The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 27, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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- '-it. ,
Land Office Not to Order Return
of. Cash Paid for Rights ort
Northern Pacific Line. .
Washington, June 27. The commis
sioner of the general land -office ha
Informed Senator Chamberlain that his
bureau .probably win adhere to Its
former rullne denying the claims for
return of half of the cash preemption
money paid for land along the line of
the Northern Pacific railroad grant be
tween Walla Walla and Portland, as
to even numbered sections.
The supreme court recently decided
In the ease of Laughlin vs. United
States that refund should be made of
the excess over 1.25 an acre for odd
numbered sections,- these being the sec
tions originally granted the railroad.
The railroad never filed a location map,
and the grant was afterward forfeited.
The court gave no opinion as to the
even numbered sections, which were
not Involved in the case.
Settlers on the even . numbered sec
tions have contended they should be
accorded the same treatment, as the
government Increased the price of the
even sections because of the increase
which had been ordered by law for the
odd section 8.
The land office expresses a willing
ness to make a formal ruling If claims
are presented on the even numbered
sections, but practically forecasts an
adverse decision, which will make ft
necessary- for such claimants to seek a
decision through the federal courts.
1 Seam Squirrel' New
- t n t-i
name ior famous
'Cootie' of A. E. F.
It took Rev. Charles T. Wheeler of
Chicago to bring to the Progressive
Business Men's club at the Benson hotel
Thursday afternoon a new name for the
"army on the army." lie brought the
name from the front, where he spent
many months during the war.
"Seam squirrels," he called them, and
"seam squirrel" hunting for soldiers he
described as more of a necessity than
a sport.
Dr. Wheeler pleaded with the club
men for support of the Salvation Army
drive, saying : "The Salvation Army, In
its work and sacrifices, was true to
home, country and God. Ton can't do
less than support such work."
Dr. Edward T. Devine, professor of
political economy at Columbia univer
sity. New York, traced for the benefit
of the same audience the changing re
lations between capital and labor.
During the past five years, he said,
there has been a vast change In the at
titude pf employers toward the eight
hour day and the 48 hour week, and in
the same period organized labor has
added 2,000.000 to Us membership.
A. Ft. Gephart, president of the Social
Workers' club, which ia conducting the
social work conference in Portland, presided.
Former Officer of
20th Engineers Dies
San Francisco, June 27. (U. P.) Rob
ert A- Johnson, former lieutenant colo
nel of the Twentieth engineers and a
prominent lumberman, died here last
night following an operation. A few
days ago he was notified that he had
been awarded the French war cross.
Johnson had large lumber interests at
Klamath Falls. Or.
Machine Gun Fight
In Alexander Platz
Berlin. June 27. U. P.) A brief
machine gun battle took place in the
Alexander plats early today. It could
not be ascertained whether there were
any casualties.
Sheriffs' Convention Opens
. Takima, Wash.. June 27. The state
convention of the county sheriffs as
sociation convened here Thursday. The
address of welcome was given by Sheriff
Sam R. Hutchinson of Yakima county.
Sheriff George Reid of Spokane county
is president.
. 1
For the comfort of convalescents an
adjustable foot rest for beds has been
invented that can be moved by a user.
It isn't age. it's careless living that
puts men "down and out." Keep your
internal organs in good condition and
you will always be- physically fit.
The kidneys are the most overworked
organs in the. human body. When they
break down under the strain and the
deadly uric acid accumulates and
crystallizes look out! These sharp
crystals tear and scratch the delicate
urinary 'channels causing excruciating
pain and set up Irritations which may
cause premature degeneration and often
lo turn into deadly Bright's disease.
One of the first warnings of sluggish
idney action is pain or stiffness in the
'small of the back. loss of appetite, in
digestion or rheumatism.
Do not wait until the danger is upon
you. At the first indication of trouble
go after, the cause at once. Get a trial
box of GOLD MEDAL. Haarlem Oil
Capsules, imported direct from the
laboratories in Holland. They will give
.almost Immediate relief. If for any
cause they should not, your money will
be refunded. But be sure to get GOLD.
MEDAL. None other is genuine. In
sealed boxes, three sizes.
For sale and guaranteed by the Owl
Drug company. Adv. ,
Frolic with the
Move Started to "
Baise Yakima' to '
First Class City
Yakima, Wash., June 27. The Com
mercial club ; at it -weekly luncheon
launched the movement to hare Yakima
created a city of the first class. The
matter was broached some- time ago by
the city commissioners, who find that
needed public improvements cannot be
maae on tne limitation of a 15 mill tax
for cities of the second claaa. Th
question of raising funds by taxation
for memorial -for the soldiers' of the
county who lost -their lives to the war
led to the movement. - . . ; ,
Impostor Collects
For Salvation Army
Complaints that u overseas soldier,
who has been making the rounds of the
East Side soliciting subscriptions for the
Salvation Army fund, which' he never
turns into the drive headquarters have
reached the police." According to of
ficials of the drive, the man has no
button or credentials, and the public is
warned that he, is an impostor.
New Indictment and
Arrest , After Dietz
Jury Disdgreement
Spokane, Wash.. June 27. U. P.)
"Lone Star" Diets b a "natural born
American citizen." according to second
indictment returned ' against him late
Thursday by a federal jury, i His first
trial, over which a jury failed to agree,
was : on , the ground that , he ; was ,"a
white man instead of a non-citizen
Indian, which he claimed in his draft
exemption papers. E
Dietz was " rearrested under - the new
charge and is at liberty on $1000. bonds
pending a new trial.
Strike Conference
On in San Francisco
San Francisco. June 27. (I. N. S.)
In an effort to reach an understanding
on their demands, representatives of the
striking; operators and electrical workers
went into conference at 10 a. m. today
with officials of the Pacific Telephone
& Telegraph company. The strikers'
conference committee Is scheduled to
meet at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
President Cables ' .
To Lift Ban on B
WrongB ullion
Washington, June 27. (U. P.) Early
today the telegraph . instrument at the
White House began to click rapidly.
A cable message waa coming from
the president to Secretary Tumulty :
"I have 'decided to lift the, ban on
b " was the message the operator re
ceived. With visions of beer and light
wines being saved, the operator ex
citedly told an assistant to call Secre
tary Tumulty on the phone.
But after arousing the secretary the
last word of the message was "bullion."
Freight Car and
Merchandise Are
Destroyed by Fire
Castlerock. Wash., June 27. An O-W.
R. Sc, X. freight car filled with merchan
dise, burned on the side track at the
depot Tuesday night. The fire caught
from the engine and was discovered
some three miles below town and run
In at 'a high speed but the flrt was
under such headway that nothing could
be saved.
Castlerock Man RcCurns ',
Castlerock. Wash., June. 27. Harold
W. Underhill arrived home Saturday
after a ' year's , absence - overseas. ' He
left , a good . position In Honolulu and
came home to enlist. He ' was with
base hospital No. 6. He came over on
the U. S. S. America on which Earl
Sloan, a Castlerock boy, was a cook. .
8. ft H. Gr "tarn for cash. Hoi
man Fuel Co., Main S53, A-I353. Block
wood, short slabwood. Rock Springs
and Utah coal; sawdust. Adv.
Charge Purchases Made Tomorrow and Monday Will Go on July Accounts, Payable August 1
Quenck.Your Thirst iat the Basement Fountain Delicious Ice Cream and Fountain Drinks of All Kinds at Popular Prices Our Shoe Shining Parlors Are in the Basement. Store
Get Your Over-Sunday Films at the Kodak Shop, 4th Floor We Do Developing, Printing, Enlarging and Color Work Tennis and Golf Goods, 4th Floor Hammocks, Swings, 3d Floor
For That Picnic
At the Dennison Booth on the Second Floor-are
all the needed articles for the ricnic luncheon. Paper
Plates 5c to 40c dozen Paper Napkins 15c to 45c
dozen Bamboo Knives and Forks 5c set Waxed
Paper 5c roll, 6 for 25Luirch Sets (l -1 fTn
cloth, 12 napkins. 12 plates) priced special at JLOC
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Reliable . Merc ha ndise Reliable Meth ods
Model Grocery
Fourth Floor Experienced telephone clerks at your
service S a. m. to 6 p. m. Note these Saturday specials.
English Wal- QC I 20c Pimentos, mAg
utsi rr ced soec al. can JL-jcx
nuts, the pound
Soft Shell Al
monds, the pound
priced special, can
3Sc Snider's- Of
Catsup, special
leasere at
Crepe Waists
At $5
Second Floor Of splendid qual
ity Georgette Crepe in beautiful
new flowered and dotted effects
in various good colors. Some
Have embroidered fronts, others
are richly beaded. In this lot we
also include a number of smart
tailored waists in crepe de chine
and tub silks.; All dr AA
sizes. . Priced special 2)OeUU
Tliis Cool, levitiei
Saturday Sale of Suits
Ivory Soap
Special 'JSZ
5 Cakes
Ivory Soap will not be sold or
delivered at above 'price except
with other purchases made in
Drug Dept. on the Main Floor.
Limit 5 cakes to a customer.
Woodbury's Facial Soap 23c
Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes 25c
Packer's Tar Soap, cake 23c
Creme Oil Soap, 4 cakes 25c
Cuticura Soap, the cake 23c
Ivory Soap Flakes, pkg. 10c
Drug Specials
For Saturday
Pepso'dent i Tooth." Paste 50c
Lyon's Tooth Powder at 23c
Faultless Nursing Bottles and
Nipples priced special at 23c
Danderine at 33c. 50c "96c
Glycothymoline 25ct 50c. SI
Oriental Cream at. jar $1.35
Mulsified Cocoanut Oil 49c
Mermen's Shaving Cream 33c-
Pluto Water 45c, 3 for $1.25
Palmolive Cold Cream 48c
Squibb's Talcum Powder 23c
-Sempre Giovine. a cake 49c
Moth Balls, full pound, 25c
Smart New Neckwear
Vestees, Collars, Sets
Main Floor Don't fail to visit our' Neckwear Section
and see the many delightful new creations just re
ceived by express. Latest ideas in collars, sets,
vestees. Fine organdie,' net. real filet and Georgette
materials. Well made, perfect fitting. Priced $1 to $6
New Marabou Collars
EMPHATICALLY THE TIME TO BUY" THAT SUIT, for it has been many a day since
such" splendid garments were offered at such a price. The group includes-many exclusive
models and high-class suits from our regular stock. Tailored, novelty belted and box
coat styles. Materials are serge, tricot, Poiret Twill, Gabardine, Wool Poplin and Fancy
Striped Suitings. Excellent assortment of colors to select from. f2Qf QQ
On sale Saturday specially priced while they last at only DO3fO
Early Choosing Is to Your Advantage
$1.50 Belmont Shirts
Special $1.00
Main Floor When you . se,e ' these
shirts you will agree- that 1.50 is
but a fair price for them. Every
Belmont shirt is cut in full standard
size and is made of dependable ma
terial. Choice assortment of stripe
patterns. Sizes 14 to 18. J"J AA
Saturday priced special tD-LsUI
Pajamas at $1.59
Main Floor Men's Pajamas in
plain striped ajd figured ma
terials. Sizes 15 to 18. Reg
ular $2.50 gar- 1- FQ
ments on sale at u7 ---
Men's $1.75 Union Suits
Saturday at $1.39
Main f&or Men, don't fail to lay in a good supply of these
cool, comfortable Union Suits for summer. Short sleeve
and ankle length style. Ecru and white. Peg- J" OQ
ular $1.75 quality. Saturday priced special at fDl-OU
$2 Night Shirts $1.58
Main Floor We cannot get more of these good shirts to
sell for less than .$2.00 therefore you will be safe in buy
ing enougho last you a full year. Made of ex- (P PO
cellent quality muslin and nicely finished. Special tDAsOO
50c Wash Ties
3 for 50c
Main Floor Thrifty men will buy these by the
dozen! especially those men who wear soft,
summery shirts and want washable ties to go
with them. A vast range of fancy patterns
figures and neat stripes with just a touch of
color. Popular four-in-hand style. Ties C(Yf
well worth 25c, on sale Saturday at 3 for tJUL-
Women's, .
Specially Priced for
Saturday's Selling
Second Floor Women who are
about to go away on their vacation
trips will do well to take along one
of these good, Sweaters. Of Shet
land wool in plain weave. Made
with sailor collar, plain or fancy
belt or tie sash. Some in plain col
ors with white collars and cuffs.
Others are trimmed with fancy
stripes. A few have Angora collars
and cuffs. AH the most JrT Qf
wanted colors. Special w itl
Silk Glo ves
85c to $2
Kayser, ' Portland Maid and Mo
hawk three of the world's best
makes. Black, white - and all the
favored shades, with two-tone, con
trasting and Paris Point stitching.
Center Circle, lat Floor.
Men's Oxfords
Main Floor Standard $7.00 and
$7.50 lines, taken from our reg
ular slock.. Men's Gunmetal.
Oxfords with Neolln soles. Mod-
Ified English last with blind eye
lets. All sizes and' IQ QpT
widths. - Saturday, pair iPOeSd
'Scout' Shoes
Main Floor Men's "Scout"
Shoes of soft elkskin. Dark
brown and smoke colors. Seam
down front instead of side. Fine
for outing and light work. Reg
ular $4.50 and $5.00 IQ QK
Shoes, Saturday, pzrfDO00
25c Veils
At 19c
Main Floor Women's Lock
stitch, -Syp-On Veils ,of double
twist silk thread mesh. Shown
in black, navy, brown and pur
ple. Excellent 25c veils. " Q
Special for Saturday at J-
-New Veilings by the yard in
all colors and meshes, 3Sc$1.25 ,
Special $14.50
Main Floor New lot just in Marabou Collars in black,
natural and taupe. Dressy and very attractive.
We secured these at a special price. J1 A FA
Priced for Saturday's selling, your choice 5Il3U
Plush Stoles and Collars
New Stoles arid Collars of plush and broadtail
materials. The season's newest in shoulder wraps to
go wun summer aresses. bee these. 510 to $27.50
Late Styles in Motor Headwear
$1.00 to $9.50
St.E'SrSl r.U,rI,??? Mayonnaise Bowl
ment of your motor trip. We have O-!
the latest styles ready at the OUCllil 41.0
- . a r
veiling counter. 011 k p o p 1 1 n,
satin and duck materials.
Prices range SI. 00 to $9.50
SPECIAL Soft duck Motor Hats
combination colors rink, blue,
tan. Maker's odd lot
Saturday priced at only luL
Sale of Girls' Tub Dresses
$1.79 to $7.98
Second Floor. It hardly pays one to make
the children's dresses when such pretty gar
ments are to be had for so little. Many
smart styles with smocking, fancy belts,
pockets, 'etc. Made up in plaid and striped
ginghams in good colors. Sizes 6 to
,14. Special at $1.79 up to $7.98
Girls' Sweaters
At $5.98
Excellent wool sweaters for beach,
outing and sport wear. Belted styles.
Good range of colors. (PfT QQ
Saturday priced special at 507O
Girls' Middy Blouses Special $1.79
Second - Floor Girls' Middy Blouses
ot plain white material. Laced front
style, with large collars. Fine for
vacation days. Limited !- fJCk
number on sale Saturday wit
Second Floor Girls' Dress Skirts,
made plaited style and fastened to
waist. Ideal to wear with Middy
Blouse. Good quality ma- 2- QQ
terial. On sale Saturday DX70
All $10-$35 Hats M Price
Millinery Salons,' 2d Floor
This is no ordinary sale rest assured of that! It doesn't mean
the closing out of undesirable millinery, but a genuine sacrifice
of every $10 to $3 5 trimmed hat in the Millinery Store and there
are a great many of the hats that have been in the store but a few
days. Leghorns, Milans.' Lisere, Georgette and novelty , braids.
Hats for all occasions in the season's newest and best shapes.
$10 Hats at $5.00
$35 Hats at $17.50
-$10 Trimmed
-$12 Trimmed
-$15 Trimmed
-$18 Trimmed
Hat. $7.50
$20 Trimmed Hat $10.00
$25 Trimmed Hat $12.50
$30. Trimmed ' HaU $15.00
$35 Trimmed HaU $17.50
Untrimmed Hats Half Price
Ranging $10 and Up
$10.00 Hat
$12.00 Hat
$15.00 Hat
Shapes' , $5.00 $16.50 Hat Shapea $8.25
Shapes $6.00 Special Low Prices Saturday .
Shapes $7.50 on Misses and Children's HaU!
Hair Bow
SPECIAL LOT containing sev
eral hundred yards of hi eh grade
Hair. Bow Ribbons underpriced
for Saturday Fancy Warp
Prints and other novelties in all
the most desirable colors.
Values; up ,to 75c the yard.
Special 35c, 40c
50c Yard
Third Floor Glass Mayonnaise
Bowl with silver deposit design and
plated ladle as sketched. A
handsome piece suitable 2f OJT
for gift-giving 'Special tDXeawD
Butter Dishes
At $1.25
Glass Butter Dishes with silver
plated ' top. Only a limited num
ber of these left. Sat- J-f Opr.
urday sale priced at u) Xat)
Basement Sale of Semi
Porcelain Dinnerware
B est American Semi-Porcelain
Dinner Ware special lines on sale
Saturday in the Basement Store.
Berry Bowls 39c
Berry or Salad Bowls in assorted
decorations, also Gravy OQrt
Boats Basement 'special at OIl
Plain White Pie Plates Special at 9c
White Dinner Plates at 15c
Basement American - Semi-Porcelain
Pie Plates, , white. - popular shape.
On sale Saturday in the Base-. Q
ment at this special price, eachf t
Breakfast or Medium Din- "
ner Plates, priced special at Afxlx
Large Dinner Plates, priced - JT
special for this sale at, each lO C
White With Pink Flower Decoration
Semi-Porcelain Sauce Dishes Iwita.
pink decoration. Regular size.
Priced special for Saturday at " V.
Berry Dishes, slightly larger r7!
size. Priced special now at only V
Bread and Butter Plates With neat
pink decoration. Priced spe- " fn
dal for Saturday ojily at, each -LUC
Pie Plates with pink decor-! A
ation. Priced special . now at JLvlU
OATMEAL SAUCERS with white and gold and pink and gold dec- - JT "
oration. On sale Saturday in the Basement at only. ............... XOC
Formerly Priced $15 to $18
Main Floor -This lot Sscomposed of high-grade Suits from our reg
ular .stock. The range of sizes is broken, but if your boy's size is
here you will get a remarkable bargain. Mostly novelty I" O (TA
mixtures, Two pairs pants with each suit. $15 $18 vals. OXaWatJV
Children's Wash Suits
$1.25 to $7.50
Main Floor The little ones enjoy coot, com
fortable clothes as jwell as the grown-ups.
All the newest 1919 styles are here, includ
ing Middy and Junior models. Percales,
ginghams, chambrays, madras and vari
ous other materials. $1.25 to $7.50
Junior Suits
$&50 to $15
. , . . . .
made just like, older-boys' suits only they i
have: straight pants or in sailor middy styles'
with long or short pants. Ages 4 to lO.
It 1.25 Khaki Pants, special at only 89c
'. . Pent., Main Floor. .
Hat Shapes
Basement Choice of over 10
different styles. .Chip, rough
braids, imitatioji Panamas and
hemps. Black, . white and as
sorted colors. Hats for women,
misses and children. J-I ff
Saturday special at JliUU
Outing Hats
Basement Imitation Panamas,
banded Javas. fancy striped
hats, khaki colored Hats. Some
are tailor trimmed. Q"f flft
Priced special atDAUlF