The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 22, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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Story of Labors of lassies in
.France andVice Fight Here
to Be Told at All Churches.
lAsk Mr. Foster to Help Plan YourVacation Trip-r-This Service Is FREE 6tb Floon
Safety for -Furs
Absolute protection awaits winter furs consigned
to our storage vaults , on the premises for summer
safe-keeping. -.: r' j .
Expert repairing land remodeling now at special
summer fates. v": i C': ' .
Phone or drop a postal and our auto will call for
your furs. ; . ? Meier & Frank's : Fourth Floor.
She Came Through dver There
Now You Come Through Over Here
On the battlefields of France the Salvation Army showed such a spirit of
mercy, of courage, of sacrifice, of devotion to the cause of guttering
humanity as to win the admiration and regard of all. The war is over, but
many still need a helping hand. Funds are urgently needed to carry on the
good work. The drive Is now on. GIVE without stint. 1
The- QyAtrrYSTo
Herds a Page of Real ( Newsl
Elks Have Charge of Drive and
: Will Be Busy All Over State
, Getting Subscriptions to Work.
Semi-Annual Sale
. .A-JT iaer
r kam. Urn
"Journal Readers
3 ' 'Model"
The story- of the Salvation Army
lassie on the battlefields of France and
the work of this organization In the
"home trenches' of vice will be told in
many Portland pulpits this morning as
the beginning of the campaign to raise
money for the home, service of the Sal
vation Army in Oregon.
Monday, a score of teams composed
of prominent members of Portland lodge
No. 142, Elks, will begin canvassing the
city under the direction of "General"
J. J. Berg, exalted ruler of the lodge,
and "Major General" Henry E. Reed.
The campaign throughout the state is
being, conducted u rider the auspices of
.the Oregon State Elks" association.
Oregon's quota is $250,000. of which
IISR.OOO will be raised in the city of
Portland. All of the money will be
spent hi work of the army within the
state of Oregon.
For many yeais the Salvation Army
has been handicapped by lack of funds.
Workers in the organisation have been
forced to spend a large amount of time
and expend energy In making constant
appeals to the publlo for financial as
sistance. ' During the world war, the Salvation
Army sent its workers to France to
take part In furnishing comforts to the
American soldiers. Up in the front line
areas they found plenty of work to do.
The Salvation Army lassies established
the huts, made the famous doughnuts
and were sisters fo men.
Through this work in France the Sal
vation Army learned that systematic
campaigns for-funds not alone save en
ergy, but avoid duplication of work.
Consequently the - home service cam
paigns for the support of the work in
alt states was decided upon.
One of the features In connection with
the Portland Elks campaign is a stunts
night next Saturday night. This affair
will be in the nature of a street car
nival in which many Elks will take part.
George O. Brandenburg, chairman of
the Pep" committee of the State Elks"
association, is in charge of this event.
- Headquarters for the Portland Elks'
Salvation Army drive have been es
tablished in the ground floor of .the
Elks' building, Broadway and Stark
streets, with Stanhope S. Pier in charge.
Sam B. Martin, county auditor, has been
' designated by General Berg as official
auditor of the drive. The state cam?
paign is being waged by the Elks under
the direction of Dr. William S. Kennedy,
president of the Oregon State Elks' as
sociation, with Harry O. Allen, state
secretary, as chief aid.
The money collected will all be ex-
' pended in Oregon, and systematically in
accordance with a budget passed upon
by a committee of prominent citizens of
Oregon, headed by Governor Ben W.
Olcott and Mayor George L. Baker.' In
this budget is $7000 for operation and
maintenance of the Portland Rescue and
Maternity home at 3S2 East Fifteenth
street north. This home is one of a
chain of the largest rescue homes and
maternity hospital in the world, all es
tablished and maintained by the Salva
tion Army. The girls and their children
'remain in the home at least three
-months and as much longer as Is neces
sary. They are taught to work, special
Instruction being given in cooking, sew
ing and general housework. The Salva
tion Army keeps in touch with the girla
after they leave the home and they pan
always count. on welcome to these homes
when out of employment or ill. 1
Fifteen hundred dollars will go to op
erating and . replacement of equipment
of the men's social institution at 34
. Union Avenue. I Here the door is open
to every man willing to work. It mat-
ters not what his past record may have
been, his creed or his nationality, wheth
er he is whole or crippled. 1 he is
- willing to "work, he Is given a chance.
Many hospital patients who are not
strong enough for regular employment
are cared for during the convelescent
One of the big items o the budget Is
for the erection of a central Salvation
Army building in Portland, containing
facilities for senior and junior - work,
relief , and missing friends, free employ
ment - and dispensary, and rooms and
baths for men. One hundred and fifty
thousand dollars is to be used to pay for
the land, and building.
The other items of the budget are as
For operating expenses and enlarging
operations. Salvation. Army "' work- in
Oregon, M00O ; operating, and enlarge
ment "of young people's work, state of
Oregon, $1500 ; executive oversight and
training of Salvation Army officers, also
disabled officers' funds, $3500; prison
work for the state of Oregon, in state
.prison and. with, prisoners, $2000 ; for
. relief of poor ! families In the city of
Portland, $7500 ; deficit of corps budgets
in the state of Oregon, $18,000.
Red Cross Shop Is
Asking Donations
To Keep Up Work
The American Red Cross shop, 70-73
Third street. Is filling two remarkable
functions in Portland.
In the first case, it Is part of a great
conservation movement, initiated by the
American Bed Cross, to collect unused
trifles and things that ' ' were ; not so
trifling, and present them for sale, AH
the articles offered for sale are donated
to the Red Cross and all proceeds from
those sale go direct ' to the American
Pled - Cross : and; at. this time, vfumiBh
the Red Cross .wttlv its largest share of
.. revenue. v. . i V " v
- In ' the .second case, the v Red Cross
shop has offered -those wishing to pur
chase beautiful things but not being
able to afford , them, to obtain- them at
a comparatively' low .'price.1
-- The two largest items of revenue lie
in its sales of used clothing and books.
Literally scores of persons are thus able
" to obtain clothing of a class that oth
erwise they could not afford.
Just In! the
New "Danse"
Bag $1.95
As the picture shows, this lat
est arrival in our Leather Goods
Shop is decidedly new and at
tractive in shape and it serves
the .purpose of a handbag in an
admirably effective way.
Made of good quality JVlorocco
leather, lined . with moire silk
and fitted with mirror. - Colors
are brown, blue, gray, . purple
and black. -
On sale tomorrow for the first
time at 1.95.
. Meier St Frank's : Main Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
$25.00 to $42.00 Values
Fifty-five only -and , with
the fame of our sale of model
blouses as of model gowns
definitely established, early
shopping is imperative if one
would share in the values.
The blouses are from one of
America's leading designers,
whose creations, distributed only
through this store, are veritable
masterpieces of designing and
Exclusive models. One illus
trated. Sizes 36 to 42. but few
In sizes 40 and 42. Again we
say come early 1
Meier & Frank's : Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor.
Regularly $10.00 to $50.00
Go on Sale Tomorrow at
To appreciate properly the importance of this milli
nery announcement one has to take into consideration
the fact that; these hats are desirable in every way
from the standpoint .of style and quality. Then con
sider the reduction .which cuts the price exactly in two.
After which,' by natural transit, if a new hat be any
where within the compass of your immediate plans you
will make up your mind to be here tomorrow. '-
Many Models Included
Dress hats, tailored and sports effects. Transparent
braids, liseres, Milans and other fashionable materials.
Novelty feathers, flowers, fruit, yarn and ribbon are
amongst trimmings. All the pretty summer shades
and black.
Were $10.00 to $50.00 now $5 to $25.
-Meier & Frank's :
Millinery Shop, Fourth Floor
Auspices of the
Red Cross
In Our Auditorium on thex
Sixth Floor, Fifth Street,
Beginning Tomorrow, an
and Sale
of Articles
Made by
Interned .
Durinr the war thousands of allied
prisoners were interned in Switzerland.
Some were seriously disabled, others
partially incapacitated. The Red Cross,
that grreat 'agrent of mercy, took them
in hand supplied the skilled ones with
the materials suited to their ability
and training; end patiently taught the
unskilled, thus enabling; the men cut off
from home and friends to earn a little
money for comforts or send it to their
dear ones.
It is these articles, eloquent of a most
touching; side of the great war, brought
to us from abroad, that make up the
collection we offer for sale beginning:
tomorrow. We will sell them at their
exact cost, there being no profit to the
Red Cross or to the store.
Included, are articles in enameled
glassware, raffia work, rugs, hand
carved chairs and tea tables, painted'
and decorated wooden "boxes and trays,
many attractive specimens of toys and)
miscellaneous articles in great variety.'
Uniformed members of Portland
Chapter, American lied Cross, will be
in attendance from 10 to 4:30 daily to
show and sell the merchandise, assisted1
by our own peoplj. This is a splendid
opportunity to secure one or more sou
venirs of the great war, many of the
articles possessing real utility and all
of them rich in human interest, at mod
erate cost and to have the satisfaction
of knowing that you are aiding a most
worthy cause besides.
Sale will be held from 10 to 4 :30 daily
in our Auditorium on che Sixth Floor. -
A Special Purchase and Sale of
New Imported Laces
1 .
We have just received a new shipment of imported net top laces a
special purchase enables us to pffer these laces at savings of a fourth
to a third.
White and cream net top laces in floral and conventional patterns.
6, 12, 18, 24 and 40 inches wide. These-will be extensively used for
afternoon and evening blouses, neckwear and gowns. Yard 49c.
59c 98c and $1.49.
Georgette Crepe, Yard $1.39
Manufacturers' lengths of fine quality Georgette crepe sample
lengths from 2 to 6 yards. Wanted shades of navy, brown, gray
green, black and white. 1.75 and $2.00 qualities.
Meier Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
N "Eppo" Silk Petticoats
Eppo silk petticoats are famous the country over for their surpassing
quality, style and fit. They are
made of fine taffeta," jersey, some
have jersey top with flounce of
messaline or taffeta. Eppo petticoats
fit smoothly over the hips. A par
ticular feature is the side-front open
ing with glove clasps for conven
ience and comfort. Eppos are
shown in all the wanted plain
.hades and changeable effects.
Prices from 6.95 to 12.
i Petticoats $4.85
A special lot of petticoats for to-
morrow a iew eppos in tne lot.
in hanreable taffetas and fancv
striped effects. Limited number. '
Meier & Frame's : Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
wy? jr w-to
1 t'-t3nT&-' .. 1
New White
We have just . received a
new shipment of organdy
the permanent finish kind.
This material .is shown in
plain white. with self checks,
stripes : and : embroidered
designs. We also have a
splendid selection of organ
dies ; in plain colors. 40 . to
48 inches, wide. Yard mod
erately priced 75c to $2.50.
; Linens
A fine assortment of plain lin
ens in white and ecru color. 18
to 72 Inches wide. Moderately
priced. " , ,
. Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
i (Mail Orders Filled.)
A New Department Devoted to
- r .
Ribbon Novelties
has been opened on the Main Floor, center archway. Owing. to the
great demand for dainty ribbon novelties such as this storc shows in
incomparable array, we have opened for the convenience of xur. patrons
an exclusive novelty department where there will be on display and
sale all kinds of beautiful ribbon novelties.' A few of thc things are:
Camisoles, Boudoir Caps, Powder Puffs, Garters, Lingerie
Clasps, Slippers,. Vanity Bags, Mirrors,
I Bonnet Rosettes, Etc.
We also specialize in making, to order
Fancy Ribbon Ctiffs, Bags, Slip
pers, Etc. Estimates given on
Ribbon Badges, Etc. 1
You will find our prices most moderate.
Ribbonology 5c
"Ribbonology" is the name of an' inter
'esting book illustratin md explaining
how to make the voguish ribbon novelties.
pur Ribbon Shop on tlto Main Floor
just inside th Fifth Street entrance for
plain and fancy ribbons -by the yard.
A Sale of $1.00
7 -
A very i special lot of fancy,
stationery ,at this low. price while
any remains. . Good quality writ
ing paper in .white, buff. pink,
lavender, -etc. Some withragged
edges. Each box contains -24
sheets paper and 24 envelopes to
match. Regularly .1,00 extra
special at. 5 3c. v. . '
Meier St Frank's : Main Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Beginning tomorrow ; in our Aparel Shop on the Fourth
Floor we shall hold sales of extraordinary interest to women and
misses who would purchase fashionable summer attire at savings.
First place must be accorded thisdisposal of
Silk Dresses
Altogether exceptional indeed tore '.the values 1 This group em
braces a splendid assortment of tihe modish one-piece silk-dresses
so admirably adapted to summter wear. They are from every
point of view desirable.' ' - ;
Materials are plain and figured georgette, foulard, taffeta and
many effective combinations. ,
- All the fashionable models are included overskirt. surd
full draped, a variety of bodice effects, every approved variation
ot the. style mode. . i
X wide range of desiraiffJcIors, including a complete I
pastel snacies.
All sizes. All wonderful at $27.45.
ice. i im ULH
ine of. V,
The approach of summer gives added 'interest to
this sale we have planned for tomorrow, for it brings
Summer Capes
and Coats
at reductions that may well be called .extraordinary.
' These garments are of silk or wooli comprising such
wanted materials as tricolette, sain,trjcotine, serge
and wool velours. jAll high-grade garments shown in
preferred styles and colors.
Meier & Franka : Fourth Floor. (Mail Orden Filled.)
i .... i
Fashion Shys:
White Shoes for Summer
Now is the tfmel v,-hen women 'begin to think "of their ,
Summer footwear.! Come to the Shoe Shop and inspect
our assortments' of white shoes; for Summer. We have
all the newest-styliis iji highan.low'sjioes.
White kid shoe? wfithJLouls
and Military :Veels. $i 2.50. Ji: J
? White nubuck w.h
toijis' "arid .", mintairy
;,fieeJv4o Varid $9.
.-cloth v and , canyis H
, shoes.-; with- Louis ;
and iliraryJieeis.
White'kid pwnps
tAMlis'jheetsVJSoJ XfgmL 2
nffc&& a ufn kv
fsBortsxfotar. J . ' ? S(S ' .
ow heeM4-4i 5Miii n 'i '
military and
Childrcin's Sandals for Summer
Sandals are caol and .- comfortable and are most practical for
rough wear. Blck, tan and smoke leathers with extension soles.
Pair J1.2S -to $tl.S0. , : " , ' . . V'l''iv"' "Z I
- J - - i Meier & Frank's i Third Floor. (Mail Orders Fille.)
. '
Ntew Dresses
'-.- Short white nainsook dresses
in sizes 6f months to 2 years.
Plain- styles with Jace edges, oth
ers have Irimmjng, of ttucks, ra
broideries. etc Round -and
sduare nfceks.' with '.and without
yokes. it. So to $2. ' . y,4?
New Dresses s V i
"New iwhite dresses 'In elabor
ate, styles. -Straight one-piece
dresses with tucks and ruffled'
edges, f Finishe'd with sashes:
Others . have yokes. '' Priced
3.S0 to $498., ':,'- .
1-, - -; :. - : .- ' '
' : ; New Gowns ? ' '
Soft nainsook1 gowns. In" light
and .'medium 'weights'. 1 - Plain
styles; others are. finished with,
cluster tucks. . 'Sizes 1 ? ajid 2
years. 98c to 1.25. : v
Infants white domet flannel
wrappers and gowns with pink
andiblue crochet edges. Infants
and '1 year sizes. Special It. 49.
- v Meier Frank's : Second Floor.
I Mail Orders Filled.)