and character will be the snh- ject of Dr. Joshua Stansfield's Sunday niurnmg sermon at the Vlrst Methodist "'"""j win tsiiow me sequence or conduct to faith. An hour will be spent in me evening singing and listening to the history of some of the oldest hymns Of the Chu&Yh. Straiivsri! ar-a. i,r-rr join in thliThour of song. The hour of tne j.pwortli league service will be changed this week to 7:15 p. m. Sermon Sundav Will Be Third of Series The third sermon in the John 3 :16 series will be delivered Sunday evening at the Glencoe Baptist church . by the Rev. F. C. Laslette. Claude Hurd and Miss Edna Brockman will give a musi cal selection on the violin and 'cello, Sunday morning the pastor will sneak on the church's Fourth of July message to tne woria. ; Men to Be Banqueted The men of the First Methodist church. South, will be given a free ban quet Tuesday evening in the church par lors by the women of the congrega tion. Dr. James T. French, pastor, urges all the men to attend.- He will preach bunaay morning and evening. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH . ...i ASSEMBLY HALL MULTNOMAH HOTEL FRANCIS BtRGETTE SHORT, Paster jJivin: service l:S SUNDAY SCHOOL litis ?' Sermon by DR. jr. H MARYI3T , of Seattle You. are cordially invited and . will be heartily welcomed in these services. V : rrxE quabtet WILBUR DR. BOYD AGAIN TO DISCUSS FUTURE Retiring Pastor of First Presby terian Will Give Congrega tion Heart to. Heart Talk. Continuing along the .same line, he commenced last Sunday, Dr.' John H. Boyd- will make further reference to what he considers the future work in Portland of the First : Presbyterian church. Dr.'Boyd says his Sunday morn ing message will be a heart to ' heart talk. The special music will be a con tralto solo, ,'Just as I Am." by Mrs. Virginia Hutchinson Spencer.' Dr. Boyd's evening service Is intended to be especially helpful to young people who are ; looking 1 forward to the best method of getting the most out of life. A 15 minute organ recital by Ed.gar E. Coursen will precede the evening service. At the session of the Bible school at 12":15 o'clock James F. Ewlng will give an illustrated lecture on "The North American Indians." Returned Soldiers Will Be Presented A service of particular interest to a Sunnyside audience will occur. Sunday evening, when a number of returned sol diers represented by stars on the serv ice Tag of the Sunnyside Congrega tional church, will be presented to the congregation by the pastor. A hearty welcome will be extended to these boys at this time, and when ' eventually all have returned the church will hold a special jubilee for the demobilization of the flag. Dr. J. J. Staub will preach an appropriate sermon. An inspiring Lin coln serial of moving pictures will be shown, entitled "Down the River." Dr. Staub will also preach in the morning. Rector's Anniversary Takes Place Sunday Sunday, which is St. Peter's day, will be the anniversary of the ordination to the priesthood of the Rev. Thomas Jen kins, ( rector of St. Davids Episcopal church. At the 11 o'clock' service the Bishop of Montana, the Right Rev. De Faber, will preach. Owing to the joint Episcopal service at the Pro-Cathedral the evening service will be discontinued. Success W as Satisfactory The Marshall Street Presbyterian church will close its observance of "Go to Church" month with' the communion service Sunday morning. The pastor re ports an unusual interest and good at tendance during the month. The plan was to get every member on the church records to attend church at least once during the month. DIRECTORY Second Sunday After Trinity Uulform Sunday School Lesson "Response to God's Lore." (Brriew).: Phil. 3:714- ,' 1 ' A Golden Tut: "1 will praise thee, O Lord my God, with my whole hert." Pa. 86:12. Young People's Topics TTninn "Whit TVtM LOYlltT tO Our Church nd Country Cll For?" Matt. 22:16-22. - Christian Endnnr: "Whst Doa Loyalty to Our Church and Country Call Fori" Watt. vnn..t, T n - 1 XXTh f TViM TivaUv to Our Church and Country Call For? ' Matt. 22:15-22. Baptttt First White Temple. 12U and Taylor R. William A. Waldo. 10:30. "A World Vision pnd a New Task ; 8. "From tha Ldon-pit to Success. Eat Side E. 20th and Salmon KeT. v. U Hinson. Be. H. T. Cash, associate 11, Dors God BuleT"; 8. "Paul s urercoac Third VancouTer and Knott KeT. Wcbley . BeftTen. 11, 7:80. -Arleta Re W. C. Drlter. temporary partor. ii e calvary urn lira v, r-m.ii v ive. Thomaa. 11. "Seth Face to Face".:. 8, "Feel- tnc Weak and Unworthy." - Glencoe K. 4f.rn ana sisin ivt. r. v Tislette.- .11, "The Church's Fourth of July Mesage to the World"; 7:45, "God So Lored the World." Sellwnod Betuany Bt. l. J. nisiie. tl. 7:30. r.rui E. 76th and Aah. Bar. Fred Berry. 11. "Sprins Tima Experiences" 5 8. eTaneUUo rerYieei with baptism. University 1'arm Key. B. lwrence uiacs. 8-L . - ' - HwediAn 1 otn ana xitryu -ive. x. . ojumi r. lO:80. 7:30. St. Johns Rer. Edkar BuBrton. 11. 7:80. Highland E. 6th and Alberta Dr. W. T. MiUaaD, 11. 8. uauiotio St. Peters Lenta Be. 9. Bentsen. S. 10:30. 7:30. Pro-Cathedral 1 nth and IaY1 ust. e. v. O'Hara. 6.7:15,8:30.8:45. 11. 7:45. St. Lswrenca 3d and sntrrman et. j. u. Huthes. 8. 8:30. 10:30. 7:80. rt St. Francis K. lztn ana fina Key. i. u.. Blark. 6. 8. 0. 10:80. 7:30. Immtcnlits Heart or Mary Williams and Stanton Rer. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. 8. 11. 7:SO. Holy Kosary K. Bd ana Clackamas kt. ml 8. Olson. 6. 7, 8. 9. 11. 7:30. St Rosa E. osd and Alameda Iter. j. O'Farrelt 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews js. tii ana AiDerta tier. j. Kieroan. 8. 10:30, 7:30. The Madeleine S. Z4tn ana Slsklyon He-r. Georse F. Thompson. 7:80, 0, 11. Ascension . otn ana lamaiu ranciacao Fathers. 8. 10:80. 7:80. Btetsed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena R. F. W. Black. 8. 10:80. 7:80. Holy Cross ' wwaoa Ke. u. Biynona, 8. 10:80. 7:80. , St. IgnatJw 8220 43d at. S..JC Jason Fathers. 6:30. 8, 10:30. 4. 8t Stephen B. 4 2d and TaylcX Rer. War ren A. Waitt. 6, 8:30,. 10:80. 7:80. Holy Fdeenr Portland bird, and Vsnctwi yr sts. Ray. William J. DsTina. 6, 8. 10:80. 7:80. KL Phlllro Nerl Fatuers) S. lth and Hickory R. W. J. Cartwriht. 7 :SO. 8. 10:80. 7:80. - ; .-., St. Clements s. Bonn ara. ana Newton Serbits Fathers. 6. 8. 10:80. 7:30.' Sacred Heart K. 1 Itn ana cntar Bar. . Rob. 8. IO. SO. 7:30. St. Aeatha E. 1 5th and Mffler Bar. J. Commhwky, 8. 10:30, 7:SO. St. Stanislaus irou&ni uaryiana ana Fail ing Be. F. Matthew. 8, 10: 80, 7"10. St. Joseph (German) 15th and Conch Re. B. Dnrrer. 8. 10:30. 7:80. St. Michael (Italian) tth and : MiU Ra-c U. Baleatra. 8 :SO. 10:30. 7:80. St. Clarea Capitol Hill Father . Capiatraa, a F. M. ; 8. 10:10. . ' . j. St. Charles E. 83d and Alberta Bt. J. P. O'Flrnn. . 10:80. ; An Saints fc. 38th and Glisan Bar. Father William Cronta, 8. 10:SO. i i St. Patricks 19th and Barter -Be. Charlaa M. Smith.- Masses :30, . 9:15. 10:80. 7:45. ': ' ' CnrMian . . ' ' - -; ' ' Flmtr Park and Columbia Ray, Harold H ariffia, ' 11, "Toor Own or Anothar'a. Which 1" 7:45. sacred concert. . a' ' -. r, East Side E. 12th and Tajlot B. R. H. 8awyer. H. 8. ' ' - ' - - s.- - . Rodney Avenne Rodney and Knott. 11. 8, Dteacbina; by ReT. W. E. Rambo of Baker. Or. tinnurtlla E. 76th and Glisan R. Her bert EL Ryder. 11. 7:30. Woodlawn E. 7th and Uberty Re. Joseph v. uoya. 11, o. VTTon K. 18th ax'. Wysant Bst. B. TibbaiMazay. 11. 7:30.- Cnrlst'M Setacea ' 1 - ' -f . Tawwaa Snhtaat: , "Chrisfcau 8ciasMn.T, Sunday School deader on Sour . 6 i Jtlany Conferences to r ?Se Visited Harold F. Humbert, secretary of the Oregon Sunday School association, left Portland Monday night for a tour over the , country for about two months. After delivering the closing address at Dayton, Wash., to the Inland" Empire convention of the Christian churches, Mr. Humbert left for Lake Geneva, Wis-i where he will attend the five-day conference of the employed officers of the International Sunday School associ ation. July 4 to 14 he will be a student in the International training school con ducted at the same, place. This is the only school organized at present to train Sunday school officers. Returning to Oregon from July 18 to 25 he will have charge of the music at the Chautauqua in Ashland and also a daily lecture on "Principles and Meth ods in Religious Education." Following the Ashland engagement Mr. Humbert will be at Sea beck July $0 to August 8, where he will direct the missionary edu cation classes for young people. Miss Violet Johnson of Portland will conduct the class studying graded missionary instruction. Leaders from all parts of the nation will attend the Seabed meet ing this year, as it is betng conducted under the auspices of the Interchurch world movement committee. On, his way home from the East Mr. Humbert will attend the tate conven tion of the California union at Sacra mento and the Nevada Union at Reno, and will also hold brief conventions in Sunday Schools to ! Hold Convention A district -Sunday school convention for the benefit of the churches in the University park "and Kenton districts will be held Sunday evening from 6 :30 to 9 o'clock at the University' Park Methodist church. Churches which will Join in the conference are the Ockley Green United Evangelical church, Pat ton Methodist church, Kenton United Presbyterian church. University Park Baptist church and University Park Con gregational Church. Rev. George N. Taylor of the Kenton church chair man of the committee. A round table will be held at 6 :30 p. m the speakers being Mrs. S. E. DuBois, Miss Cecilia Rosser, Mrs. H... Peterson and Dr." J. Earl Else. The mass meeting at 8 p. m.-will be addressed by Ralph C. Mc Afee of the Y. M. C. A. Prof. Coleman to Preach Professor Coleman of Reed college will preach Sunday morning at the Woodstock Methodist church at 11 o'clock. The evening service will be conducted by the minute men. Society Meets Tuesday The Women's Foreign Missionary so ciety of the Sunnyside Methodist church will meet Tuesday afternoon, July 1, at the home of Mrs. J. W." Burt, 331 East Thirty-fourth street. 1 All mem bers are requested to be present. OF CHURCH 'ttst 18th and Everett 11,- S. Second E. th and Hoiladay. 11. 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. "11, 8. Fourth VancoOTer are. and Emerson. 11, a. Fifth 62d and 42d are H. K. 11. Suth Masonic Temple. 868 Yamhill. 11. 8. Seventh Holbrook block. St. Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. c OongragaUonal First-i-Park and Madisnn. Dr. W. W. Wil lard. 11, "Relision and Relations"; 7 :45, "Oar Itelations With Soriet Bnia." by Dr. Edward A Uerine of New Tork City, open forum. . Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Bey. J. ; J. Sraub. 11, "Some Fundamentals of the Christ ian Faith"; 7:45, "The Christian Soldier Going Orei tha Top," motion pictures. Atkinson Memorial iS. 2th and Ererett. Rer. E. E. Flint. 11.. "The Creation of a New World"; . "The Democracy of Free Masonry." Uiehlmnd. E. 6th and iTearott Kt. Edward Constant. 11, "The Patriotism of Jesus"; 8, "How Men Were Helped. Healed and Sared at t:ie liatUo Front, Vaerly Heights E. 33d and Woodward Key. Oliver P. Ayery. . 11, 8. Laurelwood 45tu aye. and 65th at. 8. E- Mm. Alice M. Haadsaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Bey. Robert Murray- Pratt. 11, "Human .Islands'"; 7:45, "The Spirit of the Community," by Professor Joseph K. Hart of Reed college, open forum. linuih Jliaeion 107 Ssminore Her. Sam uel NcTola. 6, 7:3tt. UniTeraity Park Haras and Lombard Bey. C. H. Johnston. 11, 8. St. Johns S. Iranboa and Richmond Ray. J. T. Merrill. 11. 7:80. Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Ole Torgesaen. 11, 7:30. First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev. Gorg Zocher. 11. 7:80. Second German K. 8U1 and Skidmora Bay. Henry Hagelganz. 11, 7:30. Zion German E. DUi mud Fremont Bay. 3. H. Hopp. 11. 7:20. Parkro Hey. P. D. Holfman. 11. T:80. Ownfcard " Church of the Brethren- Borthwick and Brainard Bey. George C CarL 11, 8. fcplacopai Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr J 3th and Ciay Rt. KeT. W. T. Sumner, bishop. Veiy Bey. T. T. Kicks, dean. 11. sermon by Dean Quainton; 7:45, union mass meeting. - Trinity 19th and Everett Key. A. A. Mor rison. 8. 11,. "The DiTorea problem-; , Thwarted by Unbelief." St. Davids E. UUn and Belmont Kay. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 0:45, 11. sermon by Bishop Faber; 8, service- -adjocirned to mass meeting at the Pro-Cathedral. St. Haiti Z m ana Msnntu Kev. J. u. Hatton. 7:30, 0:45. 11, 8. - 8U Andrews Hereford at., Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11. 7:30. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidlar Bar. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Sbepbard VancoxiTer and Graham Barv. John Dawson. 11, 8. St MtcbaeU and All Angela E. 43d and Broadway Bev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. ' 9, 10. 11. 6. unurcn or unr Binor eutn ave. and 4lt at. S. E Kev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:80. 11. Bishop Morns Memorial Oood Samaritan bospital Bev. Frederick K. Howard. 7, 9:30. St Paula rvooumetw Key. vswaia W. lay- lor. 4. All Saints 25th and Barter Key. Frederto K. Howard. 10, 11. St Johns Memorial E. 15th and Harney. Sellwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:30. St Mathews Corbett and Bancroft Kev. Vf. A. M. Breck. vicar. 10. 11.. . Eyajnaellcea ' Fimt E. 6th and Market Rer. E. IX Horn, acbuch. 11. 7:30. Carson ateiguu 9th and Hume Rev. F. M. Fisher. l:aU. 11 ' . . .. . Clay Street 10th and Clay. Rev. Jacob Stocker. German service. 10:45. "The f.oTe of God"; English service 8. "What Stake Haa the Church in Reconstruction " ' '5' ;- Free Matirxdlst . ' Central E. 55th and Flanders Rev. E. X. Harrington. 11, 7 :8. -First 9th and Mill- Bev. S. H Upton. 11. 7:30. ' Alberta E. 80th and Wygant Bev. Alex Bcera. 11. 7:80. . , St Johns East Richmoni and Hudson Bev. E. D. Blackman. 11.7:80. Ijents Bev. 8. H. Upton, acting pastor. First E. 85th and Main Bev. Hoaer U Cox. 11. .. . . . . . . atewtstl Congregation Beth Israel 1 2th and Main Rabbi Jonah ' B. Wise.. Reform - synagogue. Services. Friday 8 p. m.. Saturday -10:39 a. m. Congregation A ha via Shoiem lark and Clay ts Rabbi R- Atrahamaon. Friday. p.- as.; Saturday. 9:80 a.. m. Congregation Nevah Zedeck Talmud Torsh 6th and Hall Bev. . Abraham - L Koeencrantz. Friday. 8 p. sn-r Saturday, 9 s, m.; Sunday, 10 a. a., religioos school. - - y, . Laxter Day Salnta 'Church of J eras Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25th ' and ' Madison; Heber C. lvenen. Klamath and Lake counties. The Sun day school work in both these counties has been sadly neglected. Lake county has never held a Sunday, school conven tion, Mr. Humbert said. . The .commit tee arranging the Klamath county meet are W. S. Shough, E. M. Chilcote, Mrs. Emma Faith Gregory and J. W. Tun IrelL. The Lake county .committee are Edson Watson.-' Ross C. - Anderson and John Duckworth. . Mr, Humbert also announced that the Wallowa county convention would be held at Flora. August 28 and 29, and that the Eastern Oregon- older girls' conference would be held at Canyon City, September 6 and 7., Early in Sep tember Mr. Humbert expects to make a tour into Washington and Wasco coun ties to investigate conditions surrounding- their Sunday school work. Miss Vera Fuller of Eugene will be In charge of the local headquarters of fice for a few days until the secretary. Miss Georgia Parker, returns from her conference tour into Central Oregon. Miss' Parker spoke at Milton Friday. Today and Sunday morning she will conduct conferences at Arlington and Sunday afternoon and evening at The Dalles. Monday she will speak at Mosier and Tuesday at Hood River, re turning to Portland Wednesday. The conferences are being held mainly for the benefit of children's division work ers. Miss Parker having supervision 'of that work throughout the state. 'Does God Rule?' to Be Pastor's Theme Sunday morning at the East Side Bap tist church. Dr. W. B. Hinson will con sider the question, "Does God Rule?" He will also preach in the evening. At the Wednesday evening service the pas tor will speak on "The True Church." Thursday the women of the church will hold their all day meeting. The busi ness session ' will . be in the afternoon. Last 'Sunday . four, were baptised, and on Wednesday two were received into the church. One of the most enjoyable social- gatherings held in the church was the service men's reception held Friday evening, when over 300 persons were present. ' Subject of Timely Interest A subject of timely interest will be dealt with by the Rev. Edward' Con stant in his sermon on Sunday morning at the Highland Congregational church. In the evening Adjutant Joseph Harri son ,of the Salvation Army speaks on "How Men Were Helped, Healed and Saved at the Battle Front." Prof. Hart Speaker Professor K. Hart of - Reed college will speak at the Pilgrim Congrega tional church on Sunday evening. ' The will lead an open forum with a discus sion of "The Spirit of the Community." The Rev. Thomas M. Pratt will preach Sunday morning. SERVICES IN Lutheran St 1 James W. Park and Jefferson Bey. Wm. E. Brinkman. 11. 7 .30. St Pauls E. 12th and Clinton Rev. A. Krause. 9:30. 10:30 and 2; obaervance of ani.-ual mission festival. . Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Key. M. A. Chrvtensen. 11 (English). Like 14. "The Grrat.. Supper. - God's Inritation Man's An swer." Trinity Williams and Graham Bey. i. A. Keinbsch. 9:16. 10:30. 7:80. Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis BsV. Wilbelm Pettersen. 11, 8. Grace. English Mason and Albina. Rev. C. H. Bernhard. -45. 11. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod ney. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris Rev. U P. Kioller. 11, 8. 8t Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrlck Bev. L. Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Tabernacle N. 17tb and Glisan Rev. C J. Ledin. 11, 8:30. 7:80. Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney- Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:45. Immanuei 19th and Imng Kev. a. v . An derson. Trinity (Norwegian) Lovely and Fortune Rev. S. A. Stenseth. 10:30. Methodist Episcopal , Centenary E. th and Pine Rev. J. a Rollins. 11. "An Age-Lone Victory"; 8, mu- aical program. Contra! Vancouver and Farao Key. A. B. Maclean. 1 I. 8. Clinton Kelly -i E. 40th and Powell tev. John Parson. 11. 7:30. - , Epworth 26th and Savier Bev. J. Stanford Moore. 11.8. ' First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stans field. 10:30. "Creed and Character": 8. "An Hour Wtth Soma of Our Rest Hymns." First Norwegian isanisb 18th and Hoyt Rtv. JUias Gerding. 11. 8. ... Garden Home Bev. A. B. caiaer. iv:a, Laurelwood B. 63d and Foster Bev. A. C BracK. nbun. 11. 7:80. Inta Laden B. Jones. 11, i:o. Lincoln E- 52d and Lincoln. Kev. F. A.. C-inn. 11. . Mnntavilla E. Both ana pine ttev. tuna Gould. 11,8. - ML Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Kev. E. tine Kk'ridgeJ 11. "How Great Lavn Are Mad" ; 8. addref by Professor Matthews ol Willam :tt university. . Rom City Park Rev. D. Lester Fields. 11, 7:30. Sellwood Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11. 7:80. Sunnyside E. 85th and Yamhill Bev. W. F. Ineson. 11. 7:45. St. Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rev. 3. H. Irvine. 11. 8. . Swedish Beecn ana Burxnwicg ttev. stnei Eklund. 11. 8. . M ' University Park Fiske and Lombard Rev. t T. Abbott. --11. . Vancouver Avenue ivorwegun ljanisn sw more and Vancouver. Bev. C. J. Bynning. 118. 'Westmoreland -Rev. F. A.'Ginn. 8. Wilbur Multnomah hotel: Kev. Francis Bur gette Short 10:80. ' . Wood tock V.. 84th and Wonl--tock Rev. L. C Poor.- 11. preaching by Profesoo-r CoJe of Keed college: 8. service in charge of tbt minute men.- ..., District superintendent, Bev. William Walh.- Youngson, D. D.. 691 E. 62d at N. Tabot 2780. M. E. South First Union and Multnomah Rev. James T. French; 11. "For o Against"; 8. "Double Service." 5 First E. 10th end Weld Jar Kev. C. How ard Pa vis. Jt, 7:30. ' ' Sellwood E. Oth and Spokane Bev. Weaver W. Hess. 11,7:30. Brentwood 65th ave and 67th' at Rev. O. VS. Fowler. 11, 7:80. Highland Park E. 14th and Killingrwortkr Bev. W. P. Keebaugb 11. J- Scandinavian Kev. J. Bringedabi 11, 70. .. . . ; : - - ... .-" Presbyterian First 12U and Alder Bev. John H. Boyd. 10-80.-"Th Chureh at It Best"; 7:45. "t.'etUng the Mot Out 'of . " Westminster East 1 7th and Schuyler Bev. Edward H. Pence. 11. "Humann Are' Greater Than, Their Institution"; : &V "The Sea la Ever Full." '' ''-.' " - Central E. " 1 8th and Pine. Bev. Orlando B. I-mlilng.' 11; "The Complete. Chris"j 8, TlKmaa. " , -Calvary 11 to and Clay Bev.- Frank 3. Ueyer. ,10:80, T:45. ' Mt Tkbor E. BSth and Belmont Bev. Ward MacHenry. .? 11. communioW service and re rtrtioo of member; ft. "Anc1ent and : Modern Tine': .motion rdptnrea. : ' - - Vernon 19th and Wygant Rev. J. K. Lands borough. 11. 7:80. - Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Bev. A. L Ilutchnvon. 11, 8. Fourth First and Gibe 'Rev. Monroe G. G. Everett 10:80. "God's Message for Mod ern America"; , 8. . "What ; Makes a- Nation (Meat" . Kenilworth E. 34th and Gladstone Rv. Paul E. Ratsch. 11. "The New Command- nsest of Jesut"; 8, ."Esther Intemewa the DR. WfLLARD ENDS PASTORATE SUNDAY In Evening First Congregational . Forum Will Be Addressed by Dr. Devine on Russ Soviet The Sunday morning service at the First Congregational church will close Dr. W. W. Wlllard's 'acting pastorate at the church, which he begun the first' Sunday in February. He will speak on "Religion and Relations," taking occa sion to express himself on some of the social Issues of the hour as related to religion. Dr. Edward' T. Devine of New Tork city- will again be the speaker at the Sunday evening civic forum. . He will talk on "Our Relations " With Soviet Russia." Dr. Devine visited Russia. He is. considered an expert In matters per taining to social theory and practice, being at present editor of "The Survey" and professor of social economics at Columbia university. Sunday evening's forum will be the closing one for this season. Community singing will precede the lecture. Christianity's Claim Dr. Griff is' Subject On Sdnday morning at 11 o'clock, at the First Christian church, the Rev. Harold H. Griffis will examine the grounds of Christianity's claims upon the world, taking for his special theme, "Your Own - or Another's. Which?" Members who were not present last Sunday, when $36,000 was raised in 36 minutes for the, building fund, will be given an opportunity on Sunday morn ing to make their pledges to the new church. In the evening at 7 :45 the preaching period will be given over to a sacred concert by the church quartet, of which Mrs. Fred Newton is leader and organist. Sermon Series to Close on Sunday "The Future of Christianity" will be the sermon subject at the Church of Our Father, .Broadway and Yamhill. Sunday, at 11 a. m. This will close the Rev. Mr. Eliot's series on Christian unity and will touch upon many of the more recent religious movements. The evenit.g forum and the Sunday school are intermitted. Special Musicar Program Sunday evening the large chorus choir of Centenary Methodist church will present a special musical program. Strangers are invited to attend this hour of melody and song. Sunday morning Dr. J. C. Rollins will preach. PORTLAND King." Hope E. 78th and Everett. 11. 7:30. ' Kom City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11, "The Moral Burden of Miraculous Power"; 8, "Joseph Forgivei His Brethren, sons- service conducted by Walter Jenkins. Forbes Graham and Gantenbein Rev.' Ward Willi Long. 11, "Concerning the CoUcctton"; 8, "Liberty Of License?" Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rev. Theo Oot V. Smith. 11. 8. Anabei 11. 8. Millard Avenue Rev. W. Lee Gray. 11. "Why Do We Fail?" 8. "The Second Mile." Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Bev. A. J. Hahna. 11, communion service. Mizpah E. 19tb and Division. 11. 3. Seventh Day Adventttt , Note Regular services of this denomination are held on Saturday. Central E. 11th and Everett U K. Dick son, pastor. 10. 11:15. Tabernacle - 6th and Montgomery E. H. Emmerson, mtninter. 11. Montavills-E. 80th and Everett Elder J. A.-Gerhartl0. 11. Lents 04th st and 58th ave. Elder W. D. Huntington. 10, 11. St. Johns Central ave. and Charleetoa Elder A. K. Folkenberg. 10, tl. " Albina SkMmore and Mallory Elder A. A. Meyer. 10. 11. Scandinavian 650 Alberta Elder O. S Lee. 10. 11. Salvation Army Corps No. 1 243 Ash St. Adjutant Frank Gmgo. 11, 3:13, . 1 Corps No. 4 12MH Jst AdjuUnt Joseph Harrison. Temporarily closed on account cf fire. wedenborglan New Church Society SSI Jefferson Bev. William R. Raece. .10:45. "God's Call to Abraham, a Type of His Call to Every Man." Unitarian Church of Onr Father Broadway and Tam il ill. Rev. . Eliot Jr. 11, "The Futura at Cliriftianity." . United retnren Conference superintendent -Bev. G. E. Me Dcua Id. First E. 15th and Morrison Bv. Byron I. Clark. '11. "Divine Surprbe"j 7:30, "Four lliingt T'p-to-Date." ' - Second E. 27th and Sumnr. Rev. Ira Ilr.wley. 11, "They Are Called the Children of God"; 7:80, memorial serviee for Roy Cage. Third 7th rt and 32d ave. S. E. Htv. k. O. Shepherd. 11, "Substitutes"; 7:30, "Why Does- the Devil Li vet" Fourth 'i'vrmont Bev. C. . Blamhard. 11. "The Price of a Lie"; 7:30, "Keligioo and Patrioti-m." address by A. F. FlegaL United Evangsllcal pirate R. 16th and Poplar Bev, J. A. Goode. 1 1, 8. Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gsy Bev. M. FI. Farnham. II. 7:30. St Johns Kev. 'A. P. Layton. 11. 8. Untud PretbyterUn First E. 87th, and Hawthorne Rev. 1L V Given. 10:80. "Job's Three Priendt and Their Fal Theories About Trouble'; 7:80. 'Our National Strength. Opportunity and Be sponaibility . " Church nt the Stranger Grand end Waeo Rev. a Earl Du Boia. 10:80. "The Story of th HillV; 8. "The Cnknown Great One in Our Midst" Kenton 120 West Lombard Rev. Ceorge V. Taylor. 11. Who Hath Believed Out He port";. 8, evening service adjourned to . Sunday school mass meeting at University Park Meth odist church. . , . - Mmtltiwovt CliHstian and Missionary Alliance E. 8th iirfi Clav Rev.. John E. Fee. 10. 11, Tuesday. 7:45; riday, 2:8. - ' - Bealizatioo League 186 8tb Bev. H. Ed ward MiU. 11. 'The I'sei o,' PoasibiBty." ' Cbrintedelpiiian 621 E. Washington. 10:30 . Chttrrh of God 863 Failing. Harry NeaL 11 7:30."' ' ''..- Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. Mem s . KawMtrt 4th and Kuruarie Bey. Levi Johnson., superintendent 6. Divine Science TUiord building Bev. T. M. Minard. pe-"tnv. 11. : Universal Messianie 818 Abington building, 11, 8, "The -Divine Purpose." - Pentecostal First, and Washington Bev. Will C Trotter. 11. . 7:80. Glad Tidings ' (Pearteeostal Mission)- 246H 1st 2. 8. 7 :30 week days except Monday and Saturday, -8 p. a. - - Pentecostal church E. 20th and Anktny A. W. Smith. 11. 8, 8. Volunteer ef Am rica Mission 324 Burnaid Meeting every evening except , Monday at 8 o'clock, and Sunday. 3 P- .m. First Bpiritnatst E. 7tb and Hassalo Bev. A. Scott Bledtoe. 8.-7:43. , Second Spiritualbt , Aliaky Hall Bay. fav ttivffman. 8. S. -i 1 Calvary -Temple E." 24th and Broadway Bev. ijsiwsoo jaacvuuougn. tw:ev, i:su. Portland Eeclesia -(hriatadelphians) 197 Belmont George 11. Tilling, secretary. 11, PenH Mission 263 First 8, .8. Servieea each night at 8. : f- jfjoted Speakers to Attend ance at Church Convention W. P. Ay Is worth of Cotner college, Lincoln. Neb., will be one of the chief speakers at the annual state conven tion of Christian churches at Turner, July 6-13. Cleveland Klelgauer. a prom inent minister of Seattle, will be an other visitor who will bring great mes sages. Then are two of the prominent preachers of the Christian church and no one will be disappointed who hears them. The meeting at Turner will, be of the camp meeting variety, i The association owns a tract of sev eral acres in a bend of the river, beauti fully wooded, upon which is a taber nacle that will seat about 3000 people. A restaurant will be upon the grounds. Outdoor programs will be conducted by athletes each day. C. F. Swander. the state secretary, re ports the largest state missionary offer ing in the history of the church. A num ber of congregations have averaged above $1 per capita. Just prior to this convention a twin session will be held for Eastern Oregon residents. Thls'wlll be at Milton. June 25-29. Every, church in the state Is urged to send delegates to one or, both of these conventions. Annual Mlson Festival The annual mission festival of St. Paul's Lutheran church will be observed Sunday morning and afternoon. The Rev. A. Flagg, the Rev. C. Bchrelner and the Rev. L. Ludwlg will officiate. The special services will be at 10:80 and 2 f. m. Lunch will be served free to the guests. The collections will be for the benefit of home an foreign missions. The evening service will be discontinued. Thompson's Removal To Portland Causes Commission Vacancy There is considerable- speculation rel ative to the appointment of a highway commissioner for the eecond congres sional district to succeed'W. L. Thomp son of Portland, who by reason of his removal to Portland In & few months, will become Ineligible. ' While . Mr. Thompson expects to retain his residence at Pendleton until the end of the present year, he has. left the: matter of the im mediate appointment of his successor to Governor Olcott. The covernor haa called for a con ference -with the members of the com mission at Salem. Monday, and ' It . Is riisslble that some decision will be reached at that time. .-.'- Among those who are being discussed as Commissioner Thompson's successor are:-R. N. Stan field. William Pollman of Baker, J. N. Burgess and Roy Ritner. both of Pendleton, Fred Holmes of La Grande and Marcus A. Mayer of Mosier. Captain Young Back After Army Service Captain Harold W. Young-, formerly of the O-W. R. & N. company engineering department, has returned to Portland after being mustered out of service, Captain Toung is now In the employ. ment of the Union Pacific corporation as special engineer for Vice President J. D. FarrelL He organized company E of the Eighteenth engineers, and was In command when the unit went overseas. Prisoner Decamps While Mowing Lawn -Albany, June 28. William Brotherton, an inmate of the Linn county jail, took French leave late Friday afternoon while mowing the courthouse lawn under the, supervision of .Mart BHyeu. .court house Janitor. Brotherton was recently bound over to the grand Jury on a charge of larceny of wool. Friday he received a letter - from his wife saying that ehe was through with htm and he was much- worried . over her attitude. Bilyeu let him get out of sight for a moment and Brotherton kept going. WHITE TEMPLE IMernlnf Service tleven o'Otoc. "A World Vision and -V a New Task" Ocean stecfteJ Sevan Forty-Five. Evenlns Service Sight e'Cloca. "From the .Lion-Pit to Success" XLIEVER' BAPTISM AFTER SERMON COME Tvehth sue) Taylor Streets. re 1 .:',"'Y"f I - Sa fJll First Long - " ' C0K5EB PARK AXP MAD1S0X STREETS " ; JUNE 29, 1919 , MOBSIjrG 11 Vcioek, WALLACE W. ' VflLLARD Wfll Preach "Religion and Relations" This will be the closing day of Mr. Wlllard's acting pastorate at the First Congregational Church , CI Y1C FORUM 7 1 45, Dr. Edward P. Devla of 5ew Tork City will (peak ea "Our. Relations With Soviet Russia"; Dr. Devine Is associate editor of the Burvey. professor-of economics in Columbia University tvrtd one of the foremost social leader in America. He has been In Russia and will civ first hand impressions. - x RARE OPPORTtnilTT TO HEAR A RARE MATT ' ;. , Comenaslty Slsrlar or , pe ' at 1 Ope Forun COMMITTEE WILL PLAN MEETING AT SEABECK JULY 30 Conference Held for Puroose of Arranging for Missionary Train ing Conference Next Month.' TWO THEMES f& BE STUDIED. 'Christian Americanization' and 'Christianity and Conservation of Human Life' -to Be Topics. A Seabeck committee was organised at a luncheon of the Y. W. C. A. Mon day afternoon, when a group of promi nent women from seven -denominations met with Mrs. Paul Raymond of San " Francisco, associate secretary for the Pa cific division of the Interchurch world movement. This committee was formed v for the purpose of advertising the mis sionary training conference at Seabeck, Hood's canal, July 30 to August 8, and securing a large and representative at tendance from the churches of Portland. Seabeck combines the advantages and beauties of both seashore and mountains. It is to the Northwest what Lke Geneva is to Wisconsin and Silver bay on lake George .Is to New York a place for summer religious conferences and Bible study with an outing Included. The chief object of the conference la to train leaders for mission study In the differ ent churches next season. Two themes offered for mission " study next year, which will be the sub-, Jects for the conference, are "Christian - Americanization" for home missions. and "Christianity and the Conservation, of Human Life" for foreign - missions'. Supplemental study Includes medical missions, the work in the hospitals and the Red Cross. Text books on these subjects have been prepared and will be a part of the Interchurch world movement educational program. -' ; , Mrs. B. A. Thaxter of the First Pres byterian church was named chairman ' of .the - Portland committee, the other members of which are Mrs. T. W. Klrby, representing the Episcopal church 1 Mrs. W. B. Hinson, Baptist church ; Mrs. C. O. Kurtz, Christian church ; Mrs. A. N. Fisher, Methodist church; Mrs. E. If; Bliss, Congregational church; Mrs. 8. Earl tu - Bols, United Presbyterian Church; Miss A. S. Lamberson, Presby terian church. Further information ' concerning -the conference may be obtained by calling up Broadway 2533. v4 Man. Sold TotTLow; v Arrested for Theft Cut prices brought about the arrest Friday afternoon of Joe Celestlne on a charge of larceny of an automobile., Celestlne, says the police, stole a new machine belonging to H. M. Glenn of 1133 Hassalo street, and offered it for sal to a couple of strangers for 'the' remarkably low sum of $100 cash. Th men, notified the police and Celestln was arrested at his home, 1281. Burrage street The stolen car was recovered. 8. H. Green Htamp for cash. Hoi man Fuel Co., Main 353, A-3353. Block wood, short slahwood. Rock Springs and Utah coal; sawdust Adv. Heavenly vs. T reasures J. A. GILLESPIE Lecturer for the. International Bl blfr Studnt$ Association of Piltt burjr, Pa.4 will speak on this subjett SUNDAY, JUNE 29 3 P. M. W. O. W. TEMPLE llth Strt Betweven Waahington tvnd AlJer ALL WELCOME Scat Fre No Collection Treasures Earthly gational Church miasiois rneawentr jut, T-av. . - 1