THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 23 FRIDAY. JUNE : 27 1919, -. PORTLAND. OREGON JOHN. DAY HIGHWAY 11 n n nr Tiinmimi fuuLu dl nnuuun UNTAPPED COUNTRY Importance of Route Lies in. Fact That Section at Present Has .No Railroad Shipping Facility. TWO ROUTES SUGGESTED, One Leaves Columbia River High- -way at Biggs and Other Leaves Columbia River at Arlington. By It. C. John ton Canyon City. June 27. Next to the ... Pacific and Columbia river highways in the state highway system Is the John Day highway. Its Importance lies in the fact that it passes through a sec tion which is not served by railroad. Its course is through Oilliam, Wheeler, Grant, Baker and Malheur counties, chiefly a livestock country. The west ern end of the highway has not yet been located definitely. Two locations are under considera tion. One leaves the Columbia river highway at Biggs and proceeds across ' Sherman county, crossing- the John Day river at Cottonwood and thence to Con don. The other location is to leave the Columbia river at Arlington and run through the center of Gilliam county to Condon. From a topographical stand point this is the most natural location. It also conforms with the general plan for the. development of transportation on the Columbia river. It being the most direct route to the1 river and down hill all the way. The Cottonwood route In : volvss the crossing of the John Day canyon, necessitating expensive con . structlon. PASSES THROUGH FOSSIt . From Cottonwood the John Day high way passes through Fossil and then strikes the John Day river, which It follows through "Picture Gorge" and on np the John Day valley to Us head at Prairie jcity. From this point the high way crosses the mountains through the southeastern part of Baker county to Vale, where it connects with the Central Oregon highway, and thence to the . eastern boundary of the state at Nyssa. The location between Prairie and Vale has not yet been fully decided upon. One Interest wants the road to run to Austin and thence to Unity. Another interest advocates from Prairie direct to r Unity. This route is only 30 miles long. The Austin route Is 54 miles. Both routes cross the national forest and rise to an elevation of approximately 5000 feet. This- is the only hindrance to an all-year-round route. It is claimed, however, that the road can be kept open nearly the entire winter. It is claimed that the advantage is in favor of the - direct route. which has only 15 miles within the heavy snow belt. The Austin route, it is said, has 40 miles of deep snow; From Unity east the highway enters Malheur county by way of Iron side and Brogan, passing through a rich section of country to Vale. SOMIf MOSEY SPE3 T In the way of improvement consider able money has been already spent by the state and counly In Wheeler county between Mayville and Sarvice creek. Between Sarvice creek and Valdes ranch In Grant county, a few miles west of Dayvllle In the John Day valley, a section of 50 miles has been under a cooperative agreement between the fed eral government, state and county under the federal aid act. The improvement has advanced to the construction stage ' and bids have . been called for. The estimated cost of this project Is ap- proximately $500,000. The grading along the John Day river is very heavy and will average $10,000 a mile. The cost is added to by the fact that It Is a long ways from a railroad, making it a. difficult oroblem to assemble material and equipment. The worst section of the highway In John Day valley Is between John Day city and Prairie, a distance of 14 miles. This section Is now being improved, being regraded and macadamized. The work is divided Into two post road sec tions. About 75 per cent of the grading has been completed and about 25 per cent of the macadamizing. It is over this section that chrome ore Is being hauled. This fact led to an early com mencement of the improvement during the war. A factor entering into the heavy cost of Improvement is the neces sity of protecting irrigating ditches, many of which are crossed. In many places the water is Bi phoned under the road. In rocking the surface of the road the old mining dumps of early days are useful in furnishing material. In many places these old dumps lie along the roadside. HAS FINE SCENERY The estimated cost of the improve ment between John Day and Prairie is approximately $150,000. - Incidental to its commercial value the John Day highway vies with other. Ore- gon roads In its scenic setting. This embraces rugged mountains, deep can yons and beautiful valleys filled with orchards and alfalfa fields. An inter esting place is Picture canyon, a deep, rocky cleft through which the John Day. river' winds through beds of lime stone in which repose fossil remains of a past age. To the student of geology the John Day valley furnishes an inter esting study in Its deeply eroded buttes. From "a material standpoint when the highway is ultimately completed it will provide an easy outlet of communica tion between the eastern part of the State and the Willamette valley. The traveler from the eastern "boundary of the state will on reaching Dayvllle have the -choice of two routes to the coast, either by way of Mitchell and Frinevme. across the McKensie pass road or by way of Fossil and Condon to a junction with the Columbia river highway. . Doc Stork Delivers. ; Triplets in Adams - v Ritsvllle. Wash., June 87. The second set of triplets, two boys and a girl, in Adams countss were born Tuesday night to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zeller. farmers, living eight miles west of town. The ZeUers- have been . married alx years and they have nine children. Twins were born to" them about two years ago. Siple Is ntlmsiastic Over Oregon Jersey Cow, Vive La France' 3. Law Siple. famous for his art photographs of pure-bred cows. an4 other livestock, called Upon General Manager O. M. Plummer of the Pacific International Livestock exposition Wed nesday to express his enthusiasm over the Northwest and its future as a stock raising section. With another expert of his firm, and accompanied by L. L. Noble, Judging specialist for Armour & Co. of Chicago. Brple has been making the rounds of all the big stock farms and breeding cen ters of the Pacific coast, and had just come from the Plckard farm In Marlon county, where 125 feet of moving picture film and numerous still life studies were taken of "Vive la France." the famous Oregon bred 'Jersey cow that won the world's record In the Jersey class for the production of butter fat and missed the world's dairy cow record by only four pounds. Offers of $30,000 have been refused for this animal. "She Is the - most beautiful cow In the world," said Mr. Siple. "She Is absolute perfection, and except for an accident In being deprived of green feed for .several weeks last year she would now be holding the world's dairy record. I predict that she will make a record better than 1200 pounds this year and win the world's record by more than 120 pounds. I also unhesitatingly pre dict that if she goes to the international dairy show at Chicago this fall ehe will easily carry off the grand cham pionship of the world. She is a sample of what can be done by way of breeding in Oregon, and Oregon ought to be very proud of this perfect cow." SUMMER SCHEDULE TO CLATSOP BEACH ONTS ANNOUNC ED Changes Are Effective Next Sun- day and Will Involve Faster Running Time. Announcement of the summer sched ule of passenger trains running between .Portland, Astoria and beach points was made Wednesday by the Spokane, Port land & Seattle railway. The change will be effective next Sunday and will in volve a faster running schedule. Train No. 21, leaving Portland at 7 :03 a. m., will run through to Seaside, in stead of having Astoria as its terminal. The daily limited leaving Portland at 8:30 a. m. will arrive at Astoria at 11 :45 a. m., instead of 11:59, and at Seaside at 12 :50 p. m.. Instead of 1 :05 p. m. It will not stop at Goble and Clatskanie, and will stop only at Warrenton and points west to discharge passengers from east of Astoria. - The Saturday special will leave Port land, commencing June 28, at 2 p. m., instead of l.:45, and will arrive at As toria at 5:15 and Seaside at 6:20, stop ping at Warrenton and western points to discharge passengers from Portland. This train will not stop at Goble. SPECIAL TRAIN JULY 3 Thursday. July 3, for the accomoda tion , of Fourth of July visitors to As toria and Clatsop beach points, a fast train will leave Portland at 4 p. m. and arrive at Astoria 7 :20, Gearhart 8:15 and Seaside 8:25, stopping at other Clat sop beach points to discharge passengers from Portland. Train No. 23, leaving Portland at 8 :20 p. m., will not stop at Goble. Train No. 27, leaving Portland at 5 :45 p. m., for Rainier, will be about five minutes ear lier than now at Scappoose and points west thereof. Train No. 24 will start at Seaside at 3 :40 p. m., leaving Astoria at 4 :45 p. m. instead of 4, and arriving Portland at 8.55 p. m. instead of 8 :10. OTHER CHANGES ANNOUNCED Train No. 32. the daily limited from Clatsop Beach points, will leave Sea side 6 :40 p. m. instead of 5 :40. -Astoria 7:35 instead of 6:45. and arrive Port land 10:50 p. m. Stops will be made only at Surf Wahannah, Gearhart and Warrenton to receive passengers, and the regular stop at Rainier. A fast special train, Sundays only, will leave Seaside 6:05 p. m., Gearhart 6:11, Astoria 7:10, arriving Portland 10:25 p. m., receiving passengers at Surf. Wahannah. Columbia. Beach and Warrenton, with no station stops' be tween Astoria and Portland. Jfj" . , T Strong and Healthy. If jjfCfcrfOj tney i ire, smart, itch. Vh,, CiCC or Bura M Sore Irri lUUil UU UtexLInflamedorGrani dated, use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Men Who Posed as , Police Are Held on Charges of Robbery Three persons accused of felonies rr held to await the action of the grand jury, and three vac-ran h vr to jail, during Thursday's sessions of me municipal court. J. F. Kellaher and Ed Farrell accused of posing as police men and Intimidatine an Italian r mu.. into paying them a sum of money to arop oooiieggtng charges, were held for robbery and Garland Rose accused of the theft of four automobile tirea was hew ror grand larceny. Ed Man das and Raymond McWhorter. north end habitue. mvlvxH inn on days in Jail, respecitvely, and Mable Davis was sentenced to spend 45 days In the city prison. Labor Union to Sue Because of Alleged D ef amatory Articles The Meat Cutters union announced at the Portland Labor council - meeting Thursday night that it had decided to bring a suit for defamation of char acter agatnst Frye & Co. for $200,000 damages,; and papers were being pre pared by attorneys It is alleged that their organization and Individuals com prising it have been characterized as traitors,, murderers, Bolshevik! and so forth, in advertisements and, articles ap pearing in the public press. Bunks f for ships so supported that they remain level no matter how much the. vessel rolls have been patented by an English woman. . '.. ; ; Good Beefsteak, 15c At Frank L. Smith's. 228 Alder street: Roast beef and roast veal, 15c. Boiling beef and pot roasts, 12Y&C. Smith's tenderloin steak. 20c Roast beef, 15c : Prime ribs, 15c. Nice fresh tongues, per nound ss Beef, liver, 8c Breast veal. 15c Eye Book. Marine Ey Kerned? C.. Cttcsae' W1. " ,Kld ,e8' 20c- Tr"" J -FrankI Smith's is 22g Alder t, Alder L Adv. Sale of 100 Women's Silk Dresses $9.75 to $14.75 Values 7L50 These dresses have been taken from regular stock and reduced for tomor row only J Made of fine quality silk poplin in a variety! of attractive styles. Plain and belted modes with round, sailor and panel collar. Smartly trimmed with 'braid, embroidery and buttons, i All ; sizes for women and misses. Wonderfully good values at $r.o0 instead of $9,75to $14.75. Sale Silk Skirts at $2.98 300 fine silk poplin skirts for everyday and vacation wear. Made with shirred yoke. Novelty pockets. Rose, Nile, dark green, brown, taupe, plum, navy and black.' All sizes 24 to 30 waist. Excellent values at $2.98.- Sale of 100 Women's Wash Frocks Special, for Saturday at $15.98 Cool, dainty summer frocks made of fine .voiles, French ginghams and chambrays. Some with vestee. Belted styles, straight or crushed. Tailored and full flare sleeves. Straight skirts with large tucks and peplum styles. Large and 'small checks, stripes and printed effects in a varied assortment of color combinations. Trimmed in contrasting shades. . Sizes 16 to 42. And a Sale of Women's Fine Silk iWaists At the Moderate Price of $4.98 Crepe de chine and Georgette waists In plain colors, printed and flowered designs. Round, square and V-neck models, some collarless. Embroidered and beadeH styles. Some of the new button in the back waists included at $4.98. All sizes. Men's Outing Shirts $1 Just the thing for vacation, guting and over the Fourth wear. Made of good materials in fancy striped effects. With attached collars and pockets. Some fine soisette shirts. All sizes. Men's Fine Cotton Sox Pair 25c Black, white, lavender, tan and navy cotton sox in all sizes. Slightly imperfect qualities of the regular 40c grades. Boys' Suits $5.50 to $10 Good wearing, good looking suits in all the popular light and dark mixtures. Knickerbocker styles. We have just received a new shipment of wool mjxed blue serge suits at J! 10. All sizes 8 to 17 years. Boys Hats 59c Boys hats in rah rah and rookie styles. Plain or with fancy bands. All sizes. Very specially priced at 59c. Play Suits $1.19 Blue and khaki colored play suits with red collars, cuffs and pockets. For boys and girls 3 to 8 years. Children's Slippers 98c White Mary Jane slippers with rubber soles. One-strap style. Fine for Summer wear. Sizes 4 to 10 4, pair 98c. Sizes 11 to 2, ? pair $ 1.19. Women's sizes 2 to 7, pair 139. Tennis Shoes Pair Special at $1 Men's, boys', women's and children's tennis shoes and Oxfords at $1 pair while any remain. Discontinued numbers. Sale of Suppl 7 Rolls Paper 25c Waxed: paper in size 12xt8 inches for sandwiches, etc. 15 sheets paper to roll. Lunch Sets 12c Each set consists of l table cloth, 10 napkins and 10 gaper ies 40 Napkins 10c Extra fine quality folded paper napkins packed in sanitary car tons. 40 in carton. Paper Plates 12c Good Quality- paper plates packed in sanitary containers. 20 plates in container. , , -plates packed in carton Meier Jc Frank's : Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony. Tim QMfujrrfSrotm c Portland sCharge Purchases Go On July Bills Rendered August 1st Gentiine Eastman Films We have complete stocks of genuine Eastman films the kind in the yellow package. Get your over Sunday films here tomorrow. Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. , . V The- QuALrrVSTo' ear or- Portland Children's Free Playground Bring the kiddies to the playground on the Fifth Floor tomorrow shoot-the-chutes, merry-go-round, teeter totter, swings. FREE! , Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. Saturday Shopping News ' il r ' ; : : 1 MEN f?t .41 X:,' Special Sale of 60c Gloves 42c Odds and ends of women's silk and chamoisette gloves in white only. Two-clasp style. All are washable. No phone ordHrs. No C. O. D.'s. No approvals. Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. Picnic Needs A special, sale of picnic and warm weathereeds: 15c Plain White Napkins, 100 for 11c 15c Paper Plates, 8-inch size, i pkg- 11c t'Sc Picnic Sets, complete, set '10c ' 5c Waxed Paper, 6 rolls for 20c 7c Salad or Ice Cream Dishes, dozen 5c 10c Drinking Cups, doz. 8c Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. Neckwear New Vestings Georgette Crepe and net vestings-r-some tucked, oth ers combined with French and round mesh Val. lace frills and insertions. 1-6 to 1-4 yard makes a vest. Yard $2.50 to JS7.50. Plush Coatees Full size plush coatees with belt and roll collar. Novelty silk lined. $17.50. Capes, Coatees Plush, Hudson seal plush, keraml. verimole and broad tail capes, stoles and coatees with plain and fancy linings. Some with ball trimming. 6.95 to 27.50. Other models 135 to 55. New fichus for summer wash frocks and new collars and sets now on display. Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. Veils New imported white drape veils in plain and esprit net. Embroidered borders in ap plique Ucerr effects. $1.50 to 3.25. r Shetland motor veils in large meshes with .woven border, brown and navy, 11. Semi-elastic veils in scroll and chenille dotted effects. Black, taupe, brown and pur ple. Each 50c. Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. Toiletries Daggett & Ramsdell's Cream, 10c to $1.35. Hudnut's Marvelous Cream, 25c to $1. Pompeian Massage Cream, 48c to 93c. Pompeian Nigbt Cream, 28c to 75c. Pompeian Day Cream, 50c. Pompeian Bloom Face Powder, 50c r Java-Tfice Face Powder, 45c. L.a. Blache Face Powder. 49c. Jergen s Violet Glycerine Soap, box 25c, , cake 10c Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. Bathing Caps We have a complete stock of bathing caps, including all the new styles and shapes from the plain divers to the fancy caps in different colors. Kxtra heavy pure gum div ing caps, gray rubber, 65eV Diving caps, ordinary weight, different colors, 354. Stocking cap style bathing caps, different colors, 606, Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. Sandals ' Children's T barefoot sandals are most comfortable and practical tfor summer' wear. Tan. black and smoke color sandals - with extension soles. Sizes 1 , to 5. pair 91.25. Sixes 5 Vi to 8. pair 1.75. Sizes 8ft to 11. pair 2.00. Sizes' 11 Vi to 2, pair S2.50. Meier & Frank's ; Third Floor. We WUl Have on Display and Sale Tomorrow a New Shipment of 66 Society Brand Suits: $45 Young men and men who stay young will enthuse over these new Society Brand suits that have just been re ceived. They are in just the styles that men are asking for, just the right wights for immediate and all summer wear, just the right patterns and colorings that will ap peal to discriminating men. They exhibit high-class workmanship, fit and finish. You'll say they're igreat values when you see these suits at $45. "Waist-Seam" Models in single and double-breasted styles are featured. Dependable cassimeres, cheviots, flannels, worsteds and homespuns are shown jn plain shades, mixtures and color combinations. Sizes 34 to 40. Meier & Frank's : The Store for Men, Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) f. ' a- v v 'ft - f t u ; Straws and ! Panamas '. You'll want a new straw hat or Pan ama for Fourth of July and summer wear and if you would secure the big gest value in town you will come to MEIER & FRANK'S. Here you will find new and complete stocks of straws and Panamas in so many styles and at such a wide range of prices as to insure the satisfaction of everyone. The MEIER & FRANK expert service makes selection a pleasant task. , Come in Tomorrow Our assortments comprise Sennits, Split Straws, Leghorns, Bangkoks, Balibuntals, Baliluks, etc. " In especial demand, are our Knox and P)um & Koch straws at $4 and S, prices then ranging by' easy stages tip. .to $12. Genuine South American -panamas are here in wide variety' at SS to 20. Suppose' yoti '. let us show you the new things in straws-and panamas tomorrow. Newest Mauhattaii SMrts Manhattan v shirts are everywhere "known as the best, the best known." MEIER & FRANK'S is the principal IVrtland selling agent for nation ally famous Manhattan shirts. We have just received an immense New Shipment of Manhattan Shirts exhibiting all ttfe. newest and rhost exclusive patterns and colqrings for advanced and con servative dressers. This new shipment, added to our already complete stocks, gives us the largest and finest assortments of Manhattan shirts in Portland. . " Prices range from the fine madras shirts at $3 to $5 to the heavy silk shirts at 10. Stiff cuff madras shirts are $3, 3.50 and 4. Sale Summer UiiioB Suits .ThrTc extraordinarily fine groups in men's' summer union suits tomorrow:. , 98 c Athletic-union' suits in checked nainsook and mull, crossbar and self-striped madras. Elastic ribbed waistbands. Closed crotch. Sizes 34 to 4$. 'Men's athletic style' union suits of fine . lightweight fiber mixed material in jacquard patterns, madras., silk, striped fiber and checked fabrics, . -Meter tc Frank's : The Store for Men, Main Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) $1.29 Wright's, . Lawrence. Lastlong, Otis and Monarch cotton ribbed union : suits in short or long sleeves, ankle length style. All sizes. -- White and ecru.